EJ Harrison Agreement

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AGREEMENT Retweon E.J. HARRISON & SONS, INC. & HARRISON BROTHERS ENTERPRISES UNITED FOOD & COMMERCIAL WORKERS UNION Local 770 March 30, 2015-March 31, 2019 ARTICHE2 ‘Waion Security 201 Viton seeuty— All employees shal, as @ condition of employment, pey to tho Union the Jain fee and/or regstatement Lacs nd pocidis dues lawfuly cequced by the Union, ‘This hligalton sballecuamenvo en tie iy-ist QL") day following tho deta of emmployment by the uaployer who is signatory to this Agrosnsent, ortho elective date ofthis Agzeament, the date of signin, whichever is ater, 202 Notice of New Mires ~ the employer agrees to notify the Unica, in writing via USPS and Fax ‘wikia fourteen (14) days fom the date of first employment of xy exployoss subject 1 this ‘Agreement, of the nazz’ of such employee, mailing address, company name, Socal Security ‘number, the postion for which employed, the dete of frat employment and Ge mio of pay et vitich the poten is ployed. The Union sal cknowledge ia waiting seosipt of notification, 203 Condions of Work for Now Emulovess ~ Tho Baployor shall pay sach pesca so employed {ting the period said person is aot a member ofthe Union, the sepulee Union Wages provided {or ir thy Agreement br the claus of wos said person is poxfrming, ad shall a ll ther respecte eequie sil peroon to work wader Eve upto lf ofthe provisions sot fox in his Apronint. 2.04 Vomployer shall provide a ist ofall ment exmplayoe names, addresses, phone numbers and classifications beannually the fest week of Jamuary aud Jaly. ARTICLES Chiook OFF 01 The Employer nasces to deduet from tie pay of ll employees covered by this Agreement who nibh fa yeiea euoszation on a fora thet has been mutually agreed upon by the Fnuployer mal Oo Uni, the dacs end iitstion fae ofthe Union and ages to remit to the Tajon all such decisions. 302 Such dedvotions as referenced above, shll include polities! coubutions. Th potitcal {unteivutionchorization may bo oer « epurae authorization er ono tht hes been coated wih the dues deduction euthoriaion, Sach dedaetions, when anthorized shall be mado fom the net ges duo an employee each weeldy pay pend, and shall be tmnt to the Union's ‘office fle dha the telat (12) day ofthe month Zllowing the month ia wish deductions swere made, ‘he deduction sill be expeessy limited to regular monthly Unien des, iiiation ‘fron aad poliial contitions only, and the Liplayer shll have np obligation of whsisoever ttre to make deduotions Jor any other purpose, including, but not limited to, reinsttcennt ‘es, special Gos, spoil asveisments, fines, sie finds or othor asessnoats, 303 No deductions will be made fiom the wages of my such employee util the Employer bas ‘weaved signed copy ofa voluntary individual wrlien athorvatin fo mak sue deietions with such eutorization tn be received by the Bmployer no Inter than the fst (1*) day ofthe sncath in which to dodotios aro oazznenoe in onset be dodueted Zor Gut mem. 3.04 Authorization far such deductions isto be eatiely voluntary ca the pa of each suc individu ‘ployee, and after ono (1) year Fellowing employees yaittan authorization t make dedvtions, any euch employee may revoke hi ndividnal oluntaryeutorzation upon giving thitty @0) ‘ays mitten notice to the Timployer and fh» Union, 4303 The Union heretyy indemnity and defends the Wrnployer an holds it harass aginst any aul all suits, cis, demands and Tabiltiss that may arise out of or by reason of, any ection that shall be talen by the Buployer for the purpose of complying with the Srepoing provisions of {his Artic, oc in reliance on aay list or centfesto witch sill Ive been fumished to the [ployer unde any of such provisions. ‘The Boployee shall add to the list submited by the Union the ramen of all regular nw employees hire since th last list was submited and delet the nares of emplogece who ate 20 longes employed ARTICER 4 ‘Union Rallain Boal 401 The Union will provide « beta bosed upon which te Union zaay post notices pertaining t2 Union business, including union meotings, It is uerstood that no notions shall be posted that aot « political nsture 402 All such notioes signed by aay authorized representative of the Union must be presented to the ployer orhisyhur designated represaltiv for upocoval prior to posing. Suck approval sall sot be unreasonably withheld, 403 Sush bullatn board will bo in lose pexity to the timo oars, 508 su 503 504 505 ARTICLES Shop Stoward ‘The Finployerrecognizts th right of te Local Union to appoint uo moze than six (6) towards ‘Toe Hiployer nod nat so recogniz such «Steward ules the Fimploye hs hora advised in siting bythe Union oftheir desiguation. Upon two 2) wosks notice to fie Employes owns will be seidled ot to tendon (1) day sioyead suing sorfnar por ealendes sean tales abgonce of te eupleyee i critical io Company operation, Company will pay fr reward taining fpr atta o thao (3) days fr the term ofthis agreement, Union to catering ‘Wino will receive de three 2) days of psi i. “The Uaioa Stewesds, not to exveed two at sy one time, may engage in the adjusts of iglovanoos vin the Union Reyresatative end compinnis with Employer epresentlives during Jor suholeled howe of werk (meximtin of 5 outs par month per stewed), a3 limited by the spievance procedize. ‘Before a steward car leave his worksttin, helsho shall Sat notify hisher tomato superisoe an whereaesessry, obvi relief Tn any mocting ivelving the investigation or diuipline of an employee, ai employee aney smjuest the presened ofa sion Steward or Union Representative, STEWARDS AUTHORITY “The Stowe ao designated by the Uaion sll be Timed to and shall ot axcxod the fullowine duties end aotvities: (Q). The invosiguion nd presniton of fae grlevinoe moctng in aocordance with hia agreement, ead, @) The transmission of faformation which oxgiaates wit, and is aorized ly, the “Cri of Hs officers provided suck information hes been seduced to writing, orif.aot rede Io wing, sof @ oui nalaze and does not iavolve work stoppages, s1o¥ Gowns, refusal 0 hale qos or aay other istorferonoe with the Exspoyes's fnasines; nd, ©) Distibution of chedeoff suthorzation eens dering, working howe proved sus dusnlty doet aot intrfve with roduaivn. The Sowa skal sve no authority fo fale sie ection or auy other action intemupting the Lmployer's business. The ‘Bimployer recognizes thoe mations upon the athecty ofthe Stwaed and shall not fold de Unien lal for any ofthe Stovards uss, wich exceed the duos described ttbove, and which are not seneiored, suthorzed, honored, instigated, supported oF ‘aniased by the Union, ‘The names ofthe Stewanls shal te given to te Employer in Gadd by tho Union and steh Steward sll serve wx the agent an vepoeatative of ‘Ee Unioa infil the Usfon noes tho Employer in writing shat susk empoye> bs osu removed. () The Fmployer, in recognizing such tiation, sball ave the autity to impose Aisciplive op 1» end including discharge in tho even! the Steward he whim “unnuthorizd alrikesetion, or work toppagesin violation ofthis Agsecmeat ARTICLES “Workin Comat 6.01 The wage rales and classifications covered by this Agreement ar est forth in the Schedule iontitied as Appendix “A”, etched hereto and mads apart here. 602 RALHS OF PAY AND CONDITIONS NOT REDUCUD DY THIS AGREEMENT ‘The Employer agrees tha except ws nepotntd herein, no employes covered by tis Agreement, ‘ho, priarfo the date of this Agreoment, wos receiving more than the rate oF wages dasigeated a ‘the Agrecencat ar conlitions bette than those herein provided for the class of work in wich bef was engage, shall suffer a redotion inthe rate of wages or conitions of exxployaaent. 603 JEMPORARY ASSIGNMENT. At th discretion ofthe Baaployar, «gular employee my be ‘emparrily assigned to other duties, bat no cmployee shall suffer reduction in pay resulting ‘rom temporary emignment. A ruler enployeo temporattyassigeed by the Employer to wore Jina clessifcaton other tha the xegulr employee's regular elsicaton shall be paid at higher regular rp of pay. Unless the job classification to which the regular employeo is temporaily crsignod calls fora higher rte af pay, in wich event the rogue exployee shall be pale atthe higher ete forall hous 3 worked 604 BARGATNING INT WORK Iie not th intat of ho Company to have supecvisery or non-represerted Employees pert ‘wurk which is within the soope of the Burgening Uni. "Th paris rooagnise hal Supervisors and nan-represented employees wall on occasion, perform Bargrinng Unit work where any emergency coniliion exis (84, employee unavaiabiliy and immediate sti is sqeized 10 rnafnfain on-going operations, of instructing employee(s) inthe cou af their din wth the cexaployee(9) prastnt). They shall nat be used to replace o displace Barpzining Tn employees. 605 HEALTELAND SABETY, ‘The Employer eball make rsaaaauble proviniens for the hetlta saa salty offs exployees during the hours of their empleyiient. All protestive device, wusting anpecol (except footwen) and other equipment necessary to properly protet employees fim injuy, incuding foul westher shall be provided for and the onctsesumod by the Employer, ‘Whenever an employee is required to wear wspecfic type of wafoua, orale of dream the cost cof furnishing, tumneing, or clearing the same shal be assume by tho Kmployar, ‘The cee of proteative devices, safety pare and other equipment shall be the responsi of the emplayoo to wo itis issued, ‘The Kployer ay essess the replacement cost to covee loss ot wifi dlesicztion of suct foremontionsd items. Employees refusing to woer eniforas, actilea of dress or prolcetive devices shall he subject to discipline up to md inchuding dicharge. No ‘employee willbe required to pexform ny duty which wonld jeopardize thee bral ot safety. Te hallnnt bea violation of thi agscement whete etaployees refuse to do such wosk, provided dey follow company procedure in such eases. Disputes oder this Section wil be guided by OSHA regions, To npemte Zilits, machines, cle, employees must firt be instructed and qulified, Any eamployeo who susie a work elle iness or injury isto noily the supervisox Snmodintely, who wll insist the employee on here to rept Jur modieal cove ifmseesary. “Tho Binployes call aot requie emplaysos to dri on the ton highway any wehle that 5 hot i snfe operating comtion, cr operas any equipmeat without the salbty appliances prisaibed by lew. Tt shall not be a violation of tis Agreement whece employees refise to Fccate such equipicas, until such equigmoat has bos approved o> bring cafe by the Inantenanee or mechanical department. Hmployees shall immediatly, or atthe end of thoi Shi seportall dafect of equip. Such reports shall be znd on a suitable farm furnished by the Buployer and shall bo anado in multiple copies, ono capy to bo retsinad by the eaployse, ‘Ta Rmployer sll not esk or xauize any employee to work with artake out equipment that hae ben reportod by any other emplayes a2 being nen unsafe operating condion, unlit same has been approved as heing safe by th maintoasnce or mecharival departineat ‘Tho Company shall maininin a nolifeaton of hazands in che font of the route book. Mangement will flize input fen expleyoes on “Problem Notieation Foun”. 606 LOOT ALLOWANCE. The Employer will provide a chek for ane Inno and four doacs ($104) trie pet year fora boot allowance, after an employee hus campleted ninety (90) days of ‘eevee, in Oomber oni April of each year slanting tip fist pay period ix Ostober 2006. Euployees off on a Ine of absence Zo tao fll six (6) month will note eligible for boot allowance. Tmnployecs must lam ia « ooipt by December 1%, to avoid paying tes on boot allowence, 607 GLOVES, The Employer will provide gloves for employees as nesed, provided the old pais is ‘exchanged. The imployer will rove a wet weather glove dusig the miny season as needed, ‘provided the old pac ia exchanged, Employer will povide lather gloves far semi chives, per Sear ab nesded, provided the old pair is oxchanged. A second lost pair of gloves during any centrct yous will elt in a to dala (92) replacement charge. 608 ‘TRAINING ‘The Brmployee will provide taining to Clas € divers hited to become Class davers, Suck trdning stall bo done onthe Empleyer's ime and must be stishtorly eamploted ‘ilhin ninety (0) days or the Erployee willbe subject to temintion that will not constitute a JRiovauce agsinst she Eaaployor and sll not be mibjct (0 tho provisions af Assia 11 (Sen {fn of€ts Agreement. Any coment Cast C deve wil be tained to bevoms Class B diver. 609 WORK RULIS, The Union eognize the right ofthe Employer to make end enfore ruloe ‘casonably led to the onduot of th Exployer's business md not conirary to this Agrecment. Such work mules are 10 apply 12 all employeor of the Employer who are suiject to this [Agreciuet, aad the reasoasblenis of thors andthe easonsteness ofthe applivation of suck ‘es shal be subjoct to Artie 1 of his Agroement. G10 ACCESS TO PLANT. Aa authorized, fl-time, repesentetive ofthe Union, aller List maaking Lghor presence knoom to the General Manager or Operstions Manager, shall be permite 9 talk with employees on Company premises fr the purpose of adjusting disputes, investigating ‘working coalitions, und adhorenes fo the toms andl Conditions of this Agreement. ‘This privilege shal bo orerised so that no tine is lost othe Company. 6411 POINT MUGU PER DIM. ‘The Employer agrees fo reimburse the employee tar masale bas ten recip om tho SN Galley for breaklut and fanch; but diner based on receipts, exclusive ‘of aleobal, not io exceed $15, 6412. Employsx shall pay for oll ovtloads and equipment violations if the czxployee fellows ll company policies. 6.13 Cetud Batra driers assigned a zoute in a ck fer which they aro exatfied wil be pu wt the Mandard commerciaV/iesdentisl dhiver mt. Ceifeaton involves waitin approval by the Personnel Depsriment, after 2 performance and sifeiy toviewr with the tminer and fiald suparvision,catfying that the iver can earmplete the type sorts in questi sufly and without sssistave fiom others, Employer inten to ceri Truine/Ealra Drives es quickly as poasible, fur as many ype tracks as possible in ths oder of ive date, Traines shall obiin extfiotion, for both commercial and residential yitbia six () mons, Aay trainee not obtaining cctifieation for both commercial and residential within six (6) mouths wil be discharged. Discharge may be extended with yalten approval om both the Compray sd the Union for up ‘thirty (0) days, Any such éschrepe oe farminction wil not constitute a grievance aginst the “Rimplojee noe be eject to doe provisions of Arle 1 ofthis Agreement 614 ROUTE PRODUCTIVITY STANDARDS ‘tis the intent ofthe onmpany to establish zoute productivity standards (RPS) through industry nd route apeciic varishles us well a ceiver input. Wha adver is unable > consistatly msinsin the RPS for the assigned rm, tho Driver, Union Stovard, Rote ‘Supervisor ind Operations Menagec wil agree to met with the inter to discus nd ‘solve ny restonable sme preventing tho Driver fom meting tio galdbshod RU. In ‘he eveat of a sipaitcant route change le out of ares, 10+ bins, ot 100+ arrels the Company wil notify te dive, update ths route cover sheet und provide the Driver with ‘two @) week tmnstionlpeciod, The Driver wll have tha opportnity to rach consensus on the nsw (RPS) as octfned inthe Stops belt: Daring the wo 2) week ‘eamsition period, the Driver will have tae opportanity te disras withthe Campaiy any snd all changes fo the rout and all probes i minnie te new RPS ul thee is -muual agreement on the now RPS, I the Diva falls below the RPS mitually agreed ‘upon, the Lovers roe willbe subject fo the process desuibed below. ‘STEPS YOR RETAINING CERTIFICATION 1. Company will identify a dtiver that is consistently not meeting the tine established to complete aroue. meeting wil b achediled to discus the issue ‘and identify problems associated with to soul. 12, ‘The canployee willbe given fouroen (14) days in wich to identify nd sunset hinges to the roe that wil ssst in reducing the complation of the toute os Show cause for ditional tine far rouls completion, 4, Changes shall be implemented fora peciod of (14) days and a mocting sobotuted {utd ea of tht. (14) day pevod, IF udoquate resofion is eached for ho toute ‘amaplelion there wl bono farther steps taken, 4, Jee ronte completion tine isnot soled in steps 1-3 sbove, a supervisor will “ide wih the employ foe fa dacalion of the rete and both the Supervisor and to Eamployce shall signa route docomentation fam indicating completion ime ov do roo on tal ay, "The Bmployes, Coupe gad Union shullawes to determine « consensws forthe xe compotion dene basa upon the comsletion time outlined in Stop 4 above, Ith putes ‘an feesh consensus in détersining the yout completion te, the employee shall bo asgnodl new rate cowpletin tim for that route an sii maintain thet new stn {the patios eam each consents, amodinor shall boutlized to dstennice the route completion time, ‘Any employee who is incapable of msatising thir cuentrstezantlly agreed pon {RS Gubies in prominently displayed on he route cover shest oF sack onto book) after [Baving provioctlyachiove slisfacloy ercetion atau, wil enter @ Re~Trening Re- Coriffeatina Process (RCP) afte receiving two waitlen waenings in any rolling weve ‘honfh pied ‘Tis process will involve the ro-essigument «designated teening route, ‘aivers in tbe (RCP) wall bare psinsty over these designated taining ontes te ‘tification process, Thy omployeo shall e llowed upto sb (6) monte in the RCP process al seta to thefrzegalerly amigned rote. Ite enployoo dace not 2etshictrily complete the ROP process within da sx (6) month period the employes may be subjee to discharge, The RCP timeirame may be extended with wetten approval from both Company aod the Union far up to thirty 30) days. Ifa employee docs nat ropsin eificetion afer an extonsion has boen genie, sid employee may be ‘ecmissted, G15 DRIVER LICENSHANSURABILITY Section 1 ‘Ail deers unas be ia posseaion of valid Caltimnin Driver License ofthe proper sass fo peefoa the Devers job dies, Divers wre equiod to fmaaeditely repont any ‘huge, to perscanel, (Le. tafe vioitons, cistons, cident) to thee commcciat Adving peidoges. Suspension or loss of diving privileges following @ conviction, plea or ‘other faa resolution of a charge shall be grounds for immediate discharge Seton ‘The Daler agrocs tobe in complince with any and allegations ofthe US. ‘Depactinaat of Maaspecttion, Calforaia Highway Patol, andthe Californie Department of Trmnopotation egording tours, medical conditions and requied Hens. ‘Soetion3. ‘fa Dever bocemes uninsurable, the Dever skal bo uanted an unpaid personal eave of sheence, with proof that he luted io will ovo sufficient to remax the problem, up ‘ninety (00) day in rer to comet the problem. If hs problem is not eoected within ‘thiapsiod, th Driver may bo discharged. “ARTICLE ‘Work Woek Working Hours and Overtime 701 HOURLY EMPLOYRES, Exclusive of meal peiods for each workday, the workwest shall cunsist oF geven (7) days, Monday through Suaday, Ror fll-time employers, eight (8) hous stall constitute a day’s work aad forty (40) hous consisting af five consceutive eight (8) hour {ays out of seven (7), aball cout a regular week's work. Such schedules could be Monday tough Friday or Tuesday thiongh Saturday. Any Tuosday trough Saturday schedule call be offered ftst cn a volimémy baeia, seoond Yo new hires, and last by inveese seniority by Separtuent end clemifiotion, Those Tmplayees curerly working Ssurdays, will be fpanllahored and shall sutfer uo reotion in Satay work ss a remult of this provision, The nowy rate ed terms wre rellcted in Appenitic A. (@) OVERTIME. One ane one-half (1-1) times the sogular straight tie hows neta of pay all bo paid all hourly paid employees forall hoor worked in excess of eight (8) hours in sy one (1) werk day, erin exoess of forty ($0) hours in any one (1) work week: (©) TWELVE HOURS, To @ tines dio regular steht ze hourly sat of pay shall be pid all houtly paid employees Zeal tours workod'in excess af Lets (12) ours in any 028 1) vworkay, ‘02 RULL-TIME EMPLOYERS. AU sogulw filltime hourly paid employees covered by this ‘Agreement shall be guaunfeed (40) houce of york in awoke Week and Lye (5) cays of work in & ‘york weele This gnacantee shall ply only and so long as the regular full-time employees Coveted by this Agreement eport for wore auch day atthe time the employee js scheduled to ‘epod for that diy ad unis excuse by the ngloyer, completes the assigned full day's work ‘chalulo, or or specified below. IF tao ployee canst prove gt (8) hues of work for reaaaabeyon the ental of the Employes, cmployoss sporting for work as tld shal be pid foe one-half (12) of tie Sebel! chi, ono mre than four () hours te employes regula oof pay fr holy Teldexployes. Any employee matntng fo ptm wrk provided un such dy mey lave {al aly be pid far ooc timo atoll worked 1a tho evant ths Employ knows tho day before that tl be anal to provide ight 8) hous Of york to may emplayes for reason beyond the coutal of ie Lmploye, ths Employer shall tolify such exmpleyee tht shey aro nat Yo roost fr work and shal ot be feqted to etsaniee Cig (hrs of wank-om euch dy. [gush cue a included in this scton, de emcloyce's guaremte of fnty (40) hours of work in ‘work wook for honey palé employees will avtomafisally be woided for that wee. 703 All employees covered by the Agreement willbe allowed fifteen (15) minute paid rest peciod ‘as clogs ee practiable to the mid-point of eay continuous four (4) hour work peiod 7104 All exuployees covered by thie Agreement mast take a minimum of a eno-balf (1/2) hour unpeid {oa poiod. Som Divert ay tal an mpd ane (L) he mal pried at tha erapiogen’s option povided they not the General Maniger or Opertions Manager a half hour befoe their hanch begins. All ecoployeos working more then ten (10) hours bul les then twelve (12) hoors are resjired to tulee 4 pecond oneal (U2) hour wmpaid meal period, but such petiod may be ‘yoived,_ Any enaplayoe waking mare than twelve (12) ours willbe required to tae @ second ‘one-half (/2) hour psi patie. 1008 The Fiployer shall desigute a satng time for each employee covered by this Agreemeat. Aug regula route with an assigned str time of 10:00 am ar Iter, will be pal $2.00 por how promi. 71.06 Alltime lat dus to delays a a rel of overloads or ceticate violations involving Federal, Stee, a CityCoumy regulations, whioh occur fixough uo Salt of the diver, ball be pei for exclusive of meal prods “LOT ‘Thre sll be no pening or duplicating of ey promium or overtine rates of pay. 708 ASSIGNMENT OP BACKUP WORK, Backup work, when availble, shal te assigned to those fenployees who are available to work with the proper equipment in order af proxinity and ‘competion of assigned oule 709 OVERTIME REFUSAL, Stall bo wlilized for uavalability for Rxta ot Backup Work, (Overtime is dened us anything above your assigned ox). + Unforescen Non-Avalabity-Thoso with unforesean non-availability for overtime use the overtie refsal login the Dispalch Oilice, ‘Unforeseen non-avalaility shall be utilized no ‘mote in onee por month. Drivers cen appeal to tho Personnel Deparieat for exoeptions to this rte, + 90 Day Non-Avnilbiity mployecs unevalable for Esta work ov Baclup work may St ont ‘form, cable in peesonnel, questing t bs enavlable for @ period not to cxeced ninety 20) days, ‘Unforesien Non-Availability and Overtime Refusal forms to be ullzed in Chis article are shown in Artide D. 740 REGULARY SCHEDULED SATURDAY WORK-ROULK. 4 route opaning fos « regtlaiy ‘whtoduled Stzaday spevierouo, whan it would be the deiv's sith day, shall be offered en the busi af aenievty basi to experienced. drivers in that clastic 741 REGULARLY SCHEDULED SATURDAY WORK KOR COMMERCIAL DRIVERS. Alt regulary scheduled Saterday drivers shall maintain their ability to switch between their A land T route through mutual agreement will the ather regularly signed driver of that route no more flan once per quarter. Any regular Saturday xowte shall be filled ‘mdr the provisions of Artile 9, 742 TEMPORARY AVAILABLE SATURDAY WORK [OI COMMERCIAL DRIVIRS. ‘Whea a regularly scheduled Saturday routs femporarily available it will be assigned to Gortified Commercial Drivers who have Indicated their intorest and availability through rolitcation to the Himployer and subsequont Hsting on the “Available Certified Commercial Drivers” log, which shall be posted. Assignment of temporary available Saturday work shall begia with the moxt senior employee by date of hire and roll to the next most senior employee intl all employees Tisted have efther been assigned Saturday srork or declined dite to unavailability for the day it was assigned. Au employee shall Inaintain their positon on the Hist if thoy notify the Himplayer no less tam five (5) days in advance of their unavailability for a Satwrday route, This process will continue to rll from the least senor employee at dhe bottom to the most senior employee at the top. Any tanployee who notifies the Employer of dheir availability after the iniial posting of the lst ‘vill have their name insorted. on. the Hist based upon their date of hire seniority. This Tinguage shall only apply if ti the driver's sieth day of work. The form tobe ulized is shown in AppeadixD titled, “Availablo Cortied Commercial Drivers”. 743. TEMPORARY AVAILABLE SATURDAY WORK FOR SEMIDRIVIRS. Satmrday work ‘whien it would be the drivers sixth day, shall bo assigned to Certified Clas A drivers it the Scmi:Driver Classification who have indicated their interest and availablity duowgh notification to the Employer and subsequent listing on the “Available Certified Somi- Drivers” log, which shall be pastel, Assignment of temporary available Saturday work ‘ball begin with tho most senior employee by date of hire sand roll to dhe next most senior tmplayes until all employees Hsted have either boun assigned Saturday work or declined fine to unavailability for the day It was signed. Am employee shall maintain thoi positon fon the Ist if they notify the Employer no les than five (8) days in advance of their Imavailability for a Saturday route, This process will continue to roll om the leat senfor “employee af fae bottom fa the moat senior employee at Ose top. Any emplayes wha notifies {he Employer of iin availability after the inal posting of the lst ill have thetr mame {inserted on the lst based tpon their date of hire seniority. This langnage ball oly apply if iis the drivers sixth day of work. 74 MINIMUMCDAY, All euployss eputing Se won al be grand a minimus of eight (8) consettve hones of wank ér pay Ine eof a tee egtsea of py Th employee my athisher opin elect to waive this provision. (See Article 7.2) 745 POSTING OF WORK SCHEDULL. The Employer agroot to keep posted v dsly schedule, ia Ink, of the staring fines or all euployoos. Such schedule shal show the full uno of eich cnployee and the depenimoaVloaictin, ‘he employee will be notified af schofulo changss. ARTICLES Seniority 8.01 Tor the purposes of this Agreement, sealant is defined asthe ny af contin serves with ‘ Finployer dated fess th rognlat amplayee's lst dst of hire. A regula employee is defined «a an employee who bas completed the peobationay period of ninety (90) continous calendar Geys of employment, During the probatcaary period, the Banployer abal ee the sole zight to tennis or eischacge such employee and any suc action shall be subject to the grievance snd tbizaton procedie eutlines in Arise 11, After completion of he probstionssy period, the {aployeo shell have genic os oF the eriioal det his. Such ninety (90) sy period may be ‘extended wih the nistaal appuovel of both the Bmpoyer and the Union with wattea notifiention to te exployeo. 802 DSPARTMINISICLASSIFICATIONS. Clasitication seniority is defined as the length of coatinanus sixvioe in #speilie cluifeation measured asthe frst dato his/hoe appointment to uch om clesiiction. Such appointment shall aot bo made forthe purpose of displacing nother employee. The following represents ho curont Classifications within Departments ‘under this Agrocment Department: Drivers (Claseications; Commcial, Residential, Semi Drivers, Driver Trainees, ‘pita Dlvets, Helpers, Beles Daivers, Somi-Relief Devers 803 all cases of lay-off and sual om Iny-f,seatrity among seyular employoos within the depertment or job classification allectod will govern where, in tio opinion ofthe Employer, job performance, sil, abiliy sad qualifications to perform the work axe equal. | Erpiover will view employees in invoeoevcnirity order, Ezaployees shall be restored to duty asset forth shove. provided the alfected employee responds to the val of the Employes, which call shall be eat tothe last nowm ads of tha employes as Sed with the Pmploye, by telephone, ox Fes and dhe Local Union by telophone and eporia for Gay within Czvo (8) working days fom time SC dispel of wad wll the affected enlayes, If une to nepor lo work, employess ams fall wiitn thee (3) days and zeport within seven (7) days. The giving ofthe eforementaned al shall OI tha cbligson athe Employer unde this provision of this Agrecment. A sei ployee who is Ieid off may displace a lose sonior employee, reseloss of diffzeases fx Clasiication, The Fimployer salle yrevido a thirty C0) day taining pesiod for tho senior employee to tomsision #o any new classicalion, provided they have no more than Zour (4) ‘tien veings in. he previous twelve (12) months. 804 in all case of promotion, chill preference, aow sehoduleg, soute, and transfers etmong ‘aployoes, asariy among rogniar enplayeedatfsied will govern where, in te opinion of be mployer, job performance, ski, ability and qualifications to perfora the work ars equa. Scully shall be invoted im the following under: Clusiticstion, Depssinent, Company Senieriy. ‘Tie Compaay wal pve the most seior applicant, previded they have no more thes. ‘our dsiplinnny werrings inthe previous twelve (12) months, for any job ial pxiod of wo to Lhsty (20) worklaye to demonstrate the capability pec the new job. Company vill ‘ovide training as needed pre te this rial pind. The Company shall uilize de hire dats of a Employee in detaining severity forall cumges Jstod in the above tint sentence after a feployoo is worked for welve (12) months in nev classifistion, Tae employee's reistated fniory,aflersvocaneful tration within the twelve (12) maths, may only be wtlized when ‘Bidding on an pea tonts a now route, oz a the svent oF non-pel weason route changes. Tn he ‘vent tat the employee cant perform tho now jo in a stisfsciany maraner, hat employee wil ‘ye retamed fo toi previous wsnment 8.05 In chnice of a vecaton tine, Company seniority shall prevail, provided th time requeatd for ‘yacation is fumed isto the Exaployer fom Jarusxy 2nd thns Rehrary 15th of he yearn which ‘the vacation sto be take. 8.06 Seniority wl be Lost for any of the flowing reasons 1) Diachatge 2) Vohmtary Quit 3) Rodrement 4) Feito t reports wok within thee (8) working days afc see. I'm employes is Ont ofthe Unit Stra, the employee mast eall within thee (3) days und report work ‘yin eeven (7) 6075. 5) ay-off for ial cf work in excou of x (6) ats, or serine, 6) Asoeptince of Workers? Compensstion far pemuancat disability woe shore ARTICES Job Bidding 9.01 When fil-time job vasancics osou within the bargaining uni, notice of suo job openings will ‘be posted oa the bullein boa, at less en (10) working days prior to thor bing fled on a ‘sogalat basis in onler fo and employees who dss tobe considred therefore, 2x opportarty fi signily their inieest of the job designated. The Kirployer all have he right to place any bargining uni eapleyee cn the je forthe bid peiod. Serioity, among thowe desirous uf the job opening wil govem wht, in the opinion of tho Employes, job pecfonmance, ski, abiity fan qualification to perfomn the work ae equal, If no ane ffor win the barging unit ‘qailliod the Haployer mey hive ftom outside te Company. 9.02 Tuployees whe aco promoted to anther job wil be given e resonable period to meet job ‘equzemen(s not lo cxoed titty 60) days, tke employee ia unnble to perform tke wor in tha ‘how clasifcation, ia tie opinion of tho Bwmployer, or does not want to coatime in tho new assfieation, ths employee shall be restored to the feunee job wilho Toss of wnat. “ 9.08 All vaceacies mst be fill no Iale tan ton (10) colendar des ater th posting period has caled. 9.04 Compa will award job tothe most senior aplicen, provided they have mo more than our (8) vton warnings in te previous twelve (12) esonths, for any job a tral period of up to ‘hiedy G0) workdays to damonsiate Ge cspabilty tp perfoom the asw job. Company will ‘provide tuning a5 needed prior to this trial period. Tn the event that dhe employee cannot ‘Pena ie ney job hu w lisfatory nme; that exployeo will bo resamed to (heir peevious asignment. 9.05 Aa Eaaployee changing clestication though job bidding process from Residential to omar or vice versa shall be rostered from xcresing their seniority fora lamsifcaton clange fora pid of twelvo motte Ge inil job bidding pros. ARTICLE 10 Discharge, Warning & Protest 10.01 Ttisnontully agreed tut the Employes kas the right to sche or discipline any employee for juste 10.02 Distiplins is intended tobe constnstive nd timely. Diseiptine mut be given within five (©) werking days of notifcetion a te knowlege cr recep of uny goveenmental agency repart (Gfegpliesbiey. Disciplinary wet ups willbe cumulative within three (3) separate took, whit shall inclndo 1) Absoensta/Tardiness, 2) Accidents, and 3) General Work Rules. Progressive ‘Gscipling shall follow a fourstop processus cuined beloy. Accidents under three hundred fifty dolla ($350.00) abu be considered verbal warnings for no more thao two fies daring ruling twelve month pexiod and vill nol be considered part of the mrogressive discipline Foyandless of adeitiaal discipline commoncing. with the Wriden Waring siage. Accidents syithan actual eos af repair excoss of three nmdved fifty dollars (§350.00) shal flow the isciplinary process outlined below 2) Weiten Wearing 2) Writlen Waring 3) Weftten Warning ea threo (3) day Suspension 4) Temination Just cause for dischnge dll inchdo, but not be Fimited to, proven dishoaesty, proven tft, Jasubordination, giving out confidential infaanstion to ny unuthorized parson ar boing in nmiforized possesion of compeay geepert, roddesmess, flue to perform requed wr, Intoxication, drinking, possession oF uno or anes of alouholic beverages cx proscription or non peeseiption drags (Woh reals in ay impaisment of judgment) while on the 1imploye’s Dremiaos or on ori Employerowned a leased vohicles and lore to observe Caanpany wore rales. The season shall be given in writing by Sue Employer tothe employee ut the time of discharge and/or suspension. [All sockets in whch the nvectigation revedls tho employee to be at fault and the suing Samages are under $000,00 abl sect in e waten waming. This soetion docs not apply to Deoking andor sea end accidents, 10.04. ll accidents volving damages in excess of $1,500.00 were te diver wast wil ‘ssl in a miniamam of none (0) dey suspension. No discipline of any kind shall be admainisterod for an accident until the following oevurss ‘Tho Curapany determines the driver to be at fault and the Company has an estimate to fixireplaee daauages. 41,06 Peaplayess to whom Tten vrzning notices are issued must sign tho warning note to stest nly tothe duc het thoy hue voceived xcopy of sed waming notice. Werniug notices wil only ‘econuidesed valid ithey ae poe within fon (10) working days ofthe event siving rive to ho ‘noice, of within tou (10) working daye from the date the Bzaloyer fist hnd knowledge 0 the abject event. Warts notioes which az more thar! one year old sll not be sed ay basi Sor siplinay soton, however, whenever such action is ebllenged, the Homployer may introduce videnoo of wenuings mare than ono year old to refte a claim of no prior disciplinary acon ‘Tho Timployor agrees to noily the Union within toenty-foar (24) hours by telephone, PAK, B- sal, af if nonwork day, as soea 9 posible, when a regular employee is discharged or smospendd for any tenson 10.07 Notwithstanding the foregoing, tho Employer will have the right to discharge without conse amy ccplogee within the fs ninety (90) days of employment, (or if extondd by nntual approve of och Union and Baployor va faosmile, en adaltionl thisty (30) days a rid employes is not liataetory tothe Baployer. Any suoh discharge or temuinstion wil not constitute w grievance texinst the Employer tor be abject tothe provisions of Arle 11 ofthis Agreemeat. 10,08 The Union sil have the sight to inveotigte the dischange or discipline of any regular srnloyee covered by this Agreement and may protest any such dselarge or discipline beKoved by tho ‘cuployoe toe Union to be ugjusied, provided tho employee(s) involved volun consent in Swrting fo aid protest by the Union. Any such quctst mnt be submitted fr sotlement as povided Torin Article 11 ofthis Agrooment. Any protes aot submited for setfement es provided fori _Aljsle 11 of thio Agreement il be wriv forall pumpnaes 16.09. Damages to maithoxes, lees Windshiets and basketball hoops shall not cout asa qualifying event for the extra paid day under Article 15.08, ff it involves x single becurrencs af damage, in one yeu to onc of dhe tems Listed herein which is notin excess of 380.00. 6 ARTICLE Ut Grievance & Arbitration A101 Criovances sll be Hinited to matory concerning the provisions of this Agrecment, The “grievance” a tat fem 2 wed in this Agreement aicsus a clnim by an employes ox eanployees, ce the Unie thet ihe rms of thin Agaoement have been violated or a question eonesning the ‘rupee application a: itespettin OF this Agreement. Shosld a grievanoe scien, it shall bo hanced i he Sllowing manner: ‘Supt: Any employes who believes holshe has «grievance mst present it orally to hither ruperiser fir edjaiinent with or hoot hivhar Slop Steward ot Union Reprosoatative, No grisvause will bo stoognizol by the ployer unless said orl prereiation of eevence ie made to the Supervisur within five (5) working, days following the even! giving rive to the gyevanee. IP the gricymoe is presented i timaly mame io the sapetisot, the supurvisor mas piye an auswer to the employes ‘within hte (3) wosking days following te enployee's timely oral presetation, ‘Step2: _Hfthe grievance is not ssted by this pmcedure and the employee wishes to one it fiat, the griovance must be sulted in writing by the employee or the Union othe FBmployer so as to bo roeivad bythe Exaployer a ts business fice no ater than $:00 ‘pu ot lhe thirteenth (13) weong day following the event wiving ese tothe giownnon, ion timely soot by tho Luployer of the welten gevance, ths patties hveto may ee thin she (6) working days and excise every umlceble mesns to settle or adust suid grievanco, {LO In th ovent of fire + accomplish a seitlement or adjustment of the grievance ix Step 2 the ‘ister amy be rfierd fo exbitaon by waltloa notin from the Union to the Emplayer so 2010 be roneived by the Baployer at is bisineee office no lator than ourteen. (14) esfendae days flowing the vouehision a he procedures provided fr in Sep 2. 411.03 ‘The parties sally to aggee spon an arial no Tuer than seven (7) onlondar days folowing the day such wiles notice is received by the Fanployer. Ifthe pais are unable to reach sgzcemsent i 10 an abitetor acceptable to both pats, then upou request by eid put, tho ‘Paleal Mediation Conciliation Service call fish a fist of seven (7) arbitra tothe pats. “Te puis hereto shall geleot ea azitator from the Ist submited by the American Arbtetion [Associaton by terate striking of azuses wo one (I) rare remains. The party auing tho ‘ist (14 daleton call be determined by ot coin oss. 11.04 ‘The acbiene shall havo no power 79 alter, amend, change, add to or submast from any of the terms uf this Agrootaent, bu ball dtormins enly whether ar not theres beon «violation of the ‘Apreemet ia gepeot to alleged grievance aud xedy. The arbiter ball have the exhexty 1 revs oF ody any form of disegino end to award hack pay for any loss fem the Zamployer. The devibion ur award ofthe ect salle Yasod solely upon the evideacs and arguments t limvher by the respective patcs in the presenoe of each othet. The decision or ‘ved of tho acbirator within the Hn bein prescribed shal be made ia iting and shall bo ‘nal and binling upon the Fraplayer, he Union, and the employee(s) alscted, Costs oF the axbitastor abil bo shad equally hy the Employer ant the Union 19.05 The te lint aot rth aboyensybeextsaded by mutual consent ofall pts. 1.06 Processing of geisvances shll be during working time. Aggscved employees shall have the ‘HgaEID be present et each slp ofthe grievance procelare witiont los of pay. Ta grievances Fnwolving more than one (1) employee, only ene (1) employee may he preseat are rtovance restings: {L107 ‘Wage structures ost forth n ths Agreement shall nat be subject to sxbiretion, {11.08 Grievances which ar nat presented ina timely manner in accordance with any of the ouaitions sel forth inthis Artis shall be waive fo ll porpoms ARTICLE 12 “Leave of Absence 12.01 You may be ratted a lawe of slnenco without pay due fo ilies, injury or ther dissbling condidon provided you gulmmit a ten request for suck leave and finish a physicia"s ‘Sotificate which sats the neoasity Zor anch Ioave, Any entucized medical Inave shal bo for seatousble peviod required by the medical condition, nt co exceed nincty (90) days ar trelve (2) wooks in complimce with tin Family and ‘Madicel eave Act (PMA) andlor California Tamily Rights Act (CFRA), Extensions to mites Teaves (with ‘proper medical doeumenistion) may ho grated wilh watt noliicstion ot feast tres (3) days For to the expiration of the lve, f you aro diebled duc to preguancy, childbirkor related fraical condition, you may tie up fo » maxinnm of four (2) months unpaid leave (or 88 ‘worislays Zor full ~ime omployee per preenaney). ‘A Weskaus! Compensetion disability leave will be granted fo you if you have an oocupelionl ‘laos or njry in ecconlanee ith slate Laws sal be for tho term ofthe injury ones ‘An paid peasousl leave of absence maybe granted forup to maximum of thirty C0) ds. nto easy of a Teaves of absence, employers usal fre a mln of tity (30) day" soon inrequesting a leave, exopt in cases of emergeniy. 1202 ‘he Tnmployer will malutin group medical insurance covorge up to ninety (90) days cet compliance with te FMLA/CERA, wsish wil bo upto twelve (12) weeks pecsonal Jeeve otto exceed thinty G0) days; unde progeny leave up to Zou (4) mont (PDL); en the same eas ‘sf tho employee had continaed to work. 1f4a extension i pnt in exces of these tines, the fnployce may continge group malice! insureas coverage under COBILA guidelines “Arrangenneats nots be mado porto taking te leave reganding the timely payment of any group is medical inmeasce preaiums Yor the employee or eligible dopontents, It is tie empllayeo’s responsibly to mse tel pmsats nfl cr be terminated fom fhe pla. 12.03 “With ts ecxoption of eave for jobveleted ills or infu, bene, excluding cela, wil. ant uoorue during ary Tesve exceating 30 days 1204 Upea submission of medial oetmcataiun Ut (is ensopce is allel vst to wets wii {He time finite st for in Section 12.01 ahove, except for job related illbess ex injury, wiih ‘hall bave a siz (6) month limit the caployee wil be reinstated. to tee sumo or rout with ‘qvalent position with equivalest benail, pay and ‘eas and conditions af employant, Pox Ienvos in exvorn ofuinay (0) day for workcclted injury or ine the employee sas ep the company advised of he tgtaive dale for rsuen to wock Upon, submission of medica! (documentation tet te employee it abe lo rors to work in exces of th time limits set forts ‘nucin, the employes wail be ned to tei orm pasion, iTwvalae, i another position for ch they ar gualified cr will be offered the fie avilable opening in a carapace postion, foe which toy are qualified. 1205 During the period of bsenco, the eraployee shall not engage in. ginfal omployment, including seibouployrec, unlos mutially agoot to between tho Timgloyer end the cimoyee. “Tbe ‘Duplayer cll aot yitibolé approval of such employment atbiterily or disoriminatecly Far ceaploymeat the employee nea hs. 42.06 Nothing in the Agreeruatshull bo oonstved to provent,yreclude or inhibit the Hxmployer's ccompliaace with the Americans wih Disibiitia Act (iactuding malting reesonable (rcommnodilions of qualified iadvidsala with a diabity), 25 well as tho Family and Modioek ‘Leave Act FMLA) andlor Califoria Family Rights Aot (ERA), ARYICLE 13. Protection of Rights 101 Te shall not be a violstion of this Agremont, and it shall aot be, came for discharge ox sipinay aeion ta Oi eveal wa eoplogee softs to caer upon any propetyHrvolve ta pt platy labor digpat, ox cece to go though or wou behing any lal primary pict inn itlukng the primary pict ine of Uons purty to this Agreomon, and incndng pissy picket linus atthe Ezaployers places of business, ad audorized by UFCW Interiors Union or CTW, CLC, 1500 Teatall pot be a vielation ofthis Agreement and it shll not be ease for dschnege or dsciplinesy fation if an eaglayee fefises 10 Pefirm any srvice which hilher Hamployes untae to {erform ag analy ofan Baloyer or parson whose exployoes ere on swf stl, end which Zowico, but for such lawl ike, would be performed by the employers of the Employer of pers casi. w 1308 06 1401 sso. 16.0 ‘NON-DISCRIMINATION: ‘The Buployes aa the Union ngroo that inthe administration fis ‘Aqrooment there will be ao discrimination. ty the Employer or the Usiom beoanie of an ceiployee’s race, oxoad, 2x, religion dssbilty or age, berauso of sn or-tho-ob injury oe toocigt ‘of Werlenans Compensation Beats, ‘A gulovence tlloging tho volaion of a Poder, State ox CitsCimnly dienrninatnn Taw ay be Jprocamed teu the gtievence procadire, but not to wvbiation. An unresolved griovanee pertaining to tas Aticle may be porwed to She appropiate Peder, Slo ort Ciy/County ‘agency. ARTICLE Subcontenoting ‘The Bmployor will aot wso oxide ountastors, except where its own working force is not talent in nano sl to propsly poxorm the work reid by the Emgloyer, or wher the Timployer does not have the necestery equipment ani/cr cies to poefomm exch werk, vwactanly work, or conning a i past petce so long as no employes is laid ol, rodueed oF ‘ertinated ay a sean of such posto. ARTICLES Suoceator & Assigns “The Rinployer ages to give notica of the exisenco of this Agreement to eny purines, ‘usnsferee, lessee, or asignoo ond fo roi the union in weting pior tthe olfetive date of sid eden ARKICERAG Hlideys ‘The following holidays will be roognized Yy the Timployer and will be grnicd, without sednetion in poy, 10 oligible seglas fulltime employecs who are covered by this Agreement. “oliday pay ell be pad to eligibo ropulr full-time employees wito work the fill-asipned relngule of the regular work days inmeiiatly preceding end immediasly following sx Ioliday end tho Saturday, if schodaled, of any wecke whare a Holiday ocours betwcea Monday ‘od Fridey inclusive (unless excused by the Employer or illness; provided, however, thatthe Employer my, where it eppeas to be fated, require ressonable proof of liness or distil) igble regula fulltime ensployoes wil bo paid holiday pay of eight (E) hours’ pay at the ceaployots’ragularstaight-lime houely rst of pay wien no work is pocformed on said hotidey. ‘Rlgiblo regular fl-time exiza devers wil be pal holiday pay of eight (6) iow pay st the employee's avernge bouely bo pay fr the puevlous tree (2) caesar wosks wien no wok is ‘pefoumed on sid oli. New Your's Day Woteran’s Day Memerial Day ‘Thanksgiving Day Fomthol July Christmas Dey aborDay ‘Personal Day (oat) 1602. Blgible regular full-ne Lonely paid eaplayoes covered by this Agreement seeded tn work, tind working as sobeduled, uny of the ebovoazeognized holidays, shall be paid Holiday Pay 2x fet forth above in edition to thes rogula stuight-time howy ric of pay for all hows worked fn eid recognized holiday, or may acto take another day of with pay fnsen. 1603 Any employes covered by tis Agreemunt working on holiday tecoguized by the Employer vil ‘be gunaatoed eight (8) bouts of werk. Any employee who, aller reporing for work ona holiday, decides not to work the assigned saedule aftr having completed hice primary assignment will ‘bo paid thei soglar saalght tine houly rate of pay only for the hours antally warled, plus holiday pay asst Sort above, 16.06 Any holiday Out fills on a Suady or Saturday thut the employee isnot sxbpduled to wok, the ‘employee will recive holiday pay and suck pay vill nat be considered Lows woaked Zor the puspose of calculating ovetine. 16.05 Eligible regulze part ime employees scheduled to work, amd working, on any of the sbove- recogized hole, shall be pid their pro-atedholilay psy in aun to ther regula staight- time howl rate of pay for al boars worked on ssid recognized holidny. Pro-rated Holiday Pay fall be calculated es the ratio the zegular part-time cqsplnyee's regulily assigned schedaled bears to (40) forty hous, during the last eloader quater. 1606 Baployess muy request to take thee Posonal Day holiday ding the vacation selectin peocoss, ‘bay eaployen vg has not ptestovsly selected dating the vacation selection process must quest {he Poraual Day Tloidey of leat ve (2) week in sdvance. The Bauploper bo th sale right tn taming bow maay employooe will be off on vacation or personal dy ou any one day. Any ‘employee who has not used the Pexsonal Day wl be paid une second pay day in December, 416,07 No Holiday Pay for eny ofthe above-rsoognited holidays cull be pei to an eigiblo employee ‘yo is callecing State Dissilty or Workers’ Compensiton bunefite fr the day on whi tho Lliday oxoura a 1608 A bolidey pai, but not worked, wich falls on 1 wealuay or Salurday that an employee wonld honmally be sobedsled to work, is considered as hours worked for te purpose of ealslating covers, 16.09 No Fimployee will be permit or required towns ates 7.00 PM on Cistnns ve, ARTICLE 17 Vacation {17.01 Regular filltime employees covered by thie Agrooment vito have completed one (I) year of continous service with flo Exployer shall be eligible for one (1) week of vacation with pay Grty (0) hours at the emplayec's regular staght time loudly sale of pay for howly paid ‘anployees atthe time of the employeo's aniversary of ast date ie) 17.02 Regul full-time employees covered by this Agreement who have completed two (2) years of ‘continuous srvice vite tar Bmployer shall be eligible fir wo (2) weeks of vecation with pay (Giatty (0) Hours at the explayec'srogalar suaight time hourly rae of poy for hourly paid mployoes the time ofthe employee's amaivecsary of lst date of hte 17.03 Regular fulltime eroplayoce coveted ty this Agroemeat who have complsted seven (7) year of ‘continuous service with the Eusployer sul be eligible for thr (2) wesks af vacation vith pay {one hundred trecty (125) hours at the employoo’s regular staight time hovely sate of poy [or ‘housy paid exoployees) a tho time af he crnployee's enniversary nf st date of hire. 17.04 Any regular falta exiployee opelary schedule for six (6) days of work wall be eligible for ‘yacation ts py the no of foxty-eigt (48) hours per week al the employee's sogulac stig tinue hourly rate of pay for holy paid employees. 17.05 Any regula fal-time exployee regu sohedule for sx (6) days overyofhec wee wil be “gible for vacation with pay a tho ee f forty-four (44 hours, per week atte emplayeo's repule stright time houely roof pay for hourly paid employees. 117.06 Regulte pere-tme employees covered by this Aprctament willbe eligible for vacation with pay ‘paged an yours of aervioe a olined above. A wou of waention with pay for a regular part-time camployee wl be pro-ialed, calculated e the ratio thatthe remuarpaxi-ime exmplayea's assigned sedi bon to arty (40) honts, 1707 The tn fr computing te employ’ catinion sro wih he Rls a ommance wiih cpoyors neds of he. An eile agape tll cies vast py 0 EB ay ally llowing the naivety PS st det of iv. Vastion pay ll" seete pita oy ol neal sca antalya 9 Derwent Eoay a ‘the employee. 47.98. All tae lst Som employment hesanse of sbsence upto thirty (30) cleadar days any on (1) ‘ear wl bo cosidated as time worded ortho purpoces of delezmining the Length of seviee for “ycation egibilty. The lot in exootsofthity 0) calendar dys will hav their vacation “Cigibilty po-rted based en the mamber of days or Wes actoally worked inthe enaiversry ‘etrto the number of days or weeks avaiable workin che anniversary yeas. 17.09. fan employee's ection ila yin a week in which holiday reogrized by this Agrecucut falls, he employoo may elt at the nse the vacation i requested, to reosive ane (I) adftional day of pid vacation, a personal day holay (obo takon at another éme, or boliday pay (0s ot fits Sooion 1601 of is Agroamoa!. Ith eapleyce falls toaanko such sn election atthe time the yaention is roused, the Bmployer will ve ie employee a perma holiday tobe ‘akon a smother ime. 47.40 “Tho Binployer hes the sole night to dotermine the mauler of employees who will bs on weation Sa agy one (1) Wook. The Kmployer will make a reasonable effort to accommodate employee sequedts duwing summer months, 1741. Vacation, ules overs mutually agreed to beta the Employer and the canpoyeesssnst be ‘aoa cua tho your immediately fllowing establishment of elipbiiy and wall ant be ‘umulative from one yeat to fhe ne 17.12 Employees who are disobargul or Get sal forfeit any and all prot. vation pay. 1743 A. vacation schedule shall be posted in a conspicvous place stom Janay 2 throagh Vebrusey {5th of each year, All eligible employees covered by this Agreement rout indicate thir prxitrence of toeation tine by way of seiority during tae Jenary 2 through February 154 pesod, Am employee who doesnot indsste ther rofeence of vacation ime as indicated above Shall no by wey of sorority bump an employee with less ener” anvo the emplayew with the Tomer aecionty indlestes their proferenoe for vacation time within the Jamnry 2 throngh Febmuary 15° period. Fmployees not indeating a preference fur Gir vacation tano during tho sfagerentioned period may be esigaed 4 vacaion period atthe eaaveniearo ofthe Employer. ‘nployens will uot be permite to te vecolion ducing a period porto their beooming eligible for vaealion, All cligible employess covered by this Agreement must take thei time off provided howoves, Sit in exteme bariship casts, the Eenployer may agree to waive this provision. ¢mm omplayee is eigible for one (2) week af vacation, the emoyec mast eke the vacation. IF (he employee i eligible fortwo (2) weeks of vacation, duc emplnyes must take tho vacation, TE {hs employes is eligible for ve 3) mecks of aceton, the exaployes mst take atleast tro 2) swodks of vacation. “The Company must approve or deny employee vention preferences within one wee {allowing Fobmary 15%, ‘The Compuay tall provide writen notfcaion to the ‘emplozee() of eithoe thelr donil or approval fox each Week of veoston pleco The CConpany shall submit it ofvemaining yeetion woeks wvilable a that time Sor ‘ntiona election by thse employes denad vacation oq, Tit procs shal continue unl employees have recived confimatan of vacation ine thug March ae ‘Any vacation that becomes available alts this process sll immediatly be post by tho ‘ims clock fr all employees to wxorcis ther seninety. Tae vacmtien posting sell ‘emai for facie (14) days, orthe Wedneaay batore the commencement of the vacation, whichever ocenrscadice, At hat tne Ge vacation weok() shal be wig (0 ‘he most seniar employee requesting 1144 Ian employee is regularly scheduled fr six (6 days pee wodk, the employee must work 8 smu of ity-four (34) weaka in whieh Choy worked sx (8) days, ia ho wmalverszy your [Before being eligible fr forty-ight (48) hour per week vacation py. ‘Fan employee is regulary acusuls fv sx (6) days por woak ovesy othe wel, the enloyee cast Wok a minimum of sevenizen (I7) weeks in which they worked six (6) days, in tho nnietsaty year before being eligible fr forty-fors (4) hour per week vacation pay. AwTICET 18 Well Pay 18.01 Upon completion of ninety (0) days of coastmons employment, regular ful-imo employess will be eligible for one-thed (1/3) day of well pay foreach fall éslendae month of coninaous employment up t amaxini of fos (4) days per year. Well pey eligibility will commence on ‘es first (1 day ofthe month folowing completion af the probaticnary period, Any employee ‘who takes off wo in exoess of fve (5) working days (scchusive of vacation snd holidays) in ‘any one month isnot figibl for well py thal month, 18.02 Wel pay shall be computed based upon th eligi hourly paid employee's roglarstalght ane hourly rte of pay (amin of eight (@) hous), or Sor day zoe paid employoss, tho appropiate day sate of pay a the time nonsjob rele ness ar ini acusred. 18.03 Well pay will be peld only for days on Which tae caxloyee othernine wuld have been scheduled to work, ond will corameace on th fist day of absense, Yeu my use accrued well pay in ay esleadar year, up to 2 maximum of oneself (1/2) your cuteat available axabel socrna, to stfend to aa illness of your child, peat, spouse o epistened domestic peta. 18.04 Inoxdor tobe eligi for well pay paymess, x explayee must 1. Notify tie Haployer win one-half (172) fer ofthe rogulay shes wteting te ‘when ule to rpext for werk. 2. ‘Vr Lmployee may reguie the employee to fumnish a doctors cetiete i job ‘elatod line or injury is fortwo (2) oramone dys duation; a 3. LEroquested bythe Employes, the employes rust fiumish a doctor's ostificalé as othe teuttive dae of retur to work. 18.05 Well pay uanoed at of November 308 of each yess, foe which the eligible employee is cigile, ‘ill be paid to stid employee inthe seoond (2") pay day in December. 16,06 Unuuod woll pay willbe paid sttime ofteinution 18.07 Employer eserves the cght to require & doctor's certificate in any swapected fmullont use of vel ay 18.08 The Finpler also ages co ed one (1) alton day of wel pay to all employees who for © putod of one (1) year, om Decomber 1 —Noveuiber 30, have no chargeable cocidonts, [property damape, or workers ecmngensstion injuces which ruined fl day of ehsence. 18,09 Tae Btuployee may rocuest that well py be banked for my unused days as of November 30" of each your. Tho limployer sll “hank these unused well pay days up toa maximum of four (4) ‘loys, hich can be utilized for abscuco de toiling or injury of themselves oF to send to am. ‘Hieds of the oil, parent, spouse, orregistared domestic pares, ARTICLE ‘Vollug Time OF {DOL Bruplayoce who ee volts may claim tio off, without low a pay, to vote at slstowide elections “under Section 11350 of the Csliforie Becton Code ifthe voter does not hve sufficient ime bontside of wovktg hous o-Yoo, Soe your Supervisor at east tro 2) wording days ioe th robtionery peviod without eeourse; o add to or educe Ge work schedule andlor mmmiber of fovetime hous tobe worked and to delsnnino the aumbar of emplayoce thst it chal employ at fay time and dae qualcations noses for any of th jo it shal have or crest i the Mature, Jncluding hiring seisonal employees; f assign oc resssign yuk duties, bath of regular md fovectime work, in seeondanes with ils dtornivution of tho noods of the respective jobs and operons: io adopt ed from timo (o tine my, cesvind, or change safely aud reasonable sworkerlos snd regtitions su long as such rales are not inconsistent with an express provision of ‘his Agtocunt alo State or Peder lian to sore such alas; to tai a dr/elockol ‘eating program: io wale the persons i sell hits and to select and assign such dules as it deems sppropriate to supervisory sod other categories of employecs excduied ftom this ‘Aprececl, 73.02. All rights heretoens exercised ty the Employer or inherent in the Company and ant sxe contacted away by the specific provisions of this Agreement ere riainad solely by the Tmnployer, The failure of the Frployee to excise aay fonction, power, ot right reserved or retained ty itor the exetoise of ay pow, function or righ a a particular manner shall nt be deemed a iver ofthe right of the Froployer to axerise such power, funtion, authority, or Balt, or t preclude the Kinployee from exercising dio same in some manner so Tong a8 it does nol contlist with an exptess provision ofthis Agresment, ar tu: National Labor Relations Board. ARTICLE 24 Feral Leave 2401 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE: In the event of a death in th immediate fanily of an employee ‘overd by this Agreement, rapular fal-ime and regular part-time employecs wl be aligibe far bereuvetnent leave with pay up to two (2) wosking days, 28 ‘22 An employee altcading a fanoul ouside the Sate of California shall bo ofigible for fous @®) ‘itional oopaid days. As a condition of gutting adiioual leave for ont oFstate fanecal ‘Gteadenee the emoployee Shall yeguest sus leave sia (king bsreavemont leave ‘2403 Tonostate fay is deine os; epouse, pacens, or legal ganda, brother, sister, son, daughtes, randpeceis, in-laws, or registred domestic periness. 2404 Ths Employee muy require reasonable proof of death relationship anor reeiensy, 24,05. Any employes needing wtona time may request leave of absence. ARTICLE25 ‘extra Contract Agreements 2501 ‘The Yinployer ages not to enter isto amy agreement ox contact with this employes Jndividoally or oollosively, which in my way confits with the fers and provision! of the “Agreement. Any such agreemeat shal be mol and vid. ARTICLE 26 ury Duty 2604. Any smplogee eal’ jury serve wl be excused from wien days thot fs emsloyee ‘serves; owevee such time off will bo without pay. “Am omplayoe eeiving notice to repent for jury duty ns not thai apex or muneintly ARTICLE? ‘Form of Agreement ‘YuOL ‘This Agreamsnt shall emia in ill fron and effect smn March 30, 2015 to nd inetuing ‘March 31,2019 aad fiom year to yer therater olen either party gives writen notice of a foc sixty (@) days price to Ce expization date, or @ dese fo raoify or teminite this ‘Agreement a IN WATRESS WHBREOY, the pats hero have hl ano ea ths UNITED FOOD AND COMMERCIAL [BIL HARRISON & SONS,INC. & WORKRESYINION LOCAL, 770, [HARRISON #401 KKS ENTEEUSES mx wflebibez Lian, wQoun tthe APPENDIX Woses 1 Cheefeaton soo soao 0.50 $0.60 sos Cust ols. «= ninois = uaory ints Araan9 Relief Diver golds galas, STS RBH BIAO Resideatiel 5220 «S20 «= $2200 SaasO MOSS BS Commercial gui20 81.0 2.00 sso $BN0 A885 Celiied Driver 2120 “S260 $22.00 sso $23.10 S885 Point MugwsNit $2120 $21.60 $72.00 sso 97310 $889 xt Drivete (ccniied)**| suai Sasi SSL STSST$IBAT $1686 Prob, Dever elase 3B gieal $1461 SISO sissl $1611 (81686, Prob, Delverelass ce sino giass i339 8138944 SISA Semi Driver goa $20.80 «$2120, SLO. MBO SMBS Prb.SemiDriver $1840 S880 + $19.20 gis70 $2030 $21.08 + Proving Govemment rte or carrentrate _07 Aa Tixtn Diver (ost) who is ot sasgned a route willbe gold thee regular houly rte awl Recto reminm of $ per our forthe et iy, when backing up rot, Diver wl be we the lla of “Rapa the same cr ved forthe appropri lection pcos when assigned Zl commercial or eden ule ‘03 Peobatoonry dives will be pid ther vogular houly rte per hour and recebye pees ‘Sf pa our won basking up totes, and recive an wifonsl $2 poor premium when ssgned fall out. (04 The Compaay sh inten 3 rie dives. 5 Employees Lived on or after 1/1/2013 (a tie) sal! be paid accanfing to the wage progressions tle ‘Dae Conon 2nd tes employees willbe grandfathered into the appropiate progression bared upon Yeas of x Relief Diver ta Year mH Yee bra Your 41 Year Sith Year th Year ‘Mh Year hereafter Residential ist Year and Year Sl Yeur ‘401 Your 5 Your a Your Te Yoar ‘Therese ‘Commercial Ist Year 2nd Your 3rd Year ‘tb Yeux Sih Yere 6th Your ‘Th Yeae Thereatir Certified Driver I Yeur 26 Yesr 4rd Year 4th Year 5th Year Sth Year Your "Theeoatee Curt Ts S184 sais siete gai20 sists 2120 sas. sn.20 onoun1s a S188 31926 51908 $20.12 $2055 $2098 sata $21.88 s18sk S901 si94s si987 $2030 $2073 S216 $01.60 1858 $19.01 sis4e $1987 2030 2073 s2116 180 S858 i901 g19.44 $19.37 $2030 $2073 S216 S260 sia16 $923 $19.66 $2003, $0.52 $2095 $2138 $2181 sm25 $1898 giat $1984 ‘32027 $20.70 S113 S256 322.00 sig98 sia si9s4 2027 20.70 $21.3, $21.56 $22.00 18.98 si94i s1984 s2027 $20.70 wu 156 22.00 ina sim $2016 52059 $21.02 $2145 $218 $2231 $2.75 fisas i391 $2034 $00.77 $21.20 52163 $72.06 $2250 $1948 s1991 2034 $20.7 2120 52163, $23.06 250 si948 $19.91 0034 soo. 2120 2168 92206 250 unos $0033, 20.16 ou S82 s1205 S243 sal $2335 s2008 2031 2094 2137 $2180 yo $256 $23.10 sa.08 S205 2094 137 $2180 $2223 2.66 0 $20.08 $2051 S204 32137 ‘21.80 sa $2265 $73.19 ipos $1.08, sist so194 9237 372380 $2323 523.66 324.10 32083 $2126 $21.09 $22.12 $02.55, 2.98 S241 $3.85, 00.83 $21.25 21.09 e210 922.55 2298 S341 3.385 083 $2126 m6 $2.12 $2255 $298, $0341 385 ‘Point Mugu/sNi* 1st Year S188, 2nd'Yoar Sl Year ‘ia Year St Year i Yeur “Th eer Vpeceafic S120 S188 si90t i944 987 $2030 $2073 21.16 pie 31898 s194t S194 $2027 920.70 gui $1565 $22.00 ‘prevailing Government rate of coment te, whichover is higher “Extra Driver certified 1st Year $13.05 ‘an Year nk Your ‘4h Your 5h Year (6 Year "Pr Yoor ‘heseater sia2i Erob. Driver- Clase B ist Yoar $15.05, 6 mp “Baim Cat, Driver rob. Driver- Chass C st Year 202 (6 mo, sta Cer Driver Sem Driver Ist Year S188 ‘nd Year Sei Year 44h Teat th Year 6th Year Year aeoadter $2040 s1345 136 sia7 S193 $14.09 $1425, sida sus s1345 sa $18.58, $18.89 $1920, s1951 $1987 2013, S00 $20.80 s138s si4ot Si4i7 $14.33 S49 sia $1481 15.01 si335 EPERCTIVE, tiua016 $5.11 s1898 $1929 19.60 $1931 $2022 32053 $2084 $2120 s1948, s1991 2034 2077 $21.20 s2t6 $22.06, $02.50 s143s suas sis? S143 51439 S155 st 55 $1435 sue si94 s1980 so 044 $20.76 s2108, 2140 pn $20.08 sans 2094 2137 $921.80 223 $72.66 $23.10 149s sist si27 31543, $1559 S175 S15 91 S161 si49s von $20.08 2040 son-72 s21.04 $21.36 S268 S200 2230 s2083 $21.26 2109 sz. $22.55, sm.98 sat S285 sis0 S158 $1602 $16.18, $16.34 $16.50 $16.66 $1686 $19.70 147 sp0.83 sais s2147 m9 sat m3 25 $03.03 rab, Semi Driver ise $1616 fi6ss $1695 $1745 $1806 $18.81 (6 MO Probation ‘ave Seu Tie 2 APPENDT'B Substance Abuse the Union and the Employer have agreed to comply wilh te 1. Hation de Sons, Tne. Alcohol ead Drug Abuve Polioy and Random Teating rogram Employee Handbook, wich s in effet et the time this Agreements signe, pouicy 125, Tarison is commited to meintin a drag and alooholfes work environment, which mets the aces of ous exzployees, host communities and customers, ‘Boing under te influenoe of sleohol at drag onthe job poses saiaus safety snd health risks to the wees ‘and those wha come in coniact with the wer, ho manufacture, divtTotion, dispensetin, posstson, tho or ana of any ‘llega Grog or alechol inthe workplace or dusing work tine preents unacceptable risks for sefe, healtil and cfkcinnt opecstins and is prokbitad. A positive substance dbaso test on sary level will mean automails termination, “The Hmplayerrecogatzes that chemioal dependency is a disease and regards ite guch wit no stigma allachad. Any employee with a drug ot eleobol abuse problem must be handled ‘pith propor etimont. Bimployees wo voluatrily act to problems involving ebeaeal Teponiency will be eoated in mater consistent withthe Iestmeat of any othe heat problem. ‘They mist enter aa Emplaye approved progam of etimont and eons wis {he progam until rohubilitaed. The Employer maisisin an Employee Assistance Program (Gab), wich jeovides costco hl to thane who euler fama alc] ern wee md related pergonal and exsotions problems. REQUIRED FORMS # DEFINITIONS ANDTOLICY LLeralDauss, We recognize tha the use of any daup,legetcrillegl, can nvorney afoot ex employee! ‘wen perfoumance mul mel We alaozeeogaize tht misuse of legal preserirtons is one of ho raat ommon cases of drug abe. Of couse, thee ae many nations where exiployess oan safety and Cciclantly peor thi jobs whi thoi taking medically prescribed drugs. egal Drags. gal drags aad snbtances ince 0) drops which er not lplly coil, Hee Focus and cooainé,(B) Gogo hich se lepslly init bet have be ebtrned logelly (ex rample oing drags Weh have been presived for somone el), en (c) drugs which re legally Seiad bul ere wad in eooalease with preston (lac example, teking hghse dosages than neseriod oc wing he dregs Sr other than presoibed purposes.) 1, ‘The Company roquires (at all its employees ade tothe following standards: ‘8. [his protibind for aay employce to be unde the influence af elohol or egal drugs (Ger have such in &ere system) vile pecirming Dmployer busioess or while ‘operiting vebielos or equpmant owned ot leased bythe Exployer. by, Possession afloohl or illogal drag wll in en Baployer Truck or piece orheary ‘guise is prohibited, (AleokoU/ Christa gifts exception, must be in a elosed contain.) 6. Use of aloohol ar poatesvion of sn open coutinee of aloahol whi in. an Finpluyer Feciliy ia proiited exeapt or gpecal oscasiams approved by Vise Preside, 85.1 Tho manuticture, distbution,dispenstion, possesion, use or sale of a dag by my ‘employee while ian Ecaployer ‘elity or whe peoming Exaployer bosiness is [probbited. Employees may have in Sie possession only th drugs presccibed ‘om by thee own physician, 2, Taployees who ure king rsoscbed or oveethe-count drugs must adie their supervise ‘hat fey ee taking uch drugs for modical reason psiar tp boginning work so hat the Binployer has the opportunity to ovaluste cach situation, Jf employee feel that deolasure of the preetibed medication Wil reveal a condition of a conidential or sensitive nature, the ‘supervisor wil accept «note signed bythe employee's lysician certifying tha the employoo resuribed meGicslons wall nol cao wh Hngaud ita as deste, 43, Bach employee must adkaowledge review of the Limployer Polisy on Alcohol end Ofer ‘Drugs and sign the Hamplogee Acknowledgameat Form, A signed form must be mainteined jn the enployee's personel folder, 4, Pollowing « medical erafuaion, the exployoo willbe veliowed of theiz job dulias ant sossignol by the Euployes dung my pasied that ws of presetibed drags may every sffoc job saloty ox peliemanee, ‘S. Employees not wnder the D.O.T. progmm but in safety sensitive funetions will be subject to reisonthle rapcon trdng sider compmny olen Upon vege sop tat en ernese i er the iflaeoe of rfp by sak er any com sb, ie $inploye in ts dsrton may segue tho employe to inset sont oa seeenng test ohne at lt thos iam states eihed under fs DOT regulations ‘eonring (@) tho mbtme fod fer (eg, sles! aad controled substances ©) Ge {ied evel fur "outa" reading on sch es, () tong mthndlogy, (0 cn of curmay ct i) meer oir een quis, eto it abit osc otal el nino args Tn aon, cop 3 elbow in epee otis nmodas dbs 6. The Boployer shal reasonably accommodste any employee who wishes to voluntarily enter and patiipate in an alochal or diug reubilitation program, provided thet this reasonsble secammedatian doos not ipooe aa undos hardship oa Go Employee, Aay eamployes may iniinte s request fora Leave of Absence furazsstaneo if dane alleast 4 hours in advance of ‘being notified oftheir dug or alcokol screen. ‘The employee wil be granted upto a 9a leave of absence to complete a fommal counsuling progren through the Subsimce Abuse ‘Aciministetor, Cent Drag Seen, subject to the provisions of Tarison Industrie, Ino. icy Statement on Suistunce Abuse continued in the Substance Abuse and Alcohol Misus> esting Progra 7. Candidates for employment mast submit to a drag srcen after they lave becn offre the Job. I the cendideto fils this pre-employment, postotier drug seroen, the flex ill be rescinded. This indivicnal may be cansideted far fhitae employment if hefshe sucomeally completes a rehabilitation progtam thats eccepable to the lamplojer. 8, All ing toting wil bo done daring, wortng hours. The Fiaployee shall make every effort to ‘provide on ste drug testing during ie begining ofthe sift APPENDIX Trust Acceptance 2 Western Alianes ‘trast Curent Contribution Rates as of Jaauaey 1, 2015 aad Summaecy of current Healtheare Plans covecage. 3. Trust Accoptance and Contmet Data doe Westen Allie Trust Sanitation Industry Program Westar Anes Trost Wand Bal areson 19 air ay ith DMO Dont a |__ ham aaiaey Next Re 72015 Tein oF sri Coenen ace: “re are po propay months Ths: Peri neo or parton: ‘Required Proat af CHher Hoverage Hea coverans | ‘S10 Kano Gale Fla Gyemonmiae «SOC eta ‘owe abr Ray Takes Outpatient Surgery $100 Gopay Enewmna Rein Soe ton 00 Gor = Focantan sed Sen Sil her Cosaame oo ene Braun, Lens ane Frarnes Fr Sas [ cist trie cece OD | Shona ‘ania Taso Erp ace "$2,000 Spouss; $1,000 Chiiy Sapa “ies roms "te Wien Ais Pdr GeO, oni SStiarsovte commande “plese Cpt, anal hn Canoe Sim BEATE LULTotentomn tmacaseat ach. Limonene) ” Sanitation Industry Program ‘Western Alliance Trnst Hand El. Harsisom ‘$00 eth Net Stand-Alone with PPO Dental *SHEACKIONUE TS CLOSED TO NEW ENROLLMENT! (overng Bgine ‘Al Aivcary Naot Ronen 142015 “elt Of Contes shee aro pepay man obo of Comte ‘War Peri: Ne conus Rogie Palo Ott Cova Tres Coverage 0 Healtn Ne Pi a as = = an — ee see aes a a ee Pe. 80-day Supply a = eee, roa a aes a = os

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