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\$04-\LLy 4 te ECEIVED AND FILEL c S 4 e FOR RECORD The STATE OF TEXAS —_ 212" otciocs COMPLAINT — suaneoen ce re Affidavit For Warrant of Arrest MOTPRERIEPETIESS, Count | Charges | Statute Degree | DA File # Agency # 1 | INDECENCY WITHA | 21.11@)() | Second | 18F-004427 | 18081147 CHILD | Degree | | Felony In the Name and by Authority of The STATE of TEXAS: BEFORE MB, the undersigned Authority, on this day personally appeared Joe McGrew, who after being by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That he has good reason to believe and does believe and charged that heretofore, to-wit: on or about April 09, 2000, A.D., and before the making and filing of this Complaint, in the County of Montgomery and State of Texas, Manuel Antonio La Rosa-Lopez, the Defendant, did then and there, with intent to arouse and gratify the sexual desire of Manuel La Rosa-Lopez, engage in sexual contact by touching the genitals of M.V., a child younger than 17 years of age, with the defendant's sexual organ, Affiant, Joc McGrew, is a certified Texas Peace Officer employed by Conroe Police Department. Based on his/her own investigation and review of Offense Report # 18081147 and 18081060 and determined the following facts: On 08/27/18 report 18081060 was filed by J.H., an adult who reported being sexually abused while he was a child under the age of seventeen. In the report J.H. states that during 1998 through 2000 he was a Sacrosant at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, under Father Manuel La Rosa-Lopez (“defendant”), J.H. stated that all during his time as Sacrosant, La Rosa began. touching him and making intimate gestures, which increased in frequency and severity. These gestures culminated on or before 10/05/99 when La Rosa called J.H. into the sacristy to move some items from the offices to La Rosa’s living quarters. Once in the living quarters, La Rosa showed photographs to J.H. which depicted partially-naked men from La Rosa’s seminary. La Rosa sat J.H. on the bed for this. J.H. attempted to leave when he saw the photos, but La Rosa physically prohibited him from leaving. La Rosa then began “fingering” J.H. He unbuttoned JH. pants, reached inside J.H.’s pants and fondled J.H.’s penis and anus with La Rosa’s hands and fingers. The incident ended when J.H.’s sister arrived to pick him up and blew her car horn in the parking lot, La Rosa allowed J.H. to leave. J.H. stated that he was still under the age of seventeen when this incident occurred. Sacred Heart Catholic Church is known by Affiant to be within the jurisdictional limits of Conroe, Montgomery County, Texas. LH, stated that the immediate motivation for his report is the continuing news coverage of the Catholic Priest Sex Scandal, J.H. stated that about one year ago he contacted his local parish, who put him into contact with the Galveston/Houston Archdiocese Victims Assistance Coordinator. He stated that the coordinator is Sister Maureen O’Connell. ‘This led to J.H. being flown from his current residence to Houston and his being interviewed by Sister O’Connell and Cardinal DiNardo. This meeting occurred on 08/08/18. As a result of this meeting, the church offered to provide J.H. with psychological counseling services. The church continues to be in contact with J.H. regarding their investigation. J.H. stated that Sister O’Connell told him that reports had been filed with Conroe Police Department and Child Protect Services. After a thorough search for these records, Affiant has been unable to locate any such reporting, Affiant asked J.H. if he was aware of any other possible victims. J.H. identified his successor as a Sacrsant, J.H.2. He also identified another family, “LAA”. ‘On 08/29/18 report 18081147 was filed by M.V., an adult who reported being sexually abused as a child while under the age of seventeen. M.V. stated that in 2000 she was attending Sacred Heart Catholic Church, located in Conroe, Montgomery County, Texas. She stated that at that time, Father Manuel La Rosa Lopez was her confessor. M.V. stated that early in the year La Rosa began what she described as “grooming behavior”. M.V. stated this was terminology used by her therapist. She stated that the behavior consisted of heavy-petting and kissing. This behavior culminated on or about 04/09/2000 when, after a confession in his office, La Rosa took off his white collar and began kissing M.V. and pressing his erect penis into her “crotch.” (clarified to mean her sexual organ) At that time La Rosa told her, “Ihave to wait until your 16, because I’m trying to fuck you.” Then, on or about 04/11/2000, following a practice for a Passion of the Christ play, M.V. and La Rosa were alone in the church kitchen. M.V. stated that MY. began fondling her, and reached underneath her shirt and her bra to touch her breasts with his hands, MY. stated that she believed she was in a romantic relationship with La Rosa, and recorded their trysts in her diary. She used the code name “Felipe” to refer to him. M.V. stated that her father had been reading her diary, and was investigating who Felipe could be. Her father determined that Felipe was in fact La Rosa and confronted M.V. about it, then made a report to the church. This report resulted in visits from the head priest, Father Dave Kennedy (now deceased) and then-Bishop Joseph Fiornza. The result of these meetings is that La Rosa was transferred away from Sacred Heart and M.V.’s father told M.V. to never to speak of it again. Several months later M.V.’s whole family moved to Israel. In 2010, M.V. had returned to Conroe, TX, and was married. M.V. stated that she observed in a Catholic newspaper that La Rosa had received a promotion, and was in fact assigned his own church in Richmond, TX. This motivated M.V. to follow up with the Catholic Church, and she contacted the Galveston/Houston Archdiocese, which put her into contact with Sister Maureen O’Connell. M.V. was interviewed by Sister O'Connell and Cardinal DiNardo. MLV. was advised that La Rosa had been sent to a mental institution and was then placed in an administrative position from which he had no contact with children or teenagers. Affiant has verified through Church media that La Rosa is the Priest of St. John the Fisher Church Richmond, TX. MLY, stated that she decided to make a police report because of the perceived duplicity of Cardinal DiNardo (regarding his public statements regarding recent priest sex scandals) and the church’s failure to adequately protect children from La Rosa, Affiant asked M.V. about the identity of any other potential victims of La Rosa. MLV. identified another boy who was the Sacrosant at Sacred Heart at the same time La Rosa was her confessor. She stated that the boy spent a lot of time with La Rosa, then identified him by name as J.H.2. She further identified the boys of the “LAA” family. ‘Affiant investigated any ties between M.V. and JH. through thorough social media searches and questioning and has determined no link between the two vietims. Both victims independently cite the current media attention regarding the indictments of priests in Pennsylvania as partial motivators for coming forward at this time. Given the facts of this case, Affiant believes that Father Manuel La Rosa-Lopez, on or about 04/09/2000 in Montgomery County, Texas, committed the offense of Indecency with a Child by contact, by then and there, with intent to arouse-and gratify the sexual desire of, the defendant, by touching the genitals of M.V., a child younger than seventeen years of age, with the defendant's sexual organ, and/or by touching the breast of M.V. Given the facts of this case, Affiant believes that Father Manuel La Rosa-Lopez, on or about 10/05/1999 in Montgomery County, Texas, committed the offense of Indecency with a Child by contact, by then and there, with intent to arouse and gratify the sexual desire of the defendant, by touching the anus of J.H,, a child younger than seventeen years of age, with the defendant's, hand, and/or by touching the genitals of J.H. Against the Peace and Dignity of the State. day of ‘subscribed before me by Joe McGrew, a credible person this 201. FT P A aca ‘Hebert \sSistant District Attorney 9th Judicial District BOND RECOMMENDATION: $_/ 5D OOD of I, the undersigned Magistrate, have examined the facts, statements and charges set out in the above complaint together with the reasons of the Affiant to believe that such charge is true and correct and after receiving evidence and testimony in support of such charge I find that probable cause exists for the issuance of a warrant for the a MAGISTRATE, Montgomery Couniy, Texas pate: Seemteh jp 2018 Par GUT PRINTED NAME OF MAGISTRATE Upon issuance of warrant, to be assigned to the District Court. Warrant # > Date Issued: Bond Amount $_[5@ Part \$09- 1202 EIVED AND FILED 3548 RASS DISTRICT ATTORNEY DEFENDANT IDENTIFIERS — 019° ’ SEP 10 2018 ~ 7 TaRERRT ESET sk (Wnofficial ~ Please Confirm) eee ay sneer epuy Defendant Name + Manuel Antonio Larosa-Lopez Allias’s Address: 2 410 Clay St Richmond TX 77469 Hgt: 5 Ft. 10 In Wet: 260 Lbs. Eyes: Hazel Hair: Grey or Partially Grey Sex: Male Race: White Booking #: FBI#: siDi: PID#: 1833304 DOB: 12/25/1957 DL#: TX-13057879 SSN: Indictment # D.A. File # : 18F-004427 Submitting Agency + Conroe Police Department Agency Report # : 18081147 Arrest Date + Not arrested on this charge Offense Date + 04/09/2000 Offense Code : 2UI1ALL Offense : INDECENCY WITH A CHILD Investigating Officer : MeGrew Assigned Court Bondsmen Bond Date Bond Amount CAPIAS ON INFORMATION Cause Number 18-09-12026 To any Peace Officer of the State of Texas, Greetings: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO ARREST: Manuel Antonio La Rosa-Lopez 410 Clay St Richmond TX 77469 and bring him/her forthwith before the Honorable 359th Judicial District Court of Montgomery County, Texas, at the Court House thereof, in the City of Conroe, then and there to answer the State of Texas upon an Information pending in said Court charging her within the offense of: INDECENCY WITH A CHILDin violation of the Penal Laws of said State, HEREIN FAIL NOT, but of this writ then and there make due return showing how you have executed the same. WITNESS my hand and seal of office on this the 10th day of September, 2018. Barbara Gladden Adamick, District Clerk Mongo County Texas Be LA EN Deputy Bond Set at: $150,000.00 Date Bond Set: September 10, 2018 Judge Phil Grant Sth District Court OFFICER'S RETURN Came to hand the ___ day of 20__, at the o'clock _M. Executed at. ‘within the County of at o'clock__.M.,on the___ day of , 20__, by delivering to the within named in person. The distance actually traveled by me in serving such process was_miles, and my fees are as follows: 7 For serving this WRIT Sheriff Account No. For mileage Total Fees ‘TO CERTIFY WHICH WITNESS MY HAND OFFICILALLY. Sheriff/Constable County, Texas By: Deputy. PRECEPT TO SERVE COPY FOR INFORMATION Cause # 18-09-12026 THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE 359th Judicial District Court vs. MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS ‘Manuel Antonio La Rosa-Lopez To the Sheriff of Montgomery County — Greetings: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to serve Manuel Antonio La Rosa-Lopez the defendant in the Cause No, 18-09-12026, wherein The State of Texas is Plaintiff, and Manuel Antonio La Rosa-Lopez is defendant, in person with the accompanying certified copy of the original Bill of Information now on file in said Court HEREIN FAIL NOT, but of this Writ make due return as the law directs. Given under my hand and official seal, on this the 10th day of September, 2018. Barbara Gladden Adamick, District Clerk Montgomery County, Texas WIN BINT Deputy OFFICER’S RETURN Came to hand the __day of. 20K at eee orclock Executed at . within the County of, at o'clock, on the day of ____, 20__, by delivering the accompanying certified copy of Information No. 18-09-12026 in person. The distance actually traveled by me in serving such process was miles, and my fees are as follows For Serving this WRIT .. = For Mileage.......... Pears Total Fees. Sheriff Account No.___ TO CERTIFY TO WHICH WITNESS MY HAND OFFICIALLY. Sherift/Constable County, Texas By: Deputy > RVD PRECEPT TO SERVE COPY FOR INFORMATION Cause # 18-09-12026 ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE 359th Judicial District Court vs. MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS Manuel Antonio La Rosa-Lopez To the Sheriff of Montgomery County ~~ Greetings: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to serve Manuel Antonio La Rosa-Lopez the defendant in the Cause No, 18-09-12026, wherein The State of Texas is Plaintiff, and Manuel Antonio La Rosa-Lopez is defendant, in person with the accompanying certified copy of the original Bill of Information now on file in said Court ‘HEREIN FAIL NOT, but of this Writ make due retum as the law directs, Given under my hand and official seal, on this the 10th day of September, 2018, Barbara Gladden Auamick, District Ciere Montgomery County, Texas ay. (UU Galt “Deputy OFFICER'S RETURN Came to hand the "day of __ »20__ at o’elock. Executed at within the County of 2 at o’elock, on the __ day of » 20__, by delivering the accompanying certified copy of Information No. 18-09-12026 in person. The distance actually traveled by me in serving such process was miles, and my fees are as follows: For Serving this WRIT ...... — Sheriff Account No. For Mileage Total Fees... (ESS MY HAND OFFICIALLY. Sherift/Constable —— eee Coumly, Texas) is 0 AND FILE: _RESHIER AN EB Aga orcieck LM. " 0 fh THE STATE OF TEXAS SEP 10 2018 aK District Court BARBARA QLADDEN ADAMICK Vv. wonraot ost us SPRY RPET ey oN G47/)7VIy MANUEL ANTONIO LA ROSA-LOPEZ ‘Cause No. Ig () i Wp 1833304 INFORMATION Count | Charge Statute | Degree | DA File# | Agency # _ 1 | INDECENCY WITHA CHILD | 21.11(a)(1) | Second | 18F- | 18081147 Degree | 004427 I Felony IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: THE UNDERSIGNED ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY for the 9th Judicial District in the County of Montgomery and the State of Texas presents in the District Court of said County that Manuel Antonio La Rosa-Loper, the Defendant, on or about April 09, 2000, and before making and filing of this information in the County of Montgomery, State of Texas, did then and there, with intent to arouse and gratify the sexual desire of Manuel La Rosa-Lope7, engage in sexual contact by touching the genitals of M.V., a child younger than 17 years of age, with the defendant's sexual organ, Against the Peace and Dignity of the State. Hebert STANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY |, Barbara Gladden Adar idicial District dg hs 4 ancl page'n Coe 04 L102 ts beige and ore! opy lite Original Record now on fil in the District Clerk's Otfce of Monigomery County, Texas. Wines i! Salt Og niga ats tl bot Ge alla deputy

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