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Hippocratic Oath

Basis of Law Answer: Divine or universal law

Evidence: “I swear by Apollo the Healer, by
Asclepius...and by all the Gods and

To whom does Answer: To the patients he serves

the physician Evidence: “I will use treatment to help the
owe loyalty? sick”

Doing harm to
a patient is...



Duty to

Standard of

Rewards for
keeping oath

for violating


Role of

“What is an oath and why should a physician swear one?” excerpted from Daniel P. Sulmasy
Shopkeepers do not swear oaths about shop keeping. Neither do investors swear oaths about
investment. But in most places in the world, doctors swear oaths about doctoring. I take it that most people
would think it strange to learn that their butcher had sworn the Butcher’s Oath, but would not find it strange
(and might even find it comforting) to learn that their physician had sworn an oath.
Even teachers do not swear oaths before they are allowed to teach. And although medicine certainly
involves teaching of both patients and colleagues, this might suggest that medicine is, in a moral sense,
qualitatively different from teaching. Artists and craftsmen do not swear oaths about artistry. And although
medicine is aptly described as a healing art, this might suggest that medicine is, in a moral sense, qualitatively
different from artistry. Finally, one should note that scientists do not swear oaths about science. And although
medicine is aptly described as a science as well as an art, this might suggest that medicine, in a moral sense, is
something qualitatively different from applied science.

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