RameshSingh NACEMP May2009 EthanolCorrosion 1

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Ethanol T

he increasing need for alternative

energy has propelled the search
for new resources, and one of
these is ethanol. The Renewable

Corrosion in
Fuels Association (RFA), the trade asso-
ciation for the U.S. ethanol industry,
promotes the use of fuel-grade ethanol.
This includes E-10 (90% gasoline/10%
ethanol), reformulated gasoline (RFG),

and E-85 (15% gasoline/85% ethanol).
The RFA is also developing fuel cell ap-
plications and E diesel.
A number of farmers in the U.S. Mid-
west have started corn-based ethanol
Ramesh Singh, Gulf Interstate Engineering, Houston, Texas plants. This has prompted engineers to
think about laying pipelines to transport
Pipelines require selecting suitable
Transportation of ethanol (ethyl alcohol) as a fuel is materials. This necessitates understand-
ing what ethanol is and how it reacts with
its environment. This article discusses the
increasing. This article examines the properties of reaction of ethanol to commonly used
pipeline materials.
ethanol, its corrosive properties, and possible pitfalls
Properties of Ethanol
in identifying them. It also provides general Table 1 shows typical properties of
ethanol, including chemical formula,
guidelines on the selection of pipeline material to gravity, and vapor pressure.

Corrosion Mechanism
ensure the integrity of the ethanol transport system. Ethanol carries up to 0.003% vol.
acetic acid (CH3COOH + H2O). Or-
ganic acids are corrosive in the presence
of moisture, but, in the pure state, do not
attack steel. However, plastic and rubber
are vulnerable.1 The acid-forming mol-
ecules react with water molecules to cre-
ate hydrogen ions, which attach to the
available electrons on the oxygen atom
of water. This is shown in Equation (1).
  H+ + :O: → [H:O:]+  (1)

The product is H3O+ or H+. H2O is

called a hydronium ion.
Acetic acid is monoprotic (containing
one ionizable hydrogen atom per mole-
cule). Only one of the hydrogen atoms

Singh.indd 2 3/31/09 10:36 AM


table 1
Typical properties of ethanol
Specific Gravity of
Chemical Specific Gravity Ethyl Alcohol
Formula of Pure Alcohol at 20 °C Vapor Pressure
that is attached to the O atom breaks
away from CH3COOH (hydrogen ace- C2H5OH 0.789 0.8073 1.59 psi at 70 °F (21°C)
tate) as a hydronium ion. The rest of the
hydrogen atoms attached to C atoms
remain united with the C atoms. The anodic polarization a possible contribut- selection of the proper inhibitor must be
reaction is similar to that described in ing factor. Because cementite (Fe C), a done carefully because the selected in-
Equation (2). corrosion product, is a phase of low hy- hibitor may emulsify and/or foam. The
CH3COOH + H2O → H3O+ drogen overvoltage, a low-carbon steel inhibitor should have adequate properties
  + CH3COO– (acetic acid)  (2) (CS) corrodes in acid at a lower rate than to adsorb to the steel surface to form a
does a high-carbon or a low-alloy steel. strong barrier film.
The acetic acid in ethanol is not pure. The corrosion morphology is little Another preventive action could be
Moisture and other impurities are pres- different for weaker organic acids such as the use of inhibitors that change the
ent, hence it is reactive to most metals. carbonic and acetic acid. In these acids, properties of the fluid in the carrier pipe.
Acetic acid is protic (having a hydrogen the dissolution of oxide occurs at rela- This is achieved by application of the
atom bound to an oxygen as in a hydroxyl tively higher pH levels and the corrosion passivation inhibitor to the steel surface.
group, or a nitrogen as in an amine rate increases, accompanied by hydrogen The commonly used passivation com-
group) so it donates the hydrogen ions to evolution at pH 5 or 6.3 The pH is not a pound is a class of poly alkaline poly-
the material it contacts. The corrosion good indicator of acid concentration for amines; 5% solution of tetraethylene-
reaction is that of low pH solvent, shown a weak acid, so overall corrosion rates pentamine is also used as inhibitor as a
in Equation (3). might be higher than the pH alone might passivation agent to prevent ethanol
  2H+ + 2e → H2  (3) suggest. At a given pH, there is more
evolved hydrogen (H+) to react with and Film-forming inhibitors can cause pit-
The pH Factor dissolve the barrier oxide film with a weak ting corrosion if adequate dosing is not
Most water (moisture) other than acid compared to a strong acid. used. Economizing on these inhibitors
seawater has a pH range between 4 and In practice, the oxide film dissolves, could be dangerous.
10. In this range, the corrosion rate is the surface pH falls, and the metal is more The subject of selection of the inhibi-
independent of the pH, and depends or less in direct contact with the acid solu- tor is complex and requires several data.
solely on the speed of oxygen diffusion tion. This may not happen uniformly Hence the subject is not discussed in de-
on the metal surface. The barrier to this across the metal surface. In localized tail at this point.
diffusion is the metallic oxide, which is areas of small concentrations, the corro-
continuously renewed by the corrosion sion reaction could be sporadic, causing Factors to Consider While
process. As long as the oxygen diffusion pitting corrosion in place of the general Selecting Suitable Line
is controlling the formation of a diffusion corrosion that is commonly associated Pipe Material
product (corrosion product), any further with ethanol. Ethanol at temperatures up to 200 °F
corrosion is controlled. Oxygen concen- Ethanol containing acetic acid with (93 °C) is corrosive to nearly all the
tration, temperature, and velocity of the little moisture reacts similarly to the reac- known engineering materials.5 CS can be
flow are the major factors that determine tion of weak acids with a pH level of 5 or effectively used with a proper inhibition
the corrosion rate within this pH range. 6. Since that pH level is in the alkaline program. Stainless steel does not have
Several laboratory observations have range, the possibility of stress corrosion any special edge over CS with good in-
proven this fact.2 cracking (SCC) increases, especially if the hibitors.
At a pH <4, oxygen diffusion is no material is in high tensional stress. Failure SCC is another possibility that needs
longer controlling. The corrosion reac- of steel from SCC in an ethanol environ- to be considered. The following five char-
tion is established in part by the rate of ment is not uncommon.4 acteristics of SCC, identified by Revie,6
hydrogen evolution. Hydrogen evolution must be kept in mind when selecting
in turn depends on hydrogen overvoltage Corrosion Prevention material for an environment that is sus-
of various impurities or phases present in Prevention of the corrosion in ethanol ceptible to SCC:
specific steels. The rate becomes suffi- is possible by creating a barrier between •  Pronounced specificity of damaging
ciently high in this pH range to make the steel surface and the ethanol. The chemical environments

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C H E M I C A L T R E AT M E N T Ethanol Corrosion in Pipelines

•  General resistance to or immunity The line pipe specification should in- References
of all pure metal. Pure alloys, how- clude additional requirements for plate 1 E. Heitz, “Corrosion of Metals in
ever, are susceptible and coil material as listed below. Other Organic Solvents,” Advances in Corrosion
•  Successful use of cathodic polariza- specific controls can be added according Science and Technology 4 (1974): pp. 149-
tion to avoid the initiation of SCC to the needs of the project. 243.
•  Inhibiting effect of various extrane- •  Fully killed (Al-Si killed) 2 F. LaQue, American Society of Testing
ous anions added to a damaging •  Control of microalloyed elements Material Proc. 51, 495 (1951).
environment7 (%Nb, %V, %Ti) and their total 3 W. Whiteman, R. Russell, V. Altieri,
•  Effect of the metallurgical structure presence Ind. Eng. Chem. 16, 665 (1924).
Steel for new ethanol pipelines should •  Low carbon 4 D.W. Naegeli, P.I. Lacey, “Surface
be ductile to minimize the possibility •  Low sulfur, and treated for inclusion Corrosion in Ethanol Fuel Pumps,”
of SCC. API 5L PSL 2 requirements shape control International Spring Fuel & Lubricants
Meeting & Exposition (Dearborn, MI:
should be specified. The pipeline speci- •  Steel produced with continuous cast
fication should include requirements for process
•  Steel with segregation control 5 Corrosion Data Survey—Metal Section, 6th
the supply of line pipe; both longitudinal
ed. (Houston, TX: NACE).
submerged arc welding (LSAW) and •  Controlled rolling process of plates
•  Using thermomechanical cooling 6 H.H. Uhlig, R.W. Revie, Corrosion and
helical submerged arc welded seam
Corrosion Control, 3rd ed. (Hoboken, NH:
(HSAW) line pipe could be specified process to achieve fine grain steel
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.), p. 113.
depending on the project requirements. •  Ultrasonic testing (UT) of the plate
7 T. Beck, M. Blackburn, Am. Inst.
and full body UT of the pipe
Aeronaut. Astronaut. 6,326 (1968).
•  Hardness testing of the pipe base
metal, SAW weld, and heat-affected RAMESH SINGH is a Senior Principal Engineer at Gulf
zone Interstate Engineering, 16010 Barkers Point Ln.,
None of the above requirements Houston, TX 77079. He specializes in materials,
welding, and corrosion. He has an M.S. degree in
should be difficult to achieve by any good engineering management from California Coast
steel or pipe manufacturer. University and gained his basic metallurgical
Non-metals and ceramics are another education from Air Force Technical Institute, India.
He is a registered engineer by the British
alternative that can be considered, but Engineering Council and a member of The Welding
apart from the handling difficulties, each Institute. An eight-year member of NACE, Singh has
one has specific properties and must be served as secretary and vice chair of the NACE
Houston Section. He is the author of several journal
considered in detail according to the actual articles and paper presentations.
environment and application condition.

Transportation of ethanol fuels in
pipelines requires knowledge and under-
standing of the corrosive properties of this
fuel. The corrosion mechanisms de- All-New MP Buyers Guide
scribed in this article need to be consid- Now Online
ered when specifying pipeline materials
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and operation. Various inhibitors can be
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used to prevent ethanol corrosion on for instant access to thousands
metallic pipelines. Careful attention to of companies and consultants
the factors to consider when selecting providing the latest in corrosion
pipeline materials will greatly assist the control products and services. If your
pipeline engineer in the design, opera- company is not yet included, you can
add and then edit your listing at any
tion, and maintenance of an ethanol time throughout the year.


Singh.indd 4 3/31/09 10:36 AM

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