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9/14/2018 Annex 11: Calculation example for the design of a sand trap

Planning of Water and Hydropower Intake Structures (GTZ, 1989, 122 p.)
Annex 1: Hydrometric and hydrometeorological measuring instruments
Annex 2: Flood probability calculation according to the recommendations of the DVWK (1979)
Annex 3: Calculation example for a free overfall over a wooden beam weir
Annex 4: Calculation example for a submerged overfall over a wooden beam weir
Annex 5: Calculation example for a discharge over a weir with race door or stilling basin
Annex 6: Calculation example for a straight side weir
Annex 7: Calculation example for the outflow below a dam wall
Annex 8: Calculation example for a bottom intake (Tyrolean weir)
Annex 9: Numerical example of the proof of safety from hydraulic shear failure
Annex 10: Numerical example of the proof of stability against sliding of a fixed weir
Annex 11: Calculation example for the design of a sand trap
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Annex 11: Calculation example for the design of a sand trap

(1) Determination of the grain-size limit

According to the operational requirements, the particle diameter of the suspended matter is
determined which is just to be caused to settle.
In practice, a grain-size limit of 0.2 mm has proved to be suitable (low-head and high-head
power plants). In the case of a head > 100 m and pure quartz sand, dlimit. = 0.05 mm is
selected (exceptional case).

(2) Determination of the flow velocity

The flow velocity vd in the sand trap must not exceed an upper limiting value if the limited grain size is to be deposited. vd = a · d1/2 in cm/s

d = particle diameter a = coefficient as a function of d… 1/6
9/14/2018 Annex 11: Calculation example for the design of a sand trap

a = 36 at d > 1 mm

a = 44 at 0.1 mm < d < 1 mm

a = 51 at d < 0.1 mm

for d = 0.2 mm:

® vd = 44 = 19.7 cm/s

In practice, for a limited grain size of 0.2 mm, a flow velocity of

vd = 0.2 m/s

has proved to be suitable.

(3) Determination of sand trap dimensions

- Length of sand trap:

in m

with L = effective settling length in m

h = settling depth in m

vd = flow velocity in m/s

vS = sinking velocity of the limited grain size in m/s according to Fig. 1,… 2/6
9/14/2018 Annex 11: Calculation example for the design of a sand trap

in dependence upon gS / gW

gS = specific weight of the particles

gW = specific weight of water e.g. for sand: s = 2.7… 3/6
9/14/2018 Annex 11: Calculation example for the design of a sand trap

Fig. 1: Sinking velocity of spherical particles in stilled water at 10 °C. (At other water temperatures, the values in the range of Stokes' law are to be
multiplied by v/(1.31 · 10-2).) Source [12]

Note: If the denominator is negative, other conditions will have to be selected. Settling is then not possible.

- Width of sand trap:

in m

td = L / vd in s

with Q = discharge in m³/s

td = time of passage in s

In order to achieve a uniform approach of the water over the whole chamber width, the transition section is to be designed according to Fig. 2.… 4/6
9/14/2018 Annex 11: Calculation example for the design of a sand trap

The selected settling depth is h = 1 m with limited grain size = 0.2 mm

vd = 0.2 m/s
s = 2.7 ® vs = 2.8 cm/s
a = 12º

Fig. 2

Determination of B:… 5/6
9/14/2018 Annex 11: Calculation example for the design of a sand trap

B = (Q td )/ (L · h) with td = L / vd = 10 / 0.2 = 50 s

® B = (1 · 50s )/ (10 · 1) = 5 m

Check for the sand trap dimensions:

i.e. l is too long.

New choice of the sand trap width:

h = 1.5 m

® L = 0.2 · 1.5 = 15 m

B = 1 · 74s / (15 · 1.5) = 3.33 m td = 15 / 0.2 = 75s


with a= 14°

As a result, the sand trap dimensions are selected as follows:

L = 15 m
h = 1.5 m
B = 3.4 m
1 = 4.7 m
a = 14º… 6/6

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