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We celebrated Born in Africa’s 10th birthday!

Together we can make a difference...

Dear Born in Africa friends, godparents and supporters,

We are very proud to be able to say that Born in Africa has now been in existence for ten
years, something we definitely feel is worth celebrating! From small beginnings when
Isabelle, co-founder of Born in Africa, arrived in Plettenberg Bay as a volunteer we have
grown from strength to strength. The challenge of addressing serious social and
educational needs in the Bitou area continues but our success so far is evident and spurs
us to keep pressing on.

To celebrate, we held a celebration week on the 28th March 2013 where godparents had
the opportunity to visit schools and learners in the area. The week culminated in a street
parade followed by an afternoon show and a reception for our honoured guests. We felt
the need to give everyone involved the opportunity to show their pride in being part of Born
in Africa and to honour so many for their involvement and support.

The day was a wonderful success. Thank you to everyone who shared the day with us,
and to those of you who were unable to come we hope to see you next time!

See pages 4 - 5 for more details.

Our mission is to develop well rounded, independent and successful young adults acting
as role models in their communities by providing educational and social support to school
going children and young adults from disadvantaged areas in Bitou, South Africa.
What's cooking in Tertiary Education...
2013 is a record year for Born in Africa. Not only do we celebrate our 10th birthday but we also have a
record amount of tertiary students. We have a total of 11 students at universities and colleges. All of them
are doing extremely well.
Thanks to all the co-godparents and the study bursary donations we are able to sponsor their tuition, food,
accommodation, books and transportation costs. With donations we are able to make even greater im-
pacts on the lives of more children. Meet some of our students: -

dents Wittedrift High School

23 stu
Charné Majavie
3rd year Physiotherapy
We currently support 23
bright young students who
strive to be the best they
can be. They work
incredibly hard to ensure
their future is a positive
one. Our children are the
Ruduwaan future of our great rainbow
Myburgh Cameron Stuurman nation.
1st year Teaching 2nd year Science

Our dream in Africa com dream
e tr

Born in Africa always encourages children to The first dream come true!
believe in their dreams and we strive to translate Imogene Krigga is a typical
dreams into reality by turning them into goals, teenager at first glance but
with a plan and a deadline to aid the process. once you meet this young
This aim of this programme is to inspire our lady an emotional story unfolds.
learners. If they can believe that their dreams are As a baby she contracted a
possible and worth reaching for, the hope is that “traumatic” cataract which left
they will be motivated to chase them with greater her blind in one eye. This was
fervour. discovered during Born in
Africa’s Sight for Life project
Every month we will be where all 400 learners’ eyes were tested. After a
choosing one dream referral visit to the government specialist, she
from a "dream board" was deemed unfit as a candidate for an opera-
created by Born in Africa tion.
learners. These boards
will be displayed in Born in Africa was not satisfied with this decision
schools where learners and took her to see a private doctor for a second
will be able to see one opinion, who insisted on her having an operation.
another's dreams and Her chances for success were slim and the
see the dreams that have results would only be clear once the operation
Faith and Jonica, assisted come true. had been performed.
by their mentor Marita, are Various plights for funding were sent out by the
working out their dreams... Born in Africa team and the following folks came
to the rescue: - Rolf Sieper and his daughter Ines
To sponsor these dreams we will be selling various
Steinberg, Nicole Dupreez and the Sabrina Love
products such as bracelets in shops in Plettenberg Foundation as well as her Imogene’s godparents
Bay and calendars and cards etc in the Netherlands
the Vanhaerent family. Thank you Dr. Roger
where the programme is being driven by Eric Brink for the advise. Dr. Peter Harpur performed
Breukers (DHL) and Chantal Van Summeren. The the surgery at a reduced rate and ensured that all
option to fund part of or an entire dream will also be
related costs were minimal. He also ensured that
available for donors. the lens was donated! What a great achievement!
Watch this space in our next newsletter ...
Have a look at our ‘Dream in Africa’ shop on:
“Dream it… believe it… achieve it”
or mail:
Meet our Volunteers...

Bart Timmermans Lotte Van Buyten Joost De Backer Tessy Willems Sara De Vleeschouwer

05/09/2012—15/02/2013 27/02/2012— 25/02/2013 18/01/2013—27/02/2013 03/01/2013—30/03/2013 26/02/2013—12/04/2013

Joenah Malot Talitha Delaere Dirk Verlinden Dorien van den Broeck Alexandra Rondas &
Charlene Van Loock
15/02/2013—12/06/2013 15/02/2013—12/06/2013 04/01/2013—30/06/2013 04/01/2013—30/06/2013 06/05/2013—06/10/2013

Meet our exciting projects...

Robinson Crusoe camps “Learn to Swim” programme

The swimming project was a great success with a

total of 35 learners who took part this year. Under
Three camps have been held so far this year with the watchful eye of Born in Africa’s Education Coor-
150 Born in Africa children having participated. dinator Wesley Andrew, learners were taught water
Apart from having lots of fun, going on night walks awareness and safety with the aim of enabling
and playing adventure games, the children learnt them to swim without assistance. The programme
survival techniques and met a team of paramedics is vital as many learners are never taught how to
who gave them first aid pointers. swim.
Planting for a greener future Computer & Homework Classes

Two homework centres and a computer class have

“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.
been organised this year, where learners get the
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime”.
extra support they need to improve academically.
This is the aim of the gardening project launched
Our mentors are also working very hard to assist
this year. So far we’ve started 7 gardens in
with school projects. Assistant teachers Judy
Kranshoek and 12 in Wittedrift where children are
Mintoor and Ronel De Waal are working with the
equipped to become self-sustainable.
Grade 1 classes in Wittedrift and the Crags.
The celebration kicks off!
Crags - Monday 25 March 2013 Kranshoek - Tuesday 26 April 2013
In the morning we visited Kranshoek Primary School.
Born in Africa learners sang some songs beautifully
and gave a gymnastics performance before visitors
participated in one of our mentor’s classes.

The celebration week started at the Crags Primary

School, the school where Isabelle first selected
children for the Born in Africa programme. We then went to the township to visit a few homes of
Godparents and visitors met Born in Africa learners the Born in Africa children and went to see some of
and visited the two classrooms Born in Africa built the gardens that are being tended by the children as
for the grade R classes. The learners performed part of the gardening project. In the evening a parent
songs and dances that they had prepared before- meeting was held at the Griekwa Hall where Born in
hand. Africa children performed for the Born in Africa staff,
This was followed by a visit to Siya Phambile bead- parents and Board Members.
work shop and a lovely lunch at The Peppermill.
Our godparents also went to visit the children they
sponsor in the township. In
the evening, visitors joined
the Crags parent meeting
where feedback was given
to all concerned on plans
for the year ahead.

Wittedrift - Wednesday 27 March 2013 Leigh Dunn’s class - Wednesday 27 March

Our celebration would

not be complete without
a visit to Leigh Dunn’s
ELSEN class
(Education for Learners
with Special Educa-
tional Needs).

Wednesday was Wittedrift’s turn for the Born in The programme was carefully prepared and we
Africa green team to share in their success! The day enjoyed numerous songs and performances by
commenced at Wittedrift Primary School where our Leigh’s class. We had the opportunity to meet the
assistant teacher Judy Mintoor received a laptop to learners and join in with the festivities. Their enthu-
aid her in her further studies. The school principle Mr siasm and positive attitudes, as well as their evi-
Peter Chalmers delivered a heartfelt speech to the dent respect for others, brought a tear to many a
guests commending Born in Africa for supporting the eye.
school and the learners. Our children performed with
singing and dancing groups and then the group
visited Wittedrift High School where Born in Africa
support 23 learners. The group was welcomed by Mr
André Bower. Remi De Backer opened the festivities
with a word of welcome followed by a song and the
cutting of the cake! Well done to all for making the
occasion such a special one. Leigh shared on his experience to date with Born in
Africa which included his trip to Belgium and Hol-
land. Eric Breuker and Chantal Van Summeren,
(Born in Africa the Netherlands) handed out a few
little dragon soft toys to the children.
CELEBRATION DAY - Thursday 28 March

As we waited for everyone to arrive and for 12 o`clock to come, refreshments were given out, banners and
balloons were handed out, the marching band got ready and everyone’s voices and bodies were warmed up for
the big parade.

We walked from the Municipality Offices to the Piesang Valley Hall. The street parade kicked off with drums from
the marching band with lots of singing and of course a little dancing as accompaniment. A sea of green flooded
the Main Street with smiles and a sense of purpose as we proudly celebrated our 10 year existence.

It was a wonderful experience to see everyone walking together as one. The walk was absolutely unforgettable
and evidence of how far Born in Africa has come and the impact we have been able to make so far! Thank you to
everyone who helped to make it happen and joined or supported us.

Remi De Backer (Born in Africa

The 400 Born in Africa children Godparent Lieve Chairman South Africa), Karel Uyt- Godparents Leo & Riet
were ready for the street parade. De Backer with tersprot (Belgium Government Vogelaar amongst the children
Great fun! Ayesha Majavie Official) and Mr Booysen (Mayor of during the street parade
Plettenberg Bay

Afternoon show & reception

The afternoon show was held as part of the celebration. It was attended by
Born in Africa learners, staff and volunteers, Board Members, godparents visit-
ing from overseas, friends in the area, a member of the Belgian parliament as
well as the mayor of Plettenberg Bay. The show consisted of speeches detail-
ing how far we have come as well as our hopes and plans for the future. Born
in Africa founder Isabelle De Smul-Brink, our Chairman in Belgium Georges De
Smul, South African Chairman Remi De Backer and local Mayor Memory
Booysen were among the speakers. A song written by Board Member Toralf
Nordbotten was performed by the Wittedrift Primary learners, a self-written The Wittedrift Primary school
poem ’Respect’ by Miliwe Mcanda and a self-written song by Tiffany Ruiters children performing the
Born in Africa song.
and many other songs and dances were performed during the show.

The Born in Africa staff The Born in Africa volunteers The reception could start ... Isabelle with the Chairmen
of Born in Africa Belgium
To end the day, our guests were invited to attend a reception which included a (Georges De Smul)& South
Champaign toast, snacks and a lovely birthday cake. It was a wonderful close to a day Africa (Remi De Backer)
of festivities where we celebrated 10 years of making a difference together!
Happy Birthday to you!
May July
3 Vernon Krigga, Lauren Camphor
7 Nicole Myburgh, Naldine Hoffman, Darchen Damonds, Mervin September 7 Tameryn Zondage, Fazela Kiewiets
8 Samantha Ruiters 8 Claudine Windvogel
11 Suweida Grootboom, Shanice Davids 9 Joslin Sam, Chardonay Philander
13 Thumeney Davids 10 Daniella Sputa
14 Anthea Kamfer 11 Maria Bonase
15 Charnelle Ockhuis 13 Casuraan Blaauw
16 Karabo Mphafa, Jemiell Witbooi, Donovan Pulse 16 Miliwe MCanda, Monica/Tania Ruiters, Jaydine Constable, Cheslin
17 Maroshaan Blaauw Booysen
18 Lucille May 18 Emodean van Rheede
19 Chemonique Malgas 19 Angelique Links, Solyman Jantjies
20 Nolin Jordaan 24 Rosline Blouw
22 Katleho Modise 25 Zanelle Kamm
23 Angelique Abrahams, Thansoneria Blaauw, Ivan Smith 26 Anuska Links
24 Leona Nevha 27 Meredy Salmans
26 Vuyelwa Dlokola 28 Angelo Abrahams, Thoman Roman
27 Rashied Adams 29 D`vandre Oliphant
30 Malisha Baartman, Marcellino Ruiters 30 Rickell Williams, Monique Louw
31 Tarric Davids, Nicole Christoffels 31 Chloe Krigga, Dezire Williams

1 Kimberlin & Kimera Grootboom, Britney Oraai, Cameron Windvogel,
1 Sibahle Thobela
3 Angone Smith
2 Camrin Jacobs, Ellen Kleinsmidt, Eunica Jones
4 Meagan Myburgh
3 Anetta Luyters, Mercia Hendricks
6 Anja Branders, Raydene Jantjies
4 Roslin Kerspuy
7 Mandy Mngomezulu,
5 Renesha Van Wijck
8 Shenise Stuurman, Nasiphe Mbukulwe
6 Shavon Prins, Rubaine Arendse
10 Danielle Damonds
8 Shaun Kham, Burton Kam
11 Leshwin Barnardo, Monique Bailey
9 Tersia Oliphant
13 Zoë Willems
10 Roxanne Olivier
15 Breyton Pulse
11 Rouvay Powie, Guillermo Windvogel
17 Suzette Vaaltyn
12 Estee Quinch
18 Micaylin Gysman, Keashwin Samuels
13 Sjang-Shu Jordaan
20 Narshwin Jacobs
15 Ashron May
21 Shamiella Ruiters, Kimberley Palmer
16 Abongile Alfred
23 Aljonay Cloete
18 Merilene Hartley, Roxanne Davids
24 Cranville Cloete
19 Anastacia Olivier
25 Esme Philander
21 Myraldine Brown, Elano Cloete, Lu-Nelle Mclean
28 Torique Stewart, Jennefer September, Antonio Aaron
23 Jason Plaaitjies, Lorenzo Baartman
July 25 Alexis Zeng, Danika Julies, Charde Martins
2 Matuschka Oliphant, Justine Links
26 Mariska Plaaitjies
4 Zoë Karnie
28 Lucian Attwood
6 Taryn Swarts, Courtney Klazen
30 Fabian Windvogel
31 Tamryn Attwood, Diana Rhamncwana

Special thanks!
Special sculpture for Born in Africa Siya Phambile donated a cheque...
During our 10 Year celebration event Adje Bos and
her group of BIA mothers of Siya Phambile called
Isabelle De Smul-Brink and Remi De Backer to the
stage where they handed them a cheque of R6000!
This was a total surprise to the BIA team and we are
incredibly grateful to the ladies` generosity. The
money will be used in our study bursary program
where we currently support 11 students at colleges
and universities across South Africa. Siya Phambile
is a beading business
This beautiful piece of stained hand blown glass
established by a
artwork was handed over by famous Belgian glass group of enthusiastic
sculptor Jan Leenknegt and his wife Danielle to Born BIA mothers in
in Africa. Jan explained the intricate process of glass Crags. They have
blowing to the Born in Africa team who were amazed worked incredibly
by its beauty. Thank you Jan; your lovely work defi- hard and are picking
the fruits of their
nitely makes us even prouder of our Born in Africa
Thank you!
Wonderful schools... Raising funds during festive occasions
The learners of SGI Lennik in Belgium are such a Annemarie Menschaert recently celebrated her 65th birthday and
generous bunch of youngsters! Luc Desmedt all gifts were dontated to the BIA studybursary fund. Thanks Anne-
collected a cheque of more than €5000 on behalf of marie! Thank you to Family Schuler from Germany. Mrs Biggy
BIA. Thank you to Lieve Jans for your assistance. Schuler also hosted a birthday party in aid of BIA and thanks to
Family Everaert for you donations from your party. What
The learners of Voorzienigheid
wonderful people!
Primary, Belgium all took part in a hike in aid of
BIA and collected more than €2000. Baie Dankie! In respect we are very grateful...
The students from Nossegem Primary also did
their bit to raise money for BIA. Thank you for Simone Den Tag, sadly passed away on 10 April
your hard work-more than €1200 will go a long 2013. She requested that instead of flowers at her
way! €1500 were raised during a “hike-athon” funeral, donations were to be made to BIA. The funds
raised will be used to assist our students with their
hosted by the schools in Buggenhout. Thank you Iris Van De future studies, so your memory will live on Simone!
Velde for arranging it for BIA.
Mrs Margriet Barbier also requested donations benefiting BIA
instead of flowers at her funeral. We are so incredibly grateful for
Born in Africa Netherlands... this gesture. Our study bursary fund is thriving thanks to you.
Tessy Willems, BIA volunteer arranged a
“high tea” in aid of BIA which took place in
Whaw so fantastic...
December 2012. The €1800 which were
Our garden project is flourishing thanks to Jeske &
raised was used to build an additional
Raoul van Etten, who donated the gifts of their 12th
classroom at a crèche in Crags. Patricia, the
principal of the crèche taught more than 40 wedding anniversary. Also donations from Rob Frans
and his family, the business Holding Kroot B.V, Type-
children, but had only one classroom in
tuin, Typeopleiding succes. To date more than 25
which to do it all! Thanks to Tessy, Eric
Breuker, Chantal Van Summeren, Tonny De children have established a vegetable garden.
Laere & Karien Vanseveren, Joan & Jacqueline Proost. They all FEMMA (ladies organisation) – Woluwe is organizing another
ensured the building of the room was done in a record breaking gathering this year and the funds raised there will be donated to
week! What a wonderful initiative for the children of the Crags. BIA. Thank you to the KAV (ladies organization - Heilige Familie
Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe, for your donation of more than €570.
DHL Netherlands arranged for the
Thank you to Peter Otten, from Ketchum Pleon Belgium for your
shipping of a container filled with Educa-
donation of 10 laptops for our students.
tional material for the benefit of the BIA
children. Stationary, puzzles and gifts Thanks to Nike ELC for your donation of soccer balls, stationary
were handed out at many local schools. and beach bags. We are so grateful that Mieke Geypens could
Thank you Eric Breuker (DHL) & Chantal deliver them safe to BIA South Africa.
Van Summeren for making the effort. Also thank you to Isolde De
The ‘Het Trefcentrum’ (community centre) in Woluwe, Belgium
Paepe for donating all the pencils and to Peggy van Est (Business
hosted a special event in aid of BIA’s 10 year celebration. The
Connected) for the educational material and a huge thank you to
event took place on the 1st of March 2013 and we would like to
the “Triangel” school for their donation of the swimming costumes.
thank our chairman Georges De Smul and Raf Beyns who made
BIA Netherlands ran a festive season campaign were all the arrangements.
an assortment of wines and pralines were sold in aid of Thank you Lief and Ivo De Bisschop, Idee-
BIA. Currently they are selling adorable fluffy toy consulting to sponsor the swimming project. Now 35
dragons. Should you be interested in buying a little children can swim! What a success!
dragon for an excellent cause, visit for
Once again thanks to Hans Antonise and Nathalie Dekoning for
more information. BIA Netherlands is truly coming to
hosting a photo exhibition on 18 November 2013. The funds raised
the party for our youth!
were incredible and we are most greatful for your ongoing support.
Big Thanks to Luc De Clerck for assisting during the BIA 10 year Thanks to Kiwanis Club Ieper, Lions Club Lokeren, GV. Marnix-
celebration. ring Vlaemsch Hooft & Lions Club Harelbeke Liederik for your

Dolf Wieërs received his honorary BIA All godparents & friends are welcome to join our 10 year
membership at Siya Phambile in Crags celebrations in Lebbeke, Belgium on SUNDAY 7 JULY
during his visit. Pictured with him are 2013. For more information please contact our chairman
Georges De Smul & Remi De Backer. Georges De Smul:

Baie Dankie: T. & J.Bogaert-Verlinden, V. Poelmans-Lambrights, H. & M. De Schouwer, F. Cools, Meeus-Verheyen, Moers-Scheepmans, Hollanders, Y. Vandenabeele, G. Verheecke, Van
Steertegem-De Temmerman, L. De Smet, Van Den Eynde- Lemmens, G. & S. Vandermaliere, S. Vanmaele, A. Denuwelaere, De Dycker-Vannoten, Kelchtermans-Dierckx, Vandenbulcke-Lietaer,
Lemahieu-Dubois, C. Verlinden, Van Der Auwera-Van Den Bul, L. Van Pelt, Naesens-Winters, Mathei-Jorissen, A. Veulemans, Deman-Bordau, Masselus-Geniets,Vandeputte-Bintein, Desmedt-
Dubois, Lefebvre-Dubois, Pysson-Denecker, R. Depuydt, B. Stevens, C. Leyn, Schoolcomite Sancta Maria, C. Stommels, J. Berlanger, T. Pierre, Reul-Debailleux, M. De Mol, B. Maenhout, H. & N.
Dekoning, Putman-Knockaert, Naudts-Delacave, L. Termote, Catrysse-Melis, S. Hudders, Van Cauwenberghe-Zhu, Goldfield Seaview Garden, Kafinco BVBA, W. De Meulenaere, Drs Termote-
Vanmaele, L. Bogaerts, Wieers-Doorme, Doorme-Daeninck, Eeckhaut-Mercelis, Sturtewagen-Vandenbroele, Van Thuyne-Landuyt, J-M Jaspers, R. Hertegonne, D'Hooghe-Raemdonck, Deklippel-
Cosyns, Provoost-Peeters, Immo Pima NV, C. De Clippel , Van Achter-Menschaert, M. Corteville, P. & A. Menschaert, J. De Baets, C. Berckmans, Lambrecht-Willems, Backaert-Van Den Bossche, R.
Pysson, J. Wambeke, B. Decroos, N. Van Heule, Tanguy De Thier-Dujardin, Vanoppem-Indesteege, Wereldwinkel Peer, Derveaux-Van Damme, G. Ramakers, S. Nederhof, Peeters-Wagemans,
Mersch-Doyer M T VD, Orde van den Prince, L. Ostyn BVBA, O. Vanhelden, D. Schaefer, Van Hoogenbemt-Dekoning, Van Eetvelt-Demont, F. & M. Pauwels-Sas, R. Vander Elst, Everaert –De Neve,
R. Cassenaer, G. De Smul, P. Duinslaeger, Albert Cochie, R. Reynders, Hindrix-Peusens, J. DeClerque Poverello , Suys –Vanackere, M. Van Rijn, C. Van Summeren, Wymeersch-Philips, K. De
Backer, R. Vanheste , A. Vandeweyer, J. De Baets, G. Smaers, M. Plessers, Sirolo BVBA, A. Goossens, F. & P. Pauwels-Sas, L. Leyssens, Van Poecke-Denys, V. Dejaeghere, Verzekeringen Smet
BVBA, Piet Dheedene, Van Den Goor – Geens, M. Verhagen, Dr. R. Schydlo, P. Billet, H. Theunissen, Posschelle-Wauter, L. Van den Berghe, G. Van Den Eynde, Berden-Van Geyte, A. Marrant, Van
Poecke-Denys, Kardinaal Daneels, G. Everaert, De Busschere-Claeys, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, R. Termote, Y. Godderis, Van Zele-Leliaert, B. Frans, Poelman-Dobbelaere, K. Vleeschou-
wers, T. De Smul, N. Schroyen, Schuil-Henderson, J. De Baets, R. Reynders, K. Mussche, Vlasselaer-Careme, Van Nerom-Goyvaerts, M. Arys, A. Clement, P. Buyse, H. Vanlerberghe, R. Van Zanten,
Vereecken, B Nijs, R. De Smul, Pancken – Spiessens, Cowan, C. Asenbauer, O. Schwarz, M. Bahr, Doller, Krug Krug, Seitz-Wegstein, C. Jacobi, Thorsten Diercks, T. Helmut, H. & M. Schaack,
Gackstatter Steffen, Messmer Klaus, T. Well, T. Lampert, Haegele
Update from the Chairman: Georges De Smul
Dearest Born in Africa management and Our street parade kicked off at 1200 pm with a police escort
friends of Born in Africa, which was lead by Plettenberg’s mayor Memory Booysen.
Drums and dancing boosted the enthusiasm of the sea of
It has been four very busy and stunning days. green which had all onlookers in awe. This was the time for our
The 10 year Born in Africa celebration week children to shine! Upon arrival a group photo was taken with all
was very well organised by the Born in Africa 400 children, Born in Africa staff and volunteers. The afternoon
team. Our 39 visitors from Belgium and show was a wonderful way to end off the celebration week.
Holland were made to feel at home both at the Born in Africa Our children gave brilliant performances. Speeches were
offices and during all the outings they took part in. At the delivered by the local mayor and various visiting delegates
schools they were met by the school principals who assured clarifying how important it is to all work together in order to
them of the important role Born in Africa has played within make Born in Africa a success.
their schools during the past 10 years. Attending the three
parent meetings we had the opportunity to meet all 400 Congratulations to the entire Born
children. in Africa team on behalf of the man-
agement and the 39 visitors. The
Thanks to the Born in Africa mentors all the visitations be- professional manner of the four
tween godparents and children were memorable ones. Visiting days really touched us.
Leigh Dunn’s special needs class was such an inspiration and
then Thursday was the highlight of the 10 Year Born in Africa Greetings from Georges De Smul
festivities. Your very satisfied Chairman,
Born in Africa Belgium

A word from Isabelle…

When I arrived in Plettenberg Bay I saw a huge businesses. Thank you to the Belgium and South African
need for additional educational support. I felt an Board Members, as well as to our friends who help us in the
urge to do something about the situation and Netherlands, Norway and Germany. A huge thank you to my
look where we are today …10 years later! We team Wesley Andrew, Belinda Coram, Karien Malan, Sarija
can look at our results and it is clear that hard Bewee, Marita Harker, Magdalena Jacobs and Catherine
work and dedication pays off. We can be so Schoeman who stand by me every day ensuring Born in Africa
proud of what we have achieved together. strives for excellence.
Thanks to the volunteers, sponsors, godparents, Born in Africa
A big thanks to ALL our volunteers (150 of them!) hailing from
parents, schools, teachers and principals. Without your com-
Belgium, the Netherlands and South Africa.
mitment we would never have come this far. Also a big thanks
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and look
to all the other NGO’s who strive to improve the lives of the
forward to yet another 10 years of Born in Africa.
children. A big thank you to our local Municipality and local
Together, we can make a difference.

Service clubs, companies, schools, seniors clubs and others who are interested
If you would like to organize something for Born in Africa, you can always contact Georges De Smul and Remi De
Backer. They are more than happy to come and give an informative talk at no cost. Feel free to contact them.

This newsletter was compiled by Elke Ijzerman, Nele Schroyen, Emma Irvine, Karien Malan,
Lotte Van Buyten, Dorien Van den Broeck, Belinda Coram & Isabelle De Smul – Brink.

Would you like to get involved?

Contact person in Contact people between Contact people in Belgium Contact people in: -
South Africa Belgium and South Africa Norway
Arlette & Georges De Smul
Isabelle De Smul – Brink Lieve & Remi De Backer R. Dalechamplaan 4 Toralf Nordbotten
P.O. Box 1674 Cell: +32 (0) 47 528 3873 1200 Brussels
Plettenberg Bay 6600 Belgium
South Africa Germany
Tel/Fax: +32 (0) 27 706 916
Tel: +27 (0) 44 533 6271 Cell: +32 (0) 49 612 2361 Dr. Reinhard Schydlo
Cell: +27 (0) 82 857 2345
The Netherlands
Chantal Van Summeren
Donations are always welcome!

In Belgium: Iban nr. BE 25 8845 03500182, Have a look at our Facebook page: borninafrica vzw
BIC-code: HBKABE22 & our new website:
In South Africa: First National Bank, Plettenberg Bay Tax exemption in
62044941533, branch code: 210514 Belgium (from €40) & in South Africa!

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