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Appendix 1

What’s the weather like?

1……………………. 2………………….. 3………………….. 4…………………….

5……………….. 6………………….. 7……………………….. 8……………………

9…………………… 10………………… 11………………… 12………………….

Appendix 2

My favourite season is….

Read about Bill, Tom, Sarah and Mona. Which is their favourite season?

My favourite season I like…………………………………… a lot.
is……………………….. The weather is sometimes very
I love the long, hot days and I also beautiful in September. The leaves
love the long holiday. My children are red, brown and yellow and the
usually play in the garden and eat ice city looks amazing. Kids start a new
cream. I sometimes go to the beach school year and they are always very
with my family and in the afternoon excited.
we often go for a walk in the park.

I love ……………………………………. Me and My favourite season
my sister always go to the mountains is…………………………….
and ski together. We come back home
before Christmas and make snowmen I like it because it is warm and sunny
with our friends. The weather is and there are a lot of beautiful flowers
sometimes very cold, but this season is in my garden. I often ride my bike in
really the best one. the park with my friends. The birds
sing in the morning and we have a lot
of energy.
1. Complete the sentences using words from the text:
a. My children……………………. In the garden and eat ice cream.
b. Me and my sister ………………………. go to the mountains and ski together.
c. The weather is……………………….very beautiful in September.
d. I……………………….. ride my bike in the park with my friends.

2. Unscramble the words to form correct sentences:

a. sometimes/ fishing/ goes/ he/in spring
b. to Spain/ Mary/ in summer/ often/travels
c. my parents/ to the mountains/ go/ never.
d. rarely/in winter/ Tina and Sarah/ go skiing
e. rides a horse/ usually/ Andrew/ in spring
f. always/ the weather/ in summer/ lovely/ is

3. Homework : Write sentences about weather in each season using “always”, “usually”,” often”,
“sometimes”, “rarely”, “never”.


Summer:- It’s always hot. It’s never cold.

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