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Addiction is not primarily an

UNDERSTANDING issue of crime nor is it usually

tied to it at all. Addiction is an
ADDICTION issue of mental health and
your living situation.
To be able to understand
Better care needs to be taken
addiction we have to consider:
to look out for those suffering
 Its effects and their extent from addiction in order
including location provide them with the care
 Who and how are victims they need and not
affected? incarceration.
 Reducing criminal
By neglecting biological and
pathology and increasing
health awareness, addiction
medical attention
cannot be stopped!
 Rehabilitation and rescue

Addiction Resource Center:
° 16,561 overdose deaths are in https://www.addictionreso
the US
° 53% of people who struggle
with addiction also have mental
health diagnosis
° Many side effects including National Help Line:
drowsiness, change in sleep,
lack of personal hygiene, flu-
like symptoms

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