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<B><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=4>
<P>ROPE NOTES - Nawa Shibari or Hojo-jutsu or Hojojutsu</P>
<P><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=2><I>Excerpt from 'Fetters Files' by </i></font><A
Stewart</font></I></A><I><FONT FACE="Verdana">, </FONT><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE
March 2000</FONT><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=1> </FONT><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=2
all rights reserved worldwide</font></i></P>
<FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=2>
<P><B><A NAME="top"></A>So-called "Japanese Rope Bondage"</b> as a topic should
perhaps be indexed in any SM oriented literature under 'S' for so-called or 'P'
for pseudo. The ancient tradition of ritualised rope restraint (Hojo-jutsu), wit
different configurations and rope colours signifying the status of the prisoner
and even the nature of the crime, is shrouded in history and some deliberate sec
Reliable information on the subject is thin on the ground and, in modern Japan
the original function is now not only totally obsolete but probably illegal in
terms of Human Rights.</P>
<P>On the other hand, the erotic appeal of these elaborately ritualistic practic
struck a powerful chord in mid-20th century S&amp;M communities. Precisely when
the few available authentic pictures and modern interpretations first entered
the consciousness of the homoerotic sub-culture I'm not sure. This information
is, I hope, already recorded in the National Leather Archive. Japanese-style rop
harnesses were certainly appearing in bars and magazine pictures by the early
<P><B>The physical, visual, tactile or emotional turn-on</b> of any sort of ropi
covers a lot of different territories. Used in games of Cops and Robbers rope
is usually just a practical control device in the absence of handcuffs. In grown
Cowboys &amp; Indian or urban commando scenarios the tying may extend to punishm
torture or challenge. Would-be Escape Artists like to be left to struggle but
are sometimes disappointed when they succeed. Wrestling somebody into ropes invo
skill, stamina and only appeals to a minority. Intricate decorative Japanese-sty
body roping can be dismissed as Macram&eacute; by those who take more pleasure
in what happens after somebody is restrained. But for lovers of tactile, suspens
and protracted physical restraint games, the process and resulting physical pred
can be the main focus of the event.</P>
<P><B>The few available authentic Hojo-jutsu illustrations</b> have sparked a
lot of creative imagination, because the ancient drawings offer very little prac
help. So, improvisation on a stylistic theme has spawned a sub-category in bonda
game playing which perhaps needs a more appropriate name. </P>
<P>Complicated rope harnesses can be fun or agony to wear socially. Worn under
tight leather, the feel for both the wearer and roaming fingers of a stranger
can create their own thrill. Elaborate roping over leather is another stimulatin
visual statement and physical experience. Such body netting can also be self-app
with a little ingenuity, which opens up the field. Interpretation has become the
name of the 'genre'. Even sessions attempting to decode the ancient woodcuts can

provide hours of stimulating experimentation. </P>

</FONT><B><FONT FACE="Verdana">
<P>Three approaches:</P>
</font></B><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=2>
<P>The ancient skill or art (jutsu or jitsu?) of making a person captive with
rope was something the exponents took pride in different ways. </P>
<LI>Against resistance, fighting someone into restraint that was both efficient
and aesthetically pleasing demands a high level of skill and practice - a fun
<LI>To create a stressful restraint situation using rope or other materials that
become progressively more painful, has been a means of punishment or extracting
information in many cultures for centuries. In Hojo-jutsu various forms of wrapp
and knotting were designed to exert growing discomfort - again, in modern 'bonda
terms, a field for experimentation between willing participants</LI>
<LI>A passively accepted 'ritualised' process, perhaps less dynamic but for many
an infinitely satisfying approach, that can offer protracted sensual stimulation

to people of a particular mind-set. As with mummification and other elaborate

wrapping, strapping and bundling-up, the visual and tactile process and end-resu
offers limitless alternatives to the creatively inclined. </LI>
<P><B>Most recent homoerotic drawings from Japan</b> seem more SM oriented than
historically accurate. Potentially painful body positions (for example with one
leg roped bent and the other attached to some high anchor-point) are probably
based on known historic evidence but this is hard to track down. However, they'r
hot to look at, experiment with and even experience. In other drawings from curr
Japanese sources temporary piercing and blood also figure quite often. Perhaps
more authentically in current homo-art, tattoos (which in Japan signify connecti
with the criminal underworld) usually figure dramatically. </P>
<P>Western tourists in Japan whether looking for authentic historic information
or a slice of modern B&amp;D life are often frustrated. Some modern Japanese bar
specialise in erotic extensions of the Hojo-jutsu rope-tie traditions but these
are always small and usually do not welcome 'Westerners'. The current Japanese
Scene exists but precisely what goes on there and how authentic it is, is hard
to find out. However, several very useful Web Sites do focus on the subject. </P
<p><a href=""><font face="Verdana"
size=2></font></a><font face="Ver
dana" size=1>
</font><font face="Verdana" size=2>offers an excellent introduction to the topic
and the site is linked to </font><a href="
ml"><font face="Verdana" size=2></font><
/a><font face="Verdana" size=2>,
a site in English where a lot of valuable additional information can be found.
Both site hosts welcome exchange of ideas from intelligent sources. See also <a
&quot;Butterfly&quot; rope harness worn tight </a></font></p>
<p><font face="Verdana" size=2>A heterosexual subscription site offers authentic

looking ties on women at </font><a href=""><fo

nt face="Verdana" size=2></font></a><font face
="Verdana" size=1>
</font><font face="Verdana" size=2>and in Seattle </font><a href="http://www.naw"><font face="Verdana" size=2></font></a><font f
ace="Verdana" size=2>
is hosted by another enthusiast with ideas of his own and contacts in fields of
art and kinkery.</font><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=2> </FONT></p>
<FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=2>
<P><B>In the USA bondage world</b>, those who can attune to an 'oriental' mind-s
when it comes to the aesthetics and jutsu of a Scene (the word meaning art or
skill in Japanese e.g. Martial Arts = skills), can generate a special kind of
enjoyment for themselves and their lucky play-partner. In particular, precision,
symmetry, calm tactile and sensual manipulation of mind and body becomes rituali
The gradual process of taking or accepting control and then developing a predica
that occupies various senses can be a rewarding experience for all involved. Sho
this be categorised as S&amp;M? Physical restraint is certainly a major factor
in Japanese-style rope play. In Western interpretations the action can spread
to include use of other materials: In addition to gleaming white, black, coloure
or hairy hemp rope other textures and visual elements can enhance the aesthetic
effect of calmly elaborate wrapping. Narrow oiled leather strips (thongs), colou
plastic-covered electrical cable, black and yellow police crime-scene tape. Alte
linen, silk or latex bands wrapped systematically and inexorably, can confine,
enmesh, encase or just limit the recipient. Wet linen that shrinks as it dries
or glass-fibre that sets rock solid can be part of a calm, deliberate aesthetic
mind-altering experience. </P>
<P><B>Imaginative scene-extensions</b> such as massage or teasing, abrasions,
temporary piercings, tickling or cum-control are then an 'intensification' of
the physical restraint. Is the mind-set different from when restraint is specifi
in preparation for these and other more conventional activities such as hot wax
or clothespins? A fine point to consider.</P>
<P>My repeated argument about the 'bondage' mind-set being different from what
is too often lumped together as S'n'M'n'Bondage, I repeat again. Of course inter
overlap, but physical restraint as a pleasurable pastime is too often inhibited
by the mistaken idea that pain, abuse or 'domination' must be part of every scen
S&amp;M or Master/Slave game-playing can include many elements described here,
but the mind-set of what I think of as Japanese-style physical restraint can be
looked at as an end in itself if that's where your preferences lie.</P>
<P><B>The name of the games </b>that focus on giving pleasure through the proces
of creating and sustaining physical restraint predicaments accurately can not
accurately be called Sadomasochism? To people who enjoy being physically restrai
the means, manner, materials contribute to specifically different trips. Being
allowed to savour the sensual progression of the experience is often interrupted
by ill judged outside distractions. This doesn't mean such scenes are not shared
The Doer and the Done-to build a rapport; the roper and the roped are at times
physically and mentally linked; the netter and the netted can share the results
in a variety of ways that engage all the senses. The visual and tactile are esse
to Hojo-jutsu style physical restraint, but also the sound and smell and even
taste of cotton rope or hemp or leather thongs can add a new dimension to a cate
of homoerotic game-playing perhaps too limitingly called Japanese Rope Bondage.<
<P>Is there already another name for such games? How do people communicate their
preference for slow, subtle, tactile, visually aesthetic 'bondage'? There's a
lot of it going on.</P>
"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=2>&copy;
Jim Stewart</FONT></A><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=1> - March 2000</font></P>
E="Verdana" SIZE=2>Jim
Stewart</font></I></A><I><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=1> </FONT><FONT FACE="Verdana
" SIZE=2>is
a British theatre director with many English, Dutch and American productions to
his credit. In 1976 he founded </FONT><A HREF="">
<I><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=2 >Fetters</font></I></A><I><FONT FACE="Verdana" SI
in the UK and USA. He now travels the world designing play-spaces and leading
workshops. </font></i></i></P>
<I><I><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE=2>
<P>He is interested in comparing notes with others who are exploring elements
of formalised rope bondage. He is eager to learn more about take-down and captur
techniques, fast applied ropes and ties designed to become progressively more
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