License Guide

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Leica Geosystems HDS Software Licensing

The Leica Geosystems HDS family of software products uses Macrovision Corporation’s
FLEXlm license system, which is the most common licensing system in the software industry.
All licensed Leica Geosystems HDS software products use this licensing system to enable or
disable various software components on a particular computer. Each software component is
controlled by a key stored in a license file. These keys are listed as INCREMENT entries in the
license file. There can be multiple INCREMENT entries in the license file, each enabling different
components. The INCREMENT entries can enable components permanently, or for a specific
time period.
Licenses can be either node-locked or floating. A node-locked license allows a specific
computer to run the enabled software components at any time. A floating license allows use of
the software on different computers, and is generally more flexible than a node-locked license,
which only works on one specific computer. With a floating license, the software is typically
installed on many computers, and then a floating license is purchased that allows a specified
number of computers to run the software at any given moment. For example, the software may
be installed on 100 computers. With a 10-user floating license, up to 10 people can run the
software at the same time on any of those 100 computers. One or more floating license servers
control access to these floating licenses.
FLEXlm allows node-locked licenses and a single floating license to be combined in one file, but
as of Cyclone v4.0.1, Leica Geosystems HDS supports and recommends the use of multiple
individual license files, where each file contains either a set of node-locked licenses or a license
associated with a single floating license server. Node-locked licenses should be placed in the
file license.dat, and floating licenses for a given server should be placed in a file called
servername.lic, where servername is the network name of the corresponding floating license
server. When checking for licenses, Leica Geosystems HDS software products search the
Cyclone installation folder for the license.dat file and all files ending in .lic, so any number of
license servers may be accessed.
Prior to Cyclone v4.0.1, a single license file called license.dat contained all license information,
so the instructions contained in this document must be modified accordingly for older versions
of the software. When using a single license file, Macrovision recommends placing node-locked
keys before floating keys in the license file so that the node-locked licenses will be activated
instead of a matching floating key when the application starts. Note that at most one SERVER
and one VENDOR line may exist in a single license file.

Under the Leica Geosystems HDS licensing, a computer is identified by a HostId, which
consists of the hardware address of its network card (sometimes called the “physical address”)
plus four digits of Leica Geosystems HDS -specific information. For example,
CYRA=00034748a5ff-be8f. The HostId is case-insensitive (for example, “a” and “A” are
treated identically).
A computer with multiple network cards will have a corresponding number of different HostId’s,
and any of them may be used for software licensing. (Note: using hardware addresses of
network cards that are permanent in the computer is more reliable than using those associated
with temporary devices, like the network card in a laptop’s docking station.)
In order for the software to determine the hardware address of a network card, there must be a
network card installed and it must have TCP/IP properly configured. If there is no card, or if it is
not configured properly, the HostId appears as all zeros (CYRA=000000000000-0000).
Although the network card does not need to be connected to a network, it must be ready to
connect to a network. The card does not need to have an established IP address; it may use
DHCP to determine its IP address when connected to a network. Also, the IP address (for
example, should not be confused with the hardware address, which the
Window’s ipconfig utility reports (for example, 00-03-47-48-A5-FF). The Leica Geosystems
HDS HostId does not use dashes in the hardware address – it puts all twelve digits together, as
shown above, and adds the four Leica Geosystems HDS -specific digits after a single dash.
The four extra Leica Geosystems HDS-specific digits in the HostId are used when uninstalling
licenses. In the event that you indicate that you want to uninstall a license, the system will
change the last four digits of the HostId, which invalidates all of the Leica Geosystems HDS
software components on that computer (this does not affect a computer using only a floating
license, since the license is acquired from a server and the HostId of the local computer is not
Note that it is not possible to uninstall just one Leica Geosystems HDS software component out
of several licensed components. It would be necessary to first uninstall all the node-locked
licenses by changing the HostId (invaliding all of the current licenses), and then install a new
license appropriate for the new HostId to re-enable the other components on that computer.

Modification of Existing Licenses

It is always safe to add new INCREMENT entries to an existing license; the software will search
for the INCREMENT entries that it needs. If you have upgraded to a more recent version of Leica
Geosystems HDS software, the old INCREMENT lines may no longer be needed, but may still be
left in the license file. Leaving old INCREMENT lines in the license file would allow an older
version of Leica Geosystems HDS software to be run, if needed.
When adding new increment lines to a floating license file, make sure they are added after the
SERVER and VENDOR lines, and that only one SERVER and one VENDOR line appear in the file.
Note that INCREMENT entries may span multiple lines; a backslash (“\”) at the end of a line
means that the same entry is continued on the next line (if an INCREMENT entry is to be copied,
make sure that the entire entry is copied).

Node-Locked Licenses
Node-locked licenses are installed by placing them into a file called license.dat in the Cyclone
installation folder. All Leica Geosystems HDS licenses, whether for Cyclone or CloudWorx, are
placed in the Cyclone installation folder. The node-locked license may be received as email,
whose contents should be copy & pasted into the text file license.dat. The INCREMENT lines
that are node-locked will each have the field “HOSTID=”, followed by the computer’s HostId.
Note that some word-processing programs, such as WordPad, may insert non-printing
characters that can invalidate the license, so the use of text-based programs (like Notepad)
when working with license files is recommended.
Also, it is common in Windows to hide extensions of common file types, so you need to take
care that the actual file name is license.dat, and not something like license.dat.txt, with the
common extension .txt not visible.

Floating Licenses
Floating licenses work by setting up one computer (running a Windows operating system) on
the network to be a license server. When a licensed software package starts up, it
communicates over the network with the license server to attempt to check out a license. If
there are licenses available on the server, one will be checked-out and used; when the software
package is exited, the license used is released back to the floating license server. If no licenses
are available, the software notifies the user that all available licenses are already in use.
It is important to note that if the floating license server is shut down, or unreachable over the
network from a client computer, then no Leica Geosystems HDS software will be able to acquire
a license from that floating license server, and nothing will start. So, a floating license server
should be a computer that is generally available.
When disconnected from the network, the software may take more time to launch if floating
licenses are present in the Cyclone folder, because the software will attempt to connect to the
floating license server and will fail to connect only after a fixed time-out period. To avoid this
delay while disconnected from the network, you can move the floating license files temporarily
to the Cyclone parent folder (us ually “Leica Geosystems”) while disconnected from the network,
and move the files back to the Cyclone folder when reconnected to the network. If you move the
floating license files to a folder beneath the Cyclone folder, they will still be found and used, with
the consequences described above.
Floating license files begin with SERVER and VENDOR lines, which define the computer
(SERVER) that acts as the floating license server, as well as the company (VENDOR) associated
with the components that are to be enabled. Following the SERVER and VENDOR lines are one
or more INCREMENT entries. The INCREMENT entries for a floating license do not contain the
field “HOSTID=” followed by a HostId, since the SERVER line provides the HostId of the floating
license server (t he HostId of the client computer is irrelevant when using a floating license).
Setting up floating licenses is done in two steps. First, the floating license server must be
configured. Second, each client computer that will use the floating license must be configured.
The details of these two steps are described below.

Configuring the Floating License Server

Note In order to install the license server, you must have “system administrator”
privileges on the license server computer. If you do not have this level of
privilege, please contact your system administrator.
1 Create an installation folder on the license server computer (this procedure will use
“c:\leicahdsflexlm\” as an example). You can name the folder anything you wish, but
the folder, and all files in it, should be separate from any Leica Geosystems HDS software
client installation that may exist on the same machine. In particular, the floating license
server and client Leica Geosystems HDS software should not share a single license file;
each should have its own copy of the license file.
2 Copy the files listed below from the Floating License folder on the installation CD to the
folder that you created in the previous step. These files are also available for download from
the Leica Geosystems HDS website ( The files in
the Floating License folder are:
CYRAKEY.exe the Leica Geosystems HDS license daemon
lmgrd.exe the Globetrotter Software license server program
lmtools.exe the Globetrotter Software server installer utility
Readme.pdf this document
Note Use the CYRAKEY.exe file associated with the particular Leica Geosystems HDS
software release; older versions of CYRAKEY.exe will generally not work correctly.
3 Obtain a valid floating license from Leica Geosystems HDS.
To obtain a floating license, locate and email the license server computer’s HostID.txt file
to, requesting a floating license enabling the products
Note If there is no HostID.txt file, locate HostID.exe and double-lick to
create a HostID.txt file. HostID.exe may be downloaded from the
Leica Geosystems HDS website.
Leica Geosystems HDS will create a license for all purchased components and return it to
you by email.
4 If the license arrives as an email attachment, save the license attachment as
servername.lic in the license server folder (from Step 1) on the license server computer.
Otherwise, just save the entire email as servername.lic in the license server folder; the rest
of the information in the email will be ignored. For convenience, the servername in the file
name should be the network name of the license server computer. If you already have an
existing license file of the same name, see the Modification of Existing Licenses section
5 Open the license file (saved in Step 4) using any text editor software (e.g., Notepad). The
contents of the file will vary depending on which products have been licensed but will
contain lines similar to the following:
SERVER this_host CYRA=000347a17f78-3fc4
INCREMENT PRODUCT_KEY CYRAKEY 1.00 permanent 1 21B872645196 \
NOTICE="Licensed to Your_Company_Name."
Note Several INCREMENT entries may be present.
6 In the first line, change “this_host” to the name of your license server computer (this
example uses “”). The name entered must be resolvable by other
computers on the network, and may be the hostname (e.g. “thewalt”) or the fully qualified
hostname (e.g. “”). Contact your network administrator if you do not
know your license server computer name.
The first line of the license file will then resemble the following:
SERVER CYRA=000347a17f78-3fc4
In the second line, add the path to the CYRAKEY.exe program (copied in Step 2) in double
quotes after the first two words in the line, for example:
VENDOR CYRAKEY "C:\cyraflexlm\CYRAKEY.exe"

WARNING! DO NOT EDIT anything else, as you may invalidate the license!
7 Save and close the license file.
8 In the file browser on the license server computer, go to the license server folder that you
created in Step 1 and double-click lmtools.exe to open the LMTOOLS window, shown
9 Go to the Config Services tab in the LMTOOLS window and enter the following:
Service Name You can enter any name you choose; we recommend that
you refer to Leica Geosystems HDS in order to distinguish
the Leica Geosystems HDS License service from other
similar services. Note that you may not use the name of any
other Windows Service, including “Cyclone License Sever” or
“Leica HDS Server”, which are reserved for use by the Leica
Geosystems HDS software installation.
Path to lmgrd.exe Enter the path to the lmgrd.exe file (copied in Step 2).
Path to the license file Enter the path to the license file (first saved in Step 4).
Path to the debug log file Optional – Enter the path to the folder used to store the
debug log file.
10 Check both the Start Server at Power Up option and the Use Services option to have the
license server start up automatically whenever the computer is rebooted.
11 Click the Save Service button.
12 Go to the Start/Stop/Reread tab. The newly created service should be displayed, along
with any other FlexLM services on the license server computer.
13 Click on Start Server to start the license service. The status line should indicate success as
shown above.
• Use the File | Exit menu item to close the LMTOOLS window.

Checking the Floating License Server

1 In the file browser on the license server computer, go to the license server folder you
created in Step 1 and double-click lmtools.exe to open the LMTOOLS window.
2 Select the Server Status tab.
3 Enter the name of the server computer in the Server Name field, and then click the
Perform Status Enquiry button. Server status is listed in the lower portion of the dialog,
including which products are licensed, and the number of licenses available. If the expected
licenses do not appear to be available in the status description, then they will not be
available to Leica Geosystems HDS software. If problems exist, the troubleshooting steps
described below may help identify the issue.
• Use the File | Exit menu item to close the LMTOOLS window.

Configuring Client Computers to Use the Floating License Server

Copy the edited and saved version of the license file from the license server computer (created
at step 7 above) to the Cyclone software installation directory on each of the computers where
the Leica Geosystems HDS software is to be run. Continue to use the file name
servername.lic, where servername is the network name of the floating license server
computer. This differentiates the licenses contained by this floating license server from licenses
contained by other floating license servers that may also be available.

If you have problems with license server installation, please contact Leica Geosystems
HDS support ( The following items are worth
checking if your system is not operating properly.
• If the software suddenly stops working after changing the computer’s network settings, it is
often the case that the network driver has been damaged or improperly configured.
Reinstalling/reconfiguring the TCP/IP drivers often fixes hard-to-diagnose problems.
• If Cyclone starts in Cyclone-VIEWER mode even though there is a valid license file in the
Cyclone folder, then the file may actually be called license.dat.txt or something similar, if
the “Hide file extensions for known file types” advanced setting in Windows Explorer is
enabled. (Floating license files must end in .lic, not .lic.txt or some other hidden extension.)
Disabling this setting or using the DIR command in a DOS window will show the full file
• Word-processing applications (such as WordPad) may insert non-printing characters into
the license file, which may invalidate the license. Using a simple text editor, like Notepad,
will avoid this problem. If a more advanced editor is used, the license must be save as
“plain text”, with no additional formatting (such as RTF directives) added.
• Use the proper version of CYRAKEY.exe, as included with each new release of Leica
Geosystems HDS software. Older versions of CYRAKEY.exe will often not work with new
features included in later license files.
• If the HostId is CYRA=000000000000-0000, then the software could not establish the
hardware address of the network card. Either there is no network card, or it does not have
TCP/IP properly configured.
Floating Licenses
• If the floating licenses do not appear to work, specify the optional debug log file path in the
LMTOOLS Config Services tab as described above in step 9 of Configuring the Floating
License Server. Once the debug log file has been specified, save the configuration, go to
the Start/Stop/Reread tab, stop the server, then re-start the server The log file will then
contain valuable information on whether the server started correctly, and if not, what the
apparent problem was.
If the debug log file does not indicate any potential problems, then go to the Server Status
tab and perform a status inquiry, as described in the Checking the Floating License Server
section, to determine if floating licenses are available.
• Check to see if the floating license server is visible to the client computer over the network.
From the client, type the following in a DOS window:
ping servername
If ping cannot reach the server, then the Leica Geosystems HDS software will not be able
to get a license from that floating license server. Check that the network is properly
configured on both the client computer as well as on the floating license server.

June 9, 2004

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