Steam Table Practice Problems Samples

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1. Calculate the specific volume and the specific enthalpy of steam at 35% quality and pressure of
20kPa. ( V =2.69 m3 /kg, h = 1078 kJ/kg)
2. Steam at 550kPa and quality 92% occupies a rigid vessel of 0.4m3 . Calculate the mass, internal
energy and enthalpy. (m=1.27 kg, U=3063 J, H=3284 J)
3. A closed rigid vessel contains 125g of liquid and 7.5g of water vapor in equilibrium at 0.5Mpa.
Determine the volume of the mixture. (v=0.002948 m3)
4. Find the specific latent heat of evaporation of water at 200kPa. (L = 2202 kJ/kg)
5. A rigid tank of volume 1 m3 contains saturated steam at 100 kPa. If you cool the water to T=90º
C calculate the quality of the new mixture. (x=0.71)
6. Calculate the mass of 15m3 of water (mixed phase liquid-vapor) at 500kPa and quality of 50%.
(m=80 kg)
7. A closed rigid vessel contains 50g of liquid water and 50g of water vapor in equilibrium at 0.1Mpa.
a) Determine the volume of the mixture. (v=0.0848 m3)
8. What is the enthalpy of steam at 600 psia? (1203 BTU/lb)
9. What is the volume of steam at 600 psia? (0.77 cu.ft/lb)
10. What is the saturation temp of steam at 600 psia? (486 degF)
11. What is the enthalpy of steam at 250 psig? (1202 BTU/lb)
12. What is the volume of steam at 250 psig? (1.8 cu.ft/lb)
13. What is the saturation temp of steam at 250 psig? (406 degF)
14. What is the enthalpy of steam at 200 psig? (1199 BTU/lb)
15. What is the volume of steam at 200 psig? (2.13 cu.ft/lb)
16. What is the saturation temp of steam at 200 psig? (388 degF)
17. What is the enthalpy of steam at 100 psig? (1190 BTU/lb)
18. What is the specific volume of steam at 100 psig? (3.9 cu.ft/lb)
19. What is the saturation temp of steam at 100 psig? (338 degF)
20. What is the enthalpy of steam at 15 psig? (1164 BTU/lb)
21. What is the volume of steam at 15 psig? (13.7 cu.ft/lb)
22. What is the saturation temp of steam at 15 psig? (250 deg F)
23. What is the enthalpy of steam at 3" Hg? (1111 BTU/lb)
24. What is the volume of steam at 3" Hg? (231 cu.ft/lb)
25. What is the saturation temp of steam at 3" Hg? (115 degF)
26. What is the enthalpy of steam at 2" Hg? (1105 BTU/lb)
27. What is the volume of steam at 2" Hg? (340 cu.ft/lb)
28. What is the saturation point of steam at 2" Hg?( 100 degF)
29. What is the enthalpy of steam at 1" Hg? (1104 BTU/lb)
30. What is the volume of steam at 1" Hg? (652 cu.ft/lb)
31. What is the saturation point at 1" Hg? (79 degF)
32. What is the PSIA of 1" Hg?( 0.491 PSIA)
33. What is the specific volume of water at 0.02 MPa and 625oC ?

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