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(From employers and supervisors at work)

PLEASE NOTE; you must send us your CV before mailing your response to this questionnaire.

Dear Student,

Please fill in the following questionnaire from the perspective of the recommender. All questions
are mandatory. The amount of effort you put into answering the following questions will
determine the quality of your Recommendation Letters. You are required to fill one questionnaire
for each of your recommenders. Do not repeat the instance/qualities in each recommendation
format. Please do not copy from examples or from the internet. If you require any assistance with
these questions, please feel free to discuss responses with your Essay Writer.

1. What is your name and designation? In which organization do you work?

Example: Rajesh Veetil, Senior manager in Capgemini India Pvt. Ltd

Do not repeat the instance/qualities in each recommendation format. Please do not copy
from examples or from the internet.

Your answer:

2. How long have you known the applicant? (Give dates.) What is your relationship with the
applicant? Are you still in touch with him / her?
Example: Since 2012. Supervisor. Yes we are still in touch.

Do not repeat the instance/qualities in each recommendation format. Please do not copy
from examples or from the internet.

Your answer:

3. What are the applicant’s responsibilities in office?

Example: One of her main tasks is to interact with the client (Airtel) and gather requirements for
projects and explain the same to the developers and testers and coordinate with them as well as
the project managers and client till the completion of any project. As she is Java certified and well
acquainted with the language, she writes codes and get them tested prior to the production
movement. She is also responsible for helping the team to meet targets by following the processes
involved for production movement. Her role also necessitates extensive interaction with business
and different concerned teams like change management and technical support.

Do not repeat the instance/qualities in each recommendation format. Please do not copy
from examples or from the internet.

Your answer:

4. State the number of people who worked / work under or with the applicant?

@ Copyright Jamboree Education Pvt. Ltd., 2009

Example: He currently works in a team of 29 test analysts. He mentors 4 juniors.

Do not repeat the instance/qualities in each recommendation format. Please do not copy
from examples or from the internet.

Your answer:

5. How has the applicant’s career progressed since you have been interacting with the
Example: He joined Axis Bank in November of 2009. There were 10-12 people reporting to me
and he was a standout performer from among them. In 2010 was promoted to Assistant Manager
which highlights his quality work in just few months. He was further promoted to the grade of
deputy manager after the appraisals of 2011-12. He was thus promoted twice in a span of 4.8
years which is remarkable and shows his work quality.

Do not repeat the instance/qualities in each recommendation format. Please do not copy
from examples or from the internet.

Your answer:

6. How would you rate the applicant’s performance at work? Explain with one or two
instances. Please mention figures / data/ dates.
Example: his performance was exemplary; he was good at building relationships with the clients
through his wittiness and knack to attract people. He was never transactional with the clients or
fellow colleagues, which is what made him a special employee. He could build a good rapport
with influential people in organizations, which got important deals to the bank. Out of bank
around 40,000 employee strength, he converted the biggest gold coin deal in Axis bank’s history
in the financial year of 2010-11 which brought great revenue to the bank. He also received an
award for the same the financial year 2011-12.

Do not repeat the instance/qualities in each recommendation format. Please do not copy
from examples or from the internet.

Your answer:

7. Is there any other specific occasion or incident that highlights the applicant’s abilities?
Please give full details explaining the situation, the applicant’s contribution and the
outcome. Please list more than one incident if applicable. (Give dates.)
Example: I still remember the time he part in the innovative competition held by Samsung
(Technovate). In total 26 teams participated, each with between two to five members. The aim of
the competition was to develop an innovative application or solution for mobile phones. Arjun
was part of the three member team from Video Player department chosen to participate. He and
his team worked assiduously towards researching various existing and non-existing features,
useful and otherwise and then proceeded to develop solutions for both, android and feature phone
platforms. It was indeed a proud moment for Arjun and his team when they were adjudged as the
runner’s up in the competition, having not only provided solutions that were viable, but also
presented such that the solutions were commercialized.

@ Copyright Jamboree Education Pvt. Ltd., 2009

Do not repeat the instance/qualities in each recommendation format. Please do not copy
from examples or from the internet.

Your answer:

8. Was the applicant a member of any organizational society or forum? (Give dates.)
Example: Apart from his work he is also very active in other activities in our company. He has
been an active member of Yokogawa Cultural committee which is responsible for organizing
various technical and non-technical events for all the employees. He is also a member of the
corporate cricket team and won matches at the corporate sports events.

Do not repeat the instance/qualities in each recommendation format. Please do not copy
from examples or from the internet.

Your answer:

9. Give details about participation / achievements and team / leadership / communication /

interpersonal skills. (Give dates.)
Example: She was a part of the team which stood first in a competition called ‘Ad Mad Show’ in
Xpressionmania (a week long annual festival) organized by IBM Club from 16 th- 20th June, in this
event they were given a weird sort of product and were supposed to publicize the same using
three modes: print media, radio and television acting. Also, her team stood first in Treasure Hunt
organized by IBM Club. She has also been a part of the team which was declared as the first
runner up of the event ‘Tug of War’ organized by IBM club which took place on 17 th July. When
it comes to leadership, she believes in taking an initiative most of the times, ensures a proper
coordination among the team members in all possible ways. From projects to organizing the team
building activity every Friday, she ensures her job is accomplished beautifully. She has been the
one of the very important binding factors of the team. She is an extremely intellectual and smart
team player. She has commendable communication skills. Her job requires her to deal with
different teams in the IBM online portfolio as well as with the client (Airtel) from the very
beginning of any project till the end. Her skills have made this an easy task for her. She is very
confident which further strengthen her skills. As mentioned by me earlier, he has maintained a
strong PR within the firm as well as with the business (Airtel). She has such a potential which I
am pretty sure will take her to the zenith of success.

Do not repeat the instance/qualities in each recommendation format. Please do not copy
from examples or from the internet.

Your answer:

10. Discuss the applicant’s weaknesses. Elaborate on what the applicant has done to
overcome them?
Example: he was very aggressive in his initial phase of his career, which at times shows up in the
work that he used to do, which used to at times appear as if he was too pushy to the customers.
When provided with feedback, he not just took the feedback in positive way, also started working

@ Copyright Jamboree Education Pvt. Ltd., 2009

on it by reading online and results were clearly visible in the months to follow, where he used to
make a mark by talking about the benefits of the products and then used to leave it to the
customers to make the choice.

Do not repeat the instance/qualities in each recommendation format. Please do not copy
from examples or from the internet.

Your answer:

11. Has the applicant undertaken any projects/ research activities? If yes, please list and
comment on performance. (Give dates.)
Example: he is mainly responsible for research & development of Multimedia applications like
Video Player & Share Video for Samsung Android smart phones & tablet flagship models. Major
Responsibilities include developing and maintaining various features for Video Player & Share
Video application. He implemented various features for android video player application for
Samsung flagship smart phone and tablet models like Samsung Galaxy S4/S5, Galaxy Note 2/3/4,
Galaxy Tab S etc. He also played significant role in providing android OS Upgrade for ‘Video
Player’ and ‘Share Video’ application for CDMA smart phones of US, CANADA and EUROPE
carrier operators like ATT, Sprint, TMO, BMC, Orange, Verizon.

Do not repeat the instance/qualities in each recommendation format. Please do not copy
from examples or from the internet.

Your answer:

Please remember: The amount of effort you put into answering the following questions
will determine the quality of your letter of recommendation

Please mail the completed questionnaire to the Jamboree

Admission Cell.

@ Copyright Jamboree Education Pvt. Ltd., 2009

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