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 International Carbon Action Partnership

 Share best practices and learning from each other’s experience of ETSs
 Help policy makers recognize ETS design compatibility issues and opportunities for the establishment of an ETS at
an early stage
 Facilitate possible future linking of trading programs
 Highlight the key role of cap and trade as an effective climate policy response
 Build and strengthen partnerships amongst governments. [8]

\5. International Agreements on Climate change

 a. Montreal protocol
 b. Kyoto protocol
 c. Paris agreement

a. Combating Global Warming on International Level

Earth summit 1992

Rio de Janeiro Summit on June 14, 1992 (also known as earth summit) adopted how the famous Rio
declaration and its plan of action popular by known as Agenda 21 and the declaration on principle of forest.

Earth Summit 1992 produced several long-range reports and implementation plans
that continue to serve as blueprints for international action on environmental issues,
including the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Earth Summit 2002) and
the Kyoto Protocol. Earth Summit 1992 produced the Rio Declaration on
Environment and Development, the Statement of Forest Principles, and Agenda 21.
The Earth Summit also led to the establishment of the Convention on Biological
Diversity, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development is a set of

principles that defines the rights and responsibilities of nations in the
areas of environmental protection and sustainable development.
The Rio Declaration states that nations have the right to exploit
natural resources within their borders if their actions do not affect
the environment in other nations. It also calls on all national and
local governments to develop and implement plans that preserve
the environment and natural resources for future generations.

The Statement of Forest Principles called for sustainable

management of forests worldwide. It is a nonbinding document
produced through compromise after developed nations refused to
pay for the setting aside of national forests by developing nations.

Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan for intergovernmental agencies,

national governments, local governments, and NGOs to work
together to protect the environment through sustainable
development. It contains four categories: Social and Economic
Dimensions, Conservation and Management of Resources for
Development, Strengthening the Role of Major Groups, and Means
of Implementation. The United Nations Commission on Sustainable
Development is primarily responsible for the implementation of
Agenda 21.

Agenda 21 recognized that developing nations and developed

nations both contribute to environmental degradation. Poorer
nations often have less restrictive environmental regulations and
focus on economic development. Despite stronger environmental
regulations, developed nations have patterns of production and
consumption that pollute the environment.

Agenda 21, therefore, addressed environmental issues through

detailed social and economic proposals. Agenda 21 proposed
addressing environmental issues through combating poverty,
conserving and managing natural resources, preventing
deforestation, promoting sustainable agriculture, addressing
production and consumption patterns, and protecting the
atmospheres and oceans.
The Rio Earth Summit also produced two international
environmental treaties, Convention on Biological Diversity and the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The
Convention on Biological Diversity was the first international treaty
to address preservation of biological diversity. Over 180 countries
have signed the Convention on Biological Diversity.

The Convention on Biological Diversity has three primary goals:

conservation of biodiversity; sustainable use of the components of
biodiversity; and a fair and equitable sharing of the benefits that
arise from using biological resources. In order to achieve these
goals, the

BIODIVERSITY: Literally, “life diversity”: the wide range of plants
and animals that exist within any given geographical region.

CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS: Chemical compounds containing

chlorine, fluorine, carbon, and oxygen. They are widely used in
refrigeration and air-conditioning systems and are destructive of the
ozone layer in Earth’s stratosphere.

GREENHOUSE GAS: A gas whose accumulation in the

atmosphere increases heat retention.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is

an international treaty proposed at the Rio Earth Summit. The
UNFCCC seeks to combat global climate change by reducing
greenhouse-gas emissions. Over 190 nations have ratified the

The stated purpose of the UNFCCC is to allow governments to

perform the following acts: gather and share information on
greenhouse-gas emissions, national policies, and effective
practices; launch national strategies for addressing greenhouse-gas
emissions; and cooperate in preparing for adaptation to the impacts
of global climate change. The UNFCCC includes a provision
whereby developed countries provide financial and technological
support for developing nations to address global climate change.

Kyoto Protocol 1997

Bali Summit 2007

onference, hosted by the United Nations on the Indonesian island of Bali between
December 3–14, 2007, brought together delegates from more than 180 nations

The main goal of the Bali conference is to get underway negotiations on a new
international climate change agreement.

important issues adaptation to climate change, the launch of a fund for

adaptation, reducing emissions from deforestation, issues relating to the
carbon market, and arrangements for a review of the Kyoto protocol.

The ‘Bali roadmap’ process aiming for a long termagreement on emissions cuts,
including commitments by the US

2 Future actions by developing countries to reduce emissions are to be supportedby

scaling up finance, technology and capacity-building from rich nations

Bali has at last started to deal with the impacts of climate change on the poor andagreed a
funding structure…

The Adaptation Fund was established with a balanced governance structure,giving
developing countries a stronger voice in funding decisions
Technology Transfer
There was progress towards getting much needed technology to developing countriesfor
adaptation and mitigation…

A ‘strategic programme’ for technology development and transfer was
agreed,marking an important shift from technical discussions towards

The Bali roadmap recognises the need for new and additional resources tofinance
technology transfer
There was progress in putting deforestation and degradation of forests on the agenda…

The Bali roadmap includes possible financial support to halt deforestation and

Copenhagen Accord 2009

Durban Summit 2011
Fifth IPCC 2014 Report
Paris Summit 2015
UN’s Sustainable Development Goal No. 13: Climate Change
"Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulating emissions and promoting
developments in renewable energy."

The 20th Climate Change Conference (COP20) concluded in Peru on 14

More than 190 countries, despite the complexity of negotiations, reached what has been labeled a
watered-down agreement to combat climate change in the sense that the global agreement was not
blocked, and that a door has been left open to continue working on the unfinished issues

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