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“That’s It? That’s Peer Review?”

One of my favorite Sidney Editor edi- Review Criteria” appearing sometimes assist me in evalu-
Harris cartoons shows two sci- torial board in the report. Editors in many ating such submissions and
entists looking at a set of equa- and was fields of science may find identifying ways to strengthen
tions on a blackboard. One participat- the checklist or adaptations them. During the publication
scientist draws an X through ing in the thereof helpful in instructing process, all items encounter
the equations, and the other congress, peer reviewers. the sharp minds and eyes of
asks, “That’s it? That’s peer kindly And third, the issue con- our manuscript editor, our
review?” enlisted tains a report on CSE’s second publication manager, and our
Clearly, there’s much more a new regional convocation of journal quality- control ace. As editors
to peer review. And in recent r e p o r t e r Barbara Gastel editors. One of the major sub- checking material on editing,
years such review has received for me. My jects addressed at the convoca- these staff members supply an
much scholarly attention. I am thanks to John and especially to tion, and thus in the report, additional level of constructive
pleased to include in this issue Carola Kaandorp, who covered was peer review, and the review by peers.
of Science Editor three pieces the congress on short notice. resource list at the end of the The final stage of review by
presenting highlights of recent Second, this issue includes report includes publications peers comes once Science Editor
work on the subject. a piece about the report dealing extensively with it. reaches you. Of course, I enjoy
First, we are fortunate to “Review Criteria for Research While on the subject of peer the kind words you share. But
be publishing a report on the Manuscripts”, which appeared review: What sort of review more important, the publica-
Fourth International Congress last September in Academic does material submitted to tion benefits from suggestions
on Peer Review in Biomedical Medicine. Although intended Science Editor receive? Reports you provide for improvement.
Publication, held 14-16 mainly to guide peer review- of original research for poten- Please continue sending me
September 2001 in Barcelona. ers, this report contains much tial publication in the Articles your review of our journal,
Shortly before the congress, that can aid editors—for section routinely go to at least for in the long run, good peer
I learned that because of the example, sections on the two peer reviewers. For many review is a matter of building
September 11 events the CSE selection of reviewers and the feature articles and columns, up, not crossing out.
member planning to cover the design of review forms. I am both unsolicited and invited, Barbara Gastel
congress for us would be unable grateful to Academic Medicine I am the main peer provid- Editor
to attend. John Overbeke, who for allowing Science Editor ing review. Editorial Board
had recently joined the Science to reprint the “Checklist of members and others, however,

EDITOR Barbara Gastel EDITORIAL BOARD Katherine M Arnold

MANUSCRIPTS Norman Grossblatt Barbara C Good
ANNUAL MEETING Ann Morcos John Overbeke
REVIEWS Stephanie Deming Poly M Potter
COVER Poly Potter Elaine A Richman
INDEX Winfield Swanson Mary Ann Schmidt


Box 100173 DESIGNER Tiffany D Inbody
University of Florida QUALITY CONTROL Roxanne K Young
Gainesville FL 32610-0173 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Thomas A Lang
President Elect Annette Flanagin
SOLUTION CORNER Della Mundy Vice President Michael J Held
Kaiser Foundation Research Institute Past President Tad Parker
Department of Medical Editing Secretary Cheryl Iverson
1800 Harrison Street, 16th Floor Treasurer Paul Bozuwa
Oakland CA 94612-3429 Treasurer Elect Monica M Bradford Directors Faith McLellan
Kayleen A Niyo
Diane Scott-Lichter
38 • Science Editor • March – April 2002 • Vol 25 • No 2

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