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Chromosoma (1999) 108:384–392

© Springer-Verlag 1999

Homolog pairing and meiotic progression in Coprinus cinereus

Libo Li, Erin E. Gerecke, Miriam E. Zolan
Department of Biology, Indiana University, 1001 East 3rd Street, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA

Received: 4 January 1999; in revised form: 22 June 1999 / Accepted: 20 July 1999

Abstract. We have used fluorescence in situ hybridiza- meiotic cells. The second procedure analyzes pairing
tion to examine homolog pairing during the synchronous within intact nuclei and preserves spatial information
meiosis of the basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus. Using that is lost when the nuclear contents are spread onto a
spread preparations of meiotic nuclei, we confirmed pre- surface. Both of these types of studies have yielded use-
vious studies that showed that at 6 h post-karyogamy es- ful information. For Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it was
sentially all meiotic nuclei are in pachytene. We found found that homologs are paired prior to entry into meio-
that homolog pairing occurs rapidly after karyogamy, sis (Weiner and Kleckner 1994; Kleckner 1996); this is
that a 1 Mb chromosome does not associate more quick- also true for Drosophila melanogaster, in which somatic
ly than a 2.5 Mb chromosome, and that interstitial, sin- pairing of homologs is established by the 14-cell stage
gle-copy sites can associate stably prior to nucleolar fu- of embryogenesis (Hiraoka et al. 1993; Fung et al.
sion. Analysis of two probes for the same pair of homo- 1998). In contrast, homologs are not paired prior to mei-
logs revealed that by 4 h after karyogamy each chromo- osis in Zea mays (Bass et al. 1997) or in Caenorhabditis
some examined was at least partially paired in all meiot- elegans (Dernburg et al. 1998). In humans, mitotic pair-
ic cells. In addition, these studies showed that chromatin ing of some homologous sequences has been demon-
condensation increases after pairing and that chromatin strated (Arnoldus et al. 1989; LaSalle and Lalande
shows stable compaction at pachytene. 1996), but pre-meiotic pairing was not seen in spermato-
gonia (Scherthan et al. 1996).
Several investigations have examined the changes in
Introduction chromosome associations that occur at the onset of mei-
osis. In S. cerevisiae, pre-meiotic S-phase results in the
The function of meiosis is the precise segregation of ho- disruption of homolog pairing, which is rapidly restored
mologous chromosomes. In order to achieve perfect seg- as meiosis begins (Weiner and Kleckner 1994). In both
regation, homologs are brought together, checked for ho- humans and maize, it has been found that chromosomes
mology, and held together as a bivalent, either by the undergo extensive reorganization during early stages of
combined effects of recombination and sister chromatid meiosis (Dawe et al. 1994; Scherthan et al. 1996; Bass et
cohesion or by other stabilizing forces (reviewed in al. 1997).
Kleckner 1996; Roeder 1997; Moore and Orr-Weaver All of the above studies have examined meiosis in or-
1998; Zickler and Kleckner 1998). These associations ganisms that have a stable vegetative diploid form. In
are maintained until anaphase I, when they are released these cases, the transition between mitotic and meiotic
so that homologs may be pulled to opposite poles of the cell cycles is purely regulatory. However, in numerous
meiosis I spindle. fungi there is no vegetative diploid, and karyogamy, or
Recent studies have made use of fluorescence in situ fusion of the two parental nuclei, represents the initia-
hybridization (FISH) to examine homolog pairing in di- tion of meiosis. Thus, in these organisms homolog pair-
verse organisms. Two main approaches have been used. ing is a part of meiosis itself. In addition, if pre-meiotic
In the first, chromosome spreads are analyzed; this pro- DNA replication precedes karyogamy, then homolog as-
cedure allows the facile analysis of large numbers of sociations established during meiosis should be main-
tained without interruption until anaphase I.
The basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus grows vegeta-
Edited by: P. Moens tively as a stable haploid monokaryon or as a stable di-
Correspondence to: M.E. Zolan karyon. Under appropriate conditions, the dikaryon dif-
e-mail: ferentiates and forms fruiting bodies (i.e., mushrooms).

Each mushroom cap contains approximately 10 million ing a BioRad CHEF DRII or CHEF Mapper; Zolan et al. 1992;
meiotic cells, which undergo meiosis synchronously, be- data not shown). Probe 6 represents subtelomeric DNA obtained
ginning with nuclear fusion (Raju and Lu 1970; Seitz et by performing a 32P-labeled primer extension reaction using a
42-mer [(TAACCC)7] designed to amplify from a telomeric re-
al. 1996). Thus, there can be no pre-meiotic homolog gion. The reaction consisted of 10 ng or 200 ng of Okayama-7
pairing in C. cinereus. In order to investigate the process genomic DNA, 1×PCR buffer without MgCl2 (Fisher Scientific),
of homolog pairing after karyogamy, we performed 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.5 µM of the oligonucleotide primer, 0.12 mM
FISH analysis on spread chromosomes at meiotic time- dCTP/dGTP/dTTP, 5% (w/v) acetamide, 1 U Taq DNA polymer-
points representing stages from karyogamy through ase, and 50 nCi of [32P]dATP (ICN). Amplification conditions
pachytene. Our results indicate a rapid association of ho- were as follows: (1) 94°C, 4 min; (2) 92°C, 1 min; (3) 52°C,
1 min; (4) 72°C, 3 min plus 3 s per cycle (40 cycles to step 2); (5)
mologs, which is maintained throughout the extensive 72°C, 6 min (final extension). The labeled product was used to
chromatin condensation of prophase I. probe the chromosome 13-specific library using standard colony
hybridization procedures (Sambrook et al. 1989), as a result of
which cosmids 1G11 and 1H7 were identified and subsequently
Materials and methods isolated. Confirmation of their chromosomal location was ob-
tained by performing FISH using probe 6 in combination with
Strains probe 3, which had previously been mapped to chromosome 13.
Probes for FISH were labeled using nick translation kits, in-
All experiments were performed with two derivative isolates of corporating either biotin-14-dATP (GibcoBRL Life Technologies)
the wild-type C. cinereus strain Java-6 (J6; Binninger et al. 1987), or digoxygenin-11-dUTP (Boehringer Mannheim). Probes were
which had been crossed and then backcrossed four times to a sec- ethanol precipitated and stored at –20°C in 2×SSC, 50% (v/v)
ond wild-type strain, Okayama-7 (Wu et al. 1983). These isolates formamide (Amresco), 10% (w/v) dextran sulfate, and 1 mg/ml
(J6;5-4 and J6;5-5) were mated to one another and induced to salmon sperm DNA. (1×SSC is 0.15 M NaCl, 0.015 M sodium ci-
fruit, following a standard light and temperature regimen (16 h trate.)
light, 8 h dark at 25°C; Zolan et al. 1988).
Fluorescence in situ hybridization
Meiotic chromosome spreads Hybridization and detection methods were based on published
procedures (Scherthan et al. 1992; Weiner and Kleckner 1994;
Meiotic tissue was isolated from mushroom caps at designated McFadden 1995), with modifications. Slides were baked at 65°C
times during meiosis, and chromosome spreads were prepared as for 2–3 h, then incubated with 100 µl of 0.1 mg/ml RNase A
described (Pukkila et al. 1992; Seitz et al. 1996) using Probe-On (Amresco) in 2×SSC at 37°C for 30 min. Slides were washed
Plus positively charged slides (Fisher Scientific). Slides were three times in 2×SSC for 2 min each, and dehydrated in a
dried overnight at room temperature and stored at –20°C until use. 70%–85%–100% ethanol series at room temperature (2 min each).
The slides were then denatured in 2×SSC containing 70% (v/v)
Probes formamide at 70°C for 2 min, dehydrated in a cold (4°C) ethanol
series (70%–95%–100%; 2 min each), acetylated [0.1 M trieth-
DNA probes used for FISH are described in Table 1. Probes were anolamine-HCl (Sigma), pH 8, 0.5% (v/v) acetic anhydride
isolated as overlapping cosmids from chromosome-specific librar- (Fisher)], and washed in 2×SSC at room temperature for 5 min.
ies of Okayama-7 chromosomes 8 and 13 (Zolan et al. 1992), ex- Labeled probes (1 µg of each probe per slide) were denatured at
cept cosmid 202A4, which was isolated from a total genomic cos- 75°C for 5 min and added to the slides. Coverslips were added
mid library (May et al. 1991). To determine the complexity of the and sealed with rubber cement. Slides were incubated in a humidi-
probes, cosmid DNA was digested with restriction enzymes, sub- fied container at 37°C for approximately 36 h.
jected to gel electrophoresis, and, for probes 1–5 and 7, examined Following hybridization, slides were washed in 2×SSC con-
by Southern blot analysis, using the various cosmids as probes taining 50% (v/v) formamide at 37°C for 30 min, followed by two
against the other in the pair (Ramesh 1995 and data not shown). 10 min washes in 2×SSC at 37°C and two 10 min washes in
Confirmation of the chromosomal location of probes 1–5 and 7 0.5×SSC at 50°C. Slides were then blocked with 5% (w/v) BSA
was obtained by using each cosmid as a probe against Southern (Sigma A-3059), 0.1% (v/v) Tween-20 in 4×SSC at room temper-
blots of agarose gels containing separated Okayama-7 chromo- ature for 10 min. Detection of the probes involved incubating
somes. These were obtained by contour-clamped homogeneous slides in 5 µg/ml UltraAvidin-rhodamine (Leinco Technologies) at
electric field separation of agarose-embedded chromosomes (us- 37°C for 30 min, washing three times in 4×SSC, 0.1% (v/v) Triton

Table 1. Probe list. (Chr. chromosome)

Probe number Chromosome DNA probe Complexity Source References

(approx. kb)

1 8 1B11/202A4 66 Chr. 8/9-specific cosmid library Zolan et al. (1992),

Ramesh (1995)
2 8 2G7/3F2 61 Chr. 8/9-specific cosmid library Ramesh (1995)
3 13 1B2/2B9 42 Chr. 13-specific cosmid library This paper
4 13 1B3/3Hl2 56 Chr. 13-specific cosmid library This paper
5 13 1D5/3Dl2 53 Chr. 13-specific cosmid library This paper
6 13 1G11/1H7 36 Chr. 13-specific cosmid library This paper
7 13 1B2/2B9, 185 Chr. 13-specific cosmid library This paper

X-100 at 37°C for up to 10 min each wash, incubating in 5% (v/v)

goat serum (Vector Laboratories) in 2×SSC at room temperature
for 5 min, incubating in 5 µg/µl biotinylated anti-avidin D (Vector
Laboratories) and 10 ng/µl antidigoxygenin-fluorescein Fab frag-
ments (Boehringer Mannheim) at 37°C for 30 min, and washing
in 4×SSC, Triton X-100 at 37°C. Slides were then blocked in 5%
BSA, 0.1% Tween-20 in 4×SSC at room temperature for 5 min,
incubated in 5 µg/ml UltraAvidin-rhodamine and 10 ng/µl anti-flu-
orescein antibodies (Boehringer Mannheim) at 37°C for 30 min,
washed three times in 4×SSC, Triton X-100 at 37°C, incubated
with FITC-conjugated rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulins (1 in
50 dilution of stock in 5% BSA, 0.1% Tween-20 in 4×SSC;
DAKO) at 37°C for 30 min, and finally washed with 4×SSC, Tri-
ton X-100 at 37°C. Slides were mounted in Vectashield + 4’,6-di-
amidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) (Vector Laboratories) to counter-
stain chromosomes and prevent fading, coverslips were added and
sealed with nail polish, and slides were stored in the dark at 4°C
for up to several weeks.

Microscopy and data analysis

Nuclei were examined using a PlanApo 60× objective on a Nikon

Microphot-FXA fluorescence microscope equipped with a filter
wheel (Ludl) containing a Chroma technology 8300 filter set. Im-
ages were captured and stored using a Photometrics cooled digital
CCD camera system and Quips XL SmartCapture/IP Lab Spec-
trum FISH imaging software (Vysis). Distances between foci of
probe hybridization were measured using the same imaging soft-
ware (see Fig. 2A). Data were recorded and analyzed using Mi-
crosoft Excel 4.0.


FISH analysis and meiotic progression during prophase I

In order to examine meiotic homolog pairing in C. cine-

reus, we prepared chromosome spreads of nuclei at vari-
ous meiotic timepoints and analyzed them using FISH.
The probes we chose (Table 1) ranged in complexity
from approximately 36 to 185 kb. In most experiments,
we used a probe complexity of about 50 kb, which con-
sisted of two overlapping cosmid clones. In previous
studies (Ramesh and Zolan 1995; Seitz et al. 1996), we
defined karyogamy (K) as the time at which roughly
50% of meiotic cells contain single nuclei; in our experi-
ence, this occurs approximately 1 h before the lights
come on when cultures are maintained under a 16 h light,
8 h dark regimen. For the experiments shown in this pa-
per, we analyzed homolog associations in spreads of
fused or fusing nuclei in which the two parental nucleoli
were either unfused (Fig. 1A) or fused (Fig. 1B–D).
Thus, an experiment at a K timepoint would be an analy-
sis of those 50% of meiotic nuclei that had fused.
As first shown by Raju and Lu (1970) and subse-
quently by numerous studies (e.g., Seitz et al. 1996), Fig. 1A–D. Time-course of chromatin compaction and homolog
meiosis progresses synchronously in C. cinereus. Meiotic pairing in Coprinus cinereus. Chromosomes were spread as previ-
stage variations are most noticeable among nuclei spread ously described (Pukkila et al. 1992; Seitz et al. 1996) and hybrid-
at and near K (Table 2), because the early stages of mei- ized with probes for chromosomes 8 (green) and 13 (red), as de-
scribed in the text. Panels A and B are spreads from Experiment
otic prophase are relatively short. In contrast, at 6 h after 1, panel C is from Experiment 10, and panel D is from Experi-
K (K+6) essentially all nuclei (97%; Table 2) are in ment 12 (Table 3). Arrows in panels A and B denote nucleolar re-
pachytene. Using spreads from K+6 nuclei, we exam- gions remaining after RNase treatment. Bar represents 1 µm
ined the distances between foci representing allelic sites
for chromosomes 8 and 13 (green to green and red to red
signal distances, respectively; Fig. 2A), and we also

Fig. 2A–D. Distances between homologous and nonhomologous these samples are therefore not shown (the maximum NH distance
foci for chromosomes 8 and 13. A Focal distance measurement observed for any nucleus was 32 µm). C Same data as in B, ex-
technique. Homologous chromosome focal distances were mea- cept that focal distances of 3 µm or less only are shown. For this
sured between foci of the same color (H 1 or H 2). Nonhomolo- panel, measurements are plotted as increasing values for each type
gous distances were measured between foci of different colors of measurement (H 1, H 2, etc.; as in Weiner and Kleckner 1994).
(NH 1–NH 4). For a given nucleus, one or two foci were observed Therefore, the set of data for each nucleus number does not reflect
for each probe. If a single focus was observed, the homologous the measurements derived from a single nucleus. D Nuclei from
distance was recorded as 0 µm. One to four nonhomologous dis- Experiment 1 (Table 3). Plot symbols for panels B–D: black cir-
tances were recorded for each nucleus, based on the number (2 to cles chromosome 8 homologous distance (H 1), gray circles chro-
4) of homologous foci observed. B Meiotic nuclei at 6 h after mosome 13 homologous distance (H 2), plusses nonhomologous
karyogamy (K+6; Table 3, Experiments 12, 13, and 14). Measure- distance 1 (NH 1), hollow squares NH 2, hollow circles NH 3,
ments for each nucleus were plotted in increasing order, based on hollow triangles NH 4. In cases in which only one focus was pres-
the smallest NH distance for that spread. The scale for this plot ent for a given probe, fewer than four NH distances were mea-
was chosen to facilitate comparison with panel D. For eight nu- sured; therefore, plots for NH distances 3 and 4 usually have few-
clei, the minimum NH distance exceeded 15 µm; NH distances for er points than those for NH distances 1 and 2

Table 2. Percentage of nuclei at various meiotic stages casionally (especially in uncondensed nuclei), more than
two signals would be apparent for a given probe; one or
Meiotic stagea more of these signals were usually about half the intensi-
Timepoint A B C D Nb ty of a normal focus, and these smaller signals tended to
cluster together. These smaller signals could represent
K–1 39 43 13 5 186 the sister chromatids comprising a given homolog, or
K 24 29 9 39 114 they could reflect the decondensed state of the chroma-
K+l 1 23 8 67 243 tin. Alternatively, they could result from increased
K+4 10 4 86 153 spreading forces acting on a given nucleus.
K+5 3 6 92 120
K+6 1 2 97 487 Distances were measured linearly between all combi-
nations of signals present; thus, for a given nucleus, one
a Percent nuclei at the meiotic stages shown in Fig. 1 to four nonhomologous distances could be recorded, de-
b Number of nuclei from all experiments shown in Tables 3–5 pending on the number of individual allelic foci present.
Figure 2B presents a graphical depiction of data ob-
tained from nuclei at K+6 (Table 3, Experiments 12–14).
measured the distances between nonhomologous signals The distances measured for each nucleus were plotted at
(red to green distances; Fig. 2A). For a given probe, the the same ordinate of the x-axis, and the data were ar-
distance between signals was measured as the distance rayed in increasing order by the minimum nonhomolo-
from the center of one focus to the center of the other. gous distance measured for that nucleus. Our analysis
Usually, one or two signals per probe were visible. Oc- revealed that, for each probe, allelic foci were associated

Table 3. Pairing of chromosomes 8 and 13 at various meiotic timepoints. (Chr. chromosome)

Timepoint Expt.a Chr. 8 probeb Chr. 13 probeb NB–Dd Percent pairing

Chr. 8 Chr. 13 Both chr.8 Either chr.8

AND chr. 13 OR chr. 13

K–1e 1 2 3 30 93 87 83 97
2 2 3 36 83 86 78 92
K 3 2 3 26 92 96 92 96
4 2 3 18 83 78 78 83
5 2 3 8 100 100 100 100
K+l 6 1 5 95 94 96 91 99
K+4 7 2 4 15 100 100 100 100
8 2 5 46 98 96 93 100
9 2 5 27 93 96 93 96
K+5 10 1 3 104 93 96 89 100
11 1 5 16 88 88 75 100
K+6 12 1 3 108 96 100 96 100
13 2 5 13 100 100 100 100
14 2 5 12 100 92 92 100
15 2 6 107 95 99 94 100
16 – 7 57 – 100 N.A. N.A.
a Experiment. This means spreads from one mushroom, and one d Refers to meiotic stages represented by nuclei in Fig. 1; all pair-
hybridization. Up to three slides may be included per experiment ing calculations are based on nuclei at these stages
b Probe descriptions are in Table 1 e At K–1, only Fig. 1B-type spreads are included in the analysis;
c Number of nuclei per experiment see text

at a distance of 1.1 µm or less in more than 90% of these of the stained chromosomes (Fig. 1D). However, for the
nuclei. We also plotted each set of measurements inde- diffuse nuclei seen earlier in meiosis (Fig. 1A, B), esti-
pendently in increasing order (as in Weiner and mates of pairing are dependent solely upon the analysis of
Kleckner 1994; Fig. 2C). This analysis revealed that fluorescent signals. Nonspecific background signals could
the distribution of interallelic distances is continuous to result in the appearance of less pairing than truly exists for
1.1 µm; therefore, we defined this distance as the limit at a given probe (if two spots are observed on a nuclear
which foci would be designated as paired. spread instead of one). Conversely, if one of two signals
Using an interallelic distance of 1.1 µm or less as the for a given probe is lost the locus may be misidentified as
criterion for pairing, we examined nuclear spreads in paired. To investigate the possibility that our estimates of
which condensed, aligned homologs were not apparent, pairing in early meiotic nuclei were inflated by the latter
and found that homolog pairing occurs rapidly after nu- technical artifact, we examined mitotic nuclei present on
clear fusion. For the earliest timepoint examined (K–1), the slide used for Experiment 2 (Table 3). Mitotic nuclei
we analyzed only spreads of the type shown in Fig. 1B, are distinguished by their smaller size and smaller nucleo-
in order to examine a more homogeneous population of li. We found for each probe that signal was present in 73%
nuclei just after nucleolar fusion (Table 3, Experiments 1 of the 30 nuclei examined. In the meiotic cells of the same
and 2). In these experiments, the range of pairing seen slide, the chromosome 8 probe was scored as paired in 31
for an individual probe was 83%–93%. We found that of 36 nuclei. Of these, 9 had two distinct signals and were
chromosome 13, which is 1 Mb in the strain used (as de- therefore not subject to the possible artifact of signal loss.
termined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis; data not The remaining 21 spreads showed one signal for the chro-
shown), is no more likely to be paired than chromosome mosome 8 probe (we conservatively scored it as one signal
8, which is approximately 2.5 Mb in size. In both experi- even if the spot was broad, as if resulting from two inde-
ments at K–1, more than 90% of the nuclei were paired pendent hybridization events). If we apply a correction
for at least one of the two sites probed, indicating that factor of 0.73 to this class of nuclei, the total percent pair-
some homolog association was present in most cells. ing for chromosome 8 was 67% (9+15/36). By a parallel
However, fewer of these cells showed pairing for both analysis, the total percent pairing for chromosome 13 in
sites assayed (for example, 97% vs 83% for Experiment the same experiment was 69%. Thus, there is a possible in-
1; Table 3). Therefore, homolog pairing is likely incom- flation of our pairing estimates (e.g., 67% vs 83% for chro-
plete in nuclei from mushrooms at early meiotic time- mosome 8) reported for early timepoints in Table 3. How-
points. A plot of the pairing data from Experiment 1 ever, even by our most conservative calculations, we con-
(Fig. 2D) demonstrates the greater range of allelic dis- clude that homolog pairing is rapid after nuclear fusion.
tances measured for spreads from these nuclei. A slide prepared from a mushroom at an early meiot-
For pachytene nuclei, pairing associations detected by ic timepoint will contain nuclear spreads showing vari-
FISH analysis are easily confirmed by direct observation able levels of chromatin compaction (Fig. 1; Table 2). In

Table 4. Pairing at two different sites on a single chromosome. (Chr. chromosome)

Chr. Time Expt. Probe aa Probe b Nb Percent pairing

point (biotin) (dig)
Probe a Probe b Both probe a Either probe a
AND probe b OR probe b

8 K–1 17a 1 2 47c 34 30 15 49

8 K–1 17b 1 2 67 87 87 80 94
8 K 18 1 2 35 91 94 89 97
8 K+4 19 2 1 65 97 95 92 100
8 K+6 20 2 1 12 75 100 75 100
8 K+6 21 1 2 58 97 98 95 100
13 K+1 22 6 3 145 91 81 79 93
13 K+6 23 6 3 120 100 98 98 100
a Probe descriptions are in Table 1
b Number of nuclei examined in stages B–D (Fig. 1), except where noted
c Nuclei for this experiment are from stage A (Fig. 1)

our spreads, nuclei of the type shown in Fig. 1C were al- opening, is expected between specific sites on chromo-
ways a small component of the nuclei (Table 2; Seitz et somes, even if homologs are completely aligned. Thus, a
al. 1996). This is in contrast to other studies of C. cine- given site may be more than 1.1 µm away from its allelic
reus (e.g., Lu and Raju 1970), in which considerable site even though these homologs are paired overall. To
chromosome condensation was observed, even before examine this possibility, we probed either two sites for
karyogamy; we do not know the basis for this difference. chromosome 8 or two sites for chromosome 13 in the
In Fig. 1C, unpaired chromosome segments may be same experiment (Table 4). Both of the chromosome 8
present, and these segments could reflect incomplete sites were interstitial, as was one of the chromosome 13
pairing associations within the nucleus and/or the dis- sites. The second chromosome 13 probe (probe 6, Table 1)
ruption of chromosome pairing when nuclei of this type consisted of overlapping cosmids that were isolated by
are spread. However, our measurements of percent pair- hybridizing a chromosome 13-specific cosmid library
ing for individual probes did not decrease as chromatin with a probe made by primer extension from an oligonu-
became more compact; for example, in Experiment 1, cleotide to the presumptive telomeric repeat region
pairing for the chromosome 8 probe was 93% for the 30 (Materials and methods). This probe consists of single-
spreads of the Fig. 1B type included in Table 3, 92% for copy DNA, and it hybridizes specifically to one end of
12 spreads of the Fig. 1C type observed, and 100% for chromosome 13 (data not shown).
the 5 detected spreads of the Fig. 1D type. This indicates We analyzed two sites on chromosome 8 in nuclei
that once homologs associate in C. cinereus, they most from early timepoints. In spreads with unfused nucleoli,
likely do not lose this association prior to synaptonemal each probe revealed about 30% pairing (Table 4, Experi-
complex formation, at pachytene. ment 17a), consistent with results described above for ex-
Traditionally, nucleolar fusion defines the beginning of periments in which one probe for each of two chromo-
meiosis in C. cinereus (Raju and Lu 1970). However, we somes was used. However, 49% of these nuclei show as-
found that homolog associations were apparent prior to nu- sociation of at least one site. After nucleolar fusion, nearly
cleolar fusion. We examined 49 spreads of nuclei with un- all nuclei show association for at least one site on chro-
fused nucleoli (Fig. 1A) from caps at the K–1 and K time- mosome 8 (Table 4, Experiment 17b); a similar result was
points, using interstitial probes for chromosomes 8 and 13. found for the chromosome 13 analysis (Table 4, Experi-
For each probe examined, about 40% of the nuclei showed ment 22). Therefore, experiments in which single sites are
pairing. Both sites were paired in 24% of the nuclei, and at measured for each chromosome (Table 3) may underesti-
least one site showed pairing in 68% of the nuclei. This mate the true amount of homolog association present.
greater contrast between the percent of nuclei with some
pairing and those with both sites paired means that homo-
log associations stable to our spreading technique are in Chromatin compaction after pairing
the process of forming at this stage of meiosis.
The use of two probes for the same chromosome also al-
lowed us to examine the relationship between chromo-
Pairing of two sites on the same chromosome some compaction and pairing in C. cinereus. Although
one study in S. cerevisiae found that compaction pre-
The analysis of a single site on each chromosome will ceded pairing (Scherthan et al. 1992), another analysis
underestimate the extent of pairing of that chromosome, (Weiner and Kleckner 1994) found that compaction in-
according to models of S. cerevisiae homolog associa- creased after at least one site on a pair of homologs had
tion early in meiosis (Weiner and Kleckner 1994; paired. We analyzed nuclei from K–1, K, K+4, and K+6
Kleckner 1996). If homolog associations are initially rel- timepoints and used only those spreads in which both
atively unstable, then a certain amount of “breathing,” or sites examined on chromosome 8 were paired (Table 5).

Table 5. Compaction of chromosome 8

Stagea Time Expt.b Nc Distance between probes (µm)
Min. Max. Mean SD Median

B K–1 17b 40 0.31 7.03 2.99 1.52 2.79

B K 18 14 0.38 8.55 3.21 1.95 2.50
D K 18 15 0.79 5.93 2.24 1.08 2.12
D K+4 19 45 0.92 5.11 2.81 0.83 2.75
D K+6 20 11 1.54 4.23 2.60 0.72 2.37
D K+6 21 57 1.58 5.25 2.66 0.57 2.55
a Refers to meiotic stage of the nuclei; see Fig. 1
b Probes as in Table 4
c Number of nuclei scored per experiment. For nuclei in stage B, N includes only those nu-
clei for which both probes were paired. For nuclei in stage D, all nuclei were scored


Recent studies of meiotic homolog pairing have utilized

FISH analysis of chromosome spreads (e.g., Loidl et al.
1994; Weiner and Kleckner 1994) or intact nuclei (Bass
et al. 1997; Dernburg et al. 1998) in order to examine
the transition of diploid cells from mitosis to meiosis.
This study represents the first FISH-based examination
of homolog pairing in a zygotic meiosis without an ex-
tensive preceding diplophase. Because additional studies
will concern the examination of homolog pairing in mei-
otic mutants in which chromatin is never completely
condensed (Ramesh and Zolan 1995; Seitz et al. 1996;
E.E.G. and M.E.Z., manuscript submitted), we preferred
Fig. 3. Distances between two foci on the same chromosome. Dis-
tances are plotted for stage B nuclei from Experiment 17b (Table the approach of using relatively small (30–50 kb)
5; circles) and stage D nuclei from Experiment 21 (Table 5; trian- probes, rather than chromosome painting. The painting
gles). For comparison, the smallest NH distances from Fig. 2D approach has been used to examine homolog pairing in
(plusses) are also shown wild-type and mutant strains of yeast (Scherthan et al.
1992; Loidl et al. 1994; Nag et al. 1995), but uncon-
densed nuclei had to be excluded from examination.
For each spread, we measured the distance between the We found that homolog pairing is rapid in fusing nu-
signals of the two loci probed. When a locus is paired, it clei; a substantial proportion of cells exhibited pairing
is detected as either two closely spaced spots of fluores- of allelic sites even before nucleolar fusion (Table 4,
cence or a single spot; therefore, one to four distances Experiment 17a). Kanda et al. (1990) found that pre-
were measured per nucleus (Fig. 2A; NH distances). We meiotic DNA replication occurs prior to karyogamy in
compared spreads of types B and D (Fig. 1) in order to C. cinereus. Their results imply that homolog associa-
compare pachytene with earlier nuclei that have relative- tions established during meiosis should persist uninter-
ly diffuse chromosomes. Compared with the pachytene rupted until anaphase. Our data show that this is in fact
spreads, the diffuse nuclei showed a greater range of dis- the case: the proportion of cells showing pairing of inter-
tances and a larger average distance between probe sig- stitial sites increased between the K and K+6 timepoints
nals (Table 5). When chromosomes are diffuse, they are (Table 3). We also found that spreads in which little
so flexible that the distances between two measured chromatin condensation was apparent (Fig. 1B) and
points are essentially random (Fig. 3); they have the those in which threadlike chromosomes were visible
same distribution as that of distances between foci on (Fig. 1C) showed high levels of homolog association.
nonhomologous chromosomes. In contrast, at K+6 the This confirms results from three-dimensional recon-
pachytene chromosomes are compact and less flexible; struction of meiotic nuclei (of Sordaria macrospora;
hence, there is less variability in the distance between Rhoades 1961; Zickler and Kleckner 1998), and gives
two chromosomal loci (Fig. 3; Table 5). Thus, there is further experimental support to the notion (Weiner and
compaction after homolog pairing in C. cinereus. Be- Kleckner 1994) that the chromosomes in these apparent-
cause we do not know the physical distances between ly disordered arrays are already associated as homologs.
probes, we cannot say how much compaction is present The analysis of single probes for two different chro-
in the diffuse spreads. However, based on the appear- mosomes (Table 3) did not permit us to distinguish be-
ance of meiotic chromatin in a cell undergoing karyoga- tween homolog pairing (i.e., alignment) and homolog co-
my (especially see Raju and Lu 1970), it is likely that localization in a looser sense (Weiner and Kleckner 1994;
some compaction has already taken place. Kleckner 1996). However, the analysis of two sites on a

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Cummings, Sandra Merino, Patricia Pukkila, and the reviewers for fective in axial core assembly and homologous chromosome
critical comments on the manuscript. We are grateful to Geoffrey pairing during meiosis in the basidiomycete Coprinus cinere-
McFadden for advice about in situ hybridization. This work was us. Dev Genet 13:403–410
supported by NIH grant GM43930 (to M.E.Z.). E.E.G. was sup- Raju NB, Lu BC (1970) Meiosis in Coprinus. III. Timing of mei-
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