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SMFM Clinical Guidelines No.


Amniotic fluid embolism: diagnosis and

Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) with the assistance of Luis D. Pacheco, MD; George Saade, MD;
Gary D. V. Hankins, MD; Steven L. Clark, MD

The practice of medicine continues to evolve, and individual circumstances will vary. This publication reflects information
available at the time of its submission for publication and is neither designed nor intended to establish an exclusive standard
of perinatal care. This publication is not expected to reflect the opinions of all members of the Society for Maternal-Fetal

OBJECTIVE: We sought to provide evidence-based guidelines regarding the diagnosis and manage-
ment of amniotic fluid embolism.
STUDY DESIGN: A systematic literature review was performed using MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE,
and the Cochrane Library. The search was restricted to English-language articles published from 1966
through March 2015. Priority was given to articles reporting original research, in particular randomized
controlled trials, although review articles and commentaries were consulted. Abstracts of research
presented at symposia and scientific conferences were not considered adequate for inclusion. Evidence
reports and published guidelines were also reviewed, and additional studies were located by reviewing
bibliographies of identified articles. Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and
Evaluation (GRADE) methodology was used for defining the strength of recommendations and rating
quality of the evidence. Consistent with US Preventive Task Force guidelines, references were evaluated
for quality based on the highest level of evidence.
RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: We recommend the following: (1) we recommend consider-
ation of amniotic fluid embolism in the differential diagnosis of sudden cardiorespiratory collapse in the
laboring or recently delivered woman (GRADE 1C); (2) we do not recommend the use of any specific
diagnostic laboratory test to either confirm or refute the diagnosis of amniotic fluid embolism; at the
present time, amniotic fluid embolism remains a clinical diagnosis (GRADE 1C); (3) we recommend the
provision of immediate high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation with standard basic cardiac life
support and advanced cardiac life support protocols in patients who develop cardiac arrest associated
with amniotic fluid embolism (GRADE 1C); (4) we recommend that a multidisciplinary team including
anesthesia, respiratory therapy, critical care, and maternal-fetal medicine should be involved in the
ongoing care of women with AFE (Best Practice); (5) following cardiac arrest with amniotic fluid em-
bolism, we recommend immediate delivery in the presence of a fetus 23 weeks of gestation (GRADE
2C); (6) we recommend the provision of adequate oxygenation and ventilation and, when indicated by
hemodynamic status, the use of vasopressors and inotropic agents in the initial management of amniotic
fluid embolism. Excessive fluid administration should be avoided (GRADE 1C); and (7) because coa-
gulopathy may follow cardiovascular collapse with amniotic fluid embolism, we recommend the early
assessment of clotting status and early aggressive management of clinical bleeding with standard
massive transfusion protocols (GRADE 1C).
Key words: amniotic fluid embolism, cardiorespiratory arrest, pregnancy

Corresponding author: The Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Publications Committee. A mniotic fluid embolism is a rare but potentially lethal
condition. Because of a lack of international
consensus regarding diagnostic criteria, estimates of both
Cite this article as: Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM) with
the assistance of Pacheco LD, Saade G, et al. Amniotic fluid embolism: incidence and mortality rates associated with amniotic
diagnosis and management. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016;215:B16-24. fluid embolism vary widely.1-4 These issues have recently
Received Oct. 27, 2015; revised Feb. 22, 2016; accepted March 2, been reviewed in detail and are not the focus of this
2016. manuscript.2,5

B16 AUGUST 2016 SMFM Clinical Guidelines

Rather we emphasize that despite its low incidence in the material from the fetal compartment, resulting in an
general population of pregnant women, both maternal and abnormal activation of proinflammatory mediator systems
perinatal morbidity and mortality are significant with amni- similar to the systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
otic fluid embolism, even in cases ideally managed. The typical presentation of amniotic fluid embolism in-
Because of the rarity of this condition, most physicians and cludes a triad of sudden hypoxia and hypotension, followed
institutions have limited experience with the management of in many cases by coagulopathy, all occurring in relation to
amniotic fluid embolism. labor and delivery. The diagnosis of amniotic fluid embolism
The purpose of this document is to provide clinicians with is clinical, based on the presence of these elements and the
information that may improve the ability to make a timely exclusion of other likely causes. Amniotic fluid embolism
diagnosis and establish appropriate supportive treatment to should be considered in the differential diagnosis in any
patients suffering from amniotic fluid embolism to improve pregnant or immediately postpartum woman who suffers
maternal and perinatal outcomes. sudden cardiovascular collapse or cardiac arrest, seizures,
severe respiratory difficulty, or hypoxia, particularly if such
What is amniotic fluid embolism and what are its events are followed by a coagulopathy that cannot be
clinical features? otherwise explained.
A detailed review of the pathophysiology of amniotic fluid The analysis of the national registry reveals that 70% of
embolism is beyond the scope of this document but may be cases of amniotic fluid embolism occur during labor, 11%
found elsewhere and is summarized in Figures 1 and 2.1,2,5 It after a vaginal delivery, and 19% during a cesarean
appears to involve a complex sequence of events triggered delivery.1 These figures suggest that the mode of delivery
in certain women by entrance into the maternal circulation of may alter the timing of amniotic fluid embolism but not its

Proposed pathophysiology of amniotic fluid embolism

Disruption of the maternal/fetal

interface with potential passage
of amniotic luid to maternal

Increased levels of Acute respiratory

pulmonary failure with severe Amniotic luid activates Factor VII and
vasoconstrictors hypoxemia platelets with consequent
(e.g.endothelin) and disseminated intravascular coagulation
mechanical (DIC). In lammatory response further
obstruction from activates clotting cascade
cellular and acellular
components of
amniotic luid
Hemorrhage contributes to
hemodynamic instability.
Diffuse intravascular clotting
from DIC contributes to
ischemic distal organ
Acute right dysfunction and multi organ
ventricular failure failure

Hemodynamic collapse from right

ventricular infarction and/or inter-
ventricular septum displacement to
the left and decreased left sided
cardiac output
Late onset left ventricular
failure with cardiogenic
pulmonary edema and
systemic hypotension

DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation.

SMFM. Amniotic fluid embolism: diagnosis and management. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016.

AUGUST 2016 B17

SMFM Clinical Guidelines

Immediate supportive treatment in suspected cases of amniotic fluid embolism

AFE suspected
Immediate noti ication to
neonatology, maternal-
fetal medicine and/or
Start immediate high
obstetric care provider,
quality CPR-ACLS
anesthesiology, intensive
and call for help.

Consider immediate
delivery in viable Early phase commonly Second phase Coagulopathy may have
pregnancies either by characterized by right characterized by left immediate or delayed
operative vaginal ventricular failure. May ventricular failure and onset following
delivery or emergent con irm with bedside cardiogenic pulmonary cardiovascular collapse.
cesarean section. transthoracic edema. Activate massive
echocardiography Maintain hemodynamics transfusion protocols
with use of where available.
norepinephrine and Aggressive treatment of
inotropes, such as uterine atony. Search
dobutamine or for anatomic etiologies
Avoid excessive luid milrinone. Limit
resuscitation. of bleeding such as
excessive luid pelvic lacerations.
Consider administration.
norepinephrine to
maintain blood
Right ventricular
failure addressed
with inotropes, such
as dobutamine or
milrinone. Decrease
pulmonary afterload
with inhaled nitric
oxide or
prostacyclin if

CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; ACLS, advanced cardiac life support; AFE, amniotic fluid embolism.
SMFM. Amniotic fluid embolism: diagnosis and management. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2016.

occurrence. In rare instances, amniotic fluid embolism may Dissemninated intravascular coagulation is commonly
occur during the first or second trimesters of pregnancy, at manifested by hemorrhagic complications including
the time of pregnancy termination, or amniocentesis.6 bleeding from venipunctures or surgical sites, hematuria,
The clinical presentation of amniotic fluid embolism is, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and vaginal bleeding. As with
in its classic form, dramatic. A period of anxiety, change any condition involving diminished uterine perfusion,
in mental status, agitation, and a sensation of doom may coexistence with uterine atony is not uncommon. However,
precede the event.7 Patients may progress rapidly to bleeding from incompletely controlled atony followed by
cardiac arrest, with pulseless electrical activity, asystole, hypovolemic shock and either a consumptive or dilutional
ventricular fibrillation, or pulseless ventricular tachy- coagulopathy cannot be attributed to amniotic fluid embo-
cardia. In cases occurring prior to delivery, electronic lism, nor does amniotic fluid embolism occur as a mild
fetal monitoring will demonstrate decelerations, loss of coagulopathy followed hours later by sudden cardiovas-
variability, and terminal bradycardia as oxygenated blood cular collapse in the absence of interval hemorrhage and
is shunted away from the uterus, and catecholamine- hypovolemia.
induced uterine hypertonus causes a further decline in Reported risk factors for amniotic fluid embolism include
uterine perfusion.1,2 situations in which the exchange of fluids between the
Dissemninated intravascular coagulation is present in up maternal and fetal compartments is more likely, such as
to 83% of cases.1 The coagulopathy of amniotic fluid operative delivery (cesarean or vaginal), placenta previa,
embolism may occur in conjunction with the cardiopulmo- placenta accreta, and abruption. An association between
nary manifestations, be manifest only after initial cardio- induction of labor and amniotic fluid embolism is inconsis-
pulmonary resuscitation has been completed, or in very rare tently reported. Abnormalities of uterine tone (hypo- or
cases may be the only finding in women without cardiore- hypertonous) described commonly in cases of amniotic
spiratory compromise.8-10 fluid embolism may be the consequence of uterine

B18 AUGUST 2016 SMFM Clinical Guidelines

hypoperfusion secondary to profound maternal shock and resuscitation is in progress. However, the presence of such
hypoxia with massive catecholamine release, rather than monitors should not delay defibrillation when indicated.17
the cause.1 The components of high-quality cardiopulmonary resusci-
Other putative risk factors include cervical lacerations, tation are summarized in Table 1.
uterine rupture, eclampsia, polyhydramnios, and multiple If the patient is undelivered at the time of cardiac arrest,
gestations; as outlined in the previous text, a tendency to expeditious delivery is indicated if the fetus has reached an
overdiagnose amniotic fluid embolism in cases actually age of potential viability (23 weeks). Not only may this be
involving other causes of primary hemorrhage may life saving for the fetus but in theory may assist in maternal
contribute to these reports. Sociodemographic risk factors resuscitation by removing venacaval compression. An
such as maternal age and race/ethnicity are also reported in operative vaginal delivery (forceps or vacuum assisted)
some series.11-16 However, given the rare and unpredictable should be performed in laboring patients in whom obstet-
nature of amniotic fluid embolism, there are no risk factors rical conditions support such an intervention. If a vaginal
sufficiently established to justify any alteration in standard delivery is not an option, emergency cesarean delivery is
obstetric care. generally indicated.
Classically the indication for a perimortem cesarean de-
How should you manage a patient with sudden livery has been a failure to obtain spontaneous circulation
cardiac arrest in whom amniotic fluid embolism after 4 minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation to reduce
is suspected? the profound fetal hypoxia occurring during maternal car-
Amniotic fluid embolism should be considered in the differential diac arrest.17 This time frame is ideal but is rarely achievable
diagnosis of sudden cardiorespiratory compromise in any preg- when cardiac arrest is unexpected.
nant or recently postpartum patient (GRADE 1C). Initial resusci- We recommend that preparations for emergent peri-
tation of cardiac arrest does not require a specific diagnosis mortem cesarean delivery be initiated simultaneously with
of amniotic fluid embolism because initial maternal treat- the initiation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and if the
ment (with basic cardiac life support and advanced cardiac cardiac arrest is still ongoing as the instruments become
life support protocols) is similar, regardless of the exact available, proceed with cesarean delivery. The dismal
etiology. prognosis of adult cardiac arrest not amenable to, or unre-
We do not recommend the use of any specific diagnostic lab- sponsive to, immediate direct current countershock sug-
oratory test to either confirm or refute the diagnosis of amniotic gests that maternal prognosis will not be significantly
fluid embolism; at the present time, amniotic fluid embolism compromised by such an operation.
remains a clinical diagnosis (GRADE 1C). Some authors recommend moving this threshold to
We recommend the provision of immediate high-quality car- 20 weeks to improve maternal perfusion, but no evidence
diopulmonary resuscitation with standard basic cardiac life exists that such previable cesarean delivery improves the
support and advanced cardiac life support protocols in patients outcome in cases of amniotic fluid embolismerelated
who develop cardiac arrest associated with amniotic fluid em- maternal cardiac arrest.17
bolism (GRADE 1C). We recommend that a multidisciplinary Following cardiac arrest with amniotic fluid embolism, we
team including anesthesia, respiratory therapy, critical care, recommend immediate delivery in the presence of a fetus ‡23
and maternal-fetal medicine should be involved in the ongoing weeks of gestation (GRADE 2C). In cases of maternal hemo-
care of women with AFE (Best Practice). The most critical dynamic instability that does not involve one of the lethal
immediate action is to start chest compressions before dysrhythmias, cases must be individualized based on the
rescue breathing is administered.17
Chest compressions should be performed similarly to
nonpregnant individuals. The hands of the provider should
be placed in the lower half of the sternum.17 Chest com- TABLE 1
pressions should be performed hard and fast, achieving a Components of high-quality cardiopulmonary
depth of at least 2 inches and allowing complete chest recoil resuscitation in pregnancy
between compressions. Patients who are undelivered Components
should be tilted to the left lateral decubitus position or,
Rapid chest compressions (100  minute)
preferably, have the uterus displaced laterally by an assis-
Perform hard compressions, achieving a depth of at least 2 inches
tant to prevent aortocaval compression by the gravid Assure adequate chest recoil between compressions
uterus.17 Minimize interruptions of chest compressions
The use of vasopressors, antiarrhythmic agents, and Avoid prolonged pulse checks (no more than 5e10 seconds)
defibrillating doses is not different from those utilized in Resume chest compressions immediately after defibrillating
Switch provider of compressions every 2 minutes to avoid fatigue
nonpregnant individuals. Although concerns that electric
Lateral displacement of uterus during resuscitation
arcing may occur if fetal monitors are in place at the time of
SMFM. Amniotic fluid embolism: diagnosis and management. Am J Obstet Gynecol
cardioversion or defibrillation are largely theoretical, it is 2016.
reasonable to remove such monitors while cardiopulmonary

AUGUST 2016 B19

SMFM Clinical Guidelines

fetal age and degree of compromise, maternal condition, be considered. Targeting a temperature of 36 C (as
and the availability of anesthetic support. No data exist to opposed to lower temperatures with a concomitant
guide delivery decisions under these circumstances. increased risk of hemorrhage) is an option. Such decisions
The literature contains innumerable case reports in which must be made in conjunction with the available medical
various novel therapeutic modalities have been used in critical care team.
women with presumptive amniotic fluid embolism, and the
patient did not die.7 Unfortunately, evidence of a causal, as What are the considerations for hemodynamic
opposed to an anecdotal, connection between most of support in a patient with amniotic fluid
these and survival from amniotic fluid embolism is lacking. embolism?
We focus here only on the better-supported ancillary treat- Immediate survivors of amniotic fluid embolism require
ment options. multidisciplinary management, including maternal-fetal
The use of venoarterial extracorporeal membrane medicine subspecialists and intensive care specialists.
oxygenation has been described in cases of amniotic fluid The management of suspected amniotic fluid embolism is
embolism refractory to conventional resuscitation ma- supportive and focuses on rapid maternal hemodynamic
neuvers.7 However, the use of anticoagulation during stabilization.
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation may worsen The initial phase of amniotic fluid embolism consists
bleeding in the profoundly coagulopathic patient with mainly of right ventricular failure. If available, transthoracic
active hemorrhage. Because of these concerns, as well as and/or transesophageal echocardiography may provide
lack of adequate evidence of benefit, extracorporeal valuable information. Immediately after presentation, the
membrane oxygenation is controversial and not routinely echocardiography will commonly reveal a severely dilated
recommended in the management of amniotic fluid hypokinetic right ventricle (acute cor pulmonale) with devi-
embolism. ation of the interventricular septum into the left ventricle.
After successful resuscitation, postcardiac arrest man- Hypoxia, acidosis, and hypercapnia should be avoided
agement is of paramount importance.18 Hemodynamic because they increase pulmonary vascular resistance and
instability is common, and patients may require fluids, lead to further right heart failure.13 Right ventricular output
vasopressors, and inotropes. The goal is to maintain a may be improved by using inotropes such as dobutamine
mean arterial blood pressure of 65 mm Hg.18 Fever may and milrinone. These agents also will lead to pulmonary
worsen ischemia-reperfusion injury to the brain and should vasodilation.
be aggressively treated. Hyperoxia will also worsen Other specific interventions aimed at decreasing the
ischemia-reperfusion injury, and administration of 100% pulmonary vascular resistance include sildenafil, inhaled or
oxygen after the survival of cardiac arrest should be avoi- intravenous prostacyclin, and inhaled nitric oxide. Hypo-
ded. The inspired fraction of oxygen should be weaned to tension in this phase should be mainly treated with vaso-
maintain a pulse oxymetry value of 94-98%.18 Serum pressors such as norepinephrine or vasopressin.23 The
glucose should be maintained between 140 mg/dL and commonly used doses of these agents are provided in
180 mg/dL with the use of intravenous insulin infusions if Table 2.
needed.19 We recommend the provision of adequate oxygenation and
Mild therapeutic hypothermia, defined as cooling the ventilation and, when indicated by hemodynamic status, the use of
patient to a temperature between 32 C and 34 C for vasopressors and inotropic agents in the initial management of
12e24 hours, has been recommended by the American amniotic fluid embolism. Excessive fluid administration should be
Heart Association to increase the rate of a favorable avoided (GRADE 1C).
neurological outcome and reduce mortality following After an initial phase of right ventricular failure, left ven-
cardiac arrest.18 A recent study, however, found no dif- tricular failure predominates. Excess fluid administration
ferences in outcomes between targeted temperatures of should be especially avoided in the setting of a massively
33 C vs 36 C among survivors of cardiac arrest who were dilated right ventricle because this will increase the over-
treated with mild therapeutic hypothermia.20 Current distention of the ventricle and increase the risk of a right-
guidelines recommend targeted temperature manage- sided myocardial infarction. Increased distention of the
ment of cardiac arrest victims aiming at temperatures right ventricle will also displace the interventricular septum
between 32 and 36 C.18 to the left, further compromising the cardiac output because
The data on therapeutic hypothermia during pregnancy is of left ventricular obliteration.
limited to case reports.21,22 Most survivors of amniotic fluid Minutes to hours following the initial presentation, the
embolism will have been delivered during the course of right ventricular function usually improves, and left ventric-
successful resuscitation. The main concern limiting the use ular failure with cardiogenic pulmonary edema becomes the
of therapeutic hypothermia in these patients is a concern prominent finding.7 In patients who are not intubated,
that this may increase the risk of hemorrhage. In patients noninvasive mechanical ventilation or endotracheal intu-
not demonstrating significant disseminated intravascular bation should be considered. Left-sided heart failure should
coagulation and bleeding, therapeutic hypothermia should be treated by optimizing cardiac preload, the use of

B20 AUGUST 2016 SMFM Clinical Guidelines

results of laboratory tests. Instead, early aggressive resus-

TABLE 2 citation with packed red blood cells, fresh-frozen plasma,
Recommended doses for agents commonly
and platelets at a ratio of 1:1:1 (hemostatic resuscitation)
used in cases of acute right ventricular failure
results in improved outcomes.25
Agent Dose Because coagulopathy may follow cardiovascular collapse
Sildenafil 20 mg tid PO or through nasogastric/
with amniotic fluid embolism, we recommend the early assess-
orogastric tube ment of clotting status and early aggressive management of
clinical bleeding with standard massive transfusion protocols
Dobutamine 2.5e5.0 mg/kg per minute. Higher doses
may compromise right ventricular filling time (GRADE 1C).
caused by tachycardia. Administration of recombinant activated factor VII has
been described in cases of amniotic fluid embolism.26-28
Milrinone 0.25e0.75 mg/kg per minute. Most common
side effect is systemic hypotension. However, some authors believe that this treatment, in pa-
tients with disseminated intravascular coagulation and
Inhaled nitric oxide 5e40 ppm. Follow methemoglobin levels
every 6 h, and avoid abrupt discontinuation. elevated levels of tissue factor (as occurs in amniotic fluid
embolism), could lead to excessive diffuse thrombosis and
Inhaled prostacyclin 10e50 ng/kg per minute multiorgan failure. The use of this agent may be considered
Intravenous Start at 1e2 ng/kg per minute through a as a last resort in cases in which hemorrhage cannot be
prostacyclin central line and titrate to desired effect. stopped with massive blood component replacement and
Side effects include systemic hypotension,
surgical interventions.27
nausea, vomiting, headache, jaw pain,
and diarrhea. Both plasminogen activators and plasminogen activator
inhibitors have been identified in amniotic fluid.29 The
Norepinephrine 0.05e3.3 mg/kg per minute
presence of hyperfibrinolysis has been described in amni-
PO, per os; tid, twice a day.
otic fluid embolismerelated coagulopathy and should be
SMFM. Amniotic fluid embolism: diagnosis and management. Am J Obstet Gynecol
2016. considered in the management of amniotic fluid embolism.
When available, bedside thromboelastography may aid in
identifying bleeding patients who might benefit from the use
of antifibrinolytics such as tranexamic acid or epsilon ami-
vasopressors in cases of hypotension to maintain coronary nocaproic acid.30
perfusion pressure, and inotropes (dobutamine or milrinone) Uterine atony is common with amniotic fluid embolism
to increase left ventricular contractility. Severe pulmonary and should be managed aggressively.31 The use of ute-
congestion not responsive to diuretic therapy may require rotonics such as oxytocin, ergot derivatives, and prosta-
fluid removal through dialysis. glandins is appropriate when indicated. Refractory cases
Later in the clinical course, some patients with persistent may require uterine tamponade with the use of packing or
severe inflammation and prolonged care in the intensive commercially available intrauterine balloons. Extreme
care unit may develop nosocomial infections and distribu- cases may need bilateral uterine artery ligation, B-Lynch
tive shock with noncardiogenic pulmonary edema from stitch, or hysterectomy. We caution, however, against
severe sepsis.24 No evidence exists to justify the routine use making the diagnosis of amniotic fluid embolism based
of steroids in cases of amniotic fluid embolism. The overall exclusively on hemorrhage from persistent atony with
management of amniotic fluid embolism is summarized in secondary coagulopathy; in our experience, this is a
Figure 2. common diagnostic error.
In patients delivered vaginally, a thorough inspection of
How is the coagulopathy associated with the cervix and vagina is warranted to rule out lacerations as
amniotic fluid embolism managed? the cause or as a contributing factor to profuse bleeding in a
Dissemninated intravascular coagulation is present in most patient with disseminated intravascular coagulation. In
cases of amniotic fluid embolism. The onset is variable; patients with diffuse bleeding after or during a cesarean
disseminated intravascular coagulation may be manifest delivery that is not amenable to surgical control, consider-
either immediately following cardiovascular collapse or in ation should be given to packing the pelvis and transfer to
the later phases of the syndrome. the intensive care unit for further medical therapy with
Severe hemorrhage may require simultaneous medical delayed closure.
and surgical approaches. Medical management classically
includes the administration of blood products to maintain a What other differential diagnoses should be
platelet count above 50,000/mm3 and normal (or close to considered when amniotic fluid embolism is
normal) activated partial thromboplastin time and interna- suspected?
tional normalized ratio. In the absence of the classic triad of hypotension,
In the setting of massive hemorrhage, blood product hypoxia, and subsequent coagulopathy, amniotic fluid
administration should not be delayed while awaiting the embolism often remains a diagnosis of exclusion. The list

AUGUST 2016 B21

SMFM Clinical Guidelines

of conditions that may result in either acute cardiac or Anaphylactic shock is a possibility, particularly in the
respiratory or hematological failure in pregnancy is rela- setting of urticarial rash, and laryngospasm or broncho-
tively long and includes myocardial infarction, pulmonary spasm immediately following the administration of medi-
embolism, air embolism, anesthetic complications, cation known to cause anaphylaxis. Bronchospasm has
anaphylaxis, and eclampsia and in some cases sepsis. been reported in about 15% of cases of amniotic fluid em-
Providers caring for pregnant women with an acute clin- bolism. However, anaphylaxis is not usually accompanied
ical event and cardiorespiratory failure should narrow this by coagulopathy, and cardiac dysfunction is not commonly
list to clinically relevant diagnoses that require specific severe because hypotension associated with anaphylaxis
treatment strategies. Importantly, an exact diagnosis is is due primarily to vasodilation and increased vascular
not required to start treatment for presumed amniotic permeability. If anaphylaxis is suspected, treatment with
fluid embolism because immediate interventions, such as epinephrine, steroids, and inhaled bronchodilators is
good-quality cardiorespiratory resuscitation, are sup- indicated.
portive in nature. Bedside echocardiography demonstrating right ventric-
Risk factors for myocardial infarction, such as advanced ular dysfunction favors the diagnosis of amniotic fluid em-
maternal age, diabetes, chronic hypertension, smoking, bolism over anaphylaxis and most of the other conditions
obesity, dyslipidemia, and a previous history of coronary that may mimic amniotic fluid embolism.
artery disease may suggest this diagnosis. Cardiac tropo-
nins and a 12 lead electrocardiograph should be obtained as What is the prognosis and recurrence risk for
soon as possible. A bedside echocardiography may be patients who survive an episode of amniotic
useful in making a diagnosis of cardiogenic shock sec- fluid embolism?
ondary to myocardial ischemia. Echocardiography will also The recurrence rate of amniotic fluid embolism is difficult
aid in ruling out conditions such as a peripartum dilated to define because of the rarity of the condition and high
cardiomyopathy.32 mortality rate. Multiple cases of uneventful subsequent
Pulmonary embolism is a recognized complication of pregnancies and no cases of recurrence have been re-
pregnancy. Computed tomography angiography or a ported.35,36 Patients should be cautioned, however, that the
ventilation perfusion scan may be useful in evaluating this available sample size precludes definitive conclusions
potential diagnosis. In cases complicated by profuse regarding recurrence risk.
bleeding, however, thromboembolism is unlikely.
A high spinal anesthesia can result in apnea but is unlikely Conclusions
to cause a dramatic drop in cardiac output or hemorrhagic Amniotic fluid embolism is a rare but often lethal condition.
manifestations. Inadvertent intravascular injection of local Maternal and perinatal mortalities appear to have decreased
anesthetics may cause seizures and cardiovascular during the last decades likely because of improvements in
collapse.33 Timing between injection and onset of symp- the delivery of critical care, recognition of atypical or milder
toms may suggest this diagnosis or make it less likely. If cases with no cardiorespiratory collapse, and the likely in-
local anesthetic toxicity is likely, consideration should be clusion of patients with conditions other than amniotic fluid
given to the use of intravenous lipids (20% Intralipid) in embolism, particularly in series based on administrative
addition to other supportive measures.34 data.
Air embolism may also cause acute cardiorespiratory The diagnosis remains clinical and is often one of
compromise. If venous air embolism is high on the list of exclusion because no single specific diagnostic test is
potential diagnoses, normobaric 100% oxygen should be currently available. Treatment is mainly supportive and
used. The patient should be turned to the left lateral decu- involves the delivery of the fetus when indicated, respi-
bitus to prevent air from migrating to the pulmonary artery. If ratory support (usually in the form of endotracheal intu-
a central line is in place, then aspiration of blood may be bation and mechanical ventilation), and hemodynamic
performed in an attempt to aspirate bubbles of air. If an support with the judicious use of fluids, vasopressors,
arterial air embolism is suspected (eg, if neurological inotropes, and pulmonary vasodilators. Rapid initiation of
symptoms are present), hyperbaric oxygen therapy should treatment, aided by a high index of clinical suspicion, is
be considered, if available. essential.
Eclampsia is obviously a possibility in a patient in the The recurrence rate of amniotic fluid embolism is un-
latter half of pregnancy with new-onset seizures, although known but appears to be low. Much of the published liter-
eclampsia is not commonly associated with cardiorespira- ature regarding amniotic fluid embolism is of poor quality
tory arrest and acute profound coagulopathy. Transfusion and likely includes a significant number of patients with
reactions may cause acute pulmonary edema (transfusion- other conditions. Uniform diagnostic criteria for amniotic
related acute lung injury) and coagulopathy when incom- fluid embolism cases reported in research publications are
patible blood is administered. This is an uncommon event in badly needed and may accelerate our understanding of this
modern practice. condition. n

B22 AUGUST 2016 SMFM Clinical Guidelines

5. Conde-Agudelo A, Romero R. Amniotic fluid embolism: an

Summary of Recommendations evidence-based review. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2009;201:445.e1-13
(Level II-2).
6. Cromey MG, Taylor PJ, Cumming DC. Probable amniotic fluid embolism
Number Recommendations GRADE
after first-trimester pregnancy termination. A case report. J Reprod Med
1 We recommend consideration of 1C 1983;28:209-11 (Level III).
AFE in the differential diagnosis of Strong recommendation 7. Ecker JL, Solt K, Fitzsimons MG, MacGillivray TE. Case records of the
sudden cardiorespiratory collapse Weak-quality evidence Massachusetts General Hospital. Case 40-2012. A 43-year-old woman
in the laboring or recently delivered with cardiorespiratory arrest after a cesarean section. N Engl J Med
woman. 2012;367:2528-36 (Level III).
8. Awad IT, Shorten GD. Amniotic fluid embolism and isolated coagulop-
2 We do not recommend the use of any 1C athy: atypical presentation of amniotic fluid embolism. Eur J Anaesthesiol
specific diagnostic laboratory test to Strong recommendation 2001;18:410-3 (Level III).
either confirm or refute the diagnosis Weak-quality evidence 9. Yang JI, Kim HS, Chang KH, Ryu HS, Joo HJ. Amniotic fluid embolism
of AFE; at the present time, AFE with isolated coagulopathy: a case report. J Reprod Med 2006;51:64-6
remains a clinical diagnosis. (Level III).
3 We recommend the provision 1C 10. Laforga JB. Amniotic fluid embolism. Report of two cases with
of immediate high-quality Strong recommendation coagulation disorder. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1997;76:805-6
cardiopulmonary resuscitation with Weak-quality evidence (Level III).
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