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Hugo News

W Guest Commentary... The American Thinker

to OKC big
the wigs Did Mexico just pay for the Wall?
point took a By Thomas Lifson ment with Mexico, and publiciz- very narrow and fearful approach
ing it with the televised telephone and it won’t be shaken until
Aug noogie... President Trump is following conversation with outgoing their voters shake off the politi-
through on his promise to re- president Peña Nieto, Trump also cal entities interfering with their
31 By Stan Stamper
structure the framework of U.S. makes his critics who predicted a freedom and limiting their ability
foreign trade, and his strategy disaster in U.S.-Mexico relations to thrive.
I guess there’s a weird side of me that enjoys looks brilliant. The deal he just (because he’s such a raaaaacist) One contentious issue that
watching Oklahoma City’s political champion getting negotiated with Mexico, leav- look like fools. remains unresolved is whether
2018 whacked this week in the GOP gubernatorial primary. ing Canada on the sidelines, is Speaking of fools, Justin the administration will exempt
Perhaps fueling that event was the fact that Mick described as a win-win pact, Trudeau has put Canada in a very Mexico from its steel and alu-
Cornett didn’t appear to care much about the Eastern EHQH¿WLQJERWKFRXQWULHV bad position if it does not come minum tariffs. Mr. Trump hit
Page Oklahoma voters, making very few appearances in our 7KHNH\WREHQH¿WERWKVLGHVLV to an agreement with the U.S. Mexico, along with Canada, the
part of the state.
A002 Akin to watch-
that China is the big loser. With
the deal tightening local (U.S.
on several contentious issues.
Trump was characteristically
European Union and other na-
tions, with 25% tariffs on steel
ing an old rerun
Clip of the Three and Mexico) content require- blunt in threatening the auto and 10% tariffs on aluminum, in
resized Stooges, Eastern ments to 75%, up from 62.5%, export jugular: part to force concessions on other
Oklahoma voters and imposing a requirement that “I think with Canada, frankly, WUDGHLVVXHV0H[LFDQRI¿FLDOV
32% gave Cornett “a workers be paid at least $16 an the easiest we can do is to tariff said they expected the tariffs to
noogie,” turning hour on 40 to 45% of the content, their cars coming in. It’s a tre- be addressed down the road.
him out to pasture Chinese auto parts and other sup- mendous amount of money and “I don’t think it was necessary
wherever political plies will be squeezed out. The it’s a very simple negotiation. It to address them now,” Mr. Vide-
losers go. exports China gives up will be could end in one day and we take garay [Mexico’s foreign minis-
:H¿QGWKLV replaced by content produced by in a lot of money the following ter Luis Videgaray Caso] said.
a bit surprising,
because OKC’s power structure (trust me, they have Mexican and U.S. workers. day,” Trump said. “We’d like those to be addressed
one) seldom takes losing very well. They typically get It is becoming clear to me that That’s the bad cop speaking. alongside Canada. It would be
what they want, including SE Oklahoma water. President Trump is mobilizing But of course, there’s a good great if we could have a trilateral
Everyone knew going into this race that it would be the principal trade partners of the cop ready to help “Justin from agreement on lifting those and
an OKC vs. Tulsa battle with both Cornett and Kevin U.S. to unite to pressure China. Canada.” our retaliatory tariffs on U.S.
Stitt turning up the charms to attract the 110,479 voters That nation’s gigantic ongoing “There are still issues with goods.”
who preferred Todd Lamb in the primary. theft of intellectual property, Canada but I think they could be It is unclear how eager Canada
It appears that Stitt’s willingness to venture out into its currency manipulation, and resolved very quickly,” a senior will be to sign on to the revised
the bush and rub shoulders with rural Oklahomans did its trade restrictions have led to WUDGHRI¿FLDOWROG5HXWHUVLQDQ deal. Relations between the
make the difference in the governor’s race. Cornett chronic huge trade surpluses with interview. United States and Canada have
won the OKC metro area by about 11,000 votes and
Stitt won the Tulsa metro by a similar number. But
the United States most notably, Five major issues are locked been strained for months and Mr.
Stitt took almost all of Eastern Oklahoma’s rural coun- but every manufacturing country into the agreement between U.S. Trump has personally berated
ties and many in the west to defeat OKC’s golden boy. on Earth has felt the impact of and Mexico. They are not nego- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of
Voter sentiment around the state appears to be pretty Chinese manufacturing exports tiable. Given the politicization of Canada as “very dishonest and
consistent... that citizens are tired of the “politics powered by those unfair prac- all this Trudeau cannot agree to weak” and accused him of “false
of old.” They were tired of Oklahoma lagging in its tices. So, by using bilateral deals these terms and keep his frag- statements” after a tense meeting
obligation to teacher salaries and they were tired of rather than the multilateral ap- mented political support intact. of global leaders in June.
decades of failed state level budgeting. proach favored for the last three So the blame for failure then goes I have little doubt that Trudeau
So now comes newcomer and business phenom decades or so, President Trump is to voters of Canada who prefer will meet a satisfactory portion
.HYLQ6WLWWLQWKH¿QDOVKRZGRZQDJDLQVWDQROGVHD- putting together a global alliance their government protections of the U.S. demands. The level
Continued, below Right...—> that will stand up to China and more than they prefer free trade of Canada’s dependence on trade
force it to stop its takeover of the with the U.S., they’re saying with the United States demands
Stan Stamper was inducted into the Oklahoma world’s manufacturing sector and through their voting patterns they that. Using his good cop-bad cop
Journalism Hall of Fame in 2012.
compete like a normal country. require imbalanced trade, or no approach, President Trump will
Wednesday, U.S. trade repre- trade. Free trade is too scary. ease Trudeau through the process,
HUGO NEWS sentative Robert Lighthizer was
interviewed by Bret Baier on
Too competitive. Too insecure.
They’d rather have less through
at China’s expense to the degree
possible. Then it will be on to
Successor to Hugo Daily News (USPS # 812-180) Special Report and gave a good imbalance tariff-ridden protec- our other principal trade partners,
TELEPHONE: (580) 326-3311 explanation of how this bilateral tionist trade, and higher prices all of whom suffer from China’s
approach works to the U.S.’s for key commodities from milk predation but none of whom have
Published Tuesday and Friday. If either of these days coincides with a advantage and how both Mexico to lumber and automobiles and had the guts to stand up to its
legal holiday, the Hugo News will be published the preceding day. and the United States are making ¿QDQFLDOVHUYLFHV7KH\¶UHVD\LQJ bullying.
THE HUGO PUBLISHING CO. INC. gains with this pact.
By accomplishing this agree-
they need government protec-
tion from big scary U.S. It’s a
This is what leading from in
front looks like.
128 East Jackson, Hugo, OK 74743
Periodicals Postage paid at Hugo, OK
POSTMASTER: Send change of address form c/o above address.

W To The Point continued...
Stan Stamper President & Publisher soned political master... Drew Edmondson. good’un.”
It will be quite interesting to see how this political As we have said before, Mary Fallin’s downfall was
Judy Stamper Vice-President
battle takes shape. Edmondson will have work to do in surrounding herself with underperforming political
Homer Garrison Production Manager the Tulsa area, and Stitt has some to do in OKC. Ed- duds, more full of themselves than the needs of Okla-
Krystle Taylor Editor mondson appeals to the state’s liberals and was solidly homa citizens and voters.
1VK`9H^SZ *SHZZPÄLK3LNHSZ in the corner of the state teachers in their march on the Edmondson will have to overcome some of the
Karen Wood Circulation Asst. state capital. negative dust that former Democratic governor Brad
Jessie Ivey Advertising Sales But voters have taken a number of tax increases in Henry left on the table.
;YPZ[LU)LHYK :WVY[Z(K]LY[PZPUN the past year including a big lick on car tag expenses. Stitt will have a lot of his own house-cleaning to
Also, ad valorem tax rates are on the increase in every take care of as Fallin’s term comes to a close.
Oklahoma county, and voters are once again, feeling Back in the late 70s, David Boren overcame the
CUSTOMER SERVICE: Please call our front desk until 5 p.m. nightly the backs against the ever growing tax wall. entrenched political establishment and incumbent
for delivery assistance or to subscribe. So while the political dynamics are pretty clear, the governor David Hall, with his “Broom Brigade,”
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Home Delivery (Via USPS) Single Copy
Price: 50¢. By Mail in Choctaw County $7 per month; $19.75 for three effective solutions and approaches by the candidates promising to make a “Clean Sweep” at the Oklahoma
months; Greater discounts for 6-12 months. are not. state capital.
MEMBER: Oklahoma Press Association Both Edmondson and Stitt are good men and Okla- It worked then and appears to be on the minds of
group or chain.
homa will do well with either at the helm. today’s Oklahoma citizen/voter.
Internet or E Mail But we will be looking for one of them to help Both of these candidates have a lot of selling to
/\NV5L^Z>LI7HNL!^^^O\NVUL^ZJVT XVPDNHD¿QDOGHFLVLRQE\RIIHULQJDVROLGSURJUDP do and for a very brief time... the voter has the upper
E Mail:
rather than the shallow promise of “I’ll make you a

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