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Ms. Haacke & Mr.

Billington Algebra 1 – Syllabus 2018-2019


Textbook: Algebra 1 (HMH) - Access through BCPSOne

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Click on Digital Content and scroll down to Grades 6 – 12.
Look for the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt icon.

Course Topics
• Linear Functions and Models • Quadratic Functions
• Exploring Linear Relationships • Data Analysis
• Exponential Functions

Course Requirements and Procedures

Required Materials
• Math Binder (1’ or 1 ½”) or section • Pencils (no pen) and erasers
• Lined Paper • Highlighters or colored pencils
• Ruler • Calculator (TI-83, TI-84, or Desmos)

Grading Policy: Our BCPS gradebook for Algebra 1 will include the following categories:
• Practice
• Graded:
✓ Minor Assignments (70%) – Redo option may be available
✓ Major Assignments (30%) – No redo available

Drills (warm-up): Drill will be assigned at the beginning of each class. When you enter the classroom,
you are expected to begin working on your drill which may or may not be collected.

Classwork: Class assignments will be completed both individually and cooperatively with other
students in order for the teacher to provide feedback. You are expected to complete each task
although these may be considered “practice” assignments in the gradebook. Classwork assignments
may take the form of a quick check, exit ticket, group task, etc. and will be collected and graded
frequently. Each classwork paper must be neat, completed in pencil, and include a proper heading.

Homework: Homework will be assigned during each class, and will be discussed the subsequent class
period. Homework will be checked often and will receive one of the following scores:
0 points = Assignment was not at least 75% complete
1 point = Assignment was more than 75% but less than 100% complete or completed to
expectation after the due date
2 points = Assignment was complete on time to expectation
Homework grades will be included in the “practice” category. Homework quizzes will be given
periodically to be included in the “graded” category. During these quizzes, students will not be
permitted to use their notes, textbook or other resources.

Quizzes: Individual quizzes will be given frequently. They will range in value depending on difficulty and
content being covered. All quizzes will be included in the “graded” category as a minor assignment.

Tests: Chapter/Unit Tests will be given at the completion of each unit. These assignments will fall
under the “graded” category as a major assignment.

Redos: Not all assignments are eligible for a redo. Eligible assignments will be identified prior to
completion of the assignment. Redos may only be done one time. In order to qualify for a redo,
students must have completed all related work, both graded and practice.

Redos will not be available once the summative assessment for that chapter/unit has been given. Also,
redos will not be available during the last week of each quarter.

General Information

Class participation, preparation, and attention will be expected. It is important that you come to every
class prepared by having attempted the homework, both to ask questions and to contribute to the
solution of the homework and classwork exercises. Prompt attention to class discussions and
assignments is both necessary and expected.

Student devices should be brought to class daily, charged and ready for use. All technology, including
BCPS issued devices and cell phones, should be used only when permission is given by the teacher. It is
expected that students will follow all BCPS policies regarding proper use. Failure to do so will result in
consequences laid out in the student handbook.

Absent work is your responsibility. You are expected to gather any assignments that were missed
while you were absent. Per BCPS Rule 5120, when returning from an unexcused absence, “teachers are
not required to provide make-up work to students”.

Enrichment hour is offered for academic reasons only (studying, asking questions, discuss grades, or
working on homework). Do not wait until the test date to ask for help.

Communication – the best way to get in touch with me and receive the quickest response is via email
COMPLETE THIS PAGE AND RETURN BY September 6th (A Day) and September 7th (B Day)

Student Name ___________________________________________________

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the policies and expectations for
this Algebra I course.

_____________________________________________ ________________
Student Signature Date

____________________________________________ ________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Contact Info – Please Print Legibly

Parent/Guardian Name(s): Email Address(es):

_________________________________________ _____________________________________

_________________________________________ _____________________________________

Phone Number: _______________________________

Preferred Method of Communication? __________________________________________

Extra-Curricular activities in which you plan to participate:

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