Assignment E Commerce (IT703A) 13.9.17

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E Commerce (IT703A)

Assignment – 1

Full marks: 50


1. What is E-business? How does it help the marketing? 2+3

2. List down various advantages of E-Business? Explain Electronic Market with diagram. 2+3

3. Compare and contrast Tele marketing and online marketing. Explain how e-commerce differs from

m-commerce. 2.5+2.5

4. Describe the functional requirements for online selling and identify specialized services and

servers perform these functions. Who are the stakeholders in E-Commerce information system?

Explain the benefits and limitations of E-Commerce. Explain the Business to Business model i.e.

B2B E-Commerce with proper diagram? 5+2+3+5=15


5. What is EDI? How EDI works? Explain with diagram. Write down the advantages of EDI over

traditional Business. 2+4+4=10

6. What do you mean be EDI Standard? Explain EDIFACT. 2+5=7

7. What do you mean by Copyright? 3

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