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Lesson Plan (Place Cartier) Name: Matthew Kennedy

Group: ​Delta Course: ​English

Date: ​March 21, 2018 Cycle/Year:​ III-IV
Duration: ​120 minutes (9:30-11:30)  Location: ​Allancroft
Learning  By the end of today’s class, students will have the ​opportunity​ to: 
Opportunities 1. explore ​the reading strategy “making predictions” in order to effectively “judge a 
book by its cover.” 
2. demonstrate ​their ability to apply the aforementioned strategy by writing a short 
outline (one paragraph of 5 sentences) of the book’s contents before even opening 
3. demonstrate ​their writing readiness by completing anticipation questions about 
their graphic novel. 
Big Idea Improving reading comprehension through graphic novel study
ELA  Competency 1: Language / Talk (intros, attendance, discussion) 
Competencies Competency 2: Reading / Listening (graphic novel)
Competency 3: Produces Texts (anticipation activity; journal) 
Student Skills Reading strategies, teamwork, paragraph writing

Materials Graphic novels, exercises/handouts, highlighters, iPad, laptop 

Time Plan
Attendance + business
9:30 - 9:45  ● Fun Attendance: Tell us about March break (we haven’t seen each other since then) 
  ● Today we’re forming reading groups 
  ● Journal topic: My favourite movie (summary and critique) 
  Learning Activity(ies) and/or Tasks 
9:45-9:50  1. Review: ​Making Inferences​ and ​Asking Questions 
9:50-10:15  2. Continue ​Spill Zone 
  ● Each student writes 1 question on a sticky and 1 inference (recto/verso) 
10:15-10:30  3. Browse suggested graphic novels: ​Pemmican Wars​ + ​The Outside Circle​; ​This One 
  Summer​; ​Black Panther + Ms. Marvel 
  ● Students must rank their preferences from 1 to 3 on a sticky 
10:30 - 10:40  BREAK 
10:40-10:55  4. Explore reading strategy “Making Predictions”: In their new groups, students 
  complete the following activity in groups: “Judging a book by its cover” (Part 1) 
  ● Distribute books 
  ● Watch this ​short video​ (to 3:50 seconds) 
  ● Complete Activity 
10:55 - 11:10  5. In groups, students complete their Anticipation Guide/Questions (Part 2) and 
  “Predicting the Plot” (Part 3) 
  ● If we have time, students may share their Anticipation Questions with the 
  group next to them 
11:10-11:25  6. Begin reading 
11:25-11:30  7. Kahoot! ​Quiz 
Assessment Formative assessments: correct and review all three learning activities / elements 

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