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Scientific Notation: Adding and Subtracting

1. Exponents must be the same or the operation cannot be performed. If the

exponents do not agree, change the decimal and the power of ten notation of
either number so as to agree with the other.
2. Add or subtract the number.
3. Keep the same power of ten.


4.2 x 103 = 420 x 101 (Use correct scientific notation and

+ 2 x 10 1
= 2 x 101 also use the correct number of
(CANNOT DO) 422 x 101 = 4.2 x103 significant figures.)

3.3 x 101 = 3.3 x 101

- 7.23 x 10 = 0.0723 x 101
(CANNOT DO) 3.2277 x 101 = 3.2 x 101

Scientific Notation: Multiplying and Dividing

1. Multiply the numbers.
2. Add the exponents for the power of ten.

Example: (3.0201 x 102)(2.0 x 101) = 6.0 x 103

(Use correct number of significant figures. Use correct scientific
Note: If a power of ten is not expressed, it is understood to be 100, which
equals 1. Thus, 4.0 is understood to be 4.0 x 100.

1. Divide the numbers as in any division problem.
2. Subtract the denominator power of ten exponent from the numerator power of ten

Example: 6.0830 x 104 = 3.52 x 102

1.73 x 102

(Use correct number of significant figures. Use correct scientific


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