DNT - Special Trademark' Events

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DnT – Special ‘Trademark’ Events

Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1
The Mentor Arc. ............................................................................................................................................ 1
A Peculiar Bargain. ........................................................................................................................................ 2
A Terrible Curse............................................................................................................................................. 2
The Legendary Artefact................................................................................................................................. 2
Examples of Legendary Artefacts:............................................................................................................. 3
The Spring of Rejuvenation (Magical Healing): ..................................................................................... 3
The Gaping Skull (Talk with Corpses) ((Evil Artifact)):........................................................................... 3
The Trumpet of Hearing (Omnilinguism): ............................................................................................. 3

There are some events which affect the plot too deeply just to be spontaneous, these are ‘trademark’

How About a Theme Song.

Perhaps by the second session, I should ask a player to come up with a theme song to start every

The Mentor Arc.

The Mentor is the second most important character after the Players. Some interpretations come to
mind :

 The Lord (or The Boss):

A lord related to the plot directly (as a member of an ancient house or order) which either fights
the species of the final boss or is ordained to kill it. Or perhaps a lord not directly related to the
plot which is simply seeking service from the players.

This version makes the mentor more involved. Maybe only the Lord can kill the final boss.
Perhaps he is a Fighter or Assassin (or Wizard) and the DM keeps a Player Sheet of them. Then,
some missions should involve making the Lord stronger for the final Boss, or give them the
ability to defeat the boss. If it is the Lord which as to beat the final boss, all the players should
control him.

 The Sage (Counsellor):

A creature very wise and intelligent which guides the Players but only interferes behind the
I. A Wizard (perhaps even Waagi) which guides the players into their task and manages
most of the research, or most of the alchemy (hey, perhaps they have an healing potion
for each mission), or most of the Lore and Artefacts tracking.
II. A Spy Master if the players are in a clandestine operation. They would teach tradecraft
and ensure the security of the operation (ward off intruders, bribe officials, clean up
bodies, break out the players, manage the estate).

A Peculiar Bargain.
Too many missions revolve around money or resources, but sometimes strange bargains should happen.
Ex: Players help a villager and get a cattle as a reward.

Basically a peculiar bargain is giving a reward which leads into another adventure in reaction to the

A Terrible Curse.
The Players either are spared in an encounter against the final boss or they have meddled with
something dangerous and survived.

Although the network is not destroyed, the players have suffered a great loss.

I. They lose their soul.

II. They become undead.
III. They make a pact with the devil.
IV. They are marked by a visible curse.
V. They have a limited amount of time to live.
VI. They lose all magical ability.
VII. They become mortally weak to something.
VIII. They are haunted by a terrible entity.
IX. They all develop a different illness.

The Legendary Artefact.

Early on, perhaps as part of the first or second quest, or through some other means, the players should
be given a powerful magical item, which will undoubtedly shape the rest of the adventure.

The magical item should not affect combat too much, instead it should give the players an edge against
the opposition.

Some powers come to mind:

 Invisibility
 Teleportation
 Magical Mapping Ability
 Proximity Sensor
 Evil / Danger Sensor
 See Through Walls
 Flight
 Travel in between planes
 Telepathy
 “Horcrux” type object*
 Magical Healing*
 Talk with corpses*
 Omnilinguism (know all languages) *
 Weather control
 Wall Crawling
 Divination
 Echolocation
 Mind Control

Examples of Legendary Artefacts:

The Spring of Rejuvenation (Magical Healing):

The Player’s HQ or a known location is house to an ancient spring which can cure any ailment except for
natural aging (and decay). The water loses all properties if it is removed from the spring. It allows the
players to save each other and others by taking them to the source. Perhaps the opposition ends up
finding the spring too and it becomes a double-edged sword.

Overall seems like an interesting plot device and, makes for a place the players are sure to visit often.

The Gaping Skull (Talk with Corpses) ((Evil Artifact)):

The Gaping Skull is a dark artifact which could lead the players to do things most foul. If one inserts a
tongue (not too decomposed) in the mouth of the skull, they can talk to the skull as if talking to the
owner of the tongue. The tongue is not forced to cooperate or tell the truth.

 You can preserve and reuse tongues.

 Usually even the most decomposed tongues can at least talk briefly (for the long deceased).

The Trumpet of Hearing (Omnilinguism):

A hearing trumpet you put to you hear and in allows to understand any language. Anyone can have
conversation is they pass the trumpet to one-another.

Powerful Scattered Artifacts Quest: (a.k.a. The Deathly Hallows)

Perhaps one of the straight forwards way of defeating the final boss is to realise and “holy” quest (Grail
style) or a quest for power “deathly hallows style”. The quest is in the form of a story, perhaps sung by a
bard, or even sung by the player’s bard, then the players come aware of people searching for these
artifacts and finally they themselves launch into the quest.

The artifacts should be relatively straight forwards to identify and combine into emerging powers.

Maybe a Wand of Destiny?

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