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sunmotr SAP Work Centers Tutorial - Free SAP PP Teaiing RP 200 [ SSectaienesr Hore » SAP PP » SAP PP Trang » SAP Work Contos SAP Work Centers sent me Serane ani itd ta Lets tar hs tora wn understanding wtis SAP Werk Catt. A Wark Centar ean bea pace ora machine oa aber whore productonapratonslactvts are prema m SAPP, Work 7 Centers useing operations and producto odors Work carers ako used moter oD separ (SAP modules he Pan Menace, Projet Sytem, and Qualily Management. Work Centers “The goal of hs rai osxpin bac of work orarsin SAP PP, Ft, tisnocosary to aes whl ree anes of werk clas in SAP ac why do we med he. Functions of SAP Work Centers in PI Inpreductonplannng, data n work caters uses for We feng operations 1. Capac Cakaaton 2, Sensing of en OperaonsOrders 8 Calot Operation Costs Integration with Other SAP Modules ‘Wor comers read wi he ftoweng buses urctons (or SAP mds 1. Centatiag (C0) 2, Haman Resource (HCH 2. Plot Martnancn Work Center Capacity ‘Available Capacity hiipsisap-certiicationnfalplsap-pp-traininglsap-work-cenlers! 1 sunmotr SAP Work Centers Tutorial - Free SAP PP Teaiing Ingenaat capac of SAP Wok Centra ans ‘aealable hus of machine or abr resauce, Tose avaible hats excise tweak ora hours. or example sume hata he nahn avalbe na production lan om 9AM o 9 PM an there wl bea broaktme of hours forlrch and ering snacks, Now the capac hae machine cals 3 lls: + valle Copacty = 12 Hows etal ows) 2 Hows (esky + Avail Capacty = 10 Hours Required Capacity Reauire capaciy of SAP Work Carters hours aque for work crt: opaduce a paral quarto an assay. The SAP syle ues te flowing ineration to call requted capac oa werk cnr + Capaciyorrta, Capacty fouls uses slancar vale key prams vaianed on the Base dala screen of SAP Wor Centers vansacon) + Opera ine in produson ere, Ths utes ie dened i ing operation for base query, Lats cositer sn exam IT Help Desk Sof ‘Arocass soe cutng Ut uses @ mschne cath Plasma cin in which he alowng sanded value paramtars aro stan: + setup ine + Maes ime Lets sayin roving wo have maintained he fotpving tines rte above paramere + Sate Quantiy- 120 PC + Setup tine: 30 mies + Meni tine 89 mites ‘Caacty formu dined or tns macnn 3 oo: + Machin tine * Qusntiyo be produced / Base guanty Wen a preutn orer forthe quantity of 300 PCs crested the copay cleus as flows: + Raquied Copacy = 90 mins" 300°C 120 PC + Roqurod Capac = 2 mins capac Wan the SA° stam eles requted eapecy ds the number natu capact calles svat capac mugs th number of oul capac, 3 encepaf he rurbu oda apse, Tis he rural machines eatabe wh str formu and wen eee hiipsisap-certiicationnfalplsap-pp-traininglsap-work-centers! sunmotr SAP Work Centers Tutorial - Free SAP PP Teaiing Capcty ermal deioed othe machin allows + Machin time * Guanty ob produced /Basequanty *No cf sits en prediction rer rte quant 309°C ead the apa calcd aos (ee re wo mcines sata: + Required capacity = 20 mine 200/120 PC" 2 + Raqurod capacity = 1125 mins ‘Scheduling in SAP Work Centers In generat ceneclin means cleultion of sla dasa ead en daalens tne ofan opaaton setmed in woe cent based ona requremor este. Tho SAP systm use fling deta for cheeuling an aperatonmestne: + Feu fo sche n werk enter sce vow + Raqurement dattine rom an ode + Operation tne fom eta, rox operatin tings (8 queue ie, wa ine, rove in, ee) fom ain, ‘The SAP system do backward senealng staring om the equreren cata in oer o see the ot hipsisap-certiicationnfalplsap-pp-training'sap-work-cenlers! sunmotr SAP Work Centers Tutorial - Free SAP PP Teaiing ere Here quous tee, watts and mew tie ar krona ris-peration tines. IT Help Desk Sof ‘Queue Time “Tora raw matracmponant eto wal before pocasing na macin, Wait Time “Tne materi mua wat alr procassngin a work one “Tee recived fr mataal mae ont Wk cork for ter processing Costing in SAP Work Centers ‘The SAP system cleo avy cos based on eftowing masta dat’ nirnaton: + Coming formula a work conta. + Operon ie in ruling anand, + Act rat dia foro cost cots which asia tthe work cot How to Create SAP Work Centers? 'SAP work contors can be crated by nyo he fbwing metas 1. By erect staring ne ransacion CRO 2. By accessing to folowing menu pa hiipsisap-certiicationnfalplsap-pp-traininglsap-work-cenlers! sunmotr SAP Work Centers Tutorial - Free SAP PP Teaiing os aa el a “The system wllshow you the ital sen oe create work cote ansactn, Hrs potato spect wok ote eslegoy ha cole sean sequence of the wrk cnt dl, gear Boling “andar scene ae aval for erento of Wak cere + atau ates + Capac data + Seheaulng + Cost canter assignment Late dcune bee seensin moe dea hiipsisap-certiicationnfalplsap-pp-traininglsap-work-cenlers! sunmotr SAP Work Centers Tutorial - Free SAP PP Teaiing + Location which ne work centers assigned + Ti sie for hint ainiance purpone SUPPLY AREA + Area bien water need pba move or operation usace + Work conor usage Fel contlapplcaton or incon rea wher tus. BACKFLUSH INDICATOR + Secfisin SAPs automat pstng ora malarakiconpanents when poducion sly i canfmed + Yen we conten 2 aperatonwork cade for an ore, BOM conpaneats thal ate eslned wi thal parler opeatonwor cantar (rrsing wie posted automata + SAP hore ae te places where we canst baceush ator + Roving (campanent assignment) stean + Nateratmastr (MRP? sree} + Wor corer Soi dt seo) STANDARD VALUE KEY + Sansa alia ky may havea mscrum of 8 paramere hat esas cal: + Capacty + Sehadlng + Costing + SAP ctoaoscapaty,scheduing and east using these parrots dota te emus. eanpie Lets say. have dtnad towing standard vale hoy ans parameter. Pareto + Macaie me (Hous) 20001 + Labor tne our) 20002 ‘A cepactylermul can te define l: + 20001 * Operation uarty Base query ‘Speraton quai i deinen an eter sn base quay eran gout, Lets say fr th materia Whee the olor stings are manana nh out + Base quay 19°C + Maen tine 20 Mens Winn a sor rates a rodustn ero 100 PC the SAP systom cael required capanty a fobs: {capacty requ in Mis» 90 ins (20001)* 100 (Opeaion aust) 10 Base guar) hips ap-certieation infalplsap-pp-trainnglsap-work-conlars! ‘nnmotr SAP Work Centers Tutorial - Free SAP PP Teaiing Default Values ol z eee ele Fes anpeatng Ns scroen ae used as dete ales noun whch raves thei reauled 0 enter value not. When a wor eters matinee or ns work antarn nga 100, te unt of measre wilcoe autora ws MI cored rom went ‘Shitty, hen you ere his wor ener i rout for partoular operation the SAP sytem wilatoratcaly copy 9 contol ay tom he werk contr Furemore, I Reference Indestore ached elie am the work ere wb oped and connate change aot. ont want thes dev values tobe copied ring, 2 98d entar any vale on hs oon Foret, cuneate comely et + Fort work ctr Lathe we hive manne contal key PPO! + Late sy ia wok cote ved in teen procs, + yeu dot wero use PPOt fr alte prods nat vate Reference Inca. Capacity ‘cenctyeesen nthe work enter vanaston coin the flowing nfrmatin + ible eapacty + Formato cleus requres eapacty + Shit soquoncas hs witb explained in cota in or net ari hip:sap-certieation infalplsap-pptraininglsap-work-conlers! sunmotr SAP Work Centers Tutorial - Free SAP PP Teaiing Coon fone SA tae ‘Schall sree f SAP work conor contains th follwing infomation + Formula teat sedlag tive + tte operation time ike move, wat ee. ss. = Costing Inve costing sotan, SAP work center wibeastgned io a cost carte. Each ox cote wihave acy yes and formulas to ‘aut cost of cvs, This willbe explaios in more delaisin oe of he not oral of SAP PP Trainng Cos, Asien ot 9 werk centr acute can be No 11 means thal seerl werk cats can be asgna tothe ete cst ‘corer bt onl ane cos centr can be aagnea aa work sna, a 2 hipsisap-certiicationnfalplsap-pp-training'sap-work-cenlers! sunmotr SAP Work Centers Tutorial - Free SAP PP Training is yout this Start” Have any usstons oF comments? Wa wos! ove to hase your feedback he comment satan (one non: SAP Wk Cente Caaty of Matar (Gots oreve othe couse: SAP PP Tsing 1 thought on "SAP Work Centers’ colar document nd vey eat fo udertand hank you sr invesr Posie hips ap-certieation infalplsap-pp-traininglsap-work-conlars! REGENT COMMENTS

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