Kraft Foods Group Brands v. D6 - Complaint

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Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1 Filed 09/12/18 Page 1 of 13

Jon P. Stride, OSB No. 903887
1600 Pioneer Tower
888 SW Fifth Avenue
Portland, OR 97204
Telephone: (503) 802.2034
Facsimile: (503) 972.3734

Binal J. Patel, ILSB No. 6237843 (pro hac vice application pending)
Erik S. Maurer, ILSB No. 6275467 (pro hac vice application pending)
Novaira Paul, ILSB No. 6328598 (pro hac vice application pending)
10 South Wacker Drive
Suite 3000
Chicago, IL 60606-7407
Telephone: (312) 463-5000
Facsimile: (312) 463-5001

Attorneys for Plaintiff Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC





Delaware limited liability company,


D6 INC., an Oregon corporation,


Plaintiff Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC (“Kraft”), for its Complaint against Defendant

D6 INC. (“D6”), alleges as follows:

Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1 Filed 09/12/18 Page 2 of 13


1. This is an action for direct and indirect patent infringement arising under the

Patent Laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C. § 101 et seq. Kraft owns exclusive rights in the

ornamental designs claimed in United States Design Patent Nos. D798,738 and D780,599, each

titled “Package” (collectively, the “Kraft Patents”).

2. Without Kraft’s permission, D6 has used and continues to use the designs of the

Kraft Patents, on packages that D6 makes, uses, offers for sale, sells, and/or imports into the

United States.

3. In addition, D6, with knowledge of the Kraft Patents, has indirectly infringed the

Kraft Patents by, among other things, providing packages to third parties with the intent to

induce third parties to violate one or more of the Kraft Patents.

4. Kraft seeks, among other relief, an injunction preventing D6 from further

infringing the Kraft Patents, and damages and/or a disgorgement of D6’s profits from its patent



5. Kraft is a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the

State of Delaware with a principal place of business at 200 E Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois


6. On information and belief, D6 is a corporation organized and existing under the

laws of the State of Oregon with a principal place of business at 4630 NE 190th Lane, Portland,

Oregon 97230.

Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1 Filed 09/12/18 Page 3 of 13


7. This action arises under the patent laws of the United States, Title 35, United

States Code. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C.

§§ 1331 and 1338.

8. This Court has personal jurisdiction over D6 at least because D6 resides,

transacts, and solicits business in the State of Oregon, including with respect to packages that

infringe the Kraft Patents, and because D6 is committing and has committed acts of patent

infringement in the State of Oregon.

9. Venue is proper in this judicial district under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391 and 1400 at least

because D6 is an Oregon corporation that resides in this district.


The Kraft Patents

10. For many decades, Kraft has innovated and sold a wide array of high-quality,

packaged food products, including products sold under well-recognized brands such as

Lunchables®, Jell-O®, and Oscar Mayer®. As part of its efforts to distinguish its packaged food

products from others, and to encourage associations and develop goodwill with consumers, Kraft

designs, develops, and uses distinctive product packages.

11. In approximately 2014, Kraft introduced a new line of protein-based snack items

branded as “Portable Protein Packs” or “P3.” An exemplary online advertisement for Kraft’s P3

products appears in Illustration 1 below.

Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1 Filed 09/12/18 Page 4 of 13

Illustration 1: Example of Kraft P3 advertisement from

12. Kraft has taken steps to protect its innovative packaging designs. In particular,

Kraft owns various United States design patents relating to packaging designs for its P3

products. Relevant to this dispute, Kraft owns all right, title, and interest in, and has the right to

sue and recover for past, present, and future infringement of, each of the Kraft Patents identified

in Table 1 from the date each patent duly and legally issued to Kraft. A copy of each Kraft Patent

is attached to this Complaint as indicated in Table 1.

Table 1: The Kraft Patents

Issue Date of Complaint
U.S. Patent Number Title
Patent Exhibit
D780,599 (the “‘599 Patent”) Package March 7, 2017 A

D798,738 (the “‘738 Patent”) Package October 3, 2017 B

Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1 Filed 09/12/18 Page 5 of 13

13. The Kraft Patents are presumed to be valid.

D6’s Infringing Activities

14. On information and belief, D6 was aware of the Kraft Patents no later than July

10, 2018, when Kraft sent a cease and desist letter to Edward Dominion, President/CEO of D6

providing D6 with notice of the Kraft Patents and identifying representative D6 packages

accused of infringement (“Notice Letter”). A copy of Kraft’s Notice Letter is attached as

Complaint Exhibit C.

15. On information and belief, both before and after receiving Kraft’s Notice Letter,

D6 made, used, offered for sale, sold, and/or imported into the United States packages having

designs that violate the Kraft Patents (hereafter, the “Infringing Packages”). The Infringing

Packages include at least models identified by D6 as “3001.” On information and belief, the

overall appearance of the designs of the Kraft Patents and the corresponding designs of D6’s

Infringing Packages are the same or substantially the same.

16. On information and belief, both before and after receiving Kraft’s Notice Letter,

D6 also directly or indirectly supplied empty, unsealed packages, identified at least as D6 model

3001, to third parties—including, for example, HEB Grocery Company, LP of Texas— intending

and knowing that those packages would be sealed closed. On information and belief, the overall

appearance of the sealed Infringing Packages is the same or substantially the same as at least the

design claimed in the ‘599 Patent.

17. On information and belief, the unsealed Infringing Packages D6 supplied to third

parties are especially made or adapted to infringe one or both of the Kraft Patents and are not

staple articles of commerce suitable for noninfringing use.

Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1 Filed 09/12/18 Page 6 of 13

18. On information and belief, an ordinary observer will perceive the overall

appearance of the designs in each of the Kraft Patents and the corresponding designs of D6’s

Infringing Packages to be substantially the same. Tables 2 and 3 below illustrate D6’s

infringement by comparing representative images of Infringing Packages with the figures from

the Kraft Patents.

Table 2: Comparison of ‘738 Patent with D6 Infringing Package

D6 Infringing Package D798,738

Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1 Filed 09/12/18 Page 7 of 13

Table 2: Comparison of ‘738 Patent with D6 Infringing Package

D6 Infringing Package D798,738

Table 3: Comparison of ‘599 Patent with D6 Infringing Package

D6 Infringing Package D780,599

Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1 Filed 09/12/18 Page 8 of 13

Table 3: Comparison of ‘599 Patent with D6 Infringing Package

D6 Infringing Package D780,599

19. On information and belief, D6 was aware of Kraft’s P3 packaging designs when it

created the Infringing Packages.

20. On information and belief, D6 intended to copy the designs covered by the Kraft


21. On information and belief, with knowledge of the Kraft Patents, D6 supplied

unsealed Infringing Packages to third parties with knowledge that third parties would seal the

Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1 Filed 09/12/18 Page 9 of 13

Infringing Packages thus violating the ‘599 Patent.

22. On information and belief, with knowledge of the Kraft Patents, D6 supplied

unsealed Infringing Packages to third parties intending that third parties would seal the

Infringing Packages in violation of the ‘599 Patent.

23. On information and belief, D6 has infringed and continues to infringe the Kraft

Patents within the meaning of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) at least by making, using, selling, offering to

sell, and/or importing the Infringing Packages into the United States without Kraft’s


24. On information and belief, without Kraft’s authorization, D6 has infringed and

continues to infringe at least the ‘599 Patent within the meaning of 35 U.S.C. § 271(b) at least by

actively inducing third parties to infringe at least the ‘599 Patent.

25. On information and belief, without Kraft’s authorization, D6 has infringed and

continues to infringe at least the ‘599 Patent within the meaning of 35 U.S.C. § 271(c) by

offering to sell and/or selling packaging components especially made or adapted for infringing

use by third parties and that are not staple articles of commerce suitable for noninfringing uses.


(Direct Infringement Under 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) of U.S. Patent No. D798,738)

26. Kraft re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth in

paragraphs 1–25 of this Complaint.

27. D6, without authorization from Kraft, has made, used, offered for sale, sold,

and/or imported in or into the United States, and continues to make, use, offer for sale, sell,

and/or import into the United States, packages having designs that infringe U.S. Patent No.


Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1 Filed 09/12/18 Page 10 of 13

28. Kraft has been and will continue to be irreparably harmed by D6’s infringements

of U.S. Patent No. D798,738.


(Direct Infringement Under 35 U.S.C. § 271(a) of U.S. Patent No. D780,599)

29. Kraft re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth in

paragraphs 1–28 of this Complaint.

30. D6, without authorization from Kraft, has made, used, offered for sale, sold,

and/or imported in or into the United States, and continues to make, use, offer for sale, sell,

and/or import into the United States, packages having designs that infringe U.S. Patent No.


31. Kraft has been and will continue to be irreparably harmed by D6’s infringements

of U.S. Patent No. D780,599.


(Induced Infringement Under 35 U.S.C. § 271(b) of U.S. Patent No. D780,599)

32. Kraft re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth in

paragraphs 1–31 of this Complaint.

33. D6, without authorization from Kraft and with knowledge of U.S. Patent No.

D780,599, induced and continues to induce third parties to seal Infringing Packages in violation

of U.S. Patent No. D780,599.

34. On information and belief, D6 intended third parties to seal Infringing Packages

in violation of the U.S. Patent No. D780,599.

35. Kraft has been and will continue to be irreparably harmed by D6’s infringements

of U.S. Patent No. D780,599.

Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1 Filed 09/12/18 Page 11 of 13


(Contributory Infringement Under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c) of U.S. Patent No. D780,599)

36. Kraft re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations set forth in

paragraphs 1–31 of this Complaint.

37. D6, without authorization from Kraft and with knowledge of U.S. Patent No.

D780,599, contributed to and continues to contribute to violations of U.S. Patent No. D780,599

by third parties.

38. On information and belief, with knowledge of U.S. Patent No. D780,599, D6

supplied unsealed Infringing Packages to third parties with knowledge that third parties would

seal the Infringing Packages in violation of U.S. Patent No. D780,599.

39. On information and belief, the unsealed packages supplied by D6 are especially

made or especially adapted for use in violation of U.S. Patent No. D780,599.

40. On information and belief, the unsealed packages supplied by D6 are not a staple

article or commodity of commerce suitable for substantial noninfringing use.

41. Kraft has been and will continue to be irreparably harmed by D6’s infringements

of U.S. Patent No. D780,599.

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WHEREFORE, Kraft respectfully requests that the Court grant the following relief:

A. A judgment that D6 infringed each of the Kraft Patents under 35 U.S.C. § 271(a),

(b), and/or (c);

B. A permanent injunction enjoining D6, and all persons acting in concert with D6,

from infringing each of the Kraft Patents;

C. A judgment and order requiring D6 to pay Kraft all damages caused by D6’s

infringement of each of the Kraft Patents (but in no event less than a reasonable royalty) pursuant

to 35 U.S.C. § 284, or the total profit made by D6 from its infringement of each of the

Kraft Patents pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 289;

D. A judgment and order requiring D6 to pay Kraft supplemental damages or profits

for any continuing post-verdict infringement up until entry of the final judgment, with an

accounting, as needed;

E. A judgment and order requiring D6 to pay Kraft increased damages up to three

times the amount found or assessed pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 284;

F. A judgment and order requiring D6 to pay Kraft pre-judgment and post-judgment

interest on any damages or profits awarded;

G. A determination that this action is an exceptional case pursuant to 35 U.S.C.

§ 285;

H. An award of Kraft’s attorneys’ fees for bringing and prosecuting this action;

I. An award of Kraft’s costs and expenses incurred in bringing and prosecuting this

action; and

J. Such further and additional relief as this Court deems just and proper.

Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1 Filed 09/12/18 Page 13 of 13


Kraft hereby demands a jury for all issues so triable.

DATED: September 12, 2018. TONKON TORP LLP

/s/ Jon P. Stride

Jon P. Stride, OSB No. 903887


Binal J. Patel, ILSB No. 6237843
Erik S. Maurer, ILSB No. 6275467
Novaira Paul, ILSB No. 6328598
Pro Hac Vice Pending

Attorneys for Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC


Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1-1 Filed 09/12/18 Page 1 of 8

(12) United States Design Patent (lo) Patent No.: US D780,599 S

Tilahun et al. (45) Date of Patent: ** Mar.7,2017

(54) PACKAGE Primary Examiner — Mark Goodwin

(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Fitch, Even, Tabin &
(71) Applicant; Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC, Flanneiy LLP
Northfield, IL(US)

(72) Inventors: Muluken Tilahun, Waunakee, WI

(US); Daniel Doucette, DeForest, Wl (57) CLAIM
(US); Daniel R. Feldmeier, Waunakee,
WI (US); Paris Alexander Edwards
Lowitz, Chicago, IL (US); Stacy Alycla The ornamental design for a package, as shown and
Thomas Castro, Chicago, IL(US) described.

(73) Assignee: Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC,

Chicago, IL(US)
(**) Term: 14 Years
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a first embodiment of a
(21) Appl. No.: 29/501,206 package showing our new design;
FIG. 2 is a front elevation view of the first embodiment;
(22) Filed: Sep. 2, 2014
FIG. 3 is a rear elevation view of the first embodiment;
Related U.S. Application Data FIG.4 is a right side elevation view ofthe first embodiment;
(62) Division ofapplication No.29/440,709,filed on Dec. FIG. 5 is a left side elevation view of the first embodiment;
26, 2012, now Pat. No. Des. 714,660. FIG. 6 is a top plan view of the first embodiment;
(51) LOC(10)C1 09-03 FIG. 7 is a bottom plan view of the first embodiment;
(52) U.S. Cl. FIG. 8 is a perspective view of a second embodiment of a
USPC D9/737 package showing our new design;
(58) Field of Classification Search FIG. 9 is a front elevation view of the second embodiment;
USPC D9/737, 761, 414, 415, 424, 425, FIG. 10 is a rear elevation view ofthe second embodiment;
D9/430-432, 427; 426/108, 110, 119, FIG. 11 is a right side elevation view ofthe second embodi
(Continued) ment;
FIG. 12 is a left side elevation view of the second embodi
(56) References Cited ment;
FIG. 13 is a top plan view of the second embodiment; and,
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS FIG. 14 is a bottom plan view of the second embodiment.
4,653,685 A * 3/1987 Leaiy B65D 1/36 Broken line disclosures in FIGS. 1-14 are for illustrative
220/4.21 purposes only and form no part of the claimed design.
D293,767 S * 1/1988 Powers D7/553.3
(Continued) 1 Claim, 6 Drawing Sheets

Complaint Exhibit A
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Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1-1 Filed 09/12/18 Page 2 of 8

us D780,599 S
Page 2

(58) Field of Classification Search

USPC 426/122; 229/164.1; 206/45.24, 45.23,
206/461, 545; 220/631
See application file for complete search history.

(56) References Cited


4,930,627 A 6/1990 Borst . B65D 75/366

5,119,940 A 6/1992 Grindrod ... B65D 75/54
D335,821 S 5/1993 Deteit D9/761
D337,048 S 7/1993 Detert D9/761
0337,268 S 7/1993 Detert D9/761
D381,264 S 7/1997 Lippincott D9/425
5,695,798 A 12/1997 Rozzano B65D 21/0233
5,743,402 A 4/1998 Gics B65D 77/0433
0395,392 S 6/1998 Lahm D9/425
0408,280 S 4/1999 Manley D9/415
0416,483 S 11/1999 Manley D9/415
0420,283 S 2/2000 Reichel D9/759
6,261,616 B1 7/2001 Simpson B65D1/34
0463,977 S 10/2002 Castellanos D9/425
0474,687 S 5/2003 Jones D9/761
0492,593 S 7/2004 Dutton D9/760
0515,880 S 2/2006 Lemer D7/629
0531,054 S 10/2006 Sagel D9/424
0562,127 S 2/2008 Croft D9/415
0579,769 S 11/2008 Lipinski D9/759
0627,217 S 11/2010 Marcinkowski ... D9/415
0642,484 S 8/2011 Birchmeier D9/425
0642,937 S 8/2011 Birchmeier D9/425

* cited by examiner

Complaint Exhibit A
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U.S. Patent Mar.7,2017 Sheet 1 of 6 US D780,599 S


Complaint Exhibit A
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U.S. Patent Mar.7,2017 Sheet 2 of6 US D780,599 S

Fig. 2

K W sX.

Fig- 3


Complaint Exhibit A
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U.S. Patent Mar.7,2017 Sheet 3 of 6 US D780,599 S


Fig. 4

Fig 5

U? ^ W

Fig. 6 Fig?
Complaint Exhibit A
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U.S. Patent Mar.7,2017 Sheet 4 of 6 US D780,599 S

Fig. 8
Complaint Exhibit A
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U.S. Patent Mar.7,2017 Sheet 5 of 6 US D780,599 S

i ii
1 l|
1 I
» I

1 I

Fig. 9

Fig. 10

Complaint Exhibit A
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U.S. Patent Mar. 7,2017 Sheet 6 of6 US D780,599 S

Fig. 11 Fig 12


Fig 13

> 1

mm: mp

Fig 14 Complaint Exhibit A

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■ US00D798738S

(12) United States Design Patent (lo) Patent No.: US D798,738 S

Tilahun et al. (45) Date of Patent: ** Oct. 3,2017

CPC B65D 1/36; B65D 71/70; B65D 85/78;
A23G 9/503
See application file for complete search history.
(71) Applicant: Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC,
Chicago, IL (US) (56) References Cited
(72) Inventors: Muluken Tilahun, Waunakee, WI
(US); Daniel Doucette, DePorest, WI 4,653,685 A * 3/1987 Leaiy B65D 1/36
(US); Daniel R. Feldmeier, Waunakee, 0293,767 S * 1/1988 Powers D7/553.3
WI (US); Paris Alexander Edwards 4,930,627 A * 6/1990 Borst B65D 75/366
Lowitz, San Francisco, CA (US); Stacy 5,119,940 A * 6/1992 Grindrod B65D 75/54
Alycia Thomas Castro, Verona, WI 206/561
0335,821 S * 5/1993 Oetert 09/761
(US) 0337,048 S * 7/1993 Oetert 09/761
0337,268 S * 7/1993 Oetert 09/761
(73) Assignee: Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC, 0381,264 S ♦ 7/1997 LiRtmcott 09/425
5,695,798 A * 12/1997 Rozzano B650 21/0233
Chicago, IL (US) 206/518
5,743,402 A * 4/1998 Gics B650 77/0433
(**) Term: 15 Years
0395,392 S ♦ 6/1998 Lahm 09/425
0408,280 S * 4/1999 Manley 09/415
(21) Appl. No.: 29/581,612 0416,483 S * 11/1999 Manley 09/415
0420,283 S • 2/2000 Reichel 09/759
6,261,616 B1 * 7/2001 Simpson B650 1/34
(22) Filed: Oct. 20, 2016 206/541
0463,977 S * 10/2002 Castellanos 09/425
Related U.S. Application Data
Primary Examiner — Mark Goodwin
(62) Division of application No. 29/501,206, filed on Sep. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Fitch, Even, Tabin &
2, 2014, now Pat. No. Des. 780,599, which is a Flannery LLP
division of application No. 29/440,709, filed on Dec. (57) CLAIM
26, 2012, now Pat. No. Des. 714,660.
The ornamental design for a package, as shown and
(51) LOC(10)C1 09-03 described.


USPC D9/737
(58) Field of Classification Search FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a package showing om* new
USPC D9/737, 761, 414, 415, 424, 425,
FIG. 2 is a top plan view thereof, the bottom plan view being
D9/430-432, 427; 426/108, 110, 119, identical;
426/122; 229/164.1; 206/45.24, 45.23, FIG. 3 is a front elevation view thereof; and,
206/461, 545; 220/631 (Continued)

Complaint Exhibit B
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Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1-2 Filed 09/12/18 Page 2 of 3

us D798,738 S

FIG. 4 is a right side elevation view thereof, the left side

elevation view being a mirror image.

1 Claim, 1 Drawing Sheet

(56) References Cited


D474,,687 5/2003 Jones D9/761

D492.,593 7/2004 Dutton D9/760
D515.,880 2/2006 Lemer D7/629
D53i ,054 10/2006 Sagel D9/424
D562.,127 2/2008 Croft D9/415
D579,769 11/2008 Lipinskl D9/759
D627.,217 11/2010 Marcinkowski D9/415
D642,,484 8/2011 Birchmeier D9/425
D642,,937 8/2011 Birchmeier D9/425

* cited by examiner

Complaint Exhibit B
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U.S. Patent Oct 3,2017 US 0798,738 S

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Complaint Exhibit B
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SUITE 3000

TEL: 3I2.463.5000
Banner & Witcoff, ltd. FAX: 3I2.463.500I

Direct Dial: 312-463-5463
Direct Fax: 312-463-5763

July 10, 2018


Edward Dominion
4630 NE 190^"^ Lane
Portland, OR 97230

Re: Infringement of Kraft's Intellectual Property

Dear Mr. Dominion:

We represent Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC and Kraft Heinz Foods Company
(collectively, "Kraft") in their intellectual property matters. We write regarding packaging
produced by D6,Inc.("D6")for products currently sold at various grocery stores that violate
numerous Kraft intellectual property rights. As detailed below, Kraft demands that D6
immediately and permanently stop all unauthorized use of Kraft's intellectual property.

As you know, Kraft has been a household name in food products for well over a
hundred years. The success of Kraft is due in part to innovative and recognizable food
packaging. Kraft has developed significant consumer goodwill in its products and product
packaging. Indeed, consumers associate Kraft products and product packaging with high-
quality goods. To that end, Kraft has taken steps to protect its rights in its innovative and
recognizable products and packaging. For example, Kraft owns U.S. Design Patent Nos.
D714,660; D780,599; D798,166; and D798,738 (collectively, the "Asserted Patents"), among
others. Representative figures from the Asserted Patents are shown in Illustration 1 below.
Copies of the Asserted Patents are also enclosed for your reference.




PORTLAND. OR Complaint Exhibit C

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Edward Dominion
July 10,2018
Page 2 of5

Illustration 1; Representative Figures of the Asserted Patents



D714,660 D780,599



In addition, Kraft owns trade dress rights on the packaging for the "P3-Portable Protein Pack"
(the "Asserted Trade Dress"). Kraft has invested significant resources in the design,
development, manufacture, advertising, and marketing of its P3 product. And for several
years, Kraft has enjoyed substantial sales throughout the country, including Texas, fi*om its
P3 product. As a result of Kraft's efforts, consumers have come to uniquely associate the
design and appearance of the P3 product packaging with Kraft. An exemplary image of the
P3 product packaging is shown in Illustration 2 below.

Complaint Exhibit C
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Edward Dominion
July 10, 2018
Page 3 of5

Illustration 2: Example Image of the

Oscar Mayer "P3- Portable Protein Pack"

D6 is violating Kraft's intellectual property rights in the Asserted Patents and the
Asserted Trade Dress. Specifically, D6 is promoting, producing,distributing, offering for sale,
and selling food product packaging ("Infnnging Packaging") to various companies that are
then using that packaging for their products sold at grocery stores. These companies include
at least Texas-based grocery store H.E.B. Representative images ofsome of H.E.B. products
using D6's Infiinging Packaging are shown in Illustration 3 below.

Illustration 3: Example Image of H.E.B. Product

using D6's Infringing Packaging




OSWIS ONS0103 0601/18 OTU0103

D6's Infnnging Packaging is nearly identical in its overall appearance to the Kraft
Asserted Patents shown in the figures above. Most notably and by example only, the fi-ont-
Complaint Exhibit C
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Edward Dominion
July 10,2018
Page 4 of5

facing, dumbbell shape of the D6 packaging is substantially the same as that in each of the
above-referenced Asserted Patents. D6's Infringing Packaging thus infringes the Asserted
Patents. For similar reasons, D6's packaging also infringes the Asserted Trade Dress.

This unlawful conduct, without the consent of Kraft, is likely to cause confusion,
mistake, and deception ofthe public. Remedies for design patent and trade dress infringement
may include an injunction, damages(including up to treble damages for willful conduct), and
attorneys' fees.

In order to resolve this matter amicably, we demand that D6 and all of its affiliated
suppliers, retailers, and partners immediately and permanently stop all unauthorized use of
Kraft's intellectual property—^including further manufacture, importation into the United
States, distribution, promotion, advertisement, and/or sale of products bearing the Infringing

In addition, we demand that, by July 31.2018.D6 provides us in writing the following


(1) An identification {e.g., product name, model number, etc.) of each

product bearing the Infnnging Packaging and all substantially
similar packaging products that has been promoted and/or sold by

(2) Confirmation that D6 has ceased all unlawful conduct with respect
each product identified in response to (1);

(3) Confirmation that all existing advertising and marketing materials

that reference or include any product identified in response to (1)
have been destroyed;

(4) For each product identified in response to (1), the specific date(s)
that D6 complied with(2)and (3).

(5) The number of each product identified in response to (1) that was
sold by D6;

(6) A full accounting of D6's sales, revenues, and profits from its sales
ofeach product identified in response to (1);

(7) The purchasers of each ofthe products identified in response to (1)

including a breakdown by product type and volume of products
acquired by each purchaser;

(8) The number, location, and status of each product identified in

response to(1)that is in inventory, in transit, and/or on order; and

(9) Full details identifying the individuals associated with the source(s)
of each product identified in response to (1), including the name.
Complaint Exhibit C
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Edward Dominion
July 10, 2018
Page 5 of5

address, telephone number, email, and, if applicable, website

address for the entity(ies) that manufacture, import, distribute,
advertise, and/or sell these products with, for, or through D6.

Based on information that you provide, we will address in due course the monetary amount
owed by D6 to account for past infringement.

Kraft prefers to resolve this matter amicably. But,given the extensive time and expense
Kraft has invested in its products and intellectual property, Kraft is prepared to protect its
rights and pursue this matter to the fullest extent ofthe law. And as you are likely aware,Kraft
owns many other valuable intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, and
copyrights, all around the world. This letter is therefore without prejudice to Kraft's assertion
ofany and all rights and remedies it may have against D6,all ofwhich are expressly reserved.

We look forward to your prompt reply.


Binal J. Patel


Complaint Exhibit C
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(12) United States Design Patent (lo) Patent no.: US D714,660 S

Tilahunetal. (45) Date ofPatent: ** Oct. 7,2014


(71) Applicant; Kraft Foods Group Brands LLXT, EP 1942058 A1 7/2008

FR 2855817 A1 12/2004
Northfield, IL(US)
(72) Inventors: Muluken Tilahun, Waunakee, WI(US); OTHER PUBLICATIONS
Daniel Doucette, DeForest, WI(US);
Daniel R. Feldmeier, Waimakee,WI Intemational Search Report Issued in Intemational q^lication No.
PCT/US2013/076988 on Dec. 20,2013.
(US); Paris Alexander Edwards
Lowitz, Chicago,IL(US); Stacy Alycla Primary Examiner — Mark Goodwin
Thomas Castro, Chicago,IL(US) (74) Attorn^, Agent, or Firm — Fitch, Even,Tabin &
Flannery LLP
(73) Assignee: Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC,
(57) CLAIM
Northfield, IL(US) The omamental design for a package, as shown and
(♦*) Term: 14 Years

(21) Appl.No.: 29/440,709

FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a first embodiment of a pack
(22) Filed: Dec. 26,2012 age showing our new design;
FIG. 2 is a front elevation view of the first embodiment;
(51) LOC(10)C1 09-03 FIG. 3 is a rear elevation view of the first embodiment;
(52) U.S.C1. FIG. 4 is a right side elevation view of the first embodiment;
USPC D9/737 FIG. 5 is a left side elevation view of the first embodiment;
(58) Field of Classification Search FIG. 6 is a top plan view of the first embodiment;
USPC 09/737,761,414,415,424,425, FIG. 7 is a bottom plan view of the first embodiment;
09/430-432,427; 426/108,110,119,122; FIG. 8 is a perspective view of a second embodiment of a
229/164.1; 206/45.24,45.23,461,545; package showing our new design;
220/631 FIG. 9 is a front elevation view of the second embodiment;
See application file for complete search history. FIG. 10 is a rear elevation view of the second embodiment;
FIG. 11 is a right side elevation view of the second embodi
(56) References Cited ment;
FIG. 12 is a left side elevation view of the second embodi
FIG. 13 is a top plan view of the second embodiment; and,
3,685,649 A 8/1972 Diehl FIG. 14 is a bottom plan view of the second embodiment.
3,785,546 A 1/1974 Kuster
(Continued) 1 Claim, 6 Drawing Sheets

Complaint Exhibit C
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us D714,660S
Page 2

(56) References Cited 0471,766 S 3/2003 Bradley et al.

0474,687 S * 5/2003 Jones et al , , D9/761
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 0492,593 s ♦ 7/2004 Dutton D9/760
0515,880 s ♦ 2/2006 Lemer D7/629
4,653,685 A 3/1987 Leaiy et al 229/406 0531,054 s * 10/2006 Sagel D9/737
0293,767 S 1/1988 Powers 09/761 0562,127 s ♦ 2/2008 Croft et al D9/418
4,930,627 A 6/1990 Borst et al , 206/45.23 7,377,381B2 5/2008 Dziaba et al.
5,011,006 A 4/1991 Anderson 0579,769 S ♦ 11/2008 Lipinski et al D9/759
5,119,940 A 6/1992 Grindrod 426/120 0627,217 S ♦ 11/2010 Marcinkowski et al. .. D9/415
0335,821 S 5/1993 Oetert et al 09/761 0642,484 S » 8/2011 Birchmeier et al D9/760
0337,048 S 7/1993 Oeteit et al 09/761 0642,937 S ♦ 8/2011 Birchmeier et al D9/760
0337,268 S 7/1993 Oetert et al 09/761 8,025,179B2 9/2011 Miller et al.
5,375,701 A 12/1994 Hustad et al. 2001/0001674 Al 5/2001 Simpson et al.
0381,264 S 7/1997 Lii^incott 09/761 2007/0187264 Al 8/2007 Hofte et al.
5,657,874 A 8/1997 Hustad et al. 2009/0039079 Al 2/2009 Lipinski et al.
5,695,798 A 12/1997 Rozzano 426/115 2009/0159483 Al 6/2009 Hinzeetal.
5,743,402 A 4/1998 Gics 206/459.5 2011/0027438 Al 2/2011 Finkowski
0395,392 S 6/1998 Lahmetal 09/425
0408,280 S 4/1999 Manley et al 09/415 FOEIEIGN PATENT DCXTJMENTS
5,900,263 A 5/1999 Gics
0416,483 S 11/1999 Manley et al 09/415 GB 1406444 A 9/1975
0420,283 S 2/2000 Reichel 09/759 GB 2451737 A 2/2009
6,092,664 A 7/2000 Bartosek WO WO 2014105712 7/2014
6,261,616 B1 7/2001 Simpson et al 426/119
0463,977 S 10/2002 Castellanos et al. ... 09/761 * cited by examiner

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U.S. Patent Oct.7,2014 Sheet 1 of6 US D714,660 S

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r =\i

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" I
fr- llllllll 11
I !! i j
! I 1

1 I
1 Illlllllll 1 ll

Vig. 10

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U.S. Patent Oct 7,2014 Sheet 6 of6 US D714,660 S

Fig. 11 Fig. 12

Fig 13

Fig 14
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iniiH miHinii US00D7805998

(12) United States Design Patent (lo) Patent no.: us D780,599 S

Tilahun et al. (45) Date of Patent: ** Mar.7,2017

(54) PACKAGE Primary Examiner — Mark Goodwin

(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Fitch, Even, Tabin &
(71) Applicant: Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC,
Northfield, IL(US)
Flanneiy LLP

(72) Inventors: Muluken Tilahun, Waunakee, WI

(US); Daniel Doucette, DeFoiest, WI
(US); Daniel R. Feldmeier, Waunakee, (57) CLAIM

WI (US); Paris Alexander Edwards

Lowitz, Chicago, IL (US); Stacy Alycia The ornamental design for a package, as shown and
Thomas Castro, Chicago, IL(US) described.

(73) Assignee: Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC,

Chicago, IL(US)
(*♦) Term: 14 Years
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a first embodiment of a
(21) Appl. No.: 29/501,206 package showing our new design;
FIG. 2 is a fitrnt elevation view of the first embodiment;
(22) Filed: Sep. 2, 2014
FIG. 3 is a rear elevation view of the first embodiment;
Related U.S. Application Data FIG. 4 is a right side elevation view of the first embodiment;
(62) Division of application No. 29/440,709, filed on Dec. FIG. 5 is a left side elevation view of the first embodiment;
26, 2012, now Pat. No. Des. 714,660. FIG. 6 is a top plan view of the first embodiment;
(51) LOC(10)C1 09-03 FIG. 7 is a bottom plan view of the first embodiment;
(52) U.S. Cl. FIG. 8 is a perspective view of a second embodiment of a
USPC D9/737 package showing our new design;
(58) Field of Classification Search FIG. 9 is a fi-ont elevation view of the second embodiment;
USPC D9/737, 761, 414, 415, 424, 425, FIG. 10 is a rear elevation view of the second embodiment;
D9/430-432, 427; 426/108, 110, 119, FIG. 11 is a right side elevation view of the second embodi
(Continued) ment;
FIG. 12 is a left side elevation view of the second embodi
(56) References Cited ment;
FIG. 13 is a top plan view of the second embodiment; and,
FIG. 14 is a bottom plan view of the second embodiment.
4,653,685 A ♦ 3/1987 Leaiy B65D1/36 Broken line disclosures in FIGS. 1-14 are for illustrative
220/4.21 purposes only and form no part of the claimed design.
D293,767 S ♦ 1/1988 Powers D7/553.3
(Continued) 1 Claim, 6 Drawing Sheets

Complaint Exhibit C
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us D780,599 S
Page 2

(58) Field of Classification Search

USPC 426/122; 229/164.1; 206/45.24, 45.23,
206/461, 545; 220/631
See application file for complete search histoiy.

(56) References Cited


4,930,627 A ♦ 6/1990 Borst . B65D 75/366

5,119,940 A ♦ 6/1992 Grindiod ... B65D 75/54
D335,821 S * 5/1993 Detert D9/761
D337,048 s * 7/1993 Detert D9/761
D337,268 s ♦ 7/1993 Detert D9/761
D381,264 s ♦ 7/1997 Lif^lncott D9/425
5,695,798 A ♦ 12/1997 Rnryano B65D 21/0233
5,743,402 A » 4/1998 Gics B65D 77/0433
0395,392 S • 6/1998 Lahm 09/425
0408,280 S » 4/1999 Manley 09/415
0416,483 S » 11/1999 Mantey 09/415
0420,283 S » 2/2000 Reichel 09/759
6,261,616 Bl» 7/2001 Simpson B6501/34
0463,977 S * 10/2002 Castellanos 09/425
0474,687 S ♦ 5/2003 Jones 09/761
0492,593 S » 7/2004 Button 09/760
0515,880 S * 2/2006 Lemer 07/629
0531,054 S » 10/2006 Sagel 09/424
0562,127 s ■» 2/2008 Croft 09/415
0579,769 S * 11/2008 Liplnski 09/759
0627,217 S * 11/2010 Marcinkowski ... 09/415
0642,484 S * 8/2011 Birchmeter 09/425
0642,937 S ♦ 8/2011 Birchmeler 09/425

♦ cited by examiner

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U.S. Patent Mar.7,2017 Sheet 1 of6 US D780,599 S


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U.S. Patent Mar.7,2017 Sheet 2 of6 US D780,599 S

Fig. 2

Jill W /y

Fig. 3

\ y
Complaint Exhibit C
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U.S. Patent Mar.7,2017 sheet 3 of6 US D780,599 S




Fig. 6 Fig. 7
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Fig. 8
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i /
Fig. 9


•t J--'

Fig. 10

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U.S. Patent Mar.7,2017 sheet 6 of 6 US D780,599 S

Fig. 11 Fig. 12


Fig. 13


Fig. 14
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(12) United States Design Patent (lo) Patent no.: US D798,166 S

Tilahun et al. (45) Date of Patent; ** Sep. 26,2017

(54) PACKAGE CPC B65D 1/36; B65D 71/70; B65D 85/78;

A23G 9/503

(71) Applicant: Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC, See application file for complete search histoiy.
Chicago, IL(US) (56) References Cited

(72) Inventors: Muluken Tilahun, Waunakee, WI U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS

(US); Daniel Doucette, DePoiest, WI 4,653,685 A » 3/1987 Leaiy B65D i/36

(US); Daniel R. Feldmeier, Waunakee,
D293,767 S » 1/1988 Powers D7/553.3
WI(US); Paris Alexander Edwards 4,930,627 A ♦ 6/1990 Borst B65D 75/366
Lowitz, San Francisco, CA (US); Stacy
5,119,940 A • 6/1992 Grindrod B65D 75/54
Alycia Thomas Castro, Verona, WI 206/561
D335,821 S ■» 5/1993 Detert D9/761
D337,048 S ♦ 7/1993 Deteit D9/761
D337,268 S ♦ 7/1993 Detert D9/761
(73) Assignee: Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC, D381,264 S ♦ 7/1997 Lippincott D9/425
5,695,798 A ♦ 12/1997 Rozzano B65D 21/0233
Chicago, IL(US) 206/518
5,743,402 A ♦ 4/1998 Gics B65D 77/0433
(*•) Term: 15 Years 206/459.5
D395,392 S ♦ 6/1998 Lahm 09/425
0408,280 S ♦ 4/1999 Manley 09/415
(21) Appl. No.: 29/581,604 0416,483 S ♦ 11/1999 Manley 09/415
0420,283 S * 2/2000 Reichel 09/759
6,261,616 B1 ♦ 7/2001 Simpson B650 1/34
(22) Filed: Oct 20, 2016 206/541
0463,977 S * 10/2002 Castellanos 09/425
Related U.S. Application Data
Primary Examiner — Mark Goodwin
(62) Division of application No. 29/501,206, filed on Sep. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Fitch, Even, Tabin &
2, 2014, now Pat. No. Des. 780,599, which is a Flannery LLP
division of application No. 29/440,709, filed on Dec.
(57) CLAIM
26, 2012, now Pat. No. Des. 714,660.
The ornamental design for a package, as shown and
(51) LOC(10)C1 09-03 described.

(52) U.S.C1.
USPC , D9/737
(58) Field of Classification Search FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a package showing our new
USPC D9/737, 761, 414, 415, 424, 425, design;
FIG. 2 is a top plan view thereof, the bottom plan view being
D9/430-432, 427; 426/108, 110, 119, identical;
426/122; 229/164.1; 206/45.24, 45.23, FIG. 3 is a fix>nt elevation view thereof; and,
206/461, 545; 220/631 (Continued)

Complaint Exhibit C
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us D798,166 S
Page 2

FIG. 4 is a right side elevation view thereof, the left side

elevation view being a mirror image.

1 Claim, 1 Drawing Sheet

(56) References Cited


D474,687 5/2003 Jones 09/761

D492,593 7/2004 Outton 09/760
D515,880 2/2006 Lemer 07/629
D531,054 10/2006 Sagel 09/424
0562,127 2/2008 Croft 09/415
0579,769 11/2008 Lipinski 09/759
0627,217 11/2010 Marcinkowskl 09/415
0642,484 8/2011 Birchmeier 09/425
0642,937 8/2011 Birehmeier 09/425

* cited by examiner

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U.S. Patent Sep.26,2017 US D798,166 S

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iniHiiiiviiniiii US00D798738S

(12) United States Design Patent (lo) Patent no.; US D798,738 S

Tilahun et al. (45) Date of Patent: •k* Oct.3,2017

(54) PACKAGE CPC B65D 1/36; B65D 71/70; B65D 85/78;

A23G 9/503

(71) Applicant: Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC,

See application file for complete search history.
Chicago, IL(US) (56) References Cited


(72) Inventors: Muluken Tilahun, Waunakee, WI
(US); Daniel Doucette, Deforest, WI 4,653,685 A » 3/1987 Leaiy B65D i/36
(US); Daniel R. Feldmeier, Waunakee,
0293,767 S » 1/1988 Powers D7/553.3
WI(US); Paris Alexander Edwards 4,930,627 A • 6/1990 Borst B65D 75/366
Lowitz, San Francisco, CA (US); Stacy
5,119,940 A ■» 6/1992 Grindrod B65D 75/54
Alycia Thomas Castro, Verona, WI 206/561
0335,821 S ■» 5/1993 Oetert 09/761
(US) 0337,048 S » 7/1993 Oetert 09/761
0337,268 S ♦ 7/1993 Oetert 09/761
(73) Assignee: Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC, 0381,264 S ♦ 7/1997 LiR)incott 09/425
5,695,798 A • 12/1997 Rozzano B650 21/0233
Chicago, IL(US) 206/518
5,743,402 A * 4/1998 Gics B650 77/0433
(♦♦) Term: 15 Years 206/459.5
0395,392 S ♦ 6/1998 Lahm 09/425
0408,280 S ■» 4/1999 Manley 09/415
(21) Appl. No.: 29/581,612 0416,483 S ♦ 11/1999 Manley 09/415
0420,283 S * 2/2000 Reichel 09/759
6,261,616 B1» 7/2001 Simpson B650 1/34
(22) Filed: Oct. 20, 2016 206/541
0463,977 S • 10/2002 Castellanos 09/425
Related U.S. Application Data
Primary Examiner — Mark Goodwin
(62) Division of application No. 29/501,206,filed on Sep. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Fitch, Even, Tabin &
2, 2014, now Pat. No. Des. 780,599, which is a Flannery LLP
division of application No. 29/440,709, filed on Dec.
(57) CLAIM
26, 2012, now Pat. No. Des. 714,660.
The ornamental design for a package, as shown and
(51) LOC(10)C1 09-03 described.

(52) U.S. CL
USPC D9/737
(58) Field of Classification Search FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a package showing our new
USPC D9/737, 761, 414, 415, 424, 425, design;
FIG. 2 is a top plan view thereof, the bottom plan view being
D9/430-432, 427; 426/108, 110, 119, identical;
426/122; 229/164.1; 206/45.24, 45.23, FIG. 3 is a fix)nt elevation view thereof; and,
206/461, 545; 220/631 (Continued)

Complaint Exhibit C
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us D798,738 S
Page 2

FIG. 4 is a right side elevation view thereof, the left side

elevation view being a mirror image.

1 Claim, 1 Drawing Sheet

(56) References Cited


D474,687 5/2003 Jones 09/761

D492,593 7/2004 Outton 09/760
DS15,880 2/2006 Lemer 07/629
D531,054 10/2006 Sagel 09/424
0562,127 2/2008 Croft 09/415
D579,769 11/2008 Lipinski 09/759
0627,217 11/2010 Marcinkowski 09/415
0642,484 8/2011 Birchmeier 09/425
0642,937 8/2011 Birchmeier 09/425

♦ cited by examiner

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U.S. Patent Oct 3,2017 US D798,738 S

H / /• A i1 II



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JS 44 (Rev. 08/18) CIVIL COVER SHEET
The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, except as
provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the
purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON NEXT PAGE OF THIS FORM.)


Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC, a Delaware limited liability company D6 Inc., an Oregon corporation

(b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff Cook County of Residence of First Listed Defendant Multnomah

(c) Attorneys (Firm Name, Address, and Telephone Number) Attorneys (If Known)
Tonkon Torp LLP (503) 221-1440
1600 Pioneer Tower
888 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland OR 97204

II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an “X” in One Box Only) III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES (Place an “X” in One Box for Plaintiff
(For Diversity Cases Only) and One Box for Defendant)
’ 1 U.S. Government ’ 3 Federal Question PTF DEF PTF DEF
Plaintiff (U.S. Government Not a Party) Citizen of This State ’ 1 ’ 1 Incorporated or Principal Place ’ 4 ’ 4
of Business In This State

’ 2 U.S. Government ’ 4 Diversity Citizen of Another State ’ 2 ’ 2 Incorporated and Principal Place ’ 5 ’ 5
Defendant (Indicate Citizenship of Parties in Item III) of Business In Another State

Citizen or Subject of a ’ 3 ’ 3 Foreign Nation ’ 6 ’ 6

Foreign Country
IV. NATURE OF SUIT (Place an “X” in One Box Only) Click here for: Nature of Suit Code Descriptions.
’ 110 Insurance PERSONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJURY ’ 625 Drug Related Seizure ’ 422 Appeal 28 USC 158 ’ 375 False Claims Act
’ 120 Marine ’ 310 Airplane ’ 365 Personal Injury - of Property 21 USC 881 ’ 423 Withdrawal ’ 376 Qui Tam (31 USC
’ 130 Miller Act ’ 315 Airplane Product Product Liability ’ 690 Other 28 USC 157 3729(a))
’ 140 Negotiable Instrument Liability ’ 367 Health Care/ ’ 400 State Reapportionment
’ 150 Recovery of Overpayment ’ 320 Assault, Libel & Pharmaceutical PROPERTY RIGHTS ’ 410 Antitrust
& Enforcement of Judgment Slander Personal Injury ’ 820 Copyrights ’ 430 Banks and Banking
’ 151 Medicare Act ’ 330 Federal Employers’ Product Liability ’ 830 Patent ’ 450 Commerce
’ 152 Recovery of Defaulted Liability ’ 368 Asbestos Personal ’ 835 Patent - Abbreviated ’ 460 Deportation
Student Loans ’ 340 Marine Injury Product New Drug Application ’ 470 Racketeer Influenced and
(Excludes Veterans) ’ 345 Marine Product Liability ’ 840 Trademark Corrupt Organizations
’ 153 Recovery of Overpayment Liability PERSONAL PROPERTY LABOR SOCIAL SECURITY ’ 480 Consumer Credit
of Veteran’s Benefits ’ 350 Motor Vehicle ’ 370 Other Fraud ’ 710 Fair Labor Standards ’ 861 HIA (1395ff) ’ 485 Telephone Consumer
’ 160 Stockholders’ Suits ’ 355 Motor Vehicle ’ 371 Truth in Lending Act ’ 862 Black Lung (923) Protection Act
’ 190 Other Contract Product Liability ’ 380 Other Personal ’ 720 Labor/Management ’ 863 DIWC/DIWW (405(g)) ’ 490 Cable/Sat TV
’ 195 Contract Product Liability ’ 360 Other Personal Property Damage Relations ’ 864 SSID Title XVI ’ 850 Securities/Commodities/
’ 196 Franchise Injury ’ 385 Property Damage ’ 740 Railway Labor Act ’ 865 RSI (405(g)) Exchange
’ 362 Personal Injury - Product Liability ’ 751 Family and Medical ’ 890 Other Statutory Actions
Medical Malpractice Leave Act ’ 891 Agricultural Acts
REAL PROPERTY CIVIL RIGHTS PRISONER PETITIONS ’ 790 Other Labor Litigation FEDERAL TAX SUITS ’ 893 Environmental Matters
’ 210 Land Condemnation ’ 440 Other Civil Rights Habeas Corpus: ’ 791 Employee Retirement ’ 870 Taxes (U.S. Plaintiff ’ 895 Freedom of Information
’ 220 Foreclosure ’ 441 Voting ’ 463 Alien Detainee Income Security Act or Defendant) Act
’ 230 Rent Lease & Ejectment ’ 442 Employment ’ 510 Motions to Vacate ’ 871 IRS—Third Party ’ 896 Arbitration
’ 240 Torts to Land ’ 443 Housing/ Sentence 26 USC 7609 ’ 899 Administrative Procedure
’ 245 Tort Product Liability Accommodations ’ 530 General Act/Review or Appeal of
’ 290 All Other Real Property ’ 445 Amer. w/Disabilities - ’ 535 Death Penalty IMMIGRATION Agency Decision
Employment Other: ’ 462 Naturalization Application ’ 950 Constitutionality of
’ 446 Amer. w/Disabilities - ’ 540 Mandamus & Other ’ 465 Other Immigration State Statutes
Other ’ 550 Civil Rights Actions
’ 448 Education ’ 555 Prison Condition
’ 560 Civil Detainee -
Conditions of
V. ORIGIN (Place an “X” in One Box Only)
’ 1 Original ’ 2 Removed from ’ 3 Remanded from ’ 4 Reinstated or ’ 5 Transferred from ’ 6 Multidistrict ’ 8 Multidistrict
Proceeding State Court Appellate Court Reopened Another District Litigation - Litigation -
(specify) Transfer Direct File
Cite the U.S. Civil Statute under which you are filing (Do not cite jurisdictional statutes unless diversity):
35 U.S.C. § 101 et seq.
VI. CAUSE OF ACTION Brief description of cause:
Infringement of United States design patents covering ornamental packaging designs
(See instructions):
September 12, 2018 /s/ Jon P. Stride


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Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1-4 Filed 09/12/18 Page 2 of 2
JS 44 Reverse (Rev. 08/18)


Authority For Civil Cover Sheet

The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replaces nor supplements the filings and service of pleading or other papers as
required by law, except as provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is
required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. Consequently, a civil cover sheet is submitted to the Clerk of
Court for each civil complaint filed. The attorney filing a case should complete the form as follows:

I.(a) Plaintiffs-Defendants. Enter names (last, first, middle initial) of plaintiff and defendant. If the plaintiff or defendant is a government agency, use
only the full name or standard abbreviations. If the plaintiff or defendant is an official within a government agency, identify first the agency and
then the official, giving both name and title.
(b) County of Residence. For each civil case filed, except U.S. plaintiff cases, enter the name of the county where the first listed plaintiff resides at the
time of filing. In U.S. plaintiff cases, enter the name of the county in which the first listed defendant resides at the time of filing. (NOTE: In land
condemnation cases, the county of residence of the "defendant" is the location of the tract of land involved.)
(c) Attorneys. Enter the firm name, address, telephone number, and attorney of record. If there are several attorneys, list them on an attachment, noting
in this section "(see attachment)".

II. Jurisdiction. The basis of jurisdiction is set forth under Rule 8(a), F.R.Cv.P., which requires that jurisdictions be shown in pleadings. Place an "X"
in one of the boxes. If there is more than one basis of jurisdiction, precedence is given in the order shown below.
United States plaintiff. (1) Jurisdiction based on 28 U.S.C. 1345 and 1348. Suits by agencies and officers of the United States are included here.
United States defendant. (2) When the plaintiff is suing the United States, its officers or agencies, place an "X" in this box.
Federal question. (3) This refers to suits under 28 U.S.C. 1331, where jurisdiction arises under the Constitution of the United States, an amendment
to the Constitution, an act of Congress or a treaty of the United States. In cases where the U.S. is a party, the U.S. plaintiff or defendant code takes
precedence, and box 1 or 2 should be marked.
Diversity of citizenship. (4) This refers to suits under 28 U.S.C. 1332, where parties are citizens of different states. When Box 4 is checked, the
citizenship of the different parties must be checked. (See Section III below; NOTE: federal question actions take precedence over diversity

III. Residence (citizenship) of Principal Parties. This section of the JS 44 is to be completed if diversity of citizenship was indicated above. Mark this
section for each principal party.

IV. Nature of Suit. Place an "X" in the appropriate box. If there are multiple nature of suit codes associated with the case, pick the nature of suit code
that is most applicable. Click here for: Nature of Suit Code Descriptions.

V. Origin. Place an "X" in one of the seven boxes.

Original Proceedings. (1) Cases which originate in the United States district courts.
Removed from State Court. (2) Proceedings initiated in state courts may be removed to the district courts under Title 28 U.S.C., Section 1441.
Remanded from Appellate Court. (3) Check this box for cases remanded to the district court for further action. Use the date of remand as the filing
Reinstated or Reopened. (4) Check this box for cases reinstated or reopened in the district court. Use the reopening date as the filing date.
Transferred from Another District. (5) For cases transferred under Title 28 U.S.C. Section 1404(a). Do not use this for within district transfers or
multidistrict litigation transfers.
Multidistrict Litigation – Transfer. (6) Check this box when a multidistrict case is transferred into the district under authority of Title 28 U.S.C.
Section 1407.
Multidistrict Litigation – Direct File. (8) Check this box when a multidistrict case is filed in the same district as the Master MDL docket. PLEASE
NOTE THAT THERE IS NOT AN ORIGIN CODE 7. Origin Code 7 was used for historical records and is no longer relevant due to changes in

VI. Cause of Action. Report the civil statute directly related to the cause of action and give a brief description of the cause. Do not cite jurisdictional
statutes unless diversity. Example: U.S. Civil Statute: 47 USC 553 Brief Description: Unauthorized reception of cable service

VII. Requested in Complaint. Class Action. Place an "X" in this box if you are filing a class action under Rule 23, F.R.Cv.P.
Demand. In this space enter the actual dollar amount being demanded or indicate other demand, such as a preliminary injunction.
Jury Demand. Check the appropriate box to indicate whether or not a jury is being demanded.

VIII. Related Cases. This section of the JS 44 is used to reference related pending cases, if any. If there are related pending cases, insert the docket
numbers and the corresponding judge names for such cases.

Date and Attorney Signature. Date and sign the civil cover sheet.
Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1-5 Filed 09/12/18 Page 1 of 2

AO 440 (Rev. 06/12) Summons in a Civil Action


for the
__________ OF OREGON
District of __________


a Delaware limited liability company, )
Plaintiff(s) )
v. Civil Action No. 3:18-1653
D6 INC., an Oregon corporation, )
Defendant(s) )


To: (Defendant’s name and address) D6 INC

c/o Edward C. Dominion, its Registered Agent
4630 NE 190th Lane
Portland, OR 97230

A lawsuit has been filed against you.

Within 21 days after service of this summons on you (not counting the day you received it) — or 60 days if you
are the United States or a United States agency, or an officer or employee of the United States described in Fed. R. Civ.
P. 12 (a)(2) or (3) — you must serve on the plaintiff an answer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule 12 of
the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The answer or motion must be served on the plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney,
whose name and address are: Jon P. Stride
TONKON TORP LLP, 888 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1600, Portland, OR 97204
Binal J. Patel / Erik S. Maurer / Novaira Paul
BANNER & WITCOFF, LTD., 10 South Wacker Drive, Suite 3000, Chicago, IL 60606

If you fail to respond, judgment by default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint.
You also must file your answer or motion with the court.


Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk
Case 3:18-cv-01653 Document 1-5 Filed 09/12/18 Page 2 of 2

AO 440 (Rev. 06/12) Summons in a Civil Action (Page 2)

Civil Action No. 3:18-1653

(This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4 (l))

This summons for (name of individual and title, if any)

was received by me on (date) .

’ I personally served the summons on the individual at (place)

on (date) ; or

’ I left the summons at the individual’s residence or usual place of abode with (name)
, a person of suitable age and discretion who resides there,
on (date) , and mailed a copy to the individual’s last known address; or

’ I served the summons on (name of individual) , who is

designated by law to accept service of process on behalf of (name of organization)
on (date) ; or

’ I returned the summons unexecuted because ; or

’ Other (specify):

My fees are $ for travel and $ for services, for a total of $ 0.00 .

I declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true.

Server’s signature

Printed name and title

Server’s address

Additional information regarding attempted service, etc:

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