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Οδυσσέας Γκιλής
Επιμέλεια σ¥γκέντρωσης, ταξινόμησης και επεξεργασίας υλικού


Αποσπάσματα από INTERNET ARCHIVE

4.500 αναφορές, από βιβλία, περιοδικά.
Βιβλιογραφική επισκόπηση

Θεσσαλονίκη 2017


Προλογικό σημείωμα ............................................................................................................ 3

Αποσπάσματα από βιβλία και περιοδικά για Chalcidice. ....................................................... 3
ΕΥΡΕΤΗΡΙΟ ........................................................................................................................ 746

Προλογικό σημείωμα

Από τον Ηρόδοτο μέχρι τoν Leake, William Martin και τον
Urquhart, D. Αλλά και αποσπάσματα από νεώτερους
Για λόγους που αναφέρονται στις πηγές άντλησης των αποσπασμάτων, δεν
είναι αλφαβητικά ταξινομημένα τα αποσπάσματα.
Μπορεί όμως να γίνει θεματική-ονοματική -εννοιλογική έρευνα από το
ευρετήριο, στο τέλος της εργασίας ή με το Searhce του Word.

INTERNET ARCHIVE. CHALCIDICE 4.500 αναφορές, από βιβλία,

περιοδικά. Βιβλιογραφική επισκόπηση. Chalcidice -Potidaea,
Olynthus, Stagira -και γειτονικές πόλεις-Amphiolis, Pydna-.

Αποσπάσματα από βιβλία και περιοδικά για Chalcidice.

Bulletin of the American Geographical Society (1906-01-01), page 585

Mar 14, 2013 literature on the Balkans.

Bulletin of the American Geographical Society (1906-01-01), page 585

Mar 14, 2013 literature on the Balkans. Mr. Struck travelled in Macedonia,
of which the ancient Chalcidice forms the large southern peninsula,
between 1898 and 1903, primarily (or antiquarian research.
Catalogue Of Greek Coins Macedonia Jan 20, 2017 reginald stuart poole
the Chalcidice, and the cities of Macedon Proper, are treated as distinct
groups, and the coins of Macedon as a Roman Province, which in the
Catalogue stand first, are placed in the Introduction
Catalogue of Greek coins. Macedonia, etc Sep 13, 2008 british museum.
dept. of coins and medals Greek cities of the Chalcidice, and the cities of
Macedon Proper, are treated as distinct groups, and the coins of Macedon
as a Roman Province, which in the Catalogue stand first, are placed in
Catalogue of Greek Coins: Macedonia, Etc Jun 8, 2008 barclay vincent
head more scientific classification. Thus, for instance, in the Introduction,
the Greek cities of the Chalcidice, ampc., and the cities of Macedon
Proper, are treated as distinct groups, and the coins of …
Catalogue of Greek Coins: Macedonia, Etc May 4, 2008 barclay vincent
head of the case seemed to call for a more scientific classification. Thus,
for instance, in the Introduction, the Greek cities of the Chalcidice, and
the cities of Macedon Proper, are treated as
Classical Philology, (1915-07-01), pages 332-333 Mar 19, 2013 bonner,
robert j. is the notion that, after Brasidas' spectacular raid on the
Chalcidice, no writer could assert the impossibility of distant military
operations on the part of a land power (ii. 5).
De Societate Chalcidica : dissertatio inauguralis ... Jan 20, 2016 haupt,
otto Olymp. CVII. 4, nondum rediisse ex Chalcidice penins. equites inde
colligimus, quod Midiam arguit Dem., quum antea apud populum Athen.
ignaviae insimularit quibuscum militarit equites, jam populum
The American Historical Review, (1903-07-01), pages 736-737 Mar 8,
2013 a. c. tilton Geographically, at least, Macedonia does not include
Chalcidice (p. 194). The good proportions observed in the pages devoted
to Greek history are wholly absent from those devoted to the history of
Rome and
The Formation of the Chalcidic League Mar 19, 2013 west, allen b.
Sithonia. In comparison with these, Olynthos and the other cities of the

base of Chalcidice were small and unimportant towns. Acanthos, the

chief Andrian colony, and Spartolos, a Bottiaean city, both
The American Historical Review, (1903-07-01), pages 734-736 Mar 8,
2013 george m. wrong reforms of Cleisthenes is confused (p. 98).
Geographically, at least, Macedonia does not include Chalcidice (p. 194).
Die Olynthische Sklavin Mar 20, 2013 nicolay, c. l. wichtigste Stadt der
Halbinsel Chalcidice am Meer und vom macedonischen Binnenlande
durch eine Gebirgskette getrennt, die vom Thermaischen zum
Strymonisclien Golf reichte.
Bulletin. History series Feb 22, 2008 wisconsin, university of neighbour
upon the east. Acte, the third promontory, is the smallest and overtowers
the others with its lof ty Mt. Athos. The climate of Chalcidice is less
rigorous than that of the mainland and is suitable…
Géographie ancienne de la Macédoine Dec 21, 2011 desdevises-du-dezert,
théophile alphonse, 1822- la reacutegion maceacutedonienne ( Chalcidice,
Thessalie Illyrie grecque). TABLE DBS MATIERES. IX Pages B.
Seconde migration : Peacuteoniens 97 a. Mygdoniens 98 6., 99 c. Agrianes
99 d
Geographie ancienne de la Macédoine par Th. Desdevises Du Dezert Sep
9, 2014 theophile alfonse desdevises du dezert macedonienne i Chalcidice,
Thessalie, lUyrie grecque). a. Chalcidiens. b. Hastiocircens. Talares. d.
Slympheacuteens, Stymphales. . e. Paravegraveeos,
Geographie ancienne de la Macédoine par Th. Desdevises Du Dezert Apr
20, 2016 theophile alfonse desdevises du dezert , Ichnitide, Boltieacutee
323 k. Mygdonie 348 8 Chalcidice . . 352 a. Amphaxitide 35i , ' b.
Antheacutemonie, Crosseacutea 360 c. Pallegravene ouPhleacutegra. 36i
Digitized by Google XII TABLE DES MATI
Géographie ancienne de la Macédoine Oct 10, 2008 théophile alphonse
desdevises-du-dezert situeacutee au nord du Peacuteneacutee)i la
Maceacutedoine proprement dite, la Chalcidice et la Thrace
eacutepictegravete (entre le Strymon et le Nestus) nous y avons
trouveacute, apregraves tant d'autres plus doctes et plus habiles, une
Supplement to Commerce reports : daily consular and trade reports issued
by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of
Commerce May 19, 2011 united states.: bureau of foreign and domestic

is impossible to estimate the production in those countries during the past

-ear. The only available information is that concerning the crop in the
regions of Langaza, and the peninsula of Chalcidice
Current Events Mar 19, 2013 column on the west wall. 114 THE
CLASSICAL JOURNAL Mr. Benjamin Dean Meritt reported that as a
result of a visit to Chalcidice he had determined that the site of Torone
was on the northern slope of the
An outline of ancient history, the result of class room work Feb 14, 2014
chadwick, stillman percy roberts, 1870- [from old catalog] : Demosthenes
at Pylos (SphActeria) war (Cleon) and peace (Nicias) party at Athens peace
proposals. G. 220. e Delium '424 B. C) Brasidas and the Chalcidice (424-
422 B.C.1. G. 221. . Peace of
Die Künstlerinschriften auf griechischen Münzen Jul 20, 2009 alfred
friedrich constantin von sallet , alfred von sallet Terina zusammenbringen.
AM auf beiden Seiten einer grof sen Silbermuumlnze von Chalcidice),
einmal neben dem Apollokopfe, auf der auf den Armen der Lyra ist als
Die Künstlerinschriften auf griechischen Münzen Jul 20, 2009 alfred
friedrich constantin von sallet , alfred von sallet oben besprochenen
Muumlnzen von Terina zusammenbringen. AM auf beiden Seiten einer
grof sen Silbermuumlnze von Chalcidice), einmal neben dem
Apollokopfe, auf der Ruumlckseite auf den Armen der Lyra ist als
An outline of Greek and Roman history, the result of class room work Feb
14, 2014 chadwick, stillman percy roberts, 1870- [from old catalog] the of
fensive, 426-425 B. C.: Demosthenes at Pylos (SphActeria) war (Cleon)
and peace (Nicias) party at Athens peace proposals. G. 220. e. Delium (424
B. C) Brasidas and the Chalcidice (424-422
Géographie ancienne de la Macédoine Oct 10, 2008 théophile alphonse
desdevises du dezert . Mygdonie 348 sect 4. Chalcidice 358 a.
Amphaxilide 354 6. Anlbeacutemonte, Crosseacutea 360 c. Pallegravene
ou Xtl TABLK DES HATIEgraveRBS. Pagei. d. Paraxla Sitbonte 377 f.
Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 53rd Buy or Bid Sale Jun 28, 2016 harlan j. berk, ltd.
. 23. DICAEA (CHALCIDICE) 510-485, TrihemitartemorionHemiobol
.28 gr., Obv. Ox facing long horns curved upwards, Rev. Quadripartite
incuse square, VFVF, SNG Ashmolean-No. 2398, 2399 150 24. DICAEA

Macedonia in Ancient Times Jun 23, 2014 Chalcidice. The Macedonians

also took a small piece of land from Peonia along the flow of the River
Vardar (Axios), which stretched from the inland to Pella and to the sea,
while through Axios to Strimon
War at sea, modern theory and ancient practice. With twelve plans and
charts Jan 31, 2013 custance, reginald neville, sir, 1847-1935 Sicily
Change in conduct of the warOperations at PylusAthenian blockade of
PeloponnesusOperations in BceotiaBrasidas in ThraceThe
truceOperations in Chalcidice Death of Cleon and Brasidas Peace
The earliest coins of Greece proper Apr 2, 2007 gardner, percy, 1846-1937
Chalcidice in Macedon were dotted with Euboean colonies. The
Euboeans would not be likely to be far behind the Aeginetans in the issue
of coin. And being more detached from the Greek mainland, and in closer
A history of ancient coinage, 700-300 B.C Dec 11, 2007 gardner, percy,
1846-1937 and Macedon sect 1. Thasian Standard .187 2. Abderite
Standard 190 3. Chalcidice 197 4. The Thracian Chersonese 199
CONTENTS CHAPTER XI CHAPTER XII Coixs of Sicily, 550-480 b.c.
Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen Jul 11,
2009 freundlichen Rathschlaumlge zu Dank verpflichtet Im Digitized by
VjOOQIC Folgenden sind die Gesteine von der Halbinsel Chalcidice
beschrieben. GeBteine der Halbinsel Chalddice. 243 Die
Analysis of lectures on Greek history, for the academic year 1891-2,
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Nov 12, 2009 myers, p. v. n. (Philip
van ness), 1846-1937 cities of Magna Graecia by Rome, the cities of Asia
Minor first by Lydia and then by Persia, the cities of Chalcidice by
Macedonia. 3. The conflict between the Greeks and the Oriental
Barbarians given
New Historical Material in the Revised State-Documents of Athens Mar
15, 2013 smith, kendall k. refugees. At this same time Sparta was engaged
in 'throttling the new and promising Olynthiac Confederacy. Athens
naturally sympathized with the towns of Chalcidice. Something more
substantial than mere
Atrocities in Greek Warfare Mar 19, 2013 law, helen h. for their vine crop
that was stiU ungathered that made the people of Acanthus decide to
admit Brasidas, for moderate and just as he was in his dealings with the
cities of Chalcidice, he threatened to

A history of ancient coinage, 700-300 B.C. Aug 21, 2012 gardner, percy,
1846-1937 . . , . . .174 4. Persian Standard 179 CHAPTER X Early Coins
of Thrace and Macedon sect 1. Thasian Standard 187 2. Abderite Standard
.190 3. Chalcidice 197 4. The Thracian Chersonese
An Athenian Assembly: An Experiment in History Teaching Mar 14, 2013
knowlton, d. c. checking the ruinous inroads of Brasidas upon the loyalty
of the Athenian outposts in Chalcidice. These two men, both representing
the aggressive war parties in their respective states, fall on the famous
Rugby questions in ancient geography Feb 14, 2014 [smith, edward
clarence] [from old catalog] Methone. 17 Locate the rivers: Drilo Aous
Haliacmon Axius Strymon. Locate the mountains: Hcemus Canalovii
Cissus Cambunii Mount Athos. Note the Peninsula Chalcidice. It has
three prongs like a
Recent Views of the Political Influence of Socrates Mar 19, 2013 adams,
charles d. not, see the inevitableness of collision between Athenian and
Macedonian interests in Chalcidice and the Chersonese. Incidentally it
should be noted that Wendland misiaterprets the text of the
Early State Organization in Southeast Europe ~ Political Relations among
Thrace, Macedonia and Paeonia ~ Restored Materials from Necropolis of
Trebenishte Apr 17, 2012 between the Nestos and the Strymon, in the
Chalcidice and Macedonia (Thuc. 2, 95, 1-2 Schol. ad 95, 1). The
historian knew also about Sitalkes' invasion in the region of Mt. Kerkine,
against the
Beschreibung der antiken münzen... Feb 19, 2008 berlin. k. museen.
münzkabinett. [from old catalog] sechsstrahligem Stern. Rauch Prokesch
Prokesch 7-2 Macedonia. Chalcidice. Die Muumlnzen des chalcidischen
Bundes,t in Olynth in der ersten des 4. Janrhunderts, liegen nach den
Metallen und der
Definitions of Geographical Names with Instructions for Correct
Pronunciation, for the Various Higher Schools. A Supplement to Every
School Geography. Part 1 Mar 19, 2013 ganzenmüller, konrad this city,
which was on the Island of Euboea, founded colonies in Thrace, and these
were called Chalcidian cities From these cities the peninsula Chalkidike
(Latin Chalcidice…
Géographie ancienne de la Macédoine Jan 27, 2009 théophile alphonse
desdevises-du-dezert . TABLE DBS MATIEgraveRES. Pagei. d. Paraxia

370 bull. Acleacute 87T Chalcidice proprement dite bull 380 % 5. Thrace
Bisaltes Siotes 889 h. MaedeSf Agrianes
Jun 13, 2008 g. tschermak . Heft. XTV. Untersuchungen iiber die
Zusammensetzung des Eklogits. Von Ernst Richard Riess. Mit drei
Uolzschnitteu (Schluss) . . 181 XV. Gesteine der lialbinsel Chalcidice.
Notes, grammatical and rhetorical, upon the oration On the crown : with
an historical sketch Sep 13, 2007 larned, william augustus, 1806-1862
were driven from the city by force of arms. 5. She attacked and subdued
Olynthus, the head of the confederation of the Grecian cities in
Chalcidice, and thus surrendered the Greeks of Chalcidice into
Bulletin Apr 3, 2014 university of wisconsin Chalcidice, except for coins,
all dates from the fourth century, after many changes and much shifting of
population had taken place. Harrison ought to have taken into
consideration the evidence of the
Ancient Macedonia - The Rise Of Macedon Jul 19, 2014 basil chulev
Early Bronze Age, which, establishing itself in Chalcidice around about
2600 BCE, spread gradually in every direction and, filtering into Thessaly,
reached there its limit of expansion about 2000 BCE
Beschreibung der antiken Münzen... Feb 19, 2008 julius friedlaender ,
staatliche museen zu berlin (germany ). münzkabinett, alfred friedrich
constantin von sallet umgeben. Ebenso. Ebenso. 19527 , Botteatae.
Bottiaea in Chalcidice. 69 Pallaskopf r., der Helm mit Vordertheilen von
Pferden verziert und aufgeschlagener Ohrklappe. Ebenso. Ebenso
An atlas of antient geography [cartographic material] Sep 17, 2015 butler,
samuel, 1774-1839 , Caveri-Patam Chaberis FI. Cavery Chaborae, Fons
Chaboras FI. Khabour Chabrius FI Chsenobosclon Chaerades I. Chaeronea
Chalcedon, Kadikeni Chalcia I. Karki Chalcidice Chalcidice, in Haleb
Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 29, No.4 Oct 31, 2016
numismatics international bulletin disappears after B.C. 146. The cities of
Chalcidice established a League B.C. 392 with Olynthus as its
headquarters. The coinage is uniform with types relating to Apollo. It was
dissolved about B.C

Aristotle, godfather of evidence-based medicine. Oct 3, 2014 sallam, h. n.

(Garrison, 1966 Doufas and Saidman,2010). Aristotle Aristotle (384 BC-
322 BC) was a Greek philosopher and a student of Plato (Fig. 5). He was
born in Stageira, Chalcidice, in 384 BC, near modern-day
A High School Spelling Book Feb 26, 2008 arthur willis leonard , claude
moore fuess (ker 6 ne' a)) Chalcidice (kal sid' i se) archon Cimmerians
Areopagus ar e op a gus) Arginusae (ar ji nu' se) Aristogiton Artemisium
(ar te mish' i um
Quarterly bulletin Mar 6, 2013 meredith college (raleigh, n.c.) moderate
and just as he was in his dealings with the cities of Chalcidice, he
threatened to lay waste their lands if they refused.9 How complete the
destruction might be is seen from the statement in the
Beschreibung der antiken Münzen Nov 12, 2008 staatliche museen zu
berlin (germany) Apollonia in der Chalcidice. Imhoof beschreibt den
Kopf der Vorderseite ebenfalls, also wie in Tauromenium. 1062 Prokesch
66 Macedonia. JE 7k Beroea.
How to Enliven Geographical Instruction and to Lighten It Mar 19, 2013
ganzenmüller, konrad Thrace, and these were called Chalcidian cities
(aiXaXHidixai Ttolsii). From these cities the peninsula Chalhidike
(Latin, Chalcidice) took its name. From the word fxhwnov, which means
forehead, front
Horned deity Sep 2, 2011 Libya from early times more than the other
Greeks. At Aphytis, Chalcidice, Ammon was worshipped, from the time
of Lysander, as zealously as in Ammonium. Pindar the poet honoured the
god with a hymn.
A history of Thessaly, from the earliest historical times to the accession of
Philip v. of Macedonia Oct 6, 2009 kent, roland g. (roland grubb), 1877-
1952 Thracian Sitalces took the field against the Macedonian Perdiccas,
and advanced into Macedonia and Chalcidice. Perdiccas was able to of
fer no effective resistance, and the northern Greeks ban to fear
Orations against Philip Jul 6, 2010 Demosthenes later (383 B. c.) citizens
from Apollonia and Acanthus in Chalcidice appeared at Sparta asking for
assistance against Olynthus. This vigorous city had become the head of a
great confederacy which formed a
Notes, grammatical and rhetorical, upon the oration On the crown : with
an historical sketch Dec 28, 2009 larned, william augustus, 1806-1862

confederation of the Grecian cities in Chalcidice, and thus surrendered the

Greeks of Chalcidice into the power of Macedon as she has surrendered
the Asiatic Greeks to Persia. Thus, by the beginning of
The Notre Dame Scholastic - Volume 46 Issue 28 Aug 8, 2016 hostile
Corinthians, of thirty-two cities in Chalcidice. Philip: was ever ready,
face the dangers ognized the importance of possessing Olynthus and
sacrifices of a foreign expedition
Thucydides Sep 22, 2014 thucydides ian garrisons, and a larger force from
and subsequent loss of their allies in that neighbourhood, took a Place
called EtonEion in Chalcidice, a colony of Mende, which had been
hostile to Athens the
Thucydides : translated into English, to which is prefixed an essay on
inscriptions and a note on the geography of Thucydides Sep 9, 2011
thucydides Chalcidice, a colony of Mende, which had been hostile to
Athens the place was betrayed to him. But the Chalcidians and Bottiaeans
quickly came to the rescue and he was driven out with considerable loss.
Thucydides Dec 20, 2007 thucydides Eio Eion in Chalcidice, a colony of
Mende, which had been hostile to Athens the place was betrayed to him.
But the Chalcidians and Bottiaeans quickly came to the rescue and he was
driven out with…
A history of Greece Dec 31, 2007 abbott, evelyn, 1843-1901 fatal blow to
his hopes of annexing the Greek cities of the coast, for, though he
succeeded in acquiring Therma and Pydna, Methone and the cities of
Chalcidice were saved from his clutches. The conquest
History of Greece by Evelyn Abbott. Mar 11, 2015 abbott, evelyn, 1843-
1901 formation of the Delian League was a fatal blow to his hopes of
annexing the Greek cities of the coast, for, though he succeeded in
acquiring Therma and Pydna, Methone and the cities of Chalcidice
The Lawrence R. Stack Collection of Ancient Greek Coins Feb 18, 2017
stack's ., Pozzi 1539 (this coin), cf.Noe 7. Dark tone. Very Fine. (2,500-
3,500) The Chalcidice in general, and Mende in particular, was famous
for its wine, the export of which provided the silver for an
Thucydides : translated into English with introduction, marginal analysis,
and index May 4, 2007 thucydides Corinthians annually sent to them. For
they were afraid lest the Potidaeans might be persuaded by the

Corinthians and Perdiccas to Revolt, and might induce the rest of

Chalcidice to follow their example
The spirit of the East Apr 3, 2008 Urquhart, david, 1805-1877 Robbed
Influence of Schools Manufactures of Chalcidice Schemes of the
Armatoles... 98 VI CONTENTS. Page CHAPTER IX. Mining
Municipalities of Chalcidice 118 CHAPTER X. Discussion with a
Atlas antiquus. In forty-eight original, graphic maps, with elaborate text to
each map, and full index Dec 20, 2008 reich, emil, 1854-1910 ravages
Chalcidice and Bottiaea and takes some towns. At the Assembly at Sparta
it is decided to declare war against Athens for breaking the Thirty Years'
Peace. Spartan iiltimaliim, sent to Athens, is
Orations against Philip Aug 3, 2009 Demosthenes of 'autonomy,' for the
Mantineans were equally independent, whether they lived in villages or in
a city. Two years later (383 B.C.) , citizens from Apollonia and Acanthus
in Chalcidice appeared at Sparta
Koprivlen Archaeological Site ~ Rescue Investigations Along Gotse
Delchev - Drama Road Dec 29, 2013 Macedonia and Chalcidice.19 And
again Thucydides tells of a party of 1300 peltasts from the Thracians
bearing swords of the Diakoi clan, who came to Athens in 413 B.C. as
mercenaries, but were sent of f

Sparta and Thebes [microf orm]: a history of Greece, 404-362 B. C Mar

15, 2013 allcrof t, a. h. (arthur hadrian), 1865-1929 declines to aid in the
War . Phoebidas surprises the Cadmea . sect 7. Remarks upon the event . .
. Eudamidas and Teleutias in Chalcidice Second Campaign in Chalcidice
Third Campaign
Tmpm Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen May
19, 2009 - Becke. XV. Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. Von Friedrich
Becke. Mit zwei Tafel. Bei Qelegenheit der geologiscben Aufnahmen auf
der Halbinsel Chalcidice in Thessalien und Qrieohenland, welche im Jahre
Thucydides Apr 1, 2008 thucydides Perdiccas to Revolt, and might induce
the rest of Chalcidice to follow their example. 57- These measures of
precaution were taken by the Perdiccas Athenians immediately after the
sea-fight of f
Thucydides, traslated into English, to which is prefixed an essay on
inscription sna a note on the geography of Thucydides Mar 10, 2008

thucydides larger force from and subsequent loss of their allies in that
neighbourhood, took laquo P''' ''''' 'bull Eion in Chalcidice, a colony of
Mende, which had been hostile to Athens the place was betrayed
A student's study-guide in ancient history a combination of outlines, map
work and questions to aid in visualizing, understanding and remembering
the important facts of ancient history and in grasping a sense of the
modern world's debt to the peoples of ancient times Aug 20, 2009
southworth, gertrude van duyn, b. 1874 hegemony of Sparta, 404371 b. c.
ft Policy of Sparta: Lysander 6 Wars: Agesilaus. (1) Persian: Anabasis
Antalcidas. (2) Domestic: Peloponnesus, Chalcidice, new Athenian
League, Leuctra 14
Beiträge zur griechischen Monatskunde Aug 2, 2008 theodor bergk of
ftcjXovrOy giebt den besten Aufschlufs uumlber die Eulstehung solcher
Naturkulte. 9 nachher sprechen werde. Einen schauml tzbaren Beitrag den
Calender zu Chalcidice bietet Athenaeus dar. In Chalcidice
De via militari Romanorum Egnatia, qua Illyricum, Macedonia et Thracia
iungebantur dissertatio geographica scripsit Theophilus Luc. Fridericus
Tafel Aug 24, 2016 gottlieb lukas friedrich Tafel . bull) SideroCapsa iu
Chalcidice posita est, e meridie Stagirae ruderum, ad sinum Strymonium.
Cousinerii tabula geographica ibidem locorum habet vocem uiies.ldquo
Prope locum vicinnm Nisworo has fodinas ponere

The Spirit of the East: Illustrated in a Journal of Travels Through Roumeli

... Jun 18, 2009 david Urquhart Researches at Atheto and Olynthus Feast
of Robbers and Robbed Influence of Schools Manufactures of Chalcidice
Schemes of the Armatoles... 98 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. Mining
Municipalities of
History Of Greece To 322 B. C. Jan 23, 2017 hAmmond , n.g.l. against
Megara and ultimatum to Potidaea hostilities in Chalcidice 317 sect 3.
Sparta and her Allies decide to go to war diplomatic exchangesAthens
refuses to retract 321 sect 4. The finances of the empire and
Aspects of Medizing Themistocles Simonides and Timocreon of Rhodes
Nov 29, 2012 mcmullin, r , of course, Herodotus. His account makes it
clear that most of Greece crumbled before the Persians. In addition to
Macedonia and Thessaly, all Chalcidice fell, all Boeotia except Thespiae
and Plataea

On Mount Athos and Its Monasteries With Notes on the Route from
Constantinople to Saloniki, in June, 1836 Mar 22, 2013 smith, webber of
former days, the Agion Oros of modern Greeks, and Monte Santo of the
Franks, is joined to the main land of Chalcidice by a low sandy Isthmus
of undulating ground, while its south-eastern extremity
Outline and studies to accompany Myers' ancient history a students'
notebook Jun 5, 2007 leadbetter, florence eugénie, 1861- . The plague
death of Pericles (429 B.C.). d. CharActer of the war Mytilene Corcyra.
e. Athenian successes Pylos. f. Athenian reverses Delium. g. Brasidas in
Chalcidice. h. Peace of Nicias.
Chalkidiki Annual Guide '94 Jun 13, 2012 built by the Corinthians in the
beginning of the 6th century B.C. or the end of the 7th century B.C., and
it had quickly become one of the major cities of Chalcidice (that is the
ancient spelling for
Atlas Antiquus: In forty-eight original, graphic maps, with elaborate text
to each map, and full ... Sep 18, 2008 emil reich across and invests
Potidaea from the Pallone Aristeua contrive Bottiaea and takt At I ho
Assembly to escape from Potidaea .t Spartu it 3. and inflicts damage on
the Sormylea Phor 0 ravages Chalcidice and
The Legend of the Trojan Settlement in Latium Mar 19, 2013 laing, gordon
j. accidental similarity of name localized it in others. (Cf. the case of the
city of Aineia in Chalcidice.) In a comparatively few places the
coincidence of legend and cult resulted in the association of

Spirit Of The East Vol.2 Jan 17, 2017 Urquhart, d. Manufactures of

Chalcidice Schemes of the Armatoles 90 Vi CONTENTS. 4... CHAPTER
IX. Mining Municipalities of Chalcidice CHAPTER X. Page - 109
Discussion with a Governor Cruising Ravanikia Bivouac
The history of Greece. Jun 6, 2007 mitford, william, 1744-1827 mount
Pangasus the Bottiaeans found a settlement nearer their former home, in a
tract on the border of Chalcidice, which Thucydides dis- ThuejAm,,
tinguishes by the name of Bottica. Lyncestis
Beiträge zur griechischen Monatskunde Aug 27, 2016 bergk, theodor
Chalcidice bietet Athenaeus dar. In Chalcidice, wo wir in der spaumlteren
Kaiserzeit nur macedonische Namen antreflen, wie auch Hr. Ii bemerkt,
fand sich fruumlher gewifs allgemein der attisch - ionische

Histories, Book 4. Edited by T.R. Mills. With a general introd. by H. Stuart

Jones May 14, 2008 thucydides 1 ii. 25, 92- of the cities of Chalcidice
the Athenian invasion of his territory had to be dropped because of the
Revolt of Potidaea. In 431 he was again hostile to Athens, and
Numismata graeca Greek coin-types, classified for immediate
identification Nov 24, 2009 anson, leo Apollonia (Illyria or Chalcidice),
45 Issa (Is. Illyria), 46 Pharos ils. Illyria), 47 Corcyra (Is. Epirus), 48 to 78
Locri Opunti (Locris), 79 to 81 Boeotia, uncertain :\Iints, 82 to 90
Chalkidiki Annual Guide 1994 Jun 13, 2012 built by the Corinthians in
the beginning of the 6th century B.C. or the end of the 7th century B.C.,
and it had quickly become one of the major cities of Chalcidice (that is
the ancient spelling for
L 169 Thucydides History Of The Peloponnesian War IV: 7 8 Dec 14,
2013 Athenian commander, in. cv. 3. Arms, the cust om of carrying arm.-
once common to all Hellenes, I. v. 3 vi. 1 fir-t abandoned by the Athenians,
ibi. Arnae, in Chalcidice, TV. ciii. 1. Arne
Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen Jul 11,
2009 verpflichtet. Im Digitized by Google Gesteine der Halbinsel
Chalcidice. 243 Folgenden sind die Gesteine von der Halbinsel Chalcidice
beschrieben. Die Anordnung ist derart, dass zuerst
Thucydides Vol,ii Jan 16, 2017 jowett benjamin capunc ian garrisons, and
a larger force from and sttbscqucut loss of their allies in that
neighbourhood, took called Eh,,. Eion in Chalcidice, a colony of Mende,
which had been hostile to Athens the
Essentials in ancient history : (from the earliest records to Charlemagne)
Nov 12, 2009 wolfson, arthur mayer, 1873- Chalcidice. West of Greece,
in the islands of the Ionian Sea, Corinthian traders were active still, the
islands were but halfway stations on the route to Italy and Sicily. In Italy,
A skeleton outline of Greek history chronologically arranged May 10,
2007 abbott, evelyn, 1843-1901 and Stagira in Chalcidice, colonies
founded by Andros. (Strabo, 7. fr. 31.) Abdera founded by Clazomenae,
but the colony was expelled by the Thracians. (Hdt. i. 168.') Istros,
Lampsacus, and
Demosthenes Jun 2, 2008 william jackson brodribb head of the Gulf of
Torone, in the peninsula of Chalcidice, was the prosperous city of

Olynthus, round which had grown up a confederacy of Greek towns that

might have been an eflectual barrier against
Outline for review, Greek history including Oriental nations Aug 3, 2009
newton, charles bertram, 1871- Chalcidice. Led expedition to Chal- 29
Digitized by VjOOQ IC cidiceAcanthus, AmphipoHs. Meanwhile
Athenian defeat, Delium (424 B.C.). Ostracism of Thucydides, who
became great historian of the war.
Demosthenes Jan 10, 2015 brodribb, william jackson, 1829-1905 least,
due to Sparta's influence. In one instance she inflicted the most direct and
positive mischief upon Greece. At the head of the Gulf of Torone, in the
peninsula of Chalcidice, was the
Essentials in ancient history (from the earliest records to Charlemagne)
Aug 20, 2009 wolfson, arthur mayer. [from old catalog] Posidonia, and
Eretria, settled, till the promontories themselves took on the name of
Chalcis and were henceforth known as Chalcidice. West of Greece, in the
islands of the Ionian Sea, Corinthian…
Greek coins in gold, silver and electrum, and a few Roman, Byzantine,
English and foreign pieces in gold Dec 23, 2014 sotheby, wilkinson hodge
ornament, the whole within dotted border. Quadripartite incuse square, wt.
253 grs., very fine and rare. 1 73 Chalcidice. Epoch of the League, B.C.
392-370. A7 Stater. Laureate Head of Apollo to
Outline of Grecian history Dec 2, 2009 kingsley, maud elma, 1865-
Corinth and Coreyra. 2\ Counter attempt of the Corinthians to detach the
cities of Chalcidice from their allegiance to Athens. 3\ Blockade of
Potidaea by the Athenians, B. C. 432. 4\ Conference
Handbook of Greek and Roman history Dec 18, 2007 castegnier, georges,
1849- citadel, built on the highest part of a city particularly tlie -citadel of
Athens, destroyed by the Persians under Xerxes (480 b.,c.). ,A'ctej TJie
eastern peninsula of Chalcidice. Xerxes opened
An atlas of antient geography [cartographic material] Sep 17, 2015 butler,
samuel, 1774-1839 , Cuick Chaberis, Caveri-Patam Chaberis FI. Cavery
Chaborreg, Fons Chaboras FI. Khabour Chabrius FI. Chanobos- cion
Charades I. Charonea Chalcedon, Kadikeni Chalcia I. Karki Chalcidice
Chalcidice, in Haleb
The history of Greece May 3, 2007 mitford, william, 1744-1827 . Revolt
of Chalcidice from the Persians. Siege of Potidaea by Artabazus . 84

SECT. II. Preparations for the campaign. bull Congress at Athens:

speeches of Alexander king of Macedonia., of the Lacedaemonian
Demosthenes Jul 6, 2010 brodribb, william jackson, 1829-1905 . In one
instance she inflicted the most direct and positive mischief upon Greece.
At the head of the Gulf of Torone, in th peninsula of Chalcidice, was
the prosperous city of Olj-nthus, round which had
Geschichtlicht-geographisches wörterbuch: ein hülfsmittel für den ... Dec
14, 2009 wilhelm martens Milet aus kolonisiert. Juli und Oktober 411 v.
Chr. Seesiege der Athener uumlber die Spartaner. Acanthns (L.) {fj Stadt
an der Ostkuumlste der Halbinsel Chalcidice, Kolonie der Jonier.
A History of Thessaly: From the Earliest Historical Times to the Accession
of Philip V. of Macedonia Sep 7, 2008 roland grubb kent and his army.
This power must have been Daochus. sect 11. In the early months of 428
the Thracian Sitalces took the field against the Macedonian Perdiccas,
and advanced into Macedonia and Chalcidice
Essentials in Ancient History Mar 18, 2014 arthur mayer wolfson of the
Sea, at Posidonia. and Eretria, settled, till the promontories themselves
took on the name of Chalcis and were henceforth known as Chalcidice.
West of Greece, in the islands of the Ionian Sea
The gold coinage of Asia before Alexander the Great Dec 6, 2007 gardner,
percy, 1846-1937 cities. They must have had some reason for adopting it
for their gold coin. In the same way at Rhodes, in Chalcidice, and in other
places in which a gold coinage appears early in the fifth century, it

Essentials in Ancient History: (from the Earliest Records to Charlemagne)

Jul 23, 2009 arthur mayer wolfson , albert bushnell hart Temple of
Poseidon, God of the Sea, at Posidonia. and Eretria, settled, till the
promontories themselves took on the name of Chalcis and were
henceforth known as Chalcidice. West of Greece, in the
Demosthenes May 26, 2008 william jackson brodribb of the Gulf of
Torone, in the peninsula of Chalcidice, was the prosperous city of
Olynthus, round which had grown up a confederacy of Greek towns that
might have been an effectual barrier against
A history of Greece for high schools and academies Jun 30, 2010 botsford,
george willis, 1862-1917 Expansioji Cf. p. 9 ff. Chalcidice. About 750
B.C. Jonians. Colonies on the Hellespont and on the Black Sea. term

Western Greece includes their settlements in both Italy and Sicily. Western
A history of Greece for high schools and academies May 13, 2011
botsford, george willis, 1862-1917 . The territory occupied raecia and .
Western by the Greeks in Italy is called Magna Graecia, while the Greece.
36 Colonial Expansion Cf. p. 9 ff- Chalcidice. About 750 B.C. lonians.
The Tutorial Of History Of Greace Jan 18, 2017 w_j_wood . The three-
tongued projection of Chalcidice which hangs like an excrescence to
Macedonia is Hellenic in its maritime charActer, and shares from an early
period in the history of the more southern
The development and continuity of commerce about the Mediterranean
between 800 B.C. and 1492 A.D May 11, 2016 knox, helen josephine and
Chalcidice to secure there Cunningham.serve as intermediaries between
the hast and Jest. Western Gradually,certain colonies in each of these
districts Civilization Cunninghamcolonies along the
Our Hellenic heritage Dec 21, 2007 james, henry rosher of HellasA lucky
turn of fortuneHigh adventure at Pylos mdash Sph Acteria mdash The
longing for peaceDelium Brasidas in Chalcidice mdashThe Fifty Years'
PeaceA Greek play of 421 B.C. Note on Pylos and SphActeria
History of Greece for High Schools and Academies Feb 19, 2014
botsford, george willis, 1862-1917 ia and by the Greeks in Italy is called
Magna Graecia, while the Greece. Colonial Expansion Cf. p. 9 ff.
Chalcidice. About 750 B.C. Ionians. Colonies on the Hellespont and on
the Black Sea. term
Essentials in ancient history : (from the earliest records to Charlemagne)
May 3, 2007 wolfson, arthur mayer, 1873- known as Chalcidice. West of
Greece, in the islands of the Ionian Sea, Corinthian traders were active
still, the islands were but halfway stations on the route to Italy and Sicily.
In Italy, Cumse
Thucydides translated into English with introduction, marginal analysis,
and index May 13, 2011 thucydides be persuaded by the Corinthians and
Ferdiccas to Revolt, and might induce the rest of Chalcidice to follow
their example. These measures of precaution were taken by the Athenians
immediately after

History of the Peloponnesian War Oct 23, 2008 thucydides Timocrates,

an Athenian commander, III. cv. 3. Arras, the custom of carrying arras
once common to all Hellenes, 1. v. 3 vi. 1 first abandoned by the Athenians,
ibi. Arnae, in Chalcidice
The history of Greece Dec 21, 2007 mitford, william Persian invasion.
Sect. I. Return of the Athenians to their country. Measures of the Grecian
fleet. Dedication to the gods for the victory at Salamis. Honors to
Themistocles. Revolt of Chalcidice from the…
A History of Greece for High Schools and Academies May 16, 2008
george willis botsford . . , Western by the Greeks in Italy is called Magna
Graceia, while the Greece. 36 Colonial Expansion Cf. p. 9 ff. Chalcidice.
About 750 B.a lonians. Colonies on the Hellespont and on the Black Sea.

A History of Greece for High Schools and Academies Mar 9, 2008 george
willis botsford , while the Greece, and continued a century or more. The
territory occupied ' Western 36 Colonial Expansion Cf. p. 9 ff. Chalcidice.
About 750 B.C. Jonians. Colonies on the Hellespont and on the.

A History of Greece for High Schools and Academies Sep 12, 2008 george
willis botsford and Western by the Greeks in Italy is called Magna Graecia,
while the Greece. and continued a century or more. The territory occupied
Western 36 Colonial Expansion Cf. p. 9 fi. Chalcidice…ΑΡΧΑΙΑ
Robinson’s Hellenic History. Fifth Edition. Revised by Donald Kagan.

The History Of Greece Vol.3 Jan 17, 2017 mitford, william the people
concurred to incourage Grecian establishments on the coast of which
however the principal, those of Chalcidice and the three peninsulas, had
been made probably before the Macedonian

Spirit Of The East Vol.2 Jan 17, 2017 Urquhart, d. of Chadcidice

Schemes of the ArmaUdes 90 vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. Mining
Municipalities of Chalcidice CHAPTER X. Page - 109 Discussion with a
GovernorCruising BeesRavanikia Bivouac

Essentials in Ancient History: (from the Earliest Records to Charlemagne)

Sep 29, 2008 arthur mayer wolfson , albert bushnell hart among the rocks
along the coast of Chalcidice. Persian Warrior. consolate and discouraged,
Mardonius re-sculpture from Persepturned to Asia Minor without having
struck olis

The Spirit of the East Jul 15, 2008 david Urquhart Researches at Atheto
and Olynthus mdashFeast of Rob- of ChalddiceSchemes of the
Armatoles 58 CHAPTER IX. Mining Municipalities of Chalcidice

A Skelton Outline Of Greek History Jan 17, 2017 evelyn abbott Corinth,
and establishes himself as Tyrant. (Arist. Fol. V. 9. 22.) Acanthus and
Stagira in Chalcidice, colonies founded by Andros. (Strabo, 7. fr. 31.)
Abdera founded by Clazomenae, but the colony was

Books and Research Papers on the History of Macedonia and the Greek
Heritage Collection Jun 24, 2013 blue vergina sun clashes became
inevitable. Finally, many links with Greek history resulted during the
Peloponnesian War, particularly its first half, when military operations
were conducted chiefly in the Chalcidice

A skeleton outline of Greek history chronologically arranged Jun 9, 2008

evelyn abbott the oligarchy of the Bacchiadae from Corinth, and
establishes himself as Tyrant. (Arist. Pol. V. 9. 22.) 31.3. Acanthus and
Stagira in Chalcidice, colonies founded by Andros. (Strabo, 7


abbott establishes himself as Tyrant. (Arist. Pol. v. 9. 22.) Acanthus and
Stagira in Chalcidice, colonies founded by Andros. (Strabo, 7. fr. 31.)
Abdera founded by Clazomenae, but the colony was expelled by

Demosthenes Dec 21, 2011 brodribb, william jackson, 1829-1905

mischief upon Greece. At the head of the Gulf of Torone, in the peninsula

of Chalcidice, was the prosperous city of Olynthus, round which had

grown up a confederacy of Greek towns that might have been

Demosthenes Jun 1, 2008 william jackson brodribb positive mischief upon

Greece. At the head of the Gulf of Torone, in the peninsula of
Chalcidice, was the prosperous city of Olynthus, round which had grown
up a confederacy of Greek towns that

Travels in northern Greece May 14, 2012 Leake, william martin, 1777-
1860 Emathia Madi Amphaxia AnthemusMygdoniaCrossaaMount Cissu
s mdashBottiata Chalcidenses mdashApollonia of Chalcidice mdash
Clynthus mdash Apollonia of MygdoniaLete Paonia Strumitza Astraum
Roman roads from

Den Macedoniske Konge Philip IIs mynter Sep 27, 2008 l. müller
olympiske Pythion. Muller Dorier I p. 202. reg De vigtigste Staeligder paa
Chalcidice vare anlagte fra Eobcea, isaeligr fra Chalcis, og Apollo ansaaes
overhovedet for de chalcidiske Coloniers Stifter (Aqx

Catalogue of the Bunbury collection of Greek coins ... which will be sold
by auction, by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson Hodge ... in London in 1896
Aug 21, 2012 sotheby co. (london, england) . 22 grs., all fine and scarce 7
664 Chalcidice, b.c. 392-379, Tetradrachm, Head of Apollo to left in high
relief, laureate rev. XAAKIAEfiN around a hepta-chord lyre below, AE
(1) wt. 222 grs

The history of Greece. To which is prefixed a brief memoir of the author,

by lord Redesdale Jul 8, 2008 william mitford Grecian fleet. Dedication to
the gods for the victory at Sa lends. Honors to Thefnistocles. Revolt of
Chalcidice from the Persians, Siege of Potidaea by Artabazus , 84 Sect.
II. Preparations

Greeks and Goths : a study on the runes Jul 3, 2007 taylor, isaac, 1829-
1901 are chiefly found. SamoThrace was colonized from Samos,

Chalcidice from Chalcis, Thasos from Paros, while Miletus 44 The

Geographical Conditions. had numerous colonies on the Hellespont, in
Thrace, in

Greeks and Goths: A Study on the Runes May 27, 2008 isaac taylor ,
Chalcidice from Chalcis, Thasos from Paros, while Miletus 44 'I
Geographical Conditions. had numerous colonies on the Hellespont, in
Thrace, in the Crimea, and at the mouths of the Don, the Dniester

The History of Greece Feb 16, 2009 william mitford the wants of the
people concurred to inqorage Grecian establishments on the .coast of
.which however the principal, those of Chalcidice and the three
peninsulas, had been made probably before the


abbott in Chalcidice, colonies founded by Andros. (Strabo, 7. fr. 31.)
Abdera founded by Clazomenae, but the colony was expelled by the
Thracians. (Hdt. i. 168.) Istros, Lampsacus and Borysthenes

A history of Greece: for colleges and high schools May 30, 2009 Philip
van ness myers her as their mother city that the land became known as
Chalcidice. One of the chief attractions of this shore to the Greek
colonists and traders was the rich copper, silver, and gold deposits found

Commentarius exegeticus ad Ovidii Epistulas ex Ponto Jan 21, 2009

némethy, géza, 1865- significat, ut infra IV. 2, 13: l aquo Mittere ad hunc
carmen fi-ondes erat addere silvis. Alpes enim sunt montes frondosi neque
silvis Athonis egent. Atho, sive Athos, mons in Chalcidice Macedonica

A History Of Greece For High Schools And Academies Jan 19, 2017
botsford george willis , and to cut the timber for shipbuilding and as most
of them came from Chalcis, they named their new home Chalcidice.

Corinth followed Chalcis in this direction, also, and founded Potidaea,

which became…

A geographical and historical description of ancient Greece, with a map

and plan of Athens Feb 1, 2013 cramer, j. a. (john anthony), 1793-1848
principal divisionsLyncusOrestis Elimea, or
including the districts of the Pelagonians, the Almopes, iEstraei, Agrianes

Herodotus Aug 23, 2007 herodotus Chalcidice, on the Isthmus of Mt.

Athos, one of Xerxes' chief halting-places on his march, vi. 44, vn. 115-
1J7, 121, 124 Acarnania, in N.W. Greece, 11. 10, vn. 126 Aceratus, a
Delphian prophet, vm. 37

Greeks and Goths : a study on the runes Aug 21, 2012 taylor, isaac, 1829-
1901 the runic peculiarities of the Greek alphabet are chiefly found.
SamoThrace was colonized from Samos, Chalcidice from Chalcis,
Thasos from Paros, while Miletus 44 The Geographical Conditions. had

Essentials in Ancient History: (from the Earliest Records to Charlemagne)

Sep 29, 2008 arthur mayer wolfson , albert bushnell hart known as
Chalcidice. West of Greece, in the islands of the Ionian Sea, Corinthian
traders were active still, the islands were but halfway stations on the route
to Italy and Sicily. In Italy, Cumfe

Bemerkungen zu den Demosthenischen staatsreden [microf orm] Mar 15,

2013 laudahn, arnold . Nun noch rasch die Gleichung: Cappadocia =
Chalcidice = Olynthus, und der erste olnthische Krieg ist fertig.) Die
Fragmente des Th. aus dem 21. Buch endlich beweisen zwar, dafs sich Th.
in diesem

Essentials in Ancient History: (from the Earliest Records to Charlemagne)

Oct 1, 2008 arthur mayer wolfson , albert bushnell hart , at PuaiDONU.
and Eretria, settled, till the promontories themselves took on the name of

Chalcis and were henceforth known as Chalcidice. West of Greece, in the

islands of the Ionian Sea, Corinthian…

Catalogue of the entire collection of Roman imperial denarii, and of

Paduan medallions, of Richard H. Lawrence, esq., librarian of the
American Numismatic and Archaeological Society. [04101885] Feb 26,
frossard, edward . Remarkable head of Apollo. Tetradachm. 16.
Chalcidice. Head of Apollo. Rev. Lyre. Tetradrachm. Remarkable for
strength and beauty of work. 16. Coloplion. Striking portrait of a Persian
satrap. Rev

The Chronology of the Years 432 and 431 B. C. Mar 19, 2013 west, allen
b. Phormio and of Eucrates might have been identical. Phormio, however,
sailed directly to Aphytis and did not go to Macedon at all. Later his
attentions were confined to Bottice and Chalcidice.

The Dreamer, and Other Poems Feb 27, 2008 kenneth rand , bring you
swift to Lesbos, Though the home-harbor hailed me from the sea A scant
sun-cycle ere he yielded! Lo, I greet you, Sappho, fresh from shipwreck:
death [48] In Chalcidice trod upon my

Thucydides translated into English with introduction, marginal analysis,

and index Mar 20, 2013 thucydides allies in that neighborhood, subsequent
o . loss of a place took Eion in Chalcidice a colony of Mende pound,
which had called Eion. been hostile to Athens the place was betrayed to
him. But the

Ancient coins of Greek cities and kings. From various collections

principally in Great Britain Jul 29, 2013 millingen, james, 1774-1845
latter, not only from the resemblance of the name, but because most of the
cities in the district between the Axius and the Strymon were of Euboic
origin, as the appellation of Chalcidice, given to that…

The pronunciation of Greek and Latin proper names in English Oct 23,
2008 richmond, henry j Macedonia Pydna Chalcidice 32, 1 Olynthus
Potidaea 30 Cyclades Paros 27, 4, c, iii Naxos Delos 27, 4, c, iii C}rnthus
Aegina Salamis Euboea 30 Chalcis 32, 1 Lesbos Mytilene 13 Meth)-mna

The Hellenistic Origins of Byzantine Literature Aug 11, 2016 omilly j. h.

jenkins provinces of the Hellenistic East are under the Saracen heel. The
old homeland of the Hellenes, from Chalcidice to Cape Taenarum, is so
completely Slavized that it is recognized everywhere as Sclavinica

Bulgaria's Case Mar 20, 2013 tsanof f, radoslav andrea dozens of villages
in regions which today are exclusively Greek, as in Chalcidice and Kojani
(Izvor, Golemo-Vantcha, Ventzi, Lukovo, Toplik, Vurbovo, etc.), and
when one fails to find today the Bulgars

The Peasant's Pre-Emption Right: An Abortive Reform of the

Macedonian Emperors Aug 11, 2016 george ostrogorsky issued about that
time to sell all escheated lands in the theme of Saloniki.52 The great
quantity of escheated lands on the peninsula of Chalcidice was probably
due mdashas was of ten the caseto enemy

The dreamer, and other poems Jul 28, 2009 rand, kenneth, 1891- from the
sea A scant sun-cycle ere he yielded! Lo, I greet you, Sappho, fresh from
shipwreck: death [48] In Chalcidice trod upon my heels. But I am purged
in soul of poisoned thoughts

The pronunciation of Greek and Latin proper names in English Jul 25,
2008 richmond, henry j (Thessaly) Peneus Pindus Pelion 27, 4, c, ii
Olympus Thermopylae Pharsalus Larissa lolchos 13 Tempe 13 Epirus
Dodona Macedonia Pydna Chalcidice 32. 1 01)mthus Potidaea 30
Cyclades Paros 27, 4, c, iii Naxos

CharActer-Drawing in Thucydides Mar 15, 2013 smith, charles forster

same year he is sent to Chalcidice to the dissatisfied allies of Athens, in
order by a diversion to draw of f the Athenians from the coasts of Laconia.
Here2 Thucydides works into the narrative a…

Disputationis de ratione [microf orm], qua Livius in libris Historiarum

conscribendis usus est opere Polybiano, particula prima Jan 14, 2013 lucas,
theodor celebratione hiemem Chalcidice traduxisse narrat. Huc spectant
Livii verba (XXXVL c 15. 1.): Jam tum cernens (Antiochus), nihil se ex
Graecia praeter amoena Chalcide hiberna et infames nuptias petiissc

Geographia classica: Jun 8, 2009 butler, samuel, 1774-1839 South-west of

it Chalcidice, lying between the Sinus Strymonicus and Thermaicus.
Within the Sinus Thermaicus, on the South-east, was Pieria, bordering on
Thessaly, and to the South-west Elymiotis

The history of Greece Jul 26, 2009 mitford, william, 1744-1827

Chalcidice, full of Grecian set- 'ErufiCoxow rotfa pani). 1. 7. c 117.
Homer giyelaquo a corresponding description of the sepalchrai barrow
raised by the Grecian army under Agamemnon in honor of the heroes

Classical Geography Jun 6, 2007 tozer, h. f into the Thermaic Gulf, while
the three others, the Strymon, the Nestus, and the Hebrus, enter the Egean
between Chalcidice and the Thracian Chersonese. The largest of these is
the Hebrus, which, with

Classical Geography Apr 1, 2008 henry fanshawe tozer found in Greece,

the westernmost of which, the Axius, flows into the Thermaic Gulf, while
the three others, the Strymon, the Nestus, and the Hebrus, enter the Egean
between Chalcidice and the Thracian

The early days of monasticism on Mount Athos Jun 13, 2007 lake,
kirsopp, 1872- Siderocausia (probably not far from Athos) and the third
went with Euthymius himself to Brastamou, the modern Brasta in

Chalcidice near Polygorus. Of the first group nothing more is known the

Ueber Unmarbeitung einiger Aristophanischen Komödien Aug 22, 2008

joseph stanger Niederlage bei Delium die Eriegslust wieder abgekuumlhlt,
und hatten sich die Athener durch die uumlberraschenden Erfolge der
spartanischen Waffen unter Brasidas auf der Halbinsel Chalcidice zum
Abschluss eines

Phillips Andover Mirror Dec 5, 2013 phillips academy will be erected upon
similar plans. DRAMATIS PERSOXAE Thanados mdash A Greek
adventurer from SamoThrace. Artaphox Tyrant of Thesbos, a small
island of f the Actean promontory of Chalcidice. Kalliste…

Ueber Umarbeitung einiger Aristophanischen Komödien Jun 17, 2010

stanger, joseph die Kriegslust wieder abgekuumlhlt, und hatten sich die
Athener durch die uumlberraschenden Erfolge der spartanischen Waffen
unter Brasidas auf der Halbinsel Chalcidice zum Abschluss eines

The history of Greece Jul 26, 2009 mitford, william, 1744-1827

Themistocles. Revolt of Chalcidice from the Persians. Siege of Potidaea
by Artahazus p. 81. Section II. Preparations for the Campain. Congress at
Athens: Speeches of Alexander King of Macedonia, of the

Numismatics International Bulletin, Vol. 22, No.2 Oct 27, 2016

numismatics international bulletin , was arranged differently. It would have
presented us with a similar difficulty, because it includes Cyrrhestica,
Chalcidice, Pieria, Coele-Syria, Phoenicia, Trachonitis, Decapolis,
Galilee, Samaria, and

Classical geography May 25, 2008 tozer, h[enry] f[anshawe], 1829- [from
old catalog]

the iEgean between Chalcidice and the Thracian Chersonese. The largest
of these is the Hebrus, which, with its tributaries, drains almost the whole
of Thrace. The proper boundary between Thrace and

A guide to the principal gold and silver coins of the ancients, from circ. B.
C. 700 to A. D. 1 Jul 11, 2008 british museum. dept. of coins and medals
district north of Chalcidice, from the Nestos in the east to the Haliacmon
in the west, before the time of the Persian wars. 6. Neapolis. JR. Obv.
Gorgon-head. Hev. Incuse. Wt. 147 grs

The orations of Demosthenes Feb 11, 2010 Demosthenes Pallene. It was

colonized by a people from Chalcis in Euboea, and commanded a large
district called Chalcidice, in which there were thirty-two cities. Over all
this tract the sway of Olynthus was…

Classical geography Nov 13, 2012 tozer, henry fanshawe into the
Thermaic Gulf, while the three others, the Strymon, the Nestus, and the
Hebrus, enter the Egean between Chalcidice and the Thracian
Chersonese. The largest of these is the Hebrus, which, with

Classical geography Nov 13, 2012 tozer, h[enry] f[anshawe] any that are
found in Greece, the westernmost of which, the Axius, flows into the
Thermaic Gulf, while the three others, the Strymon, the Nestus, and the
Hebrus, enter the -Egean between Chalcidice

A History Of Greece Jan 18, 2017 oman, c.w.c the Eretrians gravitated
towards the western part of Chalcidice, while the towns founded from
Chalcis occupied its central and eastern regions. Many of the original
inhabitants were lsquoPelasgic,rdquo and

A history of all nations from the earliest times : being a universal historical
library by distinguished scholars in twenty-four volumes Nov 27, 2012
andrews, charles mclean, 1863-1943 were at that time adopted into those
of Attica but the most of the fugitives moved gradually on. The new

settlements of Thessalian and Boeotian fugitives in Chalcidice, Lemnos,

Imbros, SamoThrace, and

Numismata graeca Greek coin-types, classified for immediate

identification Feb 23, 2009 anson, leo 220 Chalcidice. Macedonia. Head
of Apollo (Olynthus) 1., wearing laurel wreath, hair in curls. Similar.
Similar. Similar head r. Similar. Similar, 1. Similar r. border of

The Orations of Demosthenes... May 6, 2008 Demosthenes the peninsula

of Pallene. It was colonized by a people from Chalcis in Euboea, and
commanded a large district called Chalcidice, in which there were thirty-
two cities.

L 120 Herodotus The Persian Wars IV: 8 9 Dec 12, 2013 , vm. 117, 130,
ix. 114 Acanthus, in Chalcidice, on the Isthmus of Mt. Athos, one of
Xerxes' chief halting-places on his march, vi. 44, vn. 115-117, 121, 124
Acarnania, in N.W. Greece, n. 10, vn. 126

Herodotus. With an English translation by A.D. Godley May 29, 2008

herodotus Ampehis, a promontory in Chalcidice, vii. 122 Amphiaraus, a
legendary Greek hero, iii. 91 his oracular shrine, I. 4(5, 49, 52, 92, viii. 134
Ainpliicaca, a Phocian town, viii. 33 Ain))hicrates, king

A history of all nations from the earliest times : being a universal historical
library by distinguished scholars in twenty-four volumes Apr 24, 2007
andrews, charles mclean, 1863-1943 fugitives in Chalcidice, Lemnos,
Imbros, SamoThrace, and elsewhere almost all remained historically
unimportant so much the more important, however, was the Ionian Fm. 47.
The birth of Athena. The

The Olynthiac : and other public orations of Demosthenes Nov 17, 2007
Demosthenes in Macedonia, at the head of the Toronaic gulf, and north
of the peninsula of Pallene. It was colonized by a people from Chalcis
in Euboea, and commanded a large district called Chalcidice, in which

The orations of Demosthenes... Aug 25, 2011 Demosthenes a large

district called Chalcidice, in which there were thirty-two cities. Over all
this tract the sway of Olynthus was considerable, and she had waged wars
anciently with Athens and Sparta, and been…
A guide to the principal gold and silver coins of the ancients, from circ.
B.C. 700 to A.D. 1 Apr 2, 2007 british museum. dept. of coins and medals
, whose coinage spread over the whole district north of Chalcidice, from
the Nestos in the east to the Haliacmon in the west, before the time of the
Persian wars. 6. Neapolis. JR. Obv. Gorgon-head…
Orations Translated, with notes Feb 1, 2008 Demosthenes was a city in
Macedonia, at the head of the Toronaic gulf, and north of the peninsula
of Pallene. It was colonized by a people from Chalcis in Euboea, and
commanded a large district called Chalcidice…
A History of Greece.From the earliest times to the death of Alexander the
Great Mar 3, 2008 c.w.c. oman, m.a., f .s.a. thirty towns along the three
headlands of Chalcidice, as the peninsula was ere long called from the
Chalcidians who formed the larger half of the settlers. Some of these
places were mere mining…

A short history of Greece Oct 15, 2011 Robinson, william spry, 1857-
[from old catalog] , just before the final extinction of Greek independence.
12 HISTORY OF GREECE Outside the limits of Greece proper, on the
coast of Thrace, just east of Macedonia, is a district called Chalcidice,

Ancient Macedonia Sep 29, 2016 to the colonies of Eretria and Chalcis
in the Chalcidice as being in Macedonia.28 The Politics mentions the
assassination of three kings (5.1311bl-20, that of Philip being the latest

Herodotus Vol. Iv Jan 16, 2017 a.d. godley . 117 Xerxes bridge there, vxi.
33 foil., 43, 44, 45, 9.5, 147, 174, viii. 117, 130, ix. 114 Acanthus, in
Chalcidice, on the Isthmus of Mt. Athos, one of Xerxes quo chief
halting-places on his inarch

History Of Greece From The Earliest Times To The Death Of Alexander

The Great Jan 17, 2017 oman, c. w. c. towards the western part of
Chalcidice, while the towns founded from Chalcis occupied its central and
eastern regions. Many of the original inhabitants were lsquo Pelasgic,
rdquo and seem to have amalgamated

Greece Aug 4, 2008 oman, charles william chadwick, sir, 1860-1946 the
three headlands of Chalcidice, as the peninsula was ere long called from
the Chalcidians who formed the larger half of the settlers. Some of these
places were mere mining settlements, but others

History of Greece from the earliest times to the destruction of Corinth,

B.C. 146 Jul 24, 2016 schmitz, leonhard, 1807-1890 the Thracian
peninsula, which hence acquired its name of Chalcidice, though a great
part of its Greek population was derived from Eretria, the neighbour and
rival of Chalcis. In the colony which

Travels in Northern Greece. Oct 16, 2008 william martin Leake mass of
ignorance collected in the monasteries of the Oros, some recollections of
ancient history are still preserved here. This may be attributed in great
measure to the Chalcidice and its three smaller

The Tutorial History Of Greece Jan 20, 2017 w j wodhouse Chalcis, so

that the entire territory received the name Chalcidice. Other towns than
Chalcis, however, sent colonies hither especially Eretria, which founded
several towns on Pallene, the most

A history of Greece for high schools and academies Oct 6, 2009 botsford,
george willis, 1862-1917 VjOOQIC Cf. p. 9 fr. 36 Colonial Expansion
Chalcidice. About 750 B.C. lonians. Colonies on the Hellespont and on
the Black Sea. term Western Greece includes their settlements in both Italy

Encyclopedia of The Ancient Greek World Dec 4, 2016 was born in a

minor town named Stagirus (later Stagira), in the Greek colonial region
called Chalcidice, on the northwest Aegean coast near the Greek kingdom
of Macedon. Aristotle rs quos father, Nicomachus

A history of Greece. from the earliest times to the destruction of Corinth,

146 B. C. Feb 26, 2014 schmitz, leonhard, 1807-1890 had political motives
for encouraging emigration among the poorer citizens and Chalcis had
probably already planted colonies in the Thracian peninsula, which hence
acquired its name of Chalcidice

A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the destruction of Corinth,

B.C. 146, based upon ... Aug 17, 2008 leonhard schmitz , connop thirlwall
acquired its name of Chalcidice, though a great part of its Greek
population was derived from Eretria, the neighbour and rival of Chalcis.
In the colony which Theocles led to Sicily in b. c. 735, the

A History of the Orient and Greece: For High Schools and Academies Feb
9, 2008 george willis botsford . 36 Colonial Expansion Chalcidice. About
750 B.a lonians. Colonies on the Hellespont and on the Black Sea, term
Western Greece includes their settlements in both Italy and Sicily. Western

Res graecae : being brief aids to the history, geography, literature and
antiquities of ancient Greece Jul 28, 2011 coleridge, edward p. (edward
Philip), b. 1863 Demosthenes), was utterly destroyed in 348, the same fate
overtaking 32 other confederate cities in Chalcidice. 345. The Peace of
Philocratesis concluded by Athens with Philip in 346 the Phocians

De finibus regni Macedonici: de imperio Macedonico et de Macedoniae

sociis ... Oct 10, 2009 jacobus breen . Macedonia et Epirus 10 4. Res
Thessaliae, bella a Philippo in Thessalia gesta ... 13 5. De Insnlis 6. De
Coloniis Graecis in Macedonia sitis: Chalcidice de urbibus in oris

A History of Greece from the Earliest Times to the Death of Alexander

the Great Oct 19, 2008 sir charles william chadwick oman able to turn it to
account. Within the first fifty years of the eighth century Chalcis ana
Eretria had planted more than thirty towns along the three headlands of
Chalcidice, as the peninsula was ere

Thucydides : translated into English, to which is prefixed an essay on

inscriptions and a note on the geography of Thucydides Jul 12, 2011
thucydides , the Gentinians of the Troad, the Stagirites, the Cerameans of
Caria, the Camireans of Rhodes, the Halicarnassians, the Myrinaeans of
Lemnos, and the Mecybernaeans of Chalcidice follow each other

The History of the Peloponnesian War Jul 26, 2009 thucydides, thomas
arnold into affairs in Chalcidice, iv. 133, 3. Aristocleides, f. of
Hestiodorus, an Ath., ii. 70, I. Aristotles , brother of Pleistoanax, k. of the
Lac, charged with tampering with the prophetess at Delphi, v

The history of nations, Volume 2 Jul 2, 2011 henry cabot lodge ) were
both eager and able to turn it to account. Within the first fifty years of the
eighth century Chalcis and Eretria had planted more than thirty towns
along the three headlands of Chalcidice, as

The Greeks in history Feb 25, 2013 samuel, alan edouard huge Persian
fleet, and even Potidaeans, whose charActer as colonists of Corinth
might have been thought to be outweighed by their isolation in Chalcidice
among the medizers of the north. The

A history of Greece from the earliest times to the death of Alexander the
Great Jul 15, 2008 oman, charles william chadwick, sir, 1860-1946 and
able to turn it to account. Within the first fifty years of the eighth century
Chalcis ana Eretria had planted more than thirty towns along the three
headlands of Chalcidice, as the peninsula was

A history of Greece from the earliest times to the death of Alexander the
Great Aug 13, 2010 oman, charles william chadwick, sir, 1860-1946 said
that the Eretrians gravitated towards the western part of Chalcidice, while
the towns founded from Chalcis occupied its central and eastern regions.
Many of the original inhabitants were

Greece Dec 1, 2007 oman, charles william chadwick, sir, 1860-1946 eager
and able to turn it to account. Within the first fifty years of the eighth
century Chalcis and Eretria had planted more than thirty towns along the
three headlands of Chalcidice, as the

A History Of Greece Jan 18, 2017 c.w.c.oman famous for its rich
vineyards. Of the colonies of Chalcis Torone and Sermyle were the
largest. Speaking roughly, it may be said that the Eretrians gravitated
towards the western part of Chalcidice

High school history of Greece and Rome Sep 9, 2015 robertson, w. j.

(william john), b. 1846 colonial enterprise in European Greece, and they
founded most of the colonies in the district of Chalcidice in the northern
part of the Aegeana district so called because more than half of the thirty

The history of the Peloponnesian War illustrated by maps, taken entirely

from actual surveys by Thucydides Containing the indexes Aug 23, 2016
richard Philip goldsworthy tiddeman Megarid, ii. 31,3. finest Greek army
ever assembled, that of the Lac. Alliance, invading Argolis, v. 60, 3.
organization of the Lac. army, v. 66, 3, 4. 68, 3 nn. Arnae, in Chalcidice,

Philip and Alexander of Macedon : two essays in biography Jul 5, 2009

hogarth, d. g. (david george), 1862-1927 sailed up that sea and ridden three
days north to Yodhena, and three days east to Cavalla, has seen the whole
cradle of Macedonian power. The three- pronged peninsula of
Chalcidice was not included

Philip and Alexander of Macedon : two essays in biography Oct 26, 2010
hogarth, d. g. (david george), 1862-1927 sailed up that sea and ridden three
days north to Vodhena, and three days east to Cavalla, has seen the whole
cradle of Macedonian power. The three- pronged peninsula of
Chalcidice was not included, for

A history of Greece for colleges and high schools Nov 28, 2009 Philip
van ness myers so many colonies thirty-two owned her as their mother city
that the land became known as Chalcidice. One of the chief attractions of
this shore to the Greek colonists and traders was the rich

The Olynthiacs of Demosthenes Feb 11, 2010 Demosthenes , and

marched through Thessaly on his expedition to Chalcidice, aided by some
of the nobles of that country. But the Thessalian people in general sided
with the Athenians, and an endeavor was made to

A History of Greece, from the Earliest Times to the Destruction of

Corinth . Jul 30, 2008 leonhard schmitz , connop thirlwall citizens and
Chalcis had probably already planted colonies in the Thracian peninsula,
which hence acquired its name of Chalcidice, though a great part of its
Greek population was derived from Eretria

A history of Greece for colleges and high schools Sep 28, 2009 Philip van
ness myers as their mother city that the land became known as Chalcidice.
One of the chief attractions of this shore to the Greek colonists and traders
was the rich copper, silver, and gold deposits found m

A guide to the principal gold and silver coins of the ancients, from circ. B.
C. 700 to A. D. 1. Aug 21, 2012 british museum. dept. of coins and medals
religious centre of the Thracian mining tribes, whose coinage spread over
the whole district north of Chalcidice, from the Nestos in the east to the
Haliacmon in the west, before the time of the Persian

The Olynthiac, and Other Public Orations of Demosthenes Aug 15, 2008
Demosthenes north of the peninsala of Pallene. It was colonized by a
people from Chalcis in Euboea, and commanded a large district called
Chalcidice, hi which there were thirty-two cities. Over all this tract the

A Guide to the Principal Gold and Silver Coins of the Ancients: From
Circ. B.C. 700 to A.D. 1. May 7, 2008 barclay vincent head spread over
the whole district north of Chalcidice, from the Nestos in the east to the
Haliacmon in the west, before the time of the Persian wars. 6. Neapolis.
JR. Obv. Gorgon-head. Rev

A History Of Greek World Jan 16, 2017 laistner,m.l.w. political weakness.

Perdiccas IR although he ended by becoming sole ruler, was for many
years hampered by this division of power. Moreover, in addition to
Athenian expansion in Chalcidice, which had

A handbook of Greek and Roman coins May 2, 2008 hill, george francis,
sir, 1867-1948 source of the wealth of Philip II, yielding 1,000 talents a
year. To these sources we may add Mount Pangaeus and the River Hebrus,
and also the mines of Nisvoro in Chalcidice, which are still worked

A History of the Orient and Greece: For High Schools and Academies Mar
3, 2008 george willis botsford homelike. Men swarmed to that region to
work the copper, silver, and gold mines, and to cut the timber for
shipbuilding and as most of them came from Chalcis, they named their
new home Chalcidice

Easy selections from Thucydides, by E. H. Moore Jun 2, 2008 thucydides

. noTiSaidras governed by IkA-cvov, 1. 7. Potidaea stood on the Isthmus
connecting with the mainland Pallene, one of the three peninsulas south
of Chalcidice, which is S.E. of Macedonia {ide Map). It

A history of Greece for colleges and high schools Nov 29, 2007 myers,
Philip van ness, 1846- 1937 so many colonies thirty-two owned her as

their mother city that the land became known as Chalcidice. One of the
chief attractions of this shore to the Greek colonists and traders was the

Catalogue of the Greek coins of Galatia, Cappadocia, and Syria Oct 3,

2014 british museum. department of coins and medals , Beroea. . . Cyrrhus
. . . . . . Hieropolis ... Chalcidice. Chalcis {Kinnesrin) ... Palmyra ......
Seleucis and Pieria. Antiocli on the Orontes (i

Antient Geography Jan 17, 2017 bulter, samuel the East, was Edonis,
bordering on Thrace, South-west of it Chalcidice, lying between the
Sinus Strymonicus and Thermaicus. Within the Sinus Thermaicus, on
the South-east, was Pieria, bordering on

A History Of Greek World Jan 16, 2017 laistner,m.l.w. political weakness.

Perdiccas IR although he ended by becoming sole ruler, was for many
years hampered by this division of power. Moreover, in addition to
Athenian expansion in Chalcidice, which had

De finibus regni macedonici Jan 23, 2008 breen, jacobus. [from old
catalog] Macedonia sitisi Chalcidice de nrbibns in oris maritimis
Thraciae 17 7. De bellis a Philippo in Thracia gestis 25 8. De Paeonia,
Dardanis, Triballis, Scythis 31 9. Ambracia, Acarnania 35 sect

Thessaly In The Fourth Century B C Jan 17, 2017 h. d. westlake Pharsalus

and Heraclea see above, p. 59.Sec above, p. 64.Xen., Hill., VI, i, 2,
Chalcidice, and it seems certain that some commander

High school history of Greece and Rome Dec 31, 2007 robertson, william
john pioneers in colonial enterprise in European Greece, and they founded
most of the colonies in the district of Chalcidice in the northern part of
the Aegean mdasha district so called because more than half of

Antient Geography Jan 18, 2017 bulter, samuel the East, was Edonis,
bordering on Thrace, South-west of it Chalcidice, lying between the
Sinus Strymonicus and Thermaicus. Within the Sinus Thermaicus, on
the South-east, was Pieria, bordering on

A history of the Orient and Greece, for high schools and academies Oct
14, 2011 otsford, george willis, 1862-1917 came from Chalcis, they named
their new home Chalcidice. Corinth followed Chalcis in this direction,
also, and founded Potidaea, which became the chief commercial city in
that country. Meantime the

A History Of Greece Jan 19, 2017 c. w. c. oman account. Within the first
fifty years of the eighth century Chalcis ana Eretria had planted more
than thirty towns along the three headlands of Chalcidice, as the
peninsula was ere long called from the

Philip and Alexander of Macedon : two essays in biography Aug 25, 2015
hogarth, d. g. (david george), 1862-1927 cradle of Macedonian power.
The threepronged peninsula of Chalcidice was not included, for it was in
Greek hands nor were the high valleys, lying between the first conspicuous
western range and the

Geographia classica: Jun 8, 2009 butler, samuel, 1774-1839 , South-west

of this, Mygdonia and mathja, and West the Lyncestae and Eordani along
the Southern boundary, to the East, was Edonis, bordering on Thrace,
South-west of it Chalcidice, lybg between the

The Salonika front May 1, 2007 mann, arthur james looked like earth's
farthest limit, the tiny, three - tongued promontory of Chalcidice. One
could scarce believe those miniature splashes of water between each
tongue and the even more diminutive kink

Handelsgeschichte des Altertums Jul 4, 2008 speck, ernst Chalcidice 451.

Die kleinasiatischen Staumldte und Inseln 452. Der griechische Westen

453. X. Abschnitt. Der Binnen- und Aussenhandel S. 420474. Der

Binnenhandel 454458. Der auswaumlrtige Handel

Outlines of Greek history : with a survey of ancient oriental nations Nov

29, 2007 morey, william c. (william carey), 1843-1925 incensed because,
in an attempt to put down a Revolt in Potidaea, a colony in Chalcidice
originally founded by Corinth, but now a subject ally of Athens Corinth
had taken the part of Potidaea

A History of Greece from the Earliest Times to the Macedonian Conquest

Feb 8, 2008 sir charles william chadwick oman fifty years of the eighth
century Chalcis ana Eretria had planted more than thirty towns along the
three headlands of Chalcidice, as the peninsula was ere long called from
the Chalcidians who formed

Historia numorum a manual of Greek numismatics Jul 11, 2008 head,

barclay vincent, 1844-1914 LUCANIA. BBUTTIUM SICILY.

The History Of Nations Greece Vol Ii Jan 16, 2017 adam, g. mercer
account. Within the first fifty years of the eighth century Chalcis and
Eretria had planted more than thirty towns along the three headlands of
Chalcidice, as the peninsula was ere long called from

A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the destruction of Corinth,

B.C. 146 Jun 8, 2016 leonhard schmitz acquired its name of Chalcidice,
though a great part of its Greek population was derived from Eretria, the
neighbor and rival of Chalcis. In the colony which Theocles led to Sicily
in B.C. 735, the

A History of Greece for Colleges and High Schools Oct 1, 2008 Philip
van ness myers the help, however, of emigrants from other cities,
particularly from Eretria, founded so many colonies thirty-two owned her
as their mother city that the land became known as Chalcidice.

Numismata graeca Greek coin-types, classified for immediate

identification Feb 23, 2009 anson, leo KSK Rt Metai SlZE Wt. Dii: Date
li.ATi: R EFKHENCK 10 11 42 13 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 5-2 53 54
Mende. Maccdonia. Terone. Maceiloniii. Peparelhus Isle of Thessiily.
.\pollonia. Illijriii or Chalcidice

The Early Days of Monasticism on Mount Athos Mar 30, 2008 kirsopp
lake Euthymius himself to Brastamou, the modem Brasta in Chalcidice
near Polygorus. Of the first group nothing more is known the second had
a short but important history which is discussed in the next

The eastern nations and Greece May 15, 2008 myers, p. v. n. (Philip van
ness), 1846-1937 their mother city that the land became known as
Chalcidice. One of the chief attractions of this shore to the Greek
colonists and traders was the rich copper, silver, and gold deposits found
in the

Thucydides Mar 8, 2007 thucydides Troad, the Stagirites, the Cerameans

of Caria, the Camireans of Rhodes, the Halicarnassians, the Myrinaeans
of Lemnos, and the Mecybernaeans of Chalcidice follow each other.
After the ninth list the

The early days of monasticism on Mount Athos Jul 4, 2016 lake, kirsopp,
1872- followed Johannes Kolobos to Siderocausia (probably not far from
Athos) and the third went with Euthymius himself to Brastamou, the
modern Brasta in Chalcidice near Polygorus. Of the first group nothing

Thucydides And His History Jan 20, 2017 f. e. adcock , his career at Athens
was broken, and he must have been deposed from his generalship. If the

Athenians took any immediate steps to restore as best they could their
authority in the Chalcidice, he

Guided Library 20 Apr 5, 2014 jLlt jlS t Chalcidice

The book of history. A history of all nations from the earliest times to the
present, with over 8,000 illustrations Apr 16, 2007 bryce, james bryce,
viscount, 1838-1922 interfered in the affairs of Macedonia and
Chalcidice we shall see later on why this expedition proved fruitless to
him. A few years later, in 424 B.C., Sitalces fell in a campaign against the

A handbook of Greek and Roman coins Nov 27, 2009 hill, george francis,
sir, 1867-1948 , yielding 1,000 talents a year. To these sources we may add
Mount Pangaeus and the River Hebtus, and also the mines of Nisvoro in
Chalcidice, which are still worked, though not for gold\ The other

A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the destruction of Corinth,

B.C. 146, based upon that of C. Tirlwall Jun 5, 2016 leonhard schmitz
citizens and Chalcis had probably already planted colonies in the Thracian
peninsula, which hence acquired its name of Chalcidice, though a great
part of its Greek population was derived from Eretria

Thucydides. Book IV Apr 17, 2008 thucydides made a rapid march through
Thessaly before anyone could make preparations to hinder him, and
reached Perdiccas and Chalcidice. For as the cause of the Athenians was
prospering, both those who had

Die Metamorphosen des P. Ovidius Naso: nach Text und Kommentar

getrennte Ausgabe für den ... Jun 2, 2008 ovid, hugo magnus , idis, Indier
Gegner d. Perseus. Athos, onis (Acc. Athon) Berg anf d. Halbinsel
Chalcidice. AtlantiddeSf ae, Nachkomme des Atlas, 1) Mercnr als S. der
Tochter des Atlas, Maia 2) Hermaphroditus

The Book of history a history of all nations from the earliest times to the
present, with over 8,000 illus. With an introd. by Viscount Bryce,
contributing authors, W.M. Flinders Petrie and many other specialists Apr
23, 2007 bryce, james, 1838-1922

Od spoken of . As an ally of Athens he interfered in the affairs of

Macedonia and Chalcidice we shall see later on why this expedition
proved fruitless to him. A few years later, in 424

The Cambridge Ancient History Dec 3, 2013 edwards, i. e. s. (iorwerth

eiddon stephen), 1909-1996 ...245 The armistice of 423 b.c 246 War in
Chalcidice ...247 The death of Cleon and Brasidas ...248 IX. The peace
of Nicias ...249 The terms of the peace

'Evidence of the Macedonians Throughout the Ages' by Risto Stefov Jun

23, 2014 risto stefov all the ports, has a strong Greek colony. To the south,
the Chalcidice Peninsula is geographically Macedonian, but
ethnographically Greek the line of lakes separates it by a natural border
from the

The Cambridge Ancient History 3rd Edition Oct 10, 2015 the Isthmus, to
which ship-captains, making use of the coastal winds in the summer
months, came both from the west via south Italy and Corcyra and from the
east either via Chalcidice and Euboea or

Significant aspects of ancient and mediæval civilization May 20, 2010

franklin, ruth barker was set aside and the aggressive plans of Cleon and
his party were carried out, and for a time proved successful. But after the
loss of her colonies in Chalcidice, Athens was ready to agree to a peace

A Handbook Of Greek And Roman Coins Jan 16, 2017 g.f.hill Mount
Pangaeus and the River Hebrus, and also the mines of Nisvoro in
Chalcidice, which are still worked, though not for gold'. The other
Thracian mines were worked as late as the fourth century a. n

Thucydidies Histories Book II edited by T.R. Mills Dec 17, 2014

thucydides and of treasure. Against the success at Potidaea must be set
the disastrous expedition in Chalcidice in 429. The steady support which
the Thracian monarch Sitalces gave to Athens presented a striking

Select popular orations of Demosthenes with notes ... Nov 9, 2011

Demosthenes Chalcidice, and that, too, in person(i. e. not by mercenaries),
vftlv ... airotg is the dat. of the agent after the verbal avrifajirreov koriv. K

Select popular orations of Demosthenes: with notes and a chronological

table Jul 28, 2008 Demosthenes, j. t . champlin participate in the
transactions, those weUrknouni transactions carried on in Chalcidice, and
that, too, in per- son(i. e. not by mercenaries), ifuv ... avrotr is tiie dat. of
the agent after the verbal

A history of Greece from the earliest times to the destruction of Corinth,

B.C. 146 Sep 3, 2010 schmitz, leonhard, 1807-1890 among the poorer
citizens and Chalcis had probably already planted colonies in the Thracian
peninsula, which hence acquired its name of Chalcidice, though a great
part of its Greek population was

Macedonia, a plea for the primitive Jul 15, 2008 gof f, a of the Chalcidice
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY THE approach, by sea, to Salonika through
the Grecian

A geographical and historical description of ancient Greece, with a map,

and a plan of Athens Sep 28, 2009 cramer, j. a. (john anthony), 1793-1848
Bottisea Emathia MygdoniaChalcidicePseonia, including the districts of
the Felagonians, the Almopes, jEstraei, Agrianes, Doberes, ampc.-
ontinuation of the Via Egnatia. 16. SECTION V. THRACIA

A Short History of Greece Jun 1, 2009 william spry Robinson , which in

consequence took the name of Chalcidice. They were about thirty in
number, mostly small towns, and never attained the prosperity of the
Italian and Sicilian colonies. Potidaea and Olynthus

High School History of Greece and Rome Oct 30, 2009 robertson, w. j.
(william john), b. 1846 . These two towns were the pioneers in colonial
enterprise in European Greece, and they founded most of the colonies in
the district of Chalcidice in the northern part of tlie Aegeana district so

Grecian history : an outline sketch Aug 25, 2015 joy, james richard, 1863-
three-pronged peninsula which protrudes from the coast of Macedonia
was so thoroughly occupied by citizens of Chalcis that it was known as
Chalcidice. Olynthus was its most famous city. Potidaea, on the

Philip and Alexander of Macedon two essays in biography Nov 12, 2009
hogarth, d. g. (david george), 1862-1927 ridden three days north to
Vodhena, and three days east to Cavalla, has seen the whole cradle of
Macedonian power. The three- pronged peninsula of Chalcidice was not
included, for it was in Greek

Conspectus chorographicus insigniorum locorum e geographia veterum

populorum delineatus : accentus Graeci et syllabarum quantitatis
diligentiore cura habita : in usum gymnasiorum Nov 30, 2010 schroeder,
a. (andreas) . Chalybonitis Reg. Chalcidice Apamene, Apamea

Philip and Alexander of Macedon : two essays in biography Nov 12, 2009
hogarth, d. g. (david george), 1862-1927 and ridden three days north to
Vodhena, and three days east to Cavalla, has seen the whole cradle of
Macedonian power. The three- pronged peninsula of Chalcidice was not
included, for it was in Greek

Philip and Alexander of Macedon : two essays in biography May 12, 2008
hogarth, d. g. (david george), 1862-1927 Macedonian power. The three-

pronged peninsula of Chalcidice was not included, for it was in Greek

hands nor were the high valleys, lying between the first conspicuous
western range and the lof tier

The Book of history : a history of all nations from the earliest times to the
present, with over 8,000 illustrations Dec 11, 2008 bryce, james bryce,
viscount, 1838-1922 he interfered in the affairs of Macedonia and
Chalcidice we shall see later on why this expedition proved fruitless to
him. A few years later, in 424 B.C., Sitalces fell in a campaign against the

The History Of The Peloponnesian War Vol Iii Jan 19, 2017 thomas
arnold years truce was ratified, iv 118, 7 n Acanthus, a Lac swears to the
fifty years peace, v 19, 2, and the fifty years alhance, 24, i. Acanthus and
Acanthians, in Chalcidice, N. side of the Isthmus of

Catalogue of the collection of Greek coins in gold, silver, electrum and

bronze, of a late collector ... which will be sold by auction, by messrs.
Sotheby, Wilkinson Hodge ... on Monday, the 28th day of May, 1900, and
three following days, at one o'clock precisely Oct 15, 2008 sotheby,
wilkinson hodge Carfrae Collection. , - 190 Chalcidice, Epoch of the
League, B.C. 392-370. M Tetradrachm, Laureate head of Apollo to right
V XAA-KIA-EflN-, Lyre with seven cords, wi. 221i grs., fine 1 2

Philip and Alexander of Macedon : two essays in biography Jun 9, 2008

hogarth, d. g. (david george), 1862-1927 days north to Voclhena, and three
days east to Cavalla, has seen the whole cradle of Macedonian power.
The three- pronged peninsula of Chalcidice was not included, for it was
in Greek hands nor were

Greek History For School Jan 16, 2017 edmonds, c.d. the Corinthian
GulfAthenian tnremes and seamanshipFirst battle of NaupactusSecond
battle Demosthenes in Aetolia and Athenian activityBattle of Delium
Affairs in Chalcidice…

The Olynthiac, and Other Public Orations of Demosthenes Feb 25, 2008
Demosthenes Eaboeagt and commanded a large district called Chalcidice,
in which there were thirty-two cities. Over all this tract the sway of
Olynthus was considerable, and she had waged wars anciently with

Thucydides Jan 25, 2010…thucydides the Troad, the Stagirites, the

Cerameans of Caria, the Camireans of Rhodes, the Halicarnassians, the
Myrinaeans of Lemnos, and the Mecybernaeans of Chalcidice follow
each other. After the ninth list…

Harmsworth History Of The World Jan 17, 2017 a.d. innes arthur mee j.
a. hammerton. with him. The Odrysfeans troops to Chalcidice. Derdas, the
opponent lsquoContented themselves with of Perdiccas, and Philip,
joined the laying waste the plains, and the Athenian commander, who, too
weak to

Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Mathematisch ... Aug 4, 2008 kaiserl. akademie der wissenschaften in wien
mathematisch -naturwissenschaftliche klasse : Obersicht 604 Becke,
Gesteine von der Halbinsel Chalcidice. [Preis: 10 kr. = 20 Pfg.] 609
ABTHEILUNG. 5. Enthaumllt die

The Spirit of the East: Illustrated in a Journal of Travels Through Roumeli

During an Eventful ... Aug 31, 2008 david Urquhart CHAPTER Vin.
Antiquarian Researches at Atheto and Olynthus Feast of Robbers and
Robbed Influence of Schools Manufactures of Chalcidice Schemes of
the Armatoles... 98 VI CONTENTS. Page

Grecian history : an outline sketch Jun 28, 2010 joy, james richard, 1863-
1957 citizens of Chalcis that it was known as Chalcidice. Olynthus was
its most famous city. Potidaea, on the western prong, was a Corinthian of
fshoot. The little Grecian state of Megaris, with its single city

The Tutorial History Of Greece Jan 19, 2017 w j wodhouse excrescence

running out in three promontories into the northern Aegean. Here many
colonies were planted, mostly by Chalcis, so that the entire territory
received the name Chalcidice. Other towns than

An analysis and summary of Thucydides : with a chronological table of

principal events, money, distances, etc. reduced to English terms a skeleton
outline of the geography, abstracts of all the speeches, index, etc. Nov 29,
2007 wheeler, james talboys, 1824-1897 .-T\\e whole peninsula between
the Thermnic and Strynionic Gulfs was named Chalcidice, and included
32 cities, Olynthus, Chalcis, etc., all of Chalcidian origin. _ 2nd, In
Lower Italy.1. Cvum or

History of the Greek revolution Mar 28, 2013 finlay, george, 1799-1875
re-established in Agrapha, Among Vallachian population of Mount
Pindus, Rapacity of the Greek troops. Insurrection on Mount Pelion
suppressed, Revolution in the free villages of the Chalcidice, Among

History of Greece for beginners Jun 6, 2007 bury, j. b. (john bagnell),

1861-1927 was named Chalcidice. Some of the chief cities, however,
were founded by other states, notably Corinthian Potidaea on the westerly
of the three prongs, which was called Pallene. i! THE EXPANSION

The History of Greece Mar 8, 2009 connop thirlwall - 118 Preparations

for another Sea-fight - - 120 Second Victory of Phormio - - - 122 Attempt
to surprise Piraeus ... 124 Operations of the Athenians in Chalcidice - 126

Historia numorum, a manual of Greek numismatics Jan 14, 2008 head,

barclay vincent, 1844-1914 in every promising spot, and named the whole
district after their mother city, Chalcidice. The colonies of Eretria, the
rival sister of Chalcis, were hardly less numerous, and were for the most

The Cambridge Ancient History (volv) Jan 17, 2017 j.b. bury Acanthus.
bull The surrender of Amphipolis . The armistice of 423 b.c. War in
Chalcidice The death of Cleon and Brasidas PAGE 219 . .

Historia numorum : a manual of Greek numismatics Jul 11, 2016 head,

barclay v. (barclay vincent), 1844-1914. n 50025842 . BISALTIAN
. . 208 THRACE

A history of Greece : from the earliest times to the destruction of Corinth,

(B.C. 146) : mainly based upon that of Connop Thirlwall Jul 25, 2016
schmitz, leonhard, 1807-1890 from the fleet, and left the coast to strike
across Chalcidice to Therma. Here Xerxes indulged his curiosity by
sailing to the mouth of the Peneus, and viewing the splendid vale of
Tempe through

Holy City of Perperikon Mar 22, 2012 Chalcidice and in great haste set
out for Mora against the Moesians [Bulgarians, author's note]. Realizing
he could not engage in open battle, Alexander swiftly crossed Hebros
[Maritsa, author's note

De auctoribus quibusdam in Plini Naturalis Historiae libro XVIII. Mar 17,

2008 wilhelm schlottmann et bimestre circa Carystumu. cfr. VIII, 4, 4 ev.
Plinius maJe legit neQi ttjv Aiveiavu, quae urbs sita est in Chalcidice.
Alvog urbs est Thraciae. montuosis utraque

Demosthenes Sep 9, 2009 butcher, s. h. (samuel henry), 1850-1910 . 1

Panegy. sect 113. 2 Panegy. sect 123. chap. I.] THE AGE OF
DEMOSTHENES. 3 Another distinctive act of Spartan policy may be
noticed. In 384 b.c, Olynthus in Chalcidice was at the head of a growing

The mineral industry of the British Empire and foreign countries. War
period. Magnesite. (1913-1919.) Oct 20, 2009 imperial institute (great
britain) in recent years in Macedonia on the Chalcidice peninsula, chiefly
at Yerakino. The following analyses show the chemical composition of
typical samples of Grecian raw magnesite : The kilns used in

The history of the Peloponnesian War, illustrated by maps, taken entirely

from actual surveys Jun 30, 2011 thucydides ratified, iv. 118, 7 n.
Acanthus, a Lac. swears to the fifty years' peace, v. 19, 2, and the fifty
years' alliance, 24, i. Acanthus and Acanthians, in Chalcidice, N. side of
the Isthmus of Athos, a colony

A Guide to the Select Greek and Roman Coins Exhibited in Electrotype

Sep 13, 2008 barclay vincent head , british museum dept . of coins and
medals , whose coinage spread over the whole district north of Chalcidice,
from the Nestos in the east to the Haliacmon in the west, before the time
of the Persian wars. 6. Neapolis. JR. Obv, Gorgon

Travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece, during the middle of the

fourth century before the Christian era May 31, 2011 barthélemy, j.-j.
(jean-jacques), 1716-1795 peninfulas of Chalcidice and the Gulf of
Pieria, to the ifle of Thafos inclufively, is taken from a manufcript chart
of .the pilot Gauthier, found among the papers of M. Freret. This chart
has been adjufted

Geschichtlichtgeographisches wörterbuch ein hülfsmittel für den

geschichtsunterricht an höheren lehranstalten Nov 19, 2014 wilhelm
martens (of tauberbischof sheim.) . Aeantims Stadt an derOstkuumlste der
Halbin sei Chalcidice, Kolonie der Jonier, Von A. nach Sane der auf
Befehl des Kerzes angelagte Digitized by Google Kanal zur Yenneidung

Ancient Greece from the earliest times down to 146 B. C Jun 21, 2009
pennell, robert franklin. [from old catalog] fit out an expedition.
Mardonius, a general of Darius, was sent out with a large naval force in

492 but the whole fleet was disabled in a storm of f Mount Athos, a
dangerous promontory in Chalcidice

Archaeological News Mar 19, 2013 bates, william n. a theatre. In

Chalcidice inscriptions and unpublished reliefs were discovered. At
Delphi M. Courby carried on excavations inside the temple with a view to
determining the interior arrangement. He

The Cambridge Ancient History (vol V) Jan 18, 2017 j.b. bury VIIL
Brasidas The counter-of fensive Brasidas at Acanthus ... The surrender
of Amphipolis . The armistice of 423 B.c. War in Chalcidice .... The death
of Cleon and Brasidas 230 231 232 233 235 237

Observationes criticae in comoediam graecam selectae Sep 8, 2016

wilamowitz-moellendorff, ulrich von, 1848-1931 persona non fuerit,
dubitari, opinor, nequit, recte igitur Meinekius huc revocavit fgm. inc. 20.
2142). at nohv Cleo nisi fallor dici non poterat, nisi postquam Chalcidice
a Brasida

Orations of Demosthenes Aug 14, 2012 Demosthenes , the Athenians

sent them a force composed of mercenaries, under Chares. Shortly after
this the people of Chalcidice, pressed by the war, sent an embassy, and
thereupon Charidemus was sent to their aid

Aristotelia Jun 22, 2009 stahr, adolf wilhelm theodor, 1805-1876 .

Dictionar. liiftor. p. 1087 Digitized by VjOOQIC Die ganze LandfchaA:
Chalcidice war in ihrer bluumlhenden Zeit vor Philipp von Macedonien
mit Staumldlaquo ten wie bedeckt denn als diefer feine habgierigen

High school history of Greece and Rome [microf orm] May 24, 2012
robertson, w. j passed in safety through the canal at Mount Athos, round
the jx'uinsuliia on the coast of Chalcidice, and joined the army at the town
which wah fter- wards called Thessalonlca. From this point the march

Geographical Notes Mar 19, 2013 hurlbut, george c. Peninsula of

Chalcidice (Josef Adolf Bruch)The Bubis of Fernando Po (Prof .
Ferdinand Blumentritt) The Deep-Sea Explorations of the Pola in 1890-
1892The Climate of Sof ia (J. Hann). Washington. The

The history of ancient Greece, its colonies, and conquests : from the
earliest accounts till the division of the Macedonian Empire in the east :
including the history of literature, philosophy, and the fine arts Jan 13,
2009 gillies, john, 1747-1836 . Several maritime communities of the
Chalcidicetook refuge within the walls of Olynthus, a town which they
had built and fortified, at the diftance of five miles from the fea, in a fertile
and fecure

Observationes criticae in comoediam Graecam selectae Jan 12, 2015 ulrich

von wilamowitz-moellendorff noXXd Xvncov ttjv noXtv Cleo nisi fallor
dici non poterat, nisi postquam Chalcidice a Brasida occupata Athenis
amore pacis frustra omnia moliente Cleo, belli propugnator acerrimus,
adeo in odia civium

Pericles and the golden age of Athens Dec 20, 2007 abbott, evelyn, 1843-
1901 the third, a Avail was built, reaching at each end to the river. The
colony was strengthened by settlers from the neighbouring cities of
Chalcidice, but so far as we know the native tribes made no

Pericles and the Golden Age of Athens Mar 2, 2008 evelyn abbott needed
no defence on the third, a wall was built, reaching at each end to the river.
Thfe colony was strengthened by settlers from the neighbouring cities of
Chalcidice, but so far as we know the

Nomina systematica generum Hymenopterorum, tam viventium quam

fossilium : secundum ordinem alpabeticum disposita, adjectis auctoribus,
libris in quibus reperiunter, anno editionis, etymologia et familiis ad quas
pertinent Apr 22, 2009 agassiz, louis, 1807-1873 FAMILIARIIM H Y m}
M O P T E R O R U fl. Terebrantia. Acnleata. TenthredinelK. (Jrocerata.

Ichnemnonides. Braconides. Evaniales. Aidacidxe. Cynipsece.

Chalcidice. Proctotrupii. Chrysidides. Crabronites

The Weber collection Greek coins ... by L. Forrer Dec 11, 2007 weber,
hermann, (sir) 1823-1918 Districts, in the order adopted by Eckhel : I.

Demosthenes Jun 14, 2008 samuel henry butcher . Pgy- sect 113-Panegy.
sect 123, Another distinctive act of Spartan policy may be noticed In 384
b.c, Olynthus in Chalcidice was at the head of a growing league of cities
bound together on liberal

Thracian Art in Bulgaria ~ Brief Overview Jun 19, 2013 across Thrace,
the Persians built bridges on ships over the Bosphorus. the Dardanelles and
the Danube. They cut a canal across the narrowest part of the peninsula
of Mount Athos in Chalcidice

National criticism in 1858 Apr 2, 2014 william mure tribes became exempt
from thb general designation with the spread of the Helleno-Macedonian
kingdom. But many provinces afterwards comprised in that kingdom,the
Chalcidice, for example, with its

The types of Greek coins an archaeological essay May 20, 2008 gardner,
percy, 1846-1937 effects of these federations in the niunismatic series.
Perhaps the earliest of great Hellenic leagues, at least the earliest which
requires mention here, is that which comprised the cities of Chalcidice

De mirabilibus auscultationibus Nov 26, 2007 Aristotle upon them by their

enemies. 5 In the Thracian Chalcidice, near Olynthus, they say I20 there
is a place called Cantharolethros, a little larger in size than a threshing-
floor and that when any other

The Salonika front Mar 20, 2008 mann, arthur james rich-tinted clouds,
what looked like earth's farthest limit, the tiny, three - tongued promontory
of Chalcidice. One could scarce believe those miniature splashes of water
between each tongue and the…

Jordan Times , 1978, Jordan, English Nov 21, 2016 felt In the Salonica,
Chalcidice Peninsula, Kinds, and Kavala areas. NEWBURGH. New
York. May 24 (R). Joseph Colombo, a reputed mafia godfather who barely
survived an assassination attempt seven years

Pericles and the golden age of Athens Nov 12, 2009 abbott, evelyn, 1843-
1901 built, reaching at each end to the river. The colony was strengthened
by settlers from the neighbouring cities of Chalcidice, but so far as we
know the native tribes made no attempt to drive out the

Travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece, during the middle of the

fourth century before the Christian æra Nov 15, 2014 barthélemy, j.-j.
(jean-jacques), 1716-1795 . Hermesia. Ptclea. Hcraclea in Caria. Myrlea in
Bithynia. Cius in Mysia. Polichna on Mount Ida, in Troas. In Chalcidice.
Stagira. In Thrace. Elueus. Abdora. Pcrinthus. Thasos. Imbvos.
Islands of the

Ancient Greece from the earliest times down to 146 B. C Nov 28, 2009
pennell, robert franklin. [from old catalog] in Chalcidice. Digitized by
VjOOQIC Darius was not discouraged by this failure. He spent the next
two years in fitting out a second expedition, placed under the joint
command of Datis and Artaphernea...

Arms and the map a study of nationalities and frontiers Nov 15, 2007
hannah, ian campbell acquired by the rreek kingdom to the north of the
peninsula rf Chalcidice are very largely Bulgarian. 182 AEMS AND THE
MAP Even the Byzantine Empire was by no means solely Greek. The
renowned Emperor...

A Guide to the Principal Gold and Silver Coins of the Ancients: From
Circ. B.C. 700 to A.D. 1. May 30, 2009 barclay vincent head , british
museum dept . of coins and medals Chalcidice was a colony of Eretria
in Euboea, whence its coin-types are derived. 12. Uncertain. JR. Obv.
Pegasus standing. Rev. Incuse. Wt. 209-8 grs. 13. Uncertain. JR. Obv.

Maps, plans, views and coins illustrative of the travels of Anacharsis the
younger in Greece, during the middle of the fourth century before the
Christian æra Jun 2, 2011 barthélemy, j.-j. (jean-jacques), 1716-1795

the principal points. The figure of the three peninfulas of Chalcidice and
the Gulf of Pieria, to the ifle of Thafos inclulively, is taken from a
manufcript chart of the pilot Gauthier, found among the

A History of Greece, from the Earliest Times to the Destruction of

Corinth ... Jul 30, 2008 leonhard schmitz , connop thirlwall Chalcidice,
though a great part of its Greek population was derived from Eretria, the
neighbor and rival of Chalcis. In the colony which Theocles led to Sicily
in B.C. 735, the island of Naxos took so

The Reduction of ei to ī in Homer Mar 15, 2013 smyth, herbert weir 505,
512, II 464. adtii. aid EI CIA 59, 33 79, 9 469. Roehl 375 Chalcidice 321,
4 Locris 314 Phocis 30 Argos. aliv is not supported by Thessalian div, and,
though it occurs only on metrical

Greek history in brief Oct 30, 2009 forfar, chas Expedition, 416-413 : (a)
Defensive alliance of Athens, Argos, Elis, Mantinea, Chalcidice. Defeat
of the allies at Mantinea, iv 418 break-up of the Argive Iveague. (b)

Texas Mathematics Teachers' Bulletin Oct 30, 2008 texas, university of .

publication. texas mathematics teachers' bulletin were superfluous as part
of the alphabet. The Romans had adopted the Greek alphabet of

Chalcidice through their neighbors the Etruscans to the north and the
Greeks of southern Italy. In this alphabet

A geographical and historical description of ancient Greece, with a map,

and a plan of Athens Feb 7, 2009 cramer, j. a. (john anthony), 1793-1848
Boundaries of that kingdom, tod its principal
divisionsLyncusOrestiBElimea, or ElimiotisEordsa PieriaBottitea pound
mathiaMygdonia ChalcidicePnonia, including the districts of the
Pelagonians, tbe

The Orations of Demosthenes... Mar 1, 2008 Demosthenes in Euboea,

and commanded a large district called Chalcidice, in which there were
thirty-two cities. Over all this tract the sway of Olynthus was
considerable, and she had waged wars anciently with

A History of Greece from the Earliest Times to the Macedonian Conquest

Feb 8, 2008 sir charles william chadwick oman cases to have amalgamated
easily with the Greek settlers. After the Euboeans had for some time been
established in Chalcidice, colonies from other places came to extend the
area of settlement the Ionic

Inscriptiones macedonicae quatuor [microf orm] Jan 17, 2013 sauppe,

hermann, 1809-1893 . Neque vero traditum invenimus quinque prioribus
annis (429 424) multa in Chalcidice finitimisque regionibus gesta esse,
cum de expeditione inagna ut cogitemus ea iubeant

Pericles And The Golden Age Of Athens Jan 18, 2017 evelyn abbott each
end to the river. The colony was strengthened by settlers from the
neighbouring cities of Chalcidice, but so far as we know the native tribes
made no attempt to drive out the intruders. Hagnon

Sixty-sixth catalogue of rare coins, tokens, medals, paper money, etc.

[01191942] Oct 5, 2016 bluestone, barney , B. C. 350-338, Head Right
with Corinithian Helmet, Rev. Pegasus, Fine. 57S Corinth, Stater,

Anactorum, B. C. 400-243, Head with Corinthian Helmet Left, Rev.

Pegasus, Fine. 579 Chalcidice, Acanthus

Seven days in Attica in the summer of 1852 by J. Frederic Wickenden.

Apr 7, 2016 wickenden, joseph frederic acfted as dragoman and guide to a
Ruffian gentleman and myfelf, acrof s the promontory anciently known as
Chalcidice, and among the Greek monafteries of the Holy Mount, brought
us the joyful news, ldquo that

Observationes criticae in comoediam graecam selectae Aug 27, 2012

wilamowitz-moellendorff, ulrich von, 1848-1931 revocavit fgm. inc. 20.
2142). at nolld Xvncov tijv nohv Cleo nisi fallor dici non poterat, nisi
postquam Chalcidice a Brasida occupata Athenis amore pacis frustra
omnia moliente Cleo, belli propugnator

The life and poetry of Sappho May 11, 2016 raymond, anna almy seventh
century marked the planting of almost innumerable Greek cities in the
Chalcidice, Thrace, and the lands about the Propontis. With all these cities
as well as with Sardis, Egypt, and Athens, Lesbos

Byzantine Sources for History of the Peoples of Yugoslavia Oct 4, 2012

, note 6 Mcropiui BH3anTHtpound, It p.350. gt The tribe of the Sagudali
C-arouM-oi) had settled west of the city of Salonika, as well as on the
Chalcidice Peninsula. See P. Hacjieosa,

Arms and the map a study of nationalities and frontiers May 10, 2011
hannah, ian campbell, 1874-1944 Slavdom has completely transformed the
land : some districts recently acquired by the Greek kingdom to the north
of the peninsula of Chalcidice are very largely Bulgarian. 182 AEMS

A handbook of Greek and Roman coins Oct 23, 2009 hill, george francis,
sir, 1867-1948 wealth of Philip II, yielding 1,000 talents a year. To these

sources we may add Mount Pangaeus and the River Hebrus, and also the
mines of Nisvoro in Chalcidice, which ara still worked, though not for

Grecian history : an outline sketch Mar 11, 2008 joy, james richard, 1863-
1957 of Macedonia was so thoroughly occupied by citizens of Chalcis
that it was known as Chalcidice. Olynthus was its most famous city.
Potidaia, a the western prong, was a Corinthian of fshoot. The little

Demosthenes Apr 24, 2008 samuel henry butcher .] THE AGE OF

DEMOSTHENES. 3 I such j Another distinctive act of Spartan policy
may be [epen-1 noticed In 384 B.a, Olynthus in Chalcidice was at jsions,
the head of a growing league of cities bound

Demosthenes Jun 14, 2008 samuel henry butcher assume a like of fice.
Panegy, sect 113. ' Panegy. sect 123. CHAP. 1.] THE AGE OF
DEMOSTHENES. 3 Another distinctive act of Spartan policy may be
noticed In 384 b.c, Olynthus in Chalcidice was at the

Demosthenes Oct 30, 2014 butcher, s. h. (samuel henry), 1850-1910 , sect

123. CHAP. I.] THE AGE OF DEMOSTHENES. 3 Another distinctive
act of Spartan policy may be noticed. In 384 b.c, Olynthus in Chalcidice
was at the head of a growing league of cities bound together on

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) demontre par de
nombreux rapprochements, tons les signes carActeristiques de fabrique, de
style, de disposition de la tegende, et de types qui distinguent Targent de
plusieurs villes de la Chalcidice et…

Southern Europe A Regional And Economic Jan 20, 2017 i newbigin north
to south, but it should be noted that the three prongs of the Chalcidice
peninsula, on the south coast of the main peninsula, seem to repeat the
divergent lsquof ingers which spring from the south of

Macedonica Apr 8, 2013 th. l. f. Tafel inprimis medium speetant,

illustrabimus, omissa omni Chalcidice, licet throno ac ditioni
Thessalonicensi tum subieeta. Echedorus, in ipso Sinus Thermaici recessu
boreali ac medius inter Axium ac

De avctoribus quibvsdam in Plini Natvralis historiae libro XVIII [microf

orm] dissertatio inavgvralis qvam...scripsit Gvillemvs Schlottmann... Mar
15, 2013 schlottmann, wilhelm bimestre circa Carystuni. cfr. VIII, 4, 4
Plinius male legit .,7teQL tiv iveiav, quae urbs sita est in Chalcidice. ivog
urbs est Thraciae. ,,montuosis utraque partibus

Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-

Naturwissenschaftliche Classe May 29, 2008 kaiserl. akademie der
wissenschaften in wien. mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche klasse

1873.Nr. XIV, p. 109. Be eke, Friedrich: Gesteine von derHalbinsel

Chalcidice.Nr.XIV, p- 111. Gesteine von Griechenland.Nr. XIX, p. 163.
Benedikt, Rudolf, Dr.: Uber Trinitrosopbloroglucin

Demosthenes Jul 28, 2008 butcher, s. h. (samuel henry), 1850-1910

dangerous would assume a like of fice.Fanev. sect 113. ' Paru'. sect 123.
CHAP. I.] THE AGE OF DEMOSTHENES. 3 Another distinctive act of
Spartan policy may be noticed. In 3S4 B.C., Olynthus in Chalcidice

Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-

Naturwissenschaftliche Classe Jan 15, 2010 kaiserl. akademie der
wissenschaften in wien. mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche klasse Jahre
1873.Nr. XIV, p. 109. Becke, Friedrich: Gesteine von derHalbinsel
Chalcidice.Nr.XIV, p- 111. Gesteine von Griechenland.Nr. XIX, p. 163.
Benedikt, Rudolf, Dr.: Uber Trinitrosophloroglucin

Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften,

Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe Aug 4, 2008 kaiserl.
akademie der wissenschaften in wien. mathematisch-

naturwissenschaftliche klasse Halbinsel Chalcidice. [Preis: 10 kr. = 20

ABTHEILUNG. 1. Enthamplt die Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der

A handbook of Greek and Roman coins Mar 10, 2008 hill, george francis,
sir, 1867-1948 Athenian influence towards the end of the fifth century,
into Thasos, Neapolis, and Chalcidice. In early times the Phocaeans had
carried it to their colony of Velia in Southern Italy. Here it took firm root

A students' history of Greece May 13, 2011 bury, j. b. (john bagnell), 1861-
1927 Chalcidice ... 250 Portrait Head of Socrates . . . 257 Portrait Head
of ISocrates ... 260 Coin of Messene

Grecian history [microf orm]: an outline sketch Mar 15, 2013 joy, james
richard, 1863-1957 citizens of Chalcis that it was known as Chalcidice.
Olynthus was its most famous city. Potidaea, on the western prong, was
a Corinthian of fshoot. The little Grecian state of Megaris, with its single

Grecian History Mar 5, 2009 james r. jay coast of Macedonia was so

thoroughly occupied by citizens of Chalcis that it was known as
Chalcidice. Olynthus was its most famous city. Potidaea, on the western
prong, was a Corinthian of Pshoot.

Beiträge zur Ethnologie und darauf begründete Studien Sep 2, 2016

bastian, adolf Euboea, auf den echinadischen Inseln und bei Lesbos, am
Achelous, in Aetolien, Chalcidice, Triphylia, der Coriuther, bei Teos (in
Chalcitis), in Syrien (in Cbalcidice am Orontes), in Scythien (Steph

Histoire de l'ancienne Grèce, de ses colonies et de ses conquêtes, Volume

Dec 16, 2009 john gillies ecirctre invariablement attacheacutee agrave
Sparte . Ambaffadc Pendant ce tems-lagrave des ambafladeurs

arrid'ApoUonicavegraverent dAcanthe Se d'Apollonie, deux villes de la

Chalcidice, pour demander le

Geographia classica: Jul 13, 2008 butler, samuel, 1774-1839 , border ing
on Thrace, South-west of it Chalcidice, lying between the Sinus
Strymonicus and Thernaicus. Within the Sinus Thermaicus, on the South-
east, was Pieria, bordering on Thessaly, and to the

Xenophon's Hellenica: Selections, Edited with Introduction, Notes, and

Appendices May 27, 2009 xenophon, carleton lewis brownson Chalcidice.
delegates from the allied states, . . . irpoo-aPov: thus forming the sitting in
joint session with the Olynthian league, which forty

Thucydides, traslated into English, to which is prefixed an essay on

inscription sna a note on the geography of Thucydides Mar 10, 2008
thucydides Mecybernaeans of Chalcidice follow each other. After the
ninth list the geographical division prevails and in the twelfth and
subsequent lists (from 443 b. c.) the cities of each division are headed

Pericles and the Golden Age of Athens Feb 3, 2008 evelyn abbott ,
reaching at each end to the river. The colony was strengthened by settlers
from the neighbouring cities of Chalcidice, but so far as we know the
native tribes made no attempt to drive out the intruders

Supplement to Commerce reports : daily consular and trade reports issued

by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of
Commerce May 26, 2011 united states.: bureau of foreign and domestic
commerce quantity. The cool cloudy weather during March caused
considerable damage to the growing poppy, and consequently the
Macedonian regions of Saloniki, Kilkich, Langaza, and Chalcidice
produced only about 40

A geographical and historical description of ancient Greece, with a map,

and a plan of Athens Jul 5, 2008 cramer, j. a. (john anthony), 1793-1848

including the districts of the Pelagonians, the Almopes, Mstrsei, Agrianes,
Doberes, ampc.Continuation of the Via Egnatia. 164

The Greek Historians Herodotus Volume Ii Jan 17, 2017 francis r.

b.godolphin Trachinia, vii. 199, 200, 216, 217 Aspathines, Persian, nr. 70,
78 vn. 97 Assa, city of Chalcidice, vn. 122 assemblies, Egyptian, ii. 59-
64 asses, cannot live in Scythia, rv. 28, 129 wild asses in

The General Magazine Vol28i1 Dec 20, 2012 don hawthorne rebellions
will be in Thrace and the Chalcidice, where overland access cannot be
denied by the Athenian forces. During the latter half of the war the
Spartans attempted, and ultimately succeeded in

Catalogue of the Bunbury collection of Greek coins ... which will be sold
by auction, by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson Hodge ... in London in 1896
Nov 27, 2007 sotheby co. (london, england) incuse square, wt. 22 grs., all
fine and scarce 7 664 Chalcidice, b.c. 392-379, Tetradrachm, Head of
Apollo to left in high relief, laureate rev. XAAKIAEON around a hepta-
chord lyre X

Prométhée, Pandore et la Légende des siècles essai d'analyse de quelques

légendes d'Hésiode May 20, 2008 vlastov, g. (georgī ĭ ), 1827-1899 Thrace,
comme Thasos, SamoThrace, Imbros, Lemnos et la ceacutelegravebre
laquopeacuteninsule de cuivre Chalcidice, les geacuteants luttegraverent
contre les dieux (grecs) ou autrement les hommes dege de bronze

The Greek Historians Vol-ii Jan 18, 2017 rawlinsons george Oeroe, ix. 51
Asopus (2), river of Trachinia, vn. 199, 200, 216, 217 Aspathines, Persian,
in. 70, 78 vn. 97 Assa, city of Chalcidice, vii. 122 assemblies, Egyptian,
ii. 59-64 asses, cannot live in

The Olynthiac, and Other Public Orations of Demosthenes May 4, 2009

Demosthenes , at the head of the Toronalc gnlf, and north of the

peninsula of Pallene. It was colonized by a people from Obalcis in

Euboea, and commanded a large district called Chalcidice, in which there

A history of Greece from the earliest times to the death of Alexander the
Great Oct 6, 2009 sir charles william chadwick oman its rich vineyards. Of
the colonies of Chalcis Torone and Sermyle were the largest Speaking
roughly, it may be said that the Eretrians gravitated towards the western
part of Chalcidice, while the towns

A History of Greece from the Earliest Times to the Macedonian Conquest

Apr 14, 2008 sir charles william chadwick oman planted more than thirty
towns along the three 1 lands of Chalcidice, as the peninsula was ere long
called from Chalcidians who formed the larger half of the settlers. amp
these places were mere

De Thessalonica eiusque agro dissertatio geographica scripsit Theophilus

Lucas Frid. Tafel Aug 24, 2016 gottlieb lukas friedrich Tafel suos dijjuovg
(theotisce: Gemcinden), item Chalcidice, Thessalia ali., non urbs
Thessalonica, cpiae ipsa fuit De hac confusione utriusque vocis v. quoque
VV. DD. in commentario praevio ad mailjTiuin SJan 13, 2015 adolf

Loshos, am Achelous, in Aetolien, Chalcidice, Triphylia, der Corinther,

bei Teos (in Cbalcitis), in Syrien (in Cbalcidice am Oronts), in Scythien
(Stepta Byz.), in Syrbn (am Heins) ) Athen iszligt uumloxu

A popular history of Greece : from the earliest period to the incorporation

with the Roman Empire Jul 5, 2007 rose, d peninsula of Chalcidice but,
while doubling the promontory of Athos, or Acte, which is one of the
three smaller peninsulas in which Chalcidice terminates, and which is 150
miles in circumference, and

[Histories] Apr 30, 2008 thucydides object of restoring the power of

Athens in Chalcidice. It was veiy important to prevent Sparta from
establishing her influence in the north-east, and the expedition, which was
under the command of a

A history of Greece from the earliest times to the Macedonian conquest

Feb 18, 2009 oman, charles, 1860-1946 headland of Mount Athos a
disaster similar to that which Mardonius had experienced twelve years
before, he had the sandy Isthmus, which connects the peninsula of Acte
with the mainland of Chalcidice

A popular history of Greece : from the earliest period to the incorporation

with the Roman Empire Jul 19, 2011 rose, d coasted along the peninsula
of Chalcidice but, while doubling the promontory of Athos, or Acte,
which is one of the three smaller peninsulas in which Chalcidice
terminates, and which is 150 miles in

Demosthenes and the last days of Greek freedom, 384-322 B.C. Nov 12,
2009 pickard-cambridge, arthur wallace, sir, 1873-1952 irresistible.
Athens, on the other hand, had lost all the stations which she had possessed
on the coasts of Macedonia and Chalcidice, and had been unable to give
any effective help to her allies in

The history of Greece Jan 22, 2009 thirlwall, connop, 1797-1875 _ _ - 122
Attempt to surprise Pirceus . - - 124 Operations of the Athenians in
Chalcidice - 126 The Odrysian Monarchy - - - 127

Demosthenes and the last days of Greek freedom, 384-322 B.C. Sep 9,
2008 pickard-cambridge, arthur wallace, sir, 1873-1952 of money and
ships and his army had so far proved irresistible. Athens, on the other hand,
had lost all the stations which she had possessed on the coasts of
Macedonia and Chalcidice, and had been

Thucydides, book 2. Edited by E.C. Marchant May 14, 2008 thucydides

Athens in Chalcidice. It was very important to prevent Sparta from
establishing her influence in the north-east, and the expedition, which was
under the command of a strategus named Xenophon who had been

Demosthenes and the last days of Greek freedom, 384-322 B.C Jun 6,
2007 pickard-cambridge, arthur wallace, sir, 1873-1952 of money and
ships and his army had so far proved irresistible. Athens, on the other hand,
had lost all the stations which she had possessed on the coasts of
Macedonia and Chalcidice, and had been

Thucydides, book II May 2, 2009 thucydides, edgar cardew marchant once

sent to the neighbourhood, with the object of restoring the power of
Athens in Chalcidice. It was very important to prevent Sparta from
establishing her influence in the north-east, and the

Thucydides Vol.4 Jan 17, 2017 smith, charles forster, tr. the Mendaeans,
who Revolt, IT. cxxil, capture Mlaquoide, 405 INDEX IV. cxxx. 6, 7 come
to an underBtanding witti Perdiccas, IV. cxxxii. 1 again purify Delos, V.
1 send Cleon to Chalcidice, V. ii

A history of all nations from the earliest times being a universal historical
library Oct 21, 2008 wright, john henry, 1852-1908 Pylians were at that
time adopted into those of Attica but the most of the fugitives moved
gradually on. The new settlements of Thessalian and Boeotian fugitives in
Chalcidice, Lemnos, Imbros, SamoThrace

A Treatise On Art In Three Parts Jan 18, 2017 john burnet had ample
supplies of money and ships and his army had so far proved irresistible.
Athens, on the other hand, had lost all the stations which she had possessed
on the coasts of Macedonia and Chalcidice

The Journal of Hellenic studies Jun 16, 2008 society for the promotion of
hellenic studies (london, england) . (Scale 2 : 1.) (Scale 2:1.) 3 ' Cyrene '

Wroth, Num. Chron. 1892, p. I!) Hill, J.H.S. 1807, p. 79, 'Chalcidice' ?).
Found in Cos together with Nos. II. B and III. B, an archaic tetradrachm of

Pericles and the Golden Age of Athens Mar 2, 2008 evelyn abbott from
the neighbouring cities of Chalcidice, but so far as we know the native
tribes made no attempt to drive out the intruders. Hagnon was regarded as
the founder of the city, and public honours were

Beknopt leerboek der algemeene geschiedenis Oude geschiedenis Oct 2,

2014 johan adam wijnne bondssteden van Athene afvallen. Bij
Amphipoumllis (op Chalcidic raakte hij in 422 slaags met Cleon. Deze
werd geslagen, Brasidas kwam weldra om aan de gevolgen eener wonde,
in den slag bekomen, doch

The eastern nations and Greece Aug 20, 2009 myers, p. v. n. (Philip van
ness), 1846-1937 . On this broken shore Chalcis of Euboea, with the help
of emigrants from other cities, founded so many colonies thirty-two
owned her as their mother city that the land became known as Chalcidice

Demosthenes And The Last Days Of Greek Freedom 383 322 Nov 12,
2006 a. w. pickard cambridge irresistible. Athens, on the other hand, had
lost all the stations which she had possessed on the coasts of Macedonia
and Chalcidice, and had been unable to give any effective help to her allies

History of the Greek revolution Jan 24, 2015 finlay, george, 1799-1875
Mount PindusRapacity of the Greek troops Insurrection on Mount Pelion
suppressedRevolution in the free villages of the ChalcidiceAmong the
monks of Mount AthosSuppressed by Aboulabad Pasha of

A History Of The Ancient World Jan 16, 2017 m. rostovtzeff Chalcidice,

with its rich mines, was covered with Greek cities. A number of large

settlements grew up on the banks of the Straits and the Sea of Marmora.
Conspicuous among these were Cyzicus on the

A History Of Greece Jan 17, 2017 c.w.c.oman Chalcidice, as the

peninsula was ere long called from the Chalcidians who formed the larger
half of the settlers. Borne of these places were mere.mining settlements,
but others grew into important towns with

The History Of Peloponnesian War Jan 16, 2017 thucydides be brought.

Meanwhile, after the completion of the investment of Potidaea, Phormio
next employed his sixteen hundred men in ravaging Chalcidice and
Bot4ca: some of the towns also were taken by him

A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the destruction of Corinth,

B.C. 146, based upon ... Sep 26, 2008 leonhard schmitz , connop thirlwall
Chalcis had probably already planted colonies in the Thracian peninsula,
which hence acquired its name of Chalcidice, though a great part of its
Greek population was derived from Eretria, the

A History Of Greece To The Deth Of Alexander The Great Jan 18, 2017
j.b.bury -pronged promontory Here [legend IT] Chalcis planted so many
towns that the whole promontory was named Chalcidice Some of the chief
cities, however, were founded by other states, notably Corinthian

Demosthenes And The Last Days Of Greek Freedom 383 322 Jan 18,
2017 a. w. pickard cambridge and his army had so far proved irresistible.
Athens, on the other hand, had lost all the stations which she had possessed
on the coasts of Macedonia and Chalcidice, and had been unable to give

The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies, and Conquests from the
Earliest Accounts Till the Division of the Macedonian Empire in the East.
Including the Hystory of Literature, Philosophy, and the Fine Arts. By
John Gillies ... Vol. 1.5. May 2, 2016 Chalcidice, requeuing the

Lacedaemonian afTidance againd the dangerous ambition of Olynthus.

This city , of which we had occafion to mention the foundation towards
the beginning of the Feloponnefian

Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen Jul 11,

2009 Erscheinungen am Qufltrz, Gyps und Kalkspath. V 285. Becjce Fr.:
Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. I 242. Gesteine von Griechenland. I
459, 469, II 17. Evansit von Kwittein bei Mttglitz, Maumlhren

Geographia classica, or, The application of antient geography to the

classics Jul 27, 2007 butler, samuel, 1774-1839 Thrace, South-west of
this, Mygdonia and Emathia, and West the Lyncesta and Eordani along the
Southern boundary, to the East, was Edonis, bordering on Thrace, South-
west of it Chalcidice, lying

The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies and Conquests: From the
Earliest ...Jun 30, 2009 john gillies againft the fovereignty of Athens.
Several maritime communities of the Chalcidice took refuge within the
walls of Olynthus, a town which they had built and fortified, at the
diftance of five miles from

The history of Greece Dec 2, 2008 mitford, william, 1744-1827 Pierians

established themselves in Thrace, at the foot of mount Pangjeus the
Bottifcans found a settlement nearer their former home, in a tract on the
borders of Chalcidice, which Thucydides

A history of Greece to the death of Alexander the Great Feb 22, 2016
bury, j. b. (john bagnell), 1861-1927, author promontory was named
Chalcidice. Some of the chief cities, however, were founded by other
states, notably Corinthian Corinthian Potidaea on the most westerly of
the three prongs, which colony: was caned

A history of Greece Dec 21, 2007 thirwall, connop, bp. of st. david's,
1797-1875 Attempt to surprise Piraeus - 158 Operations of the Athenians

in Chalcidice . bull 159 The Odrysian Monarchy bull - .160 Alliance of


Woordenboek der Grieksche en Romeinsche Oudheid Jan 12, 2013 , stad

op Chalcidice, aan de noordzijde van de doorvaart, die Xerxes voor zijne
vloot liet graven. Acarnan, AumlKapvaumlv, zoon van Alcmaeon en
Callirrhoe hij en zijn broeder Amphoterus waren nog zeer

A History of Greece Aug 2, 2008 connop thirlwall Phormio - - - 122

Attempt to surprise Piraeus - - - 124 Operations of the Athenians in
Chalcidice - 126 The Odrysian Monarchy - - - 127

A history of Greece, from its conquest by the Romans to the present time,
B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864 Dec 20, 2007 finlay, george, 1799-1875 villages of
the Chalcidice Among the monks on Mount Athos Suppressed by
Aboulabad Pasha of Saloniki Insurrection on the Macedonian mountains
Sack of Niausta ... Success of Sultan Mahmud in

Xenophon's Hellenica selections, edited with introduction, notes, and

appendices Jan 25, 2008 xenophon 77309 i7u.a9 cat 77309 A77o\-2o of
Chalcidice. delegates from the allied states

Ancient Coins of Greek cities and Kings Feb 7, 2009 james v. millingen
name, but because most of the cities in the district between the Axius and
the Strymon were of Euboic origin, as the appellation of Chalcidice, given
to that district, implies. Either of these cities

A history of Greece to the death of Alexander the Great Feb 15, 2017
bury, j. b. (john bagnell), 1861-1927 the coast of Macedonia, which, xius
S,rymo, runs on, Poseidon riding star? three-pronged promontory. Here
[legend : II]. Chalcis planted so many towns that the whole promontory
was named Chalcidice

History Of The World Vol-vii Jan 16, 2017 are spoken of . As an ally these
boundaries. of Athens he interfered in the The monarchy was absolute. We
are affairs of Macedonia and Chalcidice we not told thit the people were
ever con- shall see

A History of Greece: From Its Conquest by the Romans to the Present

Time, B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864 Sep 12, 2008 george finlay in the free
villages of the Chalcidice Among the monks on Mount Athos Suppressed
by Aboulabad Pasha of Saloniki Insurrection on the Macedonian
mountains Sack of Niausta ... Success of Sultan

The world's history, a survey of man's record Oct 18, 2007 helmolt, hans
f. (hans ferdinand), 1865-1929 over a very considerable force (one hundred
and fifty thousand men are spoken of ). As an ally of Athens he interfered
in the affairs of Macedonia and Chalcidice: we shall see later on why this

A History Of Greece To The Death Of Alexander The Great Jan 16, 2017
jb bury . Chalcidian colonisa- tion. Chalcidice. Corinthian colony :
Potidaea. an island the tunny-fish on the coins of the city shows what was
one of the chief articles of her trade. Lampsacus, at the northern

The History Of The Peloponnesian War V.1 Jan 19, 2017 thucydides be
brought. After the works round Potidasa were finished, Phormio with his
sixteen hundred men proceeded to ravage Chalcidice and Bottice, and took
some of the towns also. The Athenians then

A history of Greece, from its conquest by the Romans to the present time,
B. C. 146 to 1864 Feb 18, 2009 finlay, george, 1799-1875 -established in
Agrapha Among Vallachian population of Mount Pindus Rapacity of the
Greek troops Insurrection on Mount Pelion suppressed . Revolution in the
free villages of the Chalcidice Among the monks

Handelsgeschichte des Altertums Jan 23, 2008 ernst speck , Eorcyra,

Megara, Sicyon, die uumlbrigen peloponnesischen Handelsstaumldte,
Sparta 449450. Boumlotien,. Thessalien, Macedonien, die Chalcidice 451.
Die kleinasiatischen Staumldte und Inseln 452. Der griechische

A History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great Jun 19, 2010 j.
b. bury promontory was named Chalcidice. Some of the chief cities,
however, were founded by other states, notably Corinthian Corinthian
Potidaea on the most westerly of the three prongs, which

Alexender The Great Jan 19, 2017 f a wright it from Thessaly. The three-
pronged peninsula of Chalcidice should 7 ALEXANDER THE GREAT
geographically have been included, but for a long period it was in Greek
hands. However, although all this…

Histoire de l'ancienne Grèce, de ses colonies et de ses conquëtes, depuis

les premiers temps, jusqu'à la division de l'Empire Macédonien ... Traduite
de l'anglois de John Gillies, par M. Carra ... Tome premier sixième Feb 17,
2016 invariablement attacheacutee agrave Sparte . Histoim AmbafTadc
Pendant ce rems des ambafladeurs arridApoiionie ApolIoiiie, deux villes
de la Chalcidice , pour demander le fecours

Disputationis de ratione, qua Livius in libris historiarum conscribendis

usus est opere ... Sep 28, 2008 theodore lucas , amore virginis Chalcidensis
vehementer captum, nuptiarum celebratione hiemem Chalcidice
traduxisse narrat. Huc spectant Livii verba (XXXVL c. 15. 1.): Jam tum
cemens (Antiocfaus), nihil se ex Graecia

Demosthenes and the Last Days of Greek Freedom, 384-322 B.C. Oct 19,
2008 sir arthur wallace pickard-cambridge ample supplies of money and
ships and his army had so far proved irresistible. Athens, on the other hand,
had lost all the stations which she had possessed on the coasts of
Macedonia and Chalcidice, and

L 089 Xenophon II Hellenica 6 7, Anabasis 1 3pdf Dec 10, 2013 . i. 18

IV. viii. 3-39 v. i. 6 vn. i. 27 Academy, the, gymnasium near Athens, n.
ii. 8 VI. v. 49 Acanthus, city in Chalcidice, v. ii. 11, iii. 6. Acanthians,
the, v. ii. 12, 23 Acarnania

Catalogue of Greek coins. Central Greece. (Locris, Phocis, Boeotia, and

Euboea) Feb 8, 2009 british museum. dept. of coins and medals
Chalcidice and to the laureate youthful head on the gold staters of PhiUp.
The class is certainly not much later than the time of Philip. A variety
reading AOKPUN EPIKNA has a greave for

Demosthenes and the Last Days of Greek Freedom, 384-322 B.C. Oct 19,
2008 sir arthur wallace pickard-cambridge lost all the stations which she
had possessed on the coasts of Macedonia and Chalcidice, and had been
tuiable to give any effective help to her allies in those regions. Even
Methone had been suffered to

Orationes publicae Jul 6, 2010 Demosthenes Chalcidice (Thuc. i. 58).

Again in B.C. 364, Avhen Timotheus, aided by Perdiccas king of
Macedon, took from them Potidaea and Torone (Isocr. 15. ig8, 113). The
with Sparta began B.C. 383, and ended, B.C

Hellenic conceptions of peace Apr 1, 2008 caldwell, wallace everett, 1890-

1961 Delium and by Brasidas, the ablest of the Spartan generals, in the
Chalcidice. The Athenians then attempted to secure peace, but without
success. In the final battle at Amphipolis both Cleon and

Travels Of Anacharsis The Younger In Greece Vol.6 Jan 18, 2017

barthelemy, abbe , Chalcidice. About the same time, the Cypsclides
compelled, by their tyratiny, other Dorians to Jeave Peloponnesus, and
settle to the north-west of that })cninsal4ili Sicily and in Italy. GREEK

The History of the Peloponnesian War Mar 8, 2009 thucydides, henry

dale to contrive a way in which some assistance might be brought After the
works round Potidaea were finished, Phormio with his sixteen hundred
men proceeded to ravage Chalcidice and Bottice, and took some

Ancient Greece, from the earliest times down to 146 B. C Jun 21, 2009
pennell, robert franklin, [from old catalog] comp Darius, was sent out with
a large naval force in 493 b.c. but the whole fleet was disabled in a storm
of f Mount Athos, a dangerous promontory in Chalcidice. Darius was not
discouraged by this failure. He

Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament. Sonderdruck des

Abkürzungs-Verzeichnisses Aug 27, 2008 kittel, gerhard, 1888- auf der
Chalcidice (384 bis 522 vChr), neben seinem Lehrer Plato der Philosoph
der Grie- dien u Gruumlnder der peripatetisdien Schule Einheitlich zitiert
nach der Gesamtausgabe

Historia numorum a manual of Greek numismatics Nov 15, 2009 head,

barclay vincent, 1844-1914 . . bull l D. CHALCIDICE . 181 E.

Three years of the Great War a comprehensive review Jun 19, 2007
simonds, frank herbert, 1878-1936 . An Allied army forming at Salonica
Acted as a restraining force and defended Egypt from the Chalcidice. A
minor attack upon Suez ended miserably. In due course of time the Grand
Duke stepped forward

A sketch of modern and ancient geography for the use of schools Mar 7,
2011 butler, samuel a West Th next it Chalcidice, lying between the Sinus
Strymonicus and Therrnaicus. Within the Sinus Thermaicus, to the South
East was Pieria, bordering on Thessaly, and to s 170 the South West

The story of the greatest nations : with one thousand of the world's famous
events portrayed in word and picture May 2, 2016 ellis, edward sylvester,
1840-1916 Philip captured one of them in Chalcidice, Olynthus awoke
to its danger and sent envoys to Athens to beg for help. It was on this
occasion that Demosthenes delivered his three Olynthiac orations, in

Catalogue of Greek coins. Central Greece. (Locris, Phocis, Boeotia, and

Euboea) Feb 8, 2009 british museum. dept. of coins and medals
Chalcidice and to the laureate youthful head on the gold staters of PhiUp.
The class is certainly not much later than the time of Philip. A variety
reading AOKPUN EPIKNA has a greave [KVfffik) for

Greek history: its problems and its meaning with appendices on the
authorities and on "The Constitution of Athens." Jan 11, 2008 walker,
edward mewburn evidence for its existence north of the Isthmus, except
at Megara and Athens. It plays no part in the history of the Greek cities in
Chalcidice and Thrace. It appears to have been rare in the Cyclades. The

High school ancient history Oct 30, 2009 botsford, george willis, 1862-
1917 part of their culture. 79. Colonies in Chalcidice. While the Greeks
were planting colonies in Italy and Sicily, they were busy extending their
settlements within the Aegean area. On the north-west

Demosthenes Oct 11, 2007 brodribb, william jackson, 1829-1905 , were,

in part at least, due to Sparta's influence. In one instance she inflicted the
most direct and positive mischief upon Greece. At the bead of the gulf of
Torone, in the peninsula of Chalcidice, was

Greek history its problems and its meaning, with appendices on the
authorities and on "The constitution of Athens," Nov 29, 2007 walker,
edward mewburn, 1858- Isthmus, except at Megara and Athens. It plays
no part in the history of the Greek cities in Chalcidice and Thrace. It
appears to have been rare in the Cyclades. The regions in which it finds a

Kurzer Entwurf der alten Geographie Jul 22, 2016 , Cyrrhestica Chalcidice
und Palmyrene ein, getheilb z Commagene. Liegt oben gegen Norden mit
folgenden Staumldten : Samosata, (S c em p s a t) am Euphrat, war grof s
und, und von der Natur und Kunst wohl

An introduction to the study of ancient geography Dec 31, 2014 laurent,

peter edmund, 1796-1837 Chalcidice and the Cambunian mountains west,
the lake Lychnitis, Illyris Graeca having been for the most part subjected.
After Macedonia had been converted into a Roman province, the coasts of

The eastern nations and Greece Dec 11, 2009 myers, p. v. n. (Philip van
ness), 1846-1937 other cities, founded so many colonies thirty-two owned
her as their mother dty that the land became known as Chalcidice. One of
the chief attractions of this shore to the Greek colonists was

De comoediarum Graecarum saeculo quinto ante christum natum actarum

temporibus definiendis Jul 2, 2010 zelle, hans, 1859- noXig xai OTdvig
eiSog. Galepsus autem, urbs in Chalcidice sita, anno 424 a Brasida
expugnata est (Thuc. IV, ln7). Anno autem 422 Cleo eam recuperavit, unde
Fritzschius (Quacst. Arist. p. 146) non

A hand book of Greek and Roman history for candidates preparing for
junior leaving and university matriculation Aug 13, 2015 macdonald,
afterwards rebuilt. Athos.Mountainous Peninsula of Chalcidice,
terminating in a rocky headland 6,000 feet in height. Byzantium.A
Megarian colony on the Bosporus. It became subject to Persia, but was set

Hellenic conceptions of peace Apr 1, 2008 caldwell, wallace everett, 1890-

1961 . The earliest cases reported among men are purely legendary. The
first historical case was in a quarrel between Chalcis and Andros over the
village of Acanthus in the Chalcidice, which was settled in…

Introduction to a Historical Geography of the British Colonies Apr 27,

2008 sir charles prestwood lucas in the Thracian Chersonnese and the
Greek cities in and near Chalcidice, Potidaea, Olynthus, Therme and
others, played an important part both in earlier and later Greek history.
Corinth sent

The collection of Greek coins in gold, silver, and electrum Jan 4, 2016
sotheby, wilkinson hodge , within an outer incuse square, td. 256'1 grs.,
fine and rare. 1 Plate IV, No. 17. 97 Chalcidice. Epoch of the league, b.c.
392-379. Tetradrachm. Laureate Head of Apollo, of bold fine style to

Catalogue of the collection of E.G. Chandler ... and L.S. Boisdore ...
comprising American and foreign silver and copper coins and medals ...
[11151883] Mar 1, 2016 haseltine, john w. . Same reverse. Very good.
Drachm. Chalcidice. Obv. Female head. Rev. Lyre. Very good.
Hemidrachm. Chios. Rev. Punch mark. Rude. Drachm. Cnidus'. Caria.
Thick drachm. Obv. Fore part of a lion. Rev. Head

De paronymis Graecis in ipes terminantibus [microf orm] Mar 15, 2013

brandstäter, franz august in Chalcidice, Athen. ''Avn-Aeittc ad Maeotim,
Strab.: KsvcqiTrig in Armenia. Xen., Diod. Koaaivirtjg in Thracia, Aelian.
Onkiirg s. 'OnXiag in Boeotia. Plut. MaXoizag in Arcadia et Msyaviiag

De paronymis graecis in -ites terminantibus Feb 25, 2009 brandstäter, franz

august noinina, ut Casanites in Arabia, Massycites in Cilicia, rfayiTfig J'
thiae proniontorium fluviorum, ut 'yyiTig in Maccdonia, Herod. ''fifiitig \n
Chalcidice, Athcn. ad Maentim

Atlas geographiae biblicae, addita brevi notitia regionum et locorum Sep

3, 2008 luigi gramatica , aloisius gramatica unita constituisse deinde
provinciam Euphratensem vel Augustophratensem (Amm. Marc. XIV, 8,
7 Aurel. Vict. Kvit. IX, 13). Chalybonitis, Chalcidice, Apamene et
Laodicene sic dictae ex nomine urbium

Inter-Nos March 1957 Jul 16, 2012 msmc institutional advancement Spirit,
a prophet of the works of Godwas not an Athenian like Socrates and
Plato, but a Greek of Chalcidice, from Stagira, a small city-state on the
coast of Macedonia half way between the peninsula

Classification of Books in the Library Feb 26, 2008 joseph cummings

rowell Thessalia 77h Thracia, Chalcidice [Athens 78t [Knights of Rhodes
81kk 77v Greece. Wost Coast Islands 77v West Coast Islands 77vd
Cephalonia 77vf Corfu, Corcyra 7?vi Ithaca 78 Greece

Ancient Greece [microf orm], from the earliest times down to 146 B.C Feb
7, 2013 pennell, robert f naval force in 493 b.c. but the wliole fleet was
disabled in a stonn of f Mount Athos, a dancrerous promontory in
Chalcidice. Darius was not discouraged by this failure. lie spent the next
two years in

Geographia Classica: Or, The Application of Ancient Geography to the

Classics. For the Use of ... Jun 29, 2008 samuel butler along the southern
boundary, to the east, was Edonis bordering on Thrace next to it
Chalcidice, lying between Sinus Strymonicus and Thermaicus. Within
Sinus Thermaicus, to the south east was

Geschichte der hl. Ligue und Leopolds I May 14, 2010 walewski, antoni,
1805-1876. niacedonischen Staate einzuverleiben. 2. 20 kcit gegen den
Koumlnig Macedoniens geleitet. Athen erblickte in der Macht des
ruhmvollen Alexander ein Hinderniss fuumlr die Herrschaft in Chalcidice
und zugleich

Des Cornelius Nepos Lebensbeschreibungen in Auswahl Feb 14, 2008

cornelius nepos , franz fügner OLYMPIODORUS - PELOPONNESIUS.
Olympiodorus, i, m., der Lehrer desEpamlnondaS im Floten- spiel: 35, 19.
Olynthus, i, ., eine athenische Kolonie auf der Halbinsel Chalcidice (I
Ca): 41, 12. Orestes, is, w

A Guide to the Principal Gold and Silver Coins of the Ancients: From
Circ. B.C. 700 to A.D. 1. May 11, 2008 barclay vincent head , british
museum dept . of coins and medals summit of which was the famous
oracle of Bacchus, was the religious centre of the Thracian mining tribes,
whose coinage spread over the whole district north of Chalcidice, from
the Nestos in the east to

Beiträge zur Topographie der Homerischen Ilias Feb 7, 2015 ludwig

wilhelm hasper Halbinsel Chalcidice, und ansserdem das flberanafladie
KordoaVorgebirge von Lemnoa treffa, welche Liael fiberimapt sehr
niedrig an dardi ihre Flaebbeit von hat allen andmi haeb dea...

Letters Of The Crusaders Feb 25, 2015 munro, dana carleton, 1866-1933
designates the region on the right bank of the Orontes which stretches
towards the east, the ancient Apamea and Chalcidice.Hagenmeyer in
Forschungen znr deutschen Geschichte, Vol. xiii, p. 407. Digitized by

The History Of Peloponnesian War Oct 28, 2006 thucydides investment

of Potidaea, Phormio next employed his sixteen hundred men in ravaging
Chalcidice and Bottiaea: some of the towns also were taken by him.
CHAPTER III Congress of the Peloponnesian Confederacy at

The Greek Orators Considered as Historical Authorities: The Arnold Prize

... Mar 4, 2009 francis allston channing channing were surrendered by their
generals, and at last general ruin was consummated. Such is the general
statement of the causes of the subjection of Chalcidice, given by
Demosthenes six years after.

Greek Historians Jan 16, 2017 godolphin, franchis r.b of Chalcidice, vn.
12a assemblies, Egyptian, n. 39-64 asses, cannot live in Scythia, rv. 28,
129 wild asses in chariots, vn. 86 horned asses, IV. 191 wild asses, iv. 192
Assesus, in territory of

The Jewish war ... Aug 1, 2016 taylor, isaac, 1787-1865. n 85824777
Aristobulus, and grandson of Herod the Great, i. 164, 212. Aristobulus,
son of Herod king of Chalcis, by Mariamne, i. 212, 215. Aristobulus,
king of Chalcidice, ii. 234. Arius, a Homan centurion, i. 194. Arpha

Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece, During the Middle of the

Fourth ... May 21, 2009 jean-jacques barthélemy, jean denis barbié du
bocage neighbourhood of the'dominions of Philip in maritime Thrace, a
country called Chalcidice extends along the sea shore, where formerly
settled several Greek colonies, of which the principal is Olynthus a strong

De comoediarum Graecarum saeculo quinto ante Christum natum actarum

... Aug 31, 2008 hans adolf wilhelm zelle, johann zelle . v. ralriipog haec
tradit: naiCsc fiev EvnoXtg naqa ro Xafidveiv, Bltnt de xai noXig xai
ovdvrjg eidog. Galepsus autem urbs in Chalcidice sita, anno 424 a Brasida
expugnata est (Thuc. IV, 107

Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe Sep 16, 2008 kaiserl.
akademie der wissenschaften in wien. mathematisch-
naturwissenschaftliche klasse . . . Vel Gesteine von der Halbinsel
Chalcidice. [Pieis. 10 ki = 20 Pfg.] SITZUNGSBERICHTE DER immtm
ikaoumleiie d Tl D n ji mm MATHEMATISCH-

Zeitschrift für Ethnologie und ihre Hülfswissenschaften als Lehre vom ...
May 29, 2009 a. bastian, r. hartmann angewandten Namen Canaas, als
Autochthon, angeschlossen. 42 ) Chalcis aaf Euboea, auf den
ecbinadischen Inseln und bei Lesbos, am Achelons, in Aetolien,
Chalcidice, Triphylia, der Coriother, bei Teos (in

Demosthenes May 8, 2008 samuel henry butcher be noticed In 384 b.c,

Olynthus in Chalcidice was at the head of a growing league of cities
bound together on liberal terms of union. There is a special interest in this,
one of the earliest efforts

Historical geography on a regional basis Mar 7, 2009 dann, ernest walter

the whole invading host defiled acrosa Passing Thrace, the troops reached
Macedonia and traversed the peninsula of Chalcidice, and the navy met
them at Therma (Salonica). Proceeding thence, the Asiatic

The Olynthiacs [of Demosthenes]. Apr 2, 2014 Demosthenes into

Chalcidice. The immediate cause of this attack is stated by Justin (YIII.
3) to have been their reception and protection of his two half-brothers, a
brother of whom he had ahmdy put to death, and

Demosthenis Orationes Publicae Edited by G. H. Heslop M. A. The

Olynthiacs Aug 13, 2016 Demosthenes Ttky rrphs Argument. 9. 26. in
the year before the Peloponnesian War, from which time Olynthus
became the principal city in Chalcidice (Thuc

The Birds of Aristophanes considered in relation to Athenian politics Nov

10, 2009 harman, edward george, 1862-1921 through Thessaly into
Chalcidice, was detaching city after city from the Athenian alliance. Here
it was that Thucydides, the historian, came to grief, having to go into exile
for faihng to save

Catalogue of the collection of E.G. Chandler ... and L.S. Boisdore ...
comprising American and foreign silver and copper coins and medals ...
[11151883] Feb 17, 2016 haseltine, john w. . Punch mark in 4
compartments. Good. Obolus. 94 Alexander Magnus. Rev. Jupiter seated.
Fine. Drachm. 95 Alexander Magnus. Same reverse. Very good. Drachm.
96 Chalcidice. Obv. Female head. Rev. Lyre

Select Popular Orations of Demosthenes: With Notes and a Chronological

Table May 15, 2009 Demosthenes has all along been used of the affairs
in Chalcidice. A? to dfttor'] alaquo favorable as they might is understood,
to be supplied from amplaquo, one form of the verb from another, as k of
ten the

Elementary school curriculum, fourth and fifth years May 1, 2008

columbia university. teachers college. horace mann school ) Egyptians. 6.
Difference this knowledge made in their way of living. III. Greek
colonization in the Mediterranean. 1. Reasons for sending out colonies. 2.
The settlement of Chalcidice. 3

Greek history in brief [microf orm] Jul 24, 2009 forfar, chas Sicilian
Expedition, 416-413: (a) Defensive alliance of Athens, Argos, Elis,
Mantinea, Chalcidice. Defeat of the allies at Mantinea, 418 break-up of
the Argive lycague. (d) Embassy from Egesta

Catalogue of the collection of E.G. Chandler ... and L.S. Boisdore ...
comprising American and foreign silver and copper coins and medals ...
[11151883] Feb 26, 2016 haseltine, john w. . Obolus. Alexander Magnus.
Rev. Jupiter seated. Fine. Drachm. Alexander Magnus. Same reverse. Very
good. Drachm. Chalcidice. Obv. Female head. Rev. Lyre. Very good.
Hemidrachm. Chios. Rev. Punch mark. Rude

Fragmenta libri vii Geographicorum palatino-vaticana: Gr.and Lat Oct 16,

2008 strabo, g. l. f . Tafel Formen, uber welche Tzsehulilie zum Pompon.
Mela II, 2, 10. nachKusehen ist), der ostlichste und der Bergriicken, durch
welche die macedonische Halbinsel Chalcidice in das agaiscbe Meer

A sketch of antient geography Sep 26, 2008 samuel butler Gulfs,

Chalcidice. North of this were the Bisaltae north-east of them were
Sintica, the Odomanti, and the Maedi. The coast east of the Strymon was
occupied by the Edones and Sapaei, who worshipped

De Thucydide scriptore belli peloponnesiaci. Specimen ... Sep 28, 2012

wuttke, henricus. [from old catalog] ) transiit Thessaliain cum exercitu,
intravitque primimi Macedomam ad ea oppida expug-bull nanda, quae in
Chalcidice sita erant. Res condicta erat cum Perdicca Macedoniorum ree,
Atheniensium imperium

Notes in history. The eastern civilizations and Greece Mar 29, 2011 ward,
george w[ashington] [from old catalog] . REGIONS COLONIZED. Slag
heaps on the promontories of Chalcidice still testify to the presence of
mining colonies in that region. These colonies were the agents in
Hellenizing Macedoniaa fact which

The Greek orators considered as historical authorities. Arnold prize essay

Mar 4, 2009 francis allston channing causes of the subjection of
Chalcidice, given by Demosthenes six years after.6 The three Olynthiac
orations vividly present the political situations during the first year of the
Olynthian war, but

Histoire de l'ancienne Grèce, de ses colonies et de ses conquëtes, depuis

les premiers temps, jusqu'à la division de l'Empire Macédonien ... Traduite
de l'anglois de John Gillies, par M. Carra ... Tome premier sixième May 6,
2016 , deux villes de la Chalcidice , pour demander le fecours des
Laceacutedeacutemoniens contre les entreprifes ambitieufes dOlynthe.
Cette citeacute , dont nous avons eu occafion de rapporter la fondation vers

Greece--and tomorrow Nov 3, 2009 ferriman, z. duckett and Serres, or

follow the coast skirting the base of the Trident of Chalcidice on to
Salonica, the Greeks are with us all the way. Beyond Salonica, through
Naussa, Verria and Edessa, across the plain to

Greece and tomorrow : to which is added an account of the banquet

tendered to his excellency, George Roussos, the minister of Greece to the
United States Aug 24, 2015 ferriman, z. duckett, 1851-1935 , or follow the
coast skirting the base of the Trident of Chalcidice on to Salonica, the
Greeks are with us all the way. Beyond Salonica, through Naussa, Verria
and Edessa, across the plain to the snows

Historical geography on a regional basis Jun 8, 2009 dann, ernest walter

resist him. The Hellespont was bridged, and the whole invading host

defiled across. Passing Thrace, the troops reached Macedonia and

traversed the peninsula of Chalcidice, and the navy met them at

Anzeiger Der Kaiserlichen Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-

Naturwissenschaftliche Classe Aug 4, 2008 kaiserl. akademie der
wissenschaften in wien mathematisch -naturwissenschaftliche klasse

: Gesteine von derHalbinsel Chalcidice.Nr.XIV, p-111 von Griechenland.

Nr. XIX, p. 163. Benedikt, Rudolf, Dr.: tJber Trinitrosopliloroglucin.Nr.
VII, p. 46. und Weselsky, P

An atlas of classical geography Jan 9, 2009 hughes, william, 1817-1876

24.20 Apollonia (Chalcidice), J'oli.jhcro 40.24 23.22 Apollonia,
Elcutberae, or Eleutherna? 35.19 24.41 Apollonia (lUyria), Pollina, or
Po'llona 40.40 19.25 Apollonia (Lydia)? 38.59 27.31

American Journal of Numismatics, and Bulletin of American Numismatic

and ... Jun 21, 2009 american numismatic society, boston numismatic
society , boston numismatic society, american numismatic society ,
commenting on a tetradrachm of Dicea, an Eretrian colony in Chalcidice.
This interesting piece has the same type as those of the mother city, a cow
scratching her muzzle and a bird perched upon her

History of Greece Oct 21, 2009 thirlwall, connop, 1797-1875 - v - 158

Operations of the Athenians in Chalcidice - - 159 The Odrysian Monarchy
... 160 Alliance of Sitalces with Athens

The History of Greece Mar 12, 2009 connop thirlwall to surprise Pirseus
- - - 124 Operations of the Athenians in Chalcidice - 126 The Odrysian
Monarchy - - - 127 Alliance of Sitalces with Athens

Ancient history Jul 14, 2008 myers, p. v. n. (Philip van ness), 1846-1937 -
two owned her as their mother city that the land became known as

Chalcidice. One of the chief attractions of this shore to the Greek

colonists and traders was the rich copper, silver, and gold

A Guide to the Principal Gold and Silver Coins of the Ancients: From
Circ. B. C. 70 to A. D. 1 ... Sep 20, 2008 barclay vincent head , british
museum dept . of coins and medals , whose coinage spread over the whole
district north of Chalcidice, from the Nestos in the east to the Haliacmon
in the west, before the time of the Persian wars. 6. Neapolis. JR. Obv.

The Birds of Aristophanes considered in relation to Athenian politics Jun

17, 2010 harman, edward george, 1862-1921 Thessaly into Chalcidice,
was detaching city after city from the Athenian alUance. Here it was that
Thucydides, the historian, came to grief, having to go into exile for faiUng
to save Amphipohs. A further

An alphabetical encyclopædia of institutions, persons, events, etc., of

ancient history and geography Nov 15, 2007 reich, emil, 1854-1910 to
Rome. (2) called Cananites a Stoic philosopher of Tarsus went with
Octavius to Rome Athos : a mountainous peninsula in Chalcidice in
Macedonia Atia : the mother of Augustus Atia Gens : plebeian

The Alexandra Jun 30, 2011 lycophron Chalcidice in Thrace. Crestone

was properly the district between the Axius and Strymon. 501. Laodice
gave the infant Munitus to be reared by Aethra (mother of Theseus and
grandmother of Acamas), who had

An atlas of classical geography Feb 9, 2009 hughes, william, 1817-1876 )

40.13 24.20 Apollonia (Chalcidice), Polighero 40.24 23.22 Apollonia,
Eleutberae, or Eleutherna? 35.19 24.41 Apollonia (Illyria), Pol- Una, or
Po'Uona 40.40 19.25 Apollonia (Lydia)? 38.59

Historical Geography On A Regional Basis,volume-ii Jan 16, 2017 ernest

w.dann,b.a. host defiled across. Passing Thrace, the troops reached

Macedonia and traversed the peninsula of Chalcidice, and the navy met
them at Therma (Salonica). Proceeding thence, the Asiatic force was

The Birds of Aristophanes considered in relation to Athenian politics May

1, 2007 harman, edward george, 1862-1921 Chalcidice, was detaching city
after city from the Athenian alHance. Here it was that Thucydides, the
historian, came to grief, having to go into exile for faihng to save
Amphipolis. A further index

The Greek Historians Vol. I Jan 16, 2017 random house new york Revolt,
and might induce the rest of Chalcidice to follow their example. 57. These
measures of precaution were taken by the Athenians immediately after the
sea-fight of f Corcyra. The hostility of the

Historical geography on a regional basis Apr 25, 2007 dann, ernest walter
Macedonia and traversed the peninsula of Chalcidice, and the navy met
them at Therma (Salonica). Proceeding thence, the Asiatic force was
threatened with opposition at the Vale of Tempe but a turning

A guide to the principal gold and silver coins of the ancients, from circ.
700 B. C. to 1. A.D Nov 27, 2009 british museum. dept. of coins and
medals religious centre of the Thracian mining tribes, whose coinage
spread over the whole district north of Chalcidice, from the Nestos in the
east to the Haliacmon in the west, before the time of the Persian

[Works] Jul 5, 2010 Demosthenes their augmented power but the

supremacy which they wished to assert in Chalcidice was not cheerfully
accepted by all the Chalcidic towns, and jealousy naturally influenced
those who had most pretensions

Readings in ancient history Nov 11, 2009 webster, hutton, 1875-1955

yourselves for we should be gunty of an impiety if we deserted you without
cause and ' Potidea, a city of Chalcidice, was a tributary ally of Athens.
Its Revolt in 432 b. c. had led to its

L 374 Demosthenes VII Funeral Speech Erotic Sssay Exordia Letters Dec
21, 2013 against 6, 259- 38 Academy, capital of fence to steal from 3. 447.
114 Acamas, sailed for Troy 7. 29. 29 his descen- 1 dants, Acamantidae
7. 29. 29 Acanthus, town in Chalcidice 4. 261. 36 Acarnania

The journal of Hellenic studies Jun 6, 2007 society for the promotion of
hellenic studies (london, england) pieces (M) are struck at Lebadeia,
Orchomenus, Thebes, and Thespiae. Thebes alone retains the type of the
Boeotian shield. (11) Chalcidice.28 Federal Coins. (a} Circa 450 B.C. M.
Type.Horse cantering

Readings in ancient history Aug 20, 2009 webster, hutton, 1875-1955 you
choose to bestir yourselves for we should be guilty of an impiety if we
deserted you without cause and 1 Potidaea, a city of Chalcidice, was a
tributary ally of Athens. Its Revolt in 432 b. c

The Classical Gazetteer: A Dictionary of Ancient Geography, Sacred and

Prof ane Aug 11, 2008 william hazlitt
. sum, Vetus, of Acamania, on Achelous r., 8 m. from its mouth. Paloeo
Caiouna, III. of Chalcidice, Macedonia, on Thermaicus Sinus, at prom.,
15 m. s.w. from Thessalonica. Built by neas

A History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great Jan 23, 2009
john bagnell bury -pronged promontory. Here Poseidon nding star . , - , .
u u u i [legend -III Chalcis planted so many towns that the whole Chakiiiice
promontory was named Chalcidice

The Complete Writings Of Thucydides The Peloponnesian War Jan 20,

2017 john h. finley, jr. might be brought. Meanwhile, after the completion
of the investment of Potidaea, Phormio next employed his sixteen
hundred men in ravaging Chalcidice and Bottica: some of the towns also
were taken by…

The History Of Greece Vol. 2, Ed. 3rd Jan 19, 2017 mitford, william
Invasion. Sect. I. Return of the Athenians to their Country. Mea sures of
the Grecian Fleet. Dedication to the Gods for the Victory at Salaynism
Honors paid to Themistocles. Revolt of Chalcidice from the

Europe Mar 5, 2013 chisholm, george goudie, 1850-1930 the Chalcidice

peninsula. The peninsula of Chalcidice is a hilly region, well wooded
and well watered, with iron and argentiferous lead mines (at
Mademochoria), worked by the ancients. It sends out to

Goten oder Bulgaren quellenkritische Untersuchung über die Geschichte

der alten Skythen, Thrakier und Makedonier Sep 13, 2010 tsenov, gancho,
1870-1952 ferret auxilium, cupiens, mox venisset extinctus est1). Da die
Landzunge und die Bucht Kassandra, welche von der Trojanerin
Kassandra ihren Namen haben, in Makedonien an der Halbinsel
Chalcidice liegen

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Societ

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) 662. 100
r., laureate, hair short. Eev.X A A K I A E H N Lyre with seven strings
incuse square. M. Size -95. Wt. 221-5 grs

The history of ancient Greece, its colonies and conquests Mar 8, 2009 john
gillies Meanwhile ambafladors arrived from Acanthus thod ApoUonia,
two cities of the Chalcidice, reApoiionia quelling the Lacedaemonian
alliance againft the toSfarta. rfangerous ambition of Olynthus

The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies, and Conquests from the
Earliest Accounts Till the Division of the Macedonian Empire in the East.
Including the Hystory of Literature, Philosophy, and the Fine Arts. By
John Gillies ... Vol. 1.5. Jan 18, 2016 fovereignty of Athens. Several
maritime communities of the Chalcidice took refuge within the walls of
Olynthus, a town which they had built and fortified, at the diftance of five
miles from the fea, in a

Researches in the highlands of Turkey including visits to mounts Ida,

Athos, Olympus, and Pelion, to the Mirdite Albanians, and other remote
tribes Oct 15, 2008 tozer, henry fanshawe, 1829-1916 promontories of
Chalcidice, one behind another, the peak of Athos rising supreme above
all and beyond the extremity of these was the distant island of Aghiostrati
to the south of Lemnos. In this part of the

An ancient history for beginners May 3, 2007 botsford, george willis,

1862-1917 , however, became the chief commercial city of the region (sect
136). While some of the Greeks were working the mines of Chalcidice,
others were sailing into the Hel'les-pont to fish and to found

The types of Greek coins an archaeological essay Nov 20, 2009 gardner,
percy, 1846-1937 earliest of great Hellenic leagues, at least the earliest
which requires mention here, is that which comprised the cities of
Chalcidice m Macedon. It is well known how, early in the 4th century, the

Readings in ancient history Sep 29, 2008 webster, hutton, 1875-1955

Potidaea, a city of Chalcidice, was a tributary ally of Athens. Its Revolt
in 432 b. c. had led to its investment by an Athenian anny. FUNERAL
SPEECH OF PERICLES 87 we shall not easily find allies

The History Of Greece Vol.2 Jan 16, 2017 mitford, william Country, Mca
surcs if the Grecian Fleet, Dedication to the Gods for the Victory at
SalamisHonors paid to Themistocles, Revolt of Chalcidice from the
Persians, Siege of Potidaea by Artabazus

Goten oder Bulgaren quellenkritische Untersuchung über die Geschichte

der alten Skythen, Thrakier und Makedonier Sep 30, 2013 tsenov, gancho,
1870-1952 , welche von der Trojanerin Kassandra ihren Namen haben, in
Makedonien an der Halbinsel Chalcidice liegen, so hat der trojanische
Krieg nach Jordanis in Makedonien stattgefunden. Hier lag Troja auch

Researches in the highlands of Turkey including visits to mounts Ida,

Athos, Olympus, and Pelion, to the Mirdite Albanians, and other remote
tribes Oct 15, 2008 tozer, henry fanshawe, 1829-1916 Katrin, diversified
in parts by extensive tracts of woodland and on the opposite side of the
water lay the three promontories of Chalcidice, one behind another, the
peak of Athos rising supreme above

A Dictionary of the Military Science Oct 17, 2008 e.s.n. campbell .

Athamania, a district of Epirus. Now included in the province of Albania.
Athens, the capital of Attica, and one of the most powerful cities of
Greece. Athens. Athos (Mount), in Chalcidice on the

The History Of Ancient Greece Vol. 2, Ed. 5th Jan 21, 2017 gillies, john
territory, which the pplicy and rcfentniOnt of Corinth encouraged to
fuccefsful rebellion againil the fbvereignty of Athens. Several maritime
communities .of the Chalcidice took refuge within the

Outlines of ancient history from the earliest times to the fall of the Roman
empire in the West, A. D. 476 Apr 29, 2008 mattingly, harold, 1884-1964
adventurers. Westwards towards Macedon the coast was thickly dotted
with Greek cities. The peninsula of Chalcidice, with its three prongs,
Pallene, Sithonia and Acte, was mainly occupied by colonies from

Researches in the highlands of Turkey : including visits to Mounts Ida,

Athos, Olympus, and Pelion, to the Mirdite Albanians, and the other
remote tribes, with notes on the ballads, tales, and classical superstitions of
the modern Greeks Jul 19, 2016 tozer, henry fanshawe, 1829-1916 glorious
gray peak. To the north was the level country about Katrin, diversified in
parts by extensive tracts of woodland and on the opposite side of the
water lay the three promontories of Chalcidice

Greek History Vol.1 Jan 24, 2017 godolphin, francis r.b. they were afraid
lest the Potidaeans might be persuaded by the Corinthians and Perdiccas

to Revolt, and might induce the rest of Chalcidice to follow their example.
57. These measures of precaution

Finley John H Jan 18, 2017 the modern library , after the completion of
the investment of Potidaea, Phormio next employed his sixteen hundred
men in ravaging Chalcidice and Bottica: some of the towns also were

Funeral speech, Erotic essay 60, 61, Exordia and Letters, with an English
translation by Norman W. DeWitt and Norman J. DeWitt Sep 5, 2008
Demosthenes . 259. 38 Academy, capital of fence to steal from 3. 4-47. ll
Acamas, sailed for Troy 7. 29. 29 his descendants, Acamantidae 7. 29. 29
Acanthus, town in Chalcidice 4. 261. 36 Acarnania, troops

From Serbia to Jugoslavia Serbia's victories, reverses and final triumph,

1914-1918 Aug 31, 2010 gordon-smith, gordon Beshik Lakes, reaching the
Gulf of Orfano at Stavros. The total length of the line was fifty miles.
Behind this line lay the Chalcidice Peninsula into which, if hard pressed,
the Army of the Orient could

A new dictionary of ancient geography, exhibiting the modern in addition

to the ancient names of places Jan 31, 2011 pye, charles Of fanxo.
AUFINA. JseeOF ENA. AUFINUM. } AuFo.VA. See Avon. Au G .ffi A,
a city of Chalcidice, in Macedonia. AuGALA, an inland town of
Mauritania Ccefarienfis. AUG A U L i\uGEA, a city of

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) amp (BoTTiauSa)
d'Herodoteapplique a la colonie fondee en Chalcidice, suffit, ce eemble, a
demontrer que les Bottitens 35 Le canton habite par ces Pieriens refugies
est connu dans 1'histoire et dans la

Catalogue of Greek coins in the Hunterian collection, University of

Glasgow Aug 26, 2013 hunterian museum (university of glasgow)

Bisaltian District ... 268 Chalcidice ... 270 Sti-ymonian and Bottiaean

The classical gazetteer: a dictionary of ancient geography, sacred and prof

ane Dec 31, 2014 hazlitt, william, 1811-1893
its mouth. Palirn Catouna. III. of Chalcidice, Macedonia, on Thermaicus
Sinus, at .Eneium piKMnla 15 m. S.W. from Theeorionica., in whose
honour games and sacrifices were annually

From Serbia to Jugoslavia Serbia's victories, reverses and final triumph,

1914-1918 Aug 5, 2008 gordon-smith, gordon of Topshin on the Vardar
the line ran east to Langhaza and Beshik Lakes, reaching the Gulf of
Orfano at Stavros. The total length of the line was fifty miles. Behind this
line lay the Chalcidice

An ancient history for beginners Sep 8, 2010 botsford, george willis, 1862-
1917 -cid'i-ce. Potidaea, a Corinthian colony, however, became the chief
commercial city of the region (sect 136). While some of the Greeks were
working the mines of Chalcidice, others were sailing into

Demosthenes and the Last Days of Greek Freedom, 384-322 B.C. Apr 12,
2008 sir arthur wallace pickard-cambridge war bad expired they had lost
all the cities in Chalcidice, while Philip could no longer keep pace with
the invitations of the traitors, and did not know which place to occupy first.
The history of the

Outlines of ancient history [microf orm] : from the earliest times to the fall
of the Roman Empire in the West, A.D. 476 Sep 18, 2012 mattingley,
harold, 1884-1964 barbarians of the fnteHor set a check on the Greek
adventurers. Westwards owards Macedon the coast was thickly dotted with
Greek dties The peninsula of Chalcidice, with its three prongs, Pallene

The history of Greece Dec 1, 2007 keightley, thomas, 1789-1872 side of

Potidaea towards Chalcidice and shortly after, Phormion being sent out

with sixteen hundred hoplites, raised a wall on the Pallene side, and the
town was now shut in by land, while the fleet

An ancient history for beginners Feb 20, 2008 botsford, george willis,
1862-1917 home Chai-difi'Ce, Potidaea, a Corinthian colony, however,
became the chief commercial city of the regidn (sect 136). While some of
the Greeks were working the mines of Chalcidice, others were

An ancient history for beginners May 10, 2010 botsford, george willis,
1862-1917 ). While some of the Greeks were working the mines of
Chalcidice, others were sailing into the Hel'les-pont to fish and to found
settlements along its shores. The people of Miletus established more

Alphabetical index of Canadian transportation tokens Sep 4, 2008 kotler,

joseph mark. [from old catalog] Acanthus, city in Chalcidice, Y. ii. 11,
iiL 6. Acantliians, the, v. iL 12,28 Acamania, district in central Greece, vi.
ii. 87. Acamanians, the, IV. ii. 17 YI. v. 28. Acamanian War, iv. vi. 1-vii.

The Mediterranean World In Ancient Times Jan 19, 2017 eva matthews
sanford COLONIES, AND CHALCIDICE The Pontus Euxinus, the deep
hospitable seardquo whose name, like that of the Pacific, belied its stormy
charActer, was entered by the Propontis, which was virtually an extension
of the

The nine books of the history of Herodotus May 2, 2007 herdotus then
gave the city to Critobulus, the Toronaean, to govern, and to the Chalcidic
tribe and thus the people of 128 Chalcidice came into possession of
Olynthus.After Artabazus had captured Olynthus, he

An ancient history for beginners Jan 13, 2008 botsford, george willis,
1862-1917 Corinthian colony, however, became the chief commercial city
of the region (sect 136). While some of the Greeks were working the
mines of Chalcidice, others were sailing into the Hel'les-pont to fish and

The Greek Historians Volume I Jan 17, 2017 francis r. b. godolphin , and
might induce the rest of Chalcidice to follow their example. 57. These
measures of precaution were taken by the Athenians immediately after the
sea-fight of f Corcyra. The hostility of the

Greek Coins Jan 18, 2017 charles seltman standard which prevailed among
most of the rich cities of the district later known by the name of
Chalcidice. At least nine of these cities opened mints before the close of
the sixth century. Taking

Ancient History Sep 7, 2008 Philip van ness myers cities, founded so many
colonies thirty- two owned her as their mother city that the land became
known as Chalcidice. One of the chief attractions of this shore to the
Greek colonists and traders

A History Of Greece To The Death Of Alexander The Great Jan 19, 2017
j b bury conceived and organised a general re\ olt of Chalcidice against
Athens and even persuaded the Chakidians to pull down their cities on the
coast and concentrate themselves in S the strong inland town of I

An ancient history for beginners by George Willis Botsford Oct 30, 2009
botsford, george willis, 1862-1917 commercial city of the region (sect
136). While some of the Greeks were working the mines of Chalcidice,
others were sailing into the Hel'les-pont to fish and to found settlements
along its shores. The

The Olynthiac, and Other Public Orations of Demosthenes Aug 15, 2008
Demosthenes Chalcidice, in which thore were thirty-two cities. Over all
this tract the iway of Olnthns was considerable, and she had waged watB
anciently nith Athena, and been fonnidable to Philip's

An ancient history for beginners Nov 28, 2009 george willis botsford
region (sect 136). While some of the Greeks were working the mines of

Chalcidice, others were sailing into the Helles-pont to fish and to found
settlements along its shores. The people of Miletus established

The Greek Historians Jan 19, 2017 herodotus Perdiccas to Revolt, and
might induce the rest of Chalcidice to follow their example 57 These
measures of precaution were taken by the Athenians immediately after the
sea-fight of f Corcyra The

Numismata graeca Greek coin-types, classified for immediate

identification May 17, 2011 anson, leo ) ? ' No 4. p. 66, No 1. No 2. 22
LYRE No. Placi Obversk Reverse Metal Size lambdalambda'tau. Denom.
D ATE Plate Refe RENCK Chalcidice Macedonia. 210 bullill …

History of the Macedonians Jun 9, 2009 edward farr . Peonia ...19

Chalcidice. .y:...4.4. 13 Pelagonla ... 12 Amphazitis ...

Outlines of Greek history : with a survey of ancient oriental nations May

4, 2009 morey, william c. (william carey), 1843-1925 taken the part of
Corcyra. On the other hand, Athens was incensed because, in an attempt to
put down a Revolt in Potidaea, a colony in Chalcidice originally founded
by Corinth, but now a subject ally

The journal of Hellenic studies Jun 6, 2007 society for the promotion of
hellenic studies (london, england) or Macedonian. Writing in this Journal
in 1897 Mr. Hill suggested the Macedonian Chalcidice as the probable
home of the coins. About 1904, a specimen with the helmet reverse was
procured by its owner

The history of Greece Dec 21, 2007 keightley, thomas, 1789-1872

number. The Athenians now placed themselves at the wall on the side of
Potidaea towards Chalcidice and shortly after, Callias' successor
Phormion coming out with an additional force of sixteen hundred

An ancient history for beginners Jun 13, 2007 botsford, george willis,
1862-1917 ). While some of the Greeks were working the mines of
Chalcidice, others were sailing into the Hel'les-pont to fish and to found
settlements along its shores. The people of Miletus established more

An ancient history for beginners Sep 29, 2008 botsford, george willis,
1862-1917 Corinthian colony, however, became the chief commercial city
of the region (sect 136). While some of the Greeks were working the
mines of Chalcidice, others were sailing into the HeHes-pont to fish and

Researches in the Highlands of Turkey, including visits to Mounts Ida,

Athos, Olympus, and Pelion, to the Mirdite Albanians, and other remote
tribes with notes on the ballads, tales, and classical superstitions of the
modern Greeks Dec 18, 2007 tozer, henry fanshawe, 1829-1916

Chalcidice, one behind another, the peak of Athos rising supreme above
all and beyond the extremity of these was the distant island of Aghiostrati
to the south of Lemnos. In this part of the ascent

An ancient history for beginners [microf orm] Sep 26, 2012 botsford,
george willis, 1862-1917 (sect 136). While some of the Greeks were
working the mines of Chalcidice, others were sailing into the Hel'les-pont
to fish and to found settle- ments along its shores. The people of Miletus
established more

A History Of Greece Jan 17, 2017 j.b bury . Ileie Ioseidon riding, star i i i
i i [Icyend. 11]. Chalcis planted so many towns that the whole piomontory
was named Chalcidice. Some of the chief cities, however, were founded
by other states

Harmsworth history of the world Dec 10, 2008 mee, arthur, 1875-1943
150,000 The Robber Nobles of . Od spoken of . As an ally of Athens he
interfered in the affairs of Macedonia and Chalcidice we shall see later
on why this expedition proved

The classical gazetteer a dictionary of ancient geography, sacred and prof

ane Aug 11, 2008 william hazlitt town of Sabinium, on Ater- nus fl. R.,
towards its source, n.w. of Prifemum. The birth-place of Sallust. Near San
Vittorino, Amma, vide Amida. Ammaus, vide Hamath. AMMrrES fl., a r.
of Chalcidice

On the Peace, Second Philippic. On the Chersonesus, and the Third

Philippic May 4, 2009 démosthène t6 tQv raXatircipwv 0\wOlu)v diXeap
by Libanius iv 249 (ap. ASchaefer Dem. u, s. Z. ii 24). It may be placed N
of Chalcidice, and S of Mygdonia, Crestonia, and Bisaltia but its exact
position is

An ancient history for beginners Sep 30, 2008 botsford, george willis,
1862-1917 ). While some of the Greeks were working the mines of
Chalcidice, others were sailing into the Hel'les-pont to fish and to found
settlements along its shores. The people of Miletus established more

A History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great Feb 23, 2008
john bagnell bury many towns that the whole promontory was named
Chalcidice. Some of onllu Heraclea ChaUidUt. Oesend: \\\ the chief cities,
however, were founded by other states, notably a Corinthian Potidaea

Historia numorum, a manual of Greek numismatics (1911) Jul 11, 2011

head, barclay vincent, 1844-1914 cappadocia (Cities) ....... 752 ARMENIA

A smaller classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography,

abridged from the larger dictionary Jan 10, 2008 smith, william, sir, 1813-
1893 Thracians in the Trojan war, slain by the Telamonian Ajax.
ACANTHUS (-i), a town on the Isthmus, which connects the peninsula
of Athos with Chalcidice, founded by the inhabitants of Andros.

The History of Greece from Its Commencement to the Close of the

Independence ... Jul 26, 2009 adolf holm beautiful coins ornamented with
the head of Hermes, and included the numerous cities of the densely
populated Chalcidice, from Aenea to Potidaea, Mende, the Bacchus
worship of whi(}h is Digitized by VjOOQIC

Money And Monetary Policy In Early Times (1927) Jan 18, 2017 augustus
m. kelley, bookseller new york dissolved by the Romans in 146 b.c.1 A
league was formed in Chalcidice in 392 b.c., having its headquarters, and
probably a central mint at Olynthus, from whence were issued coins of
gold, silver and copper

A Smaller Classical Dictionary Of Biography Mythology And Geography

(1910) Jan 20, 2017 marindin g. e. connecting the peninsula of Acte with
Chalcidice, founded by a colony from Andros. ACARNAN (-anis Aapw),
one of the Epigoni, son of Alcmaeon and Callirrhoe, and brother of
Amphoterus. Their father was

History of the Peloponnesian War, done into English by Richard Crawley

May 14, 2008 thucydides the completion of the investment of Potidsa,
Phormio next employed his sixteen hundred men in ravaging Chalcidice
and Bottica: some of the towns also were taken by him. 64, 65] CAUSES

A smaller classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography.

Abridged from a larger dictionary Feb 26, 2014 smith, william, 1813-1893
Athos with Chalcidice, founded by the inhabitants of Andros.
ACARXAX (-anis), one of the Epigoni, son of Alcmaeon and Callirrhoe,
and brother of Amphoterus. Their father was murdered by Phegeus, when

A Smaller Classical Dictionary Biography Mythology And Geography

Nov 16, 2006 william smith peninsula of Athos with Chalcidice, founded
by the inhabitants of Andros. Amphoterus. Their father was murdered by

Phegeus when they were very young but as soon as they had grown up,
they slew

The history of the world a survey of a man's record Nov 14, 2008 helmolt,
hans f. (hans ferdinand), 1865-1929 command over a very considerable
force (one hundred and fifty thousand men are spoken of ). As an ally of
Athens he interfered in the affairs of Macedonia and Chalcidice: we shall
see later on why this

The Economic Of Ancient Greece Jan 17, 2017 michell, h. . Importation

of long-horns from Africa, Polyb. iv, 38, 4 from Mygdonia north of
Chalcidice in Macedonia, Her. vii, 126. There was certainly a great
scarcity of draught oxen in Attica. In 330329 Eudemos of

A smaller classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography Jul

19, 2011 smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 Isthmus connecting the peninsula
of Acte with Chalcidice, founded by a colony from Andros. ACARNAN
one of the Epigoni, son of Alcmaeon and Callirrhoe, and brother of

The history of Greece from its commencement to the close of the

independence of the Greek nation Jun 6, 2007 holm, adolf, 1830-1900
Aenus in Thrace, celebrated for its beautiful coins ornamented with the
head of Hermes, and included the numerous cities of the densely
populated Chalcidice, from Aenea to Potidaea, Mende, the Bacchus

A Smaller Classical Dictionary Biography Mythology And Geography Oct

31, 2006 william smith peninsula of Athos with Chalcidice, founded by
the inhabitants of Andros. Amphoterus. Their father was murdered by
Phegeus when they were very young but as soon as they had grown up,
they slew

The history of Greece Jul 26, 2009 keightley, thomas, 1789-1872 of the
vanquished there mi about double the number. The Athenians now placed

themaelres at the wall on the side of Potidea towards Chalcidice and

shortly after, Phonnion being sent out with sixteen


PELOPONNESIAN WAR Nov 6, 2006 john h. finley, jr. employed his
sixteen hundred men in ravaging Chalcidice and Bottica: some of the
towns also were taken by him. 65,66,67] CONGRESS AT LACEDEMON

History Of The World Jan 16, 2017 c.e. van sickle , and whose coast is
indented with small harbors Before 700 b c , Chalcis of Euboea had
established colonies so thickly over this region that It became known as the
Chalcidice Here also Corinth founded

A history of the ancient world May 3, 2007 botsford, george willis, 1862-
1917 were the source from which the natives of the West, including the
Romans, drew the larger part of their culture. 128. Colonies in Chalcidice.
While the Greeks were planting colonies in Italy and

A Smaller Classical Dictionary Of Biography, Mythology, And

Geography Jan 15, 2017 marindin, g.e. connecting the peninsula of Acte
with Chalcidice, founded by a colony from Andros. ACARNAN one of
the Epigoni, son of Alcmaeon and Callirrhoe, and brother of Amphoterus.

A manual of ancient geography. With a map showing the retreat of the

10,000 Greeks from Xenophon Oct 22, 2012 schmitz, leonhard, 1807-1890
Thrace as far as the river Nestus: he also added the peninsula of
Chalcidice and Illyricum as far as lake Lychnitis. After the subjugation of
Macedonia by the Romans, the country was divided into 4

The History Of Greece Vol II Nov 15, 2006 holm,adolf. coins ornamented
with the head of Hermes, and included the numerous cities of the densely
populated Chalcidice, from Aenea to Potidaea, Mende, the Bacchus

worship of which is of Lydia, and lastly the Athos Or, The Mountain of
the Monks Apr 27, 2008 athelstan riley known anciently by the respective
names of the Thermaic and Strymonic gulfs, and the projecting tract of
land itself as Chalcidice. From the southern, or, to speak more accurately,
the south-eastern

Grecian history: adapted to the use of schools and young persons :

illustrated by maps and engravings Aug 24, 2008 robbins, eliza, 1786-1853
the Thermaic and Strymonic gulfs. This peninsula, called Chal-ci-di-ce,
was divided into three smaller ones. The primitive inhabitants of
Chalcidice are supposed to have been the same Pelasgian race

A short history of the Greeks from the earliest times to B.C. 146 Dec 21,
2007 shuckburgh, evelyn shirley, 1843-1906 of the Athenian fleet in B.C.
425-424. Revolt of Chalcidice and Athenian defeat at Delium . 9. A year's
truce between Sparta and Athens, B.C. 423. Death of Cleon and Brasidas,
B.C. 422. Peace of

Ancient and modern history ... Aug 12, 2009 goodyear, w. h. (william
henry), 1846-1923 islands along this coast of Lesbos. Chios, Samos, and
Rhodes, there were settlements on the promontories of Chalcidice, jutting-
out from Macedonia. Especially important here were Olyntlius and

On the Peace, Second Philippic. On the Chersonesus, and the Third

Philippic May 4, 2009 Demosthenes thirteen years, than Sparta in her
thirty, or Athens in her seventy, years of supremacy (25). He has wronged
Olyntlius and Apollonia and the thirty-two cities of Chalcidice he has
wronged Tliessaly and

Geschichte der hl. Ligue und Leopolds i. vom Umschwung im

Gleichgewichtssystem des Westens durch ... Oct 2, 2008 antoni walewski
, dadurch eigentlich wurden diese Laumlnder ins griechische
Staatensystem eingefuumlhrt Corinth, Athen, besonders Chalcis (in

legten auf der mace- donischen Halbinsel, welche daher Chalcidice

genannt wurde

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) . Guide, PI. IV., 8
(wt. 271-5 grs.). The presence of this last coin in the hoard led me at first
to think of Chalcidice as the district to which the new types might also
belong, and their Eubo'ic weight

Out Lines Of Anchient History From The Earliest Times To The Fall Of
The Roaman Empire In The West, A.d. 476 Jan 20, 2017 harold mattingly
Macedon the coast was thickly dotted with Greek cities. The peninsula of
Chalcidice, with its three prongs, Pallene, Sithonia and Acte, was mainly
occupied by colonies from Chalcis and Eretria. Pydna…

Athos or, The mountain of the monks Jul 11, 2007 riley, athelstan, 1858-
1945 on the east by that of Contessa, these being known anciently by the
respective names of the Thermaic and Strymonic gulfs, and the projecting
tract of land itself as Chalcidice. From the southern, or

The historians' history of the world a comprehensive narrative of the rise

and development of nations as recorded by over two thousand of the great
writers of all ages: Oct 22, 2008 williams, henry smith, 1863-1943 to it in
turn first Sparta, then Thebes and Athens. The attempts to establish
permanent and assured conditions by local unions in small districts, as in
Chalcidice under Olynthus, in Boeotia and

The frogs of Aristophanes Apr 26, 2011 aristophanes territory of Skione

in Chalcidice. The slaves who were enfranchised after Arginusae were
apparently sent to join the Plataeans. P. 56, 11. 718-720, Is the same
towards men and money.]Mr. George Apr 3, 2008 thucydides, benjamin
jowett , bull Cp. ii 55-50] DEFECTION OF PERDICCAS 39 and might
induce the rest of Chalcidice to follow their example. These measures of
precaution were taken by the 57 Athenians immediately after the sea

Travels in Northern Greece. Oct 16, 2008 william martin Leake maritime
plain Syleus, and Thucydides has exactly described the places in relating
the march of Brasidas from Arnae in the Chalcidice to Amphipolis.
Moving from Amee, he arrived towards the evening at

Stories for Carmencita: Apr 28, 2016 calderón ramírez, salvador, 1869-
[from old catalog] the fire of Avernus, were metamorphosed into gentle
lambs, the Orphean lyre, with its magical power, having dissipated their
dreadful violence. An infamous Tyrant of Chalcidice was in the habit of

Atlas of ancient and classical geography Aug 5, 2011 , Fl. Chabota, Kuba
Chabur, Fl. . ChaTonea Chalacene Chalaeon. Chalastra Chalanne
Chalccdon, Scutari Chalcia, I., Karki . Chalcidice Chalcidico Chalcis,
Kinnisrin Chalcis, Negropont Chalcis

Historical and architectural sketches: chiefly Italian Jul 23, 2007 freeman,
edward augustus, 1823-1892 hands of the living. It is a small basilica, with
narrow aisles and with cross-arms which are something between a Roman
Chalcidice and a Northern transept. It has the same kind of crypt and

A history of Greece : from the earliest times to the Roman conquest with
supplementary chapters on the history of literature and art Dec 20, 2007
smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 . PELOPONNESIAN WAR
OF THE ATHENIANS TO SICILY. sect 1. League of Argos, Corinth,
Elea, Mantinea, and Chalcidice. sect 2. Transactions

Insel-studien. Versuch einer auf orographische und geologische

Verhältnisse gegründeten Eintheilung der Inseln Nov 23, 2014 hahn,
friedrich gustav, 1852- uns dann den drei Halbinselfingem der Chalcidice,
von denen die suumldlichste (Kassandra) die am wenigsten gebirgige ist,
die mittlere (Longos) schon ansteigt, die noumlrdlichste. Uagiuu Gros, an

L 090 Xenophon Hellenica II: 6 7 Anabasis 1 3 Dec 10, 2013 . 27

Apollonia. city in Chalcidice, v. ii. 11, iii. 1, 6. Apollonians, the, v. ii. 13
Apollophane8, Gyzicene, iv. i. 29 Aracns, Lacedaemonian admiral and
statesman, n. i. 7, iii. 10 m. ii. 6, 8 VI

Researches in the highlands of Turkey including visits to mounts Ida,

Athos, Olympus, and Pelion, to the Mirdite Albanians, and other remote
tribes Feb 14, 2009 tozer, henry fanshawe, 1829-1916 woodland and on
the opposite side of the water lay the three promontories of Chalcidice,
one behind another, the peak of Athos rising supreme above all and
beyond the extremity of these was the distant

Ancient and modern history Mar 18, 2008 Smyrna still exists, and the
important islands along this coast of Lesbo B, Chio B, Samoe, and Rhodes,
there were settlements on the promontories of Chalcidice, jutting out from
Macedonia. Especially

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) CHALCIDICE
(MACEDONIA). 2. Obu.Head of Apollo 1., laureate, hair short. Eev.X A
A K I A E fl N Lyre with seven strings beneath, EPIoAY traces of circular
incuse. JR. Size 1. Wt. 224 grs

The history of Greece from its commencement to the close of the

independence of the Greek nation Jun 6, 2007 holm, adolf, 1830-1900
Balkans, which 26 HISTORY OF GREECE CHAP. detaches spurs
southwards, at first of slight elevation but afterwards rising into
Chalcidice, with its varied outline and three promontories while beyond

Anomalies VM Jan 19, 2014 j.o. quantaman , whose policy is to keep

Greeks disunited, sends an expedition northwards to disrupt the
Chalcidian League, a confederation of cities of the Chalcidice
[Khalkidhiki] peninsula, east of Macedonia. The

Readings in ancient history Feb 16, 2008 webster, hutton, 1875-1955 bestir
yourselves for we should be guilty of an impiety if we deserted you
without cause and 1 Potidaea, a city of Chalcidice, was a tributary ally of
Athens. Its Revolt in 432 B, c. had led to its

The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race, Vol. 1 of 2 Jul 11, 2011
müller, karl otfried Doric Race, Vol. 1 of 2 beautiful district of the
country, were occupied by the Pelasgians, who, according to Herodotus,
also possessed Creston above Chalcidice, to which place they had come

Murray's small classical atlas Nov 21, 2013 grundy, g. b. (george beardoe),
1861-1948 Chalcia, xi. Ff Chalcidice, x. Da xi. Bb Chalcis, ii. Hd iii. Hd,
Ld x. Bb, Be, Bd, Dc xi. Bd xii. Ff, Ge Chalcotheke, xi. (Acropolis)
Chaldaei, xii. Hb Chalia, x. Dc Chalvison, i. Gc

Pope's Essay on man, and Essay on criticism Nov 9, 2009 pope, alexander,
1688-1744 poetry.Pope. Line 138. The Stagirite.Aristotle, born in
Stagira, Chalcidice, 384 B.C., died 322 B.C. The most distinguished of
Greek philosophers. Author of many works on logic and metaphysics

The Historians History Of The World Vol. Iii Jan 19, 2017 williams, henry
smith ed. assured conditions by local unions in small districts, as in
Chalcidice under Olynthus, in Bmotia and Arcadia, were never able to
hold out more than a short time. It was useless to look longer for the

The public orations of Demosthenes translated by Arthur Wallace

Pickard-Cambridge Apr 25, 2007 Demosthenes , though he had been
expelled in 352). But early in 348 he appeared in person in Chalcidice, and
took one after another of the towns of the League, including Mecyberna
the port of Olynthus, and Torone…

Hellenism and Macedonia Apr 7, 2014 kazazes, neokles , Kastoria, all

Chalcidice, attest the Hellenic charActer of the inhabitants of modern

Macedonia. The Europeans who pass through these regions can hardly
take full account of this, partly because their

The Complete Writings Of Thucydides The Peloponnesian War Oct 31,

2006 john h. finley, jr. , after the completion of the investment of
Potidaea, Phormio next employed his sixteen hundred men in ravaging
Chalcidice and Bottica: some of the towns also were taken by him. 6s,
66,67] CONGRESS AT books1 Nov 21, 2013 J c ... Chalcidice

Reattribution of certain tetradrachms of Alexander the Great Jan 14, 2008

newell, edward theodore, 1886-1941 symbols. See Herodotus, VII: 114.
OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT. 27 ros in the Chalcidice,25 to the north
and north-east the silver mines of Bisaltia and the mines about Philippi,
while the city itself was

Erklärung geographischer namen Nebst anleitung zur richtigen aussprache.

Für hõhere lehranstalten. Beilage zur schulgeographie Nov 22, 2014
konrad ganzenmüller Chalkidike (Chalcidice) 6enannt. Asvxog = weife,
barnad): Snfel Leucas = weife Leuctra

A hand book of Greek and Roman history for candidates preparing for
junior leaving and university matriculation [microf orm] Jun 5, 2009
macdonald, james destroyed in 338, but afterwards rebuilt.
Athos.Mountainous Peninsula of Chalcidice, termin- ating in a rocky
headland 6,000 feet in height. Byzantium.A Megarian colony on the
Bosporus. It became subject

Thucydides, book 3 Nov 1, 2007 thucydides moment. does not extend to

this. A period of is of course meant. Athens was now beginning to feel
the strain on her finances (see c. 19) and her position in Chalcidice was

A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest May
13, 2011 smith, william, 1813-1893 TO SICILY. 1. League of Argos,
Corinth, Elea, Mantinea, and Chalcidice. 2. Transactions between Sparta
and Athens. 3. Policy and charActer of Alcibiades. sect 4. He advocates
a league with Argos

Archaeological Discussions Mar 19, 2013 . Dialekle, III, p. 9, belong to the

dialect of Chalcidice, showing the Ionic tendency to replace a by e in the
neighborhood of liquids. Delphic Decree. Tn B.C.H. XXIII, 1899, p. 96,
Th. Homolle

Thucydides, Book VII Jan 28, 2008 thucydides . Through the failure in
Chalcidice of his admirer Thucydides (whose own \vant of foresight and
energy when he was placed in a difficulty reminds us strongly of the failing
that disfigured the charActer of

A Smaller History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman

Conquest Sep 20, 2008 william smith , carleton lewis brownson founded
by Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea and the peninsula of Chalcidice, with
its three projecting headlands, was covered with their settlements, and
derived its name from the former city. The

Beiträge zur syntax der griechischen sprache für den gebrauch beim
übersetzen ins Deutsche [microf orm] Mar 15, 2013 böttger, moritz
jenseitige Gegend touml sttI TdBpound die diesseitige Gegend poundx xob
i-Ki 0dTpoundpoc von der entgegengesetzten Seite her Td iz\ OpqLxrjc
das an der Grenze Thraciens Liegende = die Halbinsel Chalcidice zu Ol
poundx T

Via militaris Romanorum Egnatia [microf orm], qua Illyricum,

Macedonia et Thracia jungebantur pars occidentalis Feb 28, 2012 Tafel,
gottlieb lukas friedrich, 1787-1860 im AXxm. donischen (zuisthen dem
Peneios und Axios). nebst Chalcidice, allenthalben vielc Thrazier sassen
Menn anders nicht Macedonien in der vorgeschichtlichen Zeit i.ber. haupt

The frogs of Aristophanes Jul 28, 2008 aristophanes . 694, Become

Plataeans.]Wh'en Plataea was destroyed by Sparta in 431, the refugees
were granted rights of Athenian citizenship and eventually given land
(421) in the territory of Skione in Chalcidice

Aus der Demosthenes-Lektüre : zum Nachweis e. einheitl. Aufbaues d.

Volksreden d. Demosthenes, bes. d. 1. u. 2. Olynth Apr 3, 2016 rogge,
christian sie sich zu nichts entschliefsen konnten (sect 8 und 9), und zwar
die Zuruumlckweisung der Amphipolitaner sowie die Nichtbeachtung des
Hiifegesuchs der Griechenstaumldte auf der Chalcidice. Abschlufs: Durch

The Will Of Zeus Jan 18, 2017 barr,stringfellow Empire, Next, the fleet
coasted down to Acanthus, on the north shore of the first of the three
peninsulas which Chalcidice thmst southeastward into the Aegean Sea.
This first finger, called Acte, began

Modern And Ancient Geography Ed. 8 Jan 20, 2017 butler, samuel
Chalcidice, lying between the Sinus Stryinonicus and Therinaicus. Williin
the Sinus Tlierinaicus, on the South-east, was Pieria,. bordering on
Thessaly, and to the Soutli-west Elyniiotis. Immediately

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) on a badly-preserved
stater of Chalcidice in the Berlin Museum, Von Sallet, Beschreibung, vol.
ii. p. 72, No. 4. I have not, however, seen the coin. GREEK COINS

A hand-book of classical geography, chronology, mythology, and

antiquities Aug 18, 2009 allen, t[homas] p[rentiss], 1822-1868. [from old
catalog] . Olynthus. Amphipolis. Philippi.f M. Athos. Olympus.
Cambunii. Pindus. R. Strymon. Thermaic, Strymon'ic G. Chalcidice.
Paeonia. Pieria. Epil'US, Albania. Flourished under K. Pyrrhus, about B

A handbook to the palace of Minos, Knossus, with its dependencies Apr

5, 2010 pendlebury, j. d. s. (john devitt stringfellow), 1904-1941 carefully
planned. Starting at Crete in the south, and travelling as far as the ' three
prongs' of Chalcidice, they spanned the centuries from the prehistoric
times of Knossos to the Byzantine monasteries

A short history of the Greeks from the earliest times to B.C. 146 Nov 29,
2007 shuckburgh, evelyn s. (evelyn shirley), 1843-1906 fortification of
Pylos, and the capture of the Spartans on SphActeria, B.C. 425 231
Successful operations of the Athenian fleet in B.C. 425-424. Revolt of
Chalcidice and Athenian defeat at Delium . . 233 A

Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece, During the Middle of the

Fourth Century Before the ... Jul 3, 2008 jean jacques barthélemy, jean
denis barbié du bocage Nagara a village and ruins. Academy, a garden and
gymnasium, without the wails of Athens. Acanthus, a town of Chalcidice
now Hieriiot, a town. Acamania, a country of Greece now La CamiOf a

A short history of the Greeks from the earliest times to B.C. 146 Nov 12,
2009 shuckburgh, evelyn s. (evelyn shirley), 1843-1906 operations of the
Athenian fleet in B.C. 425-424. Revolt of Chalcidice and Athenian defeat
at Delium . . 233 9. A year's truce between Sparta and Athens, B.C. 423.
Death of Cleon and Brasidas

Readings in ancient history Feb 23, 2008 webster, hutton, 1875-1955

alliance of others. . . . We will remain your friends if you choose to bestir
yourselves for we should be guilty of an impiety if we deserted you
without cause and 1 Potidaea, a city of Chalcidice, was a

Laubwaldflora Norddeutschlands. Eine pflanzengeographische Studie Feb

17, 2016 höck, fernando, 1858-1915 i den danske flora, S. 358). Auch in
diesen Gegenden herrscht die Buche vor. 5) Nach Herder, Plantae
Raddeanae Monopetalaeldquo snwohl in Buchenwaumlldern Schoonens
als der Chalcidice, nach Beck ebenfalls

Readings in ancient history May 10, 2009 webster, hutton, 1875-1955 the
coast of Thrace and the peninsula of Chalcidice, Demosthenes saw with
ever growing clearness how great a danger threatened the disimited cities
of Greece. In several famous speeches {Philippics

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) duly admitted a
Member of the Society. ReadA paper by Mr. Borrell, of Smyrna, on
certain unedited Greek coins, of Apollonia, in Chalcidice Pylacseum, in
Phrygia Naulochus, in Ionia

Works of Xenophon v.3 pt.2 Nov 15, 2012 xenophon that is to say,
Thessaly, the free states of Chalcidice and Macedonia. Had the southern
districts not been so mountainous, no doubt cavalry would at this time have
taken the start which, with certain

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 129th Buy or Bid Sale Auction Jul 5, 2016 harlan j.
berk, ltd. imitation. VF 100 ROMAN PROVINCIAL BRONZE 362
CLEOPATRA AND MARK ANTONY AE 21, Chalcidice, Chalcis, 3231
BC, 5.49g., RPC-4771. Obv: Bust of Cleopatra r. Rx: Bare head of Antony
r. Bold Fine+ 875

Catalogue of a Selection from Colonel Leake's Greek Coins, Exhibited in

the Fitzwilliam Museum Oct 12, 2008 william martin Leake Chalcidenses
in Macedonia. Tetradrachm, Bosporic scale. The city at which this
beautiful piece was struck was probably Apollonia in Chalcidice, to which
the types of Apollo and the lyre naturally point

Geography and world power Jan 25, 2011 fairgrieve, james, 1870-1953
knowledge of the sea expansion beyond the river valleys brought her at
once into touch with the far-projecting peninsulas of Chalcidice, with its
many merchant cities dependent on the sea. Further

Geography and World Power Nov 13, 2012 fairgrieve, james once into
touch with the far-projecting peninsulas of Chalcidice, with its many
merchant cities dependent on the sea. Further expansion brought her at
once to a position by which she was able to control

Murray's small classical atlas Feb 3, 2016 grundy, g. b. (george beardoe),

1861-1948 . Ff Chalcedon, i. Eb ii. Ic iii. Ic Chalcia, xi. Ff Chalcidice, x.
Da xi. Bb Chalcis, ii. Hd iii. Hd, Ld x. Bb, Be, Bd, Dc xi. Bd xii. Ff, Ge
Chalcotheke, xi. (Acropolis) Chaldaei, xii. Hb

The frogs. Translated into English rhyming ferse Feb 1, 2008 aristophanes
ranted rights of Athenian citizenship and eventually given land (421) in
the territory of Skione in Chalcidice. The slaves who were enfranchised
after Arginusae were apparently sent to join the Plataeans

The History of Ancient Greece: Its Colonies, and Conquests Jul 26, 2009
john gillies called the region of Chalcis, gave name to the province of
Chalcidice in Syria, as Strabo mentions in his sixteenth book wherein he
explains how the principal division of Syria came to be distinguished

A sketch of modern and ancient geography, for the use of schools Oct 15,
2007 butler, samuel, 1774-1839 , bordering on Thrace, South-west of it
Chalcidice, lying between the Sinus Strymonicus and Thermaicus.
Within the Sinus Thermaicus, on the South-east, was Pieria, bordering on
Thessaly, and to the South

Theatre of the Greeks : containing, in a compendious form a great body of

information relative to the rise, progress, and exhibition of the Drama
together with an account of Dramatic writers from Thespis to Meander
May Chalcidice, Demosthenes in his Olynthiac Orations urges that a
citizen-army should be sent to help Olynthus, the chief town of the
district, and that the festival fund, from which the people were

The Open court Oct 7, 2009 carus, paul, 1852-1919 northward in

Chalcidice at the siege of Potidaea (432). The pictures given by
Alicibiades in the Symposium of Plato are brilliant and well-known,
moreover charActeristic and significant in several ways.

A history of Greece May 6, 2010 browne, r.w. far as Macedonia.

Acanthus and Apollonia, two cities in the peninsula of Chalcidice, had
refused to join a federal union of which Olynthus was the head. This latter
state, therefore, declared war

Greek literature Sep 18, 2007 tillyard, h. j. w. (henry julius wetenhall),

1881-1968 to shrink from no sacrifice to make resistance effective. The
Assembly, however, refused to be roused. In 349, when Philip was
attacking Chalcidice, Demosthenes in his Olynthiac Orations urges that .

The Link Oct 25, 2011 peninsula thirty miles long and from one to seven
and one-half miles wide, projecting from Greece into the Aegean Sea,
connected with the almost uninhabited, almost roadless mainland of
Chalcidice by a

The history and antiquities of the Doric race Feb 24, 2015 müller, karl
otfried, 1797-1840 plains of Emathia, the most beautiful district of the
country, were occupied by the Pelasgians who, according to Herodotus,
also possessed Creston above Chalcidice, to which place they had come

The geography of Herodotus Oct 22, 2012 wheeler, james talboys, 1824-
1897 , Crestonica . . . _ Peninsula of Chalcidice ... -i Eastern frontier
formed by Mount Dysorum . . .116 Herodotus's

Money And Monetary Policy In Early Times Jan 19, 2017 burns,a.r. in
Chalcidice in 392 b.c., having its headquarters, and probably a central mint
at Olynthus, from whence were issued coins of gold, silver and copper. It
is to the beautiful silver pieces it issued

Ueber Umarbeitung einiger aristophanischen Komödien Apr 22, 2008

joseph stanger auf Chalcidice ein allgemein hellenisches geworden. Daher
im Frieden von 422 die Tin dem von 421 die hellenischen selbst der
naturgemaumlsse Chor sein duumlrften. Der auf uns gekommene Friede

Ornament, two thousand decorative motifs in colour, forming a survey of

the applied art of all ages and all countries Jul 29, 2009 bossert, helmuth
theodor, 1889-1961, ed Chalcidice VIII 4 Chancay CXVI 8 - CXVII 3. 12.
16. 17 yenne CXIII 1.8. IS Chilcat CXI 25 Chile CXX46.6 Chimbote
CXIX 1,2, 4 rKlnaXClII 1-14 - XCVl-12 - XCVIl-7 - XCVII 1-6 - XCVIII
1-9 - XCIX 1-6. 8

A History of Greece, from the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest by

R. W. Browne, M.A. D. Ph., Prebendary of St. Paul's ... Jun 7, 2016 robert
william browne grasping arms as far as Macedonia. Acanthus and
Apollouia, two cities in the peninsula of Chalcidice, had refused to join
a federal union of which Olynthus was the head. This latter state, therefore

The history and antiquities of the Doric race, Aug 30, 2016 tufnell, henry,
1805-1854 district of the coiiiitiy, were occupied by the Pelasgi who,
according to Herodotus, also ])ossessed Crestou above Chalcidice, to
which place they had come from Thessaliotis Hence the Macedonian

The History of Greece from Its Commencement to the Close of the

Independence ... Feb 14, 2008 adolf holm populated Chalcidice, from
Aenea to Potidaea, Mende, the Bacchus worship of which is 212
HISTORY OF GREECE chap. testified to by its coins, Scione, Olynthus,
so famous in the time of Demosthenes, Torone

A sketch of modern and antient geography, for the use of schools Feb 25,
2008 butler, samuel, 1774-1839 , was Edonis, bordering on Thrace, South-
west of it Chalcidice, lying between the Sinus Strymonicus and

Thermaicus. Within the Sinus Thermaicus, on the South-east, was Pieria,

bordering on Thessaly

Readings In Ancient History Oct 31, 2006 hutton webster itself. As the
crafty Macedonian king gradually extended his power along the coast of
Thrace and the peninsula of Chalcidice, Demosthenes saw with ever
growing clearness how great a danger threatened

Ethnographie de la Turquie d'Europe Nov 6, 2014 lejean, g[uillaume],

1828-1871. [from old catalog] la civilisation moderne en Orient, car
Baume die Gestado von Maceacutedonien (Chalcidice), von Thracien
(Chersonesus oder Halbinsel von Gullipoli, die Inseln Lemnos und
SamoThrace, die Ufer der Propontis

... Ioanni Michaeli Francisco Brinbaum Iuris utriusque et philosophiae

Doctori ... Honorum Doctoris Iuris utriusque ... solennia semisaecularia ...
gratulantur Academiae Ludovicianae Rector et Senatus ... Inest Friderici
Guilelmi Gassii de claustris in monte Atho sitis commentatio historica Oct
2, 2014 friedrich wilhelm gass alten Mftcedonien erqui ckt sich in
uampUumlilier Kichiung die bergige Landschaft Chalcidice, etwa Ib
Me'deu lung und von dein Stryuioiuumlaumlchen und Thanuisdieii
Heerbweii begreniti Nach Sttdolaeii linll sie

Readings in Ancient History Apr 11, 2008 hutton webster an impiety if we

deserted you without cause and Potidaea, a city of Chalcidice, was a
tributary ally of Athens. Its Revolt in 432 b. c. had led to its investment
by an Athenian army. FUNERAL

Socrates, master of life Nov 14, 2009 leonard, william ellery, 1876-1944
citizen-warrior in the early days of the Peloponnesian War, he is far
northward in Chalcidice at the siege of Potidaea (432). The pictures given
by Alcibiades in the Symposium of Plato are brilliant

Die Griechen als Stamm- und Sprachverwandte der Slawen Mar 26, 2008
gregor dankovszky damals bewohnten die Thracier auch PierienEmathien
und die nachmalige Halbinsel Chalcidice, die in den Gebii|[8gipfel Athqs
endigt, sie bewohnten einen Thoil des nachmaligen Macedoniens

The Strategy Of Indirect Approach Nov 16, 2006 liddell hart and struck at
the Athenian dominion in Chalcidice which has been aptly termed the
'Achilles heel of the Athenian empire'. By a combination of military force
with the promise of freedom and protection

The Bible pedigree of the nations of the world, as attested and expanded
by ancient records and traditions, and by early and long-lasting national
names Nov 16, 2007 rouse, martin l (about B.C. 40) describes Chalcidice
as part of Thrace,|| and Strabo declares that in his time (about B.C. 10) the
Thracians were occupying Macedonia and part of Thessaly.lF Unless
indeed the Thracian

The Historians History Of The World Volume III Nov 10, 2006 henry
smith williams importance in Greece succumbs to it in turn first Sparta,
then Thebes and Athens. The attempts to establish permanent and assured
conditions by local unions in small districts, as in Chalcidice under

Longman's atlas of ancient geography [cartographic material] Sep 1, 2015

butler, george, 1819-1890, ed Chaboras FI. Chabriu Charax ... Chregronea
Chala ... ... Chalregum ... Chalcedon ... Chalcia ... ... Chalcidice ... Chalcis
... ... Chalcis ... ... Chalcis ... ... Chalcis ... ... Chalcitis Chalcodonius M
Chaldregi ... ... Chaldregi

The history and antiquities of the Doric race Jul 11, 2008 müller, karl
otfried, 1797-1840 , who, according to Herodotus, also possessed Creston
above Chalcidice, to which place they had come from Thessaliotis Hence
the Macedonian dialect was full of primitive Greek words. And that these

A short history of ancient times Aug 20, 2009 myers, p. v. n. (Philip van
ness), 1846-1937 help of emigrants from other cities, founded so many
coloniesthirty-two owned her as their mother citythat the land became
known as Chalcidice. One of the chief attractions of this shore to the

Sertum, a Greek reading book for the use of the fourth form at Eton Oct
15, 2008 sertum from shipwreck. iufoicearraiiyaBlytu] See Note on Ex.
35, line 4. 157 the OlyrdMcun, Of Olynthus, in Chalcidice, on the coast
of Macedonia. See Note on Ex. 22, line

A smaller classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography

Nov 21, 2009 smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 (-i), a town on the Isthmus,
which connects the peninsula of Athos with Chalcidice, fouuded by the
inhabitants of Audros. one of the Epigoni, son of Alcmaeon and
Callirrhoe, and

A dictionary of the military science Jun 20, 2009 campbell, e. s. norman.

[from old catalog] Athens. bull AcAKKANiA, a country in the Northern
part of Greece. Karlaii. Acanthus, a town of Chalcidice. Melochi. A, a
country in the Peloponnesus. The Northern part of - the Morea,

The Struggle with the Saracens, 717-1057 Oct 22, 2010 e. w. brooks, a. a.
vasil'evvasiliev having entered the Hellespont and captured Abydos, the
chief custom-house port for ships going to Byzantium, he suddenly
departed, and then, coasting round the peninsula of Chalcidice,

Readings In Ancient History Jan 16, 2017 hutton webster crafty

Macedonian king gradually extended his power along the coast of Thrace
and the peninsula of Chalcidice, Demosthenes saw with ever growing
clearness how great a danger threatened the disunited cities

Early Sites Of Christianity Oct 30, 2006 pater bamm towers up in the
southwest, rising almost ten thousand feet into the deep blue sky. Below,

to the south southeast, the Gulf of Salonika is hemmed in by the green

hills of Chalcidice, which extends

Geography and world power. A text-book of matriculation standard,

illustrating the geographic control of history Aug 22, 2007 fairgrieve,
james, 1870- expansion'beyond the river valleys brought her at once into
touch with the far-projecting peninsulas of Chalcidice, with its many
merchant cities dependent on the sea. Further expansion brought her at
once to

Socrates : master of life Jul 25, 2006 leonard, william ellery, 1876-1944
...citizen-warrior in the early days of the Peloponnesian War, he is far
northward in Chalcidice at the siege of Potidaea (432). The pictures given
by Alcibiades in the Symposium of Plato are brilliant

Socrates, master of life May 1, 2009 leonard, william ellery, 1876-1944

not teaching. Armed with the heavy shield and spear of a hoplite, a citizen-
warrior in the early days of the Peloponnesian War, he is far northward
in Chalcidice at the siege of Potidaea (432).

Ancient history Nov 11, 2009 myers, p. v. n. (Philip van ness), 1846-1937
colonies thirty-two owned her as their mother city that the land became
known as Chalcidice. One of the chief attractions of this shore to the
Greek colonists was the rich copper, silver, and gold

Anomalies VM Jan 17, 2014 j. o. quantaman , whose policy is to keep

Greeks disunited, sends an expedition northwards to disrupt the
Chalcidian League, a confederation of cities of the Chalcidice
[Khalkidhiri] peninsula, east of Macedonia.

A syllabus and note book for ancient history Oct 23, 2007 armstrong, robert
d MACEDONIA. I. Macedonia. A. Extent. B. The civilized lowland and
barbarous upland. C. Influence on Macedonia of the Chalcidice
settlements. D. Race. E. Greek policy of the Macedonian kings. II. Philip.

The frogs of Aristophanes Nov 1, 2009 aristophanes citizenship and

eventually given land (421) in the territory of Skione in Chalcidice. The
slaves who were enfranchised after Arginusae were apparently sent to join
the Plataeans. P. 56, 11. 718720, Is the

Socrates, master of life Mar 17, 2008 leonard, william ellery, 1876-1944
war, he is far northward in Chalcidice at the siege of Potidaea (432). The
pictures given by Alcibiades in the Symposium of Plato are brilliant and
well known moreover, charActeristic and significant

Stories for Carmencita Jul 9, 2009 salvador calderón ramírez, aloysius c

gahan lambs, the Orphean lyre, with its magical power, having dissipated
their dreadful violence. An infamous Tyrant of Chalcidice was in the
habit of beheading his slaves and bathing in the warm blood of his

The frogs of Aristophanes Nov 10, 2009 aristophanes citizenship and

eventually given land (421) in the territory of Ski6ne in Chalcidice. The
slaves who were enfranchised after Arginusae were apparently sent to join
the Plataeans. P. 56, 11. 718720, Is the

Guide to the halls and galleries of the Memorial Museum purchased with
surplus proceeds of the California Midwinter International Exposition Apr
21, 2016 golden gate park memorial museum (san francisco, calif.)
Arsince, gold. 1699Si cilia. Syracuse. Obv. Head of Demeter to right
behin( a torch. Rev. Biga to rights bronze. 1700 Macedonia. Chalcidice.
Obv. I,aurel-wreathed head of Apollo. Rev. Lyre

Geography and world power Nov 16, 2009 fairgrieve, james, 1870-1953
the sea expansion beyond the river valleys brought her at once into touch
with the far-projecting peninsulas of Chalcidice, vsdth its many merchant
cities dependent on the sea. Further expansion

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd., 190th Buy or Bid Sale catalog. Jun 20, 2016 harlan j.
berk, ltd. supreme power within the league and, no doubt, the mint of the
leagues coinage. When forcing other cities of the Chalcidice such as
Akanthos to join the league, Olynthos succumbed to the then Greek

Archaeological Discussions Mar 19, 2013 bates, william n. inscription

from Chalcidice is published. 9. In J. G. Ill, 170 the name of the Thracian
town is restored as aa-rv to [4]3S[(ov]. 10. An inscription from Lampsacus
{B. C, H. XVII, p. 555, No. 57) is restored

Archaeological News Mar 19, 2013 deane, sidney n. , Galiko Valley, the
plain of Salonica, the basin of Langaza, the valley of the Vasilika, and
the Chalcidice. A table of prehistoric stations which were occupied in
Hellenic or Hellenistic times is

A smaller classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography Jul

28, 2008 smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 war, slain by the Telamonian Ajax.
ACANTHUS (-i), a town on the Isthmus, which connects the peninsvda
of Athos with Chalcidice, founded by the inhabitants of Andros.
ACARXAN (-anis), one of the Epigoni

A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest, with
supplementary chapters on the history of literature and art Dec 21, 2007
smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 TO SICILY. 1. League of Argos, Corinth,
Elea, Mantinea, and Chalcidice. 2. actions between Sparta and Athens. 3.
Policy and charActer of Alcibiades. 4. He advocates a league with

The Historians' History of the World Mar 8, 2009 henry smith williams
assured conditions by local unions in small districts, as in Chalcidice under
Olynthus, in Boeotia and Arcadia, were never able to hold out more than
a short time. It was useless to look longer for

The Historians' History of the World Mar 8, 2009 henry smith williams
Greece, succumbs to it in tnm first Sparta, then Thebes and Athens. The

attempts to establish permanent and assured conditions by local unions in

small districts, as in Chalcidice under Olynthus, in

Beiträge zur Ethnologie und darauf begründete Studien Feb 8, 2009 adolf
bastian . Cbalcis war vom Koumlnig mt Eretria auf Euboea, durch den
Macistus aus Bus culonisiru Die eubueischen Colonisten lies-eQ sich
zuerst auf dem Vorgebirge BiUumlionia in Chalcidice nieder. Das

A smaller classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography ...

Dec 1, 2009 william smith Chalcidice, founded by the inhabitiints of
Andros. ACARNAN (-3nis), one of the Epigoni, son of Alcmaeon and
CallirrhoS, and brother of Amphoterus. Their father was murdered by
Phegeus, when they were

Euripides Heracles Apr 2, 2008 euripides volcanic region according to

some the scene of the conflict was Pallene in Chalcidice: according to
others, the volcanic region of South Italy. Heracles is described as daTria-
TTjs here but 1. 179

A companion to Greek studies May 21, 2015 whibley, leonard, 1862 or

1863-1941 ...... 3 4 Macedonia ....... 4 5 Chalcidice .....5 6 Thessaly .......
5 7 Illyricum and Epeirus ..... 7 8 Central Greece ...... 8 9 Acarnania and
Aetolia ..... 8 10

Alexander the Great May 13, 2011 russell, ada, 1879- town of
Thessalonica, now the di:ty and picturesque babel of Salonica, of the
utmcst importance as a railway terminus. Eastward laj the three-pronged
peninsula of Chalcidice, for whidi Philip fought

A classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography Aug 25,

2015 smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 Trojan war, slain by the Telamonian
Ajax. ACCA. 3 Acanthus (vAcaigtQos: Atauffios). 1. (Nr. Erso, Ru.), a
town on the Isthmus, which connects the peninsula of Athos with
Chalcidice. It was founded by

Travel in the first century after Christ... May 16, 2009 skeel, caroline a. j .
This led through lUyria into Macedonia, passing Edessa, Bella and
Thessalonica, then along the neck of Chalcidice to Thrace, and so to
Byzantium. Among its important branches were the roads do\vn the

The geography of Herodotus ... illustrated from modern researches and

discoveries Oct 1, 2010 wheeler, james talboys, 1824-1897 districts: Pieria,
Macedonia Proper, Bottiaeis, Mygdonia, Crestonica . . . . . ib Peninsula
of Chalcidice

The History Of The Peloponnesian War Jan 21, 2017 not available
ravaging Chalcidice and Bottica: some of the | towns also were taken by
Congress of the Peloponnesian Confederacy at Lacedaemon B.C laquoa.

A History of Greece by the Rev. Connop Thirlwall Vol. 3 Jul 24, 2016 he
could do more service out of the place than in it, he contrived to elude the
Athenian guardships, and passing over to Chalcidice there carried on the
war with considerable success against the

History of Greece May 2, 2007 collier, william francis . Varying the

monotony with human sacrifices, it proceeded along the shore to Mount
Athos, where the army struck inland across the peninsula of Chalcidice.
Athens and Sparta stood almost alone in this hour

The history and antiquities of the Doric race Mar 14, 2013 müller, karl
otfried, 1797-1840 district of the country, were occupied by the
Pelasgians,6 who, according to Herodotus, also possessed Creston above
Chalcidice, to which place they had come from Thessaliotis Hence the
Macedonian dialect

A manual of ancient geography: For the Use of Schools Feb 25, 2008
william latham bevan the southern district The sea-coast is very irregular:
the bays formed by the advancing headlands of Chalcidice areSinus
Thermaicus, Gulf of Scdomki, which receives the Axius Sin.
Toronaicus, G. of

The Review of reviews Mar 1, 2008 stead, w. t. (william thomas), 1849-

1912 Strumnitza to Buk, on the Mester. This arrangement deprives
Bulgaria of the whole of Chalcidice, and leaves her with access to the
Cgean, it is true, but without a single adequate port on the whole of

Handbook of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston May 16, 2007 museum of
fine arts, boston . The Apollo at Chalcidice (21) resembles that at Rhegium
(29) but these differ from his feminine appear- 1-2, Archelaus I. 13,
Thebes, Greece 14, Delphi, Greece. 15, Alexander the Great 16, King

A History of Greece Aug 2, 2008 connop thirlwall surpriae Pirwos

Operatians of the Athenians in Chalcidice-The Odrysian
MonarchyAlliance of Sitaloae witK AthenaSnartan Embassy to Persia
Expedition of Sitalccs-Conoitioa of Macedonia . Retreat of

The Historians' history of the world: A comprehensive narrative of the

rise ... Oct 12, 2009 henry smith williams and assured conditions by local
unions in small districts, as in Chalcidice under Olynthus, in Boeotia and
Arcadia, were never able to hold out more than a short time. It was useless
to look longer for

A Dictionary of Ancient Geography: Explaining the Local Appellations in

... Jan 22, 2008 alexander macbean , samuel johnson , Plutarch, Paufanias.
A fourth in Macedonia, in the territory of Mygdonia, Pliny, Ptolemy. A
fifth in the territory of Chalcidice, in Macedonia, on the eaft fide of the
Sinus Thermaicus, Livy. A fixth

The historians' history of the world a comprehensive narrative of the rise

and development of nations as recorded by over two thousand of the great
writers of all ages Nov 8, 2009 williams, henry smith, 1863-1943 to it in
turn first Sparta, then Thebes and Athens. The attempts to establish
permanent and assured conditions by local unions in small districts, as in
Chalcidice under Olynthus, in Boeotia and

High school ancient history Jul 13, 2016 morey, william c. (william carey),
1843-1925 this feat in twenty dayswhich he in fact accomplished, with the
aid of Demosthenes. (5) The campaign of Bras'idas in Chalcidice.
BrasiMas was the most able of the Spartan generals. As the war had

The Montagu collection of coins which will be sold by auction by Sotheby,

Wilkinson Hodge, at their house, 1896 : catalogue Nov 27, 2007 sotheby
co. (london, england) Agathocles 105, Tetradrachm of Chalcidice 115,
Double Stater of Alexander the Great 120, The excessively rare
Tetradrachm of the same king 167, Stater of Panticapaeum 181, Drachm
of Alexander of Pherae

The Argonautica of Gaius Valerius Flaccus Setinus Balbus : Book I.

Translated into English prose with introduction and notes Nov 10, 2009
valerius flaccus, caius three prongs of Chalcidice in Macedonia, is
famous in classical mythology as the site of this terrific contestthis
volcanic upheaval of the Sons of Earth against the arbitrary despotism of
the King

Commentary On Herodotus Vol. 2 Jan 16, 2017 wells, j. neighbours of

Macedon may be placed between the Strymon and Mount Athos. In the
list of tribes given in vii. 185 they come between the men of Chalcidice
and the Pieres. The two passages agree if in vii. 185

Travel in the first century after Christ... Oct 19, 2008 skeel, caroline a. j
Thessalonica, then along the neck of Chalcidice to Thrace, and so to
Byzantium. Among its important branches were the roads down the east
and west of Greece meeting at Athens, and the road from Aphrodisias to

Greece and the European economic community. Oct 6, 2015 butler,

frederick william beings.' The military leaders did conduct extensive
research which led them to develop the most advantageous areas, i.e.,
Crete, Corfu, Rhodes, Argolis in the Peloponnesus and the Chalcidice

The Historians History Of The World Volume Iii Jan 20, 2017 henry smith
williams . Thucydides, the liistoriaii, banished for not succouring
Amphipolis in time. Brasidas takes towns of Chalcidice. 423. Truce
between Athens and Sparta. Scione in Chalcidice Revolts to Sparta and

The Numismatic Chronicle Aug 10, 2008 royal numismatic society (great
britain) 27,1848.] APOLLONIA IN CHALCIDICE. No. LFront-faced
head of a Lion. R.Alio A. in the four segments of an indented square. AR.
3. 25 grains. {My cabinet), [See plate, fig. 1.] 2.Same head. R

A History Of Greece Vol. 3 Jan 20, 2017 connop thirlwall rejected,

thinking he could do more service out of the place than in it, he contrived
to elude the Athenian guardships, and passing over to Chalcidice there
carried on the war with considerable success

The History of Greece from Its Commencement to the Close of the

Independence ... Mar 8, 2009 adolf holm afterwards rising into Chalcidice,
with its varied outline and three promontories while beyond the Thermaic
Gulf, which washes well-watered Macedonia, it presents a gigantic ridge,
the ramifications of which

A new classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography,

partly based on the "Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and
mythology." Nov 22, 2009 smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 ). 1, (Nr. jEz-so,
Ru.), a town on the Isthmus, which connects the peninsula of Athos with
Chalcidice. It was founded by the inhabitants of Andros, and continued
to be a place of considerable importance

The geography of Herodotus ... illustrated from modern researches and

discoveries Oct 1, 2008 wheeler, james talboys, 1824-1897 Divided into
five districts: Pieria, Macedonia Proper, Bottiaeis, Mygdonia, Crestonica
. . . ib Peninsula of Chalcidice ... i

Thracian World at Crossroad of Civilizations ~ Proceedings of 7th

International Congress of Thracology May 23, 2012 The Derrones are
probably the most significant Paeonian tribe in the area from Chalcidice
to Dorian, expanding onto the territory of Shtip and Kratovo and
northward. The Siropaeones and the Paeoples

A History of Greece Aug 27, 2008 connop thirlwall could do more service
out of the place than in it, he contrived to elude the Athenian guardships,
and passing over to Chalcidice there carried on the war with considerable
success against the allies of

The Argonautica, Book 1 Jan 12, 2009 valerius flaccus, gaius, 1st cent
Pallene, the westernmost of the three prongs of Chalcidice in
Macedonia, is famous in classical mythology as the site of this terrific
contestthis volcanic upheaval of the Sons of Earth against the

Travel in the first century after Christ... Oct 20, 2008 skeel, caroline a. j
the great Egnatian highway to the East. This led through IlljTia into
Macedonia, passing Edessa, Pel la and Thessalonica, then along the neck
of Chalcidice to Thrace, and so to Byzantium. Among its

Handbook Of The Museum Of Fine Arts Boston Jan 18, 2017 digital
library of india head of a statue. Treatment of the same subject varies to
a considerable extent. The Apollo at Chalcidice (21) resembles that at
Ehegium (29) but these differ from his feminine appear- 12

Greece and the European economic community. Aug 15, 2012 butler,
frederick william , Argolis in the Peloponnesus and the Chalcidice
peninsula south-east of Thessalonike. However, they were so anxious to
exploit the perceived commercial value of the areas that they provided

Alexander The Great I Sources And Studies Jan 16, 2017 tarn,w.w smaller
Macedonian landoWers who had been setded by Phi Up in Chalcidice and
the conquered coastal district and who were the Kings men they were
divided into eight territorial squadrons, and by Gaugamela

Thucydides. With an English translation by Charles Forster Smith May 14,

Three ancient biographies1 of Thucydides have come down to us, but they
are of

The Montagu collection of coins which will be sold by auction by Sotheby,

Wilkinson Hodge, at their house, 1896 : catalogue Dec 2, 2008 sotheby
co. (london, england) -pointed .star below horse ' Incuse square diagonally
divided, wt. 264 grs., fine and very rare From the Carfrae collection. 26
199 Chalcidice, Epoch of the League, B.C. 392-370

Aristotelia von Dr. Adolf Stahr, ordentlichem Lehrer am Königl.

Pädagogium zu Halle. Erster Zweiter Theil Jul 30, 2016 adolf stahr
mehrere Staumldte jener Gegend, eine alte Kolonie der Andrier
uumlberhaupt waren faft alle Staumldte in Chalcidice griechifchen
Urfprungs auml), und griechifches Leben und griechifche Sitte uumlhten
hier faszlig niclit

De via militari romanorum Egnatia, qua Illyricum, Macedonia et Thracia

iungebantur Feb 12, 2015 Tafel, gottlieb lukas friedrich (theophilus) .
Macedonia medii aevi, coll. Coranientatione II. p. 33 sq. liis taraen
Belioniiis paulo post ipse adversatnr ,) SideroCapsa in Chalcidice posita
est, e meridie Stag-irae rudernin, ad

Outlines of ancient history : for the use of high schools and academies
Nov 6, 2007 morey, william c. (william carey), 1845-1925 in fact
accomplished, with the aid of Demosthenes. (5) The campaign of
Bras'idas in Chalcidice. Brasidas was the most able of the Spartan
generals. As the war had thus far been favorable to Athens

The history of Greece Jun 6, 2007 mitford, william, 1744-1827 .

CONTENTS. Vli Honours to Themistocles. Revolt of Chalcidice from
the Persians. Siege of Potidaaa by Artabazus ------ Page 166 SECT. II.
Preparations for the CampaignCongress at Athens

Descriptive catalogue of Greek coins ... Nov 15, 2009 bement, c. s . In B.

C. 358 Philip II of Macedon subdued all Chalcidice and terminated the
League. IJ5 - Phoenician Tetradrachm 14-48 gr. 25 mm. Obv. Head of
Apollo, laureate, r. 36 Catalogub of Greek Coixs Rev

Handbook of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Jul 30, 2015 museum of
fine arts, boston . Treatment of the same subject varies to a considerable
extent. The Apollo at Chalcidice (21) resembles that at Rhegium (29) but
these differ from his feminine appear- 12, Archelaus I. 13, Thebes, Greece

History And Antiquities Of The Doric Race Vol.1 Jan 16, 2017 lewis,
george cornewall, tr. Pelasgireg, who, according toeroctus, also possessed
Creston above Chalcidice|i,f which place they had come from
Thessaliotis.'|ijence the Macedonian dialect was fuU of primitive week

The Birds of Aristophanes considered in relation to Athenian politics Sep

2, 2008 harman, edward george, 1862-1921 of the Athenian lliuc. iv. 17-
20. laquo Ibid. 21, 22. Ibid. 66. 78 THE BIRDS forces at Delimn, and
Brasidas, who had passed with a picked force through Thessaly into
Chalcidice was detaching city

The shepherd kings of Egypt [microf orm] Sep 9, 2008 campbell, john,
1840-1904 Astraeus or Aestraeus, like the Cayster, commemorates
Achashtari. Chalcidice is a memorial of Jehaleleel, although Sithonia, in
all probability, like the district of Aeatraea, preserves the name of Sheth

The Cities Of The Eastern Roman Provinces Jan 20, 2017 a. h. m. jones
several cities. The other might be Chalcidice or Chalcidene in favour of
this hypothesis is Plinys note on the city of Chalcis ad Belum,
lsquowhence the Chalcidene region, which like his note on Cyrrhus

And I got caught in Cairo Jan 24, 2008 rice, lillian l of Greece, properly
so called, there occupied the territory denominated, from the name of their
original country, Chalcidice. About the same time, the Cypselides
compelled, by their tyranny, other

The History of Greece from Its Commencement to the Close of the

Independence ... Feb 3, 2008 adolf holm spurs southwards, at first of slight
elevation but afterwards rising into Chalcidice, with its varied outline and
three promontories while beyond the Thermaic Gulf, which washes well-
watered Macedonia

Travel in the first century after Christ : with special reference to Asia Minor
Apr 27, 2007 skeel, caroline a. j through Illyria into Macedonia, passing
Edessa, Pella and Thessalonica, then along the neck of Chalcidice to
Thrace, and so to Byzantium. Among its important branches were the
roads down the east and

An introduction to comparative philology Oct 24, 2007 edmonds, j. m.

(john maxwell) , Crete, Melos and Thera with Gyrene, and Rhodes with
Gela and Agrigentum. (iii) Ionic : corresponding to the Ionian race- group,
spoken in Euboea with Cumae and Chalcidice, the Cyclades, Chios and

A descriptive catalogue of Greek coins Aug 6, 2012 bement, clarence

sweet, 1843-1923. [from old catalog] united to drive Athens out of

Thrace. In B. C. 358 Philip II of Macedon subdued all Chalcidice and

terminated the League. 115 Bamp-. Phoenician Tetradrachm Uf-JjSgr.\
25mm. Obv. Head of Apollo, laureate, r

The History of Greece Jun 9, 2009 thomas keightley men and their general
Callias on the side of the vanquished ther fell about double the number.
The Athenians now placed themselves at the wall on the side of Potidaea
towards Chalcidice and shortly

An introduction to comparative philology for classical students Feb 21,

2009 edmonds, john maxwell. [from old catalog] ) Ionic: corresponding to
the Ionian race- group, spoken in Euboea with Cumae and Chalcidice, the
Cyclades, Chios and Samos, and S.W. Asia Minor including Ephesus and
Miletus. (iv) Attic: the dialect of

Handbook Nov 7, 2008 museum of fine arts, boston considerable extent.

The Apollo at Chalcidice (21) resembles that at Rhegium (29) but these
differ from his feminine appear- 12, Archelaus I. 13, Thebes, Greece 14,
Delphi, Greece. 15, Alexander the Great

The Rhesus of Euripides Jul 29, 2008 porter, w. h. (william holt) the
reference must be to the Chalcidice, and as the Chalcidice lies west of the
Strymon it follows that the term Thracian might be applied in Homer to a
dweller on the banks of that river. As Ave

Heracleidao Apr 5, 2008 euripides MapafftSyos [But P. thinks Pallene

was towards Megara.] At any rate, distinguish this place from the
peninsula and town in Chalcidice. EXPLANATORY

De Thessalonica eiusque agro dissertatio geographica Jul 15, 2008 gottlieb

lukas friedrich Tafel inedii aevi occurrit. Habuit Atticasuos djiovg
(theotisce: Gemeinden) item Chalcidice, Thessalia alL, non urbs
Thessalonica, quae ipsa fuit djifiog, De hac confusioae utriusque

Atlas Antiquus Mar 28, 2017 . Pulcrum. Apollinopolis Aeg. v. Apollonos.

Apollonia Chalcidice Mac. VI Bh Apollonia Cret. V Gf Apollonia Illyr.
rud. Pollina V Ba Apollonia op. gr Lib. (Cyr.) p. Sozopolis, Marsa Suza
XII Fg Apollonia Lyc

The types of Greek coins an archaeological essay Aug 30, 2016 gardner,
percy, 1846-1937 effects of these federations in the numismatic series.
Perhaps the earliest of great Hellenic leagues, at least the earliest which
requires mention here, is that which comprised the cities of Chalcidice

The Mediterranean Lands Jan 20, 2017 walker,d.s , Samothracc and the
Chalcidice peninsula are remnants of the Rhodope block which survived
when the northern Aegean was formed by subsidence, an event which may
have been delayed as late as the

An introduction to comparative philology for classical students Nov 10,

2009 edmonds, j. m. (john maxwell) race- group, spoken in Euboea with
Cumae and Chalcidice, the Cyclades, Chios and Samos, and S.W. Asia
Minor including Ephesus and Miletus. (iv) Attic: the dialect of Attica,
classed by some writers as

Thucydides Jun 21, 2011 thucydides book pi 257 MAPS CORCYRA AND
PIRAEUS ,, 157 INTRODUCTION The only authentic facts about the life
of Thucydides are gathered

A History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest.

With Supplementary Chapters ... Feb 4, 2008 william smith Chalcidice. 2.
Tr:ns actions between Sparta and Athens. 3. Policy and charActer of
Alcibi. odes. 4. He advocates a league with Argos. Resorts to a strategem
to procure it. 5. Alcibiades victor

Outlines of ancient history : for the use of high schools and academies
May 4, 2009 morey, william c. (william carey), 1843-1925 Chalcidice.

Brasidas was the most able of the Spartan generals. As the war had thus
far been favorable to Athens, he conceived the brilliant idea of weakening
Athens by striking her allies in the north

Researches in the highlands of Turkey including visits to mounts Ida,

Athos, Olympus, and Pelion, to the Mirdite Albanians, and other remote
tribes May 16, 2008 tozer, henry fanshawe, 1829-1916 rising behind it then
followed other distant mountains, and the lowlands of Chalcidice, with its
three remarkable promontories, the Isthmus of Pallene appearing almost
like a thread, while Athos rose

A Smaller History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman

Conquest Apr 20, 2008 sir william smith coast of Macedonia were chiefly
founded by Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea and the peninsula of
Chalcidice, with its three projecting headlands, was covered with their
settlements, and derived its name

The history of Greece from its commencement to the close of the

independence of the Greek nation Jun 30, 2009 holm, adolf, 1830-1900
mountain chain of the Haemus or Balkans, which Digitized by Google 26
HISTORY OF GREECE ohap. detaches spurs southwards, at first of
slight elevation but afterwards rising into Chalcidice, with its varied

History Of Greece(499-404 B.c.) Jan 17, 2017 chaudhuri, k. c assumption

of Pericles that the command upon sea would enable Athens to retain the
loyalty of the allies also did not prove to be true. Chalcidice lay open to
the attack of the allies. In Asia Minor the

High school ancient history by William C. Morey authorized by the

Minister of Education for Ontario Nov 30, 2009 morey, william c could
perform this feat in twenty dayswhich he in fact accomplished, with the aid
of Demosthenes, (5) The campaign of Bras'idas in Chalcidice. Brasidas
was the most able of the Spartan generals. As

An introduction to the study of ancient geography Nov 29, 2009 laurent,

peter edmund, 1796-1837 Chalcidice and the Cambunian mountains west,
the lake Lychnitis, Illyris Graeca having been for the most part subjected.
After Macedonia had been converted into a Roman province, the coasts of

Catalogue of Greek coins in the Hunterian collection, University of

Glasgow Nov 23, 2009 hunterian museum (university of glasgow) , . bull
bull bull 268 Chalcidice ...bull 270 Strymonian and Bottiaean Districts ...
'5 Kings of Macedon

Researches in the highlands of Turkey including visits to mounts Ida,

Athos, Olympus, and Pelion, to the Mirdite Albanians, and other remote
tribes Oct 15, 2008 tozer, henry fanshawe, 1829-1916 , diversified in parts
bjf extensive tracts of woodland and on the opposite side of the water lay
the three promontories of Chalcidice, one behind another, the peak of
Alhos rising supreme above all and

An atlas of classical geography, containing twenty-four maps

[cartographic material] Sep 17, 2015 hughes, william, 1817-1876 , or
Artemlta, Sheriban . 33.58 Chalaetra. . . .40.33 Chalcedon, Kadikeui 40.59
Chalceritis I. (Aretias), Kerasunt Ada 40.56 Chalcia, or Chalce I., Karki . .
. 36.14 ChalcidTce . . 40.21 Chalcidice

The Rhesus of Euripides Feb 1, 2008 euripides dof a pap…. Here the
reference must be to the Chalcidice, and as the Chalcidice lies west of the
Strymon it follows that the term Thracian

The natural history of Pliny Jun 8, 2015 pliny, the elder places of this
name in Macedonia one called Antigonia Psaphara in Chalcidice, and
the other in Pseonia. 1 Between Idomene and the plains of Pella. As Pliny
here says, it was a different place from… Antigonia Psaphara -
Wikipedia. Antigonia Psaphara or Antigonia (Greek: Αντιγόνεια) also
transliterated as Antigonea and Antigoneia was a Hellenistic city in
Macedon in the district Crusis ...

Compendiaria graecae grammatices institutio in usum Seminarii patavini

Multo, quam antea, emendatior, atque auctior, ut indicat sequens epistola
Aug 25, 2016 jacopo facciolati

A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest, with
supplementary chapters on the history of literature and art Nov 8, 2009
smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 and Eretria in Euboea and the peninsula
of Chalcidice, with its three projecting headlands, was covered with their
settlements, and derived its name HISTORY OF GREECE. 118 [Chap.
XIL from the former

Atlas antiquus : douze cartes pour servir à l'e̕tude de l'histoire ancienne
par Henri Kiepert. May 18, 2015 kiepert, heinrich, 1818-1899 .) 6 Ee
ApoUinis prom. Afr. v. Pulerum. Apollinopolis Aeg. v. Apollonos
Apollonia Chalcidice Mac. Poligjros? 6 Bh Apollonia Cret. 5 Gef
Apollonia Illyr. omd. Pollina 5 Ba Apollouia

Atlas Antiquus Feb 8, 2017 . Pulcrum. Apollinopolis Aeg. v. Apollonos.

Apollonia Chalcidice Mac. VI Bh Apollonia Cret. V Gf Apollonia Illyr.
rud. Pollina V Ba Apollonia op. gr Lib. (Cyr.) p. Sozopolis, Marsa Suza
XII Fg Apollonia Lyc

Outlines of ancient history : for the use of high schools and academies
Aug 20, 2009 morey, william c. (william carey), 1843-1925 perform this
feat in twenty dayswhich he in fact accom})lished. with the aid of
Demosthenes. (5) The campaign of Bras'idas in Chalcidice. Brasidas was
the most al)le of the S])artan generals. As the war

Outlines of ancient history : for the use of high schools and academies
Aug 4, 2009 morey, william c. (william carey), 1843-1925 feat in twenty
dayswhich he in fact accomplished, with the aid of Demosthenes. (5) The
campaign of Brasidas in Chalcidice. Brasidas was the most able of the
Spartan generals. As the war had thus far

Thenumismatic Chronicle,and Journal Of The Numismatic Society.(vol

Ii) Jan 17, 2017 sir john evans. the Museum Catalogue of Greek Coins.
Greek Coins acquired 18871901. Aphytis (Macedonian Chalcidice). 1.
Obv.Head of Zeus Ammon r., horned, beardless. Rev.A ltIgtY Eagle
standing r., wings closed

The Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces Apr 19, 2017 a.h.m. jones
probably ing Poseidonius, uses the term to denote a large district
comprising several cities. The other might be Chalcidice or Chalcidene in
favour of this hypothesis is Pliny note on the city of

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) of the Museum
Catalogue of Greek Coins. GKEEK COINS ACQUIRED 18871901.
Ammon r., horned, beardless. Rev.A ltIgtY Eagle standing r., wings

An Ancient History for Beginners Sep 29, 2008 george willis botsford were
working the mines of Chalcidice, otheis were sailing into the Hel'les-pont
to fish and to found settlements along its shores. The people of Miletus
established more colonies there than did any

Companion to Greek studies Oct 6, 2009 General charActeristics 3

Northern Greece . 4 Macedonia . 5 Chalcidice . 6 Thessaly 7 Illyricum
and Epeinis 8 Central Greece 9 Acamania and Aetolia 10 Malis, Doris and
the Locrians 11 Phocis, Delphi

L 108 Thucycides History Of The Peloponnesian War I: 1 2 Dec 12,


A smaller history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest
May 13, 2011 smith, william, 1813-1893 Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea
and the peninsula of Chalcidice, with its three projecting headlands, was
covered with their settlements, and derived its name from the former city.
The Corinthians also

A Smaller History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman

Conquest Jun 22, 2009 william smith , william george smith , carleton
lewis brownson Danube. Of these we can only glance at the most
important. The colonies on the coast of Macedonia were chiefly founded
by Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea and the peninsula of Chalcidice, with
its three

A history of Greece [microf orm], from the earliest times to the Roman
conquest, with supplementary chapters on the history of literature and art.
Rev. with an appendix by George W. Greene Feb 1, 2013 smith, william,
OP THE ATHENIANS TO SICILY. sect 1. League of Argos, Corinth,
Elea, Mantinea, and Chalcidice. 2. Trans- actions between Sparta and

A classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography : based on

the larger dictionaries Jul 28, 2016 smith, william, 1813-1893 Chalcidice.
It was founded by the inhabitants of Andros, and continued to be a place
of considerable importance from the time of Xerxes to that of the
Romans.2. (ZAsW), a town on the W. bank of the

A classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography Feb 26,

2014 smith, william, 1813-1893 : AKanthos). 1. (Nr. Erso Ru.), a town on
the Isthmus, which connects the peninsula of Athos with Chalcidice. It
was founded by the inhabitants of Andros, and continued to be a place of

The history of the Peloponnesian War a new and literal version, from the
text of Arnold, collated with Bekker, Göller, and Poppo Oct 19, 2007

thucydides works round Potidaea weie finished, Thorium witli his sixteen
hundred men proceeded to ravage Chalcidice and Bottice, and took some
of the towns also. 66. The Athenians then and Peloponncsians

A manual of ancient history : from the earliest times to the fall of the
Western empire, comprising the history of Chaldea, Assyria, Media,
Babylonia, Lydia, Phoenicia, Syria, Judea, Egypt, Carthage, Persia,
Greece, Macedonia, Parthia, and Rome Nov 12, 2009 rawlinson, george,
1812-1902 , Stageirus, and Argilus, on the coast between Athos and
Amjhipolis. Chalcidice first became a power in the Peloponnesian AVar,
when its cities, encouraged by Brasidas, Revolted from Athens, b.c. 424,

A manual of ancient history, from the earliest times to the fall of the
Western empire, comprising the history of Chaldæa, Assyria, Media,
Babylonia, Lydia, Phoenicia, Syria, Judæa, Egypt, Carthage, Persia,
Greece, Macedonia, Rome, and Parthia May 10, 2010 rawlinson, george,
1812-1902 . Chalcidice first became a power in the Peloponnesian War,
when its cities, encouraged by Brasidas, Revolted from Athens, B.C. 424.
It joined the league headed by Argos after the Peace of Nicias, B.C. 421

Beeton's classical dictionary. A cyclopaedia of Greek and Roman

biography, geography, mythology, and antiquities Jun 5, 2007 beeton,
samuel orchart, 1831-1877 Calabria, famous for its wines. 2. A town of
Messenia. 3. A town in Chalcidice. Auras, au'-ras, a tributary of the Ister.
AuRZhiA, aji-re'-ii-a. i. A town of Hispania Bsetlca. 2. The mother of J

Abhandlungen - Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften Philosophisch-

Historische Klasse Jul 12, 2013 bayerische akademie der wissenschaften.
philosophisch-historische klasse , ceu Mendaeorum colonia, nil probent.
118 rura coloniam, in Chalcidice sitam , prof iteri, non absque causa
mirentur nam alii nonnisi unam, alii duas hujus nominis urbes extitisse
aftirmant, et quibus

History of Greece, from the earliest times to the end of the Persian war
Dec 31, 2007 duncker, max which the name of Chalcis for the island of

Euboea may have contributed. The whole territory of the three

promontories was known as the Chalcidian land, and received the name
ot Chalcidice. Thirty-two

The historical antiquities of the Greeks Jul 26, 2009 wachsuth, wilhelm,
1784-1866 dpuiv lyXwrrwv BuroXrucwv in the towns of Chalcidice,
Diodor. 12. 68. Digitized by VjOOQIC bull See vol. i. { 46. n. 67. lt iv eery
koX hfio'uf, Thuc. I. 27. DEMOCRACY IN GENERAL, k 54. 25 stantial

Studies On The History Of Roman Sea-power In Republican Times Jan

20, 2017 j.h.thiel a year later the allied squadrons put into port 2reg) Really
the allied fleets made an attempt in this year to conquer the important basis
Cassandrea in Chalcidice but it failed, Liv. 31, 45, 14 sq.

A Smaller History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman

Conquest Jun 22, 2009 william smith Chalcidice, with its three projecting
headlands, was covered with their settlements, and derived its name from
the former city. The Corinthians likewise planted a few colonies on this
coast, of which Potidaia

Old saws and modern instances Aug 25, 2008 courtney, w. l. (william
leonard), 1850-1928 places in Chalcidice as well as towns in the
Chersonese. Islands such as Thasos, Lemnos, Imbros were hers, and she
was allied with Byzantium. Along all the northern coast of the gean, which
has become

Thucydides, Book 7. Edited by E.C. Marchant Jun 30, 2010 thucydides

definitive peace. But the new complications which at once arose in
Chalcidice forced Athens to send an armament thither during the truce.
Nicias himself was in command. He must have known that, unless

The islands of the Aegean May 22, 2008 tozer, henry fanshawe, 1829-
1916 Its supposed disappearance Mount Hermaeum. XIVThasos 275-293

The Thracian Sea Salonica Transport of petroleum Peninsulas of

Chalcidice The Holy Mountain Cavalla Thasos Its beautiful

The history and antiquities of the Doric race Sep 26, 2009 müller, karl
otfried, 1797-1840 Creston above Chalcidice, to which place they had
come from Thessaliotis.' Hence the Macedonian dialect was full of Greek
radical words. And that these had not been introduced by the 'royal family

The story of the Salonica army Dec 12, 2007 price, george ward, 1886- -
inch shrapnel. The whole of this sector, however, was at first under the
disadvantage of having very bad communications with Salonica. Stavros
was supplied by sea round the Chalcidice peninsula, but

Zeitschrift für Ethnologie Nov 26, 2014 berliner gesellschaft für

anthropologie, ethnologie und urgeschichte Befestigungsart der Stidte eine
nmde, gidcfa den von Cvclopen angelegten, die von Lycien nach dem
Peloponnes kamen, wie mctallkundigo Chalkidier auf noumlrdlicherem
Wege nach Sithonia in Chalcidice, Nach der

Athenian Letters Or, The Epistolary Correspondence of an Agent of the

King of Persia, Residing at Athens During the Peloponnesian War.
Volume the First third Jun 2, 2016 ParnaJJus. A mountain in Chalcidice,
iituated juft on Phocis. the outfide of the ifthmus of Paros. Vide Cyclades.
Pallene. Parthia. A country of Afia, Orontes. A mountain in the bounded
by Media and Perfia

Our Hellenic Heritage Jan 20, 2017 h. r. james important than Socrates
and Platos, namely Aristotle He was not an Atheman hke Socrates and
Plato, but a Greek of Chalcidice, from Stagira, a small city state on the
coast of Macedonia half way

A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest May
13, 2011 smith, william, 1813-1893 coast of Macedonia were chiefly
founded by Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea and the peninsula of

Chalcidice, with its three projecting headlands, was covered with their
settlements, and derived its name
Turkey and the Balkan states, as described by great writers Nov 13, 2009
singleton, esther, d. 1930, ed the maritime district of Macedonia, called
Chalcidice, which projects like a trident into the north of the gean between
the Thermaic and Strymonic Gulfs. When seen on the map, it strikingly

The Greek City And Its Institutions Jan 17, 2017 g glotz than in the sixth
century, Ephesus, and Halicarnassus, in Greece proper, Thebes, Corinth
and its ancient colony Corcyra, and the towns of recent growth, Rhodes,
Megalapolis and Messena, m Chalcidice

The History of the Peloponnesian War Jul 21, 2008 thucydides, richard
crawley with twoand with a fixed sum of money for their journey.
According to this treaty, they went out to Chalcidice, or where each could:
but tho Athenians blamed the generals for having come to an agree

The islands of the Aegean [microf orm] Mar 15, 2013 tozer, henry
fanshawe, 1829-1916 petro- leum Peninsulas of Chalcidice The Holy
Moun- tain Cavalla Thasos Its beautiful scenery 275-293 Ill xii Contents,
PAGE CHAP _ igtwi_ The ancient city Its sea-face The theatre

The islands of the Aegean Jun 10, 2009 tozer, henry fanshawe, 1829-1916
petroleum Peninsulas of Chalcidice The Holy Mountain Cavalla Thasos
Its beautiful scenery xii Contents. CHAP. PAGE The ancient city Its sea-
face The theatre The acropolis Shrine of

The Numismatic Chronicle Apr 13, 2008 royal numismatic society (great
britain) ever asserted that this was the case. As a matter of fact, there have
been from time to time small finds of these coins in Attica, in Bceotia, in
Chalcidice, and, within the last ten years, two finds in

I was sent to Athens Sep 1, 2010 morgenthau, henry, 1856-1946 to rescue

the wheat farmers from the destructive effects of the treacherous local
climate. Chalcidice that oddly shaped peninsula southeast of Salonica
that looks on the map like a hand with three

Old saws and modern instances Nov 2, 2009 courtney, w. l. (william

leonard), 1850-1928 , Methone, Potidaea and some other places in
Chalcidice as well as towns in the Chersonese. Islands such as Thasos,
Lemnos, Imbros were hers, and she was allied with Byzantium. Along all
the northern

The Canadian journal of science, literature and history May 28, 2010
power of the final dt or t, so that Cilicia, Chalcis, Galloeci, and similar
terms, arose out of it. Chalcitis, Chalcidice, and like words, however,
serve to lead back to the original root- Thus far I

A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest May
13, 2011 smith, william, 1813-1893 Greek towns on the peninsula of
Chalcidice, and the recently delivered Byzantium. Each state was assessed
in a certain contribution either of money or ships, as proposed by the
Athenians and ratified

A MANUAL OF ANCIENT HISTORY Jul 23, 2016 george rawlinson,

m.a. Sane, near the site of the canal of Xerxes, and Acanthus, Stageirus,
and Argilus, on the coast between Athos and Amphipolis. Chalcidice first
became a power in the Peloponnesian War, when its cities

A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest. With
supplementary chapters on the history of literature and art Oct 1, 2008
smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 , Corinth, Elea, Mantinea, and Chalcidice.
() 2. Trans actions between Sparta and Athens. () 3. Policy and charActer
of Alcibiades. 4. He advocates a league with Argos.

History of the Peloponnesian War Jun 6, 2008 thucydides ally, Sitalces

bewas the son of this Teres they wanted him to assist ally Sthem in the
conquest of Chalcidice and of Perdiccas. So Nymphodorus came to
Athens, negotiated the alliance 5trade

History of the Peloponnesian War Jun 8, 2008 thucydides of the Revolt

in Chalcidice quickly reached 6ibull atemporary , rlaquo % . bull 38
ARRIVAL OF THE ATHENIANS, I. Athens, and the Athenians, when
they heard that Aris- RC. 43a. Athenian

A smaller classical dictionary. Edited by E.H. Blakeney Dec 18, 2009

smith, william, (sir) 1813-1893 Classical Dictionary 71 Aristotklks, the
philosopher, was born at Stagira, a town n Chalcidice in Macedonia, B.C.
384. His father, N'icomachus, was ihysician in ordinary to Amyntas H.,
king of

Zeitschrift für Numismatik Nov 16, 2014 verdient ein schon im Catalog
der griechischen Muumlnzen des Museums beschriebenes vollkommen
erhaltenes Didrachmon von Chalcidice (Chalcidischer Bund), etwa um
370 v. Chr. gepraumlgt, eine Abbildung

Old saws and modern instances Jul 18, 2007 courtney, w. l. (william
leonard), 1850-1928 was at a great disadvantage, because he possessed no
maritime towns of importance, while Athens held at this time Pydna,
Methone, Potidaea and some other places in Chalcidice as well as towns
in the

Hellenica, Books v-vii Mar 12, 2008 xenophon Apollonia ask Sparta for
aid against Olynthus. Spring of 383 B.C. 11. Acanthus and Apollonia
were cities on the peninsula of Chalcidice. ...

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Apr 20, 2009 royal numismatic society (great britain) asserted that this was

the case. As a matter of fact there have been from time to time small finds
of these coins in Attica, in Boeotia, in Chalcidice, and, within the last ten
years, two finds in

The student's manual of ancient geography, based upon the Dictionary of

Greek and Roman geography Feb 14, 2014 smith, william, 1813-1893, ed
Chalcis, the capital of Chalcidice, S.E. of Antioch Chalybon, or Beroea
(as it was named by Seleucus after the Macedonian town), representing
the modern Aleppo, on the road between Hierapolis and

A smaller history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest
Feb 26, 2014 smith, william, 1813-1893 colonies on the coast of
Macedonia were chiefly founded by Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea and
the peninsula of Chalcidice, with its three projecting headlands, was
covered with their settlements, and derived
A manual of ancient history, from the earliest times to the fall of the
western empire. Comprising the history of Chaldæa, Assyria, Media,
Babylonia, Lydia, Phnicia, Syria, Judæa, Egypt, Carthage, Persia, Greece,
Macedonia, Parthia, and Rome Aug 20, 2009 rawlinson, george, 1812-
. Chalcidice first became a power in the Peloponnesian War, when its
cities, encom-aged by Brasidas, Revolted from Athens, B.C. 424. It joined
the league headed by Argos after the Peace of Nicias, B.C. 421

Greek history for young readers Dec 21, 2007 zimmern, alice, 1855-1939
one of these and as its situation on the most westerly of the three little
piongs of the peninsula Chalcidice made it a very important post, they
ordei-ed Qy-rj-gi the Potidaeans to take down a

Notes upon Thucydides original and compiled Nov 17, 2009 sheppard,
john g. (john george), 1816-1869 the Gate of Kassandhra (says Col.
Leake). Between the Gulf of Therma and the Strymonic Gulf, the whole
district called Chalcidice juts out into the sea with three promontories, of
which this lies most

Notes upon Thucydides [microf orm], original and compiled Mar 15, 2013
sheppard, john g. (john george), 1816-1869 -formerly calleil Phlegra, now
the Gate of Kassandhra (says Col. Leake) Between the Gulf of Therma
and the Strymonic Gulf, the whole district called Chalcidice juts out int.)
the sea with

Greek history for young readers Dec 14, 2009 alice zimmern one of these
and as its situation on the most westerly of the three little prongs of the
peninsula Chalcidice made it a very important post, they ordered Ouarrel
the Potidaeans to take down a portion

The Numismatic Chronicle Jul 6, 2008 royal numismatic society (great

britain) -Blumer, qui Ta publico il ny a pas long- temps, a tres-
judicieusement attribute aux Bottiiena de la Chalcidice
Rev,BOTTIAIXIN. Partie anterieure de taureau, k droite le tout dans un
carre creux. M 8

Handbook for travellers in Greece, including the Ionian Islands,

continental Greece, the Peloponnese, the islands of the Ægean sea, Crete,
Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia and a detailed description of Athens,
ancient and modern, classical and mediæval

Apr 21, 2008 john murray (firm) narrow strait, now known as the Doro
passage, and still dreaded by sailors. It was colonised by lonians, and early
sent out colonies to Acanthus and to Stagirus in Chalcidice, about B.O.
654 (Thucyd

Old saws and modern instances Jul 12, 2007 courtney, w. l. (william
leonard), 1850-1928 , while Athens held at this time Pydna, Methone,
Potidaea and some other places in Chalcidice as well as towns in the
Chersonese. Islands such as Thasos, Lemnos, Imbros were hers, and she
was allied with

The history of ancient Greece, its colonies and conquests Mar 7, 2009 john
gillies Chalcidice took refuge within the vralls of Olynthus, a town which
they had built 'and fortified, at the diftance of live miles from the fea, in a
fertile and fecure fituation, between the rivers Olynthus

The Numismatic Chronicle Aug 25, 2008 royal numismatic society (great
britain) la Chalcidice. Outre les monnaies de Trailon et celles dont Streber
et Borrell ont parl6 k la mfime occasion, il en existent encore d'autres, qui
sous bien des rapports ressemblent aux pieces comprises

The Islands of the Aegean Apr 13, 2008 henry fanshawe tozer Transport
of petroleum Peninsulas of Chalcidice The Holy MounV t tain Cavalla
Thasos Its beautiful scenery xii Contents. CHAP. PAGE The ancient city
Its sea-face The theatre The

The story of the Salonica army Jan 18, 2008 price, g. ward supplied by
sea round the Chalcidice peninsula, but a lot of work in the way of
building piers had to be done there before this was satisfactory, and in case
a Bulgarian attack had taken place

Select private orations Jul 6, 2010 Demosthenes alpha Chi

Kappaomicronthetaί tauGammaomicronupsilon Bekk. 1824. And so he
loaded a large ship with corn, but took it to Acanthus (in Chalcidice) and
there disiosed of it, having entered into a partnership with Phormio, and
that though the

The Numismatic Chronicle And Journal Of The Numismatic Society Vol

XVII Nov 3, 2006 sir john evans (ed) . XIII. 4.] The types are those of the
important state of Eretria in Euboea, one of whose colonies was Dicaea
in Chalcidice. The same types occur on a tetradrachm published in the
Num. Ckron., 3rd Ser. vol

ANS Numismatic Notes and Monographs, nos. 72-78 Mar 22, 2016
american numismatic society Lysimachia 4 Maroneia 9 Mesembria 220

Perinthus 39 Thasos 12 Acanthus 1 Amphipolis 6 Chalcidice 2 Neapolis

1 Pella 14 Thessalonica 25 Abydus 6 Amisus 1 Calchedon 2 Chios 3
Cyzicus 2

The history of the world a survey of man's record ov 22, 2009 helmolt,
hans f. (hans ferdinand), 1865-1929, ed Athens and concluded a second
treaty with her but he did not play a conspicuous part at all iii the war
between Athens and Sparta that was being fought in Chalcidice. When he
died in 413 B.C.

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) matter of fact, there
have been from time to time small finds of these coins in Attica, in Bceotia,
in Chalcidice, and, within the last ten years, two finds in Eubrca itselfone
at the village of Pascha

Geographia classica: Jul 13, 2008 butler, samuel, 1774-1839 , and West
the Lyncestae and Eordani along the Southern boundary, to the East, was
Edonis, bordering on Thrace, South-west of it Chalcidice lying between
the Sinus Strymonicus and Thermaicus. Within

Geography and world power Oct 2, 2008 fairgrieve, james, b. 1870 not
really mistress, had held the Hellespont. The position of Macedonia, as a
land power holding the sea, was stronger than that of either there are no
islands round Chalcidice to form a base for an

A Smaller History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman

Conquest Feb 19, 2008 william smith by Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea
and the peninsula of Chalcidice, with its three projecting headlands, was
covered with their settlements, and derived its name from the former city.
The Corinthians

Turkey and its resources: its municipal organization and free trade [c.]. Aug
24, 2008 david Urquhart , and information of both populations is

perfectly similar, and religion, though a difference, is not a distinction.

Chalcidice, which although not a portion of Greece proper, played so
important a part

Zeitschrift für Numismatik May 26, 2008 Archelaus von Macedonien und
dttrften in die Jahre 424 bis spaumltestens in die erste Zeit der Regierung
des Archelaus fallen. CHALCIDICE (OLYNTHUS). Ef. Kopf des
Apollo mit Lorbeerkranz rechtshin

The story of the Salonica army Jul 23, 2007 price, g. ward (george ward),
b. 1886 of this sector, however, was at first under the disadvantage of
having very bad communications with Salonica. Stavros was supplied by
sea round the Chalcidice Peninsula, but a lot of work in the way

The Numismatic Chronicle, and Journal of the Numismatic Society Apr

29, 2008 royal numismatic society (great britain) caraotristique de Bottique
(Borruci) (Thucyd. loe. cit.) ce nom seul de BottooJsi different de la
Borrious (BorriauSa) la colonic fondle en Chalcidice, suffit, ce semble,

Turkey and its resources: its municipal organization and free trade the state
and prospects of English commerce in the East the new administration of
Greece, its revenue and national possessions Feb 6, 2009 Urquhart, david,
1805-1877 . The industry, prosperity, and information of both populations
is perfectly similar, and religion, though a difference, is not a distinction.
Chalcidice, which although not a portion of Greece proper

Der Vegetation der Erde nach ihrer klimatischen Anordnung. Ein Abriss
der vergleichenden Geographie der Pflanzen von A. Grisbach. Zweit,
vermehrte und berichtigte Auflage. Erster- [zweiter] Band. Mit einer
þbersichtskarte der Vegetationsgebiete Sep 29, 2009 grisebach, a. (august),
1814-1879 67. 122. 496. 524. 562. Chabbis 404. 405. 406. 552. 553
Chalcidice 250. Chanarsteppe 429. 436. 438 579. 581. Chaparals 264. 265.
273. 276 424. 557. Charente 514. Charkow 386

With the Turkish Army in Thessaly Feb 4, 2008 charles clive bigham
mersey north-western corner of the trident of Chalcidice. It has a
population of some 160,000, three quarters of whom are Jews, the
remainder being Mussalmans and Greeks. It is the chief town of the vilayet

P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos libri II. III.: The narrative of Aeneas May 7,
2008 virgil . Again we see in the names of nus, a town at the mouth of the
Hebrus, and Aineia, a place in Chalcidice, a similarity of name which can
scarcely be altogether accidental. Yergil has made use of these

The thirteenth book of the Metamorphoses Nov 8, 2007 ovid, 43 b.c.-17

or 18 a.d doubtless invented to account for the name Cynossema. 671. Turn
quoque, ' even then,' sc. when changed into a dog. Cf. line 479. Sithonia is
a promontory of Chalcidice, in Macedonia, but the poets

Q. Horatii Flacci Carminum liber i. (-iv.) ed. by T.E. Page Apr 2, 2014
quintus horatius flaccus not now be admitted. 10. Memphln...] Her. 2.112
mentions a temple of Kefa? 'jLippoSlrq at Memphis. carentem Sithonia
nive] i.e. enjoying a warm climate. Sithonia was the central peninsula in


4, 2017 apostolos doxiadis, christos that is the workhorse, platform, and
backbone of computers and the internet. Arte-bile Born in 384 BCE, in
Stageira, Chalcidice, Aristotle is, with Plato, the most influential of
Greek philosophers

Handbook of ancient geography and history Apr 26, 2007 pütz, wilhelm
name of Poestura. 272 IV. CHALCIDIAN COLONIES : a. On the
Thracian coast (where the whole peninsula between the Thermaic and
Strymonic gulfs had the name of Chalcidice) were thirty- two places

The National geographic magazine Sep 5, 2012 national geographic

society (u.s.) peninsula of Chalcidice whose three long promontories of
Kassandra, Longo, and Athos are the most salient feature of the northern
Aegean (see map, page 271). The longer western shore of the gulf sweeps
in a.

Titi Livii Historiarum Romanarum liber primus, ed. by L.C. Purser May
10, 2008 titus livius Siciliam. Aeneas is said to have founded Enea, the
most westerly, town in Chalcidice, and Egesta, in Sicily. Wherever .we
har of JEneas landing, we find a temple to Aphrodite. Now,

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 127th Buy or Bid Sale Jul 5, 2016 harlan j. berk, ltd. ,
AE 20, Chalcidice, Chalcis, Year 2=276 BC, 7.03g., RPC-4775. Obv:
Portrait of tetrarch. Rx: Portrait of Augustus. Fine+ 100 685. CLAUDIUS
I, 41-54 AD, AE 20, Seleucis and Pieria, Laodiceia ad Mare

Ancient coins of Greek cities and kings, from various collections,

principally in Great-Britain, illustrated and explained by James
Millingen,... Jul 24, 2016 millingen, james, 1774-1845. aut (frpbn)
mentioned in the history of the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars. Jt was
sitiiateil on the southern extremity of the Sithonian peninsula, in the
Chalcidice (3) and from its importance gave its name to the

A history of ancient Greek literature Jan 29, 2008 murray, gilbert, 1866-
1957 got his real opportunity. He was elected general in 423 B.C., second
in command, and sent to Chalcidice. It was close to his own country, where
he had some hereditary chieftainship among the

De Thucydidis Vaticani codicis quod ad libros septimum et octavum attinet

praestantia cum vallae ... Apr 8, 2008 lorenzo valla . 11 sect 2. Ibid. Vulg.
iiirXevas tIv EvptTrov B txTrevvxg. Valla: Sab 1) Mnemos. VIII 297. 17
Yespenun e Chalcidice Euboeae trajecit Earipam'. Finitam verbam et
interpanctio plenior fadant, at

Course of ancient geography Mar 29, 2011 schmidt, h[enry] i[mmanuel],

1806-1889. [from old catalog] to have built the ship Argo. 29. The
Thermaicus or Thermaeus Sinus, Gulf of jSalo?iiki, lay between
Thessaly and Macedonia on the W. and the peninsula Chalcidice on the
E. It obtained its name from

P. Vergili Maronis Georgicon libri i.ii. (iii.iv.) ed. with Engl. notes by A ...
Sep 27, 2009 publius vergilius maro . 492. Pallene, the W. peninsula of
Chalcidice. Proteus in Homer is theancient of the seawho knows ali the
sea depths, tends the seak (the flock of Poseidon) in Pharos, and lies down
amongst them

Greek reader selected adapted with English notes from Prof . von
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff's Griechisches Lesebuch Aug 21, 2012
marchant, e. c. (edgar cardew), 1864-1960 … the coast line, including
Methone and Pydna with Chalcidice and the mouth of the Strymon, had
been Greek, either free or subject to Athens.

Description de l'uniuers, contenant les differents systemes du monde, les

cartes generales particulieres de la geographie ancienne moderne les plans
les prof ils des principales villes des autres lieux plus considerables de la
Terre avec les portraits des souverains qui y commandent, leurs blasons,
titres livrees et le Jan 20, 2016 alain manesson-mallet

, Cdelefyrie Phoelignicie, Caffiotide, Seleucide, Pieric , Chalcidice,

Apamene, Laodicene, Viles. Samof ate, Gcrmanicia, Scc. Urcma,
Hierapolis , Chalybon, Pjalmyra, Nelaxa, Damas, Tripoli, Sidon, Tyr Scc

The National geographic magazine Sep 5, 2012 national geographic

society (u.s.) peninsula of Chalcidice whose three long promontories of
Kassandra , and Athos are the most salient feature of the northern Aegean
(see map, page 271). The longer western shore of the gulf sweeps in a

Titi Livii Historiarum Romanarum liber primus, ed. by L.C. Purser May
10, 2008 titus livius bull . . Siciliam. JEneas is said to have founded Enea,
the most westerly, town in Chalcidice, and Egesta, in Sicily. Wherever .we
har of JEneas landing, we find a temple to Aphrodite. Now,

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 127th Buy or Bid Sale Jul 5, 2016 harlan j. berk, ltd.
, AE 20, Chalcidice, Chalcis, Year 2=276 BC, 7.03g., RPC-4775. Obv:
Portrait of tetrarch. Rx: Portrait of Augustus. Fine+ 100 685. CLAUDIUS
I, 41-54 AD, AE 20, Seleucis and Pieria, Laodiceia ad Mare

Ancient coins of Greek cities and kings, from various collections,

principally in Great-Britain, illustrated and explained by James
Millingen,... Jul 24, 2016 millingen, james, 1774-1845. aut (frpbn)
mentioned in the history of the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars. Jt was
sitiiateil on the southern extremity of the Sithonian peninsula, in the
Chalcidice (3) and from its importance gave its name to the

The World S History Volume Iv The Mediterranean Nations Jan 18, 2017
h. f. helmolt and Chalcidice: we shall see later on why this expedition
proved fruitless to him a few years later (424 b.c.) Sitalces fell in a
campaign against the Triballi on the Danube. This shows that he was

Agamemnon Mar 7, 2008 aeschylus in the description. Mount Athos, now

called the Holy Mountain, is about eighty-seven miles from Lemnos it is
at the extremity of the long peninsula running out into the sea from
Chalcidice in

Aristotles Poetics Dec 9, 2006 house, humphry Chalcidice near

Macedonia. It is from his birthplace that he got his ghastly nickname, the
Stagirite, which you will find used, e.g., by Pope several times in the Essay
on Criticism: As if the

The History of Greece from Its Commencement to the Close of the

Independence ... Mar 8, 2009 adolf holm, frederick clarke Phocaeans did

not make a voyage thither till after that. Their supposed discovery of
Etruria is not consistent with Digitized by Google XXI GREEK

The rare coin encyclopedia ... Mar 17, 2016 von bergen, william . Cardia,
Coela, Lysimachia. Seuthes, etc., Rhoemetalces, etc. Imbros, Lemnos,
SamoThrace, Thasos. Lycceius, Patraus, Audoleon. Acanthus,
Amphipolis,. Chalcidice, Lete, Neapolis, Pella, Philippi, Pydna

The Economic Life Of The Ancient World Jan 19, 2017 jules toutain
developed an intensive exploitation of all the pastoral and agricultural
resources, favoured at an early date by increasing exportation. Elsewhere,
in Chalcidice, Thrace, and Cyprus, the Greek colonists went

Thucydides Aug 13, 2009 thucydides . 4-ciii. 5 so established a city which

was conspicuous both seaward and landward. cm. Against this place
Brasidas marched with his army, setting out from Amae in Chalcidice.
Arriving about dusk at

Ginn Company's classical atlas: in twenty-three coloured maps : with ...

Dec 14, 2009 ginn and company, keith johnston Rome, B.c. 14C.
Chalcidice. Rivers Strymon, Haliacmon. Thessalonica, Pydnaf (b.c. 168),
Philippi f (b.c. 42), Potidaea, Olynthus, Amphipolis., the coimtry
between the Pindus and the

The Olynthiacs and the Philippics of Demosthenes. Literally translated,

with notes by Charles Rann Kennedy Sep 9, 2009 Demosthenes north of
the peninsula of Pallene. It was colonized by a people from Chaleis in
Euboea, and commanded a large district called Chalcidice, in which there
bullwere thirty-two cities. Over all this tract the

Catalogue of a Selection from Colonel Leake's Greek Coins, Exhibited in

the Fitzwilliam Museum by Churchill Babington Aug 4, 2016 Burutian
coins were prolrably struck at Thebes. See Leake. 45 Uhalcidenses in

Jfacedonia. Tetradrachm, Bosporic scale. The city at which this beautiful

piece was struck was probably Aisdhmia in Chalcidice

A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum: Attica, Megaris,

Aegina Dec 8, 2011 british museum. dept. of coins and medals , but as a
means of opening up new markets for the sale of Attic products. The
Euboeans and the Corinthians had already introduced the Euboic standard
into the peninsula of Chalcidice in the north

A compendium of ancient geography Feb 18, 2009 samuel doria from all
quarters, St.Paul estalgtlishfld his second European church, titdeBy among
the Gentiles, A. D. 51. the district of Chalcidice were Potidaea and
Olythns, both celebrated during the wars

The history of Greece from its commencement to the close of the

independence of the Greek nation Jun 30, 2009 holm, adolf, 1830-1900 ,
at first of slight elevation but afterwards rising into Chalcidice, with its
varied outline and three promontories while beyond the Thermaic Gulf,
which washes well-watered Macedonia, it presents a

De rebus ab Atheniensibus in Thracia et in Ponto ab anno a. Chr. 378 usque

ad annum 338 gestis Aug 25, 2009 hoeck, adelbert, 1853-1904 Chalcidice
gessisset, in Hellesjontum rediit, ubi Cyzicenos obsidionc libcrasse traditur
), archonte Timocrate (a. 3643reg). Tum ad Timolheum venerunt legati a
senatu Heracleae urbis

Command Feb 12, 2008 mcfee, william, 1881- autumn wind blowing
across the bony ridges of Chalcidice, and the prof essional criticism
evoked by the ships outward- bound, blew the foul vapours away. Captain
Meredith, whose reflective and

The Autumn Sale: Ancient Foreign, Gold Silver Coins Jan 24, 2017
stack's Chalcidice to Sparta caused consternation and rage in Athens.

Much of this anger was directed against the historian Thucydides who, as
one of the two generals involved, was held responsible for the

To and from Constantinople Jul 1, 2008 jerningham, hubert e. h. (hubert

edward henry), sir, 1842-1914 Mount Athos in one of his letters. Popular
notions ascribed to the Blessed Virgin herself the evangelising of all the
pagan populations of Chalcidice, and to this fact it is due that the whole

Handbook for travellers in Greece : describing the Ionian islands, the

kingdom of Greece, the Islands of the Ægean sea, with Albania, Thessaly,
and Macedonia new edition, for the most part re-written with a new
travelling map of Greece, and plans Sep 12, 2007 a cape and islet. Here
ships can winter in perfect Acanthus and to Stagirus in Chalcidice, about
B.C. 654 (Thucyd. iv. 84, 88). The Andrians were compelled to join the
fleet of Xerxes in his invasion

The foreigner in Hellenistic comedy [microf orm] Mar 15, 2013 coon,
raymond huntington Samos, Aristoph. 64 Seriphos, Cratinus 211 Ceos,
Crates 29 Chalcidice, Plato 160 Heraclea, Hermippus 70 Delphi,
Aristoph. 684, on which see Athen. 173 d, e. 24 THE FOREIGNER IN

An introduction to the study of rhetoric for the use of schools Nov 24,
2015 doyle, francis cuthbert, 1842-1932 fruit into his lap. Therefore, in the
year b.c. 348, he marched into the Chalcidice. One by one the cities fell
before him. Athens could give but very inefficient help, and Olynthus also
fell, was rased

Archaeological Discussions Mar 19, 2013 bates, william n. , Chalcidice,

Tripolis, Greece, Magna Graecia, Palestine and Mesopotamia, and from
unknown sites. (Catalogue des figurines grecques de terre cuite. Par ordre
du ministere imperial de I'instruction publique

A classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography based on

the larger dictionaries Dec 21, 2014 smith, william, 1813-1893 the Trojan
war, slain by the, Ajax. Acanthus (Ataor: 'Aitdios). 1. (Nr. poundVso,
Ru.), a town on the Isthmus, which connects the peninsula of Athos with
Chalcidice. It was founded by the

Thucydides Vol Ii Jan 17, 2017 which was conspicuous both
seaward and landward. CIII. Against this place Brasidas marched with his
army, setting out from Arnae in Chalcidice. Arriving al)out dusk at Aulon
and Bromiseus,1 where the

A history of ancient Greek literature May 30, 2008 murray, gilbert, 1866-
1957 recovered. The war had lasted eight years before he got his real
opportunity. He was elected general in 423 B.C., second in command, and
sent to Chalcidice. It was close to his own country, where

The Numismatist Feb 24, 2017 american numismatic association square,

B. M. C. 1 600.00 255Aenus, Hermes head, goat, Berl. Corp., 337 161.00
304Chalcidice, Apollo head to left lyre B. M. C. 5 100.00 371Macedonia,
Philip V, bearded head, Athene finest

Pope, Gray, Goldsmith selected poems Essay on criticism, Elegy written

in a country churchyard, The progress of poesy, The traveller, The deserted
village Oct 20, 2009 watrous, george ansel, 1872- ed to imitate Theocritus
on rural subjects, and afterward to copy Homer in heroic poetry.138.
Stagirite : Aristotle, who was born b.c. 384, at Stagira, a seaport town of
Chalcidice. Among his extant

Bulgaria: 13 Centuries of Existence ~ Short History Oct 22, 2013 generous

presents to churches and monasteries. The big Bulgarian monasteries,
above all the ones in Mount Athos on the Chalcidice Peninsula, attrActed
large numbers of pilgrims and donors from all over

Thucydides. With an English translation by Charles Forster Smith Apr 12,

2017 thucydides conspicuous both seaward and landward. cm. Against this
place Brasidas marched with his army, setting out from Arnae in
Chalcidice. Arriving about dusk at Aulon and Bromiscus, where the lake
Bolbe has its

Thucydides History L 109 Of The Peloponnesian War II: 3 4 Dec 12,

2013 seaward and landward. BOOK IV. en. 4-ciii. 5 CIII. Against this
place Brasidas marched with his army, setting out from Arnae in
Chalcidice. Arriving about dusk at Aulon and Bromiscus,1 where the lake

Greek Biology And Greek Medicine Jan 17, 2017 charles singer name they
are called cannot be provided with those clear outlines that historical
treatment demands. Aristotle was born in 384 b. c. at Stagira, a Greek
colony in the Chalcidice a few miles from the

A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology

and geography, partly based upon the Dictionary of Greek and Roman
biography and mythology Feb 26, 2014 smith, william, 1813-1893
themselves Boas.'] Acanthus I. (Ruins near Erso). a town on the Isthmus,
which connects the peninsula of Athos with Chalcidice, on the canal cut
by Xerxes (vid. Athos). It was founded

De finibus, I Jan 27, 2009 cicero, marcus tullius ) : bull Xunc in Aristippi
furtim praecepta relabor, Et mihi res non me rebus subjungere
conor.Aristoteles (sectsect 6, 7, 14, etc.) : a famous philosopber, born at
Staglrus (or -a), in Chalcidice, 384 B.c, was for

Historia Thessalonicae res gestae usque ad annum Christi 904

complectens scripsit Theophilus Luc. Fridericus Tafel Aug 2, 2016
gottlieb lukas friedrich Tafel Thessalonicensis (ibid., coli- p. 17) numi S.
Demetrii. Thessalonica urbs vere Graeca (p. 8). Chalcidice quoque
Graeca esae nunquam desiit (p. 8}laquo Alii urbis incolae. Latini (p. 8).
Mercatores Italici medio

Handbook of Ancient Geography and History by Wilhelm Pu̿tz, Principal

Turor at the Gymnasium of Du̿ren Aug 9, 2016 wilhelm pütz the whole
peninsula between the Thermaic and Strymonic gulfs had the name of
Chalcidice) were thirty- two places (Olynthus, Chalcis, ampc.) all of
Chalcidian b origin, b. In Lower Italy: 1. Cumae [or

Daily Colonist (1891-08-07) Oct 2, 2013 daughter of Aristotle.' Her name

is not given. Aristotle, it is said, was buried in his native city.Stagira, in
Chalcidice, near .Mount Athos. l!ut it is also a matter of history that

The Twelve Olympians Nov 2, 2006 charles seltman sky, the huge mass is
even more impressive. But many will agree that the grandest effect of all
is obtained when Olympus is seen from some ancient site in the
Macedonian peninsula named Chalcidice

The Twelve Olympians Dec 7, 2006 charles seltman many will agree that
the grandest effect of all is obtained when Olympus is seen from some
ancient site in the Macedonian peninsula named Chalcidice, because
from there one sees the snow-capped ten

To And From Constantinople Jan 17, 2017 hubert e. h. jerningham ascribed

to the Blessed Virgin hei'self the evangelising of all the pagan populations
of Chalcidice, and to this fact it is due that the whole peninsula is placed
under her special patronage. It was only

Cornell studies in classical philology May 29, 2008 cornell university in

the letter to Timotheus, 3. 92. For Athenian garrisons cf. Thuc. 4, 7 (in
Chalcidice) and elsewhere (cf. the next note). Plutarch {Lys. 15) says that
the Thirty at

A manual of Greek archaeology May 17, 2012 collignon, maxime, 1849-

1917 coins of Macedon and of Chalcidice resemble those of the era of
perfection. As we advance in time the inscriptions upon coins become
explicit and definite. The earlier legends confined

A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest: with
supplementary chapters on the history of literature and art Nov 18, 2008
smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 coast of Macedonia were chiefly founded
by Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea and the peninsula of Chalcidice, with
its three projecting headlands, was covered with their settlements, and
derived its name

Handbook of ancient geography and history, tr. by R.B. Paul and ed. T.K.
Arnold Mar 5, 2009 wilhelm pütz name of Poestum. 272 IV. Chalcidian
Colonies : a. On the Thracian coast (where the whole peninsula between
the Thermaic and Strymonic gulfs had the name of Chalcidice) were
thirty- two places (Olynthus

Herodotus, books VII and VIII Jun 8, 2009 herodotus . 'Hi6va TT|v kv\
2Tpv|i6vi: as 8. 118. 3 Thuc. I. 98. I, 4. 50. 5, to distinguish from 'Hicov in
Chalcidice. It was a colony from Athens MARCH TO CELAENAE.
WEALTH OF PYTHIUS (CC. 26-29) 26. 3. Ik

lis00112 Nov 11, 2011 lisaanularab Sjju, SaL j Stagira \ Chalcidice

A history of ancient Greek literature Apr 19, 2007 murray, gilbert, 1866-
1957 opportunity. He was elected general in 423 B.C., second in command,
and sent to Chalcidice. It was close to his own country, where he had some
hereditary chieftainship among the Thracians, and it was at that roshd1 Oct 14, 2013 SaL Stagira. Chalcidice


Three essays: on the duties of a cavalry general, on horsemanship, and on

hunting Nov 10, 2009 xenophon , who under other circumstances, or as the
member of some other Greek statelet us imagine for the moment Olynthus
or one of the free states of the Chalcidicewould have emphasised another

Christian Monasticism from the Fourth to the Ninth Centuries of the

Christian Era Mar 11, 2008 isaac gregory smith fourth century, afterwards
Bishop of Carrhae (Haran) in Mesopotamia. From his cell in the desert of
Chalcidice, near Antioch, he went disguised as a pedlar to convert the
inhabitants of Lebanon, and

An introduction to the study of rhetoric for the use of schools Nov 17,
2009 doyle, francis cuthbert, 1842-1932 fruit into his lap. Therefore, in the
year e.g. 348, he marched into the Chalcidice. One by one the cities fell
before him. Athens could give but very inefficient help, and Olynthus also
fell, was rased

Vergil May 23, 2008 henry nettleship Aenion {K'lviov). Farther west we
find a Thracian town named Aenus (Amgtc) at the mouth of the Hebrus,
and farther west still Aeneia (Ati'cta) in Chalcidice. South-west of
Thessaly there was a tribe

An intermediate arithmetic : uniting mental and written exercises in a

natural system of instruction Aug 18, 2008 white, emerson e. (emerson
elbridge), 1829-1902 Aenus (Atyoc) at the mouth of the Hebrus, and
farther west still Aeneia (Atvpoundta) in Chalcidice. South-west of
Thessaly there was a tribe called Aenianes (AltVtdvpoundc) or, Aenienses
and on the coast of

Atlas of ancient classical geography Nov 13, 2012 ernest rhys Acholla
Achzib Aciris, R. . Acium Ackling Dyke Acrse . Acrath Acrise Acritas, Pr.
Acroceraunium, Pr. Acropolis (Athense) Acroria Acte (Argolis) Acte
(Chalcidice). Acte (Pireeus) Actium Adana Adania

Travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece, during the middle of the

fourth century before the Christian æra Jul 10, 2009 barthélemy, j.-j. (jean-
jacques), 1716-1795 GREECE. 37 greater labour it will therefore be
sufficient to indicate the principal points. The figure of the three
peninsulas of Chalcidice and the Gulf of Pieria, to the isle of Thasos
inclusively, is

Rome and its ruins Dec 9, 2011 forsyth, william, 1812-1899 Minerva
Chalcidice, built by Augustus others to the Temple of the Dioscuri, that
is, Castor and Pollux while others have thought that they were part of a
Graecostasis or hall, in which the ambassadors of

The Balkan league Aug 26, 2009 geshov, van evstratev, 1849-1925 will
agree not to fortify it. {e) They want the line of the lakes across the top of
the Chalcidice and just enough behind Salonica so that it shall not be
actually under Bulgarian guns. () They would

Parallel lives of ancient and modern heroes of Epaminondas and Gustavus

Adolphus Philip of Macedon and Frederic the Great Jul 5, 2007 yonge,
charles duke, 1812-1891 Chalcidice was now complete : a few years
before it was a rich, and populous, and independent country now, its thirty-
two cities were utterly destroyed, and the inhabitants driven out, or

History of the Peloponnesian War Jun 9, 2008 thucydides rcake bcead.

Tbese wvtr Kappa Eta Gamma exact auaxtwts wfeltea the saege iKgazL
Tbere EXPEDITION AGAINST CHALCIDICE. . was no one else, slave
or freeman, within the walls. The II. blockade of

A manual of ancient history, from the earliest times to the fall of the
Sassanian Empire, comprising the history of Chaldaea, Assyria, Media,
Babylonia, Lydia, Phoenicia, Syria, Fudaea, Egypt, Carthage, Persia,
Greece, Macedonia, Rome and Parthia Mar 20, 2007 rawlinson, george,
1812-1902 canal of Xerxes, and Acanthus, Stageirus, and Argilus, on the

coast between Athos and Amphipolis. Chalcidice first became a power in

the Peloponnesian War, when its cities, encouraged by Brasidas

Ancient History From Prehistoric Times To Jan 21, 2017 alexander

Robinson Naples Drawn by E Raisz 145 30 Northern Greece and the
Chalcidice Drawn by E Raisz 147 31 The Peloponnesus Drawn by E Raisz
152 32 Plan of Olympia Drawn by E Raisz 152 33 Attica Drawn by E

Geometry in modern life, being the substance of two lectures on useful

geometry, given before the Literary Society at Eton Nov 29, 2007 russell,
j. scott (john scott), 1808-1882 B.C. Athenian, born in iEgina. Founder of
the Academy. APIZTOTEAHZ. 384323 B.C. Native of Stageira in
Chalcidice. Founder of Peripatetic School. EYKAEIAHI. Of Alexandria,
b.c. 323. Founder of the

Travels Of Anacharsis The Younger In Greece Ed. 5 Jan 18, 2017 not
available MAPS OF ANCIENT GREECE. 37 greater labour it will
therefore be sufficient to indicate the principal points. 'Ihe figure of the
three peninsulas of Chalcidice and the Gulf of Pieria, to the isle of

Travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece, during the middle of the

fourth century before the Christian era May 31, 2011 barthélemy, j.-j.
(jean-jacques), 1716-1795 Thrace, a countiy called Chalcidice extends
along the feafhore, where formerly fettled feveral Greek colonies, of which
the principal is Olynthus bull, a itrong, opulent, and very populous city,

Vergil Jun 10, 2010 nettleship, henry, 1839-1893 river Aenion (Antoi).
Farther west we find a Thracian town named Aenus (Atroc) at the mouth
of the Hebrus, and farther west still Aeneia (Atj-tta) in Chalcidice. South-
west of Thessaly there was a

Travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece, during the middle of the

fourth century before the Christian æra May 21, 2009 jean-jacques
barthélemy, jean denis barbié du bocage, william beaumont
dominions of Phiflp, in Maritime Thrace, a country called Chalcidice
extends along the sea-shore, where formerly settled several Greek colonies,
of which the principal is Olynthus a strong, opulent, and roshd3 Oct 15, 2013 pdf Chalcidice UjJLiJU

The Michael F. Price Collection of Ancient Greek and Roman Coins Mar
9, 2017 stack's Peloponnesian League because of its supply of silver and
timber for the Athenian fleet. In 424 B.C. Akanthos and Mende joined the
Spartan Alliance against Athens. The loss of the Chalcidice to Sparta

A smaller classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography

abridged from the larger dictionary Aug 12, 2008 smith, william, sir, 1813-
1893 with Chalcidice, founded by the inhabitants of Andros. iCARNAN
(-finis), one of the Epigoni. son of Alcmaeou and Callirrhoe, and brother
of Amphoterus. Their father was murdered by Phegeus when they

Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece, During the Middle of the

Fourth Century Before the ... Jul 3, 2008 jean jacques barthélemy, jean
denis barbié du bocage Philip, in Maritime Thrace a country called
Chalcidice extends along the sea-shore, where , formerly settled several
Greek colonies of which the lncipal is Olynthus a strong, opulent and

Greek biology Greek medicine Aug 25, 2014 singer, charles, 1876-1960
Stagira, a Greek colony in the Chalcidice a few miles from the northern
limit of the present monastic settlement of Mount Athos. His father,
Nicomachus, was physician to Amyntas III of Macedonia and a

English coins and tokens Mar 28, 2007 jewitt, llewellynn frederick
william, 1816-1886 , Philippopolis. Carclia, Coela, Lysimachia. Seuthes,

etc., Rhcemetalces, etc. Imbros, Lemnos, SamoThrace, Thnsos, Lycceius,

Patraus, Audoleon. Acanthus, Amphipolis, Chalcidice, Lete, Neapolis,

The oration ... on the crown, with an Engl. tr., intr., notes by F.P. Simpson
Jun 15, 2008 Demosthenes to such unpatriotic servants of his ambition.
These years were especially disastrous to Athens in her relations with
Chalcidice and Euboea. Olynthus had seceded from her anti-Athenian
alliance with

Beiträge zur Geologischen und petrographischen Kenntniss des Vitoša-

gebietes in Bulgarien Apr 13, 2008 luka dimitrov , welche sich zwischen
0'03 und 004 mm haumllt. Kleinere, ganz helle Koumlrnchen, die bis 1 F.
Beeke, Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. Mineral, und petrogr. Mitth. I,
1878.C. V. John, Uumlber

Catalogue of a Selection from Colonel Leake's Greek Coins: Exhibited in

the ... Feb 8, 2009 fitzwilliam museum , william martin Leake , churchill
babington Boeotian coins were probably struck at Thebes. See Leake. 45
Chalcidenses in Macedonia Tetradrachm, Bosporic scale. The city at
which this beautiful piece was struck was probably Apollonia in

De orationibus quae sunt in Xenophontis Hellenicis Jan 11, 2015

vorrenhagen, elisabeth. certiores faciat, quippe qui illis temporibus id
sequerentur, ut omnis illius paeninsulae, cui nomen fuit Chalcidice,
civitates ut una fieret res publica se coniungerent, commercio connubioque

Ginn and Company's classical atlas, in twenty three coloured maps, with
complete index Jan 14, 2008 johnston, alexander keith, 1804-1871 his
death, n.c. 323, and the dissolution of his empire, Macedonia remained
independent until conquered by Rome, n.c. 14G. Chalcidice. Rivers
Strymon, Haliacmon. Thessalonlca, Pydnaf (b.c. 168

Syllabus for secondary schools. 1910 Sep 3, 2009 new york (state)
university. [from old catalog] Herodotus compared 29 The hegemony of
Sparta, 404-371 b. c. o Policy of Sparta: Lysander amp Wars: Agesilaus.
(i) Persian: Anabasis Antalcidas. (2) Domestic: Peloponnesus, Chalcidice,
new Athenian

Select private orations of Demosthenes Apr 3, 2008 Demosthenes ,

frederick apthorp paley, john edwin sandys Bosporus, obtained the
permission to export com, and also the remission of duty in the name of
the state. And so he loaded a large ship with com, but took it to Acanthus
(in Chalcidice) and there

Georgicon. Libri III. IV Mar 18, 2008 virgil . peninsula of Chalcidice.

Proteus in Homer is the 'ancient of the sea' who knows all the sea depths,
tends the seals (the flock of Poseidon) in Pharos, and lies down amongst
them to sleep. He knows all that

Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. 123rd Buy or Bid Sale Jul 5, 2016 harlan j. berk, ltd.
on body of car two dots in exergue. Fine+EF 150 781. ZENODORUS
THE TETRACH AND AUGUSTUS 27 BC-14 AD, AE 20, Chalcidice,

English Coins And Tokes Jan 16, 2017 jewitt llewellynn Imbios, Lemnos,
SamoThrace, Thasos. PEONIA, Kings Lycceius, Fatraus, Audoleon.
Macedon, Cities Acanthus, Amphipolis, Chalcidice, Lete, Neapolis,
Pella, Philippi, Pydna, Thes- bull solonica. Tribes Bisaltse

Handbuch der alten Geographie Nov 14, 2008 forbiger, albert, 1798-1878
Stuumlck von Thracien bis an den Nestus {Macedonia adiecta) u. im S.
durch die Halbinsel Chalcidice vergroumlssert. 51) Das Meer bildet an der
Kuumlste mehrere grosse Busen, naumlmlich in der Richtung

The Historians History Of The World Vol. Iii Jan 18, 2017 williams, henry
smith ed. concludes alliance with Athens. Battle of Sybota between
Corcyra and Corinth. King Perdiccas of Macedonia incites the Revolt
of Chalcidice against Athens. 432. ldquo Megarian decree,rdquo passed
at Athens

On Some Disputed Questions of Ancient Geography ... Aug 21, 2008

william martin Leake to four cities of this name, which were frequently
confounded, namely those of Mygdonia, Chalcidice, Acte of Athos, and
Thrace, remarks that they are correctly distinguished by Leake, who errs

Maps, plans, views, and coins, illustrative of the Travels of Anacharsis

the younger in Greece ... Jul 3, 2008 jean-jacques barthélemy, jean denis
barbié du bocage points. The figure of the three peninsulas of Chalcidice
and the Gulf of Pieria, to the isle of Thasos inclusively, is taken from a
manuscript chart of the pilot Gauthier, found among the papers of M

An amateur art-book. Lectures delivered at the Town Hall, Banbury, also

at Felstead House, Oxford with some notes on the Oxford educational
collection of casts Feb 19, 2007 tyrwhitt, richard st. john, 1827-1895
Torcello, near Venice, yth to i2th century) in the centre behind the altar, he
sitting as Pilot of the Temple- Ship or Nayis. Lord Lindsay calls this
sanctuary the Transept. The Chalcidice or…


tschermak zersprungen. Das Mineral diirfte Ottrelit sein wenig8ten8 sieht
es dem unzweifelhaften Ottrelit von Vavdhos auf Chalcidice sehr ahniich.
Endlich sind rundliche oder ganz unregelmassig gestaltete Kornchen von


VOLUME 2 Oct 28, 2015 defense technical information center tho
CHALCIDICE PENINSULA to SALONIKA. Tho straits bo two on the

GULF OF PATROS and tho GULF OF CORINTH may bo approached

from a landing aroa at tho northwest corner of tho PELOPONNESUS.
This boach is

De antiquis Italiae incolis. Scripsit dr. Gust. Guil. Henr. Curtius ... Pars
prior Sep 1, 2016 gustav wilhelm heinrich curtius peninsula Chalcidice
occupaverant (Cf. infra u. 46) Ilerod. Bovciuiit (e, c. VII. 123) Fopulus:
Bovuulm. la 102 36) IIuQ(a Thuc. (II. 99100) Herod. (VII. 131). Strabo
(X. p. 471.). ' 37) Herod

De Aristotelis geographia capita duo [microf orm] Jan 31, 2013 sorof ,
gustav, 1863- pertinebat. Eo accedit, quod Chal- cidices paeninsula ubique
ab eo vocatur y tjt} GQaxrjg et Chalcidenses ol tjtl, quod significat:
'Chalcidice prope Thraciam vel iuxta Thraciam sita

The history of Greece Jun 5, 2007 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 and the
dominant castle of the plain in the rear of which it lies, like Mycenae or
Ilium. The view from the castle extends over the gulf to the hills of the
Chalcidice, and at its feet unite all the

Readings in Greek history, from Homer to the battle of Chaeronea a

collection of extracts from the sources Jul 28, 2008 hill, ida carleton
undertaking an expedition to Corcyra, Timotheus was busily occupied in
the north, about Chalcidice and the Macedonian coast. Menelaus, one of

Readings in Greek history, from Homer to the battle of Chaeronea a

collection of extracts from the sources Mar 18, 2008 thallon, ida carleton
north, about Chalcidice and the Macedonian coast. Menelaus, one of the
local chiefs, seems to have given him valuable assistance. Hicks and Hili,
117 Menelaus helps Timotheus in Chalcidice, b.c. 363-362

Diplomatic reminiscences before and during the world war, 1911-1917

Dec 13, 2007 nekliudov, anatolii vasilevich, 1856-1934 the islands of the
Archipelagoexcept those taken by the Italians in 1911and was occupying
Salonika, Chalcidice, part of Southern Macedonia, and Epirus, the
capital of which, Janina, surrendered to

Christian Monasticism from the Fourth to the Ninth Centuries of the

Christian Era Feb 10, 2008 saac gregory smith reclaimed her from her
abandoned life. Another Abraham was a Syrian hermit of the fourth
century, afterwards Bishop of Carrhae (Haran) in Mesopotamia. From his
cell in the desert of Chalcidice, near

Christian monasticism from the fourth to the ninth centuries of the

Christian era Jul 5, 2011 smith, i. gregory (isaac gregory), 1826-1920
Syrian hermit of the fourth century, afterwards Bishop of Carrhae (Haran)
in Mesopotamia. From his cell in the desert of Chalcidice, near Antioch,
he went disguised as a pedlar to convert the

Ancient history Sep 22, 2008 webster, hutton, 1875-1955 history.

However, the tridentand shaped peninsula of Chalcidice which projects
from Chalddice. le Macedonian coast was early fringed with Greek
colonies. Macedonia, half Greek in both physical features

Ancient History From Prehistoric Times To The Death Of Justinian Jan

15, 2017 charles alexander Robinson Greece and the Chalcidice. Drawn
by E. Raisz 147 31. The Peloponnesus. Drawn by E, Raisz 152 32. Plan of
Olympia. Drawn by E. Raisz 152 33. Attica. Drawn by E, Raisz 156 XXI

[Histories] Apr 30, 2008 thucydides strain on her finances (see c. 19) and
her position in Chalcidice was very precarious. (Vollgraff proposes to add
IjSrj before aKj.d('ovro, but this is not necessary.) 7. (uitov (icpos

International Review Of Agriculture (1922) Vol.13, No. 3 Jan 16, 2017

eriksson, jakob the work of the Phytopathological Service in Contiolling
DacUi during the Year 19:0 in Chalcidice, Celiou aii(i Messenia and ot
the results obtained, 18 pp., pi. 3. Athene, In Greece, the olive-fly

Catalogue of a selection from Colonel Leake's Greek coins, exhibited in

the Fitzwilliam museum Jun 2, 2016 Leake, william martin, 1777-1860
in Chalcidice, to which the types of Apollo and the lyre naturally point
See Leake, R. H. p. 33. 40 Do. Smaller silver coin, tetrobol, (same scale)
with the same types. 47 Chersoncsus of Thrace. Early

De antiquis Italiae incolis Jul 8, 2008 gustavus guilielmus h . curtius . 99.)

Borviu, Bocrtutu (II. 100), BtrrTMi) {U. 101) hoc ta- iuen de novis
sedlbus, quas Botiiaei, pvlsliuls ejecll, in peulusula Chalcidice
occuparerant (Cf. infiau. 46i) Herod, BcfixiutU (e. c Yll

Macedonia its races and their future Apr 3, 2008 brailsford, henry noel,
1873-1958 for the Greeks, they are nowhere a village people north of
Castoria, save in the peninsula of Chalcidice, the island of Thasos, and
along the coastline of the Aegean. While it is true that the main

The rare coin encyclopedia Apr 21, 2016 von bergen, william, author .
Acanthus, Amphipolis,, Chalcidice, Lete, Neapolis, Pella, Philippi,
Pydna, Thessalonica. Bisaltse, Orrescii. Alexander I., Perdiccas II.,
Archelaus I., Amyntas III., Philip II., Alexander the Great

History of the Peloponnesian War Oct 23, 2008 thucydides Chalcidice.

Arriving about dusk at Aulon and Bromiscus where the lake Bolbe has its
outlet into the sea, he took supper and then proceeded by night. The
Aveather Avas bad and somewhat snoAvy, and

The history of Greece, tr. by A.W. Ward Oct 14, 2008 ernst curtius -city,
and accordingly were comprehended imder the collective name of

Chalcidice. The broad highlands of Chalcidice abound in ancient

mountain-shafts, before which the heaps of dross lie piled up to

The foreigner in Hellenistic comedy Jun 29, 2010 coon, raymond

huntington 29 Chalcidice, Plato 160 Heraclea, Hermippus 70 Delphi,
Aristoph. 684, on which see Athen. 173 d, e. 24 THE FOREIGNER IN
HELLENISTIC COMEDY ORIENTALS The Persian gaudy costume is
an object of

De dood van Peregrinus. Van inleiding en aanteekeningen voorzien door

D. Plooij en J.C. Koopman Aug 26, 2010 lucian, of samosata dezen tijd
zeer gewoon, zoo b.v. o uumlrxysiplrm voor Aristoteles, die te Stagira 15
op Chalcidice is geboren. 'AvTo-fvjj, Antisthenes, een leerling van
Socrates, is de stichter der

Aeneid, Book XII. Jan 19, 2009 virgil in Chalcidice]. Atlnas, -atis [a
Rutulian]. atrium, -ii, n. a hall. attollo, see adtollo. attdnltus, see adtdnitus.
auctdr, -5ris, m. an adviser, a counsellor. andax, -acis, adj. bold. aud

1000 classical charActers briefly described : being a concise account of

every name of any importance connected with classical history Dec 20,
2013 frisbee, ivory franklin alluded to. Chalcidice. A peninsula in
Macedonia, between the Thermaic and Strymonic gulfs. Chaldaea. In the
narrower sense, was a province of Babylonia, about the lower course of
the Euphrates, the

Parallel lives of ancient and modern heroes: of Epaminondas and

Gustavus Adolphus, Philip of Macedon and Frederic the Great Aug 20,
2012 yonge, charles duke, 1812-1891 richest of the citizens as they were
exposed one by one in the market-place. The conquest of the whole district
of Chalcidice was now complete : a few years before it was a ricli, and
populous, and

Notes on Thucydides, original and compiled [microf orm] : books I., II.,
and III. Mar 15, 2013 sheppard, john g. (john george), 1816-1869 and the
Strymonic Gulf, the whole district called Chalcidice juts out into the sea
with three promontories, of which this lies most to the west. Consult Grote
vi. 90, 91, who remarks that the Athenian

A sketch of modern and antient geography Aug 11, 2008 samuel butler
Strymonic gulfs Chalcidice. North of this were the Bisaltae north-east of
them were Sintica, the Odomanti and the Maedi. The coast east of the
Strymon was occupied by the Edones and Sapsei who worshipped

The oration of Demosthenes on the crown : with an English translation,

introd., notes and indices Nov 10, 2009 Demosthenes showed scant
courtesy to such unpatriotic servants of his ambition. These years were
especially disastrous to Athens in her relations with Chalcidice and
Euboea. Olynthus had seceded from her anti-Athenian

Balkan League Mar 21, 2013 geshov, ivan evstratiev top of the Chalcidice
and just enough behind Saloniea so that it shall not be actually under
Bulgarian guns. () They would like an immediate agreement with Bulgaria
on this point. (g) If they can

The Jewish war ... Aug 1, 2016 taylor, isaac, 1787-1865. n 85824777
expedition he was also supported by two sovereign princes, Aristobulus,
who ruled in Chalcidice, as it is styled, and Sohemus, king of Emesa, so
called. Then- inroad met with no opposition: for throughout

Über griechische monatskunde und die ergebnisse ihrer neuesten

bereicherungen Oct 17, 2014 hermann, karl friedrich, 1804-1855 . Melus
o. Rhodus. Ollis in Kreta. C. I. n.2554 s. oben Latus. Olynthus s.
Chalcidice. Palmyra. Uegirios. Gruter p. 86. 8. Panormus s. Sicilien.
Pantikapaeum s. Bosporus

The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury Oct 18, 2008

thomas hobbes , william molesworth , thucydides, Homer peace without
the ' [ To the Bceotarcbs.] Megareans, and the ambassadors ' [ Meanwhile
it was thought from Chalcidice, to take an oath to fit by tbe Plutarchs,
Corinthians, each other to give

The oration of Demosthenes on the crown : with an English translation,

introd., notes and indices Jul 28, 2008 Demosthenes especially disastrous
to Athens in her relations with Chalcidice and Euboea. Olynthus had
seceded from her anti-Athenian alliance with Philip in 352 b.c. Philip did
not begin serious operations against the

The East end of Europe The report of an unof ficial mission to the
European provinces of Turkey on the eve of the revolution Jun 27, 2009
upward, allen, 1863-1926 peninsula of Chalcidice to work in the mines,
had been waylaid by a Greek band, and massacred in cold blood. It was a
frightful thing to do,he commented. And frightful enough it was in all

Numismatische Zeitschrift May 21, 2008 Österreichische numismatische

gesellschaft 'AvOiuo? rerg-amum 70 s. 'ApioumlTocpdvri 'Avei-iruuv
Cyrene 1 Aveot NiKoJvoi Byzantium 25 'AvepuuTT Tarent 14 ['Aviri
Amisns GO, 1. 'Apiri] 'AviKioi s. Avbpujv 'AvviKaumli Chalcidice 30.
Cnidns 116

Command Oct 22, 2009 mcfee, william, 1881- activity of affairs on the
forecastle-head, the keen autumn wind blowing across the bony ridges of
Chalcidice, and the prof essional criticism evoked by the ships outward-
bound, blew the foul vapours

The poetry of Lawrence Durrell Mar 30, 2010 durrell, lawrence human
backdrop told The truth in oracles and never asked themselves In what or
why they never could believe. 54 ASPHODELS: CHALCIDICE 'No one
will ever pick, them, 1 think, The ugly of f-white clusters

De Thessalonica eiusque agro dissertatio geographica Feb 18, 2009

gottlieb lukas friedrich Tafel iaTasioaetimeadee erant9 non in Chalcidice
sinuumque Macedonicorum litorrboe Deniqoe tneaeo, Procopiaoa
Macedoniooram looaram aomiaa oum libetlorum geographieorum quiaque
modo aUatorum nominibue

Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe Sep 16, 2008 kaiserl.
akademie der wissenschaften in wien. mathematisch-
naturwissenschaftliche klasse vorgelegte Arbeit uumlber Gesteine von der
Halbinsel Chalcidice erlaube ich mir im Folgenden die Resultate der
Untersuchung an den Gesteinen von Griechenland mitzutheilen. In
Thessalien, in

Notes on Thucydides Nov 11, 2009 evans, lewis, 1814 or 15-1869, joint
author . TlaX\iivT]s formerly called Phlegra, now the Gate of
Kassandhra (says Col. Leake). Between the Gulf of Therma and the
Strymonic Gulf, the whole district called Chalcidice juts out into the sea

A history of Greece [microf orm], from earliest times to the Roman

conquest, with supplementary chapters on the history of literature and art
Feb 1, 2013 smith, william, 1813-1893 these we can only glance at the
most important. The colonies on the coast of Macedonia were chiefly
founded by Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea and the peninsula of
Chalcidice, with its three project- ing

Historical and architectural sketches: chiefly Italian Jul 26, 2009 freeman,
edward augustus, 1823-1892 something between a. Eoman Chalcidice and
a Northern transept. It has the same kind of crypt and raised choir as St.
Miniato, but it lacks the arches spanning the nave. The capitals of the crypt

A manual of ancient history, from the earliest times to the fall of the
western empire. Comprising the history of Chaldæa, Assyria, Media,

Babylonia, Lydia, Phœnicia, Syria, Judæa, Egypt, Carthage, Persia,

Greece, Macedonia, Parthia, and Rome Aug 23, 2016 rawlinson, george,
1812-1902 Athos and Amphipolis. Chalcidice first became a power in the
Peloponnesian War, when its cities, encouraged by Brasidas, Revolted
from Athens, b.c. 424. It joined the league headed by Argos after the

Christian monasticism from the fourth to the ninth centuries of the

Christian era Dec 7, 2007 smith, isaac gregory, 1826-1920 her abandoned
life. Another Abraham was a Syrian hermit of the fourth century,
afterwards Bishop of Carrhae (Haran) in Mesopotamia. From his cell in
the desert of Chalcidice, near Antioch, he went

A primer of higher space (the fourth dimension) Aug 14, 2009 bragdon,
claude fayette, 1866-1946 cultivate and, removing to the north-east part of
Greece, properly so called, there occupied the territory denominated, from
the name of their original country, Chalcidice. About the same time, the

The oration on the crown Jul 6, 2010 Demosthenes Chalcidice and

Euboea. Olynthus had seceded from her anti-Athenian alliance with
Philip in 352 b.c. Philip did not begin serious operations against the
Olynthiac Confederacy till 350 b.c But by 347

Historical and architectural sketches: chiefly Italian Mar 12, 2009 freeman,
edward augustus, 1823-1892 of the bishop and his clergy there were the
cancelli ready made to part of f the holier part of the building from the less
holy. In those basilicas which had the Chalcidice or transept, the

The history of Greece from its commencement to the close of the

independence of the Greek nation Jun 6, 2007 holm, adolf, 1830-1900
tributary, the Erigon. East of the Axius watershed runs a chain of
mountains which terminate in the promontories of Chalcidice further east
comes the Strymon, and lastly the Pangaeum range, opposite which

The history of Greece. Jan 8, 2013 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 . The view
from the castle extends over the gulf to the hills of the Chalcidice, and at
its feet unite all the main rivers of the country. TFlgflfi was the natural
capital of the land. With its

Library of Universal History Jul 31, 2009 israel smith clare of Macedon,
in inciting Revolts among the Athenian tributaries in the Chalcidic
peninsulas. Thus the Corinthians incited the Revolt of Potidaea, a town
in Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon

Europe May 15, 2007 reclus, elisée, 1830-1905 of volcanic or crystalline

formation constitute a narrow band which connects the Greeks of Thracia
with their compitriots (f Chalcidice and Thessaly. The Yuruks, or
Wanderers,a Turkish trilgte

Dictionnaire de biographie, mythologie, géographie anciennes pour servir

à l'intelligence des ... Oct 12, 2008 sir william smith 'AvOcu-oucircccedil,
v. de Maceacutedoine dans la Chalcidice (Thuc. 2, 99 Demosth. Phil. 2, p.
70 R.). Antkeumlmasiumla (-) ou AntheumlmlU (laquoails), v. de
Meacutesopotamie, au S. 0. d'Eacutedesse, et un peu agrave l'E. de
l'Euphrate. Le

A manual of Greek archæology Nov 16, 2009 collignon, maxime, 1849-

1917 place to more elegant and more correct designs. The beautiful coins
of Macedon and of Chalcidice resemble those of the era of perfection.
As we advance in time the inscriptions upon coins become

The history of Thucydides, newly tr. and illustr. with annotations [c.] by
S.T. Bloomfield Jul 10, 2008 thucydides southern and maritime Thrace,
wnich embraced the three peninsulas of Pallene, Chalcidice, and Acte,
and extended as far beyond as Amphipolis. Though this was properly
situated in Macedonia or Thrace

A companion to Greek studies Nov 11, 2009 whibley, leonard Position of

Greece . 2 General charActeristics 3 Northern Greece . 4 Macedonia . 5
Chalcidice . 6 Thessaly 7 lUyricum and Epeirus 8 Central Greece 9
Acarnania and Aetolia 10 Malis, Doris and the

Histoire de l'ancienne Grèce, de ses colonies et de ses conquëtes, depuis

les premiers temps, jusqu'à la division de l'Empire Macédonien ... Traduite
de l'anglois de John Gillies, par M. Carra ... Tome premier sixième Mar 22,
2016 de la Chalcidice b fe retiregraverent dans les mursDiodore , 1. XVI ,
p. j 14. ? En adoptant ce nom de Chalcidice , j'ai fuivi-Digitizad by Google
lanalogie du Grec plurocirct que lufage. Cependant

Essays by divers hands, being the transations of the Royal Society of

Literature of the United Kingdom Jun 4, 2008 royal society of literature
(great britain) Semele the course of its westward cultivation being marked
by the promoutoiy of Ampelus, now Cape Cavalos, in Crete, Mount
Ampelus in Samos, the promontory of Ampelus in Macedonia
(Chalcidice), by the

The Cambridge Ancient History 3rd Edition Oct 10, 2015 in Crestonia,
Mygdonia and the hinterland of Chalcidice. Thus the Persians changed
the balance of power between Paeonians and Thracians. 492 b.c.
Mardonius brought a large fleet and army along the

A manual of Greek archæology Nov 16, 2007 collignon, maxime, 1849-

1917 correct designs. The beautiful coins of Macedon and of Chalcidice
resemble those of the era of perfection. As we advance in time the
inscriptions upon coins become explicit and definite. The earlier

The history of the Peloponnesian War Oct 1, 2009 thucydides, henry

dale, thomas arnold Chalcidice and Bottice, and took some of the towns
also. 66. The Athans then and Peloponnesians had had these previous
grounds of complaint against each other the Corinthians, because Potidsa,

Diplomatic reminiscences before and during the World War, 1911-1917

Jul 15, 2008 nekliudov, a. v. (anatolii vasilevich), 1856-1934 up arms.
Greece, with Crete restored to her, had laid hands on all the islands of the
Archipelagoexcept those taken by the Italians in 1911and was occupying
Salonika, Chalcidice, part of Southern

The history of ancient Greece, its colonies and conquests : from the earliest
accounts till the division of the Macedonian empire in the East : including
the history of literature, philosophy, and the fine arts Apr 10, 2008 gillies,
john, 1747-1836 rebel- fdeg'' 'deg'' J o Athens. lion agalnft the fovereignty
of Athens. Several maritime communities of the Chalcidice took refuge
within,the walls of Olynthus, a 'Diodorus, 1. xvi

History of Greece, from the earliest times to the end of the Persian war
Nov 22, 2009 duncker, max, 1811-1886 the Chalcidian land, and received
the name 01 Chalcidice. Thirty-two places were enumerated there at a later
period which had been founded by the Chalcidians (and Eretrians). 1
Thucyd. I, 65, 4, log

The foreigner in Hellenistic comedy ... Jan 21, 2008 coon, raymond
huntington Eccl. 38, 39 Crete, Plato 31 Frogs 849 Eccl. 1165, 66 Melos,
Birds 186,1073 Chios and Siphnos, Aristoph. 912 Samos, Aristoph. 64
Seriphos, Cratinus 211 Ceos, Crates 29 Chalcidice, Plato 160

The natural history of Pliny Sep 9, 2008 pliny, the elder colony under the
name of Juha Augusta ella. 13 Its ruins are still called StoH. 14 There were
two places of this name in Macedonia one called Antigonia Psaphara in
Chalcidice, and the other in Paonia

The universal standard encyclopedia : an abridgement of The New Funk

and Wagnalls encyclopedia, prepared under the editorial direction of
Joseph Laffan Morse Mar 31, 2010 released for the control of such
injurious insects. CHALCIDICE IS42 CHALCIDICE (Gr. Khalkidike),
a department of Macedonia, n.e. Greece. It is a peninsula, extending
southeastward into the gean Sea

Bauer, A. A. A. S. Agbe Davies 2010 Social Archaeology Of Trade And

Exchange Feb 24, 2014 be found on Siphnos in the Cyclades, in eastern
Attica (at ThorikosLaurion), and in the northern Aegean, around Mount
Pangaion and the Chalcidice (for production of silver at Thorikos and
Argos in

Quae feruntur epistolae Oct 22, 2008 Æschines, engelbert drerup )

(oppidum Macedoniae in Chalcidice situm) neque xop(!)VT] (cod. Paris.
2832, ci. Weidnerus, i. e. oppidum Messeniae vel Bithyniae) ad locum
quadrat, cum sensus regionem remotam (cf. luivxe vOxxac) ad

Commentatio de geographia Herodoti Aug 26, 2008 wilhelm doenniges

urbs (Agravexavoccedil) Stagirum urbs (Sracirceiccedilov Syleumlus
campus in Chalccedilidice (ZuXioccedil ictocirciov) c. 115 Posideiumlum
promon-gt torium (liocidi'ov), in quo templum Neptuni et Sinus Posidea
cuteiumlus Bisaltae et

Classification of books in the library Aug 21, 2008 university of california

(1868-1952). library (law) 296t Certitude (logic) 2e Cervantes 788g
Cetacea 476 Ceylon 71z language 733 Chalcidice 77h Chaldaea, art 636
history and travel ...73k language 699 Challenge of jury 296q

Poetry Dec 7, 2011 durrell, lawrence believe. 54 ASPHODELS:

CHALCIDICE 'No one will ever pick them, I think, The ugly of f-white
clusters: all the grace Lies in the name of death named. Are they a true
certificate for death?' 'I wonder' 'You

Everyday Things In Ancient Greece Jan 20, 2017

marjorie_s_h_b_quennell . 423. Tnice between Athens and Sparta. 422.
Expedition to Chalcidice. 421. Renewed truce. 420. Alcibiades comes to
the front. 416. Athenians conquer Melos and massacre the inhabitants. 415.

A history of Greece Dec 1, 2009 duruy, victor, 1811-1894 ,to which the
name of Chalcis for the island of Euboea may have contributed. The
whole territory of the three promontories was known as the Chalcidian
land, and received the name 01 Chalcidice

Library of Universal history and popular science ... May 17, 2007 clare,
isreal smith, 1847-1924 Macedon, in inciting Revolts among the Athenian
tributaries in the Chalcidic peninsulas. Thus the Corinthians incited the
Revolt of Potidaea, a town in Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon,
which had

The History of Greece Mar 8, 2009 connop thirlwall Chalcidice, her

reluctance to submit to the sovereignty of Olynthus may be the more
easily understood. She and Acanthus had resisted the demand, which the
Olynthians had endeavoured to enforce by a threat of

Dissertations sur diferens sujets composées par M. Huet ancien evêque

d'Avranches par quelques autres savans recuilliers par M. l'abbé de
Tilladet. Augmentées dans cette edition des remarques de M. Benoist ...
Tome premier second Aug 23, 2014 , feu Chalcidice , feu Zignis ab
antiquis (criptoribus appellatur. Signa conveniunr , Muro quippc virgas
laquousas dorlb geric , qualis gerit Chalcis , unde Sc nom en Digitized by
Google .8 8 Q.UAEligSIT A

Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Mathematisch ... May 4, 2008 kaiserl. akademie der wissenschaften in
wien mathematisch -naturwissenschaftliche klasse \'niBtl.I.Atgtl)t.l87)
Von Friedrieh Beeke. 417 Gesteine von GiiechenlancL Im Anschluumlss
an die kuumlrzlich vorgelegte Arbeit fiber OestelDe Ton der Halbinsel
Chalcidice erlaube ich mir im Folgenden die Resultate

The history of Greece Jan 23, 2009 thirlwall, connop, 1797-1875 union
with Olynthus : even if the state of parties created no grounds of
discontent. Ifas has been conjectured Apollonia was anciently considered
as the capital of Chalcidice, her reluctance to

Notes on Thucydides, original and compiled by J.G. Sheppard and L.

Evans Aug 4, 2008 john george sheppard , lewis evans epificns denote
generally the towns in Chalkidike, places in the direction or on the skirts
of Thrace, rather than parts of Thrace itself.' Grote, vi. 90. Mr. ShiUeto
makes it embrace Chalcidice, with

Catechism of geography, for junior pupils Feb 24, 2009 john lockhart
Contessa, in the N.W., and the Gulf of Saros, in the NJE, of the
Archipelago. The peninsular district between the Gulfs of Saloniki and
Contessa was anciently called 1 Chalcidice. And the peninsula


c.e. Robinson had been in command of a naval squadron during the
campaign against Brasidas in Chalcidice and he had arrived too late to
save a town. For this culpable negligencehe was sent into exileprobably

Diplomatic reminiscences before and during the World War, 1911-1917

by A. Nekludof f Translated from the French by Alexandra Paget. May
12, 2014 anatoli nekliudov restored to her, had laid hands on all the islands
of the Archipelagoexcept those taken by the Italians in 1911and was
occupying Salonika, Chalcidice, part of Southern Macedonia, and
Epirus, the.

A History of Greece Aug 9, 2008 connop thirlwall if the state of parties

created no grounds of discontent. If as has been conjectured ApoUonia
was anciently considered as the capital of Chalcidice, her reluctance to
submit to the sovereignty of

The natural history of Pliny Mar 4, 2008 pliny, the elder in Macedonia
one called Antigonia Psaphara in Chalcidice, and the other in Pseonia. 1
Between Idomene and the plains of PeUa. As Pliny here says, it was a
different place from Europus of Almopia

The earth and its inhabitants ... Jan 31, 2017 reclus, elisée, 1830-1905
volcanic or crystalline formation constitute a narrow band which connects
the Greeks of Thracia with their compatriots of Chalcidice and Thessaly.
The Yuruks, or ldquo Wanderers,rdquo a Turkish tribe which has

The Earth and Its Inhabitants ... Jun 14, 2008 Élisée reclus the southern
slopes of the mountains, and a few isolated hills of volcanic or crystalline
formation constitute a narrow band which connects the Greeks of Thracia
with their compatriots of Chalcidice

Lexicon manuale, geographiam antiquam et mediam cum Lat. tum Germ.

illustrans Jul 13, 2008 johann wilhelm müller , inS-U Okebar, Assyriae
ainnis in Maaumlo monte ortu, qui apud CirceAuml poundiiphrati miscetur
h. noimulliB MSiobfittr Chabur, ChabriuS) Macedoiuumlae fluv. ii
Chalcidice, . Anthemum praeieifcbitur atqiie in

A classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology and

geography Feb 12, 2015 smith, william, 1813-1893 . vii. 72 cf. Thuc. i. 6).
Acanthus. 1. [hKavBos : 'Afcaveioy, Acanthius: Erisso), a town on the
istlimus connecting the peninsula of Acte with Chalcidice, and about li
mile above the canal of Xerxes

Library of Universal History: Containing a Record of the Human Race

from the Earliest Historical ... May 11, 2008 israel smith clare among the
Athenian tributaries in the Chalcidic peninsulas. Thus the Corinthians
incited the Revolt of Potidaea, a town in Chalcidice, near the frontiers of
Macedon, which had originally been a colony of

The earth and its inhabitants ... Nov 20, 2008 reclus, elisée, 1830-1905
Greeks of Thracia with their compatriots of Chalcidice and Thessaly. The
Yuruks, or Wanderers,a Turkish tribe which has retained its nomadic habits
do'wn to the present day, sometimes even

Ancient History Oct 27, 2008 Philip van ness myers the help of emigrants
from other cities, founded so many colonies-r-thirty-two owned her as their
mother dty that the land became known as Chalcidice. One of the chief
attractions of this shore to

The universal geography : earth and its inhabitants Jul 10, 2008 reclus,
elisée, 1830-1905 isolated hills of volcanic or crystalline formation
constitute a narrow band which connects the Greeks of Thracia with their
compatriots of Chalcidice and Thessaly. The Yuruks, or Wanderers,a

History of Greece, from the earliest times to the end of the Persian war
Jun 23, 2008 duncker, max, 1811-1886 promontories was known as the
Chalcidian land, and received the name ot Chalcidice. Thirty-two places
were enumerated there at a later period which had been founded by the
Chalcidians (and Eretrians

A classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography...revised... Feb 26,

2014 s. smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 Dionys. vii. 72 cf. Thuc. i. 0).
Acanthus. 1. (, Acanthius: Erisso), a town on the Isthmus connecting the
peninsula of Acte with Chalcidice. and about 14 mile above the canal

History of modern bulgarian literature Aug 30, 2012 manning, clarence

augustus already preceded him. Mount Athos, the Holy Mountain,2 was
the center of Orthodox monasticism and of Orthodox learning at the time.
It is a mountainous tip of the Peninsula of Chalcidice, almost cut

The history of Greece, tr. by A.W. Ward Jul 1, 2008 ernst curtius highlands
and the dominant castle of the plain in the rear of which it lies, like
Mycenae or Ilium. The view from the castle extends over the gulf to the
hUls of the Chalcidice, and at its feet unite all

The history of Greece from its commencement to the close of the

independence of the Greek nation Jun 23, 2008 holm, adolf, 1830-1900
terminate in the promontories of Chalcidice fiuther east comes the

Strymon, and lastly the Pangaeimi range, opposite which lies the island of
Thasos. From Chalcidice omvards we are in Thrace proper

A dictionary of mythology : being a concise guide to the myths of Greece

and Rome, Babylonia, Egypt, America, Scandinavia Great Britain Jul 11,
2016 spence, lewis, 1874-1955. n 79112342 . A harpy. ZENARIA. The
island of Pithicusa, the Inarime of the Roman Classic authors, where
Typhoeus, the god of tempestuous winds, dwelt. pound5 NEA. A city of
Chalcidice, the founding of which

Library of universal history : containing a record of the human race from

the earliest historical period to the present time : embracing a general
survey of the progress of mankind in national and social life, civil
government, religion, literature, science and art Oct 14, 2008 clare, israel
smith, 1847-1924 Revolt of Potidaea, a town in Chalcidice, near the
frontiers of Macedon, which had originally been a colonv of Corinth, but
was now a tributary of Athens. The Athenians at once .sent a fleet and

Newman's entomologist Feb 5, 2009 . 65 Economy of Chalcidice. By

Francis Walker, Esq., F.L.S. (ContioueJ from p. 43.) The accompanying
figures illustrate the Eucharida?, whose economy is wholly or nearly
unknown. This

A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology

and geography : partly based upon the Dictionary of Greek and Roman
biography and mythology by William Smith Oct 24, 2007 anthon, charles,
1797-1867 Isthmus, which con- 3 proper conduct Shortly afterward, when
Acastae nects the peninsula of Athos with Chalcidice, on 1 and Peleus
were hunting on Mount Pelion, and the canal cut by Xerxes (vid

The History Of Greece Vol III Nov 14, 2006 holm,adolf. . East of the
Axius watershed runs a chain of mountains which terminate in the
promontories of Chalcidice further east comes the Strymon, and lastly the
Pangaeum range, opposite which lies the island of

Classical Dictionary Jan 18, 2017 smith, william connects the peninsula
of Athos with Chalcidice. It was founded by the inhabitants of A'ndros,
and continued to be a place of considerable importance from the time of
Xerxes to that of the Romans.2. (Dashur

Geschichte der hl. Ligue und Leopolds I May 11, 2010 walewski, antoni,
1805-1876. . Corinth, Athen, besonders Chalcis (in Eubaumla) legten auf
der macedonischen Halbinsel, welche daher Chalcidice genannt wurde ,
zahlreiche Pflanzstaumldte an, diese hingegen gruumlndeten Colonien auf
dem festen

A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology

and geography, partly based upon the Dictionary of Greek and Roman
biography and mythology Feb 14, 2014 smith, william, 1813-1893 , a priv.
and ndmru. It was called by the natives themselves Boas.] Acanthus
(Aicavdoc: 'Aicdvdwc). 1. (Ruins near Erso), a town on the Isthmus,
which connects the peninsula of Athos with Chalcidice

The History Of Greece Jan 20, 2017 adolf holm tributary, the Erigon. East
of the Axius watershed runs a chain of mountains which terminate in the
promontories of Chalcidice further east comes the Strymon, and lastly the
Pangaeum range, opposite

Readings in Greek history : from Homer to the Battle of Chaeronea, a

collection of extracts from the sources Jun 6, 2007 thallon, ida carleton
undertaking an expedition to Corcyra, Timotheus was busily occupied in
the north, about Chalcidice and the Macedonian coast. Menelaus, one of
the local

Verleichendes wörterbuch der alten, mittleren und neuen geographie Sep

24, 2014 friedrich heinrich theodor bischof f , unter welchen St. in
Chalcidice, auf dem Berge A laquoich der 340 Fuls lange, 120 F. hohe

nordwestl. von Apollonia, und 60 F. breite des Jupiter auszeichnete,

Acroce raunia, Plin. 111,23 - unterwarf sich

New classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography Nov 13,

2014 sir william smith . Acanthus (ABai-flof : 'Awdrftot). L (Nr. Erto,
Ru.), a town on the Isthmus, which connects the peninsula of Athos with
Chalcidice. It was founded by the inhabitants of Andros, and continued
to ben

Dictionnaire de biographie, mythologie, géographie anciennes pour servir

à l'intelligence des auteurs grecs et latins en usage dans les établissements
d'instruction Nov 28, 2014 william smith le Latium. ISnela (Atveia), v. de
la Chalcidice, en Maceacutedoine, fondeacutee, dit-on, par
Eacuteneacutee, et situeacutee vis-agrave-vis de Pydua ( Liv. 40, 4 44, 10,
35) colouie de Corinthe (Scym- Digitized by Google

A companion to Greek studies edited for the syndics of the University

Press Apr 1, 2008 whibley, leonard northward from Olympus, were called
the Bermian chain. GEOGRAPHY I i] NORTHERN GREECE 5 5. The
peninsula of Chalcidice, which projects from the coast of Macedonia
into the north of the Aegean, bears a

Dictionnaire de biographie, mythologie, géographie anciennes pour servir

à l ... Feb 16, 2009 william smith , napoléon theil d'Ascanius, est le
troisiegraveme dans la liste des rois mythiques d'Alba Longa dans le
Latium. neia (Atvsta), v. de la Chalcidice, en Maceacutedoine,
fondeacutee, dit-on, par Eacuteneacutee, et situeacutee vis-agrave-vis de
Pydna ( Liv

A History Of Greech Jan 17, 2017 bury,j.b. and Strymon, runs out
Poseidon riding f'star a. hup lsquobree-pronged promontory. Here [legend
II). Chalets planted so many towns that the whole promontory was named
Chalcidice. Some of the chief cities

A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology

and geography, partly based upon his "Dictionary of Greek and Roman
biography and mythology" Jan 10, 2008 smith, william, sir, 1813-1893
Athos with Chalcidice, on the canal cut by Xerxes (vid. Atiios). It was
founded by the inhabitants of Andros, and con-! tinued to be a place of
considerable importance ' from the time of Xerxes to that

A system of ancient and mediaeval geography : for the use of schools and
colleges Jul 6, 2007 anthon, charles, 1797-1867 Elimiotis 5. Eordcea 6.
Pieria 7. Botticea 8. Emathia 9. Mygdonia 10. Chalcidice 11. Bisaltia,
together with Pceonia and its subdivisions. We will now proceed to
consider these subdivisions

Zeitschrift für Ethnologie Aug 5, 2008 berliner gesellschaft für

anthropologie, ethnologie und urgeschichte , angeschlossen. ) Chalcis auf
Euboea, auf den echlDadischen Inseln und bei Lesbos, am AchelonSy in
Aetoiien, Chalcidice, Triphylia, der Corinther, bei TeoB (in Chalcitis), in
Syrien (in Chalcidice am

A dictionary of Greek and Roman geography Jul 4, 2016 smith, william,

1813-1893. n 00036173 . B.] ACAMAS, ACAMANTIS. [Cyprus.]
ACANTHUS CAuaveos : Eth. Adudios: Erisso), a tovm on the E. side of
the Isthmus, which connects the peninsula of Acte with Chalcidice, and
about 15 mile above the

Dictionnaire de biographie, mythologie, géographie anciennes Dec 26,

2014 william smith dieu (Hom. . 2, 508 Ov. Met. 7, 232 13, 905).
AuthegravemucircM (-untU), 'Avocirceixoucircc, v. de Maceacutedoine
dans la Chalcidice (Thuc. 2, 99 Demosth. Phil. 2, p. 7011.).
Antheumlmasiumla(-laquo) ou AnMiecircmii(bulluntta), v

A History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest,

with ... May 30, 2009 william smith founded by Chalcis and Eretria in
Euboea and the peninsula of Chalcidice, with its three projecting

headlands, was covered with their settlements, and derived its name

Mitteilungen Sep 5, 2016 Felder, dem Beschauer in der Ferne ganz

verhuumlllt erscheinen. Beguumlnstigen nun auch die klimatischen wie die
Terrainverhaumlltnisse auf der ganzen Halbinsel Chalcidice, insbesondere
aber suumldlich des Cholomonda

Spicelegium florae rumelicae et bithynicae exhibens synopsin plantarum

quas aest. 1839 legit Nov 22, 2014 grisebach, a. (august), 1814-1879 .), in
Chalcidice pr. Jerissbs (substr. micasciiisL), inamp Cholki (sabatr. cala)l
ad Dardanellasaba Forsk yen1 Maj. Jun. M. 11. 6ENISTA L. emend. Calyx
bilabiatus, labio superiori bipartitOi inferiori

A system of ancient and mediæval geography for the use of schools and
colleges Jun 18, 2006 anthon, charles, 1797-1867 Chalcidice, and situate
on a peninsula called Acte, between the Sinus Strymonicus, now the Gulf
of Contessa, and the Sinus Singiticus, now the Gulf of Monte Santo.
Modern travellers give the height as

Handbook for travellers in Greece: Jan 28, 2009 murray, john, publisher,
london. [from old catalog] peninsula formerly called Chalcidice, because
many colonists from Chalcis in Euboea occupied it at an early period. It
terminates in three prongs running out into the gean Sea, and called

A History of Greece, from the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest Jul
13, 2009 william smith , george washington greene colonies on the coast
of Macedonia were chiefly founded by Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea
and the peninsula of Chalcidice, with its three projecting headlands, was
coYered with their settlements, and

The Canadian journal of science, literature and history Jun 24, 2009
canadian institute (1849-1914) , Chalcis, Galloeci, and similar terms, arose

out of it. Chalcitis, Chalcidice, and like words, however, serve ixgt lead
back to the original root. Thus far I had proceeded in my work of

A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography

... Sep 1, 2008 william smith Macedonian togtvn in Chalcidice.
ALPHESIBOEA. 34 AMAZONES. from MonntTergla to the
commencemeut of the Iliyrian or Dalmatian moautainfei, which are known
by the name of the Alpcs Dalmaticae, farther

Vergleichendes Worterbuch der alten, mittleren und neuen Geographie von

Fr. H. Th. Bischof f und J.H. Moller Sep 3, 2014 friedrich heinrich theodor
bischof f cf. Antiochia Assyriae. c. Chalcidicea, Plin. IV, 10. cf. .Actor.
XVII, 1. St. in Chalcidice (Maredonicn), nordl. vom Seo llolbc, westl. vom
Sinus Strymunicus. Apolloniatea, cogmmi. Macrobii

Ancient history, by J. Robinson and F. Young. 4 vols. [in 1]. Nov 28, 2009
john Robinson, francis young Emesa 148 Adiabene 148 Characene 148
Elymais 149 Commaffene 149 Chalcidice 149 CHAPTER XI.The
Parthi4n Monarchy. 1. The Parthian kinn from Arsaces I. to AlithridatesIII
149 2. From Orodes I. to

A manual of ancient history, from the earliest times to the fall of the
Sassanian empire. Comprising the history of Chaldaea, Assyria, Media,
Babylonia, Lydia, Phoenicia, Syria, Judaea, Egypt, Carthage, Persia,
Greece, Macedonia, Rome, and Parthia Jun 5, 2016 rawlinson, george,
1812-1902 site of the canal of Xerxes, and Acanthus, Stagcirus, and
Argilus, on the coast between Athos and Amphipolis. Chalcidice first
became a power in the Peloponnesian War, when its cities, encouraged

A manual of ancient history, from the earliest times to the fall of the
Western empire, comprising the history of Chaldea, Assyria, Media,
Babylonia, Lydia, Phoenicia, Syria, Judea, Egypt, Carthage, Persia,
Greece, Macedonia, Rome, and Parthia Nov 11, 2009 rawlinson, george,

1812-1902 coast between Athos and Amphipolis. Chalcidice first became

a power in the Peloponnesian War, when its cities, encouraged by
Brasidas, Revolted from Athens, B.C. 424. It joined the league headed by


2006 sir paul harvey at Stagerra in Chalcidice, the son of Nicomachus,
physician to Amyntas II, king of Macedonia. In 367 he came to Athens,
and was a pupil of Plato until the latter's death in 347, that is to say for

A Commentary on Herodotus Jun 29, 2011 how, w. w. (walter wybergh),

1861-1932 whole people from survivals in his own day his method is
scientific, whatever may be thought of his results. Kprjaxcova. If this is
read, Creston is a town in Thrace, north of Chalcidice, on the high

Diplomatic Reminiscences Jan 17, 2017 a.nekludof f Salonika,

Chalcidice, part of Southern Macedonia, and Epirus, the capital of
which, Janina, surrendered to the Greek Army shortly after the resumption
of hostilities. The Serbians held all the rest of

The Oxford Companion To Classical Literature Dec 7, 2006 harvey sir

paul. Chalcidice, the son of Nicomachus, physician to Amyntas II, king
of Macedonia. In 367 he came to Athens, and was a pupil of Plato until
the lattor's death in 347, that is to say for twenty years. He then

A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Antient Greece by

William Mure May 26, 2016 the great peninsula of Chalcidice, with its
three well-defined headlands, Pallene, Sithonia, and Athos. Nearly in the
centre of this district lay Amphipolis on the river Strymon, a flourishing

Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography Jun 5, 2007 smith, william,

(sir) 1813-1893 - - - Coin of Celenderis Coin of Centuripa Coin of
Carthaea in CeoB - Coin of Cephaloedium Coin of Chalcedon Coin of

Chalcidice in Macedonia - Coin of Chalcis in Euboea Coin of

Chersonesus in Crete Coin of

The historical antiquities of the Greeks Aug 30, 2008 wachsmuth,

wilhelm, 1784-1866 . Correspondent to the original solid and sub- . Such
were probably the Xoc papfidpwv hyXtarrttv BuraXriKwv in the tpwns of
Chalcidice, Diodor. 12. 68. DEMOCRACY IN GENERAL. S 54. 25
stantial charActer

History Of Greece Vol Ii Jan 20, 2017 alleyne sarah frances contributed.
The whole territory of the three promontories was known as the
Chalcidian land, and received the name 01 Chalcidice. Thirty-two places
were enumerated there at a later period which had been

Callimachus and Lycophron May 10, 2007 callimachus . pLepbvrjraL Se

Kal JaXXipuaxos iv Sevrepo) AItlojv. apa XiTTT] B aKpaKtirrj A
dKpaXnrij S. laquo Athena.Hypsizorus, mountain in Chalcidice (Plin.
N.H. iv. 36). lt= The reference is to the iepb ydfxos

Notes Upon Thucydides Original and Compiled Jun 14, 2009 john george
sheppard , lewis evans Phlegra, now the Gate of Kassandhra (says Col.
Leake). Between the Gulf of Therma and the Strymonic Gulf, the whole
district called Chalcidice juts out into the sea with three promontories, of

The history of Greece Apr 2, 2008 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 they extended
their settlements, and built two-and-thirty towns in succession, all of
which acknowledged Chalcis Chalcidice. ' , t 7 as their mother-city, and
accordingly were comprehended under

A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Antient Greece Aug

19, 2008 william mure the southwest, to the Isle of Thasus on the north-
east the larger portion of which, occupied chiefly by Greek settlers, was
the great peninsula of Chalcidice, with its three well-defined headlands

The history of Greece Mar 10, 2008 mitford, william, 1744-1827 . Sect I.
Return of the Athenians to their Country. Meafures of the Grecian Fleet.
Dedications to the Gods for the Viclory at Salamis. Honors paid to
Themiflocles. Revolt of Chalcidice from the Pertans

History Of Greece Vol.2 Jan 16, 2017 holm, adolf head of Hermes, and
included the numerous cities of the densely populated Chalcidice, from
Aenea to Potidaea, Mende, the Bacchus worship of which is 212
HISTORY OF GREECE CHAP testified to by its

The journal of Hellenic studies Dec 21, 2009 society for the promotion of
hellenic studies (london, england) the mint of Melitaea in Thessaly.
Chalcidice ? 2. Bunch of Grapes. Border of dots. Rci\ Nude male figure
running to r. he has curved wings on his shoulders and wears boots with
large tags in each

The earth and its inhabitants Jan 18, 2011 reclus, Élisée, 1830-1905 Greeks
of Thracia with their compatriots of Chalcidice and Thessaly. The
Yuruks, or Wanderers,a Turkish tribe which has retained its nomadic habits
down to the present day, sometimes even extend

Notes on Thucydides, Original and Compiled: Books I., II., and III. Jul 6,
2008 john george sheppard , lewis evans the STmonie Gulf the whole
district call Chalcidice juts ont into the sea with three promontories, of
which this lies nn to the west. Consult Grote Ti. 90, 91, who remarks that
the Athenian empi was

De Thessalonica eiusque agro dissertatio geographica Jul 14, 2008 gottlieb

lucas f . Tafel Chalcidice, hessalia alL, non nrbs Thessaloiiica, qnae ipsa
fuit djifiog, lgte hac coiifusiotretitriiisque vods r. uoque TV. DD. iii
oniitfentario praevio ad martjYium S. Hellconidis (AA

The history of Greece Jun 30, 2009 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 and Bottiea
were completelj subjugated part of their inhabitants were driven out into
the Chalcidice, while in their place foreign settlers, fixgtm whom prof it
was expected, were brought into the land

Handbuch der alten Geographie für Gymnasien und zum Selbstunterricht

Jul 14, 2008 freidrich karl ludwig sickler Herod.,7, il2'2. Sleph. B.
IJielirAumle hiess. ACf iiif. welcher sich .er,Jo}x.BergAumlAoj b
wicheKidc Sin- fitiea ijuumld S]trjrltip|pMeer Diese ing mit Chalcidice
nur durch

Diplomatic Reminiscences Jan 21, 2017 john murray ,albemarle street

london they had taken up arms. Greece, with Crete restored to her, had laid
hands on all the islands of the Archipelagoexcept those taken by the
Italians in 1911and was occupying Salonika, Chalcidice

Readings in Greek history, from Homer to the battle of Chaeronea [microf

orm] a collection of extracts from the source Feb 14, 2013 hill, ida carleton
thallon, 1875-1954, ed was busily occupied in the north, about Chalcidice
and the Macedonian coast. Menelaus, one of the local chiefs, seems to
have given him valuable assistance. Hicks and Hill, 117 Menelaus helps

The History of Greece from Its Commencement to the Close of the

Independence ... Feb 4, 2008 adolf holm of the Axius watershed runs a
chain of mountains which terminate in the promontories of Chalcidice
further east comes the Strymon, and lastly the Pangaeum range, opposite
which lies the island of

The history of Greece Jun 5, 2007 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 in peninsulas

abounding in harbors. Here was the next and most important field for the
operations of Hellenic colonization. To perform this task was so much the
more the mission Chalcidice. 456

History of Greece by Evelyn Abbott. Sep 14, 2016 abbott, evelyn, 1843-
1901 Chalcidice. The army seems to have marched in various detachments
one never reached Acanthus at all, but passed through Paeonia and
Crestonaea to the Echeiddrus, at the mouth of which river Therma

The story of the ancient nations : a text-book for high schools Aug 20,
2009 westermann, william linn, 1873-1954 wealthy through its trade with
the native tribes of the coast and the desert, and by the- sale of a medicinal
plant called silphium. 119. How Chalcidice was Colonized.The Euripus,
the narrow sound

The universal geography : the earth and its inhabitants Aug 22, 2012 reclus,
elisee, 1830-1905 or crystalline formation constitute a narrow band which
connects the Greeks of Thracia with their compatriots of Chalcidice and
Thessaly. The Yuruks, or Wanderers,a Turkish tribe which has retained

A history of Greece Mar 18, 2013 abbott, evelyn, 1843-1901 to Therma.2

At every point on the way men and ships were collected from the cities of
Chalcidice. The army seems to have marched in various detachments one
never reached Acanthus at all, but

The history of Greece. Sep 10, 2015 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 Chalcis
Chalcidice. amp as their mother-city, and accordingly were comprehended
under the collective name of Chalcidice. The broad highlands of
Chalcidice abound in ancient mountain-shafts, before

The history of Greece Jan 10, 2008 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 leisure to
direct his attention to b.c. 540the coast. Pieria and Bottisea were
completely sub- 499' jugated part of their inhabitants were driven out into
the Chalcidice, while in their place foreign

Ancient History Oct 27, 2008 hutton webster inhabitants were only
partially civilized and for a long time played HUcedonlAminor part in

ancient history. However, the tridentand shaped peninsula of Chalcidice

which projects from the Macedonian

A critical history of the language and literature of ancient Greece Jan 31,
2008 mure, william, 1799-1860 settlers, was the great peninsula of
Chalcidice, with its three well-defined headlands, Pallene, Sithonia, and
Athos. Nearly in the centre of this district lay Amphipolis on the river
Strymon, a

History Of Greece Vol.2 Jan 20, 2017 holm, adolf Chalcidice, from
Aenea to Potidaea, Mende, the Bacchus worship of which is 212
HISTORY OF GREECE CHAP testified to by its coins, Scione,
Olynthus, so famous in the time of Demosthenes, Torone, Singus

The Oxford Companion To Classsical Literature Jan 18, 2017 sir paul
harvey Thrace and Chalcidice, Asia Minor, Phoenicia, Egypt, Italy (and
later Sicily) and especially to the Euxine, the principal source of the
Athenian com supply. The annual value of the total trade of the

Ab urbe condita libri. Erklärt von W. Weissenborn. 8. Aufl., besorgt von

H.J. Müller Mar 4, 2009 livy zerstorten Potidaea gegriindet s. 31,45, 14
45, 30,'4. 2. in ipsis faucibus] gerade auf der Landenge, durch welche die
Halbinsel Pallene mit Chalcidice zusammenhangt zum Ausdruck quae
...iungunt vgl

The World's History Illuminated - Vol 02 Jan 14, 2017 israel smith clare
peninsulas. Thus the Corinthians incited the Revolt of Potidaea, a town
in Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon, which had originally been a
colony of Corinth, but was now a tributary of Athens. The

The history of Greece Mar 8, 2009 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 the highlands
and the dominant castle of the plain in the rear of which it lies, like
Mycenae or Ilium. The view from the castle extends over the gulf to the
hills of the Chalcidice, and at its feet

L 129 Callimachus Lycophron Aratus Dec 13, 2013 . 869 to Spenavov

irapd S. a Athena. 6 Hypsizorus, mountain in Chalcidice

The Journal of Hellenic studies Jun 11, 2008 society for the promotion of
hellenic studies (london, england) below (No. 10), with which it 1ms much
in common, and which it helps us to date. The symbol in the field of the
reverse probably indicates the mint of Melitaea in Thessaly. Chalcidice ?

Apollonius Rhodius, the Argonautica Aug 9, 2011 apollonius, rhodius ,

551, 629, 768, 960 II, 537, 598, 602, 612, 1187 III, 8, 10, 17, 30, 91, 111,
340 IV, 583, 959, 1309, 1691 Athos, a mountain in Chalcidice, 1, 601
Atlantis, daughter of Atlas

The cults of the Greek states Jun 17, 2006 farnell, lewis richard, 1856-
1934 ?. A month of the same name occurred in the calendar of lasos and
Apollonia 24h in Chalcidice and we hear of the festival of the, celebrated
with great pomp down to the time of

Aristoteles Apr 3, 2014 adolf stahr dem, was fof ort fiber Ariftoteles
Vaterftadt gefagt werden folL Ala diefe wird iibereinftimmend von den
Alten genannt:, Stagira, eineStadtin der Landfchaft Chalcidice. Ihr Name
findet fich bei den

American Journal of Numismatics, vols.29-30 May 10, 2016 very

common in the Aegean Sea. This is the opinion of Mr. W. Greenwell,
commenting on a tetradrachm of Dicea, an Eretrian colony in Chalcidice.
This interesting piece has the same type as those of

L 318 Demosthenes IV Private Orations I: 27 40 Dec 20, 2013 kclt Either

the speaker was with Chrysippus at the time Lampis made this statement,
or else Chrysippus is now again the speaker. 1 A town in Chalcidice. c We
learn from

The Orations of Demosthenes : pronounced to excite the Athenians

against Philip, King of Macedon, and on occasions of public deliberation
May 7, 2007 Demosthenes a general refinement, were however in the
fourth century before Christ gradually extending from the Greek cities of
Chalcidice over the whole adjacent territories. But it was not until the reign

Greek coins and their parent cities Jul 11, 2008 ward, john, 1832-1912 .
188-191 have all fine heads of Apollo, with slight variations, right and left.
No. 192 bears a noble type of Apollo, with the strong resemblance to the
coins of Macedonian Chalcidice of later date

The World's Great Classics Apr 2, 2008 timothy dwight , julian hawthorne
Greek cities of Chalcidice over the whole adjacent territories. But it was
not until the reign of Philip II that Macedonia became a military and
political power of sufficient importance to menace the

Greek and gothic, progress and decay in the three arts of architecture,
sculpture, and painting Jun 6, 2008 tyrwhitt, richard st. john, 1827-1895 .
The Chalcidice or transept proper is the horizontal end of the Basilica,
between the body and the apse. V. Then the crypt beneath the sanctuary,
with the confessio, the tomb or shrine containing

A History of Greece by the Rev. Connop Thirlwall Vol. 5 Aug 10, 2016
Chalcidice, her reluctance to submit to the sovereignty of Olynthus may
be the more easily understood. She and Acanthus had resisted the demand,
which the Olynthians had endeavoured to enforce by a threat

Macedonia Jan 19, 2017 brailsford, h. n. not differ from their Christian
countrymen. As for the Greeks, they are nowhere a village people north of
Castoria, save in the peninsula of Chalcidice, the island of Thasos, and
along the coastline of

Histoire du BasEmpire par Lebeau Sep 2, 2016 . Cantaeuzegravene

eacutecrit agrave Matthieu,, son fils aicircneacute, qui lattendait agrave
Chalcidice, ville de Thrace, de venir en diligence agrave
Didymotiquegrave avec toutes les troupes quil commande, il envoie en
mecircme temps Iregravene sa femme

The Roman antiquities of Dionysius of Halicarnassus, with an English

translation by Earnest Cary, Ph. D., on the basis of the version of Edward
Spelman Sep 5, 2008 dionysius, of halicarnassus said to have built during
their stay there (chap. 49, 4), was not in Pallene at all, but lay only a few
miles south of Thessalonica, in the northwest corner of Chalcidice. It
would seem as if Pallene

Histoire du Bas-Empire, commençant à Constantin-le-Grand Dec 9, 2014

le beau, charles, 1701-1778 expeacutedition faite, il repoussa les Serves,
qui assieacutegeoient Achride , et prit au craie plusieurs forteresses.
Pendant qu'il eacutefoit agrave Chalcidice, Arsegravene Zamplacon,
papias, lui deacutenonccedila Syrgiane comme un

Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen Jul 11,

2009 schiefer. So deutlich krystallinische Gesteine, wie es die
Biotitgneisse und Amphibolite von Chalcidice sind, werden in
Griechenland nirgends getrof fen. IH t'. Beckc, HornblendefQhrende

A history of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ Jul 1, 2008
schürer, emil, 1844-1910 , viii. 1885, p. 35.There is one other Chalcis not
to be confounded with this one, from which the province of Chalcidice
has its name. Tliis Chalcis lay much farther north, according to the

American Journal of Numismatics (Series One), Vols. 29-30 Dec 2, 2015

very common in the Aegean Sea. This is the opinion of Mr. W. Greenwell,
commenting on a tetradrachm of Dicea, an Eretrian colony in Chalcidice.
This interesting piece has the same type as those of

A Pictorial History of Greece: Ancient and Modern Aug 10, 2008 samuel
griswold goodrich up a Revolt in Potidee a, a town of Chalcidice, near
the confines of Macedonia, which had originally been a colony yf
Corinth, but was at this time a tributary of Athens. 5. The Athenians

Greek coins and their parent cities Dec 14, 2009 ward, john, 1832-1912 ,
with the strong resemblance to the coins of Macedonian Chalcidice of
later date and is one of the finest coins of Leontinoi extant. Nos. 198 and
199 are coins struck in the time of Dion of Syracuse

Hellenistic civilisation May 18, 2010 tarn, w. w. (william woodthorpe),

1869-1957 , like Chalcidice and Paeonia, the land passed to the State, i.e.
the king. The Antigonids treated tlieir King's land much as did the
Seleucids (Chap. IV) they gave estates to nobles, and 'lots' of the

Selections from various Greek authors for the first year in college with
explanatory notes and references to Goodwin's Greek grammar, and to
Hadley's larger and smaller grammers Aug 28, 2012 boise, james
Robinson, 1815-1895 CKeXevov above, a verb in a past tense. H. 735, if
S. Gr. 503 G. sect 218. Iirl 0paio]s is used to denote that part of the
Thracian coast which was occupied by the Grecian colonies that is,

Orations of Demosthenes: Pronounced to Excite the Athenians Against

Philip, King of Macedon and ... May 4, 2009 Demosthenes, thomas leland
of Chalcidice over the whole adjacent territories. But it was not until the
reign of Philip II that Macedonia became a military and pohtical power
of sufficient importance to menace the tranquillity

Ancient History for Colleges and High Schools Jul 13, 2009 william
francis allen , Philip van ness myers the Greek cities of Chalcidice, a
number of which under the lead of Olynthus formed a league known as

the Olynthian Confederacy. The Athenians had interests in this quarter,

several cities of the

Select private orations of Demosthenes May 25, 2007 Demosthenes lta

vJbutv ol fiev ev a\\o6l TTOV Bekk. 1824. And so he loaded a large ship
with corn, but took it to Acanthus (in Chalcidice) and there disposed of
it, having entered into a partnership with

Greek Coins and Their Parent Cities Oct 1, 2008 john ward, sir george
francis hill of Apollo, with slight variations, right and left. No. 192 bears
a noble type of Apollo, with the strong resemblance to the coins of
Macedonian Chalcidice of later date and is one of the finest coins

High school Ancient History, Greece and Rome Dec 31, 2007 myers,
Philip van ness, 1846-1937 Athenian Themistocles. Conquest of
Olynthus and Thrace. By force and intrigue Philip extended his power
over the Greek cities of Chalcidice, a number of which under the lead of
Olynthus formed a league

The Cults of the Greek States Apr 7, 2008 lewis richard farnell of fered in
this month, according to the author of the Eiymologicuni Magnmn to
Artemis. A month of the same name occurred in the calendar of lasos and
Apollonia in Chalcidice and we

Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen Aug 14,

2009 Gesteine, wie es die Biotitgneisse und Aniphibolite von Chalcidice
sind, werden in Griechenland nirgends getrof fen. Homblendefuumlhrende
Sohiefergesteine. Hornblendegneis 8. Unter den Thessalischen

A history of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ. 2d and rev. ed.
of a "Manual of the history of the New Testament times." Dec 23, 2009
schürer, emil, 1844-1910 deutschen Palastina-Vereins, viii. 1885, p.
35.There is one other Chalcis not to be confounded with this one, from

which the province of Chalcidice has its name. This Chalcis lay much
farther north

Travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece, during the middle of the

fourth century before the Christian æra Feb 6, 2009 barthélemy, j.-j. (jean-
jacques), 1716-1795 edifice. TRAVELS OF ANAtHARSIS. , 419
LETTER OF APOLLODORUS. You know that in the neighbourhood of
the dominions of Philip, in Maritime Thrace, a country called Chalcidice
extends along the

The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies and Conquests: From the
Earliest ... Jun 30, 2009 john gillies vicinity of which naturally tempted
the ambition of Perdiccas. Under the fpecious pretence of enabling
Olynthus and the other cities of Chalcidice to recover their independence,
he lent his aid to

The cults of the Greek states May 23, 2008 farnell, lewis richard, 1856-
1934 Chalcidice and we hear of the festival of the 'EAa()Tj3oAia,
celebrated with great pomp down to the time of Plutarch, at Hyampolis, to
commemorate a Phocian victory over the Thessalians '. Finally

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) . Commodus, A, B,
A, H. Caracalla, A, B. CHALCIS- CHALCIDICE. Trajan, A, B, A.
Hadrian, A, B, A. Antoninus Pius, A. M. Aurelius, A, B. L. Verus, A.
AXTIOCH- SELEUCIS AND PIERIA. Domitian, A, euro. Nerva, A, B

A history of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ being a second
and revised edition of a "Manual of the history of New Testament times."
Dec 14, 2007 schürer, emil, 1844-1910 not to be confounded with this one,
from which the province of Chalcidice has its name. This Chalcis lay
much farther north, according to the Itinerarium Antonini only 18 mil. pass,
south of BetiJei

The life and travels of Herodotus in the fifth century : before Christ: an
imaginary biography founded on fact, illustrative of the history, manners,
religion, literature, arts, and social condition of the Greeks, Egyptians,
Persians, Babylonians, Hebrews, Scythians, and other ancient nations, in
the days of Pericles and Nehemiah. Apr 8, 2010 wheeler, james talboys,

Balkan, called Mount Dysorum, just at the north-western corner of the

gean, Avhere the three-pronged peninsula of Chalcidice runs out into the
Archipelago. On its northern side it was separated from

Thucydides Oct 26, 2008 thucydides, charles forster smith seaward and
landward. cm. Against this place Brasidas marched with his army, setting
out from Amae in Chalcidice. Arriving about dusk at Aulon and
Bromiscus,' where the lake Bolbe has its outlet into

The cults of the Greek states Dec 7, 2009 farnell, lewis richard, 1856-1934
occurred in the calendar of lasos and Apollonia in Chalcidice and we
hear of the festival of the, celebrated with great pomp down to the time of
Plutarch, at Hyampolis, to

The cults of the Greek states Dec 7, 2009 farnell, lewis richard, 1856-1934
occurred in the calendar of lasos and Apollonia in Chalcidice and we
hear of the festival of the EXalt7j3oX4a, celebrated with great pomp down
to the time of Plutarch, at Hyampolis, to

Hellenistic Civilisation May 23, 2016 farm but in conquered districts, like
Chalcidice and Paeonia, the land passed to the State, i.e. the king. The
Antigonids treated their Kings land much as did the Seleucids (Chap. IV)
they gave

A classical dictionary of biography [c.]. Feb 7, 2009 william smith

Chalcidice. It was founded by the inhabitants of AndrM, and continued to

be a pkoe of considerable importance from the time of Xerxes to that of

the Komans-S. {Dahur)i a town on the W. bank of the Nile

Classical Geography Jun 3, 2009 henry fanshawe tozer Chalcidice. Here

and in the neighbouring region they found extensive forests to supply
timber, and metals beneath the soil and in order to obtain these, and at the
same time to provide themselves

Ancient History for Colleges and High Schools Jan 28, 2008 Philip van
ness myers and Thrace. By force and intrigue Philip extended his power
over the Greek cities of Chalcidice,' a number of which under the lead of
Olynthus formed a league known as the Olynthian Confederacy…

Ancient history for colleges and high schools May 7, 2008 myers, p. v. n.
(Philip van ness), 1846-1937 extended his power over the Greek cities of
Chalcidice, a number of which under the lead of Olynthus formed a
league known as the Olynthian Confederacy. The Athenians had interests
in this quarter

High School Ancient History: Greece and Rome Nov 28, 2009 myers, p.
v. n. (Philip van ness), 1846-1937 his power over the Greek cities of
Chalcidice, a number of which under the lead of Olynthus formed a
league known as the Olynthian Confederacy, The Athenians had interests
in this quarter, several

An historical text book and atlas of Biblical geography Nov 3, 2009

coleman, lyman, 1796-1882 Philippi. Matt. xvi. 13 Mark viii. 27. 71, 88,
193 Chalcedon, near Constantinople Chalcidice, province in Syri...'
Chalcis, in Greece, and Syria , ChaJdea, Chaldeans,-Chasdim. In the
widest sense

Ancient and modern history [microf orm] Sep 27, 2011 goodyear, william
henry, 1846-1923 of ho Tyrants of (1 them up to siatic Greeks, o secure

help ?ver risked so PERSIAN WARS-500-480 B.C. laquola of

Chalcidice) the Mount Athos…

History of ancient Greece Mar 8, 2009 chambers w. and r ., ltd had arrived,
inspired universal alarm for it seemed uncertain whether the Persian king,
or the cities of Chalcidice, or the states of Greece, were the most
immediate objects of his ambition. 614. This

A history of Greece Dec 21, 2007 thirwall, connop, bp. of st. david's,
1797-1875 OLYNTIIIAN CONFEDERACY. 11 created no grounds of
discontent. If as has been conjectured' Apollonia was anciently
considered as the capital of Chalcidice, her reluctance to submit to the

A history of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ ... Aug 12, 2008
schürer, emil, 1844-1910 which the province of Chalcidice has its name.
This Chalcis lay much farther north, according to the Itinerarium Antonini
only 18 mil. pass, south of Ber'da (Vetera Eomanorum itineraria, ed.
Wesseling, p

The Life and Travels of Herodotus in the Fifth Century: Before Christ: an
Imaginary Biography ... Apr 11, 2009 james talboys wheeler -ffigean,
where the three-pronged peninsula of Chalcidice runs out into the
Archipelago. On its north- em side it was separated from Scythia by the
river Danube. Thrace was thus a huge square mass of

Handbuch der alten Geschichte, Geographie und Chronologie Jul 25, 2009
gabriel gottfried bredow, johann gottlieb kunisch nahmen die Stadt ein,
und zerstoumlr- 535 ten sie. Und Phlius bei Sicyon zwangjn Ol. 98, 4 sie,
aristokratische Verfassung und die vertriebenen Aristokraten
aufzunehmen. Olynthus in Chalcidice

L 319 Dionysius Of Halicarnassus The Roman Antiquities I: 1 2pdf Dec

20, 2013 there (chap. 49, 4), was not in Pallene at all, but lay only a few

miles south of Thessalonica, in the northwest corner of Chalcidice. It

would seem as if Pallene were used loosely here for the whole

The cults of the Greek states : in three volumes with illustrations Oct 1,
2015 farnell, lewis richard, 1856-1934, author Artemis. A month of the
same name occurred in the calendar of Iasos and Apollonia 24b in
Chalcidice and we hear of the festival of the, celebrated with great pomp
down to the

Athenian letters or, The epistolary correspondence of an agent of the King

of Persia, residing at Athens during the Peloponnesian War Jan 4, 2015
hardwicke, Philip yorke, earl of , 1720-1790 existence of such a town as
Pisa, and say the district received its name from a fountain called Pisa, near
Olympia. OLYNTHUS. The most considerable town in the Regio
Chalcidice, situated just on the

Select Private Orations of Demosthenes Aug 10, 2009 Demosthenes ,

frederick apthorp paley, john edwin sandys \oei irov Bekk. 1824. And so
he loaded a large ship with com, but took it to Acanthus (in Chalcidice)
and there disposed of it, having entered into a partnership with Phormio,
and that though the money

Manual of Ancient Geography History Apr 12, 2009 ilhelm pütz, thomas
kerchever arnold . On the Thracian coast (where the whole peninsula
between the Thermaic and Strymonic gulfs had the name of Chalcidice)
were thirty- two places (Olynthus, Chalcis, ampc.) all of Chalcidian
origin, h

Orations of Demosthenes : pronounced to excite the Athenians against

Philip, king of Macedon and on occasions of public deliberation (Revised
Edition) May 18, 2010 Demosthenes , were however in the fourth century
before Christ gradually extending from the Greek cities of Chalcidice over
the whole adjacent territories. But it was not until the reign of Philip II
that Macedonia

A history of ancient geography Jul 4, 2016 tozer, henry fanshawe, 1829-

1916. n 90675863 received the name of Chalcidice. Here and in the
neighbouring region they found extensive forests to supply timber, and
metals beneath the soil and in order to obtain these, and at the same time
to provide

A History Of Ancient Greek Literature Jan 17, 2017 gilbert murray

Trcezen, not mentioned in the text. The Peace differs from the narrative
about Pteleon and Sermylia, and implies that Athens had recovered the
towns in Chalcidice. The Alliance does not contain any

Volksche Wacht 3944 (25 delen) Nov 25, 2015 de Egeische Zee maken.
Een onderneming, die schier hopeloos leek. Want behalve de machtige
bond van Grieksche steden op het schiereiland Chalcidice, strekte zich van
de Stroema tot de Bosporus het

Apollonius Rhodius: The Argonautica Jan 15, 2008 apollonius , 91, 111,
340 IV, 583, 959, 1809, 1691 Athos, a mountain in Chalcidice, 1, 601
Atlantis, daughter of Atlas, (1) Electra, 1,916: (2) Calypso, iv, 575 Atlas,
IV, 1398 Attic island, Salamis, I, 93

Selections from various Greek authors for the first year in college Dec 13,
2012 boise, james Robinson denote that part of the Thracian coast which
was occupied by the Grecian colonies that is, Chalcidice eastward as far
as Amphipolis. CL, Pop. For eurotti with gen., see H. 431, a or Lex. Chap.

Histry Of Greece Voll-ii Jan 20, 2017 alleyne, sarah frances cities, to
which the name of Chalcis for the island of Euboea may have contributed.
The whole territorj of the three promontories was known as the
Chalcidian land, and received the name 01 Chalcidice

Macedonia Jan 20, 2017 brailsford, h. n. . As for the Greeks, they are
nowhere a village people north of Castoria, save in, the peninsula of

Chalcidice, the island of Thasos, and along the coastline of the .lEgean.
While it is true that the

The Numismatic Chronicle Mar 1, 2008 royal numismatic society (great

britain) reverse-types first make their appearance in Chalcidice, they are
never enclosed as on two out of the three coins now before us, in a dotted

A pictorial history of Greece : ancient and modern Jun 30, 2015 goodrich,
samuel g. (samuel griswold), 1793-1860 intermeddling in the quarrel, the
Corinthians stirred up a Revolt in Potidaea, a towii of Chalcidice, near
the confines of Macedonia, which had originally been a colony of
Corinth, but was at this time a

Aristotelia Jul 10, 2008 adolf wilhelm theodor stahr Gelaquo fcluumlecht
des Arifioteles von muumltterlicher Seite ab- flammtelaquo Die ganze
Landfchaft Chalcidice war in ihrer bluumlhenden Zeit vor Philipp von
Maoedonien mit Stad-ten wie bedeckt denn als diefer feine

The Argonautica with an English translation by R.C. Seaton Feb 27, 2009
apollonius, rhodius
, 1309, 1691 Athos, a mountain in Chalcidice, 1, 601 Atlantis, daughter of
Atlas, (1) Electra, 1.916 : (2) Calypso, IT, 575 Atlas. IT, 1308 Attic island,
Salamis, I, 93 Angelas, an Argonaut, I

The Numismatic Chronicle And Journal Of The Royal Numismatic

Society Vol-v Jan 16, 2017 barclay v. head, herbert a. grueber, edward j.
rapson, john evans my colleague Mr HiU for important suggestions.
(Macedonian Chalcidice). 1. Obv.Young male head, r. (athlete, or
Apollo?) hair short, indicated by

The Life and Travels of Herodotus in the Fifth Century: Before Christ: an
... Apr 11, 2009 james talboys wheeler , called Mount Dysorum, just as the

north-western comer of the gean, where lie three-pronged peninsula of

Chalcidice runs out into the Archipelago. On its north- em side it was
separated from Scythia

Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece May 2, 2009 jean-jacques

barthélemy, jean denis barbié du bocage , country called Chalcidice
extends along the feifliore, where formerly fettled feveral Greek colanies,
of which the principal is Olynthus a (trong, opulent, and very populous
city, which, fituated

A history of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ. 2d and rev. ed.
of a "Manual of the history of the New Testament times." Apr 4, 2008
schürer, emil, 1844-1910 one, from which the province of Chalcidice has
its name. This Chalcis lay much farther north, according to the Itinerarium
Antunini only 18 mil. pass, south of Bevoa (Vetei-a Romanorum itineraria,

Course of ancient geography Jul 19, 2009 schmidt, h[enry] i[mmanuel],

1806-1889. [from old catalog] coast of Magnesia, where Jason is said to
have built the ship Argo. 29. The Thermalcus or Thermaeus Sinus, Gulf
of Salonikiy lay between Thessaly and Macedonia on the W. and the
peninsula Chalcidice

The history of Greece Jan 10, 2008 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 collective
name of Chalcidice. 430 HISTORY OF GREECE. [Book T CHAP,
facilitated success. First the Tliermsean gulf wa i ' secured, where the city
of Methone was founded opposite the coast of Thrace. Then

Thucydides. Book 1. Edited by E.C. Marchant Jun 22, 2010 thucydides

reconciled for a time to Athens. 14. . in the direction of Thrace the regular
way of referring collectively to the Greek cities on the coast of Thrace,
esp. Chalcidice. 15. TaOra 8 ktX

A geographical dictionary of Milton Nov 27, 2009 gilbert, allan h., 1888-
the extremity of the easternmost peninsula of Chalcidice, said by Strabo
to be so high that those on its summit see the sun rise three hours earlier
than those at its foot. (7. Frag. 33.) L Atlantic

A geographical dictionary of Milton Nov 17, 2009 gilbert, allan h., 1888-
. Nov, 174. A mountain at the extremity of the easternmost peninsula of
Chalcidice, said by Strabo to be so high that those on its summit see the
sun rise three hours earlier than those at its foot.

Cl. Ptolemaei Alexandrini, Geographiae libri octo, recogniti iam et

diligenter emendati cum tabulis geographicis ad mentem auctoris restitutis
ac emendatis, per Gerardum Mercatorem, ... Jan 22, 2016 claudius
ptolemaeus deferiprio fic fc habet Pof t Nefum lluuium, qui terminus cft
Thraci habetquegradus Edonidis maritima Neapolis Ocfyma Strymonis
fiu.of tia Amphraxitidis Arctula Stantira Chalcidice Panormus portus de

Course of ancient geography Feb 26, 2009 schmidt, h[enry] i[mmanuel],

1806-1889. [from old catalog] the peninsula Chalcidice on the E. It
obtained its name from the town Therma at its head: it was also called
Macedonicus Sinus. STRAIT. 30. Euripus is the name that was given to
the narrow strait, now

Bulletin of miscellaneous information Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. May

28, 2011 royal botanic gardens, kew. Damascena, L. Greece: Corinth
Isthmus. Delphinium orientale, J. Gay. Macedonia : Chalcidice, 18G1.
Glauciuvi flavum, Cr. Macedonia: shores of Athos. Capimris sicula, Duh.
Greece: Euboea

Thirteen satires of Juvenal Jul 6, 2008 juvenal dishes of whatever shape

to hold meat,esca.'Lances' were flat.Multum caelati' isa great quantity of
chased silver cups.' Philip of Macedon and his gold are famous. Olynthus
in Chalcidice

The history of ancient Greece, its colonies, and conquests: from the ... Oct
1, 2009 john gillies :. p If A P41 train of fucccfs. which attendedthe arms
of Nidaxy.lh and Denaof thcncs in the eighth year of the-War, alarmed
the citizens of X)lynthds and other places of the Chalcidice , which

Ad demonicum et Panegyricus Jan 25, 2013 iSocrates of the three

peninsulas of Chalcidice) Revolted from Athens to Sparta in March 423
B. c. (Thuc. iv. 120). The Athenians accordingly blockaded Scione {ib.
1301) and captured it in 421 (ib. V. 32), put

The student's manual of ancient geography. (By W.L. Bevan). Ed. by W.

Smith Oct 17, 2009 william latham bevan Chakii, the capital of
Chalcidice, S.E. of Antioch Chalybon, or Bercsa (as it was named by
Seleucus after the Macedonian town), representing the modem Aleppo, on
the road between Hierapolis and Antioch

Die städtische und bürgerliche Verfassung des Römischen Reichs bis auf
die Zeiten Justinians. Von dr. Emil Kuhn ... Mar 1, 2009 kuhn, emil, 1807-
1888 und die vom Marsyas sich erstreckende Chalcidice von Apamea
oumlstlich angiebt1378). Ein Neuerer1379) bezieht das auf das Land
zwischen dem Orontes und dem Eupbrat, wo auch ein Chalcis, nach dem

A History of Ancient Geography Feb 4, 2008 henry fanshawe tozer

Aegeanat first in a broad mass of hilly coimtry, and 'afterwards in three
narrow projections that resemble the prongs of a tridentand which from
them has received the name of Chalcidice. Here and

Ancient history for colleges and high schools Aug 20, 2008 allen, william
francis, 1830-1889 the Athenian Themistocles. Conquest of Olynthus and
Thrace. By force and intrigue Philip extended his power over the Greek
cities of Chalcidice, a number of which under the lead of Olynthus

Macedonia its races and their future Apr 12, 2009 brailsford, henry noel,
1873-1958 village people north of Castoria, save in the peninsula of
Chalcidice, the island of Thasos, and along the coastline of the Egean.
While it is true that the main elements of the rural population are

The Oxyrhynchus papyri May 17, 2010 grenfell, bernard p. (bernard pyne),
1869-1926, ed , gentle in Chios marching at Salamis observer in Cyprus
all-bounteous in Chalcidice holy in Pieria youthful in Asia Avorshipped
at the three ways at Petra saviour at Hypsele most great at

Hellenica, books V-VII Jan 11, 2008 xenophon 0u7(i5as, the abstract 11.
Acanthus and Apollonia were for the concrete. cities on tlie peninsula of
Chalcidice. 34 ELLHNIKA E. 95

Manual of lithology: treating of the principles of the science with special

reference to megascopic analysis Jun 12, 2009 williams, edward higginson,
1849- [from old catalog] greenish color and silvery luster on the foliation
surfaces. As varieties are: {a) i7rlaquoWlaquo.epidote-schist. From the
phyllite formation of the peninsula of Chalcidice. It is a fine-grained

The history of ancient Greece, its colonies and conquests Mar 8, 2009 john
gillies . nd Deraof thcnes in the eighth year of the war, alarmed the citizens
of Olynthus and other places of the Chalcidice , which having embraced
the carlieft opportunity of Revolting from the

Seven famous Greek plays Mar 25, 2010 oates, whitney jennings, 1904-
1973, ed peninsula which projects from Chalcidice in Macedonia.
ATLAS. A Titan who was condemned to hold the heavens on his
shoulders. The name is also given to the mountain range of northwestern

Mitteilungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geographischen Gesellschaft

Sep 2, 2008 kaiserlich-königliche geographische gesellschaft (austria)
Heimat oder die Halbinsel Chalcidice. Von Josef Adolf Bruch 1 Die
Tiefsee-Forschungen Sr. M. Schiffes Polalaquo in den Jahren 1890, 1891
und 1892 (Mit 1 Karte) 32 Klima von Sof ia. Von J. Hann

A History of Greece, from the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest:

With ... Jul 13, 2009 william smith , Mantinea, and Chalcidice. 2.
Transactions between Sparta and Athens. 3. Policy and charActer of
Alcibiades. 4. He advocates a league with Argos. Resorts to a strategem
to procure it. 5

Herodotus, books VII and VIII Mar 6, 2009 herodotus . cpound cvtavvxov
xetPdeg god of the spirits of airipytav 7. no. 2. Sid 2vXampgts darkness,
the antithesis of Ormuzd ircSCov: in Chalcidice. Syleus rep-
(Ahuramazda),godof the world of resented in

History of the Greek Revolution Nov 13, 2012 george finlay 1836, 360,
361 disputes with, 341. Macedonia, suppression of the Revolt in, i. 256.
Mademkhoria of the Chalcidice, the, i. 248. Mahmud II., accession of , i.
65his personal appearance and charActer

Numismatic Chronicle And Journal Of The Numismatic Society Jan 16,

2017 general in the earliest period exhibit a device upon the reverse, and at
a later ARCHAIC COINS PROBABLY OF CYRENE. 3 period, when
reverse-typos first make their appearance in Chalcidice, they are never

History of Greece, its literature, philosophy, and arts : for use in schools,
and in private instruction Sep 12, 2007 chambers, william, 1800-1883
intermeddling in the quarrel, the Corinthians stirred up a Revolt in
Potidaia, a to\vn of Chalcidice, near the confines of Macedonia, which
had originally been a colony of Corinth, but was at this time a

Solon the Athenian Mar 29, 2011 linforth, ivan m. (ivan mortimer), 1879-
1976 is, the Chalcidice, Sicily, and Italy. It was formerly supposed that
these two systems differed in the unit of weight, but that in both alike a
talent consisted of 60 minae and a mina of 100 drachmae

The Satires of Juvenal and Persius: With English Notes, Critical and ...
Feb 17, 2009 juvenal , To have been sailed through of yore.Moant Athos,
at the extremity of the peninsnla of the same name, projecting from
Chalcidice, in Macedonia, rises abmpdy from the sea to a height of 6349

The Historians History Of The World Vol-4 Jan 19, 2017 williams henry
smith Olynthus. The Olynthians strove more and more vigorously to
assert the authority of the league. They had succeeded in persuading nearly
all the cities of the Chalcidice to join their confederacy they

Erklaerung der Abkuerzungen auf Muenzen der neueren Zeit, des

Mittelalters und des Alterthums ... May 31, 2008 f. w. a. schlickeysen
Potidaea auf der Halbinsel Chalcidice. IIOA. Podalia in Lycien. HOAV.
Polvrrhenium auf Creta. II Ouuml. Posideum auf Karpathus. IIOM
(auchlinkslaumlufig) HOumlH HOSE nOuumlEI Posidonia inLucanien

Thucydides Mythistoricus Sep 17, 2008 cornford, francis macdonald,

1874-1943 .' We lose sight of Cleon till the scene of war is shifted to
Chalcidice. The combatants had actually concluded a truce with provisions
for the discussion of a permanent peace but the negotiations broke

A Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography Based

on the Larger Dictionaries William Smith Jul 27, 2016 william smith he
confounds it with Abnsa in Chalcidice. Under the ilonuins Aenos was a
free town, and a place of importance. Aanui (mm) a river in Rhactia, the
boundary between Hluietia and Noricum. Aedlai or

Herodotus, books VII and VIII Mar 6, 2009 herodotus of the spirits of
aTrcpywv 7. no. 2. Sid SvXs darkness, the antithesis of Ormuzd ircSCov:
in Chalcidice. Syleus rep- (Ahuramazda),godof the worldof resented in
Greek mythology as light. II

Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia Nov 30, 2014

geographical society of philadelphia cncanipeti around Therma, the later
Thessalonica at the head of the gulf which separates Pieria from
Chalcidicethe Persian king, in looking southward down along the coast of
the country which was so soon

The Balkans: A Laboratory of History Apr 12, 2008 william milligan

sloane hearing as to what was equally true, namely, that Chalcidice,
Drama, and the whole shore line were Greek, except that the trading city
of Salonica, with its wonderful harbor, is first Jewish and

Hellenica, Books v-vii Mar 12, 2008 xenophon ., city in Megaris, v. 4. 18

vi. 4. 26. ACvas, a Stymphalian, commander of the Arcadians, vii. 3. 1.
'gymnasium near Athens, city on the peninsula of Chalcidice

Manual of Lithology: Treating of the Principles of the Science with

Special ... Feb 1, 2009 edward higginson williams varieties are: {a)
fpoundgtrlaquoifW-epidote-schist From the phyllite formation of the
peninsula of Chalcidice. It is a fine-grained aggregate of coarse epidote,
bright green hornblende, and tufts of

Mnhmhe Xapin Vol. I Jan 18, 2017 kretschmer., paul 'mouse-chasing

snake in Mt. Athos, P.oamprjs in Chalcidice and Myconos, etc. The
attempt of Ducange29 to connect the name P.acpiaxi, as he gives the form,
with ancient Greek i?.altpig with reference to

The Satires of Juvenal and Persius: With English Notes, Critical and
Explanatory, from the Best Commentators, by Charles Anthon Feb 26,
2014 juvenal through of yore.- Mount Athos, at the extremity of the

peninsula of the same name, projecting from Chalcidice, in Macedonia,

rises abruptly from the sea to a height of 6349 feet. There is no

The Satires of Juvenal and Persius [microf orm] Mar 15, 2013 juvenal
through of yore.Mount Athos, at the extremity of the peninsula of the
same name, projecting from Chalcidice, in Macedonia, rises abruptly
from the sea to a height of C349 feet. There is no anchorage

The Numismatic Chronicle Jun 16, 2008 royal numismatic society (great
britain) coasts of the -3Egean. The peninsula of Chalcidice, from the
number of Chalcidian colonies which it had received, was named after
their mother city. The colonies of Eretria were hardly less…

Iskander : a romance of the court of Philip of Macedon and Alexander

the Great Apr 11, 2017 kirkman, marshall monroe, 1842-1921 little but
scars, and slaves hardly worth the holding, if I except the fat cities of
Chalcidice,' Ptolemy exclaimed, scanning his battered armor. ldquo Twill
be different in Babylon and Susa when our swords

The Cambridge Ancient History 3rd Edition Oct 10, 2015 laquopoundi
S'odegplsquo[ Thasoi Vl!,laquo? 'veael \ CHALCIDICE oWamhus gtY
Pvtfna7 xOlyrnhusSaC ltr) T PIEII.a7 SpanoifKT S\ L ty | PondaeeTV \\
Mi Athoi Gonmop . \ Scionreg '~X I JMwm \ N THESSAL

The Numismatic Chronicle, and Journal of the Numismatic Society Jul 7,

2008 royal numismatic society (great britain) attribute the mintage to
Chalcedon. Chalcidice in Macedonia might be suggested but, besides that
the monogram resolves itself much more readily into KAAX than XAAK,
there is no probability that any

Mnhmhe Xapin Vol. I Jan 18, 2017 kretschmer., paul Chavoutsi, both
settlements of Tsakonians in the Propontis, uXatpidtrig 'naonse-chasing
snake in Mt. Athos, lagjfetjs in Chalcidice and Myconos, etc. Tlie attempt
of Ducangeregreg to connect the name

Exchange Of Minorities Bulgaria Greece And Turkey Jan 16, 2017 ladas
stephen p. was much improved. Many of them were well on the road to
prosperity. Significant in this connection was the case of the large district
of Chalcidice, which in 1926 seemed likely to be abandoned

The Cambridge Ancient History Dec 3, 2013 edwards, i. e. s. (iorwerth

eiddon stephen), 1909-1996 in dealing out life and death. In 382 the
Spartans involved themselves and their allies in a more serious war on the
northern confines of Greece, where the cities of Chalcidice under the

Outlines of Universal History: Designed as a Text-book and for Private

Reading Feb 18, 2008 george park fisher of Epirus were other Corinthian
and Corcyrxan settlements. Chalcis planted towns in the peninsula of
Chalcidice, and from thence to Seiymbria (or Byzantium), which was
founded by Megara (657 B.C.). The

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) SCIONE
(MACEDONIAN CHALCIDICE). 1. Obv. Young male head, r. (athlete,
or Apollo?) hair short, indicated by dots. ix Rev. Human eye incuse square.
M. Size -45. Wt. 33 grs. [PL XIV

Greek coins and their parent cities Jan 14, 2008 ward, john, 1832-1912
Macedonian Chalcidice of later date and is one of the finest coins of
Leontinoi extant. Nos. 198 and 199 are coins struck in the time of DiON
of Syracuse, with Corinthian types. Mr. Evans reads AEON

The historical antiquities of the Greeks [microf orm], with reference to the
politcal institutions Mar 15, 2013 wachsmuth, wilhelm, 1784-1866 Such
were probably the uxXoc 3ap3apa,v tyXltirra,v BctraXriKZv in the wns of
Chalcidice, Diodor. 12. 68. DEMOCRACY IN GENERAL. 54. 2 stantial
charActer of the democracy, was the idea of equahty

The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies and Conquests: From the
Earliest ... Jun 30, 2009 john gillies fnother-country, yet like most
establishments in the Chalcidice, a tributary confederatef of Athens,
likewise strengthened its walls, and prepared to Revolt. But the Athenians
anticipated this design, by

Repertorium zur antiken Numismatik im Anschluss an Mionnet's

Description des médailles antiques, zusammengestellt von Julius
Friedländer aus seinem Nachlass hrsg. von Rudolf Weil Oct 17, 2008
friedlaender, j. (julius), 1813-1884 51 Anmerkung 2. Cerdylium. Revue
num. 1863 84 {M mit Diota, fruumlher Chersonesus zugetheilt). Dazu
Annali 1861 134. Chalcidice. Akerman Chronicle XEE Proceedings of the
numism. society p. 21. Ottfr

The First Book of the History of Thucydides: From Bekker's Text with
Smith's English and Valla ... Aug 25, 2008 thucydides and the lake Bolbe.
CHAP. LIX. T 2 epdicris] Those parts, colonized by the Greeks, sometimes
called Chalcidice. Ktd Karatrrdrnts] Karaarrjveu h. L est consistere in
loco, et ad pugnandum se parare

Thucydides Mythistoricus Nov 8, 2009 cornford, francis macdonald, 1874-

1943 unsuccessful. Thus ended tho afiair of Pylos.' We lose sight of Cleon
till the scene of war is shifted to Chalcidice. The combatants had actually
concluded a truco vith provisions for the discussion of


Chalcidice under the leadership of Olynthus had established a powerful
confederation. This League, which probably had its origin at the time of
the Peloponnesian War and was primarily directed against

History of ancient and modern Greece May 13, 2011 frost, john, 1800-
1859 place belonging to Corcyra. Hereupon the Corinthians went home,
as did also the Athenian squadron to Athens. Revolt of Potidee a,
Chalcidice and Bottieaa. Potidaea, a town on the Isthmus connecting

Ancient history, by J. Robinson and F. Young. 4 vols. [in 1]. Mar 18, 2014
john Robinson , francis young of Asia during the reigns of the
Seleucidreg, ampc. 1 3 Atropatene 147 Bactria or Bactriana 147 Edessa or
Osroene... 148 Emesa 148 Adiabene 148 Characene 148 Elymais 149
Commagene 149 Chalcidice

A general history of the world Jan 10, 2011 browning, oscar, 1837-1923
befell them in Chalcidice, where, in the battle of Amphipolis, fought in
422, the Athenians, who were led by Cleon, suffered a crushing defeat at
the hands of Brasidas, the best of the Spartan generals

Das Pflanzenreich. Regni vegetabilis conspectus. Im Auftrage der Königl.

preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften hrgs. von A. Engler Dec 13, 2007
engler, adolf, 1844-1930 , Sicilien, Lampedusa, Istrien, Dalmatien,
Albanien, Chalcidice, Macedonien, Attika, Morea, Inseln des
Archipelagus, Creta, Cypern. Vorzugsweise in Macchien mit Sand- oder
Schieferuntergrund in Gesellschaft

The Numismatic Chronicle, and Journal of the Numismatic Society May

2, 2008 royal numismatic society (great britain) peninsula of Chalcidice,
from the number of Chalcidian colonies which it had received, was named
after their mother city. The colonies of Eretria were hardly less numerous,
and were for the most part

Zeitschrift für Numismatik Mar 2, 2008 alfred friedrich constantin von

sallet , hermann dannenberg , heinrich dressel , julius menadier , kurt
regling sorgfllltigste und feinste Ausfuumlhrung. Auch der leicht
schwaumlrmerische Ausdruck des Apollokopfes ist von houmlchster
Anmuth und mehrfach den gut geschnittenen Stempeln von Chalcidice
eigen diese wirklich schoumlnen

Excavations At Olynthus Part Xi 1942 Jan 20, 2017 david m Robinson ,

though we have as yet no data for racial movements during the Bronze

Age. Corded and Hallstatt N'ordies probably at least passed through central
Macedonia, but may not have had much effect on Chalcidice

The ancient world, from the earliest times to 800 A. D. Aug 20, 2009
betten, francis s. (francis sales), 1863-1942 but Sparta now broke up the
leading city, Mantinea, and dispersed the inhabitants in villages. In
Chalcidice, the city of Olynthus had organized its neighbors into a
promising league. A Spartan army

Bulletin of the Geographical Society of Philadelphia Feb 19, 2008

geographical society of philadelphia first historical visit to Tempe, that of
Xerxes. While his huge army was encamped around Therma,the later
Thessalonica at the head of the gulf which separates Pieria from
Chalcidicethe Persian king

Thirteen satires of Juvenal Sep 27, 2012 juvenal meat, ' esca.' ' Lances '
were flat. ' Multum caelati' is ' a great quantity of chased silver cups.'
Philip of Macedon and his gold are famous. Olynthus in Chalcidice was
besieged by Philip b.c. 348

Political ideas of the Greeks,: with special reference to early notions about
law, authority, and natural order in relation to human ordinance May 9,
2011 myres, john linton had its colonies on the gulf west of Chalcidice as
well. Now, in historic times both Chalcis and 92 THE NOTION OF
SOCIETY Eretria, and with them other smaller and historically obscurer
cities of

The Olynthiacs of Demosthenes: With notes for schools and colleges Jun
14, 2009 Demosthenes, william seymour tyler . 350-49 (Grote, XL 449),
after recovering from an illness in Thrace, he commenced serious
operations against X INTRODUCTION. INTRODUCTION. ix them by
marching into Chalcidice. The immediate cause of

The Numismatic Chronicle, and Journal of the Numismatic Society Feb

13, 2009 royal numismatic society (great britain) Chalcedon. Chalcidice
in Macedonia might be suggested but, besides that the monogram resolves
itself much more readily into KAAX than XAAK, there is no probability
that any coins bearing that appellation

The Life Of Alcibiades Jan 18, 2017 benson, e. f. Chalcidice, was

originally a Corinthian colony, but had joined the Athenian alliance in b.c.
434, and now paid tribute to Athens. It became known at Athens that
Corinth was meditating reprisals in that

Foundations of moral obligation : the Stockdale course Jan 15, 2013

brennan, joseph gerard, 1910- -scientist should study for twenty years
under Plato, leader of the Academy of Athens? At the age of seventeen,
Aristotle came down to Athens from Stagira in Chalcidice, a northern
region under Macedonian

Iskander : a romance of the court of Philip of Macedon and Alexander

the Great Apr 10, 2017 kirkman, marshall m. (marshall monroe), 1842-
1921 of that mighty empire. 58 Iskander ldquo Tis time. For till now our
campaigns have yielded little but scars, and slaves hardly worth the
holding, if I except the fat cities of Chalcidice,rdquo Ptolemy

The prince a romance of the camp and court of Alexander the Great. The
love story of Roxana, the maid of Bactria Oct 30, 2009 kirkman, marshall
monroe, 1842-1921 fat cities of Chalcidice, Seleucus complained,
scanning his battered armour. They say that the gold of Croesus, taken by
Cyrus when Sardis fell two hundred years ago, is still untouched in the

A system of ancient and mediæval geography for the use of schools and
colleges Dec 18, 2014 anthon, charles, 1797-1867 said to possess a soil
more fruitful than the richest plains of Sicily, and there are few districts in
the world so fertile as the coasts of Athos or the ancient Chalcidice.
Digitized by Macedonia

A geographical dictionary of Milton Oct 19, 2006 gilbert, allan h., 1888- .
Quint. Nov. 174. A mountain at the extremity of the easternmost
peninsula of Chalcidice, said by Strabo to be so high that those on its
summit see the sun rise three hours earlier than those at its

The Historians' History of the World Mar 8, 2009 henry smith williams
encroachments of Olynthus. The Olynthians strove more and more
vigorously to assert the authority of the league. They had succeeded in
persuading nearly all the cities of the Chalcidice to join their

A first history of Greece Oct 12, 2011 sewell, elizabeth missing, 1815-
1906. [from old catalog] , Messehe. Sparta, Helos, Sellasia, the river
Eurotas. Corinth. Sicyon. Mantinea, Megalopolis. COUNTEIES AND
ISLANDS ADJOINING GEEECE. Macedonia . . Pydna, Amphipolis, the
Peninsula of Chalcidice

The satires of Juvenal and Persius Aug 2, 2012 juvenal . OUin velijicatus.
To have been sailed through of yore.Mount Athos, at the extremity of the
peninsula of the same name, projecting from Chalcidice, in Macedonia,
rises abruptly from the sea to a

Funeral speech, LX. Erotic essay, LXI. Exordia and Letters [microf orm]
Mar 15, 2013 Demosthenes -449. 123- Apollonia in Chalcidice 1. 165.
28, 239. 26 Apollonides, anti-Mace- donian leader of Olyn- thus, banibhed
L 2άalpha. 56, 259-261. GG citi- zenship bestowed by people

Thucydides Mythistoricus Jan 17, 2017 cornford, francis macdonald kept

on dismissing the envoys unsuccessful. Thus ended the affair of Pylos.'
We lose sight of Cleon till the scene of war is shifted to Chalcidice. The
combatants had actually concluded a truce with

Solon The Athenian Jan 16, 2017 ivan m. linforth the mainland of Greece,
and in the islands of the southern Aegean. Coins of the Euboean standard

were current in the cities of Euboea and in their colonial domain, that is,
the Chalcidice, Sicily, and

The Numismatic Chronicle May 24, 2008 royal numismatic society (great
britain) animals which has not been said before. I also pass by the specially
ApoUine types, such as the lyre of Chalcidice, and the torch which makes
its appearance as a symbol of Apollo on the money of

Greek Coins and Their Parent Cities Sep 5, 2008 john ward, sir george
francis hill strong resemblance to the coins of Macedonian Chalcidice of
later date and is one of the finest coins of Leontinoi extant. Nos. 198 and
199 are coins struck in the time of Dion of Syracuse, with

History Of Ancient Geography Jan 17, 2017 akhtar, j. d. the Aegeanat first
in a broad mass of hilly country, and afterwards in three narrow projections
that resemble the prongs of a tridentand which from them has received the
name of Chalcidice.

Twenty lives Aug 14, 2009 nepos, cornelius Zeus were held every four
years. The period be- tween the celebrations was called an Olympiad.
Olympiodorus, -i, m., Olympiodorus, a Greek musician. Olynthus, -i, f.,
Olynthus, a town of Chalcidice

Thucydides Mythistoricus Sep 17, 2008 cornford, francis macdonald,

1874-1943 kept on dismissing the envoys unsuccessful. Thus ended the
affair of Pylos.' We lose sight of Cleon till the scene of war is shifted to
Chalcidice. The combatants had actually concluded a truce with

Greek leaders Nov 12, 2009 hopkinson, leslie white that the whole of
Chalcidice fell into the hands of the Macedonian, who sold as slaves the
inhabitants of Olynthus, including many Athenian citizens, and wiped out
of existence thirty-two towns. Athens

Thirteen satires of Juvenal Jul 1, 2008 juvenal chased silver cups.' Philip
of Macedon and his gold are famous. Olynthus in Chalcidice was
besieged by Philip B.C. 348, and taken through the treachery of two of
the inhabitants, whose services he bought

Repertorium zur antiken Numismatik, im Anschluss an Mionnet's

Description des médailles antiques zusammengestellt. Herausg. von R.
Weil Sep 9, 2014 julius friedländer 1861 134. Chalcidice. Akerman
Chronicle XII Proceedings of the numism. society p. 21. Ottfr. Muumlller,
Goumltt gel. Anz. 1830 p. 1442. Cadalvene 61 cf. 72. Domersan, Allier d.
H. IV 16. Mionnet S. III 60 384

The Bulgarians and Anglo-Saxondom Nov 12, 2009 stephanove,

constantine, 1876- claims are indirectly defined by such excerpts as these:
As for the Greeks they are nowhere a village people north of Castoria, save
in the peninsula of Chalcidice, the island of Thasos, and along the

The Canadian entomologist Jan 23, 2008 entomological society of canada

following communication includes two genera of Chalcidice, Perilampus,
and Callimome. Perilampus is known in America

The historians' history of the world a comprehensive narrative of the rise

and development of nations as recorded by over two thousand of the great
writers of all ages: Oct 22, 2008 williams, henry smith, 1863-1943 cities
of the Chalcidice to join their confederacy they had pushed forward
towards Macedonia, and had even brought Pella over to their interests. The
league was now in a position to hold the menace of

The Numismatic Chronicle May 12, 2008 royal numismatic society (great
britain) that of some of the beautiful heads of Apollo on the coins of
Chalcidice. The reverse, instead of the usual vine with four or more
bunches of grapes, has a single vine-branch with a large bunch of

The Cults of the Greek States May 11, 2008 lewis richard farnell Magnum
to Artemis 'EAolt)3oAo9. A month of the same name occurred in the
calendar of lasos and Apollonia''' in Chalcidice and we hear of the
festival of the 'poundXai7)3oAia, celebrated with great

Register zu den Bänden[1] bis 115([1848] bis 1906) der Sitzungsberichte

der mathematisch ... Apr 21, 2008 k. akademie der wissenschaften, vienna
math. natur. klasse der Halbinsel Chalcidice. LXXVII. Bd. I. Abth. pag.
609615. Gesteine von Griechenland. LXXVHI. Bd. I. Abth. pag. 417430.
Ueber die Zwillingsbildung und die optischen Eigenschaften des Chabasit

ORATIONS DEMOSTHENES Apr 10, 2014 thomas leland cities of

Chalcidice over the whole adjacent territories. But it was not until the reign
of Philip II that Macedonia became a military and political power of
sufficient importance to menace the

Nikos Kazantzakis Zorba The Greek Aug 31, 2014 course she's married.
She isn't an imbecile. I was working in a copper-mine near Pravishta in
Chalcidice. One day I received a letter from my brother Yanni. Oh yes! I'd
forgotten to tell you I have a

A Smaller History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman

Conquest Jul 15, 2009 william smith . The colonies on the coast of
Macedonia were chiefly founded by Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea and
the peninsula of Chalcidice, with its three projecting headlands, was
covered with their settlements

Die griechischen Münzen der Sammlung Warren Feb 28, 2009 edward
perry warren , kurt regling
. 2,80 g. Eub(gtischer Tetrobol. Anfang des 5. Jahrh. v. C. CHALCIDICE.
Die Mtinzen von Nr. 561. an sind von dem 392 gegruumlndeten, von
Philippos II 348 vernichteten chalzidischlaquo Bunde

Histoire de l'ancienne Grèce, de ses colonies et de ses conquëtes, depuis

les premiers temps, jusqu'à la division de l'Empire Macédonien ... Traduite
de l'anglois de John Gillies, par M. Carra ... Tome premier sixième Mar 11,
2016 le long de la cocircte Maceacutedonicne , le voifinage defquels tentoit
naturellement lambition de Perdiccas. $c?us le preacutetexte fpccieux
daider Olynthe amp les autres villes de la Chalcidice k recouvrer leur

A History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest Aug
18, 2008 william smith , george washington greene the Danube. Of these
we can only glance at the most important. The coloniea on the coast of
Macedonia were chiefly founded by Chalcia and Eretria in Euboea and
the peninsula of Chalcidice, with its

A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography

... Jul 25, 2008 william smith Thracians in the Trojan war, slain by the
Telamonian Ajax. Acanthus (-l), a town on the Isthmus, which connects
the peninsula of Athos witti Chalcidice, founded by the inhabitants of
AndroB. ACARNAN (-Snis

The Little Ives illustrated ready reference encyclopedia for home and
school use Jun 25, 2010 dunham, franklin, b. 1892 monarchy whose
government is administered by a premier and council of ministers, which
must have the confidence of the assembly. It consists of a mainland area
(with three-pronged Chalcidice and

Cornelii Nepotis Vitae: für den Schulgebrauch : mit sachlichen

Anmerkungen, vielen Abbildungen ... Feb 16, 2008 cornelius nepos , karl
erbe Handelsstaumldte des Altertums. Von den Kolonien, die es
gruumlndete, waren die wichtigsten Corcyra, Syracus und Potidaumla
(letzteres auf der Halbinsel Chalcidice in Macedonien). Auf der
Corinthischen Muumlnze

Ad demonicum et Panegyricus ISocrates Jun 4, 2016 iSocrates Pallene,

(the most western of the three peninsulas of Chalcidice) Revolted from

Athens to Sparta in March 433 B.c. (Thuc. IV. 130). The Athenians
accordingly blockaded Scione (ib. 130i) and captured it in

Lectures on ancient ethnography and geography, comprising Greece and

her colonies, Epirus, Macedonia, Illyricum, Italy, Gaul, Spain, Britain, the
north of Africa, etc Mar 20, 2007 niebuhr, barthold georg, 1776-1831
iroKiaara ra , or 7roXei9 Xa\ci$iKal ITTL Spate?]?. It is only in an
improper sense that we speak of a country of the name of Chalcidice
wherever that name occurs, it is incorrect and belongs to a late

The World Jan 17, 2017 thomas pickles worthy of notethe three-fingered
Chalcidice peninsula and the five-fingered peninsula of Morea, The
climate of Greece is of the Mediterranean type, the long, hot summers
being almost absolutely

A geography, physical, and descriptive, for beginners, ed. by M. Creighton

Feb 11, 2008 leonora blanche lang Constantiaople and the peninsula of
Chalcidice remained to the emperor of the East. In 1453 Mahomet U.
made the passage of the Bosphoms (or straits leading from the Sea of
Marmora into the Euxine

Die griechischen Münzen der Sammlung Warren beschrieben von Kurt

Regling May 10, 2011 warren, edward prioleau, 1856- CHALCIDICE.
Die Muumlnzen von Nr. 561. an sind von dem 392 gegruumlndeten, von
Philippos II 348 vernichteten chalzidischen Bunde in dem Vororte
desselben Olynthus gepraumlgt. 560 Taf. XIV

emanoil babus aspecte ale istoriei si spiritualitatii bizantului

[] Oct 16, 2012 fondatorul primei
mănăstiri de la Muntele Athos. Unul dintre cele trei braţe ale Peninsulei
Chalcidice de la Marea Egee, situată icircntre oraşele Tesalonic şi
Constantinopol, poartă numele de Muntele Athos

The Bulgarians and Anglo-Saxondom Sep 22, 2014 stephanove,

constantine the Greeks they are nowhere a village people north of Castoria,
save in the peninsula of Chalcidice, the island of Thasos, and along the
coastline of the Aegean.5) Macedonia was never Greek, but

Serta Romana: poetarum decem Latinorum carmina selecta Aug 10, 2009
j. woltjer schiereiland van Chalcidice, later Pallene. 49. Vgl. Tib. II, 6,
25: ced tunc pascebant herbosa Palatia vaccae et stabant humiles in lovis
arce casae. 53. utroque ab litore, vgl. Catullus IV, 20

Thirteen satires of Juvenal May 3, 2008 juvenal quantity of chased silver

cups.' Philip of Macedon and his gold are famous. Olynthus in Chalcidice
was besieged by Philip B.C. 348, and taken through the treachery of two
of the inhabitants, whose services

The Balkans: A Laboratory of History Mar 18, 2008 william milligan

sloane troops Ocfarida were Bulgarian. About this there was such a
perpetual clatter that Greece could get no hearing as to what was equally
true, namely, that Chalcidice, Drama, and the whole shore line

Solon the Athenian Apr 1, 2008 ivan mortimer linforth islands of the
southern Aegean. Coins of the Euboean standard were current in the cities
of Euboea and in their colonial domain, that is, the Chalcidice, Sicily, and
Italy. It was formerly supposed that

Thirteen satires of Juvenal Jul 27, 2008 juvenal ,esca.' ' Lanceswere flat. '
Multum caelati' isa great quantity of chased silver cups.' Philip of
Macedon and his gold are famous. Olynthus in Chalcidice was besieged
by Philip b.c. 848, and

Ancient Ethnography And Geography Vol.1 Jan 16, 2017 schmitz,

leonhard an improper sense that we speak of a country of the name of
Chalcidice wherever that name occurs, it is incorrect and belongs to a late
period. We must not, however, believe that none but Chalcidian

A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography

... Jul 16, 2009 william smith part of the Macedonian Chalcidice N. of
Olynthus which was called Bottiee. BOTTlCB. [BoTTiA.] BOVliNUM
(Bojano), the chief town of the Pentri in Samninm. BOVILLAB (-ftrum),
an ancient town In Latium

Thirteen Satires of Juvenal May 2, 2009 juvenal, a. j. macleane of

Macedon and his gold are famous. Olynthus in Chalcidice was besieged
by Philip b.c. 848, and taken thnmgh the treachery of two of the
inhabitants, whose services he bouffht. Tlie city was

Thirteen satires of Juvenal Mar 29, 2008 juvenal whatever shape to hold
meat, 'esca.' 'Lances' were flat. ' Multum caelati' isa great quanti of chased
silver cups.' Philip of Macedon and his gold are famous. Olynthus in
Chalcidice was besieged by

A smaller classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography ...

Aug 20, 2009 Euboenn sea, said to have derived its name from Anthedon,
son of Glancus, who was here changed into a god ANTHfiMtTS (-ontis),
a Macedonian town in Chalcidice. Digitized by Google ANTHEMUSIA.

The Numismatic Chronicle And Journal Of The Royal Numismatic

Society Fifth Series Vol.iv Jan 18, 2017 g.f.hill the Milesian lion and
lozenge incuse. Except in weight standard and divisional system (which
however Prof essor Gardner has shown reason to think originated in
Chalcidice) there is no direct point of

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) Lysiruachus. It is
interesting, because the most natural solution of it would be that above
suggested, leading us to attribute the mintage to Chalcedon. Chalcidice in
Macedonia might be suggested but

Thucydides book I Mar 10, 2008 thucydides collectively to the Greek cities
on the coast of Thrace, esp. Chalcidice. 15. Tavra Se ktX. 'the battle . .
had only recently been fought when the A. . . .' 19. lt|)aveuropa)S
bull(Stitheir hatred of

The Historians' History of the World: Greece to the Roman conquest Oct
1, 2009 henry smith williams encroachments of Olynthus. The
Olynthians strove more and more vigorously to assert the authority of the
league. They had succeeded in persuading nearly all the cities of the
Chalcidice to join their

Geograficzne imiona slowańskie zestawione alfabetycznie wedlug nazw

ich ... Mar 19, 2008 stanislaw zarański ob. Kaisariye. Ceze ob. Windan.
ChabaroYice ob. Karbitz. Chabitschau, Chabiczoacutew, wś śl. z. rak-opw.
Chabowa ob. Havel. Chalcidice tk. Chalkidike, poacutełwysep mcd.
ChftIons-sur-Mame, Szalon, M. ft. w

Map And Chart Jan 20, 2017 t pickles isolated plains, or run out to sea as
peninsulas or islands. Two peninsulas are particularly worthy of notethe
three-fingered Chalcidice peninsula and the five-fingered peninsula of
Morea. The climate of

Essentials of Greek and Roman classics : a guide to the humanities Nov 3,

2009 reinhold, meyer, 1909- besieged Potidaea in the Chalcidice. The
Persian fleet mustered at Samos, while a Greek navy under Spartan
command gathered at Delos. 133-144. Mardonius wintered in Thessaly.
After consulting oracles

The story of the Salonica army Mar 19, 2008 price, g. ward (george ward),
b. 1886 . Meanwhile, a certain amount of small trouble broke loose in the
Chalcidice Peninsula, which forms the eastern side of the Gulf of
Salonica and lies in rear of our Army area. Armed reservists and

Cassell's illustrated universal history Jun 14, 2008 edmund ollier Philippic,
476. 350 b.c--Operations of Philip in Chalcidice, 476. 847 B.C.Caigttupe
of Olynthus, 476 Alarm at Athens, 476 Despondent Views of Phocion.
477 Progress of the Sacred War, 477 Athenian Embasay

The historians' history of the world a comprehensive narrative of the rise

and development of nations as recorded by over two thousand of the great
writers of all ages Nov 8, 2009 williams, henry smith, 1863-1943
vigorously to assert the authority of the league. They had succeeded in
persuading nearly all the cities of the Chalcidice to join their confederacy
they had pushed forward towards Macedonia, and

Thucydides book III Mar 10, 2008 thucydides extend to this. A period of
aKfiYj is of course meant. Athens was now beginning to feel the strain on
her finances (see c. 19) and her position in Chalcidice was very precarious.
(Vollgraff proposes

High school ancient history [microf orm] : Greece and Rome Dec 3, 2012
myers, Philip van ness, 1846-1937 abveiy (348 b.c.). He also destroyed
thirty other towns la the peninsula. Thus aU Chalcidice became a part of
Macedonia. EMPIRE OF ALEXANDER. iw Meailwhile Philip was also
subduing the barbarians of

The prince : a romance of the camp and court of Alexander the Great : the
love story of Roxana, the maid of Bactria Feb 3, 2009 kirkman, marshall
monroe, 1842-1921 the fat geese are plucked.Tis time, for till now our
campaigns have yielded little but scars and staves hardly worth the holding,
if I except the fat cities of Chalcidice,Seleucus complained

A Smaller History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman

Conquest Jun 22, 2009 william smith colonies on the coast of Macedonia
were chiefly founded by Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea and the j)eninsula
of Chalcidice, with its three projecting headlands, was covered with their
settlements, and

The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies, and Conquests from the
Earliest Accounts Till the Division of the Macedonian Empire in the East.
Including the Hystory of Literature, Philosophy, and the Fine Arts. By
John Gillies ... Vol. 1.5. Apr 9, 2016 war, alarmed the citizens of Olynthus
and other places of the Chalcidice , which having embraced the earlieft
opportunity of Revolting from the Athenians, juftly dreaded the
vengeance of an incenfed and

Emanoil Babus - Aspecte ale istoriei si spiritualitatii Bizantului Oct 18,

2011 fondatorul primei mănăstiri de la Muntele Athos. Unul dintre cele
trei braţe ale Peninsulei Chalcidice de la Marea Egee, situată icircntre
oraşele Tesalonic şi Constantinopol, poartă numele de Muntele Athos

University of California publications in classical philology May 29, 2008

university of california (1868-1952) of Euboea and in their colonial
domain, that is, the Chalcidice, Sicily, and Italy. It was formerly supposed
that these two systems differed in the unit of weight, but that in both alike
a talent

The Balkans : a laboratory of history Mar 30, 2007 sloane, william

milligan, 1850-1928 truth that the districts of Monastir and Ochrida were
Bulgarian. About this there was such a perpetual clatter that Greece could
get no hearing as to what was equally true, namely, that Chalcidice,

The Bulgarians and Anglo-Saxondom Jan 10, 2008 stephanove,

constantine, b. 1876 for the Greeks they are nowhere a village people north
of Castoria, save in the peninsula of Chalcidice, the island of Thasos,
and along the coastline of the Aegean.) Macedonia was never Greek, but

curs de bizantinologie [] Oct 17, 2012

mănăstiri de la Muntele Athos. Unul dintre cele trei braţe ale Peninsulei
Chalcidice de la Marea Egee, situata intre oraşele Tesalonic şi
Constantinopol, poarta numele de Muntele Athos. Aceasta fasie de

The Numismatic Chronicle, and Journal of the Numismatic Society Jun

20, 2008 royal numismatic society (great britain) I'argent de plusieurs
yilles de la Chalcidice et des pays situs k Test de cette presqu'ile. Pour
viter des repetitions, je me rfere a ce qu'ont dit a ce sujet les deux auteurs
cits, et je me

Websters Geographical Dictionary Jan 19, 2017 webster, a merriam

. AlsquoCan'thus (o-kan'tliiis). .Ancient town on E coast at base of Acte
penin., Chalcidice, N Greece, ab. 4 m. W of site of Xerxes' canal cut
across the Isthmus of .Acte 480 li.c. A'ca-po-ne'ta .

Handbuch der alten Geographie Dec 8, 2007 forbiger, albert, 1798-1878

Paonien, im 0. durch ein Stuck von Thracien bis an den Nestus
{Macedonia adiecta) u. im S. durch die Halbinsel Chalcidice vergriissert.
28) Das Meer bildet andcrKiisle Macedoniens mehrere grosse

The history of ancient Greece, its colonies and conquests : from the earliest
accounts till the division of the Macedonian empire in the East : including
the history of literature, philosophy, and the fine arts Apr 10, 2008 gillies,
john, 1747-1836 the Chalcidice', itfelf the centre of the Macedonian and
Thracian coaffo mio-ht have preferved and extended her dominion, if the
ambafladors of Acanthus and Apollonia had not completely effected the

A History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest,

with ... Sep 26, 2008 william smith the mouth of the Danube. Of these we
can only glance at the most important The cdbnies on e coast of
Macedonia were chiefly founded by Chalds and Eretria in Euboea and
the peninsula of Chalcidice

Manuale di geografia antica : in servizio dei classici, della mitologia e della

storia Jan 28, 2011 bevan, william latham monti dello stesso nome
Seleucis, intorno Antiochia Chalybonitis, di lagrave verso l'Eufrate

Chalcidice, al S. O. Apamene, che si estendeva da Apamea verso S. E.

Palmyrene, lungo la frontiera

Thucydides Mythistoricus May 8, 2007 cornford, francis macdonald,

1874-1943 .' We lose sight of Cleon till the scene of war is shifted to
Chalcidice. The combatants had actually concluded a truce with provisions
for the discussion of a permanent peace but the negotiations broke

A smaller history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest
Nov 29, 2007 smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 of the Danube. Of these we
can only glance at the most imi)ortant. The colonies on the coast of
jNlacedonia were chiefly founded by Chalcis and Erctria in Eubcca and
the peninsula of Chalcidice

almaktaba -roma Jan 20, 2014 pdf l~_:Chalcidice -L- Bocking j__

Geography And World Power Jan 16, 2017 fairgrieve james -projecting
peninsulae of Chalcidice, with its many merchant cities dependent on the
sea. Further expansion brought her at once to a position by which she was
able to control the Hellespont. She was thus in

The Satires of Juvenal and Persius Jan 15, 2015 juvenal of the peninsula
of the same name, projecting from Chalcidice, in Macedonia, rises
abruptly from the sea to a height of 6349 feet. There is no anchorage for
ships at its base, and the voyage round it

The Balkans a laboratory of history Nov 13, 2009 sloane, william milligan,
1850-1928 Bulgarian. About this there was such a perpetual clatter that
Greece could get no hearing as to what was equally true, namely, that
Chalcidice, Drama, and the whole shore line were Greek, except that the

[Histories] Apr 30, 2008 thucydides collectively to the Greek cities on the
coast of Thrace, esp. Chalcidice. 15. ravra 8 ktX. 'the battle . . had only

recently been fought when the A. . . .' 19. 4gtaveuropltos ■fSt]their Mirerf
of Athens is

The Greek Dilemma War And Aftermath Jan 18, 2017 william hardy
mcneill effort at peacemaking thus collapsed, and during the next six
months ELAS was able to pick of f the PAO bands one by one, and take
over control of all Central Macedonia and the Chalcidice as well. In

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) beautiful heads of
Apollo on the coins of Chalcidice. The reverse, instead of the usual vine
with four or more bunches of grapes, has a single vine-branch with a large
bunch of grapes occupying the whole

The Numismatic Chronicle And Numismatic Society Vol Xiii Jan 18, 2017
barclay v. head ed groupe pent se rapporter 4galement, et avec le plus haut
degr6 de vraisemblanoe, au nom dune Tille inconme de Pancienne Thrace,
ou de la Chalcidice. Outre les monnaies de Trailon et celles dont

Solon the Athenian Jan 28, 2015 ivan mortimer linforth Euboean standard
were current in the cities of Euboea and in their colonial domain, that is,
the Chalcidice, Sicily, and Italy. It was formerly supposed that these two
systems differed in the unit of

Essentials Of Greek And Roman Classics A Guide To The Humanities Jan

20, 2017 meyer reinhold Potidaea in the Chalcidice. The Persian fleet
mustered at Samos, while a Greek navy under Spartan command gathered
at Delos. 133-144. Mardonius wintered in Thessaly. After consulting
oracles, he

The Balkans a laboratory of history May 21, 2008 sloane, william

milligan, 1850-1928 hearing as to what was equally true, namely, that
Chalcidice, Drama, and the whole shore line were Greek, except that the

trading city of Salonica, with its wonderful harbor, is first Jewish and

Lectures upon the portions of history May 10, 2010 bostwick, henry, 1787-
1836 or 7. [from old catalog] Thermaic Gulf: observe the large peninsula
of Chalcis or Chalcidice, projecting three smaller- peninsulas coast
round them into the Strymonic Gulf. Observe the Thracian Chersonesus,
a peninsula on the

Catalogue de la collection des médailles grecques de M. le Chevalier

Léopold Walcher de Molthein ... Avec trente et un planches et un portrait
du numismatiste Welzl de Wellenheim Aug 26, 2013 walcher de molthein,
léopold . JE... 22. Cassandreia. ' Kassandra-Kapusi. 971. Casque agrave
mentonniegravere dans un cercle. R. K dans un carreacute formeacute de
cuatre lignes, le tout dans un cercle. PI. JE. 15. Chalcidice. 972. Tecircte

Titi Livi Ab vrbe condita libri praefatio, liber primvs Jul 10, 2009 livy,
henry john edwards coast of Chalcidice. 17 teniilise] intransitive, steered
for: so elsewhere in Livy (e.g. XXXI. 45. 14 Cassandream peteruesy
pHmo ad Mendin tenuere) and in Ovid (e.g. Met, li. 140 medio tutissimus

The Satires of Juvenal and Persius May 14, 2009 juvenal, charles anthon
Chalcidice, in Macedonia, rises abruptly from the sea to a height of 6349
feet. There is no anchorage for ships at its base, and the voyage round it
was so dreaded by mariners that Xerxes had a canal

Numismata graeca Greek coin-types, classified for immediate

identification Nov 15, 2009 anson, leo . Macedonia. Bottiaei. Macedonia.
Chalcidice. Macedonia. Bust of Dionysos r., wearing ivy-wreath border
of dots. I6PACYN KAHTOC Young male bust r., wearingchlamys border
of dots (Senate). Trace of

American Journal of Numismatics (Second Series), vols.3-4 May 10, 2016

, ca 1929), CH 4, 66 (Chalcidice, 1976), CH 7, 133 (southwestern
Macedonia, 1981), Adam Zagliveriou (1983), and IGCH 524 (Zarova,
1898). The sixth hoard is the northernmost and was unearthed some 70 km

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) this book are of
Phocis, Acarnania, Epirus, Thessaly, Boeotia, Olynthus, and Chalcidice,
Arcadia, Lycia, Achaia, JEtolia, and Locris. Of these federal coinages
those of Achaia and Lycia are perhaps

Lectures on ancient ethnography and geography, comprising Greece and

her colonies Dec 23, 2009 niebuhr, barthold georg, 1776-1831 of a country
of the name of Chalcidice wherever that name occurs, it is incorrect and
belongs to a late period. We must not, however, believe that none but
Chalcidian towns existed there they only

The Greek Dilemma War And Aftermath Nov 6, 2006 william hardy
mcneill the Chalcidice as well. In December 1943 the last surviv- ing
remnant of PAO guerillas boarded a caique of f the shore of the
Chalcidice and succeeded in making its way to the Middle East. The

Repertorium zur antiken Numismatik, im Anschluss an Mionnet's

Description des médailles antiques Jan 22, 2016 friedländer, julius, 1813-
1884 Chersonesus zugetheilt). Dazu Annali 1861 134. Chalcidice.
Akerman Chronicle XII Proceedings of the numism. society p. 21. Ottfr.
Muumlller, Gott. gel. Anz. 1830 p. 1442. Cadalvene 61 cf. 72. D um er s
an, Allier

A first history of Greece Oct 13, 2011 sewell, elizabeth missing, 1815-
1906 . Sparta, Helos, Sellasia, the river Eurotas. Corinth. Sicyon.
GPvEECE. Macedonia . . Pydna, Amphipolis, the Peninsula of
Chalcidice, containing

The Historry Of Herodotus Vol VI Nov 14, 2006 thucydides. might be

brought. Meanwhile, after the completion of the investment of Potidaea,
Phormio next employed his sixteen hundred men in ravaging Chalcidice
and Bottica: some of the towns also were taken by

Websters Geographical Dictionary Jan 20, 2017 webster, a merriam .

AlsquoCan'thus (o-kan'tliiis). .Ancient town on E coast at base of Acte
penin., Chalcidice, N Greece, ab. 4 m. W of site of Xerxes' canal cut
across the Isthmus of .Acte 480 li.c. A'ca-po-ne'ta (ii'k!i'p6

The Cambridge Ancient History 3rd Edition Oct 10, 2015 aonilaquopoundi
S'odegplsquo[ Thasoi Vl!,laquo? 'veael \ CHALCIDICE oWamhus gtY
Pvtfna7 xOlyrnhusSaC ltr) T PIEII.a7 SpanoifKT S\ L ty | PondaeeTV \\
Mi Athoi ■... Gonmop . \ Scionreg '~X I JMwm \ N THESSAL

The Persian Empire A Corpus Of Sources From The Achaemenid Period

Oct 26, 2014 kuhrt, amelie. 274 (i) The sacred chariot lost (Hdt. VIII, 115)
274 (ii) Revolts in Chalcidice (Hdt. VIII, 126-7) 274 (f) The Greek
campaign continued on two fronts 275 50. Greek attempts to compel
islanders to

Hellenic history Sep 7, 2008 botsford, george willis, 1862-1917 ablest

general, found the weak point in the Athenian empire the only part
assailable by a land army, Chalcidice and its Thracian neighborhood. With
a small force he stole northward, and appearing

Greek Composition for Colleges: With Extracts for Sight-translation Sep

29, 2008 augustus taber murray Euboea, Revolted from Athens in 445.
When subdued, its inhabitants were expelled. ' Kuavaiovs, Topwpaiovt:
Scione and Torone were towns in Chalcidice which Revolted from
Athens and were subsequently

A PROGRESSIVE GREEK DELECTUS Sep 26, 2008 rev. henry

musgrave wilkins, m.a. dwdUng on Of ympus. An epithet of the Gods.

OKuvBos, ov, 11. Olynthus, a city in the Chalcidice. Of iiipot, ov, 6.

Homer. HfiVpos, ov, 6, a pledge, a hostage. bfuMa, . communion,
intercourse, con

De Historia Thucydidea commentatio. Accedit index historicus et

geographicus eb 8, 2009 ernst friedrich poppo , 7laquo, 84 VU, 67
Chricidenses in Thrsciae eonfiniii et Chalcidice, I, 57, 68, 62, flS n, 29,
68, 70, 79, 06 (nbi belInm Chaleidense), 00, 101 IV, 7, 78, 79, 81, 83, 84,
103, 109, 110, 114, 123, 124

Die griechische Wörter im Französischen Oct 10, 2009 claussen, theodor,

1877- Meer, auf der Chalcidice und an der Kuumlste Kleinasiens. Die
Roumlmer trafen in der aumllteren Zeit also hauptsaumlchlich mit Dorem
zusammen, d. h. Leuten, die das v wie u sprachen. Bekanntlich lassen auch

ANS Numismatic Notes and Monographs, nos. 121-126 Mar 23, 2016
american numismatic society Carystus than Macedonia or Chalcidice,
entered the hoard either, so the argument ex absentia is without force. Since
the coinage of Chalcis, Histiaea and the Euboean drachmas struck at
Eretria started

A Manual of Ancient Geography: With Map Showing the Retreat of the

10,000 Greeks Under Xenophon Aug 19, 2008 leonhard schmitz peninsula
of Chalcidice and Illyricum as far as lake Lynchnitis. After the
subjugation of Macedonia by the Bomans, the country Was divided into
4 districts independent of one another, each 88 ANCIENT

The history of Greece May 26, 2008 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896. [from old
catalog] over the gulf to the hills of the Chalcidice, and at its feet unite all
the main rivers of tlie country. iEgse was the natural capital of the land.
With its foundation the history of Macedonia had its

Ancient Greece a sketch of its art, literature philosophy viewed in

connexion with its external history from earliest times to the age of
Alexander the Great Nov 29, 2007 cotterill, h. b. (henry bernard), b. 1846
through Chalcidice, it reached Therma (later named Thessalonice after
the sister of Alexander the Great). The fleet meanwhile sailed through the
canal and rounded the promontories of Sithonia and Pallene

An Elementary Greek Grammar Intended as a Companion to the Public

School Latin Primer Oct 24, 2008 edward st. john parry on, towards: as,
im rSiV opiusv rwv vXorarcov on the highest mowrUains. TrXctv hr oikov
to sail homewards, ra euro7rt copypo the districts towards Thrace
Chalcidice. CTTt ua9 ayKvpa bpfidv to ride

Die römische Elegie: Auswahl aus den Dichtern der classischen Zeit Aug
4, 2008 berthold volz ] Mner dlaquor Gleis] PbJeffra, die laquoestliche von
Chalcidice, spaumlter Pallene genannt vergl. No.66 t. 87, V. 49. palatia]
vergl. No. 59 V. 3. 4. lulutae] vergl. Horaz od. I, 19 T. 11: veruuml

Publius Vergilius Maro als naturdichter und theist [microf orm] kritische
und ästhetische einleitung zu Vergils Bukolika und Georgika Mar 15, 2013
glaser, emil, 1828- gedichtet, was mir namentlich wegen der Worte avena
modulabor pastoris Siculiin Vers 51 zu vermuten scheint. Eu- phorion aus
Chalcidice, welcher auch Elegien gedichtet hatte, wurde dabei im
Aumlufsern wohl

Mikroskopische Physiographie der Mineralien und Gestine: Ein Hülfsbuch

bei mikroskopischen ... Jun 2, 2008 harry rosenbusch , ernst anton wülfing
. Zoisit. Literatur, t Becke, Die Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. T. M.
P. M. 1878. I. 248250. LrEDECKE, Der Glaukophan nnd die
glankopbanftthrenden Gesteine der Insel SjTa. Z. D. G. G. 1876.

The Greek City From Alexander To Justinian Jan 17, 2017 a. h. m. jones
called after Chalcidice and not after the Euboean city) and Larissa. The

great majority of these colonies had been native towns, but there is ample
evidence that they were planted with settlers, and

The world is full of wonders Oct 19, 2009 müller-alfeld, theodor, 1904-
of an aqueduct at Kavala, a port in Macedonia opposite the island of
Thasos in the Aegean Sea. (Mauritius) 40 centre: Monastery buildings on
Athos, the eastern arm of the Chalcidice peninsula

Patrick Shaw-Stewart Nov 5, 2007 knox, ronald arbuthnott, 1888-1957

write and let me know. I think (unof ficially) I'm going to Salonica, so the
moment you're well, I shall want an ancient map of Southern Macedonia
and the Chalcidice and a work on Mount Athos and a

Thoukydidou tetarte : the fourth book of Thucydides, a revision of the

text illustrating the principal causes of corruption in the manuscripts of
this author Nov 2, 2007 thucydides favouring Athens, and of ol jera TWV
XaXaSewz lyNenamproNTec, the party that helped the Chalcidians to
bring Brasidas to Chalcidice. 20 We have said that the refusal of
Thucydides to use a reciprocal

Courses of reading and study in the New International Encyclopædia Dec

2, 2008 the new international encyclopædia : Ionia jMitylene Ephesus
Halicarnassus Chalcidice Colchis Chersonesus Cyrene Sicily Magna
Gracia Marseilles Over all the Greek world the Hellenic culture prevailed
as in the home country. See: Greek

Plato's apology of Socrates and Crito... Mar 28, 2012 wagner, w colony
in Chalcidice, rebelled against the supremacy of the Athenians in 432, and
after the Potidaeans with their allies from the Peloponnesus had been
beaten by the Athenians under Callias (who lost

Atlas For Canadian Schools Sep 29, 2016 bartholomew, j. g., 1860-1920
(john george) , France Ceuta (Spanish) Morocco Cevenne.s, Mts. France
Ceylon I. (Brit. Col.) S. India Chad, Lake Bornu, C. Africa Chag#s Is.

Indian Ocean Cjhagres Chalcidice Chaleur Bay CJialkis Chalons-sur-

Marne Gjh

Ancient History Second Revised Editon Jan 18, 2017 myers Philip van
ness the attention of the Greek traders. ]otid.ra, however, one of the most
important cities in Chalcidice, was a colony of I. orinth. 'J'hus the (olonv
of Stagira became the birthplace of the great

Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi Sep 5, 2008 emil
schürer -Armenien I, 723. 724 f. Vgl. 442. Aristobul von Chalcidice I, 724
f. Aristobul, juumldifcher Philosoph III, 384-392. Ueber die Entstehung
der Septuaginta HI, 309. 468. 470. Ueber den juumldischen Kalender

A history of Greek and Roman classical literature Feb 6, 2007 louage, a .

Aristotle was born at Stagira, a town in Chalcidice, in Macedonia, in
384:. At a very early age he attended the school of Plato, and remained
his disciple for twenty years. Then he opened a school of

Aeneid, Book III Jan 19, 2009 virgil origin to Aeneas ns it is mentioned iii
Iloincr, II. iv. 5-'o. Tlic connexion of .\Lneas witii ihis town. as with
Aeneia in the Troad and in the Thracian Chalcidice, may have sprung froni
the worship

A Fair Brigand Jan 24, 2008 george horton Gulf of Salonica in the
distance, and the three long points of Chalcidice. Below them the Lake of
Nezer6 lay dimly, like a mirror that one has breathed upon, and a dozen
white villages nestled among

Die römische Elegie: Auswahl aus den Dichtern der klassischen Zeit Jan
26, 2008 berthold volz ). centumvir Ovid. Einl. (S. 6) Chalcidice 56, 48.
chaos 39, 57. Charon 57, 2462, 7. Chryseis 57, 29. Cicero 19, 16 23, 626,
77' Cat. Einl. (S. 129). der Son 26, 77. Cilnius Maecenas 56

Homer's Iliad, books i. ii. [ed.] by A. Sidgwick May 31, 2008 Homerus ,
etc. Thucydides, iv. 109, speaks of them in Acte, a promontory of
Chalcidice, and says they'came from Tuscany, and inhabited Lemnos and
Athens once. Herodotus, i. 57, says their language was

The History of the Peloponnesian War Mar 8, 2009 thucydides, henry

dale, thomas arnold alliance, and might not come against them also,
Sitalces then was commanding at onco Chalcidice, Bottica, and
Macedonia, and was ravaging them all. But when none of the ob. jects for
which ho made tho

Die antiken Münzen, Geschichte und Übersicht der Sammlung nebst

erklärender Beschreibung einer Auswahl von Münzen Nov 14, 2014
pinder, m. (moritz), 1807-1871 . Ipound Eingeschlagenes Quadrat, in vier
Quadrate getheilt, wie es auf der Ruumlckseite der aumlltesten
macedonischen Muumlnzen gewoumlhnlich ist. M. Tetradrachme, 17,1

The lies of the allies a remarkable collection of facts, proof s and

documents of how England, the Anglo-maniacs, and the "big dailies"
humbug the American people May 20, 2010 koester, frank, 1876-1927
Chalcidice Peninsula, and a large part of Macedonia. In proportion to all
Greece it is as if that part of the United States which was wof rom Mexico
after the Mexican war by foreign troops and not so much

Heracleidae Jul 6, 2010 euripides any rate, distinguish this place from the
peninsula and town in Chalcidice. 852, 3.
άpiomicrontauίsigmaalphasigmathetaalphaί delta. έchitheta., literally = to
get the foe to pay backand so, to exact from them: cf. 882, and Aesch. A

Atlas Antiquus Feb 3, 2008 albert van kampen fl. Mesopot. 7 GH4Ouml
Chaeronea op. Boeot. 11 Cl Chalcia ins. Sporad. 12 F6 Chalcidice rg.
Maced. 10 G8 12 ABl Chalcis op. Aetol. 11 B1 Chalcia op. Coelesyr. 4 C
2 Chalcis op. Elid

An historical outline of the Greek revolution, with a few remarks on the

present state of affairs at that country Aug 17, 2008 Leake, william
martin, 1777-1860. [from old catalog] physical structure of the country
has given to the iiurrection are in no part of Greece more remarkable than
in the great Macedonian or Thracian peni|i$ula of Chalcidice, which
terminates in the three

Index to Schürer's History of the Jewish People in the Time of Christ Feb
3, 2008 emil schürer, john macpherson Chalcis, king of Lesser Armenia,
I. ii. 342, 343, comp. I. ii. 28. Aristobulus of Chalcidice, I. ii. 343.
Aristobulus, Jewish philosopher, ii. iii. 237-243 on the origin of the LXX.,
n. iii. 160, 309

Influences of geographic environment, on the basis of Ratzel's system of

... Sep 22, 2008 ellen churchill semple, friedrich ratzel Triopium
promontory forming the south-western angle of Asia Minor, Chalcidice,
the Thracian Chersonesus, Calchedon, Byzantium, the Pontic Heraclea,
and Sinope, were situated on peninsulas or headlands

An atlas of classical geography [cartographic material] Sep 17, 2015 long,

george, 1800-1879, ed Apollonia (Assyria)?... 34.22 44.24 Apollonia
(Acte) 40.13 24.20 Apollonia (Chalcidice), Polighero 40.24 23.22
Apollonia, Eleulhrae, or Eleutlierna? 35.19 24.41 Apollonia (Illyria), Pol-
lina, or

The history of Greece [by J. Rigaud]. Apr 26, 2009 john rigaud against
Lacedaemon now numbered Bceotia, Athens, Argos, Corinth, Acarnania,
and great part of Euboea, Thessaly, and Chalcidice. The deputies from
them met at Corinth, and it was resolved to make

A history of the ancient world Jul 14, 2008 goodspeed, george stephen,
1860-1905 carried on by king after king with very moderate success. The
second meant obtaining supremacy over the flourishing Greek cities which,
for centuries planted on the peninsulas of Chalcidice, had

The World's Great Classics Mar 10, 2008 timothy dwight , julian
hawthorne neighbors. The maritime confederacy of Athens, which gave
her a paramount authority over the Greek cities in Chalcidice and even
over Methone in Pieria, brought the Athenians into the near neighborhood

Ancient History: From the Earliest Times to the Fall of the Western
Empire ... Sep 8, 2008 george rawlinson Athens, which gave her a
paramount authority over the Greek cities in Chalcidice and even over
Methone in Pieria, brought the Athenians into the near neighborhood of
Macedon, and necessitated relations

The Numismatic Chronicle Sep 25, 2008 royal numismatic society (great
britain) thought him to be a citizen of Chalcis, which, too, is the statement
of Conon.24 Nor does it seem probable, that if this Theocles was the same
who led the colonies of the Chalcidians to Chalcidice, he

Virgil, Bucolics Apr 26, 2008 virgil extremes of cold, as Aethiopia does
of heat. No change of scene or climate can cure love. Sithone is the middle
promontory of the three which extend froni Chalcidice in Thrace into the
Aegean Sea

Louisville daily journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1862-06-03 Aug 18, 215
louisville daily journal (louisville, ky. : 1833) (eskedasmenon) scattered
crowd.At the capture of Torene, in Chalcidice, Thucydides describes tho
result of the rush of Brasidas and bis troops toward the highest parts of
tho town, and among these

Eclogæ Herodoteæ, from the text of Schweighæuser with Engl. notes by

prof . Woolsey Aug 12, 2008 herodotus nians mentioned in 94. ||
Kpniorwva. Situated on the peninsoli Chalcidice.11. OccriraXurriv.
Herodotus means to say that Crestonian Pelasgians, of whom he is
speaking, had formerly oc pied the

The poems of Gaius Valerius Catullus with notes and a translation Oct 11,
2007 catullus, gaius valerius Chalcidice (Herodotus, 7. 23 seg.), in order
to escape the gales that raged round the promontory. Traces of this canal
have been discovered. 66.46. ATTIS, a young shepherd of Celaenae in

De finibus, I Jul 9, 2011 icero, marcus tullius Aristippi furtim praecepta

relabor, Et mihi res non me rebus subjungere conor.Aristoteles (sectsect 6,
7, 14, etc.) : a famous philosopher, born at Stagirus (or -a), in Chalcidice,
384 B.C., was for twenty

Platonis Apologia Socratis Nov 9, 2011 Plato (424 B.C. Thuc. IV. 90) :
Grote, chapters 475-453 In tne battle at Potidaea (a Corinthian colony in
Chalcidice) Socrates saved the life of Alcibiades (Symp. 220 D foil.): at
Delium (in Boeotia) he
Ancient history from the earliest times to the fall of the Western Empire,
comprising the history of Chaldaea, Assyria, Media ... May 3, 2007
rawlinson, george, 1812-1902 was about this time herself exposed to
attacks from two unquiet neighbors. The maritime confederacy of Athens,
which gave her a paramount authority over the Greek cities in Chalcidice
and even over

Ancient history from the earliest times to the fall of the Western empire
Aug 20, 2009 rawlinson, george, 1812-1902. [from old catalog]
confederacy of Athens, which gave her a paramount authority over the
Greek cities in Chalcidice and even over Methone in Pieria, brought the
Athenians into the near neighborhood of Macedon, and necessitated

Some Great Bulgarians Apr 7, 2012 , but the purpose of their invasions
soon changed. Huge numbers of them crossed the Danube and settled there
permanently. The Slavs penetrated to the southernmost parts of the
peninsula, Chalcidice and

Thoukydidou tetartē : the fourth book of Thucydides, a revision of the

text illustrating the principal causes of corruption in the manuscripts of

this author Jun 19, 2009 thucydides Brasidas to Chalcidice. 20 We have

said that the refusal of Thucydides to use a reciprocal middle of only one
of the parties who might be supposed to reciprocate ' has puzzled

Ginn Company's classical atlas in twenty three coloured maps, with

complete index [cartographic material] Sep 17, 2015 ginn and company
conquered by Rome, n.c. 14G. Chalcidice. Rivers Strymon, Ilaliacmon.
Thessaloirica, Pydnaf (n.c. 108), Philippi t (B-c- 42)gt Poti' daea,
Olynthus, Amphipolis. 2. Epirus, the country between the Pindus

The National Geographic Magazine Vol.29 Jan 17, 2017 not available that
its inner recesses can never feel the disturbances of the open sea, is formed
by that peninsula of Chalcidice whose three long promontories of
Kassandra, Longo, and Athos are the most salient

Classical Dictionary Of Biography, Mythology, And Geography Ed. 5 Jan

18, 2017 smith, william Aeolians of Asia Minor. Viigil (Jen. iii. 18)
supposes Aenos to have been built by Aeneas, but he confounds it with
Aknka in Chalcidice. Under tin? Homans Aenos was a free town, and a
place of importance

Influences Of Geographic Environment Jan 16, 2017 semple, ellen

churchill . The earlier Greek colonies, like those of the Triopium
promontory forming the south-western angle of Asia Minor, Chalcidice,
the Thracian Chersonesus, Calclu- don, Byzantium, the Pontic Heraclea,

Dictionnaire de biographie, mythologie et géographie anciennes pour

servir à l'intelligence des auteurs grecs et latins en usage dans les
établissements d'instruction traduit, en grande partie, de l'anglais du
docteur Smith par M.N. Theil Sep 12, 2014 william smith

troisiegraveme dans la liste des rois mythiques d'Alba Longa dans le

Latium. Knela ( Afveix ), v. de la Chalcidice, en Maceacutedoine,

fondeacutee, dit-on, par Eacuteneacutee, et situeacutee vis-agrave-vis de

Pydna ( Liv. 40, 4 44

Nomenclator coleopterologicus: eine etymologische Erklärung sämtlicher

Gattungs- und Artnamen der Käfer, die deutschen Faunengebietes Nov 23,
2010 schenkling, sigmund, 1865- Steph. S. vor. u. tipr (dere), Hals.
Kaumlfer behaart. Sericosomiis Redt. S. vor. u. awjia (soumlma), Leib.
Sericus Eschsch. S. vor.! Sermyla Chap. Nach der Stadt spiiOXr
(Sermyle), auf Chalcidice

Influences of geographic environment of the basis of Ratzel's system of

anthropo-geography Feb 6, 2008 semple, ellen churchill, 1863-1932
trading stations on the highway of the Mediterranean and the adjacent seas.
The earlier Greek colonies, like those of the Triopium promontory forming
the south-western angle of Asia Minor, Chalcidice, the

Mythologische Beiträge Aug 2, 2009 wilhelm drexler Kirche

HayaParaskevi im Thal unter der Burg Galatsista, nach der Vermuthung
von Duchesne und Bayet vielleicht das Apollonia der Chalcidice.
Weihinschrift: Fcctog 'SlXtog \ MavCov vlog | Pcoalog

The great war the second phase, from the fall of Antwerp to the second
battle of Ypres Nov 8, 2011 simonds, frank h. (frank herbert), 1878-1936
bound by a treaty which also bound Rumania to uphold the terms of the
Peace of Bucharest. For Greece an Austrian victory over Servia would
insure the loss of Salonica, of the Chalcidice, of Kavala. It

Hellenic history Dec 21, 2007 botsford, george willis, 1862-1917 , found
the weak point in the Athenian empire the only part assailable by a land
army, Chalcidice and its Thracian neighborhood. With a small force he
stole northward, and appearing before Amphipolis

The history of Greece. Sep 10, 2015 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 Chalcidice,
and after it Amphipolis, the lordly city at the mouth of the Strymon, the

foundation of which was a genuine triumph of the maritime policy of

Athens. Amphipolis was to be the centre of

De Aiacis origine, cultu, patria accedunt commentationes tres de

Amazonibus, de Carneis, de Telegonia Oct 21, 2009 vürtheim, j
Peloponneso (ibid. VIII, 24,3)? Caphyarum conditor habetur Aeneas
Aeneas apparet Sicyoniis in nummis cohaeret nomen cum Aivda
(Chalcidice), cum Al'vw (Thracia, cf. Rhesum rampv Aivsiampv ndkfivv

The history of Greece from its commencement to the close of the

independence of the Greek nation Mar 8, 2009 holm, adolf, 1830-1900
Axius also has an important tributary, the Erigon. East of the Axius
watershed runs a chain of mountains which terminate in the promontories
of Chalcidice further east comes the Strymon, and lastly

Heracleidae of Euripides Jun 30, 2009 euripides arnKviof rai inl

IotaIotaomicronlambdalambdaΐ'deltaomicroniota 'Atfijvaijs \piv. [But P.
thinks Pallene was towards Megara.] At any rate, distinguish this place
from the peninsula and town in Chalcidice. EXPLANATORY NOTES.
iii 852, 3

A Fair Brigand May 16, 2008 george horton of the Gulf of Salonica in
the distance, and the three long points of Chalcidice. Below them the Lake
of Nezer6 lay dimly, like a mirror that one has breathed upon, and a dozen
white villages nestled

An historical outline of the Greek revolution, with a few remarks on the

present state of affairs at that country Aug 16, 2008 Leake, william
martin, 1777-1860. [from old catalog] insurrection are in no part of
Greece more remarkable than in the great Macedonian or Thracian
peninsula of Chalcidice, which terminates in the three small peninsulas

Okage sama de : the Japanese in Hawai'i, 1885-1985 Jan 4, 2010 hazama,

dorothy ochiai .54. 352, p. 56.368. Mm. 22, 22, 19. JE... s. g. 3 1101
Chalcidice. Zeit des Chalcidischen Bundes. j2J79 und spdter. Kopf des
Apollon r. mit Lorbeer, das Haar gelockt. Rv: XAA (oben) KIA (r

Plátwnos Āpología Swkrátous kaì Krítwn. Plato's Apology of Socrates

and Crito, with notes [c ... May 19, 2008 Plato Chalcidice, rebelled against
the supremacy of the Athenians in 432, and after the Potidaeans with their
allies from the Peloponnesus had been beaten by the Athenians under
Gallias (who lost his life in

Vol. 2 Lumea Antica Apr 23, 2017 . icircncepacircnd cu 354 icirc.Hr., a

pătruns şi mai adacircnc icircn Grecia, iar icircn 351 a cucerit Bosforul.
348 şi 342, Filip a ocupat Tesalia şi Chalcidice, integr regatul său. A creat

The Historians History Of The World . . . Jan 17, 2017 henry smith
williams vigorously to assert the authority of the league. They had
succeeded in persuading nearly all the cities of the Chalcidice to join their
confederacy they had pushed forward towards Macedonia, and had even

Syllabus for secondary schools, 1910 May 20, 2010 new york (state).
university. [from old catalog] : Peloponnesus, Chalcidice, new Athenian
League, Leuctra c Estimate of Spartan power, and reasons for her failure
to secure Hellenic unity Library and notebook topics A Lysander B
Agesilaus C

Über die Eklogite des Münchberger Gneissgebietes: Ein Beitrag zur

Kenntnis ... Jan 28, 2008 ernst sebastian fürchtegott düll . Becke: Gesteine
der Halbinsel Chalcidice. Tscherm. m. u. p. M. 1871. 1. 242. 64. 1878. F.
Sandberger: Ueber Kaliglimmer und Zirkon (Hyacinth) in Eklogit. Brief 1.
Mitt. in N. J. f. M. 1878. 842

P. VirgilII Maronis Opera : The Works of Virgil, with English Notes,

Original and Selected. : Eclogues Dec 16, 2009 bryce, archibald hamilton
large peninsuLi of Chalcidice. The adj. aquosae has been found fault with
here fti so close relation to nires. It will be obser\-ed, however, that aquosae
is a general epithet of winter, and expresses

History of Greece Dec 31, 2007 collier, william francis striking hyperbole.
Varying the monotony with human sacrifices, it proceeded along the shore
to Mount Athos, where the army struck inland across the peninsula of
Chalcidice. Athens and Sparta stood almost

Garth's "Dispensary." Oct 31, 2009 garth, samuel, sir, 1661-1719 the
crocodile, the whale or a species of serpent. W. 255. scale, hier Wage. 262.
Mhos, der ostlichste und hochste der Bergriicken, durch welche die maced.
Halbinsel Chalcidice in das agaische Meer

Marea Istorie Ilustrata a Lumii (Colectia Financiarul - 7 volume) Mar 22,

2017 cobalt . icircncepacircnd cu 354 icirc.Hr., a pătruns şi mai adacircnc
icircn Grecia, iar icircn 351 a cucerit Bosforul. icircntre 348 şi 342, Filip a
ocupat Tesalia şi Chalcidice, integracircndu-le icircn regatul său. A creat

Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften,

Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe May 5, 2008 kaiserl.
akademie der wissenschaften in wien. mathematisch-
naturwissenschaftliche klasse der Halbinsel Chalcidice erlaube ich mir im
Folgenden die Resultate der Untersncbnng an den Gesteinen von
Griechenland mitzutbeilen. In Thessalien in Mittelgriechenland spielen die
Serpentine und

Moralia, in fifteen volumes, with an English translation by Frank Cole

Babbitt Oct 21, 2008 plutarch ). MORALIA Acanthian(s) of Acanthus
in eastern Chalcidice: house of , at Delphi V.295(400F) 297(401D).
Acanthus, town in eastern Chalcidice: claimed by Andrians and Parians

A History of the Ancient World Sep 8, 2008 george stephen goodspeed,

william scott ferguson , stillman percy robert chadwick second meant
obtaining supremacy over the flourishing Greek cities which, for centuries
planted on the peninsulas of Chalcidice, had monopolized the rich trade
with the interior. As most of the cities

Roman economic conditions to the close of the republic [microf orm] Dec
5, 2012 oliver, edmund henry, 1882-1935 the Roman knights who engaged
in commerce very extensively. With ceruin districts there developed a
com- meiw in special articles. Thus pottery was brought from Samos Sgs
from Chios, Chalcidice

The Spectator November 7, 2015 UK Jan 9, 2017 , from Chalcidice in the

north, observed that while metics played a vital role in the city, they had
no share in citizens political rights but then, lsquono one would consider a
metic mean-spirited if

The chemist and druggist [electronic resource] Aug 12, 2014 ubm only
available information is that conc-erning the crop in the regions of
Langaza, and the _ peninsula of Chalcidice, the only districts in Greece
raising the poppy. These regions produced about 1,000

Syllabus of lectures on philosophy,... Jun 17, 2010 mccosh, james, 1811-

1894 have written, and such as no Christian writer of the present day would
pen. C.Aristotle. Aristotle, (384-322 b. c.,) was born at Stagira, a seaport
in Chalcidice. His father, who claimed descent from

The Indian Succession Act Jan 16, 2017 minoo masani . Long swell, large
expanse. Wooded, covered with woods or forests. Aihos, the raoimtainons
peninsula that projects from Chalcidice in Macedonia. SamoThrace the
sacred isle, a small island in the north

A Fair Brigand Jan 20, 2017 not available about a savage chief. As they
were high up, they could see much of the Gulf of Salonica in the distance,
and the three long points of Chalcidice. Below them the Lake of Nezerd
lay dimly, like a mirror

Mikroskopische Physiographie der Mineralien und Gestine: Ein Hülfsbuch

bei ... Jun 13, 2009 harry rosenbusch , ernst anton wülfing Magnesia-
Pyroxen wesentlich aus einem Mineral mit den Eigenschaften des Cordierit
zu bestehen. Zoisit. Literatur. Fr. Becke, Die Gesteine der Halbinael
Chalcidice. T. M.P. M. 1878. I. 248250. O

The Harp of Erin: Containing the Poetical Works Mar 5, 2009 thomas
dermody , Maasusy Chalcidice non ultima gloria rips, Biaa dedit, mirum
artis opus, mirandus et ipse, Et circum gemino cadaverat argumento: bull
The river Oiisc. t The Humber. i The name of three riTert in England the

Atlas antiquus : twelve maps of the ancient world for schools and colleges
Feb 3, 2016 kiepert, heinrich, 1818-1899 Mp Rr Apocopa litus Aethiop. I
Gg Apocopa m. Ind. Aravali I Ek Apodoti pop. Gr. (Aet.) VI Ee Apollinis
prom. Afr. v. Pulcrum. Apollinopolis Aeg. v. Apollonos. Apollonia
Chalcidice Mac. VI Bh

Strategematicon libri 4. Chronologica et historica annotatione indicibvsque

in vsvm lectionvm instrvcti a Ge. Frid. Wiegmann Sep 22, 2010 frontinus,
sextus julius viccrc 2, l, y. Chalcidice tc%\oiA?iZcA. quae fuiu
Thermaico et Stryraonio intercipitur , ita dicta ab urbe Chakis,
propeOlynthumac Po tidaeam 3. Ii, i Chares dux Athen. 3. 2, II Charmades
3.2, 11

Erklärung der wissenschaftlichen Käfernamen : aus Reitter's Fauna

Germanica Oct 21, 2008 schenkling, sigmund, 1865- . serikoumls,
seidenartig. Sericoumlderus. Wie vor. u. gr. dere, Hals. Sericosomus. Wie
vor. u. gr. soma, Leib. Sericus. Wie vor. Sermyla Stadt Sermyle auf
Chalcidice. Sermylaumlssa. Aus vor

Some Great Bulgarians ~ Historical Essays Apr 7, 2012 , but the purpose
of their invasions soon changed. Huge numbers of them crossed the
Danube and settled there permanently. The Slavs penetrated to the
southernmost parts of the peninsula, Chalcidice and

Ancient Greece a sketch of its art, literature philosophy viewed in

connexion with its external history from earliest times to the age of
Alexander the Great Nov 3, 2009 cotterill, h. b. (henry bernard), b. 1846 or
else to 'die.' From Doriscus the vast armament marched westward, crossed
the Strymon, and arrived at Acanthus, near the Athos s canal. Then,
passing through Chalcidice, it reached

Terrorists and Freedom Fighters Oct 7, 2010 sam vaknin ThesSaloniki and
the Chalcidice Peninsula. Another treaty followed, in Berlin, restoring the
balanceby returning Macedonia to Turkish rule. Turkey obligingly
accepted a one country, two systemsapproach by

The classical manual: an epitome of ancient geography, Greek and Roman

mythology, antiquities, and chronology, Chiefly intended for the use of
schools May 10, 2010 baird, james s. s. (james skerret shore) , Elymiotis,
mathia, Chalcidice, with the Peninsulas Pallene, Sithonia, and Acte E.,
Mygdonia and Sintica. In the centre: Pelagonia N., Pseonia W., Lyncestee
and Eordaea. CITIES.Pydna, Kitron, near

The Daily Colonist (1916-01-20) Sep 3, 2013 . MyUlcno. Castellorlsa,

Corfu, Salonlea. including the Chalcidice Peninsula and a targe prt of
Macedonia, tu proportion to all Oraece It Is as If that part of Ihc United
StateH won -from MexU-o after

Introduction To A Historical Geography Jan 17, 2017 lucas.c.p. and the

Greek cities in and near Chalcidice, Potidaea, Olynthus, Therme and
others, played an important part both in earlier and later Greek history.
Corinth sent settlers northwards along the coast of

The Elegies of Sextus Propertius, tr. into Engl. verse, with life of the poet
and illustr. notes ... May 3, 2008 sextus propertius Achilles to Patroclus. V.
39. Phlegraeostumultus. The war between the gods and the rebel giants,
begun at Phlegra, in Chalcidice, and renewed on the Phlegraei Campi,
the volcanic coast-plain between

A literary historical atlas of Africa and Australasia Sep 17, 2015

bartholomew, j. g. (john george), 1860-1920 which continued at Aegina
for two centuries the second is a tetradrachm of Acanthus, a town of the
great trading country of Chalcidice, 67 68 Coinages of Africa and
Australasia struck probably at the

Syllabus for Secondary Schools, 1910 May 18, 2009 , Chalcidice, new
Athenian League, Leuctra c Estimate of Spartan power, and reasons for
her failure to secure Hellenic unity Library and notebook topics A
Lysander B Agesilaus C Comparison of Sparta and

Description de l'univers, : contenant les differents systêmes du monde, les

cartes generales particulieres de la geographie ancienne moderne : les
plans les prof ils des principales villes des autres lieux plus considerables
de la terre avec les portraits des souverains qui y commandent, leurs
blasons, titres livrées : et les mœurs, religions, gouvernemens divers
habillemens de chaque nation. Dediee au roy. Aug 10, 2016 manesson-
mallet, allain, 1630?-1706? , Coeliglefyrie Phoelignicie, Caffiotide i
Seleucide, Pierie , Chalcidice, Apamenc, Laodicene a Syrie propre font gt
Villes Samof ate, Germanicia, ampc Urema, Hierapplis , Chalybon,
Palmyra Negraveiaxacircj Damas, Tripoli

The Cambridge Ancient History (vol Vii) Jan 16, 2017 s.a.cook so, the
king can never have possessed the soil of Macedonia proper, and the
Macedonian peasant probably owned his own farm. But in the conquered
districts, like Chalcidice or (later) Paeonia and

Ancient Greece : a sketch of its art, literature and philosophy, viewed in

connexion with its external history from earliest times to the age of

Alexander the Great May 10, 2007 cotterill, h. b. (henry bernard), b. 1846
armament marched westward, crossed the Strymon, and arrived at
Acanthus, near the Athos canal. Then, passing through Chalcidice, it
reached Therma (later named Thessalonice after the sister of

The Heracleidae Oct 11, 2009 euripides and town in Chalcidice. 852, 3.
airoTlffaffdai 9. ix., literally = to get the foe to pay backand so, to exact
from them: cf. 882, and Aesch. A. 1263. Pfl. qu. Xen. Anab, III. 2. 6, oKSa

World's great classics Jan 11, 2008 from two unquiet neighbors. The
maritime confederacy of Athens, which gave her a paramount authority
over the Greek cities in Chalcidice and even over Methone in Pieria,
brought the Athenians into the

The shepherd kings of Egypt Nov 14, 2009 campbell, john, 1840-1904
Macedonia. Pieria, Chalcidice, Cyrrhus, Edessa, Beroea, Arethusa and a
large number of other places, prove that the Macedonians once dwelt in
northern Syria. The god of the Hamathites, called Ashima

Demosthenes May 20, 2008 william jackson brodribb, clifton wilbraham

collins , alexander grant the entire peninsula of Chalcidice, wiih its thirty
towns. Were he to be nicceeful, it was clear that hia power would be
immensely increased. Equally clear was it that Olynttaus, If well supported

Sexti Iulii Frontini Strategematicon libri iv, chronologica et historica

annotatione instructi a ... May 16, 2009 sextus julius frontinus Samio- rum
occupacirct 1.4, 14.:I.I2, Ghatronea urbs Boeot ad quam Philippus
Athenienfcs et Sullagt Arcbefaum vicere 1. I, 9. Chalccedilidice regio
Maccd. quae (iumlnu Thcrmaico et Strymonio in ' tercipitur, ita

Compendiaria Graecae Grammatices Jun 9, 2016 lt%a\. ltnltmx'%tlai,

ltAacutentxltJgt Chalcidice. sTtmxft. (7smx%. sTsmxv bull REGULA
GENERA LIS. Jonomampmtdiiacuterolutiones,contradtiones Atticorum :

ot riotEacutetw, TOiij iacuteIoacuteecop y ifiimr : iacuteiacutetstOacute,

vel iacutelsquo7iacutetJ9iacute

Ancient history : from the earliest times to the fall of the Western empire
: comprising the history of Chaldæa, Assyria, Media, Babylonia, Lydia,
Phnicia, Syria, Judæa, Egypt, Carthage, Persia, Greece, Macedonia,
Parthia, and Rome Aug 1, 2007 rawlinson, george, 1812-1902 Greek cities
in Chalcidice and even over Methone in Pieria, brought the Athenians into
the near neighborhood of Macedon, and necessitated relations between the
two powers, which were at first friendly

The history of Greece Dec 2, 2008 mitford, william, 1744-1827 . I. Return

of the Athenians to their Country. Measures of the Grecian Fleet.
Dedication to the Gods for the Victory at Salamis. Honors to Themistocles.
Revolt of Chalcidice from the Persians. Siege

Archaeological Discussions Mar 19, 2013 Museums, 1887-1896. On the

reverse of a bronze coin attributed to Chalcidice, is a nude male figure
with wings, running, and holding a wreath in each hand. It may be a
personification of Agon

The Latin Reader: Part Second : from the 5th German Edition Aug 22, 2008
friedrich jacobs , friedrich wilhelm döring . Begem, emphatically a king,
such as be should be. 32 2. SustulUf i. e. guscwtt eleducavU 3. OlyntkuSf
a celebrated town and republic of Macedonia, in ifae district Chalcidice,
north of the. |peninsula

Virgil Georgics Jan 16, 2017 jerram, c.s effect of the panic. 332, Athon,
Greek accus. as if from a nom. (properly acc. 'lsquoMoi). It wavS a
raoimlain promontory of Chalcidice in Macedonia. Rhodope, a
mountain-chain in Thrace (3. 351. 462

The geography, topography, and natural history of Palestine Dec 16, 2011
cox, f. a. (francis augustus), 1783-1853 ), was almost all drawn of f in

canals to irrigate the surrounding tract (Strabo, xvi. p. 755). [Damascus.J

Palmtrene.To the south of Chalcidice, and to the east of Paimyrene.
Cyrrhestica, but separated

Influences of geographic environment, on the basis of Ratzel's system of

anthropo-geography Nov 17, 2009 semple, ellen churchill, 1863-1932
highway of the Mediterranean and the adjacent seas. The earlier Greek
colonies, like those of the Triopium promontory forming the south-
western angle of Asia Minor, Chalcidice, the Thracian

The history and antiquities of the Doric race Mar 18, 2014 müller, karl
otfried, 1797-1840 . comDionysiu.t founded pare I. 26. 138 HISTORY OP
BOOK I. appear to have founded Potidaea on the opposite side of Greece
in Chalcidice, which colony they sought to retain in their power by

Georgics, Books III, IV Jan 19, 2009 virgil , Homer's aKa fjitTpTicravTes.
Cp. ' remenso . . . mari,' A. 3. 143. 390. Emathiae, a part of Macedonia,
used for the whole province, as in i. 493. Pallene was the westem
peninsula of Chalcidice

Hellenic history Jun 6, 2007 botsford, george willis, 1862-1917 was still
more unfortunate for Athens that Brasidas, Sparta's ablest general, found
the weak point in the Athenian empire the only part I assailable by a land
army, Chalcidice and its Thracian

The philosophy of painting a study of the development of the art from

prehistoric to modern times Apr 5, 2008 bell, ralcy husted, 1869-1931
monochromatic period to the time of Cimon of Cleonse in Chalcidice,
there was steady if not remarkable progress. Then the genius of Cimon
swept away with a stroke of his brush whatever archaic rigidity

Hellenic history Jan 15, 2008 botsford, george willis, 1862-1917 , found
the weak point in the Athenian empire the only part assailable by a land

army, Chalcidice and its Thracian neighborhood. With a small force he

stole northward, and appearing before Amphipolis

Report of Work Done in the Division of Chemistry and Physics, Mainly

During the Fiscal Years ... Jun 9, 2008 frank wigglesworth clarke occurring
in the peninsula of Chalcidice. lb., I., p. 244. 1878. Neues Jahrbuch fUr
Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie. III. Beilage-Band, pp. 24-34.
1884. An extremely interesting account of the

Orbis antiqui monumentis suis illustrati primae lineae Oct 13, 2014
jeremias jacob oberlin . Callandria ., Fhlegra . . Olynthus., Torene,. 4 in
Chalcidice Chalds... Aqmtbus.laquo Stagira iStauros), , Sane, diams jrgt
in Sintice. eraclqi., laquo Bifaltia. p. Macedonia adjelt3a, h poqli. fidones

Questions adapted to Mitford's History of Greece, to which are appended

a chronological synopsis of events, miscellaneous questions proposed at
examinations in the University of Cambridge, and a compendious table of
the principal battles, arranged according to their places, countries, parties,
commanders, victors and dates Dec 21, 2007 major, j. r. (john richardson),
1797-1876 neglected by the Athenians. Xcnophon, son of Euripides, who
had commanded the Athenian forces at the taking of Potidaea, was sent
again into Chalcidice. A little before harvest, he entered Bottiaea

A history of Greece Jul 13, 2009 abbott, evelyn, 1843-1901. [from old
catalog] Canastraeum and by 'laquo' Aeneia to Therma. At every point on
the way men and ships were collected from the cities of Chalcidice The
army seems to have marched in various detachments one never

A history of the ancient world Mar 3, 2011 goodspeed, george stephen,

1860-1905 Chalcidice, had monopolized the rich trade with the interior.
As most of the cities belonged to the Athenian empire, the kings were
involved In difficulties with Athens. This complication bound them up

Ancient Greece a sketch of its art, literature philosophy viewed in

connexion with its external history from earliest times to the age of
Alexander the Great May 14, 2014 cotterill, h. b. (henry bernard), b. 1846
armament marched westward, crossed the Strymon, and arrived at
Acanthus, near the Athos canal. Then, passing through Chalcidice, it
reached Therma (later named Thessalonice after the sister of Alexander

Handbook of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: Chinese and Japanese Art
Oct 27, 2008 museum of fine arts , boston considerable extent. The Apollo
at Chalcidice (21) resembles that at Rhegium (29) but these differ from his
feminine appearance at Amphipolis (17) and the virile sentiment in his
head as Sim god at Rhodes (Id

The great war Apr 27, 2007 simonds, frank herbert, 1878-1936 treaty
which also bound Rumania to uphold the terms of the Peace of Bucharest.
For Greece an Austrian victory over Servia would insure the loss of
Salonica, of the Chalcidice, of Kavala. It would mean

The National geographic magazine Jan 15, 2016 national geographic

society (u.s.) the liberty cap of the French Revolution. This gulf, bending
to the east in such a way that its inner recesses can never feel the
disturbances of tbe open sea, is formed by that peninsula of Chalcidice

The classical maunual: Aug 19, 2009 barid, james skerrett shore. [from old
catalog] tributary Erigon), and Haliacmon, Vistriza, flowing into the
Thermaic Gulf. DIVISIONS. S., Pieria, Elymiotis, Emathia, Chalcidice,
with the Peninsulas Pallene, Sithonia, and Acte E., Mygdonia and

Zeitschrift für die Alterthumswissenschaft Jul 23, 2008 Beden ein. Olynth.
II. muss selbst vor dem Beginn der Feindseligkeiten Philipps gegen
Chalcidice gehalten sein, jedenfalls bevor irgend ein Erfolg seiner Waffen
in Athen bekannt geworden war, denn

Influences of Geographic Environment, on the Basis of Ratzel's System

of ... Feb 1, 2008 ellen churchill semple, friedrich ratzel Asia Minor,
Chalcidice, the Thracian Chersonesus, Calchedon, Byzantium, the Pontic
Heraclea, and Sinope, were situated on peninsulas or headlands, that
would afford a convenient anchor ground or, like

Patrick Shaw-Stewart Apr 4, 2007 knox, ronald arbuthnott, 1888-1957

you're well, I shall want an ancient map of Southern Macedonia and the
Chalcidice and a work on Mount Athos and a brochure of Macedonian
history from the earliest times ! Not really all that, but

Aristophanes : The Acharnians, The knights Nov 10, 2009 aristophanes -

Chalcidice', when the cup was plainly Xus iitSedepJvovs ttjs i86vrjs.
Schol. that from out of the house, and proAnd in Latin Catullus has (4, 19)
bably his own. Meineke and Din' sive utrumque Jupiter

Handbook of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Apr 26, 2009 museum of
fine arts, boston . Treatment of the same subject varies to a considerable
extent The Apollo at Chalcidice (21) resembles that at Rhegium (29) but
these differ from his feminine appearance at Amphipolis (1 7) and the

Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies Oct 17, 2007

lucas, charles prestwood, sir, 1853-1931 Chalcidice, Potidaea, Olynthus,
Therme and others, played an important part both in earlier and later Greek
history. Corinth sent settlers northwards along the coast of the Adriatic to
Corcyra and

The classical manual : an epitome of ancient geography Greek and Roman

mythology, antiquities, and chronology May 25, 2007 baird, james s. s.
(james skerret shore) tributary Erilaquo gon), and Ilaliacmon, VistHza,
flowing into the Thermaic Gulf. DIVISIONS. S., Pieria, Elymiotis,
Emathia, Chalcidice, with the Peninsulas Pallene, Sithonia, and Acte E.,
A classical atlas, to illustrate ancient geography : comprised in twenty-five
maps, showing the various divisions of the world as known to the ancients,

composed from the most authentic sources : with an index of the ancient
and modern names Nov 17, 2011 findlay, alexander g , v. Holwan, Sir Fattl
i Zohab Chalaeum, Scala . Chalastra, Casika . Chalce I., Karki . Cbalcedon,
Kadi \ Kieui . . . . ) Chalcnoricnia M. Beni Smeal , 'Chalcidice . . Cbalcidice
Catalogue of the valuable collection of Greek coins formed by the late
Frank Sherman Benson of Brooklyn, N.Y. : comprising choice and
interesting examples of the ancient coinages of Italy and Sicily, Greece
and the Islands, Asia Minor, c., Syria, Egypt, Zeugitana, c. : which will be
sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson Hodge at their house ...
February 3rd, 1909 Dec 1, 2007 sotheby, wilkinson hodge are shown on
Plates XIII and XIV. (gtt the coins of (rieece ]iro])er, attention must be
directed to the altogetliei- exceptional i)ieces (jf Acanthus, Amphipolis,
Chalcidice, Dicaea, .Venn-,
Roman economic conditions to the close of the republic Jan 3, 2010 oliver,
edmund henry, 1882-1935 pottery was brought from Samos figs from
Chios, Chalcidice, Lydia and Africa as we have seen, corn came from
Sicily, Sardinia, Africa, and Spain, and later from Egypt. Transmarine
commerce seems to

Armenian Numismatic Journal, Volume 27 Apr 26, 2016 armenian

numismatic society Raccolte Numismatiche 121 (Seleucides -
Chalcidice), (Milan, 1992), p. 46, No. 156, on obverse, above the head of
Antiochus IV XB (two chalm), p. 152, No. 97, on obverse, behind the head
of the
Ancient and Foreign Coins Featuring the Collection of Dr. John A Sawhill
Jan 23, 2017 stack's , no duplicates. One repaired. Condition ranges from
Fair to Fine. 14 coins in the Lot. SOLD AS IS. NO RETURNS. 966 A
group of Imperial bronzes (AE 19-30) of COMMA GENE (10),
Die Metamorphosen des P. Ovidius Naso [microf orm] Nov 15, 2011 ovid,
43 b.c.-17 or 18 a.d . Phlegraeis: der Phlegra (spaumlter Pallene)
genannte Teil der Chalcidice galt als Schau- platz des Gigantenkampfes
der Goumltter. V. 104. ars ... arte: Das Wort steht in doppeltem Sinn 1. im

Political Interpretation In Greek Literature Jan 17, 2017 webster t b l

Chalcidice, he refers to the forward external policy of the democrats.
Their home policy also influenced the end of the Eumenides. As a
murderer, Orestes is tried before the Areopagus and this

The Heraclieidae of Euripides, with intr., analysis, critical and explanatory

notes, by E.A. Beck Apr 24, 2008 euripides Chalcidice. 8533.
dwoTlaaaBai J. ix'i literally = to get the foe to pay backand so, to exact
from them: cf. 883, and Aesch. Ag. 1263. Pfl. qu. Xen. A nod. ill. 3. 6,
aXXd rovrovs fiJv oi Oeol
Marea Istorie Ilustrata A Lumii Vol. 2 Lumea Antica Aug 18, 2016 a
Pangaionului. icircncepacircnd cu 354 icirc.Hr., a pătruns şi mai adacircnc
icircn Grecia, iar icircn 351 a cucerit Bosforul. icircntre 348 şi 342, Filip a
ocupat Tesalia şi Chalcidice, integracircndu-le icircn regatul său.
The history of ancient Greece : its colonies and conquests : from the
earliest accounts till the division of the Macedonian empire in the East :
including the history of literature, philosophy, and the fine arts Oct 17,
2016 gillies, john, 1747-1836 city of Potidaea, a colony of Corinth, and
governed by annual magistrates sent from the mother country, yet like most
establishments in the Chalcidice, a tributary confederate1 of Athens,
A history of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ ... : Index ...
Aug 12, 2008 schürer, emil, 1844-1910 of Chalcidice, I. ii. 343.
Aristobulus, Jewish philosopher, ii. iii. 237-243: on the origin of the
LXX., n. iii. 160, 309, 310 on the Jewish calendar (date of Passover), i. ii.
371 ii. iii. 240 f
Aeschylus The Oresteian Trilogy Agamemnon The Choephori The
Eumenides Jan 20, 2017 Philip vellacott personally, as if it w'ere itself the
deity. The Thlegraeaa plain. This is in Chalcidice, in north-eastern Greece
it w'as the scene of the battle between gods and giants, in which Athene
Acted as general
Description de l'univers : contenant les differents systemes du monde, les
cartes generales particulieres de la geographie ancienne moderne, les
plans les prof ils des principales villes des autres lieux plus considerables
de la Terre : avec les portraits des souverains qui y commandent, leurs
blasons, titres livrées : et les moeurs, religions, gouvernemens divers
habillemens de chaque nation Sep 4, 2015 manesson-mallet, allain, 1630?-

1706? , Chalybonite f Palmyrene, Bataneacutee, CoeliglelyriePhoelignicie,

Cadicircotide, Seleucide, Fierie, Chalcidice , Apamene, Laodicene, Villes.
Samof ate, Gsrmanica,ampc. Urema, Hierapolis, Chalybon, Palmyra,
Nelaxa, Damas

De coloniis, oppidisque Romanis: quibus imeratoria nomina vel

cognomina ... Dec 8, 2009 johannes assmann = Flavia Chalcis. Chalcis, in
Chalcidice ad Belum sita, apud Hieroclem (711), Georgium Cyprium
(862), apud Ptolemaeum (V 15,18) ita audit. In nummis autem (Head H.
N. p. 655), qui aeram oppidi anno 92

The Improvement Era Nov 17, 2011 , a Greek colony on the Macedonian
peninsula Chalcidice, and lived to be sixty-two years old. He came from
a long line of physicians. His father was physician to King Amyntas II of
Macedonia, who was
A History Of Greece Part II Jan 18, 2017 evelyn abbott collected from the
cities of Chalcidice. The army seems to have marched in various
detachments one never reached Acanthus at all, but passed through
Paeonia and Crestonaea to the Echeiddrus, at the

Observations on the Persian Wars Dec 4, 2010 j. a. r. munro division can

have crossed the ridge of Chalcidice. The account in Herodotus is
considerably confused through ignorance of the geography. What was the
attitude of the Greeks towards the coming invasion
The philosophy of painting a study of the development of the art from
prehistoric to modern times Feb 1, 2012 bell, ralcy husted, 1869- [from old
catalog] period to the time of Cimon of Cleonae in Chalcidice, there was
steady if not remarkable progress. Then the genius of Cimon swept away
with a stroke of his brush whatever archaic rigidity still clung
The Story of Philosophy Feb 15, 2009 aston leigh Spada Palace at Eome.
Aristotle was bom at a seaside town of the province of Chalcidice, in
Macedonia, called Stageira, to which he owes his appellation, so
constantly used in modern writings, the
A history of the ancient world May 10, 2010 goodspeed, george stephen,
1860-1905 the peninsulas of Chalcidice, had monopolized the rich trade

with the interior. As most of the cities belonged to the Athenian empire,
the kings were involved in difficulties with Athens. This

Plato's Apology of Socrates and Crito, with notes critical and exegetical,
introductory notices, and a logical analysis of the Apology Nov 10, 2007
Plato guilty of some fearful deed.' 29 fy epound Xecrce: the assembly of
the judges is here addressed as representing the whole people. ev:
Potidaea, a Corinthian colony in Chalcidice, rebelled

The life of Alexander the Great Dec 20, 2007 ultimately incorporated in
the Macedonian monarchy. a2 10 LIFE OF The prominent feature is a
peninsula, the Chalcidice of ancient geography, washed on the eastern
side by the Sinus Strymonicus, now the
Vergil: The Eclogues Jul 30, 2008 virgil central peninsula of the three
running out from Chalcidice in Macedonia. 68. Aethiopum: the
Aethiopians dwelt to the S.E. of Egypt, sub sidere Cancri: the constellation
of the Crab is the fourth Sign of
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie and Paläontologie Feb 20, 2014
leonhard, karl cäsar von, 1779-1862 Chalcidice. R 79 97 Gesteine von
Griechenland. R 79 921 Becker: E.: uumlber Fisch- und Pflanzen-
fuumlhrende Mergelschiefer des Rothliegenden bei Schoumlnau in
Schlesien. R 70 512 die Corallen der Nattheimer
Caesar im Orient: Kritische Übersicht der Ereignisse vom 9. August 48 bis
October 47... Oct 6, 2008 walther judeich Caesar zuruumlckgelegt, lassen
uns die Itinerarien ziemlich im Stich. Die naumlchste Strasse fuumlhrte
unbedingt laumlngs der Kuumlste bis Thessalonice und dann weiter durch
die Basis der Chalcidice. Eine Messung
The great war : the second phase, from the fall of Antwerp to the second
battle of Ypres May 16, 2014 frank herbert simonds . For Greece an
Austrian victory over Servia would insure the loss of Salonica, of the
Chalcidice, of Kavala, It would mean that Austria would come down to
the lEgtn and become the dominant power in the
The classical manual: an epitome of ancient geography, Greek and Roman
mythology, antiquities, and chronology. Chiefly intended for the use of
schools. Sep 29, 2007 baird, james s. s. (james skerret shore) Strymonic
Gulf Axius, Vardari (with its tributary Eri. gon), and Ilaliacmon, Vistriza,

flowing into the Thermaic Gulf. DIVISIONS. S., Pieria, Elymiotis,

Emathia, Chalcidice, with the Peninsulas Pallene
Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der alten, mitteren und neuen Geographie Sep
9, 2016 bischof f, friedrich h AoytXog, Hemdotlaquo IH, Thoeyd, V, St.
in Chalcidice, noumlrdl. von Stagira, suumld!. von Amphipolia, ua Sin.
Strjmonkns. Arginuaa t q. Argennssae nacli Andern die vorzuumlglichste
der Argenussao ittsnlae
Greek biology and Greek medicine Sep 21, 2007 singer, charles joseph,
1876-1960 . Aristotle was born in 384 B. c. at Stagira, a Greek colony in
the Chalcidice a few miles from the northern limit of the present monastic
settlement of Mount Athos. His father, Nicomachus, was physician

History of Greece Mar 8, 2009 william francis collier monotony with

human sacrifices, it proceeded along the shore to Mount Athos, where the
army struck inland across the peninsula of Chalcidice. Athens and Sparta
stood almost alone in this hour of extreme
Historisch geographischer HandAtlas zur Geschichte der Staaten Europa's
vom Anfang des Mittelalters bis auf die neueste Zeit von Karl von Spruner.
2. Aufl May 16, 2016 karl : von spruner Halbinsel Chalcidice geblieben,
wozu auch laquolas vielfach gctheiltc MOros fast ganz wieder erworben
wurde. Die Osrannnisrhen Tuumlrken hatten laquoich im Laufe des XIV.
Jahrhunderts die, aus dein Verfalle der

Catalogue of Greek coins in the Hunterian collection, University of

Glasgow Nov 23, 2009 hunterian museum (university of glasgow) ...119
Cyrrhestica . . . .bull 132 Chalcidice . . .140 Seleucis and Pieria
Carminum Liber IIIJun 2, 2008 horace central peninsular in Chalcidice.
11, BUbUml] pictorial, ' vrith uplifted lash'. 12. tSLBge semel] 'touch' and
'onc' \yj NJom \i!cwilti 'Moderation. Buggeat more than is expioaaed...
A list of atlases and maps applicable to the world war comp. under the
direction of Philip Lee Phillips, chief, Division of maps Oct 15, 2014
library of congress. map division. . 1916? Bacon n660 Chalcidice. 1918.
Larousse c 88 56 Chalons. 1911-1915. France. Service geo- graphique de
V armee c 349 1917-1918. Miclieiinampco n 472b Champagne. 1917?
Blondel laRougery... c43

De Thucydidis Vaticani codicis quod ad libros septimum et octavum attinet

praestantia cum vallae ... Apr 8, 2008 lorenzo valla Tiiv Totvctypxlxy B
post ig inserit Tf, quod non est apud Vallam. cf. c. 11 sect 2. Ibid. Vulg.
itiTTXsuae tov EuptTrov B t7rXeuroU7xg. Valla: ,,Sab 1) Mnemos. VIII
297. 17 vesperum e Chalcidice Euboeae
The classical manual: an epitome of ancient geography, Greek and Roman
mythology, antiquities, and chronology. Chiefly intended for the use of
schools Aug 18, 2009 baird, james skerrett shore , Vistriza, flowing into
the Ther maic Gulf. DIVISIONS. S., Pieria, Elymiotis, mathia,
Chalcidice, with the Peninsulas Pa lien e, Sithonia, and Acte E.,
Mygdonia and Sin tic a. In the centre
GPlátwnos Āpología Swkrátous kaì Krítwn. Plato's Apology of Socrates
and Crito, with notes [c ... Oct 14, 2008 Plato Corinthian colony in
Chalcidice, rebelled against the supremacy of the Athenians in 432, and
after the Potidaeans with their allies from the Peloponnesus had been
beaten by the Athenians under GaUias (who
Influences of geographic environment, on the basis of Ratzel's system of
anthropo-geography May 7, 2007 semple, ellen churchill, 1863-1932
the highway of the Mediterranean and the adjacent seas. The earlier Greek
colonies, like those of the Triopium promontory forming the south-
western angle of Asia Minor, Chalcidice, the Thracian
Diplomatic Reminiscences Before and During the World War, 1911-1917
Jan 21, 2008 anatolīĭ vasilʹevich nekli︠u︡dov , Chalcidice, part of Southern
Macedonia, and Epirus, the capital of which, Janina, surrendered to the
Greek Army shortly after the resumption of hostilities. The Serbians held
all the rest of Macedonia and
Homer's Iliad, books i. ii. [ed.] by A. Sidgwick Apr 22, 2008 Homerus
historical times, only scattered remnants were left, as in places in Asia, in
Lemnos, and Imbros, etc. Thucydides, iv. 109, speaks of them in Acte, a
promontory of Chalcidice, and says they came from
Bucolics Jan 19, 2009 virgil . Sithone is the middle promontory of the
three which extend from Chalcidice in Thrace into the Aegean Sea.
aquosae is a general epithet of winter, not strictly suited to the frozen
regions of Thrace.
Geografia di Grecia antica e delle colonie greche col novero de vocaboli
odierni geografici pel Cav. Lorenzo Blanco Apr 6, 2016 lorenzo blanco il

reame deAIacedoni, lanno 168 prima di Cristo E inni ( Standia J vicino al

golfo Temiamo tigraveeroea ( Feria o Beria ). 5. La Chalcidice , di cui
erano cittagrave principali Potidaea poscia Cassandrea
Monograph of the British aphides ... Oct 31, 2008 buckton, george
bowdler, 1817-1905 , 1871. By the same, Economy of Chalcidice,'
Entomologist' for 1873. Aphidivorous Fossorial Crabronid. The insects of
this group of the Aculeate Hymenoptera are placed by Prof . Westwood
first on the
Universal History Of The World Vol. Ii Jan 17, 2017 hammerton, j.a.
enterprises of Chalcis the colonisation of the north, and especial of the
triple promontor} which became known as Chalcidice though here
Corinth also thrust in and planted Potidaea. In the second
A progressive Greek delectus Jul 28, 2008 henry musgrave wilkins .
utterly, wholly, 0\vfjnrios, or. from or dweiUng on Olympus. An epithet of
the Gods. OKvvdos, ov, ri, Olynthus, a city in the Chalcidice. Of iripos,
ov, 6. Homer. Hfiripos, ov, 6, a pledge, a
Ancient Greece : a sketch of its art, literature and philosophy, viewed in
connexion with its external history from earliest times to the age of
Alexander the Great Dec 21, 2007 cotterill, h. b. (henry bernard), b. 1846
and to conqueror else to die.' From Doriscus the vast armament marched
westward, crossed the Strymon, and arrived at Acanthus, near the Athos
canal. Then, passing through Chalcidice, it reached
Synopsis numorum veterum qui in Museo numismatico Athenarum
publico adservantur disposuit et ... Mar 20, 2008 achilleōs postolakas maris
48 CEPHALLENIA insula ad Elidem 44 Cephaloedium Siciliae. 20
Cerdylium Macedoniae... 29 Chabacta Ponti 49 Chalcedon Bithyniae 51
The Cambridge Ancient History Vol-i Jan 17, 2017 seltman c.t. , as for
instance on the coins of Chalcidice, Corcyra (see p. 804 [e] below), and
Carystus. The making of faience was probably introduced into Crete from
Egypt where it was known at an early date, but
The history and antiquities of the Doric race [microf orm] Mar 15, 2013
müller, c. o dominion in these quarters (an event which had nevertheless
taken place before the Persian war) that the Corinthians appear to have
founded Potidaea on the opposite side of Greece in Chalcidice, which

The earth and its inhabitants, Europe [microf orm] Dec 7, 2010 reclus,
Élisée, 1830-1905 alluvial plains. It extends far into the sea like a huge
hand spread out upon the waters. Chalcidice is a Greece in miniature, with
coasts of fantastic contours, deep bays, bold promontories, and mountains
Die römische Elegie: Auswahl aus den Dichtern der klassischen Zeit Aug
18, 2008 berthold volz . 129). centumvir Ovid. Einl. (S. 6). Chalcidice 55,
48. chaos 39, 57. Charon 67, 24-62, 7. Chryseis 67, 29. Cicero 19, 1623,
626, 77 Cat. Einl. (S. 129). der Son 26, 77. Cilnius Maecenas 65

The Iliad of Homer, books I-III Nov 17, 2007 Homer , of which, in
historical times, only scattered remnants were left, as in places in Asia, in
Lemnos, and Imbros, etc. Thucydides, iv. 109, speaks of them in Acte, a
promontory of Chalcidice, and says
A Grammar of Ancient Geography,: Compiled for the Use of King's
College School Jul 14, 2008 aaron arrowsmith , and after being increased
by 2rs of the Lyncestis Nazilitza, runs into the G. of 0- B district of
Chalcidice, so named from the Cbalcidians of Euboea d bere, extended
between the Gulfs of Contessa
Herodotus Book VII : partly in the original and partly in translation Aug
30, 2011 herodotus . Sigmaάmuiotaomicroniota, -omeganu, ol, the people
of Samos. Sigmaalphanudeltaώkappaetasigmaf, -omicronupsilon, 6, son
of Tha- masios. Sigmaάnueta, -etasigmaf, eta, a town in Acte
(Chalcidice), near the head of the Sinus Singiticus.
Sigmaάrhodeltaepsiloniotasigmaf, -epsilonomeganu, at, Sardes or

The history and antiquities of the Doric race [microf orm] Mar 15, 2013
müller, c. o dominion in these quarters (an event which had nevertheless
taken place before the Persian war) that the Corinthians appear to have
founded Potidaea on the opposite side of Greece in Chalcidice, which
The earth and its inhabitants, Europe [microf orm] Dec 7, 2010 reclus,
Élisée, 1830-1905 alluvial plains. It extends far into the sea like a huge
hand spread out upon the waters. Chalcidice is a Greece in miniature, with
coasts of fantastic contours, deep bays, bold promontories, and mountains
Die römische Elegie: Auswahl aus den Dichtern der klassischen Zeit Aug
18, 2008 berthold volz . 129). centumvir Ovid. Einl. (S. 6). Chalcidice 55,

48. chaos 39, 57. Charon 67, 24-62, 7. Chryseis 67, 29. Cicero 19, 1623,
626, 77 Cat. Einl. (S. 129). der Son 26, 77. Cilnius Maecenas 65
Ancient Peoples: A Revision of Morey's "Outlines of Ancient History"
Feb 27, 2008 william carey morey Amphip'olis, in Chalcidice (map, p.
242), the Athenian general, Cleon, and the Spartan general, Bras'idas, were
both killed. The leader of the peace party, Nicias, now came forward and
made a new treaty
Compendiaria Graecae Grammatices Aug 14, 2016 ltsxpoundce, Att.
ifjuxy lt7laquo w , oi lsquo7aflc wy bull Chalcidice. Plufq perf. inmx y f
fln?9a4#. REGULA GENERALIS. Jonum funtdiffolutiones, contraSiones
Aiticorum : t rioie, bulljroiiy i06tcox y ifioaf
Influences of geographic environment on the basis of Ratzel's system of
anthropo-geography May 4, 2016 ratzel, friedrich, 1844-1904 the
Mediterranean and the adjacent seas. The earlier Greek colonies, like those
of the Triopium promontory forming the south-western angle of Asia
Minor, Chalcidice, the Thracian Chersonesus, Calchedon
Thucydides : translated into English with introduction, marginal analysis,
and index May 4, 2007 thucydides , the Cerameans of Caria, the
Camireans of Rhodes, the Halicarnassians, the Myrinaeans of Lemnos,
and the Mecybernaeans of Chalcidice follow each other. After the ninth
list the geographical division
Thucydides Jun 29, 2007 thucydides , the Gentinians of the Troad, the
Stagirites, the Cerameans of Caria, the Camireans of Rhodes, the
Halicarnassians, the Myrinaeans of Lemnos, and the Mecybernaeans of
Chalcidice follow each other. After
Cicero: De finibus I. Edited for London University B.A. examination, 1891
by S. Moses and C.S. Fearenside Aug 29, 2006 cicero, marcus tullius
relabor. Et mihi res non me rebus subjungere conor.Aristoteles (sectsect 6,
7, 14, etc.) : a famous philosopher, born at Staglrus (or -a), in Chalcidice,
384 B.C., was for twenty years a pupil of Plato at
Monograph of the British Aphides Nov 22, 2014 george bowdler buckton
Coccinellidw and other checks to Aphides, so the wheat crop is of ten saved
by the operations of certain minute Ichneumonidw and Chalcidice.
SirilONOPHOIiA CRANARIA 117 If the ears of wheat be searched early
Description de l'univers : contenant les differents systemes du monde, les
cartes generales particulieres de la geographie ancienne moderne, les

plans les prof ils des principales villes des autres lieux plus considerables
de la Terre : avec les portraits des souverains qui y commandent, leurs
blasons, titres livrées : et les moeurs, religions, gouvernemens divers
habillemens de chaque nation Nov 17, 2015 manesson-mallet, allain,

, Chalybonite , Palmyrene, Sataneacutee, CoeliglefyriePhoelignicie,

CaiTiotidc, Seleucide, Fierie, Chalcidice , Acircpamene, Laodicene,
LaPaleftine fegrave fubdivife en plulicirceurs petits Pais ou Provinces,
(jtvoiumlr, Villes. Samof ate

Greek Painting Jan 16, 2017 martin robertson , 103, 121, 131, 135, 137.
142. Ol3mipus 75. Olynthus (Chalcidice) 171. Onesimos (vase-painter)
103, 105 f , 108. Opheltes 129, 133 Orion 68. Oropos (Attica) 152. Orvieto
(Etruna) 124. outhne drawing on

War And Civilization Jan 18, 2017 toynebe, arnold life to liberate the
Greek city-states in Chalcidice from an Athenian yokeonly to have his
work undone within less than half a century by other Lacedaemonian hands
which were to open the way for a

The Pre-socratic Philosophers Jan 16, 2017 kathleen freeman FIFTH

CENTURIES 221 number of Philolaus pupils. Aristoxenus, himself a
Tarentine, knew some of these: Xenophilus of Chalcidice, and four men
from Phlius Phanton, Echecrates, Diodes and Polymnastus

What Democracy Meant To The Greeks Nov 14, 2006 agard,walter. Four
other federations succeeded in a modest fashion in realizing actual union.
In Chalcidice early in the fourth century a group of cities was organized
by Olynthus, a flourishing commercial center

A History of Greek and Roman Classical Literature Jul 6, 2008 a. louage

Laws.Xenocrates, a disciple of Plato, has left no writing. 6. Thb

Peripatbtio Sohool. This is the school of Aristotle. Ariftotle was bom at

Stagira, a town in Chalcidice, in Macedonia, in 384. At

Platōnos Apologia Sōkratous kai Kritōn Apr 29, 2009 Plato, wilhelm
wagner whole people.Apxeuroiv: G. 265 H. 765. 4v IIoTiScUfAt|X(y:
Potidaea, a Corinthian colony in Chalcidice, rebelled against the
supremacy of the Athenians in 432, and after the Potidaeans with their

The Times history of the war. v. 1-22 (pts. 1-273). May 27, 2014 north
with the now Bulgarian RhodojJe and towards the Egean throws of f the
lower branches of the Krusha and Beshik Dagh and the rocky three-
pronged peninsula of Chalcidice. On the extreme east and

Symbolae Antillanae : seu fundamenta florae Indiae Occidenttalis Mar 25,

2009 urban, ignaz, 1848- . bis Egin, 1891 in Gemeinschaft mit J.
Bornmuumlller die Insel Thasos, die Halbinsel Chalcidice und den
Thessalischen Olymp, 1892 Paphlagonien uumlber Ineboli bis Tossia,
1894 tuumlrkisch Armenien uumlber

The Crown atlas of classical geography, constructed and engr. by E.

Weller ... ec 7, 2009 edward weller, leonhard schmitz ...t4epound
Ohalcedon .,t40 56k Chaloia i 36 15k Chalcidice dUt 40 25k Chalcis t 39
43k Ohalcis tS8i Ohalois t38i Ghalcis lt 40 22k Chaldea...due 32 40k
Ohaldiat ., 3950k Chalybes 40 24k eurohaonia...(2ila89 65K

The history of Greece Mar 8, 2009 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 coast Pieria
and Bottisea were completelj subjugated part of their inhabitants were
driven out into the Chalcidice, while in their place foreign settlers, from
whom prof it was expected, were brought

Ginn Company's classical atlas in twenty-three coloured maps, with

complete index [cartographic material] Sep 17, 2015 ginn and company ,
B.c. 146. Chalcidice. Rivers Strymon, Ilaliacmon. Thessalonica, Pydnaf

(b.c. 168), Philippi f (b.c. 42), Potidaea, Olynthus, Amphipolis. 2. Epirus,

the country between the Pindus and the Iladriatic
REMEMBER GREECE Oct 28, 2006 dilys powell to the ground. Stavros
in Chalcidice, which the Germans accused of sheltering terrorists, met the
same end one hundred and fifty Greeks perished with their vilkge. Nazi
brutality has by now no
Great Books Of The Western World Herodotus Thucydides Jan 18, 2017
hutchins, robert m. which help might be brought. Meanwhile, after the
completion of the investment of Potidaea, Phormio next employed his
sixteen hundred men in ravaging Chalcidice and Bottica: some of the
towns also
The Unrivaled History Of The World Vol.2 Jan 21, 2017 clare, israel smith
inciting Revolts among the Athenian tributaries in the Chalcidic
peninsulas. Thus the Corinthians incited the Revolt of Potidiea, a town
in Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Maccdon, which had originally

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tant

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités ... Par m. Sabbathier, prof esseur au Collége de
ChâlonssurMarne ... Tome premier 37. A ChâlonssurMarne chez Seneuze,
imprimeur du Roi, dans la Grande Rue Apr 21, 2016 cuivre. CHALC1DE,
Chalcis, Xxxiccedil. Voye[ Chalcis, royaume de Syrie.
CHALCIDEgraveNE, Chalcidene. Voye\ Chalcis, ville de Syrie , amp
Chalcis royaume de la mecircme contreacutee. CHALCIDICE,
Chalcidice, (laquo) Antiq. expi

Apostle Of Nations Oct 30, 2006 saint paul daniel rops point of
Chalcidice and passed along the coast of Thessaly where, in the distance,
fabulous Mount Pelion and Ossa were silhouetted 92 against the blue
autumn sky entering the tortuous strait which

Richard Stanyhursts Übersetzung von Vergils Aeneide I-IV: Ihr

Verhaeltnis zum Original. Stil und ... May 26, 2008 heinrich leopold
schmidt Quellen genannt sind. Cumse wurde uumlbrigens von Eretria
und Chalcidice in Euboea gegruumlndet und Euboumlisches Element war

in einer solchen Weise in Gumae vertreten, dass kumanische Spruumlche

noch von Ovid (Fast

Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies Oct 25, 2007

lucas, charles prestwood, sir, 1853-1931 Thracian Chersonnese and the
Greek cities in and near Chalcidice, Potidaea, Olynthus, Therme and
others, played an important part both in earlier and later Greek history.
Corinth sent settlers

The History of Greece Nov 13, 2012 prof essor dr. ernst curtis Chalcidice.
The broad highlands of Chalcidice abound in ancient mountain-shafts,
before which the heaps of dross lie piled up to this day, in manifest
testimony of the zeal and success with which the

A manual of ancient history, from the earliest times to the fall of the
Sassanian empire. Comprising the history of Chaldaea, Assyria, Media,
Babylonia, Lydia, Phoenicia, Syria, Judaea, Egypt, Carthage, Persia,
Greece, Macedonia, Rome, and Parthia Jul 18, 2016 rawlinson, george,
1812-1902 , between Athens and Sparta. Defensive alliance between
Argos, Corinth, Mantinea, Elis, and Chalcidice. Alliance, of fensive and
defensive, between Sparta and Boeotia. B.c. 420. Athens, of fended hereat

Lempriere's classical dictionary, abridged for public and private schools of

both sexes Feb 14, 2014 lemprière, john, 1765?-1824 miles, flowing into
the Adriatic. Athos, Monte Santo, a mountain in the district Chalcidice
of Macedonia so high that it projects its shadow at the summer solstice
eighty-seven miles. When Xerxes

A Classical Dictionary Of Greek And Roman Jan 15, 2017 smith, sir
william bullpeninsula of 'Acte with Chalcidice, and Iboot 14 mile above
the canal of Xerxes. TAthos.) It was founded by a colony from
bullAndros. Xerxes lsquostopped here on his march into Greece (b.c. 480).

The poems of Gaius Valerius Catullus Jul 10, 2007 catullus, gaius valerius
Macedonia, now Monte Santo. It is at the end of a long peninsula, and
Xerxes is said to have cut a canal through the Isthmus connecting the
peninsula with Chalcidice (Herodotus, 7. 23 sey.), in order

A Descriptive Catalogue of Greek Coins Feb 10, 2008 clarence sweet

bement , thomas louis comparette an end to that alliance and shortly
afterward Macedon and Olynthus united to drive Athens out of Thrace.
In B. C. 358 Philip II of Macedon subdued all Chalcidice and terminated
the League. 1J5 1
Ginn Company's Classical Atlas: In Twenty Three Coloured Maps with
...Feb 4, 2008 ginn and company , alexander keith johnston , and the
dissolution of his empire, Macedonia remained independent until
conquered by Rome, b.c. 14G. Chalcidice. Rivers Strymon, Ilaliacmon.
Thessalonica, Pydna f (b.c. 168), Philippi f (b.c. 42
Almanach der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften für das Jahr ...
Dec 4, 2014 kaiserl. akademie der wissenschaften in wien Abhandlungen
entiiaitea: L Mmeralogie Geologie und Palaumlontologie. Becke, Gesteine
von der Halbinsel Chalcidice. 77, Bd. Gesteine von Griechenland. 78. B'd.
Boue, w. M., Ueber die unterirdisclien prossen

War And Civilization Jan 17, 2017 toynebe, arnold life to liberate the
Greek city-states in Chalcidice from an Athenian yokeonly to have his
work undone within less than half a century by other Lacedaemonian hands
which were to open the way for a

The Peoples Of The Ancient World Jan 18, 2017 william h. armstrong
customs and looked upon the peoples around them as barbarians. Greek
Colonies in the East Greek colonization began with the settlement of
Chalcidice by men from Eretria and Chalcis, on the island of Euboea

Remember Greece Jan 19, 2017 dilys powell ground. Stavros in

Chalcidice, which the Germans accused of sheltering terrorists, met the
same end one hundred and fifty Greeks perished with their village. Nazi
brutality has by now no surprises for

Verzeichnis von Münzen und Medaillen (Antike, Mittelalter, Neuzeit) :

und numismatischen Werken, mit beigesetzten Verkaufspreisen Oct 30,
2014 hirsch, jacob . darunter Getreidekorn. B. M. C. 1. JE. Mm. 10. Pat.,
s. g. 3. 64 923 Chalcidice. ca. 392379 v.Chr. Apollokopf r. m.
Lorbeerkranz. Rv: XAA- KlA EftN Lyra. B.M.C. 4. Mm. 23. gr. 14,4
Atlas of European history Aug 20, 2008 dow, earle wilbur, 1868-
Chaboras, river, see Klhabur ... i Chad, lake 30 Chaeronea 2 Chalcedon 4
Chalcidice, 'egion .2 Chalcis, in iEtolia 2 Chalcis, in Euboea 2 Chaldean
Empire 1 Chaldeans, people i Chaldia
Great Books Of The Western World Herodotus Thucydides Jan 17, 2017
hutchins, robert m. completion of the investment of Potidaea, Phormio
next employed his sixteen hundred men in ravaging Chalcidice and
Bottica: some of the towns also were taken by him. CHAPTER III
Congress of the
General history for colleges and high schools Jun 8, 2009 myers, Philip
van ness, 1846- [from old catalog] emigrants from other cities, founded so
many colonies thirty-two owned her as their mother city that the land
became known as Chalcidice. I One of the chief attractions of this shore
to the

Allgemeine und chemische geologie Jan 24, 2009 roth, justus ludwig adolf,
. ib. 1872. XXII. 342. Halbinsel Chalcidice. Megalo vigla, noumlrdlicher
Theil der Athos-Halbinsel. Grobkoumlrniger Biotitgneiss aus
vorherrschendem weissem Orthoklas und Quarz mit etwas Plagioklas und
The Canadian journal of industry, science and art Sep 17, 2013 letter
weakened, in certain cases, the power of the final d or t, so that Cilicia,
Chalcis, Galloeci, and similar terms, arose out of it. Chalcitis, Chalcidice,
and like words, however, serve to lead back
General history for colleges and high schools Jul 24, 2009 myers, Philip
van ness, 1846- [from old catalog] cities, founded so many colonies thirty-
two owned her as their mother city that the land became known as
Chalcidice. One of the chief attractions of this shore to the Greek
colonists was the rich

A History of Greece, from the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest:

With ... Jun 21, 2009 william george smith , george washington greene
mouth of the Danube. Of these we can only glance at the most important.
The colonies on the coast of Macedonia were chiefly founded by Chalcis
and Eretria in Euboea and the peninsula of Chalcidice
The Student's Manual of Ancient Geography with Maps, Plans, and
Numerous Illustrations by W. L. Bevan Jul 24, 2016 william latham bevan
the less important towns we may briefly noticeChsdciB, the capital of
Chalcidice, S.E. of Antioch Chalybon, or Bercea (as it was named by
Seleucus after the Macedonian town), representing the modern

General history for colleges and high schools Jul 14, 2016 myers, p. v. n.
(Philip van ness), 1846-1937
owned her as their mother city that the land became known as Chalcidice.
One of the chief attractions of this shore to the Greek colonists was the
rich copper, silver, and gold deposits. The hills, too

Ancient history, by J. Robinson and F. Young. 4 vols. in 1. Dec 6, 2014

john Robinson entrance to tho Thermaic Gulf, between Thesaly and the
curiously-formed ])pniusula of Chalcidice, complete the list of the
principal islands in the iEgean Sea. 4 A HISTOf tT OF QBBBCK The
diWsions of

A History of Greece Jul 13, 2009 william smith, george washington greene
EubcBa and the peninsula of Chalcidice, with its three projecting
headlands, was covered with their settlements, and derived its name from
the former city. The Corinthians likewise planted a few

A manual of ancient history, from the earliest times to the fall of the
Western empire, comprising the history of Chaldæa, Assyria, Media,
Babylonia, Lydia, Phoenicia, Syria, Judæa, Egypt, Carthage, Persia,
Greece, Macedonia, Rome, and Parthia Jul 13, 2009 rawlinson, george,
1812-1902 . Among these the most important was Mend. Andros founded
San6, near the site of the canal of Xerxes, and Acanthus, Stageirus, and
Argilus, on the coast between Athos and Amphipolis. Chalcidice first


smith . ARISTO'TE'T.BS, the philosopher, was born at StagSra, a town in
Chalcidice in Mftcgdoniav 384 B.C. His father, Nicomachns, was. 'See
Prof essor G. Murray, Arutopkatux ami Ou Wmr Party (1919). 7laquo
General history for colleges and high schools Apr 20, 2010 myers, Philip
van ness, 1846- [from old catalog] cities, founded so many colonies thirty-
two owned her as their mother city that the land became known as
Chalcidice. One of the chief attractions of this shore to the Greek
colonists was the rich
The inner history of the Balkan war Apr 2, 2007 rankin, reginald, sir, 1871-
and Kastoria, as well as the districts of Vranya and Pirot, with a port on
the Mediterranean at Kavala, Adrianople, Salonika, and Chalcidice being
left to Turkey. Of the districts named, the Berlin
A general history of the world Sep 21, 2008 browning, oscar, 1837-1923
prisoners to Athens. Bub in 424, the Athenians were defeated at Delium in
Boeotia, a battle in which Alcibiades saved the life of Socrates. A worse
disaster befell tbem in Chalcidice, where, in the battle
The history of Thucydides, Volume 1 Sep 26, 2009 samuel thomas
bloomfield embraced the three peninsulas of Pallene, Chalcidice, and
Acte, and extended as far beyond as Amphipolis. Though this was properly
situated in Macedonia or Thrace, it was not reckoned a part of either
The Cambridge Ancient History Vol Vi Jan 17, 2017 j. b. bury northern
confines of Greece, where the cities of Chalcidice under the leadership
of Olynthus had established a powerful confederation. This League,
which probably had its origin at the time of the
A classical dictionary of biography c... Jul 21, 2016 sir william smith wfir,
slain by the Te- Ajax. ACCA. 3 AeanthtlA CnayBot: A4fdtoj). 1. (Nr. Erso
Ru.), a town on the Isthmus, which connects the peninsula of Atbos with
Chalcidice. It was founded by the inhabitants
The student's manual of ancient geography Jan 6, 2010 william latham
bevan, sir william smith we may briefly noticeChaldf, the coital of
Chalcidice, S.K. of Antioch Chalybon, or BercM (as it was named by
Seleucus after the Macedonian town), representing the modem Aleppo, on
the road between

A Classical Dictionary Of Greek And Roman Jan 20, 2017 smith, sir
william bullpeninsula of 'Acte with Chalcidice, and Iboot 14 mile above
the canal of Xerxes. TAthos.) It was founded by a colony from
bullAndros. Xerxes lsquostopped here on his march into Greece (b.c. 480).
A Class Dictionary Of Greek And Roman Biography, Mythology, And
Geography Jan 16, 2017 smith, sir william Virgil is probably due to a
misconception of Horn H u 783 Aenea {Alyeia Alfstevs, Alveiarns), a
town in Chalcidice, on the Thermaic gulf, said to have been founded by
Aeneas (Hdt vii 123, Liv xl 4
A dictionary of Greek and Roman geography Jul 4, 2016 smith, william,
1813-1893. n 00036173 near Lectum as well as near Sigeum, was of a
large size. The modern name of Lectum is Baba, or Santa Maria. [L. S.]
LE'CYTHUS (Ai]KvQos), a town in the peninsula ' of Sithonia in
Chalcidice, not far
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography by Various Writers 1
AbacaenumHytanis Sep 8, 2014 Chalcidice, and about 1 \ mile above the
canal of Xerxes. [Amos.] It was founded by a colony from Andros, and
became a place of considerable importance. Xerxes stopped here on his
inarch into Greoce
A system of ancient and mediæval geography for the use of schools and
colleges Aug 10, 2008 anthon, charles, 1797-1867 coaste of Athos or tlie
ancient Chalcidice. dhy Google 8. Divisions. The main divisions of
Macedonia were tiie following: 1. LyncesHs or Lyncus 2. Stymphalia 3.
Orestis 4. Elimea or Elimiotis
The Unrivaled History of the World: Containing a Full and Complete
Record of ... Sep 2, 2008 israel smith clare tributaries in the Chalcidic
peninsulas. Thus the Corinthians incited the Revolt of Potidaea, a town
in Chalcidice, near the frontiers of Macedon, which had originally been a
colony of Corinth, but
Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography Jan 8, 2011 smith, william,
sir, 1813-1893, ed Cbalcedon Coin of Chalcidice in Macedonia - Coin of
Cbalds in Eublti Coin of Chersonesns in Crete - , Coin of Chios . - - Coin
of Cibjra . - - Coin of Cissa . - - Coin of Cius
The Historians History Of The World Vol. Iv Jan 16, 2017 williams, henry
smith ed. proud city compelled to render military service to the Spartans j
the mighty chief city of the Chalcidice became a humble member of the
Lacedsemonian alliance. Meanwhile the Peloponnesus itself had

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie and Paläontologie Feb 20, 2014
leonhard, karl cäsar von, 1779-1862 .: Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice
97Gesteine von Griechenland 921 Behrens, G.: Ueber die
Kreideablagerungen auf der Insel Wollin 186 Beitraumlge zur
geologischen Karte der Schweiz 98 Benecke, E. W
Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography Feb 11, 2011 smith, william,
(sir) 1813-1893 , found near Lectum as well as near Sigeum, was of a large
size. The modern name of Lectum is Baba, or Santa Maria. [L. S.]
LE'CYTHUS (AtjkvBos), a town in the peninsula of Sithonia in
Chalcidice, not
Handbook for travellers in Greece Sep 9, 2010 Haliacmon (now Inje-Karn
in its upper, and Vistritza in its lower course). The maritime district of
Macedonia called Chalcidice, which projects like a trident into the north
of the Aegean, has but little
The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. Iii Jan 16, 2017 j.b. bury, s. a. cook
f.e. a.d.cook. the peninsula of Chalcidice in Macedonia, where a Greek-
speaking tribe with the name of Chalcideis was already established in the
interior. The Euboean colonies were mostly established on the western or

A New Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography Mythology

and ... Apr 22, 2009 william smith .] AcAMTmn ('Akovo: 'kxdvdtoc). 1.
(Ruins near JSrso), a town on the lethmua, whioli oonBMcta the peninaula
of Athoa with Chalcidice, on Ifae canal cut by Xences {vid, Arrioa). It
was founded by the

Websters New Geographical Dictionary Jan 18, 2017 not available

Chalcidice Revolted from Athens 411 B.C, important as naval post,
conquered by Macedonian, Ptolemaic, and Pergamene rulers annexed to
Rome as part of Pergamum 133 B.C. part of Greece 1829. 2 Town, its

A dictionary of ancient geography, explaining the local appellations in

sacred, Grecian, and Roman history exhibiting the extent of kingdoms,
and situations of cities, c. And illustrating the allusions and epithets in the
Greek and Roman poets. The whole established by proper authorities, and
designed for the use of schools Dec 2, 2014 macbean, alexander, d. 1784
over, flinr. Cercinitis, Strabo, Pliny a imall idand joined to Cercina by a

bridge Cercinitis, Arrian a lake of Ma cedonia Adjc6a, to the north of

Chalcidice \ through which Alex ander, about

The Historians History Of The World Vol. Iv Jan 15, 2017 williams, henry
smith ed. proud city compelled to render military service to the Spartans j
the mighty chief city of the Chalcidice became a humble member of the
Lacedsemonian alliance. Meanwhile the Peloponnesus itself had

Studies of the Gods in Greece at certain sanctuaries recently excavated :

being eight lectures given in 1890 at the Lowell Institute May 17, 2006
dyer, louis, 1851-1908 time is made. It is interesting to note that this
deification of Flamininus was by the Greeks of Chalcidice, near
neighbours of the Amphipolitans who long before paid divine honours to
Universal history Americanised or, An historical view of the world, from
the earliest records to the year 1808. With a particular reference to the state
of society, literature, religion, and form of government, in the United
States of America. Oct 17, 2009 amsay, david, 1749-1815 tide of the
human mind which operates generally with more force upon the
determinations of a multitude than of an individual, the fruitful province
of Chalcidice, on the confines of Thrace and Macedonia
Numismata graeca Greek coin-types, classified for immediate
identification May 17, 2011 anson, leo . 46 47 48 49 5() 51 52 53 54
Terone. Macedoniii. PepareLhus Isle of Thessahj. Apol Ionia. Illijria or
Chalcidice. Issa. Isle of lllyria. Pharos. Isle of Illy r in. Gorcyra, Isle of
Epirus. Head of

An historical text book and atlas of Biblical geography Feb 4, 2008

coleman, lyman, 1796-1882 viii. 27. 71, 88, 193 Chalcedon, near
Constantinople Chalcidice, province in Syria Chalcis, in Greece and Syria
Chaldea, Chaldeans, Chasdim. In the widest sense, Mesopotamia. Gen. xi.
The age of Pericles, a history of the politics and arts of Greece from the
Persian to the Peloponnesian War Dec 21, 2007 lloyd, william watkiss
city invested.The Dorian war inevitable. B.C. 432, autumn 01. 87. i.
Anticipations at Athens of Corinthian retaliation.The political situation in
Chalcidice, Macedonia, and Thrace.Potidaea

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Apr 25, 2009 william smith
Chalcidice, and about 1 mile above the canal of Xerxes. [Athoa.] It was
founded by a colony from Andres, and became a pUce of considerable
importance. XeriEes stopped here on his march into Greece (b. o
A history of all nations from the earliest times : being a universal historical
library by distinguished scholars in twenty-four volumes Apr 24, 2007
andrews, charles mclean, 1863-1943 Of fice of king at Athens thrown open
to the nobles. 710 Founding of Khegium. 707 Founding of Tarentum. 705
Corcyra becomes Dorian. 704 Aminocles, ship-builder at Corinth. 700
The Life and Letters of Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L., LL. D. Mar 22, 2008
william richard wood stephens OF EDWARD A. FREEMAN. [1855- one
end, and Chalcidice at the other. Such a Greek State need neither have
been a tool of Russia nor an enemy of Turkey. The existing State was so
petty that it could
The teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary
school Feb 10, 2008 bourne, henry eldridge, 1862- the rejected overtures
for peace loss of Amphipolis and of Athenian power in Chalcidice death
of Cleon Peace of Nicias (421). Between the first and second periods of
warfare comes the disastrous
Aeschines In Ctesiphonta Mar 2, 2008 aeschines , established gn-c-
Athenian authority in part of the Chersonese, and made himself master of
many towns in Chalcidice. But he failed to take Amphipolis and when he
turned to attack the Thracian Cotys, in
Studien über altitalisches und römisches Staats- und Rechtsleben als
Vorschule der römischen Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte, Jun 7, 2016 nägelé,
maximilian, d. 1852 Tyrrbener und Pelasger durchaus fuumlr ein und
dasselbe Volk, indem er bei Beschreibung der Bevoumllkerung der
tbraciseben Kuumlste sagt, es wohnten dort auch Leute aus Chalcidice, die
Mehrzahl der Einwohner
An historical text book and atlas of Biblical geography Feb 13, 2013
coleman, lyman, 1796-1882 ix. 30, x. 1, xii. 19, xviii. 22, xxi. 8, 16, xxiii.
23, xxv. 1 211 Philippi. Matt. xvi. 13 Mark viii. 27. 71, 88, 193 Chaleedon,
near Constantinople Chalcidice, province in Syria Chalcis, in
A manual of lithology : treating of the principles of the science with
special reference to megascopic analysis Feb 6, 2007 williams, edward
higginson, b. 1849 ) ffvrnbtende-epidote-schist. From the phyllite

formation of the peninsula of Chalcidice. It is a fine-grained aggregate

of coarse epidote, bright green hornblende, and tufts of chlorite. (b) Mtca
An Ancient Geography, Classical and Sacred May 30, 2009 samuel
augustus mitchell Chalcidice situated ?Name the three smaller peninsulas
which it comprised. 18 O 210 SUROPA. (1.) POTlDAEA (Jloridata), a
Dorian city colonized from Corinth, situated on the narrow Isthmus
History of the Greek revolution Dec 20, 2007 finlay, george, 1799-1875
Revolt in, i. 256. Mademkhoria of the Chalcidice, the, i. 24S. ilahmud II.,
accession of , i. 65his personal appearance and charActer, 6(3 et state of
the empire, 68 et at first supports Ali
The history of ancient Greece, its colonies, and conquests : from the
earliest accounts till the division of the Macedonian Empire in the east :
including the history of literature, philosophy, and the fine arts May 1,
2007 gillies, john, 1747-1836 along the Macedonian coaft, the vicinity of
which naturally tempted the ambition of Perdiccas. Under the fpecious
pretence of enabling Olynthus and the other cities of Chalcidice to
recover their
Studies of the gods in Greece at certain sanctuaries recently excavated ...
Jan 6, 2010 louis dyer deification of Flamininus was by the Greeks of
Chalcidice, near neighbours of the Amphipolitans who long before paid
divine honours to Brasidas. Digitized by VjOOQIC soldier, Brasidas,
died in Thrace while
A History of Ancient Greek Literature Apr 20, 2008 gilbert murray about
Pteleon and Sermylia, and implies that Athens had recovered the towns in
Chalcidice. The Alliance does not contain any clause binding Athens and
Sparta to make no separate alliance except by
The Eumenides Jul 28, 2008 aeschylus the Introduction), and this
invocation is designed to express them. That, as in the case of Libya, the
reference to Chalcidice is pointed at military operations of the moment, is
likely enough, but not
The art of the Greeks Oct 28, 2009 walters, henry beauchamp, 1867-1944

History of Rome, and of the Roman People: From Its Origin to the
Invasion of the Barbarians May 20, 2008 victor duruy refused to re-marry
the other married Poris, the most influential citizen of Aeneia in
Chalcidice, and died after having borne him several children. Her sister,
Theoxena, in order to watch over her
Eumenides Of Aeschylus: With and Introduction, Commentary, and
Translation by A. W. Verrall Dec 16, 2014 aeschylus the Introduction), and
this invocation is designed to express them. That, as in the case of Libya,
the reference to Chalcidice is pointed at military operations of the
moment, is likely enough, but
The Eumenides Jul 28, 2008 aeschylus the Introduction), and this
invocation is designed to express them. That, as in the case of Libya, the
reference to Chalcidice is pointed at military operations of the moment, is
likely enough, but not
The art of the Greeks Oct 28, 2009 walters, henry beauchamp, 1867-1944

The romance of William of Palerne (otherwise known as The romance of

William and the werwolf) Dec 11, 2006 guillaume de palerne Chalcidice
must be meant. P. 207, 1. 954. At about this line we drop the history and
return to the romance, taking it up from 1. 899. 965. Nevertheless I know
(it) not yet, nay, as I trow.Not ne wot
An elementary class-book of general geography Oct 16, 2007 mill, hugh
robert, 1861-1950 one of the first in the Mediterranean from its position
on the yEgean Sea. The trident-shaped Chalcidice bears the celebrated
Mount Athos on its eastern peninsula, where 9000 monks dwell in
Western civilization since 1500 May 25, 2010 kirchner, walther Spartan
traditions Athens was being ruined by internal strife, by Persian
interference, by the Macedonian conquest of her gold mines in
Chalcidice, and by the threat to her supply lines from the Black Sea

Plato, with an English translation Oct 23, 2008 Plato he rrplv rjpids
dmevai pdxy] eyeyovei ev Tjj 11 oretSata, 'v dpTL -aav ol Trjhe
7Te7Tvapi,evoi. 1 A Corinthian colony in Chalcidice which was a
tributary ally of Athens, and Revolted from her in
The teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary
school Oct 1, 2008 bourne, henry eldridge, 1862- Amphipolis and of
Athenian power in Chalcidice death of Cleon Peace of Nicias (421).
Between the first and second periods of warfare comes the disastrous
expedition against Syracuse in which the g
The life and letters of Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L., LL. D. Dec 25, 2009
stephens, w. r. w. (william richard wood), 1839-1902 the chief cause, of
his retractation. 194 LIFE OF EDWARD A. FREEMAN. [1855- one end,
and Chalcidice at the other. Such a Greek State need neither have been a
tool of Russia nor an enemy of
The teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary
school Oct 1, 2008 bourne, henry eldridge, 1862- peace loss of Amphipolis
and of Athenian power in Chalcidice death of Cleon Peace of Nicias
(421). Between the first and second periods of warfare comes the
disastrous expedition against Syracuse in

Ovid: selections for the use of schools May 11, 2008 ovid, william ramsay
, george gilbert ramsay peninsulas which form the termination of that
portion of Macedonia called Chalcidice, lying between the Strymonicus
Sinus (G. of Contessa) and the Thermaicus Sinus (G. of Saloniki). The
most northerly of
The history of Greece Jun 30, 2009 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 -, , ... cession,
all of which acknowledged Chalcis as their mother-city, and accordingly
were comprehended under the collective name of Chalcidice. 456 Higtory
of Greece. [Book IL The broad highlands
Antiqvitates ivris pvblici Graecorvm Jun 22, 2009 schömann, georg
friedrich, 1793-1879 Chraeciae situ magn. partt. 33 PaaseticHs Thessaliam
intrant): supra Thssaliam Sinus est Thermaicus ), cni ad dextram
Chersonesus magna a Macedonia in Aegaeum mare porrigitnr,
Almanach für das Jahr ... May 26, 2008 österreichische akademie der
wissenschaften Vicia Ervum. (Mit 2 Tafeln.) Becka, Ueber die Bahn des

Kometen 11 im Jahre 1873. Becke, Gesteine von der Halbinsel Chalcidice.

Benedikt, Ueber Trinitroso- und Trinitrophloroglucin. 2
The curriculum of the elementary school ... Oct 19, 2007 columbia
university. teachers college. horace mann school . Reasons for sending out
colonies. 2. The settlement of Chalcidice. 3. Extent and influence of
colonization, (see map). IV. Early Sparta, 750 B.C. I. Location. a.
CharActer of Lacedaemon. 3. Institutions
Researches in the highlands of Turkey including visits to mounts Ida,
Athos, Olympus, and Pelion, to the Mirdite Albanians, and other remote
tribes Jan 2, 2010 tozer, henry fanshawe, 1829-1916 in any book of
travels,that a similar, though narrower and Digitized by VjOOQIC
shallower, dike has been cut through the Isthmus of Pallene, the
westernmost of the three peninsulas of Chalcidice.
The coin collector May 30, 2007 hazlitt, william carew, 1834-1913 3. the
Bisaltian District 4. Chalcidice 5. the Strymonian and Botticean Districts
6. the Regal Period 7. the Kings of Pceonia 8. Macedon under the Romans.
We have in the present compass
Xenophon's Anabasis of Cyrus: books i. ii., with a Gr. syntax, notes [c.]
by R.W. Taylor May 5, 2008 xenophon lent to Aristippus. A6Xoiras] A
tribe in the south of Epirus, in the valley of the Achelous. AlvuLvas] A
tribe of Southern Thessaly, near Mount Oeta. 'OXvv6Cov8] Olynthus was
a town in Chalcidice

Florilegium poeticum, elegiac extracts from Ovid and Tibullus Dec 8, 2011
florilegium, publius ovidius naso, albius tibullus nuUo cerros agente cadit.
tain (more than 6000 feet high) at the end of the promontory rmining out
from Chalcidice, in Macedonia, into the sea. Hybla was a town near
Syracuse, perhaps identical with
The Sibylline oracles Nov 14, 2009 terry, milton spenser, 1840-1914
Mygdonia.Region of Macedonia north of the Thermaic gulf and
connecting with the peninsula of Chalcidice. (89-108.) BOOK Vri. 155
150 But God shall make thee utterly unknown, When thou wouldst to the
Der Kaiser Theodosius der grosse: Ein Beitrag zur römischen
Kaisergeschichte Mar 19, 2008 albert güldenpenning , j. ifland der
ehemaligen Inselnatur von Chalcidice, scheinen uns den Ursprung der

Krankheit einfacher zu erklaumlren. Die Stelle findet sich Ambr. Op. Tom.
II. Class. I. ep. XV. Wenn hier von den Gothen gesagt
Hecataei Milesii Fragmenta. Scylacis Caryandensis Periplus Feb 10, 2009
hecataeus, of miletus urbiumque in Chalcidice, quos una cum hac prorsus
evertit Philippus, rationem habendam esse ar- - bitror : cum multas dirutas
urbes memoratas videamus a Scylace, modo ne plane exstinctae
essentmiddot Ceterum
A Parallel Of Greek And Latin Syntax Aug 25, 2015 Chalcidice. Note
1.eurots is preferred before both consonants and vowels by Attic Prose
writers, except Thucydides, who uses cs in Attic Verse, euros is usual
before consonants, cts before vowels, unless the
Studies in Theognis, together with a text of the poems Nov 10, 2009
harrison, ernest, 1877- taken part in the war. Perhaps the northern colonies
of Chalcis and Eretria assisted their mother-cities but no city of
Chalcidice approached the importance of Samos or Miletus in early times
Histoire du BasEmpire Jun 8, 2016 recours agrave la force pour tacirccher
de reacuteduire ce jeune indocile. Il sempara de la ville de Morrhe, et fit
dans la Chalcidice plusieurs expeacuteditions dont la reacuteussite alarma
tellement Jean Paleacuteologue, quil
Histoire de la régénération de la Grèce : comprenant le précis des
événemens depuis 1740 jusquen 1824 Jul 28, 2009 Pouqueville, f.-c.-h.-l.
(françois charles hugues laurent), 1770-1838 precirctres inconnus , et qu'il
existait une fermentation sourde dans les esprits. Neacuteanmoins la
tranquilliteacute l'eacutegnait encore , et il est vi'aisemLlable que les
chreacutetiens de la Chalcidice seraient resteacutes sur
The Literary digest history of the world war, compiled from original and
contemporary sources: American, British, French, German, and others Nov
15, 2007 halsey, francis whiting, 1851-1919 of fensive, the collapse of the
Turkish de- 165 IN THE EAST, NEAR EAST, AND SOUTH fense in
Armenia, the end of uprisings in Persia, the maintenance of a Franco-
British force under Sarrail in Chalcidice
Greek reader : consisting of selections from Xenophon, Plato, Herodotus,
and Thucydides Jul 25, 2008 goodwin, william watson, 1831-1912
separated from his fleet, sending it through the canal and round the two
western capes of Chalcidice to the head of the Gulf of Therma. The only
account given by Herodotus of the passage of the fleet

Atti della Societtaliana di scienze naturali Nov 25, 2008 societtaliana di

scienze naturali Chalcidice, e l'altra (come mi pareva) alla famiglia delle
gallicolce ma che non osava dire di piugrave. (1) Annali di Bologna, 4843,
182 Non ebbi piugrave notizia di questi insetti, se non quando lessi la nota
Thirteen Satires of Juvenal Oct 6, 2008 d. junius juvenalis , john e. b.
mayor , juvenal quantity of chased silver cups.' Philip of Macedon and
his gold are famous. Olynthus in Chalcidice was besieged by Philip b.c.
348, and taken through the treachery of two of the inhabitants, whose
Readings in ancient history : illustrative extracts from the sources Nov 22,
2009 davis, william stearns, 1877-1930 entertain Xerxes' Army Herodotus,
book VII, chaps. 118-120 What the Greek towns of Mysia, Troas, Thrace,
Chalcidice, etc., had to undergo when Xerxes' host with its imperious lord
descended upon them
Roman economic conditions to the close of the republic Feb 16, 2009
oliver, edmund henry, 1882-1935 'J figs from Chios, Chalcidice, Lydia
and Africa as we have seen, com came from Sicily, Sardinia, Africa, and
Spain, and later from Egypt. Transmarine commerce seems to have been
attended with
Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tants
sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités ... Jan 12, 2015 sabbathier, [françois], 1735-1807. [from old
catalog] . CHALCIDEgraveNE, Chalcidene. Voye Chalcis, ville de Syrie
, amp. Chalcis royaume de la mecircme contreacutee. CHALC1DICE,
Chalcidice, (c) Antiq. expl. par D. Bern. Je Montf. Tom. IV, p. a ta.
Digitized by Google
L 201 Plato XII Charmides Alcibiades Hipparchus Minos Epinomis Dec
15, 2013 amevai \plusmndyr\ iyeyovet, iv rfj HorecSala, r}v dprt rjaav oi
rfjSe rrerrvaihivoi. 1 A Corinthian colony in Chalcidice which was a
tributary ally of Athens, and Revolted from her in 433 b.c. In the next
Greek reader (prose) consisting of selections from Nenophon, Plato,
Herodotus, and Thucydides Oct 1, 2009 goodwin, william watson, 1831-
1912. [from old catalog] Chalcidice to the head of the Gulf of Thenna.
The only account given by Herodotus of the passage of the fleet through
the canal is in the words (VII. 122), 8upoundcirXio-c tv Siampfvxa rf|v Iv
Tlaquop ''A0ltp

Moralia, in fifteen volumes, with an English translation by Frank Cole

Babbitt Oct 21, 2008 plutarch town in eastern Chalcidice on the Stiymonic
Gulf. Acastus, 199: son of Pelias, an Argonaut. Acca, 59: Larentia, the
nurse of Romulus. Acestor, 219 : son of Ephippus. Acliaeans, 189

Studies in Theognis : together with a text of the poems

Feb 1, 2008
harrison, ernest, 1877-

have taken part in the war. Perhaps the northern colonies of Chalcis and
Eretria assisted their mother-cities but no city of Chalcidice approached
the importance of Samos or Miletus in early times and

Studies in Theognis, together with a text of the poems

Oct 20, 2008

harrison, ernest, 1877- [from old catalog]

taken part in the war. Perhaps the northern colonies of Chalcis and Eretria
assisted their mother-cities but no city of Chalcidice approached the
importance of Samos or Miletus in early times and

Charmides, Alcibiades 1 and 2, Hipparchus, The lovers, Theages, Minos,

Epinomis. With an English translation by W.R.M. Lamb

Oct 17, 2008


, t]v dprt rjaav oi TrjBe TreTTUcrx.evot. A Corinthian colony in

Chalcidice which was a tributary ally of Athens, and Revolted from her
in 433 b.c. In the next year an Athenian force met and fought a

The teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary

Jul 9, 2009
bourne, henry eldridge, 1862-1946

Amphipolis and of Athenian power in Chalcidice \ death of Cleon Peace

of Nicias (421). Between the first and second periods of warfare comes
the disastrous expedition against Syracuse in which the

Beknopt leerboek der aardrijkskunde, ten gebruike bij het onderwijs

Feb 3, 2008
nicolaas wilhelmus posthumus, m. j . ijzerman

handelsweg door de dalen van de Vardar en de Morawa naar den Donau.

Ten O. van de golf van Saloniki vinden we het schiereiland Chalcidice,
met drie schiereilanden in het zuiden op de zuidpunt van het

The Curriculum of the Elementary School ...

Jun 4, 2009

columbia university teachers college. horace mann school

. (b) Egyptians. 6. Difference this knowledge made in their way of living.

III. Greek colonization in the Mediterranean. z. Reasons for sending out
colonies. 2. The settlement of Chalcidice

The Life and Letters of Edward A. Freeman, D. C. L., LL. D.

Apr 6, 2008
william richard wood stephens

of their western protectors. A Greek kingdom ought, in all reason, to have

included Crete, at least, at VOL. 1. o LIFE OF EDWARD A. FREEMAN.
[rSsS- one end, and Chalcidice at the other. Such

The teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary

Feb 10, 2011

bourne, henry eldridge, 1862-

loss of Amphipolis and of Athenian power in Chalcidice death of Cleon

Peace of Nicias (421). Between the first and second periods of warfare
comes the disastrous expedition against Syracuse in

L 305 Plutarch Moralia IV Roman Greek Questions Parallel Stories


Dec 20, 2013

. Academy, the, 391: the school of philosophy founded by Plato at Athens,

so called from the place of meeting. Acanthus, 211: a town in eastern
Chalcidice on the Strymonic Gulf. Acastus, 199: son of Pelias

A History of Ancient Greek Literature

Apr 20, 2008

gilbert murray

to serve, was in reality no soldier at all. Sparta was almost as bad for a
different reason. Only an exceptional position like that of Brasidas in
Chalcidice, or Agis at Dekeleia, enabled a general to

The Loeb Classical Library Demosthenes Vol I Olynthi

Jan 17, 2017

w hd rouse

your difficulties resolutely, just reflect what is likely to be the end of it all
' Seriously, is anyone here so foolish as not to see that our negligence will
transfer the war from Chalcidice to Attica

A pictorial history of Greece ancient and modern, for the use of schools

Dec 18, 2007

goodrich, samuel g. (samuel griswold), 1793-1860

stirred up a Revolt in Potidaea, a town of Chalcidice, near the confines

of Macedonia, which had originally been a colony of Corinth, but was
at this time a tributary of Athens. 5. The Athenians

Studies in Theognis, together with a text of the poems

Sep 29, 2008

harrison, ernest, 1877- [from old catalog]

their mother-cities but no city of Chalcidice approached the importance

of Samos or Miletus in early times and lack of ships may have prevented
them from giving effective help. The silence of

A general history of commerce

Oct 5, 2007
webster, william clarence

islands the chief commercial cities were Samos, Mitylene, Chios, and
Rhodes. 15. The Greeks also established themselves in Thrace, the
Chalcidice, the Thracian Chersonese, and on the shores of the

The new Europe, 1789-1889 with short notes, bibliographies, diagrams,

and maps

Nov 2, 2009
jeffery, reginald w. (reginald welbury)

less successful in Chalcidice, where, owing to factious quarrels, the Turks

soon restored their rule. This, however, was not the case in the Aegean
Islands, where an active share was taken in the Revolt

A Classical Dictionary Greek And Roman Bio Mytho And Geography

Jan 20, 2017

g e marindin m a

, mentioned in Horn. II. iv. 520. It was colonised by the Aeolians of Asia
Minor. Virgil (Aen. iii. 18) supposes Aenos to have been built by Aeneas,
but he confounds it with Aenea in Chalcidice. Under the

A history of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ ...

Aug 12, 2008

schürer, emil, 1844-1910

into obscurity. In the time of Vespasian there is, indeed, a King

Aristobulus of Chalcidice mentioned, who possibly may be identical
wn'th the son of Herod of Chalcis and king of Lesser Armenia

Triennium Philologicum: Oder Grundzüge der philologischen

Wissenschaften, für jünger der ...

May 31, 2008

william freund

Palaestina gerechnet). Syria propria wurde in folgende 10 Gaue getheiit: 1.

Commagene 2. Cyrrhestica 3. Pieria 4. Seleucis 5. Chalcidice 6.
Chalybonitis 7. Palmyrene 8. Laodicene

General history

Aug 24, 2009

myers, p. v. n. (Philip van ness), 1846-1937

emigrants from other cities, founded so many coloniesthirty-two owned

her as their mother citythat the land became known as Chalcidice. One of
the chief attractions of this shore to the Greek colonists

Theognidis reliquiae

Sep 13, 2008

theognis, jakob sitzler

sciamus Corinthios et Chalcidenses antiquitus inter se coniunctos fuisse.

Nam Corinthii cum Chalcidensibus in Siciliam colonias deducunt cf.
Thuc. VI, 3 et in Chalcidice, quae terra a Chalcidensibus nomen


Etruskische Forschungen und Studien

Feb 8, 2015
deecke, wilhelm, 1831-1897

herrscht. S8B) s. meine aumlhnliche Deutung Fo. IV, 79. Die Beziehung
auf die Keule des Hercules fallt dann wohl weg. SBfl) Die Spitzen
(Chalcidice, Atlika, der Peloponnes) waren ganz besonders dem

Greek Coins and Their Parent Cities

Sep 5, 2008
john ward, george francis hill

festival. bull The three promontories of Chalcidice are there as in ancient

times, a remarkable feature as seen from the deck of a steamer. Not many
facilities for exploring them are given to us nowadays

L 225 L 225 N Theophrastus CharActers Greek Choliambic Poets

Dec 16, 2013

Mytilene, and thence to Stageira to educate the young Alexander,

Theophrastus spent some time in Lesbos and then joined his master in
Chalcidice, to return with him to Athens when, in 335, Alexander


The history of colonization from the earliest times to the present day

Apr 2, 2008
morris, henry c. (henry crittenden), b. 1868

Colonies Their Great MenFall of the Asiatic ColoniesLycia and the

LyciansCyprus and the Cypriotes Crete Effect of these Five Colonial
Systems on Greece Colonization of the Eubcaans in Chalcidice

History of Greece

Aug 31, 2008

chambers w. and r ., ltd

dicating its independence. By way of punishing the mans for

intermeddling in the quarrel, the Corinthians up a Revolt in Potidasa, a
town of Chalcidice, near tl fines of Macedonia, which had originally

The life and letters of Edward A. Freeman, D. C. L., LL. D.

Jan 4, 2008
stephens, w. r. w. (william richard wood), 1839-1902

protectors. A Greek kingdom ought, in all reason, to have included Crete,

at least, at VOL. 1. O i94 LIFE OF EDWARD A. FREEMAN. [1855- one
end, and Chalcidice at the other. Such a Greek State

Lempriere's Classical dictionary, abridged by E.H. Barker

Oct 18, 2008

john lempriere

, rising in the Rhstian Alps, and, after a course of nearly SOO miles,
flowing into the Adriatic. Atbos, Afonc SarUOt a mountain in the district
Chalcidice of Macedonia so high that it projects its

Readings in ancient history : illustrative extracts from the sources

Apr 12, 2008

davis, william stearns, 1877-1930

.] ENTERTAINMENT OF THE ARMY 163 65. How THE Greek Towns

were forced to entertain Xerxes' Army Herodotus, book Vn, caps. 118-120
What the Greek towns of Mysia, Troas, Thrace, Chalcidice, etc., had to

A History Of Greece Vol. 5 Jan 16, 2017 connop thirlwall Chalcidice,

which might well appear to indicate designs threatening the independence
of tlie other towns, and, notwithstanding his prof essions, that of Olynthus

An Elementary Class-book of General Geography Apr 7, 2008 hugh robert

mill ( Thessalonica, 150), a seaport which may become one of the first in

the Mediterranean from its position on the iEgean Sea. The trident-shaped
Chalcidice bears the celebrated Mount Athos_ on its eastern


wolliam stearns davis Greek towns of Mysia, Troas, Thrace, Chalcidice,'
etc., had to undergo when Xerxes' host with its imperious lord descended
upon them, is sufficiently shown in the following. Herodotus (an Asiatic

Monatliche correspondenz zur beförderung der erd- und himmels-kunde

Jan 15, 2015 franz xaver zach (freiherr von) Itiillit itrTlieileder
noumlrdlichelaquo oder das eilaquo R a _ geatU- Digitized by Google
genllidc iMiw:laquodp7flaquo lipounde Chalcidice, un4 dcr- driite,
oer.die JnOdas Uumlifs.ampj yoh einfrFruchtbarkeit, wej di

[Histories] Apr 30, 2008 thucydides 'brought him to', or ' .set him down at':
so ch. 103, 19. Aiovon the Thermaic gulf: there was another place so
called in Chalcidice, ch. 109. MaKcSovCas 'in, or belonging to
Macedonia', irpos 0laquoo-o

Ovid Tristia Ex Ponto Oct 31, 2006 arthur leslie wheeler , but was won by
Milanion after many hardships Athos, a lof ty promontory of the
Macedonian Chalcidice, P. i. 5. 22 Atia (minor), aunt of Augustus and
wife of L. Marcius Philippus. P. i. 2. 139

Political eloquence in Greece. Demosthenes. With extracts from his

orations, and a critical discussion of the "Trial on the crown." Jun 8, 2008
bredif, léon, 1835-1909 the Peloponnesus to Byzantium, and even into
Scythia. Master of Illy ricum, of Chalcidice, of the Chersonesus, of
Thermopylae, of all the avenues of central Greece north and south, no

The teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary
school May 3, 2007 bourne, henry eldridge, 1862-1946 peace loss of
Amphipolis and of Athenian power in Chalcidice death of Cleon Peace
of Nicias (421). Between the first and second periods of warfare comes
the disastrous expedition against Syracuse in

Ab urbe condita libri Jan 23, 2009 livy , 45, 30 31, 45, 14. in ips. fauc.,
gerade auf der Landenge, durch welche die Halbinsel Pallene mit
Chalcidice zusammenhaumlngt, 33, 17, 6. ceterae, s. 3, 19, 9 23, 4, 1:
cetera exercitu. eminet, vgl

Diodorus Of Sicily Vol-v Th Jan 21, 2017 william heimemann ltd london
the grain in the first growth. But Specifically the Coiinthians, the leading
naval allies of the Lacedaemonians. In the Thracian Chalcidice near
Olynthus 21 DIODORUS OF SICILY Po7]dr)advTOJV Se

Ploetz Manual of universal history : from the dawn of civilization to the

outbreak of the Great War of 1914 Apr 25, 2007 ploetz, karl julius, 1819-
1881 since the reign of Archelaus (formerly Egae or Edessa enjoyed this
distinction). On the peninsula Chalcidice: Olynthus, Potidaea, Stagirus.
In Thrace: Amphipolis near the mouth of the Strymon

The story of the Greek people : an elementary history of Greece Nov 29,
2007 tappan, eva march, 1854-1930 conquests not by going into Greece,
however, he was too wise for that. He aimed first at Thrace and
Chalcidice. On the border between Thrace and Macedonia was the city
of Amphipolis, and he meant

Epitome of Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern History Apr 26, 2009 karl
ploetz peninsula Chalcidice: 0ZnAulaquo,Po(Ea,5torirulaquo. In Thrace:
Amphipclis near the mouth of the Strymon,Philipp oe, Abdera, Perinthus
(Heracled), Byzantium. In the Thracian CherBoneae: SestaSy opposite

The Elegies of Sextus Propertius Apr 25, 2009 sextus propertius, james
cranstoun Chalcidice, and renewed on the Phlegraei Campi, the volcanic
coast-plain between Cumae and Capua, in Campania. V. 40. Callimachus.
A distinguished poet of the Alexandrine school, whom Propertius took as

Influences of geographic environment, on the basis of Ratzel's system of

anthropo-geography Jan 25, 2011 semple, ellen churchill, 1863-1932 those
of the Triopium promontory forming the south-western angle of Asia
Minor, Chalcidice, the Thracian Chersonesus, Calchedon, Byzantium, the
Pontic Heraclea, and Sinope, were situated on peninsulas

The history of Herodotus : a new English version Nov 22, 2009 herodotus
distant colonies. The whole peninsula situated between the Thermaic and
Stiymonic gulfs, acquired the name of Chalcidice, from the Chap. 73-76.

Nelson's History of the war Nov 22, 2009 buchan, john, 1875-1940
of over sixty miles. Such a position included not only the immediate
neighbourhood of the port, but the whole three-pronged peninsula of
Chalcidice. THE SITUATION IN THE AEGEAN. 39 The preparation

Lands and peoples : the world in color Apr 7, 2014 taylor, robert bruce,
1869- monasteries the Meteora in Thessaly, shown on page 3, and those at
Mount Athos occupying the eastern prong of the Chalcidice Peninsula.
Women and even female animals are not allowed there, and the monks

The Fringe Of The East Jan 16, 2017 harry charles lukach of the greater
peninsula of Chalcidice, the easternmost of its three narrow
promontories of almost equal length. Kassandra and Longos are the other
two, and over against Longos is the port of Mount

Hygini Fabulae May 23, 2016 hyginus, c. julius Turnebus 12 chalcide F

Atthide Meursius de fort Att. in terra Attica coni. Bu [j cf. CLX1III 14

filius |m Chalcidice\ Amas Bu coli. Thucyd. IV 103, idem coni 2 nisi quod
praeterea Apollinis filius

Handbook of zoology Apr 2, 2007 hoeven, jan van der, 1802-1868 373375
xx. Chalcidice 375378 xxi. IcJineumonidcs ...378383 xxn. Cynipsea
383385 xxiii. Urocerata

Centaurs in ancient art, the archaic period Mar 30, 2007 baur, paul v. c.
(paul victor christopher), 1872- . no. 1477 discusses the retrograde
inscription ending in eQvalcov and restores it MrxvjteQva or
MyxvjieQvalov a town of the Chalcidice. Perhaps the inscription refers
to the Saioi, a Thracian tribe

General history Aug 29, 2008 myers, p. v. n. (Philip van ness), 1846-1937
their mother city that the land became known as Chalcidice. One of the
chief attractions of this shore to the Greek colonists was the rich copper,
silver, and gold deposits. The hills, too, were

A handbook of Grecian antiquities, tr. from the Germ. version of dr. Hof
fa by R.B. Paul, ed ... Aug 5, 2008 ernst frederik c . bojesen several Ionian
colonies to the coasts of Italy (of these the most ancient was Cumce), and
to Sicily, and also to the coasts of Thrace and Macedonia (Chalcidice).
We find Doric settlements in Sicily

Nelson's history of the war May 18, 2007 buchan, john, 1875-1940
position included not only the immediate neighbourhood of the port, but
the whole three-pronged peninsula of Chalcidice. THE SITUATION IN
THE AEGEAN. 39 The preparation of the lines and the communications

Researches in the highlands of Turkey including visits to mounts Ida,

Athos, Olympus, and Pelion, to the Mirdite Albanians, and other remote
tribes May 16, 2008 tozer, henry fanshawe, 1829-1916 a similar, though
narrower and shallower, dike has been cut through the Isthmus of Pallene,

the westernmost of the three peninsulas of Chalcidice. It runs across

from sea to sea, and is now filled

Demosthenes, with extracts from his orations, and a critical discussion of

the "Trial on the crown" Mar 2, 2007 brédif, l. (léon), 1835-1909 , and even
into Scythia. Master of Illyricum, of Chalcidice, of the Chersonesus, of
Thermopylae, of all the avenues of central Greece north and south, no
aggrandisement could satisfy him. Greece and

The Vanished Cities Of Arabia Jan 21, 2017 hutchinson and co. london .
The geat Aristotle, of Stagiros in Chalcidice, born in the first half of the
fourth century, went to Pella in Macedon, invited by Philip of Macedon
to be tutor to the young Alexander. After the death

The Works Of Luclan Of Samosata Volume.4 Jan 21, 2017 fowler, h.w.
she was known as Pohas, or city-goddess Athenians The Athemans thought
themseltes lsquoautochthones , produced from the very soil of Attica
Athos Mountain m Chalcidice, at the foot of which Xerres cut a

A general history of commerce Nov 1, 2009 webster, william clarence,

1866- commercial cities were Samos, Mitylene, Chios, and Rhodes. 15.
The Greeks also established themselves in Thrace, the Chalcidice, the
Thracian Chersonese, and on the shores of the Propontis, the

The new Europe, 1789-1889 Dec 28, 2009 jeffery, reginald w. (reginald
welbury) the resourceful Ottoman general, who thereby saved the border
provinces, and was rewarded in 1822 by the capture of Janina and the
death of Ali. Nor was the Sultan less successful in Chalcidice, where

Cistula entomologica Dec 8, 2008 the humerus radius as long as the ulna
cubitus very much shorter than the radius stigma brownish. Length of the
body 1\ line. Amurland Chalcidice. 319 Nearly allied to B. Elyrrms. 27.

The Teaching Of History And Civics In The Elementary And The

Secondary School Jan 20, 2017 henry e bourne l h d ) the politicians Nicias
and Cleon struggle at SphActeria and the rejected overtures for peace loss
of Amphipolis and of Athenian power in Chalcidice death of Cleon
Peace of Nicias (421). Between

The story of Greece Oct 1, 2008 harrison, james albert, 1848-1911 caution
and cunning of a master, playing first hide-and-seek and then catchme-if-
you-can with Athens and Olynthus. Olynthus, it seems, was a Greek city
lying on a strip of sea-coast called Chalcidice

L 001 Apollonius Rhodius The Argonautica Dec 10, 2013 harbour of

Cyzicus, the Fair haven, I, 954 Calpe, a river of Bithynia, II, 659 Calydon,
a city of Aetolia, I, 190 euroalypso, daughter of Atlas, IV, 574 Canastra,
a headland in Chalcidice, I, 599

Selected essays of Plutarch Jan 11, 2008 plutarch .) A. Academy,

Academic, the School founded by Plato in ' the most beautiful suburb of
Athens' (Thuc. ii. 34), 65, 104, 178, 264. Acanthus, Acanthian, a town of
the Chalcidice, 94, 95. Achaeans, 102

Europäische Staatenkunde, mit Benutgung der hinterlassenen Manuscripte

O. Peschel's bearb. von O. Krümmel Sep 13, 2014 oscar ferdinand peschel
cretaeeischen Alters) tritt in dem stumpfen Vorgebirge der
Fornaeshalbinsel, dieser juumltlaumlndischen Chalcidice, auf, ferner in
groumlsseren Flaumlchen zu beiden Seiten des Liimfjordes3). Alle

Studies of the gods in Greece at certain sanctuaries recently excavated Apr

30, 2012 dyer, louis
Chalcidice, near neighbours of the Amphipolitans who long before paid
divine honours to Brasidas. THE DEIFICATION OF ROMAN
EMPERORS 41 soldier, Brasidas, died in Thrace while defending
Amphipolis from the

Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history

Aug 14, 2007 university of pennsylvania. dept. of history stretches
towards the east, the ancient Apamea and Chalcidice.Hagenmeyer in
Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte, Vol. xiii, p. 407. THE FIRST
CRUSADE. II Jerusalem, into captivity, and to take Antioch

Selections Adapted from Xenophon Apr 1, 2008 xenophon of Chalcidice.

Such a confederacy would have, formed an efficient barrier against the
aggressions of Macedon, and by checking the rise of Philip might have
saved the independence of Greece from the

A Manual of Ancient History: From the Earliest Times to the Fall of the
Western Empire ... Feb 7, 2009 george rawlinson between Athos and
Amphipolis. Chalcidice first became a power in the Peloponnesian War,
when its cities, encouraged by Brasiclas, Revolted from Athens, B.c. 424.
It joined the league headed by Argos

The state and federal constitutions of Australia Sep 4, 2008 cramp, karl
reginald, b. 1878 , Acarnania, (Jlynthiis, .Arcadia and Lycia, vide
OreeiiidKe's Handbook of (ireek Constitutional History,p. 222. THE
CONFEDERACY OF DELOS 229 Minor, the cities of Chalcidice, the

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie Feb 4, 2015

des Zinnsteines. R 78 76 krystallisirter Vivianit in Suumlugethierknochen
aas dem Laibacher Torfmoor. R 78 79 Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice.
R 79 97 Gesteine von Griechenland. R 79 921

Epitome of ancient, mediaeval and modern history Jan 15, 2008 ploetz,
karl julius, 1819-1881 following places are to be noted: Pydna, Pella, the
royal residence since the reign of A'chelaus (formerly gae or Edessa
enjoyed tliis distinction). On the peninsula Chalcidice: Olynthus,

Theognidis reliquiae May 19, 2008 theognis , quippe qui sciamus

Corinthios et Chalcidenses antiquitus inter se coniunctos fuisse. Nam
Corinthii cum Chalcidensibus in Siciliam colonias deducunt cf. Thuc. VI,
3 et in Chalcidice, quae terra a


wolliam stearns davis Greek towns of Mysia, Troas, Thrace, Chalcidice,'
etc., had to undergo when Xerxes' host with its imperious lord descended
upon them, is sufficiently shown in the following. Herodotus (an Asiatic

The History of Greece Feb 16, 2009 william mitford tide of the human
mind, which operates generally with more force upon the determinations
of a multitude than of an individual, the fhiitful province of Chalcidice,
on the confines of Thrace and

Lucian Mar 7, 2008 lucian, of samosata Athenian, 23 note, 25, 53, 55, 65,
177, 241 sqq., 421 Athens, 143, 157, 159, 241 sqq., 431, 433, 455 Athos,
Mt., headland of Chalcidice, 19 Atreus, father of Agamemnon, 13
Atropus, one of the Fates, 55 and

History of the Greek Revolution Jul 26, 2009 george finlay population
ON Mount PindusRapacity of the Greek troops Insurrection ON Mount
Pelion suppressedRevolution in the free villages of the ChalcidiceAmong
the monks of Mount Athos Suppressed bt Aboul ABAD

Elegiac extracts from Tibullus and Ovid Jul 20, 2008 tibullus, ovid ,
william ramsay long narrow peninsulas which form the termination of
that portion of Macedonia called Chalcidice, lying between the Strymoni
cus Sinus ( G. of Contessa) and the Thermaicus Sinus, {G.of Saloniki
Microscopical physiography of the rock-making minerals: an aid to the
microscopical study of rocks Dec 12, 2006 rosenbusch, harry, 1836-1914
decoraposition always follows the cleavage cracks and fissures of the

mineral. ZOISITE. 221 Zoisite. Literature. FE. BECKE, Die Gesteine der
Halbinsel Chalcidice. T. M. P. M. 1878. I. 248-250. O. LUEDECKE

Studien uber altitalisches und romisches Staats und Rechtsleben als

Vorschule der romischen Staats und Rechtsgeschichte von Maximilian
Nagele Jun 2, 2016 maximilian nagele Bevoumllkerung der thracis(a
Kuumlste sagt, es wohnten dort auch Leute aus Chalcidice, die Mehrzahl
der Einwohner bildeten aber doch Pelasger und zwar solche Tyrrhener, die
auf Lemnos imd in Athen sich angesiedelt

History of Rome and of the Roman people, from its origin to the Invasion
of the Barbarians Dec 11, 2009 duruy, victor, 1811-1894 other married
Poris, the most influential citizen of Aeneia in Chalcidice, and died after
having borne him several children. Her sister, Theoxena, m order to watch
over her nephews, united her destiny to

The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies and Conquests ...including

the ... Apr 26, 2009 john gillies Perdiccas. Under the specious pretence of
enabling Olynthus and the other cities of Chalcidice to recover their
independence, he lent his aid to destroy the Athenian influence there,
expecting to

Essai de chronographie byzantine 10571453 par Edouard de Muralt Vol.2.

Apr 1, 2016 sept. 1333-31 aoucirct 1334). Orkhan prit alors seulement
Niceacutec pour sy eacutetablir. 2. (Nov. 10). Les Veacutenitiens
obtiennent des franchises de Leacuteon V, roi de lArmeacutenie. Langlois
193. 3. (1334.) Chalcidice acute

History of Rome, and of the Roman people, from its origin to the invasion
of the barbarians Jun 30, 2009 duruy, victor, 1811-1894 each an infant son
one of them refused to re-marry the other married Poris, the most
influential citizen of Aeneia in Chalcidice, and died after having borne
him several children. Her sister

Klio Beiträge zur alten Geschichte Nov 30, 2010

die Kunde von dem Zusammenbruch der persischen Seeherrschaft sich auf
der Chalcidice die Einwohner der Halbinsel Pallene empoumlrt hatten.
Dies veranlaszligte auch das nahe Olynth zu einer so bedenklichen

The Periplus of the Erythræan Sea: Travel and Trade in the Indian Ocean
Sep 8, 2008 wilfred harvey schof f the Greeks and Romans, used for
making chaplets and perfumes, and medicinally. Pliny (XXI, 29) says the
best sorts were from Campania in Italy, Cape Sunium in Greece, also from
Chalcidice and Crete

The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies and Conquests: From the
Earliest ... Jan 24, 2008 john gillies interefts, thenceforward continued in
variably the ftedfaft ally of Spartals. Meanwhile ambafladors arrived from
Acanthus and Apollonia, two cities of the Chalcidice, requefting the
Lacedaemonian affiftance

Readings in ancient history : illustrative extracts from the sources Sep 28,
2008 davis, william stearns, 1877-1930 of Sidon, much to the joy of
Xerxes, who was delighted alike with the race and with his army. ntzed by
Google What tiie Qreek towna of Mysia, Troas, Thrace, Chalcidice, etc.,
hod to undergo vten

Histoire de la régénération de la Grèce comprenant le précis des

évènements depuis 1740 jusquen 1824 par F.C.H.L. Pouqueville ... Avec
cartes et portraits 3 Apr 5, 2016
fermentation sourde dans les esprits.Neacuteanmoins la tranquilliteacute
reacutegnait encore, et il est vraisemblable que les chreacutetiens de la
Chalcidice seraiens resteacutes sur la deacutefensive, si quelques
bacirctiments hydriotes

The history and geography of Greece Aug 31, 2008 thomas swinburne carr
, to which was appended a prodigious mass of pitch and sulphur, they

threw the whole city into flames. Ld 226 BBASIDAS IN CHALCIDICE.

[424-422 the same time Perdiccas, king of Maoedon, and the Chald

Europäische Staatenkunde. Mit einem Anhang: Die Vereinigten Staaten

von Amerika Feb 12, 2015 peschel, oscar, 1826-1875 Chalcidice, auf,
femer in groumlsseren Flaumlchen zu beiden Seiten des Liimgordes ). Alle
daumlnischen Sreidebildungen haben die nordwestliche (hercynische)
Streichungsrichtung gemein). Will man die wagrechte

A General History of Commerce May 30, 2009 william clarence webster

the adjacent islands the chief commercial cities were Samos, Mitylene,
Chios, and Rhodes. 15. The Greeks also established themselves in Thrace
the Chalcidice, the Thracian Chersonese, and on the

Studies in Theognis, together with a text of the poems Oct 20, 2008
harrison, ernest, 1877- [from old catalog] knew to have taken part in the
war. Perhaps the northern colonies of Chalcis and Eretria assisted their
mother-cities but no city of Chalcidice approached the importance of
Samos or Miletus in early

A history of modern Europe Apr 26, 2007 fyffe, charles alan, 1845-1892
at the beginning of 1822 the Albanian chieftain lost both his stronghold
and his life. In the remoter district of Chalcidice, on the Macedonian
coast, where the promontory of Athos and the two

Geographiae Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini, philosophi ac Mathematici

praestantissimi, libri 8., partim à Bilibaldo Pirckheymero translati ac
commentario illustrati, partim etiam Graecorum antiquissimorumque
exemplariorum collatione emendati atque in integrum restituti. His
accesserunt Scholia, quibus exoleta locorum omnium nomi Apr 9, 2016
claudius ptolemaeus chetuori chalcedon Chalcidica chalddica regio
Chalcidice regio Chalcis amp Chalcis iuxta Euripum Chalcidice chalcitis
regio l4.i ji 15.119 10.74 10.74 10.74 11.51 :i5 10 :j4 10 :57 15 bull57
.bull41 1150 40:40

Catalogue of Greek coins in the Hunterian collection, University of

Glasgow Aug 26, 2013 hunterian museum (university of glasgow) 132
Chalcidice ... 140 Seleucis and Pieria

Studies of the gods in Greece at certain sanctuaries recently excavated.

Being eight lectures given in 1890 at the Lowell Institute Jun 10, 2011
dyer, louis, 1851-1908 Plutarch (chap. xvi.), where mention of a survival
of this worship down to Plutarch's time is made. It is interesting to note
that this deification of Flamininus was by the Greeks of Chalcidice, near

Handbuch der alten Geschichte, Geographie und Chronologie Jul 25, 2009
gabriel gottfried bredow, johann gottlieb kunisch wollten} nahmen die
Stadt ein, undcerstoumlr- 385 ten sie. Und Phlius bei Sicyon zwangen
aristokratische Verfassung und die vertriebenen Aristokraten
aufzunehmen. Olynthus in Chalcidice

Rambles And Studies In Greece Jan 16, 2017 j. p. mahaffy . Nature might
be imagined gradually improving in her work when she framed the three
peninsulas of the Chalcidice, The westernmost, the old Pallene, once the
site of the historic Olynthus, is broad and…

Aristophanes Jan 16, 2017 benjamin bickley rogers , Athene, Artemis,

Aphrodite, Demeter, and Heamptia. ldhe reference to the Chalcidians is
doubtless to Chalcidice in Thrace rdquo: R. VOL. I L 145
ARISTOPHANES avSpes iTTirelSy TrapaydveaBe- vvv 6 fcatpds

The life and letters of Edward A. Freeman Jan 16, 2007 stephens, w. r. w.
(william richard wood), 1839-1902 political objects of their western
protectors. A Greek kingdom ought, in all reason, to have included Crete,
at least, at VOL. I. O 194 LIFE OF EDWARD A. FREEMAN. [1855- one
end, and Chalcidice

Eumenides. Eumenides, with an introd. commentary and translation Aug

3, 2010 aeschylus reference to Chalcidice is pointed at military operations

of the moment, is likely enough, but not a necessary supposition. The

delicate and vital interests of Athens in that region were incessantly

Klio Beiträge zur alten Geschichte May 27, 2008 der Mardoniusarmee sah
sich Artabazus zu einem Winterfeldzug gezwungen, da auf die Kunde von
dem Zusammenbruch der persischen Seeherrschaft sich auf der Chalcidice
die Einwohner der Halbinsel Pallene

Phoenicia Mar 18, 2011 kenrick, john, 1788-1877 lumps1 in Paeonia. The
peninsula of Chalcidice received its name from its mines of copper. The
tradition that Cadmus invented here the art of reducing the gold ore, and
enriched himself by working

Die hauptwege des weltverkehrs Nov 21, 2008 hennig, richard, 1874-
Chalcidice-Landzungen, an der Wurzel mit einem Kanal durchstechen, um
den Schiffen einen bequemen und gefahrlosen Weg unter Vermeidung des
gefuumlrchteten Vorgebirges, auf dem Zuge gegen Griechenland zu

A history of Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania, Turkey May 10, 2007 forbes,

nevill , Chalcidice, and the town of Salonika Bulgaria would thus have
regained the dimensions it possessed under Tsar Simeon nine hundred and
fifty years previously. This treaty, which on ethnological grounds was

The teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary
school Jun 21, 2007 bourne, henry eldridge, 1862-1946 politicians Nicias
and Cleon struggle at SphActeria and the rejected overtures for peace loss
of Amphipolis and of Athenian power in Chalcidice death of Cleon
Peace of Nicias (421).

Meredith College Quarterly Bulletin Nov 11, 2010 meredith college

Brasidas, for moderate and just as he was in his dealings with the cities of
Chalcidice, he threatened to lay waste their lands if they refused. How
complete the destruction might be is seen from the

Cistula entomologica Mar 2, 2009 metcalf collection (north carolina state

university). ncrs Asia were probably established after the glacial period,
and the following list of Amurland Chalcidice is preparatory to a sei'ies
of notices of the Hymenoptera and Diptera of Amurland. 1. Eurytonia

Ancient history for colleges and high schools Apr 21, 2009 allen, william
francis, 1830-1889 intrigue Philip extended his power over the Greek
cities of Chalcidice, a number of which under the lead of Olynthus
formed a league known as the Olynthian Confederacy. The Athenians had
interests in this

The CharActers of Theophrastus, newly edited and translated by J.M.

Edmonds Oct 21, 2008 theophrastus , Theophrastus spent some time in
Lesbos and then joined his master in Chalcidice, to return with him to
Athens when, in 335, Alexander became king. When Aristotle retired in
the year of Alexander's

The Literary Digest history of the World War : compiled from original and
contemporary sources American British, French, German, and others Apr
27, 2007 halsey, francis whiting, 1851-1919 of fensive, the collapse of the
Turkish de- 165 IN THE EAST, NEAR EAST, AND SOUTH fense in
Armenia, the end of uprisings in Persia, the maintenance of a Franco-
British force under Sarrail in Chalcidice, the

A History of Ancient Greek Literature May 12, 2008 gilbert murray

Trcezen, not mentioned in the text. The Peace differs from the narrative
about Pteleon and Sermylia, and implies that Athens had recovered the
towns in Chalcidice. The Alliance does not contain any clause

A general history of commerce Jan 11, 2008 webster, william clarence,

1866- , and Rhodes. 15. The Greeks also established themselves io Thrace,
the Chalcidice, the Thracian Chersonese, and on the shores of the
PropODtis, the Bosporus, and the Black Sea. Their most important

The American Arbacia and other sea urchins Jul 2, 2008 harvey, ethel
browne, b. 1885 Langos), the middle of the three peninsulas projecting
from Chalcidice, the southern part of Macedonia, into the Aegean Sea,
southeast of Salonika. Aristotle was born (384 B.C.) not far from here, at

Essai de chronographie byzantine 10571453 par Edouard de Muralt Vol.2.

2 Aug 16, 2016 franchises de Leacuteon V, roi de lArmeacutenie. Langlois
193. 3. (1334.) Chalcidice acute. Arsegravene Zaraplacon, concierge du
palais, deacutenonce agrave lEmpereur Ser Ghianne comme ayant
chercheacute agrave suborner les gouverneurs de la

History of Greece by Evelyn Abbott. Mar 3, 2016 abbott, evelyn, 1843-

1901 of Hellen 1 Hellanic. Frag. 1, M. 2 Thuc. iv. 109. There is a Pelasgic
(barbarian) element in the cities of Chalcidice derived tampv. Herod, i. 57

The history of colonization from the earliest times to the present day Mar
8, 2009 morris, henry c. (henry crittenden), b. 1868
Effect of these Five Colonial Systems on Greece Colonization of the
Euboeana in Chalcidice Western Colonization Magna Gmcia Its Cities
Their History Sybaris Croton Tarentum Thorium

Private orations. With an English translation by A.T. Murray Sep 5, 2008

Demosthenes sail from Athens to Mende or Scione (to\ls in the peninsula
of Pallene in Chalcidice) and there purchase and put on board the ship a
cargo of three thousand jars of Mendaean wine, which they vrere to

The life and letters of Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L., LL. D. Nov 21, 2009
stephens, w. r. w. (william richard wood), 1839-1902 ought, in all reason,
to have included Crete, at least, at VOL. I. O 194 LIFE OF EDWARD A.
FREEMAN. [1855- one end, and Chalcidice at the other. Such a Greek
State need neither have been a tool of

Researches in the Highlands of Turkey, including visits to Mounts Ida,

Athos, Olympus, and Pelion, to the Mirdite Albanians, and other remote

tribes with notes on the ballads, tales, and classical superstitions of the
modern Greeks Feb 28, 2008 tozer, henry fanshawe, 1829-1916

in any book of travels,that a similar, though narrower and shallower, dike

has been cut through the Isthmus of Pallene, the westernmost of the three
peninsulas of Chalcidice. It runs across from sea

C. M. Wieland's sämmtliche Werke Feb 24, 2009 wieland, christoph

martin, 1733-1813 bisherigen 'Vtxhm sung der Hellenen eine grof se
VeranderuttJ drohen. Du siebest dafs ich von Olytt' thuumls in der
Chalcidice und von d#Bi' Thessalicben Fuumlrsten Jason rede

The teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary
school Jan 31, 2008 bourne, henry eldridge, 1862-1946 SphActeria and the
rejected overtures for peace loss of Amphipolis and of Athenian power
in Chalcidice death of Cleon Peace of Nicias (421). Between the first
and second periods of warfare comes the

Aristophanes with the English translation of Benjamin Bickley Rogers Sep

18, 2008 aristophanes , Hephaestus, and Hermes Hera, Athene, Artemis,
Aphrodite, Demeter, and Hestia. ' The reference to the Chalcidians is
doubtless to Chalcidice in Thrace : R. VOL. I L 145 ARISTOPHANES
avSpes LTTTTels

A manual of ancient history, from the remotest times to the overthrow of

the Western empire, A. D. 476 Aug 20, 2009 schmitz, leonhard, 1807-
1890. [from old catalog] years of the war, but it was only the beginning of
greater disasters. The Spartans resolved to transfer the seat of the war to
Chalcidice and the coast of Thrace, hoping thereby to compel the

The Times history of the war Mar 12, 2008 the south the chain is not com-
plete. Chalcidice and Olympus are not joined as they must have been

thousands of years ago, for the sea has forced its way to the north and
formed a nearly circular bay

Archiv für Naturgeschichte Jul 3, 2008 der Individuen die Graumlser

uumlbertreffen. Der hiedurch bedingte Gegensatz faumlllt sehr in die
Augen, wenn man die Hochebene von Chalcidice besucht. Hier sieht man
am Meere Kraumluterwiesen, die besonders an

Studies in Greek and Roman history, or, Studies in general history from
1000 ... Jan 6, 2010 mary sheldon barnes . Greek towns of Chalcidice. He
threatens the Hellespont and Chersonese. Meanwhile a Sacred War goes
on, in which various Greek states, led by Thebes, war on Phocis, because
the Amphictyony has accused her

The I, II, III. Philipics of Demosthenes, with historical introductions and

critical and explanatory notes Jul 28, 2008 Demosthenes of the Thracian
Sea, which received the name of Chalcidice, from the colony planted there
by the city of Chalcis in Euboea. At that time it was considered as
belonging neither to Thrace nor to…

Ploetz' manual of universal history from the dawn of civilization to the

outbreak of the great war of 1914 Aug 24, 2009 ploetz, karl julius, 1819-
1881 since the reign of Archelaus (formerly gae or Edessa enjoyed this
distmction). On the peninsula Chalcidice: Olynthus, Potidaea, Stagirus.
In Thrace: Amphipdus near the mouth of the Strymon, Philippce

The fringe of the East, a journey through past and present provinces of
Turkey Apr 11, 2008 luke, harry, sir, 1884-1969 Athos is itself a part of
the greater peninsula of Chalcidice, the easternmost of its three narrow
promontories of almost equal length. Kassandra and Longos are the other
two, and over against Longos

The Cambridge Ancient History Jan 17, 2017 j.b. bury, s.a. cook, f.e.
adcock ridge of Chalcidice. On the contrary, the bulk of the army must

certainly have taken the shortest and easiest road to Therma along the
shores of Lake Bolbe, although Herodotus does not clearly

Pictorial ancient history of the world, from the earliest ages to the death of
Constantine the Great Aug 20, 2009 frost, john, 1800-1859 Delium soon
after fell into the hands of the Thebans. The Athenians experienced a still
greater loss on the coast of Macedonia and Thrace, The principal towns
of the peninsula of Chalcidice entered into

Works Of Aristotle Opuscula Jan 16, 2017 ross david upon them by their
enemies. 5 In the Thracian Chalcidice, near Olynthus, they say 120 there
is a place called Cantharolethros, a little larger in size than a threshing-
floor and that when any other

A manual of the political antiquities of Greece, historically considered

from the German of Charles Frederick Hermann Dec 21, 2007 hermann,
karl friedrich, 1804-1855 Acanthus from Andros, the whole peninsula
situate between the Thermaic and Strymonic gulfs obtained the common
name of Chalcidice' at a later period we find Olynthus at the head of a

Thucydides: Book I. Jun 19, 2009 thucydides as it was occupied by

Hellenic colonies, from the mouth of the Hebrus on the east to the
Thermaic gulf on the west particularly Chalcidice as far as Amphipolis:
chiefly in the phrases ramp ir) Bp

Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history :

series for 1894 Nov 8, 2010 university of pennsylvania. dept. of history
stretches towards the east, the ancient Apamea and Chalcidice.
Hagenineyer in Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte, Vol. xiii, p. 407.
THK FIRST CRUSADE. II Jerusalem, into captivity, and to take

Plato's Apology of Socrates and Crito and a part of the Phaedo Jan 12,
2011 Plato . GMT. 509. flip (1. 2) contrasts ol dpxovres with tov 8e deov
(1. 6) and p.4v (1. 4) contrasts Tore with ivravda 8t (1. 8). 3. Potidaea, on
the promontory of Chalcidice, rebelled against Athens in

Auctions-catalog der Sammlung griechischer, römischer und

byzantinischer Münzen des Herrn ... Jun 1, 2009 brüder egger, firm ,
publishers, vienna Gr. Br. M. 142.R. Sehr gut erh. Abgebildet Tafd F. 33
647 Chalcidice 392370 v. Ch. M Tetradrachme. Beiorb. Kopf des Apollo
Ijb XAA KIA EQN Lyra mit sieben Saiten, oben sehr klein: En ino

The Balkans Oct 31, 2006 william m. sloane outbreaks of violence. She
secures the hand-shaped peninsula of Chalcidice and the Macedonian
shore. Her boundary begins east of Corfu, includes the Vozintza
watershed, the entire Wistritza valley

History of Herodotus : a new English version Nov 7, 2012 herodotus

whole peninsula situated between the Thermaic and Strymonic gulfs,
acquired the name of Chalcidice, from the number of Chalcidean
settlements (Thucyd. passim). Seriphus, Peparethus, and others of the

Epitome of ancient, mediæval, and modern history Aug 24, 2009 ploetz,
karl julius, 1819-1881. [from old catalog] of Archelaus (formerly jEgae or
Edessa enjoyed this distinction). On the peninsula Chalcidice:
OZynfAws, Poic?cea, Stoirws. In Thrace: AmphipoHs near the mouth of
the Stnjmon, Philippce, Abdera

Selections Adapted from Xenophon May 12, 2008 xenophon even on the
attempt of Olynthus to form a Greek confederacy in the remote
promontories of Chalcidice. Such a confederacy would have formed an
efficient barrier against the aggressions of Macedon, and

A History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest Jun
21, 2009 william smith , william george smith , cornelius conway felton

Eretria in Euboea and the peninsula of Chalcidice, with its three

projecting headlands, was covered with their settlements, and derived its
name Digitized by OF OBEEGE. 118 [Chap. XXL from

The history of Herodotus. A new English version, ed. with copious notes
and appendices, illustrating the history and geography of Herodotus, from
the most recent sources of information and embodying the chief results,
historical and ethnographical, which have been obtained in the progress of
cuneiform and hieroglyphical discovery Jul 1, 2008 herodotus situated
between the Thermaic and Strj-monic gulfs, acquired the name of
Chalcidice', from the number of Chalcidean settlements (Thucyd.
passim). Seriphus, Peparethus, and others of the Cyclades, were

Dante: La Divina Commedia: Notes on Inferno Mar 3, 2008 henry

fanshawe tozer occasion they were defeated by Jupiter this is called by
Statins {Theh. x. 909) 'praelia Phlegrae.' The Phlegraean plains are
generally identified with the peninsula of Pallene in Chalcidice, which

Captain Macedoine's Daughter Mar 23, 2008 william mcfee masses of the
Chalcidice and the far watershed of the Vardar, leading the eye at length
to the immense, snow- streaked peak of Olympos, flushing as some
majestic woman might flush, in the first rays of

The Balkans Oct 27, 2006 william m. sloane outbreaks of violence. She
secures the hand-shaped peninsula of Chalcidice and the Macedonian
shore. Her boundary begins east of Corfu, includes the Vozintza
watershed, the entire Wistritza valley

Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society Apr 18, 2013
royal asiatic society of great britain and ireland. straits branch used Smith's
name in case an examination of Smith's type would prove it to be identical
with the species I have described. Chalcidice. Leucospis erythrogastra, sp.
nov. Black, the ventral surface and

The Numismatist Apr 20, 2017 american numismatic association to money

2,000 years ago in Uranopolis, a city on the peninsula of Acte in
Chalcidice, to describe the drachma (Pliny the Elder. Naturalis Historia,
Rome 1st century A.D.). bull On Valapee or Isle of

Plato's Apology of Socrates and Crito and a part of the Phaedo Jun 15,
2009 Plato . tUv (I. 2) contrasts ol ApxovTes with rod di OeoO (1. 6) and
fi4v (I. 4) contrasts rampre with itrravSa d4 (I. 8). 3. Potidaea on the
promontory of Chalcidice, rebelled against Athens in 432 B.C

Studies in Greek and Roman History, Or, Studies in General History from
1000 ... Apr 14, 2008 mary sheldon barnes Greek towns of Chalcidice. He
threatens the Hellespont and Chersonese. Meanwhile a Sacred War goes
on, in which various Greek states, led by Thebes, war on Phocis, because
the Amphictyony has accused

Euripides Feb 1, 2008 euripides dcstrovcd by Sparta in 431, the refugees

were granted rights of Athenian citizenship and eventually given land
(421) in the territory of Skione in Chalcidice. The slaves who were
enfranchised after

Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American

Philological Association Held at New Haven, Conn., July, 1903 Also of
the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Philological Association of the Pacific
Coast Held at San Francisco, Cal., Dec., 1902 Mar 20, 2013 Methone, he
rushes up with 300 picked men and saves Megara from the Athenians (iv.
70-73). When a little later he is sent to the dissatisfied Athenian allies in
Chalcidice, the historian works into the

Euripides Jul 29, 2008 euripides land (421) in the territory of Skione in
Chalcidice. The slaves who were enfranchised after Arginusae were
apparently sent to join the Plataeans. P. 232, 11. 718-720, Is the same
towards men and money

Description de l'univers Mar 8, 2011 mallet, allain manesson, 1630?-1706?

. Caucafc. Cauciiabcni, CazalmacUCedat. Celcbes. Celudna. Ceran.
Cerincsgt Ceu. Ceylan. Chabala. Chaberis. Chake. Chalcedoine. Chalcia.
Chalcidice. Chalcis. Chalcitis. Chaldeacutee. Chalybon.

A general history of the world Nov 3, 2009 browning, oscar, 1837-1923 ,

Here, as in other cities the aristocrats were supported by Sparta, but the
town was now democratic. When Phoebidas, the brother of Eudamidas,
was marching towards Chalcidice, Leontiadas, the leader of

The Coin Collector Jan 20, 2017 hazlitt,w.carew districts or periods 1 The
Pangtean District, 2 the Dmathtan Dnfrict, 0 the Bisaltian District, 4
Chalcidice, 5 the Strymoman and Bolt mail District?, G the Bcgal Period,
7 the Kings of Peconia, 8 Maccdon

The New pictorial encyclopedia of the world Aug 17, 2010 dunham,
franklin, b. 1892 - ARIZONA, state of the s.w. U.S., capital opher, born
at Stagira, in Chalcidice, the Phoenix (illustrated, above), bounded
Arizona. The Grand Canyon, one of the natural wonders of the world

Sämmtliche Werke Aristipp Vierter Band Jan 17, 2015 christoph martin
wieland bisher zusehen wurdebeide der bisherigen Verfassung der
Hellenen eine grof se Veraumlnderung drohen Du siehest dafs ich von
Olynthus in der Chalcidice und von dem Thessalischen ' Fuumlrsten
Jason rededer

Handbook for travellers in Greece, including the Ionian Islands,

continental Greece, the Peloponnese, the islands of the Ægean sea, Crete,
Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia and a detailed description of Athens,
ancient and modern, classical and mediæval Apr 15, 2008 john murray
(firm) Chalcidice, 637, 716 Chalcis, 386 situation, 386 bridge and currents
of the Euripus, 387 sieges, 888 public buildings, 389 churches, environs,
890 to Aliveri by Eoumi, 895 to Eretria

Principles of Biblical interpretation Jan 21, 2009 ernesti, johann august,

1707-1781 borders of Illyria. There is such a town on that border, but then
there was also another Apollonia in Chalcidice, almost in the direct road
between Amphipolis and Thessalonica which must evidently be

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) , too, is the statement
of Conon. 24 Nor does it seem probable, that if this Theocles was the same
who led the colonies of the Chalcidians to Chalcidice,25 he should have
been an Athenian. And there is

The works of Xenophon Jul 12, 2009 xenophon prevent the wild beasts
seeing over, and without a portal of admission. Of these places, Mt.
Pangaeus (mod. Pirnari) (see Hell. V. ii. 17), Cittus (s. Cissus, mod.
Khortiatzi), N.W. of the Chalcidice

Xenophon's Anabasis of Cyrus: books i. ii., with a Gr. syntax, notes [c.]
by R.W. Taylor Jun 1, 2008 xenophon Achelous. Alviavas] A tribe of
Southern Thessaly, near Mount Oeta. 'OXwOCovs] Ol3mthus was a town
in Chalcidice, afterwards famous in the struggle between Philip of
Macedon and the Athenians. 7. al 8i

The Early Reformation Period in England Sep 5, 2008 edward potts

cheyney the Orontes which stretches towards the east, the ancient Apamea
and Chalcidice.' Hagenmeyer in Forscbungen zur deiitschen GeschlcUte
Vol. xiii, p. 407. THB FIRST CRUSADB. II JTerusalem, into

The First and Second Books of Ovid's Metamorphoses Jul 23, 2009 ovid,
william thane peck . 210-226. The earth was set on fire, and the mountains
were burned. 210. ut quaeque altissima: first on the highest parts. 94
NOTES. 217. Athos: a mountain upon the peninsula of Chalcidice in

Sämmtliche Werke Aristipp Vierter Band Jan 17, 2015 christoph martin
wieland bisher zusehen wurdebeide der bisherigen Verfassung der
Hellenen eine grof se Veraumlnderung drohen Du siehest dafs ich von
Olynthus in der Chalcidice und von dem Thessalischen ' Fuumlrsten
Jason rededer

Handbook for travellers in Greece, including the Ionian Islands,

continental Greece, the Peloponnese, the islands of the Ægean sea, Crete,
Albania, Thessaly, Macedonia and a detailed description of Athens,
ancient and modern, classical and mediæval Apr 15, 2008 ohn murray
(firm) , 408, 409 Chalcidice, 637, 716 Chalcis, 386 situation, 386 bridge
and currents of the Euripus, 387 sieges, 888 public buildings, 389
churches, environs, 890 to Aliveri by Eoumi, 895 to Eretria

Principles of Biblical interpretation Jan 21, 2009 ernesti, johann august,

1707-1781 borders of Illyria. There is such a town on that border, but then
there was also another Apollonia in Chalcidice, almost in the direct road
between Amphipolis and Thessalonica which must evidently be

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) , too, is the statement
of Conon. 24 Nor does it seem probable, that if this Theocles was the same
who led the colonies of the Chalcidians to Chalcidice,25 he should have
been an Athenian. And there is

Captain Macedoine's Daughter Mar 21, 2008 william mcfee toward us,
were reflected with uncanny exactitude in the motionless water below
them. And away beyond lay the sidlen and bleak masses of the Chalcidice
and the far watershed of the Vardar, leading the

A sketch of modern and antient geography Jun 29, 2008 samuel butler
Haleby and North of it Cyrrhus, now Corns. These three cities gave the
name of Chalybonites, Chalcidice, iand Cyrrhestica, to the surrounding
districts. Considerably to the East of Berοea is

Catalogue of the books in the Department of Zoology (British Museum,

Natural History) Jul 7, 2014 british museum (natural history). department
of zoology Monographic der Pteromalinen, Nees. 4deg. Aachen, 1841.
FOEESTEE (A.). Hymenopterologische Studien. Heft I. Formicarice.
4deg. Aachen, 1850. Heft II. Chalcidice und Froctotrupii. 4deg. Aachen,

Rambles and studies in Greece Oct 13, 2011 mahaffy, j. p. (john pentland),
1839-1919 gradually improving in her work when she framed the three
peninsulas of the Chalcidice. The westernmost, the old Pallene, once the
site of the historic Olynthus, is broad and flat, with no recommendation

L 178 Aristophanes I Acharnians Knights Clouds Wasps Dec 14, 2013 to

the Chalcidians is doubtless to Chalcidice in Thrace : R. VOL. I L 145

The captains of the Old world : as compared with the great modern
strategists, their campaigns, charActers and conduct, from the Persian, to
the Punic Wars Nov 19, 2008 herbert, henry william, 1807-1858 three long
protruding promontories which formed the Macedonian district of
Chalcidice, separated from the mainland of Greece by the Thermaic Bay,
now the Gulf of Salonica, a \'iolent north wind, with a

Ancient Alexandria Between Egypt And Greece By Samy Aug 30, 2013
541 E, and Virgil, Georgics 4.387-529. Virgil changes the abode of
Proteus from Pharos to Chalcidice. THE ISLAND OF PHAROS IN
MYTH AND HISTORY 261 visit to the land of Egypt. It is worth

Scholica Hypomnemata scripsit John Bakius May 11, 2016 , multo facilius
e Thessalia ricina auxilia exspectari potuisse, quam e Chalcidice. Neque
etiam Philippi huius belli suscitandi consilium fuerat, sed Calliae.
Quartum argumentum est: quoniam inde ab 01

The works of Lucian of Samosata Apr 7, 2008 lucian, of samosata Italy

about the setting of the Pleiads, bound for Athens, with a miscellaneous
shipload of passengers, among whom were Euthydicus and his comrade
Damon, also of Chalcidice. They were of about the same

An Atlas of Classical Geography Apr 21, 2008 william hughes , george

long clea (Cephallenia)? Rakli 38.10 20.42 IsraclSa (Chalcidice)... 40.36
23.19 IsraolSa (Ionia) 87.31 27.33 Ierac1secta (Lacania), Policoro 40.12
16,39 leraclea-Lyncestis, laquo. Filurina, cr FloHna

The growth of the Homeric poems a discussion of their origin and

authorship Feb 1, 2008 wilkins, george employed by the Persians for the
purpose of preserving the body, and honey by the Babyloniansa process
not unknown to the Greeksthe Spartan king Agesipolie who died of fever
in Chalcidice in b.c. 380

Compendiaria Graecae grammatices institutio in usum Seminarii Patavini

multo quam antea, emendatior atque auctior, ut indicat sequens epistola
Jun 7, 2016 jacopo facciolati
. Perfeft. Jon. WETOX' j Att. gt STETOa . REGULA GENERALIS. Ionum
May 31, 2009 voss, james f., 1930- ed . CriL 47 A. T0prip6s and fugtxBiip
are current synonyms of icaic6f. IIoTfiSaCa: Potidaea, a Dorian town on
the Isthmus of Pallene in Chalcidice, 28 e. Originally colonized from
Corinth, it was later one

Captain Macedoine's daughter Oct 16, 2007 mcfee, william, 1881-

pointing toward us, were reflected with uncanny exactitude in the
motionless water below them. And away beyond lay the sullen and bleak
masses of the Chalcidice and the far watershed of the Vardar, leading

A manual of ancient history : from the remotest times to the overthrow of

the Western Empire, A.D. 476, with copious chronological tables May 3,

schmitz, leonhard, 1807-1890 beginning of greater disasters. The Spartans

resolved to transfer the seat. of the war to Chalcidice and the coast of
Thrace, hoping thereby to compel the Athenians to abandon Pylos and
Cythera bull and

A history of Greece, from its conquest by the Romans to the present time,
B. C. 146 to 1864 Jul 13, 2009 finlay, george, 1799-1875 passed through
the Chalcidice they were attacked by the Servians, whom they completely
defeated This victory enabled Cantacuzenos to gain possession of
Gratiano- polls, and to conclude treaties both

Die griechischen Wörter im Latein Jun 14, 2008 oskar weise Abkunft
dieses Wortes vgl. Westermanns Monatshefte No. 28 der 3. Serie S. 395.
2) Vgl. auch langa, langurus, Chalcidice, Eidechsenart, gyrinus,
Kaulquappe, cenchris, ptyas, chelydrus, hydra, Schlangenart

Greek reader. Consisting of selections from Xenophon, Plato, Herodotus,

and Thucydides. With notes adapted to the revised and enlarged edition of
Goodwin's Greek grammar, and copperplate maps Jun 8, 2009 goodwin,
william watson, 1831-1912, ed his fleet, sending it through the canal and
round the two western capes of Chalcidice to the head of the Gulf of
Therma. The only account given by Herodotus of the passage of the fleet
through the

A history of all nations from the earliest times being a universal historical
library Oct 21, 2008 wright, john henry, 1852-1908 open to the nobles.
Founding of Rhegium. Founding of Tarentum. Corcyra becomes Dorian.
Aminocles, ship-builder at Corinth. Chalcidice occupied by Greek
colonies. Feud between Chalcis and Eretria

Isaaci Vossii observationes Ad Pomponium Melan De Situ Orbis, Ipse

Mela ... Dec 8, 2011 isaac vossius diceret Stephanus Tindam efle
Chalcidenfium coloniam. Sed infigniter errat. Chalcidice enim hic eft
Macedonix regio, qu2 Thracis tribuebatur, antequam eam invaderet
Philippus. Multo vero erat major

Transactions of the Entomological Society of London Feb 13, 2009 royal

entomological society of london
Chalcis is more closely allied in its antennas and ovipositor. AValker, in
his Notes on Chalcidice'' CPart IV. p. 60), pronounces this to be an Idarnes,
and repeats Coquerel's figures Q){ Apocrypta and

An Elementary Class-book of General Geography Jul 13, 2009 hugh robert

mill {Thessalonica, 150), a seaport which may become one of the first in
the Mediterranean from its position on the iEgean Sea. The trident-shaped
Chalcidice bears the celebrated Mount Athos on its eastern

Political eloquence in Greece: Demosthenes with extracts from his

Orations and a critical discussion of the "Trial on the crown" Jul 6, 2010
brédif, leon, 1835-1909 arms into most opposite countries, from Phocis to
the Danube, from the Hemus (the Balkans) to Euboea, from the
Peloponnesus to Byzantium, and even into Scythia. Master of Hlyricum,
of Chalcidice

Orations. Apr 2, 2008 the Toronaio gulf, and north of the peninsula of
Paliene. It was colonized by a people from Chalcis in Buboea, and
commanded a large district called Chalcidice, in which there were thirty-
two cities

The teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary
school Oct 1, 2008 bourne, henry eldridge, 1862- Cleon struggle at
SphActeria and the rejected overtures for peace loss of Amphipolis and of
Athenian power in Chalcidice death of Cleon Peace of Nicias (421).
Between the first and second periods

Political eloquence in Greece : Demosthenes. With extracts from his

orations, and a critical discussion of the "Trial on the crown" Nov 2, 2009
brédif, l. (léon), 1835-1909 countries, from Phocis to the Danube, from the
Hemus (the Balkans) to Euboea, from the Peloponnesus to Byzantium, and

even into Scythia. Master of Illyricum, of Chalcidice, of the Chersonesus,

of …

Rambles And Studies In Greece Dec 9, 2006 j. p. mahaffy undisturbed

beyond comparison, can make a modern Eden possible, it is here. Nature
might be imagined gradually improving in her work when she framed the
three peninsulas of the Chalcidice, The westernmost, the

Macedonia its races and their future Mar 7, 2015 henry noël brailsford
institutions they do not differ from their Christian countrymen. As for the
Greeks, they are nowhere a village people north of Castoria, save in the
peninsula of Chalcidice, the island of Thasos, and along the

An Historical And Political Geography Of Europe (1947) Jan 16, 2017

spectacular period of colonization lasted from about 750 to 550 b.c. The
following are the chief areas of colonization…(i) The northern shores of
the Egean. Here, particularly in Chalcidice, a number

Rambles and studies in Greece Apr 11, 2008 mahaffy, j. p. (john pentland),
1839-1919 she framed the three peninsulas of the Chalcidice. The
westernmost, the old Pallene, once the site of the historic Olynthus, is
broad and flat, with no recommendation but its fertility the second

The Argonautica Mar 7, 2008 apollonius, rhodius

, 959, 1309, 1691 Athos, a mountain in Chalcidice, 1, 601 Atlantis,
daughter of Atlas, (1) Electra, I, 916 : (2) Calypso,IV, 575 Atlas, IV, 1398
Attic island, Salamis, I, 93 Augeias, an

Selected essays of Plutarch Apr 2, 2008 plutarch

, the School founded by Plato in ' the most beautiful suburb of Athens'
(Thuc. ii. 34), 65, 104, 178, 264. Acanthus, Acanthian, a town of the
Chalcidice, 94, 95. Achaeans, 102. Achaeus, 95. Acheron, a

[Publications] Extra series Jun 10, 2008 early english text society
Chalcidicam or Chalcidem and he is doubtless right, as the siege of
Olynthus in Chalcidice must be meant. P. 207, 1. 954. At about this line
we drop the history and return to the romance, taking it up from 1

The Periplus of the Erythræan sea travel and trade in the Indian Ocean
Nov 15, 2009 schof f, wilfred h. (wilfred harvey), 1874-1932 medicinally.
Pliny (XXI, 29) says the best sorts were from Campania in Italy, Cape
Sunium in Greece, also from Chalcidice and Crete native always in rugged
and wild localities. The name sertula

Manual of Ancient Geography and History Apr 12, 2009 wilhelm pütz,
thomas kerchever arnold Socrates) and about the same time several of
their colonies in Chalcidice, including Amphipolis itself, were wrested
from them by the Spartan commander Brasidas (Thucydides rescued D
Eion, but was

A history of Greece, from its conquest by the Romans to the present time,
B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864 Mar 18, 2014 finlay, george, 1799-1875 Hellespont
and as they passed through the Chalcidice they were attacked by the
Servians, whom they completely defeated This victory enabled
Cantacuzenos to gain possession of Gratianopolis, and to

A history of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ Nov 8, 2010
schürer, emil, 1844-1910 other Chalcis not to be confounded with this one,
from which the province of Chalcidice has its name. This Chalcis lay
much farther north, according to the Itinerarium Antonini only 18 mil. pass

Weobecný djepis obanský Feb 20, 2009 smetana, josef frantiek, 1801-1861
Korintscarontiacute město Potidaea, kolonii swau, nyniacute ale
Atheacutenskyacutem poplatnau, na pomoH macedons keacutem
Ipžiacuteciacute, a s niacute nejen krajinu Chalcidice, ale i Botiaeu a Pierii
proti Atheacutenaacutem wzbauřili. Když pak Atheacutenscarontiacute

Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography Sep 10, 2008 smith, william,
sir, 1813-1893 peninsula of Sithonia in Chalcidice, not far from Torone,
with a temple to Athena. The town was attacked by Brasidas, who took it
by storm, and consecrated the entire cape to the goddess. Everything

Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi Mar 5, 2009

schürer, emil, 1844-1910 Palaumlstina-Vereins VIII, 1885, S. 35. Nicht
zu verwechseln ist hiermit ein anderes Chalcis in Syrien, von welchem die
Landschaft Chalcidice ihren Namen hat. Dieses lag viel weiter
noumlrdlich, nach dem

Festschrift der badischen gymnasien Oct 24, 2008 universität heidelberg

Genesung seiner Mutter uumlberzeugt hat, zunaumlchst die Staumldte in
Thracien und Chalcidice, wendet sich dann gegen Griechenland und bricht
schliesslich abermals zum Perserkriege auf. Der Bearbeiter weist

Nelsons History Of The War Vol-xii Jan 18, 2017 buchan john from the
Vardar to the Gulf of Orphan!, a distance of over sixty miles. Such a
position included not only the immediate neighbourhood of the port, but
the whole three-pronged peninsula of Chalcidice

Selections adapted from Xenophon, with Engl. notes by J.S. Phillpotts:

scenes from Greek history ... May 26, 2008 xenophon singly before she
could break them. Hence she looked with jealousy even on the attempt of
Olynthus to form a Greek confederacy in the remote promontories of
Chalcidice. Such a confederacy would have formed

The Works of Lucian of Samosata: Complete with Exceptions Specified

in the Preface May 28, 2009 henry watson fowler , francis george fowler
'autochthones ', produced from the very soil of Attica. Athos. Mountain in
Chalcidice, at the foot of which Xerxes cut a canal for his armada against
Greece, to avoid the storms that prevailed there

Epitome of ancient, mediæval, and modern history Nov 12, 2009 ploetz,
karl julius, 1819-1881 noted: Pydna, Pella, the royal residence since the
reign of Archelaus (formerly gae or Edessa enjoyed this distinction). Ou
the peninsula Chalcidice: Olynthus,Potidcea, Stagirus. In Thrace:

Captain Macedoine's Daughter Sep 2, 2008 william mcfee , doubleday,

page company, country life press exactitude in the motionless water below
them. And away beyond lay the sullen and bleak masses of the Chalcidice
and the far watershed of the Vardar, leading the eye at length to the
immense, snow- streaked

Euripides Feb 6, 2013 euripides Chalcidice. The slaves who were

enfranchised after Arginusae were apparently sent to join the Plataeans. P.
232, 11. 718-720, Is the same towards men and money.]Mr. George
Macdonald has convinced me

An Eastern Chequerboard Jan 17, 2017 sir harry luke between Thessalian
Olympus and the Macedonian peak of Prnar Dagh, immediately to the
east of Salonika, lies the bioad peninsula of Chalcidice, a well watered,
well wooded district terminating in three

Hellenic history Jan 11, 2008 botsford, george willis, 1862-1917 land
army. Chalcidice and its Thracian neighborhood. With a small force he
stole northward, and appearing before Amigthi|iolis, persuaded that
important city to Revolt. These reverses indui'i-d the

Selections from Various Greek Authors for the First Year in College: With
... May 19, 2008 james Robinson boise , john charles freeman a past tense.
H. 735, ff S. Gr. 503 G. sect 218. Iirl 8p4ici|S is useltl to denote that jmrt
of the Thracian coast which was occupied by the Grecian colonies that is,
Chalcidice eastward as far as

The history of Greece. Jan 8, 2013 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 held out to
them. The consequence was an open Revolt, which was joined by the many
small seaports of the Chalcidice (vol. i. p. 456), and by the Bottiseans on
the Thermsean Bay (now the Bay of

Eastern Europe Between The Wars 1918-1941 Jan 15, 2017 seton-watson
hugh boundary is the western end of the Rhodope Mountains and the river
Mesta. It does not include the peninsula of Chalcidice. The natural centre
of the life of Macedonia is Salonica. The second togtvn in

Outlines of the history of Greece, in connexion with the rise of the arts
and civilization in ... Aug 16, 2008 william douglas hamilton, edward
levien engagements with AUiens, at once attacked him, and overran
Macedonia and Chalcidice. His army, however, suffered so severely from
cold and hunger that he was obliged to retire without having reduced

The I.II.III. Philippics Dec 18, 2009 Demosthenes LacedsBmonians. sect

2$. Ttoliis BTtl 0X1. The ancient authors used the expression ra im
OQdxtji to designate the peninsula in the northern part of the Thracian
Sea, which received the name of Chalcidice

The growth of the Homeric poems Jun 2, 2008 george wilkins the purpose
of preserving the body, and honey by the Babyloniansa process not
unknown to the Greeks the Spartan king Agesipolis, who died of fever in
Chalcidice in b. c. 380, being brought home to

Principles of Biblical [or rather New Testament] interpretation, tr. from

the Institutio ... Aug 24, 2008 johann august ernesti passed through
Apollonia, and Apollonia is a city on the borders of Illyria. There is such
a town on that border, but then there was also another Apollonia in
Chalcidice, al. most in the direct road

A Manual of Greek Archæology May 8, 2008 maxime collignon refined

sentiment, and the short thick figures give place to more elegant and more
correct designs. The beautiful coins of Macedon and of Chalcidice
resemble those of the era of perfection. As we advance in

Epitome of ancient, mediaeval and modern history Apr 20, 2010 ploetz,
karl julius, 1819-1881 JEgae or Edessa enjoyed this distinction). On the
peninsula Chalcidice: Olynthus, Potidoza, Staglrus. In Thrace:
Amphipoiis near the mouth of theStrymon,Philippce, Abdera, Perinihus

Volume_4_army_high_command_sigint_service-nsa Sep 27, 2015 nsa

former Army intercept station at Graz, was moved fco_Epanome, 50 km
south of Salonika in the Chalcidice.16? Feste 6, the former Army
Intercept station at Tulin, vas stationed during this, period in Athens

Festschrift der badischen Gymnasien Gewidmet der Universität

Heidelberg zur feier Ihres 500 jährigen Jubiläums Mar 4, 2015 Skamander
gestrichen. Nach J unterwirft nun AI., sobald er sich von der Genesung
seiner Mutter uumlberzeugt hat, zunaumlchst die Staumldte in Thracien
und Chalcidice, wendet sich dann gegen Griechenland und

Histoire de la regeneration de la Grece, comprenant le precis des

evenemens depuis 1740 jusqu'en 1824 par F.C.H.L. Pouqueville, ... Tome
1. °4.é May 15, 2016 eacutetrangers et des precirctres inconnus, et quil
existait une fermentation sourde dans les esprits. Neacuteanmoins la
tranquilliteacute reacutegnais encore, et il est vraisemblable que les
chreacutetiens de la Chalcidice

Greece And The East Jan 20, 2017 .] ENTERTAINIMENT OP THE

ARMY 163 65. How THE GjKEEK ToW2sS wehe forced to entertain
Xerxes Army Herodotus, book VII, chaps. 118-120 What the Greek towns
of Mysia, Troas, Thrace, Chalcidice, etc., had to undergo

Der Kaiser Theodosius der Grosse, von A. Güldenpenning und J. Ifland

Apr 1, 2008 albert güldenpenning , gustav julius island des Axius und die
vom strymon. Busen nach ThesSalonika heruumlberziehenden
Suumlmpfe, die noch sichtbaren Beweise der ehemaligen Inselnatur von
Chalcidice, scheinen uns den Ursprung der Krankheit einfacher

Selections Adapted from Xenophon May 12, 2008 xenophon, james

surtees phillpotts . Hence she looked with jealousy even on the attempt of
Olynthus to form a Greek confederacy in the remote promontories of
Chalcidice. Such a con federacy would have formed an efficient barrier

A history of Sicily, 491-289 B.C Dec 22, 2007 allcrof t, arthur hadrian,
1865-1929 the Spartan cause the Athenian dependencies in Chalcidice.
With her hands full at home, Athens only ventured to despatch to Sicily
two triremes under Phaeax, with orders to organize an anti-Syracusan

Dewey decimal classification and relative index May 23, 2012 dewey,
melvil, 1851-1931 : Class here ancient Ionian Islands prefer 382 for Ionian
Islands, northern Ionian Islands, 383 for Ithaca Island, 386 for southern
Ionian Islands) 495 6 Macedonia Contains Chalcidice, Drama, Fiorina

The June 2011 Baltimore Auction Mar 1, 2017 stack's metal quality.
BOLD VERY FINE $1000-$1500 SYRIA 6033 Chalcidice. Chalcis. AE
19 (5.12 gms), Cleopatra VII, 321 B.C. RPC-4722. Diademed, draped bust
of Cleopatra VII facing right Reverse: Nike

Thucydides Jun 19, 2009 thucydides, charles d'urban morris the east to the
lliermaic gulf on the west particularly Chalcidice as far as Amphipolis:
chiefly in the phrases Tamp ir) …

Library of universal history : containing a record of the human race from

the earliest historical period to the present time : embracing a general
survey of the progress of mankind in national and social life, civil

government, religion, literature, science and art Oct 14, 2008 clare, israel
smith, 1847-1924 , south of Cyrrhestica and east of Seleucis, lying
between Seleucis and the Euphrates its leading city being Chalybon (now
Aleppo). 7. Chalcis, or Chalcidice, south of Chalybonitis its principal city

The history of Greece from its commencement of the close of the

independence of the Greek nation Sep 8, 2010 holm, adolf troops. In the
Cyrrhestice were the cities Beroea, Cyrrhus, Hierapolis Bambyce. Besides
this district three other Syrian ones had Graeco-Macedonian names :
Chalcidice, south of Aleppo, the city of

The orations of Demosthenes... Jul 26, 2011 Demosthenes convict him,

for his guilt was known to all. He comments at great length upon the
general increase of corruption in the Greek states, showing what baneful
effects it had produced in Chalcidice

Wörterbuch zu den Verwandlungen des Publius Ovidius Naso Oct 22,

2008 otto eichert, franz fügner Halbinsel Chalcidice, jetzt Monte Santo 2,
217 acc. Athoumln 11, 554. AtlaumlS ntis, 1) Sohn des Titanen Japetus,
Vater der Hyadenu. Plejaden, trug zur Strafe das Himmelsgewoumllbe auf
seinen Schultern, weil er

The Geological Record Jun 14, 2008 william whitaker, william herbert
dalton, william topley conditions, and occur between the grains of oolitic
bands as well as in the ordinary condition of the limestone. C. E. E. Becke,
Friedrich. Gestcine von dor Halbinsel Chalcidice. [Hocks of the

A manual of ancient history, from the remotest times to the overthrow of

the Western Empire, A.D. 476 Aug 20, 2009 schmitz, leonhard, 1807-1890
years of the war, but it was only the beginning of greater disasters. The
Spartans resolved to transfer the seat of ihe war to Chalcidice and the
coast of Thrace, hoping thereby to compel the

Flavius Josephus - Jewish War [trans. Williamson] ( Penguin, 1970) Apr

15, 2017 flavius josephus (author), betty radice (editor), e. mary smallwood
(editor), g.a. williamson (translator) his staff had any suspicion, he invaded
Commagene at the head of the Sixth Legion, supported by some cohorts
and a few troops of horse, and further assisted by the kings of Chalcidice
and Emesa

Zeitschrift für die Alterthumswissenschaft Aug 16, 2009 diese Annahme

beseitigen sich die meisten Einwendungen der Gegner. Gehen wir jetzt auf
die einzelnen Reden ein. Olynth. II. muss selbst vor dem Beginn der
Feindseligkeiten Philipps gegen Chalcidice

Captain Macedoine's daughter Nov 27, 2006 mcfee, william, 1881- . And
away beyond lay the sullen and bleak masses of the Chalcidice and the
far watershed of the Vardar, leading the eye at length to the immense,
snow- streaked peak of Olympos, flushing as some

The fringe of the East a journey through past and present provinces of
Turkey May 9, 2008 luke, harry charles joseph, sir, 1884- shadow covered
the distant island of Lemnos, which we could just see away to the south-
east. The peninsula of Mount Athos is itself a part of the greater
peninsula of Chalcidice, the easternmost of its

Epitome of ancient, mediæval, and modern history Aug 24, 2009 ploetz,
karl julius, 1819-1881. [from old catalog] distinction). On the peninsula
Chalcidice: Oltpitkus, Potidaea, Staglrus. In Thrace: Amphipvlh near the
mouth of the Strimon, Phllippa', Ahderci, Jerinthus (Heraclea),
Byzantium. In the Thracian

The General Magazine Vol30i1 Dec 20, 2012 robert waters Potidaea and
assisting the spread of rebellion in Chalcidice. What's more, there's
nothing the Athenian player can do to intervene. The army is tied up and a
naval force would have to return home in

Histoire de l'ancienne Grèce, de ses colonies et de ses conquëtes, depuis

les premiers temps, jusqu'à la division de l'Empire Macédonien ... Traduite
de l'anglois de John Gillies, par M. Carra ... Tome premier sixième Aug 8,
2014 mursDiodore , 1. XVI , p. 514. b En adoptant ce nom de Chalcidice
, jai faivi Digitized by Google de lancienne Gregravece. 7 dOlynthe, ville
bacirctie amp fortifieacutee par eux , agrave cinq milles de diftance de la

The Philippic orations, ed. by T.K. Arnold Aug 1, 2008 Demosthenes

Chalcidice (in the siege of which Philip lost one eye). ,ApoUonifif an
Ionian colony in Mygdonia: boilh cities were allies of Olynthus. B M Op.,
the Chalcidian cities that were dependent on the Ohmthiaiis. II

The Daily Colonist (1916-02-06) Sep 3, 2013 English sector that follows
the,, chain of lakes right across the head of the Chalcidice Peninsula, to
reach the aea to the Gulf of Orfanos on the other side. Aa Impassable
Marsh Much of this

Theognidis reliquiae. Edidit Jacobus Sitzler May 12, 2011 theognis et

Chalcidenses antiquitus inter se coniunctos fuisse. Nam Corinthii cum
Chalcidimsibus in Siciliam colonias deducunt cf. Thuc. VI, 3 et in
Chalcidice, quae teria a Chalcidensibus nonion repetit

Captain Macedoine's daughter Oct 20, 2010 mcfee, william, 1881-1966 .

And away beyond lay the sullen and bleak masses of the Chalcidice and
the far watershed of the Vardar, leading the eye at length to the immense,
snow- streaked peak of Olympos, flushing as some majestic

The Cambridge Ancient History Dec 3, 2013 edwards, i. e. s. (iorwerth

eiddon stephen), 1909-1996 , south of the hog's back ridge of Chalcidice.
On the contrary, the bulk of the army must certainly have taken the shortest
and easiest road to Therma along the shores of Lake Bolbe, although

Principles of Biblical Interpretation Aug 24, 2008 johann august ernestus,

charles hughes terrot . There is such a town on that border, but then there
was also another Apollonia in Chalcidice, al- most in the direct road
between Amphipolis and TbesSalonica which must evidently be the town
intended in

The Works of Lucian of Samosata: Complete with Exceptions Specified

in the Preface May 27, 2009 henry watson fowler , francis george fowler
'autochthones ', produced from the very soil of Attica. Athos. Mountain in
Chalcidice, at the foot of which Xerxes cut a canal for his armada against
Greece, to avoigt the Btof ms that prevailed

The works of Xenophon Feb 7, 2009 xenophon mod. Pimari). (see Hel. V.
ii. 17), Cittus {s. Cissus, taod. Khoniat), N.W. of the Chalcidice, Mysia.n
Olympus, ard Pindus are well known. Nysa has not been verified hitherto,
I think. Stun cf

Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte Mar 2, 2009 akademie der wissenschaften

und der literatur (germany). kommission für philosophie and eveAtuaUy
given land (421) in the territory of Skione in Chalcidice. The slaves who
were enfranchised after Arginusae were apparently sent to join the
Plataeans. P. 232,11. 718-720, Is the same

The works of Lucian of Samosata, complete with exceptions specified in

the preface, tr. by H. W. Fowler and F.G. Fowler Feb 2, 2008 lucian, of
samosata Polias, or city-goddess. Athenians. The Athenians thought
themselves 'autochthones ', produced from the very soil of Attica. Athos.
Mountain in Chalcidice, at the foot of which Xerxes cut a canal for his

Captain Macedoine's daughter Oct 22, 2009 mcfee, william, 1881- , their
bows pointing toward us, were reflected with uncanny exactitude in the
motionless water below them. And away beyond lay the sullen and bleak
masses of the Chalcidice and the far watershed of the

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) many as thirty cities
of this name mentioned by Geographers, ii. 182 Coins of , iii. 97 ix. 147
xi. 117119. Apollonia, in Chalcidice, Remarks on Coins of , xi. 57.
Apollonia Iliyrica3, Remarks

P. Ovidii Nasonis Heroides XIV May 26, 2008 ovid, arthur palmer ,Actias
Orithyia.' 'Acri),coast-land,' the ancient name of Attica. '
Sithonis,'Thracian. Sithonia was the central of the three peninsulas of
Chalcidice, said to be called from Sithon,. father of

The works of Lucian of Samosata, complete with exceptions specified in

the preface Jul 2, 2008 lucian, of samosata Athenians thought themselves
'autochthones ', produced from the very soil of Attica. Athos. Mountain in
Chalcidice, at the foot of which Xerxes cut a canal for his armada against
Greece, to avoid the storms

Roman economic conditions to the close of the republic Nov 16, 2009
oliver, edmund henry, 1882-1935 articles. Thus pottery was brought from
Samos figs from Chios, Chalcidice, Lydia and Africa as we have seen,
corn came from Sicily, Sardinia, Africa, and Spain, and later from Egypt

Roman economic conditions to the close of the Republic Aug 22, 2007
oliver, edmund henry, 1882-1935 articles. Thus pottery was brought from
Samos 7 figs from Chios, Chalcidice, Lydia and Africa 8 as we have seen,
corn came from Sicily, Sardinia, Africa, and Spain, and later from Egypt.

Erläuternde Vorbemerkungen zum historischgeographischen HandAtlas

Jan 26, 2015 karl spruner von merz laquo Weicbbild der Hauptstadt ad die
Haibiolaquo! Chalcidice geblieben, woan noch dalaquo viel- fach
gelheilte Morea fala ganz wieder erworben wurde. Die Oamannitchen
Tuumlrken hatten laquoich im Laof e delaquo XIV. Jahrhundertlaquo die

Atlas der of ficinellen pflanzen Die Sympetalen mit Tafel IXLIV. 1893
Oct 7, 2014 michael berg suumldoumlstlichen Frankreich ganz, in der
Tuumlrkei ist er nur von der Halbinsel Chalcidice bekannt. Von Russland
aus verbreitet er sich bis nach Kaukasien und dem tuumlrkischen
Armenien. Durch das gesamnite Sibirien

A Shorter History Of Science Nov 11, 2006 cecil dampier sir william. in
Chalcidice, was a son of the physician to Philip, king of Macedon, and
was himself the tutor of Alexander the Great. He was the most notable
collector and systematizer of knowledge in the ancient

The Making Of Athens A History Of Greece 495 431 B C Jan 17, 2017 a
h allcrof t , and started thence to circumnavigate the triple peninsula of
Chalcidice. But the summer was spent, and the weather was already hi
caking up. A northex'Iy gale drove the fleet upon the cliffs at the

Roman economic conditions to the close of the republic Apr 25, 2008
oliver, edmund henry, 1882-1935 in commerce very extensively.reg With
certain districts there developed a commerce in special articles. Thus
pottery was brought from Samos figs from Chios, Chalcidice, Lydia and
Africa as we 1,961
The coin collector Aug 25, 2008 hazlitt, william carew, 1834-1913 District
4. Chalcidice 5. the Strymonian and Botticean Districts 6. the Regal
Period 7. the Kings of Poeonia 8. Macedon under the Romans. We have
in the present compass altogether a fine body of

Die Berliner romantik, 1800-1814 : ein Beitrag zur gemeinvölkischen

Frage : Renaissance, Romantik, Restauration Sep 10, 2008 nadler, josef,
1884-1963 . Zwei ganz verschiedene Vorgaumlnge kommen in Frage.
Einmal die hellenischen Siedelstaumldte, die den ganzen schmalen
Kuumlstensaum von Chalcidice um das Schwarze Meer herum bis
herunter nach Soli bedeckten

Das Kaiser Friedrich Museum Oct 7, 2016 kaiser-friedrich-museum auf

den Muumlnzen von Amphipolis und der Chalcidice (Nr. 575 ff., 582 ff.),

der weibliche Kopf (Nymphe?) auf den Muumlnzen der opuntischen

Locrer (Nr. 667f.) und der aumlhnliche aumlhrenbekraumlnzte
Demeterkopf von

A Study Of History Vol.iii Jan 18, 2017 arnold j. toynbee -states in

Chalcidice were abreast of the general Hellenic city-state culture of their
day but lacked the supra-city-state scale. It was to be a race between the
two com-For an analysis of this law

Greece And The Aegean Jan 17, 2017 ernest a. gardner charActeristic
feature of this region is the Holy Mountain,rdquo as the Greeks caU the
easternmost of the three prongs of the Chalcidice. It ends in the conical
peak of Mount Athos, always dreaded by

Eastern Nations and Greece Jan 14, 2008 myers, Philip van ness, 1846-
1937 extended his power over the Greek cities of Chalcidice, a number of
which under the lead of Olynthus formed a league known as the
Olynthian Confederacy. The x'\thenians had interests in this quarter

The orations of Demosthenes Feb 11, 2010 Demosthenes Greek states,

showing what baneful effects it had produced in Chalcidice,
Peloponnesus, and elsewhere, and how perilous it would be to themselves,
if they suffered it to spread yet further. Strong

[Orations] Translated, with notes, c. by Charles Rann Kennedy Feb 1, 2008

Demosthenes length upon the general increase of corruption in the Greek
states, showing what baneful effects it had produced in Chalcidice,
Peloponnesus, and elsewhere, and how perilous it would be to themselves

Lehrbuch der griechischen Staatsalterthümer aus dem Standpuncte der

Geschichte entworfen Feb 5, 2015 karl friedrich hermann
Thermaumlischcn und Strymonischen Busen aUmauml'lig den Namen
Digitized by Google Chalcidice ) erhielt, deren zwei and dreiszligig Orte

) spaumlter einen Vereinigungapunct an Olynthus gtdeg) fanden. Auch die

Inseln los

The History of Greece from Its Commencement to the Close of the

Independence ... Mar 8, 2009 adolf holm above-mentioned troops. In the
Cyrrhestiee were the cities Beroea, Cyrrhus, Hierapolis Bambyce. Besides
this district three other Syrian ones had Graeco-Macedonian names:
Chalcidice, south of Aleppo, the

A manual of the political antiquities of Greece, historically considered Jul

13, 2009 hermann, karl friedrich, 1804-1855 peninsula situate between the
Thermaic and Strymonic gulfs obtained the common name of Chalcidice
at a later period we find Olynthus at the head of a confederacy of thirty-
two bull of its cities. The

Library of Universal history and popular science ... May 17, 2007 clare,
isreal smith, 1847-1924 Chalcidice, south of Chalybonitis its principal
city being Chalcis, on the lake into which the river Aleppo empties. 8.
Apamene, south of Chalcidice and east of Casiotis, embracing a large
part of the

A history of Greece ay 30, 2009 evelyn abbott . Frag, 1, M. Thuc. iv. 109.
There is a Pelasgic (barbarian) element in the cities of Chalcidice derived
riiiv ital Arjfivov nort koi K6r)vai Tvparjvav olKYfo-avroiP, Herod, i. 57
: Tleaaymv tampv

Ancient History for Colleges and High Schools. May 11, 2008 Philip van
ness myers Chalcidice, a number of which under the lead of Olynthus
formed a league known as the Olynthian Confederacy. The Athenians had
interests in this quarter, several cities of the peninsula being subject

Mineralien-sammlungen ein hand- und hilfsbuch für anlage und

instandhaltung mineralogischer sammlungen Feb 19, 2008 brendler,
wolfgang ) Schlesien (Querbach am Isergebirge, 5 km oumlstlich von

Flinsberg) Toscana (Serravezza, 42 km suumldoumlstlich von Carrara,

Provinz Lucca) Tflrkei (Rumelien: Elias-Berg bei Vavdhos, Halbinsel

The Royal Government in Virginia, 1624-1775 Feb 20, 2008 flippin, percy
scott, 1874- Andros over the village of Acanthus in the Chalcidice,
which was settled in favor of Andros by the Samians, Parians, and
Erythreans.5 Five Spartans decided the question between Megara and
Athens over

Die Metamorphosen des P. Ovidius Naso Dec 10, 2009 ovid, 43 b.c.-17 or
18 a.d , verschlagener, der Weissagung kundiger Gott (11, 249). Die
Uumlbertragung desselben auf die suumldlichste Halbinsel der
Chalcidice, Pallene (bei Vergil. Georg. 4, 389 ff.) scheint willkuumlrliche
Erfindung. 731. In
Notes on Herodotus Original and Selected from the Best Commentators by
Dawson W. Turner Aug 6, 2016 dawson turner Aipvgc, adjoins the lake.
Cf. Jelf, sect 536, Partitive Gen. ipiprit iraar. Gen. Temporis. Jelf, sect 523,
and sect 606, obs. 2, ed in ii. 95, a. c. Avaugtpov ... ovpocA mt of
Macedonia, between Chalcidice

Universal world history: written by one hundred fifty of the foremost

living authorities in all branches of historical knowledge Aug 8, 2012
hammerton, john alexander were invading Corinth's preserves in the west
in Chalcidice the Corinthian colony of Potidaea had been absorbed into
the Athenian League. If Corinth should see a chance of arousing the
lethargic wrath

Rambles and studies in Greece Jun 7, 2007 mahaffy, sir, john pentland,
1839-1919 framed the three peninsulas of the Chalcidice. The
westernmost, the old Pallene, once the site of the historic Olynthus, is
broad and flat, with no recommendation but its fertility the second

Ancient History: Containing the History of the Egyptians, Assyrians ... Jul
13, 2009 charles rollin . cttjucmrcE. Chalcidice was a peninsula between

the Thetmaic 4n4 Etrymonic Galfa. It wjis so called froni the Chalddians
of EuWn, who formcrl settlf?mfnt5 there at a remote periods The region

A manual of ancient history, with copious chronological tables: the Asiatic

nations, Greece, Macedonia, etc Sep 8, 2010 schmitz, leonhard, 1807-
1890 Chalcidice and the coast of Thrace, hoping thereby to compel the
Athenians to abandon Pylos and Cythera and Brasidas was the man chosen
to conduct the operations in that quarter. He proceeded to the

The history of Greece, Volume 3 Oct 1, 2009 ernst curtius latter a certain
prospect of support was held out to them. The consequence was an open
Revolt, which was joined by the many small seaports of the Chalcidice
(vol. i. p. 456), and by the Bottiseans on

A manual of ancient history, from the remotest times to the overthrow of

the Western Empire, A.D. 476 Nov 4, 2010 schmitz, leonhard, 1807-1890
fourteen years of the war, but it was only the beginning (if greater
disasters. The Spartans resolved to transfer the Beat of the war to
Chalcidice and the coast of Thrace, hoping thereby to compel the

Orations Of Demosthenes Jan 16, 2017 kennedy, charles rann, tr. convict
him, for his guilt was known to all. He comments at great length upon the
general increase of corruption in the Greek states, showing what baneful
effects it had produced in Chalcidice

Dictionary Of Numismatic Names Jan 16, 2017 albert r. frey cities of

Chalcidice established a League B.C. 392 with Olynthus as headquarters.
The coinage is uniform with types relating to Apollo. Itwvas dissolved
circa B.C. 358, when Philip II of Macedonia

The sibylline oracles by Terry Oct 9, 2012 m. s. terry to yield sense. 186.
Rugged Mygdonia.-Region of Macedonia north of the Thermaic gulf

and connecting with the peninsula of Chalcidice. (89-108.) Digitized

byGoogk BOOK VII. 155 150 But God shall make

Epitome of ancient, mediaeval and modern history May 11, 2007 ploetz,
karl julius, 1819-1881 be noted: Pydna, Pella, the royal residence since the
reign of A:chelaus (formerly jEgae or Edessa enjoyed this distinction). On
the penmsula Chalcidice: Olynthusy Potidaea Stagirus. In Thrace

Centaurs in ancient art the archaic period Aug 22, 2012 baur, paul victor
christopher, 1872- . no. 1477 discusses the retrograde inscription ending in
EQvaXcov and restores it MrjxvTisQva or MrjTcvneQvaTov a town of
the Chalcidice. Perhaps the inscription refers to the Saioi, a Thracian tribe

The first and second books of Ovid's Metamorphoses Sep 18, 2007 ovid,
43 b.c.-17 or 18 a.d the mountains were burned. 210. ut quaeque altissima:
first on the highest parts. 94 NOTES. 217. Athos: a mountain upon the
peninsula of Chalcidice in Macedonia. The mountains are mentioned

A Sketch Of Geography Ed. 4 Jan 16, 2017 bulter, samuel from the
preaching and epistles of St. Paul. The district between the Sinus
Thcrmaicus and Strymonicus wc have already said was called Chalcidice.
The lower part of it formed three peninsular. The

Captain Macedoine's Daughter Mar 23, 2008 william mcfee below

themAnd away beyond lay the sullen and bleak masses of the Chalcidice
and the far watershed of the Vardar, leading the eye at length to the
immense, snow- streaked peak of Olympos, flushing as

The works of Lucian of Samosata Apr 7, 2008 lucian, of samosata known

as Pcas, or city-goddess. Athenians. The Athenians thought themselves
'autochthones ', produced from the very soil of Attica. Athos. Mountain in
Chalcidice, at the foot of which Xerxes cut a canal

worksluciansamo14fowlgoog Jan 31, 2010 lucian (of samosata.), henry

watson fowler, francis george fowler very soil of Attica. Athos. Mountain
in Chalcidice, at the foot of which Xerxes cut a canal for his armada
against Greece, to avoid the storms that prevailed there. Atropus. See Fates.
Attalus n

Captain Macedoine's daughter [microf orm] May 24, 2013 mcfee, william,
1881-1966 motionless water below them. And away beyond lay the sullen
and bleak masses of the Chalcidice and the far watershed of the Vardar,
leading the eye at length to the immense, snow- strcaLed peak of Olympos

A Study Of History Vol-iii Jan 16, 2017 barbarian Libyans, and a

Chalcidice on the north coast of the Aegean at the expense of barbarian
Thracians. Yet, once again, the very success of the response brought down
a new challenge upon the victors
Jul 13, 2009 rawlinson, george, 1812-1902 between Argos, Corinth,
Mantinea, Elis, and Chalcidice. Alliance, of fensive and defensive,
between Sparta and Boeotia.B.C. 420. Athens, of fended hereat, makes
alliance with Argos. Mantinea and Elis join

A History of the Ancient World Sep 19, 2008 george willis botsford great
contributions to sdence and ttie arts, (2) they were the source from which
the natives of the West, including the Romans, drew the larger part of their
culture. 138. Colonies in Chalcidice.
War diary : German Naval Staff Operations Division Mar 8, 2013
germany. kriegsmarine united states. of fice of naval intelligence been
destroyed by a demolition party of the Port Command, A barrage between
the west and middle finger of Chalcidice has been provided by a net-
laying party for the night of 14 Oct., besides that, an

A History of Greece Feb 18, 2009 william smith, william george smith,
cornelius conway felton these we can only glance at the most important.
The ■■irmtg on the coast of Macedonia were chiefly founded by Chaicis
and Iretria in Eubiea j and the peninsula of Chalcidice, with its three

The Athenian Agora, evidence and interpretation : Homer A. Thompson

May 24, 2013 thompson, Homer a. interviewee Greece was to check up
on 18 Thucydides' reference to Athenian activities way up in northern
Greece, in the Chalcidice, and that was, as I remember, his very first
published article. It was a study

Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi Mar 2, 2008 emil
schürer anderes Chalcis in Syrien, von welchem die Landschaft
Chalcidice ihren Namen hat Dieses lag viel weiter noumlrdlich, nach dem
Itinerarium Antonini nur 18 mit. pass. suumldlich von Beroumla (Vetera

A history of modern Europe Nov 22, 2009 fyffe, charles alan, 1845-1892
Ottoman Empire. No combination was effected between Ali and the
Greeks, and at the beginning of 1822 the Albanian chieftain lost both his
stronghold and his life. In the remoter district of Chalcidice, on

Edinburgh Review or, Critical Journal Feb 4, 2008 these they held to
ransom man ' for man.' There is mention of a similar exchange at the time
of the Peace of Nicias, of captives taken to Athens after operations in
Chalcidice. The extreme eagerness of

The Balkans : a history of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Rumania, Turkey Feb

14, 2007 forbes, nevill, 1883-1929 leaving to the Turks only the district
between Constantinople and Adrianople, Chalcidice, and the town of
Salonika Bulgaria would thus have regained the dimensions it possessed
under Tsar Simeon nine

Masterpieces of eloquence famous orations of great world leaders from

early Greece to the present time Jan 30, 2008 hazeltine, mayo w. (mayo
williamson), 1841-1909 the Toronaic gulf, and north of the peninsula of
Palleue. It was colonized by a people from Chalcis in Euboea, and

commanded a large district called Chalcidice, in which there were thirty-

two cities

P. Ovidii Nasonis Heroides XIV May 26, 2008 ovid, arthur palmer ,Actias
Orithyia.' 'Acri),coast-land,' the ancient name of Attica. ' Sithonis,' '
Thracian.' Sithonia was the central of the three peninsulas of Chalcidice,
said to be called from Sithon, father of

The first and second books of Ovid's Metamorphoses: with Ovid's

autobiography Apr 3, 2008 william thane peck , ovid . 2Z0-aa6laquo The
earth was set on fire, and the mountains were bttrned. azo. ut quaeque
altissima: irst on the highestparts. 94 NOTES. azy. Athos: a mountain upon
the peninsula of Chalcidice in

Deliciae Ervditorvm Jun 3, 2016 , iamporMons , quem ayiev of o%

SanHurn Jdontem antonoipa(iam Graeci adpellant ( tanr ta ab eis ob
Monachorum fanditatem , ut putant veneratione' colitur ) in Chalcidice
Macedoniae provincia

Order and history Mar 6, 2014 voegelin, eric of 1600, this relatively
quiescent culture acquired civilizational momentum. In the shadow of
Minoan power, Achaean sea enterprise had extended only to the Cyclades,
the Chalcidice, and the

The history of Greece from its commencement to the close of the

independence of the Greek nation Jun 6, 2007 holm, adolf, 1830-1900
district three other Syrian ones had Graeco-Macedonian names :
Chalcidice, south of Aleppo, the city of Chalcis, the modern Kinnesrm,
Baed. Pal. 410, Chalcidene, Chalcis on the Lebanon, now Andschar

Orations Of Demosthenes Jan 17, 2017 kennedy, charles rann, tr. eftccts
it had produced in Chalcidice, Peloponnesus, and elsewhere, and how
perilous it w'ould bo to themselves, if they suffered it to spread yet further.
Strong measures should be taken to check the

De Thessalonica eiusque agro dissertatio geographica Feb 7, 2015 Tafel,

gottlieb lukas friedrich, 1787-1860 latitudinem. poundjue ergo partes erant
vecirctus i'eria, Bolticircaea, Ampitaxide cum Mydo- Magravef
Chalcidice. Vides, Theaeldoiiicensem madli atvicirc provins Mm
leacutere MaceiaaiAe primae, aeaaii Diecletiaaeo repeadtaie

The history of Herodotus. A new English version Dec 21, 2011 herodotus
, acquired the name of Chalcidice, from the number of Chalcidean
settlements (Thucyd. passim). Seriphus, Peparethus, and others of the
Cyclades, were Chalci dean (Seym. Chius, 1. 585). In Italy and Sicily

The Elegies of Sextus Propertius May 3, 2008 sextus propertius , james

cranstoun of Theseus to Pirithous, and of Achilles to Patroclus. V. 39.
Phlegraeostumultus. The war between the gods and the rebel giants, begun
at Phlegra, in Chalcidice, and renewed on the PhUgraei Catnpi

Captain Macedoine's daughter Sep 29, 2009 william mcfee us, were
reflected with uncanny exactitude in the motionless water below them. And
away beyond lay the sullen and bleak masses of the Chalcidice and the
far watershed of the Vardar, leading the eye at

Festschrift der badischen gymnasien Sep 11, 2014 universität heidelberg

Skamander gestrichen. Nach J unterwirft nun AI., sobald er sich von der
Genesung seiner Mutter uumlberzeugt hat, zunaumlchst die Staumldte in
Thracien und Chalcidice, wendet sich dann gegen Griechenland und

Return of the wanderer Jan 28, 2013 butterfield, john, 1965- Chalcidice
comes in sight, and also the small harbour of Scione. Do you stay at the
quayside (turn to 227), or do you investigate the town (turn to 157)? 444-
446 444 The warriors seem pleased, and

The History Of Greece Vol IV Nov 15, 2006 holm,adolf. were the cities
Beroea, Cyrrhus, Hierapolis Bambyce. Besides this district three other

Syrian ones had Graeco-Macedonian names : Chalcidice, south of

Aleppo, the city of Chalcis, the modern Kinnesrin

The History of Greece Apr 28, 2008 ernst curtius , william alfred packard
latter a certain prospect of support was held out to them. The consequence
was an open Revolt, which was joined by the many small seaports of the
Chalcidice (vol. i. p. 456), and by the Bottioians on

A manual of ancient history : from the remotest times to the overthrow of

the Western empire, A.D. 476 Jun 6, 2008 schmitz, leonhard, 1807-1890
first fourteen years of the war, but it was only the beginning of greater
disasters. The Spartans resolved to transfer the seat of the war to
Chalcidice and the coast of Thrace, hoping thereby to

The history of Greece from its commencement to the close of the

independence of the Greek nation Mar 8, 2009 holm, adolf, 1830-1900
district three other Syrian ones had Qraeco-Macedonian names:
Chalcidice, south of Aleppo, the city of Ohalcis, the modem Einnesrtn,
Baed. PaL 410, Chsdcidene, Chalcis on the Lebanon, now Andschar, Baed

Ridpath's history of the world : being an account of the principal events

in the career of the human race from the beginnings of civilization to the
present time, comprising the development of social instititions and the
story of all nations Oct 17, 2008 ridpath, john clark, 1840-1900 , Emathia,
Mygdonia, Chalcidice, Bialtia, and Pseonia with its subdivisions.
Lyncestis, the first of these districts lay to the west, next to Illyria, from
which it was divided by the Bernus range

A history of Greece, from its conquest by the Romans to the present time,
B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864 Jan 10, 2011 finlay, george, 1799-1875 compelled
to march by land to the Hellespont and as they passed through the
Chalcidice they were attacked by the Servians, whom they completely
defeated . This victory enabled Cantacuzenos to gain

Die stadtische und burgerliche Verfassung des Romischen Reichs bis auf
die Zeiten Justinians von Dr. Emil Kuhn Aug 21, 2016 Entstcbiing unserer
sehon gedachten Apollonia unfern des Bolhesees Anlass gegehen, die nach
ihren Bewohnern auch die Chalcidische henannt sei. Auch Boumlckh sagt:
.Apollonia in Chalcidice ist spaumlteren

Ploetz' manual of universal history from the dawn of civilization to the

outbreak of the great war of 1914 Aug 27, 2009 ploetz, karl julius, 1819-
1881 ). On the peninsula Chalcidice: Olynthus, Potidcea, Stagirus. In
Thrace: Amphipolis near the mouth of the Strymon, Philippce, Abdera,
Perinthus (Heraclea), Byzantium. In the Thracian Chersonese: Sestos

L 472 Hippocrates V. Affections, Diseases I II Dec 22, 2013 each of these

so that there will be three cotylai altogether 1 Littre concludes that Topuiw
must refer to some locality unknown to us. I suggest Torone, a city in the
Chalcidice not far from Mende

Conspectus florae europaeae ?seu Enumeratio methodica plantarum

phanerogamarum Europae indigenarum, indicatio distributionis
geographicae singularum etc. Auctore Carolo Frider. Nyman. Nov 14,
2011 nyman, carl fredrik, Syll 404. Sicil. Ital. mer. Dalm. Maced.
(Chalcidice: Janka). Arch. Beckmannia dittusa 'elw. pi. dalm. Brachiaria
eruciformis Grsb. 14. Panicum (L). Sicil.L.n mbuslo'etmenbuf OcJc 2

Heroides XIV. Edited by Arthur Palmer Feb 4, 2008 ovid, 43 b.c.-17 or 18

a.d Attica. ' Sithonis,' ' Thracian.' Sithonia was the central of the three
peninsulas of Chalcidice, said to be called from Sithon, father of Phyllis.
9, 10. 'Myhopes were long enduring: we are slow to

Virgil. Bucolics and Georgics Mar 7, 2008 virgil mighty deep with his
fishes, even with his yoked chariot of two-footed steeds.' 390, 391.
Emathia, i. e. Macedonia, of which it is a part. Pallene, one of the
peninsulas of Chalcidice in Macedonia

Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Mathematisch ... Mar 20, 2008 kaiserl. akademie der wissenschaften in
wien mathematisch -naturwissenschaftliche klasse eine kurze Mittheilung
des Herrn Friedrich Becke vor: Gesteine von der Halbinsel Chalcidice,
welche die Resultate einer im mineralogischen Institute ausgefuumlhrten
Arbeit enthaumllt. Das c. M. Herr Prof

Greek Leaders Mar 18, 2008 leslie white hopkinson for aid, seconded by
three mighty speeches from Demosthenes, did bring some action on the
part of Athens, but it was inadequate and delayed, so that the whole of
Chalcidice fell into the hands of the

A history of Greece Jun 5, 2007 abbott, evelyn, 1843-1901 fiction of

Hellen 1 Hellanic. Frag. 1, M. 2 Thuc. iv. 109. There is a Pelasgic
(barbarian) element in the cities of Chalcidice derived TOgtV KOI
ATJJLVOV rrore Kal'Adrjvas Tvpcrrjvojv olKijaavrcav

A History Of Greece Part I Jan 18, 2017 abbott evelyn Hellanic. Frag. 1,
M. 2 Thuc. iv. 109. There is a Pelasgic (barbarian) element in the cities of
Chalcidice derived raiv koi Arjpvou rrore kcuAOrjvas Tvparjuampv
olKraavTtov. Herod, i. 57: H'SacrySgtv rS

A manual of the political antiquities of Greece, historically considered.

From the German: From ... Aug 27, 2008 carl friedrich hermann and
Acanthus from Andros, the whole peninsula situate between the
Thermaic and Strymonic gulfs obtained the common name of Chalcidice'
at a later period we find Olynthus at the head of a confederacy

The History of Greece from Its Commencement to the Close of the

Independence ... Feb 6, 2008 adolf holm cities Beroea, Oyrrhus, Hierapolis
Bambyce. Besides this district three other Syrian ones had Graeco-
Macedonian names: Chalcidice, south of Aleppo, the city of Chalcis,
the modem Einnesrin, Baed. PaL

The history of Greece from its commencement of the close of the

independence of the Greek nation Aug 16, 2010 holm, adolf Bambyce.
Besides this district three other Syrian ones had Graeco-!Macedonian
names : Chalcidice, south of Aleppo, the city of Chalcis, the modern
Kinnesrin, Baed. Pal. 410, Chalcidene, Chalcis on the

Fragmente aus dem Orient Jul 9, 2009 fallmerayer, jakob Philipp, 1790-
1861 gegenuumlberliegenden Kuumlstenstrich des macedonischen
Erzgebirges (Chalcidice), moumlchte man glauben, sei eigentlich die
Urheimat des Kastanienbaumes: nirgend, selbst in Kolchis nicht, treibt er
mit solcher Fuumllle und

Mikroskopische Physiographie der Mineralien und Gesteine: Ein Hl̈fsbuch

bei mikroskopischen ... Feb 13, 2008 harry rosenbusch vor. Zoisit.
Literatur. Fr. Becke, Die Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. T. M. P, M.
1878. I. 248250. 0. LuumlEDECKE, Der Glankopiian und die
glaukophanfuumlhrenden Gesteine der Insel Syra. Z. D. G. G

A manual of the political antiquities of Greece, historically considered Jul

14, 2008 hermann, karl friedrich, 1804-1855 formed in the same territory,
as, for instance, Stagirus and Acanthus from Andros, the whole
peninsula situate between the Thermaic and Strymonic gulfs obtained the
common name of Chalcidice at a

Thucydides Nov 21, 2009 thucydides -Western Hellas . . To face 15

Chalcidice 33 The Athenian Empire. . . . 5 Index of Proper Names in Text
87 The Life and Mind of Thucydides. INTRODUCTION We have not

The History of Greece from Its Commencement to the Close of the

Independence ... Mar 8, 2008 adolf holm other Syrian ones had Qraeco-
Macedonian names: Chalcidice, south of Aleppo, the ci of Ohalcis, the
modem Einnesrtn, Baed. PaL 410, Chalddene, Chalds on the Lebanon, now
Andschar, Baed. Pal. 305, on the

The history of Greece : properly so called Jun 7, 2007 gast, john, 1771-
1837 it Hood was named Amphaxitis. Southward of this lay the region of
Chalcidice, fo named moil probably from a colony of Euboeans from
Chalcis, who fettled here. In this divifion was Athos, a

Cours d'histoire des états européens depuis le bouleversement de l'Empire

romain d'Occident jusqu'en 1789 Dec 18, 2014 maximilian samson
friedrich schoell impeacuteriale. 11 eacutetait aussi pousseacute agrave
cette intrigue par la jalousie que lui inspirait l'ambition de Mathieu, Gis de
Jean Cantacuzegravene, qui avait abandonneacute agrave ce jeune homme
a Chalcidice avec un pouvoir presque

Thucydides. [microf orm] Mar 15, 2013 thucydides :Corcyra and North-
Western Hellas . . . To face i, Chalcidice 33 The Athenian Empire. . . . bull
ji 5 Index of Proper Names in Text 87 I. INTRODUCTION

The History of Greece Mar 8, 2009 ernst curtius, william alfred packard
settlements, and built two-and-thirty towns in succh dcession, all of which
acknowledged Chalcis as their mother-city, and accordingly were
comprehended under the collective name of Chalcidice. The broad

The history of Greece Jun 5, 2007 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 consequence

was an open Revolt, which was joined by the many small seaports of the
Chalcidice (vol. i. p. 456), and by the Bottiaeans on the Thermsean Bay
(now the Bay of Thessalonica). Perdiccas caused

Manual of ancient geography and history Nov 6, 2007 pütz, wilhelm,

1806-1877 Thradan coast (where the whole peninsula between the
Thermaic and Strymonic gulfs had the name of Chalcidice) were thirty-
two places (Olynthus, C hale is, ampc.) all of Chalcidian origin, b. In

The history of colonization from the earliest times to the present day Aug
16, 2007 morris, henry c. (henry crittendeon), 1868- Colonial Systems on

Greece Colonization of the EubcBans in Chalcidice Western

Colonization Magna Graecia Its Cities Their History Sybaris Croton
Tarentum Thurium Poseidonia Rhegium

Sammlung: Consul Eduard Friedrich Weber+ Hamburg... Die öffentliche

... May 14, 2009 jacob hirsch . s. g. 2 Chalcidice. 4160 Chaicia (bei
Beroea). Kaiserzeit, Buumlsten des Traianus, des Hadrianus r. mit Lorbeer.
Rv: diamsA XAA | KlAeuroUumlN unten A und Bim Lorbeerkranz. B. M.
C. 1 und 7. Mm. 24 und 22. JE

The Numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Sep 27, 2009 royal numismatic society (great britain), royal numismatic
society (great britain). on its coinage a type used by its colony. It seems
probable that it was struck by Olynthus as a member of a confederation
of the towns of Chalcidice, for the general purposes of such a body. It is

The History of Greece from Its Commencement to the Close of the

Independence ... Mar 31, 2008 adolf holm the notes. XV OPERATIONS
OF PHILIP 218 During the Social War Philip had looked after his own
interests well. He had fixed his attention on the cities of Chalcidice, now
once more led by Olynthus, all

A Manual of Ancient History: From the Remotest Times to the Overthrow

of the ... Jul 13, 2009 leonhard schmitz sustained during the first fourteen
years of the war, but it was only the beginning of greater disasters. The
Spartans resolved to transfer the seat of the war to Chalcidice and the
coast of Thrace

The Times history of the war May 9, 2007 stretches right down to Central
(Ireece from Albania. Salonika is properly the centre of this geographical
district. But to the south the chain is not com- plete. Chalcidice and
Olympus are not joined

The history of colonization from the earliest times to the present day Oct
1, 2009 morris, henry crittenden, 1868- these Five Colonial Systems on
Greece Colonization of the Eubodans in Chalcidice Western
Colonization Magna Grcia Its Cities Their History Sybaris Croton
Tuntum Thurium Poseidonia

A dictionary of numismatic names : their of ficial and popular designations

Mar 16, 2016 frey, albert r. (albert romer), 1858-1926 temple of Coroneia,
which was the meeting- place of the League. This type disappears after
B.C. 288 and the League was dissolved by the Romans B.C. 146. The cities
of Chalcidice established a League B.C

A dictionary of numismatic names, their of ficial and popular designations

Nov 15, 2009 frey, albert r. (albert romer), 1858-1926 B.C. 146. The cities
of Chalcidice established a League B.C. 392 with Olynthus as
headquarters. The coinage is imiform with types relating to Apollo. It was
dissolved circa B.C. 358, when Philip II of

The history of Greece Jul 1, 2008 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896. [from old
catalog] -and-thirty towns in suc, , .,. cession, all of which acknowledged
Clialcia as their mother-city, and accordingly were comprehended under
the collective name of Chalcidice, The broad highlands of

Thucydides, book I Apr 17, 2007 thucydides on the east to the Thermaic
gulf on the west particularly Chalcidice as far as Amphipolis : chiefly in
the phrases TO tiri 0pac7)s and ot twl 0ac7js iVizXot. Cf. v. 34. 1. 12. | v

Mineralien-sammlungen ein hand- und hilfsbuch für anlage und

instandhaltung mineralogischer sammlungen Apr 16, 2015 brendler,
wolfgang Vavdhos, Halbinsel Chalcidice) Departement Var (Penouillet
beiHydres) Belgteil (Provinz Luxembuig, Ardennen: Ottres bei Stavelot a.
d. Amd Lierneux a. d. Lienne) Rhode Island (Newport): SUumldaftrika

History of the Peloponnesian War Jun 8, 2008 thucydides , the

Stagirites, the Cerameans of Caria, the Camireans of Rhodes, the
Halicarnassians, the Myrinaeans L-ci Lemnos, and the Mecybernaeans of
Chalcidice follow :scb other. After the ninth list the

The history of Greece from its commencement to the close of the

independence of the Greek nation Jun 30, 2009 holm, adolf, 1830-1900
troops. In the Cyrrhestice were the cities Beroea, Cyrrhus, Hierapolis
Bambyce. Besides this district three other Syrian ones had Graeco-
Macedonian names: Chalcidice, south of AJeppo, the city of Chalcis

Ridpath's History of the World: Being an Account of the Principal Events

in ... Sep 8, 2008 john clark ridpath found the following provinces:
Lyncestis, Stymphalia, Orestis, Elimea, Eordsea, Pieria, Bottisea, Emathia,
Mygdonia, Chalcidice, Bisaltia, and Pseonia with its subdivisions.
Lyncestis, the first of

The History of Greece Jan 28, 2008 ernst curtius , william alfred packard
joined by the many small seaports of the Chalcidice (vol. i. p. 456), and
by the Bottiseans on the Thermsean Bay (now the Bay of Thessalonica).
Perdiccas caused the Chalcidians to relinquish their

194unkngoog Sep 14, 2008 Chalcidice. R. 79 97 Gesteine von

Griechenland. R 79 921 Becker: E.: Uber Fisch- und Pflanzen-fUhrende
Mergelschiefer des Rothliegenden bei Schonau in Scblesien. R 70 512 die
Gorallen der Nattheimer

Bucolics and Georgics Feb 25, 2008 virgil, thomas leslie papillon, arthur
elam haigh Chalcidice in Macedonia. Proteus in Homer inhabits the
island of Pharos close to Egypt: his connection with Macedonia is a later
legend. 393. sint, etc, the subjunctives denote a class, ' cverything that is

Selections adapted from Xenophon, Part 1 Jan 4, 2010 xenophon

promontories of Chalcidice. Such .a confederacy would have formed an

efficient barrier against the aggressions of Macedon, and by checking the

rise of Philip might have saved the independence of Greece

A Latin reader : with references to the editor's Latin grammar, notes, and
vocabulary. By B.L. Gildersleeve Jul 29, 2008 gildersleeve, basil l. (basil
lanneau), 1831-1924 , poicer. potestas, atis, poicer, command, opportunity
potestatem facere, give opportu nity, privilege. Potidaea, city in
Chalcidice on the Thermaic Gulf potior, 4. possess one's self make
oneself master

Influences Of Geographic Environment On The Basis Of Ratzel S System

Of Anthropo Geography Dec 7, 2006 ellen churchill semple the adjacent
seas. The earlier Greek colonies, like those of the Triopium promontory
forming the south-western angle of Asia Minor, Chalcidice, the Thracian
Chersonesus, Calchedon, Byzantium, the

Two Essays On The Geography Of Ancient Asia Jan 20, 2017 williams,
john the passage of the Euphrates at Thapsacus. To the west of this line
on the Euphrates he places Alamata, Sura, and Alalis in Palmyrene, and
Athis and Barbalissus in Chalcidice. Sura, under the name of

Beeton's classical dictionary Feb 14, 2014 beeton, samuel orchart, 1831-
1877 Bceotia. Assa, as'-sa, a town of Chalcidice. sear Mount Athos. BEE
TON'S CLASSICAL DICTIONARY. 47 Assabinus Assabinus, as-sa-bi'-
nus, the Jupiter of the Arabians. Assaceni, as-sa-ce'-ni, a nation of

The history of Greece Dec 22, 2009 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 to them. The
consequence was an open Revolt, which was joined by the many small
seaports of the Chalcidice (vol. i. p. 430), and by the Bottiaeans on the
Thermaean Bay (now the Bay of Thessalonica

An ancient history for colleges and schools May 10, 2010 lord, john, 1810-
1894 , partially aroused, sent a body of mercenaries to the assistance of

Olynthus, one of the most flourishing of the cities of Chalcidice,

southeast of Macedonia. But before effective aid could be rendered, the

The history of Greece Dec 17, 2009 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 as their
mother-city, and accordingly were comprehended under the collective
name of Chalcidice. The broad highlands of Chalcidice abound in ancient
mountain-shafts, before which the heaps of dross

A handbook of Grecian antiquities Dec 31, 2007 bojesen, e.f coasts of

Italy (of these the most ancient was Cumce), and to Sicily, and also to the
coasts of Thrace and Macedonia (Chalcidice). We find Doric settlements
in Sicily as Syracuse (a Corinthian colony

A Handbook of Grecian and Roman Antiquities Sep 26, 2008 ernst

frederik christian bojesen to the coasts of Thrace and Macedonia
(Chalcidice). We find Doric settlements in Sicily as Syracuse (a
Corinthian colony founded probably b.c. 734), B Gela (about 689), and
Agrigentuip: on the

The Numismatic Chronicle May 29, 2008 royal numismatic society (great
britain) labyrinth of the Maeander pattern, with the inscription
KNI2XION. 8. J. Friedlaender. Sermyle. Of this city in Chalcidice, at the
head of the Toronaic, or Sermylic, gulf, no coins were hitherto known

The Princeton Theological Review Nov 10, 2016 armstrong, william park,
1874- comp colony. In this way the Greeks carried their colonies
northward to Chalcidice and on both shores of the Euxine, southwards to
Cyprus and the northern shore of Africa (Libya). The Greeks knocked

Cyclopedia universal history : embracing the most complete and recent

presentation of the subject in two principal parts or divisions of more than
six thousand pages Jul 1, 2010 ridpath, john clark, 1840-1900 , Bottisea,
Emathia, Mygdonia, Chalcidice, Bisaltia, and Pseonia with its

subdivisions. Lyncestis, the first of these districts lay to the west, next to
Illyria, from which it was divided by the Bernus

The history of Herodotus. A new English version, ed. with copious notes
and appendices, illustrating the history and geography of Herodotus, from
the most recent sources of information and embodying the chief results,
historical and ethnographical, which have been obtained in the progress of
cuneiform and hieroglyphical discovery Jul 1, 2008 herodotus clearly the
Capsa of Stephen, which he calls a town of Chalcidice', near Palleno,
situated on the Thermaic Gulf (ad voc. Kappaάpsialpha).Crusis or Crussea
is the name more commonly given to this district (see

The history of Greece from its commencement to the close of the

independence of the Greek nation Jun 23, 2008 holm, adolf, 1830-1900
other Syrian ones had Graeco-Macedonian names : Chalcidice, south of
Aleppo, the city of Chalcis, the modern Kinnesrin, Baed. Pal. 410,
Chalcidene, Chalcis on the Lebanon, now Andschar, Baed. Pal. 305

Transactions of the Entomological Society of London May 22, 2009 royal

entomological society of london ) whilst none of the Ichncnmonidce, I
believe, are known to be otherwise than parasitic on other insects. 50 Prof
. West wood on insects infesting the Mr. Walker, in his ' Notes on
Chalcidice' (as he terms

Selected Writings of Ellen Churchill Semple Jul 24, 2016 ellen churchill
semple highway of the Mediterranean and the adjacent seas. The earlier
Greek colonies, like those of the Triopium promontory forming the south-
western angle of Asia Minor, Chalcidice, the Thracian Chersonesus

History Of Modern Europe 1826 1878 Vol Iii Jan 19, 2017 fyffe c a
Chalcidice, on the Macedonian coast, where the promontory of Athos
and the two parallel peninsulas run out Chalcidice gaean, and a Greek
population, clearly severed from the Slavic inhabitants of the

The English Works Of Thomas Hobbes Vol IX Nov 12, 2006

molesworth,sir william. , in Thessaly, i. 14: in Chalcidice, i. 486.
ARKISSA, in Macedonia, i. 512. ARRHIANA, ii 432. ARRIIIBJEUS,
king of the Lynkestreg, i 464, 466 attacked by Brasidas and Pordiccas, i
5O6. ARSACES, ii. 435

The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury Oct 18, 2008

thomas ( hobbes '' by sea unseen of the Athenian guard and staying deglt
7 ', ~, 1 bull J 1 bull bull Chalcidice, slew amongst the Chalcideans,
amongst other actions of certainof thecity the war', laid

Lehrbuch der Geographie ¬3. ¬Cursus, Vergleichende Darstellung der

alten, mittleren und neuen Geographie ein Lehrbuch für die obersten
Gymnasialklassen Feb 1, 2015 wilhelm friedrich volger Thracica), bie
gropc unb bic brci fidnertn SDJasebonifcen Jampalbinfeln Acte,
Chalcidice, Sithona, Pallenei tHorea (Peloponnesus). tlTecrbufen: oon
Sacoumllaquo (S. Melas), Contcffa (Strymonicus), ITTontc

Time In Ancient Greek Literature Jun 29, 2015 Thracian region 'as one has
crossed (huperbanti) Mt Haemus' (2.96.1) his description (itself matched
in Athenian administrative documents) of the Chalcidice peninsula and
the Greek cities along the

The history of Herodotus. A new English version Dec 21, 2011 herodotus
Hecataeus (Fr. 118-9). Of Combreia and Lisa? there is no other notice.
Campsa is clearly the Capsa of Stephen, which he calls a town of
Chalcidice, near Pallene, situated on the Thermaic Gulf (advoc

The history of Greece Mar 8, 2009 ernst curtius, adolphus william ward,
william alfred packard Chalcidice (vol. i. p. 456), and by the Bottinans on
the Thermsean Bay (now the Bay of Thessalonica). Perdiccas caused the
Chalcidians to relinquish their ports, which could not be singly maintained

Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece, during the middle of the

fourth century before the Christian æra Jul 11, 2009 barthélemy, j.-j. (jean-
jacques), 1716-1795 the dominions of Philip, in maritime Thrace, a
country called Chalcidice extends along the fea-(hore, where formerly
fettled fevcral Greek colonies, of which theprincipal is Olynthus a ftrong

The English Works Of Thomas Hobbes Vol III Nov 11, 2006
molesworth,sir william. settle their business , and unseen Of thlt make the
best of their affairs abroad, he got out Athemans- by sea unseen of the
Athenian guard and staying Antl yg laquo J ,,11.1 i bullChalcidice, slev

Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der alten, mittleren und neuen Geographie,

von F.H.T. Bischof f und J.H ... Mar 29, 2008 friedrich heinrich t . bischof
f, johann heinrich möller tJbon, Plin. IV,10gt4orotftoon, Amqt amp009,
llerodot. \11, 22 cf. Thncyd. 11 St. in Chalcidice, auf dem szligerge
Atlampoi nordwestl. von Apollonia. AcroceraunlOy Plin. 111,23 cr c
teraunii Montes Plin

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie Feb 3, 2015

.: Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice 97 Gesteine von Griechenland 921
Behrens, G.: Ueber die Kreideablagerungen auf der Insel Wollin 186
Beitraumlge zur geologischen Karte der Schweiz 98 Benecke, E. Vf

Numismata hellenica: a catalogue of Greek coins with notes, a map, and

index Dec 13, 2007 Leake, william martin, 1777-1860 vicinity to the
argentiferous district of Chalcidice. Some remains of Acanthus are still
to be seen on the shore of the Strymonic Gulf for a description of which,
ride Travels in Northern Greece, ii

A system of ancient and mediæval geography for the use of schools and
colleges Aug 10, 2008 anthon, charles, 1797-1867 -which is more to the
east than that of Langaza. According to Thucydides, this lake emptied its
waters into the sea near Anion and Bormiscus, both belonging to
Chalcidice. Stephanus mentions a town as

A System of Ancient and Mediaeval Geography for the Use of Schools

and Colleges Jul 5, 2008 charles anthon were between 11lyris Graca and
Macedonia, The modern name is Grasta VI. MoNS Athos, a mountain in
the district of Chalcidice, aiid situate on a peninsula called Acte, between
the Sinus Strymonicus

A system of ancient and mediæval geography for the use of schools and
colleges Aug 10, 2008 anthon, charles, 1797-1867 they formed a new
settlement with the Chalcidians, another peote of Thracian origin,
occupying the country of Chalcidice, and along wit] them were engaged
in hostilities with the Athenians, who held

Syrie ancienne et moderne histoire et description de tous les peuples, de

leurs religions, moeurs, coutumes, industries, etc par m. Jean Yanoski ... et
par m. Jules David Apr 10, 2016 jean yanosky preacuteceacutedente. Cette
petite province avoisinait la mer. acircdeg La Chalcidice (XxXxt Jucticirc)
eacutetait situeacutee agrave l'est de la Sfleuciile. 6deg La Chalyboiiitide s
agrave l'orient encore, s'eacutetendait, dans le

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie May 28,

2016 des Cyanits. Mit 1 Taf. (Mineral. Mittheil. 2. Zeitschr. d. Deutsch,
geolog. Gesellscb. XXX. 2.)F. Becke: Gesteine von der Halbinsel
Chalcidice. (A. d. LXXV1I. Bde. d. Sitzb. d. k. Akad. d

Ancient History Of The World Vol.-ii Jan 16, 2017 clare, israel smith
Perdiccas, King of Mace- don, in inciting. Revolts among the Athenian
tributaries in the Chalcidic peninsulas. Thus the Corinthians incited the
Revolt of Potidaea, a town in Chalcidice, near the

The Historians History Of The World-vol-xiv Jan 19, 2017 london: the
times. Olynthians strove more and more vigorously to assert the authority
of the league. They had succeeded in persuading nearly all the cities of
the Chalcidice to join their confederacy they had pushed forward

Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography Jan 30, 2016 smith, william,
sir, 1813-1893, ed . Alvcitbs, Andri), a town of Chalcidice in Macedonia,
said to have been founded by Aeneas, was situated, according to Livy,
opposite Pydna, ami 15 miles from ThcsSalonica. It appears to have stood
on the

Grand dictionnaire de la langue latine, sur un nouveau plan Jan 23, 2013
freund, william, 1806-1894 d'Osiris ct un bois sacre, tyj dxdvOri Tri.
Acanthus, i, Pin. IV, 10. AxavOo, Herodot. VII, n5, 121, 122 Tliucyd. V.
Marcian. Heracleot. v. sitttee snr la cdte dc ta Chalcidice, en

A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology

and ... Jan 9, 2011 sir william smith, charles anthon (Aivaa: Alvtieii,
Alvci6rrft\ a town in Chalcidice, on the Thermaio Gulf{2. jEnSa Vbtos,
a city near the Aohelous, in Aoarnania, in Strabo's time destroyed: further
south was JEnia Nova, now m ruins

Wycliffe - Historical Geography of Bible Lands Jun 9, 2012 wycliffe can

see the mainland of Macedonia and Mount Athos at the end of the
nearest of the three peninsulas of Chalcidice to the southwest.
SamoThrace. SamoThrace is a small island of only sixty-eight square

Herodotus. Muzen Jul 1, 2015 , tegenw. Santo, aan de uiterste spits van het
schiereiland Chalcidice. 2) Aan de Z. punt van de Thracische
Chersonesus gelegen. 3) Zie voor dezen 5, 21 en 8, 136. 4) Zie c. 117. 5)
Liggend ten N.O

A History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest :

with ... Jul 13, 2009 william smith , george washington greene and Sparta
TO SICILY. f 1. League of Argos, Corinth, Elea, Mantinea, and

A History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest,

with Supplementary Chapters ... Sep 26, 2008 sir william smith were
chiefly founded by ChaJcis and Eretria in Eubtea and the peninsula of
Chalcidice, with its three projecting headlands, was covered with their
selHemenfa, and derived its name :yG00g[c 118 OF

Hellenic civilization Jun 6, 2007 botsford, george willis, 1862-1917

operating in Chalcidice and Thrace. 2 The great plague described by
Thucydides ii. 47-53. 3 Cleon, killed in battle with Brasidas in 422, hence
a dweller with Hermes in the realm of Hades. 4 Theywere

Outlines of Universal History Jun 2, 2008 george park fisher colonized by

Corinth (about 700 B.C.). Along the coast of Epirus were other Coiinlhian
and Corcyrzan settlement. Chalcis planted towns in the peninsula d
Chalcidice, and from thence to Stlymhria (or

A Study of History Vol Iii an 17, 2017 toynbee arnold j date the colonial
city-states in Chalcidice were abreast of the general Hellenic city-state
culture of their day but lacked the supra-city-state scale. It was to be a race
between the two com- X For an

Der Eudämonismus in der griechischen Philosophie : Erste Abhandlung:

Vorsokratiker, Demokrit, Sokrates Jan 18, 2011 heinze, max, 1835-1909
erst bei Plinius belest werden koumlnnen l. 1) Uumlber die orientalische
Abkunft dieses Wortes vgl. Westeinuiniis Monatshefte No. 28 der 3. Serie
S. 395. 2) Vgl. auch langa, laiigurus, Chalcidice

The World's story : a history of the world in story, song, and art Oct 23,
2009 ploetz, karl julius, 1819-1881 partly on the peninsula Chalcidice,
partly in Crete, and partly on the coast of Mysia the Minyce from lolcos,
and Orchomeuos occupied Lemnos, Irabros, SamoThrace. More
important were the 1000-900

Lehrbuch der griechischen Antiquitäten Apr 9, 2009 karl friedrich hermann

(CoIoiiien gegruumlndet waren, die, ganEc Hatbin8laquol.BwislaquojKeil
tdein Iher maischen und strymonischen Busen aHniaumlfalig diih''Namen
Chalcidice ) erhielt deren zwei i|pd dreisig Orte ) fitttes einen

Aristotle's researches in natural science Apr 9, 2009 lones, thomas east .

iii. c. 10, s. 9. sect Geogr. x. c. 1, s. 14. II De Nat. Anim. viii. 21. AND
THEIR FUNCTIONS. 135 Chalcidice. He also says that in Astyra and
Antandria are two rivers, of which one makes sheep

Greece, from the Coming of the Hellenes to A. D. 14 Mar 4, 2009 evelyn

shirley shuckburgh making an alliance with Olynthus he secured himself
against opposition from Chalcidice. These proceedings would naturally
have aroused enmity in Greece. But Sparta, weakened and humiliated, held
aloof for

Syllabus for secondary schools, 1905 ... May 21, 2013 university of the
state of new york : Agesilaus. (1) Persian: Anabasis Antalcidas. (2)
Domestic: Peloponnesus, Chalcidice, new Athenian league, Leuctra. c
Estimate of Spartan power, and reasons for her failure to secure

Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie May 12, 2009 société

royale de numismatique de belgique. [from old catalog]
DieKiinstlerinschriftenf etc : AIH. Meacutetaponte et Teacuterina (aussi
APH ou ADH). A.M. Teacutetradrachme de Chalcidice. Digitizec! by
Google )52 APISTH. Meacutetaponte. APX. Drachme de Seacuteleucus
(deacutejagrave contesteacutee par A. von Sallet

Syluestri Aldobrandini ... In primum Institutionum Iustiniani librum,

annotationes Feb 24, 2016 silvestro aldobrandini : Danaus quinquaginta
filias t Aegiftus totidefilios:Combe,cuinomc Chaiddi, centum enixa
eft:Vnde prouerbiu, tan Chalcidice peperit nobis vxorlufiinus ampC
Troguslibro.xxxix.refert Hierotymum centos ex

Apology of Socrates and Crito: Edited on the Basis of Cron's Edition Feb
21, 2009 Plato Chalcidice, which became a tributary ally of Athens
without wholly abandoning its earlier connexion with Corinth. Perdiccas,
king of Macedonia, took adrantage of this diyided allegiance to persuade

The alphabet : an account of the origin and development of letters Nov

14, 2007 taylor, isaac, 1829-1901 , Massilia and Nicaea in Gaul were from
the Asiatic Phocaea Naxos, Leontini, Catana, Messana, Mylae, and
Himera in Sicily, Cumae and Neapolis in Campania, and Chalcidice in
Thrace were founded by the

The geography of Strabo. With an English translation by Horace Leonard

Jones. Based in part upon the unfinished version of John Robert Sitlington
Sterrett Jan 16, 2008 strabo , was a native of Apameia. 11. Bordering on
the country of the Apameians, on the east, is the Paropotamia, as it is
called, of the Arabian chieftains, as also Chalcidice, which extends down

Aristotle's researches in natural science Aug 31, 2006 lones, thomas east .
112. | H. A. i'ii. c. 10, s. 9. sect Geogr. x. c. .1, s. 14. I! De Nat. Anim. viii.
21, AND THEIR FUNCTIONS. 135 Chalcidice. He also says that in
Astyra and Antandria are two rivers, of which one

Apology Of Socrates And Crito: With Extracts from the Phaedo and
Symposium and from Xenophon's Memorabilia Feb 14, 2014 Plato . The
generals were elected by show of hands (xeiporovla) by the
eKKkr)(TLCLltjTal. 3. Iv IIoTeuroi.8aia kt\. : Potidaea, a Corinthian
colony on the peninsula Chalcidice, became a tributary ally of Athens

Phoenicia Nov 5, 2010 rawlinson, george, 1812-1902 Greek mainland,

either in Chalcidice or in the region about Thebes, may perhaps be
questioned. An inland position like that of Thebes is scarcely likely to have
attrActed them and perhaps the

Articles on antiquity in Festschriften, an index the ancient Near East, the

Old Testament, Greece, Rome, Roman law, Byzantium. May 11, 2012
rounds, dorothy. Mc 16.933c Chajes, Hirsch Perez rimrp 1BD Harkavy
105-111 (Heb.) Chalcedon: see Thrasymachus Chalchidicum, and Minerva
Chalcidica (Lundstrom) P. Persson 369-382 Chalcidice: see also Mende

Die griechischen Münzen der Sammlung Warren Jan 28, 2016 regling, kurt
vertieften, wie Windmuumlhlfluumlgel gestellten Dreiecken gebildet. S.
12 mm. 2,80 g. Euboumlischer Tetrobol. Anfang des 5. Jahrh. v. C.
CHALCIDICE. von Nr. 561 an sind von dem 392 gegruumlndeten, von
Philippos II 34

Epitome of ancient, mediæval, and modern history Jul 22, 2009 ploetz,
karl julius, 1819-1881 following places are to be noted: Pydna, PeUa, the
royal residence since the reign of Archelaus (formerly gae or Edessa
enjoyed this distinction). On the peninsula Chalcidice:

The Classical Gazetteer: A Dictionary of Ancient Geography, Sacred and

Prof ane Jul 30, 2008 william hazlitt ins. lApari. LipXreje ins., i. q. jEolise.
LiPAXUs, a town of Chalcidice, Macedonia, on Thermaicus sin., bet.
Combria and Potidee a. LiPORis fl., a r. of Cilida Campestris, falling into
the sea at Soli

The history of the Peloponnesian War Jul 10, 2008 thucydides Arnai in
Chalcidice. Having arrived about dusk at Anion and IJromiscus, where tho
lake 13olbo emptier itself tho sea, and there supped, he proceeded
during tho night. The weather was stormy

The Greek orators Dec 8, 2009 dobson, j. f. (john frederic), 1875-1947

cavalry to Philip for that by so doing he caused the ruin of the people of
Chalcidice for that after the capture of Olynthus he Acted as assessor at
the sale of the prisoners for that he worked

The Babylonian Woe Aug 10, 2007 david astle Gyrene, Chalcidice, and
South Russia, Rostovtsev points out that the South Russian market, the
most important of all, was closing due to local manufactures, and in the
fourth century, Attic and Ionian

A short course of history Aug 9, 2008 havilland le mesurier chepmell in

Chalcidice and Macedon with Olynthus, and they took up arms against it.
After a sharp struggle, which lasted three years, the confederacy was
broken up, b. c. 379. At the outset of the war, b.c

The Numismatic Chronicle Mar 24, 2008 royal numismatic society (great
britain) eye on Syracusan coins introduction of teliishc8 limited to middle
of fifth century. AJ. Evans, Jlcr, Arch., xxxii. (1898), p. 348 f.
MISCELLANEA. 327 Macedon. Chalcidice ?M rev. Agon

Commercial geography an intermediate text-book Oct 23, 2009 curr,

alexander l gean on either side of the three-pronged peninsula of
Chalcidice. The chief northern valley is that of the Morava, joining the
Danube near Belgrade. 212. The deforested western highlands are bare

The world's greatest books Apr 29, 2008 northcliffe, alfred harmsworth,
viscount, 1865-1922 alliance with Perdiccas of Macedon, with the hope
of stirring the cities of Chalcidice to throw of if the Athenian yoke and
the democrats of Boeotia intrigued with Athens to assist in a general

Thucydidis I-[II] Apr 3, 2007 thucydides rjneTtpots % 3, i]fj.lt3igt sect 4,

TJMV ye 70, I. sect 3. ws OUK eiSof fi: this dative does not materially
differ from ws irpos OVK e56ras. sect 4. TCI ?ri Qpq.Kigt)s: a district
embracing Chalcidice with its three

Livy, Book I. Apr 23, 2008 livy Chalcidice (Livy 40. 4, 9), Capyae in
Arcadia (Dion. i. 49), poundtis and Aphrodisias in Laconia (Pans. 3. 22, 2),
Egesta and Eryx in Sicily (Cic. Verr. 4. 33 Thuc. 6. 2), and of whom there
were traces in many

St. Paul: his life, his work, and his writings May 15, 2008 william henry
davenport adams regard them as the remains of the temple of Minerva
Chalcidice. THE ROMAN BASILICAS. 229 stood the triumphal Arch of
Fabius, the conqueror of the Allobroges. Observe, too, as one of the

Livy, books I-X Nov 10, 2009 livy Aeneas who is said to have founded.
Aenus in Thrace (Virg. Aen. 3. 18), Aenea in Chalcidice (Livy 40. 4,9),
Capyae in Arcadia (Dion. i. 49), Etis and Aphrodisias in Laconia (Pans. 3.
22, 2), Egesta and

The Journal of Philology ... Jun 8, 2008 william george clark , william
aldis wright , ingram bywater, john eyton bickersteth mayor , henry jackson
common to Thrace and the Troad and yet further west the town Aeneia in
Chalcidice. Southwest of Thessaly we find the Alvidve, or as Pliny (.4. 6)
calls them, the Aenienses on the coast of lUyricum

The Student's Manual of Ancient Geography Feb 5, 2009 william latham

bevan , william smith , stood on thf sea D,g,r,z-i b, Google Cuir. X.
lOWNS. 185 Of the less important ton'na we nay brieSy noticeduldl, the
capital of Chalcidice, S.fel. of Antioch Chalybon, or Boos ( was named

The history of the Peloponnesian War according to the text of L. Dindorf

Jan 25, 2008 thucydides , although the original Chalcidice was far more
restricted in its limits. The Bottia3ans, after Olynthus passed into the
hands of the Chalcidians (through the instrumentality of Artabazus, who
subjected it

Notes on Herodotus: Original and Selected from the Best Commentators

Aug 21, 2008 dawson william turner sect 606, obs. 2, ed in li. 95, a, c,
Avautpov ... opoQA mt of Macedonia, between Chalcidice and
Odomantice. Smith's C. D. tlvai kv M. cf. Jelf, sect 804, 6. Ch. XVIII.a,
dwb itiTcvov, after supper

The ancient world from the earliest times to 800 A.D [microf orm] Mar 15,
2013 west, willis m. (willis mason), b. 1857 . Thus, Arcadia had shown
signs of growing strength but Sparta now broke up the leading city,
Mantinea, and dispersed the inhabitants in villages. In Chalcidice, the city
of Olynthus had organized

A Companion To Homer Jan 16, 2017 stubbings, frank h., ed. Thermaic
Gulf. Two shores of the Gulf are Mediterranean in climate : the
promontories of Chalcidice and the coastal zone of Pieria. The former is
rich in olives, fruit, and timber suitable for ship

A treatise on government Jan 11, 2007 Aristotle INTRODUCTION.

STAGEIRA, the birthplace of Aristotle, was a town of Chalcidice in
Macedonia, whose remains are probably to be seen in old Hellenic
masonry about the village of Nizoro on the south side of a

Secrets of the Balkans seven years of a diplomatist's life in the storm

centre of Europe Aug 24, 2009 vopicka, charles j., 1857- [from old
catalog] after the fall of Plevna, the Serbians also joined. Turkey was
forced to capitulate, and Bulgaria was declared an independent state, with
territory located between Constantinople, Adrianople, Chalcidice

Almanach für das Jahr ... Jul 6, 2008 österreichische akademie der
wissenschaften , Vergleichende Anatomie der Samen von Vicia und
Ermm, (Mit 2 Tafeln.) Becka, Ueber die Bahn des Kometen II im Jahre
1873. Becke, Gesteine von der Halbinsel Chalcidice. Benedikt, Ueber

Plutarch's Nicias and Alcibiades Jul 28, 2008 plutarch they had to make
restoration first immediately released their prisoners, and sending three
envoys to Chalcidice, commanded Clearidas to deliver up Amphipolis to
the Athenians(Thuc, v. 21, 1). The

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) furnished by the
federal town series of the Peloponnesus. These coins are rude when
compared with those masterpieces of art, the tetradrachms of federal
Chalcidice, or of Amphipolis while the League coinage

A treatise on government Jan 11, 2007 Aristotle INTRODUCTION.

STAGEIRA, the birthplace of Aristotle, was a town of Chalcidice in
Macedonia, whose remains are probably to be seen in old Hellenic
masonry about the village of Nizoro on the south side of a

Secrets of the Balkans seven years of a diplomatist's life in the storm

centre of Europe Aug 24, 2009 vopicka, charles j., 1857- [from old
catalog] after the fall of Plevna, the Serbians also joined. Turkey was
forced to capitulate, and Bulgaria was declared an independent state, with
territory located between Constantinople, Adrianople, Chalcidice

Almanach für das Jahr ... Jul 6, 2008 österreichische akademie der
wissenschaften , Vergleichende Anatomie der Samen von Vicia und
Ermm, (Mit 2 Tafeln.) Becka, Ueber die Bahn des Kometen II im Jahre
1873. Becke, Gesteine von der Halbinsel Chalcidice. Benedikt, Ueber

The poetical works of William Drummond of Hawthornden, with À

cypresse grove' Apr 11, 2013 drummond, william, 1585-1649 mountainous
peninsula, also called Acte, which projects from Chalcidice in
Macedonia. At its extremity it rises to the height of 6349 eet1. 189. More
= Moor : black' 1. 199. yce-sheekle

The world's orators : comprising the great orations of the world's history,
with introductory essays, biographical sketches and critical notes Apr 15,
2009 lee, guy carleton, 1862-1936 Olynthus (349-348 b.c.) plead the cause
of the great city which, with its confederacy of thirty-two towns, Philip
destroyed in 348 b.c. In 349 B.C. Philip entered Chalcidice, and besieged
some of the

The Background of Astronomy Dec 26, 2011 henry c. king the Greek
colony in Chalcidice and the pupil of Plato at the Academy, attempted to
combine the oversimplified aesthetic system of Plato with the main
features of the geometrical model of Eudoxus

Annales de la Société géologique du Nord Feb 21, 2009 société géologique

du nord (lille, france) , deulsch. geol. Ges., Bd. XXA'III. 1876. p. 248 (3)
F. Becke : Die Gesteine d. Halbi. Chalcidice. Tscher. m. p. H. 1878. p.
2l8-250laquo W Sauer : Erlaucircl. z. seclion Kupferberg d. geol. Karl. d.
K. Sachsen

Francisci Winiewski ... commentarii historici et chronologici in

Demosthenis orationem de corona Jan 1, 2015 franz winiewski
Atheniensibus vi surripuit, ut ea Olynthiorum sibi fidem societatemque
conciliarett Olynthus, urbs, in Chalcidice Pydna tempore belli
Peloponnes. Macedonum urbs fuit. Thuc

Byzantine Architecture And Decoration Jan 20, 2017 j. arnott hamilton

projection of Chalcidice. In the following century Athanasius the Athonite
founded the original community of Lavra beneath the shadow of its
mountain on its south-eastern shore. Other monasteries

Thirteen satires of Juvenal Apr 1, 2008 juvenal cups.' Philip of Macedon

and his gold are famoulf lynthus in Chalcidice was besiered by Philip b.c.
348, and taklP through the treachery of two of the inhabitants, whose
8ervi(res heV

The Satires of Juvenal Apr 5, 2011 juvenal

ihecatlidusonptor Olynthiis,of couTampe,mea.Tit Philip of Macedon,
who gained possession of Olynthus, in Chalcidice, through the
treacherous venality of two of its inhahitants, Lasthenes and Euthycrates.

The greek orators Oct 31, 2009 dobson, j. f. (john frederic), 1875-1947
interests of Philip for that, having been appointed a cavalry-leader, he
betrayed the Olynthian cavalry to Philip for that by so doing he caused
the ruin of the people of Chalcidice for that after

A history syllabus for secondary schools, outlining the four years' course
in history recomMended by the committee of seven of the American
historical association Jun 21, 2009 new england history teachers'
association. [from old catalog] : Peloponnesus, Chalcidice, New Athenian
League, Leuctra. Botsford, Greece, 261274. Sankey, 146-156 (Chalcidic
League). West, 202-209. Holm, III, 1-14, 63-70, 74-81, 84-91. Oman,
417436, 450-468 (for details

Excerpta e carminibus Catulli, Tibulli, Propertii, et Ovidii = Selections

from the poems of Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius and Ovid Jul 10, 2008
catullus, gaius valerius. selections. 1864 illustrious friends Augustus and
Maecenas. 37. Phlegrs Bos, sc. campos,The headland of Pallene in
Chalcidice, where the gods and Titans fought...dLiiptiafo pectore.
Callimachus had not breath enough

New Directions In Urban Geography Vol-one Jan 15, 2017 yadav, c.s.
Capuano slightly to right of Middle, the cathedr were each incorporated
market-place along the slope an extent of its on the Chalcidice
peninsula, is the rectangular stone housing preserved 120

Colony And Mother City In Ancient Greece Nov 1, 2006 a.j. graham
Cephisophon, 79-81 Cerasus, 201, 209 Chaeronea, Battle of 80
Chalcidians in Thrace, i83 73, 76 Ghalcidian Ware, 18 n. Chalcidice,
34 n. Chalcis, Chalcidian, 16, 18, 76, 104 f, 113, 221 and Athens, 54,

The Works Of Lucian Of Samosata Volume.iii -(1905) Jan 16, 2017

h.w.fowler about the setting of tlic Pleiads, bound for Athens, Math a

miscellaneous shipload of passengers, among whom were Euthydicus

and his comrade Damon, also of Chalcidice They were of about the
same age

Outlines of universal history, designed as a text-book and for private

reading Feb 1, 2011 fisher, george park, 1827- [from old catalog]
Corcyraean settlements. Chalcis planted towns in the peninsula of
Chalcidice, and from thence to Selymbria (or Byzantium), which was
founded by Megara (657 B.C.). The northern shores of the .lt1Lgean and

The Alphabet: An Account of the Origin and Development of Letters Feb

11, 2008 isaac. taylor , Messana, Mylae, and Himera in Sicily, Cumae and
Neapolis in Campania, and Chalcidice in Thrace were founded by the
Euboean cities of ' The Iberian and Gaulish alphabets are very imperfectly
known. They

Apology of Socrates and Crito: Edited on the Basis of Cron's Edition Mar
22, 2008 Plato, louis dyer Tovla) and their electors were the iic
K\n(na(TTtd. Cf. 25 a. 3. iv IloriSaCf . . . At)XCltp : Fotidaea, a
Corinthian colony on the peninsula Chalcidice, which became a tributary
ally of Athens

Staatsrecht der unterthanen der Römer Nach den quellen bearb Feb 3, 2015
johann christian wilhelm august hopfensack Granncolaquo matae,
Mammissaea, Nazerini, Paneas nnd'Tralaquo chonitis nahmhaft macht.
Von den Koumlnigreichen Com magene nnd, Chalcidice, ao wie Ton den
palaumlstini sehen Furstenthuumlmern des herodianischen

Notes on Herodotus : original and selected from the best commentators Apr
23, 2007 turner, dawson william, 1815-1885 ... ovpoeA mt of Macedonia,
between Chalcidice and Odomantice. Smith's C. D. tlvai tv M. cf. Jelf, sect
804, 6. CH. XVIII.a. airb Siiirvov, after supper. Cf. Jelf, sect 620, 2, ed in
vi. 129, b

Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie May 20, 2008 société

royale de numismatique de belgique ' Alf. von
SalleTjDieKucircnstlerinschrifteny etc.: AIH. Meacutetaponte et
Teacuterina (aussi APH ou ADH). A.M. Teacutetradrachme de
Chalcidice. l52 API2TH. Meacutetaponte. APX. Drachme de
Seacuteleucus (deacutejagrave contesteacutee par A. von

L 012 Euripides I Ion Hippolytus Medea Alcestis Dec 10, 2013 this : A
surge of war 'twixt Athens rose and them That in Euboea hold Chalcidice
60 Then on their side he fought, and smote their foes, And for his guerdon
won Creusa's hand An alien, yet Achaean

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) that of the coins of
Chalcidice, it seems possible that it may have been current in that district.
If, however, I have at all made out my case, and it be granted that the
denomination of a coin may

A History Syllabus for Secondary Schools: Outlining the Four Years'

Course in History ... May 30, 2009 new england history teachers'
association - Source: Plutarch, Lysander. b. Wars: Agesilaus. (i) Persian:
Anabasis Antalcidas. (2) Domestic: Peloponnesus, Chalcidice, New
Athenian League, Leuctra. Botsford, Greece, 261274. Sankey, 146-156

Ancient civilization a textbook for secondary schools May 15, 2008 ashley,
roscoe lewis, b. 1872 he geography of Greece ? How did the geography
influence the people ? Point out on the map : Sparta, Argolis, Olympia,
Corinth, gina, Salamis, Plataea, Thebes, Euboea, Thessaly, Chalcidice,

Thucydides The Peloponnesian War Volume Two Jan 18, 2017 david
grene , 527 Chalcidice, 274 Chalcidique cities, 207, 243 Chalcioeca,
goddess of , 77 Chalcis, 62, 138, 274, 378, 459, 560 Chaonians, 128, 135-
37 Qiaradnim, 351 Chardnus, 103 Charides, the son of ApoUodorus, 453

The Journal of Philology ... Apr 21, 2008 william george clark , william
aldis wright , ingram bywater, john eyton bickersteth mayor , henry jackson
Strabo's remark that there were many names common to Thrace and the
Troad and yet further west the town Aeneia in Chalcidice. Southwest of
Thessaly we find the Alvcdve, or as Pliny (4. 6) callsf them

Apology of Socrates and Crito : with extracts from the Phaedo and
Symposium and from Xenophon's Memorabilia Jun 13, 2011 Plato , of
which they were a sort of committee. The generals were elected by show
of hands {xeiporovla) by the iKK\7]cna(XTai. 3. eurov IIoTeiSaia ktX. :
Potidaea, a Corinthian colony on the peninsula Chalcidice

An Introduction to the Study of Grecian and Roman Geography May 31,

2009 george long, robley dunglison the Thermaic, now tiie bay of
Saloniki, is a peninsula which was known by the general appellation of
Chalcidice. The southern part of it is divided into three smaller
peninsulas, Athos, Sithonia and

The Journal of philology Apr 26, 2009 william george clark, john eyton
bickersteth mayor, william aldis wright, ingram bywater, henry jackson,
heathcote william garrod Aeneia in Chalcidice. Southwest of Thessaly
we find the AlvirSveii or as Pliny (4. 6) calls them, the Aenienses on the
coast of lUyricum was a town called Aenona, reminding us in the
termination of its

Secrets of the Balkans May 28, 2008 vopicka, charles j., 1857-1935 an
independent state, with territory located between Constantinople,
Adrianople, Chalcidice and Salonika. King Carol of Roimaxia EARLY
HISTORY OF BALKAN NATIONS 11 But again there was

Phœnicia Dec 8, 2011 george rawlinson . Whether they also occupied the
Greek mainland, either in Chalcidice or in the region about Thebes, may
perhaps be questioned. An inland position like that of Thebes is scarcely,
likely to have

A view of ancient geography and ancient history. Accompanied with an

atlas of ten select maps, calculated for the use of seminaries, c Jan 24,
2008 mayo, robert, 1784-1864 , Chalcidice, Cyr- 3 1 rhestica, Palmyrene,
et sect. j Phoenice.Syri, Phoe-t.neci et Nazanni. mT 2f Judaea, Samaria, f
2-J Galiljca, ampPera?a.~Phi. ? (listaeiy vel Allophyli, MESOPQ.? 1.

Two essays on the geography of ancient Asia intended partly to illustrate

the campaigns of Alexander, and the Anabasis of Xenophon Mar 18, 2014
williams, john, 1792-1858 line on the Euphrates he places Alamata, Sura,
and Alalis in Palmyren, and Athis and Barbalissus in Chalcidice. Sura,
under the name of Flavia Firma Sura, was a spot of great importance in
the later

The story of the greatest nations, from the dawn of history to the twentieth
century : a comprehensive history, founded upon the leading authorities,
including a complete chronology of the world, and a pronouncing
vocabulary of each nation Nov 14, 2008 ellis, edward sylvester, 1840-1916
captured one of them in Chalcidice, Olynthus awoke to its danger and
sent envoys to Athens to beg for help. It was on this occasion that
Demosthenes delivered his three Olynthiac orations, in which with

The spirit of the East Apr 3, 2008 Urquhart, david, 1805-1877 I have
seen fragments of it also on Mount Olympus I have seen it again in situ in
the mountains of Chalcidice and again in fragments in the island of
Sciathos. In speaking of the quarries of

Cours d'histoire des états européens : depuis le bouleversement de l'empire

romain d'occident jusqu'en 1789 Jan 10, 2015 schoell, frédéric, 1766-1833
il perlaquo sisia tonjours agrave demander qu'on lui remit les places de la
Chalcidice avec Andriuople , dont la ganiisoii eacutetait sous ks ordres de
Mathieu Cantacuaegravene. Le vieil empereur a'ayuit pas
deacutefeacutereacute agrave ec

The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies, and Conquests: From the ...
Jun 30, 2009 john gillies of Potidaea, a colony of Corinth, and governed
Ijy annual magiftrates fent from the mother-country, yet like mof t
eftablifhments in the Chalcidice, a tiributary confederate of A ths, likewife

Zeitschrift für Numismatik May 19, 2008 Namen. AyxiOxoQy

SilbermuumlDze von Ephesos K. Muumlnzkab. liifvixagy EIII ANNIKA
Tetradrachmon von Chalcidice in der Sammlung des Herrn
Guumlterbock. eayoQag, Rhodus Mionnet S. VI 593. JijaivoQj

Armenian bondage and carnage being the story of Christian martyrdom in

modern times Jun 29, 2007 behesnilian, krikor -eastern portion of the
villayet of Kossovo (sanjak of Uskiip). The coast-line is broken by the
noted peninsula of Chalcidice, with its three promontories of Athos
(Acfe), Longos {Sithoma), and

Jo. Gothof r. Lakemacheri,... Antiquitates Graecorum sacrae Aug 3, 2016

lakemacher, johann gottfried, 1695-1736. aut (frpbn)10652383 i fummae
altitudinis , ad mare pertinens gaeum, in Chalcidice quae Macedoniae erat
regio, finui Thermaico ad ortum, q) (2) Olym praealtus, finui imminens
Thermaico. Apud Strabonem r) Macedoniae

A Treatise On Goverment Aristotle Jan 15, 2017 ellis william met

INTRODUCTIONSi'AGEiRA, ihe bntliplace of Aristotle, was a town of
Chalcidice in Macedonia, wliose remains are probably to be seen in old
Hellenic maiotiry

Leaves From A Viceroys Note-book And Other Papers Jan 18, 2017 curson
marquess Olympus and Ossa and Pelion, that we embarked on board the
yacht for Athos. Pallene, the nearest of the three prongs which project
trident- wise from Chalcidice into the sea, lay right opposite, the low

Mikroskopische Physiographie der Mineralien und Gesteine Aug 2, 2009

harry rosenbusch Anglaise (Finistre). BuU. Soc. gol. Pr. (3). VI. 1878. 178.
Friedr. Becke, Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. T. M. P. M. 1878. I.
242274. Die Gneissformation des niederoumlsterreichischen Waldviertels

Epitome of Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern History Sep 23, 2008 karl
julius ploetz , carl ploetz, william hopkins tillinghast Chalcidice: Olynthi
Potidaea, Stagirus, In Thrace: Anwhipolis near the mouth of the
StrymonyPhUippoB, Abdera Perinthus (HeraclSa), Byzantium. In the
Tliracian Cheraonese: Sestos, opposite Abydos

Epitome of ancient, mediæval and modern history Sep 22, 2008 ploetz,
karl julius, 1819-1881. [from old catalog] from Thessaly, the following
places are to be noted: Pydna PellOf the royal residence since the reign of
Archelaijs (formerly jEgae or Edessa enjoyed this distinction). On the
peninsula Chalcidice

Constitution of Athens : a revised text, with an introduction, critical and

explanatory notes Sep 26, 2006 Aristotle to facilitate trade with the
neighbouring island of Euboea (especially with Chalcis lend Erelm)-,
with the numerous EuBoean colonies, both in Chalcidice and in the~West,
and with other Greek

A Manual of Ancient History: From the Earliest Times to the Fall of the
... Aug 18, 2008 george rawlinson , on the coast between Athos and
Amphipolis. Chalcidice first became a power in the Peloponnesian War,
when its cities, encouraged by Brasidas, Revolted from Athens, b.c. 424.
It joined the league

Epitome of ancient, mediæval and modern history Jul 22, 2009 ploetz, karl
julius, 1819-1881. [from old catalog] Pelasgic population, driven from
Thessaly, settled partly on the peninsula Chalcidice, partly in Crete, and
partly on the coast of Mysia the Minyce from lolcos, and Orchomenos
occupied Leninos, Imbrosy

Grundriss der Geographie und Geschichte der alten: Mittlern und Neuern
Zeit ... Aug 4, 2008 wilhelm pütz . Friede des Ifieias auf 50 Jire (421) hatte
die WiederhersteUung des Bentsstandes, wie er vor dem Kriege war, zur
Grundlage die Eroberungen in Chalcidice und die in Messenien und
Laconica worden

Epitome of ancient, mediæval, and modern history Apr 20, 2010 ploetz,
karl julius, 1819-1881 peninsula Chalcidice: Olynthus, Potidaea,
Stagirus. In Thrace: Amphipolis near the mouth of t\\e Strymon,
Philippce, Abdera, Perinthus (Heraclea), Byzantium. In the Thracian
Chersonese: Sestos

An Abridgement of Universal Geography: Modern and Ancient May 30,

2009 adriano balbi , thomas gamaliel bradford among which were
Pelagonia, Paeonia, Mygdonia, Lyncestis, Emathia, Pieria, Chalcidice,
ampc. On the north lay Mount Hcemus (Balkan), on the east Pangieus, and
in the southeast Mount Athos (Monte Santo

Chicago foreign language press survey [microf orm] : Greek Jan 24, 2008
Honorable Presidents of Organizations: No doubt you are informed about
the disastrous results of the earthquakes in the district of the peninsula of
Chalcidice The catastrophe is of such magnitude

Universal History Of The World Vol 2 Jan 20, 2017 digital library of india
Attica and even settled there in early times, and there were people who
were descended from them in Lemnos and Imbros, and smaU settlements
on the Hellespont and behind Chalcidice, perhaps also in

Select poems : being the literature prescribed for the junior matriculation
and junior leaving examinations, 1897 Sep 9, 2015 alexander, w. j.
(william john), 1855-1944 plain of Troy. 663. Athos. A mountainous
peninsula which projects from the ancient Chalcidice (mod. Salonica)
into the Aegean (mentioned by Byron in st. xxvii. of Canto II.). Olympus,
a range of

Staatsrecht der Unterthanen der Römer Feb 4, 2015 johann christian w.a.
hopfensack | Cyrrliestica, Chalcidice , Paltnyrene, CUumlleftjrria,
Phoenice und Judaea oder Palaesttna. In Comlaquo magene war die Stadt
Samosata wichtig) in S eleu eis Selencia Fieriae, Antiochia Apaxnea,
Laodicaea in

The historians' history of the world a comprehensive narrative of the rise

and development of nations as recorded by over two thousand of the great
writers of all ages: Oct 16, 2008 williams, henry smith, 1863-1943 ,
Chalcidice, and the Morea, Dushan was already master of nearh all the
western provinces of the empire. Arrived at this degree of power, Dushan
decided that the title of king (kral) was not sufficient, and

Geograficzne imiona slowańskie zestawione alfabetycznie wedlug nazw

ich ... Mar 19, 2008 stanislaw zarański . Ceze ob. Windau. Chabarovice ob.
Karbitz. Chabitschau, Ghabicz6W| wś śl. X. rak-opw. Chabowa ob. Havel.
Chalcidice tk. Chalkidike, poacutełwysep mcd. Chdlons-sur-Marne,
Szalon, w Szampanii Cw wiek

A history syllabus for secondary schools, outlining the four years' course
in history recomMended by the committee of seven of the American
historical association Aug 24, 2009 new england history teachers'
association. [from old catalog] Antalcidas. (2) Domestic: Peloponnesus,
Chalcidice, New Athenian League, Leuctra. Botsford, Greece, 261274.
Sankey, 146-156 (Chalcidic League). West, 202-209. Holm, HI, 1-14, 63-
70, 74-81, 84-91. Oman

The world's greatest books Jan 27, 2010 mee, arthur, 1875-1943, joint
editor . The most important operations were now in two fields. Brasidas
made a dash through Thessaly into Macedonia, in alliance with Perdiccas
of Macedon, with the hope of stirring the cities of Chalcidice

Die Münzen des Kaisers Aurelianus, seiner Frau Severina und der Fürsten
von Palmyra Apr 23, 2008 theodor rohde genommen, u orauf 690 u. b.

Syrien zur roumlmischen Provinz gemacht wurde. Syrien umfasste die

Landschalten: Commagene, Seleucis, Cyrrhestice, Chalcidice, Palmyrene,
Pieria, Coelesyria, Phoenice, Palaestina

Horace: Odes and Epodes a study in poetic word-order Jul 30, 2008 horace
, apparently, an artificial rendering of Bacchylides' a\'mkavrov .Mfitf. The
prcposited Sithonia is somewhat pointless, even though the snows of
Chalcidice mijjht be proverbial. To speak of a place where

Q. Curti Rufi Historiarum Alexandri Magni Macedonis libri qui supersunt

Feb 19, 2008 curtius rufus, quintus Olynth auf Chalcidice, VIII 8, 19.
Omphis, indischer Furst, VIII 12, 4. 14. Onchae, unbekannter Ort in Syrien,
IV 1, 3. Onesicritus, Begleiter des Nearch (s. das.) bei seiner
Entdeckungsfahrt, IX 10

Essays by divers hands, being the transations of the Royal Society of

Literature of the United Kingdom Jun 4, 2008 royal society of literature
(great britain) the promontory of Ampelus, now Cape Cavolos, in Crete,
Mount Ampelus in Samos, the promontory of Ampelus in Macedonia
(Chalcidice), by the land of CEnotria, I.e. of '' vine-poles,' the name

The Star of Love May 17, 2009 florence morse kingsley small detachment
of guards he had commanded as escort of the sick prince, fell in with the
rear column of Xerxes's vast army. The host had marched along the coast
of Thrace, across Chalcidice and

Plato Apology of Socrates and Crito May 18, 2008 louis dyaer generals
were elected by show of hands (xpo- TO via) and their electors were the
iKK\ri(Tta(rTai. Cf. 25 a. 3. cv IIoTiSaCi . . .Potidaea, a Corinthian
colony on the peninsula Chalcidice

Two Essays on the Geography of Ancient Asia: Intended Partly to

Illustrate the Campaigns of ... Mar 29, 2008 john williams Alamata, Sura,

and Alalis in Palmyren, and Athis and Barbalissus in Chalcidice. Sura,

under the name of Flavia Firma Sura, was a spot of great importance in
the later periods of the Roman empire, for

L 241 Strabo Geography VII: 15 16 Dec 17, 2013 of the Apameians, on

the east, is the Paropotamia, as it is called, of the Arabian chieftains, as
also Chalcidice, which extends down from Massyas, and all the country to
the south of the Apameians

Universal history, ancient and modern May 22, 2009 william fordyce
mavor infonijed p3 lt of Others still more deplorable. The citizens of
Olynthus, and other places of the Chalcidice, liad embraced the earliest
opportunity of Revolting from Athens. When, therefore, the victories

A First History of Greece Aug 19, 2008 elizabeth missing sewell and
Chalcidice, where the Athenians had several subject cities, at length
humbled them so much that they agreed for a year's truce. Even this,
however, was not lasting. Both sides found causes for

The story of the great war : the complete historical records of events to
date illustrated with drawings, maps and photographs by Francis J.
Reynolds ... Allen L. Churchill ... Francis Trevelyan Miller ... Prefaced by
What the war means to America by Major General Leonard Wood, U.S.A.
: Naval lessons of the war by Rear Admiral Austin M. Knight, U.S.N. :
The world's war by Frederick Palmer Theatres of the war's campaigns by
Frank H. Simonds : The war correspondent by Arthur Ruhl. May 14, 2014
francis j. reynolds, allen l. churchill, and francis trevelyan miller , including
the Chalcidice Peninsula, and a large part of Macedonia. In proportion
to all Greece it is as if that part of the United States which was won from
Mexico after the Mexican War were occupied

Metamorphoseon XIII. XIV.: The metamorphoses of Ovid Books XIII.

and XIV. Sep 8, 2008 ovid headland in the Thracian Chersonese,
mentioned as the bunalplace of Hecuba by Strabo (XIII. p. 595). extat. Cf.

XIV. 78. 571. SithoniOB. Sithonia was the central peninsula of

Chalcidice, but the name

Secrets of the Balkans seven years of a diplomatist's life in the storm

centre of Europe May 1, 2007 vopicka, charles j, 1857-1935 , the Serbians
also joined. Turkey was forced to capitulate, and Bulgaria was declared an
independent state, with territory located between Constantinople,
Adrianople, Chalcidice and Salonika. \ KING

Caxton's Eneydos, 1490. Englisht from the French Liure des Eneydes,
1483 Apr 20, 2008 virgil Aeneas's prowess therein, 158 fights in single
combat with Tumus, and slays him, winning Lavinia, 161, 162 marries
Lavinia, 162 succeeds King Latinus, 163 dies, 163. Aeneia, a town in

Plutarch's Nicias and Alcibiades Nov 11, 2009 plutarch Chalcidice,

commanded Clearidas to deliver up Amphipolis to the Athenians(Thuc, v.
21, 1). The charge of Theophrastus (Introd., p. 35) that Nicias bought up
the lot, is absurd. It is charActeristic of

Universal History, Ancient and Modern: From the Earliest Records of

Time, to ... Jul 11, 2009 william fordyce mavor calamities, when they were
informed of others still greater, and more to be deplored. The citizens of
Olynthus, and other places of the Chalcidice, had embraced the earliest
opportunity of Revolting

Euripides : with an English translation Oct 21, 2008 euripides in Euboea

hold Chalcidice 60 Then on their side he fought, and smote their foes,
And for his guerdon won Creusa's hand An alien, yet Achaean born, and
son Of Aeolus son of Zeus. But, after

The historians' history of the world a comprehensive narrative of the rise

and development of nations as recorded by over two thousand of the great
writers of all ages Nov 8, 2009 williams, henry smith, 1863-1943

acquisitions in Albania near those of the Adriatic. With the exception of

Thessalonica, Chalcidice, and the Morea, Dushan was already master of
nearly all the western provinces of the empire. Arrived at

Secrets of the Balkans Nov 12, 2009 vopicka, charles j., 1857-1935
Bulgaria was declared an independent state, with territory located between
Constantinople, Adrianople, Chalcidice and Salonika. King Carol of

Leaves From A Viceroys Note-book Jan 16, 2017 marquess curzon of

kedleston Olympus and Ossa and Pelion, that we embarked on board the
yacht for Athos. Pallene, the nearest of the three prongs which project
trident- wise from Chalcidice into the sea, lay right opposite, the low

PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. Feb 14, 2009 henry charles

carey the estates of the landowners of Chalcidice, which were divided
among a large body of colonists, a result not unlikely to stimulate them to
future wars, to be waged for the sake of the plunder that

Almanach der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften für das Jahr

…Sep 1, 2014 kaiserl. akademie der wissenschaften in wien ,
Vergleichende Anatomie der Samen von Vicia und Ervum. (Mit 2 Tafeln.)
Becka, Ueber die Bahn des Kometen II im Jahre 1873. Becke, Gesteine
von der Halbinsel Chalcidice. Benedikt, Ueber Trinitroso- und

A treatise on government Aug 31, 2006 Aristotle : The Bacchanals and

other Plays. L~aak Walton's Lives. Aristotle's I oliiics. INTRODUCTION.
STAGEIRA, the birthplace of Aristotle, was a town of Chalcidice in
Macedonia, whose remains are probably to be

Historical and architectural sketches, chiefly Italian Sep 14, 2010 freeman,
edward augustus, 1823-1892 clergy there were the cancelli ready made to
part of f the holier part of the building from the less holy. In those basilicas

which had the Chalcidice or transept, the symbolical form of the cross

Commentarii historici et chronologici in Demosthenis Orationem de

corona Insunt multa ad Philippicae aetatis cognitionem omniumque
Demosthenis orationum, quae sunt ex genere publico, intelligentiam
adiuvandam Sep 19, 2014 franz w. wieniewski . Olynthus, urbs in
Chalcidice ci- ) Pydna tempore belli Peloponnes. Macedonutn urbs fuft,
Thuc. I, 6i, 137. Eiusdem belli a. 22, 01. XCII, 3, Archelaus, Macedonum
rex, Pydnaeos imperium detrectantes. bello

The Historians' History of the World: A Comprehensive Narrative of the

Rise and Development of ... Sep 15, 2008 henry smith williams
acquisitions in Albania near those of the Adriatic. With the exception of
Thessalonica, Chalcidice, and the Morea, Dushan was aheady master of
nearly all the western provinces of the empire. Arrived at

The young navigators or, The foreign cruise of the Maud Oct 15, 2008
adams, william t. (william taylor), 1822-1897 the encylopedias in the
library. South of that province, for it is subject to Turkey, is the large
peninsula of Chalcidice and from this, reaching to the south-east, are
three other smaller peninsulas

The classical journal Apr 24, 2009 classical association of the middle west
and south the legend was that it served to localize it in certain places, just
as accidental similarity of name localized it in others. (Cf. the case of the
city of Aineia in Chalcidice.) In a comparatively

The First Year of Greek Apr 10, 2008 james turney allen IlepSCKKav Kal
Is riv XaXKiSiKTJv he came to Perdiccas and into Chalcidice. THE
VERB 131. Ways of regarding Action Action-stems. Every action can be
regarded in one of three ways.: first, it can be

The story of Phoenicia Nov 13, 2009 rawlinson, george, 1812-1902

distinctly witnessed to. Whether they also occupied the Greek mainland,
either in Chalcidice or in the region about Thebes, may perhaps be
questioned. An inland position like that of Thebes is scarcely

Dewey Decimal Classification And Relative Index Edition 18 Volum I Jan

15, 2017 dewn,melvil , Corfu nomes Including Ithaca Macedonia Phlonna,
Kastona, Koiane, Cicvcna. Pella. Heiaatheia, Pjcria, Salonika, Kitkis,
Chalcidice, Seirai. Drama, Kavalla Homes, Mount Atbos Class beze

Elegies Feb 21, 2017 propertius, sextus the canal cut Dy Xerxes through
Mt. Athos, connecting the peninsula with Chalcidice. See Hdt. vii. 22 The
Cimhri,'] Probably inhabitants of the peninsula of Jutland they were
defeated b. c. 101

will durant Philip would lead to the war in which Athens was to lose her
liberty. Other Greeks, mostly from Chalcis and Eretria, conquered and
named the three-fingered peninsula of Chalcidice, and by 700 had

The Spirit of the East: Illustrated in a Journal of Travels Through Roumeli

During an Eventful ... Aug 31, 2008 david Urquhart seen fragments of it
also on Mount Olympus I have seen it again in situ in the mountains of
Chalcidice and again in fragments in the island of Sciathos. In speaking
of the quarries of Sciathos

Greece in the age of Pericles Apr 13, 2008 grant, a. j. (arthur james), 1862-
1948 the meanwhile, and as a step to that, she raised up a rebellion against
Athens in a distant quarter. The town of Potidaea, situated on the Isthmus
of Pallene in Chalcidice, was a colony of Corinth, and

Thirteen satires of Juvenal Jul 22, 2008 juvenal , ' esca.' ' Lances' were flat.
' Multum caelati' is ' a great quantity of chased silver cups.' Philip of

Macedon and his gold are famous. Olynthus in Chalcidice was besieged
by Philip b.c. 848, and taken

The Greek orators May 16, 2007 dobson, john frederic, 1875-1947 , having
been appointed a cavalry-leader, he betrayed the Olynthian cavalry to
Philip for that by so doing he caused the ruin of the people of Chalcidice
for that after the capture of Olynthus he Acted

Bucolics and Georgics [microf orm] Mar 15, 2013 virgil fishes, even with
his yoked chariot of two-footed steeds.' 390, 391. Ematbia, i. e.
Macedonia, of which it is a parL Fallene, one of the peninsulas of
Chalcidice in Macedonia. Proteus in Homer

The Historians' history of the world A comprehensive narrative of the rise

... Apr 26, 2009 henry smith williams towards the south and brought it, by
conquests m Macedonia, near the shores of the .Igean, and by acquisitions
in Albania near those of the Adriatic. With the exception of Thessalonica,
Chalcidice, and

M. L. Vitruuio Pollione De architectura traducto di latino in uulgare dal

vero exemplare con le figure a li soi loci con mirando ordine insignito con
la sua tabula alphabetica per la quale potrai facilmente trouare la
moltitudine de li vocabuli a li soi loci con summa diligentia expositi ... May
12, 2016 vitruvius pollio

Chalcidice in li exuemi fiano coacuteftigrave tuite,G come fono in la uilla

Agravequiliana. Le coloacutene de le Bafigravelicc tanto alte fono uc
duieda cfla Faltfte,quagraveto ferano li potaci largi. Lo poru'co quale nel
mezo fpado e

The Works of Lucian of Samosata: Complete with Exceptions Specified

in the Preface May 27, 2009 henry watson fowler , francis george fowler
of Chalcidice. They were of about the same age. Euthydicus was a

powerful man, in robust health i Damon was pale and weakly and looked
as if he were just recovering from a long illness. They had a

Ancient Education Jan 16, 2017 william a. smith physician in Macedon,

was bom at Stageims m Chalcidice At eighteen he was sent to the
Academy in Athens where he spent some twenty years as student and
assistant. Upon Platos death in 347 B.C, he left

The Historians' History of the World Mar 8, 2009 henry smith williams
acquisitions in Albania near those of the Adriatic. With the exception of
Thessalonica, Chalcidice, and the Morea, Dushan was already master of
nearly all the western provinces of the empire. Arrived at

A history syllabus for secondary schools, outlining the four years' course
in history recommended by the committee of seven of the American
historical association Jan 8, 2008 new england history teachers' association
-80, 83, 91-95, 113-114. Source: Plutarch, Lysander. b. Wars: Agesilaus.
(1) Persian : Anabasis Antalcidas. (2) Domestic: Peloponnesus,
Chalcidice, New Athenian League, Leuctra. Botsford, Greece

A system of modern geography, with the outlines of astronomy May 17,

2008 john white , Elymiotis Bottiaea, north of Pieria beyond this, Emathia
eastward, Mygdonia Lyncestis, Pelagonia, and Paeonia, in the mterior
Syntice and the Bisaltae, west of the Strymon Chalcidice, south of


28, 2006 david grene 380, 382, 403, 421-22, 426, 476 Chalcideus of
Lacedaemon, 507- 8, 5io-i355 5i7 5 5, 57 Chalcidice, 274 Chalcidique
cities, 207, 243 Chalcioeca, goddess of , 77 Chalcis, 62, 138, 274, 378, 459

Metamorphoseon XIII, XIV Mar 18, 2011 ovid, 43 b.c.-17 or 18 a.d of

Chalcidice, but the name is loosely used here for Thracian. 572. illius. For
the quantity see Roby, sect 372. BOOK XIII. 139 574. lovis . . . sororque.
Cf. Virg. Acn. I. 46. In the Iliad the hatred

Plutarch's Nicias and Alcibiades Apr 13, 2008 plutarch three envoys to
Chalcidice, commanded Clearidas to deliver up Amphipolis to the
Athenians(Thuc, v. 21, 1). The charge of Theophrastus (Introd., p. 35) that
Nicias bought up the lot, is absurd. It is

Occultism and Esoteric Knowledge COLLECTION Nov 10, 2016

prosperity of Athens was the new markets in Cyrene, Chalcidice, and
South Russia, Rostovtsev points out that the South Russian market, the
most 145 important of all, was closing due to local manufactures

Apology of Socrates and Crito, with extracts from the Phaedo and
Symposium and from Xenophon's Memorabilia. Edited by Louis Dyer.
Rev. by Thomas Day Seymour. With a vocabulary Aug 28, 2006 Plato
elected by show of hands (xfiporovla) by the 3.: Potidaea, a Corinthian
colony on the peninsula Chalcidice, became a tributary ally of Athens
without wholly abandoning its…

Classification Philology. Lingustics Classical Philology Classical

Literature Jan 15, 2017 library of congress processing department details.
Sources. Cf. PA 4244. M22 (Vita Marcel- Uni). Chronology of life: dates
of birth and death. Military and political career. Campaign in Chalcidice.
Thucydides legend. Tomb. Iconography

Reisebilder aus Griechenland und Kleinasien Randzeichnungen zu einigen

... Jul 7, 2009 hermann dalton copytiuumle unb SKajeftaumlt, bie jjier
Ijerrfdfjt. pound bfinlt iljnen ber gange copytridO oumlon bem
macebonifdampeu Srjgebirge (Chalcidice) biauml nadO bem 2ft$o3fegel
l)in bie Urheimat!) besect $aftanienbaume3 ju fein

Greece in the age of Pericles May 13, 2011 grant, a. j. (arthur james), 1862-
1948 on the Isthmus of Pallene in Chalcidice, was a colony of Corinth,
and was connected with her by more than the ordinary bonds of
ceremonious affection. She received, we are told, magistrates from

The Life Of Greece Jan 15, 2017 durant will peninsula of Chalcidice,
and by 700 had established thirty towns there, bull The name was probably
taken from Byzas, a native king. t$8 THE LIFE OF GREECE (CHAP. VI
several of them destined to play a role in

Life Of Greece Jan 16, 2017 durant will of Chalcidice, and by 700 had
established thirty towns there, bull The name was probably taken from
Byzas, a native kmg,reg 158 THE LIFE OF GREECE (ciIAP.VI several
of them destined to play a role in Greek

Lands and peoples the world in color ec 18, 2009 thompson, holland, 1873-
1940, ed themselves with old Turkish coins. Interesting, indeed, are the
monasteries the Meteora in Thessaly, shown on page 13, and those at
Mount Athos occupying the eastern prong of the Chalcidice Peninsula

Caroli Sigonii Mutinensis Opera omnia edita, et inedita, cum notis

variorum illustrium virorum, et ejusdem vita a cl. v. Lud. Antonio
Muratorio ... conscripta, Philippus Argelatus Bononiensis nunc primum
collegit, suasque animadversiones in ali ipsius Sigonii opuscula adjecit,
necnon indicibus locupletissimis exornavit. Tomu

Apr 10, 2016 Chalcidice datus, Sc remotus, imperante Nerone. Jof eph.
lib. 10. ANANIAS Ncbedei F. ab Agrippa Regt- Chalcidici datus , Sc
remotus. Joieph. lib. 10., quem S. Paulus parietem dealbatum vocavit, Alt.
cap. xj

The topography of Athens. With some remarks on its antiquities Aug 13,
2009 Leake, william martin, 1777-1860 which connects the peninsula of
Acte or Mount Athos with the adjacent part of the Thracian Chalcidice.
This undertaking was suggested by the damage which Mardonius had
suffered in circumnavigating

The first year of Greek Jul 7, 2010 allen, james turney, 1873-1948
Chalcidice. THE VERB 131. Ways of regarding Action Action-stems.
Every action can be regarded in one of three ways: first, it can be thought
of as being in progress, can be visualized, as it were

A history syllabus for secondary schools, outlining the four years' course
in history recomMended by the committee of seven of the American
historical association Jun 21, 2009 new england history teachers'
association. [from old catalog] , Chalcidice, New Athenian League,
Leuctra. Botsford, Greece, 261274. Sankey, 146-156 (Chalcidic League).
West, 202-209. Holm, III, 1-14, 63-70, 74-81, 84-91. Oman, 417436, 450-
468 (for details). Source

Apology of Socrates and Crito Oct 24, 2008 Plato by show of hands
(xiporovla) and their electors were the iicK\riffieurourTai Cf. 25 a. 3. cv
nonSaC . . . ATjXUp: Potidaea, a Corinthian colony on the peninsula
Chalcidice, which became a tributary

Historia de la antigüedad T. 8 Jul 13, 2016 duncker, max , llevaba ya gran

ventaja aacute todas las ciudades chalcidias y eretrienses situadas en las
tres peniacutensulas de Chalcidice, siendo la uacutenica ciudad de aquella
costa que hizo eneacutergica y eficaz resistencia aacute los

The crown, the Philippics and ten other orations of Demosthenes May 15,
2007 Demosthenes , and commanded a large district called Chalcidice, in
which there were thirty-two cities. Over all this tract the sway of Olynthus
was considerable, and she had waged wars anciently with Athens and

Ancient Civilization: A Textbook for Secondary Schools Sep 22, 2008

roscoe lewis ashley : Sparta, Argolis, Olympia, Corinth, gina, Salamis,
Platssa, Thebes, Euboea, Thessaly, Chalcidice, Delos, Rhodes, Samos,
Miletus, Ephesus, Sardis, Phocsea, Hellespont, Propontis and Bosporus. 3.

The Acharnians. With introd., critical notes and commentary Feb 1, 2008
aristophanes apav AaKeSaifiovloLcri. In 430 Sitalces quarrelled with
Perdiccas and resolved to place Amyntas, son of Philip, on the
Macedonian throne, intending thereafter to make a joint attack on
Chalcidice. He set

Histoire de l'ancienne Grèce, de ses colonies et de ses conquêtes, Volume

5 Dec 16, 2009 john gillies eumltabliflegravemens Grecs le longue la
cocircte Maceacutedoniegravene , le voifinage defquelseni:oit
naturellement l'ambition de Perdiccas, Sous le preacutetexte
fpeacutecicirceux d'aider Olynthe amp les autres villes de la Chalcidice

Livy, Books 1-10 with introd., historical examination and notes by J.R.
Seeley. Book 1 Feb 4, 2008 livy in Thrace (Virg. Aen. 3. 18), Aenea in
Chalcidice (Livy 40. 4, 9), Capyae in Arcadia (Dion. 1. 49), Etis and
Aphrodisias in Laconia (Paus. 3. 22, 2), Egesta and Eryx in Sicily (Cic.
Verr. 4. 33 Thuc

Serta Romana [microf orm]: poetarum decem Latinorum carmina selecta

Mar 15, 2013 woltjer, j , de plaats vvaar Zeus de Titanen door den bliksem
vernietigde, waar- scliijnlijk 't westelijkste schiereiland van Chalcidice,
later Pallene. 49. Vgl. Tib. II, 6, 25: ced tunc pascebant herbosa

Essays And Addresses By John Burnet (1929) Jan 15, 2017 lord
charnwood understood Athenian politics Aristotle was born at Stagirus
(or, as it came to be called, Stagira), on the east of the peninsula of
Chalcidice, in 3843 b c His father, Nicomachus, was a medical man and

Secrets of the Balkans: Seven Years of a Diplomatist's Life in the Storm

... Sep 3, 2008 charles j. vopicka , Adrianople, Chalcidice and Salonika.
King Carol of Roumania zsdbyGOOglC j D,i,db,Google EARLY
fflSTORY OF BALKAN NATIONS IX But again there was
dissatisfaction, through fear of the ascendancy

Universal History, Ancient and Modern: From the Earliest Records of

Time, to the General Peace ... May 22, 2009 william fordyce mavor
Chalcidice, had embraced the earliest op-i portunity of Revolting from
Athens. When, therefore, the victories of Demosthenes and Nicias, in the
eighth year of the war, were made known to them, they feared

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography: Edited by William Smith, ...

In Two ... Feb 9, 2009 william smith Tydiia, and 15 miles from Theltsil-
.nica. It a]gt]K'ars to have stltMKl on the promontory of the 'reat
Kunihtfriiu, whieh fnnns the N\V. cornltr of the jK'uinula of Chalcidice.
anltl which, beini: .about 10

Compendium of Ancient Geography Jun 3, 2009 jean baptiste

bourguignon d'. anville , john horsley , which was considerable,
communicated to its environs the name of Chalcidice as the preceding
caused its canton to be distinguished by that of Chalybonilis. And the
district of Qfrrhus, another city at

tar01 Nov 13, 2008 islam ju rli AjUUj SjLjJI Uits sjUt pound 1 1 L\ 16 6)
P oiLJI. c) Chalcidice aut ChalciB. P iuAx5-=gt-, L jamp\pounddygt d) P
Jamp3 X-y5 , L +$$+) iuy). Dittographiam ease opinoi Intelligitur

Greece, from the coming of the Hellenes to A.D. 14 Jan 23, 2013
shuckburgh, evelyn s. (evelyn shirley), 1843-1906 Amphipolis on the
Strymon, while by making an alliance with Olynthus he secured himself
against opposition from Chalcidice. These proceedings would naturally
have aroused enmity in Greece. But Sparta

Hellenic civilization Feb 14, 2014 botsford, george willis, 1862-1917 1

Certain allies were harassed by prosecutions on the suspicion that they
sympathized with the Lacedaemonian general Brasidas, while he was
operating in Chalcidice and Thrace. 2 The great plague

Universal history, ancient and modern : from the earliest records of time,
to the general peace of 1801 Aug 14, 2009 mavor, william fordyce, 1758-
1837 informed of others still greater, and more to be deplored. The citizens
of Olynthus, and other places of the Chalcidice, had embraced the
earliest opportunity of Revolting from Athens. When, therefore, the

The Prytaneion Its Function and Architectural Form Dec 21, 2014
Me]veXaov im poundevia els to rrpvravelov els [avpiov] Resolved ... to
invite Menelaos (who had helped the Athenians in the wars in Chalcidice)
to Xenia in the prytanEion on the next day.92 IG II2

Zeitschrift für Numismatik May 20, 2008 alfred friedrich constantin von
sallet, hermann dannenberg, heinrich dressel, julius menadier, kurt regling,
numismatische gesellschaft zu berlin Theil von Macedonien, welcher
darnach die Chalcidice genannt wurde, Eretria aber nach Pallene und der
Umgegend des Athos. Aber auch in Italien und auf Sicilien waren mehrere
Staumldte Golonien von Chalcis

Cours d'histoire des etats europeens, depuis le bouleversement de l'Empire

romain d'occident jusqu'en 1789 par Max. SamsonFred. Schoell ... Apr 24,
2016 Chalcidice et Andrinople, XI, 3i, est nommeacute empereur, XI, 34
battu et fait prisonnier, XI, 37 abdique, XI, 38. Mathieu Visconti. Voy.
Visconti {Mathieu). Mathilde, fille dOtton II, obtient Cobourg et

Six of Plutarch's Greek lives [newly translated, with introd. and notes by
Bernadotte Perrin.] Apr 1, 2008 plutarch released their prisoners, and
sending three envoys to Chalcidice, commanded Clearidas to deliver up
Amphipolis to the Athenians(Thuc, v. 21, 1). The charge of Theophrastus
(Introd., p. 35) that Nicias

Livy, Book I. Jun 12, 2009 livy, john robert seeley the Aeneas who is said
to have founded Aenus in Thrace (Virg. Aen. 3. 18), Aenea in Chalcidice
(Livy 40. 4, 9), Capyae hi Arcadia (Dion. i. 49), Etis and Aphrodisias in
Laconia (Paus. 3. 22, 2), Egesta

Euripides Voll. Iv Jan 17, 2017 william heineman ltd. new york hallowed
life But she Creusa, that had home the lad Was wed to Xuthus by such hap
as this : A surge of war twixt Athens rose and them That in Euboea hold
Chalcidice 60 Then on their side he

The Spirit of the East May 17, 2009 it again in situ in the mountains of
Chalcidice and again in fragments in the island of SciAthos. In speaking
of the quarries of SciAthos, Strabo tells us that thence were derived the


Sep 11, 2013 darcy carvalho cpuXccpxoi tenebant, 641, 5. Apamea
Posidonii stoici patria, 641, 17. Apamensium regioni finitimse
Parapotamia et Chalcidice, 641,19. Aparni, 'Arcccpvoi, Daarum gens,
Hyrcanise et mari Caspio proxime

The Acharnians of Aristophanes : with introduction, critical notes and

commentary Jan 22, 2009 rennie, w In 430 Sitalces quarrelled with
Perdiccas and resolved to place Amyntas, son of Philip, on the
Macedonian throne, intending thereafter to make a joint attack on

Proceedings, American Philosophical Society vol. 113, No. 6, 1969 Dec 7,

2014 borders of the Aegean little can he said at present, excavation of
Middle Bronze Age sites having been inadequate. Gray Minyan pottery is
found at Molyvopyrgo and other coastal sites in Chalcidice, all

Mission life in Greece and Palestine : memorials of Mary Briscoe Baldwin,

missionary to Athens and Joppa Jun 29, 2009 pitman, emma raymond
deatli. Durino- these centuries of THERMOPYLAE. conquest, district
after district of country became theirs by right opound arms. Macedonia,
Thessaly, Thrace, the ancient Chalcidice, and the whole region

The modern traveller Sep 5, 2007 conder, josiah, 1789-1855 ) distributed

into the pashalics of Aleppo, Tripoli, Sidon or Acre, and Damascus. The
first of these includes the ancient Comagene, Cyrrhestica, Chalcidice,
Seleucra, and the district of Antioch the second

Caxton's Eneydos, 1490. Englisht from the French Liure des Eneydes,
1483 Apr 20, 2008 virgil Aeneas's prowess therein, 158 fights in single
combat with Tumus, and slays him, winning Lavinia, 161, 162 marries
Lavinia, 162 succeeds King Latin us, 163 dies, 163. Aeneia, a town in
Chalcidice, in

Thucydides Oct 16, 2008 thucydides men under his command, had before
this quitted Chalcidice, so that Agnon sailed back with the diips to Athens,
of his four thousand men the plagtte having swept away one thousand and
fifty in about

A monograph of the British pleistocene mammalia Oct 3, 2012 dawkins,

william boyd, sir, 1838-1929 their strange choice of prey. The story was
still fresh in the memory of the hunters of Chalcidice when it was chosen
by Herodotus, in his travels some twenty-five years afterwards, to light up

Revue belge de numismatique et de sigillographie May 20, 2008 société

royale de numismatique de belgique teacute tradrachme de Chalcidice,
frappeacute agrave Olynthus, du Cabinet des meacutedailles de Paris, et
dont un deuxiegraveme exemplaire, moins bien conserveacute, existe au
Museacutee de Berlin. OLYNTHUS. {Circa 392-379 av. J.-C ) R

Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society Nov 10, 2011

palaeontographical society (great britain) in the year 480 b.c. to the wonder
at their strange choice of prey. The story was still fresh in the memory of
the hunters of Chalcidice when it was chosen by Herodotus, in his travels
some twenty

The Greek orators Jul 25, 2008 dobson, j. f. (john frederic), 1875-1947
appointed a cavalry-leader, he betrayed the Olynthian cavalry to Philip
for that by so doing he caused the ruin of the people of Chalcidice for
that after the capture of Olynthus he Acted as assessor at

Greece in the age of Pericles May 9, 2008 grant, a. j. (arthur james), 1862-
1948 on the Isthmus of Pallene in Chalcidice, was a colony of Corinth,
and was connected with her by more than the ordinary bonds of
ceremonious affection. She received, we are told, magistrates from

The Biblical geography of Central Asia : with a general introduction to the

study of sacred geography, including the antediluvian period Jan 21, 2009
rosenmüller, ernst friedrich karl, 1768-1835 been another city, namely
Chalcis, the capital of the Syrian province of Chalcidice (Chalkidike),
near the Orontes, where Kinnesrin now stands. CHAP. VIII.J
BABYLONIA AND CHALDA. 95 to Isidor, was

The Journal of philology Dec 4, 2007 clark, william george, 1821-1878

were many names common to Thrace and the Troad and yet further west
the town Aeneia in Chalcidice. Southwest of Thessaly we find the
Alviaves, or as Pliny (4. 6) calls them, the Aenienses on the

Syllabus for secondary schools, 1905 Jan 31, 2011 new york (state).
education dept. [from old catalog] Sparta, 404-371 B.C. a Policy of Sparta:
Lysander. b Wars: Agesilaus. (1) Persian: Anabasis Antalcidas. (2)
Domestic: Peloponnesus, Chalcidice, new Athenian league, Leuctra

The Poetical Works Of William Drummond Of Hawthornden Vol. 2 Jan

17, 2017 kastner, l. e., ed. and Moesia. Athos: the mountainous peninsula,
also called Acte, which projects from Chalcidice in Macedonia. At its
extremity it rises to the height of 6349 feet. 1. 189. More = ldquo Moor :
black.rdquo 1

Leaves From A Viceroys Note Book Jan 16, 2017 curzon marquess the
yacht for Athos. Pallene, the nearest of the three prongs which project
trident- wise from Chalcidice into the sea, lay right opposite, the low land
in the middle of the peninsula giving its

History of Herodotus : a new English version Mar 27, 2008 herodotus

distant colonies. The whole peninsula situated between the Thermaic and
Strymouic gulfs, acquired the name of Chalcidice', from the number of
Chalcidean settlements (Thucyd. passim). Seriphus, Peparethus

The Canadian entomologist Dec 18, 2009 entomological society of canada

(1863-1871) of Chalcidice, before mentioned, and some species are
abundant in England. None have been reported in Canada, but the genus is
doubtless there, as it occurs both to the north and the south of that


May 30, 2016 kara rogers prof ession. (b. 384 BCE, Stagira, Chalcidice,
Greeced. 322 BCE, Chalcis, Euboea) ristotle (Greek: Aristoteles) was an
ancient Greek philosopher and scientist, and one of the greatest intellectual

Thucydides, book V Apr 17, 2007 thucydides SUBJECTS. 211

Cephallenia, 35 c 56 b. Cerdylium, 6-10. Chalcidians, 80 b 82 a.
Chalcidice, 2-11 i8b,c 21 b 31 c Sob 82 a. Charadrus, 60 c. Chians, 84 a.
Chiastic order, 16. 3 in. 13 112. 17

Zeitschrift für Numismatik Aug 23, 2014 alfred friedrich constantin von
sallet -17 Hill Ton dieMT HDnu dnd, wja Prof . PIA mir mitzatbeUen dia
ODte lutte, anden Exemplare nicbt bekannt Chalcidice. Kopf des Apollo
r. mit dem LorbeerimnE (mit Beeren). Auml. X A A KIA EHN
Frithjof Schuon Sep 6, 2015 Stagirite because he was born in the Ionian
city of Stagira in Chalcidice. Protagoras of Abdera (c. 481-c. 411 B.C.)
was a leading Sophist, known for his maxim that man is the measure of all

The Cambridge Ancient History Vol Viii Jan 17, 2017 adcock f. e. ed
Chalcidice. While his barbarian allies were getting into motion, the consul,
following what was to become the via Egnatia, boldly advanced into
Lyncestis, where he encountered Philip, who from the centre of

International Herald Tribune , 1980, France, English Nov 26, 2016 has led
to a countervailing attempt to decentralize, with one major target being
Chalcidice. the three- pronged peninsula in northern Greece that of fers
sparkling waters, pristine forests and somewhat

The Nicomachean Ethics Of Aristotle Jan 17, 2017 david ross : Stagirus,
Chalcidice, 384 b,g. Died: Chalcis, Euboea322 b.g. Sir David Ross's
translation of the Ethica Nicomacheaj first published in 1925, was
included in The Worlds Classics in 1954, and reprinted in

Aeschines In Ctesiphonta Mar 2, 2008 aeschines, evelyn shirley

shuckburgh , thomas gwatkin Cotys of Tbiace, and in Chalcidice, but fails
to take Amphipolia, Death of Pelopidas in ThesEaly. Eipedition of
Epaminondas to Byzontiom. Duath of ArtaxeneB MnemoB and
sncceEsiaii of Danus Codomannue

Caxton's Eneydos, 1490 Dec 11, 2006 virgil Lavinia, 162 succeeds King
Latinus, 163 dies, 163. Aeneia, a town in Chalcidice, in Macedonia,
founded by Aeneas, 1610. Aeolus, God of the winds, with Neptune, raises
a storm to hinder Aeneas, 39
The military annals of Greece from the earliest time to the beginning of
the Peloponnesian War Oct 3, 2009 snyder, william lamartine, 1848-1916
services were no longer required in the Chalcidice, after the surrender of
Potidea, was stationed at Naupactus with an Athenian fleet, to guard the
entrance to the gulf of Corinth. Here he performed

A view of ancient geography and ancient history. Accompanied with an

atlas of ten select maps ... calculated for the use of seminaries c Sep 7,

2011 mayo, robert, 1784-1864 pound Inhabitants. j y. C 1. Seleucis, Coele-

Sy- 1j ria, Comagenc, ChaliboJ nitis, Chalcidice, CyiM j g ) rhestica,
Palmyrene, ei S H. I Phoenice.Syri, PhcEgt I t.neci et Nazarini. 1 r 2

The Spirit of the East Jul 15, 2008 david Urquhart varieties, and passes
into white earth on the summits of the Pindus I have seen fragments of it
also on Mount Olympus I have seen it again in situ in the mountains of
Chalcidice and again in fragments

Colony And Mother City In Ancient Greece Nov 3, 2006 a.j. graham
Cephisophon, 79-81 Cerasus, 201, 209 Chaeronea, Battle of 80
Chalcidians in Thrace, i83 73, 76 Ghalcidian Ware, 18 n. Chalcidice, 34
n. Chalcis, Chalcidian, 16, 18, 76, 104 f, 113, 221 and Athens, 54, 197

Greece in the age of Pericles Feb 16, 2007 grant, a. j. (arthur james), 1862-
1948 Chalcidice, was a colony of Corinth, and was connected with her
by more than the ordinary bonds of ceremonious affection. She received,
we are told, magistrates from Corinth every year. But the whole

The Balkan Question: The Present Condition of the Balkans and of

European Responsibilities Mar 31, 2008 luigi villari a prevalently
Bulgarian country. To the south-west of the Bistritza, along the sea- coast,
and in the Chalcidice, we have a Greek population the country north of
the Shar Dagh and east of the

Horace: Odes and Epodes a study in poetic word-order Nov 10, 2009
horace artificial rendering of Bacchylides' axeiiavTov Meurof i,ltj)iv. The
preposited Sithonia is somewhat pointless, even though the snows of
Chalcidice might be proverbial. To speak of a place where snow never

Sammlung des Freiherrn Adalbert von Lanna, Prag. 3. T., Medaillen und
Münzen Dec 12, 2016 rudolph lepke's kunst-auctions-haus . Apollonkopf,
Rs. Reiterkampf. Schoumln. S. 1550. AUDOLEON, Koumlnig der
PAumlONEN. Tetradrachmon. Athenakopf v. v. Rs. Pferd. S. 1551. Kleine

Silbermuumlnzen von CHALCIDICE (Apollonkopf, Rs. Leier), EION

(Gans und

Ovid, selections for schools with intr. and notes by W. Ramsay, ed. by G.G.
Ramsay Jan 26, 2008 publius ovidius naso . III. 713. 289 7. Sithonas.
Sithonia proper, according to Herodotus, is one of the three long narrow
peninsulas which form the termination of that portion of Macedonia
called Chalcidice, lying

The elegies of Propertius, with notes Jul 24, 2007 propertius, sextus with
Chalcidice. See Hdt. vii. 22 ' The Cimbri.1 Probably inhabitants of the
peninsula of Jutland they were defeated b. c. 101, by C. Marius, in tte
Campi Raudii near Vercellae, after having

A system of modern geography, with the outlines of astronomy Jun 12,

2008 john white Lyncestis, Pelagonia, and Paeonia, in the interior Syntice
and the Bisaltae, west of the Strymon Chalcidice, south of Mygdonia,
including the peninsulas of fallene or Phlegra, Sythonia, and Acte the

The military annals of Greece from the earliest time to the beginning of
the Peloponnesian War Nov 19, 2009 snyder, william lamartine, 1848-
memory of that event. Phormio, whose services were no longer required
in the Chalcidice, after the surrender of Potidea, was stationed at
Naupactus with an Athenian fleet, to guard the entrance to the

St. Paul : his life, his work, and his writings Jun 21, 2016 adams, w. h.
davenport (william henry davenport), 1828-1891 Chalcidice. Digitized by
Google THE ROMAN BASILICAS. 229 stood the triumphal Arch of
Fabius, the conqueror of the Allobroges. Observe, too, as one of the
monuments which the Apostle may have seen

The star of love Sep 28, 2006 kingsley, florence morse, 1859-1937 army.
The host had marched along the coast of Thrace, across Chalcidice and,

skirting the Thermaic Gulf into Pieria, had spread it self over a wide tract
of country, one great division keeping to the

Plutarch's Nicias and Alcibiades [microf orm] Mar 1, 2012 plutarch

prisoners, and sending three envoys to Chalcidice, commanded Clearidas
to deliver up Amphipolis to the Athenians' (Thuc, v. 21, 1). The charge of
Theophrastus (Introd., p. 35) that Nicias bought up the lot

Britannia antiquissima or, A key to the philology of history, sacred and ...
Feb 23, 2009 john jones thomas a harried tour in the neighbourhood, and
made a rapid survey of the southern extremity of the peninsula of
Chalcidice (Calchaidd, orCalcareous loam, fix)m the root calch, lime,
enamel), as far as the

Pharsale de M. A. Lucain: traduction nouvelle Sep 21, 2008 charles louis

fleury panckoucke, lucan
peacuteninsules qui terminaient, au sud, la Chalcidice en Maceacutedoine.
Ce fut dans cette contreacutee que les Geacuteans, d'apregraves quelques
auteurs agrave l'opinion desquels se range ici le poegravete, firent la guerre
aux dieux. Les

The works of Lucian of Samosata, complete with exceptions specified in

the preface, tr. by H. W. Fowler and F.G. Fowler Oct 18, 2007 lucian, of
samosata about the setting of the Pleiads, bound for Athens, with a
miscellaneous shipload of passengers, among whom were Euthydicus and
his comrade Damon, also of Chalcidice. They were of about the same age

A First History of Greece. By the author of "Amy Herbert" [i.e. Elizabeth

M. Sewell] ... New edition [electronic resource] Jun 6, 2016 greece , joined
with the victories of Brasidas, the Spartan, in Thrace and Chalcidice,
where the Athenians had several subject cities, at length humbled them so
much that they agreed for a years truce.

Scenes And CharActeristics Of Hindostan Vol.ii (1837) Jan 16, 2017

roberts, emma tridentwise from Chalcidice into the sea, lay right opposite,
the low land in the middle of the peninsula giving its lof tier extremity the
appearance of an island. Over this gap, quiveringly outlined

Historical studies in philosophy Nov 14, 2009 boutroux, emile, 1845-1921

Ammaeus, i. 5 (3) the anonymous author of a biography of Aristotle, 74
ARISTOTLE 75 of Chalcidice, in the year 384 B.C. He died, aged sixty-
two, at Chalcis, in Euboea. His father, Nicomachus

The Historians History Of The World Volume XXIV Poland The Balkans,
Turkey Minor Eastern States China Japan Oct 30, 2006 henry smith
williams the exception of Thessalonica, Chalcidice, and the Morea,
Dushan was already master of nearly all the western provinces of the
1355 A. D.J conducted

Lectures upon portions of history, [microf orm] with historical outlines for
the use of schools Nov 3, 2006 bostwick, henry, 1787-1837 of Eubea.
Coast to the head of the Thermaic Gulf: observe the large peninsula of
Chalcis or Chalcidice, projecting three smaller peninsulas coast round
them into the Strymonic Gulf. Observe the

The Balkan question the present condition of the Balkans and of European
responsibilities Mar 27, 2007 villari, luigi, 1876- down to the Ochrida lake
on the west, the Bistritza to the south, is a prevalently Bulgarian country.
To the south-west of the Bistritza, along the sea- coast, and in the
Chalcidice, we have a Greek

Greece in the age of Pericles Dec 5, 2011 grant, a. j. (arthur james), 1862-
1948 meanwhile, and as a step to that, she raised up a rebellion against
Athens in a distant quarter. The town of Potidaea, situated on the Isthmus
of Pallene in Chalcidice, was a colony of Corinth, and was

Leaves From A Viceroys Note Book And Other Papers Jan 16, 2017
marquess curzon Ossa and Pelion, that we embarked on board the yacht for
Athos. Pallene, the nearest of the three prongs which project trident- wise
from Chalcidice into the sea, lay right opposite, the low land in th

Hellas: or, The home, history, literature and art of the Greeks, tr. by J.
Oxenford Mar 6, 2009 friedrich christian w . jacobs peninsula of the
Chalcidice, and by the vicinity of several powerful Thracian kingdoms.
The first king who laid the foundation for the civilization of the country
and cultivation of the soil was Archelaus

The Land of Greece: Described and Illustrated Jun 9, 2008 charles henry
hanson peninsula of Chalcidice. The Athenians despatched a large fleet
and a conaiJerable army to subdue the insurgent town, which was
blockaded in the autumn of 432 RC, but was so strongly garrisoned and

Historical studies in philosophy May 30, 2008 boutroux, emile, 1845-1921

Halicarnassus, letter to Ammaeus, 1.5 (3) the anonymous author of a
biography of Aristotle, 74 ARISTOTLE 75 of Chalcidice, in the year
384 b.c. He died, aged sixty-two, at Chalcis, in Euboea. His

Decimi Junii Juvenalis saturæ xiii. The satires of Juvenal, ed. with notes,
intr., and ... Apr 16, 2008 juvenal word is British (basket). Conf. Mart. xiv.
99, barbara de pictis veni bascauda Britannia.cselati. See on Sat. L 65.
callidus emptor Olynthi Philip of Macedon, who took Olynthus in
Chalcidice in

The Reliquary and Illustrated Archæologist Jun 16, 2009 john romilly
allen, john charles cox SEAL. Jutting out from the Chalcidice Peninsula
into the -gean Sea dre three promontories. The easternmost of these,
Hagion Oros the Holy Mount has a history peculiar to itself a government

Scottish geographical magazine Jul 6, 2009 scottish geographical society

coast, penetrate inland up to Adrianople, where they form a fourth of the
inhabitants, and occupy the whole peninsula of Chalcidice. They have
spread over the Macedonian plain to the foot of the

Blair's chronological and historical tables : from the creation to the present
time, with additions and corrections from the most authentic writers,
including the computation of St. Paul, as connecting the period from the
exode to the temple Feb 7, 2008 blair, john, d. 1782 peltasts, and 150
horse.On a third embassy 2,000 Athenian citizens pass over. Olynthus
taken by Philip, with Apollonia and 32 towns of Chalcidice and
Thrace.The Olympia are celebrated at Dium. Peace

Compendium of Ancient Geography Jun 3, 2009 jean baptiste

bourguignon d' anville the Old Alep. This city, which was confiderable,
communicated to its environs the name of Chalcidice\ as the preceding
caufed its canton to be diftinguiihed by that of Chalybonitis. And the

The works of Lucian of Samosata Apr 7, 2008 lucian, of samosata

Chalcidice. They were of about the same age. Euthydicus was a powerful
man, in robust health Damon was pale and weakly, and looked as if he
were just recovering from a long illness. They had a good

The Balkan Question: The Present Condition of the Balkans and of

European ... Oct 8, 2008 luigi villari Ochrida lake on the west, the Bistritza
to the south, is a prevalently Bulgarian country. To the south-west of the
Bistritza, along the sea- coast, and in the Chalcidice, we have a Greek
population the

Nock, Conversion: The Old and the New in Religion from Alexander the
Great to Augustine of Hippo, 1933 Oct 26, 2014 arthur darby nock
Pathmos [sic], young ... at Paphos, holy ... at Chios, marching at Salamis,
watcher in Cyprus, bountiful in Chalcidice, holy in Pieria, blooming in
Asia, she of the cross roads at Petra, saviour at

The_Life_Of _Greece Nov 18, 2006 will_durant liberty. Other Greeks,

mostly from Chalcis and Eretria, conquered and named the three-fingered
peninsula of Chalcidice, and by 700 had established thirty towns there,
bull The name was probably taken from

Zeitschrift für Numismatik May 4, 2008 alfred friedrich constantin von

sallet, hermann dannenberg, heinrich dressel, julius menadier, kurt regling,
numismatische gesellschaft zu berlin welche die MUnzaufschrift
TVNTENON hat, tritt hier wiederum eine: Sermyle. Sie lag in Chalcidice,
im Grunde des Teronischen Busens, welcher auch Sermylischer hiess,
unweit Terone und Olynth, und ihre

The world's orators : comprising the great orations of the world's history,
with introductory essays, biographical sketches and critical notes Oct 1,
2008 lee, guy carleton, 1862-1936 great dly which, with Its confederacy of
thirty-two towns, Philip destroyed in 14S B.C. In 349 B.C. Fgthilip entered
Chalcidice, and besieged some of the confederate towns. Olynthus sent
an embassy to

Apology of Socrates and Crito Apr 20, 2008 Plato . . . Ai|X(y : poundQtt
jdt a Corinthian colony on tlie peninsula Chalcidice, which became a
tributary ally of Athens without wholly abandoning its earlier connezioD
with Corinth. IV Perdiccas, king of

An Introduction To Ancient Philosophy Jan 18, 2017 armstrong. a. h

Chalcidice on the north coast of the Aegean. He was of pure Greek blood
(that is, as far as we know), but from the very edge of the Greek world,
well within the sphere of influence of the rising, doubtfully

Lands and peoples the world in color Jan 18, 2010 clewell, gladys d., ed at
Mount Athos occupying the eastern prong of the Chalcidice Peninsula.
Women and even female animals are not allowed there, and the monks
(numbering nearly 5.000) manage the affairs of the community

Greece, From the Coming of the Hellenes to A. D. 14 Mar 4, 2009 evelyn

shirley shuckburgh with Olynthus he secured himself against opposition
from Chalcidice. These proceedings would naturally have aroused enmity
in Greece. But Sparta, weakened and humiliated, held aloof for some years


Cassandreia and Chalcidice. While his barbarian allies were getting into
motion, the consul, following what was to become the via Egnatia boldly
advanced into Lyncestis, where he encountered Philip, who

Horace: Odes and Epodes a study in poetic word-order Nov 20, 2009
horace somewhat pointless, even though the snows of Chalcidice might
be proverbial. To speak of a place where snow never falls as 'free from
Arctic snows' is worthy of our eighteenth century versifiers. The

Handbuch der alten Geographie Jan 23, 2013 forbiger, albert, 1798-1878
.), nur ein Distrikt von geringem Umfange suumldoumlstl. neben diesem
bis gegen die Wuumlste hin Chalcidice (? XaXxidtxrj: auch Strab. p. 753.
u. Joseph. Ant. 14, 15., bei Plin. 5, 23, 19. Chalcidene)8

The Life Of Greece Jan 18, 2017 will_durant Athens was to lose her
liberty. Other Greeks, mostly from Chalcis and Eretria, conquered and
named the three-fingered peninsula of Chalcidice, and by 700 had
established thirty towns there, bull The name was

The works of Lucian of Samosata, complete with exceptions specified in

the preface Jul 2, 2008 lucian, of samosata passengers, among whom were
Euthydicus and his comrade Damon, also of Chalcidice. They were of
about the same age. Euthydicus was a powerful man, in robust health
Damon was pale and weakly, and

Phoenicia Nov 3, 2009 rawlinson, george, 1812-1902 also occupied the

Greek mainland, either in Chalcidice or in the region about Thebes, may

perhaps be questioned. An inland position like that of Thebes is scarcely

likely to have attrActed them arid

A manual of ancient geography Nov 15, 2009 kiepert, heinrich, 1818-1899

i. 125 3 Cercyra i. 165 Ceme i. 128 ! Cerynia Ach. 141 s Cyp. 81 Cessetani
250 Cestrus r. 76 Ceutrones 256 Chaberus r. 20 j Chaboras r.82 2,89,90
Chaeronea 156 Chalcedon 62 Chalcidice 178 Chalcis

Universal History, Ancient and Modern: From the Earliest Records of

Time, to the General Peace ... May 22, 2009 william fordyce mavor time
to lament over these calamities, when they were informed of others still
greater, and more to be deplored The citizens of Olynthus, and other
places of the Chalcidice, had embraced the earliest

The Satires of Juvenal Mar 31, 2011 juvenal possession of Olynthus, in

Chalcidice, throutjh the treacherous venality of two of its inhabitants,
Lasthenes and Euthycrates. At this time, the corruption of which thc public
men of Greece were

Universal And Old World History Jan 17, 2017 not available . .9 Other
special events, A-Z. 232 Biography, A-Z. Xaoedonian epoch. Age of
Philip, B. C. 3S0-SS6. 233 General works. .2 General special. .25 Minor.
Pamphlets, etc. .3 Operations in Chalcidice and

Aristotle And Plato In The Mid Fourth Century Jan 20, 2017 owen,g.l.e
into the pattern of Anstotles life His life falls into four roughly equal
penods There is first his boyhood m Chalcidice and in lacedonia from 384
to 367 Secondly, there is the penod of his

Loeb Classical Library: L012 Apr 19, 2010 war 'twixt Athens rose and
them That in Euboea hold Chalcidice 60 Then on their side he fought, and
smote their foes, And for his guerdon won Creusa's hand An alien, yet
Achaean born, and son Of …

A system of modern geography, with the outlines of astronomy Feb 22,

2009 john white , Mygdonia Lyncestis, Pelagonia, and Paeonia, in the
mterior Syntice and the Bisaltae, west of the Strymon Chalcidice, south
of Mygdonia, including the peninsulas of t'allene or Phlegra, Sythonia

Excerpta ex P. Ovidii Nasonis carminibus [ed., with Engl. notes by M.

Isler]. Aug 11, 2008 publius ovidius naso to geographical order .Um poet
simply follows his recollection, and perhaithe requirements if tito vrarse.
AtAos a mountain on the peninsula of Chalcidice, southftom Macedonia,
now Monte Santo

A smaller manual of ancient geography Apr 27, 2008 william latham

bevan territorial divisions of Macedonia were very numerous. We may
notice, as among the more important, Eddnis, between the Strymon and
Nestus Mygdonia, to the N. of Chalcidice Emathia, between the

Nouvelles annales des voyages Jun 13, 2008 parr, charles mckew donor
eacutecicircaircissemens sur la Peacuteninsule, formant la Chalcidice, sur
la valleacutee de Strymon, le Mont-Pangeacutee et la tribu de Satres ou
Bessi ( encore existans selon l'auteur ), ainsi que sur toute la
Maceacutedoine Trans

The History of Greece Jun 9, 2009 william mitford Country. Meafures of

the Orecian Fleet. Dedication to the Gods for the Viuiory at Salamis.
Honors paid to Themijocles. Revolt of Chalcidice from the JPerJians.
Siege of Potida by Artabazus.

Excerpta ex P. Ovidii Nasonis Carminibus Sep 30, 2008 ovid, meyer isler
recollection, and perhaps tne requirements of the verse. Atkos a mountain
on the peninsula of Chalcidice, south-east from Macedonia, now Monte
Santo. Tmolus, in Lydia. Oete, on the southern boundary of ...

Euripides: With an English Translation Sep 8, 2008 euripides, arthur

sanders way Was wed to Xuthus, by such hap as this : A surge of war

'twixt Athens rose and them That in Euboea hold Chalcidice 60 Then on
their side he fought, and smote their foes. And for his guerdon won

[The topography of Athens and the Demi] Sep 7, 2016 Leake, william
martin, 1777-1860 peninsula of Acte or Mount Atlios with the adjacent
part of the Thracian Chalcidice. This undertaking was suggested by the
damage which Mardonius had suffered in circumnavigating Mount Atlios
in his

Apology of Socrates and Crito : with extracts from the Phaedo and
Symposium and from Xenophon's Memorabilia Jun 5, 2007 Plato
Chalcidice, became a tributary ally of Athens without wholly abandoning
its earlier connection with Corinth. Perdiccas, king of Macedonia, took
advantage of this divided allegiance to persuade the

Dictionary Of Dates Epitome Of History Jan 16, 2017 digital library of

india Thessaly, the following places are to be noted: Pydna, Pella, the royal
residence since the reign of Archelaus (formerly AEgae or Edessa enjoyed
this distinction). On the peninsula Chalcidice: Olynthm

Shakespeare adaptations: The tempest, The mock tempest, and King Lear
Oct 31, 2009 shakespeare, william, 1564-1616 Stageira, a sea-port in the
district of Chalcidice. P. 227, rank Femiter. Tate follows the
Shakespearean quartos which read Femiter.The more usual form is
Fumiter. There are five species of Fumitories

First history of Greece Dec 21, 2007 sewell, elizabeth missing, 1815-1906
formed against Bocoti failed, and this, joined with the victories of Bras
das, the Spartan, in Thrace and Chalcidice, whci the Athenians had
several subject cities, at lengt' humbled them so much that

Historical atlas Nov 16, 2014 shepherd, william r. (william robert), 1871-
1934 , in Turkestan IHA G d Azndnebnrg 1 E c Amoneburg, mon Da

Amorbacb D a Amorbach, mon Db Amorgos, isl 4 Cb Amorgua 13 Pc

Aanerium ta Do Amoy 121 M f Ampelua, prom, in Chalcidice . u E c

The topography of Athens. With some remarks on its antiquities Jan 15,
2015 Leake, william martin, 1777-1860 connects the peninsula of Acte
or Mount Athos with the adjacent part of the Thracian Chalcidice. This
undertaking was suggested by the damage which Mardonius had suffered
in circumnavigating Mount Athos

Katholieke Encyclopaedie deel 1 May 9, 2016 . 10deg Aardb. van

Griekenland (30 Sept. 1932). Vooral in Chalcidice achtereenvolgens
verschillende bevingen. 6 km land plotseling afgescheurd. Chalcidice
bijna in een eiland veranderd, plusmn 3000 menschen

Catalogue of the Library of the Entomological Society of London Dec 9,

2015 champion, g. c Sea, and in Arabia. With descriptions of the new
species. Svo, London, 1871. Notes on Chalcidice. 7 Parts in 1 vol. 8vo,
Lorulon, 1871-72. Walker (F. A.), Yoices of Many Lands. 12mo, London,

The Spirit Of The East Vol. 1 Jan 20, 2017 Urquhart, d. seen fragments
of it also on Mount Olympus I have seen it again jlsquolaquo situ in the
mountains of Chalcidice and again, in fragments, in the island of
SciAthos. In speaking of the quarries of SciAthos


craufurd tait ramage . ARISTOTLE. BOEH B.C. 3S4r-DIED B.C. 322.
ARISTOTLE, the celebrated philosopher, wap a rgtt , a seaport town of
tlic district 80 ARISTOTLE. of Chalcidice, which became subject to

Zeitschrift für Numismatik May 14, 2008 Stierkopfes auf der Rf, Die
Trennung der Muumlnzen der Bottiaeer, Bottaeer und Botteaten ist gewiss

richtig, zum Theil schon von Imhoof bemerkt. Literatur. 283 1. Bottiaeer
in Chalcidice, alle mit BOTTIAIQN

Odes and epodes a study in poetic word order Feb 4, 2008 horace
Chalcidice might be proverbial. To speak of a place where snow never
falls as 'free from Arctic snows' is worthy of our eighteenth century
versifiers. The words Sithonia nive may stand outside Memphin

The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea : travel and trade in the Indian Ocean
Aug 29, 2007 schof f, wilfred harvey, 1874-1932 , Cape Sunium in Greece
from Chalcidice and Crete native always in rugged and wild localities. The
name sertula, garland, which it bears sufficiently proves that this plant was
formerly much used in the

Cornelii Nepotis Vitae: Für den Schulgebrauch mit sachlichen

Anmerkungen Apr 26, 2008 cornelius nepos , karl erbe die zeitliche
Ordnung der Dinge gehalten. Diese erhellt aus den vorangestellten
geschichtlichen Angaben. I. 2. Olynthios. Macedonien vorgelagert ist die
Halbinsel Chalcidice dieselbe hat ihren Namen

Journals of a landscape painter in Albania, Apr 3, 2008 lear, edward, 1812-

1888 Chalcidice), ere Saloniki was visible, a triangle enclosed in a border
of white walls on the hill at the head of the gulf and it was nearly six p.m.
before we reached the harbour and anchored. Instantly the

Apology of Socrates and Crito Jun 1, 2008 Platon (rTa(. Cf. 25 a. 3. cv I

. . . Potidaea, a Corinthian colony on the peninsula Chalcidice, which
became a tributary ally of Athens without wholly abandoning its earlier

Many minds Mar 6, 2008 hutton, maurice, 1856-1940 , 163, 164, 234
Timoleon, 235 Tollemache (Lionel), 176, 177, 235 Tolstoi, 139 Torone
(Chalcidice), 54 Toronto, 79, 104, 229 Tory and Toryism, 41, 44, 177,
245, 246 Tosh,38 Trinity College

Historia de la antigüedad T. 12 Jul 13, 2016 duncker, max navegantes

tesalios. Atenas habiacutea menester maacutes que nunca de expeditas
comunicaciones mariacutetimas, en todo el mar Egeo, donde tenia
numerosos aliados, lo mismo en las costas de la peniacutensula de
Chalcidice, que en

Return British Museum Aug 22, 2011 british museum Chalcidice.An

archaic tetrobol. The city of Capsa north of Mende, on the Thermaic
gulf, is mentioned by Herodotus (vii, 123). Its coins are of great rarity, and
have been only recently identified

Ancient civilization Jan 14, 2008 ashley, roscoe lewis, 1872- , Corinth,
gina, Salamis, Plataea, Thebes, Euboea, Thessaly, Chalcidice, Delos,
Rhodes, Samos, Miletus, Ephesus, Sardis, Phocaea, Hellespont, Propontis
and Bosporus. 3. Name and give the difference

Poetical works, with 'A cypresse grove.' Edited by L.E. Kastner Oct 11,
2006 drummond, william, 1585-1649 lof ty range of mountains, separating
Thrace and Moesia. Athos: the mountainous peninsula, also called Acte,
which projects from Chalcidice in Macedonia. At its extremity it rises to
the height of

Zeitschrift für Numismatik Apr 18, 2008 Tetradrachmen von Athen und
wenige von Acanthus auf der Halbinsel Chalcidice in Macedonien lassen
vielleicht den Weg erkennen, welchen das Schiff von Samos nach Messina
genommen hat. Herr Halke sprach uumlber

Aristotle's Politics: A Treatise on Government Feb 22, 2009 Aristotle,

william ellis INTRODUCTION. I diams I Stageira, the birthplace of
Aristotle, was a town of Chalcidice in Macedonia, whose remains are
probably to be seen in old Hellenic masonry about the village of Nizoro
on the south side of a

D. Iunii Iuvenalis Saturae XIII. Thirteen satires of Juvenal Apr 27, 2008
juvenal, herbert augustus strong , charles henry pearson told in Herodotus
vii. 21 sqq. 'how Xerxes cut a canal through the Isthmus connecting the
peninsula with Chalcidice. The trace of this canal is still most distinctly
to be seen: see Lieut. Wolfe's

Historical studies in philosophy Jul 28, 2006 boutroux, emile, 1845-1921

Chalcidice, in the year 384 B.C. He died, aged sixty-two, at Chalcis, in
Euboea. His father, Nicomachus, was a doctor, as also were his ancestors.
They traced their descent back to Machaon, son of

Nouvelles annales des voyages Feb 24, 2008 mois, contient dimportans
eacuteclaircissemens sur la Peacuteniosule, formant la Chalcidicirccesur
la yalleacutee de Strjmon, le Mont-Pangee et la tribu deSatres ou Bessi T
encore exicircstans selon l'auteur), ainsi que

The Modern Traveller: A Description, Geographical, Historical, and ...

Aug 2, 2009 josiah conder Aleppo, Tripoli, Sidon or Acre, and Damascus.
The first of these includes the ancient Comagene, Cyrrhestica, Chalcidice-
, Seleucia, and the district of Antioch the second, Casiotis, and the north

Chronicon orientale Petri Rahebi Aegyptii primum ex Arabico Latine

redditum ab Abrahamo Ecchellensi ... .May 20, 2016 butrus ibn al-
muhadhdhib , ut vel eoi Digitized by Goole C ) Cos populos libi volentes
conciliarcc , vel lubigerct advcrlantcs. Parapo-j tamix quoque amp
Chalcidice reguH Arabes, de quibus Serabo lib. pag. 871. Aftmitnfium rt

The Life Of Greece Jan 15, 2017 durant will capture by Philip would lead
to the war in which Athens was to lose her liberty. Other Greeks, mostly
from Chalcis and Eretria, conquered and named the three-fingered
peninsula of Chalcidice, and by

The Golden Horn Collection Mar 1, 2017 stack's create. Philip united
Macedonia by removing the semi-independent principalities of upper

Macedonia. He extended his control to include Thrace, Thessaly and the

Chalcidice. With the capture of Amphipolis

The history of Herodotus. A new English version, ed. with copious notes
and appendices, illustrating the history and geography of Herodotus, from
the most recent sources of information and embodying the chief results,
historical and ethnographical, which have been obtained in the progress of
cuneiform and hieroglyphical discovery Sep 25, 2014 herodotus ). Few
cities sent out so many, or such distant colonies. The whole peninsula
situated between the Thermaic and Strymonic gulfs, acquired the name of
Chalcidice, from the number of Chalcidean settlements

Syrie ancienne et moderne Jun 19, 2009 yanoski, jean, 1813-1851

avoisinait la mer. 5deg La Chalcidice (XatXxntxii) eacutetait situeacutee
agrave l'est de la Seacuteleucide. 6deg La Chalybonitide
(XxXugovtTtccedil), plus agrave l'orient encore, s'eacutetendait, dans le
deacutesert, jusqu'agrave l'Eumluphrate. 7deg La

Classification Philology. Lingustics Classical Philology Classical

Literature Jan 15, 2017 library of congress processing department - Uni),
Chronology of life: dates of birth and death. Military and political career.
Campaign in Chalcidice. Thucydides legend. Tomb. Iconography.
Authorship. Composition of the work. General. Particular

A history syllabus for secondary schools, outlining the four years' course
in history recommended by the committee of seven of the American
historical association Jun 21, 2009 new england history teachers'
association. [from old catalog] -80, 83, 91-95, 113-114- Source: Plutarch,
Lysander. b. Wars: Agesilaus. (1) Persian: Anabasis Antalcidas. (2)
Domestic: Peloponnesus, Chalcidice, New Athenian League, Leuctra.
Botsford, Greece

Serta Romana: poetarum decem Latinorum carmina selecta Sep 29, 2008
j. woltjer plaats waar Zeus de Titanen door den bliksem vemietigde,

waarschijnluk 't westelijkijte schiereiland van Chalcidice, later Pallene.

49. Vgl. Tib. II, 6, K: sed tuno paticebant herbosa Palatia vaccae

Book 1. With introd., historical examination and notes eb 4, 2008 livy that
a family of Aeneadae existed in Troas who regarded Aeneas as their
founder. Who then is the Aeneas who is said to have founded Aenus in
Thrace (Virg. Aen. 3. 18), Aenea in Chalcidice (Livy 40. 4, 9

Livy : with an English translation Oct 15, 2008 livy , IV, 368 (1) Cavalry
Companions, 112 (1) Cavii, II, 189 Cephalus, 65, 335 (3), 337 Ceremia, P,
3 Ceres, 58 (1) Cethegus, see Cornelius Chalcideans, 29 Chalcidice, III,
234 (2) Chalcis, III, 27-31, 91

The age of the Condottieri, a short history of mediaeval Italy from 1409-
1530 Dec 21, 2007 browning, oscar, 1837-1923 , Benvenuto, 233, 234.
Certosa of Pa via, the, 2. Cervia, 8, 185. Chalcidice, peninsula of , 91.
INDEX 369 Charles V, 175, 202, 205, 207, 208210, 212,214,217,219, 222,
224, 226, 227, 241. Charles VII, 55, 63

The Babylonian Woe by David Astle Dec 15, 2012 david astle audio
slavery. Although Seltsman says the source of the renewal of the
prosperity of Athens was the new markets in Cyrene, Chalcidice, and
South Russia, Rostovtsev points out that the South Russian market, the

The life of Greece : being a history of Greek civilization from the

beginnings, and of civilization in the Near East from the death of
Alexander, to the Roman conquest with an introduction on the prehistoric
culture of Crete Sep 30, 2009 durant, will, 1885-1981 war in which Athens
was to lose her liberty. Other Greeks, mostly from Chalcis and Eretria,
conquered and named the three-fingered peninsula of Chalcidice, and by
700 had established thirty towns

Livy, books 1-10: Book 1. With introd., historical examination, and notes
by J.R. Seeley Apr 12, 2007 livy family of Aeneadae existed in Troas who

regarded Aeneas as their founder. Who then is the Aeneas who is said to
have founded Aenus in Thrace (Virg. Aen. 3. 18), Aenea in Chalcidice
(Livy 40. 4, 9

A First History of Greece by the Author of Amy Herbert, The Child's First
History of Rome, Etc. Etc Jul 27, 2016 elizabeth missing sewell success
seemed to forsake them. A vast plan which they had formed against
Boeotia failed, and this, joined with the victories of Brasidas, the Spartan,
in Thrace and Chalcidice, where the Athenians had

Phoenica Jun 28, 2011 rawlinson, george, 1812-1902 mainland, either in

Chalcidice or in the region about Thebes, may perhaps be questioned. An
inland position like that of Thebes is scarcely likely to have attracted them
and perhaps the E istern tinge

The Topography of Athens and the Demi Jan 27, 2008 william martin
Leake Chalcidice. This undertaking was suggested by the damage which
Mardonius had suffered in circumnavigating Mount Athos in his first
expedition in the reign of Dareius and although doubts were thrown

Ancient civilization a textbook for secondary schools Aug 22, 2007 ashley,
roscoe lewis, b. 1872 the geography of Greece ? How did the geography
influence the people ? Point out on the map : Sparta, Argolis, Olympia,
Corinth, gina, Salamis, Plataea, Thebes, Euboea, Thessaly, Chalcidice,

Numasmatic Chronicle And The Journal Of The Numismatic Society Vol-

xv Jan 16, 2017 sir john evans, , PI XIV. 16). It must he remembered,
however, that the bull (or hull's head) is a common Macedonian type
having A lyre oisquaie form (as on corns of Chalcidice) and the letter A
occur on tetradrachms of

The Historians History Of The World Vol. Xxiv Jan 15, 2017 williams,
henry smith ed. , and by acquisitions in Albania near those of the Adriatic.

With the exception of Thessaloniea, Chalcidice, and the Morea, Dushan

was already master of nearly all the western provinces of the empire

Die griechischen Münzen der Sammlung Warren beschrieben von Kurt

Regling Feb 5, 2015 warren, edward prioleau, 1856- . Anfang des 5. Jahrh.
v. C. CHALCIDICE. Die Muumlnzen von Nr. 561. an ind von dem 392
gegruumlndeten, von Philippos II 348 vernichteten chalzidivrhcn Bunde
in dem Vororte desselben Olytittaus gepraumlgt. 560 Tat

Balkan Politics - International Relations In No Mans Land Jan 19, 2017

joseph s. roucek the realm. Crete was assigned to Greece in 1913 as the
result of the Balkan Wars, together with southern Macedonia, Salomca,
and the Chalcidice Peninsula In March 1913 the monarch was

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) square form (as on
coins of Chalcidice) and the letter A occur on tetradrachms of
Lysimachus classed by Miiller (No. 354) as uncertain of Macedon.94
NUMISMATIC CHRONICLE. nothing to do with

The topography of Athens. With some remarks on its antiquities Feb 15,
2009 Leake, william martin, 1777-1860 with the adjacent part of the
Thracian Chalcidice. This undertaking was suggested by the damage
which Mardonius had suffered in circumnavigating Mount Athos in his
first expedition in the reign of

Greece In The Age Of Pericles Jan 19, 2017 grant arthur j against Athens
in a' dikant quarter. The town of Potidaea, situated on the Isthmus of
Pallene 28 Greece in the Age of Pericles [Ch. X. in Chalcidice, was a
colony of Corinth, and was connected with her by

A Manual of Ancient Geography Apr 16, 2017 heinrich kiepert , Cyp. 81

Cessetani 250 Cestrus r. 76 Ceutrones 256 Chaberus r. 20 j Chaboras r.82

9,89,90 Chaeronea 156 Chalcedon 62 Chalcidice 178 Chalcis Eub. 130.

162, 231 Chalcis yr. 941 Chalcitis 26 Chaldaea 85

The Modern Traveller: A Description, Geographical, Historical, and

Topographical, of the Various ... Jul 12, 2008 josiah [conder , Sidon or
Acre, and Damascus, first of these includes the ancient Oomagene, Cyi
tica, Chalcidice, Seleucia, and the district of Am the second, Casiotis, and
the north part of Phe the third, Phenicta

A history syllabus for secondary schools, outlining the four years' course
in history recomMended by the committee of seven of the American
historical association Sep 7, 2008 new england history teachers'
association. [from old catalog] : Agesilaus. (i) Persian: Anabasis
Antalcidas. (2) Domestic: Peloponnesus, Chalcidice, New Athenian
League, Leuctra. Botsford, Greece, 261274. Sankey, 146-156 (Chalcidic
League). West, 202-209. Holm, III

Thucydidis 2. With collation of the two Cambridge mss., and the Aldine
and Juventine editions Aug 3, 2010 thucydides widest application it may
be defined to the indicative iirecdr} we CKeyixivov tjv embrace
Chalcidice, with its three pro- sect 3 when all were mustered,is so jecting
tongues of land, together with clear as

Verzeichnis der von der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in

Wien hrsg. von Derzeit Vorräthigen Schriften Oct 22, 2014 akademie der
wissenschaften, vienna 10 kr. (III. Abhandlung.) S. 85. IL 865. 10 kr.
Becke, Friedr., Gesteine von der Halbinsel Chalcidice. S. 77. L 609. 10 kr.
Gesteine von Griechenland. S. 78. I. 417. 15 kr. . Ueber die

Dr. Karl von Spruner's historisch-geographischer hand-atlas Feb 3, 2016

spruner von merz, karl, 1803-1892 nur noch das Weichbild der Hauptstadt
und die Halbinsel Chalcidice geblieben , wozu auch das vielfach getheilte
Morea fast ganz wieder erworben wurde. Die Osmannischen Tuumlrken
hatten sich im Laufe des

Thucydides Oct 17, 2009 thucydides by Agnon. Phormio, and the body of
sixteen hundred men under his command, had before this quitted
Chalcidice, so that Agnon sailed back with the ships to Athens, of his four
thousand men the plague

Translations Nov 4, 2009 jebb, richard claverhouse, sir, 1841-1905 , even

when none exists, and their country, whichever it 1 hnliraXa. (carnoT'o-
ai'TOS =brought things to a level,that is in Chalcidice. U toO Imv means
' on even terms' with regard tothe whole war

The poetical works of William Drummond of Hawthornden : with 'A

cypresse grove' Apr 12, 2013 drummond, william, 1585-1649 mountainous
peninsula, also called Acte, which projects from Chalcidice in
Macedonia. At its extremity it rises to the height of 6349 t1. 189. More =
''Moot'' : black.1. 199. yce-sheekle : icicle

Apology of Socrates and Crito May 31, 2009 Plato . Cf. 26 a. 3. cv

IIoTiSaC . . . Ai|X(ltp : Fotidaea, a Corinthian colony on the peninsula
Chalcidice, which became a tributary ally of Athens without wholly
abandoning its earlier connexion with

The ancient world from the earliest times to 800 A.D. Aug 15, 2008 west,
willis m. (willis mason), b. 1857 . In Chalcidice, the city of Olynthus had
organized its neighbors into a promising league. A Spartan army compelled
this league to break up. While on the way to Chalcidice, part of this army,
by treachery

The world's greatest books Dec 18, 2009 mee, arthur, 1875-1943, joint
editor cities of Chalcidice to throw of f the Athenian yoke and the
democrats of Boeotia intrigued with Athens to assist in a general
revolution. Owing partly to misunderstandings and partly to treachery

Commentarii historici et chronologici in Demosthenis Orationem de

corona Insunt multa ad Philippicae aetatis cognitionem omniumque

Demosthenis orationum, quae sunt ex genere publico, intelligentiam

adiuvandam Feb 10, 2015 franz w. wieniewski sibi fidem societatemque
conciliaret Olynthus, urbs in Chalcidice Pydna tempore belli Peloponnes.
Macedonuni urbs fuit. Thuc. I, 61, 137. Eiusdem belii a. 22, 01. XCII, 3?
Archelaus, Macedonum

Euripides Vol.4 Jan 21, 2017 way, arthur s. hold Chalcidice 60 Then on
their side he fought, and smote their foes, And for his guerdon won
Creusa's hand An alien, yet Achaean born, and son Of Aeolus son of Zeus.
But, after years Of wedlock

Francisci Winiewski ... Commentarii historici et chronologici in

Demosthenis orationem De corona ... Jul 8, 2008 winiewski, franciscus , l
Brevi post Phili|gtpus et Potidaeam Atheniensibus vi surripuit, ut ea
Olynthiorum sibi fidem societatemque conciliaret, Olynthqs urb in
Chalcidice Pjdna tempore belH PeloponDes

The First Year of Greek Mar 2, 2009 james turney allen amps IIcpSCKKav
Kal Is t\\v XaXKiSiKTJv he came to Perdiccas and into Chalcidice. THE
VERB 131. Ways of regarding Action Action-stems. Every action can be
regarded in one of three ways: first, it

The Numismatic Chronicle May 18, 2008 royal numismatic society (great
britain) Ciiriusius, coins of , 203 CarvHtuM, coin of , 319 Cauno-, coins
attributed to, 247 CXgtos (Cuithwa), coins of , 15 Cbalcia (Caria), coins
attribatad to247 Chalcidice, coin of , 316 Chalcis, coin of

Apology of Socrates and Crito May 10, 2011 Plato IIoTiSata . . . AtXCu)
: Potidaea, a Corinthian colony on the peninsula Chalcidice, which
became a tributary ally of Athens without wholly abandoning its earlier
connexion with Corinth. Perdiccas, king

Balkan Politics International Relations In No Mans Land Jan 16, 2017

roucek, joseph s. Berlin of 1878, extended the realm. Crete was assigned

to Greece in 1913 as the result of the Balkan Wars, together with southern
Macedonia, Salonica, and the Chalcidice Peninsula. In March 1913 the

The Historians History Of The World Vol. Xxiv Jan 17, 2017 williams,
henry smith ed. those of the Adriatic. With the exception of Thessalonica,
Chalcidice, and the Morea, Dushan was already master of nearly all the
western provinces of the empire. Arrived at this degree of power Dushan

Lyra Graeca being the remains of all the Greek lyrik poets from Eumelus
to Timotheus excepting Pindar Sep 18, 2008 edmonds, j. m. (john
maxwell) public garden at Atliens walled by Hipparchus and adorned witii
grovcs and fountains by Cimon here Plato taught Acaminti?: 390 one of
the Attic tribes Acanthus : 410 a town of Chalcidice Acestalian

The young navigators, or, The foreign cruise of the Maud Sep 2, 2016
optic, oliver, 1822-1897 Chalcidice and from this, reaching to the south-
east, are three other smaller peninsulas.rdquo ldquo Lots of peninsulas
added Mrs. Belgrave. ldquoWe are at anchor of f the most eastern of them,
called Atlios, the

Thucydides, tr. by W. Smith Oct 16, 2008 thucydides body of sixteen

hundred men under his command, had before this quitted Chalcidice, so
that Agnon sailed back with the ships to Athens, of his four thousaud men
the plagne having swept away one thousand

Histoire de l'ancienne Grèce, de ses colonies et de ses conquëtes, depuis

les premiers temps, jusqu'à la division de l'Empire Macédonien ... Traduite
de l'anglois de John Gillies, par M. Carra ... Tome premier sixième May
18, 2016 Olynthe amp les autres villes de la Chalcidice a recouvrer leur
indeacutependance , il employa fes moyens k deacutetruire linfluence des
Atheacuteniens dans ces reacutepubliques , efperant y eacutetablir celle de
la MacSloine agrave

The Numismatic Chronicle Apr 6, 2008 royal numismatic society (great

britain) {Brit. Mm. Cat., Crete, PL XIV. 16). It must be remembered,
however, that the bull (or bull's head) is a common Macedonian type
having 'reg A l3rre of square form (as on coins of Chalcidice) and the

Thucydides Mythistoricus Sep 17, 2008 cornford, francis macdonald,

1874-1943 last scene opens at the beginning of Book V. I Cleon himself
sails with an expedition to Chalcidice, wheraa pe is to meet with more than
his match. Brasitas, ensconced in Amphipolis, lays a trap

Translations Dec 17, 2007 jebb, richard claverhouse, sir, 1841-1905

level,that is in Chalcidice. ex tov foov means ' on even terms' with regard
to the whole war, the position in which the restoration of their captives
would place the Lacedaemonians. 71 TRANSLATIONS

M.L. Vitrvuio Pollione Di architettura : dal vero esemplare latino nella

volgar lingua tradotto, e con le figure a suoi luoghi con mirãdo ordine
insignito : anchora con la tauola alfabetica, nella quale facilmente si potra
trouare la moltitudine de vocaboli a suoi luoghi cõ gran diligenza esposti e
dichiarati : mai piu da alcuno altro fin al presente stampato a grande vtilita
di ciascuno studioso Feb 9, 2010 vitruvius pollio fi debbono fare, faiuo
feacute la natura ad luogo non jamipcdiraampaltnmcnticonftringera la
Simmetria adcflegravere coacutemutata.MafelIuo -go fera piugrave grande
in longhezza, le Chalcidice nelli


ELEMENTOS DE GEOGRAFIA POLITICA Dec 7, 2013 darcy carvalho
three fingerlike peninsulas which extend from the larger peninsula of
Chalcidice, east of Saloniki. Even during the Turkish period Athos
enjoyed a large degree of independence for its monasteries at

A history syllabus for secondary schools, outlining the four years' course
in history recomMended by the committee of seven of the American

historical association Sep 7, 2008 new england history teachers'

association. [from old catalog] , 83, 91-95, 113-114- Source: Plutarch,
Lysander. b. Wars: Agesilaus. (i) Persian: Anabasis Antalcidas. (2)
Domestic: Peloponnesus, Chalcidice, New Athenian League, Leuctra.
Botsford, Greece, 261274

The history of the alphabet : an account of the origin and development of

letters Jan 31, 2008 taylor, isaac, 1829-1901 Naxos, Leontini, Catana,
Messana, Mylae, and Himera in Sicily, Cumae and Neapolis in Campania,
and Chalcidice in Thrace were founded by the Euboean cities of ' The
Iberian and Gaulish alphabets are

Almanach für das Jahr ... May 5, 2008 österreichische akademie der
wissenschaften sind nach Faumlchern geordnet folgende Abhandlungen
enthalten: I. Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaumlontologie. Becke,
Gesteine von der Halbinsel Chalcidice. 77. Bd. Gesteine von
Griechenland. 78. Bd

Historical studies in philosophy Jun 25, 2007 boutroux, Émile, 1845-1921

, 1.5 (3) the anonymous author of a biography of Aristotle, 74
ARISTOTLE 75 of Chalcidice, in the year 384 B.C. He died, aged sixty-
two, at Chalcis, in Euboea. His father, Nicomachus, was a doctor, as

Staatsrecht der unterthanen der Römer. : Nach den quellen bearb. Jul 8,
2008 hopfensack, johann christian wilhelm august, 1801-1874 sieben und
zwanzig, yon denen er Abila, Ampeloessa, Area, Gabe, die Granueomatae,
Mammissaea, Nazerini, Paneas und Trachonitis nahmbaft macht. Von den
Kltgtaigreichen Commagene und Chalcidice, so wie

Cyclopedia of universal history: an account of the principal events in the

career of the human race from the beginnings of civilization to the present
time. From recent and authentic sources Aug 30, 2016 ridpath, john clark
.How bounded.Principal Rivers.Valleys.Political Divisions.Orestis and
Stymphalia.Eordsea and Pieria.Bottisea.Emathea. Mygdonia. Chalcidice.
Olynthus. Bisaltia. Paeonia.Via Egnatia.Myth

A first history of Greece Nov 27, 2009 sewell, elizabeth missing, 1815-
1906 Spartan, in Thrace and Chalcidice, where the Athenians had several
subject cities at length humbled them so much that they agreed for a year's
truce. Even this, however, was not lasting. Both sides found

The alphabet: an account of the origin and development of letters Feb 19,
2009 taylor, isaac, 1829-1901 , Messana, Mylse, and Himera in Sicily,
Cumse and Neapolis in Campania, and Chalcidice in Thrace were
founded by the Euboean cities of ' The Iberian and Gaulish alphabets are
very imperfectly known

The boys' and girls' Pliny : being parts of Pliny's "Natural history", ed. for
boys and girls Jul 16, 2007 pliny, the elder Peninsula of Mount Athos
with Chalcidice, LAND FISHES. 169 such a pitch of perfection, that the
shell of a single animal would hold as much as eighty quadrantes (fifteen
quarts). This we learn from

The journal of Hellenic studies Jun 6, 2007 society for the promotion of
hellenic studies (london, england) metokhi du couvent de Dokhiarion,' and
though it may possibly have been brought by sea from Ephesus to
Chalcidice,41 such a supposition is unlikely in itself and unsupported by
any evidence. Further

Nemeonikai Apr 2, 2014 pindarus Hccedilclccedil ) la mort de Gycnus et

celle d'Aoteacutee, ces cruels tyrans qui eacutegorgeaient leurs hocirctes
(favouccedil ptegravev ev %eacuteccediloltugrave ). Phleacutegra est,
selon Eusthathe, la mecircme que Pallegravene, ville de la Chalcidice en

Commentarii historici et chronologici in Demosthenis Orationem de

Corona Feb 6, 2015 franz winiewski . Olynthus, urbs in Chalcidice Pydna
tempore belli Peloponnes. Macedonum urbs fuit. Thuc. I, 6t, 137. Eiusdem
belli a. 22, 01. XCII, 3, Archelaus, Maoedonum rex, Pydnaeos imperium


DE LA LANGUE LATINE. Jun 20, 2013 darcy carvalho . Heracleot. m.
situeacutee sur la cocircte de la Chalcidice, en Maceacute~ doine} sur le
Sinus Str3rmouicus, mais, sel. Strab. YII, sur le Sinus Siugiugravecus,
pregraves duquel passait le canal creuseacute par Xerxegraves agrave
travers le

Ausführliches und möglichst vollständiges Deutsch-lateinisches Lexicon

oder Wörterbuch zur Übung zum Behulfe der Erklärung der Alten und
Uebung in der lateinischen Sprache in fünf Bänden May 26, 2016 scheller,
immanuel johann gerhard aut , Plin. H. N. XXII!, t ante med. Ceauml. 17.
XXV, 4 polt med. fe3 16. 3) Stabt in Warcbnicn unb jmar ln Chalcidice,
ln bcroumlegenb wm Torone, Plin. H. N. iv, to r.amp 17: auch eint in
ffeeta, Ibid. IV, ia ante

The historical reference book comprising a chronological table of

universal history a chronological dictionary of universal history a
biographical dictionary with geographical notes for the use of students,
teachers and readers Nov 2, 2009 heilprin, louis, 1861-1912 . first styled
Unl- 1A town near Dantzic.A fortress of Moravia, on the river March. reg
A town in the peninsula of Chalcidice, which projects into the N. W. part
of the gean Sea.In Provence, near

The Eclogues and Georgics of Virgil Aug 3, 2008 virgil Chalcidice, in

what was afterward a pari of Macedonia. Qttum morieru altd, dec. When
the dying bark withers on the lof ty elm.Observe that liber, properly the
inner part of the bark, is here taken for

Selections from Xenophon and Herodotus Mar 3, 2008 xenophon , the king
separated from his fleet, sending it through the canal and round the two
western capes of Chalcidice to the head of the Gulf of Therma. The only
account given by Herodotus of the passage of

The natural history of Pliny Sep 9, 2008 pliny, the elder eaten raw or well
boiled it bears a strou- resem' gtWtothatof the reed This plant grows alsoin
Sya md Cilicia, and upon the banks of Lake Torone in Chalcidice. 56
Georg. i. 215. 57 This notion still

The works of Rufus Choate with a memoir of his life Sep 1, 2006 choate,
rufus, 1799-1859 some time he remained in Chalcidice, and, besides other
military operations, he cut of f great numbers of the Sermylians, by
planting an ambuscade about the city. He took measures, also, by

A short history of Greek literature from Homer to Julian May 30, 2008
wright, wilmer cave france Athens for support. In 349 Philip besieged
some of the neighboring towns of Chalcidice, and Olynthus sent an
embassy to Athens. The First Olynthiac urges the Athenians to lose no
time in sending help to

Deutsche Altertumskunde von Karl Mullenhof f Aug 30, 2014 , der wo er

sonst vorkonimt, namentlich auf der westspitze der Chalcidice am
Thermaischen busen, dann im nordwestlichen Griechenland und im
westlichen Sicilien, uumlberall nach der spaumltem sage von dem

A manual of ancient history May 3, 2007 gilbert, jean alliance against

Sparta, which was soon .li. O. 07-13o7. strengthened by the addition of
Euboea, Acarnania, western Locris, Ambracia, Leucadia, and Chalcidice
in Thrace. The allies assem- bled a large

A dictionary of numismatic names Apr 10, 2008 frey, albert romer, 1858-
[from old catalog] the temple of Coroneia, which was the meeting- place
of the League. This type disappears after B.C. 288 and the League was
dissolved by the Romans B.C. 146. The cities of Chalcidice established a

Outlines of universal history Jan 31, 2013 fisher, george park, 1827-1909
founded Barca. Corcyra was colonized by Corinth (about 700 B.C.).

Along the coast of Epirus were other Corinthian and Corcyraean

settlements. Chalcis planted towns in the peninsula of Chalcidice, and

Histoire naturelle de Pline traduite en françois, avec le texte latin rétabli

d'après les meilleures leçons manuscrites, accompagnée de notes critiques
pour l'éclaircissement du texte, d'observations sur les connoissances des
anciens comparées avec les découvertes des modernes. Tome premier
douzieme Apr 7, 2016 seps ne sappelle point Chalcidice , mais Chalcis.
On peut toutefois le deacutefinit en Latin lacertam mneam, ocircr en Grec
fauran khalkidikcn, comme fait Diof coride, liv. a , chapitre 70 , amp
Galien, liv. 11

A dictionary of Greek and Roman geography Aug 21, 2008 smith, william,
sir, 1813-1893 Thracians N. of the Pierians, from the month of the
Haliacmon to that of the Axius, dwelt the Bottiaeai, who, when they were
expelled by the Macedonians, went to Chalcidice. Next followed the

The eleven comedies May 10, 2011 aristophanes posted . . . A Macedonian

people in the peninsula of Chalcidice. This name is chosen because of its
similarity to the Greek word olocjiVQeoOai, to groan. It is from another
verb, OTOzvleiv, meaning

New historical atlas and general history Feb 18, 2008 labberton, robert
henlopen, 1812-1898 straight across the ridge of Chalcidice into the
corner of the Thermaean gulf. In its innermost recess both divisions (fleet
and army) of the armada united. After a short rest both divisions advanced

The History Of Herodotus -vol-iiird Jan 19, 2017 d.appleton amp new york peninsula situated between the Thermaic and
Strymomc gulfs, acquired the name of Chalcidice, from the number of
Chalcidean settlements (Thucyd passion). Seriphus, Peparethus, and
others of the Cyclades

The historical reference book, : comprising a chronological table of

universal history a chronological dictionary of universal history a
biographical dictionary : with geographical notes : for the use of students,
teachers and readers Nov 2, 2009 heilprin, louis, 1851-1912 . Oxford,
Tlniversity of Rises into eminence, 12th o. first styled Uni-A town near
Dantzic. '' A fortresB of Moravia, on the river Marcli. ' A town in the
peninsula of Chalcidice, which projects into

The eleven comedies Feb 1, 2008 aristophanes anyone drive away the
magistrates and not receive them, according to the decree duly posted . . .1
A Macedonian people in the peninsula of Chalcidice. This name is
chosen because of its similarity to

The classics, Greek Latin the most celebrated works of Hellenic and
Roman literatvre, embracing poetry, romance, history, oratory, science,
and philosophy Apr 20, 2007 miller, marion mills, 1864-1949
decline. (Smith, Smaller Hist. Greece.) - Scione, on the peninsula of
Pallene (the most western of the three peninsulas or tongues of
Chalcidice, the other two being Sithonia and Acte) Revolted from

Transactions Of The Royal Society Of Literature Of The United Kingdom

Mar 17, 2017 harward college library Samos, the promontory of Ampelus
in Macedonia (Chalcidice), by the land of (Enotria, i. e. of lsquo Vine-
poles the name already given to Southern Italy before the time of
Herodotus (b.c. 484? 434), and

Monnaies grecques Apr 15, 2008 friedrich imhoof -blumer, koninklijke

nederlandse akademie van wetenschappen (Museacutee Chaudoir p. 30, pi.
I. 8), agrave Apollonie de la Chalcidiceacute par Borrell (Num. Chron. XI,
p. 57), agrave Apollonie en Mygdonie par Leake (Num. Hell. Eur. Gr. p.
16 et Suppl. p. 114), et agrave Apollonie en

Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Mar 15,

2007 kaiserlich deutsches archäologisches institut famous decadrachm by
Euainetos. (From the Carfrae Collection.) Capsa in Chalcidice. An archaic
tetrobol. The city of Capsa north of Mendt, on the Thermale gulf is
vientioned by Herodotus (VII, I2j

The history of Greece. Jun 6, 2007 mitford, william, 1744-1827 Syracuse,

vii. 70. Chalcidic territory, on'the Thracian coast, very early settled by
Grecian colonies, vi. 87, 88. Its fertility of soil, and maritime advantages,
88. Chalcidice, Revolt of , from the

Selections from Xenophon and Herodotus Mar 17, 2008 xenophon is stated
in sect 27, the king separated from his fleet, sending it through the canal
and round the two western capes of Chalcidice to the head of the Gulf of
Therma. The only account given by Herodotus

Eclogues and Georgics of Virgil Aug 3, 2008 slavitt, david r., 1935-
Thracian.Sithonia was the central one of the three promontories which lay
at the southern extremity of Chalcidice, in what was afterward a part of
Macedonia. Quum mortem alia, ampc. ' When the dying

A history of the world from the earliest records to the present time : ancient
history Jun 6, 2008 smith, Philip, 1817-1885 gsean. This region, called
from its position, the parts adjoining Thrace,was also named Chalcidice,
from the numerous colonies planted there by the Eub'oean city of Chalcis,
as well as by her neighbor

Lehrbuch der griechischen Staatsalteertümer, aus dem standpuncte der

geschichte entworfen Dec 19, 2014 hermann, karl friedrich, 1804-1855
Strjrmonischen Boumlsen allmallg deil Namen Digitized by Google
Chalcidice ) erhielt, deren zwei und dreilsig Ore Spaumlter einen
Yereinigungspunct an Oljrnthus tOj fanden. Aach die Inseln los, Seriphns,

The orations of Demosthenes and Aeschines On the crown Jul 6, 2010

Demosthenes all accounts, not less effec- including Chalcidice. In
Thucydides tauάiotatauiota tive) to hear than to read, not only from
Qpq.cqs is especially the district between his natural weakness of voice,
but that in

Additamenta ad Conspectum florae europaeae editum a cl. C.F. Nyman

=Beitra?ge zu C.F. Nyman's Conspectus florae europaeae von Dr. E. Roth.
Nov 14, 2011 nyman, carl fredrik, )- 23. A. arg-enteum (A. alpestre Bmg-
. et auct. Hung. (HzL), Koman. Buloar. Rumel.or. 23. f(. A.
chalcidicum Jka brev. n. 3. Chalcidice in Thrac. (: Janka). 25. A.

A history of the world from the earliest records to the present time Feb 19,
2009 smith, Philip, 1817-1885 , at the north-western comer of the -
SSgtean. This region, called from its position, the parts adjoining
Tlirace,was also named Chalcidice, fix)ni the numerous colonies planted
there by the Euboean

Dictionnaire classique des noms propres de l'antiquité sacrée et prof ane

Feb 14, 2017 marie-nicolas bouillet deacutevoreacute par les chevaux de
son pegravere. Il fut changeacute en oiseau. 1. acirccanthus , geacuteog.,
v. de Maceacutedoine, dans la Chalcidice, au H. du mont Athos, sur le
bord de la mer. Thucjrd4, c. 48. 2. , v. dEacutegypte

The Fall of the Roman Republic ... Jul 23, 2009 charles merivale . Syria
and Phoenicia were reduced to a province, and Antiochus was banished to
a precarious throne in the petty district of Commagene. The provinces of
Osrhoene and Chalcidice were delivered to

Mikroskopische Physiographie der Mineralien und Gesteine. Ein

Hülfsbuch bei mikroskopischen Gesteinsstudien Feb 16, 2008 rosenbusch,
h. (harry), 1836-1914 das von Becks (1. c.) beschriebene
ZoisitDiallaggestein von Portaria auf der Halbinsel Chalcidice zu

gehoumlren. Die rothe Farbe des Porfido antico ist z. Th. durch Thulit,
welcher als uumlmwandlungsproduct

The natural history of Pliny Apr 4, 2007 pliny, the elder Lake Torone in
Chalcidice. 56 Georg. i. 215. 57 This notion still prevails, and the bean,
while in blossom, is dug into the ground to manure it, both in England and
France. 68 It does not appear, however

The Church of England quarterly review Apr 24, 2009 Homer. Again: the
student will notice the same term, with a slight terminative deviation, in
Ainesiy a town of Chalcidice. Here also it is situated an the toater being
btiilt upon the north-western

Ancient history, illustrated by colored maps, and a chronological chart, for

the use of families and schools Aug 20, 2009 bloss, c. a. (celestia
angenette), 1812-1855 bridge of boats across the Hellespont, and a
multitude of men were dispatched to the Chalcidice to excavate a canal
tlirough the Isthmus which joined Mount Athos to the continent. Nay, the
great king

Alexander The Great Ii Sources And Studies Jan 16, 2017 tarn,w.w
landowners. Five of these seven squadrons are known to have been
territorial,3 so presumably all were and we have to account for the fact that
four of these squadrons were drawn from Chalcidice and

The Montagu collection of coins Feb 12, 2008 sotheby co. (london,
england) outer incuse square, wt. 267 grs., very fine and rare [PL IV] 1 26
199 Chalcidice, Epoch of the League, b.c. 392-370. JR Tetradrachm,
Laureate head of Apollo to right Bgt XAA. KIA. EI2N., Lyre with

Notes on the history and political institutions of the Old world Sep 3, 2010
preissig, edward ritter von, 1870- , and long spears. Philip quickly
extended his power over the Greek cities of Chalcidice, captured

Amphipolis in 358 b.c, Potidaea in 356, founded the well-known city of

Philippi in 356, and took the city

Ancient History: From the Remotest Times to the Overthrow of the

Western ... Jul 13, 2009 leonhard schmitz
Spartans resolved to transfer the seat of the war to Chalcidice and the
coast of Thrace, hoping thereby to compel die Athenians to abandon Pylos
and Cythera and Brasidas was the man chosen to conduct the

Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age Prolegomena. Achaeis or, The
Ethnology of the Greek races Jun 6, 2016 william ewart gladstone the
Straits of Gallipoli), together with the northern Aegean between
Chalcidice and the Thracian Chersonese. He has described these
Thracians in very vague termsk, and without any local circumstance

Römische Staatsverwaltung Dec 1, 2014 joachim marquardt Kinnesrtn),

gegruumlndet von Seleucus Nicator), kommt in spaumlterer Zeit oumlfters
vor. Es lag auf der Strasse von Cyrrus nach Emesa, 48 roumlm. Meilen von
Beroea (Alep)4) in der fruchtbaren Landschaft Chalcidice

New historical atlas and general history May 27, 2015 labberton, robert h.
(robert henlopen), 1812-1898 the ridge of Chalcidice into the corner of
the Thermsean gulf. In its innermost recess both divisions (fleet and army)
of the armada united. After a short rest both divisions advanced and

Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Oct 19, 2008

kaiserlich deutsches archäologisches institut Sicily. An extremely rare and
very beautiful tetradrachm, an exact reproduction on a reduced scale of the
famous decadrachm by Euainetos, (From the Carfrae Collection.) Capsa
in Chalcidice, An archaic

The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury Sep 24, 2008

thomas hobbes , william molesworth , thucydides, Homer [' And here the

Thessalian thegeansea,whichbenceacquired guides left the name of

Chalcidici, It was [ Into Chalcidice. Chalcis in also called (including the
coast as Euboea was, in the

The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury Oct 18, 2008

thomas ( hobbes [' To the BGCOtarchs.] Mcgareans, and the ambassadors
' [ Meanwhile it was thought from Chalcidice, to take an oath to fit by the
Bosotarchs, CoriuthiauS) each other to giveampc.] OP

The historical reference book, comprising a chronological table of

universal history, a chronological dictionary of universal history, a
biographical dictionary, with geographical notes for the use of students,
teachers, and readers Aug 28, 2009 heilprin, louis, 1851- [from old catalog]
river March. ' a town in the peninsula of Chalcidice, which projects into
the N. W. part of the gean Sea.In Provence, near Avignon. A tovm about
100 miles W. of Stockholm, on Lake Hjelmar. A

A manual of ancient history [microf orm] Jan 21, 2011 schmitz, leonhard,
1807-1890 Spartans resolved to transfer the seat of the war to Chalcidice
and the coast of Thrace, hoping thereby to compel the Athenians to
abandon Pylos and Cythera and Brasidas was the man chosen to conduct

The Pre Socratic Philosophers Edition Second Jan 17, 2017 clopet,c.m.
weight deg rgt' P p osc. There is energy which he idled Mind and Soul, or
Purpose. only one universe.reg 52. xenophilus Xenophilus of Chalcidice:
first half of fourth centurj Xenophilus trade on. of 1gt. W

The historical reference book, comprising a chronological table of

universal history, a chronological dictionary of universal history, a
biographical dictionary, with geographical notes for the use of students,
teachers, and readers Aug 27, 2009 heilprin, louis, 1851- [from old catalog]
. first styled Uni- bull A town near Dantzic. bull A fortress of Moravia, on
the river March.A town in the peninsula of Chalcidice, which projects
into the N. W. part of the gean Sea.In Provence, near

Deutsche Alterumskunde Jan 26, 2009 müllenhof f, k. (karl), 1818-1884

westspitze der Chalcidice am Thermaischen busen, dann im
nordwestlichen Griechenland und im westlichen Sicilien, uumlberall nach
der spaumltem sage von dem troischen beiden erst gegruumlndet sein soll,

Thucydides: Book I. Apr 6, 2008 thucydides -cxxxi: conclusion, cxxxi-

cxxxii. Text 1-86 APS :~Corcyra and North-Western Hellas . To face is
bullChalcidice gt 33 ''The Athenian Empire. . bull bull bull gtf 5 Index of

L 264 Aristotle XXI Politics Dec 19, 2013 , one of the Seven Sages,
dictator 589-579 b.c. 0 Otherwise unknown. d Chalcidice, the peninsula
in the N. Aegean, was colonized from Chalcis in Euboea. Additional
Notes II. i. 5, 1261 a 31. As the

The historical reference book, comprising a chronological table of

universal history a chronological dictionary of universal history a
biographical dictionary, with geographical notes for the use of students,
teachers, and readers Aug 27, 2009 heilprin, louis, 1851- [from old catalog]
Chalcidice, which projects into the N. W. part of the vEgean Sea. 4 In
Provence, near Avignon. 6 A town about 100 miles W. of Stockholm, on
Lake Hjelmar. 6 A town situated on the river Narew, in a N. E

The story of man's early progress May 10, 2010 west, willis mason, 1857-
1931 growing strength but Sparta now broke up the leading city, Mantinea,
and dispersed the inhabitants in villages. In Chalcidice, the city of
Olynthus had organized its neighbors into a promising league. A

American Statesmen Alexander Hamilton Eight Edition Jan 20, 2017 henry
cabot lodge to whip back into the ranks of the Delian Confederacy her
recalcitrant island subjects like Naxos, amos and Thasos but her mutinous
cities in peninsula Chalcidice and isthmian Megara, incited to

A history of Greece, from its conquest by the Romans to the present time,
B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864 Dec 20, 2007 finlay, george, 1799-1875 . Chabdan,
ii. 309. Chaboras, i. 261. Chaeronea, battle of , i. 27 earthquake at, i. 225.
Chalandritza, Centurione at, iv. 236. Chalcedon, plundered by Goths, i. 94
council of , i. 177, 188. Chalcidice

School document Apr 17, 2014 boston (mass.). school committee Sicily.
b. Chalcidice. c. The Hellespont, the Propontis, and the Black Sea. d.
Remote areas in the western Mediterranean. D. Greek culture in the Age of
Nobles. 1. Influences toward Greek unity. a. The

Ancient Greece [microf orm] : a sketch of its art, literature philosophy

viewed in connexion with its external history from earliest times to the age
of Alexander the Great May 23, 2013 cotterill, henry bernard, b. 1846 die.'
From Doriscus the vast armament marched westward, crossed the
Strymon, and arrived at Acanthus, near the Athos canal. Then, passing
through Chalcidice, it reached Therma (later named

The story of man's early progress Mar 21, 2008 west, willis mason, 1857-
1931 inhabitants in villages. In Chalcidice, the city of Oljnilnu had
organized its neighbors into a promising league. A Spartan army compelled
this league to break up. While on the way to

The history of Greece. Sep 10, 2015 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 straight
across the ridge of Chalcidice into the corner of the Thermsean gulf. In
its innermost recess both divisions of the armada again met. The most
dangerous part of the route had been successfully

Jahresbericht der Königl. Schwedischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

über die Fortschritte der Botanik ... Sep 8, 2008 kungl. svenska
vetenskapsakademien Glimmerschieferhuumlgeln, die von Chalcidice
gegen die Bai von Salonichi abfallen. Immergruumlne Gebuumlsche dieser
Region bestehen aus Quercus coccifera od. Cistus monspel.,
szligerggehaumlnge sind of t mit Pteris aqu

The works of Rufus Choate, with a memoir of his life May 6, 2008 choate,
rufus, 1799-1859 most favorable direction to operations elsewhere, he
caused his whole force, secretly and unobserved by the Athenian garrison
of blockade, to put to sea. 2. For some time he remained in Chalcidice

A system of geography, ancient and modern Apr 11, 2008 playfair, james,
1738-1819 . south south east of , the mouth of the Axius. Antlgonea on
the coast, east of Pydna, and south-east of Aenia. This town is placed by
Livy in the territory of Chalcidice. The names of several other small

A short history of ancient peoples Jan 10, 2011 souttar, Robinson, 1848-
[from old catalog] - 422. covered Mende. When the year's truce expired,
the peace with Sparta had not been arranged, and Cleon took command in
Chalcidice. He was successful for a time, recovering Torone and
Galepsus, but

Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Sep 23, 2008

kaiserlich deutsches archäologisches institut rare and very beautiful
tetradrachm, an exact reproduction on a reduced scale of the famous
decadrachm by Euainetos, (From the Carfrae Collection.) Capsa in
Chalcidice, An archaic teirobol, The city of

P. Vergili Maronis opera: Virgil Mar 11, 2008 thomas leslie papillon,
arthur elam haigh, virgil his fishes, even with his yoked chariot of two-
footed steeds.' 390, 391. Bmathla, i. e. Macedonia, of which, it is a part.
Pallene, one of the peninsulas of Chalcidice in Macedonia. Proteus in

The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury Oct 18, 2008

thomas ( hobbes . AniBTOPiioN. iL 410. AniSTOTBLEB. 1. 373. Arne,
in ThoBsoly, i. 14: in Chalcidice, L 486. Arhibsa, in Macedonia, L SIS.
AbrHIaHA, ii. 433. Arbhibadb, king uf the Ikestie. L464, 466: attacked by

The Works of Rufus Choate: Speeches in the Senate of the United States
... an 31, 2010 rufus choate, samuel gilman brown of blockade, to put to
sea. 2. For some time he remained in Chalcidice, and, besides other
military operations, he cut of f great numbers of the 8ermyliansby planting
an ambuscade about the city. He

History of Herodotus : a new English version Nov 28, 2012 herodotus .

Campsa is clearly the Capsa of Stephen, which he calls a town of
Chalcidice, near Pallene, situated on the Thermaic Gulf (ad voc. Kctya).
8 Crusis or Crusaea is the name more commonly given to this

Die Metamorphosen de P. Ovidius Naso Sep 7, 2016 ovid, 43 b.c.-17 a.d.

or 18 a.d Halbinsel Chalcidice. . Falloumlr, oumlris, die Blaumlsse (als
Personifikation). Famphaumlgtts (nafjigxtyos Vielfresser), Hund des
Actaumlon. Faumln, Faumlnis, S. Mercurs, in Arcadien geboren. Wald-,
Weide- und Hirtengott

History of the Peloponnesian War Jun 8, 2008 thucydides euro Koif

muetachialphaalphatau,sigmaf m omicronupsilon
kappaalphatauetalambdaOmicronΐnu ?chiomeganu, άmualpharhotau(ίrho
tdOKH' iktuf gammaίphi 7. 5 rip wSkip bth t6 rhoetamuomicronrho, i)
kappaalphatauά in KajrikOwp has been taken in the sense of ...

The Pre-socratic Philosophers Jan 17, 2017 kathleen freeman above, p. 78,
note gt, and below, p. 233, note laquo. OF SIXTH AND FIFTH
CENTURIES 221 number of Philolaus pupils. Aristoxenus, himself a
Tarentine, knew some of these: Xenophilus of Chalcidice, and four men

The ancient world from the earliest times to 800 A.D Mar 18, 2008 west,
willis m. (willis mason), 1857- broke up the leading Qity-Mantinea, and
dispersed the inhabitants in villages. In Chalcidicehe city of Olynthus
had organized its neighbors into a promising league. A Spartan army
compelled this

Bloss's Ancient History: Illustrated by Colored Maps, and Arranged to ...

Jun 23, 2009 celestia angenette bloss Hellespont, and a multitude of men
were despatched to the Chalcidice to excavate a canal through the Isthmus
which joined Mount Athos to the continent. Nay, the great kinghimself
honored the mountain

The orations of Demosthenes Aeschines on the crown Oct 14, 2009

Demosthenes possible that his speeches were less per- includes the whole
coast, east from and feet (though, by all accounts, not less effec- including
Chalcidice. In Thucydides rd-wl tive) to hear than to read, not

Ancient history Aug 20, 2009 bloss, celestia angenette, 1812-1855. [from
old catalog] Egypt were sent forward to build a bridge of boats across the
Hellespont, and a multitude of men were dispatched to the Chalcidice to
excavate a canal through the Isthmus which joined Mount Athos to the

A Short History of Greek Literature from Homer to Julian Sep 14, 2008
wilmer cave (france ). wright cut of f from the rest of Greece by the
conquests of Macedonia, and more than once had appealed to Athens for
support. In 349 Philip besieged some of the neighboring towns of
Chalcidice, and Olynthus

The works of Rufus Choate, with a memoir of his life Jul 9, 2008 choate,
rufus, 1799-1859 operations elsewhere, he caused his whole force, secretly
and unobserved by the Athenian garrison of blockade, to put to sea. 2. For
some time he remained in Chalcidice, and, besides other military

History Of Mankind Cultural Amp Scientific Development -vol-iind Jan

16, 2017 george allen amp unwin ltd london great store by these mmes,
founded the city of Phihppi to the north of Pangaeus to keep watch over
them, and at the same time exploited the other veins of gold m Chalcidice
near by Pliny m later times

New historical atlas and general history ay 27, 2015 labberton, robert h.
(robert henlopen), 1812-1898 Chalcidice into the corner of the
Thermaean gulf. In its innermost recess both divisions (fleet and army) of
the armada united. After a short rest both divisions advanced and
encountered the enemy

A Manual of Ancient History, from the Remotest Times to the Overthrow

of the ... Feb 19, 2009 leonhard schmitz to transfer the Beat of (bo war to
Chalcidice and the Cpist.apound.Thrapounde, hoping thereby to compel
the Athenians to abandon Pylos and Cytbera and Brasidas was the man
chosen to conduct (he

P. Vergili Maronis Opera Mar 12, 2008 virgil . Bmathla, i. e. Macedonia,

of which it is a part. PaUlaquoBlaquo, one of the peninsulas of
Chalcidice in Macedonia. Proteus in Homer inhabits the island of Pharos
close to Egypt: his connection with Macedonia is

Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom

Feb 16, 2008 royal society of literature (great britain) Crete, Mount
Ampelus in Samos, the promontory of Ampelus in Macedonia
(Chalcidice), by the land of CEnotria, i. e, of ' Vine-poles,' the name
already given to Southern Italy before the time of Herodotus

The Masks Of God Vol. 03 Occidental Mythology Sep 20, 2015 joseph
campbell From Servia this intrusive culture, already influenced and
enriched by contact with the Thessalian culture, spread eastwards into
central Macedonia and Chalcidice and southwards into Thessaly

The natural history of Pliny Apr 18, 2009 pliny, the elder the reed. Tliia
plant grows also in Syria and Cilicia, and upon the banlia of Lake Torono
in Chalcidice. laquo Georg. i. 215.T1iiaction still prevails, and the bean,
wliiTe in blossom, is dnginto the

The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury Oct 18, 2008

thomas ( hobbes occasion to them that should require it, and neither to
make war nor peace without the [To the Baotarchs.] Arcgarcaiis, and the
ambassadors [Meanwhile it was thouj:ht from Chalcidice

The Roman history of Appian of Alexandria Apr 13, 2008 appianus, of

alexandria Babylon, C. II, 153. Euripus, of Chalcidice, Mi. 45. Europe,
Mi. 107 C. IV, 87, xo6: Romans order kings of Pontus and Syria to keep
away from, Mi. 13, 58 Sy. 6. Eurydice, a daughter of Antipater, Sy

The Ancient World from the Earliest Times to 800 A.D.: From the Earliest
... Sep 22, 2008 willis mason west inhabitants in villages. In Chalcidice,
the city of Olynthus had organized its neighbors into a promising league.
A Spartan army compelled this league to break up. While on the way to
Chalcidice, part of

The ancient world, from the earliest times to 800 A. D Aug 20, 2009 west,
willis mason, 1857- [from old catalog] , Mantinea, and dispersed the
inhabitants in villages. In Chalcidice, the city of Olynthus had organized
its neighbors into a promising league. A Spartan army compelled this
league to break up. While

The history of Greece May 2, 2007 mitford, william, 1744-1827 .

Chalcidice, Revolt of , from the Persians, ii. 88. 327, 328. Chalcidon,
account of , vi. 363, 364. Chalcis, an Athenian colony before the Trojan
war, i. 339. , the principal city of Euboea, vi. 174

History Of The War Vol.12 Jan 16, 2017 not available from Albania.
Salonika is properly the centre of this geographical district. But to the
south the chain is not coin- [gthlsi'. Chalcidice and Olympus are not joined
as they must havc been thousands of

A Study Of History Volume-2 Jan 21, 2017 arnold j. toynbee ennobled by

the Attic impress. Chalcidice and Boeotia The contrast between Boeotia

and Attica is not the only illustration of our theme which the Aegean area
has bequeathed from the age when it was the

The Eclogues and Georgics of Virgil: With English Notes, Critical and ...
Jul 21, 2009 virgil Thrace, a cold and snowy country, so that Sithonianis
here taken for Thracian. Sithonia was the central one of the three
promontories which lay at the southern extremity of Chalcidice in

Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography Jan 26, 2015 smith, william,
1813-1893 Maria. [L.S.] LE'CYTHUS (AfavOos), a town in the peninsnla
of Sithonia in Chalcidice, not far from Torone, with temple to Athena.
The town was attacked by Brasida, who took it by storm, and

A Study Of History Vol-ii Jan 16, 2017 to transmit it to posterity seasoned

with the lsquoAttic Salt and ennobled by the Attic impress. Chalcidice and
Boeotia The contrast between Boeotia and Attica is not the only illustration
of our theme

The Ancient World from the Earliest Times to 800 A.D.: From the Earliest
... Sep 28, 2008 willis mason west broke up the leading city, Mantinea, and
dispersed the inhabitants in villages. In Chalcidice, the city of Olynthus
had organized its neighbors into a promising league. A Spartan army
compelled this

Justin, Cornelius Nepos, and Eutropius Dec 12, 2007 watson, j. s. (john
selby), 1804-1884 avenge sacrilege as to seek a license for committing it.
In the next place, as if he had done every thing well, he crossed over into
Chalcidice, where, conducting his wars with equal perfidy,t and

A History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Records to the Fall of
the ... Aug 7, 2008 Philip smith Strymonic Gulfs, at the north-western
comer of the iBgaBan, This region, called from its position, the parts
adjoining Thrace,was also named Chalcidice, from the numerous colonies
planted there

A short history of Greek literature from Homer to Julian Oct 29, 2009
wright, wilmer cave france support. In 349 Philip besieged some of the
neighboring towns of Chalcidice, and Olynthus sent an embassy to
Athens. The First Olynthiac urges the Athenians to lose no time in sending
help to Olynthus. In

The works of Demosthenes, tr., with notes by C.R. Kennedy, Volumes 2-

5 Jan 31, 2010 Demosthenes betrayers had lost all the cities in Chalcidice
Philip could no longer be at the call of the betrayers, and was puzzled
what he should first take posaession of . Five hundred horse, betrayed by
their own

A Short History of Greek Literature from Homer to Julian Jun 1, 2009

wilmer cave (france ). wright themselves cut of f from the rest of Greece
by the conquests of Macedonia, and more than once had appealed to
Athens for support. In 349 Philip besieged some of the neighboring towns
of Chalcidice, and

New historical atlas and general history May 27, 2015 labberton, robert h.
(robert henlopen), 1812-1898 along the southern coast of Thrace, and
straight across the ridge of Chalcidice into the corner of the Thermaean
gulf. In its innermost recess both divisions (fleet and army) of the armada

Mikroskopische Physiographie der Mineralien und Gesteine. Ein

Hülfsbuch bei mikroskopischen Gesteinsstudien Oct 9, 2008 rosenbusch,
h. (harry), 1836-1914 , des oumlsterreichischen Waldviertels und der
Halbinsel Chalcidice beschrieben ihn Ries (7), A. SaJuer (8), F. Schalch
(9), Fr. Becke (10). In den Glaukophangesteinen Syras wies ihn 0.
Luedecke (11) nach

Works Feb 7, 2008 choate, rufus elsewhere, he caused his whole force,
secretly and unobserved by the Athenian garrison of blockade, to put to

sea. 2. For some time he remained in Chalcidice, and, besides other

military operations, he cut

ANS Museum Notes, vols. 26-28 Apr 24, 2016 ldquoboth reopened old
abandoned mines and began new ones in many placesrdquo (Livy 39.24).
The very extensive silver mining operations in eastern Chalcidice also may
have continued after 300 B.C., at least for a

The Journal of Hellenic studies Jun 11, 2008 society for the promotion of
hellenic studies (london, england) Chalcidice ? coin of , xvii. 79
Chalcoprateia (Constantinople), xvii... 111. Chelidonia-Diniae (Kara-
dilli), xviii. 104 Chepne, nr. lake Manias (Mysia) inscr. xvii. 276 Chisel,
bronze, from Suria, xvii. 64

Politics Oct 22, 2008 Aristotle ). 6 Of Mitylene in Lesbos, one of the

Seven Sages, dictator 589-579 b.c. ' Otherwise unknown. d Chalcidice, the
peninsula in the N. Aegean, was colonized from Chalcis in Euboea.
Additional Notes II

The history of Greece Feb 26, 2014 pococke, e[dward] [from old catalog]
valour of their commanders. Chalcidice, a state, hitherto submissive,
Revolted from the Persians, and asserted its right to freedom. But this
measure seems to have been unfortunate for a detachment

Early European history Aug 11, 2009 webster, hutton, 1875-1955

peninsula of Chalcidice. He also appeared in Thessaly, occu- 1 Philippi
became noted afterwards as the first city in Europe where Christianity was
preached. See Acts, xvi, 9. 2 ggg -jg jp

A Short History of Greek Literature Apr 22, 2009 wilmer cave france
wright than once had appealed to Athens for support. In 349 Philip
besieged some of the neighboring towns of Chalcidice, and Olynthus
sent an embassy to Athens. The First Olynthiac urges the Athenians to lose

Römische Staatsverwaltung Apr 29, 2008 marquardt, joachim, 1812-1882

auf der Strasse von Cyrrus nach Emesa, 48 roumlm. Meilen von Beroea
(AIep) ) in der fruchtbaren Landschaft Chalcidice oder Chalcidene),
welche sich im Osten von Apamea) und am Westrande der

A text-book of geography Nov 15, 2009 andrews, a. w. (arthur westlake),

b. 1868 the Servian Morava, and by a more difiampcult route to Bosnia
through the Sandjak of Novibazar. On the east of the Vardar the
Macedonian Highlands terminate in the three-pronged peninsula of

The history of Greece Jun 5, 2007 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896

circumnavigated the two other Chalcidian peninsulas, while the land-
army advanced straight across the ridge of Chalcidice into the corner of
the Thermsean gulf. In its innermost recess both divisions of the

Pomponii Melae De situ orbis libri 3. Cum notis integris Hermolai Barbari,
Petri Joannis Olivarii, Fredenandi Nonii Pintiani, Petri Ciacconii, Andreae
Schotti, Isaaci Vossii, et Jacobi Gronovii. Accedunt Petri Joannis Nunnesii
Epistola de Patria Pomponii Melae ... et Jacobi Perizonii Adnotata ad libri
1. ... Curante Abrahamo Gro May 26, 2016 pomponius mela 1. sec. d.c.
coloniam. Sed inligniter errat: Chalcidice enim hic elt Macedoniae regio,
quae Thraciae tribuebatur, antequam eam invaderet Philippus. Multo vero
erat major Chalcidice, quam illam fecit Ptolemaeus, nam

The natural history of Pliny Jun 8, 2015 pliny, the elder Stagira, a town
of Macedonia, in Chalcidice, on the Strymonic Gulf. It was a colony of
Andros, founded b.c. 6o6, and originally called Orthagoria. It was
destroyed by Philip, and, according to some

Ancient History: From the Earliest Times to the Fall of the Western
Empire Comprising the ... Sep 3, 2008 george rawlinson from tv\'o unquiet
neighbors. The maritime confederacy of Athens, which gave her a
paramount authority over the Greek cities in Chalcidice and even over
Methocircneacute in Pieria, brought the Athenians into

The history of Greece Jan 26, 2008 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896. [from old
catalog] besieging forces, and the towns of Chalcidice remained in a state
of Revolt. Nymphodorus was named Proxenos of Athens, and he actually
succeeded in inducing the powerful Thracian king to become her

Deutsche Altertumskunde Feb 9, 2009 karl victor müllenhof f angedichtet

oder dass sie sich ihn erst aus der griechischen sage erlesen und ausgesucht
haben, der dienst der Aphrodite Aineias, der wo er sonst vorkommt,
namentlich auf der westspitze der Chalcidice

De werelddeelen : bewerkt naar Friedrich von Hellwald's die Erde und ihre
Völker Jul 18, 2014 hellwald, friedrich von, 1842-1892 schiereiland
Galliumlpoli, door den Golf van Saros van het vasteland gescheiden, een
lange landtong. Iets meer Westelijk, vinden we het vingervormige
schiereiland Chalcidice, ingesloten tusschen de golven

Ancient Peoples: A Revision of Morey's "Outlines of Ancient History"

Mar 18, 2008 william carey morey . But under the last order over a
thousand persons were put to death. The terrible war dragged on. In a battle
at Amphipolis, in Chalcidice (map, p. 242), the Athenian general, Cleon,
and the Spartan

The Fall of the Roman Republic: A Short History of the Last Century of
the Commonwealth Jul 5, 2008 charles merivale the petty district of
Commagene. The provinces of Osrhoene and Chalcidice were delivered
to dependent princes, stationed as sentinels on either side of the Euphrates,
which was declared to be the

A history of Greece, from its conquest by the Romans to the present time,
B. C. 146 to 1864 Feb 19, 2009 finlay, george, 1799-1875 compelled to
march by land to the Hellespont and as they passed through the Chalcidice
they were attacked by the Servians, whom they completely defeated'. This
victory enabled Cantacuzenos to gain

Histoire du Bas-Empire, commençant à Constantin-le-Grand Dec 9, 2014

le beau, charles, 1701-1778 neacuteanmoins les villes d'Aine et de Hisl.
de Cantacuzegravene, iiv. 4, chap. 27. 38 HISTOIRE DU AgraveS-
E]ViJ?TRE. Chalcidice, que Mathieu posseacutedoit. Son heau-pegravere
trouva cette demande fort eacutetrange, s'eacutetonnant de

The History of Greece Jun 30, 2009 ernst curtius . , . , . bulli. f as their
mother-city, and accordingly were comprehended under the collective
name of Gialcidice. The broad highlands of Chalcidice abound in ancient
mountain-shafts, before which the

A history of the world May 14, 2010 smith, Philip, 1817-1885 named
Chalcidice, from the numerous colonies planted there by the Eubaan city
of Chalcis, as well as by her neighbor Eretria. It became the sceae of
some of the greatest events, both in the

History of Rome, and of the Roman people, from its origin to the invasion
of the barbarians Dec 2, 2008 duruy, victor, 1811-1894 Poris, the most
influential citizen of Aeneia in Chalcidice, and died after having borne
him several children. Her sister, Theoxena, in order to watch over her
nephews, united her destiny to that of

The Ancient World from the Earliest Times to 800 A.D. Apr 10, 2008
willis mason west Chalcidice, the city of Olynthus had organized its
neighbors into a promising league. A Spartan army compelled this league
to break up. While on the way to Chalcidice, part of this army, by
treachery, in

Ridpath's Universal history : an account of the origin, primitive condition

and ethnic development of the great races of mankind, and of the principal
events in the evolution and progress of the civilized life among men and
nations, from recent and authentic sources with a preliminary inquiry on
the time, place and manner of the beginning Apr 22, 2009 ridpath, john
clark, 1840-1900 Macedonian cities. To the south and east of Mygdonia

lay the peculiar province of Chalcidice, consisting of several peninsulas,

jutting into the gean. This region was originally colonized by people from

Vollständiges wörterbuch zu dem geschichtswerke des Quintus Curtius

Refus über die thaten Alexanders des Grossen [microf orm] Feb 28, 2012
eichert, otto , 16, 9 caelestes ho- nores VIII, ouml, 15 benehmen: pro-
spectum (usum) oculoruni IV, 15, 32. IX, 9,14 caligo rei facieni aufert IV,
12, 20. Auiaeus, 3. aus der Stadt Augaumla in Chalcidice V, 2,5

The historical reference book comprising a chronological table of

universal history a chronological dictionary of universal history a
biographical dictionary with geographical notes for the use of students,
teachers and readers Aug 28, 2009 heilprin, louis, 1851- [from old catalog]
. s A town in the peninsula of Chalcidice, which projects into the N. W.
part of the Egean Sea. 4 In Provence, near Avignon. 6 A town about 100
miles W. of Stockholm, on Lake Hjelmar. 8 A town

The history of Greece Dec 21, 2007 mitford, william by Grecian colonies,
V. 7- Its fertility of soil, and maritime advantages, ib. Chalcidice, Revolt
of , from the Persians, ii. 88. 327, 328. Chalcidon, account of , -i. 363, 364.
Chalcis, an

Early European history Nov 2, 2009 webster, hutton, 1875-1955 subduing

the Greek cities on the peninsula of Chalcidice. He also appeared in
Thessaly, occu- 1 Philippi became noted afterwards as the first city in
Europe where Christianity was preached. See

A Manual of Ancient History: from the remotest times to the overthrow of

the Western Empire, A.D ... Sep 26, 2008 leonhard schmitz that the
Athenians sustained during the first fourteen years of the war, but it was
only the beginning of greater disasters. The Spartans resolved to transfer
the seat of the war to Chalcidice and the

Die Metamorphosen des P. Ovidius Naso Feb 1, 2015 ovid, 43 b.c.-17 a.d.
or 18 a.d Ostecke von Greta) wohnender, verschlagener, der Weissagung
kundiger Gott (11, 249). Die Uumlbertragung desselben auf die
suumldlichste Halbinsel der Chalcidice, Pallene (bei Vergil. Georg. 4, 389
ff.) scheint

Izvestiia na Tsarskitia prirodonauchni instituti v Sof iia = Mitteilungen aus

den Konigl. naturwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Sof ia, Bulgarien =
Bulletin des Institutions royales d'histoire naturelle á Sof ia, Bulgarie Jan
8, 2010 tsarskitie prirodonauchni instituti (sof iia, bulgaria) umfangreiclien
Material der neuen Art, welches mir zur Beschreibung vorliegt, waumliile
icli als Typenrasse die des Berges Athos auf Chalcidice. Von ihr
unterscheiden sicii die Tiere anderer Fundorte teilweise

Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography Jan 11, 2008 smith, william,
sir, 1813-1893 expelled by the Macedonians, went to Chalcidice. Next
followed the Paeonians, who occupied both banks of the Strymon, from
its source down to the lake near its mouth, but were pushed aw.ay from the

The works of Rufus Choate, with a memoir of his life Jan 6, 2010 choate,
rufus, 1799-1859 put to sea. 2. For some time he remained in Chalcidice,
and, besides other military operations, he cut of fgreat numbers of the
Sermylians, by planting an ambuscade about the city. He took measures

L 487 Josephus III The Jewish War 4 7 Dec 22, 2013 further N. in Syria.
Herod, the 570 JEWISH WAR, VII. 226-234 reigns, Aristobulus of the
region named Chalcidice,G and Soemus of Emesa,5 as the other
principality is called. Their invasion was

The works of Rufus Choate, with a memoir of his life May 6, 2008 choate,
rufus, 1799-1859 direction to operations elsewhere, he caused his whole
force, secretly and unobserved by the Athenian garrison of blockade, to
put to sea. 2. For some time he remained in Chalcidice, and, besides other

A History of Greece: From Its Conquest by the Romans to the Present

Time, B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864 Sep 13, 2008 george finlay . Chalcidice
(Eleutherokhoria), Greek insurrection in, vi. 202, 204 , 207. Chalcis, i. 263,
(Kinesrin), i. 361, ii. 251 insurrection in, vii. 264. Chalcocondylas of
Arachova, insult to, iv. 214

History Of The Byzantine Empire 324 1453 Volume Ii Jan 17, 2017 a. a.
vasiliev peninsula of Chalcidice itself with the Athonian monasteries
came into Dushans hands, and the monks could not fail to understand that
the protection of the monasteries had passed from the Byzantine

The Pre-socratic Philosophers Jan 17, 2017 kathleen freeman above, p. 78,
note gt, and below, p. 233, note laquo. OF SIXTH AND FIFTH
CENTURIES 221 number of Philolaus pupils. Aristoxenus, himself a
Tarentine, knew some of these: Xenophilus of Chalcidice, and four men

Handbuch der römischen Alterthümer Dec 20, 2014 marquardt, joachim,

1812-1882 von Seleucus Nicator , kommt in spaumlterer Zeit oumlfters
vor. Es lag auf der Strasse von Cyrrus nach Emesa, 18 roumlm. Meilen von
Beroea (Alep) 4{ in der fruchtbaren Landschaft Chalcidice oder

Labberton's universal history Mar 23, 2011 labberton, robert h. [from old
catalog] in the plain of Critalla in Cappadocia. In the spring of 480 they
crossed the Hellespont and marched along the southern coast of Thrace,
and straight across the ridge of Chalcidice into the corner of

A History of Greece Feb 10, 2008 evelyn abbott . Tii. 122, 12a XL 6,7.]
ABDERAMARONBAMEGARA. 887 from Andioa Of the Greek cities
which lay farther to tho north than ChalcidiceAbdera was founded first by
the Clazomenians and afterwards by the

Lehrbuch der griechischen Staatsalteertümer, aus dem standpuncte der

geschichte entworfen Jan 31, 2009 hermann, karl friedrich, 1804-1855

namentlich Stagira uud Akanthus von Andres aus ), dort Colonien

gegruumlndet waren, die gaumluumlze Halbinsel zwkchea dem
Thermaumlischen und Strymonischen Busen allmaumllig deii Nameti
Chalcidice ) eAielt, deren

Notes on the history and political institutions of the Old world Feb 1, 2011
preissig, edward ritter von, 1870- -called phalanx,heavy-armed infantry,
carrying swords, shields, and long spears. Philip quickly extended his
power over the Greek cities of Chalcidice, captured Amphipolis in 358
b.c, Potidaea in 356

Notes on Herodotus, original and selected from the best commentators Aug
10, 2016 turner, dawson w. (dawson william), 1815-1885 , tlie G, of
Salonichi. The petty towns here mentioned in the peninsulas of Sithonia,
Pallene, and the main-land of Chalcidice, are spoken of in the latter part
of Thucyd. iv., where the greater part of

The Roman history. Translated from the Greek by Horace White Dec 20,
2007 appianus, of alexandria below Babylon, C. II, 153. Euripus, of
Chalcidice, Mi. 45. Europe, Mi. 107 CIV, 87,106 Romans order kings of
Pontus and Syria to keep away from, Mi. 13, 58 Sy. 6. Eurydice, a daughter
of Antipater, Sy

ANS Museum Notes, vols. 31-33 Apr 24, 2016 Bovine Curiosities 39
archaic didrachms of Delos. The weight is a problem here. Only Delos, of
the known mints, used the EuboeicAttic standard. That standard was
widely used in Chalcidice. The bull

The Pharsalia. Literally translated into English prose, with copious notes
by H.T. Riley Jul 19, 2010 lucan, 39-65 ' for the loves of Hero and Leander.
See their Epistles in the Heroides of Ovid. Through tJue. viidst of Athos)
ver. 677. Athos is a mountain which was also called Acte, projecting from
Chalcidice in

Notes On The History And Political Institution Jan 20, 2017 preissig,
edward quickly extended his power over the Greek cities of Chalcidice,
captured Amphipolis in 358 B c , Potidaea in 356, founded the well-known
city of Philippi m 356, and took the city of Olynthus in 348

History of the Byzantine Empire Jul 26, 2009 george finlay landed to
plunder Thrace were destroyed at Pallene by the Knights of Rhodes. The
Turks were therefore compelled to march by land to the Thracian
Chersonesus and as they passed through the Chalcidice

The orations of Demosthenes : On the crown and On the embassy Dec 29,
2009 Demosthenes efieots H had produced in Chalcidice, Peloponnesus,
and elsewhere, and how perilous it would be to themselves, if they suffisred
it to spread yet further. Strong measures should be taken to check

The Roman history of Appian of Alexandria May 15, 2008 appianus, of

alexandria . Mi. xox forms marshes and pools below Babylon, C. II, 153.
Euripus, of Chalcidice, Mi. 45. Europe, Mi. 107 C. IV, 87, xo6: Romans
order kings of Pontus and Syria to keep away from. Mi. 13, 58 Sy. 6

Ab urbe condita libri Sep 17, 2014 livy Pallene mit Chalcidice
zusammenhangt, 33, 17, 6. ceterae, s. 3, 19, 9 28, 4, 1: cetero exercitu.
eminet, vgl. 37, 23,1 6. lingua, 37, 31, 9: lingua in altum - excurrens. inclit.
m. Atho ist

The works of Rufus Choate, with a memoir of his life Jun 20, 2009 choate,
rufus, 1799-1859 put to sea. 2. For some time he remained in Chalcidice,
and, besides other military operations, he cut of f great numbers of the
Sermylians, by planting an ambuscade about the city. He took measures

Das Papsttum und Byzanz die Trennung der beiden Mächte und das
Problem ihrer Wiedervereinigung bis zum Untergange des Byzantinischen
Reichs (1453) Mar 4, 2015 norden, walter Friedrichs von Sizilien huldigen
zu wollen erklaumlrte. 1) So begnuumlgte sich denn der Infant damit, die

Kompagnie aus dem veroumldeten Thracien nach der Chalcidice zu

fuumlhren: bei Kassandria verliess er sie, um

World history Apr 20, 2010 webster, hutton, 1875-1955 on the peninsula
of Chalcidice. He also appeared in Thessaly, occupied its principal
fortresses, Growth of Macedonia Philip's conquests excited mixed
feelings at Athens, Thebes, and Sparta. He had

Early European history Dec 12, 2009 webster, hutton, 1875-1955 liberal
bribes, to hire a crowd of agents in nearly every Greek city. Philip next
made Macedonia a maritime state by subduing the Greek cities on the
peninsula of Chalcidice. He also appeared in Thessaly

Continents And Countries- Part-1 Jan 18, 2017 unknown Vardar river. The
east coast of the gulf of Salonika is formed by the peninsula of
Chalcidice, which is something like the Peloponnese on a small scale,
being mountainous, and throwing of f three high

The history of Greece Dec 17, 2009 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896. [from old
catalog] suc cession, all of which acknowledged Chalcis as their mother-
city, and accordingly were comprehended under the collective name of
Chalcidice. The broad highlands of Chalcidice abound in ancient

The world's progress Jun 29, 2007 delphian society . Chalcidice, ii. 326.
Chaldea, i. 201. Prehistoric, i. 218. Religion, i. 219. Empire of , i. 264.
Charlemagne, iv. 55, 411, 414 v. 91 vi. 365 viii. 432' ix. 104. Charles
Martel, iv. 57, 409 ix. 70 9,303

The Pharsalia of Lucan, literally translated into English prose with copious
notes ul 26, 2007 lucan, 39-65 a mountain which was also called Acte,
projecting from Chalcidice in Macedonia. Lucan here alludes to the canal
which Xerxes ordered to be cut through the Isthmus of Mount Athos,
from the

Mikroskopische Physiographie der Mineralien und Gesteine. Ein

Hülfsbuch bei mikroskopischen Gesteinsstudien Oct 23, 2008 rosenbusch,
h. (harry), 1836-1914 , daszlig man von Zoisitamphiboliten spricht. Aus
derartigen Vorkommnissen des Erzgebirges, des Fichtelgebirges, des
oumlsterreichischen Waldviertels und der Halbinsel Chalcidice
beschrieben ihn Bies (7), A

The history of Greece Dec 31, 2007 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 across the
ridge of Chalcidice into the corner of the Thermsean gulf. In its innermost
recess both bulldivisions of the armada again met. The most dangerous
part of the route had been successfully

A manual of ancient history Nov 12, 2009 thalheimer, m. e. (mary elsie)

Locris, Ambracia, Leucadia, and Chalcidice in Thrace. The allies assem-
bled a large army at Corinth in the spring of 394, and it was proposed to
march directly upon Sparta, and burn the wasps in

The Natural History Of Pliny Volume Ii Jan 16, 2017 j bostock of Pindar,
levelled to the ground most of the inhabitants were slaughtered, and the
rest sold as slaves. - Stagirus, or Stagira, a town of Macedonia, in
Chalcidice, on the Strymonic Gulf. It was a

Pre Socratic Philosopher Jan 16, 2017 freeman kathleen some of these
Xenophilus of Chalcidice, and four nien from Phlihs ~ Phanton,
Echecrates, Diodes and Polymnastus.reg Apollodorus mentions
Democritus among the associates of Philolaus. Some said that

Josephus with an English translation by H. St. J. Thackeray, in nine

volumes Oct 8, 2008 josephus, flavius , the 570 JEWISH WAR. VII. 226-
234 reigns, Aristobulus of the region named Chalcidice,' and Soemus of
Emesa, as the other principality is called. Their invasion was unopposed,
not a man throughout

The works of Rufus Choate, with a memoir of his life Nov 23, 2009
choate, rufus, 1799-1859 the most favorable direction to operations
elsewhere, he caused his whole force, secretly and unobserved by the
Athenian garrison of blockade, to put to sea. 2. For some time he remained
in Chalcidice

The works of Rufus Choate, with a memoir of his life Oct 7, 2008 choate,
rufus, 1799-1859 gamson of blockade, to put to sea. 3. For some time he
remained in Chalcidice, and, besides other military operations, he cut otf
great numbers of the Sermyliana, by planting an ambuscade about the

Appian's Roman history Aug 23, 2007 appianus, of alexandria . Euphrates,

Pr. 2, 4 Sy. 1, 50, 55 sq. sources of , Mi. 101 forms marshes and pools
below Babylon C. n 153. 643 INDEX Euripides, ed, C. II, 153 IV, 130.
Euripus, of Chalcidice, Mi. 45. Europe

The Pharsalia of Lucan May 5, 2010 lucan, 39-65 Through tfte midst of
Athos) ver. 677. Athos is a mountain which was also called Acte,
projecting from Chalcidice in Macedonia. Lilian here alludes to the canal
which Xerxes ordered to be cut through

A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology

and geography : partly based upon the Dictionary of Greek and Roman
biography and mythology Dec 4, 2014 smith, william, 1813-1893 (1 by the
ilktives thempelves Boasl\ AoAKTHin ('Aaov: .'Aicavamptof ). 1. (Ruins
near Srmt), a town on llie Isthmus, whioi connects the p.'nin.-ltula of
Athos with Chalcidice, on the canal cut Xenes (vgtU

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tant

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités ... Par m. Sabbathier, prof esseur au Collége de
ChâlonssurMarne ... Tome premier 37. A ChâlonssurMarne chez Seneuze,
imprimeur du Roi, dans la Grande Rue May 18, 2016

Cappadoce, mais il faut lire plutocirct Chalcidice. Philippe conquit ce pais

moins par fes armes que par fes perfidies ordinaires , amp en fit une
province de fon Empire , apregraves avoir pris 3c tueacute par trahifon

The History of the World,: From the Reign of Alexander to that of

Augustus ... Jan 23, 2008 john gillies commission, headed by three men of
consular digpity, arrived at Apollonia in the Chalcidice, a harbour at the
foot of Mount Athos, and near the more an- cient city AcroAthos, whose
inhabitants were

Opera. Virgil with an introd. and notes by T.L. Papillon and A.E. Haigh
Jan 5, 2010 virgil , e. Macedonia, of which it is a part. Pallene, one of the
peninsulas of Chalcidice in Macedonia. Proteus in Homer inliabits the
island of Pharos close to Egypt: his connection with Macedonia is a later

The Orations of Demosthenes ... Aug 3, 2009 Demosthenes, charles rann

kennedy states, showing what baneful effects it had produced in
Chalcidice, Peloponnesus, and elsewhere, and how perilous it would be to
themselves, if they suffered it to spread yet further. Strong measures

The Delphian course : a systematic plan of education, embracing the

world's progress and development of the liberal arts... May 10, 2007
delphian society (chicago, ill.) . 6. Cassander, ii. 371. Catacombs, iv. 394
ix. 9. Catiline, iv. 181. Cavour, yi. 373. Caxton, ix. 41. Catholic
Emancipation, viii. 47. Celts, viii. 4. Chalcidice, ii. 326. Chaldea, i. 201

A dictionary of numismatic names : their of ficial and popular designations

Feb 12, 2008 frey, albert romer, 1858- Itonia in the temple of Coroneia,
which was the meeting- place of the League. This type disappears after
B.C. 288 and the League was dissolved by the Romans B.C. 146. The cities
of Chalcidice

A Short History Of Civillization Jan 16, 2017 thorndike, lynn Greek city
states and centers of civilization in Thrace and the Chalcidice and sold

their entire populations into slavery some twenty towns of Phocis were
also destroyed, and their surviving

The history of Greece Mar 8, 2009 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 of which

acknowledged Chalcis as their mother-city, and accordingly were
comprehended under the collective name of Chalcidice. The broad
highlands of Chalcidice abound in ancient mountain-shafts

That Greece Might Still be Free The Philhellenes in the War of

Independence Nov 19, 2014 william st. clair massacres as the two
communities tried desperately to overcome one another. In Northern
Greece the garrisons were stronger, but in Thessaly, Macedonia, and
Chalcidice many Greeks joined the Revolution

The Eclogues and Georgics of Virgil Sep 25, 2012 virgil country, so that
Sithonianis here taken for Thracian.Sithonia was the central one of the
three promontories which lay at the southern extremity of Chalcidice, in
what was afterward a part of

The natural history of Pliny Sep 9, 2008 pliny, the elder the house of
Pindar, levelled to the ground most of thehabitants were slaughtered, and
the rest sold as slaves. 2 Stagirus, or Stagira, a town of Macedonia, in
Chalcidice, on the Stry monic Gulf

The Ancient World From the Earliest Times to 800 A.D Nov 29, 2014
willis mason west strength but Sparta now broke up the leading city,
Mantinea, and dispersed the inhabitants in villages. In Chalcidice, the city
of Olynthus had organized its neighbors into a promising league. A

Notes on the history and political institutions of the Old world Oct 23,
2013 preissig, edward ritter von, 1870- , and long spears. Philip quickly
extended his power over the Greek cities of Chalcidice, captured

Amphipolis in 358 b.c, Potidaea in 356, founded the well-known city of

Philippi in 356, and took the

Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens Feb 4, 2008

archaeological institute of america , american school of classical studies
at athens , the ruder Hellenes to a new life. Accordingly Chalcis and
Eretria developed early. While Athens and Sparta are still slumbering,
these cities are founding colonies from Chalcidice to Cumse. In the

The Roman history of Appian of Alexandria May 15, 2008 appianus, of

alexandria . Mi. lox forms marshes and pools below Babylon, C. II, X53.
Euripus, of Chalcidice, Mi. 45. Europe, Mi. 107 C. IV, 87,106 Romans
order kings of Pontus and Syria to keep away from, Mi. X3, 58 Sy. 6

Monnaies grecques Apr 15, 2008 friedrich imhoof -blumer Sestini

(Museacutee Chaudoir p. 30, pi. I. 8), agrave Apollonie de la Chalcidice
par Borrell (Num. Chron. XI, p. 57), agrave Apollonie en Mygdonie par
Leake (Num. Hell. Eur. Gr. p. 16 et Suppl. p. 114), et agrave Apollonie

Westermann's weltatlas [cartographic material] : 130 haupt- und 117

nebenkarten auf 106 kartenbla˜ttern mit erla˜uterndem text und einem
alphabetischen namenverzeichnis May 27, 2015 liebers, adolf, 1887- 3
Acandi 88 P 5 bullAcanthus (Chalcidice) 3 Ol bullAcanthus (Doris) 3 E3
Acaponeta 87 03 Acapuloo 87 D E 4 Acaracuuml 89 E 3 bullAcaruania 3
B 2 Acatlan 87 I B 3 Accomao 83 F 5 Accrington 52 D 3 bullAce Ptolomais

The new Larned History for ready reference, reading and research the
actual words of the world's best historians biographers and specialists a
complete system of history for all uses, extending to all countries and
subjects and representing the better and newer literature of history Nov 5,
2009 larned, josephus nelson, 1836-1913 shores of the Propontis and the
Euxine we may perhaps add the first Eretrian colonies in Chalcidice,
though here even the approximate date of foundation must remain in
doubt. . . . The Milesian

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography by Various Writers

IabadiusZymethus Aug 29, 2014 Lectum is Baba, or Santa Maria. [L.S.J
LE'CYTHUS (Afatffoi), a town in the peninsula of Sithonia in
Chalcidice, not far from Torone, with a temple to Athena. The town was
attacked by Brasidas, who took

Ausführliches und möglichst vollständiges lateinisch-deutsches Lexicon

oder Wörterbuch zum Behufe der Erklärung der Alten und Übung in der
lateinischen Sprache Jul 7, 2011 scheller, immanuel johann gerhard, 1735-
1803 . 17. XXV, 4 pof t med. fepoundr 16. $ (Btabt in ?Xacebonien unb
jngtar in Chalcidice, in rerfoumlcgeub uon Torone, Plin. II. N. iv, 10 fea.
17: Quejgt eine in (Erctagt Ibid. IV, 12 ante med. i'camp. :o. 4

Lehrbuch der griechischen antiquitäten th. Lehrbuch der griechischen

staatsalterthümer aus dem standpunkt der geschichte ... 5. Aufl. neu bearb.
von Dr. J.Ch.F. Bähr und Dr. K.B. Stark Feb 5, 2015 karl friedrich hermann
die erst kuumlrzlich durch Bragtidas fuumlr Sparta erworbenen11)
Staumldte von Chalcidice und der thracischen Kuumlste beitraten 12).
Aber Tegea blieb dem alten Bunde treu und da Megara und Boeotien aus

The Story of Civilization (Complete) Dec 22, 2016 will durant the war in
which Athens was to lose her liberty. Other Greeks, mostly from Chalcis
and Eretria, conquered and named the three-fingered peninsula of
Chalcidice, and by 700 had established thirty towns

The new Larned History for ready reference, reading and research the
actual words of the world's best historians, biographers and specialists: a
complete system of history for all uses, extending to all countries and
subjects and representing the better and newer literature of history Oct 22,
2008 larned, j. n. (josephus nelson), 1836-1913 Eretrian colonies in
Chalcidice, though here even the approximate date of foundation must
remain in doubt. . . The Milesian exploration of the Euxine is a signal proof
that, even at an early date

Le Bureau du roi, 1848-1873 Apr 26, 2009 noailles, hélie guillaume hubert,
marquis de, 1871- [from old catalog] Landschaft Chalcidice ihren Namen
hat. Diegraveses lag viel weiter nocircrdlich, nach dem Itinerarium
Antonini nur 18 mil. pass, sucircdiich von Berocirca (Vecirclera
Romanorum itineraria eacuted. Wessding p, 193 sq.). Plinius H, N. V

Lehrbuch der griechischen Antiquitäten Aug 18, 2008 karl friedrich

hermann gegruumlndet waren, die ganze Halbinsel zwischen dem
thermaumlischen und strymonischen Busen allmaumlhlich den Namen
Chalcidice) erhielt, deren zwei und dreissig Orte) spaumlter einen
Vereinigungspunct an Olynthus

The Cambridge Ancient History 3rd Edition Oct 10, 2015 to the east of the
Vardar (e.g. Ovcje Polje). And the lowest basin of all, that between Mount
Olympus and western Chalcidice, has been partly captured by the sea. The
parts which have not been

Master Works Of History Digests Of II Great Classics Nov 11, 2006

joseph reither Amphipolis, the Athenian colony on the river Strymon.
Brasidas marched against this town, starting from, Arne in Chalcidice.
Arriving about dusk at Aulon and Bromiscus, where the lake of Bolbe runs
into the

Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussische Akademie des

Wissenschaften zu Berlin Jan 19, 2012 königliche preussische akademie
der wissenschaften (Djebel Elhas und Shbet), jenes von Kalkstein, dieses
von Basalt, haumlngen keineswegs mit einander zusammen, und
administrativ duumlrfte Zebed nicht zur Apamene, sondern zur Chalcidice
gehoumlrt haben. Da

Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi Nov 19, 2009
schürer, emil, 1844-1910 . Nicht zu verwechseln ist hiermit ein anderes
Chalcis in Syrien, von welchem die Landschaft Chalcidice ihren Namen
hat. Dieses lag viel weiter noumlrdlich, nach dem Itinerarmm Antonini nur
18 muuml. pass

Outlines of universal history, designed as a text-book and for private

reading Jan 10, 2011 fisher, george park, 1827-1909 the coast of Epirus
were other Corinthian and Corcyraean settlements. Chalcis planted towns
in the peninsula of Chalcidice, and from thence to Selymbria (or
Byzantium), which was founded by Megara (657

Master Works Of History Digests Of II Great Classics Dec 10, 2006

joseph reither Amphipolis, the Athenian colony on the river Strymon.
Brasidas marched against this town, starting from, Arne in Chalcidice.
Arriving about dusk at Aulon and Bromiscus, where the lake of Bolbe runs
into the

Ridpath's history of the world : being an account of the principal events

in the career of the human race from the beginnings of civilization to the
present time : comprising the development of social institutions and the
story of all nations Nov 26, 2008 ridpath, john clark, 1840-1900
.Valleys.Political Divisions. Orestis and Stymphalia. Eordasa and
Pieria.BottiiKa.Emathca Mygdonia. Chalcidice. Olynthus. Bisaltia.
Paeonia.-ViaEgnatia.Mythof theTermenidee.Reign of Amyntas

A Bird's-eye View of the World: A Popular Scientific Description of the

... Jul 13, 2009 onésime reclus , malvina antoinettte howe, forrest morgan
, charles hopkins clark contains only scattered families of Greeks, except
in Chalcidice, or the Salonican peninsula, which is wholly Greek.
Chalcidice, this little world apart, sinks on the north to a lacustral lowland

Strabonis geographica Jan 6, 2010 strabo peoioMiisB Tejorum et

Erythrttoramy 550, 6 et sopeijacet iacaa Alexaodri, 550, 14. Cbaloidica
terra framento adroiscetur a Cyxiceois, 493,10 Chalcidice, Syriae regio,
Apamenaiom diliooi versas ortom

The Cambridge Ancient History Vol Viii 1930 Jan 17, 2017 s. a. cook
Rome, Pergamum and Rhodes, amounting together to some 100 sail, were

to master Cassandreia and Chalcidice. While his barbarian allies were

getting into motion, the consul, following what was to become

Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi Jan 30, 2015
schürer, emil, 1844-1910 ein Koumlnig Aristobul von Chalcidice
erwaumlhnt, der moumlglicherweise identisch ist mit dem Sohne des
Merodes von Chalcis und Koumlnige vou Kleinarmeuieu '). Allein, auch
wenn man dies zugiebt, 52) Anlt. XX

Katholieke Encyclopaedie deel 7 May 9, 2016 ineraalsubstant ie. Het

belangrijkste is de gt agaat. Ghalcha-Mongolen, stam der Oost-Mongolen
behoorende tot de Altaiumlers. gt China. Chalcidice (a n t. g e o g r.),
driepuntig schiereiland van Macedonieuml

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie Jan 27, 2015
der Provinz Leon . . 075 Becke, Fr.: Gesteine der Ilalhinsel Chalcidice 97
Gesteine von Griechenland 921 Behrens, G.: Teher die
Kreidcaldaperungen auf der Insel WoUin 186 Beitraumlge zur

Handbook of zoology Mar 13, 2009 hoeven, jan van der, 1802-1868
impeifect wings (especially in females) some have only fom- joints in the
tarsus {Iplbitrachelus Haliday, My mar, ampc.), which has also been
observed in the family of the Chalcidice, a remarkable anomaly in

Lehrbuch der gottdienstlichen Alterthümer der Griechen Jan 7, 2016

hermann, karl friedrich, 1804-1855 Korinths uumlbrige
Niederlassungen1) finden sich ausser der juumlngsten, Potidaea in
Chalcidice, alle an der Kuumlste des ionischen Meeres, wo Lcukas2),
Alyzia3), Anaktorium4), Ambracia5), Apollonia…

Strabonis Geographicorum tabulae XV May 26, 2008 strabo, karl otfried

müller Cyxicenis, 493,10 Chalcidice, Syriae regio, Apameiiaium ditioni
versus ortuoi finitima, imb tou Maaovov xaOinouoa, 641, 21. [Ea est regio
quae caput babebat Chaicidem eam, cujus ruioaB sunt ad hod

The Cambridge Ancient History Jan 17, 2017 s. a. cook f e adcock m p

charlesworth Cassandreia and Chalcidice. While his barbarian allies were
getting into motion, the consul, following what was to become the via
Egnatia, boldly advanced into Lyncestis, where he encountered Philip,
who from

Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi Jan 29, 2015
emil schürer . Nicht SU erwechseln Ist hiennit ein anderes Chalcie in
Syrien, von welchem die Laudsdiaft Chalcidice iliren Namen hat. Dieses
lai? viel wlaquo itlt r noumlrdlicli, nach dem Ifinrrgtrrium Antonini nur 18

The Cambridge Ancient History 3rd Edition Oct 10, 2015 Chalcidice. The
effects of these varying environments must be borne in mind while we
proceed to describe the different Arab groups to be found in the Middle
East in the third and fourth centuries. To

Universal geography : or A description of all the parts of the the world on

a new plan, according to the great natural divisions of the globe
accompanied with analytical, synoptical, and elementary tables Aug 3,
2011 malte-brun, conrad, 1775-1826 . - (Upper Syria.) Coelc-Syria.
Phenice. (Phenicia.) Pieria - - - Seleucis - Antiochene Casiotis - - Apamene
- - Chalcidice - - Chalybonitis - .Palmyrene - - None - - - i None

Review of reviews and world's work Jul 19, 2011 gotten Chalcidice, and
finally that tongue of rich about all she could reasonably expect, and coast-
plain stretching eastward past the port Albania contains nothing that she
covets ar- of

Lehrbuch der griechischen antiquitäten Feb 26, 2014 hermann, karl

friedrich, 1804-1855. [from old catalog] Bundesgenossenschaft zu
eroumlffnen 10), welcher auch alsbald Mantinea, Elis, und sogar die erst
kuumlrzlich durch Brasilias fuumlr Sparta erworbenen11) Staumldte von
Chalcidice und der' thracischen Kuumlste

Handbuch Der Alten Geographie Mar 6, 2009 albert forbiger . Jahrh. muss
sie schon sehr verfallen gewesen sein (vgl. MalalaeCbron.l. 14. p. 24. n.
Pro- cop. B. Pers. 2, 11) wenn sie vollig untergegangen\ wissen wir nicbt
). Die Hauptst, von Chalcidice war

A Compendium of Ancient and Modern Geography: For the Use of Eton

School Aug 17, 2008 aaron arrowsmith , charles grenfell nicolay ,
Bisaltse', Satrse, Lesei, Grasei, Aerianes, and the 8intiwho are said to have
once dwelled in the island of Lemnos. The district of Chalcidice, so
named from the Chalcidians of Euboea, who settled

L'Univers: histoire et description de tous les peuples ... Apr 12, 2009 ) aait
a Touest : elle touchait, au nord, a la Cilicie. 4deg La Seleucide(Z8XtiiAi(),
au sud de la prcedente. Cette petite province avoisinait la mer. 6 La
Chalcidice …

Hommage international à l'Université nationale de Grèce à l'occasion du

soixante-quinzième anniversaire de sa fondation (1837-1912) Jun 26, 2008
athens. ethnikon panepistemion auvoixiof iocircccedil among the mainland
dependents of Athens. Such an opeacuteration had in fact been carried out
on a consideacuterable scale by the inhabitants of Chalcidice in 432 B.
C.4, and it is more than likely that

The History of the Peloponnesian War Jun 9, 2009 thucydides, henry

dale, thomas arnold Argives, 331. Chalcideus, the Lacedaemoniim
admiral, 516. his exploits, 520, 521. killed by the Athenians, 524.
Chalcidice, 39, 274. Chalcis, 64, 574. Chaonians, 133, 140. Charadrus,
the river, 352

Minor works ... Oct 22, 2008 Aristotle them, they expect as it were an
invasion of the enemy. 120. In Thracian Chalcidice near Olynthus they
say that there is a place called Cantharolethros, a Httle larger in size than
a threshing-floor

Studies in general history Oct 5, 2007 barnes, mary downing (sheldon)

1850-1898 the northern coast of the Egean in spite of Athenian opposition,
he conquers the TO 346. Greek towns of Chalcidice. He threatens the
Hellespont and Chersonese. Meanwhile a Sacred War goes on, in which

Rambles and studies in Greece Nov 8, 2009 mahaffy, john pentland, sir,
1839-1919 , can make a modern Eden possible, it is here. Nature might be
imagined gradually improving in her work when she framed the three
peninsulas of the Chalcidice. The westernmost, the old Pallene, once

The Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London May 20,

2009 royal entomological society of london Chalcidice'' (Part IV. p. 60),
pronounces this to be an Idarnes, and repeats Coauerel's figures of
Apocrypta and Sycocrypta speaking of these as exhibiting the most
aboriginal structure of the Agaonida

Selections from the Attic orators, [Gr.] Aug 9, 2011 jebb, richard
claverhouse, sir, 1841-1905 sect 298 the kings of , 106 sect 24 and Athens,
Thirty Years' Truce between, 47 sect38 Spartolus in Chalcidice, 175
sect42 speaking low, a mark of (tcjltppoavvr), G2 sect 19 stater, the
Cyzicene and the Attic, 67

Orationes et epistolae selectae Aug 3, 2009 marcus tullius cicero, francis

willey kelsey throne to his son, Ariobarzaumlnes PhilopatoumlTy probably
in B. c. 63. Aristoteles, -is, ['Apto-rorcAis], m., Aristotle, a famous Greek
philosopher, born at Stagira, in Chalcidice, B.c. 384. He was a pupil

Zeitschrift für Numismatik Jan 4, 2015 ganz genau die Typen der Stadt
Mende auf der Halbinsel Chalcidice, und Mionnet hat daher auch ihren in
unmittelbarer Naumlhe von Mende zu suchenden macedonischen
Ursprung richtig erkannt. Ein wunderlicher

The satires of Juvenal, ed. for the use of schools with notes, introduction,
appendices Jan 4, 2010 juvenal,elati. See note on Sat. i. 76.
callidufl emptor OlynthiPhilip of Macedon, who took Olynthus in
Chalcidice in 348 b.c. by biibing Euthycrates and Lasthenes, two of its

Repertorium der Mineralogischen und krystallographischen Literatur vom

Ende D.j. 1876 bis Anfang ... Jun 1, 2008 paul groth , friedrich grünling ,
ernst weinschenk , georg baumann . 2,62. Krystallisirtcr Vivianit in
Saumlugethierknochen aus dem Laibacher Torfmoor. Ebenda, 31 1.
Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. Tschermak\s min. u. petrogr. Mittheil.
4878, 1, 2 42

The library of historic charActers and famous events of all nations and all
ages Feb 11, 2008 weitenkampf, frank, 1866-1962, ed B.C., when he began
a war against Olynthus, which he took after a long siege in 347. The city
was then destroyed, and thirty-one other free cities in Chalcidice shared
its fate, while the wretched

Natural history Oct 20, 2008 pliny, the elder , and is eaten raw and cooked
in every sort of way it resembles the roots of reeds. The Egyptian l)ean
also grows in Syria and CiUcia, and at the Lake of Torone in Chalcidice.
XXXI. Vegetables sown

The Portfolio Oct 18, 2008 our melancholy knowledge of what her fate
has been since she has lost them! The change had been sudden indeed.
Until 1628 these institutions were still in existence. Those of Chalcidice,
as described

Seven homilies on ethnic inspiration or on the evidence supplied by the

pagan religions of ... Jul 6, 2008 joseph taylor goodsir , with the works of
these pagan authors. When the Greek philosophy came into close contact
with gt The former bom at Stageira in Chalcidice, 384 A.C., the latter at
Megalopolis in Arcadia, about 222 a.c

Tschermaks mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen: : an ... Jul

11, 2009 geologische bundesanstalt (austria )., springerink (online service)
unregelmassig ) Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. Diese Mitth. 1878,
pag. 261. Digitized by V:iOOQIC 106 R- Kilch. umgrenzte, an den
Bindern aiugebuohtete Blattohen von dankelgriiner Farbe, im

Moralia, in fifteen volumes, with an English translation by Frank Cole

Babbitt Feb 6, 2013 plutarch Athens, so called from the place of meeting.
Acanthus (Acanthians), 205, 297 : a town in eastern Chalcidiceon the
Strymonic Gulf. Achaeans, 319: a name applied to all, or to a part of , the
Greeks who

Kid McGhie Jun 23, 2009 crockett, s. r. (samuel rutherford), 1860-1914

evacuated by Antiochus, 87 (2) on the Lebanon, i. 216 ii. 264 (3) on the
Chalus, i. 218 Chalcidice, 218 (4) in the territory of Apamea, ii. 226
G}mldae(tns, i. 239, 251, 256 Chaldaei (tribe in

Atlas Of Western Civilization Jan 17, 2017 dr. f van der meer . Map 47
Chaeronea, Achaia, Gr. Map 5 Chain, Ernst Boris, Germ, chem., after 1933
in Eng., b. 1906. Map 47 Chalcedon (Kadikoi),'Bythinia, Asia Minor, Map
1, 11, 13, 17 Chalcidice, territory N.E. Gr. Map

Ovid: Selections for the Use of Schools Jun 15, 2009 ovid . Sithonia
proper, according to Herodotus, is one of the three long narrow peninsulas
which form the termination of that portion of Macedonia called
Chalcidice, lying between the Strymonicus Sinus…

The history of Greece Jul 26, 2009 mitford, william, 1744-1827 - - - v.

132. Cephisodotus Athenian general - - vi. 170 to 173. Chabrias iv. 440.v.
48. 178 to 180.vii. 301. Chereas iii. 359. Chalcidice ii. 85. 318
Chaldea i. 410

Antichità romane Leopoldo Krahner Sep 5, 2014 leopold krahner

nellpounddoniOj Amphipolis su lo Strimene, e Philipp colonia, le cui
rovine si veggono nellodierna Filibah nella penisola Chalcidice, Potidaea
delta poi Cassandrea, colonia (Porta di Cassandra), ed

History of Rome and the Roman people, from its origin to the
establishment of the Christian empire Dec 14, 2007 duruy, victor, 1811-
1894 make the Euphrates the frontier of the Republic, reduced Syria and
Phoenicia to a province, and only left Commagene to Antiochus,
Chalcidice to a Ptolemy, and Osrhoenc to an Arab chief, with the 1

Works, in prose and verse. Edited by Edmund Gosse Oct 16, 2006 gray,
thomas, 1716-1771 Alcibiades,) were returned from their expedition into
Chalcidice (mentioned p. 36.) and had joined the army newly arrived from
Potidea. CHARMIDES. 161 P. 154. AfvKf) (rra$p.] The line used by
carpenters and

Cornelius Nepos Jan 21, 2009 nepos, cornelius

troops to re-enforce his brother Eudamidas, who had been previously
dispatched against Olynthus. Olynthum. Olynthus was an important
Greek city and state in Chalcidice, a peninsula of Macedonia, between

Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation, pour servir de base à

l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée
May 12, 2009 cuvier, georges, baron, 1769-1832 rabdonieii, son c\lremil6
exceplt-e, rouges (1). La quatiieme tribu, celle des chalcidites [Chalcidice.
Spin.), lie dif'f'ere essentiellement de la precedente que par les antennes
qui sont, les Eucharis

Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins Apr 18, 2008 deutscher verein

zur erforschung palästinas . Centiim putea 13S. cetuumldet el-dschedi
Chedada 58 und Nr. 525. Chaumlbuumlr 174 vgl. naumlhr clitihuumlr.
chadajidsch 49 ygX.hawaumljidsch. al~cJiaflja 166. chair raumljV} 44
(Nr. 399). cliairan 176. Chalcidice

The Literary digest history of the world war, compiled from original and
contemporary sources: American, British, French, German, and others Nov
22, 2009 halsey, francis w. (francis whiting), 1851-1919 -British force
under Sarrail in Chalcidice, the Austrian reverses before Czernowitz, and
the repulse of the German attack at Verdun had swung the scales of
fortune adversely to the Teutonic cause. In

The explanatory Bible atlas and Scripture gazetteer : geographical,

topographical and historical, containing maps of all the countries and
places mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, drawn from the latest
and best authorities, and engraved expressly for the work, with illustrative
essays for each map, and accurate local descriptions in the gazetteer a
colored missionary map of the world a dictionary of the natural history of
the Bible, with engravings and tables of time, weights, measures and coins,
tabular views, etc. Sep 17, 2015 jenks, william, 1778-1866 were so fertile
as the coast of Athos, the ancient Chalcidice. The land in the valleys of
Panomi and Cassandria, when grazed by the lightest plough, yields, it is
said, a more abundant harvest than

Elements of geography, ancient and modern : with an atlas Jul 27, 2007
worcester, joseph e. (joseph emerson), 1784-1865 ones were Achamplous,
Peneus, Pamisos, Aous, Ewotas, and Alpheus. MACEDON, OR
MACEDONIA. Divisions. The principal divisions of Macedonia were
Pierian Pceonia or Amathia, Mygdonia, Pallene, Chalcidice, ampc

Euripides and the spirit of his Dramas Nov 11, 2009 decharme, paul,
1839-1905 year when it was violated by the Lacedaemonians, who refused
to give up the towns in Chalcidice and were in treaty with Thebes. It was
then that Alcibiades conceived the idea of striking a blow at

The Hittites : their inscriptions and their history Apr 11, 2008 campbell,
john, 1840-1904 be the common property of all languages. That the city
seized by Kaba was Chalcis, the capital of Chalcidice, is confirmed by
the statement that Yanzu of Khupuscia informed Kenetala of the fact

The library of historic charActers and famous events of all ..., Volume 5
Dec 25, 2009 ainsworth rand spof ford, frank weitenkampf, john porter
lamberton 350 B.a, when he began a war against Olynthus, which he took
after a long siege in 347. The city was then destroyed, and thirty-one other
free cities in Chalcidice shared its fate, while the wretched

The History of Greece Vol.6 Jan 18, 2017 mitford, william Chalcidice in
Thrace. Body, and form, and means of energy, were given to the
confederacy by the establishment of a congress, of deputies from every
state, at Corinth'. Instead of allowing, according

The History Of The Manners And Customs Of Ancient Greece Vol. 2 Jan
17, 2017 john, j. a. st. , but did not there ripen. In the environs of Torone
in Chalcidice, however, it was found in perfection in a small marsh. The
lupin, and the caper-bush, probably cultivated for the beauty of its

The History of the Peloponnesian War Jul 27, 2009 thucydides, henry
dale, thomas arnold been in perfect health, caught the infection from the
troops brought thither by Agnon. Phormio, and the body of sixteen
hundred men under his command, had before this quitted Chalcidice, so

The history of Greece. Jun 6, 2007 mitford, william, 1744-1827 populous

towns of Chalcidice in Thrace. Body, and form, and means of energy
were given to the confederacy by the establishment of a congress of
deputies from every state at Corinth.1 Instead of

Demosthenous Peri tou stephanou Oct 6, 2009 Demosthenes . 505, 510.IV.

50. Digitized by Google JIO HISTORICAL SKETCH [348- III. The Peace
of Philocrates. 347346 B.C. 13. When Philip had destroyed Olynthus and
the thirty-two Greek towns of Chalcidice

A History Of Ancient Greek Literature By Gilbert Murray Mar 3, 2013

intellectual feat of the age. Its founder, Aristoteles of Stagiros, in
Chalcidice (384-322 B.C.), stands in charActer, as well as in date, midway
between the Athenian philosopher and the Alexandrian savant

Histoire du Bas-Empire Sep 21, 2008 charles le beau laquoootre let jtabUei
il se mi la tete jde ses trqupes pour aller (iUi33o.) tXVBM CSX
AITDROVIC III. 4S Androni s-etant arrfite a Chalcidice, Arsne Zam- '
plaeoRpapiafr', vintlut

The Hittites: their inscriptions and their history May 6, 2010 campbell,
john which was preserved also in that of the Mygdones. Chalcidice and
Elymea were Midianite, but Emathia, Pieria, Pelagonia, Paeonia, Orbelia,
were settlements of the Hamathites, Beorians, Baalchananites

M.L. Vitrvuio Pollione De architectura Mar 17, 2010 vitruvius pollio

longitudinefiano conftituite, Excepto feacute la natura del loco no Io haucr:
impedito,amp altrameacutetehauera coacuteftrido la fimmetria a elTer
coacutemu tata.Ma li ci loco fera piugrave ampio in loacutegitudinc,lG
Chalcidice in li cxtrcmi

An analysis and summary of Herodotus Aug 20, 2012 herodotus sea [from
Chalcidice in Macedonia], and stocked with people. The Isthmus is a
plain between the Acanthian Gulf and that of Torone, and on it stands
Sana, a Greek city. On Mount Athos are the cities of

The January 2015 NYINC Auction: Ancient Coins, World Coins Paper
Money Mar 1, 2017 stack's of Dr. Richard Aghababian. Ex: Coin
Galleries 0297 Lot #203. SYRIA 127 Chalcidice. Chalcis. Cleopatra VII,
51-30 B.C. AE 18 (4.85 gms), ca. 32-31 B.C. RPC-4773. RARE.
Diademed bust of Cleopatra right

The History Of The Manners And Customs Of Ancient Greece Vol.1 Jan
20, 2017 john, j.a., st extermination of the people of Hysia, the

precipitating of neutral merchants into pits,lsquolsquo the betrayal of the

cities of Chalcidice and the islands, the massacre in cold blood of the
Platajans, of four

Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete des

Deutschen, griechischen und ... May 28, 2009 adalbert kuhn Axios
begrenzt oumlstlich die landschaft XIV, 226 'Hfiaampif] iareivt] Justin.
VII, 1 Macedonia ante a nomine Emathionis rcgis ) Landschail
Anthemusia, stadt 'AfOf ttouumlt', Chalcidice. diams) Geschichtlich

A history of Greece Dec 21, 2007 thirwall, connop, bp. of st. david's,
1797-1875 the iEgaean sea, and which hence acquired the name of
Chalcidice, though a considerable part of its Greek population was
derived from Eretria, the neighbour and rival of Chalcis. The isle of

The history of Greece Jun 9, 2009 mitford, william, 1744-1827 influence

of Athens and Corinth together, then iiggcd Acamania, Anibrada
Leucadia, part of lliessaly, all Euboea, and the populous towns of
Chalcidice in Thrace. Body, and form, and means of energy

L 307 Aristotle Minor Works On Colours, On Things Heard,

Physiognomics, On Plants, On Marvellous Things Heard, Mechanical
Problems, On Indivisible Lines The Situations Names Of Winds On
Melissus Xenophanes Gorgias Dec 20, 2013 know that they will be in
peace but if they do not taste them, they expect as it were an invasion of
the enemy. 120. In Thracian Chalcidice near Olynthus they say that there
is a place called

On colour, and on the necessity for a general diffusion of taste among all
classes Jan 18, 2008 wilkinson, john gardner, sir, 1797-1875 conclusion
and the most beautiful coins of Sicily are less pure in design than those of
Elis, Clazomene, the Locri-Opuntii, Chalcidice, and some others of the
same date in Greece, about 450-380 B.C

The history of Greece Feb 23, 2008 mitford, william, 1744-1827 - - - bull
v. 132. CephisodotuB Athenian general - - vi. 170 to 173. Chabrias iv.
440.v. 48. 178 to 180.vii. 30K Chsreas - - iii. 359, Chalcidice

Of ficinae Ioannis Rauisii Textoris Niuernensis historicis poëticisque

refertae disciplinis prima secunda pars, bene recognita, auctaque non
parum, cum indice iuxta seriem literarum reposito 1 Mar 26, 2016 centum
lilios enixa eft. Vnde Adagium apud Erafmum.Tanq Chalcidice
peperitnobis vxot.rNiooe Tantalifiliahabuit-u TMafamlTa rex Nu
mydiai.44laquoAudiore Eutcopio Puella qusrdam longobar da.7.pueros

Of ficina Ioan. Rauisii Textoris. Pars prima tomus secundus. Opus nunc
recens post omnes editiones fidelissimè recognitum, et copiosissimo
locupletatum indie Aug 25, 2016 Gombe mulier heroina, cui cognomen
fuit Chalcidi, uiro coniunda centum liberos enixa eft . unde adagium apud
Eras vtancjuam Chalcidice fieperit nobis uxor. Niobe Tantali filia habuit
14. Maflani- a

Of ficina Ioan. Rauisij Textoris. Pars prima tomus secundus. Opus nunc
recens post omnes omnium editiones fidelissimè recognitum, indice
copiosissimo locupletatum May 8, 2016 jean tixier signeur de ravisi textor
(signeur de ravisi) heroinalaquocui, cognomen fuit Chalcidi, uiro
coniunampa centum liberos enixa eft .unde adagium apud Eras, eanquam
Chalcidice peperic nobis uxor Niobe Tantali filiaTiabuit
i4.Mafl'anTfclarex Numidia: 44

The History of the Peloponnesian War Jul 27, 2009 thucydides, henry
dale, thomas arnold been in perfect health, caught the infection from the
troops brought thither by Agnon. Phormio, and the body of sixteen
hundred men under his command, had before this quitted Chalcidice, so

The history of Greece. Jun 6, 2007 mitford, william, 1744-1827 populous

towns of Chalcidice in Thrace. Body, and form, and means of energy

were given to the confederacy by the establishment of a congress of

deputies from every state at Corinth.1 Instead of

Demosthenous Peri tou stephanou ct 6, 2009 Demosthenes . 505, 510.IV.

50. Digitized by Google JIO HISTORICAL SKETCH [348- III. The Peace
of Philocrates. 347-346 B.C. 13. When Philip had destroyed Olynthus
and the thirty-two Greek towns of Chalcidice

A History Of Ancient Greek Literature By Gilbert Murray Mar 3, 2013

intellectual feat of the age. Its founder, Aristoteles of Stagiros, in
Chalcidice (384-322 B.C.), stands in charActer, as well as in date, midway
between the Athenian philosopher and the Alexandrian savant

L 351 Demosthenes VI Private Orations III: 50 58 Dec 20, 2013 in

Chalcidice. IThe senate could not legislate of itself. Decrees passed I by
it had to be submitted to the popular assembly. VOL. in 2 A 353 ltfgtavos
ovtogc cat etaeAampiv etV to Stcaorptov

Das Beständige in den Menschenrassen und die Spielweite ihrer

Veränderlichkeit. Prolegomena zu einer Ethnologie der Culturvölker ... Mit
einer Karte von Prof . Kiepert Jan 15, 2015 adolf bastian Bagradas in
Nordafrika stand die roumlmische Garnisonstadt Assurae. In Mauritanien
fliesst der Asana (Anaumltis). Im nubischen Volk der Asachaei sieht Ritter
die Agaazi in Abyssinien. In Chalcidice (nach

Selections from Tibullus and Propertius Jan 26, 2007 tibullus most
westerly of the three peninsulas which form the extremity of Chalcidice,
in which the battle of Zeus with the giants took place. The term is here
used in the loosest way to denote the battle of

Natural history Oct 20, 2008 pliny, the elder , and meUlot, wliich we call
Campanian garland. For in Italy the favourite kind grows in Campania, in
Greece at Sunium, next in repute the meUlot of Chalcidice and Crete
being found however everywhere

The first three books of Homer's Iliad, with introduction, commentary,

and vocabulary, for the use of schools Mar 18, 2014 Homer Campania),
and the first in Sicily (Naxos, about 735 b.c.), and sending so many
colonies to the southern shore of Thrace as to give its name to the great
promontory of Chalcidice. Pound (pcTp(av: the later

Serums, vaccines and toxins in treatment and diagnosis Mar 13, 2012
bosanquet, w. cecil(william cecil),b. 1866 Cardamatis3 gives the following
figures with regard to an epidemic of cholera in the island of Chalcidice
: Po l'ULATION Deaths Before inoculation was introduced... ... If,256
After one inoculation

Theological works Jul 4, 2006 thorndike, herbert, 1598-1672 Caninius's

HellenismusG , at the imperfect tense, eruTrro, Bceolice et Chalcidice
ervTrroa-av. Qua forma septuaginta interpretibus frequens. Nam Asianis
etiam vernacula. Lycophron, v. 21, eadocrav

Geschichte der Beredtsamkeit in Griechenland und Rom nach den Quellen

bearbeitet von Anton Westermann Geschichte der griechischen
Beredtsamkeit Jun 1, 2016 anton westermann Chalcidice 01. XCIX. 1.
384., ging, fruumlhzeitig seiner Eltern beraubt, von Wissbegierde
getrieben im 17. Jahre seines Lebens, 367, nach Athen, wo er sich gegen
zwanzig Jahre anfhielt und namentlich

The Hittites : their inscriptions and their history Apr 11, 2008 campbell,
john, 1840-1904 preserved also in that of the Mygdones. Chalcidice and
Elymea were Midianite, but Emathia, Pieria, Pelagonia, Paeonia, Orbelia,
were settlements of the Hamathites, Beorians, Baalchananites, Jephunnites

L 371 Pliny Natural History V: 17 19 Dec 21, 2013 Syria and Cilicia, and
at the Lake of Torone in Chalcidice. XXXL Vegetables sown in autumn
or spring are Lentils and the lentil and in Greece the pea. The lentil likes
peas' a thin soil better than a rich

The teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the secondary
school Mar 3, 2008 bourne, henry eldridge, 1862- , they enter Europe
(1356), conquer Hadrianople (1360), under Bajazet (1389-1402) they leave
to the Kmpire only Chalcidice and the region immediately about
Constantinople, fall of Constantinople (1453

Zeitschrift für Krystallographie und Mineralogie May 10, 2008 groth, p.

(paul), 1843-1927 Yivianit in Saumlugelhierknochen aus dem Laibacher
Torfmoor. Ebenda, 31 I.Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. Tschermak's
min. u. petrogr. Mittheil. 1878, 1, 242. Vorlauf. Mittheil.: Sitzungsber

L 392 Pliny Natural History VI: 20 23 Dec 21, 2013 Greece at Sunium,
next in repute the melilot of Chalcidice and Crete, being found however
everywhere only in wild, woody districts. That chaplets were in antiquity
of ten made from the melilot is shown by

Revue numismatique May 25, 2008 société française de numismatique

laurier, M. Percy Gardner en fait encore un triheacutemiobolion,
quoiqu'elle ne pegravese qu'environ les deux tiers du poids chercheacute
par lui. En raison de son style, il l'attribue agrave la Chalcidice. Si on lui

An Analysis and Summary of Herodotus: With a Synchronistical Table of

... Jan 27, 2008 james talboys wheeler , herodotus , who worked beneath
the lash, and under the superintendence of Bubares and Artachsees.
Description of Athos.Athos is a great and celebrated mountain stretching
into the sea [from Chalcidice in

Decerpta ex ... Metamorphoseon libris, with Engl. notes by G. Ferguson

Jul 20, 2008 publius ovidius naso ., Athos, now Monte Santo, a mountain
of Macedonia, in the district of Chalcidice, on a peninsula between the
Sinus Strymonicus, Gulf of Contessa, and the Sinus Singiticus, Gulf of
Monte Santo. Across the

Leopoldina Oct 21, 2008 kaiserlich leopoldinisch-carolinischen deutsche

akademie der naturforscher). Becke: Gesteine von der Halbinsel
Chalcidice. p. 609615. Bd. 78. Jg. 1878. Hft. 1 5. L Abtheilung. Wien
1879. 8. Tschermak: DieGlimmergrupjie. II. Theil. p. 560. Tangl: Das
Protoplasma der

A numismatic manual Nov 23, 2014 akerman, john yonge, 1806-1873 .

Turon Mnittin. TE. Terone, or Torone, in Chalcidice. TBP. Tcrini. TH.
Tcnus. TPA. Tralles. TPI. Tripoli. TPO. Thettfie, or Trotde. ITAK, Tjriiw.
IT. Tyndftris. TTP. Tyre, genenlly in laquo MdnognuB. 1 r

Of ficinae Ioannis Rauisii Textoris epitome Aug 14, 2016 coniun6a centum
liberos enixa eft. Vnde adagium apud 2Ml:jKlsquon:Tanquam Chalcidice
peperit nobis uxor. Niobe Tantali filia habuit 14. Mafini0a rex Numydiae
44. autore Eutropio. Puella 3narda Loogobarda

Masterpieces of eloquence famous orations of great world leaders from

early Greece to the present time Jan 30, 2008 hazeltine, mayo w. (mayo
williamson), 1841-1909 had lost all the cities in Chalcidice Philip could
no longer be at the call of the betrayers, and was puzzled what he should
first take possession of . Five hundred horse, betrayed by their own

Flora Orientalis : sive, Enumeratio plantarum in Oriente a Graecia et

Aegypto ad Indiae fines hucusque observatarum Aug 27, 2008 boissier,
edmond, 1810-1885 inferioribus phylla reflexa non aequantibus ad intima
longius setaceo-acuminata sensim auctis, flosculis purpureis glanduloso-
viscidis (D. Hab. in peninsula Chalcidice Macedoniae (Janka) (Non vidi).

The first book of Thucydides, with Engl. notes, and grammatical

references. Ed. by T.K. Arnold Jul 31, 2008 thucydides Greek hittory, the
whole of the) great peninsula lying southward of the ridge of Mount
Khortiampfeau,'although the origiiMd Chalcidice was iar xaot resrneted
'in h iiinits. The BotliKans, alber OlyAthus

A history of the ancient world, [for high schools and academies] Feb 5,
2007 goodspeed, george stephen, 1860-1905 second meant obtaining
supremacy over the flourishing Greek cities which, for centuries planted
on the peninsulas of Chalcidice, had monopolized the rich trade with the

A general sketch of political history from the earliest times Jan 23, 2008
innes, arthur d. (arthur donald), 1863-1938 . The feuds of the Greek states
gave him leisure to organise his power, and to bring under his own sway
the Greek colonies on the coast of Macedonia and the peninsula of

The insect world : being a popular account of the orders of insects,

together with a description of the habits and economy of some of the
most interesting species Aug 16, 2016 figuier, louis, 1819-1894 species of
Chalcidice, a family of Hymenoptera, also live on the eggs of these
Orthoptera. There are also among the cockroaches certain brightly-
coloured exotic species. These colours show that they do

Das Beständige in den Menschenrassen und die Spielweite ihrer

Veränderlichkeit Feb 2, 2015 Philipp wilhelm adolf bastian in Abyssinien.
In Chalcidice (nach Macedonien) lag die Stadt Assa, in Sicilicn die Stadt
'Aaaoq der Siculi. Neben den Taxillae (oder Osii) setzt Plinius in der Ebene
Amanda die 'Aooi mit Peucolitae

Sämmtliche Werke Jan 12, 2008 christoph martin wieland einen einzigen
Punkt zusammen gedraumlngt gewirkt'haumltten. Was Olynthus betrifft,
so hat si6 sich nicht nur zum Haupt einer beynahe allgemeinen
Bundesvereibigung aller Staumldte der Chalcidice erhoben, sie hat

Register zu den Bänden 1 bis 115 1848 bis 1906 der Sitzungsberichte der
mathematischnaturwissenschaftlichen Classe der Akademie der
Wissenschaften 1 XVI. Feb 3, 2015 k. akademie der wissenschaften,
vienna. math. natur. klasse - Eutwicklung-sgesehiehte der , Michael St OS
sich. (Mit 2 Tafclu.) LXXVII. Bd. I. Abtli. pag. .533544. Chalcidice:

Gesteine der Halbinsel , Friedrich Beeke. LXXVII. Bd. l. Abth. pag.

G09615. Chemische

Geography of Europe Apr 2, 2014 james sime included by the Turks

within their European dominions is Thasos, between the peninsulas of
Chalcidice and Gallipoli. It has finely wooded hills, and produces much
grain, wine, and oil. Near it are the

The Knights of Aristophanes, with notes by T. Mitchell Aug 29, 2008

aristophanes of Chalcidice in Thrace are intended. To say nothing of the
probability that the potent drinkers of Thrace would have a cup of
peculiar make and dimensions, we know from Thucydides, that the whole

A general sketch of political history from the earliest times Nov 3, 2009
innes, arthur d. (arthur donald), 1863-1938 and the peninsula of
Chalcidice. Without deliberately setting himself to conquer the Greeks at
first, he succeeded in impressing on them the fact that his power was
exceedingly formidable in

Collected works Jan 17, 2014 hare, augustus j. c. (augustus john cuthbert),
1834-1903 between a Roman Chalcidice and a Northern transept, it has
the same kind of crypt and raised choir as San Miniato, but it lacks the
arches spanning the nave. The capitals of the crypt are specially

Pliny Natural History Volume Iii Jan 16, 2017 william heinemann ltd.
Chalcidice have been awarded second honoursso that the Roman purple
confers its high honour on a bird full worthy of it. These are the birds that
give the Most-Favourable Omens reg these birds daily

The House Of Seleucus ( Vol - Ii ) Jan 17, 2017 edwyn robert bevan by
Antiochus, 87 (2) on the Lebanon, 1. 216 , 11 264 (3) on the Chains, 1
218 , Chalcidice, 218 ~ (4) m the territoiy of Apamea, 11 226 Chaldaeans,
1 239, 251, 256 Ghaldaei (tribe m Asia Minor

Bulletin de la Société de géographie Oct 12, 2008 société de géographie

(france) supeacuterieur de l'Haliacmon et de TErigon de Lyncus sur le
versant illyrien du Pinde d'Acanthe et des deux Stagire dans la
Chalcidice, des deux Eiumlon en Thrace la distinction entre
Heacuteracleacutee Sintique et

The history of the Peloponnesian War a new and literal version, from the
text of Arnold, collated with Bekker, Göller, and Poppo Apr 1, 2008
thucydides , 524. Chalcidice, 39, 274. Chalcis, 64, 574. Chaonians, 133,
140. Charadrus. the river, 352. Charicles, 461. Charminus, an Athenian
commander, 529. defeated by the Peloponnesians, 535. helps the

Die Art der Ansidelung der Siebenbürger Sachsen: Volksstatistik der

Siebenbürger Sachsen Apr 7, 2008 friedrich teutsch , fritz schuller fiora, S.
358). Auch in diesen Gegenden herrscht die Buche vor. ) Nach Herder,
Plantae Raddeanae Monopetalae' snwohl in Buchenwaumlldern
Schoonens als der Chalcidice, nach Beck ebenfalls in der

Enquiry into plants and minor works on odoùrs and weather signs, Volume
1 Oct 10, 2009 theophrastus has not sharp sight. This plant also grows in
Syria and in parts of Cilicia, but these countries cannot ripen it also about
Torone in Chalcidice in a certain lake of small size and this lake ripens

Rambles and studies in Greece Mar 12, 2008 mahaffy, j. p. (john pentland),
1839-1919 Chalcidice. The westernmost, the old Pallene, once the site of
the historic Olynthus, is broad and flat, with no recommendation but its
fertility the second, Sithonia, makes some attempt at being

The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies and Conquests: From the
Earliest ... Jun 30, 2009 john gillies pretence of enabling Olynthusand the
other cities of Chalcidice to recover their independence, he lent his aid to
destroy the Athenian influence there, expecting to establish the
Macedonian in its stead. But

A History of Greece Aug 27, 2008 connop thirlwall toward the south-east
forms so remarkable a feature in the aspect of the iRgsan sea and which
hence acquired the name of Chalcidice, though a considerable part of its
Greek population was derived

L 396 Livy History Of Roma XIII: 43: 45 Dec 21, 2013 ), 337 Ceremia,
P, 3 Ceres, 58 (1) Cethegus, see Cornelius Chalcideans, 29 Chalcidice,
III, 234 (2) Chalcis, III, 27-31, 91, 95, 185, 317, 341, 363 (1) Chaonia, H,
334 (2) Chaonians, 75, 83 Charax

A numismatic manual Apr 2, 2007 akerman, john yonge, 1806-1873 .

TANA. Tanagra, Temnus.1 TA. TAP. TAPAS. Tarentum. TAP. Tarsus.
TAYPO. Tauromenium. TE. Terone, or Torone, in Chalcidice. TEP.
Terina. TH. Tenus. TPA. Tralles. TPI. Tripolis. TPO. Trcezene, or Troade

House Of Seleucus Vol. 1 Jan 17, 2017 bevan, edwyn robert know almost
nothing of the life of inner Syria in those days, but we may conclude
something from the fact that the region of the lower Chains was called,
not after Beroea, but Chalcidice. Between the

Rambles In Greece Jan 16, 2017 ahaffy j p make a modern Eden possible,
it is here. Nature might be imagined gradually improving in her work when
she framed the three peninsulas of the Chalcidice. The westernmost, the
old Pallene, once the site

Readings In Ancient History Illistrative Extracts From The Sources 1.

Greece And The East Jan 19, 2017 wolliam stearns davis comedies of
Aristophanes which are preserved to us throw invaluable light upon almost
all the problems and events of his day. Aristotle (384 to 822 b.c,). A native
of Stagira in the Chalcidice, who

The history of Greece Jul 26, 2009 mitford, william, 1744-1827 reputation
of Brasii- Thucyd. das for prudent and ingaging conduct among the '' allies

of Lacedsmon, as well as for ability and ao tivity in military command,

had reached Chalcidice And the leading

The history of the manners and customs of ancient Greece. Jul 2, 2014 st.
john, james augustus, 1795-1875 , and has a striped root and stem. This
lotus was also anciently found in Syria and Cilicia, but did not there ripen.
In the environs of Torone in Chalcidice, however, it was found in
perfection in a

Enquiry Into Plants and Minor Works on Odours and Weather Signs Sep
28, 2008 theophrastus, arthur hort sharp sight. This plant also grows in
Syria and in parts of Cilicia, but these countries cannot ripen it also about
Torone in Chalcidice in a certain lake of small size and this lake ripens it

The Captains of the Old World: As Compared with the Great Modern
Strategists, Their Campaigns ... Aug 12, 2008 henry william herbert
promontories which formed the Macedonian district of Chalcidice,
separated from the mainland of Greece by the Thermaic Bay, now the
Gulf of Salonica, a violent north wind, with a heavy broken sea, drove

A history ancient 05 murrgoog Nov 27, 2009 gilbert murray eclecticism

and the Lyceum or Peripatos, whose organisation of knowledge formed
the greatest intellectual feat of the age. Its founder, Aristoteles of
Stagiros, in Chalcidice (384-322 B.C.), stands in

The Works of Thomas Gray in Prose and Verse Aug 16, 2009 thomas gray,
edmund gosse XaA-Kiampas, mean, that Phormio and his troops (among
which were Socrates and Alcibiades,) were returned from their expedition
into Chalcidice (mentioned p. 36.) and had joined the army newly arrived

The House Of Seleucus Vol 1 Dec 10, 2006 edwyn robert bevan , not after
Beroea, but Chalcidice. Between the Chalus and the Euphrates the country
is to-day almost unoccupied, one level sheep-tract.We hear of a Seleucid
colony, Maronea or Maronias, which seems

Universal history Americanised or, An historical view of the world, from

the earliest records to the year 1808. With a particular reference to the state
of society, literature, religion, and form of government, in the United
States of America. Mar 20, 2008 ramsay, david, 1749-1815 Chalcidice,
and the leading men, in the Revolted towns, had solicited his appointment
to the command of the armament intended for their support. Their
solicitation met the wishes of Brasidas and the

Cities of Northern and Central Italy Dec 21, 2007 hare, augustus j. c.
(augustus john cuthbert), 1834-1903 dagger. A small basilica with narrow
aisles with cross-arms, which are something between a Roman Chalcidice
and a Northern transept, it has the same kind of crypt and raised choir as
San Miniato

Botanisches Zentralblatt referierendes Organ für das Gesamtgebiet der

Botanik Jul 8, 2008 botanischer verein, munich . 469 waumlchst es aber
auch in der Krim. Das von B, auf p. 438 nur von der Insel Samos und Klein-
Asien aufgefuumlhrte Panicum oruciforme Sibth. et Sm. hat J. 1871 auf
Chalcidice, einige Stunden von

The Plays Amp Poems Of Roberts Greene Vol.i Jan 18, 2017 j.churton
collins , litt.d. Hist iv 38), and also to Africa itself as jutting out from Asia
{Hist iv 41) But it was more specifically applied to the most easterly of the
three promontories jutting out from Chalcidice in

A personal narrative of the Euphrates expedition Nov 21, 2009 ainsworth,

william, 1807-1896 was in the mountains near Macra ma-wsp d-
xpoTToXis Tov Mapavov, arx et munimentum camjpi Mwrsyce. In the '
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography,' however, Chalcis, the chief
city of Chalcidice, and

Elements of general history. Ed. by B. Turner Aug 3, 2008 alexander fraser

tytler . Chalcidice. ApoUonia (PolinaV Olynthus, Stagira, Edonica.

Amphipolus (JemDoli), Neapdis, PhUippL SiNTICA. Rivers: Strymon,

Axius (Yardar), Erigon, Haliaemon. ' AcARN ANIA. Adium, A rgos

Webster's History Nov 13, 2012 hutton webster crowd of agents in nearly
every Greek city. Philip next made Macedonia a maritime state by
subduing the Greek cities on the peninsula of Chalcidice.2 He also
appeared in Thessaly, occu- 1 Philippi

A Manual of Ancient History, from the Earliest Times to the Fall of the
Western Empire ... Aug 5, 2008 george rawlinson thority over the Greek
cities in Chalcidice, and Atiwns. even over Meth8n6 in Pieria, bronght the
Athenians into the near neighborhood of Macedon, and necessitated
relations between the two powers

Constitution of Athens. A revised text Dec 21, 2011 Aristotle the Euboic
standard prevailed. It would also promote trade with Corinth, where a
similar standard was in use (Busolt, i p. 52$), and with the Greek colonies
in Chalcidice and Sicily (Kohler, in Mittheil

A manual of ancient history Sep 14, 2008 george rawlinson Kicias, B.C.
411, and the restored Spartan confederacy in B.C. 41S. Soon after the close
of the Peloponnesian War, Olynthus acquired a preponderating
influence in Chalcidice, and came the head of a

Aristotle's Ethics and politics : comprising his practical philosophy Oct

28, 2008 Aristotle commonwealth of Olynthus which, having fubdued
Stagira and the whole region of Chalcidice, was itfelf befieged by Philip
of Macedon and, with all its dependencies, reduced by the arms or arts of

Die satiren des D. Junius Juvenalis Jan 6, 2016 juvenal einer betrunkenen
Ehehaumllfte. Dass die von Philipp dem Macedonier jo hartnaumlckig
belagerte, von ihren Athenischen szligundesfreunden bloss phlegmatisch
unterstuumltzte Stadt Olynthus auf Chalcidice an der

The history of Greece Jun 9, 2009 mitford, william, 1744-1827 party,

closely connected with Argos. The influence of Athens and Corinth
together then ingaged Acarnania, Ambracia, Leucadia, part of Thessaly,
all Euboea, and the populous towns of Chalcidice in

Susquehanna University Studies (1967-1970) Dec 22, 2010 susquehanna

university her own M Diodorus XIV. 79. 45 Diodorus XIV. 81. 40
Peloponnesian League. She broke up a promising regional alliance in the
Chalcidice, called

Studies in General History Jul 9, 2009 mary sheldon barnes the gean in
spite of Athenian opposition, he conquers the Greek towns of Chalcidice.
He threatens the Hellespont and Chersonese. Meanwhile a Sacred War
goes on, in which various Greek states, led by

Selections from Tibullus and Propertius, with introd. and notes by George
Gilbert Ramsay Feb 6, 2008 tibullus idea seems to be res issenl tibi melius
si mortuus esses. Phlegra was an ancient name given to Pallene, the most
westerly of the three peninsulas which form the extremity of Chalcidice,
in which the

Rambles and Studies in Greece Jul 2, 2011 mahaffy, j. p. modern Eden

possible, it is here. Nature might be imagined gradually improving in her
work when she framed the three peninsulas of the Chalcidice. The
westernmost, the old Pallene, once the site of the

Studies in general history Jan 13, 2017 barnes, mary sheldon, 1850-1898
conquers the Greek towns of Chalcidice. He threatens the Hellespont and
Chersonese. Meanwhile a Sacred War goes on, in which various Greek
states, led by Thebes, war on Phocis, because the Amphictyony

The History Of Ancient Greece Vol. 4, Ed. 5th Jan 21, 2017 gillies, john
other cities of Chalcidice to recover their independence', he lent his aid to
deftroy the Athenian influence there, expecting to eftablifh the
Macedonian in its {lead. But this defign failed of fuccels

Cities of Northern and Central Italy May 20, 2008 augustus john cuthbert
hare . A small basilica with narrow aisles with cross-arms, which are
something between a Roman Chalcidice and a Northern transept, it has the
same kind of crypt and raised choir as San Miniato, but it

New Greece, with maps specially prepared for this work Oct 21, 2009
sergeant, lewis, d. 1902 Crete, so it extends northwards to the Danubian
regions, by a long line of territory bordering the J]gean. Thessaly,
Macedonia, the ancient Chalcidice, Thrace, are Greek countries.

Historia de la antigüedad T. 11 Jul 13, 2016 duncker, max costeando el

eonti multe basta dar vista aacute Acanto, desde aquiacute debioacute dar
la vuelta a las peniacutensulas que forman el paiacutes de Chalcidice, a lin
do ponerse de nuevo en comunicacioacuten con el ejercito de tierra

Latin reader... Aug 28, 2012 jacobs, friedrich. [from old catalog]
Macedonia, in the district of Chalcidice, north of the peninsula of
Pallene, and at the head of the Toronaicus Sinus, or Gulf of Cassandria.
4. Occupatus fuisset, i. e. oppressus fuisset. 5. Alexander

Euripides and the spirit of his Dramas Mar 2, 2009 decharme, paul, 1839-
1905 work of Alcibiades. The peace of Nicias had been signed hardly a
year when it was violated by the Lacedaemonians, who refused to give up
the towns in Chalcidice and were in treaty with Thebes. It was

The Life and Letters of Edward A. Freeman, D. C. L., LL. D. Apr 6, 2008
william richard wood stephens Peloponnesus, Attica, Boeotia, and
Phthiotis might exchange an Ottoman for a Bavarian master, but that Crete,

Chios, Epirus, and Chalcidice, must remain in their old bondage In the
April number of

A history of the ancient world Mar 16, 2007 goodspeed, george stephen,
1860-1905 . The second meant obtaining supremacy over the flourishing
Greek cities which, for centuries planted on the peninsulas of Chalcidice,
had monopolized the rich trade with the interior. As most of the

The Roman antiquities of Dionysius of Halicarnassus, with an English

translation by Earnest Cary, Ph. D., on the basis of the version of Edward
Spelman Sep 5, 2008 dionysius, of halicarnassus Peloponnesus, 1 35, 83
in Thessaly, 1 57 Achilles, 1 157, 173, 3 55 shield of , 4 367 AcropoHs, at
Athens, 1 93, 7 5, 261 Acte, peninsula of Chalcidice, 1 81 Actium, 1 165
Adriatic sea, 1 9, 453

The cults of Campania Jan 10, 2008 peterson, roy merle peninsula of the
Chalcidice, it became cissociated later with the so-called Phlegraean
Fields in Campania. As the rich lands around Nola and Capua seemed
worthy enough to be desired by the gods, this name

Aristotle's Ethics and Politics: Ethics Oct 6, 2009 Aristotle, john gillies
fubdued Stagira and the whole region of Chalcidice, was itfelf befieged
by Philip of Macedon and, with all its dependencies, reduced by the arms
or arts of that politic prince, in the firft year of

The history of the Peloponnesian War Jul 26, 2011 thucydides Athenians,
524. Chalcidice, 39, 274. Chalcis, 64, 574. Chaonians, 133, 140.
Charadrus, the river, 352. Charicles, 461. Charminus, an Athenian
commander, 529. defeated by the Peloponnesians, 535. helps

University calendar Mar 11, 2008 bombay, university of a map of Gaul

as it was before Caesar's invasion, 16 or a map of Chalcidice with
historical notices of the principal cities. 10. What changes took place in
the Roman military sys- 14 tern after

Atlas der of ficinellen Pflanzen ... Feb 3, 2016 berg, o. c. (otto carl), 1815-
1866 Halbinsel Chalcidice bekannt. Von Russland aus verbreitet er sich
bis nach Kaukasien und dem tuumlrkischen Armenien. Durch das
gesammte Sibirien ist er haumlufig, und auch in Japan gehoumlrt er nicht
zu den seltenen

Herrn M. Johann Jakob Schatzens ... Erläuterter Homannischer Atlas,

welcher eine geographische, physicalische, moralische, politische und
historische Erklärung der nach Johann Hübners Methode illuminirten
Universalcharten enthält ... Von neuem durchgesehen und bis auf
gegenwärtige Zeiten fortgesetzet von Johann Joachim Schw May 6, 2016
- ca, Bifaltica, Pelagonia, Mygdonia, Paeonia, Chalcidice, Pallene f.
Phlegra, Aumlmphaxitis, Eraathia, Lyncefte, Peneftiana, Cyrrlieftis,
Pieria, in welchen ltProuumlin$en unter anbern Stabten Heraclea

The nine books of the History of Herodotus, tr. from the text of T.
Gaisford, with notes and a ... Jul 5, 2008 herodotus not.ampc. them he then
gave die city to Critobulus, the Tc to govern, and to the Chalcidic tribe and
thus the peooleii 1 Chalcidice canie into poiession of Olynthus.After
Anmm had captured

Aglaophamus sive de theologiae mysticae graecorim causis, idemque

poetrarum Orphicorum dispersas reliquias collegit Dec 6, 2008 lobeck,
christian august, 1781-1860 (ubi Heraeum fiiit) novit Strabo. 1132 LIBER
TERTIUS. phanus memorat otxov doxel rov navoTtrrjv 6 EqLtrjs
cpovevaaL' quod nomen urbis in Chalcidice sitae frequentius…

Wiener Studien Jun 10, 2008 schenkl, karl, 1827-1900, ed schreiben? Aus
luppiter gewinne ich ludaice, eine Namensform wie Cyrenaice, Marmarice,
Chalcidice Laconice u. a., die ich aber sonst als Substantivum nicht
belegen kann. Welches Ereignis vor den

On the Crown Oct 23, 2008 Demosthenes Philip had destroyed Olynthus
and the thirly-lwo Greek towns of Chalcidice, he naturally turned his eyes

to the land of his hopes beyond Thermopylae. He now saw that at least a
temporary peace with Athens

Stories of gods and heroes Jan 24, 2014 bulfinch, thomas, 1796-1867 .
A'thor, Egyptian deity, progenitor of Isis and Osiris, 292. A'thos, the
mountainous peninsula, also called Acte, which projects from Chalcidice
in Macedonia, 43. At-lan'tis, according to an ancient

Aristotle's Ethics and politics : comprising his practical philosophy Oct

28, 2008 Aristotle name to the Chalcidice. Hiftory of Aacicnt Greece,
vol. ii. c. xv. p. 196. The 'I'hracian Chalcis was fo called from its
metropolis, the principal city in the ifle of Eubaea, fituate at the narroweft

Universal history Americanised or, An historical view of the world, from

the earliest records to the year 1808. With a particular reference to the state
of society, literature, religion, and form of government, in the United
States of America. Aug 14, 2009 ramsay, david, 1749-1815 and activity
in military command, had reached Chalcidice, and the leading men, in the
Revolted towns, had solicited his appointment to the command of the
armament intended for their support. Their

A geographical and historical description of ancient Greece, with a map

and plan of Athens Dec 21, 2007 cramer, j. a. (john anthony), 1793-1848
. Chalcia insula, iii. 418. Chalcidice, i. 241. Chalcis Eub. ii. 13 1.
XaAlaquoilt, XaAaSeJi. Mtol. ii. 76. Corinth, iii. 35. Elid. iii. 114. mons,
ii. 75. Chalia, ii. 270. Chaon mons

Einführung in die Blütenbiologie auf historischer Grundlage Dec 12, 2009

ernst loew Feigenbaum giebt er (1. I, c. 40) an, dass er besser aus
Stecklingen als aus den winzigen Samen erzogen werde, ausgenommen,
wenn die Samenfeigen uumlber das Meer z. B. aus Chios, Chalcidice,
Lydien oder

Aristole (1923) an 15, 2017 ross w. d. LIFE AND WORKS The Life of
Aristotle Aristotle was bom in 384 b.c. in the little town ot Stagira, the
modern Stavro, on the north-east coast of the peninsula of Chalcidice.
An attempt has sometimes

A History Of Modern Europe Vol-ii Jan 16, 2017 c.a. fyffe m.a. effected
between AJi and the Greeks, and at the beginning of 1822 the Albanian
chieftain lost both his stronghold and his life. In th remoter district of
Chalcidice, on the Macedonian coast, where the

Euphrates-expedition Vol.2 Jan 18, 2017 ainsworth, william francis

axpoiroXis rov Mapavov, arx d muniment uni cam pi Martjtv, In the 4
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, however, Chaleis, the chief
city of Chalcidice, and Chaleis ad Belum are treated as

Thucydides Vol. Iv Jan 16, 2017 william heinemann ltd. london from
Chalcidice on the nows of Brasidas death, V. xU., xiii. Rhegium, in Italy,
the Bhegiiins are lonians and kindred of the Leontines, HI. Ixxxvi. 2 vr.
xliv. 3 xlvi. 2 Ixxix' 1 sent with the

Aristotle : a complete exposition of his works thought Jun 9, 2010 ross,

w. d. (william david), 1877- LIFE OF ARISTOTLE Aristotle was born
in 384 B.C. in the little town of Stagira the modern Stavro, on the north-
east coast of the peninsula of Chalcidice. An attempt has sometimes been
made- to

Demosthenes Jan 19, 2017 l. bredif of Illy ricum, of Chalcidice, of the

Chersonesus, of Thermopylae, of all the avenues of central Greece north
and south, no aggrandisement could satisfy him. Greece and the barbarian
countries were

Das Beständige in den Menschenrassen und die Spielweite ihrer

Veränderlichkeit. Prolegomena zu einer Ethnologie der Culturvölker Feb
10, 2015 bastian, adolf, 1826-1905 (Anaumltis). Im nubischen Volk der

Asaehaei sieht Ritter die Agaazi in Abyssinien. In Chalcidice (nach

Macedonien) lag die Stadt Assa, in Sicilien die Stadt Aoowqos der Siculi.
Neben den Taxillae (oder

The insect world being a popular account of the orders of insects, together
with a description of the habits and economy of some of the most
interesting species Feb 21, 2007 figuier, louis, 1819-1894 its Fig. 301.The
Cockroach (Blatta orien'alls). 288 THE INSECT WOELD. larvae. Many
species of Chalcidice, a family of Hymenoptera, also live on the eggs of
these Orthoptera. There are also among the

Political thought: men and ideas Apr 6, 2011 abbo, john a. ARISTOTLE
was born in Thrace in 384 B.C. His native town, l. Stagira, on the
Chalcidice peninsula, was an old Ionian colony, open to every current of
Greek culture. Its language was Greek and its people

A Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Greece with a Map,

and a Plan of Athens. By the Rev. J.A. Cramer, M.A. Late Student of
Christ Church. In Three Volumes. ... Vol. 3 Nov 12, 2014 . Chalcetorium,
iii. 395. XaAxtjTo'ptoK, XaAxyrof ftf. Chalcia insula, iii. 418. Chalcidice,
L 241Cbalcis Eub. ii. ij u XoXxltlt, XaXi8ltv(. Jpoundtol. ii. 76. Corinth,
iii. 35. Elid. iii. 114. mons, ii. 7

The Latin reader ... Aug 29, 2012 jacobs, friedrich. [from old catalog] et
educavit. 3. Olynthus, a celebrated town and republic of Macedonia? in
the district Chalcidice, north of the |peninsula of Pallene, and at the head
of the Toronaicus Sinus, or Gulf of Cassandria. 4

The history of Greece.Jun 6, 2007 mitford, william, 1744-1827 sent from

Olynthus to Athens: upon the first embassy the Athenians sent a force
under Chares composed of mercenaries: then, after oAya ret, the people of
Chalcidice, being pressed by

The Philosophy Book ( Big Ideas Explained) Nov 10, 2016 use ethical
language. Aristotle Born in Stagira, Chalcidice, in the northeast region of
modern Greece, Aristotle was the son of a physician to the royal family
of Macedon, and was educated as a

Archäologischer Anzeiger Sep 10, 2014 deutsches archäologisches institut

scale of the famous decadroihm by Euainetoj. (From the Carfrae
Collection.) Capsa in Chalcidice. An archaic tetrobol. The city of Capsa
north of Mende, on the Thermale gulf, is mentioned by Herodotus

Topographisch-historisches Lexicon zu den schriften des flavius Josephus

May 4, 2008 boettger, gustav : Mit Paetus zogen die Koumlnige von
Chalcidice und Soem von Emesa.Emesa, Stadt in Syria Apamene,
spaumlter zu Phoumlnice Libanusia geschlagen, wird zuerst als Sitz
arabischer Fuumlrsten, des Sampsiceramus und

The Loeb Classical Library Pausanias Jan 18, 2017 w hd rouse thunder In
this circumstance he reluctantly withdiew from Argive teriitory, and began
another campaign, attacking Olynthus Victoiious m the wai, having
captured most of the cities m Chalcidice, and

Aristophanes Vol-i Jan 16, 2017 the Chalcidians is doubtless to Chalcidice

in Thrace rdquo It I. VOL. I 14.5 ARIS5TOPHANES avSpcff tTTTrtty,
iraptLyiveaQe vOv o Kaips lt5 Hipoiv, aJlavairL, oik iXare npos to Kipas
avhpeuros euroyyvs dAA d

The world in the middle ages: Jun 20, 2009 køppen, adolph ludvig, 1804-
1873. [from old catalog] north, south through Greece. 37. I. Macedonia
Minor, on the southeast of the diocese, formed the ancient Macedonia
proper, that is, Edonia, Chalcidice, Mygdonia, EordsDa, Emathia, Pieria

Strabonis Geographica, recogn. A. Meineke May 25, 2008 strabo , 449,

472. in Ionia 644, In Thracia 329, frg. 11. 1190 INDEX NOMINUM.

Chalcidica terra 573. Chalcidice regio Syriae 733. Chalcidici 331, frg.
33. Chalcidicam fretum (Earipus) 36. 33, 400. 403, 447

The Hittites [microf orm] : their inscription and their history May 21, 2009
campbell, john, 1840-1904 was preserved also in that of the Mygdones.
Chalcidice and Elymea were Midianite, but Emathia, Pieria, Pelagonia,
Paeonia, Orbelia, were settlements of the Uamathites, Beorians,

Pausanias Description of Greece Oct 17, 2008 pausânias (pseudonym)

territory, and began another campaign, attacking Olynthus. Victorious in
the war, having captured most of the cities in Chalcidice, and hoping to
capture Olynthus itself, he was suddenly attacked by a

The history of ancient Greece, its colonies and conquests: from the earliest
... Jun 9, 2009 john gillies the Chalcidice, Eudamidas received the
voluntary surrender of Potidaea, a city of great importance in the isthmus
of Fallen. measure s a matter of the utmost…

Of ficinae Ioannis Rauisii Textoris Niuernensis historicis poëticisque

refertae disciplinis prima secunda pars, bene recognita, auctaque non
parum, cum indice iuxta seriem literarum reposito 1 Mar 16, 2016 mufief.
xo.filios. FCobe mulier heroina, cui cognome fixit Chalcidi,viro coiunda
centum libros enixa eft. Vnde Adagium apud poundrafmum.Tanq
Chalcidice peperitnobis vxor.rNiobe Tantali filia habuit. 14

The House Of Seleucus Vol-i Jan 17, 2017 edwyn robert bevan of the
lower Chains was called, not after Beroea, but Chalcidice. Between the
Chains and the Euphrates the country is to-day almost unoccupied, one
lsquolsquo level sheep-tract.rdquo We hear of a Seleucid colony

Economic History Of The Deccan Jan 21, 2017 das,dipakranjan Minor.

Sweet clover, used for making chaplets and perfumes and medicines, was

imported from Campania in Italy, Cape Sunium in Greece, and from

Chalcidice and Crete. Pliny notes- that in his time there was

Studies in general history Jan 16, 2007 barnes, mary downing sheldon,
1850-1898 Macedon in Thrace, Illyria, and along the northern coast of the
Egean in spite of Athenian opposition, he conquers the Greek towns of
Chalcidice. He threatens the Hellespont and Chersonese. Meanwhile a

Beiträge zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen Feb 8, 2009 adalbert

bezzenberger , Olerag, Ovhdpjjg, n. pr., Ovliajiiszligog, Stadt in
Pamphylien ct'Okvvd'ogy griechische Stadt in der Chalcidice (olvvd'og
eine feigenart). Vielleicht ist oXkvfii oder olvga, eine getreideart, zu

Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins für die Provinz Brandenburg Feb

2, 2011 botanischer verein der provinz brandenbrg . Graec. 11, p. 242) in
Pelio, Atho et Pindo montibus. Grisebach (Spicileg. Flor. Rumel. et Bithyn.
II, p. 340) fand sie nicht suumldlicher als am Peristeri-Gebirge und auf der
Halbinsel Chalcidice in

Guide to the History of the Laws and Constitutions of England: Consisting

of ... Jul 25, 2009 thomas chisholme anstey , 210. Digitized by Google
Thessalian Chalcidice, as described by a great modern Writer, are so
identical, in Form and Substance, with those of

The international law and custom of ancient Greece and Rome Aug 20,
2007 phillipson, coleman, 1875-1958 Miletus, the Greek towns on the
peninsula of Chalcidice, and Byzantium and, after the victory of Cimon
over the Persians at the river Eurymedon in Pamphylia, 466 B.C., the
Greeks of the Carian, Lycian, and

Geography For Schools In India Jan 18, 2017 wood, arden ' Europe and
Asia from the earliest times. The northern shore of the Aegean Sea is

mostly low, but the mountamons peninsula of Chalcidice, witli its tliree
promontories, outs of f the Gulf of Salonica

Guide to the history of the laws and constitutions of England, consisting

of six lectures, delivered at the colleges of SS. Peter and Paul May 4, 2007
anstey, thomas chisholm, 1816-1873? . Curia Regis, Introd,pp. XXXIVV.,
and pp. 159,1623, 2023, 210. LAWS AND CONSTITUTIONS OF
ENGLAND. 179 Those of Thessalian Chalcidice, as described by a great
modern Writer, are so identical, in

Syllabus for secondary schools, 1910 ... Jul 27, 2010 new york (state)
university. [from old catalog] Herodotus compared 29 The hegemony of
Sparta, 404-371 b. c. a PoHcy of Sparta: Lysander amp Wars: Agesilaus.
(i) Persian: Anabasis Antalcidas. (2) Domestic: Peloponnesus, Chalcidice,
new Athenian

History of Rome and of the Roman people, from its origin to the Invasion
of the Barbarians Dec 11, 2009 duruy, victor, 1811-1894 the Euphrates
the frontier of the Republic, reduced Syria and Phoenicia to the condition
of provinces, and only left Commagene to Antiochus, Chalcidice to a
Ptolemy, and Osrhoene to an Arab chief, with

Roman law and history in the New Testament Feb 10, 2008 buss, septimus,
1836?-1914 companions travelled along the Via Egnatia, across the neck
of that singular three- pronged peninsula, known as Chalcidice, on the
easternmost part of which is situated Mount Athos. The distance from

L 388 Dionysius Of Halicarnassus Roman Antiquities VII: 11 Fragments

Of 12 20 Dec 21, 2013 Acropolis, at Athens, 1 93, 7 5, 261 Acte,
peninsula of Chalcidice, 1 81 Actium, 1 165 Adriatic sea, 1 9, 453. See
also Ionian gulf Aeacides, father of Pyrrhus, 7 353 Aebutius, L., cos. (463),
6 147 f

The Dawn Of European Civilization Jan 17, 2017 v. gordon childe

Mikhalic, where askoi are missing, look more Troadic still. But here, as in
Chalcidice, trumpet lugs grow out of the inverted rims of bowls. Now in
Lesbos this type of lug appeared first in Thermi III

Government Of Assam Department Of Historical And Antiquarian

Studies Jan 19, 2017 bhuyan,s.k. and Pelion, that we embarked on board
the yacht for Athos. Pallene, the nearest of the three prongs which project
tndentwise from Chalcidice into the sea, lay right opposite, the low land
in the middle

Studies in general history Jan 16, 2007 barnes, mary downing sheldon,
1850-1898 Macedon in Thrace, Illyria, and along the northern coast of the
Egean in spite of Athenian opposition, he conquers the Greek towns of
Chalcidice. He threatens the Hellespont and Chersonese. Meanwhile a

Beiträge zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen Feb 8, 2009 adalbert

bezzenberger , Olerag, Ovhdpjjg, n. pr., Ovliajiiszligog, Stadt in
Pamphylien ct'Okvvd'ogy griechische Stadt in der Chalcidice (olvvd'og
eine feigenart). Vielleicht ist oXkvfii oder olvga, eine getreideart, zu

Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins für die Provinz Brandenburg Feb

2, 2011 botanischer verein der provinz brandenburg . Graec. 11, p. 242) in
Pelio, Atho et Pindo montibus. Grisebach (Spicileg. Flor. Rumel. et Bithyn.
II, p. 340) fand sie nicht suumldlicher als am Peristeri-Gebirge und auf der
Halbinsel Chalcidice in

Guide to the History of the Laws and Constitutions of England: Consisting

of ... Jul 25, 2009 thomas chisholme anstey , 210. Digitized by Google
Thessalian Chalcidice, as described by a great modern Writer, are so
identical, in Form and Substance, with those of

The international law and custom of ancient Greece and Rome Aug 20,
2007 phillipson, coleman, 1875-1958 Miletus, the Greek towns on the
peninsula of Chalcidice, and Byzantium and, after the victory of Cimon
over the Persians at the river Eurymedon in Pamphylia, 466 B.C., the
Greeks of the Carian, Lycian, and

Geography For Schools In India Jan 18, 2017 wood, arden ' Europe and
Asia from the earliest times. The northern shore of the Aegean Sea is
mostly low, but the mountamons peninsula of Chalcidice, witli its tliree
promontories, outs of f the Gulf of Salonica

History of Federal Government in Greece and Italy Sep 2, 2008 edward

augustus ( freeman the Olynthian design is, as a whole, far truer than Mr.
Grote's. So Drumann, though his exact view is somewhat different Wie die
Thebaner in Bootien, so suchten die Olynthier in Chalcidice

Memoriae populorum, olim, ad Danubium, Pontium Euxinum, Paludem

Maeotidem, Caucasum, Mare Caspium, et inde magis ad septemtriones
incolentium Apr 14, 2009 stritter, johann gotthelf von, 1740-1801 pof t
miHt Imperator nihil horum nefciens, pro facultate fe quoque ad hof tein
excipiendum praeparabat, relidoqiie in Chalcidice Mattliaeo filio cam
manu quantam rebatur fatis efTe-, loanne autem A(ane

Essai de chronographie byzantine 1057-1453 Aug 4, 2008 muralt, eduard

von, 1808-1895 obtiennent des franchises de Leacuteon V, roi de
l'Armeacutenie. L ANC LOIS 193. 3. (1334.) Chalcidice acute.
Arsegravene Zaroplacon concierge du palais, deacutenonce agrave
l'Empereur Ser Ghianne comme ayant chercheacute agrave suborner les

Aristotle's Constitution of Athens : a revised text with an introduction,

critical and explanator notes, testimonia and indices Oct 31, 2009 Aristotle
similar standard was in use (Busolt, i p. 525), and with the Greek colonies
in Chalcidice and Sicily (Kohler, in Mittheil. d. d. arch. Inst. 1885, x 151
157). It has further been suggested by Mr R. S

A History of Greece, from the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest Feb
18, 2009 william smith coast of Macedonia were chiefly founded by
Chalcis and Eretria in Eubffia and the peninsula of Chalcidice, with its
three projecting headlands, was covered with their Eettlementa, and
derived its name

The Royal Military Chronicle Jun 22, 2008 of Chalcidice now Hierisotf a
town. Achaia, a eoantry of Greece, in the Peloponnesusthe Bortlem part
of the Acbaraae, a borongh of Attica.Vesidt, a Tillafe. Acbckms, a river
of Acamaoianow the

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie Dec 30, 2014
laquo.A. Arzruumlni: Krystallograpbiscb-chemiscbe Untersuchung
einiger Arsen kiese. Mit 1 Tt (8ep.-Abdr. a. d. Zeitschrift f.
Kiyatallographie elc II. 4-5.)Fr. Becke: Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice

Decii Junii Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci Satirae Oct 12, 2008 juvenal,
persius, a . j. macleane opposed to oma- de Of f. ii. 15. Olynthas in
Chalcidice waa mental things. But all the losses do not besieged by Phihp
b.o. 348 and taken lighten the ship enongh. Ruperti thinks

History of Rome and the Roman people, from its origin to the
establishment of the Christian empire Mar 31, 2011 uruy, victor, 1811-
1894 you all the sea-coast m the distance you can discern the vast cure of
the Gulf of Salonica, and the city with its walls on the further shore, then
the long points of Chalcidice, and even in fine

Epitome of ancient, mediæval and modern history Sep 23, 2008 ploetz,
karl julius, 1819-1881. [from old catalog] a Corinthian colony on the
peninsula of Chalcidice, Revolted from the Athenian league (432), and
received support from Corinth. The Corinthians were, however, defeated
by the Athenians at Olynthus

The knights of Aristophanes : with notes critical and explantory Jul 25,
2008 aristophanes in Eubcra to be here meant. I should rather think that the
people of Chalcidice in Thrace are intended. To say nothing of the
probability that the potent drinkers of I'hrace would have a cup of

Private orations. With an English translation by A.T. Murray Sep 5, 2008

Demosthenes in the Aegean. The Chersonese was the peninsula of
Gallipoli. Olynthus, an important city in Chalcidice.The senate could not
legislate of itself. Decrees passed by it had to be submitted to the

[Opera May 10, 2011 virgil , and in Jbm. V. 062, with a reference to the
quick progress of a conflagration. Euboicis Cumariun. Cf. Liv. YIII. 22
Cuniani Chalcidice Euboica originem trahunt.There were numerous
colonies from

Ovid : selections for the use of schools Jul 5, 2007 ovid, 43 b.c.-17 or 18
a.d Herodotus, is one of the three long narrow peninsulas which form the
termination of that portion of Macedonia called Chalcidice, lying
between the Strymonicus Sinus (G. of Contessa) and the Thermaicus

The historical antiquities of the Greeks Jan 28, 2009 wachsmuth, wilhelm,
1784-1866 particulars have been transmitted concerning the remamder of
the Chalcidian towns in the vicinity of Leontini, and Chalcidice in
Thrace the laws of Charondas in the former S and those of Andromadas

House Of Seleucus Vol. 1 Jan 18, 2017 bevan, edwyn robert know almost
nothing of the life of inner Syria in those days, but we may conclude
something from the fact that the region of the lower Chains was called,
not after Beroea, but Chalcidice. Between the

Of ficinae May 27, 2016 Chalcidice peperit nobis vxor.pT'Niobf Tantali

filiahabuit. !4-prMafjniira rex Nu midiae.44. Aurhore Eurropio. Puella

quardam longobar. da.7pueros vno partu pepentfub Agelmiido rege, quos.

oes in pifena

Antichità romane Leopoldo Krahner Aug 16, 2016 , Pydna e la colonia

Diavi,- nelVEdonia, Ampliipolis su lo Strimene, e Philipp! colonia, le cui
rovine si veggono nellodierna Filibah nella penisola Chalcidice, Potidaea
detta poi Cauandrea, colonia

The History of Greece Feb 11, 2008 william mitford , Ambracia, Iucadia,
partof Thessaly q]l Euboea, and the populous towns of Chalcidice in
Thrace. Body, and form, and means of energy, were given to the
confederacy by the establishment of a congress, of

The explanatory Bible atlas and Scripture gazetteer : geographical,

topographical and historical ... a colored missionary map of the world a
dictionary of the natural history of the Bible, with ... tables of time,
weights, measures and coins ... Sep 17, 2015 jenks, william, 1778-1866
(Tripoli.) La- 1 takia. Djibail. Saide. Acre. Dair el Kamar, (in the country
of the Druses.) Saphet. Famieh, (Apamea.) Tadmor, (Palmyra.)
Damascus. Jerusalem. Gaza. Comagene. Cyrrhestica. Chalcidice

The New World Of To-day Vol.2 Jan 21, 2017 moncrieff, a.r. hope the
triple promontory of Chalcidice with its bold tongues. On the easternmost
of these, some three dozen miles long by half a dozen or so broad, Mt.
Athos (over 6000 feet) was a holy mountain of old

Pliny Natural History Vol VI Oct 24, 2006 w.h.s. jones us as apiastrum,
and melilot, which we call Campanian garland. For in Italy the favourite
kind grows in Campania, in Greece at Sunium, next in repute the melilot
of Chalcidice and Crete

Of ficinae Ioannis Ravisii Textoris epitome. Tomus I. [Alter tomus.]

[Joannes Ravisius Textor] Oct 27, 2014 ravisius textor, joannes efl, vnde
ada gium apud ErafmumiTanqum Chalcidice peperit no bisuxor.

NiobeTantdifiliahabuit j'. Mafinijfarex 'Numydipound 44.

autorcEutropio.Puclla ijuceddm LongOi b.arda j.pueros uno partu

Hellenica: Books I-IV Jun 29, 2009 xenophon, bernhard büchsenschütz .

TopwvaSoi, inh. of Torone in Chalcidice, ii. 2. 3. TpaWcis, city in Caria,
iii. 2.19. TpaxtvCa, see 'HpcbcXcia. TpuvXioi, race in Elis, iv. 2.16.
Tpilt|vXCSeuros voXcit, iii. 2. 30. TpoCa, iii. 4. 3

The Latin reader Sep 12, 2012 jacobs, friedrich, 1764-1847. [from old
catalog] . Sustulit, i. e. suscepit et educavit. 3. Olynthus, a celebrated town
and republic of Macedonia, in the district of Chalcidice, north of the
peninsula of Pallene, and at the head of the Toronaicus

The history of Greece Dec 21, 2007 mitford, william Corinth together
then engaged Acar- nania, Ambracia, Leucadia, part of Thessaly, all
Euboea, and the populous towns of Chalcidice in Thrace. Body, and
form, and means of energy were . given to the

L 353 Pliny Natural History III: 8 11 Dec 20, 2013 and Chalcidice have
been awarded second honoursso that the Roman purple confers its high
honour on a bird full worthy of it. These are the birds that give the Most-
Favourable Omens a these birds daily

The remains of ancient Rome Mar 28, 2013 middleton, j. h. (john henry),
1846-1896 consoles which support courses of large tiles these tiles were
covered with hard stucco worked in Said to have been so called from its
being an invention of an architect of Chalcidice. VII THE

Rambles and studies in Greece Jan 1, 2010 sir john pentland mahaffy
undisturbed beyond comparison, can make a modern Eden possible, it is
here. Nature might be imagined gradually improving in her work when she
framed the three peninsulas of the Chalcidice. The

The World in the Middle Ages: An Historical Geography, with Accounts

of the Origin and ... May 27, 2009 adolph ludvig køppen geographical
order descending from the north, south through Greece. 37. I. Macedonia
Minor, on the southeast of the diocese, formed the ancient Macedonia
proper, that is, Edonia, Chalcidice, Mjygdonia, Eordsea

Studies in General History: Teacher's Manual Jul 9, 2009 mary sheldon

barnes opposition, he conquers the 362 TO 346. Greek towns of
Chalcidice. He threatens the Hellespont and Chersonese. Meanwhile a
Sacred War goes on, in which various Greek states, led by Thebes, war on

Pliny Natural History Volume III Dec 10, 2006 fighting cocks of Melos
and Chalcidice have been awarded second honoursso that the Roman
purple confers its high honour on a bird full worthy of it. These are the
birds that give the Most-Favourable

Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom

Feb 6, 2009 royal society of literature (great britain) Macedonia
(Chalcidice), by the land of QSnotria, t. e. of ' vine-poles,' the name
already given to Southern Italy before the time of Herodotus (b.c. 484?
434), and by Ampelusia (the el-Arish or vineyard of

Syllabus for secondary schools, 1910 ... Jul 27, 2010 state university of
new york compared 29 The hegemony of Sparta, 404-371 b. c. a Policy of
Sparta: Lysander amp Wars: Agesilaus. (1) Persian: Anabasis Antalcidas.
(2) Domestic: Peloponnesus, Chalcidice, new Athenian League

History of federal government in Greece and Italy Aug 22, 2012 freeman,
edward augustus, 1823-1892 . Grote's. So Drumann, though his exact view
is somewhat different Wie die Thebaner in Bootien, so suchten die
Olynthier in Chalcidice gewaltsam einen Stadteverein zu griinden . . .
ganz Chalcidice zu

The world's story a history of the world in story, song and art, ed. by Eva
March Tappan Jul 1, 2008 tappan, eva march, 1854-1930 conquering
Dorians soon took active part. The Pelasgic population, driven from
Thessaly, settled partly on the peninsula Chalcidice, partly in Crete, and
partly on the coast of Mysia the Minyce from

Handbuch der römischen alterthümer Jan 13, 2015 marquardt, karl

joachim, 1812-1882 . Es lag auf der Strasse von Cyrrus nach Emesa, 18
roumlm. Meilen von Beroea (Alep)5) in der fruchtbaren Landschaft
Chalcidice oder Chalcidene bull], welche sich im Osten von Apamea )
und am Westrande der

The world's story a history of the world in story, song and art Mar 18, 2008
tappan, eva march, 1854-1930 , afterwards retired before the Athenians. 2.
The inhabitants of Potidaea, a Corinthian colony on the peninsula of
Chalcidice, reyolted from the Athenian league (432), and receired support
from Corinth.

The History of the Peloponnesian War Illustrated by Maps, Taken

Entirely from Actual Surveys by Thucydides Vol.1 Aug 14, 2016 have
commanded at once the three countries of Chalcidice, Bottica, and
Macedonia, and to have carried his ravages into them all. The notion of
ldquo stoppingrdquo has nothing to do, I think, with the word rnt

Histoire de la régénération de la Grèce, comprenant le précis des

évènements depuis 1740 jusque̕ n 1824 Jul 25, 2009 Pouqueville, f.-c.-h.-
l. (françois charles hugues laurent), 1770-1838 . Neacuteanmoins la
tranquilliteacute reacutegnait encore, et il est vraisemblable que les
chreacutetiens de la Chalcidice seraient resteacutes sur la deacutefensive,
si quelques bacirctiments hydriotes, qui parurent sous le pavillon de la

Pomponii Melae De situ orbis libri 3. Cum notis integris Hermolai Barbari,
Petri Joannis Olivarii ... Accedunt Julii Honorii Oratoris Excerpta
cosmographiae. Cosmographia falso Aethicum auctorem præferens cum
variis lectionibus ex ms. Ravennati anonymi Geographia ex ms. Leidensi

suppleta. Curante Abrahamo Gronovio Mar 15, 2016 pomponius mela 1.

sec. d.c. reponit Tinda. Nempe 'ex illo Stephani loco, igtlt laquo Hoc ita
interpretatur tamquam fi diceret Stephanus Tmdam Te Chalcidenlium
coloniam. Sed infigniter errat : Chalcidice enim hic cft Macedoniae regio

Historiai peri zōōn Feb 19, 2015 Aristotle Tarentum in Italia inferiore,
condita a Neptuni filioTaras hodie Tarantolaquo. Tauomicronrhoώnueta,
piepsilonrhoί Tau. betaόepsilonsigmaf 3 108. 5, IL. Urbs Macedoniae in
peninsula Chalcidice...

The Social And Economic History Of The Hellenistic World Vol Ii Jan
21, 2017 m rostovtzeef Olynthus in Chalcidice, of Olbia and
Panticapaeum on the northern shore of the Euxine, not to speak of the
glorious cities of South Italy and Sicily and on the other, of the great
sanctuaries of Olympia

L 430 Lucian VI Dipsads Saturnalia Herodotus Or Aetion Zeuxis Or

Antiochus Harmonides Hesiod Dec 21, 2013 Olympiad, space of four
years between successive Olympic Games, 267 Olympic Games. 145, 149
honour, 145 victor, 51, 483 Olympus, a bard, 219 Olynthus, city in
Chalcidice, 53 Omphale, mythical Lydian

Chr. G. Heynii prof essoris eloqu. et poes. Georgiae Augustae ..., Volume
4 Dec 6, 2009 christian gottlob heyne praefidio Graedaefii). Refta bat
Chalcidice peninfula Athenienfium dominatiom oppreflalaquo regni
finibus ab hac parte imminens et i maricimo rerum vfu Pbilippum
excludens. Ad hani expugnandamet

Herodotus VII. Apr 3, 2008 herodotus . The inhabitants of this tract had
been driven out by the Macedonians, to take refuge on the borders of
Chalcidice and Pallene, viii. 127 Thucyd. n. 99. 24. IlXXa. Pella, which
became the capital of

The life and travels of Herodotus in the fifth century : before Christ: an
imaginary biography founded on fact, illustrative of the history, manners,
religion, literature, arts, and social condition of the Greeks, Egyptians,
Persians, Babylonians, Hebrews, Scythians, and other ancient nations, in
the days of Pericles and Nehemiah. Apr 8, 2010 wheeler, james talboys,
1824-1897 , 230. 284. Cerameicus, ii. 85. Cerberus, i. 66 honey-cake for,
ii. 428. Cestus, the, i. 169. Chalcidians invade Attica, i. 260 defeated by
the Athenians, 270. Chalcidice, i. 335. Chaldaean kings, ii

Moral and metaphysical philosophy : Dec 11, 2006 maurice, frederick

denison, 1805-1872 influence upon after times than upon his own. 3. In the
year 367 a young man arrived in Athens who was born at Stagira in
Chalcidice. His father was a physician at the court of Amyntas II., king

Das Beständige in den Menschenrassen und die Spielweite ihrer

Veränderlichkeit: Prolegomena zu ... Oct 13, 2008 Philipp wilhelm adolf
bastian die roumlmische Gamisonstadt Assurae. In Mauritanien fliesst der
Asana (Anaumltis). Im nubischen Volk der Asachaei sieht Ritter die
Agaazi in Abyssinien. In Chalcidice (nach Macedonien) lag die Stadt
Assa, in

Library of historic charActers and famous events of all nations and all
ages Jan 23, 2008 spof ford, ainsworth rand, 1825-1908 siege in 347. The
city was then destroyed, and thirty-one other free cities in Chalcidice
shared its fate, while the wretched inhabitants were sold into slavery. The
dispirited Athenians made overtures of

A history of the ancient world, for high schools and academies Aug 20,
2009 goodspeed, george stephen, 1860-1905 planted on the peninsulas of
Chalcidice, had monopolized the rich trade with the interior. As most of
the cities belonged to the Athenian Empire, the kings were involved in
difficulties with Athens

Castigationes Plinianae: Castigationes in P. Melam Dec 8, 2011 hermolaus

barbarus feda Chalddice legatunde quo fuperiacuteusdimus.Sed cum

Chalcidice uideantur esedem efle cum iis quas Sepas uocant:placet

Chaiacutecide non Chai ddice.lrem. Aut helope dipfadeue peraifiiacutes).
Legenduacute Helape non…

The age of Pericles: a history of the politics and arts of Greece from the
Persian to the Peloponnesian War May 13, 2008 lloyd, william watkiss,
1813-1893 near the city Sermylion, and at the same time set in motion
applications for succour from Peloponnesus. Phormio on his part with his
sixteen hundred hoplites devastated Chalcidice and Botticewithin

Quid ad prof anos mores: dignoscendos augendaque lexica conferant acta

sanctorum graeca ... May 27, 2008 a. tougard suivante : laquoIta
Chalcidice pro TrcTroiTjXaat terminari 3 pers. laquo plur. praeteriti perf.
docet Jacobus Swingerus in sua Graecarum laquo dialectorum hypotyposi
: itaque Constantinopoli, ut elegantius

Pliny Natural History Volume Iii Jan 16, 2017 william heinemann ltd.
Chalcidice have been awarded second honoursso that the Roman purple
confers its high honour on a bird full worthy of it. These are the birds that
give the Most-Favourable Omens reg these birds daily

Mythologie pittoresque ou, Histoire méthodique universelle des faux dieux

de tous les peuples anciens et modernes Jan 15, 2014 odolant-desnos,
joseph, 1797. [from old catalog]- Caluliana ou agrave l'eacutetendard de
Catulus, Cecropia ou la deacuteesse de Cecrops Ceacuteleu the acutee,
Chalcidice et Chalcixos ou de Chalcis en Eubeacutee et agrave Rome,
Clialcioeligcos ou au temple et agrave la statue d'airain, agrave

Geografia enciclopedica rispondente al bisogno degl'italiani ordinata

alfabeticamente esponente gli ultimi risultati della geografia fisica e
politica ... direzione Enrico Caporali Mar 26, 2016 mare Thracium la
penisola Chalcidice dellantica Macedonia. Terminava col Monte Athos e
la cittagrave di Acrothoum avea al principio la cittagrave Sane e in mezzo
quelle di Olophyxus e di Thyssus. Fra essa e la

The Library of historic charActers and famous events of all nations Oct
16, 2008 spof ford, ainsworth rand, 1825-1908 displayed iu 350 B.C., when
he began a war against Olynthus, which he took after a long siege in 347.
The city was then destroyed, and thirty-one other free cities in Chalcidice
shared its fate, while the

Beiträge zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen Jul 22, 2008 .,

OiXiaf.iszligog, stadt in Pamphylien cf. 'OXvvd-og, griechische Stadt in
der Chalcidice (oXvvO-og eine feigenart). Vielleicht ist oXXviu oder
oXvqa, eine getreideart, zu vergleichen. 47. Oaoyioumlg

Die Türkei Reisehandbuch für Rumelien, die untere Donau, Anatolien,

Syrien, Palästina, Rhodus und Cypern Jul 16, 2008 busch, moritz, 1821-
1899 lassen keinen Zweifel, dass diess die Staumltte des alten Olynthos,
der Hauptstadt von Chalcidice ist. Der seltsame Thurm, der sich nicht weit
von hier erhebt, hat fruumlher einem Metochi oder Maierhof der

On colour, and on the necessity for a general diffusion of taste among all
classes : with remarks on laying out dressed geometrical gardens, examples
of good and bad taste, illustrated by woodcuts and coloured plates in
contrast Jul 31, 2012 wilkinson, john gardner, 1797-1875 in design than
those of Elis, Clazomene, the Locri-Opuntii, Chalcidice, and some others
of the same date in Greece, about 450-380 B.C. nor do the coins of
Metapontum, Thurii, Heraclea, beautiful as

Commercial geography an intermediate text-book Oct 16, 2007 curr,

alexander l Egean on either side of the three-pronged peninsula of
Chalcidice. The chief northern valley is that of the Morava, joining the
Danube near Belgrade. 212. The deforested western highlands are bare

Geschichte der Mathematik im Altertum in Verbindung mit antiker

Kulturgeschichte von Max Simon Jan 26, 2009 simon, maximilian, 1844-
1918 384_in__Steira einer~ Stadt der athenischen Landschaft Chalcidice
geboreii! Sein Vater Nikomachos war Leibarzt des Koumlnigs

Aniyntasvon Macedonien, des Vaters Philipps der die entzweiten 216


The history of Greece. To which is prefixed a brief memoir of the author,

by lord Redesdale Jul 8, 2008 william mitford allies of Lacedaemon, as
well as for ability and activity in military command, had reached
Chalcidice and the leading men, in the Revolted towns, had solicited his
appointment to the command of the

Strategicon, libri octo Oct 6, 2008 polyaenus , 27... 234, 20235, 2. cf.
CalchedoD. Chalcidice, Chdlcideoses 89, 28. 102.4. 113, 24. 162, 22. 186.
14... 27 ... XaXnoi%og. ?. MiDenra. Chaldaeus vates 169, 9. Chares, dox
Atheniensiom 99, Sft 119

Ancient Philosophy: A New History of Western Philosophy, Volume I

Mar 10, 2014 anthony kenny Athenians Socrates and Plato, the next great
philosopher was a Macedonian. Aristotle was born, fifteen years after
Socrates' death, in the small colony of Stagira, on the peninsula of

The cults of Campania Dec 21, 2011 peterson, roy merle first at Phlegra
in the western peninsula of the Chalcidice, it became associated later with
the so-called Phlegraean Fields in Campania. As the rich lands around
Nola and Capua seemed worthy enough

Géographie des géographies, ou Nouveau cours de géographie ancienne et

de géographie moderne comparées, et pour la première fois mises en ragard
par J.F. Queyras Jul 30, 2016 j. f. queyras : lEmathie, Emathia, la
Mygdonie, Jffygdonia au S., la Pieacuterie, Pieria, la Chalcidique,
Chalcidice, entre les golfes Thermaique et Strymonique, peacuteninsule
termineacutee par les trois petites peacuteninsules

Pausanias's Description of Greece Mar 8, 2008 pausanias Daedalus, i. 27.

z Chalcedon, v. Z7. 4 Chalddians of Euboea, spoils taken by Athenians

from, i. 28. 2 fight at Plataea, v. 23. 2 found Naxus in Sicily, vi. Z3. 8. Su
also Chalds Chalcidice, most

Enquiry into plants and minor works on odours and weather signs, with an
English translation by Sir Arthur Hort, bart May 30, 2008 theophrastus in
Syria and in parts of Cilicia, but these countries cannot ripen it also about
Torone in Chalcidice in a certain lake of small size and this lake ripens it
perfectly and matures its fruit.

Library of Universal History: Containing a Record of the Human Race

from the ... Jul 31, 2009 israel smith clare , 996 Chacabaco, battle of , 4337
Chaeronea battle of , 978 Chaja Aiass, 9509 9503 Chalcedon 758, 1484,
1735 1T36 Chalcidice, 689 958 Chalds 786 Chaldiea 195-140 antiquity of
, 195 196 arts and

L 151 Ovid VI Tristia Ex Ponto Dec 14, 2013 Macedonian Chalcidice, P.

i. 5. 22 Atia (minor), aunt of Angustus and wife of L. Marcins Philippus.
P. 1. 2. 139 Atlantis, Atlantian,an epithet of the Great Bear because Cal
listo (the Gieat Bear) was

Historia numorum [microf orm] : a manual of Greek numismatics Sep 5,

2012 head, barclay v. (barclay vincent), 1844-1914 an ancient cdony I'roni
An.iros. situate! on the isthuuis which connrcts the peninsula of Act. with
the mainland of Chalcidice. It l.egan to coin silver in lar'c (|iiantities al.oiit
v...v. .idO or

The first three books of Homer's Iliad, with introduction, commentary,

and vocabulary, for the use of schools Jun 7, 2009 Homer promontory of
Chalcidice. ElperpCav: the later Eretria. The short quantity of c before
rp is unusual in Homer see sect 59 g.'Io-rCauampv: trisyllabic by synizesis
see sect 25 a. 540. poundgos Aptjosf only

The first three books of Homer's Iliad: with introduction, commentary and
... Dec 13, 2009 Homer the southern shore of Thrace as to give its name

to the great promontory of Chalcidice. the later Eretria. The short

quantity of c before rp is unusual in Homer see sect 59 g.'LrrCouiv

The international law and custom of ancient Greece and Rome Jan 11,
2010 phillipson, coleman, 1875-1958 Tenedos, as well as Miletus, the
Greek towns on the peninsula of Chalcidice, and Byzantium and, after
the victory of Cimon over the Persians at the river Eurymedon in
Pamphylia, 466 B.C., the Greeks

Sokrates Zeitschrift für das Gymnasialwesen Feb 25, 2015 auch Attika mit
seiner insularischen Umgebung das Innere Thessaliens mit den
umgebenden Gebirgslandschaften und kleineren .Nachbarstaaten: die
Halbinsel Chalcidice als selbstaumlndiges Glied der

The history of Thucydides Jul 27, 2009 thucydides were, we may presume,
in sufficient numbers to have prevented him, had he chosen to force the
Chalcidice. For as soon as tbe successes

Ovid: Selections for the Use of Schools Oct 25, 2008 ovid . FASTI, ni. liz.
289 7. Sithonas. Sithonia proper, according to Herodotus, is one of the
three long narrow peninsulas which form the termination of that portion
of Macedonia called Chalcidice, lying

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) classification of ,
282 Chalcis (Chalcidice), numeral letters on imperial coins of , iii. 107
Chancton and Colchester finds compared, iii. Ill Chanda Sahib. See Husain
Dost Khan Chaplean


28, 2006 david grene following sentence: And there his Thessalkn guides
left him.t This is what the Greeks called Chalcidice. It denotes the

peninsula in the Aegean which had been originally colonized from

Chalcis in

Moralia, in fifteen volumes, with an English translation by Frank Cole

Babbitt Oct 21, 2008 plutarch , 219: a city of Chalcidice. Opuntians, 279.
PACCirs, 167, 189: a friend of Plutarch. Panaetius, 1.50: of Rhodes, Stoic
philosopher circa 180-110 B.a Panathenaea, 239 : great

The House of Seleucus Sep 6, 2008 edwin robert bevan evacuated by

Antiochus, 87 (2) on the Lebanon, i. 216 ii. 264 (8) on the Chains, i. 218
Chalcidice, 218 (4) in the territory of Apamea, ii. 226 Chaldaeans, i. 289,
251, 256 Ohaldaei (tribe in

The Insect World: Being a Popular Account of the Orders of Insects,

Together ... Jul 1, 2009 louis figuier, y. d. . The larvae of the Chalcidice
and of the Ichneumon furnish examples of Hymenoptera which inhabit
the interior of the body of another insect. Other parasitical species carry
on their depredations in a

Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, Or Philosophical

Society of Great Britain Sep 15, 2008 victoria institute (great britain) the
opposite direction. Thus Herodotus tells us that the king of Crestonia, who
refused submission to Xerxes, was a Thracian,sect Mela (about B.c. 40)
describes Chalcidice as part of Thrace,|| and Strabo

The House of Seleucus Sep 6, 2008 edwin robert bevan the life of inner
Syria in those days, but we may conclude something from the fact that the
region of the lower Chains was called, not after Beroea, but Chalcidice.
Between the Chains and the

DÄ“mosthenous Peri tou stephanou : Demosthenes On the crown Dec 15,

2015 Demosthenes Philocrates. 347346 B.C. 13. When Philip had
destroyed Olynthus and the thirty-two Greek towns of Chalcidice, he

naturally turned his eyes to the land of his hopes beyond Thermopylae. He
now saw that at

[Omnia quae extant juxta Benedictinorum versionem] Jun 10, 2011 john
chrysostom, saint, d. 407 munus frequentibus litteris sarcire. Scis enim
quantam a nobis gratiam initurus sis, de tua prospera valetudine crebro ad
nos scribens. EPISTOLA LX \ Chalcidice et Asyncritiw. Non me fugit
crebras eas

Pausanias Description Of Greece Vol. I Jan 16, 2017 j. g. frazer found

Naxus in Sicily, vi. 13. 8. See also Chalcis Chalcidice, most towns of Ch.
taken by Agesipolis, iii. 5. 9 Chalcinus, descendant of Cephalus, i. 37. 6
sq. Chalcis on the Euripus, ix. 12. 6, ix

Natural History (vol - Ix) Jan 19, 2017 william heinemann ltd. london
apiastium, and mehlot, ihich we call Campanian garland For in Italy the
fa\ounte kind grows m Campama, m Greece at Sumum, next in repute the
mehlot of Chalcidice and Crete, being found however everjw

The History Of Greece Vol. 6, Ed. 3rd(1821) Jan 21, 2017 mitford, william
together then ingaged Acamania, Ambracia, Leucadia, part of Thessaly,
all Euboea, and the populous towns of Chalcidice in Thrace. Body, and
form, and means of energy, were ven to the confederacy by the

History of Federal Government Sep 4, 2008 edward agt freeman . Grote's.

So Drumann, though his exact view is somewhat different Wie die
Thebaner in Bootien, so suchten die Olynthier in Chalcidice gewaltsam
einen BtMteverein zu grtinden . . . ganz Chalcidice zu

Political Eloquence in Greece: Demosthenes, with Extracts from His

Orations and a Critical ... Jun 5, 2008 léon brédif Danube, from the Hemus
(the Balkans) to Eubcsa, from the Peloponnesus to Byzantium, and eten
into Scythia, Master of Illyricum, of Chalcidice, of the Chersoneens, of
Thermopylffi, of all the avenues of

Universal history Americanised or, An historical view of the world, from

the earliest records to the year 1808. With a particular reference to the state
of society, literature, religion, and form of government, in the United
States of America. Mar 20, 2008 ramsay, david, 1749-1815 Lacedsmon,
as well as for ability and activity in military command, had reached
Chalcidice, and the leading men, in the Revolted towns, had solicited his
appointment to the command of the armament intended

Alexandri M. historiarum scriptores aetate suppares, vitas enarravit,

librorum fragmenta ... Apr 10, 2014 . 117. Cebaliuus p. 14. Celaenae p.
271. Celtae p. 5. 6. Chaeroneusis pugna p. 373 sq. Chalcea, metalla Libyae
p. 255. Chalcidice p. 310. Chaldaei p. 63. 64. 111. 241. Chalybes p. 241
sqq. Chares

The History of Greece Feb 16, 2009 william mitford Chalcidice in

Thrace. Body, and form, and means of energy, were given to the
confederacy by the establishment of a congress, of deputies from every
state, atf Corinth. Instead of allow ing

The Works Of Thomas Gray (vol Iv) Jan 17, 2017 thomas gray ovicen
rjcrav wept XaAltfc8ea9, mean, that Phormio and his troops (among which
were Socrates and Alcibiades,) were returned from their expedition into
Chalcidice (mentioned p. 36.) and had joined the

Beiträge zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen Jul 16, 2009 adalbert
bezzenberger , walther prellwitz , karischer beiname des Zeus. 46. Ol-,
OvX- in Olvpog, OvXtaxat, 'OXhag, OvXidpijg, n. pr., OvXiauszligog,
Stadt in Pamphylien cf. OXvvampog, griechische Stadt in der Chalcidice
(oXwd-og eine feigenart

Q. Horatii Flacci Carminum libri IV Sep 6, 2012 horace . carentem

Sithonia nive] i.e. enjoying a warm climate. Sithonia was the central
peninsula in Chalcidice. 11. sublimi] pictorial,with uplifted lash.' 12.
tange semel] 'touch' and 'once' by their

Wiener Studien Sep 6, 2016 schenkl, karl, 1827-1900, ed . Pompeius

Iudaeos domuit templumque iure victoriae ingressus est. Wie ist also zu
schreiben? Aus luppitcr gewinne ichludaice, eine Namensform wie
Cyrenaicc, Marmarice, Chalcidice, Laconice u. a., die

The Roman Antiquities Of Dionysius Of Halicarnassus Jan 18, 2017

ernest carry . Ill (473), 6 45-53, 57, 93 f. of , 4 367 Q. (cos. 282), one of
envoys Acropolis, at Athens, 193,7 5,261 sent to Pyrrlius, 7 363 Acte,
peninsula of Chalcidice, 1 SI Ti., cos. (470), 6 91, 105 f. Actlum

The Numismatic Chronicle (vol.iii) Jan 17, 2017 sir john evans Chalcis
CHALCIDICE. Trajan, A, B, A. Hadrian, A, B, A. Antoninus Pius, A. M
Aurelius, A, B L. Yerus, A Antioch SELEUCIS and PIEKIA Domitian, A,
G. Nerva, A, B, T, A, G, S, H, copy, I K. Trajan, A, B, T

Ovid: Selections for the Use of Schools Oct 25, 2008 ovid . FASTI, ni. liz.
289 7. Sithonas. Sithonia proper, according to Herodotus, is one of the
three long narrow peninsulas which form the termination of that portion
of Macedonia called Chalcidice, lying

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal Numismatic Society

Mar 30, 2007 royal numismatic society (great britain) classification of ,
282 Chalcis (Chalcidice), numeral letters on imperial coins of , iii. 107
Chancton and Colchester finds compared, iii. Ill Chanda Sahib. See Husain
Dost Khan Chaplean


28, 2006 david grene following sentence: And there his Thessalkn guides
left him.t This is what the Greeks called Chalcidice. It denotes the
peninsula in the Aegean which had been originally colonized from
Chalcis in

Moralia, in fifteen volumes, with an English translation by Frank Cole

Babbitt Oct 21, 2008 plutarch , 219: a city of Chalcidice. Opuntians, 279.
PACCirs, 167, 189: a friend of Plutarch. Panaetius, 1.50: of Rhodes, Stoic
philosopher circa 180-110 B.a Panathenaea, 239 : great

The House of Seleucus Sep 6, 2008 edwin robert bevan evacuated by

Antiochus, 87 (2) on the Lebanon, i. 216 ii. 264 (8) on the Chains, i. 218
Chalcidice, 218 (4) in the territory of Apamea, ii. 226 Chaldaeans, i. 289,
251, 256 Ohaldaei (tribe in

The Insect World: Being a Popular Account of the Orders of Insects,

Together ... Jul 1, 2009 louis figuier, y. d. . The larvae of the Chalcidice
and of the Ichneumon furnish examples of Hymenoptera which inhabit
the interior of the body of another insect. Other parasitical species carry
on their depredations in a

Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, Or Philosophical

Society of Great Britain Sep 15, 2008 victoria institute (great britain) the
opposite direction. Thus Herodotus tells us that the king of Crestonia, who
refused submission to Xerxes, was a Thracian,sect Mela (about B.c. 40)
describes Chalcidice as part of Thrace,|| and Strabo

The House of Seleucus Sep 6, 2008 edwin robert bevan the life of inner
Syria in those days, but we may conclude something from the fact that the
region of the lower Chains was called, not after Beroea, but Chalcidice.
Between the Chains and the

The History Of Greece Vol. 6, Ed. 3rd(1821) Jan 21, 2017 mitford, william
together then ingaged Acamania, Ambracia, Leucadia, part of Thessaly,
all Euboea, and the populous towns of Chalcidice in Thrace. Body, and
form, and means of energy, were ven to the confederacy by the

DÄ“mosthenous Peri tou stephanou : Demosthenes On the crown Dec 15,

2015 Demosthenes Philocrates. 347-346 B.C. 13. When Philip had

destroyed Olynthus and the thirty-two Greek towns of Chalcidice, he

naturally turned his eyes to the land of his hopes beyond Thermopylae. He
now saw that at

[Omnia quae extant juxta Benedictinorum versionem] Jun 10, 2011 john
chrysostom, saint, d. 407 munus frequentibus litteris sarcire. Scis enim
quantam a nobis gratiam initurus sis, de tua prospera valetudine crebro ad
nos scribens. EPISTOLA LX \ Chalcidice et Asyncritiw. Non me fugit
crebras eas

Pausanias Description Of Greece Vol. I Jan 16, 2017 j. g. frazer found

Naxus in Sicily, vi. 13. 8. See also Chalcis Chalcidice, most towns of Ch.
taken by Agesipolis, iii. 5. 9 Chalcinus, descendant of Cephalus, i. 37. 6
sq. Chalcis on the Euripus, ix. 12. 6, ix

Natural History (vol - Ix) Jan 19, 2017 william heinemann ltd. london
apiastium, and mehlot, ihich we call Campanian garland For in Italy the
fa\ounte kind grows m Campama, m Greece at Sumum, next in repute the
mehlot of Chalcidice and Crete, being found however everjw

The Delphian Course Aug 18, 2010 delphian society long in making its
appearance. Potidaea had been originally a Corinthian colony, but later
joined the Delian League. Athens feared that a Revolt in Potidaea might
imperil all Chalcidice, and ordered…

Curso elemental de geografía universal: dispuesto con arreglo á un nuevo

... Jul 19, 2009 antonio garcía cubas Thessaloacutenica (Saloacutenica) la
Edonis, con Amphipolis (poundniboli).y Philip- (ruinas) al Sur la Pieria,
con Methone (Lenterochori) y Pidna (Kitros) a Chalcidice ciud. princ.
Potidaea y despueacutes Cassandria

An historical text book and atlas of Biblical geography Sep 28, 2009 lyman
coleman Chaleedon, near Constantinople Chalcidice, province in Syria...

Chalcis, in Greece and Syria Chaldea, Chaldeans, Chasdim. In the widest

sense, Mesopotamia. Gen. xi. 28 2 Kings xxiv. 2, xxv. 4, 24

The works of Thomas Gray in prose and verse Mar 31, 2011 gray, thomas,
1716-1771 , mean, that Phormio and his troops (among which were
Socrates and Alcibiades,) were returned from their expedition into
Chalcidice (mentioned p. 36.) and had joined the army newly arrived from

The remains of ancient Rome Mar 24, 2008 middleton, john henry, 1846-
1896 called from its being an invention of an architect of Chalcidice.
eomxce. VII THE CAELIAN HILL 229 mouldings with enriched
members, and then decorated by- painting. This method of forming

Orations from Homer to William McKinley Jul 25, 2007 hazeltine, mayo
williamson, 1841-1909 a city in Macedonia, at the head of the Toronaic
gulf, and north of the peninsula of Palleno. It was colonized by a people
from Ohalcia in Euboea, and commanded a large district called
Chalcidice, in

Mikroskopische Physiographie der Mineralien und Gesteine: Ein Hl̈fsbuch

bei mikroskopischen ... Mar 23, 2008 harry rosenbusch , Geeteine der
Halbinsel Chalcidice. T. M. P. U. 1878. I. 242. Petrographische Studien
am Tonalit der Rieserfemer. T. K. P. M. 1893. Xm. 379 Q. 433. Gio. F.
Beckeb, The geology of the Comstock Lode and

The Latin reader Sep 11, 2012 jacobs, friedrich, 1764-1847. [from old
catalog] Chalcidice, north of the peninsula of Pallene, and at the head
of the Toronaicus Sinus, or (hdf of Cassandria. 4. Occupatus fuisset, i.
e. oppressus fuisset. 5. Alexander occubnit. Diodorus (XV, 71) and

Michael Axworthy A History Of Iran Empire Of The Mind Basic Books

2008 ar 29, 2017 michael axworthy rowing away from Athens and

Corinthas well as Chalcidice and Macedonia on the European side of the

Bosphorus. In Persepolis, Susa, and Hamadan, by contrast, Greece would
have seemed half a world away

House Of Seleucus Vol. 2 Jan 19, 2017 bevan, edwyn robert . 264 (3) on
the Chains, i. 218 Chalcidice, 218 (4) in the territory of Apamea, ii. 226
Ghaldaeans, i. 239, 251, 256 GhaMaei (tribe in A-sia Minor), i, 79Glmlep.
See Beraa Ghalus, river, i

A Manual of Ancient Geography May 7, 2008 heinrich kiepert , george

augustin macmillan 128 2 Cerpia Ach. 141 t Cyp. 8x Cessetani 250 Cestrus
r. 76 Ceutrones 256 Chaberus r. 20 | Chaboras r.82 89,90 Chaeronea 156
Chalcedon 62 Chalcidice 178 Chalcis Eub. 139, 162, 231 Chalcis gtyr

The Greek question by Auguste Gauvain ... tr. by Carroll N. Brown.

Greece--and tomorrow by Z. D. Ferriman, to which is added an account
of the banquet tendered to His Excellency George Roussos, the minister
of Greece to the United States ed. by Carroll N. Brown. Hellenism in
Asia Minor by Dr. Karl Dieterich tr. from the German by Carroll N.
Brown ... . with an introductory preface by Theodore P. Ion, D. C. L., and
a brief article on Hellenic Pontus by D. H. [!] Oeconomides. Persecutions
of the Greeks in Turkey since the beginning of the European war tr. from
of ficial Greek documents by Carroll N. Brown, PH. D., and Theodore P.
Ion, D.C.L. The Greek white book : diplomatic documents, 1913-1917
prefaced by the treaties dealing with the establishment of the Hellenic state
and the incorporation with it of the Ionian Islands tr. from the original
French and Greek texts, by Theodore P. Ion, D.C.L. rev. ed., with the co-
operation of Carroll N. Brown ... Oct 30, 2013 base of the Trident of
Chalcidice on to Salonica, the Greeks are with us all the way. Beyond
Salonica, through Naussa, Verria and Edessa, across the plain to the snows
of Olympus, or by Fiorina and

Polyaeni Strategicon libri octo Oct 6, 2008 eduard von wölfflin , eduardus
woelfflin , polyainos . Chalcidice, Chaicidenses 80, . 102.4. 113, 24. 162,
22. 188. 14... 27... XaXTiioiTios, Y. Minenra. Chaldaeus vates 169, 0.
Chares, dux Atheniensinm 99, 20. 119, 26120, 23. 125, 27. IM. 5

A Personal Narrative of the Euphrates Expedition May 12, 2008 william

ainsworth Ifurrycr. In the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geogray
however, Chalcis, the chief city of Chalcidice, and Chalds ad Belam are
treated as separate places, chiefly on the grounds of the statement

Bibliotheca Classica Latina sive Collectio Auctorum Classicorum

Latinorum ...: cum notis et ... Jul 5, 2008 nicolas-Éloi lemaire , inquit,
paxY) XoXxiiXT) wo'gt.t Verum est hsec Chalcidice Macedonise regio,
quse quidquid est terrarum, circa montem thon, Singon, Achantonque
complectitur, teste Ptolemseo, lib. III, cap. i3, quo in

Serums, vaccines and toxins in treatment and diagnosis May 22, 2007
bosanquet, william cecil, 1866-1941 of Chalcidice : Part of the above
reductions in incidence and mortality may have been due to measures of
isolation and disinfection, and possibly part to diminution in the virulence
of the epidemic

Studies in General History Aug 11, 2009 mary sheldon barnes in Thrace,
lUyria, and along the northern coast of the -Sgean in spite of Athenian
opposition, he conquers the 36TO 346. Greek towns of Chalcidice. He
threatens the Hellespont and Chersonese

The Restoration of the Jews to Their Own Land: In Connection with Their
Future Conversion and ... Oct 16, 2008 edward bickersteth Jebusites
Philistines ... lt[ Gbgashites ...Moabites ...Amorites ... Ammonites Hivites
iMt.Gilead) Comagene gtv Cyrrhestica ... Pieria Seleucis Antiochene ...
Apamene Chalcidice

Europäische Staatenkunde, mit Benutgung der hinterlassenen Manuscripte

O ... Sep 30, 2009 oscar ferdinand peschel Chalcidice, auf, femer in
groumlsseren Flaumlchen zu beiden Seiten des Liimsectordes ). Alle
daumlnischen Bjreidebildungen haben die nordwestUche (hercynische)
Streichungsrichtung gemein). Will man die

The cults of Campania Dec 5, 2007 peterson, roy merle first at Phlegra in
the western peninsula of the Chalcidice, it becsune associated later with
the so-called Phlegraean Fields in Campania. As the rich lands around
Nola and Capua seemed worthy enough

A Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Greece with a Map,

and a Plan of Athens. By the Rev. J.A. Cramer, M.A. Late Student of
Christ Church. In Three Volumes. ... Vol. 3 Dec 10, 2014 235. Xakua-Tpa,
XaXaltTTpa7ot. Chalcetorium, iii. 395. Chalcia insula, iii. 418.
Chalcidice, L 241. Cbalcis Eub. ii. 131. iEtol. ii. 76. Corinth, iii. 35. Elid.
iii. 114. bull mons

Political eloquence in Greece, Demosthenes [microf orm]: with extracts

from his orations, and a critical discussion of the "Trial on the crown" Mar
1, 2012 brédif, l. (léon), 1835-1909 Byzantium, and even into Scythia.
Master of Illyricum, of Chalcidice, of theChersonesus, of Thermopylae,
of all the avenues of central Greece north and south, no aggrandisement
could satisfy him

C. Plinii Secvndi Natvralis Historiae Aug 6, 2016 entire. L a am,qua m hi

Jepa,alij Chalcidice uocant, in uino pota,mcrfusfuosfdtutt. Veneficijs ex
mufh- Id fylueflri faths,contrarium efl insgtllinacei ueterti Urge
hdufhm,peculiariter contra

The House Of Seleucus Vol 1 Jan 17, 2017 edwyn robert bevan the region
of the lower Chains was called, not after Beroea, but Chalcidice. Between
the Chains and the Euphrates the country is to-day almost unoccupied, one
'lsquolevel sheep-tract.rdquo We hear of a

Journal of the transactions of the Victoria Institute, or Philosophical

Society of Great Britain Jul 14, 2014 victoria institute (great britain) , was
a Thracian,sect Mela (about B.C. 40) describes Chalcidice as part of
Thrace,!| and Strabo declares bullthat in his time (about B.C. 10) the
Thracians were occupying Macedonia and part of Thessaly

Fire Of Life Nov 16, 2006 henry w nevinson ancient Greeks called
Chalcidice. Our part of the line included the two lakes of Langaza and
Beshik, and so it remained for some months, gradually getting entrenched,
and further protected by a few
Book I Aug 9, 2011 herodotus Thurii, entered the Tarentine Gulf near
Sybaris [v. 45]. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 311 c. 57. Crestonia was a
district of Macedonia north of Chalcidice. It adjoined Mygdonia, and

[Opera Jan 19, 2009 virgil Camani Chalcidice Euboica originem

ti'ahunt.There were numerous colonies from Chalcis in various pai't of
Italy aud Sicily. The moderu Euboea is Negroponte. 270 NOTES ON 25.
obvertunt, cfcc

Das Beständige in den Menschenrassen und die Spielweite ihrer

Veränderlichkeit. Prolegomena zu einer Ethnologie der Culturvölker May
20, 2016 bastian, adolf, 1826-1905 Mauritanien fliesst der Asana
(Anaumltis). Im nubischen Volk der Asachaei sieht Ritter die Agaazi in
Abyssinien. In Chalcidice (nach Macedonien) lag die Stadt Assa, in
Sicilien die Stadt Aaaiogos der Siculi

Decerpta ex P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon libris Sep 27, 2012 ovid,

43 b.c.-17 or 18 a.d Athis, there was an Indian named Athis, v. i. 47. Gr.
Ace. -in. Athos, -i, m., Athos, now Monte Santo, a mountain of
Macedonia, in the district of Chalcidice, on a peninsula between the
Sinus Strymonicus

The history of Greece May 1, 2007 mitford, william, 1744-1827 force

under Chares composed of mercenaries:then, after oXya to. prra.%v
yevopeva, the people of Chalcidice,being pressed by the war, and sending
an embassy to Athens,Charidemus is ordered

The Hittites their inscriptions and their history Dec 6, 2007 campbell, john,
1840-1904 Kaba was Chalcis, the capital of Chalcidice, is confirmed by

the statement that Yanzu of Khupuscisi informed Kenetala of the fact.

Khupuscia was the Hittite and Assyrian name of the famous

Rambles and studies in Greece May 1, 2007 mahaffy, john pentland, sir,
1839-1919 Eden possible, it is here. Nature might be imagined gradually
improving in her work when she framed the three peninsulas of the
Chalcidice. The westernmost, the old Pallene, once the site of the

The historical antiquities of the Greeks Aug 30, 2008 wachsmuth,

wilhelm, 1784-1866 towns jn the vicinity of Leontini, and Chalcidice in
Thrace the laws of Charondas in the former \ and those of Andromadas
in the latter % can hardly have regulated the orders. Amongst tb Achaean

The History of Ancient Greece: Its Colonies and Conquests from the
Earliest ... Feb 11, 2008 john gillies . Under the specious pretence of
enabling Olynthus and the other cities of Chalcidice to recover their
independence, he lent his aid to destroy the Athenian influence there,
expecting to establish the

Histoire naturelle de Pline Nov 27, 2007 pliny, the elder (ad mare}.
Apamegravene (-meneacute). Apamae. Chalcidice ( -ice). Chalcide.
Chalybonilide. ... . ( -tis). Chalybocircn. Palmyrtne ( -ne). Palmyre.
NOTES DU LIVRE V. 227 Ceacuteleacutesyrie Damas. Pheacutenicie !

Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics Apr 9, 2008 eduard zeller city of his
birth, was situated in that district of Thrace called Chalcidice, which was
at that date a thoroughly Hellenic country, with many flourishing cities,
whose people were no doubt in full

Abhandlungen und Berichte Mar 23, 2010 museum für natur- und
heimatkunde (magdeburg, germany) an Brust und Kinn lang behaart sei.
Auch Herodot) erzaumlhlt, daszlig noumlrdlich von der Halbinsel

Chalcidice, in Paumlonien, Loumlwen und wilde Ochsen mit groszligen

Houmlrnern leben. In den beiden ersten Faumlllen ist

Satires. Edited for the use of schools with notes, introd., and appendices
Feb 4, 2008 juvenal , barliarade pictis veni bascauda Britannis.caelati. See
note on Sat. i. 76. callidus emptor Olynthi Philip of Macedon, who took
Olyntlius in Chalcidice in B.C. Ijy briliing Euthycrates and

The plays poems of Robert Greene Oct 23, 2008 greene, robert, 1558?-
1592 ). But it was more specifically applied to the most easterly of the
three pro montories jutting out from Chalcidice in Macedonia: the word '
Acte' simply signified a piece of land running

P. Ovidii Nasonis Carmina selecta. Selections from Ovid Dec 5, 2008 ovid,
43 b.c.-17 or 18 a.d Chalcidice, and even Mt. Aetn (Hyginus, Fab. 153) in
Sicily. cetera: i. e. all other placej or all other mountains. 155. consorte tori:
'his companio in marriage,' Pyrrha. rate vectus: Deucalion and

The history of Greece May 1, 2007 mitford, william, 1744-1827 with

Argos. The influence of Athens and Corinth together then engaged Acar-
nania, Ambracia, Leucadia, part of Thessaly, all Euboea, and the populous
towns of Chalcidice in Thrace. Body, and form

University of Toronto monthly Jun 25, 2007 university of toronto. alumni

association east of the town is the fertile country of the Chalcidice
Peninsula in which are many vineyards and mulberry plantations. Here the
Turk, who is a born farmer, concentrated his agricultural activities

Histoire de la regeneration de la Grece, comprenant le precis des

evenements depuis 1740 jusquen 1824. Nov 22, 2016 Pouqueville, f.-c.-
h.-l. (francÌois charles hugues laurent) barbares agrave lentreacutee des
portes Cassandriennes. Depuis la fin de juillet, les aFires des Turcs
navaient fait quempirer de Chaque jour le nombre des soldats du serar'er
qui commandait dans la Chalcidice

The House of Seleucus Sep 6, 2008 edwin robert bevan Chains, i. 218
Chalcidice, 218 (4) in the territory of Apamea, iL 226 Chaldaeansy L
239, 251, 256 Chaldaei (tribe in Asia Minor), i. 79 ' Chaltp. See Berau
ChaliiSy river, i. 217 Chalyhesy i. 79

Opvscvla academica collecta et animadversionibvs locvpletata May 4,

2009 christian gottlob heyne . Thucyd. II, 99. Strab. VII, p. 503. B. 663. D.
( .170 Ppum regni Macedonici nusMftcedones erant praefidio Graeciaen).
Refta bat Chalcidice peninfula Athenienfium'dominatione cppreflfa, regni

Selections from Strabo: With an Introduction on Strabo's Life and Works

Jan 25, 2008 strabo, henry fanshawe tozer legend of the Giants are said in
Book 7. Fragm. 25 to be attached also to the peninsula of Pallene in
Chalcidice and Paasanias (8. 29.1) mentions a volcanic spot in Arcadia,
called BAthos, as the

The Insect World L Jan 17, 2017 louis figuier of cockroaches, which it
previously renders insensible, for its larvae. Many species of Chalcidice
a family of llymenoptera, also live on the eggs of these Orthoptera. There
are also among the

Readings In Ancient History Illistrative Extracts From The Sources 1.

Greece And The East Jan 20, 2017 wolliam stearns davis comedies of
Aristophanes which are preserved to us throw invaluable light upon almost
all the problems and events of his day. Aristotle (384 to 822 b.c,). A native
of Stagira in the Chalcidice, who

Ancient Philosophy: A Treatise of Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy

Anterior ... Oct 6, 2008 frederick denison maurice mightier influence upon
after times tlian upon his own. 8. In the year 367 a young man arrived in
Athens who was Aristotle t bom at Stagira in Chalcidice. His father was
a physician at reg'y the court

A history of the ancient world, for high schools and academies May 10,
2010 goodspeed, george stephen, 1860-1905 flourishing Greek cities
which, for centuries planted on the peninsulas of Chalcidice, had
monopolized the rich trade with the interior. As most of the cities belonged
to the Athenian Empire, the kings were

Orations from Homer to William McKinley Jul 25, 2007 hazeltine, mayo
williamson, 1841-1909 )8ide8, all of it could not save them before a year
of t e war had expired, the betrayers had lost all the cities i: Chalcidice
Philip could no longer be at the call of the b Jtrayers, and was

The House Of Seleucus Vol 1 Oct 31, 2006 edwyn robert bevan , not after
Beroea, but Chalcidice. Between the Chalus and the Euphrates the country
is to-day almost unoccupied, one level sheep-tract.We hear of a Seleucid
colony, Maronea or Maronias, which seems

Plays poems. Edited with introd. and notes by J. Churton Collins Oct 11,
2006 greene, robert, 1558?-1592 jutting out from Asia (Hist. iv. 41). But it
was more specifically applied to the most easterly of the three pro
montories jutting out from Chalcidice in Macedonia : the word 'Acte (Gr.
drgt7) simply

The remains of ancient Rome Oct 25, 2007 middleton, j. h. (john henry),
1846-1896 worked in 1 Said to have been so called from its being an
invention of an architect of Chalcidice. vii THE CAELIAN HILL 229
mouldings with enriched members, and then decorated by painting. This

The classics, Greek and Latin the most celebrated works of Hellenic and
Roman literature, embracing poetry, romance, history, oratory, science,
and philosophy Nov 20, 2007 miller, marion mills, 1864-1949 left a space.
697765. JEneas and Turnus meet in combat. The sword Athos,a mountain
on a peninsula of Chalcidice, on the coast of Macedonia. Eryx.See i.
570 note. THE yENEIDBOOK

Cistula Entomologica Vol-i Jan 20, 2017 butler gardiner the largest species
of Pteromalm, I have found it at Nice in May. It is most allied to P.
pandem. Ammiaud Chalcidice. 317 20. Pteromalus alhidovenosus.
Female. Eneous green. Head and thorax extremely

House Of Seleucus Vol. 2 Jan 21, 2017 bevan, edwyn robert

ii. 264 (3) on the Chalus, i. 218 Chalcidice, 218 (4) in the territory of
Apamea, ii. 226 Ghaldaeans, i. 239, 251, 256 Chaldaei (tribe in Asia
Minor), i. 79 8 Chcilep. See Bercea Chains, river

Studies in general history Aug 11, 2009 [barnes], mary d[owning]

(sheldon), mrs., 1850-1898. [from old catalog] an in spite of Athenian
opposition, he conquers the Greek towns of Chalcidice. He threatens the
Hellespont and Chersonese. Meanwhile a Sacred War goes on, in which
various Greek states, led by

Turkey in Europe Apr 3, 2008 eliot, charles, sir, 1862-1931 only

considerable masses of Greek population are in the parts known to the
Ancients as Chalcidice and Thrace. There are few Greek country
gentlemen, but there are Greeks in every seaport as surely as

Weobecný djepis obanský Feb 20, 2009 smetana, josef frantiek, 1801-1861
187.210. Hyskias 19. Hyslaspes 50. 28 ' 1118 Kegislnk. Cli. Chabrias 77
Chadidscarona 306. Chaerea 208. Chaeronea 82. 83. Chalcedon 178. .303.
461. Chalcidice 70. Chalcis 38. 80. 152. 309. Chaldaeoweacute

The Literary digest history of the world war, compiled from original and
contemporary sources: American, British, French, German, and others Apr
27, 2009 halsey, francis w. (francis whiting), 1851-1919, comp of fensive,
the collapse of the Turkish de- 165 Digitized by VjOOQIC fense in
Armenia, the end of uprisings in Persia, the maintenance of a Franco-
British force under Sarrail in Chalcidice, the Austrian

The Latin Reader Jun 11, 2009 friedrich jacobs republic of Macedonia, in
the dsslnet of Chalcidice, north of the peninsula of Pallene, and at the
head of the Toronaicus Sinus, or Chdfof Cassandria.

Bibliotheca Philologica Classica Apr 13, 2008 Patsch, gr. 4. (IV, 70 S.)
Wien, C. Gerold's Sohn in Komm. v. p. 134. 10 M. Brttch J.y Des
Aristoteles Heimat oder die Halbinsel Chalcidice. Mittheilangen der
Wiener Geograph. Gesellschaft 36

The library of historic charActers and famous events of all nations and all
ages Jan 16, 2008 spof ford, ainsworth rand, 1825-1908 , and thirty-one
other free cities in Chalcidice shared its fate, while the wretched
inhabitants were sold into slavery. The dispirited Athenians made overtures
of peace and sent Demosthenes, with other

Berbagai AGAMA - FILSAFAT 2 Oct 24, 2015 jpnmuslim after Socrates

death, in the small colony of Stagira, on the peninsula of Chalcidice. He
was the son of Nicomachus, court physician to King Amyntas, the
grandfather of Alexander the Great. After the

Frithjof Schuon Sep 6, 2015 Ionian city of Stagira in Chalcidice. For

Saint Thomas Aquinas, see editors note for ldquoRationalism Real and
Apparentrdquo, p. 42, Note 15. 153: For Asharite or Hanbalite theologian,
see editors note for

Cyclopædia of universal history : being an account of the principal events

in the career of the human race, from the beginning of civilization to the
present time from recent and authentic sources Jan 26, 2011 ridpath, john
clark, 1840-1900 Divisions. Orestis and Stymphalia.Eordaea and Pieria.
Bottisea. Emathea, Mygdonia. Chalcidice. City of
Olynthus.Bisaltia.Pseonia.Via Egnatia.Myth of the Termenidae.Reign of

A Treatise On Industrial Mineerals Of India Jan 16, 2017 sinha, r.k. are
situated near the coast and of fer good facility for export Other places
where mmeable deposits have been located are on the Chalcidice
Peninsula m Macedonia and on Mytilem island The ore contain

Enquiry into plants and minor works on odours and weather signs Sep 13,
2011 theophrastus ripen it also about Torone in Chalcidice in a certain
lake of small size and this lake ripens it perfectly and matures its fruit.
The plant called the lotos (Nile vater-lily) grows chiefly in the

Serums, vaccines and toxins in treatment and diagnosis Mar 19, 2012
bosanquet, william cecil, 1866-1941 cholera in the island of Chalcidice :
POPULATIOX Cases Deaths Before inoculation was introduced... ...
14,256 After one inoculation 14.086 After two inoculations 14,071 Total
reiceiitaje 300 38

Histoire du Bas-Empire, commençant à Constantin-le-Grand Feb 23, 2008

le beau, charles, 1701-1778 d'Hyperpiracion attendoit uni nison que ce roi
avoit annonceacutee. Cantacnzegravene , d plus fort avec les Turcs, confie
le commandenic Gratianopolis agrave Mathieu, ainsi que cehii des villes
de Chalcidice, et se

L 070 Theophrastus Enquiry Into Plants I: 1 5 Dec 10, 2013 grows in Syria
and in parts of Cilicia, but these countries cannot ripen it also about
Torone in Chalcidice in a certain lake of small size and this lake ripens it
perfectly and matures its fruit.

A History of Greece by the Rev. Connop Thirlwall Vol. 2 Aug 2, 2016

aspect of the iEgaan sea, and which hence acquired the name of
Chalcidice, though a considerable part of its Greek population was
derived from Eretria, the neighbour and rival of Chalcis. The isle of

Wisdom In Conduct An Introduction To Ethics Oct 30, 2006 christopher

browne garnett, jr. Chalcidice, in 384 B.C. His father, Nicomachus, had

been the court physician and friend of Amyntas, the king of the
Macedonians -y conceivably Aristotle's later interest in zoology, as well
as his

Storia della Grecia antica di Giorgio Grote Jan 20, 2016 in Egitto a tempi
del regno digrave Amasis. Cyrene fu celebre pel suo Silphium, secondo
Cascr asso foetida. III. Sulla costa meridionale della Thracia, eie. Le
cittagrave di Chalcidice provvenute da quelli

A History Of Ancient Greek Literature(1897) Jan 16, 2017 murray gilbert

feat of the age. Its founder, Aristoteles of Stagiros, in Chalcidice (384-
322 B.c.), stands in charActer, as well as in date, midway between the
Athenian philosopher and the Alexandrian savant. He came

The Numismatic Chronicle And Journal Of The Royal Numismatic

Society Fifth Series Vol.iii Jan 20, 2017 g.f.hill that Stagira 180 ALLEN
B. -WEST. power. Such a date for the issue of Chalcidian gold also makes
it easy to explain the appearance of the Attic standard in Chalcidice, for
the Chalcidians were allies of

The works of Flavius Josephus Aug 12, 2008 josephus, flavius the country
called Chalcidice,' and Sohemus, king of what was called Emesa. Nor
was any opposition made to his forces Avhen they entered the kingdom for
none in that country would so much as lift up

The Making of Today's World - Teachers' Manual Aug 20, 2016 hughes,
r. o. (ray osgood), 1879-1959 . An earthquake in Chalcidice at the time
one class was studying the Persian invasions added to the reality of the
story. Linking the name of Fascism with the fasces shown on a dime
provides a contact

Selections from Tibullus and Propertius Apr 26, 2008 tibullus, sextus
propertius extremity of Chalcidice, in which the battle of Zeus with the

giants took place. The term is here used in the loosest way to denote the
battle of Pharsalus, fought in Thessaly. 38. si datnrnB eras is heresjt

Microscopical physiography of the rock-making minerals: an aid to the

microscopical study of rocks Jul 4, 2009 rosenbusch, h. (harry), 1836-1914
, Die Gesteine der Halbinsd Chalcidice. T. M. P. M. 1878. I. 24a-250. 0.
LuEDECKE, Igter Glaukophan uad die glaukophaDfOhrenden Gksteine
der Insel Syra. Z. D. G. G. 1876. XXVIII. 25-260. A. Sauer

The Deipnosophists or, Banquet of the learned, of Athenaeus. Literally

translated by C.D. Yonge, B.A. With an appendix of poetical fragments,
rendered into English verse by various authors, and a general index Feb 1,
2008 athenaeus, of naucratis , destitute alike of fat and of juice. And
Epicharmus, iu his Hebe's Wedchng, says The chalcides, the sea-pig too,
The sea-hawk, and the fat sea-dog. But Dorion calls it the Chalcidice. And
Xumenius says

L 188 Pausanias Description Of Greece II: 3 5 Dec 15, 2013 , having

captured most of the cities in Chalcidice, and hoping to capture Olynthus
itself, he was suddenly attacked by a disease which ended in ssob.c. his
death. VI. As Agesipolis died childless, the

Outlines of Scripture geography and history Aug 16, 2008 edward hughes
the Romans, Upper Syria was divided into nine districts, namely,
Cassiotes, Apamene, Chalcidice, Seleucis, Pieria Commagene,
Cyrrhesttce, Chalyhonttis, and Palmyrene, C(ele-Stria. Code-Syria (Ji

The works of Flavius Josephus Nov 20, 2009 josephus, flavius ,

Aristobulus, king of the country called Chalcidice, and Sohemus, kiag
of what was called Emesa. Nor was any opposition made to his forces
when they entered the kingdom for none in that country

Pliny Natural History Volume III Nov 1, 2006 fighting cocks of Melos
and Chalcidice have been awarded second honoursso that the Roman

purple confers its high honour on a bird full worthy of it. These are the
birds that give the Most-Favourable

Webster's Early European History Mar 18, 2013 webster, hutton Greek
cities on the peninsula of Chalcidice.2 He also appeared in Thessaly,
occu- 1 Philippi became noted afterwards as the first city in Europe where
Christianity was preached. See Acts, xvi, 9. 2

Outlines of universal history, designed as a text-book and for private

reading Jun 15, 2009 fisher, george park, 1827- [from old catalog] Epirus
were other Corinthian and Corcyraean settlements. Chalcis planted towns
in the peninsula of Chalcidice, and from thence to Selymbria (or
Byzantium), which was founded by Megara (657 B.C.). The

Katholieke Encyclopaedie deel 25 May 9, 2016 , 802. Cassandreia (op

Chalcidice) 19, 27. Cassandreia (op Pallene) 20, 130. Cassano 16, 22.
Cassel (Duitschland) = Kassei. Cassel (Fr. Vlaanderen) = Kassei 11, 144
B2 (slag bij C.) 14, 405 18, 376

[Works] Jun 16, 2010 Demosthenes operations of Timotheus in

Chalcidice (B.C. 364) described by ISocrates (de Antid. sectsect 115120)
and he es from Harpocration (s. v. Ήϊώnu) an extract from Theopompus to
show that the Athenians on

Handbuch der römischen Alterthümer Sep 20, 2008 theodor mommsen ,

hermann dessau , alfred von domaszewski, georg wissowa, joachim
marguardt, karl joachim marquardt

Strasse von Cyrrus nach Emesa, 48 roumlm. Meilen von Beroea (Alep)6)
in der fruchtbaren Landschaft Chalcidice oder Chalcidene6), welche sich
im Osten von Apamea7) und am Westrande der palmyrenischen

Jahrbuch der Kais. Kön. Geologischen Reichs-Anstalt Apr 27, 2011 k.k.
geologische reichsanstalt (austria) eigenthuumlmliche, an Omphacit
erinnernde Ausbildung zeigt, theils Hornblende-Zoisitschiefer, wie
aumlhnliche Gesteine von F. Becke) aus Griechenland von der Halbinsel
Chalcidice beschrieben wurden. ') F

Manuel des antiquités romaines, Volume 9 Oct 13, 2009 joachim

marquardt, theodor mommsen, ludwig friedlaender, paul krueger suite.
Elle eacutetait situeacutee sur la route de Cyrriis agrave Bmesa
[Hocircms], agrave 18 milles romains de Beroea (Alep) (i), dans la
reacutegion fertile de Chalcidice ou Chalcidene (3), qui s'eacutetend
agrave l'Est d'Apamea (6), et au

Bronze and Iron: Ancient Near Eastern Artifacts in The Metropolitan

Museum of Art Feb 6, 2014 muscarella, oscar white cemetery at Deve
Hiiyiik in North Syria, at Tell ed-Deim in Mesopotamia, and at Athens,
and Olynthus in the Chalcidice (Moorey 1980, 70, fig. 10:227 and 228,
7if, nos. 6, 13, 14 Sumer 16 [i960], 93ff., pi

Répétitions écrites d'histoire universelle depuis la création du monde

jusqu'à nos jours Jan 10, 2011 raffy, c. (casimir), b. 1820 , Toronaiumlque,
Singitique, Strymonique, et la grande presqu'icircle de Chalcidice,
diviseacutee elle-mecircme en trois presqu'icircles, dont l'une se termine
par le mont Athos. Les fleuves principaux sont le Strymon

AristotleWorksV. English, Greek, Latin edit. transl. var.

scholars.1803.1907. Nov 11, 2010 scholars, editors,translators. 20th, 21st
cent. whole region of Chalcidice, was itfelf befieged by Philip of
Macedon and, with all its dependencies, reduced by the arms or arts of
that politic prince,in the firfl year of the 108th olympiad, and 348

Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare, vol. 1 Dec 4, 2016

monika budo stuff infantry in Athenian operations around Potidaea (431-
429) and the Chalcidice at the beginning of the war suggest that the

Peloponnesian War did not introduce the increasing role of these arms,

Handbook of zoology Jun 13, 2016 hoeven, jan van der, 1802-1868 in the
tarsus {Iphitrachelus Haliday, Mymar, Ac.), which has also been observed
in the family of the Chalcidice, a remarkable anomaly in the
Hymenoptera. The economy of the greater part is uuknown

Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Mathematisch ... Aug 4, 2008 kaiserl. akademie der wissenschaften in wien
mathematisch -naturwissenschaftliche klasse Tschermak legt eine kurze
Mittheilung des Herrn Friedrich Becke vor: Gesteine von der Halbinsel
Chalcidice, welche die Resultate einer im mineralogischen Institute
ausgefuumlhrten Arbeit enthaumllt. Das c. M

The History of the Peloponnesian War Jun 9, 2009 thucydides the

meridian period of Greek history, 13 280 ISrOTES. [BooKl the whole of
the greet peniDBiila lying BOathward of the ridge o1 Mount Khortidtzi,
althou the orial Chalcidice was for more restricted in

A history of Greece, from the earliest times to the Roman conquest Sep
26, 2008 william smith CONTINUED. FROM THE PEACE OF NICIA8
League of Aigos, Corinth, Elea, Mantinea, and Chalcidice. sect 2.
Transactions between Sparta and Athens

Classical antiquities Mar 29, 2011 eschenburg, j[ohann] j[oachim], 1743-

1820. [from old catalog] Sinus Strymonicus (Gulf of Contessa). Between
the two gulfs or bays just named, was the peninsula sometimes called
Chalcidice, and presenting peculiar features, having a cluster of
mountains on its

Epitome of Ancient, Mediæval and Modern History Mar 2, 2009 karl

ploetz, karl julius ploetz tribes which had been expelled from their homes,

bnt in wUch the conquering Dorians soon took active part. The Felasgic
population, driven from Tbesaaly, settled partly on the peninsula

Gentral Eastern Europe Crucible Of World Wars Jan 19, 2017 joshph s.
roucer the river Mesta and the Rhodope Mountains in the east the Aegean
Sea and the Chalcidice Peninsula, the river Bistritsa (from the mouth up
to its upper course) and Mount Grammos in the south a line

History of the Greek Revolution: And of the Wars and Campaigns Arising
from the Struggles of the ... Mar 8, 2009 thomas gordon , confined their
Turkish superintendent, and prepared to defend themselves while in the
course of a few subsequent days all the Christians of Chalcidice,
encouraged by the appearance on their coast of

L 385 Chrysostom Dio Discourses V: 61 80 Letters Dec 21, 2013 from

Lyceum ibid, and n. 1 Acanthus, town in Chalcidice, scene of Athenian
defeat 2 157 Achaeans, term used for the Greeks besieging Troy, contrasted
with Trojans 1 85, chant paean over Hector's body

Analecta comica graeca Sep 10, 2008 frederick henry marvell blaydes
Spartiatis redderetur sed, cum neque in Chalcidice neque in Boeotia quae
Atheniensibus promiserant Lacedaemonii peificere possent, Athenienses
Pylum retinuerunt (V. 35. 5.), plus semel illis et a. 421

Die Türkei im Spiegel ihrer Finanzen Oct 20, 2008 charles morawitz der
Halbinsel Chalcidice, die von jeher die beruumlhmtesten gewesen sind
und deren Autonomie aus dem lo. Jahrhundert datiert, bestehen noch heute.
Die zwanzig Moumlnchskloumlster, die jedes einem befestigten

Calendar Mar 27, 2008 trinity college (dublin, ireland) a statesman. 6. State
what you know about the works of any (ivo of the following: Ennius,
Livy, Lucretius, Ovid, Tacitus. 7. Where and what were the following
:Achelous, Achradina, Chalcidice

The Delphian course : a systematic plan of education, embracing the

world's progress and development of the liberal arts... May 10, 2007
delphian society (chicago, ill.) League. Athens feared that a Revolt in
Potidaea might imperil all Chalcidice, and ordered the colony to lower its
walls and send home the Corinthian of ficials dwelling in the town. The
king of Macedonia

Economic History Of The Deccan Jan 18, 2017 das, dipakranjan Minor.
Sweet clover, used for making chaplets and perfumes and medicines, was
imported from Campania in Italy, Cape Sunium in Greece, and from
Chalcidice and Crete. Pliny notes- that in his time there was

The face of the earth =Das antlitz der erde Mar 16, 2007 suess, eduard,
1831-1914 . Manytsch Mel. phys. chim. Ac. Petersb., 1878, XI, pp. 55-76.
332 THE MEDITERRANEAN [PART n the south-west into the basin of
Adrianople and over the west coast of Chalcidice, and extends westwards
far into

Concise dictionary of proper names and notable matters in the works of

Dante Jul 7, 2008 toynbee, paget jackson, 1855-1932 (whence he is
sometimes called 'the Stagirite'), a town in Chalcidice in Macedonia,
B.C. 384. In 367 he went to Athens, where he became the pupil of Plato.
After the death of Plato he returned to

Antiquiteiten, Romeinse en Griekse Jan 12, 2013 , vooral nil Chalcis,

werden vele ioniache volkplantingen naar de kusten van italic (Cuinae, de
nndste) en van Sieilie, nIs ook van Thraciii en Maeetlprtie' (Chalcidice)
geaondeft. Dajrisobe

The Orations of Socrates Feb 3, 2008 iSocrates ). See Thncydides, v.

84116 Grote, ' Hist, of Greece,ch. IvL Thirlwall, voL liL p. 861.Sdone,
on the peninsula of Pallene (the most western of the three penhasulas or
tongues ol Chalcidice

Classic Literature: Principally Sanskrit, Greek, and Roman, with Some

Account of the Persian ... Sep 12, 2008 catherine ann white sense, gaze at
length undazzlcd upon the true light, the Essential Form of
Good.ARISTOTLE. jSt-jn II.C. This great man was bom atStagyra, a
Greek colony in Chalcidice. His father, Nicomachus

The Hittites their inscriptions and their history Dec 6, 2007 campbell, john,
1840-1904 Albani, and Hamathite Parthini. Macedonia was brimfull of
Hittite tribes, the very Macedonian name being that of the Maachathites
which was preserved also in that of the Mygdones. Chalcidice and Elymea

Geschichte der griechischen Beredtsamkeit : von unbestimmter Zeit bis zur

Trenuung des byzantinischen Reichs vom Occident Aug 27, 2012
westermann, anton, 1806-1869 . .gtbull r t l s t o t c l e 8 Aristoteles, geb.
zu Stagira in Chalcidice OL XCIX. 1. 384., ging, fruumlhzeitig seiner
Eltern beraubt, von Wissbegierde getrieben im 17. Jahre seines Lebens,
367, nach Athen

History of Rome and the Roman people, from its origin to the
establishment of the Christian empire Feb 1, 2013 duruy, victor, 1811-
1894 and then taken from him set at liberty the Iberian Mithridates, whom
Caligula had thrown into prison augmented the territory of the Jew
Agrippa, and erected Chalcidice into a kingdom for Herod, the

Mikroskopische Physiographie der Mineralien und Gesteine: Ein

Hülfsbuch bei ... Apr 14, 2009 harry rosenbusch , ernst wülfing, otto mügge
von Williams aus der Cortlandt Series vor. Ebenso beschreibt Begke
durchaus quarzfreie Diorite von Molyvon auf der Halbinsel Chalcidice, v.
Dbasohe aus dem Militaumlrdistrict Benguet auf der Insel Luzon

Topographisch-historisches Lexicon zu den schriften des flavius Josephus

May 27, 2008 boettger, gustav Koumlnige von Emesa. Bell. Jud. 7, 71: Mit
Paetus zogen die Koumlnige von Chalcidice und Soem von Emesa.Emesa,

Stadt in Syria Apamene, spaumlter zu Phoumlnice Libanusia geschlagen,

wird zuerst als Sitz arabischer
Modern Thomistic philosophy: an explanation for students Feb 7, 2011
phillips, richard percival , a seaport of Chalcidice. His father was court
doctor to the King of Macedonia, but died while his son was still a boy.
He was later sent by his guardian to study at Athens, where, at the age of

The History of Greece Feb 16, 2009 william mitford . Chahrias - - - vi. 84,
85. 150.16O, 167.vii. 423. 4a5 Chareas ---iv. 240. r Chalcidice . _ ii.
203.iii. 45, \Chald(ea bull . - - ii. 13.' Chares - - vii

Déscription du musée de feu le prince Basile Kotschoubey d'après son

catalogue manuscrit et recherches sur l'histoire et la numismatique des
colonies grecques en Russie ainsi que des royaumes du Pont et du
Bosphore Cimmérien Nov 28, 2014 b. de koehne attribue ces monnaies
agrave Apollonia de Chalcidice, mais leur ressemblance avec les
monnaies de l'anlicapeacutee fail preacutesumer plutocirct, qu'elles
appartiennent agrave une ville de ce nom, moins eacuteloigneacutee du

The Portfolio Or, a Collection of State Papers, Etc: Illustrative of the ...
Aug 7, 2009 in existence. THE ENGLISH CONSTITUTION. 493 Those
of Chalcidice, as described by a great modem writ, are so identical in form
and substance, with those of Greece Proper, that we cannot do better

Géographie ancienne, sacrée et prof ane: contenant la description des pays

connus des Anciens ... Mar 4, 2009 jean baptiste gibrat le Sinus
Tkermeacuteuu ou Thermaiumlccedilus , ou le golfe de ThelTalonique.
Les principales provinces de cette reacutegion eacutetoienc la Cknlzidique,
la Mdonie, amp la Peonie. t. La Chalcidique Chalcidice (icirctueacutee

A Personal Narrative Of The Euphrates Expedition Vol-ii Jan 17, 2017

william frangis ainsworth , Chalcis, the chief city of Chalcidice, and
Chalcis ad Belum are treated as separate places, chiefly on the grounds of

the statement made by Josephus (comp. lsquoAntiq. xiv. 8, sect 2 Reland,

lsquo Palaest

A History of Modern Europe Feb 7, 2008 charles alan fyffe life. In the
remoter district of Chalcidice, on the Macedonian coast, where the
promontory of Athos and the two parallel peninsulas run out into the
gaaan, and a Greek population, clearly severed

Le Musée : revue d'art antique Apr 5, 2016 dAgrigente appartiennent aux

collections Delbekeacute et Bachelor, dont je viens de reacutediger les
catalogues de vente. Ces piegraveces, et dautres encore, comme un
teacutetradrachme de Chalcidice, au revers duquel

Das Pflanzenreich. Regni vegetabilis conspectus. Im auftrag der K.

Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften herausgegeben Mar 31, 2015
engler, adolf, 1844-1930, editor !, Doxa (cfr. Reliq. Formaumln. 352)!,
Berg Hortac [Korthiati] auf Chalcidice (Heldreich n. 2365)! Subsp. 4.
Guicciavdii Zahn. Ubique densissime mollissimeque lanato-villosum (47
mm). Caulis 25 40 cm a

Studien über altitalisches und römisches Staats- und Rechtsleben als

Vorschule der römischen Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte Jun 10, 2016
nägelé, maximilian . i. bis in Chalcidice hinein) recht wohl als wilp
TupoTfjvoumliv gelegen bezeichnet werden konnte. Auf diese thraciscb-
macedonischen Crestoniaten bezogen, hat denn Herodots Stelle den
besten Sinn.

The Deipnosophists : or, Banquet of the learned, of Athenæus Dec 9, 2015

yonge, charles duke, 1812-1891. n 86829770 fiit and of juice. And
Epichoi'mus, in his Hebes IVedding, says The chalcides, the sea-pig too,
Tlie sea-hawk, and the fat sea-dog. But Dorion calls it the Chalcidice. And
Xumenius says, Hut you

Bulfinch's mythology of Greece and Rome with Eastern and Norse legends
Nov 12, 2012 bulfinch, thomas, 1796-1867 Isis and Osiris, 279 A'thos, the
mountainous peninsula, also called Acte, which projects from Chalcidice
in Macedonia, 51 At-lan'tis, according to an ancient tradition, a great
island west of the

[Opera] Ex recensione Gulielmi Dindorfii Mar 3, 2009 Demosthenes voro

Chalcidicarum in-lium momoriao pro(hht, ]i'imam tcrtiam(|Uo
lolt,'ationom, (juae solorum fuerunt Olynthiorum, accuratc (iistinltji:uon,s
ab .secunda, quac fuit reliquarum in Chalcidice nrbium

ARISTOTELES THIERKUNDE Oct 13, 2008 dr.h. aubert and dr . fr.

wimmer , icepl T. szligoec 3, 108. ijTvoi Xeuumlxo( 4, 60. oicoYifoi 5,
77. Urbs Macedoniae in peninsnla Chalcidice ad sinnm Toronaicnm e
regione hodiemi Cap Drepano. Ticavu icoxajjLoc irepl Booicopov tov

Handbuch der römischen alterthümer Feb 7, 2015 marquardt, joachim,

1812-1882 spaumlterer Zeit oumlfters vor. Es lag auf der Strasse von
Cyrrus nach Emesa, 48 roumlm. Meilen von Beroea (Alep)5) in der
fruchtbaren Landschaft Chalcidice oder Chalcidene6), welche sich im
Osten von Apamea 7

De situ orbis libri tres ad plurimos MSStos vel denuo vel primum consultos
aliorumque editiones recensiti pr 13, 2010 mela, pomponius conlaia: Acari'
thus, Seapolis, Apollonia, Amphipolis, Philippi, quam in Chalcidice
ponendam ex Demof thene cenfet WeiTeling. ad c. 1. XlaquoXxt5tKv)v
vocat Athenaeus lib. 83laquo pag. 334laquo et ab Amnite et

A Manual Of Ancient History Jan 17, 2017 george rawlinson , between

Athens and Sparta. Defensive alliance between Argos, Corinth, Mantinea,
Elis, and Chalcidice. Alliance, of fensive and defensive, between Sparta
and Bceotia.B.c. 420. Athens, of fended hereat

The history of Greece Dec 21, 2007 mitford, william first embassy the '
Athenians sent a force under Chares composed of mercenaries : ' then,
after dXya ra fierav yevof xtva, the people of Chalcidice, ' being pressed
by the war, and sending an embassy to

The Satires of Juvenal Feb 17, 2009 juvenal de pictis veni bascauda
Britannis.caelati. See note on Sat. i. 76. callidus emptor Olynthi Philip of
Macedon, who took Olynthus in Chalcidice in 34amp b.c. by bribing
Euthycrates and Lasthenes

A Library of Universal Literature Jul 13, 2009 before a year of the war
had expired, the betrayers had lost all the cities in Chalcidice Philip could
no longer be at the call of the betrayers, and was puzzled what he should
first take possession of

A History of Modern Europe Apr 21, 2009 charles alan fyffe of

Chalcidice, on the Macedonian coast, where the promontory of Athos
and the two parallel peninsulas run out into the jEgan, and a Grreek
population, clearly severed from the Slavic inhabitants of

L 321 Plutarch Moralia X Love Stories Dec 20, 2013 , 451: town in
Chalcidice Athenians defeated by Philip in 348b.c. Omphale, 91: Lydian
queen whom Heracles was forced to serve. Onomacles, an Athenian, 353.
Onomademus, 233: popular leader of the Chians

The House Of Seleucus Vol Ii Jan 18, 2017 bevan edwyn robert (2) on
the Lebanon, i. 216 ii. 264 (3) on the Chalus, i. 218 Chalcidice, 218 (4)
in the territory of Apamea, ii. 226 ChMaeans, i. 239, 251, 256 Chaldaei
(tribe in Asia Minor), i. 79 reg Chalep

De finibus bonorum et malorum libri V. Apr 28, 2008 marcus tullius cicero
, hugo holstein . an Haupt der peripatetischen Schule. Eine seiner
bedeutendsten Schrifben sind die amptxol aoxTopoundc. Aristoteles aus
Stagira auf Chalcidice, geb. 384 v. Chr., Schiiler Flatos, Stifter der

The history of Greece Dec 21, 2007 mitford, william Thrace. But the
reputation of Brasidas for prudent and engaging conduct among Thucyd.
the allies of Lacedaemon, as well as for ability and activity in military
command, had reached Chalcidice and the

Enquiry into plants, and minor works on odours and weather signs Aug 10,
2007 theophrastus eye on it, since he has not sharp sight. This plant also
grows in Syria and in parts of Cilicia, but these countries cannot ripen it
also about Torone in Chalcidice in a certain lake of small size

Monatliche correspondenz zur beförderung der erd- und himmels-kunde

Jan 24, 2015 franz xaver freiherr von zach gentliche Maeefytim
aumltfAftiA. MPJ vormahli Chalcidice, gtlaquo4 dlaquor i q4ex die
Huumlfte dee 4nhszligt flnd ion eioAuml .FauchtbaTkefc,, welche
vielleicht die.reichen Ebenenvok te'tUwampmt' 'utcr ih

A History of Ancient Greek Literature Apr 9, 2008 gilbert murray and the
Lyceum or Peripatos, whose organisation of knowledge formed the
greatest intellectual feat of the age. Its founder, Aristoteles of Stagtros, in
Chalcidice (384-322 B.C.), stands in

[Publications] Extra series Jun 10, 2008 early english text society Aeneas's
prowess therein, 158 fights in single combat with Turnus, and slays him,
winning Lavinia, 161, 162 marries Lavinia, 162 succeeds King Latinus,
163 dies, 163. Aeneia, a town in Chalcidice

A history of ancient Greek literature Nov 1, 2009 murray, gilbert, 1866-

1957 greatest intellectual feat of the age. Its founder, Aristoteles of
Stagtros, in Chalcidice (384-322 B.C.), stands in charActer, as well as in
date, midway between the Athenian philosopher and the

The Literary digest history of the world war, compiled from original and
contemporary sources: American, British, French, German, and others Feb

20, 2008 halsey, francis w. (francis whiting), 1851-1919, comp Franco-

British force under Sarrail in Chalcidice, the Austrian reverses before
Czernowitz, and the repulse of the German attack at Verdun had swung
the scales of fortune adversely to the Teutonic cause. In

The House of Seleucus Apr 15, 2008 bevan, edwyn robert, 1870-1943 the
lower Chains was called, not after Beroea, but Chalcidice. Between the
Chains and the Euphrates the country is to-day almost unoccupied, one
level sheep-tract.We hear of a Seleucid colony

Thirteen Satires of Juvenal Apr 27, 2008 juvenal, herbert augustus strong
' apicula. 174. The story is told in Herodotus vii. 21 sqq. 'how Xerxes cut a
canal thsough the Isthmus connecting the peninsula with Chalcidice. The
trace of this canal is still most distinctly to be

A Greek English lexicon Jul 7, 2014 liddell, henry george, 1811-1898 ,

119. More rarely 6 uk., Schol. Nic Ther. 645. (Passow suggests a deriv.
from άkappaή and άnuthetaomicronsigmaf, thorn-flower.)
UpsilonAlphakappaalphanuthetaomicronsigmaf, omicronupsilon, delta,
Acanthus, masc. pr. n. Thuc. 5, 19.2. eta, a city of Chalcidice, on the

A manual of Grecian and Roman antiquities, Sep 10, 2015 bojesen, e. f.

(ernst frederik), 1803-1864 was Cumae), and to Sicily, and also to the
coasts of Thrace and Macedonia (Chalcidice). We find Doric settlements
in Sicily as Syracuse (a Corinthian colony founded probably b. c. 734),
Gela (about

Angeli Caninii Anglarensis Ellenismos, copiosissimi Graecarum

Latinarumque vocum indicis accessione per Carolum Hauboesium
locupletatus. In quo quidquid vetustissimi scriptores de Graecae linguae
ratione praecipiunt atque adeò omnia, quae ad dialectos intelligendas,
poetas penitus cognoscendos pertinent, facili methodo exponu Aug 4, 2016
angelo canini Bivvloitg. . -yi: BTVTrlert, btvttIqv, Poetice bullWTrlimipv,
Boeotici amp Chalcidice BTVirlom V, Qyx forma Septuaginta interptibus
freqvens, nam Afianis etiam vernacula. Lycophr. V. 21. fdoav. Scribunt

Decerpta ex ... Metamorphoseon libris, with Engl. notes by G. Ferguson

Aug 31, 2008 publius ovidius naso . By -iy m., Athosy now Monte Santo
a mountain of Main the district of Chalcidice, on a peninsula between
tbrymonicus. Gulf of Contesta, and the Sinus Singitieus, Monte Santo.
Across the Isthmus

The History of Ancient Greece, Its Colonies and Conquests: From the
Earliest ... Jul 26, 2009 john gillies after his march into the Chalcidice,
Eudamidas received the vo luntary surrender of Potidaea, a city of great
importance in the Isthmus of Pallene. on ltbk measore as a maUer of tbe
utmost import-c rap

A general sketch of political history from the earliest times Jan 10, 2011
innes, arthur d. (arthur donald), 1863-1938 , and to bring under his own
sway the Greek colonies on the coast of Macedonia and the peninsula of
Chalcidice. Without deliberately setting himself to conquer the Greeks at
first, he succeeded in

The plays poems of Robert Greene Apr 15, 2008 greene, robert, 1558?-
1592 promontories jutting out from Chalcidice in Macedonia: the
word'Acte' (Gr, UKTX]) simply signified a piece of land running into the
sea, so that the Actean plains of the text cannot be very definitely

The life and travels of Herodotus in the fifth century before Christ: an
imaginary biography founded on fact, illustrative of the history, manners,
religion, literature, arts, and social condition of the Greeks, Egyptians,
Persans, Babylonians, Hebrews, Scythians, and other ancient nations, in
the days of Pericles and Nehemiah May 25, 2007 wheeler, james talboys,
Athenians, 270. Chalcidice, i. 335. Chaldaan kings, ii. 293. Chaldean
priests, ii. '283. Chaos,i. 27 Orphic idea concerning, ii. 111. Charilaus, i.
134. Chariot-racing at Oljmpia, i. 194. Charon, i. 64 ii

Ovid: Selections for the Use of Schools, with Introductions and Notes and
an ... Aug 4, 2009 ovid, william ramsey three long narrow peninsulas
which form the termination of that portion of Macedonia called
Chalcidice, lying between the Strymonicus Sinus (G. of Contessa) and
the Thermaicus Sinus (G. of Saloniki\ The

The history of ancient Greece, its colonies and conquests, from the earliest
accounts till the division of the Macedonian empire in the East: Including
the history of literature, philosophy, and the fine arts Jul 26, 2009 gillies,
john, 1747-1836 arms of bull Thucydid. p. 30420, CHAP. 17. ANCIENT
GREECE. 231 Mcias and Demosfhenes in the eighth year of the waff
alarm' ed the citizens of Olynthus and other places of the Chalcidice
which having

Reflections On Modern History The Historian And Human Responsibility

Jan 16, 2017 hans kohn : Seriously, is anyone here so foolish as not to see
that our negligence will transfer the war from Chalcidice to Attica? Yet if
that comes to pass, I am afraid, men of Athens, that just as men who

Stories of gods and heroes Jul 24, 2008 bulfinch, thomas, 1796-1867 ,
Egyptian deity, progenitor of Isis and Osiris, 292. A'thos, the mountainous
peninsula, also called Acte, which projects from Chalcidice in
Macedonia, 43. At-lan'tis, according to an ancient

The Latin Reader Jun 11, 2009 friedrich jacobs town and republic of
Macedonia, mthe district of Chalcidice north of the peninsula of
Pallene, and at the head of the Toronaicus Sinus, or Gulf of Cassandria.
I 4. Oecupatusfuisset, i. e. oppresses

Second Greek book, consisting of extracts from Lucian, Xenophon's

Anabasis, New Testament, and Homer with notes, a synopsis of syntax, a
copious vocabulary, and imitative exercises Feb 16, 2011 bryce, archibald
hamilton . See Of iXvpiros. '0\vv6t-os, ov, m., an Olynthian, or inhabitant

of Olynthus, a city of Chalcidice. In pi., 'OMvOtot, Olyntliians. 6Xw\a,

2 perf. of 6\\vp.i,subj., 3 sing., 6\u\r). 6'Xws, adv

The plays poems of Robert Greene, Volume 1 Dec 31, 2009 robert greene,
john churton collins {see His, iv. 38), and also to Africa itself as jutting out
from Asia {His, iv. 41). But it was more specifically applied to the most
easterly of the three pro montories jutting out from Chalcidice

Enquiry Into Plants and Minor Works on Odours and Weather Signs Sep
20, 2008 theophrastus, arthur hort , since he has not sharp sight. This plant
also grows in Syria and in parts of Cilicia, but these countries cannot ripen
it also about Torone in Chalcidice in a certain lake of small size and this

Roman law and history in the New Testament Jun 10, 2006 buss, septimus
, known as Chalcidice, on the easternmost part of which is situated Mount
Athos. The distance from Philippi to Thessalonica is just about a hundred
miles, and Amphipolis and Apollonia are the two

Guide to the History of the Laws and Constitutions of England: Consisting

of ... Jul 25, 2009 thomas chisholme anstey Institutions were still in
Existence. (p) I. Curia Regis, Introd, pp. XXXIVV., and pp. 159,1623,
of Thessalian Chalcidice gt as described by a

Decimi Iunii Iuvenalis Saturae XIII.: The satires of Juvenal. edited for the
... Jul 19, 2009 juvenal, ernest george hardy Philip of Macedon, who took
Olynthus in Chalcidice in 348 b.c. by bribing Euthycrates and Lasthenes,
two of its citizens. Conf. Cic. poundp. ad Att. i. 16, sect 12, Philippus
omnia castella expugnari

Natural history Oct 20, 2008 pliny, the elder even conferred fame on their
native places, Rhodes or Tanagra the fighting cocks of Melos and

Chalcidice have been awarded second honoursso that the Roman purple
confers its high honour on a bird full

A personal narrative of the Euphrates Expedition Apr 11, 2008 ainsworth,

william francis, 1807-1896 chief city of Chalcidice, and Chalcis ad
Belum are treated as separate places, chiefly on the grounds of the
statement made by Josephus (eomp. ' Antiq,' xiv. 3, sect 2 Reland, '
Paliost.,p. '315

Handbuch der alten Geographie für Gymnasien und zum Selbsunterricht:

Mit ... Jul 13, 2008 friedrich sickler . tt. . sodlicli Tom Laeus Bolbe
CSuumlilck, XsUfei am 6stL Ufer, des Fllaquo Ghabrius, Hauptst. von
Chalcidice. Aristot Mi rand ASeydra (SidroCapia Reich.) $ Pt 3PL 4gt. 10
Steph. B. der von ihr

The Canadian journal of science, literature and history May 28, 2010 , and
the Astraeus or Aestraeus, like the Cayster, commemorates Achashtari.
Chalcidice is a memorial of Jehaleleel, although Sithonia, in all
probability, like the district of Aestraea, preserves the

Classical dictionary : containing a copious account of all the proper names

mentioned in ancient authors with the value of coins, weights, and
measures, used among the Greeks and Romans Dec 20, 2007 lemprière,
john, 1765?-1824 into the Adriatic, north of the Po.] P'irg. n. 9, V. 680.
Athos, [a mountain in the district Chalcidice of Macedonia. It is situate
on a peninsula between the Sinus Strymonicus or Gulf of Conlfssa

The history of the Peloponnesian War Oct 11, 2009 thucydides the ridge
of Mount Khortiamptzi, although the original Chalcidice was far more
restricted in its limits. The Bottiieins, after Oiynthua passed into the hands
of the Chalcidians (through lthe

Stephani Byzantii Ethnicorvm quae svpersvnt Dec 25, 2014 stephanus, of

byzantium . chiepsilonrhorhoόnuetasigmaomicronnu autem de Chalcidice

dixit idein compluribus locis, quos attuli ad ?. 1, 98. 4, 50,107. tauό

ifrvixov om. R. 1. pirhoomicronsigmaf rfj...

Outlines of universal history, designed as a text-book and for private

reading Aug 5, 2009 fisher, george park, 1827- [from old catalog] .). Along
the coast of Epirus were other Corinthian and Corcynean settlements.
Chalcis planted towns in the peninsula of Chalcidice, and from thence to
Selymbria (or Byzantium), which was founded by Megara

The Face Of The Earth Vol. 1 Jan 18, 2017 sollas, hertha b., tr. an d.
Manjtsch Ml. phys. chim. Ac. Patersb., 1878, XI, pp. 55-76. 332 THE
MEDITERRANEAN [part II the south-west into the basin of Adrianople
and over the west coast of Chalcidice, and extends

A dictionary of proper names and notable matters in the works of Dante

Apr 27, 2011 toynbee, paget jackson, 1855-1932 .] Aristotile, Aristotle,
the Greek philosopher, born at Stagira (whence he is sometimes called 'the
Stagirite'), a town in Chalcidice in Macedonia, B.C. 384. In 367 he went
to Athens, where he became


leonhard und h.h bronn einiger Ane kiese. Mit 1 Tf. (Sep.-Abdr. a. d.
Zeitschrift f. Krystallographie etc. II. 4-5.)Fr. Becke: Gesteine der
Halbinsel Chalcidice. Mit 2 Tf. (Sep.-Abdr. a. d. Mineral, und Petrogr

Handbuch der römischen Alterthümer: nach den Quellen bearbeibet May

8, 2008 joachim marquardt , theodor mommsen ), gegruumlndet von
Seleucus Nicator), kommt in spaumlterer Zeit oumlfters vor. Es lag auf der
Strasse von Cyrrus nach Emesa, 18 roumlm. Meilen von Beroea (AJep)) in
der fruchtbaren Landschaft Chalcidice oder

Archiv für Naturgeschichte May 21, 2009 Kiistenflora, reicher an Arten

als Individuen , gedeiht an den nackten Glimmerschiefevhuumlgeln, die

von Chalcidice aus gegen die Bai von Salonichi abfallen. Immergruumlne
Gestraumluche dieser Region bestehen

Handbuch der römischen Alterthümer Sep 10, 2014 marquardt, joachim,

1812-1882 fruchtbaren Landschaft Chalcidice oder Chalcidene6), welche
sich im Osten von Apamea ) und am Westrande der palmyrenischen
Wuumlste von Salaminias bis Beroea heraufzieht. Es wird durch einen
Beinamen, Chalcis

The natural history of Pliny Apr 4, 2007 pliny, the elder exception of the
house of Pindar, levelled to the ground most of the inhabitants were
slaughtered, and the rest sold as slaves. 2 Stagirus, or Stagira, a town of
Macedonia, in Chalcidice, on the Strymonic

Return British Museum Aug 22, 2011 british museum of that city.
Amjphi'polis in Macedon.A tetradrachm, circ. B.C. 400, having on the
obverse a fine head of Apollo, three-quarter face towards right. From the
Bowen Collection. Chalcidice in Macedon

Concise dictionary of proper names and notable matters in the works of

Dante Sep 29, 2009 toynbee, paget jackson, 1855-1932 . iii. 5130-42
[Zodiaco]. Ari8totele,Ari8totele8. [AristotUe.] Aristotile, Aristotle, the
Greek philosopher, bom at Stagira (whence he is sometimes called 'the
Stagirite'), a town in Chalcidice in

Cornelius Nepos Sep 27, 2012 nepos, cornelius Chalcidice, a peninsula

of Macedonia, between the Thermaic and Strymonic Gulfs.Per Thebas.
Through the territory of Thebes. Cadmea. Consult notes on Epam., x.,
3.Impulsu. At the instigation

The Deipnosophists or, Banquet of the learned Nov 19, 2009 athenaeus,
of naucratis sea-hawk, and the fat sea-dog. But Dorion calls it the
Chalcidice. And Numenius says, But you would thus harpoon, in the same

way, Tbat Chalcis and the little tiny sprat. 518 THE DEIPNOSOPHISTS.

The Latin reader Sep 11, 2012 jacobs, friedrich, 1764-1847. [from old
catalog] , i. e. suscepit et educavit. 3. Olynthus, a celebrated town and
republic of Macedonia, in the district of Chalcidice. north of the
peninsula of Pallene, and at the head of the Toronaicus Sinus, or eurohdf

Moralia, in fifteen volumes, with an English translation by Frank Cole

Babbitt Feb 28, 2013 plutarch , 125. Olympic, 505. Olynthus, 125, 219: a
city of Chalcidice. Opuntians, 279. Paccics, 167, 189: a friend of Plutarch.
Panaetius, 155: of Rhodes, Stoic philosopher circa 180

Geschichte der Beredtsamkeit in Griechenland und Rom nach den Quellen

bearbeitet von Anton Westermann Geschichte der griechischen
Beredtsamkeit Aug 12, 2016 anton westermann . crit. p. 188 sq., das aber
of fenbar aus einzelnen Stuumlcken von Anaximenes Bbetorik
zusammeiigeflickt ist. 4. 60. Arittoielet. Aristoteles, geb. zu Stagira in
Chalcidice Ol. XCIX. 1. 384., ging

New Greece Dec 1, 2007 sergeant, lewis, d. 1902 long line of territory
bordering the iEgean. Thessaly, Macedonia, the ancient Chalcidice,
Thrace, are Greek countries. Constantinople itself is in the ethnological
Hellad. Hence a complete breach of

The world's progress Aug 16, 2007 delphian society originally a

Corinthian colony, but later joined the Delian League. Athens feared that
a Revolt in Potidaea might imperil all Chalcidice, and ordered the colony
to lower its walls and send home the

Hommage international a l'Université nationale de Grèce [microf orm] : à

l'occasion du soixante-quinzième anniversaire de sa fondation (1837-1912)
Feb 7, 2013 athens (greece) Chalcidice in 432 B. C., and it is more than

likely that the author of our text had this fact in niind in writing the above
section. If moreover the events were fresh in his mind at the time when he

Zeitschrift für Numismatik Jun 2, 2008 alterthuumlmliche Form: IC. jK. 2.

Paris. Mionnet plauches, Taf. 38, 2. Diese sehr alte Silbermuumlnze hat
ganz gau die Typen der Stadt Mende auf der Halbinsel Chalcidice, und
Mionnet hat daher auch ihren

The History of Ancient Greece: Its Colonies and Conquests from the
Earliest ... Feb 11, 2008 john gillies Revolt among the alliei| and subjects
of Olynthus and soon after his march into the Chalcidice, Eudamidas
iceived the voluntary surrender of Potidaea, a city of great importance in
the Isthmus of

Bibliotheca Classica Latina sive Collectio auctorum classicorum ...,

Volume 2 Sep 25, 2009 . 1,2, Golb. 1,3,Paris, et Cfaiffl.Tetustiorumque
editionum ante Hermolaum, qui Togravelda rescripsit ex Stepbano : is
enim, Tivv), inquit, 0paxT)c XoXKLixh iroXi. Verum est blaquoec
Chalcidice Macedoniae

The Library of Historic CharActers and Famous Events of All Nations

and All Ages Jul 31, 2009 frank weitenkampf free cities in Chalcidice
shared its fate, while the wretched inhabitants were sold into slavery. The
dispirited Athenians made overtures of peace and sent Demosthenes, with
other orators, to

Antiquitates iuris publici Graecorum Jul 17, 2008 georg friedrich

schoemann , Chalcidice ceterisque in Tbraciae ac Macedoniae latere
Graecis omnesque Aeaei maris insulae principatui eorum subiectae sunt,
quibiis in ipsa Graecia, ne de Plataeensibus dicam, accesserunt aliquamdiu

Studien über altitalisches und römisches Staats- und Rechtsleben als

Vorschule der römischen Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte Jun 7, 2016 nägelé,
maximilian die Halbinsel des Berges Athos d. i. bis in Chalcidice hinein)

recht wohl als tksp Toporpiioumlv gelegen bezeichnet werden konnte. Auf
diese thracisch-macedonischen Crestoniaten bezogen, hat denn Herodots

St. Nicholas [microf orm] Nov 24, 2008 dodge, mary mapes, 1830-1905
Chalcidice, violet in the distance. Mount Olympus was splendid that day.
And then, the view from the monasteries at the other end of Thessaly,
where we went the next day, was beautiful we could look right

The History of the Peloponnesian War: According to the Text of L.

Dindorf Jul 27, 2009 thucydides Chalcidice was far more restricted in its
limits. The Bottieeans, after Olynthus passed into the hands of the
Ohaleidians (through the instrumentality of Artabazus, who subjected it
after Xerxes' retreat from

The complete Greek Drama : all the extant tragedies of Aeschylus,

Sophocles and Euripides, and the comedies of Aristophanes and
Menander, in a variety of translations Sep 15, 2010 oates, whitney
jennings, 1904-1973, ed Chalcidice in Macedonia. atlas. A Titan who was
condemned to hold the heavens on his shoulders. The name is also given
to the mountain range of northwestern Africa. atreidae. A patronymic
referring to

Hellenic civilization Oct 27, 2009 botsford, george willis, 1862-1917 '
Certain allies were harassed by prosecutions on the suspicion that they
sympathized with the Lacedaemonian general Brasidas, while he was
operating in Chalcidice and Thrace. 2 The great plague described

Triennium philologicum, oder Grundzüge der philologischen

wissenschaften, für jünger der philologie zur wiederholung und
selbstprüfung bearb. von Wilhelm Freund... Aug 14, 2009 freund, william,
1806-1894 . Cyrrhestica 3. Pieria 4. Seleucis 5. Chalcidice 6.
Chalybonitis 7. PalmyrAumlne 8. Laodicene 9. Apamne 10. Cassidtis.
Unter Gonstantin wurde Gommagne und Cyrrhestica zu einer

Decii Junii Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci satirae, with a comm. by A.J.

Macleane Dec 8, 2011 juvenal, aulus persius flaccus son is given hy Cicero
de Of f. ii. 15. Olynthos in Chalcidice was besieged by Philip b.c. 348,
and taken through the treachery of two of the inhabitants, Lasthenes and
Eathycrates, whose services Philip

Lehrbuch der griechischen Staatsalterthümer, aus dem Standpuncte der

Geschichte Aug 30, 2010 hermann, karl friedrich, 1804-1855 ), welcher
auch alsbald Mantinea, Elis, und sogar die erst kuumlrzlich durch Brasidas
fuumlr Sparta erworbenen ) Staumldte von Chalcidice und der thracischen
Kuumlste beitraten '). Aber Tcgea

Classical antiquities Mar 29, 2011 eschenburg, j[ohann] j[oachim], 1743-

1820. [from old catalog] or bays just named, was the peninsula sometimes
called Chalcidice, and presenting peculiar features, having a cluster of
mountains on its neck, and being split into three smaller peninsulas by two

Demosthenes Dec 21, 2011 Demosthenes supposition is correct or not we

have no data to determine for certain, and Weber adopts another. He has
no doubt that the allusion here is to the operations of Timotheus in
Chalcidice (b.c. 364

History of Herodotus a New English Version, Edited with Copious Notes

and Appendices, Illustrating the History and Geography of Herodotus,
from the Most Recent Sources of Information, and Embodying the Chief
Results, Historical and Ethnographical, which Have Been Obtained in the
Progress of Cuneiform and Hieroglyphical Discovery Jan 21, 2016
Tempe,'reg Creston in Chalcidice, Byzantium,'Athos,'and (apparently)
the entire route followed by the army of Xerxes on its march from Scstas
to Athens.In the Levant he has evidently made himself

A History Of Europe From The Earliest Times To 1713 Jan 18, 2017
h.a.l.fisher the Peloponnese, was a medley of Frankish fiefe What
remained to the Empire was a narrow strip of the Asiatic littoral,

Constantinople and western Thrace, Thessalonica and the Thracian

Chalcidice, the

History of federal government in Greece and Italy Jul 10, 2008 freeman,
edward augustus, 1823-1892 his exact view is somewhat different Wie die
Thebaner in Bootien, so suchten die Olynthier in Chalcidice gewaltsam
einen Stadteverein zu griinden . . . ganz Chalcidice zu einem Stadtevereine

The antiquities of Greece Jun 7, 2007 schömann, georg friedrich, 1793-

1879 upwards, were only summoned in the most urgent necessity.2 When,
in the eighth year of the Peloponnesian War, Brasidas departed for
Chalcidice, he was allowed no Spartan troops at all, but only 700

Histoire de la régénération de la Grèce : comprenant le précis des

événements depuis 1740 jusqu'en 1824 Dec 26, 2014 Pouqueville, f.-c.-h.-
l. (françois charles hugues laurent), 1770-1838 eacutetrangers et des
precirctres inconnus, et qu'il existait une fermentation sourde dans les
esprits. Neacuteanmoins la tranquilliteacute reacutegnait encore, et il est
vraisemblable que les chreacutetiens de la Chalcidice

A History of Greece, from the the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest
with Supplementary Chapters on the History of Literature and Art by
William Smith Feb 7, 2016 william smith coast of Macedonia were
chiefly founded by Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea and the peninsula of
Chalcidice, with its throe projecting headlands, was covered with their
settlements, and derived its name

Classical Antiquities: Being Part of the "Manual of Classical Literature."

Jun 24, 2009 johann joachim eschenburg rising in Mt. Rhodope, and
flowing to the Sinus Strymonicus (Gulf of Contessa). Between the two
gulfs or bays just named, was the peninsula sometimes called Chalcidice,
and presenting peculiar features

The face of the earth (Das antlitz der erde) Jul 23, 2009 suess, eduard,
1831-1914 south-west into the basin of Adrianople and over the west coast
of Chalcidice, and extends westwards far into Wallachia, north-westwards
as far as Czortkow in Galicia. Similar and contemporary

Outlines of universal history, designed as a text-book and for private

reading May 4, 2009 fisher, george park, 1827-1909 (about 700 B.C.).
Along thr iiMlaquol tif Kpirupt wrir other Corinthian and Corcyraean
settlements. Chilli ilaquo jilitMtrfl IdWMH In the of Chalcidice, and from
thence to .Sfymhitt (ni Mviniiuni

Jahrbuch Der Geologischen Bundesanstalt May 23, 2008 geologische

bundesanstalt (austria). . Becke) aus Griechenland von der Halbinsel
Chalcidice beschrieben wurden. ') F. Be eke. Gesteine der Halbinsel
Chalcidice Mineral, und petrogr. Mittheflimgen I. 1878. [il\ Horiibl eiidi'-
Zoiijitsch Jeff

History of Herodotus : a new English version Oct 25, 2006 herodotus

Corinth,14 the pass of Tempe,15 Creston in Chalcidice,16
Byzantium,17 Athos18 and (apparently) the entire route followed by the
army of Xerxes on its march from Sestos to Athens.19 In the Levant he

Manuel des antiquités romaines Jun 26, 2008 mommsen, theodor, 1817-
1903 Beroea (Alep) (4), dans la reacutegion fertile de Chalcidice ou
Chalcidene (S), qui s'eacutetend agrave l'Est d'lpamea (0), et au confin
occidental du deacutesert de Palmyre de Salaminias [ruines de
Salemicircye] jusqu'agrave

Concise dictionary of proper names and notable matters in the works of

Dante Nov 18, 2009 toynbee, paget jackson, 1855-1932 Chalcidice in
Macedonia, B.C. 384. In 367 he went to Athens, where he became the
pupil of Plato. After the death of Plato he returned to Macedonia, where
at the request of Philip of Macedon he became

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Aug 4, 2008 william smith

actually observed, but cannot be regarded as resting upon my historical
tradition. (Strab. iL p. 60, v. p. 258 Plin. ii. 88.) [E. H. B.] AENEIA
(Aampcia: Eth. Ahtttds, AiVc({ti)s), a town of Chalcidice

The Great Philosophers Second Edition Oct 28, 2006 radoslav a. tsanof f
Stagira near Mount Athos, in the Chalcidice south of Macedonia.
Nicomachus was court physician to, and a personal friend of , the
Macedonian king, Amyntas II, who was the father of Philip and the

Aristotelous Athēnaiōn politeia =: Aristotle's Constitution of Athens ...

Sep 1, 2008 Aristotle, john edwin sandys ), and with the Grcek colonies in
Chalcidice and Sicily {Kamphler, In MitthcU. d. d. arch. IhsI. 1885, X IJI
157). It has ntildeirther been logeested by Mr R. S. Poole {Duumll. cf
IluBiiiacuteiacute, ait. 'Weihta and

Ploetz' manual of universal history from the dawn of civilization to the

outbreak of the great war of 1914 Nov 3, 2009 ploetz, karl julius, 1819-
1881 residence since the reign of Aichelaus (formerly gae or Edessa
enjoyed this distinction). On the peninsula Chalcidice: OZynAus,
Potidaea,. In Thrace: Amphipampis near the mouth of the Strymon

Conspectus florae Europaeae Jan 23, 2009 nyman, carl fredrik, 1820-1893
.). Romau. Bulgar. Rumel.or. 23, a. A, chalcidicum Jka brev, n. 3.
Chalcidice in Thrac. (: Janka). 25. A, Robertianum: ins. Tavolara ad Sard.
(Forsyth Major 1884), 26. A. serpyllifolium A

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie Dec 28, 2009
.)Fr. Becks: Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. Mit 2 Tf. (Sep.-Abdr. a. d.
Mineral, und Petrogr. Mittheil. Herausgegeben von 6. Tschie- HAK. I,
8.)W. T. Blanford: On the Geology of Sind. (Record

History Of Herodotus Vol-i (1875) Jan 16, 2017 ,reg Creston in

Chalcidice,regreg Byzantium,regreg Athos,reg and (apparently) the entire

route followed by the ai-my of Xerxes on its march from Sestos to

Athens.regreg In the Levant he has evidently made himself

A history of European nations from the earliest records to the beginning

of the twentieth century Aug 28, 2008 rappoport, a. s. (angelo solomon),
1871-1950 connections threatened, complained against Athens. On the
other hand, when Potidaea, one of the cities of Chalcidice 24 THE
PELOPONNESIAN WAR 25 and a colony of Corinth, supported by
King Perdiccas of

The history of Greece Feb 23, 2008 mitford, william, 1744-1827 prudent
and ingaging conduct among the allies of Lace daemon, as well as for
ability and activity in military command, had reached Chalcidice and the
leading men, in the Revolted towns, had solicited

The Deipnosophists, Or, Banquet of the Learned of Athenaeus Jan 12,

2015 athenaeus (of naucratis.) Epicharmus, in his Hebe's Wedding, says
The chalcides, the sea-pig too, The sea-hawk, and the fat sea-dog. But
Dorion calls it the Chalcidice. And Numenius says, But you would thus
harpoon, in the

Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens May 12,

2008 archaeological institute of america , american school of classical
studies at athens Eretria developed early. While Athens and Sparta are still
slumbering, these cities are founding colonies from Chalcidice to Cumse.
In the eighth century B. c. they had their blooming period. Miletus and

The story of Greece Dec 21, 2007 harrison, james albert, 1848-1911 Greek
city lying on a strip of sea-coast called Chalcidice, where numerous Greek
colonies flourished, between Philip's eastern dominions and the sea.
Olynthus had become very rich and strong, and had

Garth's"dispensary.": Kritische Ausgabe mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen

Oct 22, 2008 wilhelm josef leicht , samuel garth . W. 255, Scale, hier Wage.

2d2. Athos, der oumlstlichate und houmlchste der Bergruumlcken, durch

welche die maced. Halbinsel Chalcidice in daa aumlgaumliache Meer
eindringt. 268]. Chiron, einer Randbemerkung in

Studies in General History Aug 11, 2009 mary sheldon barnes Macedon in
Thrace, llyria, and along the northern coast of the gean in spite of
Athenian opposition, he conquers the 868 TO 34MI. Greek towns of
Chalcidice. He threatens the Hellespont and Chersonese

Elements of Geography, Ancient and Modern: With an Atlas Mar 28, 2008
joseph emerson worcester Macedonia were Pieria, Pceonia or Amathia,
Mygdonia Pallene Chalcidice ampc. Atkos, a remarkable mountain
projecting into the sea like a promontory, is now famous for its
monasteries. Towns. Pella

The Periplus Of The Erythraean Sea Jan 16, 2017 schof f, wilfred h. tr. the
best sorts were from Campania in Italy, Cape Sunium in Greece, also from
Chalcidice and Crete native always in rugged and wild localities. ldhe
name sertuia garland, which it bears sufficiently

Quintus Curtius In Two Volumes - I Jan 20, 2017 harward university press
london Diod. xvii. 27. 1. On the difficulty of taking Halicarnassus see
Diod. xvii. 24-35 Arr. i. 20-23. This Philotas is not elsewhere mentioned
by Curtius he was perhaps from Aege in Chalcidice. d It is

The Edinburgh encyclopaedia Nov 3, 2008 brewster, david, sir, 1781-1868

. The Corinthians, anxious to find out other employment for the Athenian
arms, contrived to excite rebellion in Chalcidice, oie of their finest
dependencies, bordering on Thrace and Macedonia.

Handbuch der römischen Alterthümer Jul 25, 2009 joachim marquardt ,

theodor mommsen , hermann dessau , august mau, alfred von domaszewski

Landschaft Chalcidice oder Chalcidene ), welche sich im Osten von

Apamea und am Westrande der palmyrenischen Wttste von Salaminias
bis Beroea heraufzieht. Es wird durch einen Beinamen, ChcUcis

The Cambridge Ancient History 3rd Edition Oct 10, 2015 Chalcidice.1 In
the same year chance finds of four Middle Palaeolithic or perhaps Upper
Palaeolithic (Lower Aurignacian) tools were made in Elis.2 This discovery
was followed up by a French team, led

The history of Thucydides, newly tr. and illustr. with annotations [c.] by
S.T. Bloomfield Jul 10, 2008 thucydides , 1 cannot see. No doubt, Brasidas
would first go to Perdiccas i. e. to Pcdla or EUlessa, as being in his way,
and then to Chalcidice. 3 for as soon as the successes 4-c.] Mitford well

Early European history Apr 20, 2010 webster, hutton, 1875- [from old
catalog] peninsula of Chalcidice. He also appeared in Thessaly, occu-
Philippi became noted afterwards as the first city in Europe where
Christianity was preached. See Acts, xvi, g. See the map between

A history of Greece: from the earliest times to the Roman conquest : with
... Oct 6, 2009 sir william smith, george washington greene Macedonia
were chiefly founded by Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea and the peninsula
of Chalcidice, with its three projecting headlands, was covered with their
settlements, and derived its name from the

History Of Federal Government Nov 16, 2006 freeman,edward a. design

is, as a whole, far truer than Mr. Grote's. So Drumann, though his exact
view is somewhat different Wie die Thebaner in Bootien, so suchten die
Olynthier in Chalcidice gewaltsam einen

Epitome of ancient, mediæval and modern history Sep 24, 2008 ploetz,
karl julius, 1819-1881. [from old catalog] part. The Pelasgic population,

driven from Thessaly, settled partly on the peninsula Chalcidice, partly in

Crete, and partly on the coast of Mysia\ the Minyce from lolcos, and
Orchomenos occupied LenmoSy

The History of Herodotus: A New English Version Mar 8, 2009 herodotus

, Creston in Chalcidice,Byzantium,' Athos, and (apparently) the entire
route followed by the army of Xerxes on its march from Sestos to Athens.
In the Levant he has evidently madfe himself

The History of the Peloponnesian War Jun 30, 2009 thucydides, thomas
arnold , i. and of Chalcidice, Bottica, and Macedonia, the note there. and
to have carried his ravages into i4,4arpAnwra$fTi fuvytuamrrff them alL
Tlie notion of stopping'AKopvatfias] Such appean to

Organisation de l'empire romain Oct 7, 2010 marquardt, karl joachim,

1812-1882 ), dans la reacutegion fertile de Chalcidice ou Chalcidene (o),
qui s'eacutetend agrave l'Est agrave'Apamea (G), et au confm occidental
du deacutesert de Palmyre de Salaminias [ruines de Salemicircye]
jusqu'agrave Beroea. On la

The face of the earth (Das antlitz der erde) Mar 2, 2009 suess, eduard,
1831-1914 south-west into the basin of Adrianople and over tl Chalcidice,
and extends westwards far into Wallachia, : aa far as Czortkow in Galicia.
Similar and contemporary deposits fill the basin of Pa of

The world's progress Feb 1, 2008 delphian society. [from old catalog]
originally a Corinthian colony, but later joined the Delian League. Athens
feared that a Revolt in Potidaea might imperil all Chalcidice, and ordered
the colony to lower its walls and send home the

Studies in general history Aug 26, 2008 barnes, mary downing sheldon,
1850-1898 of the iEgean in spite of Athenian opposition, he conqners the
Greek towns of Chalcidice. He threatens the Hellespont and Chersonese.
Meanwhile a Sacred War goes on, in lich various Greek states

Geography of Europe Oct 16, 2007 sime, james, 1843-1895 harbour,

which secures for it a good trade. The only other island included by the
Turks within their European dominions is Thasos, between the peninsulas
of Chalcidice and Gallipoli. It has finely

Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete des

Deutschen ... May 28, 2009 adalbert kuhn diams) LandMchufl
Anthcmusia, stadt Agt0e((0v\ Chalcidice. ) Geschichtlich also wohl
umgekehrt: Aetolier und Epecr von Macedonien her eingcrQckt. Digitized
by Hdt. Vn, 78 Ittfet sogar die Btfytq

Handbuch der Einleitung in die apokryphen Oct 5, 2008 gustav volkmar

die Grenzen der semitischen und japhetischen Bevoumllkerung sind, der
Amanus nach Westen, der Taurus nach Norden zu. Im Suumldosten (tauml
wpd v6tov) von dieser Grenze ist man in der Chalcidice, dem Gebiet

Selections from Tibullus and Propertius Jul 5, 2007 tibullus .' The idea
seems to be res issent tibi melius si mortuus esses. Phlegra was an ancient
name given to Pallene, the most westerly of the three peninsulas which
form the extremity of Chalcidice, in

History of Rome and the Roman people, from its origin to the
establishment of the Christian empire Feb 1, 2011 duruy, victor, 1811-
1894 frontier of the Republic, reduced Syria and Phoenicia to a province,
and only left Commagene to Antiochus, Chalcidice to a Ptolemy, and
Osrhoene to an Arab chief, with the 1 From a coin. 3 Jehonathan

Cities of northern and central Italy Aug 16, 2007 hare, augustus j. c.
(augustus john cuthbert), 1834-1903 are something between a Roman
Chalcidice and a Northern transept, it has the same kind of crypt and
raised choir as San Miniato, but it lacks the arches spanning the nave. The
capitals of the crypt Sep 26, 2011 leyburn, james graham Kuram, a
tributary of the Indus, India. II, 15 Chak-pa. In central Tibet. II, JK 5

Chakuvukuvum. A subdivision of the Paiwan. II, N6 Chalcidice.

Peninsula on the N shore of the Aegean Sea, now in NE

Outlines of scripture geography and history... Dec 1, 2011 hughes, edward.

[from old catalog] -Libanus. Under the Romans, Upper Syria was divided
into nine districts, namely, Cassiotes, Apamene, Chalcidice, Seleucis,
Pieria, Comma' gene, Cyrrhestlce, Chalybonitis, and Palmyrene. Ccele-

Pliny - Natural History, Vol.-iii Jan 18, 2017 h. rackham and Chalcidice
have been awarded second honoursso that the Roman purple confers its
high honour on a bird full worthy of it. These are the birds that give the
Most-Favourable Omens a these birds

The history of Herodotus. A new English version Dec 21, 2011 herodotus
Arcadia,10 Elis,11 Argolis,12 the promontory of Taenarum,13 the
Isthmus of Corinth,14 the pass of Temp6,15 Creston in Chalcidice,16
Byzantium,17 Athos18 and (apparently) the entire route followed by the

Classical antiquities being part of the "Manual of classical literature," Aug

5, 2008 eschenburg, johann joachim, 1743-1820 Sinus Strymonicus (Gulf
of Contessa).Between the two gulls or bays just named, was the peninsula
sometimes called Chalcidice, and presenting peculiar features, having a
cluster of mountains on its

Epitome of Ancient, Mediæval, and Modern History Apr 8, 2008 karl

julius ploetz Archelaus (formerly gae or Edeasa enjoyed this distinction).
On the peninsula Chalcidice: Olynthus Potidaea Stagirus. In Thrace:
Amphipampis near the mouth of the Strymony PhilimKE, Abdem
Permthus (JierQcUd

Sitzungsberichte Aug 3, 2008 akademie der wissenschaften in wien

philosophisch -historische klasse , Österreichische akademie der
wissenschaften mathematisch -naturwissenschaftliche klasse

Mittheilung des Herrn Friedrich Becke vor: Gesteine von der Halbinsel
Chalcidice'', welche die Resultate einer im mineralogischen Institute
ausgeflihrten Arbeit enthaumllt. Das c. M. Herr Prof . L. v. Barth

The history of Herodotus. A new English version, ed. with copious notes
and appendices, illustrating the history and geography of Herodotus, from
the most recent sources of information and embodying the chief results,
historical and ethnographical, which have been obtained in the progress of
cuneiform and hieroglyphical discovery Jul 1, 2008 herodotus
Arcadia,Elis, Argolis, the promontoiy of Taenarum, the Isthmus of
Coriuth, the pass of Tempe, Crestou in Chalcidice,Byzantium,- Atlios,
and (apparently) the entire route followed by the

Handbuch der römischen Alterthümer Jan 28, 2009 joachim marquardt ,

theodor mommsen Strasse von Cyrrus nach Emesa, 48 roumlm. Meilen
von Beroea (Alep)) in der fruchtbaren Landschaft Chalcidice oder
Chalcidene reg), welche sich im Osten von Apamea und am Weslrande
der palmyrenischen

Mythologie pittoresque ou histoire méthodique universelle des faux dieux

de tous les peuples anciens et modernes Aug 1, 2016 odolant-desnos, j.
(joseph jacques), 1797- de Jupiter, sur le mont Coeliglius agrave Rome
Caeligsia ou aux yeux bleus Catuliana ou agrave leacutetendard de
Catulus, Cecropia ou la deacuteesse de Cecrops Ceacuteleutheacutee,
Chalcidice et Chalcixos ou de Clialcis en Eubeacutee et agrave

Demosthenes, with an Engl. comm. by R. Whiston Oct 10, 2009

Demosthenes no doubtthat the allusion here is to the operations of
Timotheus in Chalcidice (b.o. 364) described by ISocrates (de Antid.
sectsect 115120) and he es from Harpocration (s. v. 'HlAv) an extract from

Decii Junii Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci Satirae Oct 12, 2008 juvenal,
persius, a . j. macleane qnam victor(vii. 2.10. Extera). This letter to his son

is gven bj Cicero de Of f. ii. 15. Olynthus in Chalcidice was besieged by

Philip B.c. 348, and taken through the treachery of two of the

Decii Junii Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci Satirae Jul 27, 2008 juvenal,
persius, a . j. macleane to orna- de Of f. ii. 15. Olynthus in Chalcidice was
mental things. But all the losses do not besieged by Philip B.c. 348, and
taken lighten the ship enoogh. Baperti thinks through

St. Nicholas [serial] May 2, 2013 dodge, mary mapes, 1830-1905 of

Tempe, and how fresh and green everything looked compared to stony
Attica! And from where we were, we could look right across to Chalcidice,
violet in the distance. Mount Olympus was splendid that

Bibliotheca classica or, A classical dictionary containing a copious account

fo all the proper names mentioned in ancient authors Feb 14, 2014
lempriere, j[ohn] 1765?-1824 people near the Phasis. Chalcideus, a
commander of the Lacedaemonian fleet, killed by the Athenians, ampc.
Thucyd. 8, 8. Chalcidice, a district of Macedonia, lying between the
Sinus Strymonicus and

A classical dictionary, containing an account of the principal proper names

mentioned in ancient authors and intended to elucidate all the important
points connected with geography, history, biography, mythology, and fine
arts of the Greeks and Romans. Together with an account of coins,
weights, and measures, with tabular values of the same Feb 14, 2014
anthon, charles, 1797-1867 Anc. Gr., vol. 1, p. 56, seqq.)III. A town in the
interior of Chalcidice, on the Egnatian way. {Scylax, p. 27. Xen., Hist.
Gr., 5, 2.) Mention is made of it in the Acts of the Apostles (17, 1), St

Decii Junii Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci Satirae Jul 27, 2008 juvenal,
persius, a . j. macleane to oma- de Of f. ii. 15. Olynthos in Chalcidice was
mental things. Bnt all the losses do not besieged by Philip B.o. 348and
taken lighten the ship enough. Buperti thinks

Constitution of Athens Apr 13, 2008 Aristotle would also promote trade
with Corinth, where a similar standard was in use (Busolt, i p. 515), and
with the Greek colonies in Chalcidice and Sicily (Kohler, in Mitthtii, d. d.
arch, Inst, 1885, x 151

Catalogue of the library May 21, 2015 zoological society of london

Pteromalinen, Nees. Heft I. [all published']. 4to. Aachen, 1841. .
Hymenopterologische Studien. Heft I. Formicarice- Heft II. Chalcidice
und Proctotrupii. laquo 4to. Aachen, 1850-56. Fohmann

Manuale di geografia antica di G. L. Bevan May 31, 2016 william latham

bevan figura piugrave prominente alla linea della costa col formare la
penisola di Chalcidice, che egrave chiusa dal Sinus Thermaicus, li. di
Salotiiki, da U. e dal Sinus Strymonicus, G: di Reigraveidina, da E., e che

Bibliotheca Classica: Or, A Dictionary of All the Principal Names and

Terms ... Jun 24, 2009 john lemprière , lorenzo da ponte , john david ogilby
Burgh of the KadiTfAnviUe. Strab. 7.Plin. 6, c. 33.Mela. 1, c. 19.
Chalcidice, I. a country of Macedonia, south and east of Mygdonia, so
named from the Chalcidians, an ancient people of Euboean

AristotleWorksI.Aristotelis Opera Omnia GraeceLatine Indices etc Paris

Didot 1854 1883 Jan 14, 2011 Aristotle scholars, heitz,rose, bonitz,
bekker, didot, etc, 18th, 19th cent. diviles inntavit Cleotimus, 572, 25
auxilium miserunt Chalcidensibus in Eubcca contra Eretrienses fr. 295, b.
Chalcidica herba maximum confert ad conficienda mella IV, 78, 10 ss.
Chalcidice civitates

Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography Sep 28, 2008 smith, william,
sir, 1813-1893, ed , which connects the peninsula of Acte with
Chalcidice, and about 1| mile above the canal of Xerxes. [Athos.] It was
founded by a colony from Andres, and became a place of considerable
importance. Xerxes

A new classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology

and geography, partly based upon the dictionary of Greek and Roman
biography and mythology Apr 11, 2014 smith, william, 1813-1893 :
HijKvicpvaiof : now Motioo), a town of Macedonia in Chalcidice, at ibe
head of the Toronaic Gulf, east of Olynthus, of wbic it was the sea-pon.
From tliis town put ot the Toronaio Qolf was subaequeDtly QiUi4

Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography Jan 22, 2015 smith, william,
sir, 1813-1893, ed peninsula with Chalcidice. (ilerod. vii. SS, ) Thb canal
was ent by Xenm ibr tiis passage of his fleet, in onler to escajje the gales
and liigh beas, which sweep around tiie promontory, and which had

A dictionary of Greek and Roman geography, Volume 2 Jan 9, 2011 sir

william smith same geographer speaks of Chalcidice iarh toS Kapaiov
xaHiKai)(ra(p. 153), and extends it to the sources of the Orontes, above
which was the Ai\iiy Sof fiAucdi (p. 155), now the Bekaa. From these

The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful

Knowledge Jul 23, 2012 society for the diffusion of useful knowledge
Angites, whose alleys were separated from that of the Axius by a range J
mountains which runs from Orbelus on the north towards be peninsula of
Chalcidice. The Strymon (Struma) rises i Mtunt Scomius and

Bibliotheca classica : or, A dictionary of all the principal names and terms
relating to the geography, topography, history, literature, and mythology
of antiquity and of the ancients with a chronological table May 13, 2011
lemprière, john, 1765?-1824 Thrace, to distinguish them apparently from
the Chalcidians of Euboea.The whole of Chalcidice may be considered
as forming one great peninsula, confined between the gulf of
Thessalonica and the

Bibliotheca classica: May 13, 2011 lemprière, john, 1765?-1824 has taken
under ihe Turks the name of Kadi-Keni. or the Burgh of the

Kadi.D'Ativille.StroJ). l.PlinlB, c. 32.Mela. 1, c. 19. Chalcidice, I. a

country of Macedonia, south and east of Mygdonia

Bibliotheca classica or May 13, 2011lemprière, john, 1765?-1824

.D'AnvUle.StroJ). l.Plin. 5, c. 32.31ela. 1, c. 19. Chalcidice, I. a country
of Macedonia, south and east of Mygdonia, so named from the
Chalcidians, an ancient people of Enbcean origin, who

Edinburgh encyclopaedia Nov 27, 2007 against their adversaries. The

Corinthians, anxious to find out other employment for the Athenian arms,
contrived to excite a rebellion in Chalcidice, one of their finest
dependencies, bordering on Thrace

The historians' history of the world a comprehensive narrative of the rise

and development of nations as recorded by over two thousand of the great
writers of all ages: Oct 22, 2008 williams, henry smith, 1863-1943 War,
3, 619. Chalcidice, peninsula of Macedonia Greek colonisation of , 3,
203 relations of , with Athens, 3, 391, 444-448, 534 4, 129, 191, 200
Spartan supremacy in, 4, 132, 136 destruction of its

Harper's New Monthly Magazine Volume 145 June to November 1922 Feb
28, 2014 various lived out their brief lives in that deserted theater of the
ancient gods, between the silent ravines of the Chalcidice and the distant
summits of Thessaly. For she, without having in any degree an

The Classical review May 23, 2008 classcal association (great britain). The
moderation of Brasidas and his consequent success, referring, as the
words es ras TrdAers shew, to his conduct in Chalcidice, cannot obviously
be the reason either why the Lacedaemonians sent

Encyclopµdia britannica : or, A dictionary of arts, sciences, and

miscellaneous literature : constructed on a plan, by which the different
sciences and arts are digested into the form of distinct treatises or systems
. May 20, 2016 macfarquhar, colin, ca. 1745-1793 Vitruvius, it is ufed for

the auditory of a bafilica in other of the ancient writers for a hall or

apartment where the heathens imagined their gods to cat. CHALCIDICE,
(anc. gcog ) an eallcrn

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Aug 18, 2008 william smith
Cephaloedium Coin of Chalcedon Coin of Chalcidice in Macedonia -
Coin of Chalcis in Eubuea Coin of Chersonesus in Croto Coin of Chios
- - - Coin of Cibyra . - - Coin of Cissa ... Coin of Cius

History of Rome and the Roman people [microf orm], from its origin to
the establishment of the Christian empire Mar 15, 2013 duruy, victor,
1811-1894 infant son one of them refused to re-marry the other married
Poris, the most influential citizen of neia in Chalcidice, and died after
having borne him several children. Her sister

The popular encyclopedia or, 'Conversations Lexicon' Apr 29, 2009

popular encyclopedia fnmtier line was ill defined on the north by Pseonia,
on the east by the Thermaic Gulf, and on the north-east by the Strymon. It
did not then include the Peninsula of Chalcidice, between Amphipolis

Handbuch der alten Geographie Mar 5, 2009 albert forbiger der

Landzange, welche den Athos mit Chalcidice verbindet, durchstechen
(Herod. 7, 23 IT. Diod. 11, 1. Plin.4, 10, 17, was von Eichstadt zu Mitford's
Gf. Gesch. II. S. 133. Gousinry II. p. 133 ff. U.A

Nomina geographica : Versuch einer allgemeinen geographischen

Onomatologie May 12, 2011 egli, johann jacob, 1825-1896 lat., Thira ngr.,
Trinisi ngr., Wight engl., Zacynthus lat., Zante ital. 6 Halbinseln amp
Landengen: -4w(fo!'ngr., Bruttium lat., Chalcidice lat., Korea abdld.,
Koruni ngr., Peloponnesus lat. c

The historians' history of the world a comprehensive narrative of the rise

and development of nations as recorded by over two thousand of the great
writers of all ages Nov 9, 2009 williams, henry smith, 1863-1943 (1599-

1626) in conspiracy against Cardinal Richelieu, 11, 451. Chalcideus (d.

412 B.C.), Spartan commander in Peloponnesian War, 3, 619.
Chalcidice, peninsula of Macedonia Greek colonisation of , 3

Every Mans Library Edited By Ernest Rhys Vol.3 Jan 16, 2017 j.w.c. most
western of the three points of the Chalcidice Peninsula, between the gulfs
of Salonica and C. In olden times it was named Pallene. Cassandra, in
Greek mythology, was the daughter of Priam and

Corn. Schrevelii Lexicon manuale GraecoLatinum et LatinoGraecum,

utrumque hac quinta editione multo auctius, praesertim quod ad dialectos
etymologicas thematum investigationes attinet ut vocabul. Latinorum
copiam. Ad calcem adjecta sunt, sententiae GraecoLatine, ... Item tractatus
duo alter de resolutione verborum, alter de Nov 25, 2014 kornelis schrevel
.plur. in um in pcrf. art. quam mcd. muutur Chalcidice Bc Boeoiicc in
vnttTvltPeut pro Tfnpan. vidc in (laquof pound'laquo1, lon. amp Pocit. pro
itifyi, 3.fing. pUifq. pcrf. mcd. vide ief. 'hy laquo fl gt tudiaiUy

The Historians History Of The World Vol. Xxv Jan 17, 2017 williams,
henry smith ed. conspiracy against Cardinal Richelieu, 11,451. Chalcideus
(d. 412 B.O.), Spartan commander in Peloponnesian War, 3, 619.
Chalcidice, peninsula of Macedonia Greek colonisation of , 3, 203
relations of , with

The American peoples encyclopedia : a comprehensive reference work Jun

10, 2010 grolier village. . ATHOS, MOUNT, also HAgion Oros or Ayion
Ores, province, NE Greece, the most easterly of the three mountainous
extensions of the Chalcidice (Khalkidhiki) Peninsula in the Aegean Sea

A Greek-English lexicon, based on the German work of Francis Passow

Aug 8, 2012 liddell, henry george, 1811-1898 omicronupsilon, ό,
Acanthus, masc. pr. n. Time. 5, 19.2. ή, a city of Chalcidice, on the
Strymonian gulf, Hdt. 6, 44 6 Άkappaάnuthetaiotaomicronsigmaf, Hdt. 7,
116. 3. a city of Aegypt v\ith a

The Missionary herald [electronic serial] Dec 27, 2009 american board of
commissioners for foreign missions , appears very barren and wild. But as
we rew towards the shores of Chalcidice, the country appeared more and
more lovely. Fearing the shores of Thessalia and Pieria, which afford no
refuge in case of a

Syrie Ancienne Et Moderne Dec 10, 2014 syrie ancienne et moderne, par
m. jean yanoski ... et par m. jules david TKuphrate. 3deg La Pieacuterie
(nispicirca) eacutetait agrave l'ouest : elle touchait, au nord, i au sud de la
preacuteceacutedente. Cette petite province avoisinait la mer. 6deg La

The Cambridge Ancient History 3rd Edition Oct 10, 2015 Minyan ware is
found most of ten in Chalcidice, which is easily accessible by sea from the
south. It abounds there at Molyvopyrgo, a town apparently of some
importance since it was fortified by a wall and

The Complete Gods And Goddesses Of Ancient Egypt Jan 19, 2017 ,
imported pieces give the best evidence. True grey Minyan ware is found
most of ten in Chalcidice, which is easily accessible by sea from the south.
It abounds there at Molyvopyrgo, a town apparently
Everymans Encyclopaedia Vol Iii Jan 17, 2017 athelastan_ridgway name.
He also rebuilt Thebes, which had been destroyed by Alexander. His son
PMlip succeeded him. Cassandra, the most W. of the three points of the
Chalcidice Peninsula, between the gulfs of Salonica

General index [to The history of nations] Nov 29, 2007 burdick, jennie
ellis through Isthmus connecting Acte with Chalcidice, 2, 183 A. D. ca.
7th cent. From the Nile to the Red Sea, 1, 299 ca. 1375. Jumna canal, 5,
104 ca. 1465. From Peking to the Pei- ho, 6

English - Greek Dictionary Jan 20, 2017 woodhouse, s. c. , bullCiVTos, 6,

Chaeronea. Xaipcima, q. Man of Chaeronea: Xaiptavw, -euro(09, d.

Chalcedon, XaXKqSdv, -(gt109,17. Of Chalcedon, adj.: Xa\Kqb6vio.

Chalcideus. XaX.KiSeurovs, -im, d. Chalcidice. XakKiSXKq, q. Of

Lexique de géographie ancienne Jun 24, 2008 besnier, maurice, 1873-1933

hiver, malgreacute les neiges (52 av. J.-C), est la IV, 105 Pt. II, 8, 14 Aus.
Clar. urb. 102 et 114 Avien. 622. CHABERUS CHALCIDICE 199 partie
de la chaicircne qui borde agrave rW. le territoire des

A History of Modern Europe, 1792-1878 May 11, 2008 charles alan fyffe
of Chalcidice, on the Macedonian coast, where the promontory of Athos
and the two parallel peninsulas run out into the Aegaean, and a Greek
population, clearly severed from the Slavic inhabitants of

Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology Jan 11, 2008
smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 to which Amyntas invited them, and were
murdered by his son Alexander. (Seep. 118, b.) After this we find nothing
recorded of Amyntas, except his of fer to the Peisistratidae of Anthemus
in Chalcidice

A compendium of ancient and modern geography : for the use of Eton

school Jun 21, 2009 arrowsmith, aaron, 1750-1823 once dwelled in the
island of Lemnos. The district of Chalcidice, so named from the
Chalcidians of Enboea, who settled here, extended between the Otfs of
Contesta and Salonica and temdnated on the

The American review of reviews Nov 29, 2009 shaw, albert, 1857-1947.
ed continental islandof has actually obtained, but she has gotten
Chalcidice, and finally that tongue of rich about all she could reasonably
expect, and coast-plain stretching eastward past the port Albania


CLASSIFICAYION SCHEDULES 1974 Nov 4, 2006 nancy b. olson )]



The Historians' History of the World: The later Roman empire Dec 17,
2009 his daughter, and thus effects peace with Bulgaria. Trea with
Theodore Lascaris, emperor of Nica. 1200 Ftoliament of Kavenika
(ancient Chalcidice) summoned by Heniy to determine definitely the

The illustrated history of the world for the English people. From the
earliest period to the present time, ancient-mediaeval-modern. With many
original high-class engravings Dec 11, 2007 Chalcidice, considered to
belong to Macedonia,with its three promontories jutting into the vEgean
Sea, and called respectively Acte (with the wild, rocky promontory of
Athos), Sithonia, and Pallene,lay

The Historians' History of the World Mar 8, 2009 henry smith williams
Nicsea. 1209 Parliament of Kavenika (ancient Chalcidice) summoned by
Henry to determine definitely the feudal relations of all subjects of the
empire. 1214 War between Henry and Theodore. Defeat of

Révai nagy lexikona az ismeretek enciklopédiája Jan 9, 2009 révai, mr

jános, 1860-1926 honos. Legismertebb a haacuteromujjuacute eacuterces
gyiacutek (G. tridaciylus Laur.), melyet Amely uoacute C alatt nincs meg,
K alatt keresendő! Chalcidice 392 Chalkokondylas laquochallaseacutes
laquo8ep8neacuteven maacuter a reacutegi goumlroumlgoumlk eacutes

A History of Europe(1936) Jan 16, 2017 fisher h.a.l. colony in Chalcidice.

Sensible men like Nicias, a wealthy conservative slave-owner, had long
seen the folly of a war out of which no material advantage could be gained
but since the death of Pericles…

Harper's magazine Sep 6, 2012 alden, henry mills, 1836-1919 ancient gods,
between the silent ravines of the Chalcidice and the distant summits of

Thessaly. For she, without having in any degree an original imagination,

had a me-nots were her favorite

Preisschriften, Volumes 7-10 Oct 4, 2009 fürstlich jablonowski'sche

gesellschaft zu leipzig , langurus, Chalcidice, Eidechsenart, gyrinus,
Kaulquappe, cenchris, ptyas, chelydrus, hydra, Schlangenart, aspis, Natter.
Digitized by Google Italift paene totins orbifruges adhibito studio

Plutarch's Lives Aug 13, 2008 plutarch Chalcidice now Hierisos, a town.
Achaia, a country of Greece, in the Peloponnesusthe oorthern part of the.
Acbarnae, a borough of Attica Menidi, a village. Achelous, a river of ...

The Penny Cyclopædia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful

Knowledge Sep 21, 2008 society for the diffusion of useful knowledge
(great britain ), george long is acoonunodatkn ATHOS, a mountain at the
extremity of the long peninsula which projects from Chalcidice, and
separates the Gulfs of Contesa and Monte Santoon the coast of

Die Alterthumswissenschaft ein Lehr- und Handbuch für Schüler hölerer

Gymnasialclasen und für Studirende Sep 24, 2014 hof fmann, s. f. w.
(samuel friedrich wilhelm), 1803-1872 jedoch erweitert: gegen Norden
durch Paeonia bis zum M. OrWos and M. Scordut, gegen Otten bis zum
Fl. Nestut, gegen Suumlden durch die Halbinsel Chalcidice, und gegen
Westen durch die Illyris Graeca oder Epi

Katholieke Encyclopaedie deel 12 May 9, 2016 Aegina vormde, andere

vindt men in de Golf van Arta Golf van Lamia en in de laagte ten N. van
Chalcidice. Ten gevolge van bouw en ligging van hun land was voor de
Gr. het verkeer over zee, vooral met

Notitia orbis antiqui, siue Geographia plenior, : ab ortu rerumpublicarum

ad Constantinorum tempora orbis terrarum faciem declarans. Jun 26, 2014
cellarius, christoph, 1638-1707 quae Thucydidis funt, quia Chalcidice illa

cis Strymonem fuit, amp ad finum Thcrmaicum pertinuit: difficilius autem

huic Plinius conciliatur , quia in Thracibus trans Strymonem Bottiaeos fuos

Scottish geographical magazine Jan 4, 2010 scottish geographical society

a fourth of the inhabitants, and occupy the whole peninsula of
Chalcidice. They have spread over the Macedonian plain to the foot of
the mountains, and people the islands of Thasos, SamoThrace

The history of the world a survey of a man's record Nov 17, 2008 helmolt,
hans f. (hans ferdinand), 1865-1929 Adrianople to Christopolis) formed the
core. Thessalonica with Chalcidice, portions of Wallachian Thessaly and
Albanian Epirus, and the principality of Misithra represented three more
disconnected provinces

The New York Times Current History Oct 19, 2008 marched to attack.
Constantine, in a public statement a few days later, complained that the
Allies had already occupied Lemnos, Imbros, Mytilene, Castellorizia,
Corfu, Saloniki, with the Chalcidice

The Cambridge Ancient History 3rd Edition Oct 10, 2015 , the situation
was as follows: the Mygdones in Mygdonia the Crestonaei in Crestonia,
and to the east, up to the Strymon, the Bisaltae in Chalcidice, the Crousi
in the Crousis, the Bottiaei in Bottice

Notitia orbis antiqui, sive, Geographia plenior, : ab ortu rerumpublicarum

ad Constantinorum tempora orbis terrarum faciem declarans. Jul 3, 2012
cellarius, christoph, 1638-1707 [tamquam contiguos regiones ]
nonvenerunt. Sed facile conciliantur quas Thucydidis funt, quia Chalcidice
illa cis Strymonem fuit, amp ad finum Thermaicum pertinuit: difficilius

Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi Oct 19, 2008
emil schürer Chalcis in Syrien, von welchem die Landschaft Chalcidice

ihren Namen hat. Dieses lag viel weiter noumlrdlich, nach dem Itinerarium
Antonini nur 18 muuml, pass. suumldlich von Beroumla (Vetera
Romanorum iiineraria

Beihefte zum botanischen Centralblatt. Erste Abteilung, Sep 14, 2016 Nr.
Plantae Balcanicae exsiccatae (Macedonien, Chalcidice, Albanien,
Herzegovina, Dalmatien, Montenegro, a. 190609) 1719 Nr. Plantae
Balcanicae exsiccatae (Macedonien, Herzegovina, Montenegro…

Biographical dictionary Apr 18, 2008 society for the diffusion of useful
knowledge (great britain) . Aristotle was born at Stagii-a, in the district
Chalcidice, on the Strymonic Bay, in the first year of the ninety-ninth
Olympiad, 384 B.C. The Athenian orator Demosthenes was born in the
same year as

The history of the world a survey of man's record Nov 22, 2009 helmolt,
hans f. (hans ferdinand), 1865-1929, ed core. Thessalonica with
Chalcidice, portions of Wallachian Thessaly and Albanian Epirus, and the
principality of Misithra represented three more disconnected provinces, in
parts completely surrounded

Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi Jan 28, 2008
emil schürer ein Koumlnig Aristobul von Chalcidice erwaumlhnt, der
moumlglicherweise identisch ist mit dem Sohne des Herodes von Chalcis
und Koumlnige von Kleinarmenienreggt. Allein, auch wenn man dies zu-
59) Aumlnit. XX, 1, 3

A History Of Europe Vol-i (1936) Jan 21, 2017 fisher h. a. l. plains of

Boeotia (battle of Deliuni) coupled with the loss of Amphipolis, an
important and wealthy colony in Chalcidice. Sensible men like Nicias, a
wealthy conservative slave-owner, had long seen the

Monatsberichte der Königlichen preussische Akademie des

Wissenschaften zu Berlin Jun 14, 2009 königlich preussische akademie der

wissenschaften zu berlin Barbaren verachte xccTatpovoCcra

szligaszligaumloov Mtxra Strabo berichtet (16, 2, 11), dass zu seiner Zeit
in jener Gegend (der Chalcidice) Araber und Syrer neben einander Wanten
und dass neben Arahes Sceniiae

A bird's-eye view of the world May 7, 2007 reclus, onésime , except in

Chalcidice, or the Salonican peninsula, which is wholly Greek.
Chalcidico, this little world apixrt, sinks on the north to a lacustral lowland
where a navi-able canal could be easily

Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi Mar 3, 2008 emil
schürer dieses Landes ein groumlsseres Koumlnigreich erhielt ). Die
Geschichte von Chalcis verschwindet damit fuumlr uns wieder in der
Dunkelheit. Zwar wird zur Zeit Vespasian's ein Koumlnig Aristobul von

Biblisches Realwörterbuch zum Handgebrauch für Studirende,

Kandidaten, Gymnasiallehrer und Prediger Jan 27, 2016 johann georg
benedict winer Mapatviuit des Ptoleni. 5, 15., in der syr. Provinz
Chalcidice. 2) Gewoumlhnlich weist man diesen Ort als ein ifpovptov
auch aus Joseph. Vit. 24. nach, aber nach Havercamp hat keine Handschrift

History Of The Eastern Empiere Jan 16, 2017 Death of Joannice. Henry
marrie his daughter, and thuB effects peace witt Bul- garia. Treaty with
Theodore Lascaris, emperor of Nicsea. 1209 Parliament of liaveuika
(ancient Chalcidice) summoned by

Encyclopaedia Britannica A New Survey Of Universal Knowledge Vol.-

10 Game Birds To Guittone Jan 16, 2017 ashmore, harry s. to form Lakes
Koroneia (Langada) and Bessikion, which separate the peninsula of
Chalcidice from the rest of Thessaly Between the crystaUme massifs deep
lake basins were left, that became encumbered

Flora Orientalis : sive, Enumeratio plantarum in Oriente a Graecia et

Aegypto ad Indiae fines hucusque observatarum Jul 28, 2008 boissier,
edmond, 1810-1885 lanceolatis acuminatis, brActeis fructu puberulo
brevioribus . Hab. ad rivos montanos, Macedonia in peninsula Chalcidice
4200'-2000' (Griseb!), Armenia Turcica ad Baibout et Erzerum (Bourg!

Mikroskopische Physiographie der Mineralien und Gesteine. Ein

Hülfsbuch bei mikroskopischen Gesteinsstudien Feb 4, 2008 rosenbusch,
h. (harry), 1836-1914 Balkan, von Samothrake und Chalcidice wurden von
Koch, v. Johk, Niedzwiedzki und Bbgke, suumldafrikanische von
Setigalanga von Cohen, ostafrikanische von Monrovia von Lenz, solche
von Luzon von v. Draumlsche

Archiv für die naturwissenschaftliche Landesdurchforschung von Böhmen

Jul 10, 2008 oba komitéty pro přirodovědecký výzkum země České.
boumlhmische Ottrelitschiefer verhaumllt sich das Gestein des Berges
Elias bei Vavdhos, Chalcidice. (F. Becke, Gesteine der Halbinsel
Chalcidice, Tschermak, Mineral, u. petrograph. Mittheilungen 1878 Wien,

Handbuch der alten Geographie Jun 1, 2008 forbiger, albert, 1798-1878

Seleuds (SaXivxtQ: auch biosbeiPlol.), nur ein Distrikt von geringem
Umfange stiduumlsll. neben diesem bis gegen die Wuumlste hin
Chalcidice auch Strab. p. 753. n. Joseph. Ant. 14, 15., bei

Dictionnaire mythologique universel Feb 5, 2014 jacobi, eduard adolf,

1796-1865 trouvait primitivement, jusque dan- la presqu'icircle de
Chalcidice, en Maceacutedoine. at non, deacuteesse eacutegyptienne,
femme ou sau: de Fta, lait partie de la trinit eacute d'Egypte, et preacuteside
agrave l'eau et agrave la mer. V

Thucydidis de bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo recens., argumento et

adnotatione perpetua illustr ... Oct 16, 2008 thucydides Strymonem
pertinuisse. Contra ea Popp. negat, a Muellero oomprobarigrave posse,

Eiona, coloniam Mendaeonim, in Chalcidice sitam faisse, additque,

Pierigraveain Eiona a Strymonia non solum per Bustathinni, sed

The Life Of Greece Jan 19, 2017 not available which Athens was to lose
her liberty. Other Greeks, mostly from Chalcis and Eretria, conquered and
named the three-fingered peninsula of Chalcidice, and by 700 had
established thirty towns there

The Biographical dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful

Knowledge-- Oct 17, 2007 society for the diffusion of useful knowledge
(great britain) continued from his own time, through the middle ages, up to
the present day. The principal events of his life are as follows. Aristotle
was born at Stagira, in the district Chalcidice, on the Strymonic Bay

Scottish geographical magazine Jul 6, 2009 scottish geographical society

Sporades on the other. Over a great lart of it the sounding-lead sank to
about 5.50 fathoms. The bays between the three peninsulas of Chalcidice
are about 270 fathoms deep, while the Gulf of Saloniki

The Historians History Of The World Volume VII The Later Roman
Empire Oct 30, 2006 henry smith williams Parliament of Ravenika
(ancient Chalcidice) summoned by Henry to determine definitely the
feudal relations of all subjects of the empire. 1214 War between Henry
and Theodore. Defeat of Henry in Bithynia…

Bibliotheca sacra and theological review Apr 23, 2009 writers. The plural
termination is nearly universal among the Latins also. The city lies in
Chalcidice, on the coast of the Strymonic Gulf, at the point where the
shore commences its southerly direction

History Of Modern Europe Jan 15, 2017 charles alan fyffe beginning of
1822 the Albanian chieftain lost both his stronghold and his life. In the
remoter district of Chalcidice, on the Macedonian coast, where the
promontory of Athos and the two parallel peninsulas

The world's history a survey of man's record Jan 16, 2015 helmolt, hans f.
(hans ferdinand), 1865-1929 Adrianople to Christopolis) formed the core.
Thessalonica with Chalcidice, jiortions of Wnllachian Thessaly and
Albanian Epirus, and the principality of Miithra represented three more

The Dublin university magazine Jun 16, 2008 Eourgns on the Euxiue, has
here penetrated to the coast of the Mediterranean. Through Salonice, that
popuLition connects itself with the exchanges of the rest of Europe,' The
promontory of Chalcidice

A Manual Of Geographical Science Jan 18, 2017 bewan w.l. land of tliis
region, while Tyrrhenian Pelasgians occupied the peninsulas of
Chalcidice, The Macedones appear to have settled first along the upper
course of the Haliacnion. There they are found at the

The Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful ...
Jul 17, 2009 society for the diffusion of useful knowledge (great britain )
science generally, has continued from his own time, through the middle
ages, up to the present day. The principal events of his life are as follows.
Aristotle was bom at Stagira, in the district Chalcidice

Lehrbuch der gottdienstlichen Alterthümer der Griechen Aug 18, 2008

hermann, karl friedrich, 1804-1855 reg), welcher auch Mautinea, Elis, und
sogar die erst kuumlrzlich durch Brasidas fuumlr Spart-a erworbenen 0
Staumldte von Chalcidice und der thradschen Kuumlste beitraten). Aber
Tegea blieb dem alten Bunde

Plutarch's Lives, tr. by J. and W. Langhorne Jun 23, 2008 plutarchus of

ThraceThe ooantiy near the Mon of the riTcr Marizza. Pagie. a town of
MegarisPsate, village. PagasB, a town and port in TheualyCastle and
barboor of Tolo. Pallene, a peninsula of Chalcidice, in

Just's botanischer jahresbericht. Systematisch geordnetes repertorium der

botanischen literatur aller länder Dec 14, 2007 . athoa Tod. et Rohlena in
Sitzb. Boumlhm. Ges. Wiss. Prag 1903. XLIX, p. 4. Chalcidice. V.
cynanchoides (Engelm. et Gray sub Gonolobus) H. Heller 1. c. p. 2. F.
flavidulum (Chapm. sub Gonol.) Heller 1. c. T

The New York times current history : the European war May 9, 2007 ,
Saloniki, with the Chalcidice Peninsula, and a large part of Greek
Macedonia. In the same month allied forces landed at Phaleron, five miles
from Athens, and a little later a blockade was laid on Greek

The Historians History Of The World Vol-vii Jan 19, 2017 williams henry
smith Ravenika (ancient Chalcidice) summoned by Henry to determine
definitely the feudal relations of all subjects of the empire. 1214 War
between Henry and Theodore. Defeat of Henry in Bithynia. Siege of Pema

The world's history : a survey of man's record Dec 3, 2014 helmolt, hans
f. (hans ferdinand), 1865-1929 Christopolis) formed the core.
Thessalonica with Chalcidice, portions of Wallachian Thessaly and
Alhanian Epirus, and the principality of Misithra represented three more
disconnected provinces, in

Verhandlungen der K.K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt Feb 14, 2012 k.k.

geologische reichsanstalt (austria) . of Min. Engin. 1889. 8deg. 17 S. steif.
Gesch. d. Instit. (11,266. 8deg.) Beeke, F. Gestt-ine von der Halbinsel
Chalcidice. (Separat, aus : Sitzungsberichte der kais. Akademie der
Wissenschaften, math

Lehrbuch der griechischen antiquitäten ... Jan 29, 2015 hermann, karl
friedrich, 1804-1855 ganze Halbinsel zwischen dem thermaumlischen und
strymonischen Bnsen aUmaumlhlich den Namen Chalcidice') erhieltderen
zwei und dreissig Orte) spaumlter einen YereiDigungspunct an Olynthus
faaaaumlm). Auch die

The works of Publius Virgilius Maro, from the text of Heyne and Wagner.
With English notes, a metrical index, and an epitome of Wagner's
Quæstiones Virgilianæ Oct 3, 2012 virgil division of Thrace, and
afterwards of Macedonia, being the centre of the three promontories
which jut out into the sea from the large peninsula of Chalcidice. The adj.
aquosae has been found fault with

The Geographical journal Sep 5, 2008 royal geographical society (great

britain) subsidence, and the three-pointed inlet of Chalcidice to faulting.
Cvijic has now assigned the bay of Orphani to faulting, andA preliminary
bathymetrical chart of tho Scutari lake, from …

Lexique de géographie ancienne Oct 27, 2008 maurice besnier . de

Taprobane (Ceylan). Pt. VII, 1, 13 et 36. CHABERUS CHALCIDICE
190 partie de la chaicircne qui borde agrave rw. 1laquo territoire des
HeAvii (raont Lozegravere). D'apregraves Straboo, les Ceacutevennes
s'eacutetendaient depuis

The Classical review May 23, 2008 classical association (great britain)
aristocratic rulers of the city. As to the aid brought by Miletus to the
Eretrians, and by Samos and the Euboic cities of Chalcidice in Thrace
to Chalcis, we have no particulars. It can scarcely have been on a

The Holy Bible, according to the authorized version (A.D. 1611), with an
explanatory and critical commentary and a revision of the translation, by
bishops and other clergy of the Anglican church Sep 27, 2009 cook, f. c.
(frederic charles), 1810-1889 right as a determination of the locality. Wolff
suggests Xakos (Xen. 'Anab.' I 4, 9), the later Chalcidice and Chalonitis,
on the north borders of the Syro- Digitized by VjOOQLC v. 2426.]

The world's history, a survey of man's record Oct 18, 2007 helmolt, hans
f. (hans ferdinand), 1865-1929 ) formed the core. Thessalonica with
Chalcidice, portions of Wallachian Thessaly and Albanian Epirus, and the

principality of Misithra represented three more disconnected provinces, in


Return British Museum Aug 22, 2011 british museum of that city.
Amphipolis in Macedon.A tetradrachm, circ. B.C. 400, having on the
obverse a fine head of Apollo, three-quarter face towards right. From the
Bowen Collection. Chalcidice in Macedon

The historians' history of the world a comprehensive narrative of the rise

and development of nations as recorded by over two thousand of the great
writers of all ages Nov 8, 2009 williams, henry smith, 1863-1943 Nicsea.
1209 Parliament of Ravenika (ancient Chalcidice) summoned by Henry
to determine definitely the feudal relations of all subjects of the empire.
1214 War between Henry and Theodore. Defeat of

The Holy Bible : according to the Authorized version (A.D. 1611) with an
explanatory and critical commentary and a revision of the translation Nov
12, 2008 ook, frederic charles, 1810-1889 determination of the locality.
Wolff suggests XiiXo? (Xen. ' Anab.' i. 4, 9), the later Chalcidice and
Chalonitis, on the north borders of the SyroV. 2426.] JUDITH. II. 'n 24
Then he went over

The world's history a survey of man's record Sep 18, 2008 helmolt, hans
f. (hans ferdinand), 1865-1929 ) formed the core. Thessalonica with
Chalcidice, portions of Wallachian Thessaly and Albanian Epirus, and the
principality of Misithra represented three more disconnected provinces, in
parts completely

History of federal government in Greece and Italy May 8, 2007 freeman,

edward augustus, 1823-1892 Olynthier in Chalcidice gewaltsaiu einen
Stadteverein zu griinden . . . ganz Chalcidice zu einem Stadtevereine zu
verbinden, dessen Haupt es wurde. Verfall, 440. 1. 3 Mr. Grote relies much
on the saying of

The Holy Bible, according to the authorized version, A.D. 1611 : with an
explanatory and critical commentary and a revision of the translation by
clergy of the Anglican Church. Apocrypha Dec 6, 2007 wace, henry, 1836-
1924 considers it original and Lipsius, his critic, holds it to be substantially
right as a determination of the locality. WollF suggests XdXos (Xen.
'Anab.' i. 4, 9), the later Chalcidice and Chalonitis, on

Lucæ Holstenii Notæ castigationes in Stephanum Byzantium de urbibus.-

fAccedunt Scymni Chii fragmenta Græca, cum versione Latina Lucæ
Holstenii, nec non vetus pictura Nymphæi ante hac omissa in eam
commentariolus. Item dissertationes III. de Pila Staffilari, de Milliario
Aureo, atque in Laudem Boreæ. Omnia ex recensione Theodori Rykii
…Oct 25, 2014 stephanus, byzantinus habitames. deinde fubjicit, quomodo
rcgio amp urbs jBpfww a Chalcidcnfibus fuerit occupata. Unde Chalcidice
pof tea appellata eft. nsg rcwiLu ol Kccyi) tiScv TmvTig oiKiCivltiza yo

The historians' history of the world a comprehensive narrative of the rise

and development of nations as recorded by over two thousand of the great
writers of all ages: Nov 12, 2008 williams, henry smith, 1863-1943
Joannice. Henry marries his daughter, and thus eiiects peace with Bul-
garia. Treaty with Theodore Lascaris, emperor of Xicrea. 1209 Parliament
of Ravenika (ancient Chalcidice) summoned by Henry to

Outlines of universal history, designed as a text-book and for private

reading Aug 5, 2009 fisher, george park, 1827-1909 Chalcidice, and from
thence to Selymbria (or Byzantium), which was founded by Megara (657
B.C.). The northern shores of the ypoundgean and the Propontis, and ttie
whole coast of the Euxine were strewn with Greek

Grand dictionnaires de la langue latine, sur un nouveau plan par ... Traduit
en français, revu sur les textes, et considérablement augmenté Mar 16,
2011 freund, william, 1806-1894 , Herodot. VII, 22 cf. Thucyd. IV v. de la
Chalcidice, sur le mont Athos, 'Apollonia. acirccrugraveacirctiumlcus, a,
uni, variante rf'acroamaticus voy. ce mot. acrocircuacirctiumlcus, a, um,
adj. (, qui

A classical dictionary containing an account of the principal proper names

mentioned in ancient authors and intended to elucidate all the important
points connected with the geography, history, biography, mythology, and
fine arts of the Greeks and Romans Together with an account of coins,
weights, and measures, with tabular valu Dec 1, 2014 charles anthon Anc.
dr., vol. 1, p. 56, seqq.) III. A town in the interior of Chalcidice, on the
Egnatian way. (Seylas, p 27 Xen., Hist Gr., 5, 2.) Mention is made of it
in the Acts of the Apostles (17, 1), St

The Life and Work of St. Paul Feb 20, 2008 frederic william farrar again
they rested for a night, and the next day, pursuing their journey across the
neck of the piomontory of Chalcidice, and leaving Olynthus and
Potidaea, with their heart-stirring memories, far to the

Systematic education: or, Elementary instruction in the various

departments of literature and science, with practical rules for studying each
branch of knowledge Apr 10, 2008 shepherd, william head of this gulf
was Olynthus, the occasion of the fatal war between Philip and the
Athenians. N. E. of this city was Chalcis, which gave the name Chalcidice
to the neighbouring region, including the

History of the Byzantine and Greek empires Oct 11, 2009 finlay, george,
1799-1875 terminating the long gulf stretching up to the northward,
between the snowy peaks and rugged mountains of Olympus and Ossa to
the west, and the rich shores of the Chalcidice and the peninsula of
Cassandra to

Ioannis Cantacuzeni eximperatoris historiarum libri IV. Graece et latine

Feb 11, 2009 john vi cantacuzenus, emperor of the east, 1292-1383
auxilium ei poliicitusnon multo post misit Imperator niliii liorum nesciensj
pro facuitate se quoqae ad liostem exclpiendum praeparaliat, relictoque in
Chalcidice Matthaeo filio cum manu, quantam

The insect world : being a popular account of the orders of insects,

together with a description of the habits and economy of some of the
most interesting species Mar 14, 2008 figuier, louis, 1819-1894 . Many
species of Chalcidice, a family of Hymenoptera, also live on the eggs of
these Orthoptera. There are also among the cockroaches certain brightly-
coloured exotic species. These colours show that

Early European civilization: a textbook for secondary schools Dec 11,

2009 roscoe lewis ashley geography influence the people ? Point out on the
map: Sparta, Argolis, , Corinth, iEgina, Salamis, Plataa, Thebes, Euboea,
Thessaly, Chalcidice, Delos, Rhodes, Samoa, Miletus, Ephesus, Sardis

Handbuch der römischen Alterthümer Jun 26, 2008 marquardt, karl

joachim, 1812-1882 erwaumlhnt diese Chalcidice dicht vor der
'ATrafxrjv) und Hierocles p. 711 setzt Chalcis in die Syria prima
7mnaumlchst Beroea. 7) Plin. N. H. 6 81: Chalcidem cognominatam nd
Belum, unde regio Chalcidene

Orationes et Epistolæ selectæ. Select Orations and Letters of Cicero with

an introduction, notes, and vocabulary Sep 27, 2012 cicero, marcus tullius
, ['Apio-ToreK-ns], m., Aristotle, a famous Greek philosopher, born at
Stagira, in Chalcidice, b.c. 384. He was a pupil of Plato, and the tutor of
the Prince Alexander, afterwards called the Great.

Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom

Jun 19, 2009 royal society of literature (great britain) peninsula of Acte
or Mount Athos with the adjacent part of the Thracian Chalcidice. The
undertaking was suggested by the damage which Mardonius suffered in
circumnavigating Mount Athos in his first

Harpocrationis Lexicon in decem oratores Atticos ex recensione Gulielmi

Dindorfii Annotationes interpretum Aug 7, 2016 harpocration grammatico
(grammatico) enim cum Demosthene, Stephano et aliis legendum est.)
Fhiboeee civitas est in Chalcidice, teste Aristotele Chalcidensi in

volumine quod de Euboea confecerat, ur'ApunoTfKrjs o XaXKibtvs iv

Tltp nfpl Ev

The Journal of Hellenic studies Jun 11, 2008 society for the promotion of
hellenic studies (london, england) . Xerxes with his guard may have made
an excursion to Acanthus to see the canal, but no large, division can have
crossed the ridge of Chalcidice. The account in Herodotus is considerably

Meddelelser om Grønland Oct 13, 2009 denmark. kommissionen for

videnskabelige undersøgelser i grønland , Braconidaelig og Chalcidice] de
ere altsaa paa de naeligvnte Undtagelser naeligr alle Snyltere, nogle ere
klaeligkkede af Sommerfuglelarver, navnlig Dasychira groenlandica,
andre ere klaeligkkede af Fluer. Apidaelig. Bombus. B

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tants

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités ... Feb 28, 2009 sabbathier, [françois], 1735-1807. [from old
catalog] Maceacutedoine. Ptoleacutemeacutee la met dans la Chalcidice ,
qui eacutetoit une province, fitueacutee entre la Thrace amp la
Maceacutedoine. Cette montagne s'eacutetendoit jufqu'agrave la mer, amp
ne manquoit pas dhabicirctans. Du cocircteacute de la terre

A history of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ Jul 1, 2008
schürer, emil, 1844-1910 . Aristobulus of Chalcidice, l. ii. 343.
Aristobulus, Jewish phi]oso])her, ii. iii. 237-243 on the origin of the
LXX., II. iii. 160, 309, 310 on the Jewish calendar (date of Passover), l. ii.
371 ll

Polyaeni Strategematon libri octo ex recensione Edvardi Woelfflin. Itervm

recensvit, excerpta Polyaeni e codice Tacticorvm florentino addidit, Leonis
imperatoris Strategemata e Rvd. Schoelli apographo svbivnxit Ioannes
Melber Jun 15, 2007 polyaenus , 22 . . 301, 614. cf. Calchedon. Chalcidice,
Chalcidenses 114, 9... 130,12. 146,1. 210,11. 240, 21 . . . XaXyiiotKog, v.
Minerva. Chaldaeus vates 219, 5. Chares, dux Atheniensium 127

The Ancient World from the Earliest Times to 800 A.D. Apr 10, 2008
willis mason west ihabitants in villages. In Chalcidice, the city of
Olynthus rganized its neighbors into a promising league. A Spartan
compelled this league to break up. While on the way to idice part of this
army, by

Aristotle Jan 17, 2017 werner jaeger the way of any organic union
difficulties that Aristotle, born in Chalcidice, was unable to appreciate
with the Attic democrats longstanding passion for freedom. Being the son
of a family that had

A History of Biology to About the Year 1900. A General Introduction to

the Study of Living Things Apr 17, 2017 charles singer born in 384 b.c. at
Stagira, a small town of the Chalcidice. Stagira was a Greek settlement,
but it lay far from such centres as Athens or the Ionian cities 1 1 he spelling
is partially modernized

A history of Greece, from its conquest by the Romans to the present time,
B. C. 146 to 1864 Feb 18, 2009 finlay, george, 1799-1875 Chalcidice and
the peninsula of Cassandra to the east. The bay, on which the city looks
down, affords a safe anchorage and in the tenth century an ancient mole
enclosed an inner port within its arms

Anabasis Aug 10, 2008 arrian Hcere Alex. 3, 12, 4. OXvvd-tos, Einw. von
Olynth, der Hauptst. von Chalcidice in Thra- cien, 4, 10, 1. OvQoacai,
5,22,2. 6.4,3. 11,3. 14, 1 (altind. Xudraka), s.MaXKoL OQriXog, Gebirge

Early European History Nov 13, 2012 hutton webster agents in nearly
every Greek city. Philip next made Macedonia a maritime state by
subduing the Greek cities on the peninsula of Chalcidice. [3] He
www.gutenberg.orgcacheepub7960pg7960.html 104494

La cuestión internacional : Chile y la Argentina : negociaciones del Dr.

Irigoyen : documentos y antecedentes coleccionados Apr 11, 2008 bianco,
josé, 1870-1935 and Thrace some towns to the North, such as
Adriacuteanople, a part of Macedonia the peninsula of Gallipoli,
Chalcidice, and a part of Thessaly certain islands in the iEgean, Rhodes,
Lesbos, SamoThrace

Introductory philosophy : a text-book for colleges Aug 30, 2006 dubray,

charles a. (charles albert), b. 1875 returned to Plato's dogmatism, which
they combined with Aristotelian and Stoic doctrines. 3. Aristotle.(a)
Aristotle (384-322) was born at Stagyra in Chalcidice, a Greek colonly
in Macedonia (hence the

The book of the courtier May 10, 2011castiglione, baldassarre, conte,

1478-1529 extremity of the easternmost peninsula of Chalcidice in
Macedonia. During the Persian invasion of Xerxes (480 B.C.) it was
temporarily converted into an island, and since the Middle Ages has been
noted for

Cours d'histoire des états européens depuis le bouleversement de l'Empire

romain d'Occident jusqu'en 1789 Oct 22, 2014 maximilian samson
friedrich schöll , 284. Mathieu, comte de Castelbon, tige de la seconde
maison deacute Foixy IX, 4? 9 piteacutetend au rojaume d'Aragon, IX,
MiMeu Cantacuzecircne, gouverne la Chalcidice et Andrinople, XI, 3i, est
nommeacute empereur XI

Travels in Northern Greece Apr 15, 2015 Leake, william martin, 1777-
1860 . ToTonaic peniosula, and beyond il Mount Athos To the northward
of these appear the monntnins of the Chalcidice, which teniiiuate near
Saloniki. Retoming firom the Paie6ka8troI visited a large

Turkey in Europe Jul 6, 2008 baker, james, lieutenant-colonel coast of

Chalcidice, it became an important centre of trade for the whole district,

and it eventually rose to be one of the chief cities in the south of Europe.
The earliest legendary names by which it is

AEneid: With Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary May 30, 2009 virgil cf.
dum stetit, I. 268. 17. moenia prima loco: I found my first city. This was
either Aenus, at the mouth of the Hebrus, or Aenea in Chalcidice. Perhaps
Virgil intentionally leaves the matter

History of the Byzantine Empire Nov 9, 2014 finlay, george, 1799-1875

an inner basin terminating the long gulf stretching up to the northward,
between the snowy peaks and rugged mountains of Olympus and Ossa to
the west, and the rich shores of the Chalcidice and the

Ancient history May 10, 2010 bloss, c. a. (celestia angenette), 1812-1855

interrupted by the arrival of persons at Lacedemon, who came to complain
that Olynthus, having engaged most of the towns of the Chalcidice in a
confederaey, had nearly expelled Amyntas, king of Macedon

Der Vegetation der Erde nach ihrer klimatischen Anordnung. Ein Abriss
der vergleichenden Geographie der Pflanzen von A. Grisbach. Zweit,
vermehrte und berichtigte Auflage. Erster- [zweiter] Band. Mit einer
þbersichtskarte der Vegetationsgebiete Dec 10, 2009 grisebach, a. (august),
1814-1879 . Auf das Reichste ist die Mediterranflora von der
Thessalischen Kuumlste aus uumlber die Vorgebirge von Chalcidice
ausgebreitet, aber in Thracien nimmt sie allmaumllig Bestandtheile der
Steppenvegetation auf

Early European Civilization: A Textbook for Secondary Schools ar 1, 2009

roscoe lewis ashley influence the people ? Point out on the map: Sparta,
Argolis, Olympia, Corinth, iEgina, Salamis, Platsa, Thebes, Euboea,
Thessaly, Chalcidice, Delos, Rhodes, Samos, Miletus, Ephesus, Sardis,

Book Of The Courtier By Ciunt Baldesar Castiglione Jan 16, 2017

opdycke leonard eckstein have been a name given to Thessalian horses,
which were branded with a bulls head. Note 453, page 274. Mount Athos
(6780 feet high) forms the extremity of the easternmost peninsula of
Chalcidice in

Europe Second Edition Jan 18, 2017 samuel van valkenburg immigrant
Greeks from Turkey settled on the land here after World War 1. Mount
Athos, the easternmost of the three rugged promontories of the peninsula
of Chalcidice, is noted for its autonomous Greek

Des Pedanios Dioskurides aus Anazarbos Mar 3, 2008 dioscorides

pedanius (XX[X 102) Chalcidice. iChalc ist der Name vieler aumltAdte.
die bekimnteste und eine der ftUeaten ist die Haaptstad der Insel Euboumla
aiu Kuripus, durch eine Bruumlcke mit ltl6m FeeUande verbunden,

Greek Mythology 2 - Heroes and Creatures Sep 10, 2012 wikipedia the
Hellenistic era, British Museum [11] Alexander the Great 82 On the day
that Alexander was born, Philip was preparing a siege on the city of
Potidea on the peninsula of Chalcidice.

A history of Greece, from its conquest by the Romans to the present time,
B. C. 146 to 1864 Feb 18, 2009 finlay, george, 1799-1875 Chalcidice and
the peninsula of Cassandra to the east. The bay, on which the city looks
down, affords a safe anchorage and in the tenth century an ancient mole
enclosed an inner port within its arms

Anabasis Aug 10, 2008 arrian Hcere Alex. 3, 12, 4. OXvvd-tos, Einw. von
Olynth, der Hauptst. von Chalcidice in Thra- cien, 4, 10, 1. OvQoacai,
5,22,2. 6.4,3. 11,3. 14, 1 (altind. Xudraka), s.MaXKoL OQriXog, Gebirge

Early European History Nov 13, 2012 hutton webster agents in nearly
every Greek city. Philip next made Macedonia a maritime state by
subduing the Greek cities on the peninsula of Chalcidice. [3] He
www.gutenberg.orgcacheepub7960pg7960.html 104494

La cuestión internacional : Chile y la Argentina : negociaciones del Dr.

Irigoyen : documentos y antecedentes coleccionados Apr 11, 2008 bianco,
josé, 1870-1935 and Thrace some towns to the North, such as
Adriacuteanople, a part of Macedonia the peninsula of Gallipoli,
Chalcidice, and a part of Thessaly certain islands in the iEgean, Rhodes,
Lesbos, SamoThrace

Introductory philosophy : a text-book for colleges Aug 30, 2006 dubray,

charles a. (charles albert), b. 1875 returned to Plato's dogmatism, which
they combined with Aristotelian and Stoic doctrines. 3. Aristotle.(a)
Aristotle (384-322) was born at Stagyra in Chalcidice, a Greek colonly
in Macedonia (hence the

The book of the courtier May 10, 2011 castiglione, baldassarre, conte,
1478-1529 extremity of the easternmost peninsula of Chalcidice in
Macedonia. During the Persian invasion of Xerxes (480 B.C.) it was
temporarily converted into an island, and since the Middle Ages has been
noted for

Cours d'histoire des états européens depuis le bouleversement de l'Empire

romain d'Occident jusqu'en 1789 Oct 22, 2014 maximilian samson
friedrich schöll , 284. Mathieu, comte de Castelbon, tige de la seconde
maison deacute Foixy IX, 4? 9 piteacutetend au rojaume d'Aragon, IX,
MiMeu Cantacuzecircne, gouverne la Chalcidice et Andrinople, XI, 3i, est
nommeacute empereur XI

Travels in Northern Greece Apr 15, 2015 Leake, william martin, 1777-
1860 . Toronaic peniosula, and beyond il Mount Athos To the northward
of these appear the monntnins of the Chalcidice, which teniiiuate near
Saloniki. Retoming firom the Paie6ka8troI visited a large

Turkey in Europe Jul 6, 2008 baker, james, lieutenant-colonel coast of

Chalcidice, it became an important centre of trade for the whole district,
and it eventually rose to be one of the chief cities in the south of Europe.
The earliest legendary names by which it is

AEneid: With Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary May 30, 2009 virgil cf.
dum stetit, I. 268. 17. moenia prima loco: I found my first city. This was
either Aenus, at the mouth of the Hebrus, or Aenea in Chalcidice. Perhaps
Virgil intentionally leaves the matter

History of the Byzantine Empire Nov 9, 2014 finlay, george, 1799-1875

an inner basin terminating the long gulf stretching up to the northward,
between the snowy peaks and rugged mountains of Olympus and Ossa to
the west, and the rich shores of the Chalcidice and the

Ancient history ay 10, 2010 bloss, c. a. (celestia angenette), 1812-1855

interrupted by the arrival of persons at Lacedemon, who came to complain
that Olynthus, having engaged most of the towns of the Chalcidice in a
confederaey, had nearly expelled Amyntas, king of Macedon

Der Vegetation der Erde nach ihrer klimatischen Anordnung. Ein Abriss
der vergleichenden Geographie der Pflanzen von A. Grisbach. Zweit,
vermehrte und berichtigte Auflage. Erster- [zweiter] Band. Mit einer
þbersichtskarte der Vegetationsgebiete Dec 10, 2009 grisebach, a. (august),
1814-1879 . Auf das Reichste ist die Mediterranflora von der
Thessalischen Kuumlste aus uumlber die Vorgebirge von Chalcidice
ausgebreitet, aber in Thracien nimmt sie allmaumllig Bestandtheile der
Steppenvegetation auf

Early European Civilization: A Textbook for Secondary Schools Mar 1,

2009 roscoe lewis ashley influence the people ? Point out on the map:
Sparta, Argolis, Olympia, Corinth, Aegina, Salamis, Platsa, Thebes,
Euboea, Thessaly, Chalcidice, Delos, Rhodes, Samos, Miletus, Ephesus,
Sardis, Phoca

Book Of The Courtier By Ciunt Baldesar Castiglione Jan 16, 2017

opdycke leonard eckstein have been a name given to Thessalian horses,
which were branded with a bulls head. Note 453, page 274. Mount Athos
(6780 feet high) forms the extremity of the easternmost peninsula of
Chalcidice in

Europe Second Edition Jan 18, 2017 samuel van valkenburg immigrant
Greeks from Turkey settled on the land here after World War 1. Mount
Athos, the easternmost of the three rugged promontories of the peninsula
of Chalcidice, is noted for its autonomous Greek

A New And Literal Version Jan 17, 2017 burges , george tr. shall find that
Thuevdides meant to say that Phonnio and his 1600 soldiers, among wnom
were Socrates and Alcibiadca, had returned frpm their expedition into
Chalcidice mentioned in L 65, and joined

The Story of the great war : history of the European War from of ficial
sources Jun 18, 2009 reynolds, francis j. (francis joseph), 1867-1937 of
Greek territories already occupied by the allied troopsLemnos, Imbros,
Mytilene, Castelloriza, Corfu, Saloniki, including the Chalcidice
Peninsula, and a large part of Macedonia. In proportion to

Ancient history Aug 20, 2009 bloss, c. a. (celestia angenette), 1812-1855

reigned for some time after the ratification of this treaty, was interrupted
by the arrival of persons at Lacedemon, who came to complain that
Olynthus, having engaged most of the towns of the Chalcidice

A history of modern Europe Nov 22, 2009 fyffe, charles alan, 1845-1892
Chalcidice, district in Greece, ii. 286 Chambord, Comte de (Due de
Bordeaux), grandson of Charles X., ii. 376, iii. 165, 474, 475 Champ de
Mai, ii. 46 Championnet, French general, i. 172, 173, 176

The American cyclopaedia: a popular dictionary of general knowledge.

Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana Mar 19, 2007 ripley, george,
1802-1880 naturalists they were regarded as Brazen Lizard (Chalets
flavescens). snakes, to which they form a natural transition. Their food
consists of small insects they are perfectly harmless. CHALCIDICE, the

Pausanias' Description of Greece, tr. into English with notes and index
Dec 20, 2007 pausânias (pseudonym) Argolis sorely against his will, and
led an expedition against the Olynthians, and having been
battle, and taken most of the other cities in Chalcidice, and hoping to take
Olynthus also

Cassell's Latin dictionary : Latin-English and English-Latin Sep 2, 2009

marchant, james robert vernam, 1853-1936 charles, joseph fletcher
, Plin. 1. Acanthus -i, m. (aKltugt0os), 1, bear's foot, a plant, Verg. 2, a
thorny evergreen tree, Verg. 2. Acanthus -, a town in the
Macedonian pieninsulaChalcidice. acapnos

The odes, carmen seculare and epodes. With a commentary by E.C.

Wickham May 26, 2007 horace middle finger of the three which run out
into the Aegean from Chalcidice. For Thracian intemperance, cp. Od. i.
27. i, i. 36.13, 2. 7. 26. 9, 10. ' There is warning in the heavy hand of Evius
on the

Allgemeine Literatur-zeitung Jul 18, 2008 bisher nur sehr mangelhafte

Kunde beeafsen, so daCs namentlich vor dem Erscheinen des neuesten
Werkes Ton Iteaumlke uumlber das noumlrdliohe Griechenland
Cousinery in Chalcidice und Macedonien als ein Hauptfiihrer

Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft

Jul 22, 2008 Dr. Karl Patsch, gr. 4. (IV, 70 S.) Wien. C. Gerold's Sohn in
Komm. v. p. 134. 10 M. Briicli, J., Des Aristoteles Heimat oder die
Halbinsel Chalcidice. Mittheilungen der Wiener Geograph

The First Six Books of Homer's Iliad: With Introduction, Commentary

and Vocabulary for the Use ... Mar 7, 2008 Homer shore of Thrace as to
give its name to the great promontory of Chalcidice. Etpcrptav: the later
Eretria. The short quantity of c before rp is unusual in Homer see sect 59

Studies In Humanism Nov 10, 2006 f.c.s. schiller not humorous, but stupid
2 Cp Essay xvi sectsect g, 10 XIV PROTAGORAS THE HUMANIST
ANTIMORUS (of Mende, a small Greek city in Chalcidice, devoted
PHILONOUS (to the production and consumption of wine

Heidelbergische [afterw.] Heidelberger Jahrbücher der Literatur Mar 6,

2009 Olyntli's Macht und Gewicht in den damaumlligeh
Staatsverhaumlltnissen, woruumlber sich Manches zusammenstellen
laumlfst, sagt Hr. W. weiter nichts, als: Olfrdkus urhs in Chalcidice cwhan
mitUitudme perquam ahundans

Bibliotheca Geographica Jun 1, 2009 gesellschaft für erdkunde zu berlin .

ler. XIII-470 pag. Portr. Paris, Ploumln, Nourrit et Claquo. Brtioll, Josef
Adolf, Des Aristoteles Heimat oder die Halbinsel Chalcidice. M. K. K.
ouml. Qes. Wien. N. Folge 26, 122. Buumlrohner

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tants

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités …Jan 13, 2008 sabbathier, [françois], 1735-1807. [from old
catalog] nommeacute leur Geacuteneacuteral. . Delagrave comme s'il
fucirct fort! dune expeacutedition glorieufe , il tira vers un paifs. que
Jufticircn nomme Ccedilppadoce gt ipais il faut lire plutocirct Chalcidice.
Philippe conquit ce pais moins par

Antiquitates Asiaticae Christianam aeram antecedentes, ex primariis

monumentis Graecis descriptae, Latinè versae, notisque commentariis
illustratae : accedit monumentum Latinum Ancyranum May 31, 2016
chishull, edmund, 1671-1733 Chalcidicum 1 .rnihi non obfcurc fubvenit,
non ahud fuTlTe quam Minervium, Grsce 'Ailwruoi, fignum habens

Chalcidice, ab urbe Chalcide, Minervs. Sic enim P. Viftor, in deferipta ab

eo noni ur- bis rione

The annals and magazine of natural history : zoology, botany, and geology
Dec 19, 2008 .Another species of the Chalcidice is mentioned as
Pteromalus rufus in the Catalogue referred to above but the specimen so
named is mutilated, and cannot be satisfactorily described. Encyrtus

A history of Greece, from its conquest by the Romans to the present time,
B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864 Nov 29, 2010 finlay, george, 1799-1875
construction of the city of Kastoria, to replace the ruined Diocletianopolis.
while they prove the desertion of great part of Chalcidice and Upper
Macedonia by the ancient inhabitants, prepare us for

A History of Modern Europe Sep 1, 2008 charles alan fyffe , fyffe the
Treaty of Amiens, i. 238 Chalcidice, district in Greece, ii. 286 Chambord,
Comte de (Due de Bordeaux), grandson of Charles X., ii. 376, iu. 166,
474, 476 Champ de Mai, ii. 46 Championnet, French

History of Herodotus a New English Version, Edited with Copious Notes

and Appendices, Illustrating the History and Geography of Herodotus,
from the Most Recent Sources of Information, and Embodying the Chief
Results, Historical and Ethnographical, which Have Been Obtained in the
Progress of Cuneiform and Hieroglyphical Discovery May 10, 2016 ,
which he calls a town of Chalcidice, near PalIdue, situated on the
Thermaic Gulf (ad voc. Kdifai.Crusis or Crussea is the name more
commonly given to this district (see Thucyd. li. 79 Dionys

Justin, Cornelius Nepos, and Eutropius, tr. with notes by J.S. Watson Jan
26, 2015 marcus junianus justinus text, though he condenuiB it io hm note,
observing that it is well known Philip never went to Cappadocia.
Gronovius suggeBted Chalcidice, and Tanaqdl Fkber approved it. + Pari
perJidiA'] JuBtin. or

History Of World Civilization Vol-ii Jan 16, 2017 Republic, 596 M.

Porcius Cato as, 612 Centaurs, of Greek mythology, 419 Ceramics, see
Pottery Cereals in Neolithic Age, 17 ChEcronea, victory of Macedon over
bull the Greeks, 384 Chalcidice, colonization by


GRAC J-C SALADIN EDITEUR Jun 20, 2013 darcy carvalho
pouAgraveopeacutevqccedil, id est scytala ac sago imperantem Graeciae
spontaneae volentique. 1966. II, X, 66. Tanquam Chalcidica nobis peperit
uxor Garceo XaAgraveKLOcirciKf) teacutetokev qpiv yvvx\, id est
Tanquam Chalcidice peperit

Wiener Studien Jan 26, 2008 schenkl, karl, 1827-1900, ed . Wie ist also zu
schreiben? Aus luppiter gewinne ich ludaice, eine Namensform wie
Cyrenaice, Marmarice, Chalcidice, Laconice u. a., die ich aber sonst als

A Description of the East and Some other Countries, Vol. II Part 2 Nov 7,
2012 pococke, richard Cavalla and the Neftus. The part of Macedonia
from Mount Athos to the peninfula of Pallene, or Phlegra, was called
Chalcidice. We foon came into an improved country inhabited by
Chriftians, and lay at

Bibliotheca Classica, Or, a Dictionary of All the Principal Names and

Terms ... ul 17, 2009 john lemprière , lorenzo l. da ponte , john david ogilby
longer existed in his day. Procopi us names it among the towns restored by
Justinian.'' Cram.-IL B. 537.firrmM. 5, 77. EHod. Sic. 13, 356. II. A tqjni
of the district Chalcidice, in Syria, to which

The history of Thucydides Jul 27, 2009 thucydides Chalcidice), nor, when
they toere formed, were all the cities of any people or nation comprised
since sometimes one or more aimed at being either free of all association,
or even recommended itself

Histoire ancienne de l'Orient Jul 30, 2016 jean jacques guillemin

seacutelevant non loin des deacutefileacutes de la Cilicie et dissus. La
Seacuteleucide, pregraves de la mer, avec la forte place de 8eacuteleucie.
La Chalcidice, agrave lest de la preacuteceacutedente, qui devait son nom
agrave sa capitale Ghalcis. La

An universal history, from the earliest accounts to the present time Jan 22,
2008 universal history Syria but Ptolemy fubdivides thefe, and hi the
proper Syria oily reckons Commagene, Pieria, Cyrrhiftica, or Cyrrfieftica,
Salucis, Caffiotis, or Caiiotis, Chalybbnitis, Chalcidice, or Ghalcidene

Introduction To Aristotle Nov 14, 2006 mckeon,richard. Stagira on the

eastern coast of the peninsula of Chalcidice in Thrace. His father,
Nicomachus, was court physician andr according to tradition, friend of
Amyntas II, king of Macedon and father of

Carmina cvm brevi annotatione Oct 18, 2014 Homer . Chalcidice cum .
peninfula, in cuiua exirema ad orientem ora eft Athos.) Laudatur porro ex
Od. E, 5o Tlispfjjv 6 iicifiie i$ afttlpoCf (fic interpungej e'ftTTpoundltT6
Tcivrta, Macedonia a Macedone dicta

Europe Jun 28, 2009 rudler, f. w. (frederick william), 1840-1915 Bhodope

Mountains occuis another plain of considerable extent in Macedonia,
completely isolating from the mountains just named the highlands of
Chalcidice, with their peninsular prolongations, the most

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tants

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités ... Jan 13, 2008 sabbathier, [françois], 1735-1807. [from old
catalog] nommeacute leur Geacuteneacuteral. . Delagrave comme s'il
fucirct fort! dune expeacutedition glorieufe , il tira vers un paifs. que
Jufticircn nomme Ccedilppadoce gt ipais il faut lire plutocirct Chalcidice.
Philippe conquit ce pais moins par

Antiquitates Asiaticae Christianam aeram antecedentes, ex primariis

monumentis Graecis descriptae, Latinè versae, notisque commentariis
illustratae : accedit monumentum Latinum Ancyranum May 31, 2016
chishull, edmund, 1671-1733 Chalcidicum 1 .rnihi non obfcurc fubvenit,
non ahud fuTlTe quam Minervium, Grsce 'Ailwruoi, fignum habens
Chalcidice, ab urbe Chalcide, Minervs. Sic enim P. Viftor, in deferipta ab
eo noni ur- bis rione

The annals and magazine of natural history : zoology, botany, and geology
Dec 19, 2008 .Another species of the Chalcidice is mentioned as
Pteromalus rufus in the Catalogue referred to above but the specimen so
named is mutilated, and cannot be satisfactorily described. Encyrtus

A history of Greece, from its conquest by the Romans to the present time,
B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864 Nov 29, 2010 finlay, george, 1799-1875
construction of the city of Kastoria, to replace the ruined Diocletianopolis.
while they prove the desertion of great part of Chalcidice and Upper
Macedonia by the ancient inhabitants, prepare us for

A History of Modern Europe Sep 1, 2008 charles alan fyffe , fyffe the
Treaty of Amiens, i. 238 Chalcidice, district in Greece, ii. 286 Chambord,
Comte de (Due de Bordeaux), grandson of Charles X., ii. 376, iu. 166,
474, 476 Champ de Mai, ii. 46 Championnet, French

History of Herodotus a New English Version, Edited with Copious Notes

and Appendices, Illustrating the History and Geography of Herodotus,
from the Most Recent Sources of Information, and Embodying the Chief
Results, Historical and Ethnographical, which Have Been Obtained in the
Progress of Cuneiform and Hieroglyphical Discovery May 10, 2016 ,
which he calls a town of Chalcidice, near PalIdue, situated on the
Thermaic Gulf (ad voc. Kdifai.Crusis or Crussea is the name more
commonly given to this district (see Thucyd. li. 79 Dionys

Justin, Cornelius Nepos, and Eutropius, tr. with notes by J.S. Watson Jan
26, 2015 marcus junianus justinus text, though he condenuiB it io hm note,
observing that it is well known Philip never went to Cappadocia.
Gronovius sugge Bted Chalcidice, and Tanaqdl Fkber approved it. + Pari
perJidiA'] JuBtin. or

History Of World Civilization Vol-ii Jan 16, 2017 Republic, 596 M.

Porcius Cato as, 612 Centaurs, of Greek mythology, 419 Ceramics, see
Pottery Cereals in Neolithic Age, 17 ChEcronea, victory of Macedon over
bullthe Greeks, 384 Chalcidice, colonization by

Zeitschrift für allgemeine Erdkunde Sep 9, 2016 nachstehenden Daten

entnomnaen. Auf der oumlstlichsten der drei von der Halbinsel Chalcidice
auslaufenden Landzungen, erhebt sich der etwa 6400 Fufs hohe
Marmorkegel des Athos, als suumldlichster Auslaumlufer des diese

The Canadian journal of industry, science and art May 28, 2010 canadian
institute , quinarii and assaria of the Roman Emperors, but com- t Coins
of Chalcis, the capital of the district of Chalcidice in Syria are found,
but they are generally of the times subsequent to the Roman

The works of Plato... Jan 31, 2010 Plato into Chalcidice mentioned in 1.
65, and had joined the army newly arrived from Poddea. lb. Critias.] It is
extraordinary that Plato, from a partiality to his own family, should so of
ten introduce

Handbuch der alten Geographie Für Gymnasien und zum Selbstunterricht

mit steter Rücksicht auf die numismatische Geographie und die neuesten
besseren Hülfsmittel nebst 5 lithographirten Chärtchen Jan 22, 2015
friedrich sickler , alles Xancl zwischen dem Nestus nnd dem Sxvjmm
diches auck die 'Macedoma IL Odomantice nUes Land smschen dem Stry-
nion und Axius eingetheiit in Sintice sud- westlicher Paraxia, DI

Epistulae et chartae ad historiam primi belli sacri spectantes quae supersunt

aevo aequales ac genvinae. Die Kreuzzugsbriefe aus den Jahren 1088-1100
eine Quellensammlung zur Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges. Mit
Erläuterungen Feb 14, 2009 hagenmeyer, heinrich, 1834-1915 ausdehnte,
in welchem die Orontesstadte Scheizar, Hamah (Epiphania) und HOms
(Hemesa) lagen, das alte Apamene und Chalcidice. Der Name Hispania ist
identisch mit Ispahan. Wenn auch Ispahan hinter dem

A Manual of Ancient History Apr 28, 2008 mary elsie thalheimer capture
of thirty-two cities in Chalcidice the Sacred War made Philip master of
Phocis and head of the Amphictyonic League. In eastern Thrace, the
Athenians found aid in the Persians, who were already

U.S. Army War College Guide to National Security Policy and Strategy,
2nd Edition (2006) Sep 24, 2015 strategic studies institute , establishing
the base at Pylos and using it as a means for placing pressure on its enemy.
Sparta, inspired by the generalship of Brasidas, counters by attacking the
Athenian alliance in Boeotia and Chalcidice

Die Natugeschichte des Cajus Plinius Secundus : ins Deutsche übersetzt

und mit Anmerkungen versehen Aug 14, 2009 pliny, the elder zwei
Drachmen. 34. Glatzen werden wieder behaart durch Anwendung von
Schafmistasche mit Cyperoumll und Honig, dessgleichen ') Sepa von
orjTta): der Biss soll Faumlulniss erzeugen. Chalcidice: hat

Rheinisches Museum für Philologie Dec 28, 2009 omni Chalcidice, licet
throoo ac ditioni Tbessaloniceosi tum subiectabull EchedoruSj in ipso
Sinus Tbermaici recessu boreali ac medins ioter Axium ac Thessalonicam
fluens, undas suas eidem mari, non Axio

Leipziger studien zur classischen philologie ... Feb 26, 2008 curtius, georg,
1820-1885, [from old catalog] ed nihil locis Tbucydideis (I 98. IV 50. 102
sqq. V 6, 10. [IV 7]), Sed ipsius est Stephani 'xQQovrjOov de Chalcidice
dicere.' cf. Meineke ad h. 1. et ad v. dvrj. Adice exemplum s. y. Mear

Teachers' home series Jul 16, 2010 national school of correspondence,

quincy, ill. [from old catalog] his father, Philip, in 336 B. C, and came into
possession of Macedonia, Greece, Chalcidice and Thrace. After two
years spent in suppressing Revolts, he crossed the Hellespont with thirty-
five thousand

Documents of the Assembly of the State of New York Sep 7, 2008 new
york (state). legislature. assembly : Lysander amp Wars: Agesilaus. (i)
Persian: Anabasis Antalcidas. (2) Domestic: Peloponnesus, Chalcidice,
new Athenian League, Leuctra c Estimate of Spartan power, and reasons
for her failure to secure

Xenophon's Anabasis: books I.-IV Feb 17, 2008 xenophon, francis willey
kelsey captain, from Olynthus in Chalcidice. get supplies, obtain
provisions, lay in provisions, forage, procure supplies with acc. of the

A system of universal geography, on the principles of comparison and

classification May 27, 2015 woodbridge, william c. (william channing),
1794-1845 it. Thessaliotis. Pharsalia. PlITHIOTIS, Magnesia. MelibcBa.
P.EOXIA. Pieria. Emathia. Mygdonia. Amphixites. Chalcidice. Edonica.
_ SiNTICA. ZQ f ACARNAIMA. ! Theesprotia. g j Chaonia. Piq

Outlines of history with original tables, chronological, genealogical and

literary Oct 15, 2009 labberton, robert henlopen, 1812-1898 as to guard the
fleet against shipwreck. Then the army marched from Sardis through the
Troad to the Hellespont, thence along the southern coast of Thrace,
straight across the ridge of Chalcidice, into

The Archaeological journal Jun 25, 2008 british archaeological

association. central committee the attempt to conquer the amphibiouslake-
dwellers. Lake Cercinitis or Prasias is not to be confounded with Lake
Bolbe, north of Chalcidice, and near Stagira, the birthplace of Aristotle.
It is said

The first six books of Homer's Iliad May 1, 2007 Homer (Naxos, about
735 B.C.), and sending so many colonies to the southern shore of Thrace
as to give its name to the great promontory of Chalcidice. ElfXTpCav:
the later Eretria. The short quantity of e

Word studies in the New Testament Nov 22, 2009 vincent, marvin
richardson, 1834-1922 the great levels of Macedonia, and with the plain
of the Strymon, by a pass across the peninsula of Chalcidice. It was the
chief station on the Via Egnatia, the great Roman road which ran from

Aristotle and the earlier Peripatetics Nov 17, 2009 zeller, eduard, 1814-
1908 of Baur and Strauss. THE LIFE OF AMgTOTLE B.C. 384.1
Stagira, the city of his birth, was situated in that district of Thrace called
Chalcidice,2 which was at that date a thoroughly Hellenic country

The life of Saint Jerome, the great doctor of the church Apr 27, 2012
siguenza, jose de Libanus and Antilibanus, and which is called by Pliny
Decapolis.1 It is also divided into small districts in one of these, called
Chalcidice, is a very fertile region, a habitable land, and enjoys a

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie Jan 10, 2015
deg (im Mittel = 131), waumlhrend die dritte Spaltung annaumlhernd
senkrecht auf einer der zwei gleichwerthigen steht. Bekanntlich
beobachtete auch Becke (Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. T. M. P. M.
I. 270

Ridpath's history of the world being an account of the principal events in

the career of the human race from the beginnings of civilization to the
present time, comprising the development of social institutions and the
story of all nations Apr 25, 2007 ridpath, john clark, 1840-1900 provinces:
Lyncestis, Stymphalia, Orestis, Elimea, Eordsea, Pieria, Bottisea, Emathia,
Mygdonia, Chalcidice, Bisaltia, and Plaquoonia with its subdivisions.
LYNCESTIS, the first of these districts lay to the

The history of Greece Oct 2, 2009 mitford, william, 1744-1827 . Its

fertility ot soil, and maritime advantages, ib. Chalcidice, Revolt of , from
the Pernans, ii. 88. 327, 328. Chalcidon, account of , vi. 363, 364. Chalds,
an Athenian colony before the Trojan war

L 103 Plutarch Parallel Lives XI Aratus Artaxerxes Galba Otho Dec 11,
2013 Thrace, 226 X. 366 f. Chalcidice, VII. 20 Chalcis, city in Euboea,
iv. 388, 390, 302, 354, X. 354, 366 f. Chalcodon, Elphenor's father, I. 80
chapel of , in Athens, 62 Chaldaeans, II. 510 subdued

Plutarch's lives Jul 3, 2008 plutarch . 371. Xenophon, commanding in

Chalcidice, Nicias, iii. 296. Xenophon the writer, Lycurgus, i. 84
Alcibiades, ii. 41 Marcellus, ii. 262 Comparison, ii. 278 Lysander, iii.
120 Agesilaus, iv. 10

Woodbridge and Willard's Universal Geography ...: Accompanied by

Modern and Ancient Atlases ... Oct 16, 2008 william channing
woodbridge, emma willard . Thessalonica ( Saloniki). Thessaliotis.
Phthiotis. Magnesia. PiEONIA. PlERlA. Emathia. Mygdonia. Amphaxites.
Chalcidice. Edonica. SiNTICA. AcARNANIA. Thresprotia. Chaonia.
molossis. GuLFs.Strymon

Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte Feb

14, 2008 gesellschaft deutscher naturforscher und ärzte an dem Ostrande
von pounduboea wieder auf. An dem Gegenufer der Kuumlste Kleinasiens
sowie an jenem der Balkangebiete im Norden, mit Ausnahme von der
Halbinsel Chalcidice, findet sich jedoch nur seichtes

Das Antlitz der Erde Feb 1, 2011 suess, eduard, 1831-1914 ganz unbekannt
aber die Ergebnisse der bisherigen Forschungen lassen bereits erkennen,
dass es, ganz wie die Halbinsel Chalcidice, seine chiragratische Form der
\ereinigung einer Anzahl

An universal history, from the earliest accounts to the present time Jan 29,
2008 , Salucis, Calliotis, or Cafiotis, Chalybonitis, Chalcidice, or
Chalcidene, Apamene, Laodicene, Phoenicia Mediterranean Coelefyria,
and Palmyrene. Comma- To follow the divifion of Ptolemy: Commagene,
or gtne

Plutarch's Lives Aug 23, 2007 plutarch and rehearsed with historical proof
s all the benefits which the peoples of Thebes and Chalcidice had
conferred upon Greece, and, on the other 2 An envoy of Philip to the
Athenian assembly, in 343 B.C

Die Satiren des D. J. Juvenalis. Uebersetzt und erlaütert von Dr. W. E.

Weber Jan 31, 2015 decimus junius juvenalis Ehehaumllfte. Dass die von
Philipp dem Macedonier so hartnaumlckig belagerte, von ihren
Athenischen Bandesfreunden bloss phlegmatisch unterstuumltzte Stadt
Olynthus auf Chalcidice an der Macedonischen Graumlnze

A Greek grammar Mar 23, 2017 goodwin, william watson, 1831-1912 ,

S.7Z.909. 8. laquos, to, used with the accusative like eh, but only with
personal i objects : dcplKero cJs UepdlKKUP Kal is ryv XaXciStc'i', he
came to Perdiccas and into Chalcidice, T.4, 79. 1221

A Greek Grammar Sep 1, 2008 william watson goodwin gtiKeuroTo ws

liepdiKKav Kal is rv akKibiK-fiv, he came to Perdiccas and into
Chalcidice, T.4,79. 1221. 1. In general, the accusative is the case used with
prepositions to denote that towards which, over

A history of the great war May 8, 2008 buchan, john, 1875-1940 , but the
whole three-pronged peninsula of Chalcidice. The preparation of the
lines and the communications behind them was pushed on with surprising
speed. The now considerable numbers of the Allied

Quinti Horatii Flacci opera omnia =: The Works of Horace May 26, 2008
horace, edward charles wickham . 13. Sithoniis, properly the inhabitants of

the middle finger of the three which run out into the Aegean from
Chalcidice, For Thracian intemperance, cp. Od. I. 27. I, j. 36. 13, 2. 7. 26.

International law and the world war Jul 23, 2007 garner, james wilford,
1871-1938 Chalcidice peninsula, and a large part of Macedonia. In
January, 1916, French troops landed on the Greek island of Corfu and
occupied the castle of Achillein owned by the German Emperor, hoisted
the French

The Anabasis of Xenophon ... Jan 31, 2012 xenophon Macedonia, in the
district of Chalcidice, at the head of the Sinus Toronaicus. Kekaivdc.
Celana.A city of Phrygia, in the southwest, near the sources of the
Maeander.kvravda Kvpy fiacilua tjv.

History of Greece from the earliest times to its final subjection to Rome
Jan 25, 2015 malkin, frederick, 1802?-1830 race and however inferior in
discipline and skill, their numerical superiority was such that the
Macedonians could not keep the field. Sitalces overran and wasted
Macedonia and Chalcidice but his army

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tant

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités ... Par m. Sabbathier, prof esseur au Collége de
ChâlonssurMarne ... Tome premier 37. A ChâlonssurMarne chez Seneuze,
imprimeur du Roi, dans la Grande Rue Feb 17, 2016 ) Plin. T. I. p. laquo07.
(4) Plin. Tom. I. p. 09. Ptolem. l. m. c. 17 (O Stfab. p. jld. (d) Strab. p. gt4
Ptolem. L, III. C. 14- (a, Ptolem. L. 111. c. i). P A ceacutedoine , dans la
Chalcidice , feacutelon Ptoleacutemeacutee

An English Commentary on Dante's "Divina Commedia" Mar 3, 2008

henry fanshawe tozer are generally identified with the peninsula of
PaJlene in Chalcidice, wliich faces Olympus, vendetta allegra: ' welcome
revenge' L e. he would not be able to humiliate me or make me yield. 679

An abridged history of Greek literature Feb 1, 2008 croiset, alfred, 1845-

1923 later name of Potidaea in Chalcidice. Tr.] Comedy in the Fourth
Century 401 Plautus closely imitated him in several of his works: the
MerccUor is a more or less exact copy of …

Ioannis Cantacuzeni eximperatoris historiarum libri IV. Graece et latine

Sep 9, 2016 john vi cantacuzenus, emperor of the east, 1292-1383 ,
oppidum I, pound09, a|. Chalcedon c regione Byzantii 111, aaoj '6 . .
Chalcidice Thraciae urbs I, Ut16. 446, 6. II, 161, i3.,a35f 16. 401, i3, 42,
6. 433,8. regio 42, 9. 437 7 66, 16

Dictionnaire portatif de la fable : pour l'intelligence des poètes, des

tableaux, statues, pierres gravées, médailles, et autres monumens relatifs à
la mythologie Mar 30, 2011 chompré, m. (pierre), 1698-1760 ensuite la
ville d'Olynlhus. Olynthus, fils d'Hercule et de Bolieacute. 11 donna son
nom au fleuve Olynthus dans la Chalcidice. Olynthus , autre fils
d'Hercule qui, selon Stephanus de lyzance , donna son

American journal of archaeology Mar 29, 2007 archaeological institute of

america . A fourth-century inscription from Chalcidice is published. 9. In
7. G. Ill, 170 the name of the Thracian town is restored as acrrv TO
[2]pS[agtv]. 10. An inscription from Lampsacus (B. C. 77. XVII

Ioannis Cantacuzeni Eximperatoris Historiarum Libri IV. Græce et Latine

Dec 7, 2014 john vi cantacuzenus (emperor of the east) , noXtv fieyuXrjv
xdi noXvdvampqoonov, orqaTtuv noX- a4- lmperator Chalcidice
Byzantium venit, Syrgianne et Zamplaconc sequcntibus, ad iudicium illic
obeundum: brevique vocjuab utrnque testcs afluerunt

The Classical review May 23, 2008 classical association (great britain) ff.),
do not come from any scientific excavation (cf. Traeger, ibid. 1902, pp. 62
ff.). Dr. Kinch informs us that prehistoric mounds are common in
Macedonia proper and Chalcidice, and that he is

The Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art Feb 23, 2009 canadian
institute (1849-1914). copper coins, consisting principally of denarii,
quinarii and assaria of the Roman Emperors, but com- t Coins of Chalcis,
the capital of the district of Chalcidice in Syria are foand, bat they are

Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae Jan 19, 2008 barthold georg

niebuhr . (DAinnoi] veriua ita, et mox (A(pinoUj codex Conatantini 1. 8
Them. 1 et 8. IhUL jinokXmvia} sita erat in Chalcidice, quam in
Olynthum cum32 aliis urbibus Philippum evertisoe Demoathe nes Plolipp

Studies in humanism Jan 6, 2010 schiller, f. c. s. (ferdinand canning scott),

1864-1937 PROTAGORAS THE HUMANIST Antimorus ( of Mendc, a
small Greek city in Chalcidice, devoted Philonous \ to the production and
consumption of wine. Protagoras, of Abdera. MOROSOPHUS, an Eleatic

The Mercersburg Review Apr 14, 2009 franklin and marshall college
alumni association, reformed church in the united states publication board

the promontory Akte or the peninsula Chalcidice and is now called Agios
Oros or Monte Santo. Sopboc. Thamyr. fragm. 8 bas dpaaav oxotziclv
Zrub Aampdou, V. 286-289. This spirited and highly

A Greek Grammar Mar 7, 2008 william watson goodwin objects: dipUero

ws UepdUKav Kal is Ty XoKkiSikif, he came to Perdiccas and into
Chalcidice, T.4,79. 1221. 1. In general, the accusative is the case used with
prepositions to denote that towards which

L 099 Plutarch Parallel Lives VII Demosthenes Cicero, Alexander Julius

Caesar Dec 10, 2013 Chalcidice had conferred upon Greece, and, on the
other 2 An envoy of Philip to the Athenian assembl}T, in 343 B.C. See
Demosthenes, On tht Crown, sect 136. 3 In 324 B.C. VOL. VII. B 21

Studies In Humanism Jan 16, 2017 f.c.s. schiller Essay xvi sectsect 9, 10
XIV PROTAGORAS THE HUMANIST Antimorus of Mende, a small
Greek city in Chalcidice, devoted Philonous (to the production and
consumption of wine. Protagoras, of Abdera. MOROSOPHUS, an

Caii Plinii Secundi Historiae naturalis libri 37 cum selectis commentariis

J. Harduini ac recentiorum interpretum novisque adnotationibus ...
Volumen primum decimum et ultimum Pars quinta continens materiam
medicam ex animalibus curante Jo. B. F. Steph. Ajasson de Grandsagne
Mar 11, 2016 gaius plinius secundus . Herpeti genus de quo ambigitur ,
dum saurium hi asseverant , hi ophidiutn. Nos, cum plerisque, e sauriis esse
credimus, nec dissentit Noster. Chalcidice, ut patet, propterea dictus est,

The romance of William of Palerne: (otherwise known as the romance of

"William and the werwolf") Jan 3, 2010 skeat, walter w. (walter william),
1835-1912, ed (Havercamp) remarks that this is false, and that
Cappadodam is a mere mistake for Chahidicam or Chalcidem and he is
doubtless right, as the siege of Olyntlius in Chalcidice must be meant P.
207,1. 954

Ancient European philosophy : the history of Greek philosophy,

psychologically treated Dec 4, 2007 snider, denton jacques, 1841-1925
Stagira, a town of the Thracian Chalcidice, and died in 322 B. C. at the
city of Chalcis in Euboea. Father and mother were both Greeks, so that he
was not a half-Greek, as some have called him but his

Illinois classical studies Mar 31, 2009 university of illinois at urbana-

champaign irrefuuble. See most recently the inscription from the site of
Kalyndoia in which the land of the Greek-speaking Bottiaioi in inland
Chalcidice was transferred by Alexander in 3354 to Macedones.See

The life and work of St. Paul Feb 3, 2009 farrar, frederic william, 1831-
1903 the shores of Lake Bolbe to Apollonia. Here again they rested for a

night, and the next day, pursuing their journey across the neck of the
promontory of Chalcidice, and leaving Olynthus and Potidaja

A history of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ being a second
and revised edition of a "Manual of the history of New Testament times."
Dec 14, 2007 schürer, emil, 1844-1910 . Aristobulus, son of Herod of
Chalcis, king of Lesser Armenia, I. ii. 342, 343, comp. I. ii. 28.
Aristobulus of Chalcidice, I. ii. 343. Aristobulus, Jewish philosopher, n.
iii. 237-243 on the origin of

Ridpath's history of the world being an account of the principal events in

the career of the human race from the beginnings of civilization to the
present time, comprising the development of social institutions and the
story of all nations Apr 25, 2007 ridpath, john clark, 1840-1900
Empire.How bounded.Principal Rivers.Valleys.Political Divisions.Orestis
and Stymphalia.Eordrea and Pieria.Bottisea.Emathea. Mygdonia.
Chalcidice. Olynthus. Bisaltia. PfEonia.Via

A Greek Grammar Apr 7, 2008 william watson goodwin myself and you,
S.E1.909. 8. s, to, used with the accusative like els, but only with personal
objects: amp4gtLkeuroto cJs lie p8 Ik Kav ko.1 is tv XaXiaducfjv, he came
to Perdiccas and into Chalcidice, T

The Quest For Political Unity In World History Oct 31, 2006 stanley
pargellis expedition to Chalcidice and captured the port of Amphipolis,
thus cutting of f the supply of ship's timbers from that region.
Thenceforward Athens was hard put to it to find sufficient lumber for her

The Close of the Middle Ages, 1272-1494: Period III Feb 24, 2009 richard
lodge Empire and the Ottoman Turks 495 Constantinople itself, with the
adjacent district of Roumelia and the peninsula of Chalcidice. To the
north and west they were hemmed in by the independent kingdoms

The natural history of Pliny Oct 3, 2009 pliny, the elder Cape Sunium, and
next to that the produce of Chalcidice and Crete: but wherever this plant
grows it is only to be found in rugged and wild localities. The name
sertuluor garland,which it bears

A history of Greek classical literature Aug 27, 2012 browne, robert

william, 1809-1895. [from old catalog] , but these discrepancies are
contradictory and inconsistent with each other.a If some are true the others
must be absolutely false. The Greek colony Stagira, in Chalcidice, had
the honour of giving

The ancient world : from the earliest times to 800 A.D. Jul 15, 2011 betten,
francis sales, 1863-1942 neighbors into a promising league. A Spartan
army compelled this league to break up. While on the way to Chalcidice,
part of this army, by treachery, in time of peace, seized the citadel of

Lives. With an English translation by Bernadotte Perrin Apr 12, 2017

plutarch were said of Thebes and Olynthus, and while he was reading it
aloud at Olympia, Demosthenes came forward and rehearsed with
historical proof s all the benefits which the peoples of Thebes and

World University Encyclopedia Vol.-2 Antonelli To Bentinck Jan 16, 2017

gregory,r.p referred to as the Stagirite), a Greek colony on the Chalcidice,
a Macedonian peninsula, in 384 b.c., Aristotle was sent to Athens at the
age of 17 to become a pupil of Plato. He remained there until

The Deipnosophists or, Banquet of the learned Aug 21, 2012 athenaeus,
of naucratis thoroughly. It grows, too, around Torone in Chalcidice, in a
marsh of moderate size, and that place ripens it, and it brings its fruit to
perfection there. But Diphilus the Siphnian says, The root of the

American Journal of Numismatics, vol. 50 May 10, 2016 (continued)

Kamsa Larin Miisaka Massa Pana Ridi Rix Dollar Rupee Stiver Suku Tang
Tanga Three Halfpence Threepence Chalcidice League Coinage
Chandergerry Pagoda Chandtrnagor Fanam Chaul Bazarucco

Jahresberichte über das höhere Schulwesen Jun 10, 2009 conrad rethwisch
. Recht stoumlrend ist die ungleiche Schreibung, einmal
Lazedaumlmonier, Sizilien, Thrazien, dann wieder Macedonien,
Lacedaumlmon, Chalcidice. Von den angebundenen drei Karten ist die
fuumlr Griechenland

Plutarch's Lives Aug 23, 2007 plutarch , 88 II. 492, 496 Cotta besieged
there, 494 Chalcidians, I. 298 their Hippobotae banished by Pericles, III.
66 defeat Calliades and Xenophon, Athenian generals in Thrace, 226 X.
366 f. Chalcidice

World History Nov 13, 2012 hutton webster City-States 99 which enabled
him to keep his soldiers always under arms and to fit out a fleet. Philip
next made Macedonia a maritime state by annexing the Greek cities on the
peninsula of Chalcidice.

The history of Greece Dec 2, 2008 mitford, william, 1744-1827

democratical party, closely connected M'ith Argos. The influence of
Athens and Corinth together then ingagcd Acarnania, Ambracia,
Leucadia, part of Thessaly, all Euboea, and the populous towns of
Chalcidice in

Sylvae Jun 21, 2016 Hei mihi quod tantum patrias ego uertice frondes
Solaqj Chalcidice cerealia dona corona: Te fub tefte tulirqualem te
dardanus alb Vix ccepilTetager,fi per me certa tulifles Cxfarea donata

Studies in humanism Aug 14, 2007 schiller, f. c. s. (ferdinand canning

scott), 1864-1937 small Greek city in Chalcidice, devoted PHILONOUS

( to the production and consumption of wine. PROTAGORAS, of Abdera.

MorosOPHUS, an Eleatic philosopher. SOPHOMORUS, his son.
TimeAbout 370 B.C

American journal of archaeology Mar 29, 2007 archaeological institute of

america , published B.C.H. 1897, p. 107, and the form 'EppiScuos in the
inscription from Olynthus last published by Hof fmann, Griech. Dialekte,
III, p. 9, belong to the dialect of Chalcidice, showing the Ionic

The history of the Peloponnesian War, illustrated by maps, taken entirely

from actual surveys Nov 9, 2010 thucydides mentions an Eion in Pieria,
which Eustathius also acknowledges, but this also is too distant from
Chalcidice and besides belonged to Macedonia. And the other Pieria east
of the Strymon, and mentioned II

Das Weltall Jan 8, 2016 archenhold, friedrich simon, 1861- kurze

Nachrichten von dem Erdbeben, das am 28. Oktober 1905 auf dem Berge
Athos auf der Halbinsel Chalcidice an der tuumlrkischen
Mittelmeerkuumlste stattgefunden hatte. Inzwischen kamen
ausfuumlhrlichere und

Horace vol. 1: The odes, carmen sae culare and epodes. With a commentary
by E.C. Wickham May 25, 2007 horace inhabitants of the middle finger
of the three which run out into the Aegean from Chalcidice. For Thracian
intemperance, cp. Od. 1. 27. 1, 1. 36. 13, 2. 7. 26. 9, 10. ' There is warning
in the heavy

The History Of Rome Vol I Jan 18, 2017 ihne wilhelm their names seem
to refer either to him or to his father Anchises, or to one of his companions.
Thus it was said that he founded the town of Mhos in Thrace, the town of
nea in Chalcidice and that in

The Natural History Of Pliny Vol.4 Jan 19, 2017 riley, h. t. tr boiled it
bears a strong resemblance to that of the reed. This plant grows also in

Syria and Cilicia, and upon the banks 0 Lake Torone in Chalcidice. Georg,
i. 215. rdquo This notion still prevails, and

The Works Of Aristotle Volume Iv Jan 16, 2017 Aristotle 50412, 617 25
diet of 592 i6 migration of 6135, Chalcidice, Euboean 496 26 Thracian
519 14. Chalcis 531 II. Chalcis, a fish so called, breeding of 543 2, 568
18, 24 diet of 621 6

Ancient Egyptian Religion Apr 29, 2017 khaled_gamelyan inhabitants of

which, as Pausanias says)23' consulted the oracle of Ammon in Libya
from early times more than the other Greeks. At Aphytis, Chalcidice,
Amun was worshipped, from the time of Lysander (d

The history of Greece : from its conquest by the crusaders to its conquest
by the Turks, and of the empire of Trebizond 1204-1461 Jan 3, 2014
finlay, george, 1799-1875 Diocletianopolis, while they prove the desertion
of great part of Chalcidice and Upper Macedonia by the ancient
inhabitants, prepare us for finding these districts occupied by a new race of
De bello peloponnesiaco, libri octo. Ad optimorvm codicvm fidem,
adhibitis doctorvm virorvm observationibvs, recensvit, svmmariis et notis
illvstravit, indicesqve rervm et verborvm adiecit Christoph. Frid. Ferd.
Haackivs May 14, 2008 thucydides eTai vftd Sevov Tou 2ftap6dxov,
dSekcptSov ovTog, xai xeytaTOV ce, vaftata Chalcidice et Macedonia,
inductus a Seutha fratre patrueli, (juem Perdiccas ilbi conciliaverat, celeri-

Joannis Luyts... introductio ad geographiam novam et veterem in qua

necessaria hujus scientiae prolegomena, intermixto usu globi terrestris, nec
non oceani et regionum constitutio perspicuo ordine pertractantur
adjiciuntur suis locis oceani, terrae, et cujusque regionis tabulae, item
chartae LXV Sansonis, inter quas quaedam hac Feb 7, 2015 jan luyts ,
Cyrreftica, amp Chalcidice. Urbes hojus Coeiefyrix cx partc retulimus,
quando de diraidia tribu Manaflis trans Jordanem dictum cft. lnter refiduas
prxftabant Laodicca Scabiof a, feu cognominata ad Libanum

Plutarch's Lives Jun 15, 2009 plutarch., john dryden , Demetrius, V. 153.
Xknophilus, Aristides, ii. 281. Xenophilus, a captain of robbers, Aratus,
v. 371. Xenophon, commanding in Chalcidice, Nicias, iii. 296. Xenophon
the writer, Lycurgus, i. 84 Alcibiades

The historical reference book: comprising a chronological table of

universal ... Oct 1, 2009 louis heilprin fortrees of Moravia, on the river
March. bull A town in the peninsula of Chalcidice, which projects into
the N. W. part of the vEgean Sea.In Provence, near Avignon. bull A town
about 100 miles W. of Stockholm

American journal of archaeology: the journal of the Archaeological

Institute ... Nov 28, 2009 archaeological institute of america, american
school of classical studies at athens, american school of classical studies
in rome, american school for oriental study and research in palestine

attributed to Chalcidice, is a nude male figure with wings, running, and

holding a wreath in each hand. It may be a personification of Agon. Two
Euboean (?) coins are here, of a series on which

The History of Rome Aug 4, 2008 wilhelm ihne founded the town of
MnoB in Thrace, the town of nea in Chalcidice and that in the
neighbourhood of Cumae he landed on the island JSnaria. In many places
his tomb was shown, but more especially the

Light Against Darkness Dualism In Ancient Mediterranean Religion And

The Contemporary World Nov 8, 2013 armin lange, eric m. meyers
Chalcidice, Phanton of Phlius, and Echecrates, Diocles, and Polymnastus,
also of Phlius, who were pupils of Philolaus and Eurytus of Tarentum.29
An example of a modern philosopher's discussion of

A Greek Grammar Sep 1, 2008 william watson goodwin and into

Chalcidice, T.4,79. 1221. 1. In general, the accusative is the case used with

prepositions to denote that towards which, over which, along which, or

upon which motion takes place the

Ioannis Cantacuzeni Eximperatoris Historiarum Libri IV. Græce et Latine

Nov 8, 2014 john vi cantacuzenus (emperor of the east) flectere
nequivisseL a4- Imperator Chalcidice Byzantium venit, Syrgianne et
Zjmplaconc sequentibus, ad iudicium illic obeundum: brevique vocati ab
utroque tcstes affuerunt Quod ut rescivit imperator, nti ad

The annals Oct 31, 2012 tacitus, cornelius Athenian forger. Thermaeus
Sinus. V. 10. {Bay of Salonika.) A gulf between Chalcidice and the
mainland. Thermus. See Minucius. Theseus. IV. 56. An Ionian hero
founder of Attica as a united

The History of Greece: From Its Conquest by the Crusaders to Its Conquest
by ... Jul 31, 2008 george finlay Kastoria, to replace the ruined
Diocletianopolis, while they prove the desertion of great part of
Chalcidice and Upper Macedonia by the ancient inhabitants, prepare us
for finding these districts

Select orations and letters of Cicero Mar 12, 2008 marcus tullius cicero ,
francis willey kelsey resigned the throne to his son, Ariobarzdnes
Philopator, probably in B. c. 63. ArifltotelSs, -is, \Api(nor4Kris\y m.,
Aristotle, a famous Greek philosopher, bom at Stagira, in Chalcidice,
B.C. 384. He was

Moralia, in fifteen volumes, with an English translation by Frank Cole

Babbitt Oct 21, 2008 plutarch , 571 Athos, 147 : a mountain peak of
Chalcidice Atlantis, 181 note d, 183 note d : the island of Plato's Timaeus
and Critias Atlas, 59 : the Titan who held the sky alof t Atropos, 221 and
note b :

KRYSTALLOGRAPHIP Apr 2, 2014 p. groth gegeben, welche in dem

Ottrelitschiefer der Halbinsel Chalcidice vorkommen . Selbe stimmt mit

den vorgenannten Beobachtungen vollstSndig ttberein. Der Masonit von

Natic village in Rhode Island verhillt

A history of the world Jul 19, 2010 smith, Philip, 1817-1885 unanimously,
though the proposer was indicted and fined (b.c. 348). But even then,
though three successive expeditions were sent out to Chalcidice, they
effected nothing of importance. Meanwhile Philip

The New Book Of Knowledge The Childrens Encyclopedia Vol.-7 Jan 17,
2017 grolier them than formerly. Mount Athos on Chalcidice peninsula
is a tiny religious state by itself. It has 20 monasteries, and no women may
ever enter this area. The largest religious minority is Muslim

The Close Of Middle Ages 1272-1494 Period Iii Jan 18, 2017 lodge r of
the western kings. In Europe they held little more than 494 The Greek
Empire and the Ottoman Turks 495 Constantinople itself, with the adja(ent
district of Roumelia and the peninsula of Chalcidice

Winkler Prins encyclopaedie Jan 17, 2014 prins, a Turken verwoest, die
van de stenen moskeeeumln in Constantinopel bouwden. Op haar plaats
verheft zich thans Kadikeuiuml. CHALCIDICE, schiereiland ten Z. van
Thracieuml, in drie landtongen uitlopend

The Encyclopedia Americana Apr 20, 2010 americana corporation ,

ancient Greek historian: b. Chalcidice, about the middle of the 4th century
B.C. In about 316 B.C. he went to Cassandria and became a citizen there.
He accompanied Alexander the Great on his campaign into

The history of Greece : from its conquest by the crusaders to its conquest
by the Turks, and of the empire of Trebizond 1204-1461 Jan 3, 2014
finlay, george, 1799-1875 Diocletianopolis, while they prove the desertion
of great part of Chalcidice and Upper Macedonia by the ancient
inhabitants, prepare us for finding these districts occupied by a new race of
emigrants.2 Now, it is

De bello peloponnesiaco, libri octo. Ad optimorvm codicvm fidem,

adhibitis doctorvm virorvm observationibvs, recensvit, svmmariis et notis
illvstravit, indicesqve rervm et verborvm adiecit Christoph. Frid. Ferd.
Haackivs May 14, 2008 thucydides eTai vftd Sevov Tou 2ftap6dxov,
dSekcptSov ovTog, xai xeytaTOV ce, vaftata Chalcidice et Macedonia,
inductus a Seutha fratre patrueli, (juem Perdiccas ilbi conciliaverat, celeri-

Joannis Luyts... introductio ad geographiam novam et veterem in qua

necessaria hujus scientiae prolegomena, intermixto usu globi terrestris, nec
non oceani et regionum constitutio perspicuo ordine pertractantur
adjiciuntur suis locis oceani, terrae, et cujusque regionis tabulae, item
chartae LXV Sansonis, inter quas quaedam hac Feb 7, 2015 jan luyts ,
Cyrreftica, amp Chalcidice. Urbes hojus Coeiefyrix cx partc retulimus,
quando de diraidia tribu Manaflis trans Jordanem dictum cft. lnter refiduas
prxftabant Laodicca Scabiof a, feu cognominata ad Libanum

Plutarch's Lives Jun 15, 2009 plutarch., john dryden , Demetrius, V. 153.
Xknophilus, Aristides, ii. 281. Xenophilus, a captain of robbers, Aratus,
v. 371. Xenophon, commanding in Chalcidice, Nicias, iii. 296. Xenophon
the writer, Lycurgus, i. 84 Alcibiades

The historical reference book: comprising a chronological table of

universal ... Oct 1, 2009 louis heilprin fortrees of Moravia, on the river
March. bull A town in the peninsula of Chalcidice, which projects into
the N. W. part of the vEgean Sea.In Provence, near Avignon. bull A town
about 100 miles W. of Stockholm

American journal of archaeology: the journal of the Archaeological

Institute ... Nov 28, 2009 archaeological institute of america, american
school of classical studies at athens, american school of classical studies
in rome, american school for oriental study and research in palestine

attributed to Chalcidice, is a nude male figure with wings, running, and

holding a wreath in each hand. It may be a personification of Agon. Two
Euboean (?) coins are here, of a series on which

The History of Rome Aug 4, 2008 wilhelm ihne founded the town of
MnoB in Thrace, the town of nea in Chalcidice and that in the
neighbourhood of Cumae he landed on the island JSnaria. In many places
his tomb was shown, but more especially the

Light Against Darkness Dualism In Ancient Mediterranean Religion And

The Contemporary World Nov 8, 2013 armin lange, eric m. meyers
Chalcidice, Phanton of Phlius, and Echecrates, Diocles, and Polymnastus,
also of Phlius, who were pupils of Philolaus and Eurytus of Tarentum.29
An example of a modern philosopher's discussion of

The History of Herodotus: A New English Version Mar 8, 2009 herodotus

known except that it was in Mygdonia (PtoL iii. 13 compare Steph. Byz.
ad hoc. 'EopSoMu), probably upon the borders of Chalcidice. When we
hear of the Amyrians having been anciently Eordi (Suid

Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens May 12,

2008 archaeological institute of america , american school of classical
studies at athens . While Athens and Sparta are still slumbering, these cities
are founding colonies from Chalcidice to Cumffi. In the eighth century B.
c. they had their blooming period. Miletus and Samos did not

Elemente der Gesteinslehre Jan 28, 2008 harry rosenbusch Mulde, in der
Silvrettagruppe und an andern Punkten der Alpen, in Calabrieu in der
Provinz Catanzaro im Gneiss, auf der Halbinsel Chalcidice und in
Thessalien (reich an Epidot, auch an Chlorit und z

The Classical review May 23, 2008 classical association (great britain)
along a rich man, one of those who are betraying Chalcidice ' in 1. 475

Bdelycleon, representative of young aristocratic Athens, is described as

%vvoov T$paai,8a in the Peace (421 B.C.) 1. 640 the

Mathematics for the practical man explaining simply and quickly all the
elements of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, logarithms, coördinate
geometry, calculus May 25, 2008 howe, george, 1881- , and the Thracian
Chersonese (Chalkidike or Chalcidice). The continuous history of the
island begins, however, in B.C. 506 with the subjugation of Chalkis by the
Athenians, for the barrenness of the

Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedogogik Feb 10, 2015 .),
Majrimianopolis (S. 2232.), Bolenis (S. 3234.)., Chalcidice (S. 3840.) ,
Vera (S. 5154.)nebla vielen andern Localitaumlten, der Gegenstand
sorgfaumlltiger Eroumlrterungen besonders aber empfehlen wir die

Caii Plinii Secundi Historia naturalis ex recensione I. Harduini et

recentiorum adnotationibus Tomus 8 Jul 22, 2016 asse- verant , hi
ophidium. Nos, cum plerisque , e sauriis esse credimus , nec dissentit
Noster. Chalcidice, ut patet, propterva dictus est, quod nitore quasi
metallico corporea lorica exsplendescit

A Greek Grammar Jan 16, 2017 william w. goodwin Chalcidice, T.4,79.

1221. 1. In general, the accusative is the case used with prepositions to
denote that towards which, over which, along which, or upon which
motiori takes place the genitive, to denote

Everymans Encyclopaedia Jan 19, 2017 not available P, India 113 Db

ChakwaI,PMJiya6, India 113 Cb Chalchicomula, Mexico 192 Dc
Chalcidice, Greece 94 Cb Chalcis, Greece 96 Ca Chalenon, France 78 Cb
32 Chaleur B , N B 165 Eb Chalgali, C P , India 120 Ac

General history for colleges and high schools Sep 1, 2008 myers, Philip
van ness, 1846- [from old catalog] cities of Chalcidice. Meanwhile he
was, in the following way, acquiring a commanding position in the affairs

of the states of Greece proper. The Phocians had put to secular use some
of the lands

A general history for colleges and high schools ec 18, 2007 myers, p. v. n.
(Philip van ness), 1846-1937 Themistocles. The Second Sacred War (355-
346 b.c). Philip quickly extended his power over a large part of Thrace
and the Greek cities of Chalcidice. Meanwhile he was, in the following
way, acquiring

The book of the courtier Mar 6, 2008 castiglione, baldassrre, conte, 1478-
1529 horses, which were branded with a bull's head. Note 453, page 274.
Mount Athos (6780 feet high) forms the extremity of the easternmost
peninsula of Chalcidice in Macedonia. During the Persian invasion of

Erotica. The elegies of Propertius, the Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter, and

... Dec 8, 2011 sextus propertius, titus petronius arbiter seat were united.']
This alludes to the canal cut by Xerxes through Mt. Athos, connecting the
peninsula with Chalcidice. See Hdt. tii. 22The Cimbri.'] Probably
inhabitants of the peninsula of

A history of Greece, from its conquest by the Romans to the present time,
B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864 Jan 10, 2011 finlay, george, 1799-1875 Chalcidice
and the peninsula of Cassandra to the east. The bay, on which the city
looks down, affords a safe anchorage and in the tenth century an ancient
mole enclosed an inner port within its arms…

Agamemnon Mar 24, 2008 népomucène-louis lemercier Hermaeus in

Lenino, mons Athos in Chalcidice, mons Macistus in Euboea, montes
Messapius et Cithaeron in Boeotia, mons Aegiplanctus in Megaride, mons
Arachnaeus in Argolide. Junonis speacuteculas (11.14,225

The Mercersburg Review Apr 14, 2009 reformed church in the united
states publication board , franklin and marshall college alumni association
(cited by Hermann). It was properly the extreme summit of the promontory

Akte or the peninsula Chalcidice and is now called Agios Oros or Monte
Santo. Sophoc. Thamyr. fragm. 8 has 6pTj(Taa\f axomav Zruo

Appian's Roman history with an English translation Feb 1, 2008 appianus,

of alexandria another, brother of Eumenes, Philip, father of Alexander,
Pr. 8 II. 14 Sy. 19, 32, 54 C. II, 149 drives people of Chalcidice out of
Thrace, IV, 102 fortifies Philippi, 105 his slayers, II, 154

Roman antiquities Dec 1, 2007 fuss, j. d. (jean dominique), 1782-1860 ,

Alexandria ad Issum, Antioch on the Orontes, the capital of Syria, Daphne,
Apamea, Larissa, and Epiphania Palmyrene (Syria Salutaris), in which
was Palmyra (Tadmor) Chalcidice, chief town Chalcis, on

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie and Paläontologie Feb 20, 2014
leonhard, karl cäsar von, 1779-1862 , unter 129deg133deg (im Mittel =
131deg), waumlhrend die dritte Spaltung annaumlhernd senkrecht auf
einer der zwei gleichwerthigen steht. Bekanntlich beobachtete auch Becke
(Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. T. M. P

Handbuch der alten classischen Geographie Aug 28, 2008 karl kärcher
CHALCIDICE toumlaumlt 0laquo tracifenS6fferf4)aften bewohnt, unb
wuumlrbe er|l tf0laquo iftgt)U, 2HeranberS bc6 regroszligen ffiater, ju
5!Racebomltn wUf We Aumloumlfle war on regrieccn angebaut Jlorb?
eiMictf on Salcibice

The Deipnosophists Or, Banquet of the Learned Sep 27, 2008 charles duke
yonge , athenaeus Chalcidice, in a marsh of moderate size, and that place
ripens it, and it brings its fruit to perfection there. But DipMlus the
Siphnian says, The root of the Egyptian bean, which is called colocasium

Virgil's Aeneid books I-VI Jul 30, 2008 virgil fortune lasted cf. dum stetit,
I. 268. 17. moenia prima loco : I found my Jirst city. This was either Aenus,
at the mouth of the He- brus, or Aenea in Chalcidice. Perhaps Yirgil
intentionally leaves

Bibliotheca geographorum Arabicorum Jun 14, 2010 goeje, m. j. de

(michael jan), 1836-1909 laquo et iAviJJLj. 6) P oxjt. c) Chalcidice aut
Chalcis. P \jAxJy, L iuLX.AJ.:gt, c?) P jyii-xj XAyUj, L \AJXo ujA-wo.
Dittographiam esse opinor. Intelligitur Methone. e) P Jir-w} s. q

Catilina, Iugurtha: ex historiis orationes et epistulae in usum scholarum

Sep 19, 2008 sallust ), septentrionemversus adPaeoniam b.) abanno a. Ghr.
n. CCCXXXXVII. ea terra, quae est inter Nestum ' fl., Mare Thracium
(accedente Chalcidice) et Hellada (acc. Thessalia), Epirum et Mare
Hadriaticum (acc

Systematic Education: Or, Elementary Instruction in the Various

Departments ... Feb 11, 2008 william shepherd , jeremiah joyce, lant
carpenter the occasion of the fttal war between Philip and the Athenians.
N. E. of this city was Ckalcisj which gave the name Chalcidice to the
neighbouring region, including the three peninsulas

Greek Mythology - 2 - Heroes and creatures Sep 10, 2012 wikipedia the
Hellenistic era, British Museum [11] Alexander the Great 82 On the day
that Alexander was born, Philip was preparing a siege on the city of
Potidea on the peninsula of Chalcidice. That same day

East of the Jordan: A Record of Travel and Observation in the Countries

of Moab, Gilead and ... May 7, 2008 selah merrill corresponds to a part of
the ancient provinces of Seleucia, Antiochia, and Chalcidice. HA UBAN
ABCHITECTURE. 63 It is on these two countries that we shall concentrate
our attention, with all the more

Photographische Mitteilungen Jun 15, 2009 verein zur förderung der

photographie , verein zur förderung der photographie Bildern vor, die er in
SUditalien und in Chalcidice aufgenommen hatte. Der Verein ist jetzt in
die Soromerferien eingetreten. Fr. Behrens, Rogasen, Schriftfuumlhrer.
Litteratur. Litteratur. Die Kunst in

Plutarch's Lives Aug 6, 2009 plutarch , Alexander, iv. 225. Xenophantus

the musician, Demetrius, V. 153. Xenophilub, Aristides, ii. 281.
Xenophilus, a captain of robbers, Aratus, v. 371. Xenophon, commanding
in Chalcidice, Nicias, iii. 296

The Anabasis of Xenophon Jul 13, 2009 xenophon , the chief city of
Chalcidice. Uwai, march over level ground, IV, beta, 12.
IotamualphaChiά9, -, -Sp (Lambdamualpha), even, level 4p tauphi
6mualpha\phi, on level ground, IV, 2,16. |ioAdt, adv

The Jewish war Aug 11, 2008 josephus, flavius king of ChcUcis, by
Mariamne, i. 212, 215. Aristobulus, king of Chalcidice, ii. 234. Arius, a
Roman centurion, i. 194. Arpha, a town of Judasa, ii. 10. Artabazes, son of
Tigranes, i. 136. Artorius, a

Verhandlungen und mitteilungen des Siebenbürgischen vereins für

naturwissen schaften zu Hermannstadt Feb 4, 2011 siebenbürgischer
verein für naturwissenschaften, hermannstadt : Vergleichende Anatomie
der Samen von Vicia und Ervum. Friedrich Becke: Gesteine von der
Halbinsel Chalcidice. (LXXVIII. Band. I. Heft. 1878). G. Tschermak: Die
Glimmergruppe. IL Theil. Chemische

Vacation tourists and notes of travel in 1860 [1861], [1862-3] Sep 4, 2006
galton, francis, sir, 1822-1911 slopes, on a rocky projection of the
mountain, just where the trees begin to cease. From this point, the two other
peninsulas, which form the trident of Chalcidice, were visible, and to the
south the line

Caii Plinii Secundi Historiae naturalis libri 37 cum selectis commentariis

J. Harduini ac recentiorum interpretum novisque adnotationibus ...
Volumen primum decimum et ultimum Pars quinta continens materiam
medicam ex animalibus curante Jo. B. F. Steph. Ajasson de Grandsagne

Aug 3, 2016 gaius plinius secundus . Hard. Herpeti genus de quo ambigitur
, dum saurium hi asseverant , hi ophidium. Nos, cum plerisque, e
sauriisesse credimus, nec dissentit Noster. Chalcidice, ut patet, propterea
dictus est, quod nitore

Die Satiren Feb 3, 2016 iuvenalis, decimus iunius, fl. 6090-140. aut (de-
101)118556126 Olynthus auf Chalcidice an der Macedonischen
Graumlnze zuletzt durch Bestechung zweyer Vornehmen, des Lasthenes
und Euthycrates, in'die Haumlnde des listigen Kaumlufers kam, ist aus der
Geschichte sattsam bekannt

The American journal of philology Jan 19, 2016 sent to Chalcidice to the
dissatisfied allies of Athens, in order by a diversion to draw of f the
Athenians from the coasts of Laconia. Here Thucydides works into the
narrative a capital

The Close Of The Middle Ages 1272-1494 Jan 17, 2017 r. lodge adjacent
district of Roumelia and the peninsula of Chalcidice. To the north and
west they were hemmed in by the independent kingdoms of Bulgaria and
Servia. The greater part of the Morea was split up

A Greek Grammar May 30, 2009 william watson goodwin . 8. m, to, used
with the accusative like ets, but only with personal objects: dltfgtlKCTo
ws UepdUKap Kal ii rifp XaXKidiKijv, he came to Perdiccas and into
Chalcidice, T.4,79. 1221. 1. In general, the May 29, 2008 decharme, paul,

of Nicias had been signed hardly a year when it was violated by the
Lacedaemonians, who refused to give up the towns in Chalcidice and were
in treaty with Thebes. It was then that Alcibiades conceived

The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world or, The history,
geography, and antiquites of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and
Persia May 13, 2009 rawlinson, george, 1812-1902 was in Europe, and the

march resumed its regularity. It is unnecessary to follow in detail the

advance of the host along the coast of Thrace, across Chalcidice, and
round the Thermaic Gulf into

Comedies of Aristophanes v.1 Nov 21, 2012 aristophanes also repeatedly

found in the Wasps, which is the complement of the Knights. The
reference to the Chalcidians is no doubt to Chalcidice. in Macedonia, or,
as it is more commonly described, in Thrace

History of Philosophy Oct 20, 2008 william turner Life. Aristotle was
born at Stagira, a seaport town of the colony of Chalcidice in
Macedonia, in the year 384 b.c. His father, Nicomachus, was physician to
King Amyntas of Macedon, and if, as is

Chronique des arts et de la curiosité Jul 21, 2008 antiques e a produit au

delagrave d( ois de France le journa -0 agrave reproduire .simple BaccI .
Uni :, fr. Lyciuml ceacutedoine, avec tocircte de Diane, 275 fr. Chalcidice,
probablement frappeacutee agrave Apollonia, 315 fr

A compendium of classical literature... Jan 10, 2015 cleveland, charles d

? relief with some 8hip8 from Thalaquoos. There is no mention in
Thucydides ui' Mvnuu the Pharsalian. Bratidae had partisans in Pharsalot,
and marched through Theaaaly on his expedition to Chalcidice, aided by

The Anabasis of Xenophon [microf orm] Feb 1, 2013 xenophon ), an Olyn-

thian, native of Olynthus, the chief city of Chalcidice. ifiaXs, -h {dfui),
even, level dmXh Uvai, march over level ground, IV, 6,12. itiaXds, -ij, -6p
{ampfia), even, level ip tQ 6fjLaXQ

A Short History Of Ancient Peoples Jan 18, 2017 Robinson souttar , the
peace with Sparta had not been arranged, and Cleon took command in
Chalcidice, He was successful for a time, recovering Torone and
Galepsus, but when attacking Amphipolis he was caught in asortie

History Of The Christian People Jan 21, 2017 henry k. rowe sometimes in
the cities and their vicinity, as was the famous Studium at Constantinople.
Equally famous was the house on the rocky promontory of Mount Athos
in Chalcidice. WESTERN MONASTICISM In due

History Of The World Vol. 1 Jan 19, 2017 smith, Philip the peninsula
between the Thcrinaic and Strymonic Gulfs, at the north-western corner of
the iEgrean. This region, called from its position, ldquo the parts adjoining
Thrace,rdquo was also named Chalcidice

History of Greece from the earliest times to its final subjection to Rome ...
Apr 26, 2009 frederick malkin Macedonia and Chalcidice but ' his army
suffered through hunger and ' wintry weather, and he retired without
making any permanent conquest . The next summer Attica was again
inviBbded by the Peloponnesians

Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Mar 15,

2007 kaiserlich deutsches archäologisches institut . Geographischen
Gesellschaft in Wien. XXXVI. I. J. A. Bruch, Des Aristoteles Heimat oder
die Halbinsel Chalcidice S. I22. Technische Mitteilungen fuumlr Malerei
X 1893. Nr. 162. Bewahrung von

Corpus scriptorum historiae byzantinae. Editio emendatior et copiosior.

consilio B.G. Niebuhrii Jan 27, 2009 niebuhr, barthold georg, 1776-1831 ,
oppidum I, 609, 24. Chalcedon e regione Byzantii III, 220, 16. Chalcidice
Thraciae urbs I, 437, 16. 446, 16. II, 161, i3. 235, 16. 4oi, i3. 422, 6. 433,8.
regio 423, 9. 427. 7. III, 66, 16

Cornelii Nepotis Vitae Excellentium Imperatorum Jun 27, 2008 cornelius

nepos . - OtyntkuSy eine michtige griechische Colonie ita Thracieny am
Anfaugfe der Halbinset Pallene (lonst Plilegra), die einen eigenen Staat
bildete und den gr6ssten Theil der rnacedoltischen Provinz Chalcidice

East of the Jordan : a record of travel and observation in the countries of

Moab, Gilead and Bashan Jul 4, 2016 hitchcock, roswell d Seleucia,
Antiochia, and Chalcidice. ldquo It is on these two countries that we shall
concentrate our attention, with all the more interest and prof it since, by a
fortunate circumstance, the chain of

Die Provincia Arabia : auf Grund zweier in den Jahren 1897 und 1898
ünternommenen Reisen und der berichte früherer Reisender Jan 24, 2013
brünnow, rudolf-ernst, 1858-1917

(cousul): 289. Chabera: 256. Ciiabot, J.: 209. Chadr: s. Well el- . Chalcedon
(Konzil von): 255, 256, 257 -263, 265, 277, 278, 345. Chalcidenorum: s.
cohors I Flavia Chalcidice: 250, 257. Chalcis

Annals Jul 3, 2009 association of american geographers , less rainy, but of

fering protected sites for coast settlements, was the Chalcidice Peninsula,
colonized by Chalcis, Eretria, Andros and Corinth. All these cities
doubtless counted chiefly on the

Leipziger Studien zur classischen Philologie Dec 19, 2014 Chalcidice

dicere.' cf. Meineke ad h. 1. et ad v. Zavij. Adice exemplum s. v.
Meormpoia ioti xal GgtjrKg MeorjpPQta itQog to} tikei trg xQQOvr]oov,
ojg 'Hgodorog kpdof iij. Ecce peculiaris

Notes On Herdotus From The Best Commentators Jan 20, 2017 turner w
dawson , adjoins the lake Cf Jelf, sect 536, Pattitiie Gen iipsQijQ tKuar
Gen Tempons Jelf, sect 523, and sect b06, ohs 2, ed mu 95, o c ddiaiopov
oupogA mt of Macedonia, between Chalcidice and Odomantice Smiths

The history of Thucydides, newly tr. and illustr. with annotations [c.] by
S.T. Bloomfield Jul 10, 2008 thucydides Such sort of consociations of
cities were, however, not every where made (for there is no vestige of them

in the parts of Thrace, except Chalcidice), nor, when they tvere formed,
were all the cities

Europe, by F.W. Rudler and G.G. Chisholm, ed. by sir A. C. Ramsay Apr
14, 2008 frederick william rudler, george goudie chisholm , completely
isolating from the mountains just named the highlands of Chalcidice, with
their peninsular prolongations, the most notable of which is the bold and
naked marble-white headland of Mount

History of Greece from the Earliest Times to Its Final Subjection to Rome
Apr 18, 2016 discipline and skill, their numerical superiority was such that
the Macedonians could not keep the field. Sitalces overran and wasted
Macedonia and Chalcidice but his army suffered through hunger and

Wšeobecný dějepis občanský May 25, 2009 josef františek smetana

uraženi Korintscarontiacute město Potidaea, kolonii swan, nyniacute ale
Atheacutenskyacutem poplatnau, na pomoH macedonskeacutem
ležiacuteciacute, a s niacute nejen krajinu Chalcidiacutece, ale i Botiaeu a
Pierii proti Atheacutenaacutem wzbauřiacuteliacute. Když pak

History of Greece from the earliest times to its final subjection to Rome
Dec 22, 2007 malkin, a.t. or f wasted Macedonia and Chalcidice but his
army suffered through hunger and wintry weather, and he retired without
making any permanent conquest. The next summer Attica was again
invaded by

The Anabasis of Xenophon: with English notes, critical and explanatory,

a ... Sep 28, 2009 xenophon, charles anthon city of Macedonia, in the
district of Chalcidice, at the head of the Sinus Toronateus. 4 7.
KeWaivdc. Ctlanay A city of Phiygia, in the southwest, nea the sources of
the Maeander.

Jahresberichte über das höhere Schulwesen Feb 19, 2008 conrad rethwisch
. Recht stoumlrend ist die ungleiche Schreibung, einmal

Lazedaumlmonier, Sizilien, Thrazien, dann wieder Macedonicn,

Lacedaumlmon, Chalcidice. Aon den angebundenen drei Karten ist die
fuumlr Griechenland unzureichend

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie Apr 18, 2009
(Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. T. M. P. M. I. 270. 1876) bei dem
Ottrelith von Vardhos ausser der vollkommenen Spaltung eine
anscheinend prismatische, deren Winkel aber zu 110reg120reg angegeben
wird, und

Studies in humanism Jun 7, 2011 schiller, f. c. s. (ferdinand canning scott),

1864-1937 Antimorus (of Mende, a small Greek city in Chalcidice,
devoted Philonous ( to the production and consumption of wine.
Protagoras, of Abdera. MOROSOPHUS, an Eleatic philosopher.

Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics Jan 24, 2009 eduard zeller of his
birth, was situated in that district of Thrace called Chalcidice, which was
at that date a thoroughly Hellenic country, with many flourishing cities,
whose people were no doubt in full

The Olynthiac: And Other Public Orations of Demosthenes Aug 21, 2008
Demosthenes all the dties in Chalcidice Phihp could no longer be at the
call of the betrayers, and was puzzled what he should first take possession
of . Five hundred horse, betrayed by their own leaders, did

Third report of the United States Entomological Commission, relating to

the Rocky Mountain locust, the western cricket, the army worm, canker
worms, and the Hessian fly Aug 19, 2014 riley, charles v. (charles
valentine), 1843-1895 parasite was reared by Herrick in Connecticut. It is
an insect of the tribe Chalcidice, whosegenus he did not determine. Its
habits were like those of SemioteUus, and wingless females of this species

The Aeneid of Virgil Sep 5, 2008 virgil Hebrus and another called Aenea
{Alveia) in Chalcidice on the Thermaic gulf, and Virgil probably wishes
to connect one of them with the wanderings of Aeneas. Some here think
that the town itself was called

History Of The Byzantine Empire From Dccxvi To Mlvii Nov 3, 2006

george finlay shores of the Chalcidice and the peninsula of Cassandra
to the east. The bay, on which the city looks down, affords a safe anchorage
and in the tenth century an ancient mole enclosed an inner port within

History of Rome, and of the Roman People: From Its Origin to the
Invasion of the Barbarians May 25, 2008 victor duruy shown him by
Augustus, 7,8 his devotion to Rome, 8 fiiend or instrument of Augustus,
V. 109 builds Caesarea, 119 note. Herodes, brother of Agrippa, receives
Chalcidice fram Claudius, iv. 544

...D. Iunii Iuvenalis Saturae XIII. Thirteen Satires of Juvenal: Thirteen ...
Sep 1, 2008 juvenal, decimus iunius iuvenalis , charles henry pearson ,
herbert augustus strong Herodotus vii. a a sqq. how Xerxes cut a canal
through the Isthmus connecting the peninsula with Chalcidice. The trace
of this canal is still most distinctly to be seen:

Revue des études grecques Apr 5, 2008 association pour l 'encouragement

des études grecques en france Classical philology, n4. New-York, Ginn,
1893.) BRUECH, J., Des Aristoteles Heimat oder die Ilalbinsel
Chalcidice. (Mittheil. der Wiener gcogr. Gesellschaft, XXVI, 1, p. 1-22.)

Selections from Xenophon and Herodotus: with notes adapted to

Goodwin's Greek grammar, parallel ... Jun 18, 2009 xenophon, william
watson goodwin, john williams white , herodotus separated from his fleet,
sending it through the canal and round the two western capes of
Chalcidice to the head of the Gulf of Therma. The only account given
by Herodotus of the passage of the fleet

corpus scriptorum historriae byzantinae Jul 14, 2008 b. g. niebuhrii

Moeaos bellaquo licosissimi I, 173, 8laquo Chaemarra, oppidum I, 609,
3{. Chalcedon e regioae Bysantit UI, 330, 16. Chalcidice Thraciae nrbs I,
47 9 16. 446, 16. II, 161, i3. 335, 16. ioi, i3. 439, 6. 433,8

Bates Student May 22, 2014 bates college , the Athenians sent thirty
galleys and two thousand men, but this force did not prevent the progress
of Philip's army. He marched into Chalcidice, 349 B.C., took several
strong places, made himself

A Manual of Ancient History: From the Remotest Times to the Overthrow

of the Western Empire, A.D.476 May 30, 2009 leonhard schmitz war to
Chalcidice and the coast of Thrace, hoping thereby to compel the
Athenians to abandon Fylos and Cythera and Brasidas was the man chosen
to conduct the operations in that quarter.

Encyclopaedia : or, A dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscellaneous

literature constructed on a plan, by which the different sciences and arts are
digested into the form of distinct treatises of systems ... Jul 27, 2012 akin,
james, ca. 1773-1846, engraver the fame name.All the chalcedonies readily
give fire with fteel, and make no effervefcence with aquafortis.
CHALCIDENE, or Chalcidice, (anc. geog.) an inland conntry of Syria,
having Antiochis or

Oesterreichische botanische Zeitschrift Feb 17, 2010 asiatica confusum.

Khaeas L. (jeniuumlnam Boissier. iibi(iue. duhiam L. szlig. alblszligorum
Boissier, Chalcidice totauml dtdgtiuni \\x\\ Cassandrimiin. Charrel (minus
et violaceum), Cassandra vel species uova

History of Greece from the earliest times to its final subjection to Rome
Dec 22, 2007 malkin, a.t. or f wasted Macedonia and Chalcidice but his
army suffered through hunger and wintry weather, and he retired without
making any permanent conquest. The next summer Attica was again
invaded by the

The Anabasis of Xenophon: with English notes, critical and explanatory,

a ... Sep 28, 2009 xenophon, charles anthon city of Macedonia, in the
district of Chalcidice, at the head of the Sinus Toronateus. 4 7.
KeWaivdc. Ctlanay A city of Phiygia, in the southwest, nea the sources of
the Maeander.

Jahresberichte über das höhere Schulwesen Feb 19, 2008 conrad rethwisch
. Recht stoumlrend ist die ungleiche Schreibung, einmal
Lazedaumlmonier, Sizilien, Thrazien, dann wieder Macedonicn,
Lacedaumlmon, Chalcidice. Aon den angebundenen drei Karten ist die
fuumlr Griechenland unzureichend

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie Apr 18, 2009
(Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. T. M. P. M. I. 270. 1876) bei dem
Ottrelith von Vardhos ausser der vollkommenen Spaltung eine
anscheinend prismatische, deren Winkel aber zu 110reg120reg angegeben
wird, und

Studies in humanism Jun 7, 2011 schiller, f. c. s. (ferdinand canning scott),

1864-1937 Antimorus ( of Mende, a small Greek city in Chalcidice,
devoted Philonous ( to the production and consumption of wine.
Protagoras, of Abdera. MOROSOPHUS, an Eleatic philosopher.

Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics Jan 24, 2009 eduard zeller of his
birth, was situated in that district of Thrace called Chalcidice, which was
at that date a thoroughly Hellenic country, with many flourishing cities,
whose people were no doubt in full

The Olynthiac: And Other Public Orations of Demosthenes Aug 21, 2008
Demosthenes all the dties in Chalcidice Phihp could no longer be at the
call of the betrayers, and was puzzled what he should first take possession
of . Five hundred horse, betrayed by their own leaders, did

Third report of the United States Entomological Commission, relating to

the Rocky Mountain locust, the western cricket, the army worm, canker
worms, and the Hessian fly Aug 19, 2014 riley, charles v. (charles
valentine), 1843-1895 parasite was reared by Herrick in Connecticut. It is
an insect of the tribe Chalcidice, whosegenus he did not determine. Its
habits were like those of SemioteUus, and wingless females of this species

The close of the middle ages, 1273-1494 Jul 11, 2008 lodge, richard, sir,
1855-1936 . In Europe they held little more than 491 The Greek Empire
and the Ottoman Turks 495 Constantinople itself, with the adjacent district
of Roumelia and the peninsula of Chalcidice. To the north and

The Book of the Courtier Oct 20, 2008 baldassarre castiglione easternmost
peninsula of Chalcidice in Macedonia. During the Persian invasion of
Xerxes (480 B.C.) it was temporarily converted into an island, and since
the Middle Ages has been noted for its

De hiatu in oratoribus Atticis et historicis Graecis libri duo Jan 28, 2008
gustav eduard benseler igi-tuf: sie hatten alle Stadte in Chalcidice durch
(freiwillige} Uebergabe verloren. Pronomen ocroe deleverim 433 S87. in

corpus scriptorum historriae byzantinae Jul 13, 2008 b. g. niebuhrii

Bysantit 111, aso, 16. Chalcidice Thraciae nrbs I, 437 gt 16. 446, 16. II,
161, i3. 335, 16. ioi, i3. 433, 6. 433,8. regio 433, 9. 437. 7. III, 66, 16
Chalcidices oppida Ioannea Palaeologus repetit

Works of Plato. Translated by Henry Cary Jul 25, 2006 davis, henry
narration there we shall find that Thucydides meant to say that Phormio
and his 1600 soldiers, among whom were Socrates and Alcibiades, had
returned from their expedition into Chalcidice, mentioned in

Plutarch's lives. The translation called Dryden's Oct 24, 2008 plutarch of
robbers, Aratus, v. 371. Xenophon, commanding in Chalcidice, Nicias, iii.

296. Xenophon the writer, Lycurgus, i. 84 Alcibiades, ii. 41 Marcellus, ii.

262 Comparison, ii. 278 Lysander, iii

Foreign Quarterly Review Feb 7, 2008 east of Saloniki, the province of

Chalcidice especially, is entirely inhabited by Greeks, while in the districts
to the west of that city, in the plains watered by the Axius, the country

Ab urbe condita libri Nov 7, 2014 livy . Lesart Toroewt, da dieses auf
Chalcidice liegt, nicht zulaumlssig) ist die bedeutendste Stadt von Locris,
scheint sich aber wegen des erwaumlhnten Umstandes, waumlhrend die
benachbarten Iocrischen bull Staumldte auf

Transactions Nov 8, 2007 philological society, london Phrygia. There is a

town Eiyyos in Chalcidice on the coast of Macedonia : its inhabitants,
the Ziyycuot, are mentioned in Thucydides, V (18, 6), and they occur as
Ziyyioi in the Athenian a lists of

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tants

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités ... Jan 13, 2008 sabbathier, [françois], 1735-1807. [from old
catalog] . MYGDONIE , Mygdoma , JAy vUy {t) contreacutee d'Europe,
dans la Maceacutedoine, avoicirct feacutelon les caries de M. d'Anvil- le y
la Peacuteonie au nord, la Sicircntice agrave Torient , la Chalcidice au
midi, amp TEmathie au


rojv xaXoumlaiw LBC des Ps. Kall, zu stellen sein, so dass wir staumldte
in Chalcidice nnThracien vor uns haben. Was aber steckt in Balico, Malito
etc.? Vei mutungen Hessen sich unschwer aufstellen

Studies in humanism Mar 19, 2008 schiller, f. c. s. (ferdinand canning

scott), 1864-1937 Humanism is not humorous, but stupid. 2 Cp. Essay .xvi.
sectsect9, 10. lt XIV PROTAGORAS THE HUMANIST Antimorus j of

Mende, a small Greek city in Chalcidice, devoted Philonous ( to the

production and consumption

The History of the World,: From the Reign of Alexander to that of

Augustus ... Jan 23, 2008 john gillies by twenty vessek belonging to the
Rhodiaos, they ventured to attack Philip's important possessions in
Chalcidice and in Eubira, without fear of the Macedonian squadron
stationed at Demetrias. They

Ancient Rome in 1888 Feb 27, 2014 middleton, j. h. (john henry), 1846-
1896 being an invention of an architect of Chalcidice. 404 PRIVATE
HOUSES CHAP. cornice is not of Agrippa's time, but dates from the
restoration of Severus in A.D. 202. Examples of private houses, in a

A Greek grammar Feb 18, 2009 goodwin, william watson, 1831-1912 ,

cicgii myself and yov S.poundi.900. B. af, to, used witli the accusative like
ei's, hut only with persona objects: ampphiIotakappa(tauiota laquoϊ
UtpSUKav tal it t))u Chialpha\bullίΐίiotakappaή, he came to Perdicas and
into Chalcidice,

The Works of Horace Jul 6, 2008 horace, charles edward anthon penianlu
of Chalcidice, aabieqnenttf Ineoqnruod lata MacedomLCuwi A nuna of
Baccbiu, jappoaed to haTe cvigiuted froai tbtayettbc Bacohintliani. lial.
Othan derive tha appallation bom an eialanatini

The Spirit of the Bible, Or, the Nature and Value of the Jewish and ...Aug
11, 2009 edward higginson . (Agrippa II. made king of Chalcidice.) 60
Council of Jerusalem.(Cumanus, procurator.) 51 Second missionary
journey from Antioch to Cilicia, Lycaonia, Cralatia, 52 Troas, Philippi,

The history of Greece from its conquest by the Crusaders to its conquest
by the Turks, and of ... Aug 11, 2008 george finlay of Kastoria, to replace
the ruined Diocletianopolis, while they prove the desertion of great part of

Chalcidice and Upper Macedonia by the ancient inhabitants, prepare us

for finding these districts

The history of Greece Dec 2, 2008 mitford, william, 1744-1827 . 377. 384.
iv. 293, p. 295. Chalcidice, i. 443. ii. - p, 30. Chaldxa, i. -p. 315. Chares,
iv. 294. 296. 301. 364. 431. 439. 490, p. 491. Chara:adcs

Opera omnia quae exstant, vel quae ejus nomine circumferuntur : ad MSS.
codices gallicanos, vaticanos, anglicanos, germanicosque necnon ad
Savilianam et Frontonianam editionew castigata, innumeris auctFeb 9,
2009 john chrysostom, saint, d. 407 . CCXXXII. Carterio duci una
CCXXXVI. Casto Talerio, Diophanlo, ctc. sex. 1. XXII. 2. LXII. 3. LXVI.
4. CVU. 5. CXXX. G. CCXXII. Chalcidice qualuor. 1. XXXIX. 2.

U.S. Army War College Guide to National Security Issues, Vol. 1 - Theory
of War and Strategy, 5th Ed. (2012) Sep 24, 2015 strategic studies institute
using it as a means for placing pressure on its enemy. Sparta, inspired by
the generalship of Brasidas, counters by attacking the Athenian alliance
in Boeotia and Chalcidice. Both sides make partial

The works of Plato : a new and literal version, chiefly from the text of
Stallbaum Jun 15, 2007 Plato the narration there we shall find that
Thucydides meant to say that Phormio and his 1600 soldiers, among whom
were Socrates and Alcibiades, had returned from their expedition into
Chalcidice, mentioned

The U.S. Army War College guide to national security issues Jun 25, 2013
bartholomees, j. boone, 1947- attacking the Athenian alliance in Boeotia
and Chalcidice. Both sides make partial gains but come no closer to
ultimate victory. The Peace of Nicias represents an attempt to impose a
strategic pause

Die Betriebsmittel des Gemüsebaues und der Gemüsetreiberei Jan 11, 2008
lisges, hermann josef, 1892- [from old catalog] border of Chalddene, or
Chalcidice, and c the plain of the Marin tot the water ahed here atill flowa
to the rivulet of ApomcL Xbia tetritorj corretnda to the Zobah of
Scriptnres, whoee king wae h2 e

Select Orations and Letters of Cicero Jul 29, 2008 cicero, marcus tullius
son, Ariobarzdnes Philogt pator, probably in B.C. 63. Aristoteles, -is, m.,
Aristotle, a famous Greek philosopher, born at Stagira, in Chalcidice,
B.C. 384. He was a pupil of Plato, and

Mitteilungen May 19, 2008 deutscher alpenverein (1938-1945)

Chalcidice, woraus sich erklaumlrt, dass dieser, wenn auch nur etwa 6300
Fuss uuml. M. sich erhebende, jedoch isolirt stehende und schrof P in
Marmorwaumlnden zum Meere abstuumlrzende Berg von den Dardanellen
bis zum

The Mediterranean Saga Of A Sea Nov 11, 2006 emil ludwig . Greek name
for the chief Western Asiatic goddess, Ashera, Ataulf. King of the
Visigoths. Murdered at Barcelona in 415. Brother-in-law of Alaric I.
Athos. Peninsula and mountain in Chalcidice. Xerxes had a

Ab Urbe Condita Libri Jan 24, 2009 livy ungliicklich, sondern aucb. in
unum, 28, 3, 9. regressi n. inde, cum m. v., 43, 21, 1. Canastr., die
Siidostspitze der westlichen Landzunge von Chalcidice, Pallene, s. 44, 11,
3: eminet in altum lingua

The life and epistles of St. Paul Oct 23, 2008 conybeare, william john,
1815-1857 governor of the wliole district, and a place of considerable
importance, of ten mentioned by Cousincry, Leake, and other travellers. ''
The peninsula anciently called Chalcidice. ' The elevation of Mount

The fathers of Greek philosophy Sep 13, 2012 hampden, renn dickson,
1793-1868 city in the peninsula of Chalcidice, 1 It is also written Stagiva.

We have the authority of Herodotus and Thucydides for Stagirus. 2

ARISTOTLE. colonized originally from the island of Andros, and

A Greek Grammar Apr 6, 2008 william watson goodwin the accusative

like cts, but only with personal objects: is, he came to Perdiccas and into
Chalcidice, T.4,79. 1221. 1. In general, the accusative is the

Periods of European History ... May 5, 2009 arthur hassall they held little
more than 494 The Greek Empire and the Ottoman Turks 495
Constantinople itself, with the adjacent district of Roumelia and the
peninsula of Chalcidice. To the north and west they

The Life and Epistles of St. Paul Apr 11, 2009 william john conybeare,
john saul howson , of ten mentioned by Cousinery, Leake, and other
travellers. 6 The peninsula anciently called Chalcidice. 7 The elevation
of Mount Athos is between 4000 and 5000 feet. The writer has heard

A history of Greek classical literature Jun 29, 2010 browne, robert william,
1809-1895 with each other.'' If some are true the others must be absolutely
false. The Greek colony Stagira, in Chalcidice, had the honour of giving
birth to this great philosopher, and the epithet by which he

About ISLAM Books pdf in English Nov 12, 2015 jpnmuslim

Macedonian peninsulas of Chalcidice, where the monk Mount Athos
readily armed for a cause at once rehgious an tional. In Crete, an island
with a predominant Moslem P Pldquo orlgil1i detachment of

Lives. The translation called Dryden's corr. from the Greek and rev. Dec
31, 2007 plutarch . Xenophon, commanding in Chalcidice, Nicias, iii. 296.
Xenopuox the writer, Lycurgus, i. 84 Alcibiades, ii. 41 Marcellus, ii. 262
Comparison, ii. 278 Lysander, iii. 120 Agesilaus, iv. 10, 21

Rheinisches Museum für Philologie Dec 12, 2014

Alphachiίetaetaiotaetaiotaΐύ {Bardarium) fluvios, quoiiim ierc sota cuoi
iStryniooe in Tbemloniccnsi biamploria neatio fit diligentii, quateaua
aevam iDprimU medioia apectant, illustrabimus, omissa omni Chalcidice
World history Jan 31, 2008 webster, hutton, 1875-1955 next made
Macedonia a maritime state by annexing the Greek cities on the peninsula
of Chalcidice. He also appeared in Thessaly, occupied its principal
fortresses, Growth of Macedonia Philip's conquests

Select orations and letters ... Sep 27, 2012 cicero, marcus tullius .
Aristoteles, -is, ['ApiaroTtKris], m., Aristotle, a famous Greek
philosopher, born at Stagira, in Chalcidice, B.C. 384. He was a pupil of
Plato, and the tutor of the Prince Alexander, afterwards called the

Introductory philosophy a text-book for colleges and high schools Jun 1,

2007 dubray, charles albert, 1875- ) Aristotle (384-322) was born at
Stagyra in Chalcidice, a Greek colony in Macedonia (hence the name of
Stagyrite frequently given him), and for twenty years studied under Plato.
In 342, Philip of Macedon

Titi Livii Patavini Opera Omnia Sep 1, 2016 . Secundam fore regionem
inter Strymonem cl Axium , iu qua Odomantice, Chalcidice. Crossaea,
Mygdouiu, Crestouia seu Crestonia, Anthemus, Amphaxitis cum parte
Paeoniae inter illos fluvios sita. Ah occasu

Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedagogik Aug 7, 2008

verschwundenen Welt sollen die Schuumller nichts erfahren? Unter den
Colonien von Phoumlnicien ist Cyprus ausgelassen, unter den
Corinthischen Corcvra, die Colonien auf Chalcidice werden auch
vermisst. Bei der

Dewey decimal classification and relative index May 18, 2012 dewey,
melvil, 1851-1931 islands of Cephalonia, Corfu, Leukas, Zante island of
Ithaca Macedonia Including Mount Athos nomes of Chalcidice, Drama,

Hema- theia, Kastoria, Kavalla, Kilkis, Kozane, Pella, Pieria, Phlorina,


Plutarch's Lives: The Translation Called Drydens̀ Feb 15, 2008 john]
[dryden , plutarch captain of robbers, Aratus, v. 371. Xenoi'IIon,
conimandinfiin Chalcidice, iicias, 111. 290. XexoI'IIu.n the writiT,
Lyiiir'us, i. 84 AU'ibiadis, ii. 41 Maivcllus, ii. 202 CotupariMMi, ii

Opera omnia. With a commentary by E.C. Wickham May 25, 2007

horace which run out into the Aegean from Chalcidice, For Thracian
intemperance, cp, Od. I. 27. I, I. 36. 13, 2. 7. 26. 9, 10. ' There is warning
in the heavy hand of Evius on the Sithonians, when in their

Xenophon's anabasis May 25, 2008 francis w. kelsey and andrew c. zenos
in Chalcidice. [aitotl.geiacutesuppliei, ohtmn provisiotts, tay in
firovisions, forage, preciire supies with acc. of the Ching, pTomde ons
self with

The Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius Dec 21, 2011 apollonius, rhodius

ue dewv, fiovXrjo-iv 'l5v?a the conflict between the gods and giants,
KaWnrdpyov. From her Medea may have was identified with Pallene in
Chalcidice inherited her skill. and various other volcanic

The close of the Middle Ages, 1273-1494 Apr 25, 2007 lodge, richard, sir,
1855-1936 territories were smaller than those of several of the western
kings. In Europe they held little more than Constantinople itself, with the
adjacent district of Roumelia and the peninsula of Chalcidice. To

Carmina cvm brevi annotatione Oct 8, 2014 Homer , ferius Macedonia,

et adiacet Thracia (hoc non bene nam eft h. 1. Chalcidice cum peninfula,
in cuiua extrema ad orientem ora eft Athos.) Laudatur porro et Od. E, 5o


C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis historiae libri XXXVII Aug 17, 2008 pliny,
gabriel brotier, abraham john valpy . 1. 2. Paris, et Cliiffl. vetustiornmqne
editionnm ante Hermolauni, qui Tinda rescripsit ex Stephano : is enim,
TiVij, inqnit, Bpicris XaJsjciliuagravei w6\is, Venim est hcec Chalcidice
Macedoniae regio

Europe Nov 3, 2009 rudler, f. w. (frederick william), 1840-1915

considerable extent in Macedonia, completely isolating from the
mountains just named the highlands of Chalcidice, with their peninsular
prolongations, the most notable of which is the bold and naked marble

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und ..., Volume 2nbspVolume

1880 Oct 13, 2009 Halbinsel Chalcidice. T. M. P. M. I. 270. 1878) bei dem
Ottrelith von Vardbos ausser der vollkommenen Spaltung eine
anscheinend prismatische, deren Winkel aber zu 110120reg angegeben
wird, und Tschermak und

The close of the Middle Ages, 1273-1494 May 10, 2011 lodge, richard,
sir, 1855-1936 m.ore than Constantinople itself, with the adjacent district
of Roumelia and the peninsula of Chalcidice. To the north and west they
were hemmed in by the independent kingdoms of Bulgaria and Servia. The

Introductory philosophy a text-book for colleges and high schools Mar 4,

2011 dubray, charles albert, 1875- [from old catalog] in Chalcidice, a
Greek colony in Macedonia (hence the name of Stagyrite frequently
given him), and for twenty years studied under Plato. In 342, Philip of
Macedon called him to his court and intrusted

The Fathers of Greek philosophy Jul 29, 2006 hampden, renn dickson, bp.
of hereford everything beyond the simple detail of a few facts. Stagirus,1
a Grecian city in the peninsula of Chalcidice, 1 It is also written Stagira.
We have the authority of Herodotus and Tbucydides for

Philips' Atlas World History Mar 11, 2013 o'brien, patrick monarchy
196,1961, 197 Chalcatzingo, Mesoamerica 321 Chalcedon 454
Chalchuapa, Mesoamerica 321 Chalcidice 414 Chalcis 40, 402 Chaldean
(NeeBabylonian) Empire 39 Chaldiran, Battle of (1514) 1422

The military annals of Greece from the earliest time to the beginning of
the Peloponnesian War [microf orm] Jan 24, 2013 snyder, william
lamartine, 1848-1916 Hellas as hallowed ground, in memory of that event.
Phormio, whose services were no longer required in the Chalcidice, after
the surrender of Potidea, was stationed at Naupactus with an Athenian

The Works Of Aristotle Vol-iv Jan 18, 2017 ross w. d. 521 24, ampc. See
also Dolphin, Porpoise, Whale. Cetonia aurata 552 16 note. Chafer 619' 22.
Chaffinch 50412, 617 25 diet of 592 16 migration of 613 5. Chalcidice,
Euboean 496 26 Thracian

Europe with Numerous Maps and Illustrations Jan 21, 2017 margaret reid
peninsula, together with the Chalcidice peninsula and the low seaward
frontage of the Rhodope massif. Central European and Mediterranean
modes of life here intermingle, and owing to this factor and to the

Monnaies grecques Apr 15, 2008 friedrich imhoof -blumer longtemps la

seule connue du groupe, a eacuteteacute classeacutee agrave une Apollonie
situeacutee pregraves des bouches du Danube par Sestini (Museacutee
Chaudoir p. 30, pi. I. 8), agrave Apollonie de la Chalcidice acute par
Borrell (Num. Chron. XI

Life and Epistles of St. Paul Mar 21, 2008 conybeare, william john, 1815-
1857 travellers. The peninsula anciently called Chalcidice. ' The elevation
of Mount Athos is between 4000 and 5000 feet. The writer has heard
English sailors say that there is almost always snow on Athos and

Perspective : the practice theory of perspective as applied to pictures, with

a section dealing with its application to architecture Mar 11, 2008 cole, rex
vicat, b. 1870 Kal is ttjp XaXctStoyv, he came to Perdicas and into
Chalcidice, T.4, 79. 1221. 1. In general, the accusative is the case used
with prepositions to denote that towards which, over which, along

Aristotle and the earlier Peripatetics Jul 26, 2006 zeller, eduard, 1814-
1908 and Strauss. THE LIFE OF ARISTOTLE B.C. 384.1 Stagira, the
city of his birth, was situated in that district of Thrace called Chalcidice,2
which was at that date a thoroughly Hellenic country, with

Corpus scriptorum historiae byzantinae Jul 19, 2009 niebuhr, barthold

georg, 1776-1831, ed , quod cum precibus ad slt tucndum fleclere
nequivisset 24bull Imperator Chalcidice Byzantitim yenit, Syrgianne et
Zainplacone sequefitibus, ad iudidiim iUic obenndtiiii: breviqiie Tocati ab

General history for colleges and high schools Feb 18, 2009 myers, Philip
van ness, 1846- [from old catalog] of Thrace and the Greek cities of
Chalcidice. Meanwhile he was, in the following way, acquiring a
commanding position in the affairs of the states of Greece proper. The
Phocians had put to secular use

The Works Of Aristotle Volume IV Nov 8, 2006 Aristotle respiration of

5$9a 33 teats of 52 ib 24, ampc. See also Dolphin, Porpoise, Whale.
Cetonia aurata 552deg- 16 note. Chafer 6i9b 22. Chaffinch 50412, 6i7a 25
diet of 592b 16 migration of 6i3b 5. Chalcidice

Fauna ibérica Jan 6, 2009 mercet, ricardo garcía dicotoacutemica de

geacuteneros compuesta por Forster fueacute vertida al ingleacutes, y
reproducida literalmente por Francis Waiker en la parte IV de sus Notes on
Chalcidice, que aparecioacute ya el antildeo 1871. Otros autores

East of the Jordan Sep 7, 2011 merrill, selah, 1837-1909 . It corresponds

to a part of the ancient provinces of Seleiicia, Antiocliia, and Chalcidice.
HA UBAN ABCHITECTUBE. 63 '' It is on these two countries that we
shall concentrate our attention, with

Plutarch's Lives Nov 21, 2009 plutarch , Demetrius, V. 153. Xknophilus,

Aristides, ii. 281. Xenophilus, a captain of robbers, Aratus, v. 371.
Xenophon, commandingin Chalcidice, Nicias, iii. 296. Xenophon the
writer, Lycurgus, i. 84 Alcibiades, ii

The Book of history : a history of all nations from the earliest times to the
present, with over 8,000 illustrations Dec 11, 2008 bryce, james bryce,
viscount, 1838-1922 and Thracea triangle extending from Sozopolis past
Adrianople to Christopolis formed the core. Thessalonica with
Chalcidice, portions of Wallachian Thessaly and Albanian Epirus, and the

Ergänzungsheft... Zu Petermanns geographischen Mitteilungen Jul 7, 2008

hermann haack Macedonien (Chalcidice), von Thracien (Chersonesus
oder Halbinsel von Gallipoli, die Inseln Lemnos und SamoThrace, die
Ufer der Propontis und des Pontus Euxinus) und einige zerstreute Punkte
von Illyrien

Forms of oratorical expression and their delivery : or, Logic and eloquence
illustrated Nov 17, 2009 ruffin, john Demosthenes n ten thousand
mercenaries and fifty galleys and four thousand citizens besides, all af it
could not save them before a year of the war had expired the betrayers had
lost all the cities in Chalcidice

Aeneid, books 1-6. With introd., notes and vocabulary by H.R. Fairclough
and Seldon L. Brown Feb 6, 2008 virgil . This was either Aenus, at the
mouth of the Hebrus, or Aenea in Chalcidice. Perhaps Virgil intentionally
leaves the matter uncertain, fatis ingressus iniquis: with untoward fates
entering Fig. 45. A

Plutarch's Lives: The Translation Called Dryden's May 3, 2008 plutarchus,

john dryden , commanding in Chalcidice, Nicias, iii. 296. Xenophon the
writer, Lycurgus, i. 84 Alcibiades, ii. 41 Marcellus, ii. 262 Comparison,
ii. 278 Lysander, iii. 120 Agesilaus, iv. 10, 21, 23, 85, 42

Early European Civilization Apr 25, 2009 roscoe lewis ashley , Corinth,
Egina, Salamis, PlatsBa, Thehes, Euboea, Thessaly, Chalcidice, Delos,
Rhodes, Samos, Miletus, Ephesus, Sardis, Phocsea, Hellespont, Propontis
and Bosporus. 3. Name and give the difference

Quinti Horatii Flacci opera omnia Mar 4, 2009 horace finger of the three
which run out into the Aegean from Chalcidice. For Thracian
intemperance, cp. Od. I. 27. I, I. 36. 13, 2. 7. 26. 9, 10. ' There is warning
in the heavy hand of Evius on the Sithonians

Venice In The Thirteenth And Fourteenth Centuries Jan 17, 2017 f. c.

hodgson Venetians hoped that the Company would revenge themselves on
Muntaner, they were disappointed: when he came to them at Cassandria,
in the westernmost of the three arms of the peninsula of Chalcidice, near

The Age Of Fable Of Beauties Of Mythology Jan 15, 2017 thomas

bulfinch , projects from Chalcidice in Macedonia. At its extremity it rises
to the height of 6349 feet the voyage round it was so dreaded by mariners
that Xerxes had a canal cut through the Isthmus which connects

The Archaeological journal Feb 21, 2009 british archaeological

association. central committee Lake Bolbe, north of Chalcidice, and near
Stagira, the birthplace of Aristotle. It ia said that the fishermen of Lake
Frasias still inhabit wooden cottages bnilt over the water, as in the time of

L 267 Strabo Geography VIII: 17 Dec 19, 2013 earth, by the Cyziceni
mixed with grain to preserve it, 5. 501 Chalcidice in Syria, 7. 255 Chalcis

in Euboea, 670 stadia from Cape Sunium, 4. 289 and Corinth, called by
Philip the fetters of Greece

Zeitschrift für allgemeine Erdkunde Aug 17, 2009 gesellschaft für

erdkunde zu berlin die ionischen Colonisten auf der Ostseite der Insel
gelangt sein, welchen er aus den ionischen Staaten von 24Digitized by
Chalcidice bis Euboea und den dazwischen C. Sepias gegenuumlber

The Balkan Peninsula and the Near East Sep 13, 2010 schevill, ferdinand,
1868-1954 Chalcidice, which thrusts three bold fingers into the waters at
the head of the Aegean, was thickly planted with Greek settlements Sestus
and Abydus faced each other on the Dardanelles a plantation

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tant

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités ... Par m. Sabbathier, prof esseur au Collége de
ChâlonssurMarne ... Tome premier 37. A ChâlonssurMarne chez Seneuze,
imprimeur du Roi, dans la Grande Rue Apr 27, 2016 , la Sintice agrave
lorient , la Chalcidice au midi, amp lEmathie au couchant. Le fleuve Axius
, feacutelon Heacuterodote , faifoit la feacuteparation de la Mygdonie, SC
alloit fe M Y 391 perdre dans un lac ficirctueacute audeffugraves

Universal history: in perspective Jan 25, 2010 emma willard . Sparta next
attacked Mantinea, a town of Arcadia, and Olynthus, a city of Chalcidice,
where this haughty power asumed to put down the democratical form of
government A Spartan army passing through

Quinti Horatii Flacci opera omnia. The works of Horace, with a comm. by
E.C. Wickham Apr 24, 2008 quintus horatius flaccus Od. i. 3. 13. Sithoniis,
properly the inhabitants of the middle finger of the three which run out
into the Aegean from Chalcidice. For Thracian intemperance, cp. Od. I.
27. I, I. 36. 13, 2. 7. 26. 9

Onomastikon medicinae. Continens omnia nomina herbarum, fructium,

suffruticum, arborum, sentium, seminum, florum, radicum, lapidum
precisorum, metallorum ... ex optimis, probatissimis uetustissimis
autoribus, cum Graecis, tum Latinis, opus recens, nuper multa lectione
Othonis Brunfelsijs ... congestum ... apud Ioannem Schottum Nov 24, 2014
otto brunfels Euboiar.ubiab aiijs plurima dicitur euenirc.
Chalcidice,unafpecies laccrtar.gryoe laquoraquolt. Chalcis,an idem (it cu
Chalcidica, quod lacertafignificat.a plarrifipdubitatur. Chal ridis meminit
Ariftor. lib

Roman Antiquities Oct 16, 2008 johann d. fuss Epiphania Palmyrene

(Syria Salutaris), in which was Palmyra (Tadmor) Chalcidice, chief town
Chalcis, on the Belus Cyrrhestica, in which were Cyrrhus, Hierapolis
(Bambyce), and Beraea. The cities of

Erotica. The elegies of Propertius, the Satyricon of Petronius and the

Kisses of Johannes Secundus. Literally translated and accompanied by
poetical versions from various sources. To which are added, the love
epistles of Aristaenetus translated by R. Br Oct 18, 2016 kelly, walter k.
(walter keating), -1867, editor peninsula with Chalcidice. See Hdt. vii. 22
3 The Cimbri.'] Probably inhabitants of the peninsula of Jutland they
were defeated b. c. 101, by C. Marius, in the Campi Raudii near Vercellse,

A Dictionary Of Religion And Ethics 1000022574 Dec 9, 2015 up to the

northward, between the snowy peaks and rugged mountains of Olympus
and Ossa to the west, and the rich shores of the Chalcidice and the
peninsula of Cassandra to the east.

Studies In Humanism Jan 18, 2017 schiller f. c. s. reply to Humanism is

not humorous, but stupid. 8 Cp. Essay xvi. sectsect 9, 10. XIV
PROTAGORAS THE HUMANIST Antimorus f of Mende, a small Greek
city in Chalcidice, devoted PHILONOUS ( to the production and

The history of Greece from its conquest by the crusaders to its conquest
by the Turks, and of the empire of Trebizond 12041461 Dec 6, 2014
george finlay city of Kastoria, to replace the ruined Diocletianopolis,
while they prove the desertion of great part of Chalcidice and Upper
Macedonia by the ancient inhabitants, prepare us for finding these

The history of the Peloponnesian War Jul 24, 2008 thucydides, thomas
arnold, r. p. g . tiddeman , which Eustathius also and extends from the
Strymon to the acknowledges, but this also is too dis- Axius. tant from
Chalcidice and besides be- 17. oi vTrcpcirxcio-ai, ampc.] Quod hie longed

Annales Apr 27, 2008 laboratoire de recherche des musées de france -,

Zflils. d, dculsch. rcoI. Gcs., Bd. XXVill. 1878. p. 248 (3) F. lieckecirc :
Die Gcsteine d. llalbi. Chalcidice. Tschcr. m. p H. 1878. p. 218-250. (4
5uer:Erlaucirct.z.scciion Kuprerl)crg d. (ecoI. Kart. d

Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom

Mar 10, 2008 royal society of literature (great britain) Ampelus in Samos,
the promontory of Ampelus in Macedonia (Chalcidice), by the land of
CBnotria, t. e, of Wine-poles,' the neune already given to Southern Italy
before the time of Herodotus (b.c. 484

Travels in northern Greece Aug 7, 2012 Leake, william martin, 1777-

1860 part of the MAGNESIA. 414 [chap. Toronaic peninsula, and
beyond it Mount Athos. To the northward of these appear the mountains
of the Chalcidice, which terminate near Saloniki.

Epistvlæ et chartæ ad historiam primi belli sacri spectantes qvæ svpersvnt

ævo æqvales ac gevinæ Feb 9, 2008 hagenmeyer, heinrich, 1834- [from
old catalog] ed Ufer des Orontes sich gegen Osten und Saden ausdehnte,
in welchem die Orontesstadte Scheizar, Hamah (Epiphania) und HOms
(Hemesa) lagen, das alte Apamene und Chalcidice. Der Name Hi spani a

Life of Saint Jerome, the great doctor of the church Dec 27, 2012 de
Libanus and Antilibanus, and which is called by Pliny Decapolis.1 It is
also divided into small districts in one of these, called Chalcidice, is a
very fertile region, a habitable land, and enjoys a

A history of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ ... Aug 12, 2008
schürer, emil, 1844-1910 Armenia, I. ii. 342, 343, comp. I. ii. 28.
Aristobulus of Chalcidice, I. ii. 343. Aristobulus, Jewish philosopher, ii.
iii. 237-243 bull on the origin of the LXX., n. iii. 160, 309, 310 on the

Historiarum libri IV. Græce et latine May 25, 2016 john cantacuzenus,
emperor of the east, 1292-1383 middot licosissimi I, 173, amp Chacmarra,
oppidum I, aog, Mmiddot Chalcedon c regione ByxanliiUii aao, ifl,
Chalcidice Thraciae urbs I, {lii iG. 44 II, i3. i3). 16. 40I7 iX 4a3i fi. 433,8
regio 4 9. 437. 7. IotaIotaΪGammadeltabeta

Lexicon in decem oratores atticos Jun 27, 2011 harpocration, valerius et

auctoris nostri simia Suidas. Argura {''Apyovpa enim cum Demosthene,
Stephano et ahis legendum est.) Euboese civitas est in Chalcidice, teste
Aristotele Chalcidensi in volumine quod de Euboea

Forms of oratorical expression and their delivery : or, Logic and eloquence
illustrated May 2, 2007 ruffin, john Demosthenes n save them before a
year of the war had expired the betrayers had lost all the cities in
Chalcidice Philip could no longer be at the call of the betrayers, and was
puzzled what he should first take

The Delphian course a systematic plan of education, embracing the world's

progress and development of the liberal arts Oct 19, 2010 [chicago] the
delphian society ) Cervantes (ser-van'tez) Ceyx (se'iks) Chalcidice (kal-
sTd'i-se) Chaldea (kal-de'a) k Chardin (shar'dan) Charlemagne (char'le-
man) Charon (ka'ron) Chaucer (cha'ser) Chillon (she-yon') Chiron

The history of Greece [microf orm], from the earliest times to its final
subjection to Rome Feb 1, 2013 malkin, frederick inferior in discipline and
skill, their numerical superiority was such that the Macedonians could not
keep the field. Sitalces overran and wasted Macedonia and Chalcidice but
his army suffered through

Geschichte des Levantehandels im Mittelalter Jul 4, 2008 heyd, wilhelm,

1823-1906 Lesbos.4 Es wurde hiemit eine Herr- 1 Taf. und Thom. ungedr.
d. d. 10. Oct. VI. Ind. (1352) in burgo Eni. Aenos und die Staumldte von
Chalcidice bildeten ein kleines Herrschaftsgebiet, welches

Plutarchs Lives, Vol.-vii Jan 16, 2017 alexander and caesar Thebes and
Olynthus, and while he was reading it aloud at Olympia, Demosthenes
came forward and rehearsed with historical proof s all the benefits wliicli
the peoples of Thebes and Chalcidice had

Cambridge Companion to Greek Mythology Dec 4, 2016 attested first in

Hellanicus (4 FGrH 84) that Aeneas had founded Rome together with
Odysseus. Conversely, the Greek city of Aenea in the Thracian
Chalcidice seems to have displayed no qualms about

Das Antlitz der Erde Oct 19, 2008 eduard suess vielen Theilen ganz
unbekannt aber die Ergebnisse der bisherigen Forschungen lassen bereits
erkennen, dass es, ganz wie die Halbinsel Chalcidice, seine chiragratische
Form der \ereinigung einer Anzahl

Compiled From Original Authors Jan 19, 2017 not available , Chalcidice,
or Chalcidene, Apamene, Laodiecne, Phccnicia Mediterranca, Coelefyria,
and Palmyrene- To follow the divifion of Ptolemy: Commagene, or
Comagene, had, on the weft, Mount Amanus on the north

The history of Greece from its conquest by the crusaders to its conquest
by the Turks, and of the empire of Trebizond 12041461 Dec 6, 2014
george finlay city of Kastoria, to replace the ruined Diocletianopolis,

while they prove the desertion of great part of Chalcidice and Upper
Macedonia by the ancient inhabitants, prepare us for finding these

The history of the Peloponnesian War Jul 24, 2008 thucydides, thomas
arnold, r. p. g . tiddeman , which Eustathius also and extends from the
Strymon to the acknowledges, but this also is too dis- Axius. tant from
Chalcidice and besides be- 17. oi vTrcpcirxcio-ai, ampc.] Quod hie longed

The life and work of St. Paul Jan 29, 2008 farrar, frederic william, 1831-
1903 Bolbe to Appolonia. Here again they rested for a night, and the next
day, pursuing their journey across the neck of the promontory of
Chalcidice, and leaving Olynthus and Potidaea far to the south

Jahresberichte über das höhere Schulwesen Feb 19, 2008 conrad rethwisch
stoumlrend ist die ungleiche Schreibung, einmal Lazedaumlmonier,
Sizilien, Thrazien, dann wieder Macedonien, Lacedaumlmou, Chalcidice.
Von. den angebundenen drei Karten ist die fuumlr Griechenland

The life and epistles of St. Paul [microf orm] by W.J. Conybeare and J.S.
Howson …Apr 9, 2007 conybeare, william john, 1815-1857 place of
considerable importance, of ten mentioned by Cousinery, Leake,~and
other travellers. 6 The peninsula anciently called Chalcidice. ' The
elevation of Mount Athos is between 4000 and 5000 feet

The political thought of Plato and Aristotle Nov 29, 2010 barker, ernest,
sir, 1874-1960. reg laid, but probably with no more truth, on his birth at
Stagira in Chalcidice, whence, it is suggested, he derived a strong
aversion to Macedonia, which led him to refuse to study its

The Age Of Fable Of Beauties Of Mythology Oct 29, 2006 thomas

bulfinch , 293, 378, 381, 385. A'THOS, the mountainous peninsula, also
called Acte, winch, projects from Chalcidice in Macedonia. At its
extremity it rises to the height of 6349 feet the voyage round it was

Ab urbe condita libri. Erklärt von W. Weissenborn. 8. Aufl., besorgt von

H.J. Müller Mar 4, 2009 livy . concess., s. 39, 2, 4. circa, in und um Opus,
in Bezug auf Cynus, doch kann auch der 27,27,12 bemerkte Gebrauch statt
haben. Thron. (die hds. Lesart Torone ist, da dieses uuf Chalcidice liegt

The history of Greece Jul 26, 2009 curtius, ernst, 1814-1896 mountain-
range of Athos. The ships sailed slowly through the channel, and then
circunmavigated the two other Chalcidian peninsulas, while the land-
army advanced straight across the ridge of Chalcidice

Jahnscher Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedagogik Sep 17, 2014

erdichtete. Es hat in den Gegenden, wo nachmals Griechen gewohnt, nicht
wenige Ortschaften gegeben, welche Alvog oder Alvtia geheissen haben,
unter anderen eine auf Chalcidice am thermaumlischen

Histoire naturelle ... tr. nouv. par m. Ajasson de Grandsagne Dec 8, 2011
pliny (the elder) politiquement et nominalement partie de la Syrie. StRIB '
Gomagegravene Cyrrhestique... Pieacuterie I Seacuteiencide Antiochie.....
Caaioiide..... I Apamegravene Chalcidice ChalyboDiiide

The fathers of Greek philosophy Jun 1, 2007 hampden, renn dickson, bp.
of hereford, 1793-1868 simple detail of a few facts. Stagirus a Grecian
city in the peninsula of Chalcidice, It is also written Stagira. We have
the authority of Herodotus and Thucydides for Stugivus. 2

The Historical Magazine Feb 10, 2009 Torene, in Chalcidice, Thucydides

describes the result of the rush of Brasidas and his troops toward the
higher parts of the town, and among these results the rest of the multitude

The history of colonization from the earliest times to the present day Mar
15, 2009 morris, henry c. (henry crittenden), b. 1868 linked to it only by a
thin strip of land, thus forming almost an island,took the name of the

settlers and became known as Chalcidice. Its winding, deeply indented

seaboard, with long

A dictionary of numismatic names, their of ficial and popular designations

Jan 7, 2009 frey, albert r. (albert romer), 1858-1926 types relating to
Apollo. It was dissolved circa B.C. 358, when Philip II of Macedonia
captured Chalcidice. The federal coiiuige of Euboea was issued at
Eretria. It lasted from B.C. 411 to B.C. 336 and

Paradise regained, the Minor poems, and Samson Agonistes Apr 3, 2013
milton, john, 1608-1674 the end of the most easterly promontory of
Chalcidice in Macedon. 178-179. The simile is Homeric. Compare its use
in P.R. IV, 15-7, and the note there. 68 JOHN MILTON Auribus innumeris
cinctum caput

Aristotle and the earlier Peripatetics : being a translation from Zeller's

Philosophy of the Greeks Aug 31, 2006 zeller, eduard, 1814-1908 birth,
was situated in that district of Thrace called Chalcidice, which was at
that date a thoroughly Hellenic country, with many flourishing cities,
whose people were no doubt in full possession of

The life and epistles of St. Paul Aug 30, 2006 conybeare, william john,
1815-1857, and other travellers. the coast. I seemed to stand
perpendicularly 6 The peninsula anciently called Chalcidice. over the sea,
at the height of 10,000 feet. The elevation of Mount Athos is…

Verhandlungen Oct 17, 2009 geologische bundesanstalt (austria) -

Untersuchung. Elsass-Lothriogen. 1886. Beoke, F. Gesteine von der
Halbinsel Bd. I) St rassburg, typ. R. Schultz amp Co.
Chalcidice.(Separat.aus: Sitzungsberichte 188). 8 5 S (IXXIII

Cyclopedia universal history : embracing the most complete and recent

presentation of the subject in two principal parts or divisions of more than
six thousand pages Jul 1, 2010 ridpath, john clark, 1840-1900

Kivera.Valleys.Political Divisions.Orestis and Stymphalia.Eordsea and

Pieria.Bottisa.Emathea Mygdonia. Chalcidice. Olynthus. Bisaltia.
Pseonia.-Via Egnatia.My th of the Termenidse.

Homeri Carmina cum breui annotatione accedunt variae lectiones et

obseruationes veterum grammaticorum cum nostrae aetatis critica curante
C.G. Heyne tomus primus nonus Variae lectiones et obseruationes in
Iliadem curante C.G. Heyne voluminis secundi pars prima lib. 10.14 Aug

adiacet Thracia (hoc non bene nm eft h. 1. Chalcidice cum peninsula, in

cuiua extrema ad orientem Athos.) Laudatur porro ex Od. E, 5o hupiinfixe
poundpound xamptpof , (Gc interpunge) ifixeae tt6vto

Zeitschrift Feb 11, 2015 gesellschaft für erdkunde zu berlin drei von der
Halbinsel Chalcidice auslaufenden Landzungen, erhebt sich der etwa 6400
Fufs hohe Marmorkegd dltAihof , als suumldlichfter Auslaumlufer des
diese 23 Stunden breite laquond 12 Standen lange Landzunge

Works Of Aristotle Thistoria Amima Lium Jan 16, 2017 ross,wd ed. 16
migration of 613''5. Chalcidice, Euboean 496 26 Thracian 519ldquo 14.
Chalcis 531' II. Chalcis, a fish so called, breeding of 543ldquo 2,
568ldquo 18, 24 diet of 62igt 6 maladies of 602 28

The Mediterranean Saga Of A Sea Jan 18, 2017 emil ludwig . King of the
Visigoths. Murdered at Barcelona in 415. Brother-in-law of Alaric I.
Athos. Peninsula and mountain in Chalcidice. Xerxes had a canal cut
through the neck of the peninsula.

Plutarch's lives. The translation called Dryden's Dec 21, 2011 plutarch .
371. Xenophon, commanding in Chalcidice, Nieias, iii. 296. Xenophon the
writer, Lyeurgus, i. 84 Alcibiades, ii. 41 Marcellus, ii. 262 Comparison,
ii. 278 Lysander, iii. 120 Agesilaus, iv. 10

The orations of Demosthenes and Æschines on the crown, with intr.

essays and ... Oct 4, 2009 aeschines (the orator.) to read, not only from
Spifieri$ is especially the district between his natural weakness of voice,
but that in Chalcidice and Amphipolis inclusive, which extempore
speaking he may have used was

History of Greece from the earliest times to its final subjection to Rome
published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of
Useful Knowledge Dec 23, 2009 society for the diffusion of useful
knowledge (great britain) race and however inferior in discipline and skill,
their numerical superiority was such that the Macedonians could not keep
the field. Sitalces overran and wasted Macedonia and Chalcidice but his

The life and work of St. Paul Mar 30, 2011 farrar, f. w. (frederic william),
1831-1903 piomontory of Chalcidice, and leaving Olynthus and
Potidaea, with their heart-stirring memories, far to the south, they
advanced nearly forty miles farther to the far-famed town of Thessalonica,
Papers Jul 11, 2013 american school of classical studies at athens Sparta
are still slumbering, these cities are founding colonies from Chalcidice to
Cumse. In the eighth century b. c. they had their blooming period. Miletus
and Samos did not develop until a century

The First Six Books of Homer's Iliad Jun 7, 2009 Homer its name to the
great p Chalcidice. EtpcrpCav: the later Eretria. The short quantity is
unusual in Homer. sect 59 g.'larCoiav: trisyllabic bysyniz( 540.: scion of
AreSy denoting

De bello peloponnesiaco, libri octo. Ad optimorvm codicvm fidem,

adhibitis doctorvm virorvm observationibvs, recensvit, svmmariis et notis
illvstravit, indicesqve rervm et verborvm adiecit Christoph. Frid. Ferd.
Haackivs May 14, 2008 thucydides . 24. Menda in Pallehe fita 4, 123 129.
150. Mendaei ibid. Mendaeorum colonia Eion in Thracia, et, ut videtur,
Chalcidice fita 4,7. Mendefium Nili cornu 1, 110. - Menecolus Camariuae

Historiae Philippicae ... Sep 7, 2012 justinus, marcus junianus Mithridate

occupati 37, 3, 3 et 38, 1 a Romanis iibertate M 111 2 412 I N D E X donati
regem expetunt et accipiunt 38, 2, 6 8. Cappadocia v. Chalcidice. 1.
Caranus, primus Macedoniae rex 7, 1,7-12

Anabasis, books I-IV Jun 20, 2009 xenophon Amphipolls, in Thrace. 2. A

captain, from Olynthus in Chalcidice., aor. irnrfrioiik-nv, [ltr?ro j], get
supplies obtain provisions, lay in provisions, forage, procure supplies

The History of Thucydides. Newly tr. into English...with very copious

annotations...Prefixed, is an entirely new life of Thucydides: with a
memoir of the state of Greece, civil military, at the beginning of the
Peloponnesian War Dec 18, 2009 thucydides no vestige of them in the
parts of Thrace, except Chalcidice), nor, when they toere formed, were
all the cities of any people or nation comprised since sometimes one or
more aimed at being either free

The Argonautica edited with introd. and commentary by George W.

Mooney May 30, 2008 apollonius, rhodius rrjue 6iuv, fiovXrjaiv 'lvtav the
conflict between the gods and giants, KaWnrdprjov. From her Medea may
have was identified with Pallene in Chalcidice inherited her skill. and
various other volcanic

Viata in jurul Mediteranei si proiectul Romania Apr 27, 2012 ecaterina

taralunga icircntacirclnire al tuturor alfabetelor lumii. Cea mai tulburătoare
dintre legende povesteşte faptul real al transmiterii alfabetelor. Se spune
că, ajuns pe ţărmurile peninsulei Chalcidice, fenicianul Cadmus a

The Inter ocean curiosity shop for the year 1881 Mar 29, 2011 macmillan,
thomas c - tell at Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1.1862, at the head cient Chalcidice.
in the northwestern part of the )f his command, cheering It on, was a native
of .ffigean Sea. The mountain is about 6,350 feet

The History of Thucydides Jul 8, 2008 thucydides cities were, however,

not every where made (for there is no vestige of them in the parts of
Thrace, except Chalcidice), nor, when they toere formed, were all the
cities of any people or nation comprised

The Deipnosophists : or, Banquet of the learned, of Athenæus Dec 9, 2015

yonge, charles duke, 1812-1891. n 86829770 , around Toi-one in
Chalcidice, in a marah of moderate size, and that place ripens it, and it
brings its fruit to perfection there. But Diphilus the Siphnian says, ldquo
The root of the Egyptian bean, which

Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu

Gottingen. Jun 23, 2011 akademie der wissenschaften in goi?ttingen
kaTetyoivwGciv dysfjLovct (ZovXais xtX. Chalcidice. Macedonische
Monate, s. C. Inscr. T. II, p. 934 aus spaterer Kaiserzeit. Chalcum.
K.ctgeios? C.I. n. 1607, vgl.Amphissa. Bockh dachte an die

A Study of History Vol.ii Jan 18, 2017 toynbee arnold j. incompetent to

hold its own against the Chalcidian colonist. Sailing north and east, they
founded a new Chalcidice on the coasts of Thrace sailing south and west,
they founded another in Sicily. to tr

Scottish geographical magazine Jul 6, 2009 scottish geographical society

large island of Lemno?, midway and a little south of a line joining the
southern extremity of the peninsula of Mt. Athos in Chalcidice to the
southern extremity of the peninsula of (.Tallipoli, Cape

Orationes Feb 3, 2009 Demosthenes (cf. xvm, 141). itQOCxaxr)Qiog

XXI, 52. Ilvampiog XVIII, 141. Epist. d% 3. oanrJQ XLIII, 66.
'AnoXXtovta in Chalcidice VII, 28. IX, 26. 'AytoXXmvtdrjg Cardianus
VII, 39. non alius esse videtur Cer

Histoire ancienne par J. J. Guillemin Aug 23, 2014 j. j. guillemin forte

place de Seacuteleucie. La Chalcidice, agrave lest de la

preacuteceacutedente, qui devait son nom agrave sa capitale Chalcis. La

Chalybonitide, plus agrave lest encore, et regagnant, agrave travers le
deacutesert, lEuphrate, ougrave

The life and epistles of St. Paul May 8, 2009 conybeare, william john,
importance, of ten mentioned by Cousinery, Leake, and other travellers.
6 The peninsula anciently called Chalcidice. ' The elevation of Mount
Athos is between 4000 and 5000 feet. The writer iias heard English

Aristotle and the earlier Peripatetics Jun 9, 2011 zeller, eduard, 1814-1908
Chalcidice,2 which was at that date a thoroughly Hellenic country, with
many flourishing cities, whose people were no doubt in full possession of
all Greek culture.3 His father Nicomachus from the Gauls…

Das Papsttum und Byzanz die Trennung der beiden Mächte und das
Problem ihrer Wiedervereinigung, bis zum Untergange des byzantinischen
Reichs (1453) Oct 20, 2008 norden, walter BoutJiric in Notices et Extr. Dd.
XX,, laquo) Wenck, p. 11822, 131, vgl, Die griechiscbe Politik Philipps
von Tarent 131331. 671 sie aus der Chalcidice nach Thessalien
weitergefuumlhrt hatte: er kehrte vou

Teachers College record Sep 17, 2008 columbia university. teachers

college settlement of Chalcidice. 3. Extent and influence of colonization,
(see map). IV. Early Sparta, 750 b.c. 1. Location. 2. CharActer of
Lacedaemon. \ 3. Institutions and laws attributed to Lycurgus. (a

The history of Rome Apr 27, 2008 joseph anton f . wilhelm ihne, ihne ,
wilhelm, 1821-1902 their names seem to refer either to him or to his father
Anchises, or to one of his com panions. Thus it was said that he founded
the town of iBnos in Thrace, the town of nea in Chalcidice and that

A Greek grammar Mar 8, 2007 goodwin, william watson, 1831-1912

personal . objects : diVero cJs HepdiKKav Kal ts rrjv Xa\Ki5iKv, he came

to Per- diccas and into Chalcidice, T.4, 79. 1221. 1. In general, the
accusative is the case used with prepositions to denote

A History of the World from the Earliest Records to the Present Time ...
May 30, 2009 Philip smith
Gulfe, at the north-western oomer of the Aegean. This region, called from
its position, the parts adjoining Thrace,was also named Chalcidice, from
the numerous colonies planted there by the Euboean

Turkey in Europe May 21, 2009 eliot, charles, sir, 1862-1931 . The middle
and north of Macedonia is mainly Slav, except in the Albanian districts,
and the only considerable masses of Greek population are in the parts
known to the Ancients as Chalcidice and Thrace

Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins Apr 18, 2008 deutscher verein

zur erforschung palästinas '(y.x], aus der Chalcidice: 'Aaa'fcioc.jxa,
ToXtxiosaaa, MapcDVia iind Koapa. Eine nicht sehr reichhaltige, aber
durch den aktuellen, uns mitten in das wirkliche Leben versetzenden
Charakter ihrer

Turkey Jun 1, 2008 baker, james, lieutenant-colonel and sixty-seven from

Amphipolis. In easy water-communication with the numerous towns which
then existed on the coast of Chalcidice, it became an important center of
trade for the whole district, and

Papers And Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of Tasmania Vol-77-79

Jan 16, 2017 martin d. of Chalcidice. Inland were the Macedonians who
were a constant danger to the Greek settlements on their coast. Aristotles
father was the friend and personal physician of Amyntas, the father of

A History of Philosophy Volume One Jan 20, 2017 fuller b. a. g. . in

Stagira, a town in the peninsula of Chalcidice in Thrace, Aristotle

entered the world surrounded by none of the pomp and circumstance to

which Plato fell heir. He came, rather, of a long line of

The book of history. A history of all nations from the earliest times to the
present, with over 8,000 illustrations Apr 16, 2007 bryce, james bryce,
viscount, 1838-1922 Cbahbaish, in Mesopotamia, 398 Chahela, line of ,
628 Chalcidice Peninsnla, disturbances in, 575 Cballenger, ship, 410
Challes-les-XSaiiz, negro recreation-centre, 1255 Cbalons-sur-Marne,

History Of Herodotus Vol-iv (1875) Jan 16, 2017 country north of Mount
Paib (Leake, iii. p. 445), followed. Aurhemus, a town and district between
Mgdonia and Chalcidice (supra, v. 9-1), was apparently reduced next. All
these conquests preceded the Per

Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics Feb 4, 2008 eduard zeller situated in
that district of Thrace called Chalcidice, which was at that date a
thoroughly Hellenic country, with many flourishing cities, whose people
were no doubt in full possession of all Greek

P. Vergili Maronis Opera Oct 30, 2014 virgil even their hair (Ov. M. V.
432). 390I. Emathia strictly the valley of the Axius in Macedonia, here
used for the whole of Macedonia: as in G, I. 492. Fallene, the W.
peninsula of Chalcidice. Proteus

Studies on Homer and the Homeric age Feb 6, 2009 gladstone, w. e.

(william ewart), 1809-1898 gean between Chalcidice and the Thracian
Chersonese. He has described these Thracians in very vague termsS and
without any local circumstance, in the Catalogue: but the form of the coast-

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tant

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités ... Par m. Sabbathier, prof esseur au Collége de

ChâlonssurMarne ... Tome premier 37. A ChâlonssurMarne chez Seneuze,

imprimeur du Roi, dans la Grande Rue Apr 8, 2016 grandes allions amp
par la pieacuteteacute quil marquoit envers les Dieux. Ayant armeacute
depuis contre les villes deacute la Chalcidice , il emPorta dalTaut le
chacircteau de Geacutera quil fit racircler , 3c fe montrant tout dun coup

Ioannis Cantacuzeni eximperatoris historiarum libri IV.: Graece et latine

Mar 29, 2008 john, ludwig schopen , joannes, barthold georg niebuhr of
ficium meum non praetermittaa. Bis a se dictis et a domestico auditis,
Syrgiannes admodum moestos discessit, quod eum precibus ad se tuendum
flectere nequiTisseL a4' Imperator Chalcidice Byzantium

Mélanges gréco-romains, tirés du Bulletin de l'Académie imperiale des

sciences de St.-Pétersbourg Sep 27, 2014 akademïi︠a︡ nauk, petrograd. [from
old catalog] Apollonia in Chalcidice die alljacirchrliche Todtenfeier,
welche man in Athen im Boi)opou,ifcgtv (vom 23 Aug. bia 21 SepU
beging, anfacircnglirh im ' EXaCcedilT#oXiucircv (vom 17 Macircrz bis
15 April), apater im

Lives. With an English translation by Bernadotte Perrin Jul 16, 2010

plutarch , 496 Cotta besieged there, 494 Chalcidians, I. 298 their
Hippobotae banished by Pericles, III. 66 defeat Calliades and Xenophon,
Athenian generals in Thrace, 226 X. 366 f. Chalcidice, VII. 20

Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe Oct 5, 2009 kaiserl.
akademie der wissenschaften in wien. mathematisch-
naturwissenschaftliche klasse in Duumlsseldorf. Das w. M. Herr Director
Tschermak legt eine kurze Mittheilung des Herrn Friedrich Becke vor:
Gesteine von der Halbinsel Chalcidice, welche die Resultate einer im

The History of Greece: From Its Conquest by the Crusaders to Its Conquest
by the Turks, and of ... Aug 1, 2008 george finlay Chalcidice and Upper
Macedonia by the ancient inhabitants, prepare us for finding these districts

occupied by a new race of emigrants. Now, it is precisely in these districts

that we find the

Allgemeine Kriegsgeschichte des Alterthums. Hrsg. von Fürst N.S.

Galitzin. Aus dem Russischen ins Deutsche übers. von Streccius Oct 8,
2010 golitsyn, nikolai sergeevich, kniaz', 1809-1892 Massen durch
Hunger, boumlse Krankheiten und vom Schwert der Feinde um. Zur Zeit
dieser Flucht wagte Chalcidice, ein Kuumlstenstrich in Maeedonien. der
von Griechen bewohnt war. sich of fen gegen die Perser

The Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London May 20,

2009 royal entomological society of london fig-insects) whilst none of the
Ichneumonida, I believe, are known to be otherwise than parasitic on other
insects. 50 Prof . WestwcKX On insect infesting the Mr. Walker, in his '
Notes on Chalcidice

The American journal of science and arts Jun 4, 2010 Lipari islands, the
only place in which our view was intercepted by clouds. Messina lies
behind and at the base of an amphitheatre of hills, among which Mt.
Chalcidice is between three and four thousand

Myth and Geology Feb 23, 2013 fall is reported to have occurred in the
city of Cassandreia, on the peninsula of Pallene (the westernmost of
the three fingerlike extensions of the Chalcidice Peninsula, Greece). This
city was founded…

A Topographical Dictionary To The Works Of Shakespeare And His

Fellow Dramatists Jan 16, 2017 edward h. sugden possibly the meaning is
the plains of Attica.The name Acte was given to the most easterly of the
3 promontories of Chalcidice but it is hard to see how this could be
regarded as specially fruitful

The natural history of Pliny Apr 4, 2007 pliny, the elder ('A dog venting
his rage upon a stone.')Holland. Chap. 33.] REMEDIES FOE THE OTHER

POISONS. 407 The lizard known by some persons as the seps,72 and by
others as the Chalcidice,taken in wine

Revue des études grecques Jun 24, 2008 association pour l'encouragement
des études grecques en france constitution. (Cornell Studies in Classical
philology, n4. New-York, Ginn, 1893.) BRUECH, J.,Des Aristoteles
Heiniat oderdie Halbinsel Chalcidice. (Mittheil. der Wiener geogr.
Gesellschaft, XXVI, 1, p

Ausgewählte reden Dec 1, 2009 Demosthenes sich 2 griechische

Staumldte auf der Halbinsel Chalcidice, Apollonia und Acanthos, dem
Bunde der chalcidiscfaeii Staumldte unter Olynthos gerechter Leitung
beizuumltretenf, uttd erhielten sof ort die uumlhtei

Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen Sep 14, 2008 gesellschaft der

wissenschaften zu göttingen Folge die Gruumlndung Potidaumlas auf der
Chalcidice betrachtet werden kann (Nikol. Dam. fragm. 60 gegen E.
Gurtius im Hermes a. a. 0. 223). Rutherford, Physiological actions of drugs
etc. 1207 Zittau. Erich

Lehrbuch Der Griechischen Antiquitäten Jul 21, 2008 karl friedrich

hermann ubrigens nicht nor die erstcn, sondern auch in diesen Meeren die
cinzigea Colo nien ihrer Mutterstadte Korinths iibrige IViederlassunjen
finden sick aiifser der leztcn, Potidampa in Chalcidice, alle an

and studies : contributions to Biblical and Patristic literature Jun 13, 2006
Robinson, j. armitage (joseph armitage), 1858-1933 is Cosmas of
Chalcidice, who was killed by the iconoclasts in the vmth century. The
same scribe also added the ariot, to St Luke. After this it would seem that
the MS lay neglected for some time in

History of Rome, and of the Roman people, from its origin to the invasion
of the barbarians Dec 2, 2008 duruy, victor, 1811-1894 of provinces, and
only left Commagene to Antiochus, Chalcidice to a Ptolemy, and

Osrhoene to an Arab chief, with the design that these princes, being
dependent on Kome, should guard for her the banks

Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedagogik Aug 7, 2008 eine

erdichtete. Es hat in den Gegenden, wo nachmals Griechen gewohnt, nicht
wenige Ortschaften gegeben, welche Alvoq oder Alvia geheissen haben,
unter anderen eine auf Chalcidice am thermaumlischen

The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world or, The history,
geography, and antiquites of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and
Persia Jun 3, 2009 rawlinson, george, 1812-1902 along the coast of
Thrace, across Chalcidice, and round the Thermaic Gulf into Pieria. If
we except the counting of the fleet and army at Doriscus no circumstances
of much interest diversified this

The book of history. A history of all nations from the earliest times to the
present, with over 8,000 illustrations Feb 21, 2007 bryce, james bryce,
viscount, 1838-1922 . Thessalonica with Chalcidice, portions of
Wailachian Thessaly and Albanian Epirus, and theprincipality of Misithra
represented three more discontroversy originated with the
Omphalopsychites, and

The Foreign quarterly review Aug 26, 2008 where the Turks have allowed
them to remain as cultivators of the soil. The country east of Saloniki, the
province of Chalcidice especially, is entirely inhabited by Greeks, while
in the districts to

The life and work of St. Paul May 8, 2009 farrar, f. w. (frederic william),
1831-1903 their journey across the neck of the promontory of Chalcidice,
and leaving Olynthus and Potidaea, with their heart-stirring memories, far
to the south, they advanced nearly forty miles farther to the

Word Studies in the New Testament May 26, 2009 marvin richardson
vincent Strymon, by a pass across the peninsula of Chalcidice. It was the

chief station on the Via Egnatia, the great Roman road which ran from
Dyrrhachium through Epirus, Macedonia, and Thrace to Byzantium.

Python A Study Of Delphic Myth And Its Origins Jan 18, 2017 joseph
fontenrose other than the river-god Brychon of Chalcidice, scene of the
Gigantomachy. According to Lykophron, ox-horned Brychon was helper
of the Gigantes, Hesychios says that Brychos is a river near Pallene…

The natural history of Pliny Apr 4, 2007 pliny, the elder ('A dog venting
his rage upon a stone. Holland. Chap. 33.] REMEDIES FOE THE OTHER
POISONS. 407 The lizard known by some persons as the seps,72 and by
others as the Chalcidice,taken in wine ,

Revue des études grecques Jun 24, 2008 association pour l'encouragement
des études grecques en france constitution. (Cornell Studies in Classical
philology, n4. New-York, Ginn, 1893.) BRUECH, J.,Des Aristoteles
Heiniat oderdie Halbinsel Chalcidice. (Mittheil. der Wiener geogr.
Gesellschaft, XXVI, 1, p

Ausgewählte reden Dec 1, 2009 Demosthenes sich 2 griechische

Staumldte auf der Halbinsel Chalcidice, Apoltonia und Acanthos, dem
Bunde der chalcidiscfaeii Staumldte unter Olynthos gerechter Leitung
beizuumltretenf, uttd erhielten sof ort die uumlhtei

Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen Sep 14, 2008 gesellschaft der

wissenschaften zu göttingen Folge die Gruumlndung Potidaumlas auf der
Chalcidice betrachtet werden kann (Nikol. Dam. fragm. 60 gegen E.
Gurtius im Hermes a. a. 0. 223). Rutherford, Physiological actions of drugs
etc. 1207 Zittau. Erich

Lehrbuch Der Griechischen Antiquitäten Jul 21, 2008 karl friedrich

hermann ubrigens nicht nor die erstcn, sondern auch in diesen Meeren die
cinzigea Colo nien ihrer Mutterstadte Korinths iibrige IViederlassunjen
finden sick aiifser der leztcn, Potidampa in Chalcidice, alle an

and studies : contributions to Biblical and Patristic literature Jun 13, 2006
Robinson, j. armitage (joseph armitage), 1858-1933 is Cosmas of
Chalcidice, who was killed by the iconoclasts in the vmth century. The
same scribe also added the ariot, to St Luke. After this it would seem that
the MS lay neglected for some time in

History of Rome, and of the Roman people, from its origin to the invasion
of the barbarians Dec 2, 2008 duruy, victor, 1811-1894 of provinces, and
only left Commagene to Antiochus, Chalcidice to a Ptolemy, and
Osrhoene to an Arab chief, with the design that these princes, being
dependent on Kome, should guard for her the banks

Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedagogik Aug 7, 2008 eine

erdichtete. Es hat in den Gegenden, wo nachmals Griechen gewohnt, nicht
wenige Ortschaften gegeben, welche Alvoq oder Alvia geheissen haben,
unter anderen eine auf Chalcidice am thermaumlischen

The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world or, The history,
geography, and antiquites of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and
Persia Jun 3, 2009 rawlinson, george, 1812-1902 along the coast of
Thrace, across Chalcidice, and round the Thermaic Gulf into Pieria. If
we except the counting of the fleet and army at Doriscus no circumstances
of much interest diversified this

The book of history. A history of all nations from the earliest times to the
present, with over 8,000 illustrations Feb 21, 2007 bryce, james bryce,
viscount, 1838-1922 . Thessalonica with Chalcidice, portions of
Wailachian Thessaly and Albanian Epirus, and theprincipality of Misithra
represented three more discontroversy originated with the
Omphalopsychites, and

The Foreign quarterly review Aug 26, 2008 where the Turks have allowed
them to remain as cultivators of the soil. The country east of Saloniki, the

province of Chalcidice especially, is entirely inhabited by Greeks, while

in the districts to

The life and work of St. Paul May 8, 2009 farrar, f. w. (frederic william),
1831-1903 their journey across the neck of the promontory of Chalcidice,
and leaving Olynthus and Potidaea, with their heart-stirring memories, far
to the south, they advanced nearly forty miles farther to the

Das Beständige in den Menschenrassen und die Spielweite ihrer

Veränderlichkeit, Prolegomena zu einer Ethnologie der Culturvölker May
24, 2016 bastian, adolf. aut (frpbn)10299514 . Bei Bagradas in'Nordafrika
stand die roumlmische Gamisonstadt Assurae. In Mauritanien fliesst der
Asana (Anaumltis). Im nubischen Volk der Asachaei sieht Ritter die
Agaazi in Abyssinien. In Chalcidice (nach

Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der

indogermanischen Sprachen Mar 3, 2008 kuhn, adalbert, 1812-1881
Litochori Xtrrog taro, (f'Xevrg = szligovxeyrtiov), in Chalcidice xariXl =
(ixovTeXXi, Philippopel szligog -szligri = szlignvszligog - (=
szligtoszligog), in Belbendos…

Ancient European philosophy the history of Greek philosophy

psychologically treated Jul 14, 2009 snider, denton jaques, 1841-1925 his
Philosophy. I. Aristotle's Life.It is generally accepted that our philosopher
was born in 384 B. C. at Stagira, a town of the Thracian Chalcidice, and
died in 322 B. C. at the city of Chalcis in

Works a new and literal version, chiefly from the text of Stallbaum Aug
31, 2006 Plato that Phormio and his 1600 soldiers, among whom were
Socrates and Alcibiadcs, had returned from their expedition into
Chalcidice, mentioned in i. 65, and had joined the army newly arrived from

The classics, Greek Latin : the most celebrated works of Hellenic and
Roman literatvre, embracing poetry, romance, history, oratory, science,
and philosophy May 9, 2007 miller, marion mills, 1864-1949 infection
from the troops brought thither by Agnon.Phormio, and the body of sixteen
hundred men under his command, had before this quitted Chalcidice, so
that Agnon sailed back with the ships to Athens, of

Ioannis Cantacuzeni eximperatoris historiarum libri IV. Graece et latine

Feb 1, 2016 john vi cantacuzenus, emperor of the east, 1292-1383
nesciens, pro facultate se quoque ad hostem excipiendum praeparabat,
rclictoquc in Chalcidice Matthaeo Clio cum manu, quantam rcbalur satis
esse, loaune autem Asanc, uxoris fratre, oppidulis in Morrha

Pausanias' Description of Greece Jul 4, 2016 shilleto, a. r. (arthur richard),

1848-1894, translator. n 88647796 successful in battle, and taken most of
the other cities in Chalcidice, and hoping to take Olynthus also, he was
carried of f by a sudden disease and dicd. ND Agesipolis having died
childless, the

The Stoic And Epicurean Philosophers Jan 16, 2017 oates,j.whitney

peninsula which projects from Chalcidice in Macedonia. Automedon:
The charioteer of Achilles. Avernus: A lake in Italy near the bay of
Naples, supposed to be an entrance to the lower world. Bato: Probably

Encyclopædia britannica : or, A dictionary of arts, sciences, and

miscellaneous literature : constructed on a plan, by which the different
sciences and arts are digested into the form of distinct treatises or systems
... Nov 5, 2008 macfarquhar, colin, ca. 1745-1793

Chalcidice, (anc. geog.) an inland country of Syria, having Antiochis or

Scleucia to the well, Cyrrhellica to the north, to the fouth .Apamene and
Coclefyria, and to the

Quinti Horatii Flacci opera omnia =: The works of Horace May 31, 2008
horace, edward charles wickham inhabitants of the middle finger of the
three which run out into the Aegean from Chalcidice. For Thradan
intemperance, cp. Od. I. 27. I. f. 36. 13, 3. 7. 26. 9,10.There is waminpound
in the heavy hand of

Select Orations and Letters of Cicero: With an Introduction, Notes, and ...
Jul 8, 2009 marcus tullius cicero , francis willey kelsey famous Greek
philosopher, born at Stagira, in Chalcidice, B. c. 384. He was a pupil of
Plato, and the tutor of the Prince Alexander, afterwards called the Great.
He was the founder of the so-called

Viaţa în jurul Mediteranei şi proiectul România Apr 27, 2012
ecaterina Ţarălungă transmiterii alfabetelor. Se spune ca, ajuns pe
tarmurile peninsulei Chalcidice, fenicianul Cadmus a trebuit sa ucida
balaurul care-o pazea. Apoi, dupa ce l-a rapus, a facut sa se ridice, la
cantecul sau

The Close of the Middle Ages, 1272-1494 Mar 31, 2008 richard lodge
peninsula of Chalcidice. To the north and west they were hemmed in by
the independent kingdoms of Bulgaria and Servia. The greater part of the
Morea was split up into small states in the hands either

A general history for colleges and high schools Apr 20, 2010 myers, Philip
van ness, 1846- [from old catalog] large part of Thrace and the Greek
cities of Chalcidice, Meanwhile he was, in the following way, acquiring
a commanding position in the affairs of the states of Greece proper. The
Phocians had put to

East of the Jordan: a record of travel and observation in the countries of

Moab, Gilead and Basham Jan 30, 2008 merrill, selah, 1837- 1909 of
Seleucia, Antiochia, and Chalcidice. EAUBAN ABCHITECTURE. 63 It
is on these two countries that we shall concentrate our attention, with all
the more interest and prof it since, by a fortunate

Iustini Historiae Philippicae Jul 2, 2009 marcus junianus justinus,

pompeius trogus, friedrich dübner , DigitizedbyG00gIe regem expetunt
piunt38, 2, 68. Cappadocia v. Chalcidice. 412 I N D E X 1. Caranu, primus
Macedoniae rex 7, 1,7-12:33,2,6. 2. Caramis, Philippi filius, ex Cleopatra

Justin, Cornelius Nepos, and Eutropius Apr 27, 2009 marcus junianus
justinus, cornelius nepos, eutropius seemed not so much to avenge
sacrilege as to seek a license for committing it. In the next place, as if he
had done every thing well, he crossed over'into Chalcidice, where,
conducting his wars with

The histories of Polybius. Translated from the text of F. Hultsch by Evelyn

S. Shuckburgh Dec 11, 2007 polybius they presented the appearance of a
sloping tiled roof . . . . This manoeuvre the Romans used also in mock
fights. . . . While C. Marcius Figitlus, the praetor, was engaged in

The American journal of philology Jan 19, 2016 - Roehl 375 Chalcidice
321, 4 Locris 314 Phocis 30 Argos. aUv is not supported by Thessalian
div, and, though it occurs only on metrical inscriptions (CIG 284, cf. 3806,
4158, 4633, 4700, 4943), is

The life of Saint Jerome : the great doctor of the church : in six books Jan
27, 2016 osé de sigüenza, fray, 1544-1606 districts in one of these, called
Chalcidice, is a very fertile region, a habitable land, and enjoys a very
equable climate, neither in winter is the cold very great nor in the summer
is the heat excessive

The Anabasis of Xenophon, with English notes, critical and explanatory,

a map ... Sep 27, 2012 xenophon powerful city of Macedonia, in the
district of Chalcidice, at the head of the Sinus Toronaicus. Lekaivac.
Celance.A city of Phrygia, in the southwest, near the sources of the
Maeander.hravda Kvpu

The close of the middle ages, 1272-1494 Mar 5, 2008 lodge, richard, sir,
1855-1936 western kings. In Europe they held little more than 494 The
Greek Empire and the Ottoman Turks 495 Constantinople itself, with the
adjacent district of Roumelia and the peninsula of Chalcidice. To

Works of xenophon, Volume 2 Oct 18, 2009 undertake war with

Lacedaemon, ib. v. i, p. 32. Tlemonidas, a Lacedaemonian, in command of
light troops under Teleutias, is slain by Olynthian cavalry, V. iii. 3 foil., p.
113. Torone, in the Chalcidice

The history of the Balkan Peninsula from the earliest times to the present
day Apr 3, 2008 schevill, ferdinand, 1868-1954 into the Black sea. The
peninsula of Chalcidice, which thrusts three bold fingers into the waters
at the head of the Aegean, was thickly planted with Greek settlements
Sestus and Abydus faced each

The new Larned History for ready reference, reading and research the
actual words of the world's best historians, biographers and specialists: a
complete system of history for all uses, extending to all countries and
subjects and representing the better and newer literature of history Oct 22,
2008 larned, j. n. (josephus nelson), 1836-1913 Byzantium. It was besieged
by the Persians in 616. See Persia: 226627. Council of (451). See
Abyssinian church Christianity: 312-337- CHALCIDICE, in ancient
geography the most important peninsula of

The Age Of Alexander Jan 15, 2017 plutarch complete array of historical
facts to remind the audience of the benefits which the peoples of Thebes
and Chalcidice had conferred on Greece and of the misfortunes for which
the flatterers of Macedonia had

Introduction To Aristotle Jan 19, 2017 mckeon,richard. by RICHARD

MCKEON 1. The Life and Times of Aristotle ARISTOTLE was born in
3843 b.c. in the little town of Stagira on the eastern coast of the peninsula
of Chalcidice in Thrace. His father

Classical civilization: Greece Jul 1, 2010 couch, herbert newell, 1899-

willing to listen to reasonable terms, an advantageous peace might then
have been concluded. The war, however, continued, though the scene was
shifted to Thrace and the Chalcidice, where an

Turkey in Europe Jul 11, 2009 baker, james, lieutenant-colonel of

Chalcidice, it became an important centre of trade for the whole district,
and it eventually rose to be one of the chief cities in the south of Europe.
The earliest legendary names by which it is

Ancient European Philosophy: The History of Greek Philosophy

Psychologically Treated Sep 6, 2008 denton jaques snider generally
accepted that our philosopher was born in 384 B. C. at Stagira, a town of
the Thracian Chalcidice, and died in 322 B. C. at the city of Chalcis in
Eu])oea. Father and mother were both Greeks

The new Larned History for ready reference, reading and research the
actual words of the world's best historians biographers and specialists a
complete system of history for all uses, extending to all countries and
subjects and representing the better and newer literature of history May
25, 2007 larned, josephus nelson, 1836-1913 . See PERSIA: 226627.
3I2'337- CHALCIDICE, in ancient geography the most important
peninsula of Macedonia, jutting out into the Egean sea. It was

American journal of archaeology Mar 29, 2007 archaeological institute of

america Paeonia and Chalcidice before the Persian wars. GENERAL AND
MISCELLANEOUS The Civilization of the Cyclades.In Ath. Mitt.
XXXVIII, 1913, pp. 148-186 (2 pis.), U. KAHRSTEDT examines the early

Poetical works. Edited by L.E. Kastner and H.B. Charlton eb 12, 2008
stirling, william alexander, earl of , 1567 or 8-1640 in his endeavour to
give some sense of the greatness of Satan's host (P.L. i. 576). Herodotus

fixes Phlegra at Pallene, the western projection of the Macedonian

peninsula of Chalcidice others

Turkey in Europe an 10, 2008 eliot, charles, sir, 1862-1931 the Albanian
districts, and the only considerable masses of Greek population are in the
parts known to the ancients as Chalcidice and Thrace. There are few
Greek country gentlemen, but there are Greeks

The life of Saint Jerome, the great doctor of the church, in six books Sep
17, 2008 sigüenza, josé de, ca. 1544-1606 half-crooked circle between the
two mountains of Libanus and Antilibanus, and which is called by Pliny
Decapolis. It is also divided into small districts in one of these, called
Chalcidice, is a very

Ancient History, Illustrated by Colored Maps, and a Chronological Chart,

for the Use of Families ... Oct 12, 2008 celestia angenette bloss, john jacob
anderson the towns of the Chalcidice in a confederaey, had nearly
expelled Amyntas, king of Macedon, from his government. Ministers had
passed between Olynthus, and Athens, and Thebes and the complainants

... Compte rendu de la IX. session, Vienne 1903 Feb 25, 2009 . geacuteol.
de Fr. Ser. III. I. S. 47. 1877188L 539. 187S, F. Becke. Gesteine der
Halbinsel Chalcidice. Massengesteine (Gabbros) und kristallinische
Schiefer: Gneise, Amphibolite. Phyllite

A history of Greece, from its conquest by the Romans to the present time,
B. C. 146 to 1864 Feb 18, 2009 finlay, george, 1799-1875 the city of
Kastoria, to replace the ruined Diocletianopolis, while they prove the
desertion of great part of Chalcidice and Upper Macedonia by the ancient
inhabitants, prepare us for finding these

English commentary on Dante's Divina commedia Apr 5, 2013 tozer, henry

fanshawe generally identified with the peninsula of Pallene in

Chalcidice, which faces Olympus, vendetta allegra: ' welcome revenge' i.

e. he would not be able to humiliate me or make me yield. 67-9. miglior

Titi Livi Ab urbe condita : libri I, II, XXI et XXII Aug 13, 2009 livy
Chalcidice in Macedonia, was said to have been founded by -neas.Inde in
Siciampamj etc. The tradition cuirent among the Gieeks ascribed the
foundation of Segesta, in this island, to a band of Trojim

Xenophon's Anabasis, books I-IV Sep 8, 2008 xenophon , safe, solidus,

solid bor., Eng. holocaust, catholic], whole, entire, all, usually in pred.
position, -ov, Olynthian, a citizen of Olynthus, an important city of
Chalcidice, at the head of

Historical World Atlas Nov 13, 2012 patrick k. o'brien Chalchuapa,

Mesoamerica 321 Chalcidice 414 Chalcis 40, 402 Chaldean
(NeeBabylonian) Empire 39 Chaldiran, Battle of (1514) 1422, 143,1431
Chalon-sur-Sa6ne 754 Chalons 921 Cham 642 Champa 633

Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedogogik Sep 3, 2016 hat in den
Gegenden, wo nachmals Griechen gewohnt, nicht wenige Ortschaften
gegeben, welche Jivog oder Aiviia geheissen haben, unter anderen eine auf
Chalcidice am thermaumlischen Meerbusen und an der

Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae Jul 19, 2016 , codex Constantini

1. 2 Them. 1 et 2. Ibid. lsquoAnoiXeatia ] sita erat in Chalcidice, quam in
Olynthum mm32 aliis nrbibus Philippum dvertisse Demosthenes
Philipp. 3 p. 68 et-Suidas in Kdgayof docent

History Of Herodotus Vol Iii Jan 16, 2017 sir henry rawlinson Naxos a
year earlier 1000 went to the Chersonese between that date and b.c. 465:
250 went to Andros and 1000 to Chalcidice about the same time 600 to
Sinope, Some years afterwards and a colony

An abridged history of Greek literature Oct 29, 2009 croiset, alfred, 1845-
1923 the later name of Potidaea in Chalcidice. Tr.] ' Comedy in the
Fourth Century 401 Plautus closely imitated him in several of his works:
the Mercaior is a more or less exactT30py'of 'liis'ii

The History of Greece: from Its Conquest by the Crusaders to Its Conquest
by the Turks, and of the Empire of Trebizonde, 12041461 by George
finlay ul 26, 2014 george finlay Macedonia, and the construction of the
city of Kastoria, to replace the ruined Dioclctiauopolis, while they prove
the desertion of great part of Chalcidice and Upper Macedonia by the
ancient inhabitants

A History of Greece: From Its Conquest by the Romans to the Present

Time, B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864 Sep 12, 2008 george finlay part of
Chalcidice and Upper Macedonia by the ancient inhabitants, prepare us
for finding these districts occupied by a new race of immigrants . Now, it
is precisely in these districts that we find the

Cartoons magazine Jul 6, 2016 windsor, h. h. (henry haven), 1859-1924 ,

Castelloriza, Corfu, Saloniki, including the Chalcidice peninsula, and a
large part of Macedonia. In proportion to all Greece it is as if that part of
the United States which was won from Mexico after the

Ancient European philosophy the history of Greek philosophy

psychologically treated Feb 20, 2009 snider, denton jaques, 1841-1925
three leading beads: his Life, his Writings, aud his Philosophy. I.
Aristotle's Life.It is generally accepted that our philosopher was born in
384 B. C, at Stagira, a town of the Thracian Chalcidice, and

Heroides. With the Greek translation of Planudes. Edited by Arthur Palmer

Feb 4, 2008 ovid, 43 b.c.-17 or 18 a.d ,' Thracian ' Sithonia was the central
of the three U 290 COMMENTARY. peninsulas of Chalcidice, said to
be so called from Sithon, father of Phyllis. 9. ' ]My hopes were long
enduring : we are slow to believe

The history of Greece, from its conquest by the crusaders to its conquest
by the Turks, and of the empire of Trebizond: 1204-1461 Nov 12, 2009
finlay, george, 1799-1875 construction of the city of Kastoria, to replace
the ruined Diocletianopolis, while they prove the desertion of great part of
Chalcidice and Upper Macedonia by the ancient inhabitants, prepare us

A general history for colleges and high schools Nov 27, 2009 Philip van
ness myers might have been the teacher of the Athenian Themistocles. The
Second Sacred War (355-346 b.c). Philip quickly extended his power over
a large part of Thrace and the Greek cities of Chalcidice

A System of Universal Geography: On the Principles of Comparison and

Classification Aug 17, 2008 william channing woodbridge . Amphipolis
(Jemboli), JSeapoUs Philippi inhabited it. Thessaliotis. Phthiotis. L
Magnesia. Pjeonia. PlpoundRIAEmathia. Mygdonia. Amphaxites.
Chalcidice. Edonica. . SiNTICA. to I Acarnania. Actium

Bibliotheca classica: Jul 28, 2008 lempriere, john, 1765?-1824. [from old
catalog] Chalcedon which has taken under the Turks the name of KadKtni,
or the Burgh of the Kadi.jyAfirviUe.Strab. TPlin. 5, c. ,Mela. 1, c. 19.
Chalcidice, I. a country of Macedonia, south and east of

The Story of the great war : history of the European War from of ficial
sources Jun 18, 2009 reynolds, francis j. (francis joseph), 1867-1937
territories already occupied by the allied troopsLemnos, Imbros, Msrtilene,
Castelloriza, Corfu, Saloniki, including the Chalcidice Peninsula, and a
large part of Macedonia. In proportion to all Greece

History of the Byzantine Empire, from DCCXVI to MLVII.: From

DCCXVI to MLVII Jun 9, 2009 george finlay , and the rich shores of the
Chalcidice and the peninsula of Cassandra to the east. The bay, on which
the city looks down, affords a safe anghorage and in the tenth century an
ancient mole enclosed an

Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens Feb 3, 2009

archaeological institute of america , american school of classical studies
at athens , these cities are founding colonics from Chalcidice to Cumse. In
tlie eighth century b. c. they had their blooming period. Miletus and Samos
did not develop until a century later, and when they came

Joannis Cantacuzeni eximperatoris Historiarum libri IV. Graece et latine

Dec 11, 2014 johannes vi (empereur d'orient) , oppidnm I 09, i. Chalccdon
e rcgione Bisanthi UI, aao. 16 Chalcidice Thraciae nrbt L f?' 16. 446 16.
II, 161, iL 16. 4oi, i3. 4aa, 6. 433,5 regio 4 9. 437. 7. m, i6. Chalcidices
op]nda loiunes

Library of World History Apr 27, 2009 into which the river Aleppo
empties. 8. Apamene, south of Chalcidice and east of Casfotis, embracing
a large part of the Orootes valley and the country east of that valley its
chief city being Apama

The world's leading conquerors: Alexander the Great, Caesar, Charles the
Great, the Ottoman sultans, the Spanish conquistadors, Napoleon Aug 11,
2009 bevan, wilson lloyd. [from old catalog] Thrace some towns to the
North, such as Adrianople, a part of Macedonia, the peninsula of
Galfipoli, Chalcidice, and a part of Thessaly certain islands in the gean,
Rhodes, Lesbos, SamoThrace

The Aeneid of Virgil Jun 29, 2011 virgil on the task in an evil hour' lit.
'fate being cruel.' 18. Aeneadas] 'men of Aeneas.' There was a city called
Aenus (Atvos) at the mouth of the Hebrus and another called Aenea
(Atveia) in Chalcidice

The Biblical Geography of Central Asia: With a General Introduction to

the ... Aug 27, 2008 ern. frid. car rosenmüller, nathaniel morren of the
Syrian province of Chalcidice (Chalkidike), near the Orontes, where
Kinnesrin now stands. CHAP. VIII.] BABYLONIA AKD CHALDJIA. 95
to Isidor, was the capital of the Chalonitis, and is byDiodorus

Thirteen satires of Juvenal Mar 10, 2008 juvenal Mad vig, Gramm. sect
182. 174. The story is told in Herodotus vii. 22 sqq. how Xerxes cut a canal
through the Isthmus connecting the peninsula with Chalcidice. The trace
of this canal is still most

A popular history of England : from the earliest period to the Jubilee of

Victoria, Queen and Empress, in the year 1887 Jan 17, 2007 dulcken, h.
w. (henry william), 1832-1894 . Philip began rapidly to extend his
kingdom. Already during the Phocaean war he had conquered Torone and
other Greek towns in Chalcidice and razed them to the ground he had then,
after a three years

The Anabasis of Xenophon : with English notes, critical and explanatory

... Apr 3, 2008 xenophon powerful city of Macedonia, in the district of
Chalcidice, at the head of the Sinus Turolaicus. -J 7. KiXaivdc. Cccrnff.A
city of Plirygia, in the southwest, nea the sources of the Maeander

Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedagogik Aug 7, 2008 sind die
mutatio Euripidis (S. 7 f.), Amphipolis (S. 9 f.), Philippi (S. 1012.),
Neapolis [Christopolis] (S. 1217.), Maximianopolis (S. 22 32.), Bolenis
(S. 3234.), Chalcidice (S, 3840.), Vera (S

History of Herodotus : a new English version Nov 17, 2009 herodotus

which he calls a town of Chalcidice, near Pallene, situated on the
Thermaic Gulf (ad voc. Kato). Crusis or Crusssia is the name more
commonly given to this district (see Thucyd. ii. 79 Dionys. Hal. i

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tants

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités …Feb 28, 2009 sabbathier, [françois], 1735-1807. [from old
catalog] ]ioiite' de la pointe feptenlarionale de lifle de Corcyre,
PANORME , Panormus, (e) n(tro)ue, ville 8c porc de Ma- PA ceacutedoine
, dans la Chalcidice 9 feacutelon Ptoleacutemeacutee. PANORME,
Panormus,{f) ville

A System of Universal Geography: On the Principles of Comparison and

Classification Aug 17, 2008 william channing woodbridge PhUippi.
inhabited it. Thessaliotis. Phthiotis. . Magnesia. PiEONIA. PlERIA.
Emathia. Mygdonia. Amfhaxites. Chalcidice. Edonica. . SiNTICA.
Acabnania. Adtum Argos. B J Thresprotia. Jti

Age of fable or, Beauties of mythology Nov 8, 2010 bulfinch, thomas

edited by j. loughran scott mountainous peninsula, also called Acte, which
projects from Chalcidice in Macedonia. At its extremity it rises to the
height of 6349 feet the voyage round it was so dreaded by mariners that
Xerxes had a canal

A Handbook for Travellers in the Ionian Islands, Greece, Turkey, Asia

Minor ... Jan 28, 2008 john murray (firm) Naxos. Mecybeme, now called
Molibo Pyrgo, is 1 hour. Poly giro, S ho., 10 miles, was one of the chief
of the association of villages which farmed the gold and silver mines of
Chalcidice. For an account of

Aristotle and the earlier Peripatetics Dec 4, 2007 zeller, eduard, 1814-1908
of Baur and Strauss. THE LIFE OF ARISTOTLE B.C. 384. Stagira, the
city of his birth, was situated in that district of Thrace called Chalcidice,
which was at that date a thoroughly Hellenic country

Introductory philosophy a text-book for colleges and high schools Mar 12,
2008 dubray, charles a. (charles albert), b. 1875 Chalcidice, a Greek
colony in Macedonia (hence the name of Stagyrite frequently given him),
and for twenty years studied under Plato. In 342, Philip of Macedon
called him to his court and intrusted

Studies In Humanism Jan 19, 2017 f.c.s. schiller Essay xvi sectsect 9, 10
XIV PROTAGORAS THE HUMANIST Antimorus of Mende, a small
Greek city in Chalcidice, devoted Philonous (to the production and
consumption of wine. Protagoras, of Abdera. MOROSOPHUS, an

The age of fable or, Beauties of mythology Jun 16, 2009 bulfinch, thomas,
1796-1867 .'thos, the mountainous peninsnla, also called Acta, which
projects from Chalcidice in Macedonia. At its extremity it rises to the
height of 6349 feet the voyage round it was so dreaded by mariners

Works. Rendered into English prose with introd., running analysis, notes
and an index by James Lonsdale and Samuel Lee Sep 9, 2009 virgil a
peninsula of Chalcidice, on the coast of Macedonia, ' Erj'x.' See I. 570
note. . 715. 'Sila,'see Georg. iii. 219 note. 'Tabumus.' See Georg. 11. 38
note. . 794. 'a national divinity' 'indigetem

The Politics and Economics Aug 28, 2006 Aristotle the whole region of
Chalcidice, was itself besieged by Philip of Macedon and, with all its
dependencies, reduced by the arms or arts of that politic prince, in the first
year of the 108th Olympiad

Saturae 13, thirteen satires. Edited with introd. and notes by C.H. Pearson
and Herbert A. Strong Feb 4, 2008 juvenal . 174. The story is told in
Herodotus vii. 22 sqq. how Xerxes cut a canal through the Isthmus
connecting the peninsula with Chalcidice. The trace of this canal is still
most distinctly to be seen : see

The book of the courtier Nov 14, 2009 castiglione, baldassarre, conte,
1478-1529 274. Mount Athos (6780 feet high) forms the extremity of the
easternmost peninsula of Chalcidice in Macedonia. During the Persian
invasion of Xerxes (480 B.C.) it was temporarily converted into an

The story of the Great War history of the European War from of ficial
sources. Complete historical records of events to date ... Edited by Francis
J. Reynolds, Allen L. Churchill [and] Francis Trevelyan Miller Nov 27,
2012 reynolds, francis joseph, 1867-1937 , including the Chalcidice
Peninsula, and a large part of Macedonia. In proportion to all Greece it
is as if that part of the United States which was won from Mexico after the
Mexican War were occupied by

ARCHIVIO STORICO SICILIANO. 1879. May 5, 2008 societa siciliana

per la storia patria isola di Creta, cittagrave e porto sulla costa
settentrionale. Ptol. ni, 15. Plin. IV, 12. Porta oggi l'istesso nome ved.
Paoly Realenc. VII, 1125, n. 2. 10. Porto sulla costa orientale della

Paradise regained : the Minor poems and, Samson Agonistes : complete

and arranged chronologically Nov 18, 2011 milton, john Athos is a peak
at the end of the most easterly promontory of Chalcidice in Macedon.
178-179. The simile is Homeric. Compare its use in P.R. IV, 15-7, and the
note there. JOHN MILTON Auribus innumeris

Lives. With an English translation by Bernadotte Perrin Jan 14, 2008

plutarch was reading it aloud at Olympia, Demosthenes came forward and
rehearsed with historical proof s all the benefits which the peoples of
Thebes and Chalcidice had conferred upon Greece, and, on the other

Harpocrationis Lexicon in decem oratores atticos ex recensione Gulielmi

Dindorfii ... Dec 21, 2011 harpocration, valerius legendum est.) Euboese
civitas est in Chalcidice, teste Aristotele Chalcidensi in volumine quod de
Euboea confecerat, amps' Evfioias (ait Harpocration.) Quis

Ancient art and its remains or, A manual of the archaeology of art Jul 11,
2008 müller, karl otfried, 1797-1840 of Macedonia and Chalcidice which
were executed in a very sharp style and Avith much delicacy of detail. 1.
Oq Pheido and the ancient gina standard of money, the author's
Mg\n.ampi. p. 51, 88

P. Vergili Maronis Opera Aug 24, 2011 virgil their hair (Ov. M. V. 437.).
390I. Emathia, strictly the valley of the Axius in Macedonia, here used
for the whole of Macedonia: as in G. i. 492. Pallene y the W. peninsula
of Chalcidice. Proteus in

Geschichte des Levantehandels im mittelalter Dec 7, 2014 wilhelm heyd .

ungedr. d. d. 10. Oct. VI. Ind. (1352) in burgo Eni. Aenos und die
Staumldte von Chalcidice bildeten ein kleines Herrschaftsgebiet, welches
Kantakuzenus dem Johannes abgetreten hatte. Cantacuz. 3, 208. A

Transactions of the Entomological Society of London May 22, 2009 royal

entomological society of london 'Notes on Chalcidice, adverts to the
supposed analogy between Scleroderma and the Agaonidce, dwellers in
figs '(p. 59), as suggested by Dr. Coquerel in the ' Eevue de Zoologie ' (ser.
2, vol. vii. p

Ancient Rome in 1885 Apr 14, 2008 j[ohn] henry middleton being an
invention of an architect of Chalcidice. 404 PRIVATE HOUSES chap.
cornice is not of Agrippa's time, but dates from the restoration of SeveruB
in A.D. 202. Examples of private houses, in a good

Histoire Ancienne May 30, 2016 j. j. guillemin colonie pheacutenicienne

seacutelevant non loin des deacutefileacutes de la Cilicie et dissus. La
Seacuteleucide, pregraves de la mer, avec forte place de Seacuteleucie. La
Chalcidice, agrave lest de la preacuteceacutedente, qui devait son nom
agrave sa

The Life And Work Of St. Paul, Volume 1 Oct 25, 2015 farrar, f. w.
(frederic william), 1831-1903 neck of the piomontory of Chalcidice, and
leaving Olynthus and Potidaea, with their heart-stirring memories, far to
the south, they advanced nearly forty miles farther to the far-famed town

Outlines of history with original tables, chronological, genealogical and

literary Jul 1, 2008 labberton, robert henlopen, 1812-1898 from Sardis
through the Troad to the Hiilleapont, thence along the southern coast of
Thrace, straight across the ridge of Chalcidice, into the corner of the
Thermaii gulf. In its innermost recess

The Orations of Demosthenes on the Crown and on the Embassy Jun 10,
2008 Demosthenes thouBund mercenaries and flfly galleys and four
thousand citizens besides, all of it could not save tliem before a year of
the war had expired, the betrayers had lost all the cities in Chalcidice

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tants

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités ... Feb 28, 2009 sabbathier, [françois], 1735-1807. [from old

Maceacutedoine , ocircc agrave peu de diftance de Pydne ou d'Olynthe,

Celle-ci eacutetoit dans la Chalcidice 6c l'autre dans la Pieacuterie. On
peut ajouter que Diodore de Sicile dit dans un autre endroit, que les
habitans de

D. Iunii Iuvenalis Saturae XIII.: Thirteen satires of Juvenal Mar 17, 2008
juvénal peninsula with Chalcidice. The trace of this canal is still most
distinctly to be seen : see Lieut. Wolfe's remarks ed in the article on Athos
in the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography.

Macedonia: A Nation at a Crossroads Oct 7, 2010 sam vaknin Macedonia,

not including Thessaloniki and the Chalcidice Peninsula. Another treaty
followed, in Berlin, restoring the balanceby returning Macedonia to
Turkish rule. Turkey obligingly accepted a one

A manual of ancient history, with copious chronological tables: the Asiatic

nations, Greece, Macedonia, etc Jan 15, 2008 schmitz, leonhard, 1807-
1890 fourteen years of the war, but it was only the beginning of greater
disasters. The Spartans resolved to transfer the seat of the war to
Chalcidice and the coast of Thrace, hoping thereby to compel

Historical World Atlas Apr 5, 2011 none , 99, 993 Chagos Islands 2472
Chakri monarchy 196,1961, 197 Chalcatzingo, Mesoamerica 321
Chalcedon 454 Chalchuapa, Mesoamerica 321 Chalcidice 414 Chalcis 40,
402 Chaldean (NeoBabylonian

Philips' record atlas [cartographic material] May 27, 2015 george Philip
son Chakrata Chala Chalcidice Chalcomb Chala Chaleur Bay Chalfonts
Chalgrove Chalk R. Chalkis Chalky Inlet Challans Challerton Challis
Chalonnes Chalons-s.Marne 52 38 N. 53 25 N. 48 19 N. 2417N. 41 19 N.

Europe A Regional Geography Jan 16, 2017 shakleton, margaret reid

Mountains of Macedonia and Western Thrace. This region consists of
the gean end of the central ldquocorridor landsrdquo of the Balkan
peninsula, together with the Chalcidice peninsula and the low seaward

Byzantium Introduction To East Roman Civilization Jan 16, 2017 moss l.b. ed. Venice and the Papacy, he began by completing the conquest
of Macedonia, where the Byzantines now held no more than Salonica and
Chalcidice, and where the Serbian frontier on the east reached the

Old English history for children Jun 24, 2009 freeman, edward augustus,
1823-1892. dn .Mitthetlunoen der Kais. KonigL Geographtschen
Geselischat. The Home of Aristotle, or the Peninsula of Chalcidice
(Josef Adolf Bruch)The Bubis of Fernando Po (Prof . Ferdinand
Blumentritt) The Deep-Sea

Die Metamorphosen des P. Ovidius Naso Dec 10, 2009 ovid, 43 b.c.-17 or
18 a.d Halbinsel der Chalcidice, Pallene (bei Vergil. Georg. 4,389 ff.)
scheint willkuumlrliche Erfindung. 731. In der Odyssee 4, 456 ff. heisst es:
Ttgcortara Xscav yivBT yeveios, avroQ Tteita dgaxoiv xai

Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics Feb 4, 2008 eduard zeller But apart
from the probability second founders from Chalcis. THE LIFE OF

ARISTOTLE 8 B.C. 384. Stagira, the city of his birth, was situated in
that district of Thrace called Chalcidice, which was

The classics, Greek Latin the most celebrated works of Hellenic and
Roman literatvre, embracing poetry, romance, history, oratory, science,
and philosophy Apr 19, 2007 miller, marion mills, 1864-1949 .Phormio,
and the body of sixteen hundred men under his command, had before this
quitted Chalcidice, so that Agnon sailed back with the ships to Athens, of
his four thousand men the plague having swept

Zeitschrift für Krystallographie und Mineralogie May 5, 2008 groth, p.

(paul), 1843-1927 Beschreibung des optischen Verhaltens jener
Ottrelilblaumlttchen gegeben, welche in dem Ottrelitschiefer der Halbinsel
Chalcidice vorkommen). Selb6 stimmt mit den vorgenannten
Beobachtungen vollstaumlndig uumlberein

Nouveau manuel des aspirants au baccalauréat ès lettres: d'après le

programme of ficiel de 1852 Feb 25, 2008 emile lefranc passa le
deacutetroit de Sicile sur des bateaux plats, deacutebarqua dans Ticircle,
deacutefit les Syracusains agrave Segravenes, les Carthaginois agrave
Chalcidice, et prit dans le port de Messine Tamiral carthaginois Hannon

The Politics and Economics of Aristotle Aug 16, 2008 Aristotle

Olynthus which, having subdued Stagira and the whole region of
Chalcidice, was itself besieged by Philip of Macedon and, with all its
dependencies, reduced by the arms or arts of that politic prince

American Journal of Numismatics, vols.44-45 May 10, 2016 Herodotus,

Chalcidice,25 to the north and north-east the silver mines of Bisaltia and
the mines about Philippi, while the city itself was built on

The Politics and Economics Jun 16, 2010 Aristotle commonwealth of

Olynthus : which, having subdued Stagira and the whole region of

Chalcidice, was itself besieged by Philip of Macedon and, with all its
dependencies, reduced by the arms or arts of

Corpus scriptorum historiae byzantinae. Editio emendatior et copiosior.

consilio B.G. Niebuhrii Jan 27, 2009 niebuhr, barthold georg, 1776-1831
391,15. (DiXinnoC\ verius ita, et mox jKfjinoUq codex Constantini 1. 2
Them. 1 et 2. Ihid. 'AnoVMviu ] sita erat in Chalcidice, quam in
Olynthum cum 32 aliis urbibus Philippum evertisse

Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedogogik Dec 28, 2009 Ueberresten
einer verschwundenen Welt sollen die Schuumller nichts erfahren? Unter
den Colonien Ton Phoumlnicien ist Cyprua ausgelfissen, unter den
Coriuthischen Corcyra, die Colonien auf Chalcidice werde

Odes, Carmen Seculare and Epodes Feb 25, 2008 horace . Sithoniis,
properly the inhabitants of the middle finger of the three which run out
into the Aegean from Chalcidice. For Thracian intemperance, cp. Od. i.
27. i, 1. 36.13, 2. 7. 26. 9, 10.There is

The works of Virgil Aug 10, 2007 virgil on a peninsula of Chalcidice,

on the coast of Macedonia. 'Eryx.' See i. 570 note. . 715. 'Sila,' see Georg.
in. 219 note. 'Taburnus.' See Georg. IL 38 note. . 794. 'a national divinity'

Zoologist Feb 3, 2010 transmit them to Dr. Giintber for

examination.Edivard Xewman.] Notes on the Chalcidice. By Francis
Walker, Esq., F.L.S., ampc. Part I.Tsosoma. The natural liietory of
Isosoma has lately become more

The close of the middle ages, 1273-1494 Sep 23, 2008 lodge, richard, sir,
1855-1936 peninsula of Chalcidice. To the north and west they were
hemmed in by the independent kingdoms of Bulgaria and Servia. The
greater part of the Morea was split up into small states in the hands either

Mosaic masters and Fanchette Dec 26, 2014 sand, george, 1804-1876
peaks and rugged mountains of Olympus and Ossa to the west, and the
rich shores of the Chalcidice and the peninsula of Cassandra to the east.
The bay, on which the city looks down, affords a 6afe

Studies from The English Poets: Aug 15, 2008 g.f. graham author of
english, or the art of composition. Some lucky license answer to the full
The intent proposed, that license is a rule. 1 The muse of Virgil, bom near
sopher, was bom at Stageira, a town Mantaa. in the district of Chalcidice.
(b. c

Venice in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries a sketch of Ventian

history from the conquest of Constantinople to the accession of Michele
Steno, A.D. 1204-1400 Sep 25, 2008 hodgson, f. c. (francis cotterell)
Muntaner, they were disappointed : when he came to them at Cassandria,
in the westernmost of the three arms of the peninsula of Chalcidice, near
the site of Potidaea, he was warmly received :

Griechischdeutsches Wörterbuch der mythologischen, historischen und

geographischen Eigennamen Sep 5, 2016 gottlieb christian crusius , sing,
8, 1) der Einw. von . Chalkis in Euboumla Hdt. 5,74. in Makedonien. Thuc.
1, 65. u. s. w. 2) Maumlnnername : ein Schiffsbefehlshaber der
Lakedaumlmonier. Thuc. 8,6., Chalcidice, 1

Introduction, Text, And Appendices Jan 17, 2017 not available Od. i. 3. 13.
Sithoniis, properly the inhabitants of the middle fingcr of the three which
run out into the Aegean frorn Chalcidice. For Thracian intempeacuterance,
cp. Od. i. 27. i, 1. 36.13, 2. 7. 26. 9

Manufacture Of Sulphuric Acid And Sulphur Dioxide Jan 19, 2017 wyld,
wilfrid to the Chem. Fradf., vol. xlvii., 1921, p. 453, thv reek pyrites mines
nea Kassandra on the Chalcidice Pen. ulf- are again in full swing, nd 'may
attain an annual output of 200,000 tons. Since

Histoire ancienne de l'Orient par J. J. Guillemin May 8, 2016 jean-jacques

guillemin de la Cilicie et dissus. La Seacuteleucide, pregraves de la mer,
avec la forte place de Seacuteleucie. La Chalcidice, agrave lest de la
preacuteceacutedente, qui devait son nom agrave sa capitale Chalcis. La
Chalybonilide, plus agrave

Caii Plinii Secundi Historiae naturalis libri 37 cum selectis commentariis

J. Harduini ac recentiorum interpretum novisque adnotationibus ...
Volumen primum decimum et ultimum Pars quarta continens rem
herbariam curante L. Desfontaines ... Aug 4, 2016 gaius plinius secundus ,
patriae nomen obtinent. Nam Alexandrina'4 e nigris est, candicante'5 rima,
cognomine delibatae. Nigra et Rhodia.'6 8. Chalcide t etc. Unde Chiae
ficus, et Chalcidice, Herodoto Lycio in opere De

The five great monarchies of the ancient Eastern world or, The history,
geography, and antiquities of Chaldæaa, Assyria, Babylon, Media, and
Persia, collected and illustrated from ancient and modern sources Jan 28,
2009 rawlinson, george, 1812-1902 regularity. It is unnecessary to follow
in detail the advance of the host along the coast of Thrace, across
Chalcidice', and round the Thermaic Gulf into Pieria. If we except the
counting of the fleet and

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie Dec 31, 2014
uud Hornblende-Zoisitschiefer aumlhnlich den von Becke aus
Griechenland und von der Halbinsel Chalcidice untersuchten von
unbestimmtem Alter aus dem Gebiet der Flyschzone. Der Zoisit ist theils

Ridpath's Universal history : an account of the origin, primitive condition

and ethnic development of the great races of mankind, and of the principal
events in the evolution and progress of the civilized life among men and
nations, from recent and authentic sources with a preliminary inquiry on
the time, place and manner of the beginning Apr 22, 2009 ridpath, john
clark, 1840-1900 .Piinripal Kivers.A'alleys.Political Divisions.Orestis and
Stymplialia.Eordaa and Pieria.BottiTea.Ematliea. Mygdonia. Chalcidice.
Olynthus. P.i.saltia. Pfeonia.-Via Egnatia.My til of the

Ioannis Cantacuzeni eximperatoris historiarum libri IV.: Graece et latine

Jun 10, 2009 ludwig schopen, john , joannes JVic xOf irjiBtaVf noXtv
fiBydXijv xai noXvdvdQtonov, atQaTtdv xroX- 34 Imperator Chalcidice
Byzantlum yenit, Syrgianne et Zamlaquoplacone sequentibus, ad iudicium
illic obeundum: brevique Tocati ab

East of the Jordan: A Record of Travel and Observation in the Countries

of Moab, Gilead and Bashan Apr 24, 2008 selah. merrill part of the ancient
provinces of Seleucia, Antiochia, and Chalcidice. KA URAN
ABCHITECTUBE. 63 ' It is on these two countries that we shall
concentrate onr attention, with all the more interest and

The Politics and Economics of Aristotle : translated, with notes, original

and selected, and analyses, to which are prefixed an introductory essay and
a life of Aristotle by Dr. Gillies Jul 14, 2008 Aristotle dominion of that
tyrannical republic. It afterwards became subject to the city and
conuuonwealth of Olynthus which, having subdued Stagira and the
whole region of Chalcidice, was itself besieged by

Pausanias' Description of Greece Dec 30, 2009 pausanias in Chalcidice,

and hoping to take Olynthus also, he was carried of f by a sudden disease
and died. CHAPTER VI. AND Agesipolis having died childless, the
succession devolved upon Cleombrotus, under whom

Plutarch's lives Aug 6, 2009 plutarch . Xenophantus the musician,

Demetrius, V. 153. Xknophilus, Aristides, ii. 281. Xenophilus, a captain of
robbers, Aratus, v. 371. Xenophox, commanding in Chalcidice, Nicias, iii.
296. Xenophon the writer

The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society ...: General index to the
fifth ten volumes of the ... Aug 30, 2008 royal geographical society (great
britain ), norton shaw, hume greenfield, henry walter bates former days,
the Agion Oros of modern Greeks, and Monte Sanlo of the Franks, is

joined to the main land of Chalcidice by a low sandy Isthmus of

undulating ground, while its south-eastern extremity

The close of the middle ages, 1273-1494 Sep 21, 2010 lodge, richard, sir,
1855-1936 TJie Greek Etiipire and tJie Ottoman Turks 495 Constantinople
itself, with the adjacent district of Roumelia and the peninsula of
Chalcidice. To the north and west they were hemmed in by the

A general history for colleges and high schools ct 17, 2007 myers, Philip
van ness, 1846-1937 Chalcidice. Meanwhile he was, in the following way,
acquiring a commanding position in the affairs of the states of Greece
proper. The Phocians had put to secular use some of the lands which, at
the end of the

The Politics and Economics Jun 16, 2010 Aristotle commonwealth of

Olynthus : which, having subdued Stagira and the whole region of
Chalcidice, was itself besieged by Philip of Macedon and, with all its
dependencies, reduced by the arms or arts of

Corpus scriptorum historiae byzantinae. Editio emendatior et copiosior.

consilio B.G. Niebuhrii Jan 27, 2009 niebuhr, barthold georg, 1776-1831
391,15. (DiXinnoC\ verius ita, et mox jKfjinoUq codex Constantini 1. 2
Them. 1 et 2. Ihid. 'AnoVMviu ] sita erat in Chalcidice, quam in
Olynthum cum 32 aliis urbibus Philippum evertisse

Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedogogik Dec 28, 2009 Ueberresten
einer verschwundenen Welt sollen die Schuumller nichts erfahren? Unter
den Colonien Ton Phoumlnicien ist Cyprua ausgelfissen, unter den
Coriuthischen Corcyra, die Colonien auf Chalcidice werde

Odes, Carmen Seculare and Epodes eb 25, 2008 horace . Sithoniis,

properly the inhabitants of the middle finger of the three which run out
into the Aegean from Chalcidice. For Thracian intemperance, cp. Od. i.
27. i, 1. 36.13, 2. 7. 26. 9, 10.There is

The works of Virgil ug 10, 2007 virgil on a peninsula of Chalcidice, on

the coast of Macedonia. 'Eryx.' See i. 570 note. . 715. 'Sila,' see Georg. in.
219 note. 'Taburnus.' See Georg. IL 38 note. . 794. 'a national divinity'

Zoologist Feb 3, 2010 transmit them to Dr. Giintber for

examination.Edivard Xewman.] Notes on the Chalcidice. By Francis
Walker, Esq., F.L.S., ampc. Part I.Tsosoma. The natural liietory of
Isosoma has lately become more

The close of the middle ages, 1273-1494 ep 23, 2008 lodge, richard, sir,
1855-1936 peninsula of Chalcidice. To the north and west they were
hemmed in by the independent kingdoms of Bulgaria and Servia. The
greater part of the Morea was split up into small states in the hands either

Mosaic masters and Fanchette Dec 26, 2014 sand, george, 1804-1876
peaks and rugged mountains of Olympus and Ossa to the west, and the
rich shores of the Chalcidice and the peninsula of Cassandra to the east.
The bay, on which the city looks down, affords a 6afe

Studies from The English Poets: Aug 15, 2008 g.f. graham author of
english, or the art of composition. Some lucky license answer to the full
The intent proposed, that license is a rule. 1 The muse of Virgil, bom near
sopher, was bom at Stageira, a town Mantaa. in the district of Chalcidice.
(b. c

Venice in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries a sketch of Ventian

history from the conquest of Constantinople to the accession of Michele
Steno, A.D. 1204-1400 Sep 25, 2008 hodgson, f. c. (francis cotterell)
untaner, they were disappointed : when he came to them at Cassandria, in
the westernmost of the three arms of the peninsula of Chalcidice, near
the site of Potidaea, he was warmly received : the

Griechischdeutsches Wörterbuch der mythologischen, historischen und

geographischen Eigennamen Sep 5, 2016 gottlieb christian crusius , sing,
8, 1) der Einw. von . Chalkis in Euboumla Hdt. 5,74. in Makedonien. Thuc.
1, 65. u. s. w. 2) Maumlnnername : ein Schiffsbefehlshaber der
Lakedaumlmonier. Thuc. 8,6. XaXxtouml'txv, Chalcidice, 1

Introduction, Text, And Appendices Jan 17, 2017 not available Od. i. 3. 13.
Sithoniis, properly the inhabitants of the middle fingcr of the three which
run out into the Acgean frorn Chalcidice. For Thracian intempeacuterance,
cp. Od. i. 27. i, 1. 36.13, 2. 7. 26. 9

Manufacture Of Sulphuric Acid And Sulphur Dioxide Jan 19, 2017 wyld,
wilfrid to the Chem. Fradf., vol. xlvii., 1921, p. 453, thv reek pyrites mines
nea Kassandra on the Chalcidice Pen. ulf- are again in full swing, nd 'may
attain an annual output of 200,000 tons. Since

A history of modern Europe Feb 18, 2009 fyffe, charles alan, 1845-1892
death, 302 charActer and iniat work on Uihall of Itnly, 3(12-0-1 Ceylon,
retuincd by Enitland by the Tniity of AlDii'HB, i. TiS Chalcidice, disttict
in Gm'co, li. 28S Chambord, Comto da (Due de

C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis historiae libri XXXVII Aug 17, 2008 pliny,
gabriel brotier, abraham john valpy inqnit, Spicns XoAxiSik laquoAii.
Verom ett hsec Chalcidice Macedonise regio, qosp qoicqnid ett terrarum
circa montem Athon, Singon, Acanthonqne complectitor, tette Ptolem. iii.
IS. qno lo tracto Tinda a

Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedogogik Jan 28, 2008 neue
philologie und paedagogik ... 1831-97 .), Neapob's [ChristopolisJ (S.
1217.), Majrinuanopouumls (S. 2232,), Bolenis (S. 3234), Chalcidice (S.
3840.), Vera (S. 5154.) nebst vielen andern Localitaumlten, der
Gegenstand sargfaltiger

The fathers of Greek philosophy Mar 2, 2009 hampden, renn dickson,

1793-1868 simple detail of a few facts. Stagirus a Grecian city iq the
peninsula of Chalcidice, ' It is also written Stagira. We have the authority
of Herodotus and Thucydides for Stagirus. B 2 ARISTOTLE

Lehrbuch der griechischen Antiquitäten Jul 31, 2009 karl friedrich

hermann, karl bernhard stark Einwob- C2 36 Th. I. Das griechische Land
und Volk. ner der thraciscben Chalcidice bei demlaquo. X. 60: ruv pW
szligtXxUn lnt,rt]dtvpuT(av tmtgoQOJvxfq f liil di rovq n'otovq nal
qaampVftia xai

Carmina cvm brevi annotatione Jul 27, 2009 Homer . Subiatet Piteriay
hinc bull pound9iathiagt ferius Macedoxiiagt et adlacet Thfacia (faoc non
bme nani efi h. L Chalcidice imm inJnTula in cuiiu eximor ftd oHenrem
ora eft Athos.) Landatur porro ex Odlaquo E, 5o

The classics, Greek and Latin the most celebrated works of Hellenic and
Roman literature, embracing poetry, romance, history, oratory, science,
and philosophy Nov 20, 2007 miller, marion mills, 1864-1949 , caught the
infection from the troops brought thither by Agnon.Phormio, and the body
of sixteen hundred men under his command, had before this quitted
Chalcidice, so that Agnon sailed back with the ships

Corpus scriptorum historiae byzantinae Dec 7, 2009 niebuhr, barthold

georg, 1776-1831, ed ampqatnov, orQaTidv noXa4- Imperator Chalcidice
Byzantium venit, Syrgiantie et Zam placone sequentibus, ad iudicium iliic
obeundum: brevique Tocati ab utroque testet affuerunt Quod ut rescivit

The annals of Tacitus un 11, 2008 p. cornelius tacitus . 55. An Athenian

forger. Thermaeus Sinus. V. 10. (Bay of Salonika.) A gulf between
Chalcidice and the mainland. Thennus. See Minucius. Theaeus. IV. 56. An
Ionian hero founder of Attica as a united

Das Antlitz der Erde Mar 3, 2008 eduard suess aber die Ergebnisse der
bisherigen Forschungen lassen bereits erkennen, dass es, ganz wie die
Halbinsel Chalcidice, seine chiragratische Form der \ereinioruncr einer
Anzahl umjleichartiifer Stuumlcke

History of philosophy Sep 3, 2006 turner, william, 1871-1936 Aristotle,

as if the imperfect Socratic and Platonic schools had not existed. Life.1
Aristotle was born at Stagira, a seaport town of the colony of Chalcidice
in Macedonia, in the year 384 B.C. His father

American journal of archaeology Mar 29, 2007 archaeological institute of

america bronze coin attributed to Chalcidice, is a nude male figure with
wings, running, and holding a wreath in each hand. It may be a
personification of Agon. Two Euboean (?) coins are here, of a series on

The close of the Middle Ages, 1273-1494 May 10, 2011 lodge, richard,
sir, 1855-1936 Constantinople itself, with the adjacent district of Roumelia
and the peninsula of Chalcidice. To the north and west they were hemmed
in by the independent kingdoms of Bulgaria and Servia. The greater part

Plutarch's Lives Mar 7, 2008 plutarch Cotta besieged there, 494

Chalcidians, i. 298 their Hippobotae banished by Pericles, III. 66 defeat
Calliades and Xenophon, Athenian generals in Thrace, 226 X. 366 f.
Chalcidice, VII. 20 Chalcis

Österreichische botanische Zeitschrift Oct 6, 2008 . albiflorum Boissier,

Chalcidice totauml duhium var. Ca ss an drin um Charrel (minus et
violaceum), Cassaudra vel species uova? bull somniferum L. szlig.
glahrum Boissier. Salonica. hybridum L. (non iudicata cum

A hand-book for travellers in the Ionian Islands, Greece, Turkey, Asia

Minor, and Constantinople : being a guide to the principal routes in those

countries, including a description of Malta. With maxims and hints for

travellers in the East May 4, 2016 john murray (firm) n 50034267 .
Alecyberne, now called Molibo P}'rgo, is 1 hour. Polygiro, 3 ho., 10 miles,
was one of the chief of the association of villages which farmed the gold
and silver mines of Chalcidice. For an account of

The Fall Of The Roman Republic Jan 20, 2017 charles merivale were
reduced to a province and Antiochus was banished to a precarious throne
in the petty district of Commagene. The provinces of Osrhoene and
Chalcidice were delivered to dependent princes, stationed

Standard American encyclopedia ... Jun 1, 2010 miller, walter, 1864- [from
old catalog] ed Sea, 200 miles W. of Tiflis. Manganese, timber, grain, and
wine are exported. Pop. 13,200. Potidaea, a Corinthian colony founded
on tlie \V. Isthmus of the Chalcidice peninsula in ancient Macedonia.

Arrian's Anabasis [microf orm] Mar 15, 2013 arrian Boumlotiens im

Gebiet von Haliartus am See Kopais, 50 Stadien v. Theben, 1, 7,5.
Όdeltarhoύsigmaalphaiota, Volk in Thracien, als Reiter im Heere Alex. 3,
12, 4. Omicronlambdaύnuampiotaomicronsigmaf, Einw. von Olynth, der
Hauptst. von Chalcidice in

Zeitschrift für allgemeine Erdkunde Aug 16, 2009 gesellschaft für

erdkunde zu berlin oumlstlichsten der drei von der Halbinsel Chalcidice
auslaufenden Landzungen, erhebt sich der etwa 6400 Fufe houmlhlaquo
Marmorkegel des Athos, als suumldlichster Auslaumlufer des diese 23
Stunden breite und 12 Stunden

Justin, Cornelius Nepos, and Eutropius Aug 15, 2008 marcus junianus
justinus, cornelius nepos, eutropius, john selby watson crossed over into
Chalcidice, where, conducting his wars with equal perfidy,t and
treacherously capturing or killing the neighbouring princes, he united the
whole of the province to the kingdom of

The first six books of Homer's Iliad Jul 28, 2008 Homer Campania), and
the first in Sicily (Naxos, about 735 B.C.), and sending so many colonies
to the southern shore of Thrace as to give its name to the great promontory
of Chalcidice. EpsilonIotarhoίtaurhoίalphanu: the later

The story of the Great War : history of the European War from of ficial
sources, complete historical records of events to date ... Mar 11, 2008
churchill, allen leon, 1873- , Imbros, Mytilene, Castelloriza, Corfu,
Saloniki, including the Chalcidice Peninsula, and a large part of
Macedonia. In proportion to all Greece it is as if that part of the United
States which was won

Variae lectiones et observationes in Iliadem Sep 8, 2016 Homer

Macedonia, et adfacet Thracia (hoc non bene nam elt h. 1. Chalcidice oum
peninfula, in cuiua exirema ad orientem ora eft Athos.) Laudatur porro ex
Od. E, 5o Uepffu 6 iTt3ccQ lsquo(XAipoQ', (fic

The Fall of the Roman Republic: A Short History of the Last Century of
the Commonwealth Feb 24, 2008 charles merivale aooonplloe of CatiUna,
arrested, 236 strangled. 941. Centuries, assembly of the, 14S. 188.
Chnronea, battle of , 122L Chalcidice, 210. Chief ponti AT, election of ,
63. Chios plundered, 161. Cicero, M

The Pharsalia of Lucan: Literally Translated Into English Prose with

Copious ... Jul 5, 2009 lucan, henry thomas riley at Pallene, which was
more anciently called Phlegra, where this battle was said to have taken
place. It was a Peninsula jutting out into the sea from Chalcidice in
Macedonia. On the Isthmus which

Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece Sep 8, 2014 torrance, isabelle

christiane Athenian dicastic oath), 141-3 (a reconciliation oath from Dicaea
in Chalcidice). 27 CID i 9, face A, lines 1-18 between 424 and 350 BC. A
few letters are restored in most lines, but the text is

The works of Aristotle Mar 25, 2008 Aristotle 552 16 note. Chafer 619
22. Chaffinch 504''12, 617 25 diet of 592 16 migration of 613' 5.
Chalcidice, Euboean 496 26 Thracian 519'' 14. Chalcis 531 II. Chalcis, a
fish so called, breeding of

The life and work of St. Paul Feb 2, 2011 farrar, frederic william, 1831-
1903 shores of Lake Bolbe to Apollonia. Here again they rested for a
night, and the next day, pursuing their journey across the neck of the
promontory of Chalcidice, and leaving Olynthus and Potidaea, with

Histoire de la guerre du Péloponneèse Aug 31, 2008 thucydides, ambroise

firmin-didot Meacutegarien, IV, 70 difficUe agrave traverser, 1,108.
Gegravetes, peuple limitrophe des Scythes leurs iiaJ)itudes sont
semblables, II, M. Gigonos, Tille de Chalcidice, I, 01. Glauceacute, sur le
territoire de

The Dublin review May 11, 2007 Thermopylae, Plataea and Marathon
Arcadia, Elis, Argolis, the promontory of Tsenarum, the Isthmus of
Corinth, the pass of Tempe, Creston in Chalcidice, Byzantium, Athos,
and (apparently) the entire route

Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedogogik Feb 11, 2015 von
Phoumluicien ist Cyprus ausgelassen, unter den Coriuthischeu Corcyra, die
Colonien auf Chalcidice werdet! auch verminst. Bei der fraglichen
Belagerung und Eroberung von Tyrus p. 15 durfte Nebukadnezar

Universal history in perspective Dec 23, 2010 willard, emma, 1787-1870

herself the cession of the Asiatic colonies. 5. Sparta next attacked
Mantinea, a town of Arcadia, and Olynthus, a city of Chalcidice, where
this haughty power assumed to put down the democratical form of

Studies in humanism Jan 13, 2009 schiller, f. c. s. (ferdinand canning scott),

1864-1937 . But to keep on repeating this as a reply to Humanism is not
humorous, but stupid. 2 Cp. Essay .\vi. sectsect 9, 10. XIV PROTAGORAS

THE HUMANIST Antimorus j of Mende, a small Greek city in


Bibliotheca Classica Latina sive Collectio Auctorum Classicorum

Latinorum ...: cum notis et ... Jul 9, 2008 nicolas-Éloi lemaire , dum
saurium hi asseverant , hi ophidium. Nos, cum plerisque, e sauriis esse
credimus, nec dissentil Noster. Chalcidice, ut patet, propterea dictus est,
quod nitore quasi metalHco oorporea lorica

Verhandlungen des botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg Sep 28,

2009 botanischer verein der provinz brandenburg . 242) in Pelio, Athouml
et Pindo montibus. Grisebach (Spicileg. Flor. Rumel et Bithyn. II, p. 340)
fand sie nicht suumldlicher als am Peristeri-Gebirge und auf der Halbinsel
Chalcidice in Macedonien ich

A History Of Political Thought Volume One Jan 16, 2017 singh dr. sukhbir
life and Times, of Aristotle: Aristotle was born at Stagira in the year 384
B. C., a Greek colony situated on the eastern coast of the peninsula of
Chalcidice in Thrace. His father Nicomachiis was a

Opera Jun 14, 2009 virgil , and its foundation can hardly have been
attributed to Aeneas. Virgil may have confused it with Aeneia in
Chalcidice (Hdt vii. 123 lAy, xL 4), which claimed Aeneas as its foundera
claim which, like

Zeitschrift für mathematischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht

May 5, 2008 verein zur förderung des mathematischen und
naturwissenschaftlichen unterrichts
Gefoumlsskryptogamen von Sachsen und der angrenzenden Gegenden. 2.
Aufl. (31 S.) Lpz. Teubner. 0,60. 60 Literarische Berichte. 3. Mineralogie.
Becke, Gesteine von der Halbinsel Chalcidice. Wien

The natural history of Pliny Sep 9, 2008 pliny, the elder as the
Chalcidice,taken in wine, is a cure for its own bite. CHAP. 33.

REMEDIES FOR THE OTHER POISONS. Where persons have been

poisoned by noxious preparations from the wild weasel,' the proper

The New Funk Wagnalls encyclopedia Jun 17, 2010 morse, joseph laffan,
1902- ed (Stageira), a Greek colony on the peninsula of Chalcidice. His
father, Nicomachus, was physician to Amyntas H, King of Macedonia,
father of Philip, and grandfather of Alexander the Great. In his

A classical dictionary : containing an account of the principal proper

names mentioned in ancient authors, and intended to elucidate all the
important points connected with the geography, history, biography,
mythology, and fine arts of the Greeks and Romans. Together with an
account of coins, weights, and measures, with tabular values of the same
pr 18, 2014 anthon, charles, 1797-1867 .) Amos, a mountain in the district
Chalcidice of Macedonia. It ia situate on a peninsula between the Sinus
Strymonicus, or Gulf of Cantata, and the Sinus Singiticus, or Gulf of
Monte Santo. It is ao high

Divine Comedy Dante Alighieri Illustrated Nov 7, 2016 . Aristotle was

bom at Stageira in Chalcidice near Salonica. His father was a doctor. He
became a member of Platos Academy at Athens, though he was later to
differ from Plato in his thinking. He was

A history of Greece, from its conquest by the Romans to the present time,
B. C. 146 to 1864 Jul 13, 2009 finlay, george, 1799-1875 the northward,
between the snowy peaks and rugged mountains of Olympus and Ossa to
the west, and the rich shores of the Chalcidice and the peninsula of
Cassandra to the east. The bay, on which the

A General History for Colleges and High Schools Feb 18, 2009 Philip van
ness myers have been the teacher of the Athenian Theraistocles. The
Second Sacred War (355-346 b.c.). Philip quickly extended his power
over a large part of Thrace and the Greek cities of Chalcidice. Meanwhile

Oeuvres de C. C. Tacite Aug 3, 2009 cornelius tacitus , cayo cornelio tacito

, tacite, charles louis fleury panckoucke . Les Tongres combattent en
Bretagne sous les ordres d'Agricola, Agr., 36. Torone, golfe de
Chalcidice, Ann., v, 10. Torquata, soeligur de C. Silanus, vestale d'une
pureteacute antique , AnnJ, m, 69. Tortue

Works of Plato: A New and Literal Version, Chiefly from the Text of
Stallbaum V 6 Feb 28, 2014 Plato soldiers, among whom were Socrates
and Alcibiades, had returned from their expedition into Chalcidice,
mentioned in i. 65, and had joined the army newly arrived from Potidea.
Ib. Critias.] It is

Bibliotheca Classica Latina sive Collectio Auctorum Classicorum

Latinorum ...: cum notis et ... Mar 25, 2008 nicolas-Éloi lemaire
Odoinantice, Chalcidice, Crossaea, Mygdonia , Crestonia seu Grestonia ,
Antheraus, Ampbaxitis cam parte Paeoniaeinter illos fluvios sita. Ab
occasu qua Axius, etc. vox qua abundare videtur Drak. 5

The early age of Greece Jul 19, 2011 ridgeway, william, sir, 1853-1926
Pelasgi who once dwelt in Pelasgic Argos, the region otherwise called
Pelasgiotis, were driven out some went to Asia Minor, some to
Peloponnesus, some to Chalcidice, and some even to Italy. But many old

Ancient European philosophy the history of Greek philosophy

psychologically treated Jun 6, 2008 snider, denton jaques, 1841-1925
generally accepted that our philosopher was born in 384 B. C. at Stagira,
a town of the Thracian Chalcidice, and died in 322 B. C. at the city of
Chalcis in Euboea. Father and mother were both Greeks

Elegies Dec 21, 2011 propertius, sextus to the canal cut by Xerxes through
Mt. Athos, connecting the peninsula with Chalcidice. See Hdt. vii. 22 3
The Cimbri.] Probably inhabitants of the peninsula of Jutland they were
defeated-B. c

Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York, Volume 21

Oct 12, 2009 american geographical society of new york on the Island of
Euboea, founded colonies in Thrace, and these were called Chai-cidian
cities (laquolaquo XaMdcxm TroAecc, From these cities the peninsula
Chalkidike (Latin Chalcidice) took its name.

The Deipnosophists or, Banquet of the learned, of Athenaeus. Literally

translated by C.D. Yonge, B.A. With an appendix of poetical fragments,
rendered into English verse by various authors, and a general index Feb 1,
2008 athenaeus, of naucratis Cilicia, but those countries do not ripen it
thoroughly. It grows, too, around Torone in Chalcidice, in a marsh of
moderate size, and that place ripens it, and it brings its fruit to perfection

L 184 Diogenes Laertius Lives Of Eminent Philosophers II: 6 10 Dec 14,

2013 school lasted until the ninth or tenth generation. For the last of the
Pythagoreans, whom Aristnxenus in his time saw, were Xenophilus from
the Thracian Chalcidice,Phanton of Phlius, and Echecrates

Great thoughts from classic authors Nov 17, 2007 ramage, craufurd tait,
1803-1878 native of Stageira, a seaport town of the district of
Chalcidice, which became subject to Philip of Macedon. He was son of
Jficomachus, physician to Amyntas II., King of Macedon.

The Politics and Economics of Aristotle : translated, with notes, original

and selected, and analysis Mar 6, 2015 Aristotle subdued Stagira and the
whole region of Chalcidice, was itself besieged by Philip of Macedon
and, with all its dependencies, reduced by the arms or arts of that politic
prince, in the first year of

Handelsgeschichte des Altertums Jul 4, 2008 speck, ernst in den

griechischen Staumldten der macedonischthracischen Kuumlste, vor allem
in Chalcidice, so diente Philipps einheitliche Muumlnzorganisation
ebenso der Vollendung der politischen Einheit wie der Hebung des

The natural history of Pliny Jun 8, 2015 pliny, the elder Chalcidice,taken
in wine, is a cure for its own bite. CHAP. 33. REMEDIES FOR THE
OTHER POISONS. Where persons have been poisoned by noxious
preparations from the wild weasel the proper remedy is

Die Vegetation der Erde nach ihrer klimatischen Anordnung: Ein Abriss
der vergleichenden ... Mar 24, 2008 august grisebach von der
Thessalischen Kttste ans ttber die Vor gebirge von Chalcidice
ansgebreitet, aber in Thracien nimnit sie all- maumluumlg Bestandtheile
der Steppen Vegetation anf: hier sind weitere Forschungen im

Ab urbe condita libri Nov 14, 2014 livy Chalcidice liegt, nicht zulassig)
ist die bedeutendste Stadt von Locris, scheint sich aber wefet des emllwiteii
UMttndttwahrend die benachbarten loclitdMH Stidte auf Philipps Seite

The close of the middle ages : 1273-1494 Jul 29, 2009 lodge, richard, sir,
1855-1936 Constantinople itself, with the adjacent district of Roumelia
and the peninsula of Chalcidice. To the north and west they were hemmed
in by the independent kingdoms of Bulgaria and Servia. The greater part
of the

Essai sur le règne de Trajan Feb 9, 2009 la berge, camille de, 1837-1878 ,
die noch sichtbaren Beweise der ehexpaligen Inselnatnr von Chalcidice,
scheinen ans den Ursprung der Krankheit einfacher zu erklaren. Die Stelle
findet sich Ambr. Op. Tom. IL Class. I. ep. XV. Wenn

Historiarum Libri IV Dec 17, 2009 john cantacuzenus (emperor of the

east), barthold georg niebuhr miilto post misit Imperator niliil liorum
nesctens pro facultate se quo- 2ne ad hostem excipiendum praeparabat,
relictoque in Chalcidice [atthaeo filio cum manu, quantam rebatur satis
esse, loanne

History of philosophy Oct 10, 2008 turner, william, 1871-1936 Aristotle,

as if the imperfect Socratic and Platonic schools had not existed. Life.
Aristotle was born at Stagira, a seaport town of the colony of Chalcidice
in Macedonia, in the year 384 B.C. His

Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology Feb 10, 2009
smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 , and were murdered by his son Alexander.
(See p. 118, b.) After this we find nothing recorded of Amyntas, except
his of ler to the Peisistratidae of Anthemus in Chalcidice, when Hippiaa
had just been

C. Plinii Secundi Naturalis historiae libri XXXVII Mar 28, 2008 pliny,
gabriel brotier . 1. 2. Paris. et Cliiffl. vetnstiornmque editlonum ante
Hermolaum, qui Tinda rescripsit ex Stephano : ia eniro, T(r8i}, inqoit,
BpKris XaKKiSueii irAif. Verum est haec Chalcidice Macedonlae regio

Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie Apr 1, 2016 .) Stadt unweit der Halbinsel

Chalcidice, nahe der Muumlndung des Strymon, im thrazisch-
macedonischen Kuumlstenland gelegen, stellt sich als die eigentliche
Heimath der Braut von Korinth heraus. Philipp hatte im

Turkey Jan 22, 2009 baker, james, lieutenant-colonel existed on the coast
of Chalcidice, it became an important center of trade for the whole
district, and it eventually rose to be one of the chief cities in the south of
Europe. The earliest legendary

Verslagen en mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van

Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Letterkunde Jun 22, 2008 koninklijke
akademie van wetenschappen (netherlands). afdeeling letterkunde anders
trekt mne aandacht boek lY. c. 110, waar Brasidas op zijne expeditie in
Chalcidice Torone nadert: dq)ixoacuteiueyog yvxrbg eumlrt xal nsccedili
occedilocircccediloy roelig ccedilccedilaru eacutexaOeacuteBTO TtQog
rocirc JioaxOacuteQeumlioy. 0()ampQog is

Works a new and literal version, chiefly from the text of Stallbaum Jul 25,
2006 Plato narration there we shall find that Thucydides meant to say that
Phormio and his 1600 soldiers, among whom were Socrates and
Alcibiades, had returned from their expedition into Chalcidice, mentioned
in i. 65

The Delphian Course Aug 13, 2010 delphian society . 9. Catiline, iv. 181.
Cavour, vi. 373. Caxton, ix. 41. Catholic Emancipation, viii. 47. Celts, viii.
4. Chalcidice, ii. 326. Chaldea, i. 201. Prehistoric, i. 218. Religion, i. 219.
Empire of , i. 264

Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der

indogermanischen Sprachen Apr 20, 2008 kuhn, adalbert, 1812-1881 =
XQiaxog, qixsvxQ = szligovxivxQi(pv)y in Chalcidice xaxi'kX =
axovxiWi, in Philippopel szligog -szligri = szligovszligog -ri (=
szlig(oszlig6g), in Belbendos (Macedonien) 'xqi = 'vaxQt', (pxiXX =
SixeuroXXi{ov), xlvxg = xivrjaig

Symbolae Antillanae, seu, Fundamenta florae Indiae Occidentalis Nov 26,

2007 urban, ignaz, 1848- Trapezunt bis Khasput, 1890 desgl. bis Egin,
1891 in Gemeinschaft mit J. Bornmuumlller die Insel Thasos, die Halbinsel
Chalcidice und den Thessalischen Olymp, 1892 Paphlagonien uumlber
Ineboli bis Tossia, 1894

Abhandlungen der sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig,

philologisch-historische Klasse Mar 10, 2008 königlich sächsische
gesellschaft der wissenschaften, sächsische akademie der wissenschaften
zu leipzig philologisch-historische klasse

Suumldkuumlste. Morea ist voumlllig verzerrt, noch mehr als auf der
vorigen Karte. Mittelgriechenland ist widernatuumlrlich in die Breite
gezogen. Die Halbinsel Chalcidice fehlt ganz. Der Thracische Chersones

A History of Greece: From Its Conquest by the Romans to the Present

Time, B.C. 146 to A.D. 1864 Jul 6, 2008 george finlay to the west, and the
rich shores of the Chalcidice and the peninsula of Cassandra to the east.
The bay, on which the city looks down, affords a safe anchorage and in the
tenth century an ancient mole

An English commentary on Dante's Divina commedia Sep 18, 2007 tozer,

henry fanshawe, 1829-1916 were defeated by Jupiter this Is called by
Statius {J'heb. x. 909) 'praelia Phlegrae.' The Phlegraean plains are
generally identified with the peninsula of Pallene in Chalcidice, which

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tants

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités ... Feb 28, 2009 sabbathier, [françois], 1735-1807. [from old
catalog] les Dieux. Ayant armeacute depuis contre les villes de la
Chalcidice , il emPorta d'aflaut le chacircteau de Geacutera quMl St fafdr,
amp fe montrant tout ampQn coup devant quetqnei Mvfi tregraves, ils fe
rendirent agrave fof t

Venice in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries a sketch of Ventian

history from the conquest of Constantinople to the accession of Michele
Steno, A.D. 1204-1400 Nov 25, 2009 hodgson, f. c. (francis cotterell)
peninsula of Chalcidice, near the site of Potidaea, he was warmly
received: the Turks and Turcopules, allies it was impossible to ignore,
looked upon him as their friend. He might, if he had stayed, have

Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur Aug 14, 2008
Coldopolis wird zu x(Lv x(Xoumlai(ov LBC des Ps. Kall, zu stellen sein,
so dass wir staumldte in Chalcidice und Thracien vor uns haben. Was aber
steckt in Ralico, Malito etc.? Vermutungen Hessen sich unschwer

Turkey Dec 17, 2014 baker, james, lieutenant-colonel -communication

with the numerous towns which then existed on the coast of Chalcidice,

it became an important center of trade for the whole district, and it

eventually rose to be one of the chief cities in

A General History for Colleges and High Schools Nov 13, 2012 p. v. n.
myers of Thrace and the Greek cities of Chalcidice. Meanwhile he was,
in the following way, acquiring a commanding position in the affairs of
the states of Greece proper. The Phocians had put to secular use

Ioannis Cantacuzeni Eximperatoris Historiarum Libri IV. Græce et Latine

Jan 14, 2015 john vi cantacuzenus (emperor of the east) facultate se
quoquc ad hostcm cxcipicndum pracparabat, rclictoquc in Chalcidice
Matthaeo filio cum manu, quantam rcbalur satis cssc, loanne autcin Asaue,
uxoris fratre, oppidulis in Morrha dcdititiispracfccto

Titi Livii Patavini Opera quae exstant omnia ex recensione G. Alex.

Ruperti cum supplementis Freinshemii. Tomus primus decimus quartus
Jan 23, 2016 ,Chalcidice,Crossaea, Mygdonia, Creslouia seu G res toni a,
Audiemus, Amplinxitis cum parte Paconiae inter illos fluviosila. Alt
occasu qua Axius, etc. vox qua abundare videtur Drak. 5. Tertia pars

U.S. Army War College Guide to National Security Issues, Vol I: Theory
of War and Strategy, 4th Edition Aug 21, 2011 (editor) j. boone
bartholomees jr.

generalship of Brasidas, counters by attacking the Athenian alliance in

Boeotia and Chalcidice. Both sides make partial gains but come no closer
to ultimate victory. The Peace of Nicias represents an

The world's progress Aug 16, 2009 delphian society. [from old catalog] )
Castiglione (kas-tel-yo'ne) gt Cathay (ka-tha') Catullus (ka-tulus) Cavour
(ka-v6r') Cellini (chel-le'ne) Cerberus (ser'be-rus) Cervantes (ser-van'tez)
Ceyx (se'iksect) Chalcidice (kal-sTd'i-se) Chaldea (kal

Inhaltsverzeichnis der Veröffentlichungen der K.k. Geographischen

Gesellschaft(1857-1907) Jun 22, 2008 hermann j. leiter ich in dieser
himmlischen Gegend. Endlich brach ich am 1. August von Lavra auf und
trat die Ruumlckreise an, zu Land durch ganz Hagion Oroi, durch
Chalcidice, wo ich das Cholomandagebirge uumlberschritt

Monatshefte a journal devoted to the study of German language and

literature Jul 3, 2007 zerschlissen das Kleid, matt und erloschen der Blick.
Welche der Gottinnen wird, welch' Gott sich erbarmen der Sklavin?
01ynthus war die wichtigste Stadt der Halbinsel Chalcidice am Agaischen
Meer und vom

A commentary with introduction and appendix on the Hellenica of

Xenophon Nov 22, 2009 underhill, g. e. (george edward) property,'
Dakyns. av : with reference to the Mantinean affair and the general policy
of Sparta towards their allies cp. sect I. 382 B.C. sect II. 'Axavdov . . . 'A-
TToWavlas: both in Chalcidice: for the

L 406 Plutarch Moralia XII Dec 21, 2013 , 45 note b, 167, 189, 191 note
a, al. Athena, 49, 161, 163 Athenian(s), 199, 383, 555, 559 Athens, 323,
381, 3S3, 571 Athos, 147 : a mountain peak of Chalcidice Atlantis, 181
note d, 183 note d : the

Histoire ancienne de l'Orient par J.J. Guillemin Jul 20, 2016 jean-jacques
guillemin mer, avec la forte place de Seacuteleucie. La Chalcidice, h lest
de la preacuteceacutedente, qui devait son nom agrave sa capitale Chalcis.
La Clialybonitide, plus agrave lest encore, et regagnant, agrave travers le

The Entomologist Vol-x (1877) Jan 18, 2017 carrington john t. - seven
males and one hundred and fifty-eight females.rdquo (Zool. iv. 1457.) The
list of Chalcidice bred at the same time, and given by Walker, is as
follows:ldquoJune (second year): Callimome mutabilis, one

The Close Of The Middle Ages Period-iii Jan 20, 2017 lodge r. the western
kings. In Europe they held little more than 4S4 The Greek Empire and the
Ottoman Turks 495 Constantinople itself, with the adjacent district of
Roumelia and the peninsula of Chalcidice. To

Revue suisse de zoologie Oct 17, 2008 schweizerische zoologische

gesellschaft einem Didrachmon von Eretria auf Euboeliga einen
unverkennbar primigenen Typus abgebiklet, der sich auf Miinzen von
Dikaia in der Chalcidice im Norden Griechenhmd's wiederfindet. (Fig.
11.) ' VIL 126 : 6s

Dictionary Of Greek And Roman Biography And Mythology Vol. I Jan

16, 2017 william smith this we find nothing recorded of Amyntas, except
his of fer to the Peisistratidae of Anthemus in Chalcidice, when Ilippias
had just been disappointed in his hope of a restoration to Athens by the

Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology Oct 18, 2007
smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 find nothing recorded of Amyntas, except
his of fer to the Peisistratidae of Anthemus in Chalcidice, when Hippiaa
had just been disappointed in his hope of a restoration to Athens by the
power of the

A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology Jan 25, 2015
smith, william, 1813-1893, ed to join in it aftex which he was occupied in
petty warfare in Chalcidice, and negotiations for aid from Pcloponnesu.
Finally, not long before the surrender of Potidaea, in the second year of
the war

A dictionary of Greek and Roman geography Jan 8, 2011 sir william smith
extensive plains of the Hebrus afforded pastnre for an excellent breed of
boraes. (Thnc {. e. Polyb. xxiv. 6 Liv. xliv. 42.) With this army Sitakxs
overrmil Chalcidice, Andiemus, Creetonia, and

The American encyclopedia of history, biography and travel : comprising

ancient and modern history the biography of the eminent men of Europe
and America, and the lives of distinguished travelers Oct 21, 2009 blake,
william o in the quarrel, the Corinthians stirred up a Revolt in Potidaea,
a town of Chalcidice, near the confines of Macedonia, which had
originally been a colony of Corinth, but was at this time a tributary

A Greek-English lexicon, based on the German work of Francis-Passow

May 16, 2014 liddell, henry george, 1811-1898 , Acanthus, masc. pr. n.
Thuc. 5, 192. i), a city of Chalcidice, on the Strymonian gulf, Hdt. 6, 44
6 'Andvdtog, Hdt. 7,116. 3. a city of Aegypt with a temple of Osiris, Strab.
'Anavduv rrdXig, Diod. Sic

India Whos Who 1969 Jan 16, 2017 satyaji, s. of long standing, in spite of
well-differentiated spheres of interest. The Athenian empire was a
maritime domain (see Delian League) consisting of the Aegean, the shores
of Chalcidice, Callipolis

Manual of classical literature : from the German of J.J. Eschenburg, with

additions Jan 15, 2010 eschenburg, johann joachim, 1743-1820 . Rhodope,
and flowing to the Sinus Strymonicus (Gulf of Contessa).Between the two
gulfs or bays just named, was the peninsula sometimes called Chalcidice,
and presenting pecuhar features, having a

A dictionary of proper names and notable matters in the works of Dante

Jul 31, 2007 toynbee, paget jackson, 1855-1932 . sect 12:. [Aristotile.]
Aristotile, Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, born at Stagira (whence he is
sometimes calledthe Stagirite '), a town in Chalcidice in Macedonia, B.C.
384. In 367 he went

A Dictionary of Proper Names and Notable Matters in the Works of Dante

Mar 25, 2008 paget jackson toynbee , the Greek philosopher, bom at
Stagfra (whence he is sometimes calledthe Stagirite'), a town in

Chalcidice in Macedonia, B.C. 384. In 367 he went to Athens to pursue

his studies, and he there

India Whos Who 1969 Jan 17, 2017 satyaji, s. of long standing, in spite of
well-differentiated spheres of interest. The Athenian empire was a
maritime domain (see Delian League) consisting of the Aegean, the shores
of Chalcidice, Callipolis

Nomina geographica: Versuch einer Allgemeinen geographischen

Onomatologie Mar 24, 2008 johann jacob egli 'im O. Sicilien's. PUumln.
III. 88. ifatfvicK) Stadt der iandschaft Chalcidice, Syrien. Ptol. V. 15, 18.
Pape-Bens. Maronelon, \ Maronia, gt s. Maroneia. Maronias, j Aiaroaiten,
benannt nach

Dictionnaire geographique universel de Vosgien, totalement refondu et mis

au niveau de la science moderne Mar 1, 2011 ladvocat, jean baptiste, 1709-
1765 ., Pieacuterie, Seacuteieucide , Antiochegravene, Chalcidice,
Palmyregravene): 3' sous Constantin et ses suce, en Arabie, Palestine I, Pal.
Il, Pal. III (ou Pal.-Salutaire), Pheacutenicie I, Pheacutenicie II (ou
Libaniq.) , Syrie

A Greek-English lexicon, based on the German work of Francis Passow

Feb 1, 2008 liddell, henry george, 1811-1898 ., Schol. Nic. Ther. 645.
(Passow suggests a deriv. from uk?} and uvdoc, thorn-flower.) fAKavdoc,
ov, 6, Acanthus, masc. pr. n. Thuc. 5, 19.2. ij, a city of Chalcidice, on the
Strymonian gulf, Hdt. 0

Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. May 24,

2011 kaiserl. akademie der wissenschaften in wien. wuumlrden die
suumldlichen Auslaumlufer der Halbinsel Chalcidice und einige der
Cykladen (Granite auf Naxos) repraumlsentiren. Als Vertreter eruptiver
Bildungen in der cretacischen Ablagcrungsrcihe Mittel- und

Flora Orientalis: sive enumeratio plantarum in Oriente a Graecia et

Aegypto ad Indiae fines ... May 14, 2008 edmond boissier , Macedonia in
peninsulamp Chalcidice i300'-2000' (Grisebl), ArmeniaTurcicaad
Baibout et Erzermn (Bourgl Calvl), Caucasus laquo proY. Transcaticasicffl
(Ledeb.), Ossetia 2000' (Ruprecht I). 90 vALERiANEiE. Volerania

Bucolica, Georgica, Aencis the works of Virgil, with a commentary and

appendices, for the use of schools and colleges Nov 10, 2009 virgil '
Penates publici' of Eorae, can hardly he determined. 17. Moenia. Whether
Virgil refers to Aenos at the mouth of the Hebrus, or to Aenea in
Chalcidice (Herod, vii. 123), or to either of these, is quite

History of Rome, and of the Roman people, from its origin to the invasion
of the barbarians Dec 2, 2008 duruy, victor, 1811-1894 or instruuieut of
Augustus, V. 109 builds Caesarea, 119 note. Herodes, brother of Agrippa,
receives Chalcidice from Claudius, iv. 544. Herodes, son of Odenathus,
vii. 294 murdered with his father

P. Vergili Maronis Bucolica, Georgica,Aeneis Jan 29, 2013 virgil

Penates public!' of Rome, can hardly be determined. 17. Moenia. Whether
Virgil refers to Aenos at the mouth of the Hebrus, or to Aenea in
Chalcidice (Herod, vii. 123), or to either of these, is quite

Of ficina Io. Rauisij Textoris Niuernensis. Nunc demum post tot editiones
diligenter emendata, aucta, in longè commodiorem ordinem reducta, cui
hac editione accesserunt. Eiusdem Rauisij Cornucopiae libellus, ... Item
eiusdem autoris, non vulgaris eruditionis Epistolae, nunc recens accuratius
castigatae, propè innumeris mend Nov 14, 2014 jean tixier signeur de
ravisi textor (signeur de ravisi) cent u liberos entxa cfl. Vnde adagium apud
Erafmum Tanqua Chalcidice peperic nobis vxor Noibc TantaK filia habuit
14. MafKnifla rex Numydic. 44-aurorc Eutropio.Puella quardam
Logobarda 7. puctos vno

A history of all nations from the earliest times being a universal historical
library Oct 21, 2008 wright, john henry, 1852-1908 the Greeks, 3, 88, 9(1,

91-97, PI. V. Athos, promontory of Chalcidice, reck of the Persian' fleet

at, 2, 182 canal across, 2. 207 Athrina, of Susiana, rebels against Darius
I., 2, 171 Ati (Teta, in

A history of ancient geography among the Greeks and Romans, from the
earliest ages till the fall of the Roman Empire Oct 1, 2010 bunbury, e. h.
(edward herbert), 1811-1895 different parts of the Greek world. One
important group of these occupied the singular peninsula on the
Macedonian coast, which derived from the first of them the appellation
of Chalcidice…

Elements of general history. Ed. by B. Turner Oct 3, 2008 alexander fraser

tytler . f PlERlA. Emathia. Berampa Edessa Pella, Mygdonia.
Tkessalomca (Saloniki). Ahphaxites. Chalcidice. ApoUonta (Polina\
Olynthus, Stagira. Edonica. Amphipolis (Jemboli), NeapoliSy P

Lehrbuch der griechischen Antiquitäten Aug 4, 2008 karl friedrich

hermann Ohalcidiern noch paederastische Gewohnheiten kamen.
Barbarischen Einfiuss verrathen dagegen die Einwohner der thracischen
Chalcidice bei dems. X. 60: tdSv fihv szligeXti'artov innrjSsvdtcav
vneQOQtovteg, inl

Encyclopedie Methodique Feb 13, 2016 ... Ptoleacutemaiumls, dans la

Cyreacutenaiumlque . iumliumltoaemaioc . te- Ptoleacutemeacutee, roi ou
teacutetrarque tpapxhc ... de Chalcidice. SAXlseqx . IumlITOAElig-
Ptoleacutemeacutee I Soter , roi dEacute- MAIOT gypte. BAxiaesx .
ITTOAE- Ptoleacutemeacutee

Cambridge Medieval History V 4 Mar 19, 2014 bury, j. b. (john bagnell),

1861-1927 , and then, coasting round the peninsula of Chalcidice,
approached Thessalonica. Himerius, who was sent against him, did not
dare to engage the Saracen fleet in battle. CH. v. 142 Naval disasters The

The American encyclopedia of history, biography and travel Sep 3, 2009

[blake, william o.] [from old catalog] independence. By way of punishing
the Athenians for intermeddling in the quarrel, the Corinthians stirred up
a Revolt in Potidaea, a town of Chalcidice, near the confines of
Macedonia, which had

The American encyclopedia of history, biography and travel, comprising

ancient and modern history the biography of the eminent men of Europe
and America, and the lives of distinguished travelers Jul 20, 2006 blake,
william o , the Co rinthians stirred up a Revolt in Potidaea, a town of
Chalcidice, near the confines of Macedonia, which had originally been a
colony of Corinth, but was at this time a tributary of Athens. The

Manual of classical literature Apr 13, 2009 eschenburg, johann joachim,

1743-1820 Strymon, rising in Mt. Rhodope, and flowmg to the Sinus
Strymonicus (Gulf of Contessa).-Between the two gulfs or bays just
named, was the peninsula sometimes called Chalcidice and presenting

Macmillan's magazine Feb 28, 2007 unmolested. Mr. Soutar was taken in
the peninsula In Macedonia. 287 of Cassandra, the western prong of
Chalcidice, by the brigands from Olympus, Manuel, Aristides, and
Nicolas, who crossed the gulf

Lehrbuch der gottdienstlichen Alterthümer der Griechen Feb 5, 2015

hermann, karl friedrich, 1804-1855 thracischen Chalcidice bei derns. X.
60: tcSv (iev szligeXxt'otav iiztxqdevfidxajv vreeooQoh-tFg, inl de tovg
noumltovg xai o~aampvpiav xai noXXrjv dxoXaaiav (oqprjxoteg. 4)
Herod. I. 142: ot dh icoveg ovtoi, tmv xai

The Roman Republic Jun 6, 2007 heitland, william emerton, 1847-1935 ,

922, 936. Cephallenia (Cephalonia) 483, 488. cessioClaudii 523 cessio
bonorum 1220. Cethegus, see Cornelii. Chaeronea, battle of 880.
Chalcedon 969. Chalcidice 520. Chalcis 369, 432

Greece: Handbook for Travellers Feb 14, 2008 karl baedeker (firm ), karl
baedeker District'. This people was powerful and numerous enough to send
out several colonies to Magna Qreecia, Sicily, and the Thracian
Chersonese (Chalkidike or Chalcidice). The continuous history of the

History of Federal Government: From the Foundation of the Achaian

League to ... Jul 27, 2008 edward augustus freeman einen Stadteverein zu
griinden ... . ganz Chalcidice zu einem Stadtevereine zu verbinden, dessen
Haupt es wurde.Verfall, 440. 1.Mr. Grote relies much on the saying of
Kleigen that the cities were

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft Oct 6, 2009 deutsche

geologische gesellschaft erst durch Dislocationen Raum fttr sie geschaffen
werden musste die brakischen Ablagerungen des Hellespont wie der
Chalcidice beweisen, dass ein Ann des sarmatischen Meeres sich von
Thracien aus nach

0517179415 Sep 5, 2016 , were stimulated to seek their fresh ploughlands

abroad. Sailing out into the Aegean, they founded a new Chalcidice on the
coasts of Thrace to the north and east, and another in Sicily to the south

The Chautauquan: Organ of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle

Jun 25, 2009 chautauqua institution the iax Bast. Or-chome-nusChalds
[kaFsb], P. 96. Chalcidice [kal-sid'i-se].Pot-i-dlaquoa. P. 97. Si-nope.Tra-
pezus.Cyxi-cus. Ar-chil'o-chusch like k).Cy'me, P. 113. Alc-maon.Alc-

Petri Andreae Matthioli ... Commentarij secundo aucti, in libros sex

Pedacij Dioscoridis Anazarbei De medica materia. Adiectis quàm plurimis
plantarum, animalium imaginibus quae in priore editione non habentur,
eodem authore. His accessit eiusdem Apologia aduersus Amathum
Lusitanum, quin censura in eiusdem enarrationes Apr 29, 2016 pietro
andrea mattioli

referunt, Chalcidicam qui ad fortunatas unt infulas. Cetcrim, que

Chalcidice luxantur, m L thya, er Cypro copiose prone eonfidemio.
meiucs, non habentur ui 1 talia. tAoranturkc plcrumpic m

The Cambridge Ancient History 3rd Edition Oct 10, 2015 site of the old
Villa Publica where Vespasian and Titus had, as was traditional, spent the
night before their triumph. The staircase connection to Domitians new
temple to Minerva Chalcidice made

Book News Jun 2, 2009 national book league (great britain) over the Greek
cities of Chalcidice. which belonged to the Olynthian Confederacy under
the leadership of Olynthus. In punishment for their having allied
themselves with Athens he destroyed the city

A dictionary of proper names and notable matters in the works of Dante

Oct 31, 2009 toynbee, paget jackson, 1855-1932 .] Aristotle, Aristotle, the
Greek philosopher, born at Stagfra (whence he is sometimes called ' the
Stagirite'), a town in Chalcidice in Macedonia, B.C. 384. In 367 he went
to Athens to pursue his

A compendium of ancient and modern geography, for the use of Eton

school Jan 8, 2016 arrowsmith, aaron, 1750-1823 Sinti, who are said to
have once dwelled in the island of Lemnos The district of Chalcidice, so
named from the Chalcidians of Euboea, who settled here, extended
between the Gulfs of Contessa and

Harmsworth's Universal encyclopedia Aug 16, 2007 hammerton, john

alexander, sir, 1871-1949 . Phormio (d. c. 428 B.C.). Athenian general. He
commanded at Potidaea and in Chalcidice, and in 429 B.C. gained two
notable naval victories over the Spartans during the Peloponnesian War,
in the

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tants

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les

antiquités ... Jun 24, 2008 sabbathier, [françois], 1735-1807. [from old
catalog] Maceacutedoine , daiis la Chalcidice. SARGETIA, fleuve de la
Dace, maintenant appeleacute amprlaquolaquoicirclaquo ou ' Argentia,
SARTSSE, pique ou lance dont se servoient les Grecs, et en particulier les

The universal anthology : a collection of the best literature, ancient,

mediaeval and modern, with biographical and explanatory notes Jul 20,
2007 garnett, richard, 1835-1906 . Chakravartin, chak-ra-var'-tin.
Chalastra, ka-las'-tra. Chalcidian, kal-sid'-i-an. Chalcidice, kal-sid'-i-se.
Chalciope, kal-sl'-o-pe. Chaldsea, kal-dg'-a. Challcuchima, chal-co-chg'-
mk. Chalotais, shal-6-ta

Geschichte Roms in seinem Uebergange von der republikanischen zur

monarchischen Verfassung oder Pompejus, Caesar, Cicero und ihre
Zeitgenossen nach Geschlechtern und mit genealogischen Tabellen Nov
24, 2009 drumann, wilhelm, 1786-1861 Praumltor seine Erpressungen fort,
so weit sein gleich- gesinnter Vorgaumlnger C. Lucrefitis ihm eine
Nachlese zu halten erlaubte. Die Weigerung der Staumldte in Chalcidice,
roumlmische Truppeu und Schiffe aufzunehmen

A history of the world from the earliest records to the present time Feb 19,
2009 smith, Philip, 1817-1885 motion was carried unanimously, though
the proposer was indicted and fined (b.c. 348). But even then, though three
successive expeditions were sent out to Chalcidice, they effected nothing

Philological museum Jun 22, 2010 anthon, charles, 1797-1867. fmo

difference is very slight: he notices Palmeriuses remark about Thronium,
which brings down the Periplus to 01. 106. 4 and argues that, because
Chalcidice is not spoken of as distinct from Macedonia, the

Greece : handbook for travellers Jul 27, 2010 karl baedeker (firm) Thracian
Chersonese (Chalkidike or Chalcidice). The continuous history of the
island begins however, in B.C. 506 with the subjugation of Chalkis by the
Athenians, for the barrenness of the Attic soil made

Die rechtsverhältnisse bei verschiedenen völkern der erde. Ein beitrag zur
vergleichenden ethnologie Apr 7, 2015 bastian, adolf, 1826-1905 , auch
die bewirkende Ursache der Sonderung von Seele und Leib sei, ist speciell
christliche Lehre (K. Hof fmann) [Avixa]. Auf den Muumlnzen von
Acanthus (bei Chalcidice) toumldtete ein Loumlwe einen Stier. Cateia

Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum. Vol 1 Nov 26, 2015 Chalcidice,

Bottiaeorum (cf. n. 36) caput, quinto quidem a. Cbr. saeculo civitas erat
(C. I. Att. I, 37. 226 sqq.), postea vero pagus Olynthiorum, siquidem apud
Isaeum V, 42 est xfjc 0XuvlHac (codd

The International geography Nov 2, 2009 mill, hugh robert, 1861-1950

peninsula of Chalcidice projects and forms the Gulf of Salonica. The
south-west corner is formed by the peninsula of Greece which is
separately described. The west coast, facing the Adriatic, runs northward

A dictionary of proper names and notable matters in the works of Dante

Mar 25, 2008 toynbee, paget jackson, 1855-1932 Greek philosopher, bom
at Stagfra (whence he is sometimes oUled ' the Stagirite'), a town in
Chalcidice in Macedonia, B.C. 384. In 367 he went to Athens to pursue
his studies, and he there became the

Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology Aug 10, 2008
smith, william, sir, 1813-1893 Peisistratidae of Anthemus in Chalcidice,
when Hippiaa had just been disappointed in his hope of a restoration to
Athens by the power of the Spartan confederacy. (Herod, v. 94 Miili Dor,
App. i sect 16

The History of Rome Jul 30, 2008 barthold georg niebuhr, julius charles
hare, connop thirlwall , william smith , leonhard schmitz Ambracia. The
nopaXfa of Macedonia would be Pieria, Bottia and Chalcidice. The
distinction here between the real country and the acquired provinces (i
Minrrot) is remarkable: since the Epirot

Jo. Alberti Fabricii ... Bibliotheca Græca, sive notitia scriptorum veterum
Græcorum, quorumcunque monumenta integra, aut fragmenta edita extant
tum plerorumque è mss. ac deperditis Jo. Alberti Fabricii, ... Bibliothecæ
Græcæ volumen duodecimum, in quo post elenchum situs episcopatuum
orbis christiani ultra quatermille, et Jun 5, 2016 johann albert fabricius

Chalcidice Thraci regionCk Gratianopolitanus, in Mauritania Cccfaricnli.

Gratianopolitanus (iGratianopoiiccnlis,((rrM) in Dciphinatu Galli. ' Grav1-
Digitized by Cdogl amp EPISCOPATUUM ORBIS

Ancient Art And Its Remains Or A Manual Of The Archeology Of Art.

Jan 17, 2017 c.o.muller Chalcidice which were executed in a very sharp
style and with much delicacy of detail. 1. On Pheido and the ancient
j3Sgina standard of money, the authors .ginet. p. 51, 88. [Bockhs
Metrologie s

Funk Wagnalls new standard encyclopedia of universal knowledge Jul

20, 2010 new york : funk wagnalls builder. Aristotle NEW STANDARD
ENCYCLOPEDIA 60 Greek colony on the Macedonian peninsula
Chalcidice. His father, Nicomachus, was physician to Amyntas II, king
'of Macedonia, father of Philip, and

The History of the Peloponnesian War Jul 27, 2009 john j. owen, d.d.
Macedonia to assist Philip and the brothers of Derdas (sect 2). 1. euros
TCI eVl epaK7]s (sc. xpta)- - n I. 80. sect 2. The parts of Thrace here
spoken of , embraced the three peninsuhas, Pallene, Chalcidice

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tants

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités ... Jul 20, 2009 sabbathier, [françois], 1735-1807. [from old
catalog] , nom que les anciens donnoient agrave l'une de leurs
maniegraveres de compter elle marqnoit trois mille six cents. SARGA,
ville de Maceacutedoine , dans la Chalcidice. SARGETIA, fleuve de la
Dace, maintenant appeleacute

P. Virgilii Maronis Opera un 14, 2011 virgil , media inter tres illas linguas,
quae a Chalcidice peninsula in mare procurrunt, nunc Lo7igos appellata
(cf.liber mens Handb. cl alt. Geogr.lll. p. 1063.) wnOiQSithonius apud
poetas interdum i. q

Sokrates Zeitschrift für das Gymnasialwesen Sep 8, 2016 Messenische (S.

51 f.), der IMiocische Krieg (S. 78f.). die Eroberung der
Griechenstaumldle an der Kuumlste Mazedoniens und auf der Chalcidice
(S. 77 f.) dann waumlre die Behandlung desselben (Gegenstandes an

The international geography Sep 10, 2008 mill, hugh robert, 1861-1950,
ed {Hellespont). The south coast in the east is for the most part low and
uniform, but in the west the deeply notched mountainous peninsula of
Chalcidice projects and forms the Gulf of Salonica.

Harmsworths Universal Encyclopedia(vol-9) Jan 16, 2017 hammerton j.a.

eyes, .te. -It. is so1 named from Chalcedon, .'Where it was foitnd in great
quantities. Chalcidice - or Chalcis. Ancient nariio of a peninsula of
Mneo, donia in-the Aegean- Sea. It terminates in

The American peoples encyclopedia a comprehensive modern-minded

reference work Mar 23, 2010 scott, walter dill, 1869-1955, ed Gulf of
Stryman, S by Chalcidice, SW by the Gulf of Salonika (Thermaikos).
and XW by Pella: area, 3.358 sq. mi. pop. (1940) 577.128. Salonika lies
largely in the lower basin of the Vardar River. The

The History of Herodotus: A New English Version Mar 8, 2009 herodotus

name of Chalcidice, from the number of Ghalcidean settlements (Thucyd.
piissim), Seriphus, Peparethus, and others of the Cyclades, were
Chalcidean (Seym. Chius, 1. 585). In Italy and Sicily, the colonies

A manual of Greek literature : from the earliest authentic periods to the

close of the Byzantine era Jul 18, 2006 anthon, charles, 1797-1867 -

ToreATjs),3 the celebrated founder of this school, was born at Staglra, a

town in Chalcidice, in Macedonia, B.C. 384. His father, Nicomachus,
was physician in ordinary to Amyntas II., king of Macedonia

Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi Mar 9, 2008 emil
schürer . Aristobul, Sohn des Herodes I, 369 373. 407411. Aristobul,
Bruder des Agrippa 1:1,504. Aristobul, Sohn des Herodes von Chalcis,
Koumlnig von Klein-Armenien I, 723. 724 f. Vgl. 442. Aristobul von
Chalcidice I

Civilization in Europe and the World Aug 20, 2016 schapiro, j. salwyn
(jacob salwyn), 1879-1973 and Chipiez Chalcidice iron, tin, and grain
from the Black Sea countries wool, sheep, horses, grain, and oil from
northern Africa and fruit, grain, and oil from all the Mediterranean lands

Of ficina Ioan. Rauisii Textoris Niuernensis, nunc demum post tot

editiones diligenter emendata, aucta, in longè commodiorem ordinem
redacta, cui hac editione accesserunt. Eiusdem Rauisij Cornucopiae
libellus, ... Item eiusdem autoris, non vulgaris eruditionis Epistolae, nunc
recens accuratius castigatae, ... Ac geminus index Aug 3, 2016 jean tixier
signeur de ravisi textor (signeur de ravisi)

filias. Aecyfihus totidem filios. Eucyccmulici xo. filius. Cbbe mulier

hcToina, cirt cognomen fiiir Clu!cid-,-viio cu.unda tuitu iibcios
enixaeA.Vndeadagium apurt ErafitiuiTancuam Chalcidice peperit

World University Encyclopedia Vol.-12 Poison To Rotation Jan 19, 2017

gregory,r.p with the success of his Crimean administration. Potidaea {pot-
i-de'd), an ancient dty of Macedonia, situated on the istlimus between the
Pallene peninsula and the Chalcidice district of Greek

The Hellenes: The History of the Manners of the Ancient Greeks Jan 28,
2009 james augustus st . john precipitating of neutral merchants into pits,

the betrayal of the cities of Chalcidice and the islands, the massacre in
cold blood of the Platseans, of four thousand Athenians in the Hellespont

The History of Herodotus: A New English Version, Ed. with Copious

Notes and Appendices ... Mar 18, 2014 herodotus the conduct ot Athens on
the above-mentioned occasions.Anthemus was a city of some note, on the
borders of Macedonia, above Chalcidice. It is difficult to fix with
certainty its exact site.

Abrahami Ortelij Antuerpiani Thesaurus geographicus. In quo omnium

totius terrae regionum, montium, promontoriorum, collium, ... Multi in hoc
opere auctorum veterum loci corrupti, falsi, dubij, discrepantes,
emendantur, arguuntur, enodantur conciliantur Jan 24, 2016 abraham
ortelius ,hebttCjoltfnu infuoTliefauro, exvetiijlatnflnptune. M e z a i Plmij,
mazei Ptolctiiai: Illyridis pepub. M EZA R M E,ride BE RS A B E. M i A
c o R v s, sjdaufQ-.Chalcidice rrbs.Stepbano. Mi AC v

Decii Junii Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci Satirae Jan 21, 2009 juvenal
destroycd and the inhabitants sold. All the citics in Chalcidice he gaincd
at thc sanic timc and in the same way. Hc Acted univcrsally on tiie
principlc h\id down for hini by tlic orack apyvpfais

Lives of the apostles of Jesus Christ Oct 18, 2011 [bacon, david francis],
1813-1865. [from old catalog] river Chabrius, in the peninsula of
Chalcidice whence turning northwest they came next to Thessalonica, a
large city at the head of the great Thermaic gulf. In this place was a
synagogue of the Jews

A General History of Rome: From the Foundation of the City to the Fall
of ... Jul 21, 2008 charles merivale , while Antiochus was relegated to a
petty throne in the district of Commagene. Osrhoene and Chalcidice were
delivered to dependent princes, and the Euphrates was declared to be the
boundary of the

History of Herodotus Apr 11, 2016 peninsula situated between the

Thermaic and Stryraonic gulfs, acquired the uame of Chalcidice, from
the number of Chalcidean settlements ' Thucyd. passim). Seriphus,
Peparethus, and others of the

The works of Horace, with English notes, critical and explanatory Jan 31,
2010 horace Sithonians are here taken for the Thracians nerally. In
strictness, however, thev were the inhabitants of Sithonia, one of the three
peninsulas of Chalcidice, subsequentlv incorporated into Macedonia

Fasti hellenici, the civil and literary chronology of Greece Jun 24, 2009
fynes-clinton, osbert henry Chalcidice being pressed by the war, and
sending an embassy to Athens, Charidemus is ordered there and in
conjunction with the Olynthians ravages Pallene and Bottisea. Again,
another embassy being sent

Ancient Art And Its Remains Or A Manual Of The Archeology Of Art.

Jan 19, 2017 c.o.muller Chalcidice which were executed in a very sharp
style and with much delicacy of detail. 1. On Pheido and the ancient
j3Sgina standard of money, the authors .ginet. p. 51, 88. [Bockhs
Metrologie s

Jo. Alberti Fabricii ... Bibliotheca Graeca, sive notitia scriptorum veterum
Graecorum quorumcunque monumenta integra, aut fragmenta edita exstant
tum plerorumque è Mss. ac deperditis Bibliothecae Graecae volumen
duodecimum, in quo post elenchum situs episcopatuum orbis Christiani
ultra quatermille, et scriptorum historiae eccl Dec 1, 2014 johann albert

Byzacena Africx provincia. Gratianopolitanorum, in Chalcidice Thracix

regione. Gratianopolitanus, in Mauritania Cxlarienfi.
diamsGratianopolitanus fGratianopolicenfis,in Dclphinatu Galli.Gravi-

History of the Peloponnesian War Jun 9, 2009 thucydides, william smith

, and the body of sixteen hundred men under his command, had before this
quitted Chalcidice, so that Agnon sailed back with the ships to Athens, of
his YEAJRII.] PELOPONNESIAN WAR. 73 four thousand men

The history of Rome Mar 27, 2008 niebuhr, barthold georg, 1776-1831
nations, the possession of which united Macedonia with Ambracia. The
TiapaXia of Macedonia would be Picria, Bottia and Chalcidice. The
distinction here between the real country and the actjuired

A History Of The Great War Vol-ii Jan 18, 2017 buchan john . Such a
position included not only the immediate neighbourhood of the port, but
the whole three-pronged peninsula of Chalcidice. The preparation of the
lines and the communications behind them was pushed

The international geography Jul 27, 2007 mill, hugh robert, 1861-1950 and
uniform, but in the west the deeply notched mountainous peninsula of
Chalcidice projects and forms the G,ulf of Salonica. The south-west
corner is formed by the peninsula of Greece which is

Collier's encyclopedia : with bibliography and index Mar 26, 2010

fontaine, everett o mountains ol Macedonia send of f .in intermediate arm
which runs out seaward as the three- pronged peninsula of Rhalkiilhiki
(Chalcidice), into die north Aegean, and emerge as the western range ol

The international geography Oct 16, 2007 mill, hugh robert, 1861-1950
and uniform, but in the west the deeply notched mountainous peninsula of
Chalcidice projects and forms the Gulf of Salonica. The south-west
corner is formed by the peninsula of Greece which is

The New International Encyclopaedia Feb 3, 2009 - Chalcidice, but after

wards later than b.c. 316a citizen of Cassandria. When eighty-four, he
wrote an historical work of unknown title on Alexander the Great, whom
he accompanied on his Asiatic campaigns

The new international encyclopaedia Nov 24, 2008 gilman, daniel coit,
1831-1908 -243. ARISTOBULUS of Cassandria. A Greek historian,
born in a city of Chalcidice, but afterwardslater than li.c. 316a citizen of
Cassandria. When eighty-four, he wrote an historical work of unknown

Manual of classical literature: Aug 27, 2012 eschenburg, johann joachim,

1743-1820 (Gulf of Contessa). - Between the two gulfs or bays just named,
was the peninsula sometimes called Chalcidice, and presenting peculiar
features, having a cluster of mountains on its neck, and being

Handbuch Der Alten Geographie Jan 28, 2009 albert forbiger Halbinsel
Chalcidice (ti XaAxlaquodinrii Ptol. 3, 13, 11. Snid. h. v. vgl. Herod. 8.
127.)) zwischen dem Tbermaumlischen u. Strymoninchen MB. mit ihren
drei Landspitzen, Pallene ') {ndkXfivni Herod. 7, 123. Thoc

The New International Encyclopaedia Volume V Jan 19, 2017 dodd, mead
and company recently been claimed to be chalchihuitl. CHALCIDICE,
kal-sid'I-se (Lat., from Gk. XaXKiSiK, sc. xpa, chdra, district, Chalkidike,
of Chalcis). The ancient name of three districts in Grecian or

The antiquities of Greece Feb 22, 2009 schö mann, georg friedrich, 1793-
1879 , note. Bowmen at Athens, 352. Boxing, 257. Brasidaa in Chalcidice,
171, 196, 284. Brauron, 319. Bribery punished at Athena, 520. Brilessns,
318. Bacolium, 412. Buildings, public, 393. Burial of

A History of Greece: From the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest,

with ... Jul 13, 2009 william smith , william george smith peninsula of
Chalcidice, with its three projecting headlands, was covered with their
settlements, and derived its name from the former city. The Corinthians
likewise planted a few colonies on this coast, of

Classical antiquities May 13, 2011 eschenburg, johann joachim, 1743-

1820. [from old catalog] of Contessa).Between the two gulfs or bays just

named, was the peninsula sometimes called Chalcidice, and presenting

peculiar features, having a cluster of mountains on its neck, and being spht

The Worlds History A Survey of Mans Record Jan 18, 2017 dr. h. f.
helmolt islands composed the ldquo Empire.rdquo The district of the
capital and Thrace (a triangle extending from Sozopolis past Adrianople
to Christopolis) formed the core. Thessalonica with Chalcidice, portions

The Reader's companion to world literature ep 16, 2009 hornstein, lillian

herlands, 1909- ed . Aristotle: Greek philosopher (384-322 b.c.) . Aristotle
was born at Stagira in Chalcidice but perhaps spent part of his childhood
at Pella, the Macedonian capital, where his father was court physician.

Manual of classical literature: Aug 27, 2012 eschenburg, johann joachim,

1743-1820 (Gulf of Contessa). - Between the two gulfs or bays just named,
was the peninsula sometimes called Chalcidice, and presenting peculiar
features, having a cluster of mountains on its neck, and being

Handbuch Der Alten Geographie Jan 28, 2009 albert forbiger Halbinsel
Chalcidice (ti XaAxlaquodinrii Ptol. 3, 13, 11. Snid. h. v. vgl. Herod. 8.
127.)) zwischen dem Tbermaumlischen u. Strymoninchen MB. mit ihren
drei Landspitzen, Pallene ') {ndkXfivni Herod. 7, 123. Thoc

The New International Encyclopaedia Volume V Jan 19, 2017 dodd, mead
and company recently been claimed to be chalchihuitl. CHALCIDICE,
kal-sid'I-se (Lat., from Gk., district, Chalkidike, of Chalcis). The ancient
name of three districts in Grecian or

A hand-book for travellers in the Ionian Islands, Greece, Turkey, Asia

Minor, and Constantinople Aug 2, 2008 murray, john, 1808-1892 silver
mines of Chalcidice. For an account of the mining municipalities of
Chalcedice, the traveller is referred to Mr. Urquhart's Spirit of the
East.lloumelia, 3 ho., a small but very beautiful

Bucolica, Georgica, Aeneis May 28, 2008 virgil, benjamin hall kennedy
Aenea in Chalcidice (Herod. TiL 123), or to either of these, is quite
uncertain. 19. Dionaeae matri, to my mother (Venus), Dione daughter, 20.
AuBpez, omen-giver javowrer, 23. Hastile, prop, a spear

Decii Junii Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci satirae, with a comm. by A.J.

Macleane Dec 8, 2011 juvenal, aulus persius flaccus inhabitants sold. All
the cities in Chalcidice he gained at the same time and in the same way.
He Acted universally on the principle laid down for him by the oracle,

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tants

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités ... Nov 22, 2014 sabbathier, [françois], 1735-1807. [from old

devoit ecirctre preacutecifeacutement entre la Mygdonie amp la

Chalcidice , feacutelon la carte de la Gregravece par M.d'Anville. \ (a)
Plin. L. iv. c. to. W) Adu. Apof t. lt. 17. ?. I. {c) Strab. pag. 319. Plin. L.
IVlaquoeurollgt f omp

Herodotus, with a commentary by Joseph Williams Blakesley Feb 1, 2008

herodotus fleet. peeOpov rb vBcop avpLfiiayovres3i0' earparoireBevovro
fxev Br) ev boundary of Chalcidice, and by going to is far from unlikely
that one motive which Acanthus, this would have been crossed

The geography of Herodotus ... illustrated from modern researches and

discoveries Oct 1, 2008 wheeler, james talboys, 1824-1897 mentioneltl tho
peninsula of Chalcidice, occupied by settlers from Euboea and others
but though wo inrludo it in our account of Macedonia,V. 17. ' Lake Prasins
was in Paconia. v. 15, I6gtni. 127. A

Mitteilungen aus der historischen Literatur Jan 9, 2015 historische

gesellschaft zu berlin eine Reihe anderer Griechenstaumldte, welche durch

Fuumlrsten eingerichtet wurden. Darauf wendet sich der Verf. nach

Chalcidice und behandelt die houmlchst wichtigen Verhaumlltnisse von
Olynth, die eigentlich

Imman. Joh. Gerhard Schellers ausführliches ... lateinischdeutsches

Lexicon oder, Wörterbuch zum Behufe der Erklärung der Alten Feb 7,
2015 immanuel johann g. scheller ANTTMACHUJS Ptolcm.: autb ncb tint
in Wcffbtnirn, nJmlt.b in Chalcidice, Liv. XXXXIV, io. }) ltampmt in -
Jlrcoticn, wr|ltr Meneinea gerannt, rim. H. N. IV, 6 fed. 10: X. ffobrionui
fJcIStc abcr brn alt

The new international encyclopaedia Nov 24, 2008 gilman, daniel coit,
1831-1908 -243. ARISTOBULUS of Cassandria. A Greek historian,
born in a city of Chalcidice, but afterwardslater than li.c. 316a citizen of
Cassandria. When eighty-four, he wrote an historical work of unknown

Library of Universal History: Containing a Record of the Human Race

from the Earliest Historical ... May 12, 2008 israel smith clare , 2339.
Chalcedon, 2,586 3, 1126 4, 1331. Chalcidice, 2, 689, 705. Chalcis, 3,
7S6. Chaldaea, arts and industries, i, 109, no, 112, 115 ascendency over
Assyria, i, in civilization, i, 113-120

A political and social history of modern Europe May 2, 2007 hayes, carlton
joseph huntley, 1882-1964 ), and a large slice of Macedonia. Salonica, of
Greece, the peninsula of Chalcidice, and the coast as far east as Kavala
(opposite the island of Thasos) were hers. From 2,700,000 her

Jenaische allgemeine LiteraturZeitung Jan 24, 2015 Vorficht gebraucht

werden muffen, hat diefe Stadt, fo wie Chalcis in Chalcidice, durch ein
Mifsverszligaumlndnifs auf die Charte gebracht. Ober den ungrieebifchen
Urfprung der Theffauumler, uumlber ihr Staatsrecht

The Historical magazine, and notes and queries concerning the antiquities,
history, and biography of America. v. 1-10, Jan. 1857-Dec. 1866 2d ser.,

v. 1-10, Jan. 1867-Aug. 1871 3d ser., v. 1-3, Jan. 1872-Apr. 1872-Apr.

1875 Apr 29, 2008 (torcedaafievov) scattered crowd.At the capture of
Torene, in Chalcidice, Thucydides describes the result of the rush of
Brasidas and his troops toward the higher parts of the town, and among
these results the

Recherches sur l'histoire et les cultes de Thasos Mar 18, 2013 pouilloux,
jean same Urne as Lysander besieged Aphytis in Chalcidice (Plut., Lys.,
XX). Probably Thasos remained under a Spartan garrison till 3943 B. C.
when the pro-Athenian party led by Ekphantos expelled the

Géographie ancienne Nov 2, 2014 edme mentelle . Oriclius penfe qu'il

pouoii habkrer aux environs du mont Chakidique. CHALCIDICEN
Maceacutedoine. Voy. Chalcitis. Chalcidice, contreacutee de la Syrie,
agrave l'cft de YOronta amp au fud de la Chalyboniagraves : elle avoit pour

History of Federal Government Oct 10, 2008 edward augustus freeman

Thebaner in Booticn, so suchten die Olynthier in Chalkidice gcwaltaam
einen Stadteverein zu griindcn ... . ganz Chalcidice zu einem Stadtevereine
zu verbinden, dessen Haupt es wurde.Verfall, 440. 1. bull Mr

Civilization in Europe: May 27, 2010 schapiro, j. salwyn (jacob salwyn),

1879-1973 materials for shipbuilding within easy reach. Gold and silver
from Thrace and A POTTER S SHOP Fifth century B.C. Red-figured
water pot. After Perrot and Chipiez Chalcidice iron, tin, and grain from

Virgil's Æneid Sep 29, 2008 virgil another, Aenea in Chalcidice, both of
which were by tradition founded by Aeneas. The name, Atnetdai, by which
Aeneas calls his followers, implies that Virgil was in doubt which town to
regard as the

Epitome of ancient, mediæval and modern history Sep 28, 2008 ploetz,
karl julius, 1819-1881. [from old catalog] reachery and destroved the city
(348), as well as a large number of smaller places in Chalcidice, and sold

the inhabitants as slaves. The opponents of Demosthenes, Eubulus and

JEsohines (AUrxitnut

A General History of Rome from the Foundation of the City to the Fall of
Augustulus, B. C. 753 ... Feb 18, 2008 charles merivale at once reduced to
a Roman pro\dnce, while Antiochus was relegated to a petty throne in the
district of Commagene. Osrhoene and Chalcidice were delivered to
dependent princes, and the Euphrates was

Revue archéologique Jan 1, 2015 penU-s maritimes du Peacuteliort et de I

Osar dans la valleacutee de l'Indge-Karassou agrave Velvendos et dans la
Chalcidice. kuy. Boueacute, La Turquie d'Europe, t. I, p. 427 agraveleyen,
Crundriss der Pflansevgeographie, p

A Manual of Greek Literature: From the Earliest Authentic Periods to the

... Feb 25, 2008 charles anthon probably the 6th of Thar- I. Arjstoteles
{'ApiffTOTtATis),' the celebrated founder of this school, was born at
Stara, a town in Chalcidice, in Macedonia, B.C. 384. His father,
Nicomachus, was

Die Rechtsverhältnisse bei verschiedenen Völkern der Erde Ein Beitrag zur
vergleichenden Ethnologie Dec 20, 2014 adolf bastian von Acanthus (bei
Chalcidice) toumldtete ein Loumlwe einen Stier. Oateia (Tartheia) ut
quidam putaut, nli(|uando Tartessus (Mela) mit einem Vogel des Hercules
(Mel-Karth). Erdmann leitet Saracenen (Ssarnka

Zur frage nach der psychotherapie Jesu [microf orm] Apr 2, 2007 franckh,
rudolf, 1876- der Landfdiaft Chalcidice ge- legene Chalcis) (= Kinnesrin)
) zu denken, verbietet fchon die geographifche Lage. Herodes von Chalcis
erhielt einige Zeit nach dem Tode des Agrippa von Claudius das

Universal history in perspective : divided into three parts ancient, middle,

and modern illustrated by a series of maps and engravings, a chronological
table, and map of time May 27, 2015 willard, emma, 1787-1870 cession

of the Asiatic colonies. 5. Sparta next attacked Mantinea, a town of

Arcadia, and Olynthus, a city of Chalcidice, where this haughty power
assumed to put down the democratical form of government. A

P. Virgilii Maronis opera, ed. perpetua adnotatione illustr. dissertationem

adiecit A. Forbiger Aug 13, 2008 publius vergilius maro . Sithonias nives,
Sithonia, Thraciae, inde a Philipp! temporibus Macedoniae regio, media
inter tres illas linguas, quae a Chalcidice peninsula in mare procurrunt,
nunc Longos appellata (cf.liber mensHandb

History of Federal Government from the Foundation of the Achaian

League to the Disruption of the ... Oct 11, 2008 edward augustus freeman
die Olynthier in Chalkidice gewaltsam einen Stadteverein zu griinden ...
. ganz Chalcidice zu einem Stadtevereine zu verbinden, dessen Haupt es
wiirde.Yerfall, 440. 1. ' Mr. Grote relies much on the

The Reader's companion to world literature. General editor : Calvin S.

Brown... Jun 18, 2010 the dryden press, inc. philosopher (384-322 B.C.).
Aristotle was bom at Stagira in Chalcidice but perhaps spent part of his
childhood at Pella, the Macedonian capital, where his father was court
physician. When he was about

Historiarum libri qui supersunt dum deperditorum fragmentis et epitomis

omnium Apr 4, 2011 livy , Chalcidice, CrolTaea, Mygdonia, Crellonia f.
Greftonia, Anthemus, Atnphaxitis ciiin parte Paeoniae, inter illos fluvios
fita. ab occafu qua Axius qua abundare videtur Dffik. 5. Tenia

The universal anthology a collection of the best literature, ancient,

mediæval and modern Jan 30, 2008 garnett, richard, 1835-1906 .
Chseremon, ke'-re-mon. Charondas, che-ron'-das. Chferonea, ke-rb-ne'-a.
Chakravartin, chak-ra-var'-tin. Chalastra, ka-las'-tra. Chalcidian, kal-sid'-
i-an. Chalcidice, kal-sid'-i-se. Chalciope, kal-si'-o-pe

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie Feb 3, 2015

auf einer der zwei gleichwerthigen steht. Bekanntlich beobachtete auch
Becke (Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice. T. M. P. M. L 270. 1878) bei
dem Ottrelith von Vardhos ausser der vollkommenen Spaltung

La Civiltà cattolica May 12, 2007 (chiainata piu tardi Chalcidice), regione
bagnata dal flume 1 STRABONE, Lib. XII, c. 2, n. 7... sub Argaeo omnium
altissimo monte, cuiusque vertex nunquam nivibus privatur de quo aiunt

The encyclopaedia Britannica latest edition. A dictionary of arts, sciences

and general literature Jul 8, 2016 kellogg, d. o. (day otis), 1796-1874, editor
, called Chalcidice, which projects like a trident into the north of the
iEgean between the Thermaic and Strymonic Gulfs. When seen on the
map, it strikingly resembles tbo Peloponnese in, miniature, from

Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology Jan 14, 2015
sir william smith Peisistratidae of Anthemus in Chalcidice, when Hippias
had just been disappointed in his hope of a restoration to Athens by the
power of the Spartan confederacy. (Herod, v. 94 Mull. Dor. App. i. sect
16 Wowo, ad

The Philological Museum Jul 14, 2008 julius charles hare 01. 106. 4 and
argues that, because Chalcidice is not spoken of as distinct from
Macedonia, the passage in which it is mentioned must refer to a date
subsequent to the conquest of it by Philip, and

Ridpath's Universal history : an account of the origin, primitive condition

and ethnic development of the great races of mankind, and of the principal
events in the evolution and progress of the civilized life among men and
nations, from recent and authentic sources with a preliminary inquiry on
the time, place and manner of the beginning Apr 22, 2009 ridpath, john
clark, 1840-1900

. Ch.ERONEa, Battle of , x. 627. Chalcidice, Macedonian province, x.

613. Chald.Ea, General history of , ix. 103-[40 country of , ix. 103-107
people and language of , ix. 108-111 chronology and annals of

A general history of Rome from the foundation of the city to the fall of
Augustulus, B.C. 753-A.D. 476 ec 27, 2007 merivale, charles, 1808-1893
to a Roman province, while Antiochus was relegated to a petty throne in
the district of Commagene. Osrhoene and Chalcidice were delivered to

A Dictionary of the Bible: comprising its antiquities, biography,

geography, and natural history Sep 21, 2006 smith, william, sir, 1813-1893

about Aleppo Chalcis or Chalcidice, a small tract south of this, about the
lake in which the river of Aleppo ends and Palmyrene', or the desert so far
as we consider it to have been Syrian. (a

The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature Jun 25, 2009 tobias george
smollett proceeded by Acanthus and the canal of Xerxes, along the eastern
part of Chalcidice to Orfana and, by Anapolis, and the plains of the river
Strymon, to Serres and Salonika. From this city, fie made the

Revue archéologique May 16, 2008 kans les pentes maritimes du

Peacutelion et de TOssa, dans la valleacutee de l'Indge-Karassou I
Velvendos et dans la Chalcidice. Foy. Boue, La Turquie d'Europe, t. I, L
427 Meyen, Grundriss der

The works of Horace, from the text of Orellius. With English notes,
original and selected Sep 9, 2009 horace of Sithonia, one of the three
peninsulas of Chalcidice, subsequently incorporated into Macedonia.
Evius, ivios _A name of Bacchus, supposed to have originated from the
cry of the bacchanalians, Ey

Ethnica Jan 26, 2015 stephanus byzantinus prnepositionis usus est.

ytqttoyaoy autem de Chalcidice dixit idem coinplurihus locis, quos attuli
ad v. drrj. iniuria igitur carpunt nostri errorem. 22. QovxvdlSr,g\ 1, 98. 4,
50, 107. to iampytxov om. R. 1

World University Encyclopedia Vol.-12 Poison To Rotation Jan 16, 2017

gregory,r.p with the success of his Crimean administration. Potidaea {pot-
i-de'd), an ancient dty of Macedonia, situated on the istlimus between the
Pallene peninsula and the Chalcidice district of Greek

The Philological Museum Jul 14, 2008 julius charles hare 01. 106. 4 and
argues that, because Chalcidice is not spoken of as distinct from
Macedonia, the passage in which it is mentioned must refer to a date
subsequent to the conquest of it by Philip, and

Ridpath's Universal history : an account of the origin, primitive condition

and ethnic development of the great races of mankind, and of the principal
events in the evolution and progress of the civilized life among men and
nations, from recent and authentic sources with a preliminary inquiry on
the time, place and manner of the beginning Apr 22, 2009 ridpath, john
clark, 1840-1900 . Ch.ERONEa, Battle of , x. 627. Chalcidice,
Macedonian province, x. 613. Chald.Ea, General history of , ix. 103-[40
country of , ix. 103-107 people and language of , ix. 108-111 chronology
and annals of

A general history of Rome from the foundation of the city to the fall of
Augustulus, B.C. 753-A.D. 476 Dec 27, 2007 merivale, charles, 1808-1893
to a Roman province, while Antiochus was relegated to a petty throne in
the district of Commagene. Osrhoene and Chalcidice were delivered to
dependent princes, and the Euphrates was declared to be the

A Dictionary of the Bible : comprising its antiquities, biography,

geography, and natural history Sep 21, 2006 smith, william, sir, 1813-1893
about Aleppo Chalcis or Chalcidice, a small tract south of this, about the

lake in which the river of Aleppo ends and Palmyrene', or the desert so far
as we consider it to have been Syrian. (a

The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature Jun 25, 2009 tobias george
smollett proceeded by Acanthus and the canal of Xerxes, along the eastern
part of Chalcidice to Orfana and, by Anapolis, and the plains of the river
Strymon, to Serres and Salonika. From this city, fie made the

Revue archéologique May 16, 2008 kans les pentes maritimes du

Peacutelion et de TOssa, dans la valleacutee de l'Indge-Karassou I
Velvendos et dans la Chalcidice. Foy. Boue, La Turquie d'Europe, t. I, L
427 Meyen, Grundriss der

The works of Horace, from the text of Orellius. With English notes,
original and selected Sep 9, 2009 horace of Sithonia, one of the three
peninsulas of Chalcidice, subsequently incorporated into Macedonia.
Evius, ivios _A name of Bacchus, supposed to have originated from the
cry of the bacchanalians, Ey

Ethnica Jan 26, 2015stephanus byzantinus prnepositionis usus est.

ytqttoyaoy autem de Chalcidice dixit idem coinplurihus locis, quos attuli
ad v. drrj. iniuria igitur carpunt nostri errorem. 22. 1, 98. 4, 50, 107. to
iampytxov om. R. 1

Le Magasin pittoresque Mar 22, 2017 mer Eacutegeacutee, le voyageur

voit se dresser agrave l'horizon une montagne agrave cime allongeacutee,
dont la silhouette ressemble agrave un sphinx coucheacute. Cest le
promontoire oriental de la triple peacuteninsule de Chalcidice, le

The Historians' History of the World Mar 8, 2009 henry smith williams

Richeheu, 11, 451. Chalddeus (d. 412 B.C.) Spartan commander in

Peloponnesian War, 3, 619. Chalcidice, peninsula of Macedonia Qreek
colonisation of , 3, 203 relations of , with Athens, 3, 391, 444-448

The Columbia Encyclopedia Vol.-iv Mussolini-sea Squirt Jan 21, 2017

bridgwater, william
. Olynthus (olln'thus), ancient city of Greelaquo, on the peninsula of
Chalcidice, XE of Potidaea. Alesg:! of Chalcidic cities grew up in the
late 5th ct. B.C., and 01yntlms, as the head of this ChalddiM League

History for ready reference, from the best historians, biographers, and
specialists their own words in a complete system of history ... Dec 5, 2008
larned, j. n. (josephus nelson), 1836-1913 (Ireece, pt. 2. ch. 52. Also in : E.
Curtius, Ilisi. of Greece, bk. 4, cli. 2 ('. 3). B. C. 424-421.The
Peloponnesian War: Brasidas in Chalcidice. Athenian defeat at
Delium.A year's Truce.Renewed

The Universal Anthology: A Collection of the Best Literature, Ancient,

Mediæval and Modern, with ... Mar 10, 2008 léon vallée, richard garnett,
alois brandl , ke'-re-mgn. Chserondas, champ-ron'-das. ChSBronea, kS-ro-
nS'-ft. Chakravartin, chak-rfvar'-'tin. Chalastra, ka-las'-tra. Chalcidian,
kal-8idMlaquof in. bull ' Chalcidice, kal-sldM. Chalciope, kal-8l'-9

The Mind Of Latin Christendom Oct 30, 2006 edward motley pickman .
Chalcidice, was of pure Greek stock: Fuller 1931 III 2. iv THE CHURCH
AS LANDLORD 249 ganization, rightfully entitled to some share in the
donor's generosity. Furthermore it was then already

Central-Organ für die Interessen des Realschulwesens Nov 26, 2008

Karpathen durch das alte Voumllkerthorzwischen den Quellen der Oder
und Weichsel, am linken Weichselufer hinab zur Ostsee andrerseits von
der Donau zum aumlgaumlischen Meere und zwar zur Halbinsel

Dewey decimal classification and relative index May 18, 2012 dewey,
melvil, 1851-1931 dec. arts ecclesiastical furniture see Seats ecclesiastical
furniture mf. tech. outdoor other aspects see Furniture Chalcanthite
mineralogy 749.3 684. 684, 549, 13 18 Chalcidice Greece Chalcocite

Dictionnaire pour l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, grecs et latins, tants

sacrés que prof anes, contenant la géographie, l'histoire, la fable, et les
antiquités ... Feb 28, 2009 sabbathier, [françois], 1735-1807. [from old

[ le Promontoire . d'] , Promontorium Ampeli, agraveputi A'fjLic Mv, {e)

Il eacutetoit fitueacute dans, la Chalcidice , entre le mont Athos amp le
ptomontoire de Pal-, legravene , agrave l'oppof ite de Lemnos. On

The Roman Republic Dec 10, 2007 heitland, william emerton, 1847-1935
, battle of 880. Chalcedon 969. Chalcidice 520. Chalcis 369, 432, 437,
443, 463, 465, 469, 470, 511, 513, 516, 575. 576, 880, 882. Cheese 665.
Chersonesus (Sebastopol) 807

A manual of Greek literature from the earliest authentic periods to the

close of the Byzantine era un 23, 2009 anthon, charles, 1797-1867 , was
born at Stagira, a town in Chalcidice, in Macedonia, B.C. 384. His father,
Nicomachus, was physician in ordinary to Amyntas II., king of
Macedonia, and the author of several treatises on subjects

Lehrbuch der griechischen Privatalterthümer mit Einschluss der

Rechtsalterthümer Feb 3, 2015 carl friedrich hermann . Barbarischen
Einfluss vcrrathen dagegen die Einwohner der thracischen Chalcidice bei
dems. X. 60: zcoumlv (itv szligBXxi'azcov inizTjdev}iltiz(ov
vnsgthQfovxsg ini dl zovg noxovg nul gad-vfiiav -nctl noXXriv a

A General History of Rome from the Foundation of the City to the Fall of
... Jun 21, 2009 charles merivale Antiochus was relegated to a petty throne

in the district of Commagene. Osrhoene and Chalcidice were delivered to

dependent princes, and the Euphrates was declared to be T Digitized by
VjUU VIC the

The Reader's companion to world literature Mar 3, 2010 hornstein, lillian

herlands, 1909- ed charActers. Aristotle: Greek philosopher (384-322 b.c.)
. Aristotle was born at Stagira in Chalcidice but perhaps spent part of his
childhood at Pella, the Macedonian capital, where his father was

Philological Museum Dec 4, 2007 Chalcidice is not spoken of as distinct

from Macedonia, the passage in Avhich it is mentioned must refer to a
date subsequent to the conquest of it by Philip, and to the destruction of
Olynthus and the

The Greek reader Oct 31, 2012 jacobs, friedrich, 1764-1847. [from old
catalog] , 6. Olympus, a celebrated mountain on the coast of Thessaly, the
fabled seat of the Grecian gods. 02.WampJC, ov, rj. Olynthus, a powerful
city of Macedonia, in the district of Chalcidice. 62.uc (adv

Documents of the Senate of the State of New York Jan 26, 2009 new
york (state ). legislature. senate following and state for what each of the v
is noted: Ephesus, Delphi, Olympia, Mount Athos, Thebes, Chalcidice,
the Maeander, Rhodes. 12 Describe by a drawing or otherwise one of the
following: {a) war

Allgemeine und chemische Geologie Apr 27, 2008 justus roth

FeldupStbiMi und Feld|)iithknoten. Ih. 1B73. XXII. 342. Halliiniel
Chalcidice. Megalo vigln, nSrdlidier Tbeil der Atblaquo-t IdkuI.
(jrobk$rnif(!r Htoiitgiiei.4.atu TOrberrsclicadeiu weiMeiti

The Cambridge Ancient History 3rd Edition Oct 10, 2015 ). The second
had Thessalonica as its capital and ran (with the aforementioned
exceptions) from the Strymon to the Axius, taking in eastern Paeonia and
all Chalcidice. The third was based upon Pella and

The Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol-xvii Ninth Edition Jan 18, 2017 adam
and charles black, edinburgh Macedonia at Amphipolis and Chalcidice
under Athenian rule. It alone shows instances comparable to the works of
Phidias, though its most numerous fine works are of the age of Polyclitus
and that of

The International Geography Jul 27, 2009 hugh robert mill of Chalcidice
projects and forms the Gulf of Salonica. The south-west corner is formed
by the peninsula lt Greece which is separately described. The west coast,
facing the Adriatic, runs northward as

Sokrates: Zeitschrift für das Gymnasialwesen May 26, 2008 philologischer

verein zu berlin Chalcidice, 2) die der Schlacht bei Hantinea
vorausgegangenen ArgivischLacedaumlmenischen Haumlndel und die
daraus erfolgten Staatsumwaumli- Zungen in Argos, 3) die
Kriegfuumlhrung der Athener an der Thradschen Kuumlste

A system of geography or, A new accurate description of the earth in all

its empires, kingdoms and states. Illustrated with history and topography,
and maps of every country ... Dec 2, 2009 moll, herman, d. 1732 , Batanaa,
Pdmyrene, Chdyhotiitis, Cyrrejiica, Chalcidice, Apamena, Cafflotis,
Seleucii, Pieria and Comdena but Cluverius only reckons up three, that Is
to fay, Cahfyria, Antiochcm and Comagene

A popular introduction to the study of the holy Scriptures: For the Use of
English Readers Jul 3, 2008 william carpenter in the proper Syria, notices
Ommagene, Pieria, Cyrristica, Seleucis, Cassiotis, Chaly- Places beyond
the hmits qfJudea.Syria. (lonitis, Chalcidice, Apamene, Laodiceae,
Phoenicia, Mediirranea

Bayerische Blätter für das Gymnasialschulwesen Dec 30, 2014 Akanthus

heruntergezogen und erst von dort nach Therma (Thessalonich): die Flotte
aber fuhr, nachdem sie den am Athos gegrabenen Kanal passirt hatte, um
die anderen Vorspruumlnge von Chalcidice herum

Triennium philologicum oder Grundzüge der philologischen

Wissenschaften für ... Sep 21, 2008 wilhelm freund ). Syria propria wnrde
in folgende 10 Gaue getheilt: 1. Gommagene 2. Cyrrhestica 3. Pieria 4.
Seleucis 5. Chalcidice 6. Ghalybonitis 7. Palmyrene 8. Laodicoumlne
9. ApamSne 10

Poëmata animadversionibus illustravit Carolus Anthon. Ed. nova, accedunt

notulae quaedam cura Jacobi Boyd Nov 5, 2010 horace Chalcidice,
subsequenvly incorporated into Macedonia. Euius. A name of Bacchus,
supposed to have originated from the cry of the Bacchanalians, Eu ol.
Others derived the appellation from an

Opera May 16, 2009 horace, thomas ethelbert page . Sithonia was the
central peninsula in Chalcidice, and cf. Virg. Ecl. 10. 66 Sithonias nives
but here the adj. is quite out of place. 11. sublimi : pictorial, ' with uplifted
lash.' 12. tansre semel

Journal of The Royal Central Asian Society (1934) Vol.21, Pt. 1- 4 Jan 17,
2017 not available -cd- Din, a description of the Old Seraglio, once the
Sultan of 'Turkeys residence at Constantinople before he exchanged it for
Dolma Baghche, and visits to Mount Athos, on the Chalcidice Peninsula

Jahrbücher für classische Philologie pr 13, 2008 alfred fleckeisen vielleicht

nicht weit von Stobi.) V ist ein Bezirk der Chalcidice, MorjUus lag in der
Namphe von Antigonea (noumlrdlich von Cassandrea).) Garescus (VI)
im oberen Strymonthal stoumlfst an den Convent von

Greece: Handbook for Travellers Oct 8, 2008 arl baedeker (firm) powerful
and numerous enough to send out several colonies to Magna Greecia,
Sicily, and the Thracian Chersonese (Chalkidike or Chalcidice). The
continuous history of the island begins, however, in

History of federal government, from the foundation of the Achaian league

to the disruption of the United States May 2, 2008 freeman, edward
augustus, 1823-1892 Wie die Thebaner in Bootien, so suchten die
Olynthier in Chalkidice gewaltsam einen Stadteverein zu griinden... .
ganz Chalcidice v.n einem Stadtevereine zu verbinden, dessen Eaupl

Jahrbücher für classische Philologie Supplementband Jan 15, 2015 alfred

fleckeisen gewesen zu sein, sie safsen vielleicht nicht weit von Stobi.5) V
ist ein Bezirk der Chalcidice, Moryllus lag in der Naumlhe von Antigonea
(noumlrdlich von Cassandrea).0) Garescus (VI) im oberen Strymonthal

Geschichte Roms in seinem Uebergange von der republikanischen zur

monarchischen Verfassung, oder Pompejus, Caesar, Cicero und ihre
Zeitgenossen Nach Geschlechtern und mit genealogischen Tabellen von
W. Drumann Mar 26, 2016 weit sein gleich- gesinnter Vorgaumlnger C.
Lncretius ihm eine Nachlese zu halten erlaubte. Die Weigerung der
Staumldte in Chalcidice, roumlmische Truppen nnd Schiffe aufznnehmen,
galt fuumlr Beguumlnstigung des

Geschichte Roms in seinem Uebergange von der republikanischen zur

monarchischen Verfassung, oder Pompejus, Caesar, Cicero und ihre
Zeitgenossen Nach Geschlechtern und mit genealogischen Tabellen von
W. Drumann Jun 8, 2016 Nachlese zn halten erlaubte. Die Weigerung der
Staumldte in Chalcidice, roumlmische Truppen und Schilfe aufzunehmen,
galt fiir Beguumlnstigung des Perseus, nnd doch konnten sie sich nicht
anders vor

Istoriai peri Zoon Oct 14, 2008 Aristotle ? 3, 103. XaXxi8txi5, Y) dv

Eoszligof cf 1,82, Urbis Chalcidis territorium in insula Euboea. 3, 78.
Peninsula Chalcidice. Urbs in

Geschichte der Beredtsamkeit in Griechenland und Rom Jun 17, 2010

westermann, anton, 1806-1869 Buhle's Aniniadv. crit. p. 182 sq., das aber
olTenbar aus einzelnen ittuumlckea von Anaxtinenes Rhetorik

zusaiumengeflickl ist. sect. fiO. Aristotcle. Aristoteles, e:ob. zu Stajiira in

Chalcidice Ol. XCIX. 1

An ancient history, from the creation to the fall of the Western empire in
A. D. 476 Aug 31, 2010 vuibert, a[rsenius] j[ohn] b[aptist] [from old
catalog] protection against the attacks of Persia. The league consisted of
the Ionic islands of Samos and Chios of Rhodes, Cos, Lesbos, and
Tenedos of the Greek towns on the peninsula of Chalcidice of

Lehrbuch der griechischen Antiquitäten Aug 4, 2008 karl friedrich

hermann, johann christian felix bähr , karl bernhard stark die Einwohner
der thracbchen Chalcidice bei dems. X, 60: tdv tf fieXraToav
initrjSeviidtoDv vxsgoQoivTsg, inl oumll tovg notovg xal gad'vficcv xai
noXXijv dnoXaniap laquoHq(iriHOtsg. 4) Herod. I. 142: o

Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie Apr 19, 2009
karl cäsar von leonhard Zusammensetzung des Eklogits: 181-242. Feibdr.
Becke: Gesteine der Halbinsel Chalcidice: 242275. E. Huumlssak:
Mikroskopische Beobachtungen (Helminth, Zirkon, Schlacke): 275-280.
F. Sandbbroer : uumlber Dolerit

The universal anthology a collection of the best literature, ancient,

mediaeval and modern, with biographical and explanatory notes Dec 12,
2008 garnett, richard, 1835-1906 . Chakravartin, chak-ra-var'-tin.
Chalastra, ka-las'-tra. Chalcidian, kal-sid'-i-an. Chalcidice, kal-sid'-i-se.
Chalciope, kal-si'-o-pe. Chaldaea, kal-de'-a. Challcuchima, chal-co-ch6'-
ma. Chalotais, slial-6

P. Dioscoridae Pharmacorum simplicium, reique medicae libri VIII Jo.

Ruellio interprete. Una cum Hermolai Barbari Corollariis, et Marcelli
Vergilii in singula capita censuris, sive annotationibus ... Oct 25, 2014
rasse desneux, françois Phdus,cagt l9gt JUAcertam Grxti Saura.Huius una
fpecies Chalcidice uocatur,arq? Seps fcorfum $ daf Lacertum?cV

Lacertam idem gcnus elfc confpicor,ur cft apud Graecos quocf, Saurs' 1,1
ra Uf auragtcu,us

and studies : contributions to Biblical and Patristic literature Feb 4, 2016

mentioned: the latest by far is Cosmas of Chalcidice, who was killed by
the iconoclasts in the vmth century. The same scribe also added the ltrrL\oi
to St Luke. After this it would seem that the Ms

Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedogogik Mar 4, 2015 erfolg ohna
angewendete muumlhe aU unausfuumlhrbar wieder aufgeben, nun sucht er
fuumlr den verlust in der Chalcidice ersatz in Sicilien, betritt also an sich
ganz neblige bahnen, aber der soiiveriin, der demos

History Of The World Jan 16, 2017 hammerton j.a. past Adrianople to
Christopolisformed the core. Thessalonica with Chalcidice, portions of
Wallachian Thessaly and Albanian Epirus, and the principality of Misithra
represented three more

Year book Sep 10, 2009 american pharmaceutical association of Langaza

and the peninsula of Chalcidice, these sections producing about 2,820
lbs.Chem. and Drug., 91 (1919), 18. (K. S. B.) Orange and Lemon Peels.
Treatment of Sores from.When the skin is

Greece : handbook for travellers Oct 22, 2014 karl baedeker (firm) to
Magna Greecia, Sicily, and the Thracian Chersonese (Chalkidike or
Chalcidice). The continuous history of the island begins, however, in B.C.
506 with the subjugation of Chalkis by the Athenians

A General History of Rome from the Foundation of the City to the Fall of
Augustulus, B. C. 753 ... Feb 18, 2009 charles merivale were at once
reduced to a Koman province, while Antiochus was relegated to a petty
throne in the district of Commagene, Osrhoene and Chalcidice were
delivered to dependent princes, and the Euphrates

Of ficina Ioannis Rauisii Textoris Niuernensis, nunc demum post tot

editiones diligenter emendata, aucta, in longe commodiorem ordinem
redacta. Cui hac editione accesserunt. Eiusdem Rauisij cornucopiae
libellus, ... Item eiusdem authoris, non vulgaris eruditionis Epistolae ... Ac
geminus index ... copiosissimus Apr 11, 2016 jean tixier signeur de ravisi
textor (signeur de ravisi) gt0. filios. Cdbe mulier heroina,cui cognome fuit
Chalcidi,uiroconiunda ceru liberos enixa eft.Vndeadagiuapud
EralmikTanqua Chalcidice pepent nobis vxor Niobe Tatali filia habuit 14-
Mafimflfa rex

Poëmata animadversionibus illustravit Carolus Anthon. 5. ed., accedunt

notulae quaedam cura Jacobi Boyd Jun 2, 2008 horace . In strictness,
however, tbey were the inhabitants of Sithonia, one of the three
peninsulas of Chalcidice, subscquently incorporated into Macedonia.
JEuius, A name of Bacchus, supposed to have

A Dictionary of Proper Names and Notable Matters in the Works of Dante

Apr 4, 2008 paget jackson toynbee Stagfra (whence he is sometimes
oilledthe Stagirite'), a town in Chalcidice in Macedonia, B.C. 384. In 367
he went to Athens to pursue his studies, and he there became the pupil of
Plato, who called

Inhaltsverzeichnis der Veröffentlichungen der K.k. Geographischen

Gesellschaft(1857-1907) Jun 22, 2008 hermann j. leiter -Kloster. Die
macedonische Halbinsel Chalcidice, die zwischen Salonik unltl Seres in's
aumlgSische Meer ragt, Iftsst sich einer Hand mit 3 ausgestreckten Fingern
vergleichen. Der Zeigefinger dieser Hand ist

Verhandlungen der K.K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt Feb 14, 2012 k.k.

geologische reichsanstalt (austria) : Da die politischen Ereignisse ein
unmittelbares Anschliessen an die Untersuchungen des Vorjahres,
naumlmlich an das oumlstliche Thessalien und die Chalcidice, nicht
gestatteten, wurde das noumlrdliche

History of the Peloponnesian War Jul 20, 2008 thucydides c hundred men
under his command, fore this quitted Chalcidice, so tha sailed back with
the ships to Athei EAR n.] PELOPONNESIAN WAR. 73 n thousand men
the plague having swept ray one thousand and

The Æneid of Virgil: With English Notes, Critical and Explanatory a

Metrical Clavis, and an ... Jun 8, 2008 virgil . 6amp0. Atuos. a lof ty
mountain nf Chalcidice, in Macedonia. It is now called Monte Santo, xii.
701. AtYna. One of the most ancient cities of the Volsci, now called
Atino, vii.1gt30. AtTnas. a

Bibliotheca Graeca Jun 1, 2009 johann albert fabricius .

Gratianopolitanorum, in Chalcidice Thraciae regione Gratianopolitanusgt
in Mauritania Cacfarienfi. diamsGratianopolitanus
CGratianopolicenfis,((jrltif#(f) in Delphinani Gallic. diams Gravi- isf.).

The works of Horace Sep 25, 2012 horace taken for the Thracians
generally. In strictness, however, they were the inhabitants of Sithoma,
one of the three peninsulas of Chalcidice, subsequently incorporated into
Macedonia.Euius. A name of

The Geographical journal May 9, 2008 royal geographical society (great

britain) Aribtoteles Heimat oder die Halbinsel Chalcidice (New
Publications), 564 Bruyssel, E. vau, La Rpubliquo du Paraguay (New
Publications), 569 Bryden, H. A., Remarks on Notes on a portion of the
Kalahari, 338

Physical, historical and military geography. From the Fr., ed., with
additions, by A.F. Lendy Oct 25, 2008 théophile sébastien lavallée by
Deama, built on tho ruins of Philippi. and ends in the gulf of Contess.
Between the Strouma and the Vardor, a large spur detached from the
Balkan forms the peninsula of Chalcidice, a very fertile

Epitome of ancient, mediæval, and modern history Jun 28, 2009 ploetz,
karl julius, 1819-1881 the Athenian assistance Philip captured Olynthus
by treachery and destroyed the city (348), as well as a large number of
smaller places in Chalcidice, and sold the inhabitants as slaves. The

The Gentleman's magazine Mar 10, 2017 Chalcidice was destroyed while
the former was in Rome. The marble coating of the tomb of Cecilia Metella
disappeared in the interval between his first and second visit. The arch
which was sumamed Tripoli


ARCHEOLOGY OF ART. Oct 27, 2006 c.o.muller coins of Macedonia
and Chalcidice which were executed in a very sharp style and with much
delicacy of detail. L On Pheido and the ancient JSgina standard of money,
the author's J2ginet. p. 51, 88

Encyclopaedia Britannica, or, A dictionary of arts, sciences, and

miscellaneous literature : constructed on a plan, by which the different
sciences and arts are digested into the form of distinct treatises or systems,
comprehending the history, theory, and practice of each, according to the
latest discoveries and improvements ... Jul 10, 2014 macfarquhar, colin, ca.
1745-1793 ancient writers for a hall or apartment where the heathens
imagined their gods to eat. CHALCIDICE, (anc. geog.) an eallern diftrift
of Macedonia, ftretching northwards between the Sinus ToronjEUs and

The Edinburgh encyclopaedia, conducted by D. Brewster Jul 11, 2008

edinburgh encyclopaedia Chalcidice raised loud outcries against Sparta
they refused to yield to a treaty in which they had not been consulted and
general murmurs arose among the alUes of both nations. The Corinthians

Ecclesiazusae. Cum prolegomenis et commentariis, edidit J. van Leeuwan

Feb 24, 2009 aristophanes urbem in Chalcidice ab ipsis expugnatam
(Thuc. V 32 sect 1, vid. ad Vesp. 210). In eadem autem cleruchia anno 406

servis, qui post pugnam ad Arginusas civitate sunt donati, agros

concesserunt Athenienses

Poemata. The works of Horace ... Sep 26, 2012 horace , however, they
were the inhabitants of Sithonia, one of the three peninsulas of
Chalcidice, subsequently incorporated into Macedonia.Euius. A name of
Bacchus, supposed to have originated from the cry of

Ludouici Caelii Rhodigini Lectionum antiquarum libri 30. recogniti ab

auctore, atque ita locupletati, ut tertia plus parte auctiores sint redditi qui
ob omnifariam abstrusarum reconditiorum tam rerum quam uocum
explicationem ... meriò cornucopiae, seu thesaurus vtriusque linguae
appellabuntur, quod in quocunque studiorum gene Aug 6, 2016 cr
Rhedementus,pe gme 371 minimi uiii PiSm mmmu Chalcidice Romx
minimi Chelcicccie,cur Spertenu 734 mineruecur Gleucopic, pe g'laquo ,
447 mmerueOyifx 542 nummi ifjown 442 mmmu Mimo prxfcHe, prg- 981

Greece: Handbook for Travellers Feb 3, 2008 karl baedeker (firm ), karl
baedeker the possession of the Lelantian District. This people was
powerful and numerous enough to send out several colonies to Magna
Greecia, Sicily, and the Thracian Chersonese (Chalkidike or Chalcidice

Dewey decimal classification and relative index May 18, 2012 dewey,
melvil, 1851-1931 , Chalcidice, Serrai, Drama, Kavalla nomes Mount
Athos Class here comprehensive works on Macedonia For Yugoslav
Macedonia, see4 976 Bulgarian Macedonia, 49774 Thrace Xanthe,
Rhodope, Hevros nomes Class here

Scottish geographical magazine Jul 6, 2009 scottish geographical society

line the coast from Kaliakra, north of Yarna, to the gulf of Salonika and
penetrate inland up to Adrianople, where they number over twenty
thousand they occupy the peninsula of Chalcidice and

History of the Peloponnesian War Aug 28, 2008 thucydides, william

smith command, had before this quitted Chalcidice, so that Agnon sailed
back with the ships to Athens, of his TSAJin.] PELOPONNESIAN
WAR. 73 four thousand men the plague having swept awaj one onaand
and fifty in

Classical antiquities being part of the "Manual of classical literature," May

13, 2011 eschenburg, johann joachim, 1743-1820 Cephalenia, 41
Cephissus,26, 27, 28 Cerarniciis, 2'i, 32 Cerasus, 47 Cerlialus, 13 Cert a,
57 Chaberis, 43 Chsernnea, 27 Clialcedon, 47 Chalcidice, 22 ChHkis,22,
26, 42 ChaldaeM, 52 C'lalvbes, 47

World University Encyclopedia Vol.-11 North America To Pointillism Jan

20, 2017 gregory,r.p of Chalcidice. He concluded a peace ss-ith the
Thracians and made himself master of the cities of Phocis and the Pass of
Thermopylae. Soon after he intervened between the warring forces of
Phocis and

Encyclopédie des gens du monde, répertoire universel des sciences, des

lettres et des arts avec des notices sur les principales familles historiques et
sur les personnages célèbres, morts et vivans Dec 26, 2014 montor, artaud
de, 1772-1849, ed fut grievmnent blesseacute et perdit son bouclier. Plus
tard il prit on deacutetacha de l'alliance atheacutenienne prelt!qne toutes
les villes de la Chalcidice, et il dirigeait vigoureusement le siegravege de
Potidea cutee

The world in the middle ages, an historical geography Feb 1, 2010 adolph
ludvig køppen Minor, on the southeast of the diocese, formed the ancient
Macedonia proper, that is, Edonia, Chalcidice, Mygdonia,Eord8oa,
Emathia, Pieria and Elymiotis, and was separated from Thrace by the river

The History of Rome Oct 5, 2008 barthold george niebur, julius charles
hare, william smith , connop thirlwall , leonhard schmitz Macedonia with
Ambracia. The IlapaXta of Macedonia would be Pieria, fiottia and

Chalcidice. The distinction here between the real country and the acquired
provinces ( MieifTos) is remarkable: since

Die Rechtsverhältnisse bei verschiedenen Völkern der Erde: Ein Beitrag

zur ... Mar 24, 2008 adolf bastian christliche Lehre (K. llof i'mann)
[Avixlaquo]. Auf den Muumlnzen von Acantbus (bei Chalcidice)
toumldtete ein Loumlwe einen Stier. Cateia (Tartheia) ut quidam putant,
aliquando Tartessus (Mela) mit einem Vogel des

A history of ancient geography among the Greeks and Romans: From the
Earliest Ages Till the Fall ... May 29, 2008 edward herbert bunbury, sir
edward herbert bart bunbury colonies in different parts of the Greek world.
One important group of these occupied the singular peninsula on the
Macedonian coast, which derived from the first of them the appellation
of Chalcidice


LATIN. Sep 15, 2015 darcy carvalho , um, (kalcedUus, kdUcbus), adj. De
estanho ou de bronze. Chalceos, i {kdlcampos), s.f.Nome de urna planta.
Chalcetum, i (kdlceUum), s. ti. Nome de urna planta. Chalcidice, es
(kalcildicb), s. f. Uma

The Greek In Bactria And India Jan 21, 2017 .w.tran not Seleucid, is
Ouranopolis in Pamphylia3 it was a colony from Ouranopolis in
Chalcidice, the city founded by Cassanders brother Alexarchus (p. 210),
for two people could never have hit upon that

Die Geschichte der Natur : als zweite gänzlich umgearbeitete Auflage der
allgemeinen Naturgeschichte Feb 27, 2014 schubert, gotthilf heinrich von,
1780-1860 aume ber poundalb tnfel oon copyalouicbi (Chalcidice) in Drei
froren (Erbjungen enbet, auf beren 6|Mtcf)|ten ftd) nod) ber Q5erg

2ltboszlig ober SOtonte fanto rampajs o(gtoltr) jur Jjobe oon 3108 $\
erbebt. pound)er

The Historical magazine and notes and queries concerning the antiquities,
history and biography of America Sep 26, 2012 scattered crowd.At the
capture of Torene, in Chalcidice, Thucydides describes the result of the
rush of Brasidas and his troops toward the higher parts of the town, and
among these

A political and social history of modern Europe Mar 6, 2015 hayes,

carlton joseph huntley, 1882-1964 territory by the acquisition of Crete,
most of the yEgean Islands, southern Epirus Expansion (Janina), and a
large slice of Macedonia. Salonica, of Greece, the peninsula of
Chalcidice, and the coast as

La végétation du globe d'après sa disposition suivant les climats : esquisse

d'une géographie comparée des plantes May 2, 2012 grisebach, august
heinrich rudolph, 1814-1879 analogue agrave celle qui, dans la
Gregravece, se trouve deacutevolue au Pinde. Dans la contreacutee
comprise entre la cocircte thessalienne et au delagrave du cap de
Chalcidice, la flore meacutediterraneacuteenne est le plus richement

Ridpath's history of the world : being an account of the principal events

in the career of the human race from the beginnings of civilization to the
present time, comprising the development of social instititions and the
story of all nations Oct 16, 2008 ridpath, john clark, 1840-1900 kingdom
of Jerusalem, iv. 699. CeTEWayo, King of the Zulus, vii. 425-426.
Cethegus, Conspirator with Catiline, iii. 221. CH.5R0NEA, Battle of , ii.
627. Chalcidice, Macedonian province, ii. 613. Chald

A political and social history of modern Europe May 2, 2008 hayes, carlton
joseph huntley, 1882-1964 Islands, southern Epirus Expansion (Janina),
and a large slice of Macedonia. Salonica, of Greece, the peninsula of
Chalcidice, and the coast as far east I913 as Kavala (opposite the island of

Examen critique des historiens anciens d'Alexandre-le-Grand. Seconde

édition considérablement augmentée, et ornée de huit planches gravées en
taille-douce Feb 1, 2013 sainte-croix. On ne sauroit croire que la prise de
cette ville ait ite bientftt suivie de celle de Potidee qui 6toit situee au milieu
de I” isthme qui joignoit la presqu'ile de Pallene a la Chalcidice (i)…

History of the Peloponnesian War Jul 27, 2009 thucydides, william smith
Phormio, and the body of sixteen, hundred men under his command, had
before this quitted Chalcidice, so that Agnon sailed back with the vships
to Athens, of his PELOPONNESIAN WAR. 73 four thousand

Virgil's Aeneid, books I-XII Sep 28, 2009 virgil landing was made. 18.
Aeneadas: there was a city, Aenos, at the mouth of the Hebrus, and
another, Aenea in Chalcidice, both of which were by tradition founded by
Aeneas. The name, Aeneadas by which Aeneas

Anleitung zur genauern Kenntniss der allgemeinen Welt und

VölkerGeschichte Jan 11, 2015 christian daniel beck Chalcidice …

A History of the World from the Earliest Records to the Present Time ...
Jul 13, 2009 Philip smith and the motion was carried unanimously, though
the proposer was indicted and fined (b.o. 348). But even then, though three
successive expeditions were sent out to Chalcidice, ihampj efiected
nothing of

Mitteilungen aus der historischen Literatur 6-7 Jun 14, 2011 historische
gesellschaft zu berlin sich der Verf. nach Chalcidice und behandelt die
hochst wichtigen Verhaltnisse von Olynth, die eigentlich nicht in diese
Betrachtung hinein gehoren, da dort kein Synoikismos stattgefunden hat.
In dem…

A History of Ancient Geography Among the Greeks and Romans from the
Earliest Ages Till the Fall ... Sep 22, 2008 edward herbert bunbury singular
peninsula on the Macedonian coast, which derived from the first of them
the appellation of Chalcidice, though Eretria also appears to have borne
its fiill share in the settlement of the…

History of Herodotus : a new English version Nov 7, 2012 herodotus

Chalcidice, a small tract about the lake into which the river of Aleppo
empties itself Casiotis, the sea-board from the Orontes southward to the
borders of Phoenicia Pieria, the little corner between…


Acanthe, 60, 475 166, 210, 215, 226, 234, 235, 248, 250,
Acanthos, 5, 658, 660 254, 259, 262, 286, 291, 297, 306, 333,
Acanthus, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 29, 31, 45, 48, 371, 401, 412, 428, 431, 451, 482, 513,
49, 50, 56, 71, 75, 85, 87, 89, 91, 106, 523, 565, 579, 584, 603, 604, 612, 616,
107, 110, 111, 114, 119, 139, 140, 142, 617, 618, 630, 634, 664, 667, 673, 694,
143, 149, 151, 152, 154, 158, 160, 161, 698, 719
162, 166, 175, 177, 178, 180, 181, 184, Amphipolis, 48, 50, 71, 101, 107, 122,
189, 193, 195, 200, 206, 220, 228, 246, 139, 143, 149, 150, 158, 160, 162, 166,
248, 249, 250, 254, 256, 258, 262, 272, 170, 172, 185, 186, 190, 201, 213, 216,
286, 298, 302, 310, 322, 336, 346, 347, 232, 241, 243, 253, 254, 255, 256, 267,
356, 357, 409, 417, 431, 454, 462, 530, 272, 276, 279, 284, 286, 294, 295, 298,
538, 564, 580, 588, 704, 706, 712, 722, 299, 306, 308, 311, 315, 316, 321, 322,
725, 728, 729 324, 328, 331, 334, 344, 350, 365, 374,
Acte, 5, 63, 88, 96, 97, 98, 100, 106, 157, 378, 384, 389, 390, 397, 410, 418, 428,
162, 172, 177, 178, 182, 183, 227, 232, 446, 447, 453, 456, 463, 512, 535, 541,
237, 238, 248, 254, 256, 261, 262, 263, 563, 570, 576, 605, 621, 650, 655, 671,
269, 272, 273, 313, 354, 356, 366, 386, 674, 707, 733
393, 397, 405, 406, 409, 415, 425, 447, Ancient Greece, 50, 53, 67, 72, 76, 87, 88,
449, 450, 483, 484, 491, 509, 519, 521, 97, 109, 175, 196, 212, 226, 234, 248,
534, 539, 540, 560, 565, 566, 580, 647, 250, 254, 262, 301, 302, 368, 372, 395,
658, 674 431, 466, 467, 476, 481, 487, 515, 518,
Aenea, 96, 98, 99, 112, 187, 190, 273, 538, 545, 692
288, 363, 387, 390, 411, 412, 583, 586, Andros, 16, 20, 21, 22, 75, 96, 97, 98, 99,
617, 625, 640, 645, 673, 706, 707, 721, 117, 118, 123, 134, 159, 181, 182, 269,
724, 746 272, 273, 310, 336, 346, 347, 441, 622,
Aeneia, 157, 159, 236, 253, 278, 301, 302, 633, 670
363, 370, 371, 378, 391, 393, 395, 442, Anthemus, 21, 565, 698, 704, 713, 716,
537, 694 726, 727
Aenianes, 157 Apamea, 44, 77, 205, 228, 299, 311, 316,
Agion Oros, 14 390, 440, 463, 475, 496, 498, 506, 510,
Aineias, 441 513, 519, 521, 527, 535, 536, 543, 553,
Akanthos, 117, 159 555, 558, 616
Alcibiades, 105, 113, 115, 116, 118, 129, Aphytis, 10, 24, 132, 608, 723
139, 175, 207, 215, 240, 272, 283, 284, Apollinopolis, 128, 131, 132, 247
365, 378, 384, 397, 463, 465, 478, 482, Apollonia, 10, 12, 15, 21, 82, 84, 100,
509, 512, 598, 609, 612, 620, 629, 632, 102, 108, 109, 110, 128, 131, 132, 140,
634, 639, 640, 650, 695, 699 161, 176, 181, 191, 197, 199, 206, 216,
Alexander, 17, 27, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 38, 219, 228, 238, 242, 247, 302, 315, 316,
44, 45, 48, 62, 66, 68, 69, 70, 76, 79, 80, 326, 331, 332, 344, 355, 400, 451, 533,
86, 92, 95, 104, 119, 120, 121, 124, 127, 535, 541, 578, 604, 620, 656, 692

Argilus, 134, 139, 158, 185, 272 297, 306, 309, 310,314, 316, 319, 332,
Aristobulus, 78, 168, 238, 257, 289, 445, 336, 337, 339, 356, 365, 377, 378, 384,
450, 526, 581, 604, 618, 644 389, 390, 397, 398, 399, 406, 412, 420,
Aristotele, 580, 644, 677 422, 428, 429, 435, 438, 440, 441, 444,
Aristoteles, 154, 166, 191, 240, 265, 394, 460, 480, 483, 487, 494, 498, 500, 501,
461, 466, 469, 478, 503, 522, 524, 532, 504, 523, 527, 535, 536, 539, 546, 559,
536, 537, 545, 589, 621, 626, 632, 634, 578, 595, 614, 617, 619, 626, 708, 712,
658, 660, 736 716, 738
Aristotelian, 582, 585 Athens, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24,
Aristotle, 10, 32, 53, 103, 137, 146, 153, 26, 27, 30, 32, 39, 41, 42, 43, 51, 53, 54,
154, 215, 236, 247, 259, 260, 266, 297, 55, 56, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 71,
306, 307, 310, 359, 361, 364, 365, 373, 73, 74, 76, 80, 83, 85, 87, 88, 92, 93, 95,
380, 388, 394, 398, 400, 404, 409, 420, 97, 99, 100, 103, 105, 107, 108, 113,
430, 439, 460, 461, 468, 477, 480, 483, 114, 118, 120, 121, 122, 125, 127, 129,
485, 486, 487, 493, 499, 504, 518, 520, 130, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140,
524, 543, 544, 550, 559, 560, 569, 572, 141, 142, 143, 147, 151, 152, 156, 159,
573, 579, 581, 582, 585, 592, 597, 606, 160, 162, 167, 168, 170, 173, 175, 179,
608, 611, 620, 624, 628, 632, 634, 637, 185, 191, 194, 200, 201, 204, 205, 207,
638, 639, 641, 647, 648, 649, 653, 655, 209, 212, 213, 215, 218, 221, 225, 229,
663, 667, 671, 675, 680, 681, 684, 685, 233, 235, 237, 239, 240, 243, 245, 250,
689, 692, 694, 695, 697, 698, 705, 711, 252, 254, 257, 259, 260, 268, 269, 272,
714, 721, 726, 732, 736 275, 276, 278, 279, 283, 284, 286, 287,
Arnae, 15, 19, 34, 152, 153 291, 298, 299, 300, 305, 306, 307, 308,
Artahazus, 27 311, 313, 315, 316, 318, 322, 326, 327,
Athenian, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 36, 37, 333, 336, 340, 341, 345, 360, 361, 363,
46, 59, 61, 76, 79, 83, 84, 87, 99, 106, 368, 369, 372, 373, 374, 377, 382, 383,
107, 109, 113, 119, 122, 123, 126, 137, 384, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 395,
139, 155, 158, 159, 160, 161, 167, 168, 398, 399, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 408,
170, 171, 175, 178, 187, 190, 195, 200, 410, 412, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 422,
206, 208, 213, 215, 217, 218, 222, 225, 434, 438, 440, 441, 448, 453, 455, 460,
229, 233, 243, 244,249, 252, 253, 254, 461, 462, 468, 480, 483, 484, 485, 487,
259, 264, 265, 267, 269, 276, 279, 284, 491, 493, 500, 501, 509, 512, 513, 515,
286, 294, 298, 300, 301, 306, 308, 313, 517, 519, 520, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532,
314, 315, 317, 321, 327, 330, 337, 340, 535, 540, 543, 545, 548, 550, 551, 552,
347, 354, 355, 357, 360, 363, 367, 370, 554, 555, 559, 562, 572, 574, 581, 598,
376, 384, 386, 388, 393, 395, 397, 400, 605, 606, 613, 614, 619, 663, 668, 672,
411, 414, 416, 419, 430, 432, 435, 437, 680, 695, 703, 704, 705, 708, 710, 711,
439, 442, 445, 450, 456, 460, 463, 466, 713, 716, 718, 720, 727, 730, 739, 742,
468, 469, 476, 481, 483, 489, 491, 492, 745
494, 498, 499, 501, 515, 518, 520, 522, Atheto, 13, 20, 46
525, 528, 530, 536, 537, 552, 553, 555, Athos, 5, 8, 14, 22, 23, 27, 29, 31, 40, 41,
561, 569, 595, 596, 598, 599, 603, 606, 49, 50, 51, 52, 63, 66, 68, 69, 72, 74, 76,
610, 629, 631, 632, 637, 657, 671, 689, 83, 87, 88, 89, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,
690, 692, 695, 702, 703, 705, 711, 724, 102, 105, 107, 114, 117, 119, 120, 122,
731, 733, 740 123, 129, 130, 134, 139, 146, 148, 149,
Athenians, 13, 15, 16, 19, 26, 35, 41, 47, 151, 152, 153, 154, 158, 160, 162, 170,
50, 63, 68, 69, 71, 83, 84, 86, 92, 93, 94, 178, 180, 181, 182, 185, 186, 190, 191,
98, 101, 120, 127, 134, 138, 139, 175, 199, 201, 202, 205, 208, 210, 211, 216,
179, 187, 192, 194, 195, 198, 201, 205, 220, 222, 226, 227, 235, 241, 245, 248,
212, 213, 221, 226, 236, 239, 241, 244, 250, 254, 255, 260, 262, 268, 270, 272,
250, 251, 253, 261, 266, 272, 287, 295, 273, 279, 280, 293, 296, 297, 299, 300,

301, 304, 308, 310, 316, 320, 322, 324, 137, 141, 149, 150, 153, 157, 159, 160,
330, 331, 332, 334, 338, 339, 341, 347, 167, 168, 169, 170, 174, 176, 177, 180,
352, 354, 356, 357, 370, 372, 373, 374, 181, 183, 186, 189, 196, 197, 200, 203,
375, 379, 381, 385, 386, 389, 393, 399, 204, 212, 217, 223, 235, 250, 259, 274,
402, 406, 409, 412, 414, 419, 420, 427, 279, 286, 293, 298, 301, 310, 312, 321,
431, 434, 444, 447, 449, 450, 451, 465, 332, 337, 339, 341, 345, 347, 355, 356,
467, 472, 491, 496, 502, 517, 521, 528, 360, 366, 371, 377, 387, 388, 393, 396,
533, 536, 541, 542, 546, 548, 550, 551, 409, 415, 418, 426, 429, 438, 441, 445,
552, 554, 560, 563, 565, 566, 573, 578, 446, 447, 449, 450, 460, 462, 463, 468,
580, 584, 587, 591, 592, 594, 607, 611, 477, 481, 483, 484, 485, 489, 495, 497,
615, 616, 621, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 504, 506, 507, 510, 511, 512, 513, 515,
638, 644, 647, 649, 650, 653, 676, 679, 516, 518, 520, 521, 523, 525, 526, 529,
688, 691, 693, 696, 703, 707, 731, 733, 531, 534, 537, 539, 540, 543, 544, 547,
734, 742 549, 552, 557, 566, 579, 591, 597, 602,
Axios, 7, 106, 467 604, 608, 616, 617, 621, 624, 625, 628,
Beroea, 10, 37, 140, 250, 328, 335, 343, 629, 633, 634, 637, 638, 641, 644, 647,
346, 348, 350, 428, 440, 446, 477, 478, 648, 649, 650, 653, 654, 655, 664, 666,
489, 495, 498, 507, 511, 516, 521, 527, 668, 671, 673, 674, 675, 680, 690, 692,
535, 537, 543, 550, 553, 555, 558, 579 696, 700, 705, 709, 711, 719, 720, 721,
Birds of Aristophanes, 79, 83, 84, 126 727, 739
botsford, 18, 19, 23, 31, 32, 36, 73, 87, 90, Callias, 94, 127, 236
91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 98, 133, 233, 243, Cambridge, 42, 48, 50, 104, 172, 210, 211,
252, 253, 325, 340, 358, 389, 547 232, 250, 253, 263, 272, 274, 310, 331,
Botsford, 19, 92, 367, 370, 376, 384, 386, 394, 414, 455, 457, 458, 459, 528, 553,
411, 414, 419 564, 569, 645, 708, 710, 733
Bottiaea, 9, 12, 14, 23, 61, 253, 384 Capsa, 353, 355, 408, 425, 429, 433, 487
Bottiaean, 5, 90, 130 Cassandra, 463, 563, 565, 579, 581, 585,
Bottice, 24, 69, 72, 134, 173, 501, 569 615, 625, 627, 643, 672, 682, 687, 695,
Brasida, 50, 51, 56, 74, 78, 437 700, 709
Brasidas, 4, 6, 7, 8, 14, 18, 27, 34, 42, 48, Cassandrea, 135, 262, 463, 735
50, 71, 99, 101, 108, 122, 125, 129, 130, Cassandreia, 230, 402, 457, 458, 527, 658
132, 134, 135, 141, 150, 152, 153, 158, Cassandria, 465, 482, 487, 512, 513, 522,
170, 176, 185, 197, 213, 235, 240, 241, 540, 612, 640, 682, 687, 719, 723
252, 275, 277, 286, 299, 306, 322, 323, Chalcidean, 311, 312, 342, 393, 410, 424,
337, 354, 358, 374, 376, 389, 398, 412, 715, 717
428, 429, 435, 454, 456, 478, 486, 536, Chalcidene, 126, 132, 267, 282, 342, 346,
547, 548, 553, 562, 574, 595, 626, 631, 353, 403, 440, 446, 498, 527, 550, 553,
648, 699, 702, 723, 731, 744 554, 558, 579, 599, 646
Brasta, 27, 40 Chalcidenses, 21, 109, 161, 163, 290, 300,
Brastamou, 27, 40 331, 581
Bronze Age, 9, 214, 391 Chalcidensi, 580, 644, 677
Byzantium, 74, 105, 115, 119, 122, 124, Chalcidian League, 103, 116
127, 136, 138, 139, 168, 211, 238, 242, Chalcidian peninsulas, 440, 647
255, 294, 295, 320, 321, 330, 344, 351, Chalcidians, 11, 30, 31, 39, 62, 66, 173,
361, 368, 373, 374, 456, 490, 492, 505, 178, 235, 239, 305, 309, 315, 317, 350,
508, 516, 527, 542, 548, 550, 551, 554, 355, 356, 364, 368, 394, 395, 459, 500,
557, 577, 578, 602, 610, 656, 660, 666, 525, 542, 560, 561, 566, 606, 620, 656,
679, 689, 693, 736 690, 711
called, 9, 10, 11, 15, 18, 19, 24, 28, 29, 30, Chalcidic League, 5, 367, 376, 386, 414
31, 32, 34, 36, 38, 39, 46, 47, 51, 53, 55, Chalcidic towns, 85
62, 66, 78, 83, 99, 106, 109, 126, 131, Chalcidica, 4, 304, 361, 488, 560, 591

Chalcidice, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452,
25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460,
36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468,
47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476,
58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484,
69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492,
80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500,
91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508,
101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516,
109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524,
117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532,
125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540,
133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548,
141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556,
149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564,
157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572,
165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580,
173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588,
181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596,
189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604,
197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612,
205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620,
213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628,
221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636,
229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644,
237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652,
245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660,
253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668,
261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676,
269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684,
277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692,
285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700,
293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708,
301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716,
309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724,
317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732,
325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740,
333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, 746
341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, CHALCIDICE, 3, 6, 39, 48, 52, 72, 86,
349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 91, 96, 102, 122, 124, 129, 132, 133,
357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 144, 149, 158, 163, 169, 174, 175, 196,
365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 210, 211, 220, 222, 232, 237, 256, 263,
373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 267, 278, 303, 361, 396, 413, 509, 562,
381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 565, 566, 575, 588, 611, 616, 667, 668,
389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 720, 721, 741
397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, Chalcidice in Macedonia, 345, 382, 433,
405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 435, 451
413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, Chalcidice terminates, 63
421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, Chalcidico, 101, 570
429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, Chalcidiens, 5

Chalcidischer, 140 303, 306, 307, 314, 317, 321, 328, 330,
Chalcis, 9, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 332, 335, 336, 338, 341, 343, 345, 346,
29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 349, 350, 352, 357, 363, 368, 370, 374,
41, 43, 44, 47, 48, 54, 57, 59, 62, 65, 66, 376, 377, 384, 387, 398, 406, 410, 416,
69, 75, 78, 86, 95, 98, 100, 101, 103, 419, 420, 423, 431, 438, 443, 452, 453,
105, 108, 109, 114, 126, 129, 133, 135, 462, 465, 467, 473, 476, 481, 483, 488,
137, 138, 140, 144, 146, 148, 154, 155, 489, 500, 501, 502, 518, 520, 523, 526,
162, 170, 175, 180, 182, 183, 184, 186, 535, 546, 551, 552, 575, 581, 583, 586,
187, 189, 194, 196, 197, 199, 200, 203, 588, 592, 595, 613, 615, 621, 622, 623,
205, 211, 214, 220, 226, 228, 230, 233, 624, 628, 640, 642, 645, 648, 650, 651,
238, 239, 258, 262, 266, 267, 270, 271, 652, 653, 655, 663, 667, 672, 678, 696,
276, 277, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 289, 699, 701, 709, 716, 722, 730, 739, 743
303, 304, 309, 314, 315, 316, 320, 321, city of Aineia, 14, 381
323, 328, 336, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, Cleisthenes, 5
346, 347, 348, 350, 353, 358, 368, 370, Cleon, 6, 7, 42, 48, 50, 64, 65, 71, 99, 108,
374, 382, 384, 389, 392, 394, 395, 398, 208, 212, 213, 217, 218, 228, 264, 276,
399, 400, 401, 403, 409, 410, 411, 412, 279, 284, 286, 294, 298, 306, 308, 321,
414, 417, 420, 423, 426, 429, 430, 437, 358, 418, 432, 442, 621
439, 442, 444, 445, 449, 452, 453, 455, coasts, 26, 63, 64, 65, 67, 71, 74, 130, 210,
456, 457, 460, 465, 467, 468, 475, 476, 216, 263, 264, 296, 352, 538, 619, 652,
479, 483, 485, 493, 502, 506, 507, 509, 710
510, 511, 512, 514, 516, 517, 522, 524, Coin, 59, 186, 274, 314, 467, 562
526, 531, 533, 541, 542, 543, 544, 549, coins, 4, 7, 9, 16, 21, 24, 28, 30, 35, 36, 37,
554, 562, 569, 570, 572, 575, 578, 579, 41, 45, 49, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59, 61, 69, 71,
594, 598, 602, 604, 608, 615, 616, 617, 73, 75, 77, 79, 80, 83, 84, 87, 90, 94, 96,
622, 637, 641, 642, 650, 653, 663, 667, 98, 99, 108, 111, 112, 121, 124, 125,
669, 679, 680, 683, 690, 692, 696, 703, 127, 128, 130, 138, 140, 143, 147, 148,
709, 715, 720, 721, 723, 725, 728, 729, 150, 155, 160, 161, 162, 165, 172, 173,
732 190, 192, 194, 195, 202, 212, 215, 217,
Chalkis, 614, 679, 683, 687, 712, 738 219, 229, 256, 260, 263, 304, 326, 353,
Chersonese, 8, 136, 138, 142, 276, 309, 356, 362, 365, 369, 385, 408, 413, 417,
313, 460, 481, 489, 492, 494, 497, 515, 418, 428, 465, 468, 496, 503, 506, 510,
522, 552, 555, 670 542, 559, 578, 602, 609, 613, 689, 694,
Chersonesus, 95, 100, 112, 186, 212, 230, 741
232, 235, 238, 242, 255, 264, 280, 295, Coins, 4, 8, 11, 36, 43, 49, 54, 68, 77, 83,
351, 354, 358, 447, 486, 562, 639, 732 85, 92, 109, 132, 150, 151, 159, 160,
Cicero, 237, 263, 264, 265, 547, 558, 579, 162, 195, 217, 222, 256, 269, 290, 332,
603, 610, 632, 664, 692, 712, 736 467, 594, 602
cities, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, Colonial Expansion, 18, 19, 31, 32
25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 36, 40, 46, 47, 51, 52, Colonies, 18, 19, 32, 67, 73, 75, 87, 98,
53, 55, 56, 57, 60, 65, 66, 68, 70, 74, 79, 109, 155, 196, 212, 226, 270, 291, 301,
87, 88, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 302, 340, 372, 476, 518, 538, 545
103, 108, 109, 110, 111, 114, 115, 116, colonization, 80, 189, 270, 280, 285, 291,
117, 126, 128, 132, 134, 135, 139, 140, 307, 321, 348, 349, 591, 594, 648, 654
141, 150, 152, 156, 158, 162, 170, 178, Colonization of the Eubcaans, 291
182, 185, 187, 189, 192, 194, 195, 196, colony, 5, 11, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 24,
199, 202, 206, 208, 210, 211, 212, 215, 31, 32, 39, 42, 49, 51, 53, 54, 55, 59, 60,
216, 217, 219, 222, 224, 225, 226, 228, 68, 69, 74, 82, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97,
229, 236, 244, 246, 253, 254, 258, 259, 99, 105, 137, 153, 156, 160, 174, 178,
266, 270, 271, 272, 275, 277, 281, 283, 191, 192, 194, 202, 208, 215, 236, 240,
284, 287, 288, 289, 297, 299, 301, 302, 252, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 263, 264,

266, 269, 273, 274, 276, 279, 283, 284, 484, 486, 494, 507, 508, 511, 516, 523,
287, 309, 330, 337, 347, 348, 352, 353, 527, 534, 546, 548, 558, 569, 603, 605,
361, 366, 369, 370, 372, 377, 382, 384, 625, 628, 640, 645, 650, 653, 658, 660,
385, 386, 392, 395, 399, 402, 408, 414, 670, 676, 678, 724
415, 417, 437, 441, 456, 478, 487, 489, DEMOSTHENES, 49, 57, 58, 219
494, 499, 504, 512, 521, 523, 530, 531, Desdevises, 5
537, 538, 545, 551, 555, 560, 567, 570, Dicaea, 143, 256, 692
598, 605, 606, 620, 634, 637, 670, 675, Eion, 11, 13, 15, 24, 322, 607, 651
689, 690, 694, 698, 704, 708, 714, 744 Eretria, 16, 17, 24, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
Corcyra, 14, 15, 42, 76, 84, 92, 93, 137, 38, 39, 40, 41, 48, 54, 66, 100, 105, 118,
162, 164, 181, 213, 221, 255, 263, 276, 129, 131, 133, 137, 140, 143, 144, 155,
320, 347, 423, 430, 681, 686, 693 170, 183, 184, 210, 213, 215, 220, 226,
Corinth, 16, 20, 23, 31, 32, 33, 35, 38, 39, 228, 233, 268, 270, 271, 281, 283, 284,
41, 43, 48, 54, 56, 66, 75, 88, 93, 98, 303, 312, 315, 316, 320, 358, 382, 389,
100, 102, 105, 118, 133, 137, 139, 162, 401, 403, 410, 412, 442, 453, 455, 468,
179, 180, 191, 194, 202, 204, 208, 215, 493, 505, 524, 549, 552, 554, 572, 589,
216, 232, 239, 249, 255, 257, 262, 268, 597, 622, 648, 651, 703, 746
274, 276, 277, 287, 319, 320, 337, 339, Eretrian colonies, 454, 455
358, 360, 370, 372, 382, 385, 387, 392, Eretrians, 28, 34, 62, 173, 178, 575
395, 399, 402, 405, 408, 413, 414, 417, Euboea, 8, 25, 28, 29, 30, 36, 42, 54, 55,
423, 449, 465, 466, 468, 469, 480, 485, 59, 62, 65, 71, 73, 78, 98, 118, 127, 128,
487, 494, 497, 499, 509, 513, 515, 519, 129, 131, 133, 137, 143, 160, 167, 168,
529, 535, 550, 551, 557, 559, 579, 584, 170, 175, 182, 183, 186, 202, 205, 217,
587, 606, 622, 640, 641, 693, 704, 708 220, 223, 226, 229, 233, 263, 268, 270,
Corinthian, 15, 16, 18, 23, 24, 46, 47, 56, 271, 309, 321, 341, 369, 370, 374, 379,
57, 59, 66, 68, 69, 70, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 387, 390, 394, 398, 400, 404, 405, 408,
211, 212, 215, 240, 259, 261, 266, 276, 409, 413, 420, 423, 429, 430, 439, 459,
279, 283, 284, 337, 352, 361, 369, 370, 480, 495, 497, 504, 508, 511, 513, 517,
377, 384, 386, 402, 408, 415, 417, 423, 549, 554, 561, 580, 584, 587, 598, 607,
456, 494, 499, 512, 526, 530, 538, 542, 616, 640, 641, 644, 648, 677, 696, 711,
545, 549, 555, 690 722, 736
Corinthians, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 89, Euboean, 7, 217, 222, 229, 233, 235, 274,
133, 136, 144, 150, 168, 171, 173, 175, 368, 426, 608, 609, 613, 637, 649, 654,
178, 190, 202, 208, 213, 263, 264, 267, 689, 692
272, 273, 291, 357, 494, 553, 561, 704, Euboic, 25, 68, 150, 480, 575
708, 720, 741 Gigantes, 660
Cousinerii, 13 Greek cities, 4, 11, 24, 56, 66, 73, 74, 75,
Cypselides, 126 88, 100, 147, 148, 192, 195, 198, 201,
Delium, 6, 14, 16, 27, 71, 99, 107, 108, 204, 206, 224, 229, 239, 240, 241, 246,
240, 272, 310, 731 249, 250, 251, 268, 306, 334, 355, 428,
Demosfhenes, 539 441, 444, 446, 447, 448, 453, 473, 479,
Demosthenes, 6, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 21, 480, 482, 520, 526, 582, 585, 606, 615,
28, 29, 30, 32, 35, 36, 43, 46, 49, 50, 52, 634, 638, 665, 671, 695,701, 710
55, 57, 58, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 71, 73, 77, Greek colonies, 78, 159, 160, 165, 241,
79, 80, 81, 85, 89, 90, 93, 100, 104, 106, 242, 252, 261, 264, 320, 351, 354, 355,
108, 110, 112, 115, 121, 125, 130, 132, 473, 480, 493, 539, 552, 559
143, 150, 160, 161, 167, 168, 170, 190, Greek states,, 309, 313, 328, 335, 338,
192, 195, 200, 201, 215, 216, 250, 286, 481, 497, 522
294, 297, 308, 309, 320, 321, 326, 328, Gulf of Salonica, 478
330, 335, 338, 342, 345, 372, 387, 388, Halbinsel, 5, 7, 12, 15, 17, 27, 41, 46, 59,
426, 434, 438, 447, 451, 466, 469, 470, 67, 77, 78, 80, 86, 88, 100, 106, 112,

113, 160, 162, 169, 176, 180, 183, 190, 650, 651, 652, 654, 655, 657, 659, 661,
207, 208, 219, 221, 227, 235, 245, 246, 667, 670, 672, 674, 689, 692, 698, 700,
260, 266, 269, 270, 274, 280, 294, 300, 706, 709, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718,
301, 302, 305, 329, 333, 336, 345, 346, 720, 724, 726, 730, 732, 735, 738, 739,
350, 355, 357, 365, 366, 373, 380, 408, 742, 743, 745, 746
409, 415, 419, 427, 433, 439, 444, 446, history of Greece, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19,
449, 455, 461, 462, 471, 472, 474, 483, 21, 22, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37,
490, 492, 494, 506, 513, 518, 522, 527, 39, 41, 43, 48, 51, 59, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68,
528, 530, 532, 543, 545, 546, 549, 551, 69, 70, 91, 94, 97, 98, 101, 103, 105,
552, 557, 568, 571, 575, 589, 594, 598, 110, 118, 125, 129, 131, 133, 137, 139,
599, 607, 611, 614, 616, 619, 622, 624, 140, 150, 155, 163, 166, 169, 171, 175,
627, 636, 639, 646, 649, 657, 658, 660, 176, 179, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191,
669, 680, 684, 689, 691, 693, 694, 699, 199, 202, 203, 216, 228, 232, 234, 239,
700, 702, 706, 720, 721, 726, 731, 737, 243, 251, 253, 267, 280, 287, 294, 319,
739, 740 323, 325, 328, 336, 337, 342, 343, 344,
Herodotus, 14, 23, 29, 31, 61, 92, 103, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 352, 353,
104, 111, 112, 114, 119, 120, 122, 123, 355, 406, 420, 425, 431, 432, 437, 439,
156, 161, 185, 197, 199, 203, 207, 209, 440, 441, 442, 443, 449, 452, 463, 466,
232, 237, 240, 258, 263, 267, 269, 270, 467, 468, 469, 477, 480, 487, 497, 503,
282, 283, 293, 295, 300, 310, 311, 312, 517, 519, 529, 535, 536, 551, 554, 581,
319, 320, 327, 331, 336, 342, 353, 355, 585, 590, 593, 598, 606, 608, 612, 615,
358, 364, 369, 392, 393, 396, 408, 409, 631, 643, 645, 646, 647, 669, 671, 695
410, 422, 424, 425, 433, 436, 446, 463, Homer, 26, 54, 128, 147, 153, 161, 164,
467, 472, 484, 487, 491, 495, 498, 500, 181, 188, 233, 237, 252, 262, 263, 340,
506, 507, 510, 511, 537, 539, 548, 550, 351, 364, 382, 422, 427, 428, 433, 434,
551, 554, 556, 557, 580, 590, 594, 613, 435, 438, 451, 470, 505, 513, 520, 540,
625, 626, 633, 637, 643, 648, 655, 668, 589, 597, 651, 656, 691
670, 673, 674, 676, 681, 688, 715, 716, hoplites, 91, 501
717, 722, 746 Isthmus, 14, 23, 29, 31, 36, 42, 45, 49, 63,
History of, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 30, 31, 73, 74, 96, 97, 114, 117, 119, 123, 129,
32, 33, 35, 36, 39, 40, 44, 47, 54, 55, 56, 134, 152, 154, 178, 180, 181, 182, 205,
62, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 83, 86, 87, 93, 213, 220, 227, 232, 269, 273, 277, 280,
95, 96, 105, 109, 111, 112, 118, 119, 297, 308, 319, 382, 385, 392, 399, 409,
120, 123, 126, 127, 129, 133, 135, 136, 414, 427, 434, 449, 451, 467, 537, 538,
137, 139, 144, 149, 158, 166, 173, 175, 545, 557, 565, 625, 641, 673, 676, 685,
177, 178, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 690, 692, 693
192, 194, 196, 199, 205, 207, 208, 212, Kassandhra, 141, 169, 186
213, 216, 220, 224, 226, 228, 237, 238, Kassandra, 86, 88, 102, 146, 148, 230,
245, 246, 253, 260, 266, 268, 271, 273, 241, 296, 310, 683, 687
277, 278, 286, 291, 295, 300, 301, 302, Kassandria, 448
303, 307, 311, 312, 335, 337, 340, 343, Lacedaemonian, 17, 67, 87, 102, 265, 269,
346, 347, 348, 350, 358, 372, 377, 380, 302, 389, 547, 559, 666
383, 393, 398, 405, 412, 433, 434, 438, Lavra, 367, 702
440, 442, 445, 446, 447, 451, 460, 463, league, 52, 57, 75, 79, 96, 105, 117, 118,
465, 466, 469, 476, 484, 490, 491, 492, 129, 135, 139, 141, 157, 170, 185, 195,
493, 494, 495, 498, 499, 504, 508, 509, 198, 207, 208, 214, 216, 219, 224, 225,
518, 524, 528, 529, 532, 533, 536, 537, 244, 299, 306, 335, 336, 357, 360, 374,
538, 541, 545, 546, 548, 549, 550, 554, 393, 416, 431, 432, 434, 436, 438, 443,
556, 562, 565, 566, 567, 577, 579, 581, 453, 494, 499, 581, 605, 710, 735, 736
583, 586, 590, 593, 594, 600, 609, 610, League, 10, 11, 13, 16, 45, 102, 104, 105,
613, 620, 621, 623, 624, 625, 627, 630, 118, 124, 125, 127, 133, 159, 167, 213,

244, 249, 269, 272, 337, 338, 349, 358, 496, 497, 498, 499, 502, 506, 510, 513,
365, 367, 370, 376, 384, 386, 411, 414, 516, 517, 519, 521, 522, 523, 530, 531,
419, 423, 428, 452, 481, 498, 512, 529, 532, 534, 538, 539, 540, 542, 543, 544,
530, 545, 555, 595, 596, 606, 705, 709, 545, 547, 549, 550, 552, 553, 554, 559,
726, 730 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 566, 571, 574,
Lete, 21, 149, 160, 162, 166 575, 582, 585, 587, 590, 591, 592, 593,
Livii, 26, 70, 146, 148, 635, 702 596, 597, 600, 602, 606, 607, 608, 610,
Longo, 146, 148, 241 612, 615, 620, 621, 623, 624, 627, 628,
Maccdonia, 40, 75 629, 631, 634, 635, 636, 637, 641, 643,
Macédoine, 5, 6, 9 645, 646, 647, 648, 650, 654, 656, 657,
Macedon, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 24, 32, 34, 35, 38, 660, 663, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671,
44, 45, 71, 87, 88, 91, 100, 122, 125, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 679, 680,
127, 130, 155, 158, 162, 167, 171, 172, 682, 686, 689, 690, 691, 692, 694, 698,
173, 175, 178, 179, 191, 192, 195, 201, 704, 705, 706, 708, 709, 711, 712, 713,
205, 210, 214, 215, 218, 222, 223, 239, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 722, 723,
241, 251, 269, 274, 280, 282, 297, 299, 725, 727, 728, 729, 730, 732, 733, 734,
312, 316, 326, 333,334, 351, 362, 363, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 745
367, 376, 382, 383, 400, 413, 461, 480, MACEDONIA, 43, 102, 116, 465
483, 487, 489, 492, 518, 528, 535, 541, Macedoniae, 33, 174, 263, 341, 373, 441,
544, 550, 552, 576, 583, 586, 591, 592, 473, 499, 534, 546, 636, 651, 665, 725
594, 620, 634, 637, 648, 668, 675, 676, Macedonian, 8, 10, 17, 19, 25, 35, 38, 39,
681, 686, 697 42, 44, 45, 51, 52, 55, 61, 62, 63, 67, 68,
Macedones, 573, 604 69, 87, 94, 112, 114, 115, 116, 120, 124,
Macedonia, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 126, 132, 136, 140, 154, 155, 164, 165,
17, 18, 20, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33, 36, 37, 173, 181, 184, 188, 190, 192, 194, 195,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 57, 59, 63, 64, 65, 203, 205, 212, 215, 217, 218, 223, 226,
67, 69, 71, 74, 76, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 227, 238, 244, 250, 255, 257, 258, 259,
89, 90, 93, 95, 97, 99, 102, 103, 104, 271, 273, 275, 277, 279, 294, 304, 311,
106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 116, 313, 318, 325, 328, 335, 342, 343, 344,
117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 346, 347, 350, 353, 354, 387, 391, 400,
126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 137, 413, 418, 424, 440, 443, 476, 478, 481,
139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 147, 149, 485, 504, 505, 531, 533, 536, 539, 550,
151, 153, 155, 158, 160, 161, 162, 164, 565, 568, 573, 588, 606, 630, 634, 668,
165, 167, 169, 170, 172, 174, 176, 177, 707, 714, 721, 726, 727, 729, 732, 744,
181, 184, 185, 186, 192, 193, 194, 195, 745, 746
201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210, Macedonians, 7, 42, 93, 250, 423, 500,
211, 214, 215, 216, 219, 220, 221, 222, 524, 600, 623, 645, 650, 655
224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, Macedonicus, 204
233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 244, 247, 248, Macedonien, 50, 70, 106, 144, 213, 221,
249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 255, 258, 259, 389, 408, 409, 474, 486, 501, 503, 517,
261, 266, 268, 269, 271, 272, 273, 274, 555, 569, 589, 606, 639, 646, 693, 700
275, 276, 279, 280, 281, 287, 291, 292, Macedoniorum, 81
293, 295, 296, 301, 307, 310, 315, 316, Mademkhoria, 207, 277
321, 325, 328, 337, 338, 340, 345, 351, Mecybernaeans, 33, 40, 46, 60, 264, 350
352, 354, 356, 357, 360, 362, 364, 365, Mendaeorum, 135, 651
366, 369, 373, 376, 377, 378, 380, 381, Mende, 11, 13, 15, 24, 40, 96, 98, 99, 112,
382, 391, 393, 395, 396, 404, 405, 409, 159, 187, 190, 308, 344, 361, 408, 432,
410, 413, 415, 417, 422, 425, 426, 433, 461, 545, 589, 603, 624, 627, 630, 643,
434, 435, 436, 438, 441, 448, 449, 450, 675, 693
451, 452, 453, 463, 464, 465, 467, 472,
473, 479, 482, 484, 487, 488, 493, 495,

mines, 36, 41, 43, 57, 66, 86, 87, 90, 91, 233, 239, 256, 315, 317, 332, 338, 348,
92, 93, 94, 95, 104, 133, 168, 279, 305, 352, 362, 365, 369, 413, 417, 418, 506,
439, 674, 681, 683, 687, 690, 721 509, 510, 525
mitford, 14, 17, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27, 67, 86, numismatics, 9, 27, 39, 48, 72, 96, 505
88, 125, 187, 251, 300, 405, 425, 437, Olympus, 25, 87, 88, 89, 94, 102, 107,
443, 463, 465, 466, 468, 469, 477, 480, 129, 130, 154, 155, 181, 262, 280, 297,
487, 495, 497, 503, 508, 509, 511, 517, 308, 309, 325, 331, 349, 372, 373, 375,
519, 532, 535, 536, 551, 598, 606, 631 379, 382, 395, 407, 455, 500, 514, 546,
Monte Santo, 14, 183, 268, 269, 329, 374, 558, 579, 583, 586, 601, 643, 669, 682,
404, 405, 472, 517, 538, 602, 616, 695, 687, 695, 709, 733
739 Olynth, 8, 106, 255, 302, 329, 376, 401,
Mount Athos, 406, 580 582, 585, 691, 722, 746
Mygdonia, 21, 23, 38, 44, 55, 61, 67, 95, Olynthe, 81, 220, 330, 387, 418, 678
97, 119, 121, 123, 162, 172, 182, 248, Olynthiac, 7, 30, 36, 46, 62, 73, 81, 93,
254, 256, 261, 281, 330, 338, 344, 350, 110, 170, 372, 422, 438, 440, 625, 628
353, 374, 384, 397, 404, 420, 443, 457, Olynthian league, 60
484, 488, 516, 523, 552, 560, 561, 569, Olynthians, 175, 193, 208, 216, 224, 357,
596, 598, 604, 613, 649, 671, 674, 684, 588, 718
696, 702, 707, 726, 743 Olynthier, 493, 498, 508, 548, 554, 577,
mythology, 96, 97, 107, 114, 117, 118, 724, 726, 735
119, 121, 123, 134, 135, 152, 154, 159, Olynthische, 5
177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 209, 223, 248, Olynthos, 5, 117, 547, 559, 658, 661
256, 260, 261, 357, 451, 534, 559, 560, Olynthus, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23,
561, 563, 565, 578, 591, 594, 674, 675, 25, 28, 29, 30, 44, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52, 53,
694, 698, 704, 713, 727 55, 57, 58, 59, 67, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 87,
name of, 15, 16, 17, 24, 31, 32, 35, 39, 41, 92, 96, 101, 104, 107, 110, 111, 112,
43, 44, 66, 92, 117, 126, 135, 146, 154, 114, 118, 121, 140, 142, 150, 152, 154,
155, 161, 166, 170, 174, 175, 184, 189, 155, 156, 159, 160, 167, 168, 170, 173,
200, 201, 202, 203, 206, 217, 221, 223, 175, 176, 190, 192, 195, 196, 198, 200,
231, 247, 273, 274, 280, 295, 309, 310, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 213, 214, 216,
311, 312, 317, 326, 332, 335, 341, 342, 217, 218, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 231,
346, 347, 348, 350, 351, 352, 371, 377, 233, 241, 249, 253, 255, 265, 266, 267,
388, 393, 400, 410, 424, 429, 442, 449, 268, 269, 272, 277, 280, 282, 293, 294,
452, 467, 476, 517, 524, 525, 561, 601, 298, 301, 304, 306, 310, 312, 315, 316,
634, 637, 648, 670, 672, 675, 715, 720, 317, 322, 324, 326, 327, 330, 335, 336,
721, 728, 730, 734, 739, 740, 741 337, 338, 344, 346, 348, 349, 352, 355,
Neapolis, 28, 30, 36, 49, 59, 83, 143, 149, 359, 362, 364, 366, 367, 372, 374, 377,
160, 162, 166, 204, 360, 368, 419, 420, 379, 380, 382, 387, 389, 392, 400, 401,
674 402, 403, 416, 420, 421, 422, 431, 434,
Nicomachus, 32, 160, 185, 260, 388, 398, 435, 436, 437, 438, 440, 443, 447, 453,
409, 420, 523, 524, 531, 550, 592, 620, 455, 457, 460, 461, 462, 464, 465, 466,
653, 694, 714, 715, 725, 732 468, 469, 474, 476, 479, 480, 484, 487,
Nisworo, 13 488, 489, 494, 496, 499, 500, 502, 507,
Nizoro, 365, 409 511, 518, 523, 526, 528, 535, 539, 540,
Northern Greece, 31, 101, 133, 158, 172, 541, 544, 545, 546, 552, 558, 575, 578,
356, 452, 583, 586 581, 588, 596, 599, 601, 604, 605, 607,
Numismata, 15, 29, 40, 93, 231, 275, 356 619, 621, 642, 645, 646, 649, 650, 651,
Numismatic, 24, 57, 82, 86, 90, 100, 102, 660, 662, 663, 668, 669, 678, 681, 684,
107, 108, 122, 132, 138, 140, 141, 142, 685, 692, 693, 707, 710, 725, 730, 733,
143, 144, 196, 202, 203, 207, 210, 211, 740
213, 215, 217, 219, 224, 227, 229, 231, Oros, 31, 400, 564, 602, 616, 685

Ovidius, 41, 257, 329, 336, 433, 444, 680 274, 277, 279, 281, 294, 295, 296, 297,
Pallene, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36, 47, 88, 91, 300, 305, 308, 310, 311, 312, 313, 316,
100, 118, 123, 128, 129, 137, 147, 150, 321, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 333, 335,
172, 186, 190, 193, 200, 221, 222, 234, 336, 337, 338, 340, 341, 344, 346, 347,
243, 244, 248, 252, 254, 256, 257, 260, 348, 355, 356, 358, 359, 361, 362, 366,
272, 280, 294, 297, 302, 304, 305, 308, 368, 369, 370, 372, 373, 374, 375, 377,
312, 317, 319, 322, 336, 337, 345, 355, 381, 382, 384, 385, 386, 388, 393, 394,
368, 373, 379, 382, 385, 389, 392, 393, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403,
399, 411, 425, 433, 444, 446, 447, 448, 404, 405, 406, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412,
451, 460, 465, 476, 477, 481, 482, 484, 415, 417, 419, 422, 423, 424, 425, 429,
487, 491, 496, 500, 513, 517, 520, 522, 430, 439, 440, 443, 444, 445, 448, 454,
527, 531, 538, 540, 544, 552, 556, 563, 455, 456, 457, 464, 472, 473, 475, 479,
566, 591, 622, 633, 636, 652, 658, 660, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 490, 491,
668, 669, 674, 692, 700, 714, 718, 720, 492, 493, 494, 496, 498, 499, 503, 504,
721, 745 505, 506, 509, 510, 513, 515, 517, 520,
peace, 6, 42, 45, 49, 71, 75, 136, 168, 209, 521, 522, 523, 526, 527, 529, 531, 534,
228, 264, 276, 279, 294, 298, 306, 308, 537, 538, 539, 540, 542, 544, 547, 549,
321, 389, 432, 436, 468, 482, 484, 523, 551, 554, 557, 560, 561, 563, 564, 567,
546, 566, 571, 577, 605, 621, 667, 743 568, 570, 571, 572, 574, 575, 579, 580,
Peace of Nicias, 14, 135, 141, 276, 279, 581, 582, 584, 585, 587, 592, 597, 600,
284, 286, 294, 298, 306, 308, 321, 341, 601, 602, 605, 606, 609, 611, 613, 615,
632, 702 616, 617, 619, 621, 625, 628, 633, 634,
Pella, 7, 127, 131, 143, 149, 160, 162, 166, 636, 637, 638, 640, 642, 643, 644, 647,
219, 297, 300, 324, 338, 381, 405, 500, 648, 649, 650, 653, 655, 656, 658, 660,
552, 635, 707, 715, 721, 726, 732, 733 663, 664, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 672,
Peloponnesian War, 15, 19, 20, 33, 34, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 679, 682, 685,
45, 49, 66, 69, 72, 77, 79, 86, 96, 104, 686, 687, 688, 690, 694, 695, 696, 698,
113, 115, 119, 133, 134, 137, 139, 141, 700, 701, 703, 705, 707, 708, 709, 713,
153, 158, 166, 170, 173, 185, 200, 213, 714, 715, 716, 717, 719, 720, 721, 722,
237, 276, 299, 350, 362, 364, 370, 374, 723, 728, 730, 733, 735, 736, 738, 740,
395, 397, 433, 460, 466, 469, 475, 480, 742, 743, 745, 746
483, 499, 501, 528, 529, 542, 546, 548, Peninsula, 8, 42, 51, 53, 56, 74, 89, 105,
554, 563, 564, 607, 637, 643, 646, 651, 111, 119, 123, 144, 153, 179, 216, 225,
711, 714, 718, 730, 731, 739, 742, 745 232, 237, 248, 249, 296, 330, 378, 385,
peninsula, 4, 6, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 21, 25, 400, 402, 413, 417, 420, 519, 523, 529,
29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 41, 43, 556, 563, 564, 565, 574, 587, 622, 632,
44, 45, 47, 49, 52, 54, 57, 58, 62, 63, 66, 641, 650, 658, 666, 672, 676, 679, 680,
70, 73, 76, 79, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88, 91, 96, 691, 692, 735, 736
97, 98, 99, 100, 103, 105, 108, 110, 111, peninsula Chalhidike, 10
112, 114, 115, 116, 119, 120, 122, 123, Peninsulas, 136, 138, 142, 248, 254, 256,
124, 128, 129, 131, 133, 134, 136, 137, 260, 261
138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 146, 147, Perdiccas, 10, 12, 17, 36, 37, 41, 46, 64,
148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155, 161, 71, 89, 93, 139, 162, 166, 196, 220, 277,
163, 164, 165, 167, 168, 170, 174, 176, 301, 303, 325, 348, 350, 355, 357, 360,
177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 363, 376, 381, 387, 391, 405, 417, 551,
187, 190, 193, 197, 199, 200, 202, 203, 553, 600, 603, 604, 609, 612, 620, 633,
204, 206, 207, 209, 210, 211, 213, 216, 638
218, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 227, 228, Pericles, 14, 51, 53, 55, 60, 65, 130, 197,
229, 230, 234, 235, 238, 241, 243, 244, 276, 382, 385, 392, 395, 399, 414, 500,
245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 501, 539, 567, 606, 657, 690
254, 258, 259, 260, 266, 269, 271, 273,

Persians, 14, 16, 17, 22, 27, 52, 125, 172, 402, 404, 405, 415, 417, 504, 531, 550,
197, 251, 318, 437, 440, 444, 490, 492, 579, 582, 585, 594, 606, 611, 629, 632,
500, 505, 595, 666 634, 637, 647, 655, 663, 664, 675, 695,
Philip, 7, 10, 11, 12, 17, 21, 22, 30, 32, 34, 699, 739
35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 44, 45, 46, 57, 65, 71, Plini, 48, 58
73, 74, 78, 83, 90, 92, 93, 110, 114, 116, Pliny, 121, 126, 131, 132, 174, 177, 275,
119, 125, 127, 153, 158, 160, 166, 167, 302, 313, 322, 364, 370, 371, 393, 420,
168, 170, 178, 192, 195, 196, 198, 200, 422, 427, 436, 441, 450, 453, 471, 472,
201, 205, 206, 210, 214, 215, 218, 219, 475, 489, 496, 497, 502, 526, 530, 543,
222, 223, 225, 236, 257, 261, 269, 270, 556, 597, 605, 608, 644, 658, 660, 668,
271, 272, 282, 289, 296, 297, 299, 306, 694, 697
316, 330, 333, 334, 336, 338, 348, 349, Polygorus, 27, 40
351, 355, 362, 366, 367, 382, 387, 391, Poseidon, 17, 69, 86, 147, 161, 182
392, 394, 400, 401, 402, 404, 410, 422, Potidaaa, 125
426, 428, 435, 438, 440, 441, 442, 446, Potidaea, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 25,
448, 453, 458, 461, 466, 469, 473, 479, 26, 27, 36, 38, 39, 43, 44, 47, 59, 66, 68,
480, 483, 484, 507, 511, 512, 518, 520, 69, 70, 71, 72, 75, 77, 86, 87, 89, 91, 93,
528, 535, 536, 541, 547, 550, 552, 558, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 103, 104, 108, 110,
559, 578, 582, 584, 585, 591, 594, 595, 112, 113, 115, 116, 127, 138, 140, 142,
596, 599, 603, 606, 611, 615, 616, 617, 150, 171, 175, 178, 179, 187, 190, 202,
621, 626, 630, 634, 637, 638, 641, 645, 208, 213, 225,230, 232, 240, 249, 252,
648, 654, 665, 671, 673, 675, 678, 679, 253, 255, 257, 259, 262, 263, 264, 266,
681, 685, 686, 694, 695, 697, 712, 714, 267, 268, 270, 273, 276, 287, 311, 313,
727, 729, 733, 740, 746 319, 323, 330, 337, 351, 357, 361, 370,
Philipp, 50, 202, 346, 463, 474, 480, 495, 372, 377, 382, 384, 386, 399, 408, 414,
501, 599, 670, 699, 725 417, 446, 447, 453, 458, 489, 495, 512,
Philippos, 220, 222, 361, 413 528, 530, 538, 545, 551, 555, 578, 623,
Phlegra, 141, 169, 186, 249, 257, 342, 646, 650, 660, 662, 670, 678, 690, 692,
397, 404, 481, 484, 504, 515, 556, 591, 701, 704, 711, 716, 728, 730
668, 692 Potidaeans, 12, 33, 89, 141, 236, 244,
Phlegraean, 312, 483, 504, 515, 700 261, 266
Phormio, 24, 47, 66, 68, 69, 72, 77, 86, 89, Potidaia, 57, 208
96, 104, 143, 200, 232, 267, 270, 397, Potidea, 85, 98, 395, 397, 464, 512, 584,
415, 466, 469, 478, 501, 509, 512, 629, 617, 637, 663, 695
632, 637, 663, 680, 689, 699, 711, 745 POTlDAEA, 277
Phormion, 91, 94 Ravenika, 572, 576, 577
Pieria, 23, 26, 27, 37, 38, 49, 54, 55, 60, Revolt, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, 27, 39, 64, 84,
73, 106, 107, 110, 112, 119, 123, 146, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 93, 99, 103, 107, 113,
148, 157, 159, 162, 182, 190, 206, 209, 125, 139, 162, 171, 175, 178, 179, 187,
214, 239, 241, 250, 251, 254, 256, 260, 190, 194, 202, 207, 208, 212, 213, 251,
261, 267, 289, 304, 350, 364, 374, 376, 267, 273, 277, 287, 288, 291, 325, 337,
384, 397, 401, 420, 441, 457, 459, 467, 343, 348, 352, 357, 405, 425, 437, 441,
471, 480, 484, 488,504, 512, 515, 523, 443, 512, 530, 545, 555, 598, 704, 708
526, 547, 552, 556, 564, 592, 596, 598, Revolted, 134, 135, 141, 170, 185, 205,
604, 607, 635, 649, 659, 662, 684, 713, 221, 233, 275, 279, 283, 284, 299, 374,
734, 743, 746 425, 440, 478, 485, 494, 503, 508, 551
Plato, 10, 72, 76, 110, 113, 115, 116, 137, robertson, 34, 37, 44, 51, 265
146, 152, 166, 173, 185, 215, 236, 240, Robinson, 19, 30, 44, 158, 165, 176, 184,
244, 259, 261, 265, 266, 279, 282, 283, 194, 201, 213, 214, 271, 325, 432, 621,
284, 286, 298, 311, 313, 319, 322, 360, 659, 661
361, 366, 368, 370, 377, 383, 384, 386,

Roman, 4, 6, 16, 21, 24, 36, 41, 43, 49, 57, 549, 557, 559, 596, 600, 610, 624, 627,
59, 63, 74, 88, 91, 101, 105, 111, 118, 666, 673, 689, 694, 705, 708, 741
123, 126, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, Sitalkes, 8
136, 137, 139, 140, 144, 154, 155, 159, Sithonia, 5, 88, 100, 126, 137, 145, 146,
169, 177, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 186, 190, 234, 248, 254, 256, 261, 273,
186, 193, 200, 207, 220, 224, 225, 226, 274, 323, 332, 341, 345, 370, 376, 378,
228, 230, 236, 246, 248, 256, 260, 261, 396, 407, 425, 437, 446, 452, 454, 463,
266, 269, 271, 273, 274, 275, 276, 278, 476, 506, 509, 510, 542, 566, 671, 717,
282, 286, 288, 301, 302, 309, 312, 313, 725, 728, 730, 735, 739, 741
323, 333, 334, 352, 357, 358, 361, 370, Sithonian, 147, 148, 437, 452
377, 388, 412, 423, 424, 427, 436, 437, Skione, 101, 106, 109, 116, 313, 314, 332
442, 444, 446, 447, 450, 451, 453, 454, Socrates, 8, 59, 76, 113, 115, 116, 137,
463, 475, 479, 481, 483, 486, 491, 493, 166, 236, 240, 244, 259, 261, 272, 311,
494, 497, 502, 509, 514, 521, 526, 528, 313, 322, 360, 361, 368, 370, 377, 384,
529, 531, 532, 538, 541, 549, 550, 554, 386, 402, 405, 408, 415, 417, 478, 504,
556, 560, 562, 565, 566, 572, 594, 597, 509, 512, 523, 531, 587, 629, 632, 663,
602, 616, 618, 625, 642, 659, 660, 661, 695, 699
663, 679, 680, 689, 690, 692, 698, 703, Sparta, 7, 10, 12, 13, 16, 30, 63, 64, 70, 71,
704, 706, 707, 709, 713, 720, 724, 727, 73, 99, 100, 105, 106, 108, 113, 118,
729, 732 120, 121, 122, 129, 134, 139, 140, 143,
Roman province, 74, 130, 727, 729 151, 159, 161, 175, 205, 207, 214, 216,
Romans, 55, 68, 69, 70, 96, 98, 99, 134, 221, 232, 245, 249, 252, 260, 268, 278,
180, 280, 302, 319, 323, 334, 340, 344, 280, 286, 313, 314, 340, 358, 359, 364,
349, 423, 431, 436, 442, 445, 447, 452, 370, 387, 389, 393, 402, 413, 423, 431,
453, 526, 542, 556, 559, 578, 581, 585, 432, 448, 449, 453, 455, 459, 491, 498,
590, 593, 615, 665, 669, 670, 694, 695, 529, 535, 547, 552, 579, 584, 587, 595,
700, 707, 743, 746 613, 621, 631, 642, 650, 654, 693, 703,
Salonica, 53, 72, 79, 81, 82, 84, 117, 119, 725, 741
136, 138, 142, 144, 157, 209, 225, 230, Spartan, 12, 49, 52, 57, 58, 71, 121, 125,
235, 236, 243, 247, 254, 260, 318, 325, 129, 130, 132, 159, 213, 214, 225, 230,
375, 417, 490, 492, 494, 514, 563, 565, 244, 249, 264, 279, 318, 322, 326, 327,
566, 680, 690, 695, 713, 715, 719, 723, 360, 398, 406, 412, 416, 420, 432, 434,
733, 745 436, 438, 442, 443, 453, 480, 548, 562,
Salonika, 38, 43, 53, 56, 115, 164, 173, 563, 564, 581, 596, 605, 642, 713, 724,
176, 185, 188, 272, 305, 307, 325, 326, 727, 730
341, 349, 371, 378, 379, 381, 388, 437, Spartolos, 5
448, 610, 635, 689, 715, 728, 729, 742 Stageira, 10, 146, 158, 259, 291, 406, 407,
Saloniki, 14, 25, 61, 68, 69, 176, 280, 285, 409, 462, 682, 687, 694, 695, 697
301, 370, 408, 419, 539, 568, 572, 574, Stageirus, 134, 139, 158, 272
583, 586, 587, 598, 629, 644, 660, 662, Stagira, 16, 20, 21, 32, 53, 76, 103, 137,
670, 672, 691, 707 139, 153, 154, 156, 160, 166, 191, 215,
Saloniki,, 14, 61, 370, 568, 574, 587, 629, 236, 247, 253, 260, 266, 314, 388, 393,
660, 662, 670, 672, 691 394, 441, 446, 450, 453, 461, 477, 479,
Sappho, 24, 25, 56 480, 483, 485, 486, 487, 500, 504, 520,
Siderocapsa, 13, 125 523, 525, 532, 536, 543, 544, 545, 550,
Singiticus, 183, 263, 472, 695 572, 573, 579, 581, 592, 597, 603, 605,
Sinus, 26, 37, 38, 58, 60, 73, 76, 106, 110, 611, 620, 632, 634, 637, 638, 641, 647,
112, 120, 121, 144, 147, 174, 183, 184, 648, 655, 663, 664, 667, 671, 675, 680,
203, 204, 259, 263, 280, 301, 339, 356, 681, 685, 688, 689, 694, 696, 697, 698,
421, 463, 472, 482, 487, 495, 513, 517, 705, 707, 721, 726, 732
522, 529, 533, 538, 539, 540, 542, 544, Stagirae, 13

Stagire, 475 Thessalonicae, 154

Stagirite, 103, 149, 153, 394, 531, 543, Thessalonicensi, 58
544, 606, 705, 711, 713, 739 Thrace, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 28, 30, 37, 38,
Stagiros, 297, 466, 469, 524 52, 53, 56, 60, 61, 67, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79,
Stagirus, 32, 142, 151, 240, 310, 324, 82, 83, 84, 98, 99, 108, 110, 112, 113,
344, 347, 373, 374, 388, 394, 450, 453, 115, 119, 122, 124, 127, 144, 149, 159,
543, 633, 637, 648, 688 160, 162, 165, 172, 176, 179, 185, 190,
Strabo, 16, 20, 21, 22, 109, 113, 163, 204, 193, 195, 196, 198, 199, 204, 206, 215,
216, 252, 275, 357, 360, 370, 377, 378, 224, 229, 234,239, 252, 262, 269, 272,
390, 484, 507, 511, 516, 520, 570, 641 275, 276, 277, 282, 288, 293, 294, 295,
Strimon, 7, 330 296, 297, 299, 300, 302, 303, 305, 307,
Strymonic Gulf, 141, 167, 169, 186, 230, 309, 310, 312, 317, 319, 324, 326, 327,
260, 286, 356, 399, 441, 450, 462, 573 329, 330, 337, 338, 343, 344, 349, 352,
Tafel, 12, 13, 58, 62, 80, 106, 125, 128, 355, 358, 360, 363, 368, 370, 373, 374,
154, 169, 188, 333, 342 377, 387, 389, 390, 391, 393, 395, 397,
Tetradrachm, 21, 24, 45, 61, 75, 109, 121, 398, 400, 406, 409, 410, 411, 412, 419,
125, 127, 150, 161, 428 420, 423, 426, 428, 429, 437, 438, 446,
Thasos, 22, 23, 53, 59, 61, 136, 138, 142, 447, 449, 452, 465, 466, 468, 469, 470,
143, 149, 157, 162, 165, 179, 193, 202, 474, 475, 482, 487, 488, 489, 492, 494,
206, 218, 222, 227, 235, 266, 321, 431, 495, 497, 505, 507, 508, 509, 511, 515,
474, 555, 568, 700, 723, 724, 745 516, 518, 519, 522, 536, 538, 545, 547,
Therma, 11, 48, 79, 84, 141, 169, 186, 548, 551, 552, 553, 557, 561, 574, 575,
189, 204, 209, 214, 234, 250, 253, 254, 580, 582, 585, 589, 592, 595, 596, 597,
282, 310, 320, 331, 422, 425, 431, 533, 598, 606, 608, 609, 613, 615, 616, 620,
626, 734 621, 623, 624, 626, 628, 638, 639, 648,
Thermaic, 26, 28, 99, 100, 107, 123, 126, 651, 652, 654, 655, 657, 659, 660, 662,
137, 146, 151, 154, 155, 167, 200, 230, 665, 667, 668, 671, 673, 675, 678, 679,
254, 256, 260, 271, 273, 281, 293, 295, 680, 684, 690, 691, 694, 695, 696, 701,
310, 311, 312, 318, 335, 338, 346, 347, 710, 714, 720, 724, 742, 743
348, 350, 351, 353, 355, 364, 370, 393, Thracian, 7, 8, 10, 17, 26, 28, 31, 32, 35,
397, 399, 408, 410, 424, 433, 478, 544, 41, 43, 52, 53, 66, 75, 77, 84, 113, 117,
563, 591, 594, 620, 625, 659, 662, 674, 123, 128, 131, 136, 146, 155, 157, 159,
684, 717, 727 194, 200, 201, 228, 230, 233, 236, 238,
Thermaic Gulf, 26, 28, 123, 126, 151, 242, 243, 244, 252, 253, 255, 261, 264,
230, 254, 256, 260, 271, 351, 353, 355, 268, 276, 288, 294, 295, 296, 297, 303,
364, 397, 399, 433, 563, 591, 594, 620, 307, 309, 310, 325, 326, 330, 332, 338,
659, 662, 674, 684 341, 344, 345, 351, 354, 356, 374, 378,
Thermaico, 248, 373 384, 386, 399, 405, 406, 414, 425, 428,
Thermaicum, 569 437, 441, 447, 452, 460, 468, 507, 511,
Thermaicus, 26, 37, 38, 60, 73, 76, 85, 90, 516, 548, 580, 588, 600, 601, 603, 607,
110, 112, 120, 121, 144, 147, 280, 301, 608, 614, 635, 637, 640, 642, 645, 649,
362, 495, 539, 559 656, 663, 667, 671, 681, 683, 686, 687,
Thermaischen, 5, 423, 430 692, 696, 697, 709, 712, 735, 738, 742
Thessalonica, 62, 85, 119, 122, 124, 127, Thracian Chersonese, 7, 8, 26, 28, 288,
128, 143, 150, 154, 166, 169, 188, 193, 297, 303, 307, 344, 374, 378, 428, 614,
200, 214, 267, 269, 293, 315, 316, 320, 656, 709, 712, 735, 738, 742
342, 348, 350, 352, 355, 379, 380, 383, Thracian coast, 146, 155, 194, 200, 201,
398, 417, 541, 548, 561, 568, 569, 574, 325
576, 598, 631, 639, 650, 659, 662, 708, thucydides, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, 24, 33, 36,
717, 720, 733, 738 40, 41, 43, 46, 49, 60, 63, 64, 66, 69, 72,
ThesSalonica, 573 77, 96, 101, 105, 124, 129, 134, 136,

137, 139, 149, 153, 158, 165, 166, 168, 524, 540, 606, 608, 621, 647, 666, 673,
172, 173, 197, 204, 212, 224, 225, 229, 695, 696, 699
232, 235, 237, 241, 264, 293, 311, 328, Travels in, 21, 31, 101, 356, 583, 586, 644
347, 350, 362, 363, 364, 391, 394, 414, Urquhart, 3, 12, 13, 14, 20, 46, 144, 145,
415, 418, 429, 430, 433, 460, 466, 469, 372, 382, 395, 407, 721
473, 475, 483, 506, 529, 542, 546, 553, Via Egnatia, 44, 61, 420, 491, 523, 597,
554, 572, 592, 607, 608, 612, 623, 643, 649, 660, 684
646, 651, 652, 692, 718, 739, 742, 745 villages, 12, 25, 47, 66, 68, 69, 70, 214,
Thucydides, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 24, 26, 237, 244, 301, 364, 431, 434, 436, 437,
33, 34, 36, 40, 41, 46, 47, 60, 64, 67, 79, 453, 581, 674, 690
83, 84, 86, 101, 104, 105, 122, 124, 129, xenophon, 60, 68, 108, 140, 156, 206, 209,
136, 141, 149, 151, 152, 153, 167, 169, 280, 299, 312, 315, 324, 327, 331, 351,
172, 176, 186, 187, 197, 204, 208, 212, 422, 425, 496, 596, 600, 618, 621, 624,
217, 218, 224, 225, 228, 235, 237, 239, 626, 627, 651, 666, 669, 673
241, 262, 263, 264, 267, 270, 272, 281, Xenophon, 60, 64, 68, 71, 99, 102, 108,
282, 283, 311, 319, 322, 328, 340, 347, 234, 280, 282, 299, 312, 315, 319, 324,
350, 356, 358, 370, 385, 391, 394, 411, 327, 331, 351, 361, 370, 371, 384, 405,
415, 418, 426, 430, 434, 473, 475, 486, 422, 425, 540, 596, 598, 600, 606, 609,
499, 506, 553, 592, 619, 621, 623, 629, 612, 618, 621, 624, 626, 627, 629, 634,
632, 633, 648, 651, 652, 688, 699, 723, 635, 639, 640, 650, 657, 666, 669, 673,
744 685, 690, 702
Timotheus, 71, 155, 164, 181, 188, 417, Xerxes, 16, 23, 29, 31, 48, 68, 134, 139,
527, 548, 558 151, 154, 158, 177, 180, 182, 184, 198,
Toronaic Gulf, 560 214, 227, 231, 232, 269, 272, 273, 276,
Toronaicus, 120, 482, 487, 496, 513, 522, 282, 293, 300, 302, 324, 327, 331, 332,
540, 544, 600, 666 339, 377, 381, 409, 449, 451, 507, 511,
Torone, 6, 16, 17, 18, 21, 34, 62, 71, 73, 537, 546, 548, 550, 551, 554, 560, 580,
104, 112, 190, 233, 323, 344, 408, 421, 582, 585, 615, 625, 628, 632, 641, 650,
422, 427, 432, 437, 454, 462, 466, 467, 673, 674, 676, 696, 728, 729
471, 472, 476, 477, 478, 496, 504, 523,

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