Resign Catalogue 2010

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Resign is a methodology of job founded in 2007 by Andrea
Magnani and Giovanni Delvecchio for all the designers who
believes in magic and symbolic value of things.

Such methodology is mainly based on: 1) Channelling wide-

spread creativity into meaning paths that can be easily shared.
2) The importance, in a sense of identity and symbolic capital,
of the existence of a network full of relations. 3) The necessity
of review the design methods looking towards sustainability.
The heart of the methodology is in the Lab. A space where
experimenting the “Bottega 2.0” model based on the work of
condivision of knowledge, on craftmanship and on the creation
of firm relations. In this place the “resigners” have the possibil-
ity to make products and projects from a selection of recovered
materials. Working with different materials allows to re-discov-
er the value of things combining them in new objects with a
high intellectual and symbolic value. So, the results are seminal
or magic objects or just a new way to thinking about design.

In concrete Resign is composed by a Lab and a Network of rela-

tions, based on the strategic importance of skills complemen-
tarity. The Network provides the Lab with inputs, in terms of
learning, human and material resources, necessary to under-
take the following activities/services:

- Research, physical and intellectual production of the Lab

- Professional advice and design, Door to door designer
- Education, Resign Game, Free Objects
- Training, Resign Academy, open lab, workshop or stage
Bottega 2.0
“Shav’ah o Shoah”
Andrea Magnani
€ on demand
Antonello Fusè
€ 35
Maximiliano Romero is a Magical object designed by Andrea Magnani.
The mirror was first signed and then broken by Maximiliano Romero during a
magic ritual. The 52 fragments were then isolated and transformed into real
amulets through branding support. Now on sale for 4 euros smaller pieces, up to
400 euros for the largest and most powerful.

“Maximiliano Romero”
Andrea Magnani
from 4 to 400 €
“Maximiliano Romero”
Andrea Magnani
400 €
“Di Corte”
Magnani & Delvecchio
320 €
“One divided by two”
Andrea Magnani
415 €
“La chiave nel cassetto”
Giovanni Delvecchio
1700 €
Andrea Magnani
900 €
Delvecchio & Magnani
250 €
Giovanni Delvecchio
99 €
Damiani & Magnani
400 €
“Object magique numero 1”
Andrea Magnani
3000 €

Object magique numero 1 is a magical object designed and created by Andrea

Magnani. Symbolizes the dichotomy between good and evil. It ‘was loaded with
magic powers through a ritual where you can watch the video below.
Now turning the table to rotate their day in positive to negative or vice versa.
“Table, please don’t sit”
Andrea Magnani
1200 €
“Nine inch nails II°”
Magnani & Delvecchio
120 €
“5,851 executions were carried out in 2007”
Andrea Magnani
150 €
“10&12 September”
Giovanni Delvecchio
210 €
Matteo Dati
125 €
“Ex Nouveaux°”
Elisabetta Amatori
300 €
“Il prezzo fa parte del progetto”
Giovanni Delvecchio
€ variable
Giovanni Delvecchio
200 €
“Mario Bruzzo”
Giovanni Delvecchio
303 €
Andrea Magnani
250 €
Giovanni Delvecchio
790 €
Andrea Magnani
666 €
Antonello Fusè
15 €
Antonello Fusè
€ 45
Antonello Fusè
€ 30
“Roby Baggio”
Antonello Fusè
65 €
Resign Academy
second edition
“Pangea e Panthalassa, il mondo dentro”
Michela Monachesi
350 €
Enrico Salis
700 €
“Luciano, Josè e Domingo”
Cristian Cicchinè
140 €
Nicole Oreel
600 €
Valerio Ciampicacigli
1100 €
Francesco Maestri
100, 150, 200 €
Silvia Ramalli
70 €
“Take away jill”
Silvia Ramalli
550 €
Matteo Giustozzi
170 €
Zoeli Rota
400 €
Zoeli Rota
300 €
Service “Congelatore di ricordi”
Cristian Cicchinè
€ on demand

“Freezers of memories” is a service that offers the possibility to

transform the objects of his life in memorabilia. Who wants to freeze
its contacts Cristian Cicchinè to this email:
Simone Bartolucci
€ on demand
Resign Academy
first edition
Francesco Pace
€ on demand
Francesco Pace
€ on demand
Antonello Fusè
€ on demand
Marina Renzi
€ on demand
Francesco Pace
€ on demand
“Saldo con l’asta”
Nicolò Valenti
€ on demand
Marina Renzi
€ on demand
“Les Luise”
Rossella Valenti
€ on demand
Matteo Zamboni
€ on demand
“Grandi pieni e grandi vuoti”
Fabiana Grasso
€ on demand
“The monastery gold”
Silvia Pieraccini
€ on demand
Hilde Sofie Noreld Olaisen
€ on demand
Door to door designer
side specific & ad personam design
Where does garbage came from? Who leave it away?
Every object has an owner who loved it for a minute or for his
all life. Every object lived in a house, in a world full of history,
in which it playied a particular role, both as main part or just a
walk-on. Resign presents “door to door designer”. The door to
door designer acts just in time, before the desertedness of the
objects, before that the usury of boredom and of the habit let
their beauty been forgotten. By acting into the original places
of the refusal (houses, stores, offices, factories, etc). The door to
door designer changes the course of their history, by transform-
ing it in a new and unique object of Resign.

The door to door designer re-uses objects through a strong

relationship with the client, (ad personam), analysing necessi-
ties of his property, (site specific). On our site it is possible to
contact the desired designer, while it is possible to become a
“door to door” designer through the online Form.

Find and contact in our web-site your favourite designer from

these list: Giovanni Delvecchio, Andrea Magnani, Elisabetta Am-
atori, Antonello Fusè, Andrea Damiani, Mariaelena Gianmoena,
Alessandro Masturzo, Alice Leonardi, Marco Merulla, Arcangelo
Favata, Francesco Martinelli, Luca Albero, Matteo Zamboni,
Mattia Menegatti, Pino Incredix e Valerio Ciampicacigli.
Door to door design: Andrea Magnani
Museum hauses “Ravaioli & Visani” in Faenza
Door to door design: Giovanni Delvecchio
Museum hauses “Castellino & Stella” in Firenze
“Forme uniche della continuità del tempo”
Door to door design: Magnani & Delvecchio
Museum hauses “Simone Ravaioli” in Faenza
“Wind cube” & “Light circle”
Door to door design: Andrea Magnani
Museum hauses “Marzia Lodi” in Firenze
Reality curator
public art
“There are no signed works in the ordinary sense or agreement
that works produced by anonymous authors. The society recog-
nizes that the surname of the author is often unknown, it does
not know what social subject has produced the work. But such
a work exists only in extent that it is signed, to the extent that
someone says that there is work. There is a signature - we don’t
know the name of the person who produced it - but the work itself
is the attestation of a signature. But it is the attestation of a signa-
ture only if people come and say we have something interesting”.
Jacques Derrida

The reality curator proposes a Copernican revolution in the

world of contemporary art by removing the artist. This propo-
sition redefined art as a form of value that born in any place
and in complete autonomy. From these considerations we can
see how the whole entire universe is “open” in a huge museum
where you can find a lot of anonymous works. It then makes a
strong change of perspective applied to all reality.

The practice of curatorship of reality is open to anyone follow-

ing a request to our e-mail address:
Free objects
public design
Free objects are a practice through which an object, on which
an “Oggetto libero” sticker is applied, gets liberated from prop-
erty. The process is in 6 steps:

1) Finding the material to work on

Look in drawers, basements, ecc., for objects that you
need not.
2) Property cancellation
Apply the “Oggetto Libero” sticker so to free the object
from individual property.
3) Market immission
Install the free object in a desired angle of your city, or
donate it to a friend, maybe using existing platforms
such as
4) Discovery or gift
Once found a free object, anyone could do with it as
prefered, as long as they do not exercise property.
5) Re-elaboration
Once found or accepted as a gift, the object has to be
modified in some way. This way it will show a a mes-
sage or simply a sign of it’s life.
6) Re-immission
Once modified it’s life continues by repeating the op-
eration from point 3. If someone sees a free object he
has the right to take it away to use it in any way.

Andrea Magnani
+39 339 3022824
Giovanni Delvecchio
+39 329 0966687

Via Mura Mittarelli, 34

48018 Faenza RA Italy

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