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Gland Location Hormone/s Secreted Function of Hormone Diseases

Pituitary Gland Brain Tropic Hormones Control the release of

“Master Gland” hormones of other glands in
the endocrine system
Posterior Pituitary Gland Oxytocin Contraction of uterine lining
during pregnancy;
Ejection of milk during

Vassopresin Reabsorption of liquids in the Diabetes Insipidus

kidney (Large urine discharge that
results to dehydration)

Anterior Pituitary Gland Tropic hormone Control the release of

hormones of other glands in
the endocrine system

Somatotropin Growth Hormone Over-Secretion

Giantism – Childhood
Acromegaly – Adulthood

Adrenal Glands Epinephrine Prepares organism for
- cope with stress emergency

Norepinephrine stimulates the release of

steroids in the liver
Thyroid Gland Neck, in front of windpipe Idothyroxine Cretinism – underactivity of
thyroid during young

Myxedema – underactivity of
thyroid during old

Hypothyroidism – goiter,
thyroid gland working too
hard, deficiency of iodine
Hyperthyroidism – Over-
secretion of idothyroxine,
protruding eyeball
Parathyroid Gland Close to the thyroid gland Parathormone Maintains the balance of Under secretion
Pea-shaped glands calcium and phosphorus in Tetany
the body
Over secretion
desensitized nervous system
Testes Androgen and Testosterone Development of secondary
characteristics of males

Ovary Estrogen Development of secondary

characteristics of females

Progesterone Thickening of the uterine

lining – preparation for
Thymus Gland Beneath the upper part of T-Lymphocyte Cellular immunity;
Childhood gland the breastbone , in the makes antibodies
Sweetbread in calves middle of the chest
Pancreas Near the stomach Glucagon Releases glucose into the Increased release of glucose,
bloodstream not so much insulin –

Insulin Helps glucose move out of Much glucose, over secretion

the blood to supply the cells of insulin - hypoglycemia
and tissues with energy
Hypoinsulism – not so much
of insulin

Hyperinsulism – over
secretion of insulin

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