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Submitted By
(Registration No. ----------------)
in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Business Administration of
Sikkim Manipal University, INDIA

Sikkim – Manipal University of health, Medical and technological science Distance

Education wing
Syndicate House, Manipal – 576104


Under Supervision of : Prof. Rajeev Sharma

Submitted By:
Registration no : 520920807
Course : MBA
Semester : FOURTH
Specialization : FINANCE
E-mail :
Learning Centre Code : 01513


I hereby declare that the Synopsis Report entitled:

A Synopsis Report on “CREATIVITY IN ADVERTISING” submitted in partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Masters of Business Administration to
Sikkim – Manipal University, India, is my original work and not submitted for the award
of any other degree, diploma, fellowship, or any other similar title or prizes.

Place: Noida

Date: 01-06-2013
Registration No. 000000000


The Synopsis Report of Diwakar ( Registration No.0000000000) on

“CREATIVITY IN ADVERTISING” is approved and is acceptable in quality and form.

Internal Examiner External Examiner

(_______________) (_______________)

Page No:

 INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………….….06
 STATEMENT ABOUT THE PROBLEM………………………….....…..08
 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT…..…………………………….…….…08
 SCOPE OF THE STUDY……………………..…………………….………09
 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ………………………………..…………09
 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY………………………………...………….12
 BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………….....15


Advertising is both art and science. The science of advertising is the analytical part that
we have been looking at up to this point: setting goals, deciding strategy, choosing among
different creativity styles. Some people call this step convergent thinking because the
process is to distill lots of information into the core advertising strategy. What is it that
adds sparkle and life to a well-planned and implemented advertising campaign? It’s the
‘ah’ factor: that brilliantly simple, but inspired creative edge.
In Advertising the world is flat. Agencies are structured on a linear basis. Campaigns are
created in linear formats. There are all kinds of rails and fences and obstacles to keep
creative thinking linear. Advertising is a big business and ranks among the top industries
in the world. The growth of the top advertising industry in any country is in direct
relation, its creative senses and talents if the advertising professionals.

The word advertising is derived from the Latin word ‘adverto’, that means “To turn
towards”. Advertising leads to attention towards something i.e. the advertising message,
which is the purpose of advertising and the objective of the advertising Creative
Advertising starts with proper creative planning. This includes the conceptualizing of
basic ideas to their final implementation. The ideas are visualized considering basic
human motives. Advertising is nothing but selling ideas. Creative thinking is the sound
ground where one can reap a rich harvest of ideas. The creative part of advertising is what
comes before the potential customers and it is here that the fate of the campaign and
consequently of the product being sold could be decided.

I once read a quote somewhere that said, "We do not separate advertising from life."
Creativity is a very subjective term. Who can really say what is creative, for we all have
different opinions on what we individually think is creative. Some people believe
creativity is an engrained concept that you are born with it. Other people believe it is a
talent that can be learned and taught.

I personally believe it is a little of both. The essential elements of creativity are really
imagination and inventiveness disciplined by routine skills. Your imagination is
something you are born with, it can be large and wild or it can be small and constrained.
Inventiveness is something that can be disciplined it can be taught and learned with
practice and skill.

Put those two concepts together and anything is possible. In advertising, agencies live and
die by creative communications. Creativity is one of the reasons clients justify advertising
and their choice of agencies. So what exactly is creative in advertising? Some creative
commercials are effective, some effective ads are creative, and other ads are neither
creative nor effective. Creativity and effectiveness ultimately join in the consumer’s
minds rather than remain separate.

We must then ask, what is efficiency? Well, efficiency of an ad is determined by the

correct combination of its impact and retention. We can thus say with certainty that an
advertisement needs to be creative to succeed. Its creativity needs to be effective in both
its impact and retention. I found the quote at the beginning of the page and thought it was
just great. Although creativity in advertising is an important factor, one must remember to
not be creative just for creative sake. The creativity must also be effective.

Successful creative strategies result from pinpointing an idea, a nuance, an insight, or a

nugget of information gleaned from research or sometime from an intuitive understanding
or quickness of human nature. The true role of the strategy is to make that intuitive leap
which defines the relationship between the brand and its user.

The study is conducted to find out the overall impact of creativity of advertising in
different types of industries in India


Main objectives of a creative thinking process is to think beyond existing boundaries, to
awake curiosity, to break away from rational, conventional ideas and formalized
procedures, to rely on the imagination, the divergent, the random and to consider multiple
solutions and alternatives.
The result of the creative thinking process is especially important for businesses.
Managers and managerial decisions and actions, confronted with fast-changing and
ambiguous environments in business, need to develop creative solutions and creative
action-based strategies to solve problems, as they allow to increase understanding of
problematic situations, to find multiple problems, to produce new combinations, to
generate multiple solutions that are different from the past, to consider possible
alternatives in various situations that could occur in the future and “to expand the
opportunity horizon and competence base of firms”.
Creativity is something you cannot think of as ‘Let’s stop and be creative’. You need to
think of “Creativity” as a discipline, just like ‘Organization’, ‘commitments to results’, or
‘responsibility’. This project tells us the importance of Creativity in Advertising as
creativity demands abundance. The foundation of creativity is in individual, and so the
techniques and methods discussed in this project are just mere tools to enhance and
liberate one’s creative skills.
So don’t confuse the menu with meal. It is observed that “Far too many people are leading
their lives lie they’re driving their cars with brakes on” this projects will enable you to
know how your foot is taken off that brake pedal.

Creativity, through the generation of ideas with value, is needed in order to solve concrete
problems, ease the adaptation to change, optimize the performance of the organization and
best practice manufacturing, and changes the attitude of the staff of the organization.
Creative thought processes are also important at all stages in the R&D process.

 Innovation through new product and process ideas

 Continuous improvement of products or service

 Productivity increase

 Efficiency

 Rapidity

 Flexibility

 Quality of products or services

 High performance

The information is gathered from various sources like books, periodicals and journals and
sites. According to this study investigation was conducted for some definite purpose with
the help of a structural & personal interview to gather primary information as much as
possible as the most appropriate research design for the study is descriptive research

The study is an evaluative & diagnostic attempt to discover empirically the nature of
relationship between performance appraisal and training and development within the
extensively draw domain of the problem of the question.

Following are the steps in the research design.

Sampling Plan
 Sampling frame: the respondents are the employees of the various industries
related to Advertising.
 Sampling unit: the sampling unit is an individual employee of all the departments
of the organization.
 Sample size: sample size taken for this study is 100 employees covering all the
departments of the organization.

A list of questions was prepared by me under the guidance of my mentor.
Following were the steps in my study.
1. Questionnaire: a questionnaire was served to all the employees asking their
opinion about the creativity in advertising.
2. Personal interview: a face-to-face talk is carried out with the employees where I
asked several employees about their feelings and opinions on various aspects of
their jobs and organization.
3. Company data and reports: certain reports from the Advertising department
provided the information as to the total no of employees.

Data collection:
To produce a reliable questionnaire both primary and secondary information was used.
Primary data is the first hand information; the questionnaire was prepared by me under the
guidance of the mentor wherein I used linker five-point scale and closed ended questions
for measuring attitudes of the employees for my study.

An instrument is used to collect the required information from the employees and also
interact the employees personally. Primary data helps us in making observation of
employee’s behaviors, talk gestures which helped me in identifying and the attitude of
employees towards the creativity in advertising.

It was collected from the website of the company, and the company personnel, certain
reports from the Add department. The research also took the help of the books and
journal. Both primary and secondary data served the purpose in measuring the creativity
of advertising. Both are equally essential for any type of survey.

Statistical tool:
 Correlation test
 Frequency test
Statistical package
 SPSS software
Procedure for Analysis
 Administering questionnaire to all the employees
 Analyze the rating of employees using the statistical tool.
(i) simple frequency test(mean & standard deviation)
(ii) correlation
 Interpretation of analyzed information

Creativity is a gift most of us desire, but only a few seem to have. Project report debunks
some of the myths surrounding creativity and then carefully takes through the five I’s of
the creative process. It also gives the insight of future creativity and the tools that can be
helped to help advertising professionals to enhance and enliven their work. The subject of
creativity in advertising is something of an enigma. Project shows how creative director in
an ad agency goes ‘under the skin of creative’ to use it to greater effect in their work and
in wider aspects of their lives.
1. Interaction with the company executive was limited due to their busy schedule.
2. The information collected is mainly primary data and the accuracy is subject to the
responses received.
3. The time period of the study was only two six weeks which may provide a
deceptive picture in comparison of the study based on long run.
4. The study is based only on secondary & primary data so lack of keen observations
and interactions were also the limiting factors in the proper conclusion of the


On doing advertising detailed research study on the topic, I can now conclude that creative
advertising plays an indispensable part in the success achievement of any business or
organization. Creativity plays advertising vital role in modeling, manipulation and
creation of great advertising. Recent examples are the Hindustan lever limited and coco-
cola that spent more than 50% of their budget towards advertisements. Below are the big
spenders on the advertisement which show the importance of advertising.

advertisers in 2005 Rs (in crore)
Hindustan Lever 666
Procter & Gamble 179
Paras Pharmaceuticals 144
Dabur India 143
Reckitt Benckiser 143
Pepsi Co 108
Nokia Co 105
Johnson & Johnson 104
Colgate Palmolive India 89
Tata Teleservices 85

Creative Advertising plays advertising significant role of businesses by creating great

advertisings, which in turn bring huge returns in the form of profits. It influences the
customers by providing true and updated information about the latest products and
services available to them. Creative Advertisements also create awareness among the
consumers through advertisings, environment conservation, health and safety, etc.

Many companies allot their advertising work to the Advertising agencies that use their
expertise in creating creative advertisings. Each and every employee in the agency
participates and provides best of their expert knowledge in bringing out advertising “great
advertising”. The use of punch line, the words, the colours, the endorser, the cultural
theme, the sound, etc. are the essential parameters that go advertising long way in
deciding the creativeness of advertising.

The use of correct form of media also indicates the creativity of advertising. Where
products are small in size and low budgets are allocated towards the advertisements than
the use of vocals through radio can be used or if the target is larger than advertising

picture with the related information can be placed in the newspapers. Where the budgets
are high and the targets to be covered are in huge number and of high incomes then use of
TV would be advertising better option as it creates excitement and advertising
demonstration of the product/ service is possible.

Today an advertisement in India is on the urge of advancement. Till now it used the
conventional modes of mass communication such as TV, radio, newspapers, cinema
theatres, word of mouth, etc. in international

Marketing mechanism various technologies are being used to promote advertising such as
e-commerce, users the devices such as mobile cell phones, internet, etc. which attracts the
customer. It has been benefited the company and all.

 The foundation for creativity is in individual, and so these methods and techniques
are to be taken as tools and stimuli, to give you more freedom of choice and so
enhance and liberate your creative skills.
 There is no one right way to be creative. Creativity is a living process with many
possible strategies, and the creative outcomes to which they lead will depend on
the context and the individual.
 If one person has learnt how to develop really creative ideas, it stands to reason
that everyone else can.
 Creativity demands abundance, which is why the objective is to increase the
possible choices, and so improve flexibility.
 Don’t confuse the menu with the meal: theoretical knowledge will do nothing to
increase your creativity. Try the methods out, experience will nourish you and
become a part of your strategies in future.
 If something doesn’t work for you, stop using it and try something else.




 Creative Advertising Mario Pricken
 Ogilvy in Advertising David Ogilvy


 Times of India
 Economic Times
 Hindustan Times.




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