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Standard Bayesian model comparison techniques are based on the intuitively appealing idea

that () summarizes all of our knowledge and uncertainty about Mj after seeing the data.
However, as we have seen, calculating meaningful posterior model probabilities typically
requires the elicitation of informative priors. For the Bayesian who wants to do model testing
or comparison with a noninformative prior, there are some other techniques which can be
used. However, these techniques are not as intuitively appealing as Bayesian model
probabilities and have only ad hoc justifications. In later chapters, we discuss some of these
techniques. In this subsection, we introduce the idea of a Highest Posterior Density Interval
(HPDI), and show how it can be used in an ad hoc fashion to compare nested models.

Before discussing model comparison, we begin with some definitions of basic concepts. We
define these concepts in the context of the parameter vector þ in the Normal linear regression
model, but they are quite general and can be used with the parameters of any model. Suppose
that the elements of the vector of regression coefficients, þ, can each lie anywhere in the
interval .1;1/, which is denoted by þ 2 Rk. Let! D g.þ/ be some m-vector of functions of þ which
is defined over a region, , wherem k. LetC be a region within ,
denoted by C

There are typically numerous possible credible intervals. Suppose, for instance, that þjjy is
N.0;1/. Then, using statistical tables for the standard Normal, we find that [1:96;1:96] is a 95%
credible interval, as is [1:75;2:33] and [1:64;1/, etc. To choose from among the infinite number
of credible intervals, it is common to choose the one with smallest area. In the standard
Normal example, [1:96;1:96] is the shortest credible interval. The name given for such a choice
is a Highest Posterior Density Interval. This is formalized in the following definition.

Definition 3.2: Highest Posterior Density Intervals

A 100.1Þ/% highest posterior density interval for ! is a 100.1Þ/% credible interval for ! with the
property that it has a smaller area than any other 100.1 Þ/% credible interval for !.

It is common to present highest posterior density intervals in addition to point estimates when
doing Bayesian estimation. For instance, the researcher might report a posterior mean plus a
95% HPDI of þj. The researcher is 95% sure that þj lies within the HPDI. HPDIs can also be used
in an ad hoc manner to do model comparison. Consider, for instance, two Normal linear
regression models as in (3.2), and that interest centers on deciding whether the jth
explanatory variable should be included. Thus, the two models under consideration are

M1 : þj D0


M2 : þj 6D0
Posterior inference under M2 can be performed as outlined in (3.28)–(3.33), and an HPDI can
be calculated for þj using the properties of the t distribution. If this HPDI does not include zero,
then this is evidence against M1. A finding that the HPDI does include zero is taken as evidence
in favor of M1. Such a strategy can be generalized in the obvious way to the case where we are
interested in investigating whether Rþ Dr. The reader who knows frequentist econometrics will
recognize the similarity of this approach with common hypothesis testing procedures. For
instance, a frequentist test of the hypothesis that þj D0 can be done by calculating a
confidence interval for þj. If this confidence interval contains zero, then the hypothesis is
accepted. If it does not, the hypothesis is rejected. We stress, however, that this similarity only
holds far enough to provide some very crude intuition. Confidence intervals have a very
different interpretation from HPDIs. HPDIs are a very general tool in that they will exist any
time the posterior exists. Thus, they can be used with the noninformative prior discussed
previously. However, the justification for using them to compare models, although sensible, is
an informal one which, in contrast to posterior odds, is not rooted firmly in probability theory.


Prediction for the case of the Normal linear regression model with a single explanatory
variable is outlined in Chapter 2 (2.36)–(2.40). The case of several explanatory variables is a
simple extension of this material. Suppose we have a Normal linear regression model as in
(3.2), with likelihood and prior given in (3.3) and (3.8). Posterior inference can be carried out
using (3.9). We want to carry out predictive inference on T unobserved values of the
dependent variable, which we denote byyŁ D .yŁ 1

where "Ł is independent of " and is N.0;h1IT/ and XŁ is a T ð k matrix analogous to X,

containing the k explanatory variables for each of the T out-ofsample data points. The steps in
deriving the predictive density for yŁ are simple generalizations of those outlined in (2.37)–
(2.40). That is, for the Bayesian prediction is based on

p.yŁjy/ DZZp.yŁjy;þ;h/p.þ;hjy/dþ dh

The fact that "Ł is independent of " implies that y and yŁ are independent of one another and,
hence, p.yŁjy;þ;h/ D p.yŁjþ;h/. The latter term can be written as

p.yŁjþ;h/ D


Multiplying (3.38) by the posterior given in (3.9) and integrating yields a multivariate t
predictive density of the form yŁjy ¾t.XŁþ;s2fIT C XŁVXŁ0g;¹/ (3.40) This result can be used to
carry out predictive inference in the Normal linear regression model with natural conjugate


Model comparison, prediction and posterior inference about þ can all be done analytically
using the results in previous sections. Furthermore, since the marginal posterior for þ is a
multivariate t distribution, linear combinations of þ are also multivariate t (see Appendix B,
Theorem B.14). Thus, if R is defined as in (3.25), posterior inference on Rþ can be carried out
using the multivariate t distribution. Since the marginal posterior of h is Gamma, the
properties of this well-known distribution can be used to make inferences about the error
precision. However, there are some cases where interest centers not on þ, nor on Rþ, but on
some nonlinear function of þ which we will call f .þ/. We will assume f .:/ is a scalar function,
but the techniques in this section can be extended to several functions by simply handling one
function at a time. In general, the posterior for f .þ/ will not lie in the class of densities with
wellknown analytical properties. This, then, is a convenient place to start discussing posterior
simulation. As described in Chapter 1, even if we do not know the properties (e.g. mean,
standard deviation, etc.) of a density, it is possible to figure them out on the computer using
simulation. The simplest algorithm for doing posterior simulation is called Monte Carlo
integration. In the context of the Normal linear regression model, we can write the basic
theorem underlying Monte Carlo integration (see Theorem 1.1) as:

Theorem 3.1: Monte Carlo Integration Let þ.s/ for s D 1;:::;S be a random sample from p.þjy/
and g.:/ be any function and define b gS D 1 S S X rD1 g.þ.s// (3.41) thenb gS converges to
E[g.þ/jy] asS goes to infinity. Do not be confused by the introduction of two functions f .:/ and
g.:/. By setting g.:/ D f .:/, we can obtain an estimate of E[f .þ/jy] for anyf .:/. However, we may
wish to calculate other posterior properties of f .þ/ and this requires the introduction of the
function g.:/. For instance, the calculation of var[f .þ/jy] involves setting g.:/ D f .:/2 and using
(3.41) to calculate E[f .þ/2jy]. As

Linear Regression Model with Many Variables 47 described in Chapter 1, by suitably redefining
g.:/ we can calculate a variety of posterior properties of our function of interest, f .:/. Equation
(3.41) says that, given random draws from the posterior for þ, inference about any function of
the parameters can be done. Here Monte Carlo integration requires computer code which
takes random draws from the multivariate t distribution. This is available in many places. For
instance, MATLAB code relating to the following empirical illustration is available on the
website associated with this book. This shows how Monte Carlo integration is done in practice.
The structure of the code is as follows:

Step 1: Take a random draw, þ.s/ from the posterior for þ given in (3.14) using a random
number generator for the multivariate t distribution. Step 2: Calculate g.þ.s// and keep this
result. Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 S times. Step 4: Take the average of the S draws

These steps will yield an estimate of E[g.þ/jy] for any function of interest. It is worth stressing
that Monte Carlo integration yields only an approximation for E[g.þ/jy] (since you cannot set S
D1). However, by selecting S, the researcher can control the degree of approximation error.
Furthermore, as described in Chapter 1 (see (1.13)), we can obtain a numerical measure of the
approximation error using a central limit theorem. In particular, we obtain pSfb gS
E[g.þ/jy]g!N.0;¦2 g/ (3.42) as S goes to infinity, where ¦2 g D var.g.þ/jy/. The latter quantity can
itself be estimated using Monte Carlo integration, and we shall call such an estimate b ¦2 g.
Using this estimate, (3.42) and the properties of the Normal density we can write:
Pr²E[g.þ/jy]1:96b ¦g pS b gS
E[g.þ/jy]C1:96b ¦g pS¦³0:95 (3.43) We can then rearrange the probability statement in (3.43)
to find an approximate 95% confidenceintervalfor E[g.þ/jy]of the formhb gS 1:96b ¦g pS;b gS
C1:96b ¦g pSi. The researcher can present this as a measure of how accurate her estimate of
E[g.þ/jy] is or to use it as a guide for selecting S. Alternatively, the numerical standard error, b
¦g pS, can be reported as implicitly containing the same information in a more compact form.

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