JPP Danska Posle Krize

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EPPPL 2-11 16.08.

2011 15:48 Uhr Seite 92

92 Country Reports EPPPL 2| 2011

Country Reports

vate party retains the ownership of the facility

Denmark throughout the partnership but often the procuring
authority will have the choice to acquire the facility
Danish PPP in the Aftermath from the private party once the operation phase has
of the Global Financial Crisis expired. The long term private ownership through-
out the operation phase is traditionally seen as a
I. Introduction
guarantee that the private party will provide an
In the aftermath of the global financial crisis short- optimised overall solution of good quality in a short
age of liquidity for financing of Danish PPP has as well as long term perspective.
become a reoccurring obstacle. This article explores To the extent that the construction of the facility
the possibilities for financing PPP through alterna- is organised within such a traditional PPP frame-
tive financing methods by public lending from work the liquidity of the local government will how-
Nordic special credit institutions. ever surprisingly be affected from the outset, i.e.,
when the local government enters into the PPP con-
tract. When the PPP facility is to be owned by the
II. The effect of the global financial crisis
private party, Danish local government by law has
on the Danish PPP
to deposit the full purchase price including VAT
PPP in Denmark has traditionally been financed by (which in Denmark accounts for 25 %) immediately
private, commercial banks and lenders with only once it enters into the PPP contract, even if con-
limited public funds contributions. The financial struction of the facility is likely to take a number of
crisis has however had a negative effect on the pri- years1 . The rules for deposit of full costs therefore
vate lending markets as bank margins for private do not permit local government to deposit costs
lending have increased substantially. concurrently with the progression of the construc-
This has increased the difference between the tion of the facility. Instead, depositing of the full
levels of interest charged by private lenders com- costs has to be made upfront.
pared to those charged by semi-public lenders such In a traditional Danish PPP model, the private
as the Nordic special credit institutions. Further- party will, as the recognised owner of the facility,
more, in the aftermath of the financial crisis, raising have the right to fiscal write down on the facility
funds with long maturities has become increasingly and also the right to be registered for VAT purposes
difficult. The limited funding options and the meaning that the private party will be VAT exempt
increased interest rates have had a direct effect on in relation to purchases made for the purpose of
the possibilities of implementing large scale PPP performing the VAT registered activities.
with very long tenors, i.e., over 25 years. While the traditional PPP model thus necessi-
One solution to the shortage of private funds and tates private funding and funding commitments
added expenditure for financing PPP is to consider upfront it also has certain economic advantages to
public funding options through Nordic special credit the private party in relation to fiscal write offs on
institutions such as “Kommunekredit” in Denmark. buildings and VAT exemption.

III. Traditional methods of financing PPP IV. Financing PPP through special credit
in Denmark institutions
In the traditional Danish PPP models, the private Danish tax authorities do not recognise private
party is the owner of the facility and financing is ownership over illiquid assets such as a public high-
provided by the private party not the public. way. Only public ownership is permitted if the facil-
This is typically done by the private party provid-
ing the necessary funding and upfront funding
commitment through a commercial bank. The pri- 1 Executive order number 1311 of 15 December 2009.
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EPPPL 2| 2011 Country Reports 93

ity in question is illiquid. Consequently, private instalment covering most of the acquisition costs
funding obtained through the private party in the which falls due at the commencement of the opera-
PPP will in some instances not be possible. If the tion phase followed by a number of subsequent
facility on the other hand is liquid2 the authority is instalments during the operation phase. As the
free to decide whether the new facility shall be pub- ownership remains with the local government the
lic or privately owned and funded and the public private party will not have the possibility to make
authority may in such circumstances consider fiscal write offs on the buildings. Moreover, it will
financing the publicly owned facility through a spe- not be possible for the private party to register for
cial credit institution such as Kommunekredit. VAT exemption. This disadvantage should however
Kommunekredit is organised as an association be counterbalanced by the advantageous lending
supervised by the Ministry of Interior and Health terms available to local government who can
under Danish law. Only Danish municipalities and finance the facility through Kommunekredit. Over-
regions can be members and only Danish munici- all, public ownership and funding of PPP may
palities and regions can obtain loans through Kom- therefore be a cheaper solution than private owner-
munekredit. ship and funding.
The members are directly, jointly and severally
liable for all Kommunekredit’s obligations and
V. Scandinavian perspective
Kommunekredit has not suffered any losses while
operating for more than 110 years. Its object is to The advantageous public lending possibilities are
provide loans and financial services to its members not only available in Denmark as special credit insti-
by lending on the commercial money markets. Not tutions operate under similar terms in all the Scan-
surprisingly, Kommunekredit has excellent AAA dinavian countries3 . The special credit institutions
ratings with the rating agencies and is able to bor- receive support in various forms of joint liability
row on the commercial markets at very low costs. and state guarantees from the Nordic governments
Even under the financial crisis Kommunekredit has and local municipalities. The credit rating for all
thus been able to obtain funding on the commercial four Nordic municipal funding vehicles is AAA
markets at preferential terms. As Kommunekredit reflecting excellent asset quality and strong liquid-
is operated as a non-profit organization the low ity positions4 . Consequently, they are all able to
interest rates are passed on to its members in the obtain funding on very favourable terms on the
loan terms for funding of public projects. commercial lending markets.
An added benefit that follows from public owner- A solution to the shortage of liquidity for funding
ship is that when the local government finances the PPP across Scandinavia may therefore be to recon-
construction of a PPP facility itself, its liquidity is sider the traditional private ownership structures
only affected to the extent and at the rate which the and funding in PPP in the planning phase of the
local government pays for the construction. In other competitive dialogue.
words, the local government is not required to Long term quality of the facility as well as suffi-
deposit the full construction costs up front. More- cient commitment from the private party in the
over, the local government will also save the expen- operation phase can be ensured through other
diture of having to pay VAT upfront as VAT can be incentives than private ownership of the facility.
deducted progressively on the instalments to the Examples of such incentives may be:
private party as they fall due. – the acquisition costs are partly held back and
Payments to the private party will under the paid to the private party during the cause of the
public ownership model be divided into an initial operation phase rather than one lump sum at the
commencement of the operation phase;
– a contractual right for the procuring authority
2 Such as buildings which can be used for both public and private to hold back instalments during the operation
purposes. phase for lack of performance; and
3 Kommunekredit A/S (Denmark), Kommuninvest i Sverige AB – up front financial guarantees from commercial
(Sweden), KBN Kommunalbanken Norway (Norway), and
Municipality Finance PLC (Finland).
banks or parent companies for the private
4 Standard & Poor’s, Global Credit Portal, Ratings Direct, June 30,
party’s proper performance during the operation
2010. phase.
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94 Country Reports EPPPL 2| 2011

While it may not be all private contractors who II. MoU – PPPs sector
have equal difficulties providing the necessary
funds to facilitate private ownership in PPP, shifting According to the MoU, Portugal must avoid engag-
the ownership to the procuring authority will ing in any new PPP agreement before the comple-
almost certainly ensure a wider circle of potential tion of the reviews on the existing PPPs and the
bidders. This will in itself be an advantage to the legal and institutional reforms proposed.
procuring authority who will benefit from full-scale The Portuguese State will also perform, with the
competition between potential private suppliers technical assistance from the EC and the IMF, an
during the competitive dialogue while adequate initial assessment of at least the 20 most significant
economic soundness of the selected bidders is PPP contracts covering a wide range of sectors,
ensured by using adequate financial selection crite- including the major Estradas de Portugal PPPs (road
ria in the prequalification phase combined with pri- sector).
vate lender and/or parent company guarantees for Besides, the Government committed itself to
proper performance. recruit a top tier international accounting firm to
Martin André Dittmer undertake a more detailed study of PPPs in consul-
Camilla Christiansen tation with INE (National Statistical Office) and the
Gorrissen Federspiel Ministry of Finance. This review will identify and,
where practicable, quantify the major contingent
liabilities and any related amounts that may be
payable by the Government. It will also assess the
Portugal probability of any payments by Government in rela-
tion to the contingent liabilities and quantify such
amounts. In addition to this, the study will assess
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
the feasibility to renegotiate any PPP or concession
of Specific Economic Policy Conditionality
contract and to reduce the Government’s financial
Celebrated Between Portugal and the Troika obligations. Note that, as established in the MoU, all
I. Introduction PPPs and concession contracts will be available for
these reviews.
As we have reported in the last number of this As stated in the MoU, the Portuguese State also
review, after Greece and Ireland, the sovereign undertook to put in place a strengthened legal
debit crises has finally been hitting Portugal. The and institutional framework, within the Ministry
substantial increase in the interest rates (in both the of Finance, for assessing fiscal risks ex-ante of
public and the private sector) and the more limited engaging into PPP, concessions and other public
access to financing in general have led to a limit investments, as well as for monitoring their execu-
situation that forced the Portuguese Government to tion. The Court of Auditors must be informed of
call for international financial assistance. this ex-ante risk assessment and technical assis-
The Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) tance may be provided if necessary.
entered into between the Portuguese State and the Lastly, the Portuguese Government will enhance
European Commission (“EC”), the International the annual PPP and concessions’ report prepared by
Monetary Fund (“IMF”) and the European Central the Ministry of Finance in July with a comprehen-
Bank (“ECB”) (the so called “Troika”) was announced sive assessment of the fiscal risks stemming from
last May 5, 2011. The MoU details the general eco- PPPs and concessions. The report will provide infor-
nomic policy conditions on granting financial assis- mation and analysis sector by sector. Besides, the
tance to Portugal. Among the range of goals and annual review of PPPs and concessions should be
measures that are set forth by the MoU and that accompanied by an analysis of credit flows chan-
shall be implemented by the Portuguese State, there neled to PPPs through banks (loans and securities
are some major decisions regarding public private and other than shares) by industry and impact
partnerships and public procurement, which will assessment on credit allocation and crowding
carry significant changes in these sectors in Portu- effects. This particular element should be done in
gal. liaison with the Bank of Portugal.
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