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Discipline is essential in the area of education for having a good organization in the schools

and also, it facilitates the teaching-learning process. Discipline in the schools is a difficult task
for teacher mainly in the classroom because most of the teenagers tend to have a bad behavior
due to they live in streets, spend their free time as gangsters or spend a lot of time outside
without any control of their parents; as a result, when they go to the schools, they see that it is
a good place for fighting, stealing, selling drugs, etc. therefore, their task is to intimidate the
teachers for getting great scores and the rules of the schools are violated as for instance in the
movie “lean on me”, a group of criminal were the head of the problems that influence the other
students causing a disaster in the school.
A bad behavior could be presented in several ways such as smoking, fighting, stealing, making
bullying and others, so in schools should have a committee of discipline that teacher and
students could participate in order to create a better environments in the
classroom. “Research shows that getting suspended or expelled increases students’ risk
for falling into unproductive behavior, affecting their social-emotional development,
academic performance, and life trajectories.” (American Institutes for Research, 2018)
therefore, punishment as suspended or expelled is not the best option, so the teachers
have to look for strategies to control discipline.
To conclude, discipline is an important factor in education and teachers have to give
their best to control students in schools for a better academic performance although it is
difficult, but schools have to look for positive approaches as in the movie in which the
students made an activity as punishment for a bad behavior and assigning activities that
they liked.
School Discipline. (2018, March 02). Retrieved April 19, 2018, from

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