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Letters to Editor

for 48 hours after surgery and was discharged from the Access this article online
hospital on the sixth postoperative day. Quick Response Code: Website:

Providing adequate analgesia is a key factor in PMID:

preventing postoperative respiratory complications
in cardiac surgery patients. Opioids, even when DOI:
administered in novel ways, may contribute to
pulmonary complications by causing respiratory
depression. Therefore analgesics that do not depress
respiration, for example, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory
drugs (NSAID) are considered a good option in this
setting. In our setup NSAIDs are routinely used for
postoperative analgesia with rescue analgesia provided Ventricular
with opioids. Our patient was getting intramuscular
ketorolac without much benefit. Intermittent fentanyl extrasystole during
was making the patient drowsy and further worsening
his condition. Therefore, rather starting a new drug, peri-operative
we started administering ketorolac via PCA. The use
of ketorolac via PCA has been shown to reduce opioid intravenous
requirements in children.[1] Our objective was to reduce
the requirement of fentanyl, which whenever given dexmedetomidine
to the child for breakthrough pain was making him
drowsy. By starting ketorolac with PCA, we not only infusion
negated the opioid requirement but also reduced the
total dose of ketorolac consumed. The total dose of
ketorolac was half of what it would have been if it was The Editor,
given as an intravenous infusion at recommended rates
of 0.17 mg/ kg/h.[1] A contributing factor could be that it A 19 year old female weighing 45 kg was posted for left
gave the child better control of his pain management, sided laparoscopic pyeloplasty for congentinal pelvi-
helped him remain alert and diverted his attention ureteric junction obstruction and gross hydronephrosis.
from pain. He also became an active participant Her physical status was ASA class I. Her hemogram,
in the physiotherapy sessions, which led to better coagulogram, liver fuction test, renal function test,
postoperative recovery and timely discharge from the serum electrolytes, preoperative chest X-ray and 12 lead
ICU. PCA allows the patients to titrate the analgesic dose electrocardiogram (ECG) revealed no abnormality. In the
to the extent of their pain. It reduces the apprehension operating room, monitoring started with five-lead ECG,
of older children and adolescents about pain because pulse oximetry and non-invasive blood pressure, and
they can control it. The PCA pumps for the delivery baseline parameters were noted. A peripheral vein was
of NSAIDs should be considered a valuable mode of cannulated in left foreram. Initially, dexmedetomine
analgesia, especially in the patient population where (DEX) bolus, 1 µg/kg was given over 10 minute, which
opioids may contribute to respiratory complications was followed by its infusion at 0.4 µg/kg/h. Anesthesia
postoperatively. was induced with 3 µg/kg fentanyl, 1 mg/ kg propofol
and 0.1 mg/kg vecuronium. Trachea was intubated with
Amit Rai, Usha Kiran1 a 7.5 mm ID cuffed endotracheal tube. A 14F Ryle's tube
Departments of Anesthesiology and 1Cardiac Anesthesia, All India was placed for gastric decompression. Anesthesia was
Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India maintained with sevoflurane (inspiratory concentration
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Amit Rai,
2.5%) in oxygen and air (40:60). The ventilation was
9, SFS Hauz Khas Apartments, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India. controlled and guided by end-tidal CO2 (etCO2)
monitoring. The patient was positioned right lateral,
pneumoperitonium was created and surgery started.
About 25 minutes later, ventricular extrasystoles (VE)
1. Forrest JB, Heitlinger EL, Revell S. Ketorolac for postoperative pain were noted. VE were 7-8 per minute. The patient
management in children. Drug Saf 1997;16:309-29. was hemodynamically stable with heart rate of 65/

Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia    Vol. 16:1   Jan-Mar-2013 69

Letters to Editor

minute, blood pressure of 118/78 mmHg, etCO2 was observed during skin incision and laparoscopic port
36 mmHg; peak airway pressure was 25 mmHg, end- placement. Electrolyte imbalance was also ruled out
tidal sevoflurane concentration was 2.2%. Arterial as a possible cause of VE.
blood gas analysis showed pH 7.39, PO2 189 mmHg,
PCO2 41 mmHg, HCO3− 19 mmol/l, BE - 6 mmol/l DEX is an α-2 receptor agonist, being increasingly used
and SpO2 98%, Na+ 132 mEq/l, K+ 4.2 mEq/l. During intraoperatively as sole agent and as adjuvant with other
VE, the intra-abdominal pressure ranged between anesthetic agents for its excellent sedative, anxiolytic
13-15 mmHg with carbon dioxide flow of 3 L/min. and analgesic properties. Hypotension and bradycardia
The surgery was stopped and pneumoperitonium was are known cardiovascular effects of DEX. The incidence
decompressed, despite decompression, VE persisted. of bradycardia and hypotension is increased when DEX
The peak airway pressure decreased to 14 mmHg after is administered with drugs with negative chronotropic
decompression of pneumoperitonium. DEX infusion effects commonly used in operating room like propofol,
was stopped. After 15 minutes, VE diminished and suxamethonium, beta-adrenergic antagonist and
finally stopped. The surgical procedure was restarted anticholinesterase. Bradycardia exaggerated during
after creating pneumoperitonium to intra-abdonimal hypothermia or during vagotonic procedures such as
pressure between 13-14 mmHg and the surgery lasted laryngoscopy and following large or rapid bolus doses
for two-hours, no further VE were observed. At the of DEX.[5] DEX is reported to be useful for treatment
end of surgery, neuromuscular blockade was reversed and prevention of intra-operative and post-operative
with neostigmine 50 µg/kg and glycopyrrolate 10 µg/kg. tachyarrhythmias during cardiac surgery in pediatric
The trachea was extubated and the patient was shifted patients.[5,6] Chrysostomou et al.,[6] reported successful
to postoperative anesthesia care unit for monitoring. management of atrial and junctional tachyarrhythmias
Postoperatively, her 12 lead ECG was similar to the during perioperative period in congenital cardiac
preoperative one. She was shifted to ward in evening surgeries. LeReiger et al.,[5] also reported successful
and discharged on 3rd postoperative day. management of a case of junctional ectopic tachycardia
during tetralogy of Fallot repair with high doses of
The VEs are bizarre ECG complexes triggered by an dexmedetomidine. They described antiarrhythmic
ectopic focus. The incidence of VE in clinically normal properties of DEX as secondary to stimulation of
population is 1% as detected by a standard ECG α2A-adrenergic receptors in the dorsal motor nucleus
and 40-75% as detected by 24-48 hours ambulatory of the vagus nerve thereby increasing vagal efferent
ECG recordings.[1] The presence of more than 5 VE output to the myocardium. However, occurrence of VE
in one minute is said to increase cardiac risk in during perioperative infusion of intravenous DEX is
the perioperative period. [2] There is an increased not reported in literature.We are unable to explain the
potential for ventricular fibrillation or intraoperative mechanism of occurrence of VE in this case. However,
cardiac asystole.[2,3] Pre-existing heart disease is a after exclusion of all other known causes and temporal
known cause of perioperative cardiac arrhythmia. association of disappearance of VE with stopping of the
Laparoscopy and pneumoperitonium has been DEX infusion, we believe that DEX may be the cause
described to be associated with occurrence of sinus of intra-operative VE in our otherwise healthy patient.
tachycardia and VE due to release of catecholamines.[4]
Bradyarrhythmias (sinus bradycardia, atrio-ventricular Divya Srivastava, Sohan L. Solanki1,
dissociation and asystole) has also been described Krishna Pradhan, Prabhat K. Singh
in relation to laparoscopy and pneumoperitonium Department of Anaesthesiology, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate
due to vagal mediated cardiovascular reflexes, Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, 1Anaesthesiology, Critical
Care and Pain, Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, India
precipitated by stretching of peritoneum. [4] In the
Address for correspondence:
present case, VE persisted despite the decompression Dr. Sohan Lal Solanki,
of pneumoperitonium. Airway obstruction, hypoxia, Department of Anaesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain,
Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, India.
hypercarbia, low inspiratory oxygen fraction, and E-mail:
inhalational agent halothane are associated with
occurrence of ventricular arrhythmias. [3] Light plane of REFERENCES
anesthesia and inadequate analgesia are other causes
of intra-operative VE and arrhythmias. [3] Depth of 1. Kennedy HL, Whitlock JA, Sprague MK, Kennedy LJ, Buckingham TA,
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Letters to Editor

2. Goldman L, Caldera DL, Nussbaum SR, Southwick FS, Krogstad D, tachyarrhythmias during the perioperative period for congenital cardiac
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3. Ganny AS, Aguma SA. Intraoperative ventricular bigeminy: Report of
5 cases. Ann Afr Med 2005;4:72-82. Access this article online
4. Myles PS. Bradyarrhythmias and laparoscopy: A prospective study
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of heart rate changes with laparoscopy. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol
5. LeRiger M, Naguib A, Gallantowicz M, Tobias JD. Dexmedetomidine PMID:
controls junctional ectopic tachycardia during Tetralogy of Fallot repair ***

in an infant. Ann Card Anaesth 2012;15:224-8.

6. Chrysostomou C, Beerman L, Shiderly D, Berry D, Morell VO, Munoz R. 10.4103/0971-9784.105379
Dexmedetomidine: A novel drug for the treatment of atrial and junctional

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