Cyclone 7.0 and Phase Based Data Whitepaper

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Leica Geosystems HDS

Cyclone 7.0: Working with Phase-

Based Data
White Paper: New data storage and display insights and workflow

No: 04-2009 Cyclone 7.0: pcE Implications

Date: October 20, 2009

Contributor: HDS Product Management

Products: Leica Cyclone 7.0

Description: Information about new data storage and display technologies and recommended
workflows for phase-based data

pcE Data Storage and Display

Cyclone 7.0 Workflow and Features Series Leica Geosystems HDS LLC
4550 Norris Canyon Road
San Ramon, CA USA 94583
Cyclone 7.0: Working with Phase-Based Data


There are important changes in the workflows for the HDS6000\HDS6100 and this white paper is meant
to address these changes so you can apply the pCE technology in the most efficient way.

Cyclone 7.0 is build with a new point cloud data storage engine called pcE (Point Cloud engine). This is a
major change in Cyclone that necessitated a total rebuild of the foundations of Cyclone.
Now every scan that is performed with Cyclone using an HDS2500, HDS3000, Scanstaiton1,
Scanstation2, or ScanStation C10
or imported latter (C10 and HDS6000\HDS6100) will be read into this new format.

Using the new format enables the full resolution of the scan(s) to be available right after scanning or
importing a zfs file. There is no “re-import” function anymore* in Cyclone 7.0 because all the data is read
into the database from the beginning. This allows for instant usage of the data and the ability to register

Cyclone 7.0 does still support a partial import of ZFS files and allows for extraction of B&W targets, at full
resolution only around the target area, to support some registration workflows of Phase data.

Scan data is now kept outside of the IMP file in its own directory and is accessed by the IMP file when a
ModelSpace is opened. A user will not notice any difference with basic functionality between the old and
new data storage system (pcE) except for a few notable viewing changes in the ModelSpace and in
modeling. All data access is the same and 95% of modeling functions are the same. More on the
differences in the workflow section below.

For users that perform extensive 3Dmodeling it is

recommended to add a step in your workflows to Unify the
registration ModelSpace. This process converts the pcE
cloud into IMP format and enables the few modeling
commands that are not current available for pcE based

Cyclone 7.0 Workflow and Features Series

1.1 Typical user workflows for 6.X..............................................................3
1.2 Import ZFS data faster ........................................................................4
1.3 Normals Estimation.............................................................................4
1.4 pcE Format in the Navigator and in Windows Explorer .............................5
1.5 More space disk..................................................................................6
1.6 Viewing in the ModelSpace...................................................................6
1.6.1 Point Cloud Density control ............................................................6
1.6.2 Load and Display maximums ..........................................................6
1.6.3 Modeling in the ModelSpace ...........................................................7
2 Workflows and settings .............................................................................8
2.1 This workflow explains process for importing, viewing, registering and
modeling 100% imported ZFS files: ..............................................................8
2.1.1 Working with 100% imported ZFS data: ..........................................8
2.1.2 Working with a partial import of ZFS data ......................................10
2.1.3 Registering partially imported ZFS data .........................................11
2.1.4 Unify in Cyclone 7.0 ....................................................................14

1.1 Typical user workflows for 6.X

Users imported only part of the data for the following reasons:

• Save space on disk

• Improve performance
Faster registration
Faster viewing during modeling
Faster fitting during modeling
• You might have done to save time

Then you would bring in 100% of the data for the following reasons:

• For publisher to TOPO or ForensicMap

• For CloudWorx
• Wanted it for viewing
• Model on 100% of data

Cyclone 7.0 Workflow and Features Series

Practical end user differences:

1.2 Import ZFS data faster

ZFS files import faster than before (2-3 times). Also the user has the option to turn off estimating normals
during the import process to save even more time (4-5 times).

1.3 Normals Estimation

Cyclone 7.0 now supports the option to either build normals or not when scanning or importing ZFS files.

First a brief explanation of what normals are and why they are important.

A normal is an attribute that is added to a point cloud point during scanning or latter upon importing.
Each point cloud point gets its own normal information. All point cloud points have different normal
information (except when estimating Normals is not possible, then the scanner location is the normal).

Normals are necessary to Cyclone to find out how the point cloud point is oriented so particular functions
can be performed. If you do not need these functions then you do not need normals (see below for a list
of functions that need Normals).


A normal is a line segment that is perpendicular to a surface at a particular location.

The perpendicular line segment can extend in either direction from the surface, but
we select the line segment that forms an angle of less than 90 degrees to the scanner.

Point cloud point Line segment = normal


90 deg towards scanner

In Cyclone, we estimate normals for each scan point. We do this by considering other points in the
neighborhood of each point in order to approximate a surface. In a case where we cannot form a good
estimate of the normal, we default to a line segment that point towards the scanner.

Cyclone 7.0 Workflow and Features Series

Normals are only necessary for the following functions within Cyclone:

1. All Steel Fitters- Angle, Wide Flange, Tee etc

2. Cloud-to Cloud Registration. I big one I know!!
3. Rendering modes- Silhouette, one-sided, shaded etc
4. Basic and Complex meshes – TINs meshes do not need normals

If you do not need normals you can save up to 70% on

import time. Additionally you can always choose to
Estimate Normals latter, either one ScanWorld or many
in batch mode.

1.4 pcE Format in the Navigator and in Windows Explorer

In the project on the right you can

see the main scan under the

Scans folder is blue , this is

an indication that the scan is in the
new pcE format.

The Target scans, in this case, are

green . This means these

scans are in IMP format.

Note all data that is unified will be

transformed into IMP format and only
available in the ModelSpace it was
unified in.

Here is the same database shown in Windows Explorer:

And inside of the PlantPceSets folder:

Cyclone 7.0 Workflow and Features Series

1.5 More space disk

More disk space is used by importing 100% of the data and users should be aware that larger hard
drives may be necessary on large jobs. Terabyte disks (1000 gb’s) are recommended. Have 2 installed
and stripped together in a RAID 0 configuration. Note- RAID 0 is faster, but has no back up like RAID 5.
Please consult your IT department for Hard Drive setup.

1.6 Viewing in the ModelSpace

1.6.1 Point Cloud Density control

There is a solution in pcE for large dataset viewing in the ModelSpace.

In Cyclone 6.X the reduction icons only visually reduced what was seen, but the full
data set was still being loaded.

In Cyclone 7.0 with pcE formatted clouds the view reduction icons in the
ModelSpace now control how many points are loaded as well as how many points are seen. Try a
reduced option to lower the amount of points loaded to speed up viewing and modeling

1.6.2 Load and Display maximums

When a ModelSpace is opened users usually set the Load and Display setting in Preferences up higher
than the default of 3 million display and 10 million load (i.e. 20 million load and 20 million display) this is
still a good work flow for IMP formatted clouds.

However if you are working with pcE formatted data it is not necessary to raise the Load and display
limits. The defaults of 3 million load and 3 million display work very well.

IMP Load setting and display


pcE load and display settings

Raising the load and display limits with pcE may cause an
“out of memory” error on large Registration ModelSpaces
and is not necessary as shown in this example image

Cyclone 7.0 Workflow and Features Series

The reason for this is because, unlike IMP formatted clouds, pcE clouds only load what is in your direct
view. IMP formatted clouds spread the load and display over the entire ModelSpace and not just in your
current view area, so much of the load and display is wasted on view areas you are not looking at!

IMP data showing missing blocks of data - pcE data showing full resolution - no
Typical IMP behavior missing data!

Point cloud in ModelSpace

Current user view

1.6.3 Modeling in the ModelSpace

Loaded points

pcE ModelSpace loads points only

IMP ModelSpace loads points from
inside the view
the whole cloud-even outside the view

Cyclone 7.0 Workflow and Features Series

Modeling only what you see-WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Model)

There is a new preference under Edit l Preferences l Point Cloud l WYSIWYM. This is on by default.

With this preference turned on, Cyclone will only model what is currently loaded into the ModelSpace. In
6.X the modeling engine goes back to the point set and loads all possible data to model. This can take a
long time.

2 Workflows and settings

2.1 This workflow explains process for importing, viewing, registering and modeling 100%
imported ZFS files:

Summary of steps for working with 100% imported zfs files:

• Select a Database right click an choose ZFS files to import

• Select whether to build normals (see section on normal building)
• Select 100% import
• When finished, all files will be available in pcE format at 100% density in
their separate ScanWorlds
• Register scans the normal way with Cloud-to-Cloud and or targets
• If modeling many primitives (Cylinders, patches, etc), then Unify the
registration ModelSpace
• Continue with the modeling process to finish job

2.1.1 Working with 100% imported ZFS data:

1. Create a database in the navigator

2. Right click on database and select Import
3. In the import dialog select import level (100%)
4. Check the box in the dialog if you want to estimate normals. (the importer
will work 2-3 times faster if you do not build normals)

***You can always Build Normals latter after import*****

Cyclone 7.0 Workflow and Features Series

Normals are attributes attached to point cloud data that allow
the following:
• Cloud-to-Cloud registration
• Point cloud rendering options (shaded-one sided-etc)
• Complex and Basic meshes-TIN meshes do not
need normals
• Steel fitting

If you do not need these

functions you do not need to
build normals and you can
always add normals latter

5. Click Apply to all if importing more than one ZFS file

6. Once imported register as normal.
7. All points imported are in the new pcE format
8. If you decide to model with in the new pcE format there are a few steps to
take to make this easier
a. In the registration ModelSpace only turn on the scans you need to
work on. (3-4 ScanWorlds at-a-time). Do this in the ScanWorld
b. Be careful with the Load and display max settings in the Preferences.
If possible leave them at the default of 3 display and 3 load.
c. Use limit boxes and sub-selection instead of “copy to new
d. pcE formatted cloud take longer to perform:
• Copy to new ModelSpace
• Segment by fence
• Modeling primitives
• Getting information on large primitives
9. CloudWorx needs the data to be Unified
10.Region Grow Smooth Surface does not work in pcE

Cyclone 7.0 Workflow and Features Series

2.1.2 Working with a partial import of ZFS data

The same steps apply as above, but an extra step is needed if the user wants to have access to more
data in a ScanWorld after the initial partial import.

If a user has partially imported a ZFS scan at, as an example, 1/9, then registered the data, and later
wants to import 100% of the data. Here is the process to follow, which is a changed from 6.X

1. When you first import a file at less than 100% you will get this reminder
dialog. This is just telling you that you will need to import another pcE file
and add it to the ScanWorld to get the increased resolution.

2. Select a project folder or database then right click and choose Import.
3. Import the ZFS file at the desired increased resolution. This will create a
new ScanWorld.
4. Then open the New ScanWorld and the go to the Scans folder.
5. Open the Scans folder
6. Go to the ScanWorld where you want the newly imported scan to go.
7. Open this sw’s scans folder.
8. Drag the Scan from the where it was imported into and then drop it into the
Scan folder of the ScanWorld you wish

This is the newly created ScanWorld

that has the 100% imported scan.

Select this scan with a left click and

drag to the other Scans folder to move

This is the ScanWorld you originally

created with a partial import and now
want to add to it with the full

Cyclone 7.0 Workflow and Features Series

9. You will see this warning. Just click ok to confirm move.

10.Here is what the transfer looks like afterward:

Low resolution original scan

High Resolution new scan

Important note: The new scan will obey any registration

you have so adding higher resolution scans after
registration is no problem.

The new higher resolution scan will ADD to the ScanWorld

not replace the lower resolution scan. The user may want
to delete the lower resolution scan after the higher one is
in place.

2.1.3 Registering partially imported ZFS data


After importing ZFS files into Cyclone at a reduced amount (i.e. 1/9, ¼ etc) you can select the scanned
target areas in a HDS6000 ScanControl window and add full point density to just the target areas, extract
targets and then register. This allows the user to maintain the reduced import amount (1/9, ¼ etc) and
register with targets, thereby saving disk space and import time.

Remember that even more time can be saved by not

estimating Normals, when importing, if you do not need
them (see the section about Normal estimation for a full
explanation of when normals are needed and what they

1. Start by opening a ScanControl window for an HDS6000

2. Select the project folder that contains the partially imported ScanWorlds

Cyclone 7.0 Workflow and Features Series

3. In the ScanControl window, under the Project Setup panel on the right, select the ScanWorld to
add targets to and click the OK button:

4. In ScanControl multi-select the targets


Cyclone 7.0 Workflow and Features Series

5. Then go to the top menu and select Create Targets l Find Black/White Targets from Picks…

6. This dialog will appear when the process is started.

7. Cyclone will now go back to the ZFS file and add the full scan resolution around each target
area. Then an extraction will be performed. The user can add target id’s, height etc in this dialog
at this point.

Low density overall scan

High density target

extraction scan

Cyclone 7.0 Workflow and Features Series

8. The target scans will show up in the HDS Target Scans folder under the ScanWorld. These
scans are imported in IMP format. You can tell because they are
colored green. Blue is for pcE formatted clouds.

Target scans

9. Once the targets are extracted a normal target based registration can be performed on the data.

2.1.4 Unify in Cyclone 7.0

Large pcE registrations (<10 high scans) it is recommend to Unify the registration ModelSpace before
performing extensive modeling. Here are some other considerations:

• Before performing a Unify make sure you now have 5 to 6 times the current size of the database
folder free on the hard drive you are unifying on.
• Try and using the point reduction in unify to get rid of unnecessary overlap (6mm) is a great
number and does not take away from density) or use Low Point Cloud Reduction preset

No reduction

1/4 reduction

1/16 reduction

1/64 reduction

1/128 reduction

Cyclone 7.0 Workflow and Features Series


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