Peterborough Multi-Use Sport and Event Centre Locational Analysis Report

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CITY OF PETERBOROUGH MULTI-USE SPORT AND EVENT CENTRE LOCATIONAL ANALYSIS REPORT ‘SEPTEMBER 2018 — Sierra Planning and | Management Ty + implementation axon Be. Contents 2 Intron 1a. Context, 7 12. Wider Engagement a 13. Uitations of Anas nnn 14, Disclaimer. os ‘Aims & Objectives 2.1. Why undertake a Locational Anais? 2.2. Whatare the outputs of the analysis? 23, What degree of certainty canbe reached? Site entation and Ove Diligence Methodology. 34. Step 3: Determining Minimum Land Take 3.2. Step: Defining the Search Azea. 33, Step3:Site Search & PreSereening 33.1. Establishing 2 Longtst of Stes 232. Pre-Scresning Exerc 233. Shortlist of Candidate Stes 3.4. Stop 4: Preparing Site Information roformas. 4 Pros and Cone of Shortisted Stes 441. toblaws/No Fl 4.2. City Works Garage and Mall Sierra Planning and Management cence sauctegysinplamentenes Locational Aras 43 James Stevenson Park 44, Morrow Par “ 45, General lee in part) 446, Canadian Canoe Museum. i Scoring and Rests . 5.1, Scoring itera for Comparative Site sessment 5.2. Results by Sena. i 521, Scenarios plained i 522, Shortited sites ~ Analysis and Ste Fi Testing. Results... a a 6.2.1, Stes inthe Exiting Floodplain 6.4.2, Staring Patience, Bruelopment in he Floodaal, 6.13, Development lexilty in the City’s Downtown Core 6.14, Outcome of Meeting with ORCA, 6.2. Rall Track etbacs, ae 63. LoblaWs/N0 Fells. 6.4. Gay Works Garage & Wall. 55. James Stevenson Park Z 66. Motrow Park. 7 67. Loeatonal Analisis Concusions...ns 67.2. lames Stevenson Park September 2018 [EB ce rete cesn an sesso ans tence cana ays 6.7.2. City Works Garage and Mal, 673. Loblaws/No Fils 67.4, Morrow Park 7 New steps 7a. Adlonal Work. 7.2. lgnment with Cys Wider Priorties. 724, offal Plan Review. 7.22, Ste Speci strateges& Avalblty /Appendic 1 Pre-Sreening Results and Mapping ‘Appendix 2: Information Site Proformas Sierra Planning ond Management cite sauatehyinglenesinst 36 36 37 38 38 29 29 40 september 2018 DEB 112s or ms usps ane tet cane Latin esha 2. Introduction LA. Context ‘SioraPlarning and Management (SPM, together withits sub ‘Conant, DIALOG ad International Colzeurns Company he ‘conauitantteam, have been commissioned bythe Carparation of ‘the Gy of Peterborough (the city} to undertake a feast study ‘for anew Muit-Use Sports and Event Centre (MUSEC'} 53 replacement fr the exsting Peterborough Memorial Cente (met, -A.summar ofthe aims and objectives of the Locational Analysis, ‘andits relationship withthe wider feasibility study, is given at ‘Section ofthis report. 1.2. Wider Engagement “The findings of the locational analysis have been shared with the IMUSEC Sterng Commitee which comprises te folowhg + ‘The sit's Arena Division Manager (Sue Warrington) Representatives from the G's Departments of Cemmunity Serves, Infrastructure and Planning Series, Corporate Services, and the Peterborough & the Kawarthes Economic Development (PKED} and Representatives ofthe folowing tenants and stakeholders: Peterborough Petes Ontario Hockey League Club > peterborough Lakers Major Seis Lacrosse Cub > Downtown Business Improvement (081A) Sierra Planning ond Management In tems of engagement with other external stakeholders, on 20 ‘Api 2018 a meeting was held at the Cly’s municipal offices with a representative ofthe Otonabee Region Conservation Authority (OFCA) to review the interpretation and application of flood risk poicy ona site-specific basis (further details provided at Section 6). 1.3. Limitations of Analysis ‘Sitespectc baseline research hasbeen undertaken principally ona “desktop basis, sing online tools. Contextual and site-specific information was provided by Cy stat. _As considered in later sections, because of the mations on “auiable ste information, special regarding land acquistion possiblities and cost, 3s well as physical ste conditions, further due _ligence wil be required ona range of matters to dildown onthe relive risk nd opportunities presented by the leading stl). “The assessment and interpretation ofeach candidate site's -corstaints and opportunities has drawn on the consultant team’s ‘refessional knowledge and judgement, and experience of working ‘onamparable projects As explained In Section 2, vet the range ‘and complenty of sues at hand, while the approach ta scoring and ‘heweighting applied to individual entra represents an objective ‘evaluation framework the lek of ulleseosute as to the condition ‘of ach site renders the scoring itself necessary subjective summary, ven the limitations of the analy, the information | ‘Gy of Peteborough Mult Use Sports and Event Centre = Locational Anis 2 Aims & Objectives “The Locatiora Analysis forms one ditnc, but complementary ‘loment of ¢ multifaceted feasibility study being unsertaken by the ‘consultant eam in espect to options for a MUSEC in Peterborough a study which seeks to adress the following questions: = What the future ofthe PMC as MUSEC? + Is the ity inverted in the spectator sports and events market? 7 What isthe fature market potential fora MUSEC? > What kind of new b ‘unetion? ing is required? How dows it = What salable and viobe Toctional options exstin Peterborough? ‘What are the alternative futures for the PMG? 2.1. Why undertake a Locational Analysis? * Objecive, fact-finding analysis and evaluation represents the best way to compate and contrast wide rarge of ses and locale "= Real fats can tellus fa leading candite is good site or not again a variety of erteria ‘+ Ste location analysis has never been undertaken forthe PMC replacement. 2.2. What are the outputs of the analysis? Fact finding and the objective analysis of risk ard opportunities is ‘he tat of the process of site selection for a MUSEC. +The output rom ths Locational Anais aninputto the ‘ongoing conversation within the community about the appetite {or compleaty posed by some ofthe candidate sites greater ‘sk, greater reward) athe longterm vison for downtown and ts shoulder arene which forme a wider central core inthe cy. + whist moving auch to consideration af a pre-determined shortlist preferred ste may delver cost and time effiiences in the short-term, this could lead to lower longterm gin if the bunefits of ther candidate sites have not been given due ‘eansderation 1 Some real facts: Building ofthis sort need te function ‘licen, and the site must alow tis, Itisimportant to avoid ‘or minimite the need to compromise on this spect asit has the potential to undermine the bottom line operations forthe life the bulding or ut such time as land use changes external to the ite solve the problem. 2.3. What degree of certainty can bereached? + Aereement among al stakeholders? Tiss uilely due to the leek of some ste-specie data, aswell asthe subjective nature 16 complenty of the issues Being consider september 2018 i: | City of Peterborough Multi Use Sports and Event Centre ~ Locational Analysis * Carey of information? This report and its findings sheds light on Important considerations related not only othe sites but how a large spectator building will operate successtuly on sites of aitfering size and location + The analysis provides clear picture of choices and/or addtional ‘ue aigance work required for each candidate site/aszembly of shes * Scoping down the questions to be answered? This report helps Scope down the range of questions about locational choices. The anaysstemizes what are known tobe fats, risks, and future questions, Through this process the number of questions tabe answered is reduced to the core ones impacting risks, namely > Functionality ofthe st, ts size and relationship to supporting services (parking access/egress or loadin, ete Timing of site avaiabiity, cost Business interruption and community concerns: and (Overallimpact on the likely iming forthe replacement of the PMC. Sierra Planning ond Management September 2018, FEB cx: ren at Spr nance 3 Site Identification and Due Diligence Methodology ‘This section ofthe Locational Analysis identifies the steps which were taken to identity and assess candidate sts, 3.1, Step 1: Determining Minimum Land Take ‘The fist step was ta define the minimum land take forthe MUSEC 0 that sites which were too small could be exclude spar of pre-screening xeric (see Section 33). Land take was based on an assessment ofthe likly minimum functional requirements for ‘the new facllty, including a allowance for an onsite loading area. ‘The minimum components ofthe building (as identified as part of ‘the consultant team’s coneurrent funcional analysis work were ‘Component 'R. Main Spectator Bowl and ice 1 4/-500 seats = Centre sage + Retractable seating 2 20.24 boxes Backstage, al services, lobby, washrooms, essing rooms, aémin Restaurant & concessions 1. Retal Team Store & Storage Areas C Community meeting room/eerporate meeting space Sierra Planning ond Management LosatonalArays With loading, this translated into a working assumption that a ‘minimum ares equivalent to 120m x 70m was required fora single ad facty However, in cognition that set and compositions ulimately elines by geographic area and conte, the exact footprint was ‘not reserved nor wa the onsite parking requirement Dredetermine, Indee unlike some other recreation bulings, the requirement for signfcant onsite parking doesnot exist. In ‘many downtown locations, these buildings ae sted with essentially street edge footprints. Parking often provided by the existing ‘downtown supply which adjust to the new realty ofa significant demand generator inthe form of a MUSEC. 3.2. Step 2: Defining the Search Area ‘As required by the Terms of Reference, the focus the Locational ‘Analysis was onthe ‘Central Area! a5 defined inthe Peterborough Official Plan (consolidated Oecember 2017) ~seeFxhibt 1 However for the analysis tobe as robust and objective as possible, the search area was expanded to consider the surblty and {ail of tes outside the Central Area wherethey were: “Inthe City’s ownership, and where Cly staff aduised that they could be considered fr redevelopment, in pric; or ‘+ In prvate/third-pany ownership, and where te exiting ‘occupies are relocating to alternate premises (eg the (Canadian Canoe Museum); oF += In prvate/thira party ownership, and where asie'sfuture ie ‘known tobe uncertain (eg General Electric's announcement ‘that Is ceasing manufactring a Park Street North), Separter 2088 ie | ‘ory of Peterborough Mult Use Sports and Event Centre — Locational Anas shi: Official Plan Central Area Land Use Map & Aerial Overlay 3.3. Step 3: Site Search & Pre-Screening. 3.3.1 Establishing a Long-listof sites ‘An initial long-lstof candidate sites was compiled The ist was ‘based on physical and locational characterises and artved at via thre principal sources: 2) online aerial satelite agery; 2} 3 windshiold survey, and 3) parce fabric mapping and other Information povided by Cly staf ‘The City's Gs mapping software was used to overlay known physieal and environmental constraints onto land parcels, including + "loodplain’ ayer: Land currently wth the mapped foodpain cetens (Exhibit 2 enti the exiting flaca inthe Central Ae). Mortage’ tayer: Land within the Designated Heritage Conservation District, and/or which contains cultural and heritage asets which are ether Designated or on the Register (Eat 3 identifies the existing assets inthe Central Area), Old industry’ layer Land suspected of being contaminated due to previous Industrial use (this Ist sno exhaustive and doesn't preclude the possibity that other land parcels may be Eontaminated), “chy land layer: Land in the ownership ofthe City (Exhibit 4 identi Ciy-owned land in he Central Area}, Parkin’ layer: Land which the Chy’s records show iether ‘municipal or private parking (Exhibit identifies parking within ‘the Central rea), ‘September 2018| se Siero Planning ond Management in osteteysunpannien amon CyotPerertorough Mult Ue Sports and Event Cente —Leatonl Anis Exhibit 4. Ciy-cwned land [sarcels shown outlined} aa | ie Sierra Planning and Monagement aie stregy singlenesiniae September 2018| FEB cx etree routs sis use snorsend trent one tactonl eli 3.3.2.Pre-Screening Exercise ‘The long-ltof candidate sites was pre-screened to slate parcels {or immediate exclusion de to insufient site capacity and/or restictione/complexties which were considered insurmountable, Pre Screen Criteria a [ral |Ahe site ean accommodate a minimum MUSEC nd take of 130% 70m "ZAR the time of nial review, there aren Krows insurmountable or unduly onerous site-specific regulatory planning or esting use restrictions "whieh precide development af a MUSEC [3 Hetoge sensitivities donot preclude | “development of a MUSEC Pass or fai? Caiterion 1: represented the assumed minimum land ake (as deserted st Section 23), 41203. 70m box wae overad onto the land parcel using GIS mapping software Citerion 2: iolated sits subject of restrictions/constraints known st the time) whieh, inthe concukan team’s opnion, woul ule out development of a MUSEC (eg proximity to neighbouring a Sierro Plenning end Management esdential properties; existing productive land we of significance ‘rere land was known or judged to be unavatable or equston et) A the pre-screening stage, a ste being located within floodplain ‘was 1% considered insurmountable. Advice wasto be sought from ‘ORCA on interpretation and appliation of flood sk policy, and ‘accuracy af existing laodway boundaries (see Section 6). Potential environmentally-consteaned land was also not ‘considered insurmountable on the aeurption that mitigation ould be possible in principe although this woul! come wth ‘api cost and programme implications (considered as part f ste Drosand cons ater in the Arai) ‘criterion 3: jolted ates containing heritage buldings where twas ‘considered approval for ther demolition woulé not be forthcoming, ‘or were the building couldnt realistically be retained and {Incorporated on design and/or viablity grounds “The consuttant team applied its judgement and cretion In pre- screening sites. For any ste whieh failed one or more ofthese ‘three eriteria it was cemaved fom the lst of candidate sites. The Tonglst of sites and pre-sereening results ate provided at ‘Appendix. Sepemer 2018 | 20 | Gy of Peterborough Mult Use Sports and Event Centre ~ Locational Analysis 3.3.3 shorlist of Candidate Sites Using these criteria, the iong-st ofsites was narrows down to + Loblaws/No Fils, 230 George street North (Central Area) + City Works Garage & Mall 182 Townsend Street (Central Area) ‘+ James Stevenson Pak, 347 urnham Road (Central reo) + Morrow Prk, Lansdowne stret West (adjacent Central Are) + General Electric (in part, 107 ParkSt North adjacent Cental ‘rea) ‘canadian canoe Museum, 910 Monaghan Road (outside Centro reo [Maps identifying each ofthe shortlisted candidate sites are provided on the following pages ae Sierra Planning and Management September 2018| Seporie 2018 Sierra Planning ond Manogement SR psiennatealsare September 2018 | 2 | ‘ty ofPeterborough Mutt Use Sports and Event Centre = Locational Aras Seprerber 2018 Sierra Planning an advice strated Site #10 lacie Sierra Plonning ond Manogement aarer matches ppneeet See aa 3.4, Step 4: Preparing Site Information Proformas Information proformas were prepared so that shotisted candidate ses could be appraised and compared on alik-or-‘ike basis using ‘aide range of criteria. The detailed proformes are attached at ‘Appendlx2, with the summary pros and cons set out at Section 4 ‘Most proforma information was obtained vi online resources (eg ‘the Citys website forthe Offical Plan and Zann By, maps etc). However, Cly staf ago provided site-specfiinformation, Including detais on occupational tenancies for ity-owned sites and dlarifeationon land-use planning matters. ae Sierra lanning ond Manogement ‘Conaderaton [Beta Site Site Descristion fand uses) Characteristics | *Vehieuior access * ie ares * Ownership * Leass/tenancies (and terms, where krown) * Reseetive covenants * Proximty to railway tracks/requiite setbacks ‘and Use | Inde br outside Central Area Schedule) Planning | Official Pan Designations 1 Zoning By Laws (Including land use an sign resteions) Environmental Constraints | + Contamination Hertage "She Prospects |» Ske Characters, Location © (rosand | Transportation ons) + Cost and Ease of Acquiring Development Land * Urban Contest Physial Elements + Economic Impact / Synergies Seen 2088 Gi ‘ay of Peterborough Multi Use Sports and Event Centre ~ Locational Analysis 4 Pros and Cons of Shortlisted Sites 4.1. Loblaws/No Frills ‘Site Characteristics [Pros |» Downtown ication within the Schedule J Cental Area, Location & ‘Transportation | Cons [+ Operational ail tracks run across George Stor eight) directly to the south of the site, with potential to cause srupton and dela for visitors tothe arena (pedestrian and car) Costand Eate of | Pros | * Negotiation required with only one private landowner. ‘Acquiring Development Land [Cons |» Nevertheless land acquisition s required, with capital and tne cow impliatons + The sites occupied bya large downtown grocery store (No Fil). The abit ta secur vacant possession and/or avaliity of suitable alkematve sites fr their relocation woul also bea key consideration, ‘ban Context / | Pros |» Within exiting commercial aes, cos to exiting series retail and Wana Physlal Elements * Opportunity to create a landmark development ina prominent waterfront location ‘Cans | > Narrow sit its exibyin terms of arena fooirink * Sit not of sulfcent sie to accommodate second rink and/or addtional community uses * Scale and building form would tely exceed existing zoning provisions. "+ Understood tobe within an area ofthe Cty suspected to be environmentally contaminated due to previous industrial uses, Could require remediation (unknown at this tage). Economie mpact/_| Pros | » Within the Central Area [Downtown] thereby with the potential to increase fool patronage Tor local business Synergies Inthe Commercial Core frm arena patrons) (Cans |* Would resutin loss a large grocery stare in the Downtown (ft relocated within Downtown) a Sierra Planning ond Manogement September 20:8 DEER rere recurnntsesporsaneven centre esto Anis 4.2. City Works Garage and Mall Site Caractersies, [Pros Location & = Within he Schedule J Cantal Area na Downtown location. ‘Tansportation | Cons 7 Operational ail tracks run arows George Siret (or Wraight) avec tothe novh ofthe ste, with potential to ‘cause disruption and delay for vistors tothe arena (pedestrian and cars), ‘Cost and Ease of Pros ‘Acguiing 1+ iy ans majority ofthe se (and ather smal pockets of land within close pros Development and cong = key that shopping pavade/mal on the ste’s eastern boundary Wronting Geore St would be required to make ‘the site workable this isin several private ownerships and has multiple tenans which could present land assembly challenges, with capital andtime-costimpleation. ‘ian Content 7) Pros Physical Cements + Within exiting commercial are, coz to existing services, etal and ansi, + Redevelopment presents opportunities to create new, atractve eve plazas inthe Downtown area * Offers opportunity for ehabitation of former industrial ste, and to introduce new ative frontages to Townsend set cone Eeonemie impact] | Pros Synergies "+ Within the Centra Area (Oawntown) thereby withthe potential t increase foefal/patronage for local ‘ine and shape af ie sigaiicantiy is Wb n tars of arena Tootorint. Sita istight- not of suticent size to accommodate a Second ink and/or adional community uses Ral tracks on northern boundary assumes tobe fied constant (potential to clase al corridor or introduce Uunderpass/overpass unknown ~ and associated cost ~ unknown at this time, but assumption i that negotiations could sigieanty protact programme). Suboptimal vty nd acceze de to principal acess points being om Townsend St. Any oppertunty to create landmark waterfront development limited by vew being obscured by Holiday Inn and surrounding development. + Understood ta be nan area ofthe City suspected to be environmentally contaminated duet previous Indusval uses. Could require remediation (unknown at this stage). business inthe Commercial Core trom arena patos) Sierra Planning ond Management Would result nthe ow of retail eammeria uses ona primary Rantage (George Steet) inthe DOWTTOWn, September 2018| Gi City of Peterborough Multi Use Sports and Event Centre Locational Anayss 4.3, James Stevenson Park ‘te Characteristes, | Pros |» Within the Schedule J Central rea and» short walking distance of public wana tocation & + Existing hub for recreational and commercial uses, wih direct connection under bridge to Tenis Cob “Transportation ‘Cons | = Whilst in the designated Central area, the rver serves asa physical barrie from the commercial core, 1 Exeting ball lamonds may require relocation ~ is unclear a thie stage there are any suitable replacement fields. ‘Costand Ease of | Bros | + Allthe ste l within the Gays ownership, thereby no land sequlilon requirements Acauiring Development Land | Cans |» Potential need to relocate Lins Cub (within area required Yor MUSEC and cannot be incorporated) + Understood thatthe cub has along lease ~ deta require careful review. ‘Urban Context/ | Pros |» Opportunity to reat landmark architectural feature on a highly vibe waterront site ina gateway locaton Physieal Elements + Could estabsh a new destination on the exsting waterfront tal inking wth Rotary Park tothe not). ‘ons [> The mejory ofthe ste is crrently within the floodplain, where there a poley presumption against most forme of new bult development including a MUSEC). More detaled understanding af flood risk policy, modeling and Implications i required (including input from ORCA) *+ Located a predominantly low-density residential area which could present design challenges inthe context of protecting existing neighbouring amenity (depending on location ofthe proposed buling within the it). Economic tmpact/ | Pros | + Within the Cental Area and within a short walk f the Downtown, thereby with sme potential to nerease ‘Syneeges foottal/patonage for loca busines inthe Commercial Core including the existing etal unis to the north-east ofthe site on Hunter Street, ‘ons [= Physical nat n Downtown Commercial Care (as mos people would Wpically perceive this tobe, andin acta planning poley defines the coe), Sierr0 Planning and Management September 2018, DEB verre een mute ssp ance cone Leaton nos 4.4, Morrow Park Site characterises, Location & ‘ranspertation Prot Recognized exiting rezrationa hub -Tocation of PC, park, ball diamonds andoutdoor event space. (On amain vehicular approach road inte Gy (Lansdowne St) cons Tia nthe Schedule Central Area (abe alee) ‘Cost and tase of ‘cquing Development Land “land parce within the se ar within RVs ewnerahi, thereby no land acaulstion requirements ‘The Agricultural Society's Licence Agreement with the iy incudes spctic provsions allowing fe vacant possession tobe secured inthe case of development forthe MUSEC, OR for exhibitor use to be safeguarded on the western hi, ‘Assumed tha tenancies for other wers donot contain onerous provisons/encumbrances ~ needs clarification. ‘ur interpretation ofthe lease Suggests land onthe easter half ofthe its given over to non-Agricultural Society use and could therefor in theory accommodate the MUSEC without impinging on the lease Termination of Ariultural Soret Licence Agreement “without cause requires $5000 relocation payer Enereiing this clause could ale aise expectation thatthe Society Is assisted in fnang anew location as par of the process iti unclear at ths stage whether there sa sultable and feasible aterativelecation(s for their esting acts. Inadaition tote provisions of the Agricultural Soclety's cence Agreement, otter extant conitons bul nto the Cty of Peterborough Act may pce limitations on development at Morrow Fark and wil require careful Urban Context 7 Physical Elements Not in existing Reodpian No knowin hertage constants or contamination. Large and general lat and open st whieh provides considerable design and layout flexi. ‘mle land to inciude potential second ie rink andr addtional community uses an could be designed so a5 not to encroaeh on safeguarded area for Agri, Society's exhibition use as per Agr. Soc Agreement, Schedule A). Not phyialy inthe Downtown "Notwithstanding openness and sit of site, site ocdeved on all four sides by residential propertics, requiring Careful consideration in term of building orientation layout and overall site density eononie impact / Synergies Prorf* ‘rena would provide the opportunity fr a more significant commerea/recreatonal/cvic hub to provide Southern anchor tothe George Street Commercial district, and wider regeneration. Gone No nthe Downtown Commercial Core, Faerie Siero Planning and Management iiue od Seprember2018 Gi Cy of Peterborough Mult Use Sports and Event Centre —tocational Analisis 45. General Electric (in part) ‘ite Characters [Pros |» rantings principal road rto/out oF Cy toeation & Transportation Cane |» Wotin Central Area [abet adscer) Cost and tase of Pres [= The site sin one (prvate) ownership (father than added completes assocated with assembly oF Acquiring Development ‘multiple parcels in separate private ownerships). In adtion to Genera Electric (GE), 8WXT also and shares part of the st. ‘ons | * Likely hat the process to acquire, clean and sever the ste would potentaly oper-upa broader ‘lscussion onthe entre Ge landholdings, resulting in sgnicant project delay * Experience suggests that large multi-national land owners wil often seek to have full deanup of ‘ther lands to remove any potential fr future lability (e.g this i why so many former gas stations remain undeveloped). This can ad time and cost tothe projec i the owner Is unwaling osel Unless lands unencumbered by contamination, +The process of studying environmental problems and create resulting remediation strategies fora site of this site and nature can be measured in years ‘Urban Content / Physical | Prot |» Notional large ae with Hexbity to consider a range of MUSEC options Elemente 1 The esting buldings on the site and within the wider GE landholdings posibly eta precedent for large format non-residential buildings inti locaton, + Not in existing floodplain. Cons | > Feaiblty of remaving/aiowing for ensting ral wack unlar + Potential operational and design freton between arena and Indusval uses (ste severed), and ith surtounaing residents Ezanorie impact] Pros [+ Beneical reuse of brownfield land for employment generating and community ws Synergies ‘Cons [> Outside Cental Area where there ia citi mass of commercial uses, thereby reducing potential ‘benefits an arena woul bring re foafall/patronage for lca business Sierra Planning and Management ‘september 2038 48. Canadian Canoe Museum ‘ite Characteristics | Prot |» Potential synergies with exstng recreational & event space at Evinrude Centre ajacetto the ste Locator & {tothe west) ‘Transportation Tons |* Outside Schedule y Conta ves Nota ‘gateway location in which to maximize benef of potential landmark building given ts location north of the more apparent gateway corner of Lansdowne Steet and Monaghan Road, ‘Cost and tase af ‘ros + The site ould be considered a Trendy purchase’ artis Iely to be Wed to he Tunding Yor the ‘Aauiring Development new museum and therefore potentially more easy justifies by Cty staf. nd a zi - ‘Cans | + The parcels aren private ownership (museum), requng land to be acquired, anda nding sareement tobe putin pace re. museum relocation ~ this has capital ang tme-costimplcations. Understood that vacant possession contingent an occupation of anew museum in nether location = however, fl funding notin place (at ime of writing), and therefore no cetanty ato the she's avalabilty, ‘Uiban Context /Physical_[ Pros | * Comer ot, with walt to vehicular and pedestian Waffic onan intersection Elemente Not in exiting ocean No known heritage constrains. ‘Cans | ® Warrow ate and setback from neighbouring properies Init options Tor the arena footprint, Service vehicles routes, and ancilary/complementary uses, Greater presence if footprint erentated to have principal frontage onto Monaghan Rd but this would require acquisition and demolition of rately owned) retallmallt the south capital and tume- | iy of Peterborough Mls ke Soars and Event Cantre Locational Analisis 16.7.4. Morrow Park ‘Te site's principal Benefits are ownership (iy is ie (igh flexible able to accommodate a second pa, parking and safeguarded exhiotion area, f required); and that there ‘understood tobe no known envranmental ar flooding, constraints However, the sei outside the Downtown, onthe edge of the Centra Area which in prinepl could be seen to make this less preferable than the two Downtown sites {in lcatonal terms at leas ‘Tat sad, thes» prominent gateway sit atthe south of George Steet, and could therefore be a catalyst and destination venue ‘apart of any future southwards expansion ofthe Downtown {see Section 7), In adition, there sn opportunity to explore ways in which the key principles ofthe 2010 Masterplan or Morrow Park implementation of which has nt yet reached an advanced stage could be Incorporated into MUSEC proposals 2s nartof 2 ‘comprehensively planned recreation led development. summary ofthe key components ofthe 2010 Masterplan ae set ‘ut inthe information proforma for ths site at Appendix 2. ‘The above merits of Morrow Patk il of couse, need to be careful balanced withthe rik/reward considerations of ‘commiting to developing a single-pad ina Downtown location, ‘The lens of analysis shoul aso be futureorented. The ‘evolution ofthe Cty core, achieving higher denstics inthe areas Sa Sierra Planning and Management to the south of the Central rea, ad the future ofthe City's ‘public open spaces, ae all under active consideration bythe City tthe present time. This provides an important policy coatext within which to judge competing sites fr their ong-erm Contribution te lond vse change in and around Downtown, September 2018 FEB cr srreeteour mt ue spon ante care toetn Ans 7 Next Steps ‘This Locational Analysis has ranked six shortlisted candidate sites according to our preference based on a ange of factors. ‘As hasbeen identified, each shortlisted ste has questions regarding ts feastbilty and vality which cn only be answered ‘once the current study is complete and new budgets and work Plans are agreed 7.1, Additional Work For whichever site(s) is are) supported by Coun for further review, 3 work rogram should invelve the fllowing key technical items: 4 Envranmental Assessment (Phase 1) 2. Geotechnical Assessment, 3. Environmental Assessment (Phase 2}, contiona onthe ability ofthe site from ate geotechnical conditions perspective “4. Forall ses other than the Morrow Parksite, there isa need {or further in-depth discussion with ORCK regarding the likelihood of development approval for these sites. That consideration als volves, we understand from ORCA, the need for expedited completion of several modeling Siero Planning and Management exercises, undertaken so ast remove unnecessary ‘estietions onan i-piaciple approval of any ste. Separately, there s 2 need to consider the ownership aspects ofthese stes, Work wil potentially need ta be undertaken to sucessfully negotiate the transfer of these lands (including the treatment ofthe Agricultural Society Lease on Morrow Park ‘Adstional site planing work forthe approved bullding ype {seale of MUSEC and opportunity fora second ice pad) wil bbe necessary based on the outcome ofthe technical ste analysis conducted above. At this time, vanspartation Impact and parking management studies related tothe facity are likely tobe warranted only forthe ste which ulimatey selected For Morrow Pak, other specie site ations would be equired, including revisiting the 2010 Master Plan progress talks with the Agreutural Society ontheefuture requirements; athe fture ofthe PMC and in particular ‘the effect thie may have on the phasng/neremental evelopment of a MUSEC on this site September 2018 FE cree ercurnas espns ana et cane Lesions as In conclusion ste selection dril-down analysis fr the prefered site(s) sa key next step which enables further consideration of allaspects ofthe next phase: ‘Site development costs; Scale and capital cost of the fcity; Funding Sraeey: ane Delivery Strategy and timing of implementation of competitive proces to select a design-build consortium. 7.2. Alignment with City’s Wider Priorities ‘tis eecommended that the work being undertaken on location analysis forthe MUSEC shoud feed into, an be informed by, {the broader long range planning exercise being undertaken by Planning and Economie Development Staff tthe City, both in terms of fture spatial options for regeneration, and te specfic ‘work e.g working alongside pane’ agencies and the landowner regarding the future strategy forte GE ste 7.2.4. Official lan Reviow ‘The Citi inthe early stages ofits Official Plan (OP) Review, with consultation with stakeholders an ongoing process. The current, ‘estimate is that a daft OP willbe consuited on in Winter 2018, ‘wth Counc approval to be sought in Spring 2019, Sierra Planning and Management ‘As par ofbuling the evidence base, n June 2018 Cty staff led ‘eign charetes withthe local community ona range of tops, {cluding opportunities to enhance 8 key nodes and coridors nto ane out ofthe ity, and potential improvements in civic ‘pacer and stretsin the Downtown ea Aionalconsutaton i expected to tak pace over the Fall of £2018, end iwilbe important to ensure that te policy rection _rking (particu in terms af Oowatown priortes and ‘oganertion) sf into the ongoing conversation regarding locational decisis forthe MUSEC and azo the wider feasibity work “The scale of investment that defines anew multi-use sport and ‘event centres dgrifcant, but 0 too are the longterm benefits {el imporant therefore that the benefits of his projec othe utore heath an vablty of the urban ear (not necessarily only ‘the Schedule nds at present are fly investigated. That -means nt simpy conducting the location evaluation insolation ‘but asking the related questions of whether the challenges of ‘complicated Downtown sts ae realy that insurmountable it ‘there ia cea Cy-Led plan to tackle these sites and regenerate ‘parts of Downtown. At the same tine, erating functionally ‘constrained bling ona tight site canbe avoided fan ‘Sppropeate stein the “shoulder areas of Downtown can be ‘ound and whieh provides many ofthe same regeneratwe benefits a: 2 Downtown sit. The Vision estabished forthe ‘Central Area in general should help to guide the utimate choiee, Sepa 2018 Gi Cy of Peterborough Mult Use Sports and Event Centre Locational Anayss 7.2.2. Site-Specific Strategies & Availabilty ‘As the Locational Analysis moves forward, the avalabilty ofeach ‘ofthe candidate sites (or otherwise) should continue to be monitored carly ‘change n owner ox occupier ctcumstances could for example, materially change the relative prospects ofthe sites. ‘With regards tothe GE Stein particular, last year twas reported ‘that thei business plan has oxiginally been to cease ‘manufacturing and service activity bythe end of C3 2018, with provincial funding to be secured to cary aut two projects to help the ety adapt to the new post-GE econamy 1 Astudy to help the local economy shift from a reliance on ‘manufacturing jobs to be completed in 2018) 2. study to consider the future use ofthe property (to be complete in 2019) ‘Te two studies would also be an important par the evidence base to suppor the Oficial Plan Review. Ie isunderstood that the closure ofthe GE ste has now been ‘shed back until some point in 2013, which in tur has delayed the preparation ofthe above studies. September 2018, APPENDIX 1: PRE-SCREENING RESULTS + MAPPING [MUSEC Peterborough -PreSereenng of Long st of Sts by Sierra Planing & Management) Gran Tema aren ERB ne Ra | Son Ha maar ‘cmenicamoranmsc | oeneesrrotnn | wri danince espe reson dani rc cevcapmer ste ice 1 Giada noe asses | Pz 7 a oo Won 7 aa Fa 3 eres Sean atk | Pa as Fa aioe 7 a cS Fam 5 iy WorsGarge a Pa cS Tener sont al a ar te Tar [ Prarsagh Sere [ Fa Far a i on reser ca mr al aero oes | i re I teoerd Tyee ares | Pe Fa = oo TT eset ra Fa mm i “Plans of above sites on net poge extracted from previous presentation ides APPENDIX 2: INFORMATION SITE PROFORMAS ‘neal of the cy of Peterborough Candidate and Paes Proform. {and Parcel= Core Detais ‘ve Adres No Fri (LoBaws), 230 George See NOM, KSI SG ‘eva pretoeaph Tee Becipion {The eis & lected ih the Give Downtown bras on the wiarsecion of George S Nowh/Shrerooke S Shererooke/ Waters. +The ste comprises "No Frit rocery store oothem hal and an nciary customer pttng ot southern all 1+ The busing sa sitar seal to the ropes inthe wnt on George st equhalent to two commercial stores and +The bung xentated so tht the princi entrance facing towards the parking lot tothe south, wit lank was beunay. ———— Sierra Planning ond Management aplentaietas September 2018 ‘On beha ofthe city of Peterborough ‘Candidate Land Pare ro Forma Ownership No.of 7 ‘yer Patel” |» Pate fnderstood tobe eunedby a RET) Owned? ‘ezupationenances |» NoFilsWanche [ermal raneise uiaawn) \Land Use Planning (as per City Official Plan, consolidated 31 December 2017) Inside or outside [+ nade Central Area? ‘Oficial Plan and Use| » Waterfont Commercial ea (Schedule | Designations “+ Suppons same ses a fund inthe adjacent Commercial Core Area (mojor concentration of eta offic, {entertainment ond sevice commercial ws cinfrcing ain street setting) but with adtons design reuirements ‘acknowledgment ofits vslty from the waterfront and river, 6. = edhering to high standard of urban design including bung design which inti the pennessof the area and providing enhanced landscaping, particulary in areas adjacent to public open space; and proud strong pedestrian linkages wth the waterfront. ‘Toning By Law ‘+ $6.181 (Special District 14 permits wide ange of comercial and cic uses. + Places resins on new bling, nung Maxbuising height: 3 tore, exceoing trey within 35 mettes of he see ine of George Street ad within {asmetrer ofthe set line of Sherorooke et. = Max biting covrage: 60% above era No buisingpermitesin tat portion ofthe ot, whch the projection though the property, rm west es, 2D metres with ofthe uhousie Steet road alowence Sema Hanoy anderen Sept 208 Con beta of he ct of Peterborough (anaiate and Para ProForm Sai + Principal Carimereal (CS and Con Gaoree Designations and abe + pen Space (05.3) on Water Stree ontage “Hooding& Wetands |» The paring ots within te ORCA Fosdn, bu subject f Spec Poe Area engineering le/fiood management Contamination ~ No iniarmaton Far ben provide a derly wheter te ss iy tobe eortarunated. Suey war woul eed to be undertaken t ceri ts, and to etableh whether any remediation woud be reqred ae part ofthe se's reeelopment eer Sierra Planning and Mont etree srategye apie | September 2018 ‘On behalf of the Cy of Peterborough Candust and Parcel Proforma erage ‘> ‘There ae no DestunatedHevtags Properties of HeageRepiter Properties win or adjacent tothe ate Scoring Mati and Prospects zi ‘ite charecteristis, Pros "Downtown location within the Schedule Central Aes, “Transportation cons Operational a Weeks rn across George St for Wet drei fo the wouth oF he ae, with potent to euse ruption and dey for vitor tothe arena (pedestrian and crs Totand be of Pros ‘> Wegatnion required wit oly one private landowner ‘uiing Pevelormentiand Cane 7 Nevertheless, land acglation From tid party requled, wth api andtine con iplatons 1+ Thesis occupid by alnge downtown grocery store (No Fs). The ty to secure vacant postesion and/or avaebity of stable ternative ses for ther relocaton woul also be 9 Key ‘onsderaton ian Content/ [Fos —=~=*d »”“Whn ening commercial ren, close to essing sence, real andansi, Physical Elements + Opportunity tcreatea landmark development ina prominent waterfront location, Tone > Narrow ait irs Hob n terms oF arena Teotpine + Site not of suffeient sie to acommodate second rink and/or addtional community se. + Scale and bull form would kel exceed ening zoning provisions ‘+ Understood tobe within an ares of the City suspected to be environmentally contaminated due to previous Insel uses. Could que remediation (unknown a thi sabe). ‘zonomic past? | Pras > Within the Cena ares [Downtown] thereby wth he potent increase Yooval/ptronage or Synerpes local business in the Commerc Coe rom arena patrons Cone > Wow eu loa age grocery tren the Gowntown aea (not eloatedin the Downtown ——=—— Sera Planing ond Management | September 2018 (On behalf of he ce of Peterborough Tana Parcel= Core Detals ‘he Cy’ Publ Works department lareges, storage and anciary oie end ‘A rectangular lan pace with frontage onto George Street North ocuped by 2retall mall nd sparte Tim sd rom tee points on George Steet Hoth and one pln a the intersection wth Townsend Siero Planning ond Management mien September 2018, Con behalf ofthe cy of Peterborough (andiat ang Parcel Poor ‘Owner Wo. otiee [> Giyor |» Pable Worket owner Cy prnately | Mae 2ownersis: Private i Hortons in separate oumestiptalance of mal). ownes? ‘ecapatonjanancea | + Wis understood Wat te Publ Wars pare doesnot nude any tenans on hy a + Matte snants of ommeril presses Honing Gorge Seen ptvate owner, so tenancy provisionslase Tana Use Panning (os per Cty Offical lon consolidated 31 December 2017) res? “inside oF outside Central + neice Desgntions + Supports same ues found inthe ajacent Commercial Cre Area (nae concetraton of ret oe, tntertanment and servic commer ie reinforcing ain sre sen) but wih atonal design reuiements inachnowedpment of ty rom the waeront an Net, 68 sheng to igh standard of urban design ncluing bulling design which ratte openness fhe ae providing enhanced lanéscaping particularly in areas adjacent to public oper space; = proving strong pest linkages wth the watertont ag Bylaw > Fable Wore G6 [Conmerca DBT = Mal iraorty) SP 131 Speci istret 133} lows arrange commercluses with resrctons on bultfom, ning moro storey bight. 1 Tim Hortons €6(Commeri Dstrt), Sierra Plenning ond Manogerent dvi vstetegy™ nplememi | Septonber 2018 ‘On behalf of he city of Peterborough (Candedat and Pace Proforma ‘Surronaing > Suvounding and zoned ar Yanga of commer and busbss sevice etabahmants (C5, C8 MB, NS @)= Designations and zoning |" ining along eng of George Street North- and reset (R32). “Environmental Constraints 7 "Hooding&Weviands |» tasiern third fate win fod plan clung llama ana pat Pub Works and) exact Noone We with ORCA Foodplsin ruber of pel Poly Ara ngnaering iy that and paras on he ses easter boundary Font George would be eared wake ‘ian Conant Physical | Prot Elemente the te worebe~ hs sin several pate ewnershpy ang has mulpe tars which could prevent Tan asembly challenges, with captal and me costimplstions. ‘hin exiting commercial ae, dose to exsing ences ral and Wand ‘ters opportunity for ehabiltation of fama indus te, and to ntraduce raw active frontages to Townsend street. Sle and nape of we ricanty lise n term of rea ooipine Seis tet not of suficen eto aeommodate communi ink fa tracks on northern Bounty astumed to be fied contain gotta t close rl cmior or Inteduceunderpar/overpereinnown and astodoted cast —ulown af hs ime, bu sumption Isthatnegoustions cous senfsartisrvacproeam) sub-optimal vty and aces du to pencil access pons being rom Townsend St. Opportunity to cote landmark watetrant development possibly limita by view obscures by HoRéay in and ‘eroding seveopment Understood tbe nan are fhe Cy suspected tbe erirnmently contaminated du to previous Inet ues. Could requie edition anion a is Sage) ‘eonomicimpaa | Pras Synergies cme ‘ain the Cara] aves (Downtown) thereby wih the poten to inerease TooVal/pavOTaBR TOIT buns nthe Commarel Care rom are patos) Would esutin he os ofretacommeril ues on a primary rntag (Geor Stret inthe Downtown, Sierra Planning ond Management | september 2018 Con behalf of ec. Peterborouph {and Porel= Core Detail ‘Cui Aaerore Tames Severson Par, 37 Buraham Road KH 17S “aval photoraph ae Deeipon Desgntec Commeral Core (onthe wertemn bans, va the Hunter st bridge) sné lower densy residents td “+ Theste comprtosa baseball lsmong,asftaldomon, a basketball curt, playground andthe Peterborough ont Community contre ‘The Community Centres opmatd bythe ions Cb of Peetorouth ae wel srvig community function, lable for private ire san event space wih 3120 person capac ‘There are two paring lots anclory tthe bal diamonds and playground (recently constructed served ofa central slne oad (Steve Terty Way). The Communit Centre has ts wn deste parking lt alacant othe bulng. Veber Reese Ther re topo of vbr as ont eve Tey Way om Bursar See i th ea) and Want Sree (rorheront). aS Sierra Planning ond Management alenrgtonse | September 2018 Cn bealf of the Gy of Peterborough Canadat and Pare Pro forms ‘Owners WevoF os 7 GiverPrvaiey Crowned ‘Oecpston/erancer [+ evs Cub 1 See cy Legal Commentary for further dea Tana Use Panning (es per Cry Offa lon consolidated 31 December 2047) ‘nse or ose Canal» nie ren? ‘ica an tand Usa > Open Space Designations ong yaw + Pac O52 [Open Space DRED) [allows a variety of predominant eutdor rerestenal/cammunty ose, and rests bulldns to 5% covroae) + community Cente: 5? 251 {pei ist) [atows range of indoor conmanty wes, with estenons on bul frm and lyout) Surounding 7” Oppose eastern ae boundary Ri eseentay Designation and Zoning + Opposite sutrem ste Boundary: Open Space th resident ero) + Theron felting real uni slong Hunter fret (the northant of thet form pt fhe Cara! ras an tre within the Designated Conmercal tt (aor = C8). Sier1a Planting ond Management coptomber 2018 Environmental Constraints Flooding & Wetlands | + The majority ofthese within the ORCA Tod pan, wth the exepion te ball amend inthe nerves corer Contamination os oni eA sorvey woud edt be underaken To acenah wha ‘he eis contamnated ane wast UF any remediation requires. erage > There ar no Designated Werage ropes 6 Waray Reiter Properias within he Sie + A propery on Burnham Road oppose the ete entrance, andthe Hunter St Brie are identified a being onthe ertage Rete + A propery on Ealabuen Avene aeacet to the xuther Boundary identified a being» Desenated Hertage Property [but screened by abet of mature ees) September 2018, ‘On beha ofthe Cty of Peterborouh (Ganaiat ar Parcel Pro forma “Searing Man and Prospects ‘Ste Choacises, | Pas + Within the Shale Canal aves and Sant waking dstance of publ ans ramparaton + bing hb forerentonaanacommercl ues, wth rect onnection undebvide to Tennis [eee "5st the designated Genres, the rer serves ar py bare Fam the papa | femme ee. ‘+ Giting bl eanonds may requ releation—Itls uncer atthisstge there are any stable ‘eoicemen ie. ost ond ease of Por ‘Alte seis wihn the Cys owner, hereby nolandseguanFeauremens ‘equiing Development tan ons Potent sedi lca ons Cu if win aes requed for MUREC and cannot Be incorported. Understood thatthe dua har aang lene ~ deal equ cael review Usan content ys [as Opa fone anna weve Wau oF NY le atone hs + cou enabishs new “emtnatonon he asin waterfront aking wih Retry Park to tana {The maori ofthe ae caren within the Mood pla, where there a poleyprenonption faint most ‘ome of new ult deveaoment (using « MUSEC) More cetaled Understanding ood rst poy, modeling an implstionsrequred *+ cate in a predominant ow-densty resident ares whch could preset esi chalenges inthe content of protected exiting neighbouring amen, depencing onthe leation of he Proposes buiang wit este Feonamiimpaet/ | Pron {= Within the Geral res and within # short walk or the Downtown aes, hereby withthe synergies potential to inaease fotal/pavonate or lac! businesin the Commerc Cre (nung he esting retail unts tothe north-east a he te on Mute Set. tons "ot n Downtown Commerc core [nr mex soe woua pal paraive ISTO, anda facts plnningbeydetines he core a aed rr Planning and Management Sere Boeanp ond ennenen | Sentenber 2058 ‘On beh of he cy of Peterbor uh Tana Parcel Core Details ‘ie Aderore General Cee Ste in pr, 17 Pa Wer, KING “aval photoraph + Theat forme prof he General Bac manuai ouyar aout, loaing/st down bays for trucks, ands sal pking a. Vehicle ‘The ste canal be cess rom acous the lance ofthe GE landhoangs tothe west Incader acl fcr and warehousing st win ‘Thera el rack whch acess the ste from the norte corer ané whic hen follows the ine of Wolf Sierra Planning and Manager dye = stretegysaplemen ment | September 2018, ‘On behalf of the City of Peterborough Ccndate and Pace Prosar ‘Owners Ti. ofte 7 Giver Pate | Aste Prateawned owned? ‘Ocupation/enances | + Asuredwobe occupied by GE ta, wih no venats and Use Panning (ox per Cy Offa lon, consolidated 31 December 2037), Inside or outside Central] » Outs with exception ol easter baundby ‘fii Plan Cand Use| + Tada mary ase Designations + Easter bounsarycureny erat ~Transton| Urs ine. mum antigens esa wses, instal, salle of, convenience ret ana sevice commer uss). ‘Toning Bylaw ‘+ $59 (Special Diwiet 53, an azembl plan, roesing plan or manutaurng plant excsive ad plant se for pecic indus purposes eleresl haar out! Zimbra reper depot ‘Theste ie within Par 2’ of $9 ith the fiowing imitation on but development sor nucang coverage 2m man building eight edZonne P55 pei DAA on wast OF Monaghan A “+ Residential (8,82 83) to north nd south ‘+ Range or commercial, vic and residential zanesto eas th Central Ae). aad SieraPlaming and Monogement teeta corategyrsapieenstenes | September 2018 ‘On behalf ofthe iy of Peterborouth Environmental Constraints ooding & Wevands = The steno win the ORCA Hooda or welds exe Contamination ‘Wa nermation Fa ren provi 6 ey te extant o which heels Hay abe conarraed + Survey work woud need to be undertaken to ascertain his, dt estabsh whether any remediation would be requred as part ofthe site's redevelopment. erage > Ther ra no DsignatedWeilage Popes or Hage Reger Properties wit or alacent othe sie Scotng Mate and Prospects Site Coraterisis Location | Pos {Transportation + ron pnp esd inta/ou of Cy. = Notin Genival Area (aba aaacai. Planning and Manoae | Seotenbes 2018, On behalf of the City of Peterboroush ‘Ghat and Pace Pro-trma ‘oak and ase of eguing | Pos Sevelopmant and “eaten ane pate) ownership, (athe than aed competes ssodated with aster of mute pects separate private ownership) In adlion to General Eee (G8), BWAT so shares pare of he ste tone ‘Thay tat he procs to acquire ann and sever the ste woul be potently a proce whch opens up a braacer discussion onthe entre GE andhldngs esutng nga oly for ‘he prec. ‘perance uggs tat age mult ational nd owners wl often soko have ful ian <9 of ‘er lands to remove any potential fr utr aby eg hss whys man omer as statons ‘remain undeveloped) This can add ean cst othe ret the owners unaling (Gres lndsunencambered by contamination ‘The proces of tshingendronmenta problems ances reuking remediation sate for ‘ban Contant Phslal | Pee ‘otal sarap se wih Fis ta coder a ange of MUSEC otos ‘The citing bung onthe site and within the wider Elandholings posi sets precedent Notin win ooeiin Tans ‘asin of evoanglonng or eng ral ak one. Potent operations an desig ction between arena end industria ues site severe). and ‘tn surounding een anomie Ser | PF Bene ee of Wowie land fr employment Bverang and COROT Us, Tone ‘tse Cara] Are wher are ra eral mass of commercial uy, hereby ren potental benefits arena woud big re, otfal/patronage fra businesses. —— Sierra Plaming ond Monogement | September 2018 ‘On bea ofthe city of Peterborough ‘ind Pareel= Core Detail Ge hares ‘orow (Memeo Pari, DSTORE “aia photonaph “ee Destinion | Th seth south ofthe Cantal Aa, thn an area Gara by redenl Gevopmet. ‘The site's wo pris components ae the existing PMC anda ange aren of opi space foun as Morrow Mees Poi) the iter ured for both informs an informal eretion and evens, ncn the vee or he snrual Peterborough emnbiton ‘Thee wo principal components or dinestd bya oad which asc thes north-south (Roger ion Way). The site's other bling nd uses inet ast of Roger Niion Way + Morrow Building and parking ot (ed for mart, pei events anda ptf the annus Peterborough Exhion). a Sierra Planing ond Management September 2018 On behalf of the Gy of Peterborough Cndat ang Pace Proforma ‘Wiest of Rego Wlson Way + eantenna Sulang current host of Kawartha Gyrnastes Clb ease expiry May 2018) 1 Otfces ana meeting rooms fx Peterborough griutral Soy members. User storage butengs/nose bars 1 Fourbal damence [A Master lan fr Morrow Par has buen consulted ann dtl and wae presented» Counc in Fall 201 buts yet to be | formay approves. The Masterlen ices anew puble suse, comprahensive improvements to park and outdoor | | recreation provison, enhance lndicping and pathways and npeved publ alles forthe varius stakeholers nthe | | park he Aart Cambio, the Kewarthas Gymnastics Cu, end the Famers Market The masterplan assumes the | Pc wil be retaines, withthe opporaniy developed sdanal ereston and ype utes bllgs onthe an 2 | the east Roger Meson Woy, | | ‘Velclorhezem |» Acceso the paringlot eine Marow Prk the Agalturl odes ofces andthe Benen Bung akan trem wo princi points of Roger Nien Way a Sierra Planning ond Management | Seprenber 2018 ‘On behalf of he cto Peterborough (Candedat ana Paes Proforma 7 Ther ra alpacas poor hepato srun he PA andthe vow Bulg! wo Sasa Wom RoRsT Nikon Way, ne for Lardowne Seat and one rom Lock See Neato Thee] Giver Biaiely PASTOR cy ‘Orcapaton nancies | East of Rage ion Way + Peteaorough Peas (ocho and Lakers Larstel: Principal enats of the PMC whose future oecupaney would Be 2ssrsie apart ofthe MUSEG + Patertorough Faery Maret Asociaton: Te PMC parting ot andthe Morow Biking i rnted by the Association ‘ost the eekyFerers maka, with arnt ing palette Cy West of Roger Nelson Way + Azer seit: Occupy a al bulding onthe ste, nd hose the annual Pterborouah Exton Curent best ‘fa yea lease ering 30 hne 2024 cluding the ellowing aves relevent the tes peril redevelopment Termination without cause bythe Cy, subject 3 payment fo the Society of $500.00 t fund reaction: oF Inthe event testes cnosen fr 2 MUSEC, the Soca lands ar tobe the pardon highlighted bean aballed Revere or xin Ue at Sched the eat es shown lon) Sierra Planning and Management September 2018 ‘Onbehal ofthe city of Peterboroush ‘Condiate Lara Pare Proforma + Kawartha Gymnasts Cub: Curent tenant ofthe BcentennatBulng las expiry 2013. Tana Use Planning (as pr Clty Offa Plan, consolidated 31 Deceriber 2017) Inside or outside | Outi (eit immesiaeyejacent io southern edge on es Central area? ‘fica tnd Use| Nijor pan See Tang yaw 7 Worew Park and Gyrnasis Cubes of Roger Non Wa 75. publ Serie Dist) ~ allows for2 rang of ndoor and otéoor recreation and ee ales, (05. {Open Space District ~abows use a5 afargroundn aati to par. “+ Pacand Farmers Maret (cast of Roger Nilson Way P51 esabove). 5. (amongst other provisos ets minanemax requirements esgect evelopment fom, incuing2maximom building coverage of 5 eS ond Monogement Mine caeeted ingen son dsoenri 2 Cn behalf of he city of Peterorouth Surrounding + Nes af Lansdowne Suest Want Residential (2 ~ RA), intrpeved wih SP and Ga worng Vor cmmerdal wes, Designations nd Ineung shop units) Zoning + astolock Steet Resident (with C1 & SP zoning opposite PMC. + Souther Boundary: Resident m2, + wastot park sest Suh: Resident (fa), with M3.2 (Enhanced Service ndusa fr hee of former industrial boting on corer f Pak St South and Lansdowne t West “Environmental Constraints "Hooding& Weviands | » The te snot within the ORCA Rood or wetland oxen Contamination * ie informatonrpardngernd eondtons valle A irvey would need abe undertaken to icean wether he ste is contaminated and what (ay remedation i eques eran 1 There aa na Desgated Wevage Proper hare Regie’ Mapes wiih ance Tore li Sierra Planning ond Manager | September 2018, ‘Onbealf of the Cryo Peterborough ‘Scoring Matrix and Prospects Loesten & ‘Transportation ns Site Ouracteris, Pop » Reaprized wintng recreational hub locaton of PMC par, Bll daronds ad outdoor event ‘+ Ons main viet approach rood into Ct (anséowne St) {Win the Schedule Centra A bo can Con andtae of [Pre equine Tne 7 Ai and parcels within the ake ae within GRVE ewnenip, Reeby no land sequin + monarcutura Societys cence Agreement withthe Cty incudes pete provisons allowing for ‘cin posession obo eeute nthe ese of development for he MLSEC OR fer exhib we tote satequrded onthe western ti ‘+ Aecimed that tenancies for other utes of the ste do nat contain any onerous provsone/encambrances needs carFemon + couriotreation ofthe ease suggests and onthe eastern half of he stv overt no ‘AgreutralSacaty use and could therelorein theory accommo the USEC witht INN | ontheieae [> Terinatin f Arca ody cence Aarement without ais woud require 5500000 | lation payment ‘eligi clause could as als expecttins tha the Society is ase in nding anew loetin 3 pt ofthe process unearths stage whether teresa suitable and feasible altanati estos] ort exitng atte + Inaidiion othe provislons ofthe Agrcutural Societys cence Aareement the extant Condos bulk it te Cty a Peterborough Act may pace imitations on development a otow Prk and wl requ art conederation Sierra Planning ond Management | September 2018 Cn behalf ofthe cy of Peterborough Urban Contant [Pros Tetin oasng Food pam Physical loments No hestage constrains or contamination. Large and generally fat and open st which provides design andeyout Rent ‘Ample nd include goer second ice rnk aor adliona community uses and would not fneoaeh on sleguaraed bes for Agua Scet/s exhibon use [as per AB. Seley ‘Agreement, sere). tore ‘Not physalyinthe Downtown Notwithstanding openness and sie of site, st bordered onal four side by rexdentl properties, reqoring caret eongeation in terms of biscngoreratio, lout, and overs density. Ezonomicimpat7 — | Pros ‘rena would provide the opportuni fors more sence commerca/eesntona/ewe hub to Series provide southern anchor othe George Set Conmercal dst, and wider regeneration Seen | September 2018 On behalf of the Cy of Peterborourh Cndaat ang Pace Prooma Tana Pareel=Core Detalls F Give Address “The Canadian Canoe Museu, STO Monapion Road PeerDroush VK Teva photograph note: cesradland io east Bte Desipion = Comprises 2x par wonre rey balings which ate indus ia Both Yormand appearance, Ba aren Busing: the pial museum buling Busing) understond to be pat vacant and dere, but part sed for storage by the museum, 1 Theres ans‘ oflooe gravel an hardstandng Between the two bulngs which serves sparking forthe 1 Toth esto the lege of the two bung bulng hasbeen demlshed and hasbeen lft bred ans aa Siera Planning and Management 7 September 2018, ‘on behalf of he city of Peterborough 1+ Thesit has rantages ono Remain See an Monaghan Road. However, half ofthe northern Boundary sereene rm he oa bya exiting ono! predominantly wo tore Nous ah abet of mature res. Vehicle + The pal por of acces Tor vars Fom the none Boungary en Romine Sues, ce we the intersection wth Monaphen Rd 1+ There are other isle points ot access From the narth-eaten comer ofthese between two residential lot (athough kis current eted and ‘nutes and From th southwestern commer, but which leo serves an acatsto the eso the etal properties to thesouth ‘Gunes elas] 2 Twa ‘iver Pate | Bihan Pate {cis mopping ao identifies line runing nh south between the bulings onthe st which ‘Sin Gtyownershp, The status ond implecins of hs ned tobe aiid. ‘Otcpaton/inandies | Understood to be owned and opie by he Canadian Canoe Mure, But whch Wil baVECNE UBOR fempletin ofthe new museum adjacent tothe ek ana Trent Severn Waterway. Tard Use Plannin las pr Cy Offa Plan, consolidated 31 December 2077) inside or ousie Central] = Outside area? ‘Oca Pan and Use [> Toda Designations Toning By aw 7 Prin maseum bung: MB [nhaneed Sonic nual & Oe, + saance fst: M.2 Enhance Service Instr). + Both zoning sree plaeadition estrctons on buldng height andrequrements for setback adAcet 12 eating housing Sietea Planning and Monoge | September 2018 ‘On behalf ofthe City of Peterborourh ‘Candie Lane Pare! ro-forms ‘Surounding Designations andzoning To south € 7205 [Conmerdal Discs Spec Purpose Real. Tomo: RI; m2 (Resident, ‘+ zoning tow Requirements fo M32 and M34 zones) Min busing setback rom esdental dist! tnarth: Grate of mor L3m/ndusial bull] srey en buiting setback rom etait south and oad to est 3 tbe wh iy sth 7 The arm and appearance of he eng Bulg sages hat pr to Scpation By he use eae was ted for industri purposes. 1+ The site would nee tobe subject to aground condtions survey to ety the exten to which thesis ‘antaminated, and ose the hey est nd timescale oremedate the land shold ay be ented) erage + There are no Desanated Heags Propecia or erage Reiter Poperies win ov adacet io thst eS Planning ond Mana | september 2018, (on behalf ofthe Cty of Peterborough CGanaiate and Pare Proforma, Searing Mati and Prowpecs “Ste Characters, Location | Pros Potent erp wih eritng recrenonnT veri spac at EdnnceCntre adjacent tthe ‘RTransportation| stele thewes oy ‘ute Sale Cena wea "Not ote location in which to maxims banat of potential andmarkbulaing, sen Ieloesbon noth of the epsrent gateway core of Lansdowne Stang Monaghan Re ‘ost and ase of Remung | Pros The ae ald be considered’ ieniyprchaearesy tbe tied to the Undine er the Development and ‘ew muse (on heefore patria more ety uted by iy a8, cone The parek reap ownership Truseun requrng land to Be scare, ands Tondng sarcerent to Be put is poce re, museum feloation ~ ths has eaptal and Une cost LUndestoat that vocat possession contingent on cccupation af 8 new museum in aether location however, ul fending tno place (at tie of wring) an therefore no certainty arto theses salty, ‘iban Content Pal ‘Corer wth vty to vehicula and pederran tai on an inerscon Notinexing foodie, No known hertape constraints. Tavrow se and satbacs Tom neighbour properties Ink oplons Tore aana oot Service vehicles routes, and anelay/eomplentary uses, renter presence if fotsrinterietated to have principal frontage onto Monaghan RS, but would requ sequen and demotion of orvatay-awned) rata alto he south -caal nd tiecostimpletions. ‘eanomic impact Syne ‘uted Coat are where hea a ial mano carmmercal us, ut acento Sierra Planning ond Management | September 2018

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