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USDA, NASS, Tennessee Field Office In Cooperation with:

Debra Kenerson, State Statistician

PO Box 41505 Tennessee Department of Agriculture
Nashville, Tennessee 37204-1505 Jai Templeton, Commissioner
(615) 781-5300 or 615-891-0903

RELEASED: September 12, 2018

September 1 Tennessee Crop Production Forecast

Corn production in Tennessee is forecast at 127 million bushels, unchanged from the August forecast and up
5 percent from the previous crop. Yield was estimated at a record 174.0 bushels per acre, unchanged from last
month and up 3.0 bushels from the 2017 level. Acres for harvest as grain were estimated at 730,000 acres, up
20,000 acres from 2017. U.S. corn production is forecast at 14.8 billion bushels, up 2 percent from the August
forecast and up 2 percent from 2017. Based on conditions as of September 1, yields are expected to average
181.3 bushels per acre, up 2.9 bushels from last month and up 4.7 bushels from 2017. Area harvested for grain
is forecast at 81.8 million acres, unchanged from the August forecast and down 1 percent from 2017.

Soybean production for Tennessee is forecast at 87.7 million bushels, up 4 percent from the August forecast
and up 6 percent from 2017. Yield was estimated at 51.0 bushels per acre, up 2 bushels from last month and up
1.0 bushels from a year ago. Acreage for harvest as beans was estimated at 1.72 million acres, up 60,000 acres
from the previous year. U.S. soybean production is forecast at 4.69 billion bushels, up 2 percent from the
August forecast and up 7 percent from last year. Based on September 1 conditions, yields are expected to
average 52.8 bushels per acre, up 1.2 bushels from last month and up 3.7 bushels from last year. Area for
harvest is forecast at 88.9 million acres, unchanged from the August forecast and down 1 percent from 2017.

Tennessee cotton production is projected to be 800,000 bales, up 6 percent from the August forecast and up
9 percent from last year. Cotton yields are forecast to average 1,082 pounds per acre, up 32 pounds from last
month and up 49 pounds per acre from the previous year. Producers expect to harvest 355,000 acres, up
10,000 acres from the August forecast and up 15,000 acres from 2017. U.S. cotton production was forecast at
19.7 million bales, up 2 percent from the August forecast and down 6 percent from 2017. Yields are forecast to
average 895 pounds per acre, down 16 pounds from last month and down 10 pounds from last year. Harvested
acreage is estimated at 10.6 million acres, up 4 percent from the August forecast and down 5 percent from the
previous year.

Tennessee burley tobacco production is forecast at 10.2 million pounds, down 33 percent from the August
forecast and down 43 percent from 2017. Yield was projected at 1,700 pounds per acre, unchanged pounds
from last month and up 200 pounds from the 2017 crop. Harvested acreage was estimated at 6,000 acres, down
6,000 acres from last year's crop. For the burley producing states production is forecast at 129 million
pounds, down 3 percent from the August forecast and down 20 percent from last year. Burley growers plan to
harvest 64,800 acres, down 20 percent from 2017. Yields were expected to average 1,996 pounds per acre, up
19 pounds from last year.
Production of Tennessee dark fire-cured tobacco is forecast at 22.0 million pounds, up 16 percent from the
August forecast and up 5 percent from the previous year. Tennessee dark air-cured tobacco production is
forecast at 6.72 million pounds, up 95 percent from the August forecast and up 68 percent from last year.


Area Planted 1 Area Harvested Yield Per Acre Production
Crops 2017 2018 2017 2018 2 2017 2017 2018
Aug 1 Sep 1 2
(1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (bushels) (bushels) (bushels) (1,000 bushels) (1,000 bushels)
Corn 750 780 710 730 171.0 174.0 174.0 121,410 127,020
Soybeans 3 1,690 1,750 1,660 1,720 50.0 49.0 51.0 83,000 87,720
Wheat, Winter 34 370 390 275 295 70.0 63.0 -- 19,250 18,585

(acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (pounds) (pounds) (pounds) (1,000 pounds) (1,000 pounds)
Cotton 345,000 360,000 340,000 355,000 1,033 1,050 1,082 732 800
All -- -- 21,100 16,400 2,038 2,184 2,376 43,000 38,960
Burley -- -- 12,000 6,000 1,500 1,700 1,700 18,000 10,200
Dark-Fire Cured -- -- 7,500 7,600 2,800 2,800 2,900 21,000 22,040
Dark-Air Cured -- -- 1,600 2,800 2,500 2,300 2,400 4,000 6,720
(1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (1,000 acres) (bushels) (bushels) (bushels) (1,000 bushels) (1,000 bushels)
Corn 3 90,167 89,128 82,703 81,770 176.6 178.4 181.3 14,604,067 14,826,690
Soybeans 3 90,142 89,557 89,522 88,862 49.1 51.6 52.8 4,391,553 4,693,135
Wheat, Winter 34 32,696 32,732 25,291 24,816 50.2 47.9 -- 1,269,437 1,189,199

(acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (pounds) (pounds) (pounds) (1,000 pounds) (1,000 pounds)
Cotton 12,612,500 14,042,000 11,100,400 10,554,400 905 911 895 20,923 19,682
All -- -- 321,470 304,980 2,209 2,130 2,088 710,161 636,772
Burley -- -- 81,500 64,800 1,977 1,905 1,996 161,140 129,360
Dark-Fire Cured -- -- 19,270 18,880 3,089 3,029 3,060 59,531 57,772
Dark-Air Cured -- -- 7,600 10,000 2,658 2,620 2,616 20,200 26,160
1 2 3 4
Commodities with estimates not available are (denoted by "--"). Forecasted. Area harvested represents grain. Includes area
planted in preceding fall. 5 Production in 480-lb. net weight bales. U.S. production includes American-Pima cotton.

USDA is an equal employer, provider and lender.

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