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What is the centrifugal time and speed to accelerate the separation of plasma
a. 5 mins 1000gt to 2000g
b. 5 mins 5000gt to 10000g
c. 10 min 1000gt to 2000g
d. 10 mins 5000gt to 10000g
2. What is the time for the specimen to be processed in the laboratory to prevent evaporation
a. 2hrs
b. 4hrs
c. 6hrs
d. 8hrs
3. Solve w/v given: 100g and 500ml
4. Not a description of ostwald-folin wu - greatest accuracy
5. Principle of air displacement for pipets – relies on a piston for creating suction to draw the
sample into a disposable tip
6. Blue quadrant- health hazards
7. Not an indicator of analytic performance - reference intervals
8. Serve as the primary means to protect employee from infectious agents - Biosafety cabinet
9. Flammable, explosive subs- reactive chemicals
10. Which of the following is described as an abrupt change from the established mean and
continue in a line parallel to the mean - Shift
11. Causes of trend or shift
a. Deteriorating rgts
b. Changes in instrument
d. OTA
12. W/c of the ff. spectrometer components is urea able to convert transmittance radiant energy
into an equivalent amount of electrical energy?
a. Photodetectors
b. Sample cell
c. Monochromator
d. Light source
13. ISE method w/c uses diluted specimen?
a. Direct Method
b. Indirect
c. pH electrode
d. Reference electrode
14. Derived formula for the relationship bet A & %T ?
a. A = log 1/T
b. A = 2-log %T
c. A= -logT
d. all of the above
A- Absorbance
%T - Percent Transmittance
15. What is the reference electrode in ISE made of ? - Calomel
16. What is the percentage of the mean glucose lvl of 100 mg/dL in Hba1c? b. 5%
17. Ogtt prep which of these will cause erroneous results?
a. Restrict carbs intake to <150g 3 days prior
b. ambulatory for 3 days
c. give >75g/dl after 10-12 hrs fasting
18. Hba1c diagnostic value - >6.5%
19. Which of these is not included in the Abell-Kendall method? - Purification
20. 5.3 mmol/L na trig to conventional - 470 mg/dL (basta divide lng by 0.0113)
21. biuret reaction depends on the number of? - Peptide bonds
22. about sa serum electrophoresis pattern - Inflammation
Albumin: decrease
Alpha globulin: inc
Beta globulin: inc
23. Negative Acute Phase Reactant - Transferrin
24. Keeps the copper ions in the cupric state - Potassium iodide
25. Ang frst statement about Lloyds method, a modified Jaffe method, uses hydrated aluminum
silicate to remove interfering substance, while is Janovsky complex 30 minutes.- Ans. both
are true
26. Determined using total body mass - Creatinine
27. Indications of Pre-renal azotemia
a. Increase protein catabolism
b. Dehydration
c. Hemorrhage
d. All of the above
28. Indirect method of determination of NPN product - Ammonia
29. Reaction ang given - Megraw
30. Which is true sa GFR?
a. A. Comparison of concentration of the substance in the plasma and urine
b. B. Crea clerance is an example of this test
c. C.
d. D. Amount of urine per ml
31. What hormone requires the amino acid tyrosine for its synthesis? - T4
32. What hormone is considered to inhibit pituitary-gonadal production of melatonin?
a. Insulin
b. Epinephrine
c. Melatonin (melatonin inhibits its own production)
d. T4
33. Which of the ff hormones are responsible for the production of glycosaminoglycan or
mucopolysaccharides, which stimulates...
34. What is the principal end product of dopamine metabolism? HVA
35. Patient has polydipsia and polyuria. Specific grav of urine is 1.040
a. Diabetes mellitus (↑SG due to ↑glucose content)
b. Diabetes insipidus
36. A 40 yrs old female nga obese, fasting serum glucose 278 mg/dl, urine glucose 1+ Choices:
a. Diabetes insipidus
b. Type 1 diabetes mellitus
c. Type 2 diabetes mellitus
37. Not an essential AA - Tryrosine
38. Not a marker of acute myocardial infarct
a. Myoglobin
b. Troponin T
c. CK-MB
d. None of the above
39. Decrease a-fetoprotein in pregnancy
a. Down syndrome
b. Twins
c. Spina bifida
d. Anencephaly
40. Causes of increased Creaphosphokinase?
Reye Syndrome
Mutiple Myeloma
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Acute MI
AOTA (It is not specific daan)
41. Not a dopaminergic substance - Marijuana
42. Composition of insecticides - Arsenic
43. Bitter almond - Cyanide
44. A 67 yr old man has AST, ALT, LD - normal, ALP - slightly inc. Albumin - dec. Bilirubin - inc.
Liver Cirrhosis
45. Increased cortisol, tumor, excessive ACTH - Cushing’s Syndrome
46. Serve as the primary means to protect employee from infectious…. - Biosafety cabinet
47. Flammable, explosive subs - corrosive chemicals

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