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Should EMTM mudballs be used for treating waterways and seafronts in Penang
By Yap Soo Huey
June 2010



A. Positive Results Require Informed Planning
B. Impact on Microbial Biodiversity
C. Myths and Lack of Impartial Evidence
D. Dangers of False Positives
i. Examples of possible false positives due to microbial activity
ii. Possible false
false positives and negative impacts of EM mudball components
iii. Risk of Complacency
E. How is EM Different from Standard Bioremediation
F. Infinite Financial Cost of EM
Why monitor use of EM in Penang waters?
Who should be involved?
Where should monitoring sites be set up?
When should monitoring take place?
What parameters should be monitored?
How can monitoring be achieved?
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EMTM are multi-fold. Firstly, treatment of Sungai Kelian has been lauded by proponents
stunning success 4,13,15, and therefore, is reported 5 via mainstream media as evidence that E
is an effective alternative to conventional treatment methods that may involve dredging of ri
and removal of pollutants for off-site decontamination. Secondly, the cost of a one-time add
of EMTM into target sites is cheaper and may produce more rapid result than conventi
methods. Thirdly, use of EM TM is more plain and attractive to the general public compared
conventional methods that usually require complex study of treatment site and more invo
effort by qualified personnel. EM TM is applied to waters by mixing EM TM activated in
molasses solution with soil (clay or red earth) and fermented sawdust/bran, and then form
the mixture into “mudballs” that are allowed to dry before being thrown by hand into ta
sites4,14. EMTM projects have engaged communities by getting people together for EM TM
making sessions and to collectively throw these mudballs into target sites. Fourthly and perh
most significantly, the attractiveness of using EM TM has garnered considerable publicity 3,5-1
thereby raising public awareness of environmental concerns and generating invalu
community participation and even sense of ownership in addressing environmental problem

On the other hand, EM TM is plagued by naysayers whose reasons for concern include the
of transparency and lack of scientific credibility of EM TM technology, the enabling of neglig
from addressing sources of pollution, and the concern that EM TM effects are only tempora
EMTM products will have to be continually used in Penang homes and industries indefinite
continue to be added at regular intervals into Penang waters.

The aim of this review is to (1) provide scientific background for EM TM technology and micr
treatment of polluted waters, (2) explain potential risks of EM TM to Penang, and (3) m
recommendations to waylay concerns. Wherever possible, statements made are reference
publicly accessible information and links are provided in the ‘Bibliography’.


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Terms “Effective Microorganisms”, “EM” and “EM Technology” refer to a proprietary blend
 Useful
microorganisms developed by horticulturist Dr Teruo Higa ‡
. The
EM NotResearch
useful Organis
(EMRO) was founded by Dr Higa in 1994 to manage EM trademarks and intellectual pro
TM 18 TM
of EM products and technology EM products are sold internationally through EM
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microbial population and establishes EM as the dominant population. Higa and Patte
(1994) clearly state that the aim of EM technology is to dominate and control the micr
population in soil and if EM is not applied at a sufficiently high dose, they “will have
or no effect”.]

ii. By becoming the dominant microbial population in soil, EM TM competes with

suppresses the growth of other microorganisms, which includes harmful and
desirable microorganisms, and thereby reducing the need for pesticides.
[Note: As above, a sufficiently high dose of EM is required.]

iii. Higa and Patterson (1994) concede that if agriculture was carried out sustainably
without over-taxing the land), there should already be an abundance of nutrients re
available for plants that can be naturally recycled by existing populations
microorganisms in soil without the need for EM TM. They argue, however, that these
conditions may only occur in small-scale farming and/or where crop-rotation is practi
whereas the present day purpose for agriculture is to economically maximize yield
land throughout the year.

The rationale for using EM TM to treat polluted waters is that microorganisms may deg
sludge and wastes as part of their growth. The use of microorganisms to treat pollution is n
novel concept. The same principle is foundation for processes known as ‘bioremediati
Bioremediation processes have been informally practiced since the early 1900s, and recogn
for effective treatment of contaminated materials since early 1980s. High profile example
bioremediation are reviewed by Swannell, Lee and McDonagh (1996) 23. Convent
bioremediation practices are now well-accepted and have resulted in a wealth of exce
scientific information, refined understanding and technical expertise with well-documented tr
record of success. Documentation of EM TM technology is discussed in Section C.


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A) Positive Results Require Informed Planning
 Useful  Not useful
As explained above, EM has little to no impact if its application is insufficient. For EM
establish itself, it has to be able to:
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environment so it becomes less ideal for other microorganisms

microorganisms and thus more favorab
themselves and microorganisms that are accustomed to growing with them, eg. other
b. Rhodopseudomonas palustris 27 and Rhodobacter spaeroides 28 are phototrophic bac
known for their ability to use a variety of nutrient sources, which, as
lactobacilli/lactococci above, improves their likelihood of survival but still dependent on
overall combination of environmental factors.
c. Candida utilis 29 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae 30 are common yeasts used in the
industry and have relatively quick growth rates. The likelihood of their survival is impr
when they are introduced as part of EM TM and have been adapted to thrive within
EMTM mixture.
[Note: Microorganisms that are cultured (have “grown up”) together learn to adapt to
other’s presence. As analogy, a group of individuals
individuals who have become friends over tim
compete better at a team challenge compared to a group of strangers who will have to
more effort to work as a team and avoid conflict. Growing all the above
microorganisms together enhances their ability to survive when they are introd
together. Nonetheless, survivability
survivability is still subject to environmental
environmental factors.]
factors. ]

ii. Environmental Factors (eg. pH, temperature, salinity, oxygen density, redox pote
concentrations of preferred nutrients, concentrations of co-substrates and presenc
toxicants) affect the survivability and persistence of any single species or combinatio
species of microorganisms introduced into an environment. Microorganisms that have b
introduced into an environment are usually less able to grow in that environment comp
to indigenous microbial populations or microorganisms that have had time to gradually a
to environmental changes. An exception is if the introduced microorganisms have traits
particularly favour specific environmental factors and give them an advantage over
existing populations.

In response to a statewide campaign that saw the release of one million EM TM  mudballs
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Penang waters on 8 th August 2009, which included the tossing on this EM
200,000 title TM mudballs

the Pesiaran Gurney seafront, questions were raised about Useful 
the ability Not EM TM to survive
water salinity. Speculations include that EM TM microorganisms would burst due to osm
pressure when tossed into salty seawater. Unfortunately, these speculations canno
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financial costs would be wasted. If sponsors and volunteers are making more EM TM mud
than necessary, then these extraneous efforts are essentially wasted resources. Projects ca
be resource-effective without adequate knowledge of how much desired outcome is achiev
and for how long, relative to amount of resources expended, and these cannot be determ
without appropriate monitoring and testing.

Szymanski and Patterson (2003) tested the effectiveness of EM TM in reducing domestic sew
sludge in five septic tanks 2. To each tank, they added 6 Liters of activated EM TM as a first d
followed by 3 Liters one week later and subsequently 350 mL doses every week. In
treatment of Sungai Kelian 4 in Penang, 10,000 EM TM mudballs were thrown into the river o
March 2009, followed by 1,000 EM TM mudballs every week and 1,200 Liters of EM TM eve
days. Multiple additions of EM TM were used in both cases to enhance likelihood of EM TM
in their new environment. This is because EM TM in the first dose will struggle most, bu
products of their limited growth may gradually change environmental factors to make it m
favorable for EM TM in subsequent doses. If a second dose is added before EM TM from the
dose die off and their effects on the environment are reversed, then it would be easier for E
from the second dose to survive. Similarly, the timing of each subsequent dose is importa
ensure the EM TM microorganisms actually persist in the environment long enough for de
effects to be achieved. Efforts are wasted without knowing optimal timing and dosage. Th
especially so in open systems such as waterways and seafronts that are affected by tides,
and exchanges typical of an open environment.

Hence, even if EM TM has the potential to safely and effectively clean polluted Penang wate
will not be cost-effective without careful tests and monitoring.

B) Impact on Microbial Biodiversity

Szymanski and Patterson (2003) documented that septic tanks treated with activated E
indicated a trend of increasing acidity 2, which is likely due at least in part to EM TM
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bacteria. The same study also found that even though conditions (pH, alkalinity and elect
 Usefulat the
conductivity) in the five septic tanks tested were highly variable  Notstartuseful
of their study, th
conditions became similar in all five tanks at the end of their 4-week study and even persi
for a further 2 weeks without more addition of EM TM. This suggests that growth of EM
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However, due to limitations in science (until relatively recently) and because microorgan
are not visible without a microscope, the importance of microbial diversity has been “out of s
out of mind” and largely ignored, even by environmentalists.

Microorganisms are key to maintaining a livable world and are present in every conceiv
environment. Humans have been able to derive much use from microorganisms, and yet
estimated that we only know less than 1% of all bacterial species and less than 5% of all fu
species on Earth 41. Microorganisms and their populations are becoming extinct from hu
activity/interference even before they are identified and their importance understood.

In recent years, recognition of the urgency 41-43 of exploring and conserving microbial dive
has led to exciting discoveries 44-50. As we rapidly approach the anticipated end of the electro
era, use of microorganisms for industrial purposes is expected to dominate and thus richnes
microbial diversity represents untapped asset. In fact, the team of Malaysian scientists b
trained under a collaborative program between the California Institute for Quantitative Scien
and the Penang-based  Malaysian Institute of Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals include
ocean scientist with interest in bacterial diversity who is being trained to search Malay
waters for drug potentials 51. Unfortunately, the importance of microbial diversity is still p
appreciated outside the scientific community. In open systems such as rivers and coastli
microorganisms introduced at any site have potential to impact microbial diversity downstr
and even off-shore. Losing indigenous microbial species due to human interference could m
losing a valuable untapped resource.

Since EMTM functions by overwhelming existing microbial populations, haphazard

continuous use of EM TM threatens to alter our environment and reduce microbial diversity. E
may have utility in agriculture where the very essence of agriculture entails manipulatio
nature. However, continuously using EM TM freely and abundantly with poor understanding
consequences is reckless and foolhardy. Even though EM TM is promoted as consistin
“naturally-occurring microorganisms”, they may not occur naturally in the environments to w
they are applied. As an analogy, elephants are naturally-occurring organisms with a wide ra
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of uses, but they do not occur naturally in Penang. Introducing elephants freely and abunda
into Penang would be disastrous for Penang and for the Useful 
elephants, butNot useful
likely profitable to th
who sell elephants to Penang or sell licenses to people breeding elephants in Penang.
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- Drinking may EMTM cure cancer;

- Windows will stay clean for a whole year if wiped with EM TM;
- Wiping surfaces in your home with EM TM helps convert “bad waves” from compute
“good waves”;
- Plastics will not release dioxins when incinerated if you coat them with EM TM;
- Using EMTM at home prevents influenza;
- The more EMTM that is used by everyone, the better it is for the world, so everyone sh
be using a lot of EM TM freely.

The variety of claims made by EM TM proponents is concerning, especially where explana

given do not conform to scientific rationale and evidence of success are mainly from EM
linked publications. Even though EMRO purports to have a database 55 of >500 research ar
and EMRO-related organisations/individuals repeatedly imply that EM TM technology has
tested and verified by multiple groups worldwide, a search of EMRO’s own database on
May 2010 using search terms ‘water’ and ‘waste water’ revealed only 1 and 10 pa
respectively. Disappointingly, these papers appear to be cosmetic with reports on
preliminary studies, or descriptions of observations without systematic evaluation, or stu
that make firm conclusions without strong evidence or from poorly designed experiments
papers were linked to EMRO or the EMRO-linked International Nature Farming Rese
Centre (INFRC). There are little publicly available reports that conclusively support effe
non-agricultural use of EM TM and that are independent of Dr Teruo Higa, EMRO or its pa
organisations (eg. EM Trading and the INFRC network).

The author of this review could only find four reports 2,56-58 on non-agricultural use of EM
appeared independent of EMRO or its partner organisations:
- Szymanski and Patterson (2003) concluded that EM TM had minimal effect on suspe
solids within wastewater treatment systems (septic tanks) over an 8-week sampling pe
with weekly additions of EM TM up to 4 weeks. They note, however, that addition of E
appeared to create a consistency of parameters (pH, electrical conductivity and alkal
between septic tanks that suggested that EM TM altered 
Sign uptank conditions
to vote on this titleto be optima
their growth. EM use resulted in a trend of increasing acidity, which is likely at least p
due to lactic acid bacteria from EM TM.
 Useful  Not useful
- Shihab (2010) identified ideal combination ratios of EM TM with lime/alum/ferrous sulp
for sludge dewatering, but did not conclude if the addition of EM TM was useful or feasib
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They further highlighted that The Centre for Water Management of the Netherlands Min
of Transport, Public Works and Water Management has estimated that ~21 μg of me
can be found in each EM TM mudball tested, or about 21 grams of mercury in one m
EMTM mudballs. The European Union lists mercury as a priority dangerous compound
any discharge of mercury into waters is not allowed by European safety standards.

There have been studies that question the effectiveness of EM TM even for agricultural
These include 59-62:
- Anwar  et al . (1999) that showed that the use of EM TM was only as effective as a
mixture of Azotobacter and Azospirillium in improving yield of wheat and rice
increasing protein content.
- Hussain Shah, Saleem and Shahih (2001) showed that mixtures of EM TM with nitrogen
phosphate increased grain yield and protein content, but did not demonstrate if EM TM
could be attributed to effects observed.
- Khaliq, Abbasi and Hussain (2006) showed that EM TM was not effective in increasing c
yield unless also supplemented by other organic or mineral fertilizers.
- Mayer, Scheid and Oberholzer (2008) reported that EM TM did not improve agricultural
and soil quality in a 4-year study of arable farming in Swiss temperate climate condition

Taken together, the positive results implied by EMRO or its partner organisations are not
supported by independent published data.

It is commonly asserted that scientific communities do not accept EM TM because it consists

combination of microorganisms, which complicates testing and makes it difficult to attri
effects to any single reaction or species of microorganism. This may have been true when E
was first developed in the 1980s. However, science has since advanced to have com
understanding of biological systems as well as the ability to use and manipulate increas
complex and intricate systems. Now, a myriad of simple analytical chemistry and stan
microbiological methods can easily demystify the mechanisms and efficacy of EM TM . Hence
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disinterest in substantiating claims and lack of independent literature on the efficacy of E
suggest that its claims are unsubstantiatable and do not justifysupport
Useful Not usefulfrom the Pen
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waters would serve as an excellent marketing tool for promoting ubiquitous use and there
purchase of EM TM throughout Penang.

D) Dangers of False Positives

Concerns raised by limited independent studies accentuate the need for reliable monitorin
ensure the safety and efficacy of using EM TM in Penang. However, there appears to be lim
effort to ensure characterization of targeted waters prior to EM TM treatment, monitoring of w
quality during treatment or verification of success/safety after treatment. The State governm
appears to be content 13 that anecdotal evidence is sufficient.

Without testing water samples before EM TM treatment, it would not be possible to charact
pollutants in the water and determine if there are substances present that may require spe
care. Knowledge of chemical composition of waters prior to treatment is important to ide
persistent toxic pollutants that may require close monitoring to ensure they are correctly tre
and genuinely removed. Microbial or chemical reactions can cause many pollutants to bec
more toxic and/or sediment onto the waterbed where they can become more difficult to treat

i. Examples of possible false positives due to microbial activity

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a class of >100 commonly encount

environmental pollutants that are toxic and can cause cancer 65. Hydrogen peroxide (H
produced by lactic acid bacteria in EM TM can oxidize PAHs. However, if oxidation of PAH
incomplete, intermediary products such as fluorine, dibenzofuran and dibenzothiophene ca
even more toxic than PAHs 66,67. Without first identifying what pollutants are present in treatm
sites, it is impossible to determine what PAHs are present and would need to be monitore
ensure hazardous impacts are averted/removed. Besides PAHs, countless other substan
can become more toxic if not treated appropriately. Determination of hazards requires chem
analyses and/or ecotoxicity tests, and cannot be perceived from simply visually  inspec
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treatment sites.
 Useful  Not useful
H2O2 is also a bleaching agent that can oxidise organic matter to give water a cle
appearance and remove foul smells 68. In addition, R. sphaeroides  and S. cerevisiae  in E
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Other components of EM TM mudballs may also cause false positives or may even cause fu
damage to target waters. It is important to note that Lurling and colleagues observed release
metal pollutants (aluminium, copper, cadmium, lanthanum and lead) 57 as well as phospho
from EMTM mudballs in their studies, and further reported 58 that the Ministry of Transport, P
Works and Water Management in the Netherlands had found mercury in EM TM mudballs,
an estimate of ~21 μg of mercury per EM TM mudball. Whilst the exact composition of E
mudballs in the Dutch study may differ from EM TM mudballs used in Penang, these find
highlight the urgency of adequate and independent testing as more EM TM mudballs are b
released in Penang. Assumptions of safety without rigorous independent testing may risk sa
of Penangites and result in more damage to the Penang environment.

Even if EM TM mudballs do not release toxic chemicals into the environment, additio
significant amounts of earth/clay into waterways would have negative consequences. Fir
they may settle onto the waterbed, and thus affect water levels and create the illusion of cle
waters by burying sedimented sludge. If buried sludge contains toxic chemicals, they may
pose safety risks, but will be more difficult to treat by being buried deeper into the water
Secondly, earth/clay that are suddenly sedimented onto waterbeds when EM TM mudballs
added would affect any waterbed ecology and may have widespread consequences to ov
ecology in Penang waters. Thirdly and most importantly, even if added earth/clay do not im
water level/currents at the sites where EM TM mudballs were added, they would be flu
further downstream where they would inevitably sediment and affect rates of water flow.
unavoidable effect of large amounts of EM TM mudballs on water flow would be a dama
problem, especially in flood-prone Penang. All impacts of EM TM mudballs on our water
would worsen as more and more mudballs are thrown into Penang waters.

It is useful to note that waterways can become clearer simply as result of normal tidal or ra
cycles that move sludge and organic matter out to sea. This effect occurs independent
EMTM activity, and thus cannot be attributed to successful use of EM TM. However, the thro
of mudballs could assist by breaking up sludge so it becomes easier to flush downstream. If
occurs, even though the target site would appear cleaner,Sign
the up
pollutants are merely 
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shifted a
to become a problem at a different site.
 Useful  Not useful
Waterways may also appear misleadingly clearer if the earth/clay mixture in EM TM mud
contains salts that can cause humic acids to sediment out of water. Humic acids
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EM technology has been adopted by the Malaysian state
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For example, even though visual inspection of the EM TM-treated Sungai Kelian site appe
promising, the clarity of water documented >2 months after initial addition of EM TM could be
to a multitude of possibilities (eg. H 2O2 oxidation of organic matter, discoloration
azoreductase, burial of sludge, normal movement of sludge further downstream,
precipitation of humic acids) that create a falsely positive illusion of cleaner water wit
removing hazardous pollutants. When this occurs, the Penang public may be misled to ha
false sense of confidence which causes complacency and negligence in curbing source

Whilst the possibilities and successes advertised by EM TM are promising, Penangites and
Penang government need to ensure that masked dangers, which may not be immedia
obvious, are checked and minimized. Negative impacts of EM TM or EMTM mudballs cann
discounted without prior characterization of water/ecology in target sites and suffic
independent monitoring of treatment outcomes. Without these assurances, efforts to
sources of pollution must still be of utmost priority.

E) How is EMTM Different from Standard Bioremediation

The key difference between the proposed EM TM technology and standard bioremedi
practices is the seemingly haphazard and non-specific approach of the EM TM administrati

Acceptable bioremediation practices would require that water from target sites be adequa
sampled prior to treatment to identify the nature of pollutants and ascertain the type
chemical reactions that are needed or should be avoided. Prior characterization of water
ecology of environment should be carried out wherever possible, unless prevented
circumstances such as an accidental chemical spill where there was no prior sampling.

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With knowledge of the nature of pollutants, it is then possible to determine if microorgani
already present in the environment can be stimulated to  treat
Usefulthe Not useful
pollution. Much more o
than not, microorganisms can be identified from the existing microbial population that woul
capable of treating a variety of pollutants. These microorganisms may not have been efficie
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characterization of target waters, decision on clear objectives and careful consideratio

options. Adding EM TM may not be necessary if existing strains of microorganisms can
stimulated to treat pollution in their waters. Furthermore, EM TM microorganisms may no
suitable for the types of pollutants present.

Decisions in the bioremediation process are made based on knowledge of pollutants and na
of the environment. The use of microorganisms already existing in the environment should
desirable and may even be more cost-effective. The need and decision to seed microorgani
(eg. EMTM) should be dependent on a balance of factors including budget and time constra
extent of pollution, desired outcome, ecological impact and suitability of environment. Wit
knowledge of water quality before treatment and careful monitoring during and after treatme
would be impossible to decide on desired outcome (eg. removal of PAHs) or project endp
(eg. when a lasting impact may be achieved). Additionally, sponsors of bioremediation pro
would normally require accountability of methods used and credible evidence of long
investment outcome.

F) Infinite Financial Cost of EM TM

of EM

Even if EM TM is successful in treating polluted Penang waters, its effects are only tempora
sources of pollution are not identified and curbed. Continuous pollution will require continu
use of EM TM and therefore endless financial cost.

Efforts to remediate waterways and coastlines should emphasize returning the environment
state where it can continue to sustain itself once pollution is removed. Overuse of EM TM
rigorously curbing sources of pollution will lead to environmental dependence on E
(Especially if existing microbial populations are displaced; see Section B ).
). If Penang conti
using EM until its environment becomes reliant on regular additions of EM TM, then
cumulative cost may be infinite.

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Why should Penang choose a system that will result in having to regularly (eg. monthl
annually) add large quantities of EM TM into its waters? cost
Useful Notmanpower
and useful of regu
TM ψ
purchasing EM , producing EMAS and adding it into our waters will accumulate.
importantly, it is an unnecessary cost because natural systems are often able to remed
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improvements are of appreciable difference. However, efforts for short term improvem
should not risk the long term welfare of Penangites and the Penang environment. Conc
raised in the previous section rationalise the need for independent evaluation of E
technology to ensure safety of the Penang people and environment.

The United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO) provide clear guide
and a Code of Good Practice (COGP) for the design, planning and implementation of w
monitoring programmes 80-82. The following recommendations are based on these guidel
Readers are encouraged to consult the original publications for in-depth information.

Why monitor use of EM TM in Penang waters?

Despite increasing financial and non-fiscal commitments towards EM TM technology, there

not been studies to determine the extent and durability of its effects. To make matters wo
concerns about the credibility of EM TM technology have not been met with reliable scie
data. On the contrary, the few independent publications 2,56-58 on non-agricultural use of E
technology suggest that EM TM may adversely impact ecosystems, stimulate undesirable a
growth and may itself pollute waters with significant amounts of metal contaminants (inclu
detection of mercury from EM TM mudballs in the Netherlands). EM TM activity and componen
EMTM mudballs are additionally expected to affect water flow and/or may cause pollutan
become more toxic or difficult to treat, while at the same time emboldening false confidenc
water quality by making waters appear clearer. Mechanisms for these dangers are discus
throughout Sections 2 A – F above.

Even if the objective of using EM TM in Penang waters is simply to give cosmetic improvem
and does not require assurance of successful removal of pollutants, the wide range
documented and conjectured risks highlighted in this review provides justification for rigo
independent monitoring to avoid interminable environmental and financial costs as we
health hazards.

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Monitoring programmes should include active and genuine representation by all stakehold
including members of local communities, corporate sponsors and industrial partn
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understanding of the area to be monitored. This can be achieved by first acquiring a map o
area and then walking along the water system to determine:
- Water-course, ie. waters (eg. catchment, streams, brooks, canals, ditches, lakes,
other rivers) that discharge into or from the site to be monitored;
- Land topography, which affects how/where precipitation
precipitati on is washed into the water-cours
- Dimensions and flow rates, including notation of areas of broadening/narrowing;
broadening/narrowi ng;
- Description of environmental conditions (eg. rock composition, vegetation, wildlife,
slope, distance from salt-bodies);
- If groundwater enters the water-course
water-cours e (if knowledge available);
- Population and land use in surrounding area (eg. industry, agriculture, construc
tourism, recreation and urban activities);
- Identification
Identificati on of point discharges into the river (eg. sewage, drainage and industrial was
- Location of man-made structures in surrounding area (eg. bridges, dams, roads).

Once an understanding of the factors affecting the area and water system is establis
suitable monitoring sites can be chosen that are appropriate for the monitoring purpose.
preliminary characterization of the monitoring area, sites may be selected to give informatio
the variety of conditions in the system. During EM TM treatment, selection of sites both upstr
and downstream of where EM TM mudballs were added would allow for differences to
attributed to EM TM mudball activity. The monitoring committee may also decide to determine
effects of EM TM mudballs flushed further downstream on geomorphology of water cou
Effects of other point discharges can also be determined by comparing sites upstream
downstream. Sites should be chosen with the purpose of monitoring in mind and
consultation with all stakeholders. An independent expert advisory panel should en
usefulness of monitoring sites, so that subsequent monitoring efforts are optimized and

When appropriate sites are chosen, it is important that their precise locations are care
mapped out so that samples can be taken from the same sites at regular intervals and tre

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monitored. It must be emphasized that information obtained vote on this title
useful if sites monito
have been carefully selected to suit monitoring purposes
and the same
Useful  Notlocations
useful are sam
throughout the monitoring programme. For example, it may be sufficient for some purpose
photographs of monitoring sites to be used for comparisons. However, these photogra
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The monitoring committee must decide whether to monitor regularly (eg. weekly) and m
careful record of rainfall volume and patterns between monitoring timepoints, or to mo
regularly as well as during rainfall events. Additionally, different parameters may be monit
at different frequencies; eg. basic parameters such as pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen
phosphate levels may be monitored daily/weekly, whilst chemical analyses for metals or org
pollutants may only be performed fortnightly/monthly. Frequency of monitoring timepoints
be increased or decreased depending on feasibility, urgency of data relative to water use,
understanding of trends as monitoring programme proceeds.

It is also important that monitoring activity is carried out at the same time of day to ens
consistency of diurnal factors, such as tide and water levels, which will affect concentratio
parameters measured. Other factors such as time required for sample processing or w
flow/discharge patterns should also be considered when deciding sampling time; eg. at sun
noon or a specific time in the day.

Consistent with the example given in the previous section for monitoring sites, any collectio
data, including reference photographs, should be collected at the same time of day
notations made of intermediate events (eg. rainfall) to enable fair comparisons of condit
between different days.

What parameters should be monitored?

The release of EM TM mudballs into Penang waters requires more rigorous testing comp
with conventional methods that are also less invasive (eg. based on stopping source
pollution to allow natural recovery of the water system, or where pollution is dredged
removed for off-site treatment). This is because there is insufficient knowledge of
consequences and tolerability of adding EM TM mudball components into Penang water sys
and insufficient documented precedence of EM TM mudball use for treatment of waterw
Hence, decision to use the non-conventional EM TM mudball method must coincide with pla
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ensure sufficient testing and monitoring to avert hidden risks and long term nega
consequences.  Useful  Not useful

Nonetheless, it is usually not feasible to test all parameters all the time. It is therefore neces
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Levels of nutrients and metals were compared against levels in water from similar source
was similarly handled and filtered, but without addition of EM TM mudball material. This s
found release of significant amounts of phosphate, aluminium and copper, and detect
amounts of cadmium, lanthanum and lead. Similar experiments would be useful in Pena
EMTM administrators can ensure that EM TM mudballs used throughout Penang are consist
made using the same source of clay/earth and other ingredients. Hence, the simple tests s
as those conducted by Lurling and colleagues (2009) can give added assurance that E
mudballs themselves will not release contaminants into Penang waters.

With expanded knowledge on effects of all EM TM mudball components and good understan
of water characteristics in target sites, an independent expert advisory panel working
stakeholders can determine the types and frequency of tests needed for each treatment site
addition to chemical and biological tests, the effects of adding large amounts of sediments
mudballs) on the waterbeds and the geomorphology of waterways must also be considered.

It is unavoidable that using EM TM mudballs in Penang waters will require rigorous testing
every plan to use EM TM mudballs must coincide with a monitoring programme. However, b
knowledge of EM TM mudball effects and prior characterisation of target waters will allow de
of monitoring programmes to be optimized for practical considerations such as bu
constraints, manpower, logistics and other feasibility concerns.

How can monitoring be achieved?

Test and analysis methods, quality control measures, staffing and training, and other framew
and logistical considerations are pragmatically described in the UN and WHO guidelines
water monitoring programmes 80-82. Readers are referred to these guidelines for details, inclu
elements of good practice 82.

Structures exist within Penang that allow for high quality monitoring programmes that reflec
technical competency, scientific aptitude and community engagement that is renownof Pena
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Groups such as Friends of Sungai Juru <> and Water W
Penang <> are evidence that successful water monito
programmes are possible and foundations already exist within Penang. Experience within th
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EM technology has been adopted by the Malaysian state
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In summary, with sufficient commitment, all components necessary to design, plan

implement monitoring programmes to assure well-being of Penangites, Penang waters and
Penang environment are robust in Penang.


EMTM technology promises so much to so many. It promises the budget-constrained Pen

government to clean Penang waters and improve Penang’s Green credentials. It prom
corporate sponsors a solution to their environmental woes or an attractive means to fulfill C
obligations. It promises disgruntled Penangites to remove the eyesore and olfactory stenc
polluted waterways and coastlines. It inspires communities with a sense of empowerment t
able to act on pollution that once appeared irreconcilable beyond their means.

Nonetheless, this review highlights a myriad of inconvenient risks and caution. Penangites
the Penang government must decide if these risks are acceptable. If unsure, they m
determine the severity of these risks by conducting appropriate tests to answer concerns.

Penang has a proud history of many firsts. Penangites have a strong and continuing traditio
excellence and community participation. The current State government promises a m
Competent, Accountable and Transparent (CAT) administration. As we stand on the verg
being the first Green state in Malaysia, can we afford to relax from urgently addressing conc
that question the well-being of Penangites and the Penang environment? If EM TM technolo
the miracle cure for polluted environments, can Penang be the first to provide cred
documentation of its success and prove our credentials as a State that embraces science

The use of EM TM to treat Penang waters gives Penangites the ability to show how much m
we can achieve as a collective people.

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NOTES  Useful  Not useful
† TM
The exact composition of the EM blend is not known, but has been reported to comprise mai
lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum, L. casei  Lactococcus Lactis ),
), photosynthetic ba
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The author would like to thank and acknowledge the time and effort of Shane E. Perrym
Amanda Wealands and Suse Hayes for helpful discussions and independent review of

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2. Szymanski N. and Patterson R.A. (2000) “Effective Microorganisms (EM) (EM) and Wastewater Systems”
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Directions for On-Site Systems: Best Management Practice, Proceedings of On-Site ’03 Conference, Lanfa
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6. unnamed (March 26, 2009) “Saving“Saving River with
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7. Friends of Sungai Juru (February 18, 2009) “Pelancaran Rawatan Kualiti Kualiti Air Sungai Dengan EM Mud Balls, Retrieved 28 May 2010, from
8. Filmer A. (March 9, 2009) “Rolling Mud Balls on the Beach”, The Star Star Newspaper, Retrieved
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10. Kaur M. (November 6, 2009) “Water’s Clearer in Sungai Sungai Pinang”, The Star Newspaper, Retrieved 24 Apri
11. Friends of Sungai Juru (August 9, 2009) “Reviving Penang Penang Polluted Rivers with EM Mud Balls”, 
Balls”, SungaiJuru
Retrieved 28 May 2010, from http://www.sungaijuru. Signing-penang-polluted-rivers-with-em-m
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12. Tan S.C. (August 21, 2009) “Effective
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‘Treatment’”, The Star Newspaper, Retrieved 24 April 2010
13. YAB Lim Guan Eng (7 August 2009) Speech Speech at EM Technology Symposium, Retrieved Retrieved 24 April 2010 from
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22. Higa T. and Parr J. (1994) “Beneficial and Effective

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“Regulation on this Transport
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EM technology has been adopted by the Malaysian state
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47. American Society for for Microbiology (20 February 2008) “Unexplored
“Unexplored Microbes Hold Incredible Potential
Potential for 
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48. Rusch D.B., Halpern A.L., Sutton Williamson S., et al . (2007) “The Sorceror II Global O
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Should EM Mudballs Be Used for

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EM technology has been adopted by the Malaysian state
of Penang as a cheap and rapid method of reversing the Sustainability ESTEEM NOTE Effective
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decrepit state of its waterways and popular coastlines. Project Proposal Microorganisms

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80. United Nations Environment Program
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Practical Guide to the Design and Implementation
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