There Is/are, A An Some Any

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8В GRAMMAR there is / there are, some / any + plural


Q Write the questions and short answers.

1 shower I bathroom? Is there a shower in the bathroom? Yes, there is.
2 pictures I hall? A re there any pictures in the hall? No. there aren’t.
3 double bed / bedroom?
4 D V D player / living room?
5 plant I study?
6 dishwasher / kitchen?
7 cupboards / bathroom?
8 chairs / bedroom?

Q Write 0 or H sentences.
1 table I kitchen T h ere’s a table in the kitchen.
2 plants I living room
3 mirror I hall
4 books I living room
5 computer / study
6 clock I kitchen
7 fireplace / living room
8 shelves / study

Q Test your memory. Look at the picture again for 30 seconds. Then A (picture face up) ask В
(picture face down) five questions about the house. Then change roles.
Is there a ____ in t h e ____ ? Are there any ____ in t h e ____

English File 3rd edition Teacher's Book Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012
8С GRAMMAR there was / there were
ф Complete the sentences with there was / there wasn’t, there were / there weren’t, or Was there /
Were there...?

A 'Was there a supermarket in your town when you were a child?
В No,2__________________ 3__________________ a baker’s and a
small shop.
A 4_________________ any Italian restaurants? I love pizza!
В No,5_________________ , b u t6_________________ a cafe.
A nd 7_________________ two pubs!

A We stayed in a great hotel in Spain.8_______________
a huge TV in our room!
В Wow!9_________________ a swimming pool?
A Yes,10__________________two, and 11____ ________
a fantastic gym.
В 12_________________ a good restaurant in the hotel?
A Yes, the food was delicious!

A 13_________________ a very old castle in the town I lived in as
a child. People said 14_________________ secret rooms in it.
В Really? 15_________________ ghosts in the castle too?
A Yes,16__________________ My aunt saw one once. She said that
suddenly 17_________________ a strange light and then she
saw a face looking in through the window - but she was on the
second floor!

A Did you get anything nice in the sale?
В Yes, I d id.18_____________ :___ some lovely sweaters. I got two.
A Great!19_________________ any jeans?
В Yes,20_________________ , b u t21_________________ any in my

ф Work with a partner. Say three things that there were in the street or area where you live, but
which are not there now.

English File 3rd edition Teacher’s Book Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012
9А GRAMMAR countable / uncountable nouns;
a / an, some / any

Q Look at what’s in the fridge. Write the questions and short answers.
1 butter? Is there any butter? No. there isn’t.
2 sushi? ___________________________________ ____________________
3 carrots? ___________________________________ ____________________
4 cheese? ___________________________________ ____________________
5 fish? ___________________________________ ____________________
6 chicken? __________________________________ ____________________
7 eggs? --------------------------------------------------_ -------------------------------
8 orange juice? ___________________________________ ____________________

Q Write В or 0 sentences with a / an, some, or any.

1 onions There aren’t any onions.
2 tomato juice _______________________________________________
3 pineapple _______________________________________________
4 strawberries _______________________________________________
5 peppers _______________________________________________
6 milk _______________________________________________
7 mushrooms _______________________________________________
8 ice cream _______________________________________________

Q Test your memory. Work with a partner. A (picture face up) ask В (picture face down) five
questions about what’s in the fridge. Then change roles.

English File 3rd edition Teacher’s Book Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012
9В GRAMMAR how much / how many, a lot of, etc.
Q CJ ir c l o the rig h t w ord in bold. T h e n an sw er th e q u estio n w ith a com p lete sen ten ce. U se a lo t of,
n o t ... m u ch , n o t ... m an y , o r n o t ... any.

Fast Food Phil

1 How much j many orange juice does he drink?
H e d o esn ’t drin k any o ran g e ju ice.
2 How much / many burgers does he eat?

3 H ow much I many chips does he eat?

Valerie the vegetarian

4 How much / many m eat does she eat?

5 H ow much / many vegetables does she eat?

6 H ow much I many D iet C oke does she drink?

Baby Belinda
7 H ow much / many m ilk does she drink?

8 How much / many bread does she eat?

9 H ow much / many apples does she eat?

Fabio the Italian Food Fan

10 H ow much j many cereal does he eat?

11 H ow much I many pasta does he eat?

12 How much / many cups o f espresso does he drink?

Q W o rk w ith a p artn er. A n sw er q u estio n s 1 - 1 2 ab ou t you rself. T h e n ask you r p a rtn er so m e

q u estio n s and d iscu ss.
I don’t drink much orange juice. How much orange juice do you drinkQ

English File 3rd edition Teacher’s Book Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2012

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