Lesson Plan Listening

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Subject English

Year/Form Year 3
Duration 60 minutes
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Welcome!
Focus Skills Listening
Content Standard 1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of contexts
2.1 communicate simple information intelligibly
Learning Standard 1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by using visual
clues when a teacher or classmate is speaking
2.1.5 Describe people and objects using suitable words and
Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
a) say out ‘his/her name’s’ when playing poison-ball
b) use 2 out of 4 adjectives orally
c) draw 3 out of 4 adjectives correctly by listening to the
teacher’s description
Cross Curricular Elements Language
Pre-Lesson Poison-Ball Game
1. A representative asked to stand up.
2. A ball will be given to the representative. He/She will be
asked to throw the ball to the teacher.
3. Then, the teacher says, “I am Mahen. Akbal threw the
4. The game continues with other pupils when the
representative throws the ball to any pupil at random.
Lesson-Development 1. Pupils will be shown the right way to say out the name.
Example : My name is Mahen.
His name’s Akbal.
2. Introductions of the adjectives (curly hair, straight hair,
pretty and purple) on the board by the teacher followed
by some real examples from the class.
3. Poison-Ball game will be conducted but this time the
pupils should include the adjective words learnt.
Example: His name’s Mahen.
He has straight hair.
4. An audio of those adjectives will be played and the
pupils need to listen and choose his/her friend with the
particular description.
Example: Find a friend with curly hair.
Post-Lesson Listen and Draw
1. Pupils listen to teacher’s description of a pupil using the
adjectives learnt and draw the figure in a group.
2. Pupils display their work in Gallery Walk.
3. Other group members will assess their friends’ work by
giving stars.
Teacher’s Reflection

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