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An International Journal
Aquacu/tural Engineering aims to provide a forum for the presentation of original work, interpretative
reviews and discussions on the latest developments in aquacultural engineering. The scope is wide and no
limitation, except relevance to aquacultural engineering, is imposed on the subject matter of the papers.
Emphasis is placed on fundamental research, the development of engineering methods and the application
of ideas which may not necessarily be novel in themselves, but which have not before been applied to
aquacultural engineering problems. It isthe policy of the journal to encourage intercommunication between
biologists, engineers, economists and marketing people, in fact, all w h o have a common interest in
aquacultural engineering.

Types of contributions
Original papers Comments
Review articles Book reviews
Survey papers Letters to the Editor
Short communications

S u b m i s s i o n o f papers
Manuscripts for consideration can be sent to the Editor, to a local member of the Editorial Board for
submission to the Editor, or to the publisher.

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Four issues per v o l u m e - - o n e volume per year (16"5 x 24 cm). Subscription price for 1982 (Volume 1 ) :
U K, £43.00; USA and Canada, £47.00; Elsewhere, £50.00. All prices include postage and packing.
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authors concerned.


Mr K. R. Murray, Department of Chemical and Process Dr M. G. Poxton= Department of Brewing and Biological
Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Chambers Street, Sciences,Heriot-Watt University, Chambers Street,
Edinburgh EH1 1HX, Scotland (Editor). Edinburgh EH1 1HX, Scotland.
Professor D. E. Brune, Department of Agriculture Dr G. Ravagnan, Via Euganea29, 35100 Padova,Italy.
Engineering, University of California, Davis, California
95616, USA. Professor H. Rosenthal, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, 2
Professor N. O. Christensen, Ambulatory Clinic and C a n - Hamburg50, Palmaille9, West Germany,
tral Clinical Laboratory, Royal Veterinary Agriculture
College, Bulowsvej 13, DK-1870, Copenhagen V, Dr P. Sorgeloos, Artemia Reference Center, State Univer-
Denmark. sity of Ghent, J. Plateaustraat22 B-9000 Ghent, Belgium.
Dr R. E. Drinnan, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Professor Dr K. Tiews, Bundesforschungsanstalt for
Bolts Postale550, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2S7, Canada. Fischerei,Institut f~r K0sten-Und Binnenfischerei, 2
Professor R. W. Edwards, Departmentof Applied Biology, Hamburg50, Palmaille9, West Germany.
University of Wales Institute of Science & Technology,
King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff CFI 3NU, W a l e s . Professor Y. Uno, Department of Mariculture, Tokyo
University of Fisheries, 4-5-7 Konan, Minato-Ku, Tokyo
Professor J. Katoh, Department of Marine Environmental 108, Japan.
Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Fisheries,
4-5-7 Konan, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 108, Japan. Professor P. Walker, University of Illinois, Colleges of
Dr N. Kerr, White Fish Authority, Sea Fisheries House, 10 Agricultureand Engineering, Department of Agricultural
Young Street, Edinburgh EH2 4JQ, Scotland. Engineering, 202 Agricultural Engineering Building,
Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA.
Mr B. T. Linfoot, Departmentof Civil EnglneeHng,Herlot-
Watt University, Riccarton Campus, Currie, Edinburgh 14, Professor J. Wang, University of Hawaii at Manoa, College
Scotland. of Tropical Agriculture, Department of Agriculture
Mr D. Moiler, institute of Marine Research, Directorate of Engineering,3050 Maile Way, Honolulu, Hawaii 95822,
Fisheries, P. Box 2906, 5011 Bergen, Nordnes, Norway. USA.
Professor G. M. Pigott, College of Fisheries, Institute for Professor F. Wheaton, Department of Agricultural
Food Science and Technology,Universityof Washington, Engineering, University of Maryland, College of
Seattle, Washington 98195, USA. Agriculture, College Park 20742, USA.

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