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Generalized Eruptive Syringoma

Article  in  Indian Journal of Dermatology · March 2015

DOI: 10.4103/0019-5154.152586 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Ganesh Avhad Hemangi Jerajani

Grant Medical College MGM Medical College & Hospitall


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Generalized Eruptive Syringoma

Ganesh Avhad, Priyanka Ghuge1, Jerajani HR

Abstract From the Department of

Eruptive syringoma is a very rare variant of syringoma. It is a benign adnexal tumor of the Dermatology, L.T.M. Medical
intraepidermal portion of eccrine sweat ducts. Here we report a 32-year-old female presented College and General Hospital,
Sion, 1Department of Dermatology,
with classical asymptomatic eruptive syringomas involving her face and extremities.
Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai, India
Key Words: Eruptive variant, syringoma, tadpole appearance

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Ganesh Avhad,
Room No 110, New RMO Hostel,
L.T.M. Medical College and
General Hospital, Sion,
Mumbai - 400 022, India.

What was known?

Though syringoma is fairly common condition but its eruptive variant is rare, which present around the puberty. It usually occur after inflammatory condition and
present with itchy multiple shiny papules.

Introduction development of lesion. We kept differential diagnosis

The word syringoma is derived from Greek language as trichoepitheliomas, hyperplasia of sebaceous glands,
syrinx meaning tube. Syringomas are benign adnexal eruptive xanthomas and urticaria pigmentosa. Darrier
tumors of eccrine origin. It shows differentiation of sign was negative. General examination was normal
intra-epidermal portion of eccrine duct and having four including laboratory and hematological investigations.
major variants as proposed by Friedman and Butler:[1] On cutaneous examination multiple, symmetrical skin
Localized, generalized including eruptive and multiple, colored to brownish shiny papules of diameter 2-4 mm
familial and associated with Down syndrome. The usual was present all over the face and upper extremity. The
site of predilection is periorbital and neck. While other remaining physical examination was normal without
sites like axillae, abdomen and extremities are also any history of photosensitivity. Mucosal surface was
involved. Other rare forms like plaque type, linear, not involved. Systemic examination was unremarkable.
vulvar, penile, chondroid, scalp, acral, solitary over ankle Skin biopsy of the facial lesion showed a normal
were also reported in the literature.[2-4] epidermis with benign proliferation of multiple eccrine
ducts lined by two rows of epithelial cells embedded in
Case Report fibrotic stroma of the upper dermis and some of which
A 32-year-old female presented in outpatient department having tadpole-like appearance and having an amorphous
with multiple skin to brown colored papules all over the material in the ductal lumina [Figure 2]. So on the basis
face and upper extremity since last 1 month [Figure 1a of clinicohistopathological correlation, the diagnosis of
and b]. The lesion developed spontaneously over eruptive syringoma was made.
forehead and gradually spread involving remaining face
and the upper extremity. Since that time there was Discussion
no change in the lesion. There was no similar history Eruptive syringoma is a rare, uncommon clinically distinct
in the family. No significant medical or surgical history variant of syringoma. It was first described in 1887 by
was present. She denied any use of medication prior to Jacquet and Darier. It usually presents before or during
puberty affecting about 0.6% of the general population.
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It occurs more frequently in females as compared to
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males. The lesions are usually bilaterally symmetrical that
Website: www.e‑
occurs in successive crops with flat topped, angulated,
skin to brownish shiny papules having both follicular
and non-follicular involvement. It is usually associated
DOI: 10.4103/0019-5154.152586
with pruritus which was absent in our case. It usually
spares palms, soles and mucosal surfaces.[5] Eruptive
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Avhad, et al.: Generalized eruptive syringoma

society. It may go under spontaneous regression over the

period of time but t he course is largely unpredictable
Therefore treatment of syringoma is mainly cosmetic and
not standardized which includes excision, dermabrasion,
cryo-therapy, electrodesiccation; chemical peels
especially trichloroacetic acid, oral and topical retinoids,
topical atropine, carbon dioxide laser, pulsed dye laser
and anti-glandular eccrine monoclonal antibodies. But
a b
the risk of scarring especially over face remains with
Figure 1: (a) Multiple, bilaterally symmetrical, flat topped, skin to brown colored
papules all over the face and upper extremity (b) Multiple, flat topped skin to brown
surgical and chemical modalities of treatment. But none
colored papules over the face and upper extremity is prevent risk of recurrence with variable result.[10,11]

What is new?
We describe a case of generalised eruptive syringoma having late onset of
presentation and was totally asymptomatic without any prior inflammatory disease.

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3. Yoshii N, Kanekura T, Churei H, Kanzaki T. Syringoma-
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Figure 2: Multiple eccrine ducts embedded in fibrotic stroma of dermis with tadpole-
and scalp: An unusual presentation. Indian J Dermatol
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milium, elevation of carcinoembryonic antigen, diabetes, 7. Oztürk F, Ermertcan AT, Bilaç C, Temiz P. A case report of
psychiatric disorders, Ehler Danlos syndrome, prurigo postpubertal eruptive syringoma triggered with antiepileptic
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simulate urticaria pigmentosa.[6,7] 8. Guitart J, Rosenbaum MM, Requena L. ‘Eruptive syringoma’:
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The pathophysiology for development of eruptive Cutan Pathol 2003;30:202-5.
syringoma is still not fully understood. But the proposed 9. Dyall-Smith DJ, Connors TJ, Scurry J. Generalised eruptive
and accepted theory involves previous cutaneous syringoma – A papular dermatosis. Australas J Dermatol
inflammatory process leading to hyperplastic reactive 1990;31:95-8.
process in eccrine duct due to inflammation because 10. Patrizi A, Neri I, Marzaduri S, Varotti E, Passarini B.
Syringoma: A review of twenty-nine cases. Acta Derm Venereol
many cases of eruptive syringomas were reported after 1998;78:460-2.
cutaneous inflammatory process like contact dermatitis, 11. Seirafi HH, Akhyani M, Naraghi ZS, Mansoori P, Dehkordi HS,
shaving, laser hair removal, alopecia areata, radiation Taheri A, et al. Eruptive syringomas. Dermatol Online J
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neoplastic process which is less acceptable theory for
development of lesion.[8,9]
How to cite this article: Avhad G, Ghuge P, Jerajani HR. Generalized
Treatment eruptive syringoma. Indian J Dermatol 2015;60:214.

Eruptive syringomas often creates significant cosmetic Received: February, 2013, Accepted: April, 2013.
concerns for patients and may be unacceptable in the Source of support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: Nil.

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