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More then one type of Batsuit.

Arkham Knight Incident

As before, Batman used Detective Mode to help him identify enemies. Crime scene
reconstructions were shown in better detail than in Origins. It could also do scans
of out-of-place markers on deceased victims via a Deep Tissue Scanner, as Batman
demonstrated when investigating six grisly serial killing victims, which Batman
utilized because directly IDing the victims via DNA analysis was impossible due to
their DNA being corrupted, and whatever DNA was left was destroyed via acid on
the fingertips. As with previous games, Batman's Detective Mode could still be
blocked by henchmen wearing backpack jammers. Additionally, some henchmen
may be equipped with a device that could track Batman's Detective Mode (i.e. if
Detective Mode was used for too long, all enemies would be alerted to Batman's
position) or may wear Optic Deflection armor to render themselves unseeable by
Detective Mode (that could be disabled by the Disruptor via an upgrade).

During the Arkham Knight Incident, Batman found six mutilated bodies strung
up around Gotham, and all the while, opera music played on loop through
speakers placed around the bodies. Because the process of turning them into
Dollotrons corrupted their DNA and destroyed their fingerprints, Batman had to
use his Deep Tissue Scanner to look for unique traits that made them stand out
in the Missing Persons Database. All the victims had similar traits: troubled
pasts, went through surgery prior to being kidnapped, had scars on them from
accidents, genetic deformities, and they all went missing at fairgrounds and
parks around the country; all of which were where the Circus of Strange had
stopped on its route. Alfred found only one associated name involved with the
circus: Lazlo Valentin, who leased a beauty salon in Gotham, the Pretty Dolls
Parlor, but the lease expired before construction began on Wayne International

Batsuit Upgrades.
- *Cloaking Kevlar Device*, This replace the normal Kevlar layer on the Commando Batsuit, the suit now have the
ability to appear invisible to the naked eye and radar.

General Information

Official name: Batsuit

Detective Comics #27 (May,
First Appearance:
Type: costume
Used by: Batman
One of Batman's most recognizable items among his prized possessions in fighting
crimes in Gotham City is his unique costume. It is popularly known simply as
the Batsuit.

The Batsuit has an electrical system that can shock assailants as a last resort. The
Batsuit is made of triple-weave kevlar centered around the most obvious target, the
chest-mounted Batsymbol. Though the suit has been drawn many different ways by
different artists, and the stories themselves have described Batman as modifying
the details of his costume from time to time, it is most often depicted as consisting
of a scalloped cape, a bat-like cowl, a pair of gloves, boots, a yellow utility belt, and
a tight-fitting body suit with the image of a bat emblazoned on the chest.

Batman wears this costume both to conceal his identity, and to frighten criminals.
Most versions of the Batsuit incorporate some form of body armor, and often night-
vision, gas filters, and other aids to combat effectiveness or protection. All versions
of the outfit incorporate a utility belt containing a variety of crimefighting



While brooding in his study over how to be a more effective crime fighter, Bruce
Wayne saw a bat come through his window (in the earliest Detective
Comics portrayal simply flying in an open window, in Post-Crisis continuity such
as Batman: Year One, dramatically crashing through the glass) and perch on the
bust of his father. Realizing that "criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot," Bruce
adopts the persona of a bat in order to conceal his identity and strike fear into his
adversaries. Subsequent origin tales have had Bruce terrified by bats as a child,
and observing a bat costume worn by his father at a costume ball, but the primary
impetus of his decision to adopt the bat persona has always been the incident of
the bat coming in the window of his study. It is as a result of this incident that the
batsuit was developed.
As Bruce's career as Batman continued, he evolved and updated the suit to keep
ahead of technology in the streets of Gotham, using the resources of Wayne
Enterprises to do so. Eventually the suit itself became a kind of totem and symbol
for himself and others, an example of the realm of darkness defending the realm of
Basic suit
The basic foundation of the Batsuit is a tight-fitting bodysuit, similar to many
superheroes. In early depictions, it was similar to the garb of early 20th century
circus performers. Batman #1 revealed that there is a ballistic vest sewn into the
costume. In modern depictions, the briefs are integrated into the main costume, so
that section of the costume constitutes only a seam and color change from the rest
of the suit. The bodysuit has varied in color and style as depicted by different

The Post-Crisis version of the bodysuit is not constructed from simple fabric, but
from Kevlar thread and carbon nanotube fibers. This imparts it with a unique sheen
and makes it heavily resistant to tearing. In addition, the suit also is constructed
with a full body electric shock delivery system, which is also layered into the suit's
fabric. The basic version of the Batsuit is insulated against electricity and is mildly
fire resistant. Batman utilizes many different body armor designs, some of which
are constructed into his Batsuits, and others which are separate. In its most basic
version, the suit is bulletproof around the upper torso and back and can withstand
a point blank range blast from a 12-gauge shotgun. Other versions are entirely
bullet proof to small arms fire, and have advanced flexible armor plating made from
Carbon composites and lightweight metal polymers.


As different artists have taken over the responsibility of drawing the character, the
details of the suit have changed considerably. The original incarnation of the cape
was a wing-like structure inspired by drawings by Leonardo da Vinci. This
eventually evolved into a more cape-like design of varying length. Some artists
draw the cape with protrusions on the shoulders, likely representing the "thumb"
part of a bat's wing, though this is not a consistent addition. The cape is
occasionally depicted as bulletproof.The cape varies according to the current
writer, sometimes being depicted as bulletproof and fire resistant, and other times
being nothing more than simple fabric that tears easily and sustains constant
damage and is continuously replaced.

In the earliest Batman stories of Detective Comics, the costume featured a few
curiosities before it evolved in to its more or less standard style. The first gloves
were purple in color, ordinary looking, and lacked any sort of scalloped fins or other
stylings, and only came to the wrists. The second Batman adventure depicted the
character wearing no gloves at all. A few issues later the gloves became longer,
and by 1940 the familiar fins were added (in early stories, these pieces originally
resembled miniature, scalloped bat wings, but eventually became three simple
triangular fins). In some later incarnations, the scallops are attached to a
separated bracer worn below the glove around the wrist. Additionally, the gloves
have been specially treated to be both shock-proof as well as radiation-
resistant.The glove designs that incorporate fingertip blades also have joint armor-
reinforcement in the glove, from the wrists and knuckles to the fingers. He also has
electrical shockers in the fingertips of his gloves, which are used to control the
structure of his cape. Additionally, Batman hides a few pieces of his arsenal in his
gloves, such as a lock pick.
The Batsuit has been repeatedly updated in order to reflect advances in
technology. Originally the costume contained no protective armor, since the
creative talent felt that it made Batman seem too powerful to see him shrug off
bullet hits. However, the real world advent of various forms of personal protective
materials like Kevlar and the realization that being shot while wearing such
protection still should be avoided, has led to the costume being re-imagined with
varying forms of bulletproof protection which employs the aforementioned use of
the suit's chest symbol to lure shots at the armor's strongest point. Despite the
armor, Batman almost always evades gunfire and is very rarely actually shot. After
recovering from his spinal cord injury (the result of Bane's attack), Batman
reinforced the armor with a material to dampen shocks and impact, along with a
spinal brace, to protect himself from such abuse.
Batman's cowl

The cowl's basic design has remained unchanged; however, it has been frequently
updated to advance Batman's crusade. The one aspect of the cowl that does
undergo variations is the ears, although the length and pointiness of the ears is
supposedly primarily due to the style of the artist drawing Batman, and tends not to
be tied to the functionality of the cowl in any way. However artist Karl Kerchl has
drawn Batman's costume vault showing that he has a wide selection of cowls with
ears of different lengths (Adventures of Superman #643).

In addition to concealing his features and contributing to his imposing appearance,

Batman's cowl has sometimes served other purposes. Occasionally, the cowl is
depicted as having defense mechanisms such as electric shock or stun gas in order
to prevent unauthorized removal.
The cowl contains shifting lenses that identifies suspect's identities, as well as
their weak points (through medical records), while simultaneously avoiding the
possibility of eye identification. The lenses have special visions, like infrared vision
(heat sensors), night vision, and ultraviolet vision.

In addition, because some meta-human criminals have the power to see through
solid objects, Batman lines the cowl with lead to protect his identity. One of the
cowl's ears carries a high-gain antenna for an internal comm-link on the left side of
the cowl, allowing Batman to stay in contact with his allies. The comm-link can
also scan police radios and other communication frequencies. It also carries an
inertial navigation unit to keep him in balance when facing foes such as
theScarecrow or Count Vertigo.
The cowl's Kevlar panels provide a level of protection for his head against firearms.
The front of the skull and the sides of the temples also have small armor inserts to
increase the effectiveness of skull strikes and protect from concussive blows.
Repeated encounters with the Mad Hatter also forced Batman to shield his cowl
against the villain's mind control.
In Batman: Year One, it is depicted that Batman hid a few pieces of his arsenal in
his leather boots, such as a blow gun with fast-acting anesthetic darts and an
ultrasonic device built into his left heel. Batman's boots are highly unique. The
basic design of the boots are modeled on Tactical boots, but they are made from
lightweight rubbers and are much more flexible to allow for full extension when
kicking. The boots feature a unique "slingshot" ankle reinforcement design that
acts as both armor and as reinforcement for the ankle joint when kicking or landing
from high distances. The bottom is a flexible split sole design and is textured for a
variety of surfaces. The boots also have steel toes, making them much more
effective when on the offensive. Although Batman is already an accomplished
Olympic level swimmer, during theBatman: Hush storyline, it is revealed that he
installed underwater propellers in the heels. In Batman Begins, a boot heel is
revealed to contain an ultrasonic signaling device capable of calling live bats to it
as a form of protection and cover for Batman during a getaway. This device was
originally introduced in the Batman: Year One series.
Utility belt

Batman's Utility Belt.

Batman's utility belt is his most characteristic prop next to theBatarang, much
like Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth, or Green Lantern's power ring. The exact
contents of this belt are not known because Batman usually changes it to suit his
needs. His uncanny ability to carry unusually appropriate tools is legendary.
Batman's enemies are especially interested in the utility belt as they believe it will
give them an advantage over him, but the belt's pockets are locked and only
Batman knows how to open them. Occasionally, the utility belt is depicted as
having defense mechanisms such as electric shock or stun gas in order to prevent

Different incarnations of the Utility Belt on film.

The array of devices Batman carries have become more complex over time. The
simple coiled rope and batarang scaling equipment became a rocket powered (or
compressed air powered) grapple gun. The suit has also carried on different
occasions a re-breather device, flash and gas grenades, explosives and a detonator,
lockpicks, a signaling device for theBatmobile, electronic surveillance equipment
(including video camera and monitor), a forensic kit for gathering crime scene
evidence, a medical kit, a cache of money and, in early incarnations, a pistol in a
holster. On any occasion where Batman anticipates encounteringKryptonians, he
has also carried (in a lead case) a Kryptonite Ring, given to him by Superman as a
weapon of last resort.
Other Media Appearances
Batman (1989)/Batman Returns
Main: Batsuit (Burton Films)

Following the camp depiction of the 1960s live-action television series, director Tim
Burton's Batman films feature a black Batsuit with the yellow ellipse emblem,
yellow utility belt, heavy armour placed on the chest, forearms, and boots, with the
chest armour incorporating the bat-emblem. This became the basic template on
which all subsequent live-action Batsuits were based.
The basic design of the suit, designed by Bob Ringwood, was based essentially on
the then current Neal Adams comic book version. This suit was notable for its
introduction of the grapple gun, which was later adopted by the comics, for the
black eye makeup worn under the mask, which has been used in every live-action
Batman film since, and for the construction of the cowl, which made it almost
impossible for actor Michael Keaton to turn his head while wearing it.

Batman Forever/Batman & Robin

Main: Batsuit (Schumacher Films)

The Dark Knight Saga

Main: Batsuit (Nolan Films)

Batman: Gotham Knight

In Batman: Gotham Knight, which is set between Batman Begins and The Dark
Knight, details of the Batsuit along with Batman's attempts to improve it are
The suit has many characteristics of the Batman Begins suit, but on the segment
"Field Test," Batman upgrades the suit with an advanced motion scanner that has
an electromagnetic gyro which produces a magnetic shield capable to deflect
small-arms fire before he abandons it.
On "In Darkness Dwells," it is shown that there's an infrared scope built within the
cowl, along with a rebreather that can be folded within it. There's a wireless relay
communicator in the cowl. Its signals are locked with quantum cryptology and
bounced through a dozen different satellites (presumably the WayneComs). As per
the animation styles the suit varies between versions of the Batman
Begins standard black suit and the Comic Book original.

Insider Suit, following his failure and near-death combat with an metahuman from Krypton, Bruce Wayne dons the
"Insider" guise in order to freely explore Gotham and assess the state of things that occurred during his absence.
Built with a different appearance than the traditional Batsuit, the Insider uniform enables the wearer to mimic a
selection of super-abilities through the use of high-powered technology, although the suit's power is limited;
requiring a recharge-time after the usage of each ability. While agile enough for gymnastic manoeuvres, the suit
has enough armour to protect the wearer from sword strikes. The suit can recharge its power supply by either
plugging into an external power source or by absorbing energy that is being directed upon it.

suit also enables a direct link to a JLA teleporter, enabling the wearer to hack into
the Justice League's teleportation system and teleport anywhere on the planet,
although this, too, uses power.
Other abilities include: ability to trace frequencies, and selection of optical visions
for infrared to movement tracking and normal.

"Super-Power" Abilities
 Speed Force Mode: Inspired by the Flash, the suit gives the wearer limited
access to the Speed Force, accelerating their movements beyond human
 Heat Vision Mode: Inspired by the Kryptonian ability, the suit expels a
concentrated beam of heat from the eye lenses, although a larger blast can be
expelled through the helmet's central "eye" also.
 Will Power Mode: Inspired by the Green Lantern rings, the suit possesses a
finger-mounted energy weapon that mimics an Oan power ring's ability to fire
a concentrated blast of energy at an opponent.

 Camouflage Mode: Inspired by the Martian Manhunter, the suit enables the
wearer to turn invisible for a set period of time.
 Veritas Mode: Inspired by Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth, the suit possesses
a filament cord that is lined with tactile sensors enabling it to act as a
polygraph machine to discern if the individual trapped within it is telling the
truth. Like Wonder Girl's lasso, the wearer can also send an electric shock
down the cord to shock the entrapped individual.
 Flight Mode: A standard ability amongst meta-class superheroes, the suit
possesses the power of flight through the manipulation of gravity and
magnetic forces.
 Teleportation:3-meter radius and carrying other individuals away.
 The Insider suit has powers similar to the Amazo android.
 The powers can only be used a few at a time and require extensive recharge
periods (as long as 24 hours) between each use.
 The Insider suit has a similar design to the uniforms used by the One Earth
Regime footsolders from Injustice: Gods Among Us.

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