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Worksheet 1_I

Motto: "Often the search proves more profitable

than the goal” E.L Konigsburg

Present Tenses. M. Vince - Unit 1 ex. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7; Thomson & Martinet (T&M) A practical
English Grammar chapter 17; (T&M) Exercises vol. 1 : ex. PEG 172, The Present Simple
Tense sentences 1 – 20; urmatoarea serie (interrogative si negative) sentences 1 – 20, PEG
164-74 The Present Continuous Tense sentences 1 – 20, The Present Simple & Continuous
Tense sentences 1 – 20 (orally);
Worksheet 1

I. Translate into Romanian:

When a Pope dies, the papal secretary has to call out his original Christian name three
times before he is officially declared dead. His ‘Fisherman’s Ring’, given to him at
coronation, is broken, as is the papal seal, used for documents of the state. In the nineteenth
century the papal secretary also had to tap the dead Pope’s head with a silver hammer. The
cardinals who elect the Pope can be found guilty of their own special crime – simony, or
selling their votes fro money or power. [...] One of the 115 cardinals who are eligible to vote
will succeed as Pope. An unsuccessful outcome – an inconclusive ballot, which fails to reach
a majority of 75 votes (two-thirds plus one) – will be signalled to the world by black smoke
from the burnt ballot papers; a successful one by a white chemicals being added to ensure a
clear signal. (John May, The Book of Curious Facts, Collins and Brown, 1993)

II. Translate into English:

Emisfera cerebrală stîngă este zona importantă pentru gîndirea coştientă, analiza
datelor recepţionate, logică, decizie, ordonare, identificare. Emisfera dreaptă tratează datele
primite în mod necritic, nu decodifică informaţia, ci o ia ca atare, răspunsurile rămînînd mai
degrabă emoţionale decît logice. Activitatea emisferei cerebrale stîngi este inhibată în timpul
vizionării. Dacă privirea ecranului intervine timpuriu, şi prelungit în viaţa copilului, emisfera
stîngă nu se dezvoltă normal, ceea ce conduce la deficienţe ale gîndirii logice şi analitice, ale
vorbirii, ale construirii frazei, ale scrisului şi cititului. Neuropsihologii mai constată că, în
timpul vizionării ecranului, comunicarea dintre cele două emisfere [...] este mult diminuată,
după unii, aproape întreruptă. Cortexul prefrontal îl deosebeşte pe om de animal; aici este
sediul proceselor mintale, al atenţiei, al motivaţiei, al controlării comportamentului şi
emoţiilor. În cortexul prefrontal se desfăşoară procesele de reflexie, de decizie, de sinteză
între gînd, emoţie, comportament. (Rodica Nanu, Gina Palicari, Televizorul, calculatorul şi
copilul, nr. 33 /aprilie 2007 p.45, Revista “Medic”)


a. Translate the examples in Italics:
You may well ask! (humorous) also Well may you ask! (humorous, formal): something that
you say when someone asks you about something which you think is strange, funny, or
 'What happened to the money you gave Sharon to buy food?' 'Well may you ask! She
says she lost it.'
 What, you may well ask, will be the end of all this? I would not know! But I would
hope that our beloved country will drink deep from the challis of courage.”
 How could Jonathan afford to buy a Porsche? You may well ask.


Find translations for: HEAD/CAP

Collocations: Do the exercise; check the meaning and translate the collocations into

Fixed phrases & collocations

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