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Important: Read First

Release Notes for PRO/II 8.0

Welcome to the release of PRO/II 8.0. These Release Notes
supplement and supersede the corresponding sections in all PRO/II
8.0 documentation supplied with this release. If upgrading from
PRO/II 4.x, please read the Release Notes for PRO/II 5.0 first.

New Features of PRO/II 8.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
New Features of PRO/II 8.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Important Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Installation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Known Defects and Constraints using SIM4ME Reports . . . . . . 19
Switching Security Types for PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
UAS/PDTS Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Where to Find PRO/II 8.0 Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Printed Documentation Included with this Package . . . . . . . . . . 27
Online Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Summary of Defects Fixed in PRO/II 8.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Summary of Defects Fixed in PRO/II 7.1 Patches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
PRO/II 8.0 Bug Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
License and Copyright Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 1

New Features of PRO/II 8.0
The following enhancements have been made to PRO/II 8.0:

New Feature Description

Enhance Simulation Updated Look and Feel - New MS Office style menus – Icons
Technology on the Left – Selected option is highlighted
Gradient icons on PFD, on PFD Pallette
Updated Menu - Icons become highlighted when they are
hovered over or selected
Access to Cp and Cv in calculator/controller
Calculate Transport Properties always by default
Option to View Results in text or tabular format
Restore Input Data shortcut (CTRL-R)
Ease of Use/ Toggle Stream ID to show properties
Tooltip View of Stream Properties
Dynamic Search Options for Units, Streams
Dynamic Search Options for units, stream properties in
Stream Property Lists and Unit Operation Property Lists
PRO/II Native Excel Engine Unit Operation ables to use Excel
spreadsheets as a Unit Operation in PRO/II
SIM4ME Report module - Customizable reports generated in
Containerize .prz file
- UOPT to Unit Operation Property Table and SPT to Stream
Property Table
- Back-up input file contained in .prz
Flowsheet layout retention on import/export
- .sfd file is also exported to the same directory as the input
- No longer lose flowsheet layout when you export/import
Multi-Simulation Manager
The interface allows easy transfer of data between
simulations as well as simultaneous solution of simulations
Partner or Interface Integration with BATCHFRAC® software from Koch-Glitsch.
BATCHFRAC software, a rigorous batch-distillation program,
is used by chemists and engineers involved in the design and
optimization of batch processes.
Integrated Thermo Data Manager Application
Allow Users to Manage and Organize Component and Binary

2 New Features of PRO/II 8.0

New Feature Description
Next generation User Added Subroutine Capability
User-customizable XML-based Graphical Interface
User can configure tab based GUI from XML file for his

Overview of New Features

1. Enhance Simulation Technology
Updated Menu

Updated Look and Feel

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 3

➤ Restore Input Data shortcut (CTRL-R)

➤ Calculate Transport properties always by default

Pure-Component Averages is the default
➤ Option to view results in Text or tabular format
View Results in Text Form (View Results)
View Results in Tabular Form (Data Review Window)
➤ Access to Cp and Cv from the calculator and the controller

4 New Features of PRO/II 8.0

2. Ease of Use/Integration
➤ Toggle Stream ID to show properties

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 5

➤ Tooltip View of Stream Properties

➤ Dynamic Search Options for Units, Streams

6 New Features of PRO/II 8.0

➤ Dynamic Search Options for Properties in Stream Property Lists
and Unit Operation Property Lists

➤ PRO/II Native Excel Engine Unit Operation

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 7

➤ SIM4ME Report module
Customizable reports generated in Excel

D101(Column Plot) : Temperature





0 100 200 300 400 500
Temperature(K) Temperature

D 101(C olumn Plot) : R ates

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
0 200 400 600 800
Liquid Rate (KG-M OL/HR) / Vapor Rate (KG-M OL/HR)
Liquid Rate Vapor Rate

➤ Containerize .prz file

Custom Unit Operation Property Table and Stream Property
Table stay with the flowsheet
Back-up input file contained in .prz

8 New Features of PRO/II 8.0

➤ Flowsheet layout retention on import/export
.sfd file is also exported to the same directory as the input file

No longer lose flowsheet layout when you export/import

➤ Multi-Simulation Manager is a stand-alone Graphical User
Interface allows easy transfer of data between simulations as
well as simultaneous solution of simulations. It also allows data
to be transferred from PRO/II to PRO/II and from PIPEPHASE to
PIPEPHASE simulations.

3. Partner or Interface
➤ BATCHFRAC by Koch-Glitsch
Rigorous distillation algorithm for unsteady-state batch

Supports reactive distillation and two liquid phases

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 9

10 New Features of PRO/II 8.0
BATCHFRAC by Koch-Glitsch - Two Liquid Phases (VLLE)

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 11

New Koch-Glitsch correlations for Random Packing and Struc-
tured Packing

12 New Features of PRO/II 8.0

Integrated Thermo Data Manager Application
Allow Users to Manage and Organize Component and Binary
Data. Toolbar icon launches full TDM.

Launching TDM from Component DEW Launches Unary TDM.

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 13

Launching TDM from Alpha Selection Window Launches Unary

14 New Features of PRO/II 8.0

Launching TDM from Component Selection Window Launches
Unary TDM.

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 15

➤ Next generation Usebased Graphical Interface

User can configure tab-based GUI from XML file for his models

16 New Features of PRO/II 8.0

Compatibility with Earlier Versions of PRO/II
PRO/II 4.1x, PRO/II 5.0x, PRO/II 5.1x, 5.5x, 5.6x, 6.0x, 7.x database
files will automatically be converted into PRO/II 8.0 files as they are
opened. The original file will be saved using an alternate file name.

Important Notices
Default changes in PRO/II v8.0:
1. The databank search hierarchy has been changed from (Process,
SimSci) to (SimSci, Process). In general the SimSci databank
has more advanced data and should be used for all new
simulations. If it is necessary to revert back to the Process
databank, that can be done either on a simulation by simulation
basis, or the default can be changed globally for all simulations
on that PRO/II installation. To change the installation default,
select the menu item Options/Simulation Defaults…/Component
Databank… This change is persisted in the \user\proii.ini file.
2. The Assay curve fitting option default has been changed from
“Version 6” to “Version 7”. This affects how a stream TBP curve
that is constructed from volume percent of component cuts is
interpolated and extrapolated. The Version 7 method corrects
some problems that were present in the existing simulation.
Most simulations will change very slightly or not at all because

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 17

of this change. The most obvious change will occur for assay
results that use the IP (usually 1 vol %) or EP (usually 98 vol %)
as specifications. This was first offered in PRO/II v7.0 as the
“Alternate” option, and made the default in v8.0. If it is
necessary to revert back to the Version 6 method, that can either
be done on a simulation by simulation basis, or the default can
be changed globally for all simulations on that PRO/II
installation. To change the installation default, select the menu
item Options/Simulation Defaults…/Assay Characterization…
This change is persisted in the \user\proii.ini file.
3. PRO/II tube side pressure drop, clean, service transfer rates and
roughness correlation have been updated to match HEXTRAN®.

Installation Notes
1. If you have installed multiple SimSci-Esscor products or
versions of a particular SimSci-Esscor product on a single
computer and have subsequently uninstalled one or more of
these, some of the utility programs such as Dataprep, EUP or
Libmgr may be missing from your installation area even though
you have not tried to uninstall this particular version of the
product. To fix this problem, rerun the setup program and
choose these items on the custom install.
Note: Before executing any of the installation programs, disable
all antivirus software running on your computer.
2. In a system where PRO/II 8.0 is installed, DYNSIM 4.1.1 should
never be installed. TDM 2.0 will be downgraded. PRO/II 8.0 and
DYNSIM 4.1.2 can co-exist on any system and can be installed
in any order. TDM will be upgraded or not downgraded.
3. TDM1.1 and TDM2.0 cannot co-exist. After installing PRO/II 8.0
TDM 1.1 installed during the PRO/II 7.1.1 will not work.
4. TDM is not installed correctly on a system causing failure of
PRO/II install. To prevent this uninstall TDM2.0 from control
panel. Physically remove C:\SIMSCI\TDM20 from system. Delete
C:\SIMSCI\PROII80 folder as PRO/II installation is not complete.
Remove TDM_ROOT.
5. Uninstalling PRO/II v8.0 makes TDM stops working when
launched from DYNSIM 4.2. To fix this problem, repair Sim4me
FrameWork (Dynamic Simulation Suites). Then, reboot the sys-
tem. After this, reset sim4me services.

18 Important Notices
6. If OLI Chemistry Wizard is already installed with PRO/II v7.1,
then the same can not be reinstalled along with PRO/II v.8.0. It
can be found in Programs/OLI Systems/Alliance Suites/ProII 7.x
in the startup menu. If Chemistry Wizard is not installed along
with v7.1, then the same gets installed along with v8.0. It can be
found in Programs/Simsci/ProII80/OLI in the startup menu. To
use the OLI Chemistry Wizard installed along Pro/II v7.1, user
has to change the working directory path of Chemistry Wizard to
v8.0 User directory to automatically copy the related files to v8.0
User directory.
7. Hysis Translator™ is not supported on Network Install.
8. PRU will not work if PRO/II New User Install is not installed from
a mapped drive.
9. Uninstalling PRO/II 7.1 will stop Hysis PRO/II Translator from
PRO/II 8.0. During the uninstall the Simulation Sciences\ProII
Key is completely removed. The work around will be keeping
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Softwares\Simulation Sciences" keys
exported as a .reg file. One can re-import the file and then delete
PRO/II 7.1 Keys, Translator for PRO/II 8.0 will work. Reverse will
not be an issue as it is addressed in PRO/II 8.0.
10. Unistalling PRO/II 7.1 will stop Visual Flow 5.X to work. the
uninstall the Simulation Sciences\ProII Key is completely
removed. The workaround will be keeping
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Softwares\Simulation Sciences" keys
exported as a .reg file. Once can re-import the file and then
delete irrelevant keys. Reverse will not be issue as it is
addressed in PRO/II 8.0.
11. For Network Install on a share, which is Windows® XP® SP2 or
Windows 2K3 Server; Proper permission should be set for all
the groups. Otherwise PRU may not work correctly.

Known Defects and Constraints using SIM4ME Reports

The following is a List of Known Defects and Constraints in using
SIM4ME Reports.
1. Sometimes it seems that the last item selected (during multiple
selects) is missing after a drag and drop operation. The
observed behavior is a limitation in the current implementation.
The "CONTROL" or "SHIFT" button needs to be held down until
the drag-drop operation is completed. Also, what happens is that
"two consecutive clicks" un-checks the last item. After

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 19

performing a multiple drag and drop operations, the user should
check that all the desired objects are highlighted in the
Flowsheet Explorer. If anything is not highlighted, it will be
copied with the rest of the selected objects. This happens most
often when the user selects the last object once and then again
clicks it to drag and drop. The second click un-checks the last
item. What the user should do is to select the last item and
directly drag them all without another click.
2. Can I search for a stream say "CRUDE" or a Unit Operation say
"PREHEATER" on the Flowsheet Explorer? Yes. In this case, go to
"streams" and expand it. Now select "Streams" and type in the
first few letters of the string you want to search say "CRU". You
will be navigated to the first match. Note that you need to expand
"Streams" or "Unitops" to use the search functionality.
3. Why is it that I get "MISSING" values even when I uncheck "Show
Missing Values" in the Report Manager settings? The option
"Excel Comparison Report" may be "ON". In this option, the
software just looks at the entire list of attributes and ignores the
"Show Missing Values" check-box.
4. I have selected "Excel Comparison Report" but Columns are not
being compared. Why? Only unit operations that lend
themselves to comparison are allowed in the "compare mode".
For example, Streams/Flashes/HXs/Pumps/Expanders/
Compressors have unchanging formats and can be compared
side by side. Columns, Reactors, Controllers, etc. cannot be
compared because of variations in report formats for individual
5. Energy UOMs in the PRO/II output report are reported as "MM
BTU/hr" but the prefix "MM" is not used in SIM4ME reports.
Why? The prefixes such as "MM" for millions when English units
are selected, are not available. These prefixes may be included
at at later date.
6. I dragged and dropped an attribute onto a particular row but it is
added to the bottom. Why? Location specific attribute addition is
not supported in this version of SIM4ME reports. It gets
appended to the bottom of the Report pane only.
7. When I add/delete any attribute to a summary report, why does
the name of the report change automatically? "Summary" and
"Detailed" reports are standard, pre-configured reports. Once
you start to customize these reports, the saved name is changed
to avoid overwriting these reports. For example: If the user starts

20 Important Notices
with a "Summary Report" and then adds a unit operation, it gets
renamed to "Summary ReportAdd1" to indicate that the report is
based on the "Summary Report" with added objects.
8. Sometimes I do not see "Transport Properties" or "Refinery
Inspection Properties" in my Excel reports. Why? "Transport
Properties" and "Refinery Properties" must be selected in the
PRO/II thermodynamics set for these values to be available in
SIM4ME reports.
9. Sometimes I do not see Tray Hydraulics data when I drag and
drop them onto the reports. Why? There are three options under
"Perform Tray Sizing Calculations" in PRO/II Column. The first
option "At output time" is the default. In this case, PRO/II
updates these data only when the text output report is generated.
If you generate SIM4ME reports before generating the text
report, these data will not be available. If you generate the text
report first, these data will become available and will be included
in SIM4ME reports. You could also select either the second or
third options under "Perform Tray Sizing Calculations" which will
cause tray hydraulics calculations to be executed during the Run
operation, in which case the data will be available to SIM4ME
reports before creating a the report.
10. In PRO/II output options; I have selected the option "Two
reports, one in Input UOM, one in Output UOM". But, I do not see
both UOM Slates in SIM4ME reports. Why? At this point, only
the PRO/II Output slate is supported in SIM4ME Reports. You
can manually select the desired SIM4ME UOM Slate under
Reports Settings, Current UOM Slate.
11. Why don't my reports save the UOM information? I opened
"Summary" report and changed the UOM Slate to "SI". I closed
and re-opened the flowsheet to see that the UOM Slate has
changed to PRO/II Output Slate. Why? The UOM Slate settings
provide an option to temporarily override the UOM slate for the
current reports only. These are temporary UOM overrides - they
are not stored at this point. Once the report is closed and re-
opened, the PRO/II Output UOM Slate is assumed.
12. I tried to drag and drop individual elements of vectors. I see that
the entire vector is dragged and dropped. Why? Drag and drop
of individual elements is not yet supported in SIM4ME reports.
Also, any operations like "Move Up, Move Down, Delete, and
Format Cell" etc. do not work on individual elements of vectors.
These will be addressed in future versions.

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 21

13. How do I generate formatted reports, e.g., TEMA reports, using
SIM4ME reports? Formatted reports are not supported yet. They
will be implemented in future versions of SIM4ME reports.
14. The Excel report generated using SIM4ME reports looks
different from Tools->Spreadsheet. Why? Which one should I
use? The Sim4Me reports is a new reporting tool that gives the
user the flexibility of configuring the units and parameters that
show up in the report whereas the spreadsheet option generates
pre-defined reports. User can use either one based on their
15. What happens when I import a report in a different simulation?
You could import a report exported from say "a1.prz" to "a2.prz".
In this case, the units with same name and class in both files will
be displayed. All the views in the imported file will be available
for the simulation as local views.
16. If I have a custom view with the same name as global view which
one takes precedence? The custom (local) view will take

Hardware Requirements for PC

The minimum hardware requirements for PRO/II 8.0 is an Intel
Pentium 166 MHz with 64 MB of RAM. Performance is optimized
with at least 256 MB RAM.

Switching Security Types for PC

PRO/II 8.0 provides the following security options:
■ USB Single User Security for PRO/II with PROVISION, PRO/II
Keyword, and add-ons.
■ FLEXlm Security for PRO/II with PROVISION with security for
■ TOKEN Security for PRO/II with PROVISION with security for
The security option used is normally chosen during the install
procedure. If you want to switch to a different security method after
installation, use the following procedures.

To switch to USB security:

■ Open the proii.ini file found in the user directory.

22 Important Notices
■ Find the section entitled [wss_Security] and set Type=USB.
■ Save the file and exit.
To switch to FLEXlm security:
■ Open the proii.ini file found in the user directory.
■ Find the section entitled [wss_Security] and set the “Type=”
keyword to one of the following values
Type=FLXLM72 For FLEXlm version 7.2
Type=FLXLM95 For FLEXlm version 9.5
■ The version selected must match the version of the FLEXlm
server that is used on your network. Please confirm with your
system administrator the specific version of FLEXlm in use.
■ Save the file and exit.
■ If you are running under Windows 2000/XP, add the
IPASSI_LICENSE_FILE={FLXLM server host name} environment
variable to your control panel/system/environment settings.
■ Reboot your computer so the changes to your security
environment will be correctly configured.
To switch to TOKEN security:
■ Open the proii.ini file found in the user directory.
■ Find the section entitled [wss_Security] and set Type=TOKEN.
■ Save the file and exit.
■ If you are running under Windows 2000/XP, add the
IPASSI_LICENSE_FILE={FLXLM server host name} environment
variable to your control panel/system/environment settings.
■ Reboot your computer so the changes to your security
environment will be correctly configured.

UAS/PDTS Capabilities
PRO/II 8.0 users using the User-Added Subroutine (UAS) or PRO/II
Data Transfer System (PDTS) capabilities can compile and link their
code using one of the following two compilers:
■ Compaq Visual FORTRAN (version 6.1 through 6.6b)
■ Intel® Visual FORTRAN version 8.0 for Windows (Standard or
Professional Edition)

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 23

If you are using Compaq Visual FORTRAN 6.x:
The Visual Studio Workspace for the example PDTS applications are
located at:

The Visual Studio Workspace for the example UAS is located at:

This assumes that you have installed to “C:\SIMSCI\Proii80”.

We strongly recommend that you take advantage of the free

upgrades available from HP/Compaq to bring your complier up to
6.6b. Compaq Visual FORTRAN patches are available at http://

Depending on the options selected when you installed Compaq

Visual FORTRAN 6.6b, you may not have oldnames.lib installed on
your computer. This library is required to build PDTS applications
and is located on the Compaq Visual FORTRAN CD in the
\X86\SUPPORT\LIB directory. If you do not have this library, copy it
into your Compaq Visual FORTRAN library directory before building
PDTS applications.

If you are using Intel FORTRAN 8.0:

The Visual Studio Solution files for the example PDTS applications
are located at:
The Visual Studio Solution file for the example UAS is located at:

This assumes that you have installed to “C:\SIMSCI\Proii80”.

Source code changes required for Intel FORTRAN 8.0:

PRO/II 8.0 is built with Compaq FORTRAN 6.6b. If you build UAS or
PDTS applications using Intel FORTRAN 8.0, please note that
FORTRAN unit numbers cannot be shared by two different compilers.
For example, if a file is opened by Compaq FORTRAN 6.x using
FORTRAN unit number 10 and that number is passed to a PDTS or
UAS subroutine compiled using Intel FORTRAN 8.0, then a READ or
WRITE statement using FORTRAN unit 10 will not work because
Compaq FORTRAN 6.x and Intel FORTRAN 8.0 use different internal
runtime data structures.

24 Important Notices
There are two cases when PRO/II opens an output file and passes the
associated FORTRAN unit number to your PDTS or UAS code:
PDTS application: the NFOUT argument of the PAOPEN()

User-Added Subroutine: IDATA(6) of the USERnn subroutine

In both of these cases, PRO/II calls the FORTRAN OPEN statement to
open a file and passes the unit number to your PDTS application or
UAS. For applications built using Intel FORTRAN 8.0, you cannot
directly use this FORTRAN unit number in a WRITE statement.
Instead, the utility subroutine PAWRITE has been provided to allow
your application to write output to the file. The following code
fragments illustrate the required changes:
Original PDTS example:
1001 FORMAT(‘Enter File Name ’)
1002 FORMAT(A)
1003 FORMAT(‘Data Retrieved Reported for File = ’,A10)
WRITE(*, 1001)
READ(*, 1002) NAME

PDTS example modified for Intel FORTRAN interoperation with

1001 FORMAT(‘Enter File Name ’)
1002 FORMAT(A)
1003 FORMAT(‘Data Retrieved Reported for File = ’,A10)
WRITE(*, 1001)
READ(*, 1002) NAME

Note that the modified code does not directly write the output to the
FORTRAN unit number NFOUT. Instead, it writes the output to a
character variable then calls the utility subroutine PAWRITE() which
tells PRO/II to write the contents of the character variable CHARDATA
to FORTRAN unit number NFOUT.

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 25

Original UAS example:
IPARM(2) = 1
GO TO 9999

UAS example modified for Intel FORTRAN interoperation with

IPARM(2) = 1
GO TO 9999

26 Important Notices
Note: If you call the subroutine FIGETU to get a FORTRAN unit
number and then call OPEN() in your own PDTS or UAS code,
you do not need to make any code changes to the READ or
WRITE statements because both the OPEN and the WRITE (or
READ) is being done within code compiled by the same compiler.

Where to Find PRO/II 8.0 Documentation

Printed Documentation Included with this Package
■ Release Notes for PRO/II 8.0 (this document)
■ PES Installation Guide
■ PES Tutorial Guide

Online Documentation
■ PRO/II User’s Guide
■ PRO/II Keyword Manual
■ PRO/II Reference Manual
■ PRO/II Installation Guide
■ PRO/II Tutorial Guide
■ PRO/II Quick Reference Card
■ PRO/II Casebooks
■ PRO/II Application Briefs Manual
■ PRO/II LIBMGR and COMPS User’s Guide
■ Data Transfer System User’s Guide
■ User-Added Subroutines User’s Guide
■ PRO/II Add-On Modules User’s Guide
■ PRO/II Interface Modules User’s Guide
■ SIMSCI Component and Thermodynamic Data Input Manual
■ PRO/II COM Server Reference Guide

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 27

■ PRO/II COM Server Programmer’s Guide and Tutorial

Note: The PRO/II Welcome screen for the online documentation

can be found on the hard drive under the simsci\proii80\Manuals

28 Where to Find PRO/II 8.0 Documentation

Summary of Defects Fixed in PRO/II 8.0
Feature Description
ACE A Design case ACE unit can allow the air outlet temperature to
rise to a hotter than the process stream inlet temperature.
ACE "User added material" name for Tube or Fin material is not
ACE ACE specification with none option when run may terminate with
a Bad Stream Number error.
Assay The pure components stepped off in tools-distillation curve are
the default cutpoints when it should be the actual components in
the stream.
Assay In the Stream Data - Assay Definition DEW, the View Curve...
Button results in a curve being generated that does not consider
the Lightends. The user would normally expect the lightends to
be in there.
Assay The Provision DEW for entering API gravities will not accept
negative values after the 10th row of data.
Assay The heat of formation may be incorrect for high temperature
petro components (> 800 C).
Assay After importing a file, committing an assay lightends DEW
without making changes may cause bad values to be exported to
the LIGHTENDS statement.
Assay When XBLEND (stream excluded from psuedocomponent
calculations) addresses the same cut twice for two different
assay streams, the results of the stream flowrates are wrong.
Assay The API curve generated from data that is very sparse on
sections is very poor for the Cubic Spline fit. In this case, there
was no data from 50% to 99%.
Batch Run through keywords accepts RUNUntil as the first action in a
Distillation policy, but that's illegal and should be errored out. The GUI
behaves correctly.
Batch There are differences between the Batch Distillation output
Distillation results and the graphical report for some compositional trends.
The charts are wrong.
Batch The Holdup statement is printed two times when the batch
Distillation distillation with two stages is exported. This results in a syntax
error on import.
Batch In the batch distillation reboiler DEW, the display of the UOM
Distillation corresponding to U is kcal/hr-m2 instead of K-cal/hr-m2-K.
Batch In one case, with a Batch Distillation unit operation, an access
Distillation violation exception error comes up when liquid holdup DEW is
committed after changing the number of stages.
Batch Batch Distillation with a large number of components generates
Distillation Access Violation in PROIN.

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 29

Feature Description
Block Diagram Deleting a block diagram causes stream entering block diagram
to be deleted.
Block Diagram Stream Data Link doesn't work for a stream within a block
Calculator The calculator stream property storage subroutines allow the
user to store the calculator vector element as a property of the
stream. However, since this happens during calc time,
PROVISION cannot handle this and shows the streams in
unsatisfied state.
Calculator RVP (D323-94) is not available in the stream vapor pressure
Cape Open PRO/II crashes if a new CAPE-OPEN unit operation has zero
feeds and zero products.
Cape Open Persistence does not work if the CAPE-OPEN unit operation is
developed using COLAN VB wizard.
Cape Open A mixed phase stream that feeds a CAPE-OPEN unit gets reset to
saturated vapor.
Cape Open CAPE-OPEN unit does not get reloaded when PRO/II is reopened
if the PRO/II filename longer than 24 characters.
Column Exporting a file with column results may result in bad CEST(L)
values when one of the components is a user-defined
Column Eldist column has v-l feed going to top tray with separate on.
Vapor is lost from mass balance. Does not happen in all cases.
Column Tray rating hydraulics are not accessible via controllers after user
supplies Shell packing.
Column Graphical representation of concentration profiles in electrolytic
columns may be wrong.
Column TRATE statement does not accept last Tray for calculations when
condenser and reboiler are absent.
Column Removing the flash zone doesn't work completely. FZONE
statement still appears after file export.
Column In some cases, for a merged column, an error message comes
up saying: "the rate specified for product stream s56 - one of the
variables should be from that same stream." There is no such
Column Calculator picks up wrong maximum diameter for sidestripper.
It's getting the main-fractionator maximum diameter instead.
Column When switching from HETP method = Norton to HETP = a
specified value, the HETP method=Norton attribute is still turned
on, so exporting to keywords results in both HETP=2.569 and
HMETHOD=NORTON being written. This generates an error on

30 Summary of Defects Fixed in PRO/II 8.0

Feature Description
Column Copy and paste a column that has kinetic reaction parameter
(like PEXP)'DEFINED'. The parameter in new column is not
DEFINED but assumes its default value.
Column IO column may crash with subscript out of range when a stream
that doesn't have decant water thermo feeds an IO column that
does have decant water thermo.
Column There is an isolated case of a column solution freezing when
Sulzer structured packing is used.
Column File that imports in v7.0 gets incorrect error message about
duplicate tray 24 ratings in v7.1.
Column When the side stream is deleted for a Column with inactive
specifications, the file cannot be run. A spurious error message
saying that the specification exists for non-existing stream.
Column A column with Chemdist when Henry's Law is used for the
Thermo method fails to converge. Similar columns without
Henry's Law solves fine, and this should have solved too.
Column The vapor composition plots in a column are wrong when the
component list has LS component present.
Column The Product Estimate cannot be DEFINED in an LLEX column via
Column You cannot DEFINE a side-stripper pressure to a main column
tray pressure. You get an error message that Pressure is
UNDEFINED on the TOP tray.
Column Entering new value for reflux estimate causes incorrect warning
message "Reflux Rate Insconsistant..." to be reported.
Column Update Column Initial Estimates from solution puts the
compositions in the wrong component order when there is a mix
of VL and VLS components.
Column The tray loading report for the tray above sump may be
incorrect. The tray above the sump (N-2) should be the
combined vapor from N and N-1. In some cases it's reported as
Column When the pathname is greater than 57 characters, PRO/II
incorrectly names and stores the .xml file for the KGTower/FRI
Column Rate spec on both overhead and bottoms product should be
allowed if feed varies. It isn't.
Column Condenser dp is ignored when there is random packing and the
condenser pressure is higher than the top tray pressure.
Column Column with large number of inactive specifications (<=12)
generates an abort in PROOUT.
Component The specific gravity and the heat of formation for are iron wrong.
Component Over-riding a critical property of a petro-component with a bad
value results in a misleading error message that other critical
properties are missing. Error message is modified.

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 31

Feature Description
Component The PRO/II data bank has the heat of formation of 1-butene at -
1.122 x10-5 J/kgmol. It should be is -5.4 x10-5 J/kgmol.
Component For temperature dependent properties, Equation 4 uses the next
to the last parameter to reduce the temperature (Tc). This isn't
documented anywhere.
Component A file which addresses a non-existent databank in user.lb1,
user.lb2 generates no error messages and erroneous results.
Component The critical properties for glycerol in the SIMSCI databank are
Component Flowsheet with electrolytes and SRK attempts to run compressor
with SRK. Bogus error message is given that entropy is method
is not specified. PRO/II should be able to handle this situation.
Controller The controller stops when specified stream rate is zero. This is
an overly restrictive fail condition.
Copy Paste Solid component composition data is not conveyed to the target
stream on a copy/paste action.
Data Review Data Review Window does not appear in Run-Only mode.
Data Review Data Review Window suffers from round-off error on UOM
Window conversion.

Depressuring Valve constant gets changed on import when SI units are being
used. Also, on file convert.
Depressuring Range checking is incorrect for the liquid height of a
depressuring vertical cylinder.
Draw With gradient fill active, continue to shrink the drawing down.
Eventually, the background to the PFD changes from white to
gray pin-stripes.
Exergy Exergy calculations for reactors are incorrect and do not
consider the change in basis between feeds and products.
File After working on a session for a while, attempting to close the
program by clicking on the "X" causes PRO/II to shut down with
an exception error and crash report.
File File opened as .pr1 file does not get saved as .pr1.
File If you select a file from the most recently used (MRU) list under
File menu in PRO/II, and if the file has been moved/renamed, the
program incorrectly give an error "Unable to Convert File" instead
of "Unable to locate *.prz".
File PIPEPHASE integration unit loses its link to PIPEPHASE file
when encapsulated in a Block Diagram.
File Disk Space Error pop-up message box occurs even when there is
plenty of space left on the hard drive.
Flash 7.0 data consisting of one flash unit and incomplete flash and
stream data gives bogus error message on open within v7.1.

32 Summary of Defects Fixed in PRO/II 8.0

Feature Description
Flash In one problem, bottom product from a SURE algorithm column
containing water was 2°C different from the bubble point
temperature of the stream at the same pressure. They should be
at the same temperature.
Flash A Bubble Point - Temperature flash unit in a case study reported
a bad pressure result. The previous case study value was
Flash In one isolated instance, a flash P-Vrac spec of a petroleum
stream with 4.2% water gave the incorrect near-Dew Point
temperature. The specification was poorly posed, but PRO/II
should not have generated that result.
Flash In one case with a water/ethylbenzene mixture using a water
decant thermo method, the flash didn't converge or converged to
a wrong answer.
Flash A flash unit with a general spec (enthalpy out minus enthalpy in)
fails. Same flash with simple duty spec solves.
Flash In one example, a flash containing 99.5% ethylene glycol did not
mass balance correctly. The thermo involved was SRKM(VLLE).
Flash LLE bubble point flash "solves" and reports a result, then fails. In
this case, there is no bubble point this far above critical
temperature and the flash should have failed.
Flash Flash with impossible spec "solves" to bad answers.
Flash In one case, the water dew point flash failed the first time ran,
and solved in subsequent cases. Also, removing the water in the
feed, the water dew point flash solves when it should have failed.
Fuel Cell Mass balance is out in Fuel Cell because the unit adjusts the feed
as required. This feed adjustment was not reflected in the feed
HCURVE Spreadsheet Tools-Heating Cooling Curve gives cryptic error
message when transport properties are not available.
HCURVE With water decant on, some general properties for pure water
vapor streams are not printed out for no apparent reason. Add a
trace amount of another component and the vapor is reported as
essential water properties.
Hot Key PRO/II allows you to run a Hotkey heating/cooling curve on a
reference stream that contains a flowrate but no composition in
input. It actually reports values, but they're not connected to
Hot Key In one case, having an inadequate number of points (30) on a
hydrate curve caused the results to be incorrect. Increasing the
number of points to 100 resulted in the correct answer. The
number of points should not cause the answers to change.
HX The HX specification on MITA may result in PROBLEM
SOLUTION REACHED message on the flowsheet even though the
HX spec isn't met.

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 33

Feature Description
HX The utility stream rate is reported as missing in the HX output
report when the refrigerant is water.
HX In one case, a heat exchanger with UA spec alternately solves
and fails to solve on successive runs.
HX When the stream is SCALEd, the AREA of 2-sided HX with an
input U should be scaled based on the calculated UA. However,
this is not the case. Consequently the product of U and A is not
equal to calculated UA.
HX In a HX unit DEW, changing the U & A spec to a UA spec (with a
different value from the original U*A), the old UA is still printed
out in the output report.
HX An HX unit with a liquid fraction product specification gives a
wrong answer with a trace amount of water present.
HXRIG The clean and service transfer rates are different compared to
HEXTRAN. HEXTRAN contains updated correlations that are not
available in PRO/II yet.
HXRIG Heat exchanger tube-side pressure drop for two phase stream is
too low in single-pass exchanger.
HXRIG HEXTRAN and PRO/II rigorous heat exchangers result in
different tubeside pressure drops. The cause of the difference is
the default tubeside roughness. HEXTRAN uses 0”, PRO/II uses
0.0018”, the same as the Pipe unit operation.
HXRIG/HTRI A PRO/II v7.0 file containing an HXRIG/HTRI unit op may not be
opened in version 7.1. An error comes up saying that there is
'Length Mismatch'.
HXRIG/HTRI “Save As” option to create another copy in another folder doesn't
work correctly when there are multiple HTRI heat exchangers in
the flowsheet. Only one of the .htri files is copied.
Install The COMserver.exe fails to get unregistered after PRO/II is
LNGHX An LNGHX unit that has a non-default thermo set assigned to it
may use the default thermo instead.
LNGHX The duty given in the zones report of an LNGHX and UA does not
match the duty given in the first page LNGHX report.
Lumping The LUMPING unit operation does not produce a report for the
clustering scheme in the .OUT file.
Lumping Component lumping sometimes results in bad alphas and/or
acentric factors.
OLE SrBulkProp object does not seem to be working via the class
OLE CalculateStreamProps method always uses transport properties
of default thermo set and not necessarily what was used in the
OLE The COM method CalcStreamProperties does not calculate the
bubble/dewpoint values.

34 Summary of Defects Fixed in PRO/II 8.0

Feature Description
OLE Using COM interface for pressure-liquid fraction flash on internal
flowsheet stream does not work. The same operation on an
external feed stream works OK.
OLI Chemistry The Electrolytes Chemistry Wizard icon is installed by the OLI
Install under the start-OLI directory. This is hard to find if you are
accustomed to launching PRO/II related utilities under start-
Optimizer When an optimizer objective function is entered through the GUI
as condenser duty minus reboiler duty, on run you get an invalid
objective function error message. This should be allowed. Export
and import clears the problem.
Optimizer With weight rate in kg/hr, everytime the Optimizer variable
stepsize dew is visited, the Maximum Step size and Defined
Absolute Stepsizes gets multiplied by 1E3.
Output The viscosity for last page of streams in Refinery Report won't
print out.
Output View Output doesn't work for PIPEPHASE-embedded simulation
that is ported to another machine.
PFD Auto save feature in 7.1 and 8.0 does not remember the path to
the saved file. The files are there and recovery is still possible,
but the automatic recovery doesn't work.
PFE The PFE editor may get uninstalled when any version of PRO/II is
uninstalled. It may be used by other applications and thus should
not be uninstalled.
Pipe The heat transfer coefficient is always reported as N/A in the unit
operation table for the Pipe unit, even if it is supplied.
PPIntegration The View Results is not available for a PIPEPHASE unit operation
when multiple PIPEPHASE units are present in the flowsheet.
PPIntegration PIPEPHASE 9.1 does not work with the PRO/II PIPEPHASE Unit
Profimatics In one case, running a file with a new KBC Refsim unit results in
a runtime error about a buffer overflow.
Profimatics Thermo sets are not assigned to correct sides for UAUOP when
one of the feeds doesn't exist.
Reaction Data Log of reaction equilibrium coefficient = 0.0 is not allowed. E.g.,
lnK=0.0001 is allowed, and lnK=-0.0001 is allowed, but lnK=0.0
is not.
Reactor Duty conveyed to PFR from heating stream is wrong.
Reactor In the case of a CSTR reactor keyword file that points to a
reaction set, but also supplies pre-exponential data as part of the
reactor input, and when the reaction set uses units different from
the global units, import/run will result in different answers from
run batch. In the case of run batch, the local reaction data
assumes the UOMs of the reaction set, which is the expected
behavior. In the case of file import, the local reaction data
assumes the global UOMs, which is not expected.

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 35

Feature Description
Reactor When a non-existent reaction set is specified in a plug flow
reactor using keywords, an incorrect error message is issued as
"A Reaction Set "ID" is NOT DEFINED " (there is no reaction set
"ID"). Also, soon after that, PRO/II aborts.
Reactor The PFR with Ergun pressure drop calculations expects feeds
corresponding to all the reactions. PRO/II may generate a fatal
error or won't converge if the component feed rate for even one
of the reactions present is zero.
Reactor A Plugflow reactor error message during keyword import refers
to the invalid keyword ABSROUGHNESS when it should refer to
the keyword AROUGH.
Refinery The values of the Kinematic Viscosity are retrieved as 0.0 by the
Inspection calculator. The output report shows that there are positive values
Properties that should have been retrieved.

Regress Regress keyword input file uses the COMP=1-2 and COMP 2-1 to
reverse the order of input for x1,x2 and y1,y2 data. The
regression results are identical, but the parameters appear to be
Regress Verify Initial Estimates in the Regress feature may result in some
bad points being displayed. View Results of calculated values are
Regress The changes in the status of the correlation parameters from
default of "not fixed" to "fixed" does not get saved.
Regress When using the regression tool through the GUI and exporting to
keywords, the keyword FIX might get split across two lines
resulting in a syntax error on import.
Regress Regression results for Wilson parameters are reversed when
stored to PRO/II after a Regression run. ij are ji and visa versa.
Regress If experimental data for regression is just one row, PRO/II can
not export it to keywords. The data for the regression section has
no lines in it.
Regress Import regression data. In one case, some of the data was not
editable while others were.
Security PRO/II NEWUSER install (from network installation) does not
work with DALLAS Hardware.
Sequencer Pushing the "Include" button for multiple unit operations may
cause the last unit operation to be repeated on the "Available
Units" list.
Sequencer There are some differences between a flowsheet that runs using
the Minimum Tear Stream sequencer, and a flowsheet using a
user-defined sequence after re-sequencing with Minimum Tear
Stream. In one case, using MTS directly causes a converged
solution while the user-sequence failed, generating an error
Sequencer Using the Exclude option for excluding one or more unit
operation from the flowsheet solution may cause the ACE to
generate incorrect error messages.

36 Summary of Defects Fixed in PRO/II 8.0

Feature Description
Sequencer In one case, the calculation sequence for the when the 'Reorder
by MTS' button was wrong, was not the same as the Minimum
Tear Stream option which was right.
Sequencer In some cases, the reference stream is not handled correctly by
sequencer. When two units are connected by streams and a
flash, the flowsheet has the right sequence. However, when the
flash is removed and the units are connected with a reference
stream, the sequence is bad.
Sequencer A closed loop problem may start on the wrong unit with a zero
rate feed. It should always be sequenced so that a unit operation
with a feed estimate is executed first.
Sequencer Flowsheet with excluded controller that refers to a non-existent
stream crashes while generating an output report.
Shortcut Shortcut distillation condenser and reboiler duties are incorrect
in Unit Op Property Table.
Shortcut Changing the component list order results in light/heavy keys
changing in the shortcut column.
Spreadsheet Tools/Spreadsheet/Components doesn't work with >255
Tools components.

Stream On Stream-Flowrate and Composition DEW, the Component

flowrate UOM does not change when the global UOM changes.
Stream After importing keyword file with bubble point stream designated
by LFRAC(M)=1, file export loses the bubble point designation -
there should be a PHASE=L keyword, but that's missing. The
GUI is OK, however.
Stream When the pseudo components are deleted due to deletion of one
of an assay stream or change in the assay data, an error
message may pop up on run saying that the reference stream
does not require specifications. This message is incorrect. Run
again and it solves.
Stream In one case, the presence of a trace amount of a component
makes the output report have the Weight fraction of water as
Stream Stream with LFRACT < 0.001, PHASE=M is interpreted as being
at dew point by PRO/II. On import, GUI confirms that stream is at
dew point. But on export, the LFRACT is lost, but PHASE=M is
retained. That's an inadequate number of state variables set for
Stream Restore Input Data generates false error messages in the
Message Window when reference stream doesn't have
Temperature or Pressure. If not provided, the streams will pick
up these properties from the referenced stream.
Stream A reference stream with a specified weight basis flowrate
changes to a bad flowrate on a second run operation.
Stream Stream name with decimal "." embedded in it will not work
properly with Refinery Inspection Properties.

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 37

Feature Description
Stream Changing Stream Calculator product thermal spec from fixed
Calculator temperature to calculated temperature may result in an old
calculated temperature being used, instead of the user supplied
Stream A stream calculator with pure decantable water product may set
Calculator a bad temperature for that stream.
Stream The browse button corresponding to the stream name does not
Calculator show the streams available in the selected database file.
Stream Data The browse button corresponding to the stream name does not
Link show the streams available in the selected database file.
Stream In a file with a large number of petro components, the stream
Property Table properties spreadsheet tool does not come up with an error
message "MS Excel is waiting for another application to
complete OLE action".
Stream Opening a file with Stream Property Tables, that are not in
Property Table current .ini file, results in one warning message for each SPT.
There should be only one warning message for each SPT "type".
(Note that in v8.0 and onward, SPT lists are built into the .prz file
so this error is now moot).
Stream Even though multiple streams are selected, only one stream at a
Property Table time will be removed from a Stream Property Table.
Stream The Stream Summary List in the Stream Property Table serves
Property Table the same function as the Output Report Stream Summary, and
the Stream Properties of the Spreadsheet tools, but is missing
the standard volume output. Users think the actual volume
report is stdard volume report.
Stream Stream property list item "Vapor Actual Density" units of measure
Property Table cannot be changed.
Stream The Stream Property Table report may generate incorrect
Property Table compositions for streams containing water, using SRK or PR,
and water present, when NRTL is present as an alternate thermo
method, even if the NRTL isn't actually used.
Stream The values reported by the SPT for the metal contents is wrong
Property Table when the UOM is changed from input units to user-defined units.
Stream The convention of using MM for million (English units) and M for
Property Table million (SI/Metric units) for duty units is violated in the Stream
Property Table when input and output units are different. For
example, if input units are metric and output units are English,
the Stream Property Table output report has duty labeled as M
BTU/hr for million BTUs per hour.
Tags The stream composition values that are picked up from the tag
file are not getting updated with the new values when the values
in the tag file are changed and reimported.
Tag The PI historian interface stopped working for v7.1.

38 Summary of Defects Fixed in PRO/II 8.0

Feature Description
Thermo Bad kinematic values are reported when only one of multiple
assay streams are given KVIS data using the EXCLUDE option,
Thermo METHOD TRAN=NONE is not recognized by PRO/II. This used to
be the default, but now that transport properties are defaulted to
pure component values there is a need to turn them off if
desired. This can be done via the GUI, but is not possible via
keywords until PRO/II is modified to recognize TRAN=NONE.
Also, when transport properties are not turned on, the exported
keyword file does not currently include the TRAN=NONE
Thermo A water dew point flash with 70% water and 30% ethylbenzene
failed to converge with SRK/decant water on. Subsequent runs
cause the flash to solve.
Thermo There are duplicate Alcohol VLE entries for MEK-H2O in the
Thermo The Rackett parameter for DEA ought to be 0.2527. This value in
“Properties of Gases and Liquids”, 4th edition, by Poling,
Prausnitz and Reid. The value for DEA in the PRO/II databank is
Thermo There are duplicate Alcohol VLE entries for NBA-H2O interaction
Thermo In some cases, the databank search order for LLE is not retained
in import.
Thermo In one case, the flash unit using BWRS thermo failed to
converge, but reported a solved state with temperature at -273 C.
Thermo The Stream Properties spreadsheet does not work with GPSA
Thermo Physical properties (density, entropy, etc.) for steam calculated
with IF-97 steam table calculations are incorrect for pressures
above 16.5 mPa.
Thermo The liquid density correlation for SiCl4 in the Process data bank
is wrong.
Thermo Enthalpy values are bad for components nC21 - nC30 for LKP
Thermo The LIBMGR executed against a large data file gets "Data
Exceeds Maximum Allowable' error message.
Thermo PRO/II should still be able to fill pure component kinematic
viscosity from absolute viscosity even when the viscosity
method is KVIS.
Unit Op HXRig Unit Op property table does not display the correct
Property Table number of baffles.
UOM PRO/II doesn't always pick up all of the user specified defaults
UOM after a File/New.

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 39

Feature Description
UOM LDENS=lb/ft3 is ignored in the keyword file. PRO/II imports the
file and sets the liquid density method to the default instead.
Upstream In the Upstream unit operation, use of the DROPOUT option for
an oil (should not be used except for gas), causes freeze in the
the output report generation.

Summary of Defects Fixed in PRO/II 7.1 Patches

Feature Description
ACE After import of some files with ACE units, on entry to the ACE
DEW the air side data button may be red even though all the data
is satisfied.
ACE The ACE results for condensers with more than one bundle in
parallel are incorrect.
ACE The requested ACE zone analysis report does not appear in the
output report.
ACE In some cases, the tube velocity is reported as 'missing' in the
ACE output.
ACE An ACE with tubeside condensation with multiple bays in parallel
has incorrect results due to incorrect Reynolds number
ACE The air side face velocity is wrong when there is a phase change
in the tube side.
ACE Rerunning a problem containing an ACE unit may result in LMTD
and MTD calculations being reported incorrectly.
AMSIM In AMSIM, the feed stream to the amine regenerator has an
output that is slightly different from the input given in standard
liquid volume units.
Assay The "GenerateAssayComponents" method is not working
properly when called through OLE through an Excel spreadsheet.
Assay The number of assay streams influences how long it takes to
develop a Stream Property Table.
BVLE The BVLE graph displays an incorrect bubble point in some
cases when VLLE thermo is present.
Calculator Calculator tries to assign a negative flowrate to a stream. It
issues an error, but then fails to assign any change to the stream.
Eventually the flowsheet solves despite error.
Calculator The values of the Kinematic Viscosity are retrieved as 0.0 by the
calculator. The output summary shows proper values.
CAPE-OPEN CAPE-OPEN unit ops do not work with VLLE thermos. Trying to
run a CAPE-OPEN unit op with VLLE thermo leads to a crash of

40 Summary of Defects Fixed in PRO/II 7.1 Patches

Feature Description
CAPE-OPEN Repeated Pressure-Vapor Fraction flashes called through CAPE-
OPEN may fail.
Check Solids A stream at -150C and 50% H2S does not report solid forming
for H2S. This is well below the freezing point of H2S, and should
be showing solid formation.
Component If only one databank is in the search order (PROCESS or
SIMSCI), and the user selects an electrolyte thermo, then the
OLILIB is inserted below the other databank. It should be
inserted above.
Component Viscosity of high MW Petroleum component is abnormally high
Component Keyword file with petroleum component specified out of the
range of .2 - 20 spgr may result in an access violation exception
on import.
Component The Component Lumping feature is scrambling component
properties from different components when water is not
component 1.
Column A column with DEFINED initial estimate for overhead stream
loses the DEFINE when that stream is disconnected from that
downstream unit.
Column In one problem, bottom product from a SURE algorithm column
containing water was 2°C different from the bubble point
temperature of the stream at the same pressure. They should be
at the same temperature.
Column ColumnOn export, the DEFINE statement for a kinetic reaction
parameter might be incorrectly placed between the Kinetics
statement and the Reaction statement which must not be
separated. It fails when you try to re-import the file.
Column Copy and paste a column that has kinetic reaction parameter
(like PEXP)'DEFINED'. The parameter in the new column is not
DEFINED but assumes its default value.
Compressor The compressor after-cooler duty and temperature are not
available via DEFINE.
Controller You cannot vary a stream rate on a liquid volume basis unless all
components in the simulation have a phase designation of VL.
There is no reason why the controller cannot vary the liquid flow
rate of VLS or LS components.
Controller The Controller has no output summary in the standard output
Controller There is no Calculator/Optimizer variable access to SRKM
Controller Unable to vary SRKM interaction parameters for VLLE.

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 41

Feature Description
Copy/Paste- Copy/Paste-Special/Total Stream may end up populating Paste/
Special Special the new stream with pressure or temperature from the
input data rather than the calculated data.
Data Review With weight UOM set to tonnes, the Stream Property Table
Window shows mass flowrate that should be tonne-day as tonm-mole-
Depressuring When the vessel specific heat is DEFINED in the Depressuring
unit, the unit-of-measure is not correctly displayed in certain
Electrolytes Ionic strength is not accessible through PRO/II like pH.
Flash Mass balance error with VLLE Alternate flash .
File File/Save As for HTRI is zipping the old HTRI files (with the old
filename) into the new .prz file, along with the new HTRI files.
Only the new HTRI files should be included.
File After a File/Save As, the old_filename.hs2, .ot2, .ix3 and .ot3 are
not deleted. These are temporary work files and need to be
cleaned up to avoid cluttering up the directory.
HCurve Tools/Spreadsheets Hcurve gets message "GetAttribute:
"ViscosityWetLV"=1. Must be 0 through 0 or -1 for all elements".
Should execute cleanly without error.
Hot Key/Phase Stream with large number of zero petro components results in
Envelope access violation exception with menu item Tools/Phase.
Hot Key In one case, having an inadequate number of points (30) on a
hydrate curve causes the results to be incorrect. Increasing the
number of points to 100 results in the correct answer. The
number of points should not cause the answers to change.
HXRig/HTRI File/Save As option to create another copy in another folder
doesn't work correctly when there are multiple HTRI heat
exchangers in the flowsheet. Only one of the .htri files is copied.
Hydrates Hydrate analysis works for stream with 4% MeOH. Gets an abort
for stream with 5%.
Hydrates Hydrate calculation with MEOH inhibiter gives two different
hydrate temperatures for the same pressure point depending on
how many points you request or what the dP is.
KG-Tower The window for the P2 to KG-Tower converter is not always sized
Converter correctly to accommodate the graphics.
KG-Tower The KG-Tower .xml file generated by PRO/II always uses English
Converter decimal convention. However, KG-Tower and the KG-Tower
converter both switch according to the OS. Some European
users have had difficulty with KG-Tower converter interpreting
strings with periods instead of commas.
LNGHX A change in the default thermo set is not immediately reflected in
the LNGHX unless "restore input data" is executed.
Lumping Lumping Add cluster properties to component lumping report.

42 Summary of Defects Fixed in PRO/II 7.1 Patches

Feature Description
PFE The PFE editor works in PRO/II. However, if you click Options/
Editor and click OK, you get a message that the PFE editor
cannot be found even though it is written correctly in the text
Polymers For a case that uses FLORY with a Chi parameter, the results
change when you add a new component (like H2) to the
component list, but keep it as a zero flow component in the
stream. This only affects zero flow components.
PPIntegration PIPEPHASE Unit Operation Inside Diameter Mass Flow rate
parameters should also be made available for Choke device.
Reaction Data Log of reaction equilibrium coefficient = 0.0 is not allowed. E.g.,
lnK=0.0001 is allowed, and lnK=-0.0001 is allowed, but lnK=0.0
is not.
Reaction Data Pseudo-components are not displayed in the Reaction
Components DEW.
Reactor You can get an exception error when you lay down a CSTR and
open the data entry window when there is a solid component
present in the component list.
Reactor/Gibbs Gibbs reactor with reactions identified require two independent
reaction. However, supplying the forward and reverse reaction is
accepted. PRO/II solves to an incorrect answer.
Reactor/Gibbs Each calculation pass through the Gibbs reactor increases the
file size slightly. The bloat becomes significant after
approximately 100 or so passes.
Regress UNIQUAC parameters calculated in Regress are transferred
incorrectly back into PRO/II. UNIQUAC(4) parameters are
displayed in Regress as [aij, bij, aji, bji]. However, in PRO/II they
are ordered [aij, aji, bij, bji]. On transfer, the numerical sequence
is not reordered as required.
Regress Verify Initial Estimates in the Regress feature may result in some
bad points being displayed. View Results of calculated values are
Regress The changes in the status of the correlation parameters from
default of "not fixed" to "fixed" does not get saved.
Reset The Reset unit operation with zero feed "Fails" rather than "Skips".
In some cases, this results in flowsheets that are flagged as not
converged, when in fact the flowsheet converged fine.
Restore Input Restore Input Data does not force a recalculation of estimated
Data assay streams. It is possible that a stream that was initialized
with an assay will have a zero rate after restore input, causing a
different solution path and possible non-convergence.
Sequence In some recycle flowsheet cases, with excluded unit operations,
you can get an incorrect error message "recycle stream not
included in any recycle loop".

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 43

Feature Description
Sequence PRO/II generates an incorrect sequencer error message when a
controller unit is excluded.
Sequence Unit operations that are "excluded" from calculation via the GUI
do not persist as excluded unit operations after an export/import
Sequence Excluding a controller in large flowsheet may cause the output
generation to freeze.
Sequence A file with user-defined sequence that runs in v7.0 will not run in
v7.1, giving the bogus error message, "STREAM XXX TO UNIT 1,
Sequence A large flowsheet with SEQUENCE=SIMSCI and no user supplied
recycle loops fails with an error message complaining about a
recycle stream not being included in the recycle loop. Since
PRO/II generates the sequence and loops in this case, there
should have been no errors.
Sequence An error comes up stating that stream is not included in the
recycle loop when SEQUENCE=SIMSCI.
Sequence After running a flowsheet with excluded units and
SEQUENCE=SIMSCI through the PRU, the excluded units are still
grayed out, but run anyways.
Spec Vary When retrieving the PIPE friction factor as a Define or in a Spec,
Define the value that is retrieved is the user input value rather than the
expected calculated value. If the user did not supply a friction
factor then a message is given that the value is not available.
Stream Starting with v6.0, PRO/II errored out the condition where a
stream is referenced to another stream downstream in the
sequence of calculations. This error needs to be replaced with a
strong warning to enable old customer flowsheets to work, even
if they may result in inaccurate simulations.
Stream A stream that has it's description deleted via the GUI, still prints
out that description in the standard output report.
Stream Reference stream does not transfer correct thermo properties to
target stream when source stream has an initial estimate using
liquid fraction.
Stream The pressure value displayed in the GUI is incorrect when the
pressure unit is kpag. Note that kpa is OK, and psig is OK, only
the kpa gauge pressure is wrong.
SPT The Stream properties spreadsheet does not work with GPSA
thermo. A message box comes stating "MS Excel is waiting for
another application to complete OLE action".
SPT The presence of SPT with RVP default results in the change of
flowrate of the stream.
SPT The values reported by the SPT for the metal contents is wrong
when the UOM is changed from input units to user defined units.

44 Summary of Defects Fixed in PRO/II 7.1 Patches

Feature Description
Thermo Regressed VLE parameters can no longer be used in VLLE. This
is incorrect. If VLE parameters are given in a VLLE thermo set
without LLE parameters, then the VLE parameters should be
used for LLE.
Thermo By default, transport property calculations are turned off for all
calculations. The new default is to turn these calculations on.
Thermo Repeated runs of TBC flash give different answers.
Thermo TBC equation of state does not work with user libraries.
Thermo Hform and Free are incorrect for T24D in the PROCESS library.
Need to divide by 1000.
Thermo With multiple thermo sets, PRO/II can get the component order
reversed for KVAL entries for both KDATA after import.
UOM Changing the default UOM option may not be effective on
opening a new file unless PRO/II has been restarted.
User-Added There is a limit of 300 components accessible via User-added
Subroutines Subroutines. This has been increased to 2500.
User-Added The current number of feeds allowed in a UAS is 40. This should
Subroutines be set to unlimited like other unit operations.
User-Added Timings for property calculations through UAS are very high
Subroutines when VLLE is involved.
User-Added Output results for UAS are generated even though the unit was
Subroutines not executed. Only occurs after running through PROIN.

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 45

Summary of Open Defects in PRO/II 8.0
PRO/II 8.0 Bug Lists
To access the current version of PRO/II 8.0 bug list as well as FAQ
and Updates, visit our website's Knowledge Base at http:// Select Support Menu and then the
Software Updates & Knowledge Base. Select Enter the SIM4ME
Software Updates & Knowledge Base Website. Updates. Finally select
PRO/II and enter in your personalized SIM4ME Username and
If you do not have a SIM4ME username and password, please take a
few minutes to register. Registration will allow you to access our
complete Knowledge Base as well as allow us to display custom
information of interest to you.

46 Summary of Open Defects in PRO/II 8.0

License and Copyright Information
Release Notes for The software described in this guide is furnished under a
PRO/II 8.0 written agreement and may be used only in accordance with
the terms and conditions of the license agreement under which
you obtained it.
Copyright Notice © 2006 Invensys Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of
the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or
utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, broadcasting, or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without permission
in writing from Invensys Systems, Inc.


and SimSci-Esscor are trademarks of Invensys plc, its
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Schlumberger Canada Limited. RATEFRAC and BATCHFRAC
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Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in
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subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer
Software-Restricted Rights clause at 48 C.F.R. 52.227-19, as
applicable. The Contractor/Manufacturer is: Invensys Systems,
Inc. (a division of Invensys plc. and owner of the SimSci-
Esscor brand) 26561 Rancho Parkway S., Lake Forest, CA
92630, USA.

Printed in the United States of America, June 2006.

PRO/II 8.0 Release Notes 47

48 License and Copyright Information

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