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ME - 240


Spring 2014

Text: William D. Callister, David Rithwisch, Class Time: 10:00-10:50

MWF Materials Science and Engineering, An Introduction
8th Ed., John Wiley and Sons, 2010. Location: PS 130

Prerequisite: Chemistry 202 and credit

or concurrent registration in
Engineering Mechanics 200 or 202

Instructor: Dr. K. Morsi Office: E305

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Phone: 619 594 2903
E-mail: Office Hours: 9-11am TTH

Grading :

Three 50 min midterms (Best two count 40% each) 100

Total: 100%

Plus/Minus Grading System will be used for final grade.

The homework is given first and foremost for the benefit of the student in allowing him/her to
acquire practice in solving problems. Homework will contribute to the student’s grade in the
form of bonus points (maximum 3) (see grading policies for more explanation in chapter 1

All course information in addition to this form can be found on blackboard.

Chapters Covered from Text:

Chapters 1-10, 12-14 (partial)

Course Outcomes:
2. an ability to apply knowledge of math, science and engineering.
6. an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.

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