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(D0 NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO 50) TERLG. | B-ARNG-P-IBS ‘Test Booklet Series CAPR. EXAM-2016 TEST BOOKLET PAPER 1; GENERALABILITY AND INTELLIGENCE, is INSTRUCTIONS 1. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD (CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN (OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IP SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE, ‘TEST BOOKLET 2. Please mote tha i the in the Roll Number dias pons eae an 4d ie ook Series Code A hy Er D cart and without ay Ibeepancy at vate pac nthe OMR Arawer Sheet. Any oman / iserepaney tril fender the Answer Shet liable for ejector You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in the Box provided slonuside DO NOT ‘site anything else on tho Test Booklet 4 Tis eat Boke con, 125 ne uton, Gach fam pred ak Hal od rah tem comprise four regpnses (answers). You wil selet the response whl Yorwant to mation the anier Sheet ta ease You feel that there 6 more tat one correct R&jponcs mak the response, which you consider the best. tn any case, choose ONLY ONE. responve foreach ie, 5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Shect provided. See Airections inthe Answer See! AAI toms carry equal masks Before you proceed {0 mask inthe Answer Sheet the respons to various items inthe Test Dookled you have fo il ip some paricuas in the Answer Sheet a» pet instacions sent {© you wih your Admission Conifieat {8 Aner you have competed filing in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the xamidotion tas concladed, you should asd over tothe Iavitlator only the Answer Sheet. ‘You ae permite to take avay wih you the Test Booklet 49. Shree a omgh work afe appended inthe Test Booklet atthe end. 40. Penalty for wrong answers ‘THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. {i} There ave fou alleratives forthe answer to every question. For each question for ‘thigh 2 wrong answer has been give hy te Candidate, one-third of the marks esigned fo that question wil be doducted as peal (i) We candidate gives more than one answer, willbe Gente asa wrong answer even Ione of tne given answers happens to be comtect and there will be same penalty 83 above to thar question iy Tre question is fet blank, ie, no answer is given by the candidate, there wil be fo penalty for that question (DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL VOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO) ean 2 age w fee Sree ew glam & AO Sm Ow EL Which one ofthe flowing igure comet represents the relations befween Jupiter, ‘Mars and Panes? o ©9) ® © COD © Consider the following Statements and Conclusions ‘Statements: Mohn sa good sportsman. Sportsmen ae heli, CConcsions 1 All healthy persons are sportsmen ‘Molin is healthy. Which one ofthe following i corect? (6). Only Conctasion I follows (©) aly Conclusion I follows (©) Both Conclusion I sad Conclusion IL fallow (2) Neither Concusion 1 noe Conclusion flows 3 Which one of the following sms conetaton fon? (2) Seatosphere ©) Exompbee (6) Thermosphere Tropespere ‘Which one ofthe folowing ecshasgeater snnual ange of temperate? (®) KulaLanper ©) New Dai . (© Stans (@) Ubarbaae Match Lis 1 ith List I and select he core answer using tbe eae given Blow the List List ise (Climate gpein (Major area) ener code) AAW 1 Central Ctifonia Bar 2, InlanSub-Consinent co 3. Nonhand Sou of ‘Amazon Frets Dam 4. West Equatorial Afiea Code: ABC D @3 14 2 m2 413 @3 41 2 @214 3 (Contd) Prevttter foat 3 a tocar GH, ge, Seo SC ate we BY Ah aa 87 “© “OOD ee eer that oe areas Rrengt By Aeargt erent Bh eee : cae (o) Fem Pref magia tar eeode = o 3 grea 8 Bros edt #2 Poo oe arctan tow ai B 7 (o) wraresa (BateAee) (oy arse (ore) (©) ww TyTN (vite) @ ares (greAee) Prater ora a & Phe WE TAT vette eee tenga tts ar #7 (o) guererge () 78 Ret fo) wud (saree ah 1A qe 1a Ge ARR ste pet SAR RD gE ow oe we aA aoe oft wel wun (sere eH erg (ne OH) are Aw 1 ae athe Bat 2, ee ER cc 3, Arrant tim Dam 4, sire gr a ef Ane D war 42 m2 413 ora. @21aa Cond) ‘Ramsar Convention, 10 which India isa signatory stated to conservation and wise we of: (eo) worlds (©) pentic resources (©) mines (forest ands ‘Which oe of the following rivers flows between Sapura and Vindhya ranges ? (Tap (6) Sabarmat (9 Nemmada (@) Mai Which one ofthe following isthe correct taxonomic hierarchy? (®) Kingdom phylum —onder—genus— family class species (©) Kingdom ~ order lass ~ phylum — amily — gems (2) Kingdom ~ clas ~ onder ~ phylum — amily species — pons (@)_ Kingdom — phyium ~ class ~ onder — family genus ~ species pees “The subunits of DNA are known as () Noclotide (6) Roceosome (©) Noslooside (8) Polypeptide The proces of using microbes to trea areas ofland or se that have Bee contaminated by pesticides, il or solvents is known (0) Batrophication (6) Nivifcatin (© Ammorification (Bioremediation How athe rt of transpiration affected by decreasing hut ane by decreasing Ligh intensity? Decreasing humidity Decreasing light intensity (@) Decreases Decreases (© Increases Decreases (©) Increases Increases (© Decreases increases ‘Veecintion involves (2) injecting tbe body wih materials that stimulate the body t© produce antibod Injecting the body with materials hat stimulate the body to produce antigens (© the use of monoclonal anibies to cure a disease @ ws of anbiotes to eure diseases Cont) “ore sien (ra) FR ert & fea warn ae Ppt sen @ ie 8? te (apne Hom om (a = ra 1 Preiser aRat A tat ew, OT ate Rear sfonenat #8 dhe eel #7 @ a (9) set © me @ m8 ear 9 a er er, af othe wage 7 (2) oe) Ag aia sat gt aft © q— eee gat ea (oq Wh og a DNA aveniit ae wh 7 (9 Peers (©) Heer (afratits) 9 oats (@ sheers 10. u. erat & gran aw ate ge # ar aa, ot tenn, as ae meet ae age #, gee se 16 sft wr se #7 (a) Titer (getters) (by rete (aeiotae) (9 sitter (Reo) (@ Sime sree (rae) tends xc vel gf née ate wedt gf ere A ta 8 ae fer sore anton th . co gf mit eh tame ee @ wat watt wome wet © mae wath (@) weth ® wah ‘deren Fw Bort? (0) wre HN wend ara (eee) rent tea sire ser FA fet the et Bs (6) mite HR ved wees we a rte a sber sert 6 3 seit 6 1 (© Pet Ora tng et ee eee sR 1 TIT eh ae a tT wa RT Sl (Coma) 11, Which ofthe following are examples of 1S: Consider the following agar (notin ‘amivorou plats? (Sunde Vems fy tap, Pitcher plant ) Cuscua, Rasa, Mintetoe (2) Sandalwood wee, Brom ape, Pitcher = oi Soi oa paren seseenision mbit 8 Rogers — oe . ° 4] ‘ce Sica ey tne smite joing the ee: eae eee eo al roc =i Which one of the following figures will ~ te ‘come in the blank space ? o Bie Gos a eee 7 1. Teno at pe L prea ireetectie ene oF = wat Ca) fet + 8 CAS afo EC i apldaihie dn sesade _ ere : aoe Lew @ § oo oe ae 6 Contd) 13, Presta weera, seme ste 15, Preafeer ater ve Pare fie (are aren 8? aye 4A) @ wry fre ent ty, cee ae (free te) (oy sees (gran, bet, Harel (e) terge, fete (ets), were seer (ec sie) @ smite (gree), Mad, Frosch 14, Pree feere A 16, gre A a aa A en RR of” frome Bang TE 8 (50 ee st fem) wet CED = ere 10000 =f seen #, 8 Rorh fat A ee! ; werent @ la (a) soc0 (&) 6000 Re (©) 6250 @ S100 ® o|— (Conia) 1. [A vehicle with mileage 15 km perlite ‘contains 2 Lof fel, The vehicle gets some defect aso result of which $L of ful gets ‘wasted por hour when tengo son With ‘what minimum speed the veicle has to ‘move to tavel 20 km withthe existing ‘mount of flit eaves with uniforms speed? (@)_ 100 km pec hour (©) 120m per hour (2) 150 km per hour (@) 200 km per hour Consider the following ssterents eating to Sea Silty 1. The ocean salinity depends on evaporation and precipitation 2. Any change in the temperature or ensity intuences the salinity 3. Major source of sea salinity is teres discharge by rivers Which ofthe statements given above ar (@) ant 2only () Zand 3only (©) Vand 3only (@) 1.2and3 Consider the following statements relating to salt production in Tala: 1, Indinis the second largest produce of iodisd sal im the world next only 10 China 2 Saltmining iscaried uti Himachal 3. Gujarat ie he leaing producer of ste In India 4. Ground water isthe important source fal Rasta ‘Which ofthe statements given above ate comet? (@) and? only (6) Sand 4 only (© 1.2and3 @ 23nd 20, Which of the flowing statements elaing to Dharwar geological system ae comet’? 21 “They belong to Archacan geological eto “They are metamorphosed sedimentary rocks. “They are ofgreat economic importance fits ier resources They are found predominantly in Kamatnks, Tamil Nadu, Odisha and con Selet the comet answer using the cade ven below : @ » © o 1,2,3.and4 Sand donly 1 and 2 only Which one ofthe following isthe comet conde of formation of geological ystems in India in terms oftheir age ? (Staring with fe odes) @ » @ @ Dharware - Arava - Vindbyane - ‘Caddapas ‘Aravallis = Dharvars ~ Cudapas = Vidhya Virdhyans = Dharwars ~ Arava = CCudapats CCudapas -Vindhyans - Dharwars Aravalis i 19, (©) 100 ke 9 wet (b) 120 km oft weer (© 150 kn ot eT @) 200 en oF sve ceghh carer & gd 9 Prone et vv ere 88 1, ore seen ore ae ne Pie rah 2. ey ar wee A ai ota wore R gaia wear @ 3. ongf soem ape ae ae are safe wet aaa AE? (ear ate 2 Fm 2s © ets @ 123 sc 9 ee zee # eH Pre eet oe fee A 1 sre, afer ew I see we SS kabbehahibl cron aoe Rover ste nt Bec ser mr eh oe oT sta, uae Ec oT RETTE wet safe neh FB AR A? er ae? (tat 3a 4 1,283 (2,34 0, 21 protest Ae are eta Prom @ ie wh BP 1, arene (en) ster ae 2. A wrt ct hr 3 3. am aa dered re a aie meee & 4. eien rg, ser se ares Hagen @ ok at ARN ge mat Cad ee we @ 12384 (ee 234 © testes @ eee Prete ra, Tc gf 3A, oe og F ome sah ager 8 (anton # sey) (@) seg — enh — fie eR (© sont - meng - era = (ofa oreny = eat - Ee (@ ya Re ~ oreng - seh (Contd) 22. change of stat directly fom solid o gas 2. 28. without changing int guid sate is ald: (@) Fusion (©) Sublimation (© Difusion (@) Emulsion ‘ater ac 273 K ets ftectve in cooing than ice atthe same temperature. It is ecause (water is dificult ohana (0) water st 273K sess energy than ce atthe same temperature (©) water 11273 K bas more energy than jee the same temperature (waters nts cookng agent ‘Which one ofthe following ssterents is (0) The rae of evaporation depends on temperature () The rate of evaporation docs not pend on surface area exposed to the amosphere buon volume ofthe igus (©) The rate of evaporation depends on humidity of he surroundings © Therateofevapration dependson the wind speed following is mor a (@) Borie aid 26 ” 28 ‘Match List 1 with List I and seeet the ‘comet answer using the cove piven below the Liste List Lise (Asorope) Application) ‘A. Carbon 1, Tratmeat of goite B. Cobalt 2. Calelation of ge ofthe cath ©. Iodine 3, ‘Tsstment ofeaner D. Uranium — 4, Fuel melear Code Ane D @231 4 213 4 413 2 mss 2 A device can writ 100 digi in 1 nice. It Sots writing natural numbers. The device {stopped ater running ifr ba en hou ‘nis found hat he ast umber itwae writing ‘is incomplete. The numbers @ 3000 ©) 3001 (1026 @ 127 A sireuar coin of radius 1 cms alloved to rol freely onthe periphery over a ecu Ase of vais 10 I edi aa ‘movement and the coin completes one revolution rolling onthe periphery over the Ais and without sipping, hen what she ‘numb of times the coin rotated about ts @ 0 © 10s @u or «Cont 2. 2. 2. 23. Be 8 me te, Reo eR, fers, va swan bP sm (oy) sete © tr @ We (err) IBC eH A UTE Hee er aoe Hse oo a #1 Rr wate 0, ithe (a) 1008 aise sr At (we 2 DK, wa A oT A we gen on aah aE © wt mKe w AoA ve a gon # aor sal ae @ GG the EE pene ew 8 He (©) wee ce maT we Pa fae @ ware A cc gee fe SB phe Are nd, TL Pec aoe ce A 8 (9 whee 8 ten A ts fat dt (a) este Aw Pe ah 3 proftine #8 ea Ree "7 or or @ e © aie wee 2. 28 4a 1 Gee Gee ART te afd 3 82 RO RE we ee ae sae gAt whe wu Crear) (xn) Amin 1 tar de ar are B. are 2. ph soe sets 3. tac ova Dyer 4 aie Feet ie eS aApcD 2314 m2134 @e132 @sa12 oe wea 1 Prve % 100 Re et BY ae gaa wf Reet ace er 1 wet 81 ear om 8, AEE A aT Pe ear er TEE, ss eB wer ert? (a) 3000 (&) 3001 (©) 1026 @ 1027 ow bom Pron 8 te Ret Ae 10 em Prot #9 he woe (Contd) ». 30. 31 Which one ofthe followings ferns rom the remaining tree” (@) Teangle (0) Square (© Cie (8) Elise Which one ofthe following inequalities i lvays ues piv nea nubs 5,9 7 @ woxty © @yY 760mm @ 20 (Contd) ¥. 3. ». «. rai weit 2 Fr oe we at a Co) Peer 5, aes HR [CHORD] se aa Ren ar Bere FT aa? Reon gf ef cite at wear 8 ee A a wart © frome a MerOMT FF EF aaonam? @ Pre yf zat oe Pear woh & Re fer am P Frees 1 ea ew set wf aff He (@ tae ew sag & () Pee sok OF (9 tee Rage ate are (tee & aqereta deen BH Fre se Fore Sa, we, a, ary, fe safes 18 eta, of aaa #7 ? ( extn (Ae ae ste oe (9, arora aC ww (9) ete Pe wee 8 oF GP A AOA nee Pom # ite won 8 gee or 8, fe ar oe om re a 1 at ach 8, wee @ ae aM © Fe A ee 6) cote & ay x @ wen 4 2 8. ees 3A eT oo 7 (Pe kg res fe we a wal ma yet oye 98 -yen at & 0 Rea wtnter a 10 mvs Baer kg eer Rh en ( wet stem kg ttt O2met Gur awe 100 kg Fear oe ahey oT a0 yer HE Cat Presta wei A A Mat OF wR? (Seb ea arene gets oe vem or # (6 wad wh Fare eon ore get sor B (oft get OTT ever en aT Fret om) (© sete Sout RET ET ws wear mot (6) Teen en yeh eT oe Pe a8 ror fa aR cer GAT ART 760 sree coir 8, oe RCT fr aT A Bi we Bice ww gE mm a sec a wer ge Rice ee varie 7 160mm () <760:mm (© > or (Cootd) 44. Which one of the folowing saemens is ot coreet? 45. 4. @ C) © ® ‘The carh'smagnetic lis due tothe ‘motion of metas like ron and nickel Inthe core ofthe earth The magnetic fel ines of force ae widely separated near the poles of a ragnet bt these lincs come closer ‘one another tober placet let cro sesona aeaofamagnete eldineeases, but the Mx remains the same, the Ox density decreases ‘Whenthe speed ofaconducter moving through a magnetic fd is increased, ‘the induced voltage increases Let resistor having obm resistance be connected aro the terminals ofa 12 voit twtr, Medal ca ing, through the resistor pr second is @ © © © 2 4 3 033 ‘Amange the following varieties of si in Indi in hinder of ces reution| 1 2 3 4 Mowe BA Mulberry Taste Select the corest answer using the code ven below @ @ 3e a3 4”. 48, Which ofthe folowing ae the objectives of the Khadi and Village Industries Commision | 1. To provide employment in rural ares 2. To produce saleable articles 3. Tocreate selfrelince amongst people and building up strong rural community spirit Slee the correct answer using the code ven below (@) 1,2and3 (®) and? only (©) 2and3 only (8) Land oly Which ofthe flowing sterner conceing ‘ireum-pitic elt a comect? 1. Itisamactive voleanc realm 2. teisam active seismic realm 3. Teisa divergent plate boundary 4. his prone to Touran Select the eomeet answer using the cade iver below (@) Vand? only () Band only ©. 1,2and only © 12,3004 ‘Which of the following staterents eating to solar system is/are vomeet 1. Venus and Uranus rotate opposite to the direction of rotation of Earth 2. Venus the nearest planet o Earth Select the correct answer ising the code tive below (@) only (6) only (©) Both | and2 (8) Neither 1 noe2 (Cont) 4 45, Pree rit ater, tt a? (0) pet as gente Bs, erste Pre Aa est on pf Fas HTT a a went 0) goede dae ee Rah gee a cole yoga aed TT BAS, a aoe cat eh oe Rt Bon or ah (9 Ret gets dw ee Sore eg 8, aR er eT Teo, oh wees wren nem (4) a Re gett Bo Hee Rt cree 9 ne 8, tr rem eh vA 4a sire nd staan A aire Bact § RA oe en er 2B stdew a ak i eh a tT 5 gets 8) fees sets at 7 2 ws @3 @ 03 seg tes ot Proves fect ak gener & eed geen A as Re 34 1 2 3. mage er (rer) 4m OAARY A gE ww we ah sue 4 () 3241 3421 @ 24 @ 2443, eo *. Pret 8 & aa, woe ate aa ant ¥ ster 7 1 uber ao teere sre rT 2. Redon wea a eM eT 2. ai eae ace wee We RAR MANGERE TET FI fri wer 8 REM aE we A aT we @ 12403 (© Rea tate 2 ( a rates @ FH 1st 3 sat Maen re we Bethe aorta at oh 8? 1 ew aft ergs Wome & 2 re Uw afte tte ener # 2. one ow arth he won 4 we gotam t AR RE RE eT ne a oT rr @ Feo Lite 2 © Fm sated (Rm 124 @ 12354 Be ee # were Pres we 2a tena hat? Lys de ae gel pls a fete gh se 2a yeh frecon ae ead vr @ eet & a2 © 1s2e @7ay7h2 so. 5h 1 place i affected by Tide at 6:00 AM “Monday, normally at what time the same place wil be afte by Ebb ? (©) 625PM Monday () 652 AM Tuesday (©) 12:13 PM Monday (@) 00:26 AM Tuesday Inthe diagram given below thereisa cre, square and a tangle dividing the region {nto five disjoint bounded ares. Each of these areas ar labelled with number of players belonging to dat area. The circle contains eicketer, the square contains football players and the tangle contains bockey player. Which one ofthe followings nt coneet? (2) Evervhockey player slays fottall () Beery cricket pl ‘ath or hockey (2) There are some hockey pliyers who play both cricket nd football (©) There ae some footall players who lay neither cricket nor hockey er plays elther 2 83 4. “There are te concent ices, The mit of the two ctees are 100 m and 110 m respectively A whee! of adi 30 cm rolls on the smlleicle and anther we lls fon the larger citele. After they have completed one revolution, i is found tht the vo wheels rolled equal numberof tines on ther espectve axes. What isthe revs ofthe other wheel? (@) Sem ©) 2m © Bon @ Hom A tangle is formed with vertices (0,0), (0,100) and (100,100), Whats the number of point inside the triangle with integer coordinates? (@ 5000 © 4999 © 31 @ +800 Which one ofthe flowing ie the wrong number in the seis 6, 14,30, 64,1267 @ 26 oe ou ws (Contd) 50. si a Pe oe Ae BY 600 pier 3 sare an 8, & it ert set weer, Roe we 7 (@ free 626 mt see (0) sear 652 «2 yxign ©) Serre 1253 sree (@) we 0026 98 per AT RT We ote A Ew a See Po 8, a a te sg fee A ated HY te On vr aw A mes Rea A er ae 81 ga Ree Re, wl 8 Ee fer Fae Pye ae /X Prete tot ae ath ot e? @) see Ee Reo Gears Beer # (ee BRE from a ea AT A ar (0) 8 WH Reh BD MAE ate eae Ot aaa Ft () F weme Ren Fa a a Fete, 4 8 ee aot 2. 4 a eat go aa gt A Pom ee 100m 8C 10 ms 30m ee ee) so te wo ae oe eet oh mo 21-318 gr RET gus # aca am ome ae Set 4 ated a 0 SORE We # cere am fy RY Pea " @ 3m ( em © Bem @ Hem > 56, sn. Inaschoo! there arches batchesof payers Who play ericket, football and hockey ‘An incomplete chat of numberof sents laying an individual sport belonging to an individual batch is displayed in the following ble ‘ie pe su Tiserpives | 6 [9 ‘Which one of he following comet? (@) Batch tisempty (©) Batch and Batch if do pot have equal umber of students (©) Bateh {and Batch Il can have equal (@) Bate I and Batch I can have equal ‘number of students “There are two bores Box I contsins one ‘white card and two black card and Box conttne one white card and a black card “Two persons Pand Q pla a game. Picks & card randomly Som Box FP fis the ‘white cad, P wins and he game stops. IfP sed, Q dene mean randomly fom Box IL 1FQ finds the white card Q wins. Te game siops wheter Q Aras the white card or th black card. ‘Which one ofthe following is conec? (IF Ploves, Qwine 0) 1Q tows, P wins (©) Both Pand Q may win (Both P and Q may lows «Cond 55, 18 fer aor Pox Pet afben (Re) A 56, Uw ETH Reng et ce (he) ane sre ew B BBR, gems CH ae BY iE er Pah fine Be Be wee a oot A cea ow pl afer eG (ee) Pree re xa var [alae eral er Frees 8 rr, we we or Bah | Rev mW ae ler 8 zeae ee we | Se o | ghee tor wc te we tar ve [wR | «fe an? * @ [ay Previafer #8 atone ww afl 3 7 ali @ wate ® a] | (iste we oa A ee t emt (Tae ee 8 wo # tea “4 er Reet t ® [AT @ wnat ww A ces ay worn Bh P ay 57. & faa By fens ow we wd ate Oona wd Be Ber ow we smb oe #1 Pa ] | ree em br Pe oe ft Byte. weed Pets Lod fem Bat QW he a Pe &, 31 qh sr 81 Qube md Prd — sor gd Read da were A ar 2 wa [ez Protas ator oe ah 8? 3 © of para t, & Qstant 4 & R Qwre f a Potent 3 (© Pate Qa ae wed 58. 8, Suppose Ris the region bounded bythe 40 canes Y= x! and Y=2s'~ 1 as shown in the following diagram Tw distin ines ae dravn such that each ofthese lines patitions the regions nto at least vo parts In isthe total number of regions generated by these lines, tien () “w canbed but not3 (©) ‘weaned but ot 5 (0) ‘WeanbeSbatnot6 (@ ‘weanbes Consider the following sequence 0,6,24, 60, 120,210 Which one ofthe fllosing numbers will come next inthe sequence ? @ 240 (290 9 36 (@ 508 Consider the following figure ‘Which one ofthe following isthe number ofwiangles inthe figure given above ? @ 2 O27 os ©» oF ©. 6. Recenily French itary announced te end “Operation Sangaris', which was in operation since 2013, in which ane of the following nations? @ Chad () Cental African Republic (© South Sudan (@ Congo ‘Which one of telling cites hosted he Tenth Ministerial Conference of World “TraleOrganistion during Decerber 205 ? (®) Geneva 0) Mani (©) Hels (@) Nairobi ‘Which one of the following films was wane the best chiles fl in Bein International Film Pestval, 2016? () Oftl ) Killa ©) Dhanak (@) Bail, Coes! Which one of the folowing statements regarding Zi ves is no comet? (Teas ist soloed from a monkey in tho Zk forest of Unda ©) Mis transmitted by daytime-active ‘Aedes mosquitoes ©) It docs not cause mother to child infeetisn (8) Zk views in prognant women rests in abnormal bran development ofthe ee (Conid) So aR RB ON Yee Y= 28-1 ar afta 8, a Bs Pre ane om 0, 6,24, 60, 120, 210, Frese a ate ee, eo age a ed We Bt 7 i) 240 (290 i 36 (504 60, Preah For ve Pare a rea Bea, ae PR 3 Spt oS weer #7 @ 2 oa 8 @» eer BR wR Br A ston wos Fa othe A) a ater 2013. Preis ere 8 Pow eH wma? wo (oy ee see TET (© set ger @ a restore 3 fer Roe at a sacra Pore wd, 2016 % wafem coor Ree geeere Rar eT 7 @ teen @) Fre © om @ ts, re! Hear (ks) ce & ae Poe a eta ge may wh mE? Go) Bachan gre Ste aH Ow sec 8 Rye A oor ot (6) oe Ra Fa A ae he se a watts Gar & Cd © em rece eh sits BGT aes ser Ree FTE ame (Contd) 6s 7. os. Which one of the fllowing fiction was cece for Man Booker Pie, 2015? (@) ALitletite () The Fishermen (©) ABsiet History of Seven Killings (@) Satin tnd Which one ofthe following is ora source ‘of poli legiinaey (@) Consent (©) Rational prudence (© Paliial wil ofthe rler (@)Pablicreason Which one of the following is = characteristic of Presidential form of ‘Govereneat’? () President i nota pat of leisaive ‘ody (©) 1 does not separate Legislative and Exeatve fimctons (6) President follows the prneiple of coletive responsibilty (@) The tenure ofthe President depends on the Legislature Which one ofthe following Aces of the CConsitton of india contains provisions for the abolition and ereaton of Lagslative Councils? (@) Article 171 0) Article 169 (©) Anite 386 (@) Artie 182 2 ©. 70. n 1. ‘The provision under Article SLA of the CConstintion of dia eats tthe (@) form evil eode for the citizens. (©) orgnizaion of village panchayats (© htt education (8) anderen duties. Prachi pital ules generally found (#) Developing societies ()Sovities having mi-partystom, (©) Developed societies (@) Monarchical societies. ‘Who among the following scologisssthe fitst to propound the concept of civil scaly? (2) Adam Ferguson (©) Antonio Gramsci (©) Fiedieh Hegst (8) Alexis de Tooquevi “The Consus of Jammu and Kashmir care ino fore on. (@) 15 August 1946 () 15 August 1947 (©) 26.Jaary 1950 (@ 2January 1957 Who among the following British ‘ethaographerslounched the Survey of india projet inthe 1860s ? (@) Homer (©) Dufferin (© Risley (@ Thurston (Contd) 65. 67. 6 Preiifier 9 & ster oe waren A eC me, 20158 FY YH ve? © Re are () & Fehr (©) AR fet hs ere @ ARs ate peta # te eh ter waa me? (4) wa (wien (Tee A oot verre (wks en Proiiter 3 8 Aa Gs setae CRAP HER) eH acer feet +? (@) ene Rant Pree ar fea at aa (5 Fond ste mim pea am A (rc een carats # fie wwe Far 8 (oer 6 eee Ruri ee watt 7 # afin & ein 82 at cor gee F Rare tg # eT ate nF ae sethe 87 @ eve 171 Eee 169 (©) eyvde 356 (@ epee 1m ab n. 2. 2. sve & ours # aye sig & a ssn ford ats B? Co) HRA AR Goo i ar (a0 seat 4 ace (©) Fw a ofeae @ Rove SO eter Seg eee at et cant 7 Co) Reve ee & (©) ages aR one (o) Free ware @ vette wea Petite # A aa, Re ws ee ee 2? (ee fer () seta ree (©) tee be (©) what = crete sopsrte sar Por fer ays pt (s) 15m 1946 () 15-0 1967 (© 26st 1950 (© 20e0 3857 Frese for te aren 460 8 oe ore ake hr mera? f ex tes © Pee @ we (Conia) 7”, 1% Which of the following statements about "Hamapsrichay’,amid 19% century Bengal testis are correct? 1 tewas iter by Raf Rammohan Roy 2. te was the most widely wed Bengal primer of the time Select the comet answer using the code ven below: (@ tonly ©) only (©) Both Land (4) Neliher I nor2 ‘Which ofthe following statements about the ‘hamper Satyagtaa ise comet? 1, ‘The Champaran region had a long ‘nadion of nti plaster discontent and agiaon 2. Mahatma Gandhi gave all nia publicity to the grievances of ‘Champaran cultivators 3, The cultivators of Champaran had proveted again sxcetor eatin on sugar Seles the corret answer using the code sven blow (@) Loaly (@) Vand? only (© Zand 3 only (©) 1,20nd3 76. Whichofthe Slowing i/ chris) of the debate between “Anglicisis" end “Orientals inthe 183057 1. The Anglos wanted ecu the money being spent on printing Sans and Antic wxts 2. TheAnglints wasted tocut the money Spent on pining Sanskrit texts, bat shod to continue to print in Persian 3. The Orientals waned stipend forthe students of Arabic and Sansict 4. The Orientals strtedanew Sanskrit College in Det Select the correct answer using the eode given below. (@ Tonly () 1,3ana4 (© Land only (@) 2,3and4 17, Which of the following statements about Exercise IBSAMAR is/are comet? 1, Iti joint exercise of Novy of India, Brazil and So Lanka 2, The fifth edition of IBSAMAR was 3. All previous editions of TBSAMAR ‘were eld outside Inia Select the corect answer using the ende _iven below (®) 2only () Zand 3only (Tana 3 only @ 1,2and3 oni) 1”, 18 Prine 2 8 Paw wea, 19H rae oO em RE RO sma ee? 1 Gon eet ora Bert 2. Re ae ere weit out ot ah ein aT 8 RT em i we a aH mr @ a1 & ter2 fo bate 2a @ aa ane sore ene # at # Pret wa aya emt we B/E 7 Lower a Faas ROM smite ate ater A aah sera wa 2, ae it) & are soTEN AEA 2A Freeh gE ore ee Pen 3. semen BAe A AN oe aoe ert ftw Pe 98 RA A aE A BN ae a oT il amt @) amar? (@ taza (2903 3. IBSAMARS wh gf aren ort tame RA gE i we aA oe re @ #02 © Fea Dates © mises @ Lame Coma) 7. 2. 10. Which ofthe following statements about “Neirobi Package” sloped in the Tenth Ministerial Conference of WTO is / are 1, No. safeguard mechanism for TE ent doko ene be 3. gem eco = arrcues qmgeimcaten ge, + mrotnom nant ” = AR a Tae eC PA ae pariah et ) Per aes ® ©) Fer 2,3a4 4 (Contd) 16, mm 18, ‘Who among the following isthe winner of the Human Rights Award by Amnesty Tneratonsl, Germany ? (©) Moria Raman (6) Abel Barera (© Alice Nkom (Hei Tip Wich ofthe fllosingpirsofScheme and ‘Tenget Group, as intated in the Raivay Budget 2016, ire comet matched” Seheme “Target Group 1. Antyedaya Express: For the Reserved Passengers 2 Deen Dayalu + FortheUineseed Coaches Passengers 5, Humsafar For the Reserved Passengers 4. Teas 2 FortbeUareerved Passengers Select the corret answer using the code sven teow (@ 1.283 (©) 2and3 only (© Sani @ only Who among the following the fst person ‘outside Indian Navy to Become the Director General of nian Coust Guard? (@) Krishna Chaudhary () Rajendra Singh (©) Prablakaran Pale (@) HS. Bish 19, 120. 1 122, ‘Who among the following isthe winner of the Innit Aswad forthe year 2015 ? (2) Bhalachandea Nerade () Reghuveer Chawbary (@) Pratthe Ray (8) Girsh Karna Lance Naik Hanmartappa Koppad, who was buried alive under snow by deadly avalche nt Sitchen Glacier, wo ltr died Ina hospital after he was rescued by army, was a solr of: (@) Dogta Regiment (©) Macias Regiment (©) Rajput Regiment @) Jat Regiment ‘Which one of the folowing was he Theme State in the 30° Surajkund Interational raft Mela? (@) Chhatisgar (6) Keeale (0) Telangana © Bhar Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Government of Ind, has raculously recently decided to se up Tada’ fest defence industrial park st (2) Kochi 46) Otappatam fo) Mysura (@ Bengaluru (Con) He Rerian # a, cate wectern, seh) 119. Preaefer # A ta, ae 201s # fy sro ewe Yee ee aN Geet mt Fir #7 (end) svat fiter ata 8? (a) eres Fae (oa were © wate ) ae aT (e) son & © ees @) fron wate Ste et 120. tae epee aes, St Prater 1A ne 206% anno tw Ae one ae ee Ree Qe) er ‘pee eee & Provinites get # & teva, ee & gree fer cer om a, flere me gin ta? ar aa ence BF es ae a aa 2S green ae HF seme A ay ema, 1 sets gota oraer WR we tate Ae Bo? = 228 ee ext. far een oe ig eennre oa saan me) meta 3 Baw eneee a8 aha © op te 7m © se Wke me ime fet sree 91 Presi #8 rer a, 303 GE saree aerated Frew AR Ft ay? me gS a oh oT a (owen @ 1,293 ©) Fa () Fan 2a 3 (oe) deiner © 34 (a) free o ame 122, BAM DR ua eaelt Rava, sect weenie, Us. Fenfer ty, see wee Fem sre eo a ction ert me, orbs on 8 at ca et Pe 7 cee con athe #7 a tone @ pated &) SEVER eee © hs © se we aed © 9 oe 4 (Contd) 123, Who among the following scientists of 125. Which of the following statements is fare Indian origin ie Jas been the President of | ——_comrext? Royal Society ? 1 Gravitational Waves were pedited by (0), Rom Ross Alber Einstein in 1916 onthe basis of is theory of General Relativity 2. Gravitational waves doalso exist inthe Newtonian theory of Gravitation (©) Har Gobind Khorane (2) Chandasehhars Venkata Raman (@) Venkstraran Ramaishnen 3. Gravitational Waves areto be detected 124. The langest greenhouse gas leakage inthe vr ssn elo i: Sisto ookpace in Febrary 2016, The Interferometers| ass Select the correct answer using the code (0) Carbon dioxide ven below (0) Methane @ Toaly (© Chlorofuroearbon () Vand 3 only (@ Nitrous oxide (©) 2and only (@) 1.2243 +e 1 Prefer 8, rete aR aT am aS. Arrafaer wey YR Ae mya a gales, deo toed we um art ET er 1 geet 6 A arent 1916 % @ ds te send SerRcre rer TTA © rig ainnet & Rate Bonu we (@ erie teem ser @ Heong a _gemredt en peo wan 2 AUS eee A ot aT ra he 3. ete oat A, ae ae ese wrath 2016% Eon aE te HA erabrha a? ae a set ial aging AR RUM gE AT Ca ee yA was @ ae () RRaght wh 6 © Feats (0) sires (© der 2atey @ 1203 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK raat fat SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK wet rd fe Wa eave) a dere fire ata wr war we ae we a Te ‘Ach, ABNG-P-B 3 ans wre ora) Re me By sew mein Fete aA oT By ae venta A ace (2am) ROMER) Pee gee ag AE a see ey ee EN BI AA rw GE A as ogee wk BH ETE Bike wk Sh om mate hy aes sea YE ee oP wg ee BY 8 Tae ee we stem eo ‘ited om th Boat cover oF this Book ‘Note + English version oft

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