Part Vi Citizenship and Suffrage

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ARTICLE IV d. By rendering service in the armed forces

CITIZENSHIP- membership of a citizen in a political of a foreign country.
society, which membership implies, reciprocally, a 2. Involuntary
duty of allegiance on the part of the member and
a. By cancellation of his certificate of
duty of protection of the State.
CITIZENS- a member of a democratic community naturalization by the court; and
who enjoys full civil and political rights, and is b. By being a deserter in the Philippine
accorded protection inside and outside the territory armed forces in time of war.
of the State.
NATIONALITY- membership in any type of political Expatriation- voluntary loss or renunciation of one’s
community, whether democratic or not. nationality.
NATIONAL- one who owes allegiance to a State, and,
therefore, is not regarded as an alien. REAQUISITION OF LOST PHILIPPINE CITIZENSHIP
1. By naturalization
Modes of Acquiring Citizenship: 2. Repatriation- taking the necessary oath of
1. By birth (involuntary) allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines
a. Jus soli- place of birth and registering the same in the proper civil
b. Jus sanguinis- blood relationship registry. (for armed forces and women)
2. By naturalization (voluntary) 3. By direct act of Congress of the Philippines.

Citizens of the Philippines (Sec.1, Art. IV) Effect of marriage of a citizen to an alien.
1. Those who are Filipino citizens at the time of A citizen of the Philippines who marries an
the adoption of the 1987 Constitution; (to alien does not lose his/her Philippine citizenship
protect those who are already citizens) even if by the laws of his/her wife’s/husbands
2. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens country, he/she acquires his/her nationality. (dual
of the Philippines;
Except when made such acts as deemed by
3. Those born before January 17, 1973, of the law to have renounced their citizenship. (i.e.
Filipino mothers who elect Philippine subscribing to an oath of allegiance to support the
citizenship upon reaching the age of constitution and the laws of a foreign country.
4. Those naturalized in accordance with the Dual allegiance- acquiring Filipino citizenship and yet
law; maintains close ties and allegiance to their former
country; a Filipino citizen, whether natural-born or
NATURALIZATION- legal process of formally naturalized must be loyal to our Republic, and to no
adopting a foreigner into the political body of the other.
state and clothing him with the rights and privileges Dual citizenship- possession of 2 citizenship by an
of citizenship. individual, that of his original citizenship and that of
the country where he became a naturalized citizen.
1. Voluntary R.A. 9225 (Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition
Act of 2003)
a. By naturalization in a foreign country;
-all Philippine citizens who become citizens of
b. By renouncing his citizenship; another country shall be deemed not to have lost
c. By subscribing to an oath of allegiance to their Philippine citizenship.
a foreign country; and


ARTICLE V 3. Insane or incompetent persons as declared

SUFFRAGE by competent authority.
- The right and obligation to vote of qualified
citizens in the election of certain national and System for Absentee Voting by Qualified
local officers of the government and in the Filipinos.
decision of public questions submitted to the 1. Filipinos abroad – R.A. 9189 otherwise
people. known as “The Overseas Absentee Voting
- A mere privilege; a political right Act of 2003” provides for a system of
overseas absentee voting by qualified
Scope: citizens abroad.
Election -President, Vice-President, Senators and
Plebiscite Party-list Representatives
Referendum Absentee voting- refers to the process by
Initiative which qualified citizens of the Philippines
abroad exercise their right to vote.
Qualification of voters:
2. Filipinos within the country – R.A. 7166 on
1. A citizen of the Philippines;
local absentee voting; by government
2. Not otherwise disqualified by law;
officers and employees (e.g., soldiers,
3. At least 18 years of age;
teachers) who might be away from the
4. Have resided in the Philippines for at least 1
places of voting by reason of their official
yr and in the place wherein he proposes to
functions or work on Election day may be
vote for at least 6 months preceding the
also be allowed.
-President down to Senators
Persons disqualified to vote (Omnibus Election
Code of the Philippines)
1. Any person who has been sentenced by final
judgment to suffer imprisonment for not less
than 1 yr; but such person shall
automatically reacquire the right to vote
upon expiration of 5 yrs after service of
2. Any person who has been adjudged by final
judgment by competent court or tribunal of
having committed any crime involving
disloyalty to the duly constituted
government pertaining to any crime against
national security, unless restored to his full
civil and political rights in accordance with
the law. Such person shall likewise
automatically regain his right to vote upon
expiration of 5 yrs after service of sentence;


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