Woodcock Johnson CompleteTest-2

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Woodcock-Johnson® III NU Complete

Type: Two distinct, co-normed batteries

Purpose: Provides a comprehensive system for
measuring general intellectual ability,
specific cognitive abilities, scholastic
aptitude, oral language, and academic
Authors: achievement.
Richard W. Woodcock,
Kevin S. McGrew, and Ages: 2 to 90+ years
Nancy Mather Times: Varies, about 5 minutes per test; Cognitive
Standard 7 tests (35–45 minutes);
Achievement Standard 11 tests (55–65
Scoring: The WJIII NU Compuscore and Profiles ®

Program Program quickly converts raw

scores to derived scores to meet all basic
scoring and reporting needs. The Woodcock
Interpretation and Instructional
Interventions Program (WIIIP ) is an expert
™ ™

system for interpreting test results that

expands on the benefits of Compuscore by
providing direct links between assessment
results and evidence-based interventions.
Restriction High; Examiner Qualifications
Product Details > Overview | Validity | Reliability | Discrepancies



The Woodcock-Johnson III NU contains two distinct, co-normed batteries: the WJ III NU Tests of

Achievement and the WJ III NU Tests of Cognitive Abilities. Both batteries are appropriate for ages 2

to 90+, and together provide a comprehensive system for measuring general intellectual ability (g),

specific cognitive abilities, scholastic aptitude, oral language, and achievement.

While tests are the basic administration components of the WJ III NU, test interpretation is based

primarily on clusters of tests. Cluster interpretation results in higher validity because scores are based

on a broad, multifaceted picture of each ability instead of on a single, narrow ability.


Professionals use the WJ III NU to:

 Diagnose learning disabilities

 Determine discrepancies

 Plan educational programs

 Plan individual programs

 Assess growth

 Provide psychometric training

 Provide guidance in educational and clinical settings

 Conduct research



Two important aspects of a test’s validity are: 1) how closely its norming sample represents the

population to which the test results will be compared, and 2) how carefully the data were gathered

from that sample. The original WJ III sample was selected to represent, within practical limits, the

U.S. population from ages 24 months to 90+ years. Normative data for the test were gathered from

more than 8,800 subjects in more than 100 geographically diverse communities in the United States.

Individuals were randomly selected within a stratified sampling design that controlled for 10 specific

community and individual variables and 13 socio-economic status variables. The sample consisted of

1,143 preschool subjects; 4,784 kindergarten through twelfth-grade subjects; 1,165 college and

university subjects; and 1,843 adult subjects.

The WJ III NU uses continuous-year norms to yield normative data at 10 points in each grade. It

provides age-based norms by month from ages 24 months to 90+ years. And it provides grade-based

norms for kindergarten through 12th grade, 2-year college, and 4-year college, including graduate

The WJ III NU is a highly accurate and valid diagnostic system because the two batteries were co-

normed and based on a single sample. When tests are co-normed, examiners obtain actual

discrepancies and avoid errors typically associated with estimated discrepancies.



Most of the WJ III NU tests show strong reliabilities of .80 or higher; several are .90 or higher. The WJ

III NU interpretive plan is based on cluster interpretation. The WJ III NU clusters show strong

reliabilities, most at .90 or higher.


The WJ III NU is especially useful for identifying and documenting ability/achievement discrepancies

and intra-ability variations. The ability/achievement discrepancy is the most commonly used method

of evaluating an individual’s eligibility for special programs. Professionals can obtain

ability/achievement discrepancies by administering both the Cognitive and the Achievement batteries.

The WJ III NU provides three types of ability/achievement discrepancies - general intellectual ability to

achievement, predicted achievement to achievement, and oral language to achievement.

The oral language to achievement discrepancy is a new measure offered only in the WJ III NU. For the

first time, professionals can calculate an ability/achievement discrepancy using only the achievement

battery. The Oral Language–Extended cluster, which used to be in the cognitive battery, can now be

used as the "ability" score and compared with a subject’s achievement score. This measure is

particularly useful for reading and other oral language professionals. The WJ III NU also provides

intra-ability variations, which include intra-achievement variations, intra-cognitive variations, and

intra-individual variations. Information gathered from intra-ability variations helps professionals to

determine an individual’s strengths and weaknesses, diagnose and document language and learning

disabilities, and make intervention plans.

The intra-individual variations procedure has several advantages over traditional

aptitude/achievement discrepancy procedures. It provides a more comprehensive evaluation because

examiners can analyze a variety of scores across cognitive and achievement clusters. The intra-

achievement variations procedure examines the difference between an individual’s achievement score

in a particular area with a prediction estimated based on an average of all other achievement areas to

help professionals to identify learning disabilities, pinpoint specific problems, and choose the most

appropriate intervention for an individual. The procedure is also particularly useful for identifying

learning disabilities early, before a child fails in school.


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