Appendix IV Algae Percent Cover Standard & Identification Sheets

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Seagrass-Watch Manual for Mapping & Monitoring Seagrass Resources by community (citizen) volunteers

Appendix IV
Appendix IV. Algae percent cover standard
& identification sheets

page 85
Algal percent cover standards

2% 5%

12% 15%

25% 40%

60% 85%
Algal percent cover standards

5% 12%

15% 30 %


Algal Identification Sheet

Halimeda Spp
Halimeda sp. Padina sp.

Ceratodicton sp. in association

with a sponge (Green Sponge)
Digenea sp (worm weed)

Laurencia sp. Laurencia sp

Lyngbya Sargassum sp.

Cited from Crib, A.b. (1996). Seaweeds of Queensland - A Naturalists Guide.

Algal Identification Sheet

H. DISC-Halimedia sp H. CYL-H. cylindrica

CAUL-Caulerpa sp

DSPH-Dictyosphaeria sp.

COD-Codium sp.

COD.SP--Codium spongiosum

BOE-Boergesenia sp.

ULV-Ulva sp.

Cited from Crib, A.b. (1996). Seaweeds of Queensland - A Naturalists Guide.

Algal Identification Sheet

DICTY-Dictyota sp. PAD- Padina sp.

TURB-Turbinara sp.

CYS-Cystoseira sp.

COLP-Colpomenia SAR-Sargassum sp.

ACE-Acetabularia sp.

NEO-Neomeris sp

Cited from Crib, A.b. (1996). Seaweeds of Queensland - A Naturalists Guide.

Algal Identification Sheet

JAN-Jania sp. ENC RED-Encrusting reds

LAU-Laurencia sp. LAU- Laurencia sp.

GS-Ceratodicton sp. in
association with a green sponge DIG-Digenea sp.

G.FIL-Green filamentous algae

B.FIL- Brown filamentous algae

Cited from Crib, A.b. (1996). Seaweeds of Queensland - A Naturalists Guide.
Seagrass-Watch Manual for Mapping & Monitoring Seagrass Resources by community (citizen) volunteers

page 92

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