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Written by: Louis-Jamel

Real Results
© 2012 Author Louis-Jamel, City of Victorville, California
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means
without written permission from the author.

Real Results

Cleaning your negative credit is not hard. In fact,

repairing your credit is pretty easy – if you have the right

These simple-to-follow Attorney Prepared Credit Repair

Letters are the correct information. Do not let the
plainness of the letters fool you. IT WORKS! Although
results do vary it may take you a few times of sending the
letters, eventually this method of repairing your credit will
work to completely clean your credit file of everything
that needs to be removed.

As I mentioned earlier IT WORKS!!! I will show you my

personal success with my very own credit cleaning

Also, I’ve included a step-by-step instruction to get the

same exact results I did. And last but not least I’ve
included 12 fully Attorney Prepared D.I.Y. (Do-It-Yourself)
Credit Repair Letters, so sit back get comfortable take
good notes and get “Real Results”…

- Louis-Jamel

Real Results
Here is HOW it works:

There are three main Credit Reporting Agencies (CRAs) or

bureaus. They are Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.
When you encounter in a credit transaction with a bank or
other creditor – normally this information will be reported
to the CRAs and put into your “credit file” which is
indexed under your social security number.

It is important to understand that this method of

reporting is completely electronic. There is no verification
or review of any signed contract or documents. Each
month your bank or creditor sends an electronic file with
the details of your account to the CRAs and they simply
place the information into your credit file with NO
VERIFICATION as to whether the account is valid, the
information is correct, or if the creditor even has the right
to report it!

Primarily, the three major credit bureaus give the creditor

the benefit of the doubt that they are reporting accurate
information. The problem with this method of reporting is
that ANY CREDITOR can vitally report whatever they want
about you whether it is correct or not. The Federal
Government saw a big problem with this method of
reporting so they passed the Fair Credit Reporting Act
(FCRA) which governs all Credit Reporting Agencies and
how they report information about you.

Real Results
Under Federal law, all Credit Reporting Agencies MUST
VERIFY ALL INFORMATION received from creditors
BEFORE this information is added to your credit file.
Proper verification rightly involves actual review the
original signed creditor contract document that you signed
when you opened a credit account in order to verify that
the account is valid and correct. But since reviewing
millions and millions of paper documents in this manner
would be extremely difficult and cost alot in man power –
the Credit Reporting Agencies just DO NOT verify
accounts in this manner. No verification of original signed
contract documents ever takes place between the creditor
and the Credit Reporting Agency. The CRA just reports
the information provided by your creditor and falsely
assumes that it is valid and correct just because it is
being reported.

When asked to VERIFY the information – the CRA will

simply send an electronic communication to the creditor
asking, “is this information correct” and the creditor will
usually respond “yes this information is correct”. The

Most consumers HAVE NO IDEA that this is taking place.

The Credit Reporting Agencies are in violation of Federal
Law and they know it. But since most people do not know
their rights they don’t do anything about it.


Real Results
Although well over 70% of credit reports have
INCORRECT ITEMS on them, the vast majority of negative
items on a typical credit report are in fact VALID.
Therefore, if you simply dispute all the negatives on your
report using a traditional disputing process, those that are
valid will most likely be “verified” by the credit reporting
agencies and remain. Nothing will change. For this
reason, many people falsely believe there is NO WAY to
remove “valid” derogatory information from their credit
report and actually give up. But nothing could be further
from the truth.

Using the Attorney Prepared D.I.Y. Credit Repair Letters,

it doesn’t matter if the negative account is valid or not.
This letter works because it disputes the CREDIT
NEGATIVE ITEMS and NOT if the account is valid or not.

The Attorney Prepared D.I.Y. Credit Repair Letters simply

requests under Federal Law that the Credit Reporting
Agency (Experian, Equifax or TransUnion) provide you a
COPY of the original creditor contract which they
(“SHOULD HAVE”) USED to verify the account as being
valid and correct. The CRAs are required under federal
law to keep this information on file. But since the CRAs
DO NOT verify the account information – they DO NOT
have this information on file and as a result they CANNOT
provide it to you.

Under the FCRA, Credit Reporting Agencies must provide

a copy of the verifiable original creditor documentation if
it is requested by you the consumer. Since they cannot
provide verification to you in the form of a physical
contract document per your written request to do so – the
account is classified as UNVERIFIED and under the FCRA

Real Results
DELETED. Whether the account is correct or not –
makes no difference. If the CRA does not provide you
with physical verification of the account – it is an

This is WHY and HOW the Attorney Prepared D.I.Y. Credit

Repair Letters work, and give you Real Results!

Keep in mind results will vary. You might send a letter

and get all of your derogatory information removed. Or
you might send a letter and only get a few accounts

It is important to be diligent and persistent. If after

sending the first letter and derogatory information
remains then simply send the next letter emphasizing that
it is your “2nd Written Request” to receive verifiable proof
of the account or have it deleted. Eventually, you will find
that your derogatory accounts will begin to disappear. For
some people it happens quickly and is quite easy and for
others it can be a fight. So be prepared to go through a
few rounds of letters if required.

Real Results
What to Expect:

When you send in your certified letters to the CRAs –

many times they will attempt to ignore your request and
send you bogus reply responses. Expect to receive any
number of responses that might try to scare you from
pursuing the issue further.

Experian, Equifax or TransUnion might send you a letter

saying something like:

“We received a suspicious request regarding your

personal credit information that we have determined
was not sent by you. We have not taken any action on
this request and any future requests made in this
manner will not be processed and won’t get a

Ok, no need to worry this is normal for them to do.

Exactly HOW did they “determine it was not sent by you”.
The letter was notarized and included a copy of your SSN
& ID Card.

To further scare you into subjection, they may also

include something like this:

“Suspicious requests are taken seriously and reviewed

by security personnel who will report deceptive activity,
including copies of letters deemed as suspicious, to law
enforcement officials and to state or federal regulatory

As a way to stall, they may also send you a bogus reply

stating they need to confirm your identity and request
that you mail them proof. But in your dispute letter you
included a notarized copy of your identification which is

Real Results
proof! So the reply is nothing more than an attempt to
stop and discourage your efforts.


These are nothing but scare tactics to make you give


If you do happen to have some problems from the CRAs –

don’t be alarmed and DO NOT give up. Just send the next
letter and remind them it is your 2nd Request! Keep
sending the letters DEMANDING the CRA either provide
the verifiable proof or DELETE the item. It may take a few
letters and determined persistence but all“unverified”
items must be deleted.

In the extreme case where the CRAs try to ignore your

multiple written requests, you can file a lawsuit and sue
the CRA for damages under the Fair Credit Reporting
Act (FCRA) and/or file a formal complaint with the Federal
Trade Commission ( for violations of the

You can file your complaint here:

Real Results
Let’s Get Started Cleaning Your Credit:

Under Federal Law, once a year - you can receive a FREE

credit report from each of the three main Credit Reporting

First Step: Pull your Credit Report from Experian,

Equifax & TransUnion.

Go to: to get your

FREE reports.

(Note: if you have already used your free report for the year – you
may have to purchase a new report)

Second Step: Review Each Report & Identify

NEGATIVE Items to be Removed

Use the Attorney Prepared D.I.Y. Credit Repair Letters at

the back of this book for Experian, Equifax or TransUnion
and just copy the negative information from your
corresponding credit report into the letter to send to the
Credit Reporting Agency. Note: Only dispute a maximum
of 20 accounts at one time. Attempting to dispute more
than 20 accounts at one time could cause the CRAs to
classify the dispute as trivial.

Third Step: Notarize Letter & Include Copy of Social

Security & ID Card

After you have completed each letter, simply have your

signature notarized, include a photocopy of your Social
Security and ID Card (Driver’s License or Passport) as
proof of identity and mail the letter CERTIFIED MAIL.

(This will enable you to track delivery of your letter and provide proof
that it was received by the CRA)

Real Results
The next step is to watch the mail closely for responses
from the CRAs. If you receive a response and some
negative items were not removed AND the CRA DID NOT
provide you written verifiable proof per your written
request – then send the next letter in the steps.

It is recommended that you open (3) file folders – one for

Equifax, Experian and TransUnion and keep very detailed
records of your communications with each Credit
Reporting Agency. It is important that you establish a
paper trail history of your efforts to enforce your
consumer rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
letters, certified mail receipts, response letters, notes etc.

Over a period of time, you will build a very strong case

against the CRA and this evidence will be invaluable
should you ever have to go to the unusual extreme of
filing a lawsuit to receive damages.

This brings us to the end of the e-book. Thank you again

for making this important choice to improve your financial
I hope this very valuable information you learned by
reading this book will serve you well and help you
completely clean your credit.

To Your Success,


Real Results
January 1, 2011

Your Name
City, State Zip
SSN: 000-00-0000 | DOB: 1/1/1970

P.O. Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 609

(a)(1)(A), you are required by federal law to verify - through
the physical verification of the original signed consumer
contract - any and all accounts you post on a credit report.
Otherwise, anyone paying for your reporting services could fax,
mail or email in a fraudulent account.
I demand to see Verifiable Proof (an original Consumer
Contract with my Signature on it) you have on file of the
accounts listed below. Your failure to positively verify these
accounts has hurt my ability to obtain credit. Under the FCRA,
unverified accounts must be removed and if you are unable to
provide me a copy of verifiable proof, you must remove the
accounts listed below.

Real Results
I demand the following accounts be verified or removed

Name of Account Account Provide Physical

Number Verification
Creditor 1 1234567890 Unverified Account
Creditor 2 etc Unverified Account
Creditor 3 Unverified Account
Creditor 4 Unverified Account
Creditor 5 Unverified Account
Creditor 6 Unverified Account
Creditor 7 Unverified Account
Creditor 8 Unverified Account
Creditor 9 Unverified Account
Creditor 10 Unverified Account
Creditor 11 Unverified Account
Creditor 12 Unverified Account
Creditor 13 Unverified Account
Creditor 14 Unverified Account
Creditor 15 Unverified Account
Creditor 16 Unverified Account
Creditor 17 Unverified Account
Creditor 18 Unverified Account
Creditor 19 Unverified Account
Creditor 20 Unverified Account

* Please remove all non-account holding inquiries over 30 days old.

* Please add a Promotional Suppression to my credit file.

Real Results
Thank You,




(Driver’s License, Passport or

State ID Card)

Real Results
January 1, 2011

Your Name
City, State Zip
SSN: 000-00-0000 | DOB: 1/1/1970

P.O. Box 2002
Allen, TX 75013

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 609

(a)(1)(A), you are required by federal law to verify - through
the physical verification of the original signed consumer
contract - any and all accounts you post on a credit report.
Otherwise, anyone paying for your reporting services could fax,
mail or email in a fraudulent account.

I demand to see Verifiable Proof (an original Consumer

Contract with my Signature on it) you have on file of the
accounts listed below. Your failure to positively verify these
accounts has hurt my ability to obtain credit. Under the FCRA,
unverified accounts must be removed and if you are unable to
provide me a copy of verifiable proof, you must remove the
accounts listed below.

Real Results
I demand the following accounts be verified or removed

Name of Account Account Provide Physical

Number Verification
Creditor 1 1234567890 Unverified Account
Creditor 2 etc Unverified Account
Creditor 3 Unverified Account
Creditor 4 Unverified Account
Creditor 5 Unverified Account
Creditor 6 Unverified Account
Creditor 7 Unverified Account
Creditor 8 Unverified Account
Creditor 9 Unverified Account
Creditor 10 Unverified Account
Creditor 11 Unverified Account
Creditor 12 Unverified Account
Creditor 13 Unverified Account
Creditor 14 Unverified Account
Creditor 15 Unverified Account
Creditor 16 Unverified Account
Creditor 17 Unverified Account
Creditor 18 Unverified Account
Creditor 19 Unverified Account
Creditor 20 Unverified Account

* Please remove all non-account holding inquiries over 30 days old.

* Please add a Promotional Suppression to my credit file.

Real Results
Thank You,




(Driver’s License, Passport or

State ID Card)

Real Results
January 1, 2011

Your Name
City, State Zip
SSN: 000-00-0000 | DOB: 1/1/1970

Trans Union
P.O. Box # 2000
Chester, PA. 19022

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 609

(a)(1)(A), you are required by federal law to verify - through
the physical verification of the original signed consumer
contract - any and all accounts you post on a credit report.
Otherwise, anyone paying for your reporting services could fax,
mail or email in a fraudulent account.

I demand to see Verifiable Proof (an original Consumer

Contract with my Signature on it) you have on file of the
accounts listed below. Your failure to positively verify these
accounts has hurt my ability to obtain credit. Under the FCRA,
unverified accounts must be removed and if you are unable to
provide me a copy of verifiable proof, you must remove the
accounts listed below.

Real Results
I demand the following accounts be verified or removed

Name of Account Account Provide Physical

Number Verification
Creditor 1 1234567890 Unverified Account
Creditor 2 etc Unverified Account
Creditor 3 Unverified Account
Creditor 4 Unverified Account
Creditor 5 Unverified Account
Creditor 6 Unverified Account
Creditor 7 Unverified Account
Creditor 8 Unverified Account
Creditor 9 Unverified Account
Creditor 10 Unverified Account
Creditor 11 Unverified Account
Creditor 12 Unverified Account
Creditor 13 Unverified Account
Creditor 14 Unverified Account
Creditor 15 Unverified Account
Creditor 16 Unverified Account
Creditor 17 Unverified Account
Creditor 18 Unverified Account
Creditor 19 Unverified Account
Creditor 20 Unverified Account

* Please remove all non-account holding inquiries over 30 days old.

* Please add a Promotional Suppression to my credit file.

Real Results
Thank You,




(Driver’s License, Passport or

State ID Card)

Real Results
January 1, 2011

Your Name
City, State Zip
SSN: 000-00-0000 | DOB: 1/1/1970

P.O. Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374

Please be advised this is my SECOND WRITTEN REQUEST.

The unverified items listed below remain on my credit report in
violation of Federal Law. You are required under the FCRA to have
a copy of the original creditor’s documentation on file to verify that
this information is mine and is correct. In the results of your first
investigation, you stated in writing that you “verified” that these
items are being “reported correctly”? Who verified these

You have NOT provided me a copy of ANY original documentation

required under Section 609 (a)(1)(A) & Section 611 (a)(1)(A) ( a
consumer contract with my signature on it ) and under Section 611
(5)(A) of the FCRA – you are required to “…promptly DELETE all
information which cannot be verified.”
The law is very clear as to the Civil liability and the remedy available
to me for “negligent noncompliance” (Section 617) if you fail to
comply. I am a litigious consumer and fully intend on pursuing
litigation in this matter to enforce my rights under the FCRA

Real Results
I demand the following accounts be verified or deleted

Name of Account Account Provide Physical

Number Verification
Creditor 1 1234567890 Unverified Account
Creditor 2 etc Unverified Account
Creditor 3 Unverified Account
Creditor 4 Unverified Account
Creditor 5 Unverified Account
Creditor 6 Unverified Account
Creditor 7 Unverified Account
Creditor 8 Unverified Account
Creditor 9 Unverified Account
Creditor 10 Unverified Account
Creditor 11 Unverified Account
Creditor 12 Unverified Account
Creditor 13 Unverified Account
Creditor 14 Unverified Account
Creditor 15 Unverified Account
Creditor 16 Unverified Account
Creditor 17 Unverified Account
Creditor 18 Unverified Account
Creditor 19 Unverified Account
Creditor 20 Unverified Account

* Please remove all non-account holding inquiries over 30 days old.

* Please add a Promotional Suppression to my credit file.

Real Results
Thank You,




(Driver’s License, Passport or

State ID Card)

Real Results
January 1, 2011

Your Name
City, State Zip
SSN: 000-00-0000 | DOB: 1/1/1970

P.O. Box 2002
Allen, TX 75013

Please be advised this is my SECOND WRITTEN REQUEST.

The unverified items listed below remain on my credit report in
violation of Federal Law. You are required under the FCRA to have
a copy of the original creditors documentation on file to verify that
this information is mine and is correct. In the results of your first
investigation, you stated in writing that you “verified” that these
items are being “reported correctly” ? Who verified these
You have NOT provided me a copy of ANY original documentation
required under Section 609 (a)(1)(A) & Section 611 (a)(1)(A) ( a
consumer contract with my signature on it ) and under Section 611
(5)(A) of the FCRA – you are required to “…promptly DELETE all
information which cannot be verified.”
The law is very clear as to the Civil liability and the remedy available
to me for “negligent noncompliance” (Section 617) if you fail to
comply. I am a litigious consumer and fully intend on pursuing
litigation in this matter to enforce my rights under the FCRA.

Real Results
I demand the following accounts be verified or deleted

Name of Account Account Provide Physical

Number Verification
Creditor 1 1234567890 Unverified Account
Creditor 2 etc Unverified Account
Creditor 3 Unverified Account
Creditor 4 Unverified Account
Creditor 5 Unverified Account
Creditor 6 Unverified Account
Creditor 7 Unverified Account
Creditor 8 Unverified Account
Creditor 9 Unverified Account
Creditor 10 Unverified Account
Creditor 11 Unverified Account
Creditor 12 Unverified Account
Creditor 13 Unverified Account
Creditor 14 Unverified Account
Creditor 15 Unverified Account
Creditor 16 Unverified Account
Creditor 17 Unverified Account
Creditor 18 Unverified Account
Creditor 19 Unverified Account
Creditor 20 Unverified Account

* Please remove all non-account holding inquiries over 30 days old.

* Please add a Promotional Suppression to my credit file.

Real Results
Thank You,




(Driver’s License, Passport or

State ID Card)

Real Results
January 1, 2011

Your Name
City, State Zip
SSN: 000-00-0000 | DOB: 1/1/1970

Trans Union
P.O. Box # 2000
Chester, PA. 19022
Please be advised this is my SECOND WRITTEN REQUEST.
The unverified items listed below remain on my credit report in
violation of Federal Law. You are required under the FCRA to have
a copy of the original creditor’s documentation on file to verify that
this information is mine and is correct. In the results of your first
investigation, you stated in writing that you “verified” that these
items are being “reported correctly”? Who verified these

You have NOT provided me a copy of ANY original documentation

required under Section 609 (a)(1)(A) & Section 611 (a)(1)(A) ( a
consumer contract with my signature on it ) and under Section 611
(5)(A) of the FCRA – you are required to “…promptly DELETE all
information which cannot be verified.”

The law is very clear as to the Civil liability and the remedy available
to me for “negligent noncompliance” (Section 617) if you fail to
comply. I am a litigious consumer and fully intend on pursuing
litigation in this matter to enforce my rights under the FCRA

Real Results
I demand the following accounts be verified or deleted

Name of Account Account Provide Physical

Number Verification
Creditor 1 1234567890 Unverified Account
Creditor 2 etc Unverified Account
Creditor 3 Unverified Account
Creditor 4 Unverified Account
Creditor 5 Unverified Account
Creditor 6 Unverified Account
Creditor 7 Unverified Account
Creditor 8 Unverified Account
Creditor 9 Unverified Account
Creditor 10 Unverified Account
Creditor 11 Unverified Account
Creditor 12 Unverified Account
Creditor 13 Unverified Account
Creditor 14 Unverified Account
Creditor 15 Unverified Account
Creditor 16 Unverified Account
Creditor 17 Unverified Account
Creditor 18 Unverified Account
Creditor 19 Unverified Account
Creditor 20 Unverified Account

* Please remove all non-account holding inquiries over 30 days old.

* Please add a Promotional Suppression to my credit file.

Real Results
Thank You,




(Driver’s License, Passport or

State ID Card)

Real Results
January 1, 2011

Your Name
City, State Zip
SSN: 000-00-0000 | DOB: 1/1/1970

P.O. Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374

Please be advised this is my THIRD WRITTEN REQUEST and

FINAL WARNING that I fully intend to pursue litigation in
accordance with the FCRA to enforce my rights and seek relief
and recover all monetary damages that I may be entitled to
under Section 616 and Section 617 regarding your continued
willful and negligent noncompliance.

Despite two written requests, the unverified items listed below still
remain on my credit report in violation of Federal Law. You are
required under the FCRA to have a copy of the original creditors
documentation on file to verify that this information is mine and is
correct. In the results of your first investigation and subsequent
reinvestigation, you stated in writing that you “verified” that these
items are being “reported correctly”? Who verified these
accounts? You have NOT provided me a copy of ANY original
documentation ( a consumer contract with my signature on it) as
required under Section 609 (a)(1)(A) & Section 611 (a)(1)(A).
Furthermore you have failed to provide the method of verification as
required under Section 611 (a) (7). Please be advised that under

Real Results
Section 611 (5) (A) of the FCRA – you are required to “…promptly
DELETE all information which cannot be verified.”

The law is very clear as to the Civil liability and the remedy available
to me (Section 616 & 617) if you fail to comply with Federal Law. I
am a litigious consumer and fully intend on pursuing litigation in this
matter to enforce my rights under the FCRA.

Real Results
I demand the following accounts be verified or deleted

Name of Account Account Provide Physical

Number Verification
Creditor 1 1234567890 Unverified Account
Creditor 2 etc Unverified Account
Creditor 3 Unverified Account
Creditor 4 Unverified Account
Creditor 5 Unverified Account
Creditor 6 Unverified Account
Creditor 7 Unverified Account
Creditor 8 Unverified Account
Creditor 9 Unverified Account
Creditor 10 Unverified Account
Creditor 11 Unverified Account
Creditor 12 Unverified Account
Creditor 13 Unverified Account
Creditor 14 Unverified Account
Creditor 15 Unverified Account
Creditor 16 Unverified Account
Creditor 17 Unverified Account
Creditor 18 Unverified Account
Creditor 19 Unverified Account
Creditor 20 Unverified Account

Real Results
Thank You,




(Driver’s License, Passport or

State ID Card)

Real Results
January 1, 2011

Your Name
City, State Zip
SSN: 000-00-0000 | DOB: 1/1/1970

P.O. Box 2002
Allen, TX 75013

Please be advised this is my THIRD WRITTEN REQUEST and

FINAL WARNING that I fully intend to pursue litigation in
accordance with the FCRA to enforce my rights and seek relief
and recover all monetary damages that I may be entitled to
under Section 616 and Section 617 regarding your continued
willful and negligent noncompliance.

Despite two written requests, the unverified items listed below still
remain on my credit report in violation of Federal Law. You are
required under the FCRA to have a copy of the original creditors
documentation on file to verify that this information is mine and is
correct. In the results of your first investigation and subsequent
reinvestigation, you stated in writing that you “verified” that these
items are being “reported correctly”? Who verified these
accounts? You have NOT provided me a copy of ANY original
documentation ( a consumer contract with my signature on it) as
required under Section 609 (a)(1)(A) & Section 611 (a)(1)(A).
Furthermore you have failed to provide the method of verification as
required under Section 611 (a) (7). Please be advised that under

Real Results
Section 611 (5) (A) of the FCRA – you are required to “…promptly
DELETE all information which cannot be verified.”

The law is very clear as to the Civil liability and the remedy available
to me (Section 616 & 617) if you fail to comply with Federal Law. I
am a litigious consumer and fully intend on pursuing litigation in this
matter to enforce my rights under the FCRA.

Real Results
I demand the following accounts be verified or deleted

Name of Account Account Provide Physical

Number Verification
Creditor 1 1234567890 Unverified Account
Creditor 2 etc Unverified Account
Creditor 3 Unverified Account
Creditor 4 Unverified Account
Creditor 5 Unverified Account
Creditor 6 Unverified Account
Creditor 7 Unverified Account
Creditor 8 Unverified Account
Creditor 9 Unverified Account
Creditor 10 Unverified Account
Creditor 11 Unverified Account
Creditor 12 Unverified Account
Creditor 13 Unverified Account
Creditor 14 Unverified Account
Creditor 15 Unverified Account
Creditor 16 Unverified Account
Creditor 17 Unverified Account
Creditor 18 Unverified Account
Creditor 19 Unverified Account
Creditor 20 Unverified Account

Real Results
Thank You,




(Driver’s License, Passport or

State ID Card)

Real Results
January 1, 2011

Your Name
City, State Zip
SSN: 000-00-0000 | DOB: 1/1/1970

Trans Union
P.O. Box # 2000
Chester, PA. 19022

Please be advised this is my THIRD WRITTEN REQUEST and

FINAL WARNING that I fully intend to pursue litigation in
accordance with the FCRA to enforce my rights and seek relief
and recover all monetary damages that I may be entitled to
under Section 616 and Section 617 regarding your continued
willful and negligent noncompliance.

Despite two written requests, the unverified items listed below still
remain on my credit report in violation of Federal Law. You are
required under the FCRA to have a copy of the original creditors
documentation on file to verify that this information is mine and is
correct. In the results of your first investigation and subsequent
reinvestigation, you stated in writing that you “verified” that these
items are being “reported correctly”? Who verified these
accounts? You have NOT provided me a copy of ANY original
documentation ( a consumer contract with my signature on it) as
required under Section 609 (a)(1)(A) & Section 611 (a)(1)(A).
Furthermore you have failed to provide the method of verification as
required under Section 611 (a) (7). Please be advised that under

Real Results
Section 611 (5)(A) of the FCRA – you are required to “…promptly
DELETE all information which cannot be verified.”

The law is very clear as to the Civil liability and the remedy available
to me (Section 616 & 617) if you fail to comply with Federal Law. I
am a litigious consumer and fully intend on pursuing litigation in this
matter to enforce my rights under the FCRA.

Real Results
I demand the following accounts be verified or deleted

Name of Account Account Provide Physical

Number Verification
Creditor 1 1234567890 Unverified Account
Creditor 2 etc Unverified Account
Creditor 3 Unverified Account
Creditor 4 Unverified Account
Creditor 5 Unverified Account
Creditor 6 Unverified Account
Creditor 7 Unverified Account
Creditor 8 Unverified Account
Creditor 9 Unverified Account
Creditor 10 Unverified Account
Creditor 11 Unverified Account
Creditor 12 Unverified Account
Creditor 13 Unverified Account
Creditor 14 Unverified Account
Creditor 15 Unverified Account
Creditor 16 Unverified Account
Creditor 17 Unverified Account
Creditor 18 Unverified Account
Creditor 19 Unverified Account
Creditor 20 Unverified Account

Real Results
Thank You,




(Driver’s License, Passport or

State ID Card)

Real Results
January 1, 2011

Your Name
City, State Zip
SSN: 000-00-0000 | DOB: 1/1/1970

P.O. Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374



Please accept this final written OFFER OF SETTLEMENT

BEFORE LITIGATION as my attempt to amicably resolve
your continued violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act
regarding your refusal to delete UNVERIFIED information
from my consumer file. I intend to pursue litigation in
accordance with the FCRA to seek relief and recover all
monetary damages that I may be entitled to under Section 616
and Section 617 if the UNVERIFIED items listed below are not
deleted immediately. A copy of this letter as well as copies of
the three written letters sent to you previously will also become
part of a formal complaint to the Federal Trade Commission
and shall be used as evidence in pending litigation provided
you fail to comply with this offer of settlement.

Real Results
Despite three written requests, the unverified items listed below
still remain on my credit report in violation of Federal Law. You
are required under the FCRA to have a copy of the original
creditors documentation on file to verify that this information is
mine and is correct. In the results of your investigations, you
stated in writing that you “verified” that these items are being
“reported correctly”? Who verified these accounts? You
have NOT provided me a copy of ANY original documentation
(a consumer contract with my signature on it) as required
under Section 609 (a)(1)(A) & Section 611 (a)(1)(A).
Furthermore you have failed to provide the method of
verification as required under Section 611 (a) (7). Please be
advised that under Section 611 (5)(A) of the FCRA – you are
required to “…promptly DELETE all information which
cannot be verified.”

The law is very clear as to the Civil liability and the remedy
available to me (Section 616 & 617) if you fail to comply with
Federal Law. I am a litigious consumer and fully intend on
pursuing litigation in this matter to enforce my rights under the

Real Results
I demand the following accounts be verified or deleted

Name of Account Account Provide Physical

Number Verification
Creditor 1 1234567890 Unverified Account
Creditor 2 etc Unverified Account
Creditor 3 Unverified Account
Creditor 4 Unverified Account
Creditor 5 Unverified Account
Creditor 6 Unverified Account
Creditor 7 Unverified Account
Creditor 8 Unverified Account
Creditor 9 Unverified Account
Creditor 10 Unverified Account
Creditor 11 Unverified Account
Creditor 12 Unverified Account
Creditor 13 Unverified Account
Creditor 14 Unverified Account
Creditor 15 Unverified Account
Creditor 16 Unverified Account
Creditor 17 Unverified Account
Creditor 18 Unverified Account
Creditor 19 Unverified Account
Creditor 20 Unverified Account

Real Results
Thank You,




(Driver’s License, Passport or

State ID Card)

Real Results
January 1, 2011

Your Name
City, State Zip
SSN: 000-00-0000 | DOB: 1/1/1970

P.O. Box 2002
Allen, TX 75013



Please accept this final written OFFER OF SETTLEMENT

BEFORE LITIGATION as my attempt to amicably resolve
your continued violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act
regarding your refusal to delete UNVERIFIED information
from my consumer file. I intend to pursue litigation in
accordance with the FCRA to seek relief and recover all
monetary damages that I may be entitled to under Section 616
and Section 617 if the UNVERIFIED items listed below are not
deleted immediately. A copy of this letter as well as copies of
the three written letters sent to you previously will also become
part of a formal complaint to the Federal Trade Commission
and shall be used as evidence in pending litigation provided
you fail to comply with this offer of settlement.

Real Results
Despite three written requests, the unverified items listed below
still remain on my credit report in violation of Federal Law. You
are required under the FCRA to have a copy of the original
creditor’s documentation on file to verify that this information is
mine and is correct. In the results of your investigations, you
stated in writing that you “verified” that these items are being
“reported correctly”? Who verified these accounts? You
have NOT provided me a copy of ANY original documentation
(a consumer contract with my signature on it) as required
under Section 609 (a)(1)(A) & Section 611 (a)(1)(A).
Furthermore you have failed to provide the method of
verification as required under Section 611 (a) (7). Please be
advised that under Section 611 (5)(A) of the FCRA – you are
required to “…promptly DELETE all information which
cannot be verified.”

The law is very clear as to the Civil liability and the remedy
available to me (Section 616 & 617) if you fail to comply with
Federal Law. I am a litigious consumer and fully intend on
pursuing litigation in this matter to enforce my rights under the

Real Results
I demand the following accounts be verified or deleted

Name of Account Account Provide Physical

Number Verification
Creditor 1 1234567890 Unverified Account
Creditor 2 etc Unverified Account
Creditor 3 Unverified Account
Creditor 4 Unverified Account
Creditor 5 Unverified Account
Creditor 6 Unverified Account
Creditor 7 Unverified Account
Creditor 8 Unverified Account
Creditor 9 Unverified Account
Creditor 10 Unverified Account
Creditor 11 Unverified Account
Creditor 12 Unverified Account
Creditor 13 Unverified Account
Creditor 14 Unverified Account
Creditor 15 Unverified Account
Creditor 16 Unverified Account
Creditor 17 Unverified Account
Creditor 18 Unverified Account
Creditor 19 Unverified Account
Creditor 20 Unverified Account

Real Results
Thank You,




(Driver’s License, Passport or

State ID Card)

Real Results
January 1, 2011

Your Name
City, State Zip
SSN: 000-00-0000 | DOB: 1/1/1970

Trans Union
P.O. Box # 2000
Chester, PA. 19022



Please accept this final written OFFER OF SETTLEMENT

BEFORE LITIGATION as my attempt to amicably resolve your
continued violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act regarding
your refusal to delete UNVERIFIED information from my
consumer file. I intend to pursue litigation in accordance with the
FCRA to seek relief and recover all monetary damages that I may be
entitled to under Section 616 and Section 617 if the UNVERIFIED
items listed below are not deleted immediately. A copy of this letter
as well as copies of the three written letters sent to you previously
will also become part of a formal complaint to the Federal Trade
Commission and shall be used as evidence in pending litigation
provided you fail to comply with this offer of settlement.

Real Results
Despite three written requests, the unverified items listed below still
remain on my credit report in violation of Federal Law. You are
required under the FCRA to have a copy of the original creditors
documentation on file to verify that this information is mine and is
correct. In the results of your investigations, you stated in writing
that you “verified” that these items are being “reported
correctly”? Who verified these accounts? You have NOT
provided me a copy of ANY original documentation (a consumer
contract with my signature on it) as required under Section 609
(a)(1)(A) & Section 611 (a)(1)(A). Furthermore you have failed to
provide the method of verification as required under Section 611 (a)
(7). Please be advised that under Section 611 (5)(A) of the FCRA
– you are required to “…promptly DELETE all information which
cannot be verified.”

The law is very clear as to the Civil liability and the remedy available
to me (Section 616 & 617) if you fail to comply with Federal Law. I
am a litigious consumer and fully intend on pursuing litigation in this
matter to enforce my rights under the FCRA.

Real Results
I demand the following accounts be verified or deleted

Name of Account Account Provide Physical

Number Verification
Creditor 1 1234567890 Unverified Account
Creditor 2 etc Unverified Account
Creditor 3 Unverified Account
Creditor 4 Unverified Account
Creditor 5 Unverified Account
Creditor 6 Unverified Account
Creditor 7 Unverified Account
Creditor 8 Unverified Account
Creditor 9 Unverified Account
Creditor 10 Unverified Account
Creditor 11 Unverified Account
Creditor 12 Unverified Account
Creditor 13 Unverified Account
Creditor 14 Unverified Account
Creditor 15 Unverified Account
Creditor 16 Unverified Account
Creditor 17 Unverified Account
Creditor 18 Unverified Account
Creditor 19 Unverified Account
Creditor 20 Unverified Account

Real Results
Thank You,




(Driver’s License, Passport or

State ID Card)

Real Results
Real Results
Real Results
Real Results
Real Results
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